THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAHOII 30 , 1800-S1XTEEX PAGES. fl what was coming VTM n blinding flash of lightning nnil n violent gust of wind which shook the building. The people became frightened And were propnrlng to lenvo the bulhltnr. ' . but before they could get thotr wrap * the ivlndoxvs were blown In , the in * went out nnd a moment Inter lliu Moor "caved below their feet. Airs. HolMiur became ur.- conncioua nnd know no more until the rescuer * took nor out front the debris. The executive committee relief lund has roi-elvcil 11 largo number of additional sub- Hcrlptifim and nil ensm of drttitution whcro Immediate nctlon was necessary has been cared for. Tomorrow a thorough nystein will bo put In operation by which everybody who needs alii will bo given relief. Where ever hntnes nro not too badly damaged re pair * will DO made nt once. The amount of the fund now In the bunds of llio treasurer Is about JDJ.Oao nnd this Is being milled to tonight. Offer * of aid liavo Iicnn received from it number of outsulo cities , but the board of trade com- imttco bus declined the offers of assistance /or the prosr-nt. Mayor JneolM said , how ever. that while opposed to calllnif for out- fide hrlp , IT voluntary contributions were offered bo would advlso their acceptance. Ho bus replied In this spirit to several tele grams from oiitsldo points. Ho says money can ho usJ to good ndvantngc , but as re gards the offers for food , clothin ana medical mention the mayor fci-ls that Louis- vulo house anil feed all the wounded nnd distressed nnd bury the ileitd ; so nil offers of this kind are respect fully dor-lined. i'wo or three largo me rcantilo firms in the cast tolnt'iMiihed Mayor Jacobs to draw on them for il IKK ) , and n tclnirrmn to the same effect rum" from President Tanner of tno Judlannnolis board of trailo. Tuuio offers liuvo UCPII accepted. * Over tlm Htntf. LOT i vii.r.K , Ky. , March 20. Dispatches received from points In this state show that Thursday night's storm created torriolo liavor. The town of Grand Uivors , twonty- novpn miles east of this city , was nearly Bwept away. Mattlo Ucclc and John Kth- crldgo , n boy , were killed and nineteen others Injured. I'nssing.from Grand Itivers the cyelono struck the railroad bridge over the Cumberland river , disabling It , thus cut ting off nil trains. All toloL'r.ipb lines were destroyed and only through relief trains Hunt out frum this place could tacts bo lejrneil. At Fnrmington. twenty-llvo miles south , there was grunt damage done to buildings , liut no loss of lifo. In I'oduu.ih ttio storm was light , doing no damage of Importance ) > ut breaking down the teleu'raph polos. Il is thought the story of the storm's destruction is not yet hulf told. It swopi over n section of Laurel county last night. So far as can lie learned no lives were lost , but great damage \vis done to proporty. A lection of the count rv around Umpire , Ky. , was visited by DID I'vel'ino ' 1 hursilay night and many l uildiin.'s wrecked. Two persons arc known to have bcim killed and others were fatally iiijurr'd. Hf'i'MNsvii.r.i : , Ky. , March 20. Ueport.s of n most distressing nniiiro contlnuo to bo re ceived from this mid the adjoining counties HWcpt by the cyclone. In BDIIIO places entire farms wrrr laid waste The town of Cale donia * is tmrtly destroyed. A great deal of valuable stock was killed in this county and n number ol persons injured. A dispatch from Marion , iCy. . Bays K largo jiorlimi of that town was destroyed and ulgiitecn lives lost. A family consisting of I\r ; mid Mrs. , mcob luontnmm nnd four daughters and the mother of Mrs. Montague , living in th" county fight miles from Marion , were crushed to death by the falling of their llwulllm. A family boat moored about llvn niiU'S above the mouth of ( jrcen river was dashed to pieces against a tree , and a man named Kra/.ier and wife drowned. MoiiiANi'iii.i : > , Ky. , Marrli 29. A torriflo ball and \vinu storm visited Uniontown , Ky. , nnd I'liion ami Webster counties Thursday nik-lit. At .Sfjrgis hail an inch in diameter fell and the wind unroofed several barns. At Sullivan the wind was worse , destroying many buildings anil wounding ten or twelve men and women. For several miles in Web bler , between Cluyvillo and Dixgn , it swept everything iiwny. 1'liO'wlfo ( ifV , H. Taylor - lor nnd tin ) son of Henry Hummock , nn un- Icnoivn man aim others were killed outright nnd tnelr houses totally destroyed. The hilled and wounded at Wob.stcr will number not less than lifi.v. At C lovorport , Ky. , the storm , wind , rain nnd hail did great damage to property. Hi : VVKUIMI.I : , Ky. , March " 0 i'ho storm did croat ( lurnuue nt Sulphur Springs. The ( laughter of Gideon Coombs was killed and ncveral people were badly hurt. Aid OIl'tT'-tt. Nnw YOIIK , March 29. Mayor Grant sent n U'Ugrnm to the Mayor of Louisville offer- 1 ig to call a meeting of citizens to rnlso n I'Miid for the relief of the destitution in Louisville , should such no lion be desired. Mayor Hart of Huston has seat u similar message. a Hi'hToiiM AT or i IKK JOINTS. Down In IHIsMiH i | > pl. NEW Olti.n\Ns , March 'M. A Timos- Dcmoernt special from Greenville , Miss. , Bays a tcrriblo storm prevailed Thursday night , which caused the river to overlap its bounds and to seek n shorter way to the litiir bv making two immuuHO gaps in the embankments which had kept the water buck for sixty days. In Virginia. DAWIU.E , Va. , March ii'J. A violent wind Btorm raged in Patrick county yesterday nnd seven bouses were blown down. At btelia u tree crushed tno school house , but ml csceped with slight Injuries. 'I he breaks were at Knston's levee , half a niilo above Mound Landing nnd a inilo nnd n half below Huntington , on 'limber Lnko plantation. The out- llow of water from these places will inundate n la vo section of country before it reaches the ' 'i ' azoo river again to Join the great river , leaving desolation and ruin In these parts , HUbmi-rging the garden spot of the Ynzoo do. tn and entirely ttUHponding railroad trnlllo from Lplnnd to Kolling fork. The wuior frum lhi > Ilunlington break will join the oul- jumr frum OITuU's bro.ik , which will inun date a large section of country , Thuso waters will swell Its volume- bearing tn Urn west auainsl Groonvlllii nnd that portion of the country. spreading out toward William's bayou on the oust , and no doubt will blend with ttio waters fromtho ICnstou break , mak ing a pi > rli'ct ten of water from here to Hnjou I'lmlia and perhaps overllowing the east banks of that stream. The junction of the waters from these three streams will inunduto nearly nil the plantations of Wash ington county tn its entiru length and breadth until Shark oy ami Issaquunna coun ties are reached , then connecting with the outpour from Sky will ovorllow everything in its tracks until the Ynzoo river Is vouched. Uho duniugo thla tlood will do to plnntutioiiH , tttocli , fences , houses , stores , towns and rail roads is beyond cidculatimiH. The crops will nil bo late and In many cases it may not bo possible to plant at all. i 'I ho latest from the Hasten break states It Is now tiOO lout widu and Increasing rapidly. 'J ho water crossed to the west bunk of Wil liam's uuyou , at Avondnle , nud U six feet deep in the stores nt that place. Ill TulllM'KHl'O. GAII.ATIK , Toiiu. , March 2'J. ' News of the terrible Btorm ot Thursday night is slow to obtain. Kvery houbu uud LiulUlhig between HlciUoo nnd Kulla In the path of the atorui was blown away and hundreds of people \vcru injured and are without food or shelter. H u reported that the whole town of Uixou bprings , in Smith county , thirty- live miles distant , was atvcpt out of exist ence by the angry eyclono. Wire com- inunication is Interrupted. Those injured by the Htorm near Galintin will probably recover. The Chcsupeako > c Nashville road undent greatly. Two tOJ-foot ! tix-silcs were destroyed , uud two ! IUU ton Iron bridges were blown from their plllam ana wrecked , The loss to stocit und other property In 'this dis trict lit estimated nt . ' ,000,000. A Tow Itonl XVriiulioil. MEMPHIS , Tonn. , March IS ) . Wonl hn Juat been received that the tow boat Null City was caught by the oyclono Thursday night utCluyoBO , UI5 miloi nbovo here. The nutiro tow was lost , IncUdiug oug coal , 0110 fuel nnd ( - , _ i"- ' - " bnrccA. Six of the crow wcrfl It - The Null "Cityva unln- . jured. 1 n/ lt < > hDriirli N Nut trn < ) . l > iiii.\iirii' r Sorvuh SO. In the list of dead telogrupfhtel with Louisville yesterday was the name ( ted Sirles Hejsonbruch of this elty. Hc soilnin's , family has received n telegram from a * nf laying he Is safe and unhurt. v , . .No l' ntnlltli'H in llnwlliiK Orccn. L'isciNN'ATf , O. , March 29. N'o Olio was killed at Howling flroen , Ky. The storm did much damage there , but the town was uot in the direct path of the cyclone. IOWA \K\va. Wnnt n Now IjUpuir Ijiw. Cnr.sTo.v , In. , , Mnrch 2i ) . [ ripoclnl Tolo- Bramto'Tiir. HII : : . | A meollii' . ; of promi nent Crcaton rciubllcniis | favoring local oi > tloii"j\vi9 ; held at the superior court room tliifl evening for the purpose of sending u delegation to the st.-Uo republican conference to bo held nt DCS Molncs April 2. Commun ications from surrounding points favoring a repeal of the present prohibitory law were road , and n petition signed by four-rtfths of the . republicans in the city asking a repeal of the law ha.i been forwarded to Des Moincs. The following delegates were elected to attend tlm conference : John S. Hlack , H. I. Nanco , A. K. Stonu , H. W. Lewis , John O'Kcofe. John C. Woodruff , S. U. Swan , II. S. Ciarke , W. D. Halo nud John K. Noble. DnvcnportViinin HlL'li IjceiiH | ( > . I\vixi : > our , In. , March 20. The republican city convention adopted n resolution asking that the legislature unuct u high license law for the relief of cities. A Mn.lorii.y > ( iiiiiiintiiii. Dns MOISKla. . , March 2 ! ) . ( Special Telegram - . gram to Tin : Hue. | The citizens' convention todny nominated Captain Russell , n liberal republican , for mayor. Mho balance of the ticket was very nearly the same as that nomliutod at the former city election. This Ir the mixed ticket which IB to oppose Iho straight republican ticket at the election on April 0. _ I'ioroi * 3ltli < ! H Another llronk. DBS MOI.\IS , la. , March 2' ) . [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hci.l A little sensation was created tonight when it became known that Krunlc 1'ierco , the former prohibition constable , had threatened to prosecute the Gilbert starch works If they fed cattle on Sunday. Ho claimed that they were violat ing the law by doing any work on Sunday , and they insist that the only work done was necessary. Public sentiment la very much aroused , as Pierce is the former searcher who had made such an unsavory record as u constable. 1 IK ; Ijpul DES Moixcs , March 29. The house this morning resumed consideration of the bill to compel fixing bonds nnd cost in criminal casoa before justices of the peace , but it failed to puss. A bill passed foi * punishment for fraud m the sale of nursery stoclc. A bill for the protection of stock breeders took up the greater part of the session , nnd nfter being amended was ordered engrossed. Adjourned until : 'M in the evening. At tno evening session a number of nets legalizing the incorporation of the towns of Hock K-.I phis , Lawlor , Cusoy , Gutiirii ) Cen ter , Hartley , Dyersvillu nnd Independence were discussed. In the senate a resolution was passed for the appointment of a commiticu to prepare u reception for the Grand Army of the Uo- publie stale encampment on April 8. A bill passed to authorize the hondinur of county indebtedness , and to authorize certain cities to levy taxes to pay for changing natural water courses Into ewers. Discussion on the joint rates bill occupied nil the morning and llnall.v passed under suspension of thu rules m the same form as it came Irom the house. Skipped to XolralCT. . HAMIIUIIO , In. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to 'Iiiu UEE. ] It- now transpires that ' William Finner , tli'o farmer who drew money from the Hank of Sidney nnd disappeared , was not murdered , as was fearoJ , but lied the country , purchasing u ticket to Nebraska City. One of the Most Kilter-prising Cities In tlm Iioiio btur Suite. LAUCDO , Tux. , March 29. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tun liii.j : : Tim Laredo coal com pany reports that they have recently received largo orders from Mexico and Texas for their coal , which is mined at Laredo. This , in addition to the largo demands of the rail roads centering hero , and the foundries and factories already in operation , has made it necessary for the company to largely ins crease their workin ; ; lorco. It is stilted on good authority that the Hio Grande & Kuglo Puss roud , which connects Lnreuo with the coal mmes , will bo in meet lately extended in order to more extensively woric the rich coal lields in this suclhm. Yho abutments of the steel brldco now being constructed across Mason crook within the city limits have boon completed. The cost of this bridge will bo $11,000 , anil will greatly facilitate access to Laredo from neighboring counties. ' 1 ho receipts of the electric motor line nro daily increasing. Additional equipment for this line is constantly being received. A lureo force of men is now employed by the city in grading and Improving the streets. C. S. K. Holland of the Houston Post , who has been spou.iing n few days in Laredo , says be is surprised to Und Laredo such u largo city. Ho has visited all the most , im portant cities in thu Htato during tno last month , and htulca that ho found more im provements going on ami moro factories being limit in Laredo than in any of the other ciiics. Contrncts wuro let today for the erection of two ? . \OIH > residences in the heights , uud lor six smaller cottages. WiMit on H ni ; Tonr. Li'vvnxwoitTii , Kan. , March 29. [ Special Telegram to Tun Urn : , I T. H. Collyer , a prominent Chicago lawyer , and attorney lor the Chicago , Hurlington & ( Jninuy railroad , is visiting Fred Harvey , a prominent citizen of this city. This evening nt n late hour It was learned that ho had been arrested for creating a disturbance nnd behaving In n very unseemly manner. Ho in company with the notorious Diamond Dick , Harry Dulfy nnd other local suurts. and got on n grand jamborco , knocking olT every one's hat hu could roach. When arrested ho tried to assault the police. The case comes up in the police court Monday morning , no has retained H. W. llooi ; 113 counsel. Nnl > rnKln , lown unit 1) ilcotn PnnNinni WAsiiiNimiN , Murt'li 29. | Special Telo- cram to Tin : Una. I Senator Wilson of Iowa introduced n bill today to pension Mrs. Kaohel Price. Ho also presented a memorial from the Hurlington board 01 trade in favor of the Torrey bankruptcy bill and n petition Irom the Friend's church nt Ul.ur , la. , in opposition to an appropriation for toast defenses. Senator Moody introduced n bill to pay William J. Hnydon of Custer county , South Dakota , fiH ( ) losses on account of thu Chippcwn Indian depredation ; also n bill granting the stnto of South -Dakota , scrtiou tw township 94 in Yankton couuty'for the purpose of crcctinu' nn Insuno tuyluui thereon , Pensions have boon granted ns follows to Ncbraskans : Original invalid John Mor row , Chambers ; S. Porter , Hod Cloud ; llnn- jamln Franklin Adams , b. Paul ; Franklin S. Ainswortb , Omaha ; Joshua F. Fncy , Osrcolu ; Frederick Wugnorvilbor ; Siiim Hull , Wallace. Uostor.uion nnd Increase Leonard Hrooks , Angus. Original wluowa Martha McMichael , former widow of Wesley liennott , Pawnco City ; Augustus GroajtMii , former widow of Francis Girurd , Dorchos- tor. tor.Iowa pensions : Original invalid Phllo G. SURO , Davenport ; Robert I' . Hell , Miltonj John IluuiUton , Cairo ; Albert Potion , El- don ; Francis M. Cahill , Guthria Contro ; Hoary Kbort , Kulon ; F.phrnim Milli , Win- tersot ; Alva Staples , Corning ; William Miller , Mora Springs ; JJ.wid Crolghton , Geneva ; John Martiu , Alias ; Jonas M , Piiolpj , Uock Uuplda ; George W.tlsou , Montronoi Lovl U. Hiu-k , Moiilton ; Oliver P , Ivcs. Decorah. Increase William M. KsserVnncoma ; ( leorgo Some * , Ann- mosn s . David K. Evans , Lenox. He Issue. Lennder I'ntlla , Cumberland : Martin J. lty , Mar < | Uuttotn ; Original widows. i'to.--Assenth , widow of Jedelah Fnrr , Kldora ; Chnrlotto Hawthorn , Widow of Kptiraim J. David , Compctlnc. South Dakota pensions. Orlglnnl Invalid Anthonv biirrtttuo , Kqan ; Peter Patterson , Ilnzol. Increase. Wnrron II , Garten , Planklngton. Ko-ls9UO.--Chnrlus II. Duck , Bancroft. Ku-lssuo nnd Increase. James Hi-.ulbery , Hurley. OOVKlt.NOItTllAVKU AT KMVUOU Ilo Dnllvors n I'Mne SpecoliVliloh la W -ll ISocolvo.d. Ei.woon , Nob. , March CO. I Special Tele gram to TUB HiE.1 : Today was n gala day in Klwooil. Good clothes nhd smiles were worn by every ono In nntlcipntiuti of Governor Thaycr's vjslt. Ilo nrrlved on the morning train and was es corted by the committee In carriages to the resilience of J. L. Trolee , where he licld _ n reception . from - 11 to 12. At 2 o'clock ho was. escorted to the cotlrt house hull by n eom'mitteeo of the Grand Army of the Republic men pre ceded by the ICIwood cornet baud , and nfter the usual preliminaries the envernor was Introduced and spoke for nearly two hours to nn attentive nudienco of three or four hundred persons. 'J ho speech was well received and the governor's nttltudo on the freight rate problem was highly applauded. His speech nt the camp ilro this oveninu was directed moro especially the G. A. It. boys , with whom ho is extremely popular , and by whom he was Jrcfiuently encored. Governor Thayer ux- urosscp himself us highly pleased with bis reception and with Elwood nnd her people , while the latter seemed equally : favorably Impressed with the chief executive ol the state of Nebraska. HtnniiisliipArrlvnlM. At Now York The Travo , front nromcn. At Liverpool The Helvetia , from Now York. At Liverpool T ho Iowa , from Hoston. At Philadelphia The Switzerland , from Antwerp , Col In use ol' a Military ISullonn. Hmtl.iN , March 29. A balloon contalnlns two ofllcern nnd n private , making nn experimental ascension , collapsed today. The private was killed and the ofllcers were badly hurt. - < Tlio Pnthllnclisi1 Kclnnseil. WASIIIXIITOK , March 29. The secretary of the treasury ordered the relcaso of the schooner Pathfinder , capturetl by the United States revenue cutter Corwm yesterday. n Ilril < ; ( . LOUISVII.I.E , Ky. , March 29. It is rumored that near Owcnsboro , Ky. , the Louisville & Nashville train went through the bridnc , killing several , including the engineer. It is not yet continued. AtrnliiHl tlio "MvcAllnjr Svstoin. " LONDON , March 29. Ten thousand shoe makers of this city have struck. The ob ject of the striuo is to do nwny with the ' . " 'sweating system. Forty Tlioimmid SItiii Strike. MAIIIUD , March 29. Forty thousand em ployes in the factories in Cutnlcnin have gone on a strike. Tcrrlliln Ilniler Kxplcminn. WiiEnMXO , W. Va. , March 29.-By n boiler explosion at the axle works nt South Wheeling today two men were fatally and a dozen others seriously Injured. IMn rylniiilV IJICIMISO Hill. , Aid. , March 29. The 10- called liifh license bill passed the house this afternoon. The license fco is Ilxed at $500. Sppuln IninortH nnd Kxport ; . Nnw Yonic , March 29. . ( Spepial'Telegram to Tim HII : : . | The imports of specie for the wuok were ? 109oa3 ; exports , SODS,93 ; ) . TJIB TJJAVKIjING "IIISN'S CIAJB. Aloro Applicntlontl Ibir > loinlnr.sliip Th < Sccrotury'H Knporr. Tbero was n special meeting of the Omaha traveling men's club lust evening in the purlora of the Hotel Casey. Ttio attendance was good and President Lobcck was in the chair. A communication from Mr. Kilpatrick re signing his oflleo as director was placed on llle without action. The committee appointed to secure figures on club room furnishings nskcd more time , and the request was granted. Applications for membership from M. C. Hounett , with S. II. White's approval ; from K. O. Hrandt , with Aug. Meyer nnd O. O. Lobeok's npprovnl ; W. I. Hawks with M. W. Uyorson and \V. H. Carson's approval , were submitted to the board of directors for action. The bond of M. W. Hycrson , secretary , ? . "jOO , was approved. Two or three small bills for stationery were ordered paid. Secretary Kyerson reported &I51I collected up to date and thereupon all present exclaimed "Great 1" There nro many , however , who have not yet como to liino.aud the secretary was instructed to send out n second notice to nil Biich , though it is probable that some of those who huvo not paid liavo fulled to receive the llrst notlco. April 1 is the dnto on which every ono who joined the club should have bis money in Mr. Uyorson's hands. Further notion on the matter of rooms was ordered postponed until the articles of incorporation are tiled , which will bo done in a few days. The following resolutions of respect were unanimously adopted : Whereas , It has pleased Divine Provi dence to uall nwny from the busy scenes of of this lifu our friend and brother salesman , Mr. K. Hiimu Hutchor , thorufor bo it Hesolved , That wo , the iiiomberti of the Omaha Traveling Men's ' club , do tender our deepest sympathies to thu bereaved ; nnd further bo it Heaolved , That the traveling men of Ne braska have indeed lost n knight , n knight of nublo character , n kind , true nnd manly man , of whom can bo ' truuly said , ho was a noble son , over re membering the loved ones far nwnv , nnd ono whoso many noble traits of exemplary char acter wo do most sinceru'.y respect , and to whoso memory wo pay most he-art full homage. Hesolved , That a copy of these resolutions bo forwarded to the parents of our departed and much beloved brothor. The meeting than ndjournod to meet Sat urday night , which is the regular meeting nluht , nnd when it is absolutely necessary for every member of the club , who possibly can , to uo present. TUB COUN'IY IIOSPITAU Architect Meyer * 1'roiunen to Mnlco n Complete l'\nmliiiUlnn. Architect E. E. Meyers arrived in the nlty yesterday and went nut to the hospital build ing in the morning in company with the county commissioners nnd the contractors. The Ijullding was gene over hastily and Mr. Meyers announced that it would talio htm several days to make a complete exami nation of the work. Ho pointed out n largo number of defects in the building , showing that the contractors \vcro not through with their part of the work. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Meyers returned to thu hospital with the two superintendents- in order to go over tbo plans and Hpeclllca- tlous in detail , and also to look over Kyan & Walsh's bill for extras. H U the general opinion that the contractors will not recog nize their famous bill nftor it has gene through the haids of the architect nnd tbo superintendents. It is stated that tlm greater part of the bill H for work called for by the original plans nnd specifications , nud when this U cut out there will bo ouly about f5,000 worth of "on'rns. " Mr. Mayors will lusint upon n thorough to t of the plumbing und steam beating ap paratus ; , uml from the Indications yesterday u great many changes will liavo to uo mailo oy Pope It Co. before their work U accepted SEWSFROteBRASIUTO\VSS | \ I ' Oandldatoa feN Municipal OfHeoE Nnmoil iUifiovornl Oltloa. WHAT THETjlSSUe WILL BE. The rrliiolpnr l-Sjiht to l o flliulo on the Quo-jtlun of Ornntliltf JLict'tuWto Snloiins \ Killcil. 1'olltloq nt I'rntnotit. PIIBMO.NT , Neb , , March 29. [ Special to TUB HiiK-J Thu usual nnto-olectloii excite ment' IU1.1 Interest U now prevailing hero. It Is nn "off year" In city polities , there being only four members of the council nnd two members of the school board to be chosen at the election to bo held next Tues day. The liavo nominated J. V. N. Hiloi , A. C ! . Jensen ami C. A. Peterson for councllmeii in the First , Second nnd Third wards , with no nomination in the Fourth. The democrats have named ns their candidates for nlJermnnlc honors George W. Davy , 10. N. Morse , Detlef Ileln , Harry Archer. The light for the council will resolve Itself into n test of the popularity or thu occupation tax , the ordlnnncu im posing which was passed by the council nt Its regular meeting last Tuesday evening. This ordinance imposes a tax of $ . ' 100 on the Ralootis , whereat the proprietors nro nil mad. The saloonmcn have seen to It that the democratic nominees nro men who are very unfriendly to the ordinance , nnd their hope is that there may bo a democratic victory nt 'luesday's election , to the end that the ordinance may bo repealed by the now council. Mrs. LIxzlo Ucynolds nnd Fred Ncsbit were unanimously nominated for members of the school board nt the republican city convention hold horu tonight. The demo crats put in nomination E. F. Grnynnd J. J. Hnrgo. North r.c'iid'H Prosperity. NoitTit Hr.xn , Nob. , March 29. [ Special to Tin : HCE.I North Ucnd is just now on the verge of n mild bpom. Within the past thirty days manufacturing Industries con slstlngofn Ilfty barrel Hour mill , with llfty barrel pearled corn meal , rye nnd food grinding machinery , n tow mill that will employ fourteen men nnd use the product of 1,20 J ncres ot hemp , have both been secured by a total cost to the town , In the slmpo of bonus , of 53,500. A new house for the nc- commoitation of the public , nnd traveling men in particular , has just been opened by William Oxtoby , formerly proprietor of tbo Cameron house nt Kohuylor. The prospects for n prosperous tlmo for both town und county were never brighter than nt the present. The recent rain nnd snow will put the ground In the best possible condition nnd moro wheat and small grain will bo sown than heretofore. Farmers nru discouraged over the the ruinously low price unid them for their corn , and other crop will bo sub stituted to n great extent. There nro now no vacant stores m the town nnd dwelling bouses uro ncnrco for the llrst tlmo in sev eral years. ' ' I'lntlsniouth'H Candidates. PI.ATTSMOL-TII , Neb , , , March 29. [ Special to Tin : UHIJ : 'J,1io 'democrats of this city held their convontjqn , lust night nnd put the following ticket In the field : Mayor , Joseph A. Connor ; treasurer. L.J.Morgan ; clerk , \ \ ' . K. Fox ; uolkas ; Judge , M. J , Archer. Councllmen for tha different wards nrc : First , Joseph MoYew ; second , S. F. Osborn ; third , L. G. La-rtm ; fourth , John A. Gutschu ; llfth , J. L Mmor and A. H. Smith. The two members for the school board nro V. V. Leonard and II. U. Hureoss. The republican cpnventlpn is called for Monday night. JThero- some talk of put ting n citizens' ticket In the Held with Dr. A. Shopman for may/or. / . . Tha republican ; primaris ? , wore held to night nmV cBiAicJljiiett ! , wbro nominated as follows : First ward , Dr. A Salisbury ; Second. William Urmrn ; Third , M. U. Mur phy ; FoffrtbV. . JI , 1'homas ; Fifth , Frank linger. A nralci'inan Killcil. FIIIJMORT , Neb. , March 29. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : UP.C. | Aldrieri W. Green , n brnkeman on the Fremont , Elkhorn and Mis souri Vnlloy railroad , was killed at Honning- ton at 1:15 : o'clock this afternoon. As the train was pulling out of the station , it being n special freight from Omaha to Fromontv ho was seen to fall over the end of n box car onto n flat car , thence onto the track and vnder the wheels. The train was brought to n stop ns soon as possible , but not until ho was horribly mangled. The coroner of Washington county hold a post-mortem , the Jury returning n verdict of accidental death. Superintendent Mahanna went down from this city with rt special nftor the dead man. Deceased was about twenty-live yours old and leavas u wife , to whom ho had been married about ono year. Cum mM > co me nt K.v. NOISTII HIXD : , Neb. , March 29. [ Special to Tin : Hni.l : Fully QUO thousand people ns- semblcd nt the opera house last night to wit ness the commencement exercises of the graduating class of the North Uond high school , when C. W. Smith , president of the board 01 education , presented to nine young ladles and six young gentlemen diplomas of this school. The valedictory on the part of the olass , delivered by Mins Allio Nowsnme , is worthv of special mention. Great credit is also due Principal Dawdon and his assist ants for brmginir Iho youni : pjopio to tne high state of education which was shown by them last night. i'rono-o Miikin-r no lvvninplr > . IMI'IKI\I. : , Net ) . , March 29. ( Special to Tin : llr.n.J L. A. Mitchell , livinfj about eighteen miles southwest of hero , was brought before County Judge Hurko today for n preliminary hoarmg on the chnrgo of disposing of mortgaged property and obtain ing money by mortgaging property which ho did not own. Ho was arrested at tlm instance ) of tbo FnrmerH' and Merchants' bank of this place. A ercnt deal of this business has been done by transient settler * of this county nnd the banks propose to make nn uxnmplo ot this case. l.tiolc Out Tor Him. Asin.vxi ) . Neb. , March 29. [ Special to Tin : Uii.J : : The professional swindler is neain abroad in this region of the country seeking whom ho nmy devour among the farmers. This time it is not the Hohominn onts HWlndU > , but OIIQ jsnunlly as glnrmtr. Ilo goes nbout the country claiming to represent n wholnsalo grocery tlrm nnd takes orders for groceries fur from $ " > to $50.i > nd collects nil or n tdiarc of U tti ndvancu , nnd this is the last seen of him. Att"inptol Itiirularv nt Nohratik'i Olty NEiniASKACiTY , Neb. , March 29. iSpeclal Telegram to Tin : Uii.l : : A young man who registered at thcj. Gpnd Pncillo as John Dulno , Kansas Cltyi attempted to burglar Uo the hotel saloon Init iAght and was discov ered by tbo night clerk. At the point of n revolver Duine kept the clerk from giving tbo alarm until tho. Missouri Pauiflu train nrrlved , when the talari loft for Omaha. or M < t > IJIni'iiNO the Issue. Gi-Nr.v'A , Neb. , Match 29. [ Special to TUB Uni : . 1 At the city caucus last night nn nntl- license ticket \vtit put before the citi/o'is , ns follows ! H. L. Smith , mayor ; J. L. llouchin , ' clerk ; A. J. Heals , treasurer ; S. Donls- thorpc. councilman First wnrd ; J. N. Ward , councilman Second , ward ; U. H. Conant , councilman Third ward. The issue in this election will bo license or no license. NnUon Vlllnigo Tnitiim'H Nominated. NKI. > X , Neb. , March 2J.-Spucial' [ Tolo- trrnm to Tun Br.i ! . ] A caucus of oitUens nominated for village trustees C. P. Leigh , O. T. Gregory , Aonry Fox , Jr. , J. H. Wotzol and J. M. Campbell. They uro ivo llconso candidates. Hock Nlnnd Nurv.'yurii at AMIIASD , Nob. , March * -9 ! Special Tele gram to TUB Ui.c ' Tha survovors of ( .ho Uock Island toad from Oinahix to Llncnlt ninsed through hero today. Their Mirvo * , passes between the H. & M. nnd the city nm crosses the Wnhoo blanch on Third street They were In great haste nud evaded ai questions us to their business. O'Neill Aspirnnti for OHIO' . O'NuiLt ' , Neb. , March 21)-Special ) [ Tele gram to Tut : lir.i : , ] The coming city olcctloi bids fair to bo ono of unusual interest. ' A very lurao eaucui wn held last evening which placed In nomination John McHrldc for mayor ; William Slocniii , clerk ; Davh Adams , treasurer ; Stunner Adams , cU.\ engineer. Tonight at the rink the opposiltmi met tn larger force nnd nominated for mnyoi A. U. Morrliit clerk , U P. Hennctt ; trens uror , Hnrmird MeQrcov.V ; lor city engineer Simmer Adams. I'rlci ! of Mlon.x NtomtAitA , Nob. , March 29. To thn Edl tor of Tin : Uiu : : I noticed that you made the statement that the liutds in the Slotu reservation would bo "I'J.U.'j per ncro for tin llrst three year , 73 cents for the next t\vi \ years and GO cents thereafter.1 As this lint been extensively copied nnd creates a false Impression , I trust you will correct tin error. The llrst payment Is ? l.2. per nert for the llrst three years and 75 cents nnd OC cents us stated. 1 refer to the Sioux bill , E A. Fuv. Antl-l < lu n-4it I'rlninricv. Neb. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Her. . ] The nntl-llconso peopk of this city held their primnry ulcctiou a thu city hall tonight , which resulted In tin following nominations : Mayor , ,1 , C. Hailsi- back ; clerk , W. Hort Clark ; treasurer. J H. Hrooks. Aldermen First ward , W. T Spoero ; Second wnrd , I { . 1C. Hutlor : police judge , Timothy Hutlor ; membor.s of sehoo board , Hon. II. H. Shcdd nnd John K. Clark A Fortunate Wrrok. DAVII > CITV , Nob. , March 29. ISpeclal Telegram to Tun URI : . A peculiar btr fortunnto wreck occurred hero on the Union Pacific this mornlnir. An the special freight was pulling out of the yards the axle of thu forward driver broke , completely wrecking the cuginc. Hcd the accident occurred while the train was unuor full headway there would no doubt have been serious loss ol lifo. Oinnlm Contractor I'lltn III * Itond. JJnATntci : , Nob. , March 29. TSpocial Telegram - gram to TUB Hii : : . ] M. T. Murphy of Omaha today Hied his bond with the county board ol supervisors , which same was approved nnO nccented. Mr. Murphy is the contractor for the now $100,000 court house. The bulldlne Is to bo completed by December 1 , 1.VJI. . S. H. Horsiioy of this city was elected superin tendent of construction at a salary of 5 per day. For the hake of lOconomy. NtiiiiusK.v Cm- , March 29. [ Spcclnl to Tun Hii.J : : Isaac Kerfoot , who has been serving out n sentence in the county Jail for attempting to fill Forbes Kowon , has bcua released by the county commissioners because - cause of thu extreme destitution of his family , considering it bettor to release him than io support , vhc entire tuinily at the county's expense. A Youthful 'Ihli'f SentonuiMl. HKATIIIU : , Nob. , March 29. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HIK. : ! Marshal Hewers , aged olchteen , was this afternoon sentenced to ono year in the penitentiary for imrghlr- izintr John 1'isos' saloon at Wymoro yester day of four or llvo dollars in money. The district court nujournod this afternoon. < 7itv Uaiitsthn .Militin. NEIIUASJK.I CITV , Nob. , March 29. Special to TUB Hii.J The commissioned ofllcors of the Nebraska National Guards in this city held a meeting this evening and made ar rangements towards securing the next en campment of the state militia for this city. The citizens have promised substantial eu- couragomeut toward the elTort. A I'awiioe City Clit/ii Dead. PAWNEE CITV , Neb. , March 29. [ Special Telegram to TUB Hnu.l The sudden death by apoplexy this morning of Joshua Tracoy casts n gloom over the entire community , Mr. Tracoy was an old citizen and leaves a large circle of friends. Hound Over for DAVID CITV , Neb. , March 29. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hni.j Frank Huffman nnd A. II. Curry at their preliminary bearing - ing today were held to appear before the district court for the Hoston hardware store burglary. The other thrco are still at largo. Ni'tirnska > Hy District. I'reshytcrr. NimusK.vCiTV. : Neb. , March 29. [ Special to Tin : Hm.J : The Nebraska City district presbytery meets in this city April and will be in session several days. About one hundred delegates will bo in attendance. Corn for D.ikota Sull'erer-- . DoNinuN , Neb. , March 29. [ Special Tclo- gram to THE Hcc. ] The South Dakota suf ferers were shipped n car of corn today , the gift of the liberal hearted farmers of this vicinity. _ _ CONGl'.KSSIONAlj PKOCKKD1.SGS. SlMUlti' . WASHINGTON , March 29. In tno senate today the semite bill appropriating $3 , ; B,000 for the improvement of St. Mary's river in Michigan nnd ? itlSUOO ! for the improvement of the Hay Lake chuncl , Michigan , passed. Thu iionato bill for the completion of the entrance to Galveston harbor ( iiipropriatmg | $11,200,000 in the aggregate , but the oxpondl lures nny year are not to exceed $1,000,000 ; , passed. The conference report on the urgent dollclency bill was ngreed to. On motion of Vo.iriiues the sonntu bill nppropriatmg $ MiT."i ( for the purchase of the Cnprnn collection of Japanese works of art , now in ho national museum , passed. In the discussion , Mr. Halo satirized Mr Voorhuoa for his advocacy of the measure as if it were onu in behalf of the farmers whoso depressed condition ho pictured last week. Adjourned. Moll- ; " . \VASiirxciTox , March 29. The house wont intocommltteo of the whole after the trans action of some unimportant business on the a nny appropriation bill. Mr. Morse said Urn provision appropriating 5100,000 for the canteens at army posts showed that among tlm things to bo sold nt those canteens were beer and light wines , nnd thu government beer saloon to bo connected with the library nnd reading room , lie protested ngninst this ns an out- rngo against temperance and the Christian people of this country. Mr. Moron's amend ment that no nlcoholie liquors shall bo sold to nnlisteil men in nny canteen was ndoptod yeas , 02 ; nays , 45 , many democrats who wore opposed to the proposition voting for it in jrdcp that there may bo a yea and nay vole. Pending fnrthor action the committee rose and the house ndjourncd. Gene to Can ai I ii. HAT CITV , Mich. , March 29. William Stewart , recorder of West Hay City , ban iono to Canada. Tlm amount of his shortage lias not been determined but is supposed to bo ? ,000 or * l,0l > 0. _ Nnval Appropriation Hill. WASHINGTON , March 29. Tha' house com mittee on naval affairs has completed the naval appropriation bill. The appropriation is 3'jilSI,0' ; J , which is $4r,9,013 moru than for the current year. The bill provides for thn construction of four Inryo , heavily armored son-going vessels. HlilllC < ) H Tomorrow evening nt ยง o'clock ' tlm annual meeting of the Omaha brnneti of Mm No- iruika Stuto Husmess Men's association will bo hold at Y. M. C. A. hall. A full nt- londnnco of members Is dcmrod , ns the elei- ion of olllcent nnd of delegates to the state convention , which will bo held in this city Slay 20 , 21 nnd 23 , will take place. Omaha s entitled to thirty delegates to this conven- ,1011 , nnd ns business men from nil parts of ; ho state will ho here It Is Important that ,1m largest local branch in Nebraska should bo fully represented. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON , Omaha's Club Will Do Soon nt the Bnll Pnrk Totltxy. PLAYERS /JND THEIR POSITIONS. Action of the Standing of the I'olo Toiiini till * more and LlndMiy .Mntchctl Turf F.vunts. A On tno of Hull Toilny. The llrst gaum of the season will tnko place nt tlm bull park this nlturnuon , the weather not Interfering. The Omalla pro fessional club will bo divided Into two teams nnd tutted against each other ns fol lows : Kenrns' Clnrko's Team. Positions. Team. McConnell I'itcher Hays Morun Catcher Eri | unhurt Andrews First Hliies Kearns : Second Abbey Walsh Short Thayer Cleveland Third . . . .Str.iuss Willis Middle Hlrtl 1 'aid win. . . . , Hight Cmrku Fanning Left Kirk This will make two good tuntiH and n line gaum may bo expected. Tin ; LiiHt to HiMinrl. Cannvnn , Iliucs nnd Strauss , the only members of tbo Omaha team who have not yet reported , will nil bo hero Monday oven- lug. Milwaukee Wniitt Trouble. The Milwaukee club has so far refused to deposit its JIU01) Kiiar.inty cheei : with Presi dent McCormick , nnd trouble in thu Western association is not unlikely. Milwautcoo's action in this reijard is very queer , nnd that they nro contemplating some move which they nro keeping dark from the association olllcers Is the opinion of nil who nro familiar with the facts. All the other clubs sent In tr.oir checks some weeks since. Yesterday morning Proaioent MeCormlclc received n check for $1,000 from President McGiiiro , but he might as well have kept it back , ns it contained tlm proviso that it was to bo re turned in cnso Milwaukee diiU not play thu season out exactly contrary to the purposes of said guaranty. President McCormiek was very wrathy.mid declared that ho would instantly return oachclub its guaranty Check , and ho telonruphed Secretury Uocho'nt Min neapolis to this ctl'ect. Chlcneo K ! , CIPVRl.-iiiil t ) CAIKO , 111. , March 29. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hii : . | Tlm Chicairo and Cleveland brotherhood clubs played a gaum hcrotlodny to g good crowd , nnd left for St. Louis this afternoon. Score : Chicago ' > 0 2 0 1 I ) 4 yI If. Cleveland 1 9 ( rnln-r Itrotlieriiondx. Ci.ivr.l.\Ni : ) , O. , March 29. ( Special Tele gram tn Tut HIB. : | Pitcher Gruber signed u contract today with tlm brotherhood club of this city. Grubur secured a contract that his salary would bo forthcoming nvery month , gnto receipts or no gnto receipts. Hrnnnnii and \VliM'- .Malolit.'d , Cincvoo , Lll. , Marnh 29. tS'jocial to Tin : Hii.l : : Hilly Hrennan and Tammy Wh'to ' signed articles for a llnisn light today for fMO a side , tlm Imttlo to take place within eight weeks within one hundred miles of Chicago. Stitndini : ol'iho full ) Tiiann. The standing of the polo league is as fol lows : Teams. Tied Playeu , Won. Lost. Kamblurs . 1 10 7 2 Omaha Wheel Club. 1 10 7 ! ! Continentals . 11 0 5 Council Hlull's . 11 ft ii Morses . 11 a S ( Union ; io lov ! Harry Gilmore , ox-champion light-weigh1 , telegraphs the sporting editor of Tin : Her that ho will bo hero surely on April 9 to meet Jimmy Lindsay at tlm now Grand "V - s. . Hoods Sarsaparilla Is Dri'l'-iru'l ' fnini Siir iipiirilln , D.iiiilflliin , Mii.nIriv'u Dock , Jiiiilnorlli-rrlrs.iiiMloilipr well kniiivii roKutnlilo riMiifMllos , itiMiicli a iiLM'iiliur niaiiauruH to ti > rve | III i full inuillcimd v.ilue ufull. It will euro , wlicnln thu pnwt'r ol iiunlicino , S'crDfiila , Salt ItliiMiin , Sorm llol 3.1'liupli' * , all llainiirH. lysn ) | > | Mia , HIIHIIIILMH | | , Sick lii'iiilachi.1. Inilluojlt'in , ( tunoriil hL-blllly , C.i- lunli , KlifuiiiallMii , Klilnuy anil l.lverCoiiiilaliH8. | Hood's Sarsaparilla Ovori'nuiOH that oxlrei-ic tlrrtl fi-cllaa rniiHiMl liy cli.inin1 nI cllmnlcM'a- iMir.ti' ! . II pi riill.irInning , piiTll'jin umlUalilin ; iiii' | ' t I > H nn > KIMIII n > lt tliioiiKliKiit llii'i > ntiii > i < vnl'iii , vM | > llliii' illitMiHii anil Ulviiiu prniiiit ( , lii-iiltliy i C nm lucMiry uraiin. U t IIIUH ; ho ht'inuu'li. ' ' rit'nti ami ) . | ' , tiinl ni.isv'M tlitillvnr llltl kttliu' ) * . 'riioiisiiniln who IctVit InUen 11 ttlth In liillt.H" | < lil > tlllll llmnl'8 bursul'.lllll.l ' 'Iii.lkOi lliu \\eak bllullK. 'ood's Sarsaparilla HIIHII rurnnluri-iiri * ! ! < il Scrofula ninl otlii'r MmiJ IKi'iihui iii'vcri'iiiinllinl liy miy "tlior pri'imratloii. I'lii'im t fovoro c-nwi ylrlil to linn rtoiiu-ly wlii'ii llio ulUIHust orfi'd. II - ullicra have fiilli'il to liuvu teilitiiry fi'i-ofuhi , which i-llnui to tlm Mm d itli ilia im-nlost tenai'lly. Uruivil liy tlil puriillm1 laiMllHiiu. limiiiiny rcninrkiiblu cunu Imvu won lor HIM I'S t > ar uiuilllii | tliu tillu of "TUt ( jruutunt Illuoil I'urlllur oviTihiiovuruU. " Hood's Sarsaparilla laahuil rtMiiaikublo nutCiHIn riirlni ; ilyiipi > p la , Iek icailaulu' , lioaitlinrii , hunr Htnaacli , nail hliiilhir roiililos. II Kuutly lint mroly tonolliu sliniKiiluincI lllii'.stlve u.-nnnsi-rclileH n Roinl mipclllo , rur.R luk leuilnclio.uvvietiinosilriiiniy fuvlhiK nail invalid ilo- iru < slun. It uUo lu-u upon thu khlno ) ami llvur , on liik' tho-e linpoitiuil ( iritan * to lii-althy iiollou Now la the lime tninku llooiraba Hood's Sarsaparilla sllio onlyinoillclneor which 01111 truly lu twhl , " ! ' ) " iinniiincniulu nru a- X ) > naOiieliollnr"whUh H nn lent IIH In lrc'ii tli Hint cu.iiioniy. It U nolil by UP ruRKl l * . IKouiotoiiut llooil'n. Uooli'B I'll.lJS-TUo uruatllviir inflKiiruior. iiurulf Ti'tfeluUlu. uneiiuallfil us a lamlly i > h > li > uml oiiui r illl. Solil by ilrumlit' , < ir HI-HI I' " iniiil 4V | ir i IHIJ raparoJ unlyoy i' I HJ.III * tv , I. ' 'i * U" onorn homo In n ton-rotiml Rlovo contest for Rclentltlu Ynlo Dnl'itntn ttio Athletic * . 1'iui Mtr.i.riitA , 1M. . Mnrch 29. ISpoeial TolcKram to Tun Hr.iTlm | Ynlo collquo ball team dcfoatud tlm Athletics thin after uoon by tlm onu.Mdcil score of i9 to 0. Tim collegians outplayed their profesMonui opponents nt every point. Score : Athletics . 1 0 1 1 II 0 0 0 aH Ynlo . ti o o a a r. a o * -to Unto hitsAthletics 7 : Ynloll. Krror Atliletli-s t ; Ynlu . Hattorlo * Athletics. Haliuowlim nnd ( Jilro.v pltchora , Collinn catcher ; Yale. Ho wer anil Poolc. Umpire Terunco Connell. Now OrlnrtiiM Uacns. Nr.w Out.RAN.i , t < u. , March 211. | Rpecml Telegram to Tins Uiifi.l Summary of to day's rueea : One-half mile Kclipse , Jr. , won , Sena soeond , Lexington third. Time O : . " ! ) " , ' , Five-eighths of n mlle N'lcUul Plate won. I'eanut socoml , Hill Hordeii thlnl. Time - 1 : ( it : > 4' . rivu-clnhths of n mlle Tudor won , Uonniu Aiinm second , Luke Oart third. Time- 1 :0t. : : Three quarters of n mlle Harden won. I'nmito second I'rUchetl , third. Tlmo - 1 :1'I14. : One mlle nnd seventy yards-Ormlo won , Hucluso second , Marchburn third. Time linnet , N. J. , .March 3S. [ 'lologrnm to Tin : Hic.-Snimnnry : ] of to day's races : Threo.quarters of n mile Xulii won , Tod- dington second , Clny ijtockloii third. 'I line -1 : , ' ( % .Soiling , thlrteen-sixteenths of n mile Hatlersby won , Kalph Hlack second , Caimlm third. Tlmo l'll : > . 'I wo-yenr-ohls. one-half mile Aliirminir won , Priscllla second , Kitty H. third. Timu 'i.Sl . Lindoti ImndU'ap , thirteeii-Alxtocnths of n mile l-'lnmbi-aux won , Lot ion second , Yountr IJiilso third. Time 1 . * ! ' , . filing , sovi'ii-eighths of n mile Neptuim won , llnrwood second , John Jay third. Time 1 : : ! 5 f. Keven-olghths of n mile UlaeUthorn won , Womlermvnt second , third. Time Dc-ntli of . 'Him ( iinltl. John Guild , formerly of tlm llrm of Guild & Alerrlll , and la'.er of the llrm of Steele , Johnson .t Co. , died Friday morning at his homo in Ucadwood , S. U. , of pneumonia. Mr. Guild bad been representing the llrm of IX AI. Steele & Co. in tlm northwest for the past two years. Ho had been complaining of not feeling well for nbout a month , but continued on the road us usual. Last Wednesday he returned from n trip and was nt ( nice taken siek nnd dlinl Friday morning Mr. ( iuild was well known m Omaha , hav ing lived in this cltv nbout six years ago. It has not been deeided whether the remains will bo brought to this city , or bo burled at JX'iulwood. A I'liildlnir liiHin-cMorM' Convention. Htiihling Inspector U'bltlock received u communication from J. AI. Hnzon , tlm inspector specter at Minnuapoli ? , toviowing the loiiif ago talked of si'lmmo of having a convention of building inspjctors , and asking his ml vice on tlm matter. Mr. U'hitlocU replied that 1m thought L'rcat good would result from such a inuvo and advised tlm calling of a con veil- lion at tlm lame time ami place as tlm Na tional AHsoflntion of the Cl'.ief KuiriHecrs of AmuriiM hold their annual conventions , thus securing joint meetings with that organiza tion. I'crsiiiinl ! 'iii < ! iirni > li . Mr. John McKauhmu of Alilford is In Hi city. Mnyor ( 'tishinc will return from his Col orado trip next Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Clifford and b.ibo went west Wednesday to visit friends. U.iviii Moore of Omaha was registered at tbo Coutes in Kansas City on Friday. Mrs. H. F. llarton loff. last evening for Chicago to siten'd sovural weeks with rehi lives. C. Ducliolm , ono of tlm oldest and most prosperous farmers of Fulton , in Uodgo county , where ho has resided for nearly twenty-oiio years , was in the city vesterduy and pati ! a visit to Tin : HIK : ollk-O , which ho greatly admired. Ho was accompanied by his old fritmd. John MaUhlescn , of thU city. At iKiollipr't'n'iiiiiloi'stlio liiiiiiiinny ti > m 10 nnich niH'it tlialil i > f a ii'llulilt iiiu.llt'ltu ) Ilku Jln < nr . arHii. paulla , HI now. Tlii > luiiitivuriMicil tuiiilllliiM u ! tint hi I , the ni > .ikinliii ! rflcTK ill lint IIIIIK. ri'l'l wliiliM , tint lull : | ] > llc ! , mi I Hull lluil ft'c'llnu , nil ninkn u finiil sir'nk' | iiii'illilnn iili-nliili'ly iii > ci > 4 > .iir.v. llniufs biirs'iparuhi ! * peculiarly u liipt 1 for Dili pariionu unil la.Toiis. < In | iuiulurlly | rvery your , lilvo It n trljil. Purifies the Blood " .My llttli * l" y waH t > hiti.v : | rjlllli'tt'il wlili HL'nifal % lliu wlml"t > | > ot hl liwiil wiii unu viiniiilulo 111:114 : ' ' - [ nanil nil Id' . Then I ( il'nintU'r. I'orlwii yiirs I no Kiivoliliiiiini'l'iitllwiil ' IIi'i.r . sar : i ] > arlll'i , ami Ilicm wittiiH-iiiiilJrfiillia'iiivi ! | > iiii > iit. I then Kill unu hiiltiti nioriunil Unit iMir t.lliliiii-iiniili | > luly. 1 Klvo II Io inr I'lilldroii loriiHprliiuiin'lli'liiiV Mm. II. l.iIUiv : , lil ! Ho ; > ! ui scavt.St. I.nun. MCI. Purifies the Blood "Hvory | > rliu for vi'ifn I niivii niiiilii It n pm-tli'ii toliiku iroiii thri'ii.i I v iMiit'i'.ot ' ll'i 11 S.intIIKI- rllla , liiMii'i1 1 Unon ii i > i.iili- * ! ! > ! hi".11 an I tl > m- oiiKlily i IIMII- . " . U.u . - in nl all liiiii.n-IUiia. Tliat IniiKin I liM'lliiK , Miiincii.iii't iMlk'il , Kirli | > fuvur , ' will mwor vl'U th * H > K | < * III that IIIIH hi'i-a | ntHrly ] rnrel lor Ity ilil iii'Viir-l.illluij ii'iinxly , ' ' W. H. LAW- liKNCtl , Killl'ir Auik' Ciuloiulit , llull ilijinli.1. In I. the Blood Toriaiiny yuan I have luUi-u lli rn fuMnpiirilhi lntli urlv > | irlnu. wlii'ii linn tnuihiMil wlllnll liii"iH. iIuIliHWH. iilipli'HH.nitla'-li'in my moiitli hi Itiu iii'irn- ' Inif. ltiuni.ivi' ilil lia.i IUMII leii.ivi" . my litfiiihuhi ninllimlii"tliil > roi-l n'iill ) ri-fri-slii'il. Tlinlwnliullli-i I liuvo uiuil thl | nliw him'en ' worth many duf n ini'inN to inki > II. " Juiiv Inn tu IIIK. I inU ! ' my lll.NMl VU.inil hl.tonuol I uki'.riil < 'agoll | , Purifies the Blood "I n'm wry niii'-h ' ran dnwn In honlth , linil no ttrunath tui'l " " Ini'llnall HI in ik > unytlilnu. I lutvu now bvun luklnu lluol Snrniinnlln ; | iihtmtamoiuli nnd Uml IIroil lenlliu liu lurimv , my npi > aUtu Imt rutiirned , neil tuku It ml laitll , Inni Ilkun now man. Wonlltukullobil' * l-uraparllln. " C'lUfNCBV 1\ill- All , North Coluuibili.Ohln. ti , II. ICyou.lecll.ito tuku Siaji ; ; rtlln , Uu not Uu Iniluceil io Uuy uny uihor. Purifies the Blood