Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntlvortloomontB will bo tnkon ( or
these columns nttor I2:3O p. m.
TomiB' Cnah In odvonoo.
ii Ailveilhments uniV-r tliH nead ID rents P"r
ne for 1)10 ) Hrf t Insertion , 7 ci-ntn for each nub-
"filiifiit Insertion , and Jl.fiO pur linn per month.
No Dilrprtlscments taken for less than ii'i cents
for flrst liHertlon. Hoveii wvnli will b'-countcd
to the linn , they must run ron eciitlv ly and
must lie paid in ADVANCI ! . All advertise-
inilntlie hunded In before 1 . ' : . ' ! ' ) oVlook p.
in , , mul imilpr no cirrumstiuues will they bo
tukcn or discontinued by telephone.
1'nrMi" adviTtlslnc In tlieso columns and liar-
Inctlidranswers addressed In eitracif Tttc llr.R
will pleisn oak fora chert to rnnbln them tnget
tliclr lotterv. ns none will Im delivered except
on prp piilntlon of rhcrk. All answers to ad-
> etrnpnts ) nlionld lie enclosed In envi-lopcs ,
All ndvi-rtlsments In the-ie columns are pub
lished In iKith moraine and i-vciiinn illtlnni of
Tin' lli-B the rlmilntlon of which nRUresatus
more tlinn lHOOil papers ilnlly. and Rives the ad-
vertw rs the bi-neilt. not only nt the city clr u-
Intlon of TIIR DFK , but al o of Council UlulTs.
Lincoln nnd other rltles and towns throughout
thl Bpi'tlon of Ihn country. _
Ad\erltxicK for thcflo [ columns will b takes
on the above condition" , nt the following bu l-
HPSS houses who nro nuthnrired iiK'TitH for THE
Jlre spi'clitl notices , nnd will quote the same
rates as cun he had nt the main olllce.
oorm o .
i } of Twenty-sixth and N streets , Nobrhsba
Havings bank building.
TOIIN W. IlliT.U I'nnrinnclst , K-i ) South Tenth
J Street.
"IHAsn.V IHDV. Stationers and Printers. 113
' t-mith Kith Street. _ _
II. FAHNSWOHTII , Phiirmntlst , SIIS Cum-
. Ing Street.
-\\r .1. JIL'OHL'H. Pharmncist , ( KM North ICth
rno. : w. Phnrmnclst , 171S Leaven-
' v.otth Street.
JTOHES' J'HAUMACr , 2SU8 I'arnani btreet.
XJT'i'l A'l ION wanted by IliSt-clnss coach man :
fj irnvu the host of city i etoi ences. Address
JM. llee. 474-2C'
\\AANTKI-Situation by a good bookkeeper
vv nnd correspondent : city reference. Ad-
flresH-llii , Uec. IS5-JUJ
* \\7ANTii : ) Situation by lady atenoRrapher ,
T four years in law and loan olllce , ex
perience In w holesalo business. Uox ZiK. Coun
cil lllulTs. G-J.Val
V\ rANTii-.Meit : ) ; : cook 310. „ . .
T (1 ( boys ti > follow team tinuper year : dlch-
"H. Mrs , llrcgn. llll'i ' H nth. ins * J
\\r ANTKD-i ! 1st cln s machinists , Davis Si
T T Cowglll , loth nnd Jackson sts. 4K ! )
7 ANTED linker at 1IU N llth st.
401 S6t
7ANTKD Kour good rnrpontor.s at IrtlS
Capital Ave. Must be llrst class. 4GV-35J
"XX ANTHD-Young man to work In store nnd
do collecting and assist on boots. ItoL'iier
Plgn wort ; * . Ills b. ( 41U - ' )
\\TAN'rii--A llrst claia advertising sollcl-
' tor by the National Tradu Jouual. ttK llee
1)ldg. . 417 M
" \\7 AN I'lIUOood tailor , stenoy work. John
> > Wolfukull , David City , Neb. 44'Uj
'lArAVPUD Salesmen on salary or commls-
vi slon 10 hnudlo the new patent Chemical
Ink I.rasing Pencil. ' selling novelty
ever produced. Unices luK tliorougniy In two
necomls ; nojnlirnslon cl p.ipur. 2i > 'ito ' U per
( vut profit , due uirent H sales amounted to ji'.CU
In six days : another M ! In two hoiiia. Wo want
one energetic geiiarnl ncent for each stnto nnd
territory Sample by mall IVic. For terms nnd
full partlculnis undress the Monii.o Kinser
Mfg.Co. . I.n Crosse. Win. 141 2 |
t\\7"AN'l'Kl ) A good wagon uiuker at 0111.0 at
v * Muidoon's shop. 1011 Curnlng street.
3.V ) 2uJ
STA N Lr.V'hTbiTokT written"lTy ) Ti'mself7'lso'iT-
. titled "In Darkest Alrlen" nnd hn.s Impilnt
only of Charles Scribner'H Sous , Now YnrK on
tittle page , lleware of frauds. Agents wanted
in lown , iN'cbniskn. MlnncMitn nnd Dakota for
m-niilno booK. W. D. Conillt \ Co. , Des Molnos.
2SI 27
1 > iCTL'Hr ngentn nnd jihotographer.s served
J with clcmiut crayons , water colors mm
tels I'lne bromlilo prints mndo for nrtlrtt.i
Kcdnced prices Myuster Portrait Studio. 1h2i :
H. 12th Ht . Omnhn. 2:17 : a ltJ )
BITTKfl'IVES We want a man In every lo-
Cnllly to net ns private detective under our
Instructions. Kxperleuco not necessary. Par
ticulars free. Central Detective llurenu , llox
111" , Topekn. Kan. ins noj
" \\rANTiD ; Salesmen uti7fi pel mcnth nlnry
v v nnil expoiibra to sell n Hue of Mlver-piiiteii
ware , Mutches , etc. , by enmpiti only : nud
team furnished free ; write nt once for full par
ttcu'miB and wimple en so of gooda freo. Stnu-
dnrd Silverware ( o. . lloHlon , Mnss. U2J
" \\T AN'I Kl ) - 10(1 ( roclcmeu , teamsters nnd grnd-
T eis lor I.lah nml Nevada ; cheap intes.
Albright s Labor agency 1120 rnrnam st. ; C5I
Til KN to trnrel for iho 1'onthlll nurseries ot
J'l Ciuiailu. \ \ e pay J.V ) to $1K ( ) per month and
expenses to ngents to sell our Cnundn grown
block Add. 5-tono A : Wellington. Mndlson , Wls ,
" \\7 ANTIJICanvnsaeis nt Singer sowliif , ' wa-
v > t'hlne olllco , 1018 Douglas st. U77 m2G
\\rANTKIl Agents for Denver State Lottery.
' > Tickets We. Address A. C. Unas & Co. .
Denver. Colo. CGS-aprOt
WAN rill ) 2 tnllors on custom work by the
week. Apply 1111 S llth st. 4.'U-2ut
\ r ANTKD-Uood house girl. 111) ) N. 15th st.
} IW
\\r \ NTP.DAn elderly woman to keen house
T ' ou farm nnd to cook for 2 ; ( itirman hou o-
keeper ; cook In boarding house 17 ; pastry
cook Jttl ; cooita for'olumhns , Missouri. 1'latts-
mouth nnd Couiii-ll Illnlls ; girls on fnrnw , Inun-
ill-eases , dlshnushers , second girls , nurse girls ,
nun fill lor general housework , .Mrs. Iliegiv ,
JH' ' S l."th , 4KI2B *
\\r VNTI'lilrs ( ) to work on ahlrts nnd over-
vv nils in our factory , cor. Uth und How
ard 47Cil ;
"lrNTKllA girl for general honsowork'
* ' Apply 2'ill Pierce htu-et. 475-2
' \\r\NI'ii : ) Ily April 1st , an experienced
ii tuirsj girl , UC4 Douglas street. ! 07-'iT
" \\r\Nri.l ) A girl for general housework
> > wi > shiag nml Ironing excepted ) . Applv nt
N l ; i-oi. of Wcb-tcr nml 21ht otreels. 4S-2iij |
"V\rANTiU- : woman to either wet nurse a
t bniiyorbrlngup on the bottle. Call or
address I.VJ.I Howard at. , at once. HI 2iij
"V\r.\NTiD : l.ndy to receive Instructions und
keep books. Itoom wo , N. V. Lire building
\VANTI-.I > ( iirl forgonornl house work In
' > family of live. Apply S. K. cor. luth and
C'enler nts. irTu- ' . j
" \ \ \TKD-First class waist ami skirt llrrlalT-
vv crs , sli eve-maker , cutter and baater. Mr *
M A. Wnllnio. US anT
\\T ANTIMl Uirl for hmuo work. l3I
v v lluward. IH 2il
\\'ANTHI > ---A nurse girl nt 4)1 X 2d ! St.
v tiiiisi be over lit yenrb ot uge. 41U2iJ
I "I V ANTKD American girl or woman for gen-
vi enu huiisewoi'K , IXHS2ilth ht , 4IU23J
\\r \\Tii-ood : ! girl for geuoral housework ,
T > C. D , Hiitchltison , 4212 Nicholas st..ouo
nnd n nail' blorka from motor. 3S3-25
\ \ rANTl'.NOlrl for gonernl iioiibowork , 1120
J N Hith. tik )
"I \ -A sccuml clrl lyAirll ] 1st Call
TT ntvir. i.afnyette iivonui * . ( lormi-rly Paul
it lUlorences loqulrott. .Mrs. J. II. lliuiu.iit.
1AUIIS Notlce-A Cut In Prices Mrs. W-U'
- tillo l us lorovuroil from her long Illness nud
In lui-imitMl to maxe all Hue dressc in 'tlui hit-
i-st styles ut tiiu hiHost prices. Pit and finish
Biuiriiatued llrijt clabs. No. Oil N. 17th t.
Nt ! AliUMKN l\s to do dressmaking In fnml.
llos sola'lteu. 51l a Sturdy , W5 S. iin nvo.
tat )
tr - , _ _ _ _ _ _
Ij OII UiNT : UlcRant now brick 8 room nouso
J-1 tin motor line , every modern couvouli-iice.
ni < r mouth to yearly teimnta 'only. J. 1 , .
JtlCO , tli ! I ItH' lillllillllK. 4II7-2I1J
Tjiolt HUN'l1- Flats In totabroim block , " six"
.I1 ueuthand ChU-ngo str u , * JO. Hubert ) .
4)2 North Sixteenth , 3S3-25J
TTHW HKNT.-llrlck dwelling , 13 rooms.
J1 kitchen on first ttiror , laundry , drying
room , all modern Improvement ! ) , tine location ,
Apply 2-'L'raruamst , MCI
' pKN ItiKiiu IIOUBC , nrat-c-U.'s coudltiou.modurn
. . . , cell > " ' * iir ' . Urge law n , burn , vluila trees ,
S blocKs from I.UKO school. Convenient in cable ,
motor and hnrso cars , Apuly on premUm S ,
h , Jttckaon , N Sl-t and Spruce V . 715-aj
THOU UlINT-Nlce cottage of 0 rooms. 2513
J.1 C 1 atroct , P. O'JIalley. 32D 2 J
"TjiOH Ui'rT $ TwoTo-room"modern houacs , ail
JU conveniences Paved at rents , cable cars.
Plvc minute * walk of postotllce. liofcronccs
required , Nptlmn Phellon , WU Farnnra t.W
W !
IJ10H HUNT In I.luton block on the corner of
J > 1Sth nna .Mn oti ats , a data. 2 on second lloor
nnd 1 on third lloor. in good repair ; rent low.
Alto store room Inquire at the block , room
1117. John Hiimlln , ngent. 16M
FOH HUNT Itennttful residence with l-nrn ,
nil modern Improvementsfull
Ueorght ave. Richard C. Pntterson.W , N.V.LIfe.
3 It ) 27
17011 Hl'.NT UlBgantnow 8-ronm hoifo. nil
JL'modernconveniences , good locality , H" > n
month. Urenuan It Co. , : iChatnler ; ) Commerce.
OH Hat , otrt 8.10th st. L'n-
dUIre of Jv U llrnndle-i A-Son" . iK'.27 ' )
HiNl' ; - < ! romTi hofise , ii3) ) Sewnnl St. ,
n-r month. J mniiro 2421 BewarO jiio sn
„ . . HKNT Ton room I'.ouse , every con-
vjnltmce ; close to Inotor nml cnbloJWJS' : IV.
ill homos WO. 31-
( UUNT---TWO el vun room -
N22dat. Inquire n-w cor. tid and Daven
port , KM
olTTnTNT-fi-room lint. CH ( S. ! 3tU st.
' "
_ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _
nUH ) lTiNTNe.w : room house , overv mod-
-C1 urn convenience. 2-'iid nun California. tW
per month. A. 0. WnMjloy , N. Y. Life Illdg.
JilOIt KI'.NT 'J-room house , nil modern con-
JL vcnloti'-es , also Jinit of furniture for sale.
cnrtietK , etc , 21ufl Douglaa. ail
OH HUNT Silt J Capitol ave. 7-room cottage
with bath ; Inquire ut 2018 Capitol nve.
i ( ii >
S-ltOO.M house near 'JJth and Ohio , all the
modern linpioveinents , ii'i par month.
Orovo'atevens , 111" ) I'nrnnin. 4-0
" ' "
I OHH ' , -ro6iirilatIiinjo"'blo"cK ! ; ; UU' S l
l OIl HKNT AnH-rnonidoti "lied 'lou'e , fur-
.L' run e. bath , etc. . 20th and Leavonw orth. HO.
Dnvld Jnmlcson , lleo bldg. --1 ' !
FOll HUNT Houses nun stores ; property
cared for , taxes paid. M.dlnnd CJuarnnteo
& Trust I'o , li > 14 Farnam at , Ab trncls. ! SI7
II * you wish lo rent n house or store see H , K.
Cole , Continental block. 150
WANT morehousas to rout , I'arrotte.
- ltOOM Cut with steam neat , JCtn St. . m-nr
8- . 'Ihoa. I'.Hnll.IUU'axton blocs. K ;
It HUNTPurnlahed rooms , siilcndld lo
cation , -107 Douglns 3t. 41iliay
ifOli llf.XTii"faTgo rooms , all newly fur-
JU nlshed in New Terrace at reasonable
lates. tfiaailarnuy at. J ! " ' _
'ITIOIl HKNT l-Sinilslled room in private fam-
JL' ily. with boiird if ( leaned , Apply ! 17 Cap-
llolave. ' ! 77'-7
TmFuN'ISIIKU rooms for gentlemen , with or
U without board , 1011 Douglas. UIG-'itU
HUNT Larj-o furnished room with
board , nil conveniencemiltable for two
Kontleinen , giito St. Mary'j nyo. 41 ! , ' > "i ; *
. lIMHIIUDrooma , ll'l Soiltu 17tn ht. _ Also
rooms foi' liousokeopltii , ' . ! S)5-'AIJ )
VTICI5I.Y furnished room , Hlggins'old corner'
/S s. w. cor. 1-th nnd Hougla , up stairs.
4511 31 *
Ki.NT : I'urnlshod rooms with bonrd ;
JL modern house ; moat pleasant locution iu
city ; HIS. .Mh. I.Vi 2 , ' J
1 TASliSOMK front pxvlor sultablo for two
I I gontlemen. First-class board. Iteferences ,
l > ' ; t I'tirnnin st. , UTki-SJ *
FOH HUNT A furnished room in private
family. 2M1 Farnam i"'i-lj : )
V ICIILV furnlshnd rooms with or without
j- > board IICI ! llodgo ; reference. ; ib'J-27 ?
rooms and board , all modern
JL1 improvements , a > > S'It h st. -'to ! 'ii
HUNT I'urnishea rooms ; gas , bath nnd
hteam , 111 ! ' Hownrd. _ _ 3S7
OOU HUNT Suite of throe moms with clos-
Jc eta lor light hotiM-keepltig. l.nwn nnd
shade. Convonli-iit to onble and motor. Kent
J 12 per mouth. Address A 05 , lleo olllco. a
1 "S'J Cup. n % e. board , modern conveniences.
LKAN furnished rooms. 1013 Chicago at.
C r.4-ioj ;
> OIt IinNT Purnishod two front rooms 117
F S. 2sth st , between Dodge and Karnam.
ELio ANTroom.modern couvences , 1821 Cass.
2i8-2il (
IfOH HUNT All elegant front room with an
JL alcove , furidshed , on eeeond lloor : nil
mqd euicqiivt-uJeii < es _ . _ J2 S25th _ st. 2-Ij
FOH HKN'l Furnlslied rooms , 1WJ louglns
_ _ s-ju _
IjlOH HI.NT btrito of fioiit rooms , modern
X. conveniences , with or without board. Ml
per month , S2I8 Leavenworth st Uj-'S
"VTlCUrooiu , every convenience , 17W Davenp't
1 > _ _ Tili-nsf
FrilMSIini ) Kooms to let , -V. 2 St. Mary'a
avenue. ( )74
TT\OK \ HKNT Front rooms , 2010 Dnvauport.
(118 (
"Ij Oll HUNT- Pleasant furnished room * with
JL' nil conveniences , filit S. ! Wth bU M )
. CLAIH European hotel , cor. llltli and
ST. . Special rates by wees or month.
"I710U HiNl' : Itoom with bonrd. ir-2 Oodgest.
JL1 3a7
KOO IS nnd day bonrd ; 1721 Capitol ave.
_ _
I/toll HUNT One large iront room with bonrd.
JO HXX ! Capitol uvo. 675
nice unfurnished rooms cheap , s w
-cor Hurt nnd'-'d st ; no children nnd refer-
eiico.s r'll liLT !
, -T TN rr lNsil r.I ) chaml-oro for lousekceplmf
' 'for man nnd wife ; no children ; 3lu N. 17th ,
FOll HlINT-hioro No. 20J N. ICth st , between
lloitgi ! and Capitol nvomio.nppiy 181'J ' Dnen -
pott ; JU. 113
Poll Itr.NT DeiK room In nicely furnished
olllco. nil com onlom as , Room I' , ' , Coiitlnen-
tal block. _ ( Urt
QTOHES nt707 , 701' ' . 711 S. Kth.22xiiO ! each , largo
fjshow windows , atoam heat furnished. Thos ,
P. Hall. 311 Paxlou bloolc. | CII
I71OH HUNT The 4-stoiy iirlck building , with
J ? or without power , formerly occupied by thu
Hoe Publishing ( o , I'll ) Karnam t. The bill Id
lug has u tin-proof cement basementcomplete
bit-am hoatlng tlxtures , wntur on nil the lloors ,
gits , etc. Apply at thu olllco ot The Hoe , ' .M.'i
1/1O11 HKNT'Kstory brick tmlluing , IUO Doug-
JU Ins st. , suitable for wholesale or warehou-o
purposes. Aiso brick stern , 107 S. ith : : st , ' In-
UUire of C has. Kaufman. IJQ2 Douglas at. JO.I
FOH HKNT Olllco room and large light base
ment , cor , 13th and Jackson his. , first t o
nionth.s free to good tounnt. Kumilre Mrs.
Lnuire. (112so. ( 13th st. ! - " .
\\7"ANTi : Large , nicely furnished front
> i room , centrally located , by quiet young
gentleman , wherii no ijuestior.ti asked. Will be
jiermuneru If things suitable , Address 11 7 ,
lleo IK-2it ) |
\\fANTr.I ) to rent by two young men , fur-
v v nlshed room , with board. Prlvnto family ,
Address H a , HI.K. IM'ilJ
\\f ANTKI ) to rent about July 1st n small cot-
v J tnge , with nil modern conveniences , close
to business. Address A11 , lieoolllce. 1R
MOHTO.N'S rcnUl ngehoy , 517 Pnxlon bit.
HOt'SIW Wo want morn"ucan7 lioiiso.s"
Jrem.H. _ K Ctilu. Coiitluniitnl blk. iUIKM
rillOVKHSThVKNS , l.'iliTSirnam st ;
T II. I'AIUlOrrK , reulal agent , Douglns ink.
cT und reliable tire insurance. 1'nrrotta.
HI ! . COI.UroUlal agent , Coutluoutal blocc ,
MisuiiiiiAMou.s. : :
Ui LeavenworUfsF.
\\7ANTKll Ti ) have n lot tilled In llanscom
Plnco. Apply UJi N , V. Ufe llulldinir.
Tj/Olt S.VLI ! Kurnlturo of a 7-room house. En-
-L1 ( iulrob07 North Tw iitr-Utth utie-jt , Soutn
Omnha , U " 5j
rpOBl'IT the convenience of clients engaged
JL ( luring Iheday waopau eviuiluus , 7 to < * : 'U.
Il.UColo. KoouOCoatineutal UUc , 20i
rp.\KK NOTirt : Krnst W , Meyer is no longer
X In our employ and has iionutliotty ( totrnns
net business for us. S Cnntrovlt M.-J Von , ' : I8
llnndolph street , Chicago , wholesnfifclglirs.
> _ _ . _ _ _ i4 . < . "J .
, xouirl nmlunlct In any
AUOODyouuitteam : tunro nud a iroml bay
horse : all good drivers. A plly 291 1 N 2SHi ave.
fANTr.D-ARlrlbnby for ndnptlon. Ail-
_ as. Hoe olllce. _ _ .IjJ
rpu UIIXT-ilouselUt with J. II. Parrotte.
JL eiisiii
I VfiTNyrK.V18 : Plense lle.ul Tlds-
J-/ Persons noldlug coutrncts.fjir lots pur-
en. iced from the Oinuhn Uonl I'.fltatf itut Trust
Co. , on willed payments hnvo become delin
quent , nro reniiested to call nnd arrange nn
early settlement , nmt nave trouble nnd coat.
Onmlm llenl Kstnto nnd Trust Co. .
l.VII rnrnam tit.
TJ'I * )
_ _ _
At'tTION nles every Tuesday.Thursdnynnd
Snturduy morning ntllH Douglnsstrnot.
Otnnhn i\uctlon ArStornite Co. _ _ , ' l > 6
"I.f K. COI.i : , reliable lire insurance.
rp ( ) Ladles Mrs. Dnprez's famous remedy for
L nil f-mnlo complaintune'innuth's treat
ment securely senlod sent bv mnll on re-elpt of
price , il. Lady agents wanted. Liberal terms.
Manufactured by the Harden City Spcclllc Co , ,
1BI I.ab'nlle St. . Chicago. _ 4ja-2il *
IJ K , COLE , notary public aud conveyancer
" ' '
MA. : Deceived it safely. Am compelled
to mnke several changes In builnesu
Plans 8. It. P. W7---y ;
_ _
1O8T Monday evening , long gold pin , \ llh
Jstxteen pearls. I'lnder will please leave ut
lieu olllco. < S7 20
Pui > dog. Collar marked , \V.
- . Shipley. Tan HIO. Iteturn to J. C
Schreivrrnt Moise Dry Goods Co. nnd receive
rewind. * ' ' ! _
IOST I.nst evening between Hoyd'sopeia
Jhouso nml Park nve n pair gold bowed eyu
ulasses The tinder will pleato leavu them at
llee olllro nud j ecolvo reward 47-2o ! ' +
I OSTOn Sixteenth street between Davenport
-/ntnl ( ass. a $2J bill ; J5 reward for return to
lleo olllce. 4-'J5t (
STOIlAOi : at lowest rntw. llrnnclf & Co. .
I'ill Howard st. _ U.Vln21 _
rpllT. cleanest and best storage In the city nt
J- low rntes nt 1114 Douglas street. Omaha
Au-tion & Storage Co. ! tiii
K. storage nt lowest rntes. W , M.
llushmnii. Kill LnnvenWorth. _ ! C13
33KKO1IJ ] buying n piano examine the new
- > scale Klmball plauo at A. Ilo.spe.ljl.'l Doug-
Ins st. _ _ _ 44i !
Gr.O. F. Cr.LLKNIIKCIf. teacher of the banjo ,
room 2li : Douglas block , or Itee ollico. 2IU
TO 11UV.
) A lira proof safe lllx''O. It C.
_ iiClovelnnd _ _ 14th nnd Nicholas .sts , 4'lt-23t
1.1 Ol'Si ' : WMited-Wanted to bii/a lot with 7
J 1or it-room house on It. Miictt bo convenient
to central part ot the cltv. Price uius't hn rea
sonable. Address lT. ; . 51. , 12H Shermnb live.
lV' AftTCI ) to lluy or 7 room cottage In rev -
v i spcctablo locality , paying about > , i in Hear
vacant property in good location for udx'iince :
balance cash or nssumo mortgage. Address
with full patticulan , Hox2U'i. P. O. ii < C-2'il
"Y\7"ANTiO : Furniture. , carpets , household
VT goods for ensh. Wells' Auction * Storage
Co. , HI7SJIth at. 'J.JB
\\rANTP.I ) Uood commereall pnpor. Nov -
> v brnikn Moitgago Loan Co.,3ID I'nxton blk.
Ml )
ASH tor nil kinds of household goods nt 1111
Douglns street.Omnhn Auction < K Storage Co.
\ ANTKD I'o Dliy lor spot cash , tlty or
TT country parts or whole "tocks of dry nna
fancy goortM , clothing , boots aud shoos , milll-
nerv , statlonf ry , geut'a furnishing goods , cto
Call on or address J. Ii. Ilrnndeis & Sotia , cor
ner loth and Howard. Onmli.i. _ _ ln. _
\\f ANTED to Iluyfi.Mt good hort tlmo pa-
TT jier H II. Henderson.10) IMxton blk. 117
l-'OH HAM < 2 91 ISCKIjfjANHOl'S ,
SALi : A No. 1 family horse with bug-
J7 gy. Apply Frank Jona , cor lst und ( Jraut
sts. , 4 l-2i
_ _
Fdff HALK FurnltnTe"aud cnrpeTs of."a ten
room house , with live rooms reuted-t to re
sponsibly pnrtles , 1U10 Cnpltol ave. 4'UJtl _
" " " "
I71O It S"A LK Car loiil : Town milk "cc ws. 2Uh
-L1 and Hurt St. K.ti. Jester. 4W-2iij !
"Cloll HALK At n bargain , or will trade for
JL1 good horse and carrlnge , Biiuaro piano lu line
condition. J. Hleo. 11.1 HOB b ullding. 4II7-2BJ
: ' : - pnv-
nicnts. U. F. Head , room 17 , Hnrkor block.
; iSl-2. . |
.14 hxtensiou top , full lenther , 2
seat Amo-Uiurysurray In good ot'tter. ' J. L.
Itice. till Hc-o building. 4'I7-20J
Ijldil SALi : Vouug pony. , good rUeirand
j.'driver. _ _ Apply 2.U1 N.asiltnve. " UiSSfiJ
IJ1OH SAI.K 1 span of g"ot7il mulos/'young ' ; nml
JU in good order ; Just oil the farm , 1721 S.
St. ;
"ITIOIl SAI.K Frrst-clnss bllllnrd halooa In live
JL' Nebraska town. Price tl.fiUj on easy terms ,
II. K. Colo. iiiU-23
i7OIt SALi : Aponv cait lunulro nt lll'l N.
1 Mml st ! l'i3 _ 27j
FOll'SAlii : Furniture anu lenso or'io-room
private residence , nil modern conveniences.
015 N. 20tll st. ' " L- ! '
"Ij OH SALi : or trade Hood sldebnr topbuggy
JL1 only jf.'A llolbrook. l'iU4 h'nrnnm st. 2iff
LAW library , very cheap , or terms easy. Ap
ply , William Jlurtln , Fremont , Neb.lri
_ . ) JJ1
t "
"JjlOlt SALK tome excellent ru"rhlluro7 Tu >
JL' eluding stoves , cnrnets , etc. Also pictures
nnd brlc-n-bric. 4kj ; So. 24th avenue. _ 22l-2ij
TTIOH SALi : One of Iho lluost drivftlg loams
-L'in Ornnhu ; nfrald of nothing , stylish nnd
prompt drivers ; nlso n full plntforra spring
cnrrlnge almost new. Address X 22. Doe olllce.
FCHNITt'lti : auction every Wednesday und
Saturday. 1117 S 1'Ith. Well * . _ _ _ _ i/
Foil SALK A in-Horse power Porteenglllo
In good condition , weight fi , IOU pounds , cyl
inder llxld ; for particulars apply to The lieu
oltlce. 7ii
" | jfU > ll SALI' . onr.ulB one lint top denk , one
JL' 8-foot standing desk , 0110 lease of section
ot school land. 18) acres of Improved western
land anil n factions of r. P. railroad land. 11.
II. Henderson , 1JX ) " _ _ _
TJTOH SAI.K Borne "good wati-has nud dla-
JO mends cheap. II. Muster3 , room 4. With-
ncll blk. 345
A Kill YAI. extraordinary of Mrs. Dr. IMdy.
the distinguished world-famed aud only
reul natural trance clairvoyant and spirit me
dium iu this country ; seventh daughter ( if the
seventh daughter , born with veil nnd great
est piophetlo gift ot second Blgnt. While on-
trnnceil will reveal every hlddon invattry in
life. Hns long been pronounced In Kuropn nnd
America the greatest living wonder .of the
pri-sant age. I'nderstanas the aclenco of the
"PeiHlan and Hindoo magic , " or ancient charm
working , nnd prepares KgyptUn tnlUmans
which will overcome your enemies , removes
family troubles , restores lost nirectloiis. makes
marrlagH with the onn you lovu no failure
rvmoves ovll influences , bad habltb , cures
\\ltchery.lltaand all long-standing ami mys-
torloua diseases ; will give correct Informa
tion on law-Milt , sickness , death , nlvorro. iib-
sent frletuU , everything ; never falling ndvlco
to veiling moil on marriage and how tu choose n
wife for happiness , nud what business boot
adopted for upeoily riches. Stock t > pccuuiloii !
a specialty. Also gives nrdl&pensnbleadvl'-o to
young ladles on love , courtship ami marriage ,
nnd if your lover Is true or fals , und gives pic
ture ot future husband with name , ngn und
date of marilage. Hours , u a m , to Ham. ,
strict. N 11 For tlio beneilt of those who are
unable to call upon Mrs. Dr. ICddy. Hho woulil
respectfully announce that aho gives perfect
satisfaction by letter. Your entire life will bo
written In n clear und plain manner. I.otierrt
with stamps promptly nnnwerod. Send fur
largo Illustrated circular with special tnrms ,
Mr * . Dr. IMdy , ! ! N. loth st. . Ouinha. Neb.
1UOQ.2M :
_ _ _ _ _ |
"I/KJIITI/N K Teller"Mrs. . Teuuuuau can 'be
X1 consulted on all allalrs of life. HatUfat-
tlonguaiantued. No. 310 N If.tli ht. 4 ; > 2'n2ij :
DK , NAIN Ml ! V. H AIIKIJN , clnirvoynnt , inuj.
rcnlnml business medium. Pemaledlioaaea
a specialty. 119 N. 18th st. , rooms 2 and ! ) . ' I ) | > |
DK. II. ( iHOUX.electriclty.maiisagu anifning"
untie truatrniint , chronic dlnrnaca n special
ty , simple mcdlclnea when needed , 322 N 16th.
811 01 IT1 1 A N 1 > AN 1) TV IM-J W IUTTNT.
\\rANTKll KUucatcdyounB ladluj and K U-
T i tlemen to learn shorthand aud typewrit
ing at the Standard Shorthand Uualilosi col-
lege. Now York I.lfo building ; tlneat room.s In
the city ; all lute t Improvements , eluctrln light.
slevator service ; chpapon achool b cuuua it la
the bwi ; Instruction tborough , modern , practi
cal ; demand for stenographer * constantly In-
( reusing ; success positively aure. falror write
for one of our large doacrlptlve catalogue ! .
AddrfU. | Standard Bhorthuna Ilmlnoss Col
lege , Krank U Hell , Manager. W , Y. Uf IHds.
Umaha. Neb. 7& )
illOlCE small loans wanted. I-1 HarrUoni
'uiiN. v. Uf , iiu
TT K , COliK , loan agetu ontlnental block.
LlllKHAL real estate loMis maito by W , 5K
Harris , room 20 FrvA-lbr blk , opp.P. O.
l ! > . " !
_ " . _ .
rnAbTKHN MONKV to fUn on"city property ;
Mi mortg. paper bouglltMi. n. ircy , opp.P. O.
° * * lai
_ _
HATTnii IOIMH at kwjst rntos : removed
C to 017 nndfiia .1. n. Ktnlngcr.
3V )
KlIVSTONi : MortKrtK * ) Co. - Loruis of flu to
Jl.Ot ) ; Colour rntc [ h3foro borrowuie nnil
unvo iiumey : Inna ou ttorai-s. furniture or ntiy
npprovod si'curitr. wUllmit luililiclty : notei
bought , for now loan. renAwitl nf old nnil lowest
rules. Cftlllt )3. ShoclyHlV , 15tluV Howard Ms.
is'1 ' mi
\ \ fANTniFirst elnRAJUislde loani. Lowest
> > rntos. Cnll and sao ut. Mutual Investment
Co. , 1504 Frtriinra.
MONKV to loan on security
for short limn nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
Itoom I 0 , Pnxtou block. ; iv >
T7MHST mortgage lonns at low rntes nnd nodo-
JL1 lay. I ) . V. Sholos Co. , 210 Flr.U National bnnk
MONUV loaned on furniture , homos and
wagons ; jntos reasonable. City Loan Lo. ,
roonulT llarker , . ; ivi
MONKV to loan , by II. F MaslorsTTn nny
amount from tlO to for any time ,
from one to six months.
I make loans on Household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , rnulo' , houses. Tenses , etc. , In
unv nuiount , nt Hie lowest possible rnte ,
without publicity or removal of property.
My limns nreso nrrnmced you cnu inako
npiymcutat nny time nml miuco vour In
terest pro rntn. Yon pay Interest only for the
tlmo you use the money. If you nwe a hr lnuco
on your property 1 will tnke It up nnd cnrry it
for ) ou , ut the lowest rnto consistent with the
risk..Moray always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. I.owe t rates. II , F. Masters.
Itoom t. Withnell Illock ir.iti and Ilnrney sts.
MCINKV to loan on lurnltuiv , oryatu , plauoi
hordes mid Wilsons , lluwkuyu Invnituiout
Lo. , room 'J3 , Druiglus blfe. , intli tmd lodfu ) sta.
Gl'KK CUNT rusmonce loans FI.IIW to } 10luii. )
lliilldlim loans at special rales , The Mead
Investment Co. , Hep building. _ JIM _
MONKV ; , 0) ) or V'J days ou furniture
pianos , horses , house * , etc. J. J , Wilkinson
\vxtonllK. _ ) . _ W3 _
T\/JiJNKY / to loin ; cash on nand ; no delay. J ,
I'-I w. . - > ( julro , 121'j Farnam St. . I'lrst National
bnnn biilldlm ; _ ; K !
T UANS made on anv available security. ( on-
Jtral Investment Co , Uoom "j. Chamber of
Commerce. _ Xtl
LOANS of UO.OOJ to J.15.0JO on choice Insldo
property wanted Immediately to Bll a spe
cial order. Kates very lo . Cash on hand.
Central Loan and Tiust Co. , rxr Karnnm st.
Loans 8'5 ' to 7 percent ; no ad-
-LJdillnnnl charges for cnmmis.sloiis or attor
ney's fees. W. H. ilelkle. First Nat. bank bldg.
MONUV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents. l.r-05 Fnrnnm at. iirtl
loans made on
Cholco city property
At lowest rate- , .
Private funds to
loan on brlf K
residence and
business property *
upouveiy favorable
Klmunll , Champ i Hynu.
_ JSHTi Fariiam St. _ _
AfUNKV to loan on norses. wagon * , mules ,
- . ' 1 Household goods , plnnoj.orgnus , diamonds ,
nt lowest tnte.s. 'ihonrat oruiinlzed loan olllco
In the city. Mnkes lonn < rtrom.0 ! to 1185 days , ,
which can bo paid In iirt or whole nt nuy
time , thus lowering the jpriuclpal nnd Interest.
Call nnd see us when you want money. We cnu
assist you promptly mid 'to your advantage
without removal of property or publlelly.
Manny nl ways on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. F. Heed A-Co."Jl5 S. lath st : over
lllngham & Fens 11 357
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage PP.-
per bought. McCngue Investment Co. ! ! 5I
M'ONiY ' : to loan , I'arrotte. Douglas mock.
fi3l-n" >
& Trust Co. . N. A'.Mfo
-iTLbliig.conipleteubnractfS furnished anil tltloa
to real estate examined , nferfocted acBuarantood
Foil'8ALC-t-My ' ! livery business In this city.
Will sell or rent building. Corroupimdence
solicited. John Dohnny , Council llluirs , Ja.
WANT'au nctlvo naituer In n velLTcstab
llshed cnsU business , rapidly lucronsiug :
small expense1) nnd good profits ; can be en
larged ten-fold ; must have Jl.iiM ) or $ ! , ton. llusl-
lers onlv need apply for thiee days. Address
wjtji name nnd reference. IlHee. . 1J ? j7 !
AKAifi ; clianro 1 hnvo for bain on ensy
terms onnof the Inrgost nud most complete
"milk dairy" with well located und fitted milk
depot Su the city. It comprises about II i head
< if stocK , t milk wngons , ntc. etc" The business
Is of long standing nnd has n Inrgo Hue of cus
tomers , My advanced nge nnd other business
reauirlus nil the tlmo I ciroJpglve to business
ure my reasons for selling. This is n rate
chance to a good mnn. 1 will sell the cow.s
nnd milk depot separately If desired , Inquireof
John Stubi-n nt No. Ctt'i h 13th st. , Omaha , Neb ,
_ 4CS
I7H.H 3ALI- : cheap A good llepublicnn
X' paper , hltuatcd nt county sent. Addreas
" 11 fi" Heo otlico. 470-2SJ
\V AM'Ulf 1'artner lu rcnl estnte and InaiisI
v v ilust bo a 'hustler. Small capital re
quired. Address II I. IlKij. j"- '
TT-OH SALK-IIiitlrooutlltot 18-rooiif hotel In
-U South Omnha , furniture good. JD50. Unsy
terms , best of reasons for soiling. Address A ,
care of postolllco. SouthJMiinha. 407-'i *
VrKWSPAl'F.ltllAltfiAlN-I'orsnle or lease ,
JL > owing to 111 health , South Omaha Times ,
Hlg opportunity. Only exclusive newspaper in
cliy. Call on K. O. Muyllold , South Omaha ,
41.t-2.-ij .
FOR SALH-tlO.O'iO , naif interest in gonornl
incrchaudisa business of 50I.OJ ) per year ,
net profit JIO. ( iO per ye ir. In western country :
owner not well nnd wishing pnttlal rest ; refer
ences must bo furnished with letters of In-
( inlry.Anrtros8 _ A 3M. Heo olllce. ] > < Unl7
STOCK of drugs for sale or trade , ono-tllrd
cast' . Willis , Cndwell , llrokeu How , Nou.
IS'alT' '
'OHVSlciAN wanted Immedlniely to tnke
Jclinrgo of n inrgo cour.irv practice , po com-
] ietitlon ; must be a "regular' of home ex
perience ; can buy or rent my residence nml
drilg store. Address T. U , Craig , M. D. . Knston ,
Kansas , -'ju ; :5J :
I71O11 SALi ; or tr.xdo-l liava 5 sliaTcs jf'dlvT.
J-1 dend paring stock in a good cuttlo company
thnt I will trnile tor renl estate or mortgages ,
llolbrook , IfiUt Fnrnam st. 2117
A bnsliresH ror oTn
Irr I n town on Sioux City \ Pncllle rnllroad In
western lown. Terms cash , or good security ,
Hiuldlngs. Including rnsldenco nnd gruunrlcH
nUo. Will oxchanRK for good farm lands or
city property. Hulldtngs worth about SCI.MU
Coed Hold fordoing n grain , cattle and specu
lative business. Address A IU , Omnun Hoe.
_ _ HID n 13
1710K HUNT Checkered livery bnrn on 18th
X' et 8 of Hnruoy. Cull or address Neb. Mort
gage Loan Co. , filu Pnxton blk. I'M
"IT1OH SALli ( ienernl stock ot goods nnd biisl
-L ness lira veil local oil town eighteen miles
from Omaha , now doing n splendid business ;
good reasons for Belling. Inquire of S. Cotner
ut Nebraska Savings baik | < umaha , Nob.
, , , r.7rt nlj
rPO THADi : I'or ste.ltu Inuniliy or stock of
J ineri-namllse , good 8 robin House at Oakland ,
Neb. Kunulrii or Catrierou & Co. , rooms W)7 )
nnd fiO. ) Pnxton blk , _ 301-21 *
1JUK i\'CIIANii-A : ( ; restaurant Tind Daxt-ry
JL' with nil necessary parnpheunlla , in best lo
cation In city , llurtlott , room 107 , Shoely blk.
\\rANTKD To trade farms and city lots for
TT nierchitnillM * . WilHiny part cuidi. Jeeso
dandy , llrokeu How , N.T' | ! 222-27 ? _
Peime.y.'lrb'oiii 2.1 Douglas block
ve a big list of jiroiiwty ot all kinds which
they can ti ado for Nobnmji farm laudtf. Cor-
uispondeuLO solicited , VKI | > Bl > r \ Penuv.
KXCHANdl-lljkAry and restnurnut.
J- ' linking 1.10J loaves of Jiread a day , Daniels.
Kl * . N Y. I.ifo. t _ 403.2118
171011 KXCIIANdfi-Nlcic reaidenco property
.L1 tooxchaiigo for horsoa or other ohutclcb.
, b.l , N. Y Life. _ 463-268
COIINKItdii Iliirnoy Ht , for cash nnd other
property Pnrma to- Omaha property. Full
lot on lOtli st. , nnr Farnam , for other property ,
Clear Inia lu Plorro. P.levutor nnd residence fn
good lo\\n tuwn for Omaha property. 2J ft on
Purnam st. with 3-story brick and basement for
other property and some cash. Property of all
kinds to trade. Urovor Stoveiw , 1310 rarnam st.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 427-25 " _
CI.KAN atock dry goods , clothing , noots.
shoes ; wunt good real estate nnd tome
money. Addrtas Uox 70 , 1'rankfort , Ind.
. _ , _ OH ; in *
AW 11. 1. give nice lot In Northfleld and some
T > cash ror lot closer la. H K. Cole , Uoom
? 'l ° IlU5lltriIl2 ? ! _ j')2-25 )
EF you have anything to exchanga cull on or
addrea * U.K. Cole. [ to. Continental block ,
Olllco open evenings 7 to fl'J ) . UIIT
ipoit iXCIIAKUK : Choice Improved Nebraa
JU' ka farms , Will nswuma lluht encumbrance
If you have anythl'ig to olfer address or call on
( leo , J . StenudorlT. loom U17-31S First National
bauic buildlns. Telephone L aa
WHAT have you to exchange for a lot Ir
Sunlit omnna worth fl.ttM. clear ot in
eunibrnni'e. ' Address XBJ , Hoe olllco. M2
FOtl l.VUIAMU-2 ; ; lota In South Omnhn
or 1 lot near Ylnton st , for horses or mules
Uoom 13 , Hoard Trade. PVi
lam SAI.I ; iiiiAii KST-ATH.
1710ft 8A I.i--Twi : > good lotsWindsor tilnro , or
JL' will exchange. Address A 72 , Hoe. 4iti 2d
oTt SALi : Iluslness property. 4Vxll : ! . ad
.lolulnn tlui Natatorlum on Howard street
JST.'MI , bys. H. IIUITctt , 01 * S. 3l ! < t at. 451
\\rANTiD : ( loDdiuM'la residence propcrtj
T T for clear lots in llrlggs idnco nmt soim
mcmcy. Nothing bntdeslrnblo Improved property
orty will bo considered. C , 1' . Harrison , Ull N.
Y. IJti' . 4'JI 27
Foil SAI.K--Two well built houses , all mod
ern conveniences On paved streets. Water
sewer , gas , street cars. Walking distance n
postoincc. Will bo sold chunp mid on o.isv
terms ns owner Is leaving the city. Nnthni
Shelton , IOU rnrnnnr t. 3tl7
r 11111N K o f It 1-01 feet front bj12i ft. to nllej
JLnenr All Snlnts' church , Hownrd nml 2 ti
st . for f55'i. ' Only * l,2 > o cnsh , bal. to suit
This Is the bostbnrgnln in the city today. 1- '
1C. Darling. 4'1 llarker blk. telephone 7JJ. : mi-2i
\yiotter ; n piece of elegant property , silltn
TT bio lor platting , ntti very low price ; cltj
lots n short dlatnnco from It selling for $1.00
each. Price per ucre , tl.Mki.
A full lot , corner of 121 h and Chicago. $ 'i'OJo
A full lot. corner 13th nnd Chicago ," .
Colseth. Johnson & Lovgreu , room ! > . Cham
ber of Commerce. tiuu-'O
k)3xir > on Capitol nve. , west ot nigh scnool
) ouly > J,0 0.
A nice place tor ix homo on 'Jlth st. , north ol
St , Mnvy'.s nvo. , 40 ft front , l'-room ' house In excellent
cellent shnpp , modern Improvements. is.OJO.
Itoom y. Chamber of Common o , , ! M-2n
l/lOll SA T7r.-I.ot 40.\I5l. on"Cumlng st. near
JL ii.ld. Lousy ot K-rooms , with nil modern 1m
provementa. except furnace , small burn. Prop
erty faces north ou mid He-nils
park. Surroundings good and Improving ; yard
nicely sodded. Location healthful ami Bighily
'Ihe Improvement of llcruls Park will IKK
greatly to the value of tills property. Klectrlc
motor passes the dnor. Price KUOI5fli ) ) t <
JI.OOO cash , bnlnnoo to suit good party. C. 1'
Hnrrl on , Ull X. Y. I.lfo. 4UI 27
A10-HOOM housoaudlot. 4T ft front , Hoggs
A ; Hill's add. } ) .OJJ. Itoom t > , Clmmbor of
Conimdrce. UOO-20
V IACANT l.OTd Wo want you to list your
vacant lots with us. Wo
can sell them. II. I ! . Cole ,
Itoom fl. Continental block
nud-iOl North Slttiats.
AIIAHOA1N Onoof the very choicest pieces
of Fnrnam street property , within live
blocks of court hotiso. I'lOxl'on easy terms.
Kobert I. . Garllchs , 1014 Knrnam nt ilol
SAI.K 8.00J acres best farmlnit Inndsn
NebrHskrviiudWixiy foot on South llltli St.
ut n ( treat sacrifice , luiiulre OU South nth st.
dec. II. 1'eter.soii. ' lrt. 17
5IUIOM cottage for sale or rent ; L'C23 Chicago
street. Inrjulro "O.'l ChteaKO at. 18. >
l rAUOIl & , S.Omaha.
V > 131
SIXTY-I'IYB acres s. w. of p. o. , suitable for
platting or pirrtonlnu. for bale at u baricalu.
11C. . Durum ; . 4.1 llarker block. n
LIST your property with H. K. Cole
"I7IOH SALi : iJOxUli. Ilodgnst. , opposite High
JL' M'hool , choicest reaidenco pioperty in city
Hobert l > . Cinrllc.'is. 1UI4 Farnam at. ! l.i4
ri WO cholcu lots on amnll cash payment , lul-
JL nnco second mortgage to responsible pnrtlos
who will build. II. K. COLE , Continental blk ,
ami2.'ioi _ Nj uuii. ran _
. . . room cottages , 11,000 each , $100 ca
down , balance Stiver mouth. Thos. F. Hall ,
ILLPjmon block. 370
AIIAHOA'I\-Dodgo AT 2'lth sts. . 100x148 feet ,
with ii new U-roorn houses \ ii-roorn cottngc ,
cheap for customer with money.on line of cable ,
rental illO per rnonlh. Address 203 N. V. Life.
24J n 1SS
THOU SALF. or Trade A good family horse ,
JL1 excellent goer , blnck , s years old. weight
1,100. Knmilro Sheeley block. It. "Id. from 1 to
tp. m. ; U7 2ilJ
1,510 buys iu\I27' ' with good 5-room house ;
Swell , cistern , . Will sell 40xl'-7' ; for i . Ap-
y ou the premises. 3110 Decaturst. 2.'i3-qUJ |
Full SALi : Very clioap. no trader , farm of
. " 4H.71) ) acres , sec. 0 , 12. N 0 W. Hamilton coun
ty. Nob.2miles from Mnrquotto. smnll house ,
slnblo. OT neres of pasture fenced , living water ,
price only $10 per ncre. J. > ,437.U ( ) , Terms fc',20. )
caah. balance B percent Interest. K 1C. AUlus ,
owner , railroad building , Denver Col. 3iS (
140x1,1(1. ( Including n corner south front , in
-L Orchard-Hill. Ji.300.
Hou ii4 rooms nntl hnlf lot , south of railroad ,
near2Uth st.SI'A)0.
ItoonU' ' . Chamber of Commerce ,
$ -,7fiO buys elegant fi-roomeil cottngn iu con
venient location. Terms f-WO cash balance
$ > per month.
$ ! .OjO biiyn li-roomed rottago In same location ,
IfiOO cash bnUiuo J-.i per mouth.
ji.SV : ) buys T-rdomod cottage , J7M cash nnd
balance } 2A per month. Coino and see Stringer
Ar I'ehny , Koom 3J Douglas block about thebo
bargalna. _ ail-ai
OOTPAfl ii homos in most any addition for
saionl from gl.iittJ up. on easy montnly pay
ments. I'K. ' . Darling , 4 i llarKwr blocs. fl > U
FOlt SAtT : rroom house , full lot. Mth nnd
Charles sts , T3.UOiVKrn ) h : n-room house ,
full lot. ( taker Place , Walnut Hill. Jl.lWl. $150
cash. liKiitire 6f K. I ) , Merrill , 4Cth and Sow-
arilstH. Walnut Illll. _ IH'J-ii '
" 17lASS'TKItM3Houses at.d lots In nil parts
JUJof the city on easy terms , or will build you n
house to suit. CJrovcr Stevens. 1613 I'arnnm ,
EOH SA1.1' , Oroxclmngt ) for drugs and real
ostnto , fcJJ.OUO book atocK. Uos ultt. Tf !
O'tl SAM-f.ilxiii : : on.loncs st. WOO par foot
_ AddiossX3.Mlae. _ _ BIS a2J _
to Investors Wo will receive bids
for the purchase of our business property ,
JII03 rnrnam street , known as the east 'Ji feet
of lot 7 , block 12 > , up to April the llrst , next :
owners reserving thu right to reject ny or all
bids. Lehmanu \ Hansen , caru of John H. r.
J.ehmann. tr.4South _ 17th Ktreet. _ 5411
OJ 40,000 wixwi , n o lor 10th and Douglas. $ I.OJi (
T > .iaud 0-room houao , lot OTxSI. a o cor llth and
Vlnton. Mrs. KulilniAn. _ 270-n "
T OORntthis list ot business property :
JU t-M.500 for lot 5 block IHil u. e. cor. and
i.'i.OOO for north 41 ft. lot n block liV ) . city ; this
Is n suitable piece for wan-house or hoti-1.
'j ' ; > , oa > for lots ft nnd t ! block 1 14 , IffixiK ft , n.
e. cor.'Oth mul Karnam ; Hiiltod for hotel
$ I2. ( K ) for D0xir. : , u. w.cor. aith and I'nrnatn ;
siillM\ \ for . loros and Hats.
US.UM for o. 41 ft. lot il block 107. opposite now
postolllco ; reniH now produce SI.MO n yen ; .
Can nnd aeo Stringer & I'miiiy ,
Itoom 2) ) , Douglas Illock ,
iill ai
82 < i ( icorgla , u rooma. every modern conveu
lence , elegant nml cheap , must bo hold by
April 1st , bnst bargain In Omnha.
S 4.2JO 7 rooms , all couvouloncos , locntlon Iluo
big bargniu.
10,503 10-roorn pressed brlck.all convanlences ,
barn , gas llxtures. hnrdwooii llnlsh , K.
front , flixl" ! feet , Hniiscorn Plnco
2,700 S rooms , all eonvnuleuces , Orchard Illll ,
7,500 12 room" , barn , nil conveniences , three
mantels , gas fixtures , giouud comer ,
20,000 288x173 trackage for clear farm.
llnva ion iiny bnrgnlns ? If so , we
wnnt n list of them. Wo have farmi
nnd vacant lots clcnr for houses nnd
lots. See ns before you buy.
D. V. Sholos Co. , 213 1'lrst Nntloual llnuk.
_ b'.K )
AJ'INIMltUohotuo , 'Mil st. near Woohvorth ,
full lot , east front. T rooms anil bath , very
Httlo cash required , F , K. Jurllng , 4i : HnrKcr
blocic. _ _ 7H
( JAIiT IMKB C1TV I'arttes dnsirtug to in-
Orescln this cliy v > 111 do wi < ll to L-oiiHiilt tha
Dieter , .lohuHonlnvH-'tmeiit Co , , 1' o , HoxiiTl ,
and I'm South .Mnln Bt. . Salt I.ako City. Wo hnn-
dlo choice properly only nnd give the lie st of
reference } * . BIT A B
"Or.AUTU-'UIi icaldence lot ' 0x103 oirFopiilo !
J'tonave near " -ith with burn , within the
mlle limit , only 82,600. C. A. Starr , ISO rurnatn.
_ 3U1 ill ) _
A MALL pnyment cloun nndtiri per month
will buy a l-room IKIII.SD nnd lot on 10th , two
bloclcs from mtt ) r : llrt > t-clnns chnnceto nciirlra |
n home on i-nny torrns. Apply to 11 , i ; . ( 'ole ,
Continental blonk. im
Foil SAhK A lint of 12 rooms well fur-
nLsned. Illlnil with goad paying loomurs ,
CCT.1.N , 1C til over Jlooity'.s chlnu store.
HIlAli KSTATIJ-If you want tn soil or rent
list It with T. C. Ilriinner , who 1ms a Inrgu
Hat of ouHtomxra , , Itoom I , Ware block , B , K.
Cor. 15th and t'arnam , 4.VI ai
LINCOLN f'Uco an 1 C.irthnso tots price , ( V ) down , ImUnus tl' > monthly.
W. l..a my. It. U , llJiri f > 'A U _ 5M
Foil SAI.U-Ono plBConf Improved biislnoii
propprty that will pay K portent. Howard
f , . \ T. qo , um and Howard fcts. _ _ *
THOU 8AI.i--,400. ; one-third cali. will liuy
- * - nice fi-room cottngo on luth bt. , iu I.uko'H
ndd. ; no trade. Address , Owner , Itoom 1. U2T
O st. , Lincoln , Neb , _ air
17UOH OWN. V. UKK-Tuesday'sOrlst ! Two
J \godd hits In ] > t addition to Kolilh Utnuhu ,
on QHt , . 4 blocks from railroad. Haltonsh. A
number ondbarguln , Whntdoyou think of a
homo , 4 ruomn. lurso stable , eil and n good
lot Wri ! l , for Wow cash , b minutes walk from
railroad nt Houth Omnhn. S caHh Value
M.'JO ) . A l ° t. Central I'arlc , good locntion i big
bargain , aud _ oed trade Lot 2 , block If.
llH your clmncofora beautiful rosl <
cp lot 60 teat soilth front nosrMtli iind
llRrncy , WOXI ; ' cash , for n few days only , a
gcmiluo bnrg.iln.K. .
K. K , Dorllng ,
< : > Darker Illock ,
Telcphonn r.0. !
! H1 27
I .Ml'HOVIIO fnrm innds for i Ui or trndo , lo-
.1 cntcd In Hughes , llydu and Hand coun <
tics. South Dnkoto. blgnnl 1'itblljhlng Co. ,
Kast I'Icrte. S. I ) . 47 , 31
llOAIll ) OK JijgrAM/A I ION.
Noilcn orAlaotlhtf ol'dic City Cnuitcll
as a Hoard ol KiiiinlUntion ,
rilO HIP owners of nil lots nnd htuls In thu city
JL of Omnhn which ilni bolii'lltod or that may
bo found to bo bcitvtltcd by the construction ( il
the Tenth street viaduct , and to nil Persona
linking nnv Interest In snld lots nnd inmLs :
You , nud each of you , nro hereby nutlllnd that
the City Council ( if the City of iimuhn will sit as
n Hoard of Kqtlutlriitloti nt thn olllco of tlio City
Clurk , In Doiifilns County Court House , on .Mon-
dny , tlu-illst duy of Mnrch , LS.IO , from U o'clock
n. m to 5 o'cini-k p. m. , for iho purpose otus-
( tpMnimc and li-vj lug the nmiiuutof dnmngustn
the owners of lot" , lands nnd real eitnto cnuu'd
by the I'ri'otloii nnd mnlntctmiu-u of snld Mil-
duct dotcrmliicd by the npprnlsors hurcto >
fore nppolutod to npprniso salil d.imngos nna
npprovrtd by the City Council , upon the lots ,
hinds nnd real cgtntu bclicllttcd by the con-
Mructlon nnd mntutenntico of said vluduct , nnd
oft'iiunll/.lng thu proposud levy of snld npui lal
tnxo.s nnd ivssivsmonLs nnd correcting nuy
errors therchi , nnil of hearing all compinlnts
that the owners of property to tin taxed and
nssosscd. or persons hnvlugniiy luturcst thorclii
ninv iirnko. uld special tnxesund nssossmonts
being levied ncroruitu to l.nv to cronto a special
fund to bo used for the ii.iymnnt of dnimige.s t.i
private prou-rty | eau eii l > v the ennRtruction < if
n vtnduct ou Tenth street between Mason direct
nnd Jackson ctroi'tasreiiiilroil by a certain or-
diimnr-pof Mild i-ltv ot nmnhn. entitled "An
Oidlunnccrcaultlngtho I'nlou 1'ni-lnc Hnllwny
Company nnd the Chicago , IlurllugtoruV Onlucy
Knllrond Ctimpany to erect , construct nml com
plete n certnm vlnduct nnd nppro.u-hcs In nnd
upon Tenth strcot. lu tlio city ot Omnhn , detor-
mlUK the proportion of tDo cost thereof to bo
berne by o.U'h of the snld companies , and ap
proving the prni-i > oiilugs of the comiuKsl morn
heretofore appointed to assess the damaged
thorefor. "
You , amlench ot you. nro hereby notified to
appear before nld City Council , Blttlug ns n
llonrd of Kiiunli/.ntloii , nt the tlmo nnd plnco
above specified , to make any complaint , stnto-
merit or objection you may desire concerning
snld levy nud assessment of such special tn\.e- ,
m'"dit ; JOHN ( inovr.s. City Clerk.
Omnhn , Nob. , Mnrch I , Mini. Denied propo-
-nls , lu trlplli'ate. sublo-t to the usunl condi
tions , lll bo received liuto until nvo o clock p.
m. , centrnl tliuti. Apill 1st , 18 u. nnd then open
ed for furnishing transportation , drnynge
nnd for hnmUlug stores In thlti Department
during the llscnl yenrcommonclug.ltily 1st , irtu
Onvernmcut re.scrve right to reject ntiy or nil
bliK AH lutormntion furnished onnppllrntion
to thlsolll"e. IJnvjlopos coutnlnlng proposals
should liu mnrked " 1'ioposnls for tinusportu-
tlim on Houto No , nml addressed to the
undersigned , WJI. 11. Ht'OIIKS , I.loiiteunnt
Colonel nnd Deputy Qiinrtoruuistor ( ioneral ,
U. ti. A. , Chief Quaiterma.ster.
Matter of Application of Archibald Oordon.
for liquor license.
Notlcolsherobygiven that Archloald Rordon ,
did upon the 17th dny ot Mnrch , A. D. IMM ,
tile his application to the Hoard of J'lro nnd Tollcti
Commissioners of Omnhn , for License to hell
Mult Sulrltuoiis aud Vinous lliiior.s nt
No. ludl Webster strciits , Tilth wiird , Omnhn ,
Nebraska , from the 1st dny of January , 1BW ,
to the 1st dny of Jnnunry , IbJl.
If there bo n i objection , remonstrance or pro
test tiled within two weeks Iroui Mnrch 17th
A. I ) . IS-'JJ ' , thoBnld licen.-'e will us granted.
17-21 AlU'llinAi.n OoiUHiN , Applicant.
Mntt Ion of. I. . T. Snvlllo for trans for
Notice is nerob v glen t lint .1. .1. Havillu , did
upon tlie 17th dny of Mnrch , A , I ) . IMM. Illo
his niiullcntlon to the Hoard of I'lio nnd I'ollcu
Coinmiasloner.s of Omnhn , for permission to
transfer his druggist permit nom 1101 North
tilth stieot , to No. HOi North 21th street , In tlio
biimo Ward.
r If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro
test tiled wltnln two weeks from Jlnu-h 17th ,
A. D. 1MW , the bald license will ho grunted.
18-25 J. J. SAVIM.K , Applicant.
To whom It mav concern :
On and aftur this date. Mnrch 24th , any au
thority thnt K , L. Aymoml mny have hnd to net
asmy uircnt , ccuses , nor will the undersigned
bo responsible for nny of his accounts.
C. A. HiniiiAffl ) . ailN. . ! K > th Ave.
Omaha , Neb. , Jliirch KOth , IS'JJ. tu2.ditp ;
This Is to certify that the Nobrnskn Centrnl
ttnllwny company desires uii Increase of Its an-
thrl/.ed cnpltul .stock from one million dollar *
to four millions live hundred thousand dollnrn.
and thnt such lucrense nml the making nnd
publishing of this certlttVnte. nud the filing
thereof with thu secretary of stito of the suto
ot NebrnsUn , hns Deon duly nuthortzod by tno
holders of the majority of thj c.ipitnl Htock of
the Nonroska Central Hallway company.
In witness whereof , wo have hereunto signed
our nnmes nt Oninh i. la the counts' of Douglas
and state of Nebraska , on thn 10th day of An-
Kiisr lSK1) ) . JOHN A. M'SIIANi : .
OEOHGKC HAllNtTM. Tresldent.
( Corporate I
I Seal. f Directors :
Stnto of Nebraskn , Douolns county , us :
Iloforo me , u notnrv public In nml for snld
Douglas county , parsonnlly cnmo the ubovo
nnmod John A. 2Uc hane. ( ioorga O llarnum ,
lohn H. Diimont , Wjlllnm I. . Ad'.vuis and Hen-
Jnmln.I , Morris , known to mo to be the Ident
ical porsons-who nlgm-d tno foregoing Instru
ment. ami severally acknowledged the snld In
strument to be their voluntary act nnd daou.
for the uses nnd purposes therein not forth.
Jn witness wlieroof , I hnve. hereunto signed
ny nnme nnd nlllxod my nlllclnl soul , nt Omnhn ,
Douglas county , Nobrnskn this 1'Jth dny of Au-
gusr , 18W. W. C. 1VR.H.
j Nolnrlnl I NotniT Public
I Seal , f 1'chSdOJ t.tnor
Short J < ino V LIluli .Nortliorn
Hallway Company.
Notice Is hereby glvou that , pursuant to the
irtlcle.sof consolidation nnd agreement , dated
July 27thM' \ ' > , thonimunl mei'ttim ot thootock-
lolder.s of the Oregon Snort Line und I'lnh
Northern Itnllway Company for the election of
directors nnd such olher business ns mny legally
come befoi'M the meeting , will bo hold nt tlu >
olllce of the company , No. 7t ! Mnlu street. Knit
, nko City , I'luh , on WedniMduy , the lUth dny oC
Jlnrch , ItlK ) , at 10 o'clock n. m.
AI.K.N. Mir.r.Aii , Secretary.
Hoston , I'obrunry Gth , 1SW. ti7(129l
Importers ami Wholesale Dcaleis In
Watches , .lem'lry , CnUcry
> otlins ( , Novelties , Albums ,
Coat-Collar Siirliitfs ,
Fancy ( iouds , ivc.
Liri'5t ii5Siilinc'iil fur
llle vnrlcly of He , I0o nml ! 3e counter
gooila , dmIUI'KII anil tnllv
iitaloLpiiu : iniilli-'l froi1 to iltaleronly .
Kr.ujjy , , , , , , , .
ST {
! ! l4OMAHA.-r- { ;
aa &M- " * i I t * * - * r
rN3l'Ill7MKNl'd pU3J3 oa rajjra aurmi ;
JL vosterdav.
N O Drown nnd wife to Olaf Ill-own , lots
2 nnd II , blk 5. Paddock Plni-s , w d t 0OM
: K Bpuldlug and wife to C' L Hnrl , und
l-IUof Crelghtnn llfilgnta. wd . J.OOO
0 It Taiuir and wife to ,1 K llnkci , lot 12 ,
Tuttlo'd sub , w u . 0003
\ nbuRh college of Indinnn tu Adnm Oil-
duurMer , a ' w nnd s\v so 11-16-lu , wd. 4liO
V A 1 , dlbbon et nl to HIIIIH Pelersc-n , lot
12 Hurdotto Court , i ( c d . l
J A Ilucuner nnd wife lo Thomas Duck-
tier , lot i ) . blK l , PnttoMon'n 1st add to
Houtli OiuHlui , nnd pt lot 10 , Mlllurd A ;
CnldweU'a ndd , qc d . > . , . l
J W 13 Dorsoy ana wifii to Fred lloldt ,
lot 21 , blk I , Mnyno Place , wd . . 400
Vllllum Piilte to 'I I l' Jennbon , ) ut7 , blk
\Vnshlngton Illll. wd . . . . . 010
) H Kbert to ( i W Ford , lot 7 , blk 1C , Cen
tral I'arK , w d .
C B I'ariotte and wife to Ilougins cauiity
bank , irjxIOO ( t ni tax lot 12 in lL-16-ia ,
w d . l
ulla ( iates nnd husband to M A dan-
don , no ti lot 4ft , blk B , Hunscom Pincc ,
wo. . s.35J
oulli Onmlm land company to J j Krccn ,
lot I , blk Ol , youtn Ouiulm. wd . 30' ' )
A PTukey and wife toll II Holfman , lot
SO. blKlJ. Clifton Illll , wil . I. . . . 1,800
1 K llarko.nnd wife to Frank llrown. lot
10 , blk H , Orchard Hill , w 'd ' . ( Wo
) inuha real L-stala aud trual coinpuny lo
Alvm tSuunuers , lots 22 tu 20. blk n.
Maunders V Hlmubaugh's Highland
K , wd . ; . fOl
Kovor noeloet a constipated condition
of the buwpla ov auriovia rc.ultH surely
follow , sucJt ( is piles , impure blood uiul
timiiy olrronlc ! coinpliiinta. DurducU
Blood Blttora la the remedy.
'l.e vo < ( . 'ItlcAilD. lllsliLINltTO.V A Q Arrives
_ Oiimhn jD < 'l" > t loth mul Mmon streets.
) MS p m ! .Chlcitfro X'eMIMile KxpreM I v.ii .1 m
94.1i * ml. . . . . i'hlfitgo HxpreM il .11 i > m
MS p m . . . . CtilritKii Ktprem ss ) n in
JL'JU"I'i1" ' ' " local Miepl Similar II W n m
l nvr-i m'llM.VITO.V ( \ MO , UIVKIt Arrive *
JJnmlm.J Doimi mill nml.MMon nireel * Onmlm
loftllf m .Denver VeMllitilii ) : pro , ' ( ) p 10
8M n nil .llnillnm * l'imoinll.l locnl p in
JIM p m1 Denter Ktpre . t .i XI a in
. . . . - < r .1 , tc"li" Arrivtu
_ _ D < > pnt lOlltnitcl Mavin Mreot Oiiinlui
IVil n m . .Knn M ClfF'Div K\pre " " rt.l.l p til
JUS p m K.T _ Nlulit K\p rial. P 1'rnin n \ \ H in
T.ea\e7 \ ftNION Ku'iTlC i Arrives'
Umnlm | Hcpot mill nml Mnrcr MrcDli I Omilii _
3.IS p m | Ojerlarnl Klvnr" . " . . . . 1 f p iti
7..VI p in I'aclMeKxpreM " l.i a in
0 HI n tni . . . . Denver Kiirn-i | > . . . I I f ) ni
IM ( > in ( Irniul Islniul Ktp loicept Sun > . ( ' ' . ! ' < | > in
_ 5.2A a tnI . . . KanM ( 'itjrltpreM _ l'ixii in
"l-enve-i | CllirA < ! 0. lf l .Ol'AnMC , Arrlvoi
Omnlin. | u.P. _ ili-pul toih nml Mnror nl' Oui'ilm
4 1.1 p nil. . . . . . Mislit Kxpre . .Tt . lOIII n in
H.15 n m Allnnlliitprc : * fcaniim
IU5 p mi Veitlliuln l.litille < l . . I 2i p in
"lA-meT 'CHITAl ' ! ! ) Jk NOlVl'HWlSM ri'.UN. , Arrive *
Omilin. iU P. ilepnl , intli nnil JUrcjr fin. ' Omnli.i
U.I5 n m ! ChlenKO Kxlireis 6.M V m
I..10 p nil Venlllinle Lliiillisl V.Un in
II.IS p m'U.v. ' ev. Sun Mull lAr ex .Mon ) 7 HI a m
IWO pjir . . _ 1LL _ Knttern Klter a4" > pin
l/enves , rni'AtiO. .Mil' , , A SI' PAt'L.rrln' , <
Umnlin.JU. I' , ilepnl , lUlli nml .Miin-r SK
i IA a m rrtilcnK' Mnfl te\i-epl SmulnvT , > ( A p in
( H p m . . . .Oilniitn Kiire | . ' . > n n in
VM p ml ( 'Mono Hxpreit" Ji ) p in
"l.eiTes 1 OMAHA A HI' UU'IS Arrlvm
Oiu.tli.i. 'It. ''pot , lOlli nml Mnrer f-n OumlKi
4 15 p in . .Ut Louli Cniiiiini Hull ) p m
" " "
"leaves I HIOl'V CITV I'ACU'IC ArrHiM
Omnhn. lit P ileixit. lOlli nintMnrer _ yi < Omili.i
" "
7.15 n ml . . . . Slonx Cllr "pnsreiiKdr . . ino.i p in
ii.l. > p ID' ' . . . "I Pniil Itire ! | Id ir. , i m
) .enves I " Hiorx CI'TY.V I'Arrit'- . I Arilvei
Umnlm I Ik-pot Ulli mul Wclnli'r Hn. ! ( iiiuilia
* " "
Tl45irm _ _ . . . [ 'mil UintUM ,1 m
' " " "
1.1-nvo * I r.iM ( ) . VA1.I.ISV" \i lives
( iiimlin ' Depot IMIi nml Weli < ler i H ilinnlin
T > UO n in1 lllnrk lllll < i r.xpie-M I r > .M p in
HIM nni' ' . Hustings I'tp iKv. Siui.tiy . : > ! Mil p in
fi.10 p nil..Wnlini ) A l.lnc'jln Pn enxer III VII , i in
' ' IP-JIIL1 V"rlt ' Norfolk i I5v niiilhiv i 111 tl , i in
Lctucs - I r. . ST P. M Vo. Mrlvct
Omiilm Tlepot l."xli nml Wetwier SM Om.llri
"H ( M n m "iliiiliin i ' .i is p iu
1 U ) p m Slum Cltr liipresi i It Hun I I I TU p 111
C 41 p in M I'nil I l.ltiilleil I II'VI n
Horence Pnisonner iKt Sum S.4.i n in
6 IA n _ rlnrcni-n _ I'tiwenuer ( Kx , Sum 1 liMI p III
"LiiivT-a 1 MtMsouUr I'Acn-'ic
Oniulia ' 1) < pot IMIi und Weliiler SIR Omnltn
lo. . ) n mT. . . ytnTouiiTSir c i 4 Xi p in
J.L"i ) ji in I A 1C 1 I ! . > ii in
These Ira I in nbn lop nl 13lti , 17lh , .Mill nilI Jlth
ilreet' , BiimiuK nml SnvliUo Cusslnif Working-
men's trains ito nut run Huuiliiy
jtisaouui PACIFIC strnuuitAv TRAINS
i / > jjt
n.iula.iiilii tu pill'II. ' ni p. i n.iti '
\Veb3tcrSt . . . i.JU it WI7 iV ) i 4.1 , ' > .lftiii l h fa IV'J'n
Oiik Clinlliniii. fi..Vt'li.ftS 7 57 . ) IX S ! SI II S 45 \ > 'n
lirnlil Illll . . . ti ( I7.X | ( ) I M I.M H 4i U fil >
Inko HI reel . a in 7 01 M 111 ,1 Ni H nn , ' r > s
Wnlmit Illll . . ( i.OtiT.ITi | ( H.OI , , i n : ; nii. ; B.flj ! i iij
) > uiutc-o i'luco. U.Od , .IW H Ul ,4 , 01)5 ' u ; H.fil , i 01
\Veit Slile 0.10 7.10 M)7 ) ( l IB,5 ; d 0 S fill I 1 Ik !
J.awn Isu-.i 'i ' or. H.M. 1 IN
Miiarot . K II LIU . , P.OI I II
huymiiur I'm It . H III 4 11 | . . U.0.'il 1 17
I0 I . , 9 l.ri | 1 II )
i ,1'l '
' . ' IU
2 01
ij'll )
3 JO
m oouv
Ijondod < 'nrtrllio" ) MIxiMl with
lllniilvrt Cnuso Cnrtiix n onv Stniic.
HOIAOKI' , Mass. , March " 5. [ Sperml
Telegram to TUB Hi.u. ] The muni-
bors of Company 1) , of tno Scconit
MasBiichusQtttt voluntcor riiilitin , pro
duced ther-plny , "Tho Druminor 15ny of
Shiloli1 and during thu buUlu scouo Kniulc
Snyilcr of the unionists was woundo I in iho
liend by the rillo of onu of thn confcilcratos ,
Ho iunv lies at his homo in n ilmigoi-rms con
dition. 'J ho wonder is thiU the niiinnliultlu
iliil not bccoinu u Rccnu of cinuigr. ; ; IH it wan
found tliut one out of every ttiroo curtrldgos
was loailod with a hall. ' 1 ho cartridge *
worn of twenty two gruins ami hud been
used for target ahooting m the armory nml
Iind in fioini ) way got mixcil In u box of
blanks. The only th'ng ' Unit saved thu
othori from Snydor's fnto vvn mi order to
shoot over the heads which wns given just
bolero Iho t'lini'se. The ball that woundo 1
Binder cut through the visor of the cnp of n
mun who stoort next to him. The walU
wcro riddled with bulls , anil a piece of wood
thrflo inchus squuro was cut oft tlio wall.
Ilmi'K CIIKO I'oHtiiDni'd Until tlio
CltUIIICIIl Klllllllll'H.
I'liii.iiici.riiiA , March 2"i. fapeeiul Tel
cgrarn to TUB liiu. : | Thu trial of llonry
\V. Kini , ' , profoet of the I'oiiiisylvunia insti
tution for tlio blind , on chargus of Iniainous
nnd limn oral conduct at thu institution , hail
been set down for today in the court of com
mon picas , but on motion of the nrcused
mini's counsel the triul WUH postponed until
public excitement over the ufl.ur subsides.
Counsel c'lnimcd that all thu charges hail
boon printed in the import * and hla client hud
been held up to publicInfamy. . Thu oxcutc-
merit , ho sard , was too great nt prosi-nt to
permit Mr. King having n fair trial , bi-i-nusu
the jury must ho iiffuetcu hy the talk and
publications , lu some dugrco at loaat. JUdgu
Arnold granted the motion for potl > ouu
mont , hm honor admitting Unit hu himself
WUH In no such calm nml Judicial condition of
iiiiiut IIB would guarantee iho uccusud mun it
fair and Impartial trial.
VtilticH of lnnl DnpipNuud nntl f\ <
I'roHpuots nl' linprovuiiiunt.
ALIHNV.N.Y , March 2.V The annual
report of thu hoard of stnto ussooaora con
tains this Htatcmont : "Thero continues to
ban niurki'd doproclatlon In the value of
farm lands in every county nnd the depres
sion among thu fannojra continues , while tlio
prospect for Improvement U not good. Many
assert that niter paying thulr expenses they
cannot realist ) from their farms HUftloinnt to
pay Interest on mortgages and consequently
thousands of farms nro fulling Into the bunds
of iho mortgagees , "
Van Houtcn'a Cucaa "Uuuo triuJ , uttray
uud. '