Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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: .i No ntlvortleomontB _ will bo tnkon for
. these columns after I2:3O p. m.
TormB- Cash In nclvnnco.
.TAdvertinments nmlcr ihli"n d in cent * per
"DC for the llrt Iniiertlon , 7 cent * for aeh nub-
Client insertion , and II.UI p rlino pur month.
Tt'osdvi'rllstimenu taken Cor lest tlmn 25 cent *
for first Insertion. Seven ords wilt bo counted
Clothe line , th r must run coniecntlvely and
mint On paid in ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must lie handed In before 12:30 o'clock p.
ni. . and under no circumntAnrcH will they bo
tHken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns nnd htr-
Jimth-lr answers adtlrosiied IncaruorTris Ilitr.
will please ask fora check to enable them to net
tliolr letter * , as none will Im delivered except
on premmtnllon nf rheck. All answers to nd-
VetlHmiMitri Miould be enclosed In envelopes.
All Rilvfrtlsmcnts In these columns are pub-
llfthedln both morning nnd cvehlmxeditions of
Tin1 llrr. tlm circulationof which ec rr atps
morn ttirui l,000 papers dnlly. nnd Riven the ad.
vrrtt * irs thn benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of TUB Hr.i , but al o of Council IlliiHs.
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
this fmtlnn of the country.
for these column" ) will be takes
on th above condition * . at the following busi
ness nouses vfho iiro authorised agents for TUB
JlEC special notices , and will quote the same
rates as can ne had at the main office.
Uut Tiru > l"A miANrTl KTICK : forner ;
O of Twcnty-slxtnand N streets , Nebraska
Bavin gajiank building. _ r
TOHN W DELL. I'harmnilst , S3) South Tenth
iJ Street.
OHA E * EDDY. Stationers and Printers 113
four lethSticet.
4 < II. rAHNSWOUTH. Phnrnmcl f. 2115 Cum-
fj Ing Street. .
\\r J. HUGHE ? , Pharmacist. C24 North ICtU
T Street.
KO. W. PAIlIt , I'hnrmaclst 1718 Leaven-
\\orth Street.
rroilES' PHAHM ACY , 2208 1'arnam Street.
\\TA.STii-A : situation in a bank by a
> > > otuiK man having Homo capital and throe
years experience as cashier , address T. J.
Jlrant. Utlca. Nub , XI ) 24 *
\\rANTKD-Sltuatlon as book keeper bya
i young man who recently graduated from
llryant .v Btrattou'B business collctto. Ilniralo ,
N. V. Unexceptional references will bo fur-
nUla'd. Address box ( ! > " , Stromsbure. Nob.
1.4 *
" "jt
\A7 A NTflTD Situation by lady stenographer ;
T an oillco , or-
porleucu In wholesale btisluvss. Hox2.'H. Coun
WANTI'.l ) Younfj man to work In store und
do collecting and assist on boois. ItoL-ner
i works , lilt ) y. ICth. -ll'J "i
IVANTED-A Ilrst claos advertising Sollci-
v > tor by the NatlonalTrado Jouual. 012 lloo
tidg. ) , 417 25
\XTANTKD A respouslblu boy at Samuel
T Mot/ , new Ush iiiarket , 1517J5 Fatnam.
ys wanted to work In shoo factory.
W. Y. ilorsu A , Co. , lltlx and Douglas.1M5
1M5 2 (
" \VANTED-Uood tailor , steuny work. John
T > Wolfskell , David City. Neb. 442-2UJ
TTrANTED Salesmen on salary or commls-
slim to handle the now patent Chemical
Ink Erasing Pencil The greatest selling novelty
ever pioducrd. Eraces Ink thoroughly In two
necouds ; nolnhi-aslan of paper. UOUto WO pur
cvnt profit Ono agcnt'H snlo.s amountnd to 5ii-1l
In six itnys : nuother WJ in two hours. We want
ono tinergetli ! gensrul ncent for each state aud
tcmtoiy. Sample by mall 3oc. For terms and
full particulars imilruss the Monroe Eiaser
g.Co. _ , La Crosse , WIs. 441 2dJ
Ir ANTED A 1.6odTwnKon maker at ouco at
Muldoon'aatiop. 1014 CuinlngHtreet.
i50 ! 25J
" \\r ANTHDIO Swedes logo to Wyoming. Al
t' T brlcht's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam Ht.
, \ \ " ANTED An activomnn on liberal salary
' ' tn permanently represent nn association
cliiorpor tcd to Kiipply , at co-operative prices ,
gpncrul merchandl'o and all kinds ot mtlclos
for home and family u o. In each muall city ,
ton n , village and rural district. H'.IWO mem-
bers. I'ald un ccrtlllcatcs 100,000 in caali.
freilll wi-li rated. Itefcrences exohongcd. Em-
pile Co-Operutlvo aiso'n , l.cck box U 1C , N , Y.
" " '
"TA'SriilfY'R book , written by hlmieir , is entitled -
titled "In Darkest Afrfru. " nnd linn imprint
only ot Chariot * Scribncr'a Sons. New YorK on
tlttlopage. Ilewnro of frauds. Agents wanted
in loun , Nebriisku. Minnesota ntiil Dakota for
gi'iuilno booir. W. D. Coudlt & Co. , Dea Molnea ,
281 S7
IViCTIIItKagcutBand photographers nerved
with t'lugaiit crayons , water colors aim pas-
tola , rinubromlilo prints mndo for artists.
Itedured prices. Mynstor Portrait Studio , 18J3
B. r.'lh st. , Omaha. 2:17 : n 1SJ
DMTKCI'IYES Wo want n man In every Io-
catly ( to act IM private detective under our
InMructlona. Jlxperience not nocossary. 1'ar-
tlcul irs free. Central Dctcctlvo Uureau. 1'ox
1'JTopnkn. . ICon. 2J3 30J
\\rANTED Sali'smeu nt $75 pur month salary
7 > and expenses to Hull a Hue of Mlver-pmiou
'ware , uatohos. etc. , by sumplA only : horxe and
team furnished free ; write at once for full par
tlculard and Hamplo cnse oC goods treo. Stan
dard Sllverwara Co , Iloston , Mass. ff-il
"W ANTED 400 rockmcn , tenmstom andgrad-
Tt urs tor Ptah nnd Novnda ; cheap latus.
Albright's Labor agency 1120 Fiirnam st , Kf >
Mr.N to travel for the Font hill nurseries ot
Canada. Wo pay JTXI to tlOJ per monih and
oxpeusca to agents to sell our Canada grown
BtocK. ' Add. t-.tono Si Wellington , Madlxon , Wls ,
AY 7 ANTED Canvassers at Singer sowing ma-
AYT dilno oillco. ISlSDouglaast. t77 | mlW
\\T ANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery.
Tickets Me , Address A. C. Doss & Co. ,
Denver , Colo. WS-aprUt
" \\7ANTED-\tonre , u good wood carver ,
> good wages , steady wont. Cull on or ml-
drosi. Fremont Jl't'g. Co. , C L. West , M 'g'T.
_ _ _ _
"VI7ANTED 2 tallora on custom work by the
V Y wock. Apply 311 a llth at . 43j-2ut :
- - ' VKlAlM HUfl * .
% \\rANTii : > --A woman to either wet nurse a
M baby or bring up ou ihe bottlo. Call or
l"W Howard c.t , ut once. 411 20J
\ \ , ANTED ( waitresses , $3 ; chamber maid ,
' fi ; see end girl , girl for the country , A1H ;
kitchi'ii girl , JI , no cooking or washing ; uO girls
general wort , girls In the country can get
places at any time , wages fi to S3 \ > ea at
White's olllce 111 * N , 10th at. 450 24J
" 1 VANTBU Flri t class waist and skill llnlsb
i eis. sleevc-malcer. cutter and buster. Mrs.
M. A. Wallace. 418 'M
\\7ANTED-Cllrl forguneralliouso work. 1519
TV. Howard. 4.5 20
\\r.\NTRO-.A nurse girl at 4 > l N 2)d ) at.
JJ iiiust booiur 10 years gf age. 4402'iJ
" \V A NTKD American girl oif woman for Ran'-
TT eral liouaoworic , w.iS2 tli bt. 4W2iJ
G t'ANTKD (5ood girl for general homo
- woik ; good wages , good home. Apply at
j 2t N. 20th t. . . " . ( --J
\VANTED-Oood girl for general housework.
C. D. Hntcblnson , 4213 Nicholas nt. . ono
nud a half blockx from motor. 3M-23
" \\7ANTii-Clrl : ) forgenoral house work In
T T family of live. Apply S. K , cor. Itlth and
' ' 3T5-24J
1TANTED Immediately , a competent 2nd
. * T cjrl. wages SlfiO par woct Apply at M. T.
Patrick a. 24th nnd Luke . 351'Ij
Gl HL wuntrd for eeneral housowork. Apnly
Mr * . O.Park.2STu ) l.eaveuworthat 31 24J
\\rANTED-01rl for gonerul houaawoi-lf , 1120
_ TT _ N. liitlu liO
, \V ANTKD A second clrl by April 1st- Call
TT at ; IW l.afayatte avenue , ( fonnerly Paul
Bt. lt ( terencea reijulrad. Mrs. J. H. Uuniout ,
\\T ANTED-riiiit class girl for cooking most-
T ly ; uo l.-asulu. . or iroulng ; 1707 Cass at
"IV ANTED-dlrl for general lioiiBawort.goad
TT iMigcs aid. S U cor. Sola and Jono Bt * .
V ° " 6 .
Notice-A Cut In Prices
LAIJIIW Mrs. Sco *
villa baa m-overed from liar long illness and
ii prepared to ma o ull Una droasca Intha lai-
est .stjrldi at tlie lowant prices. Fit and ttnlsh
luaranieed Ilrst data. No. VII N. 17th at.
Nl AOKMKNTS to do drewmaklnp In .
* Han elicited. Mist btunly , &X > a. & < n ave.
- . 620 A2
i I is HKNT-lUeBant new brTck ifroom House
on uiolor line , every mwlern convwileui-e ,
.e"1' t n ut only. J I. ,
lnj. W7-MJ
T710U HKNT Newsroom hoilKO. evcrr mod-
JU ern convenience. 22nd and California. t > V )
per month. A. U. Waceloy , N , Y. Life Illdt. .
TTinil HKNT-NIco cottage ot 0 room * , 2313
JU Cuss street. P. O'Malley. _ SX 2flJ
'ijloll ifKNT-l'fats In "UstabrooK block. " rUs-
JL1 teenth and Chicago Btreetx , { 30. HobertB.
403 North Sixteenth. U33-2JJ
"I7IOH UENT-A 7-room hntue. 71(1 ( North Twj-n.
JL' ty-slxth streat , ? J1 per mouth. Imiulro of
W. A. Carney , cut Paxton block. 384-2IJ
8-HOOM house "near 20th and Ohio , all the
moil ern Improvomrnts , ts > per month.
Orover Steven * , 1515 1'arnam , 42(1 (
Nice fi-room cottage with nv
JL1 acres ot land. t' _ miles west of city , only K
per month. II. K. Cole. _ 3tivt !
pEN'-lloom house , tlrnt-clai-n condition. modern
JL convenience * , largo lawn , bnrn , shade trnos ,
2 blocks from Lnko school. Convenient tn cable ,
motor and horse cars. Apuly on premlsi-s S.
1C. Jacknon , N1st and Spruce sts. T15-i\J
"TTIOIt KENT Two 10-room modern liousefi. nil
JL conveniences. Pared streets , cabto cars.
Five minutes walK of postnnire. Heferonces
required. Nathan Shelton , liill Fiiniam ct.IM7
> IM7
K1OH KENT In Lluton block bn the corner of
JJ 15th and Mnsnu SIR. : i llau , 2 on second llocr
nnd 1 on third lloor. In good repair ; rent low.
Also store room. Inquire at the block , room
017. John Hamlln , ngonf. _ IBS
TTHIH KENT ifeautttul rosldenco with barn ,
JD all modern Improyfiments.fulUot.oastfront.
tieorglaave. llichai ( i FattersonU , N. Y.LIfo.
T71OII HKNT Klejrnnt new 8-room houco. alt
JL' modern convculuncm. good locality , 8l"i a
month , lirennmu A : Co. , M.chnlnbor Commerce.
T71011 HENT-7.roim lint. fiOl 8 > 13th st En-
JD quire of J. Hranilleu&Sotu' , 3. 0.27
1TIOII KENT ,4-ruom houso. 2121) ) Sownrd st .
JU $23 per month. I nqulro 2421 Seward. 310 23
TT1OH HEST Ton room 1'ouso. every con-
JD vonlunco ; ctoso to motor KUI ! cablu ; 70S N 19.
FOIt HENT Two cloven room houses 810,312
N22dst Inquire n-\v cor.'i.'d and Daven
port , 19rt
JjiOE Itn.NT-C-room Hat , C03 S. 13tU st.
JL uot
TJIOIt HUNT U-room "house , all modern con-
JL vctilences , also pnrt of funilturo for sale ,
car nets , etc. , 2103 Douglas. 221
EOH HENT 2tlU Capitol ave. 7-rooln cottage
with bath ; Inquire at 2313 Capitol avo.
270 23
FOH KENT. llrlck dwelling. 12 rooitiR.
kitchen on llrnt lloor , Laundiy , drying
room , all modern Improvements , line loc.itlou.
Apply 2212 Farnam at. bDJ
TTUJIt UENT-S-Toom cortago. iri : Nr2Uh at.
JL1 7' room cottage and barn , 131R N.7th st.
7-room cottuit , and barn , 1102 N. 27th ave , ,
with city water , cistern , etc.
fi-room cottage 'i'ith and Farnam. '
Store and room abovo. 170'J St Mary's avo.
Store , cor. 10th and Arbor ; good place for
grocery nnd mm ket.
Hum In roar of 712 S. 22d st. . city water.
2-room house with acroot ground , near H , Ic
M. round houso.
II , O. Clark , room 7 , board of trado.
lOll IlENT-7-room llat.Lange block ; U1J.8 13
HUNT An 8-room dotachcd * io use. fur-
naco. bath , etc. . 20th and Leavemvorth. ttO.
David Jumleson , llee bldg. U2U
TTlOll HENT--IIoueos ana stores ; property
JD cared for. taxes paid. Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co. , 1014 Karnam Jit Abstracts. 3.17
EF you wish to rent a house or store sea II. K.
Cole , Continental block. IV )
WANT more houses to rent. Parrotto.ffllaS
8-UOOM I'at with steam heat , irth st. near
Jonoa. Uhos , F.Hall.311 I'axton block. 327
POIt HENT Furnished rooms , splendid lo
cation , 2107 Douglas st. lr > l-2Cj
* 171UIINISIIKI > rooms for gnntlemon , with or
JD without board , 1011 Douglas. 21U-30J
7jlUKNlSllEnrooms , in South 17tn st. Also
JD rooms tor housokeoplug. aiS-SHJ
furnished room , Jllggms'oldcorneri
3. w. cor , 1-th and UougU , up stairs.
450-20 *
"J71OH KENT I'urnlshoJ , rooms with board ;
JD modern housa ; most ploasaut location in
city ; H33.2uth. 157 23j
FOH KENT 2 front rooms , $20 and 8r . for
goutlomen , Plii N. 15th st. 40.1-24 *
TTANUSOME front parlor suitable- for two
JLJLgontlemen. First-class board , llofarences.
1623 Farnam at. J1C3-2J *
"VflCELY furnUhod rooms with or without
J- > board HCJ Dodge ; reference. 3WJ-27 ?
UHNISHED rooms nud board. 407 N 19th ,
Paul block. 3U2IJ
171UKNISHCD rooms and board , all modern
JD Improvomenta , 2ir > 3 24th at. 2aig6
FOK HENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath and
steam. 1519 Howard. 3S7
JjAOll HUNT Sultoof three rooms with clos-
JD eta for ll.jht housekeeping. I.nnn and
shade. Com onlent to cable and motor. Kent
$12 per mouth. Address A 03 , Ueo oillco.
3V1-26 *
172i Cap. ave , board , modern conveniences.
- 285 27J
TT\OH \ HENT rleosant furnished room with
JD board , modern conveniences . Douglas.
247 Sit
TTIOIl HENT Furnished two front rooms 117
JD S. 2ith st , between Dodge and Farnam.
EI.KGANTrooin , modem convences , 1S21 Cass ,
tnoil HENT An elegant front room with an
JL alcove , furnished , on second lloor : all
inodernconvcnlenctts , 212 S 25th at. 225
C LiKAN furnished rooms. 1013 Chicago st.
F Oil HUNT Furnished rooms , 1WO Douglas.
HENT Suite of front rooms , moilorn
JD conveniences , with or without board. Ill
per month , 22ID Leavonworth t. 32S
" \TlCKroom , every couvonlonco , 1710 Davenp't
1\ "JaS
. _
TTlUHMSHED-Hoonii to let , 2U22 Salary's
JD avenue' ( j74
" 17(011 ( HUNT Front rooms. 2010 Davenport.
JO B18
POK HKNT Pleasant furutshod rooms with
all conveniences , Bl'J S. 2itU at. tt/J
ST. CIuMH F.uropenn hotel , cor. 13tn and
Dodge. Special rates by woe or month.
TCIOH HENT Itoom with board. 1722 Dodges : .
"OOOMS and day board ; 1721 Capitol avcj _
"filOH HENT One large rront room with board.
Jj IVOH Capitol avo. C75
Foil HUNT 3,3 or U rooms unturuUhed at
603 N , 1.14 rooms at 311 WooUvorth ave , for
small families. 2&I 2lj
JE nice unfurnished rooms caoap , s w
JL cor Hurt anil 2-M at ; no children and refer
ences. aiul l
rpwo unfurnmhed rooms for rent C l South
J17th ave. , bet Juckson and Leavonworth.
1W 21 *
PTUNFUllMSHER chambers for housekeeplm ;
cJformanand wtfo ; no children ; Ulu M. 17th ,
ITIOH HENT-Store No. $ N. feilTbVbeUieen
X1 Dodge aua Cupltol uvcnue.apply 1619 D.ivou-
port st. 44.1
TTHJIl KENT Dusk room In ulcei.'umlshed .
JD oillco. ull couvonleuced , Kooui ID , c lnan-
tal block. _ c. *
STOltEfl atJ07. TOO. 711 8. 10th. 2xfSO each , largo
liow windows , steam heat furnUhad. Thos
F. Hall. 311 Paxton block. sal '
ITIOH HKNT-Tha 4-story orlck bulldlnc. wtta
JD or without po\vor. formerly occupied uy the
llee Publishing t a , Via Farnam nt. The but Id
ing has a tiro-proof cement basemantcomploto
steam hoatlng Hxturoi , water ou all the tloora ,
gus.eto. Apply at the pfflca of Tha llae. U15
WQtt KKNT- * tory brick bulIdlnRlllODoug.
JD las at , suitable for wholoaala or wuruhouso
purpooaii. Also brick atore , 107 S. 13th at. In.
imiru of Chas. ICautmun. 1J03 DqugLvs st. 33j
TTHJlf HENT Oince room ana larfe tight basij ?
JC monucor , 13th and Jackson sis. , first two
months free to good tauant Enquire Mrs.
LanTo,02jo.l3thlt ! U.kJ
WANTED to rout by two young men , fur-
nbihcil room , with boaiu. Private family ,
Address II a , UEB. _ KMJ
" \\T ANTKDto rent , room witnla 4 or B blocks
T T from P , On M. or tS ; tute price aud do-
§ crlbo , I12lle . i 2IJ
\\7ANTKI ) to rent about July Jit a small cot-
r T togo. with ail moilern convonlences , close
to business. Address A JU. Hceofllce , 600
M OIlTON'Srcntal agency , 617 Paxton blk.
HOl'HES Wo"wanT fiioro vacant hoTtsos to
; rem. II. E. Colo. Continental blk. 3 3-'J >
ii STEVENS. 1510 rnnmm st.
Jlf. PAHHOTTn , rental ngcnt , Douglas blK.
/1IIIJAP mill reliable fire Insurance , Parrotte.
Hi ; . CO LIX rental ngcnt , Continental block ,
WATiU ; Hpanlels , iU Hcixvuiiworth st.
FOIt tlKNT-10 acres west of the city , lloom
P. Chamber of Commerce. 401-24
FOUSAIjlJ-FilrnltiirporaT-room house. En.
iiilra8U7 | North Twenty-fifth street , Soutn
Omnha. 3S5-25J
rriAKi : NOTICE-Krnst . Meyer is no longer
JL In our employ and lint no authority to trans ,
net business for in. S. Cantrnvltz .V Son , ' 38
Knndolpu street , Chicago , wholesale cigars.
AUOO1) young team , sound nnd quiet In any
work : alsoayouug mnro and a iroml buy
HOMO ; all good drivers. Apply 2311 NSHthave.
rilOStriT the convenience of clients
JL during the day wo open ovonlnps. T to SfU.
Il.i : . Col.i. Hoon8 Continental Ulk. ail
ANTKI * A plrl baby for adoption , y\d
33. llco olllca. It'J
TIO KKNT Ilouso Hat with J. If. Parrotto.
_ _
" "
"iijiNQiKNTS : ; Please Head This-
1'ersons Holding conlnictn for lots pur *
cnnsed fiom the umaha Heal Kntato and Trust
Co. , on which payments have become delin
quent , are iociuc.4to < l to cull and arrange an
early Battlement , and save trouble and cost.
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. .
1304 Faruarn St.
AUCTION sales every Tncsday.Thnrsdaynnd
Saturday morning at lilt Douglas atrcot.
Omaha Auction & Storage Co. ! C10
E. COLE , rolmblu ilro insurance.
HR. COLR , notary pubiu aud convoyancer
LOST or stolen , yellow Hull IVrrter. white
cheat ami paws , cut cars , scar on top of
head , wears leather strap , \ \ Ith patent loci : ,
jteturn for reward to Max J. Haehr , at Max
Jleycr A : llroa. ,
LWST On Sixteenth street between Davenport
and Cass , a $20 bill ; to rowara for retui-n to
Hee olDce. 4G2-3iit
" \7OUNO-Man wishes board and room in prl-
Jvate family ; suburbs preferred ; tikes lunch
Intonn : reference * given ; state terms. Ad
dress A 50. Ueo. 44 2lt
K at lowest rates. Hrunch < & Co. ,
31211 Howaid st.
fTMin cleanest and best Rtorago in thoclty at
JL low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omnha
Auction ifeatorago Co. . '
npltACKAHC storage at lowoat rates. W , M.
JL lluslimau. 1311 Leavonworcu. 333
BEFORE buving a piano oxamlao the new
scale Ivimball piano at A. llospo , 1513 Doug
las st. 445
i:0. : F. ( JELLKNIlKCrC. teacher of the banjo ,
room -111 Douglas block , or Ueo oillco. 21U
tfANTED-A nro proof sutfl 10x20. 11. 0.
TCIovelnnd. 14th and Nicholas sts , 414-23t
HOUSi : Wanted Wnntnd to buy a lot with 7
or S-room house oa It. JIust uo convenient
to central part ot the cltv. Price must bu rea
sonable. Address ! ' , T. M. , 1214 Sherman ave ,
WANTED to Iluy 0 or 7 room cottage in re-
spectabln locality , paying about Ji in clear
vacant property la good locution for advance ;
balance cash r.r assume mortgage. Address
with full particulars. ox g . P. O. 3jC-2.J
WANTED Furniture , carp t.s , household
goods for caah. Wells' Auction A : Storage
C'o.ll7S13tli3t ! _ I 3
WANTEIJ- Good commrrcall piper. Ne
braska Moitgago Lonn Co.,51U i'axton blk.
_ _ .140
/ lASHtorall kinds of household goods at 1111
V Douglasstreet.Omaha Auction & Storage Co.
\ ANTED-To ouy for spot cash , city or
TT country parts or whole Ptocks of dry ana
fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli
nery , stationery , geut'a furnishing good' , etc.
Calf on or address J. L. llrnudois & Sous , cor
ner 13th and Howard. Omaha. Kt3.
W ANTED to Huy-$2.501 good short tlmo pa
per. H. H. Henderson. IOJ Paxton blk. 417
FOR SALE At a bargain , or will trade for
good home and carriage , aquaio piano in line.
- - - Rice. 411 He3 I ) ulldlllg. 437-20J
TTIUIIN1TUHKFO11 SALE-Cashoreasy pay.
JU mont9 , O. F. Head , room 17 , Darker block.
FOIt SALE Extension top , full leather , - '
seat Amosburysnrray In good order. J. L.
Itico. 4111 Ueo building. Vlt-SBj
\ ellOU SALE YouHg pony. gooiL rider and
JIJ "river. ApplyaJltN.atliave. 458 0J
IjlOHSAI.K Ispnn of good mules , young and
J ? in goodordor ; .list oil the farm. 17-t s. nth
st. 377-iS *
"TTHHt SALE First-class billiard saloon la live
JL1 Nebraska town. Price J1.50J on easy terms.
H. u. Colo. ; mi.a
ROOM OJ3 Now York Lllfe. has the following
for Monday. Stock of firocorlts and house
hold furniture for cash ; only H.iXW tn city ,
doing good business , established trade and a
big bargain. 4K.-ai ;
GllEAT SNAP-Furnlturobf U-room Hat for
ZiOO. H. U. Cole , Itoom 0 , Contluotal block.
ipOll SALE A pony cart. Inquire atH134 N.
1 Sind at. U5J 27j
FOH SALE Furniture ana lease ot 10-room
private residence , all modern conveniences.
Ciyf. 2Jtn8t. _ Slil aQ
I OH SALH or trade Oood sidebar top buggy
only Bit llolbrook. 1504 Farnam at. MT
LAW library , very cheap , or terms easy. Ap
ply. William Martin , Fremont , Neb.
iTE ) il
"T71OK SALE Some oxcellnat furniture , in-
J-1 eluding stoves , camels , etc. Also pictures
and brlc-r.-urac. 43d So. X'ltu avcnuo.'I5J
FOR SALE Onooftha llnost drtvinir teams
in Omaha ; afraid of nothlug , HtyllsU and
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring
carriage almost now. Address X J , lice oillco.
430 _
"ITIDHNlTtnin auction every Wednesday auii
JU Saturday. 317 a UtU. WelU. ill'i
FOH SALE Aa'i-horue power Porter engine
in good condition , welgnt GlOu pouniLs , cyl
inder llxld ; for particular * apply toTnolleo
onice. 7U8
"ITIOIt BALE or trada-Ouo Hat too , ono
JL' 8-foot Btuniliiiu desk , one luaso of section
of school land. 48J acres of imiirovedostorn
land and n sections of U. P. railroad land. 11.
II. Henderson. 400 Paxtou block. ill !
TllOU SALE Sonirt good watches and dla-
JL' inonil.s cheapi 11. Masters , room 4. With-
nell blk. 345
A ItlUVAI/extraordlnaryof Mr * . Dr. Kddy ,
ivtlio dhtlngiiUhed world-famed and only
reul natural truuco clairvoyant aud spirit jno- in this country ; seventh daughter ot the
su\entli daughter , born wltlt veil and great
est prophetic gift of aecQnd sight. Wniloon-
tranrcd will reveal every htddoa mystery in
ilfa. Has long been prououncod In Europe and
America the greatest living wonder of thu
prvsunt agp. 1'nderatuniis tha nclonro of the
"Pcrtilan and Hindoo magic , " or auclout chnrm
woiking. and prcparen Egyptian talismans
whlcti will ovorcoma your euamles , remove )
family troubled , restoras lost nltectlons. makes
marrluga with tna ona you love no failure
removea evil lulluenctu , bail habits , cures
witchery , fits and all loug-itandltie and mys
terious imeabes ; will give correct Informa
tion on lawsuit , slcknaM , deatlu atvone , lib-
sent frlend.1 , everything ; naver falling advice
to young man on marriage and how to cbooie n
wife frir happiness , und what business best
adopted for tpecdy riches , block peculation
a specialty. Also gives luilbpensabla auvlco to
young ladles on love , courtship and marriage ,
nnd It your lover U true or falsa , and give * pic
ture of future nuihand with name , age und.
data of tnariiafre. Hour * . 0 a. m. toeix in. ,
strict. N , 11 For tne Ixmciltof those who are
unable to call upon Mr * . Dr. Kddy. abe would
reipectfully announce that she gives perfect
gatisfaction by letter. Your entire life will ba
vrrlttan In a cwar und plain manner. I/ettars
with stamps promptly answered. Rend for
large Illustrated circular with special termi.
lira. Dr. Eildy.tWJ N. Uta nt. , Omaha , Neb.
TollarSirs. . Tenorman c n be
consulted on all alTMIhlbt Ufa Hfttlifno
tlon guaranteed. No. DUltMl' 452-aSJ
T-\K.NAf < NIKV.WAUIlKN.clalrvorantmod'
JL/icnl itnd business medium. Female dlseasai
a ipeclalty. 11 N. 18tn stLrponn a and 3. 315
Dlt. U. OltOU .eVoctrTrTini'iaisa.te and nia _ >
natlo troatmnnt. chronic. dUciuies n special.
ty , almpl * medlclnea whtfA ileeded , XS N 16th.
SHOltTitAM ) AND gjyi K1VlilTIxi5"
\ < r ANTED KducnttdyouDsladlo * and gem
I > tlemon to loirn shorthand and typewrit.
Ing at the Standard Shorthand llnslnoo col.
Ifge , Now York Llfo bulldlncl llnost rooms in
thoclty : all latest ImpitiVKiuntitfl , olectrlo light ,
elevator service ; cheapest Abhool because it If
tne best ; instruction thorough , modern , practi
cal : demand for stonoRrapUuM constantly In-
creRslng ; success posltivelynnre. Call or write
for ona of our large descriptive catalogues.
Address , Standard Shorthand llustnsis Col
lege. Frank a Hell , Manager , N. Y. Life Bldg ,
Omah.t , Nob. _ 7M
L1 real csiato loam tnadobyW. M.
Harris , room 3) Frcnzur blk. opp , P. O.
L1E _ _ _ _ _ _ 347 _ _
E A8TEIIN MONEV lo Ipan ou Aty property ;
mortg popor qottgh. . II. It. Irey , opp. P. O.
/"IlIATTKI. loans at lowest rates ; removed
\Jto617 andM Paxtou blk J. H. Emlngor.
KKYBTONK AIortRngn Co.-txans of $10 to
8I.UUO ; Ketour rat - berora borrowm- ; and
g vo money : loan on norifes , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : note- *
bought , for nn\v loan , renewal ot old and lowest
rates. CillH J3. Sheely blk , 15th & Howard sts.
WANTEO-Flrst class lu.ildo loiins. Ion cut
rates. Call aud see us. Jlutitnl Jnvostmant
Co. . 150t Farnam. _ 3uu
MONKV to loan on tny scurlty
for short tlmo at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The HondorsonMorteaue Invcatment Company ,
Itoom t K ) , I'axton block. av >
FIRST raortcnco loans at low nucs and no de
lay. U. V. Dholes Co. . 210 First National bank
_ 3M
MONHV loaned on furniture , horses nd
wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Lo. ,
room 1 ? Darker. 3.V1
MONKV to loan , by II. I * . Masters , in any
amount from 810 to J10.000 , for any tlmo ,
from ono to six months.
I make loans on nou ehold cooda. planoa.
orgnns , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In
any amount , at the lowuat possible rate ,
without publicity or rcmovM of property.
My lonni are so arranged you can make
a payment at any time and reduce your in
tercut pro rata. You pay Interest only for the
.time you use the money. If you owe a balanca
on your property I will take It up aud carry it
for you , at the lowest rate consistent with tlm
risk ,
Money always on hand. No delay. No pxib-
llclty. J < owc frnt03. II. 1" . Masters.
Itoom t. Wlthnell Block luth and Hurney stj.
MONEY to Icmn on furniture , organs , pianos
horses und wa ous. Hawkeye Investment
Co. , room 33 , Douglas blk. , Iftth and Dodcu sts.
GPEH CENT resmonco loans HIXX ) to $10,000.
llutldlng loans nt special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , llee building.W _ j )
HE. COLE , loanageut , Continental block.
j 34'J
/1HO1CH small loans wanted. C , F. Harrison ,
V OItN. Y. Life. 170
MONEY 3J , 0) or IK ) days on rurnlturo
pianos , horses , houses , etc. J. J , Wllklnsou
618 Paxton blk. ' -"i1 3(13 (
MONEY to loan ; cash on.hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squlro. 12W Farnaiti St. . First National
ho UK. building. * W 3SS
f OANS made on any available security. Con-
JLJ Investment Co. , Uoom 2i , Chamber of
Commerce. * W 333
L OANS of $20,000 to Jrl DJO on cholco Inside
property wautod imintsdiately to flll a sp -
clal order. Hates veryilon * . CaMi on hand.
Central Loan and Trust Co.'IxTO Farnam Ht
.jv ; 200-21) )
BUILDING Loans 614 ito 7 percent ; no ad
ditional charges for comaiuislons or attor
ney's fees. W. U. Molkle. HjSt Nat. bank bldg.
MONEY to loan. O. F.-Dnvls Co. , real estate
aud loan agents. 1605 I'oimum Bt. 'Ml
UlIiDINO loans madb'oo
Cnolce city property
At lowestrnte , .
Private fij d ( . to
' f refildenca andJ *
business property
upon very favorable
Klmbnll , ctmnip & Ilyan ,
K05 Famam Bt. 685al3
MONlsY to loan on norsos. wagons , mules ,
nousshold goo'lg , pinnos.organs , diamonds ,
at lowest rules. The tlrat oreantzed loan otllce
In the city. Makes loaua trom 30 to 3Si days ,
which can be paid in part or whole at any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call and see us wtiou you want money. Wo can
nsslxt you promptly and to your advantage
without removal of. property or publicity.
Money always on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. T. Itoed & Co. , 310 S. 13th st ; over
Ulncham & Sons. 3.Y7
OANS City and farm loans , mortgnijii pa
per bought. McCague Investment Co. 3il
MOMJVtoloan , i'arrotte , Douglas mock.
_ _
TA/TlDLANDOuarantea / Ic Trust Co , N. V. Life
J.TAblrtgconiplete abstracts furnished and titles
to real ostats examined , per f acted tc guaranteed
A KAitE clmnro l have for sale on easy
-Ci. terms one or the largest and most complete
"milk dairy" with well located and Qtted milk
depot in thoclty. It comprises about Ifi head
of stock. 4 milk uagous , ntc. etc * The business
is of long Htandlng and has a largo line of cus-
toiueVs. My advanced nge and other business
requiring all tne tlmo 1 care to give to business
are my reasons for selling. This Is a rare
chance to a good man. I will sell the COWH
and milk depot separately If desired. Inquire of
JolmStUbeuatNo.005 S13thbt. , Omaha , Neb ,
Partner In real estate- and loans.
r Must be a hustler. Small capital re
quired. Addres.s H 1 , llr.B. H1iJ :
IrOH BALK Eiitlro outat of IH-room hotel In
X1 South Omaha , furnltunt good. ? 0. > 0. Easy
terms' , bust or reasons for bulling. Address A ,
care of postolllco. South Omaha.
VTEWSPAPEHHAUnAlN-Kor sale or lease.
-L > owing to HI health , South Omaha Times.
Illg opportunity. Only excluslva nowapaper In
city. Cailou K. O. Maytlefd , South Omaha ,
_ 418-ffl ] .
TpOIl SALE IO.OOO , naif Interest In general
JL1 merchandise business of JHO.ODJ per year ,
net prollt ilOw Oper year. In western country :
owuer not well and wishing partial rest ; refer
ences must ba furnished with letters of In
quiry. Address A3lies ) allies.
STOCK of drugs for sale or trade , onn-thlrd
cnsn. Willis Cednell , Droken How , Neb.
_ , _ 18.lal7"
PHVSICIAN wautad immediately to take
charge of a largo country practice , no com
petition ; must bo -regular' of HOIIIB of-
perleace ; can buy or rent my residence and
drug storo. Address T. C , Craig , M. D. . Eastou ,
Kansas. _ 240 aij
Oil SALliortrado I iiiivpfi shares if Ul\i-
dend panni ; stocfe iil'iltobu cattle company
that [ will trade for real estate or mortgngea.
Uolbrook. 1501 Faruatn ntJi - _ 07
IjiOll BA LK or Kxcnangd il&ffX ) dry goods.
4boota and shoes. ' hair 'cash , balance clear
land. Lock llox ! J. Lanarkmni. _ utu at
AO ENEI1AI. merchandJ VbU3lu ! 9s cor salu
in n ton u on Sioux City W-PaclIlo railroad In
western low a. Terms ca-shfjiir good security.
IluildlngH. Including leshloneo nnd granaries
also. Wllloxcnangu for gDp/l farm lauds or
city property , llnlldlngi ) north about J.IfrtJ.
Good Held for doing a grain , cattle and specu
lative business. Addrovi'At-'ra , Omaua llee.
rOK KENT Checkered ft ery barn on 18th
ft 8 of Harnoy. Cnll or nddresj Nub. Mort
gage Limn Co. . Til U PojuoD'lilt. ' _ - iuia
T71OR BALU General Bio Tof goods and busK
X1 ness in well located ffiwn eighteen miles
f rein iunnlin , now dolug ti"snlt > ndlil business ;
gooilieasonn forsplllug. tltAiulraof H. Cottier
at Nebraska Savings bdiik.lllmaha. Nob.57fl
57fl 4J
rpo TltADK For steatn laundry or stock of
J. mercnandlie , good 8 roomnousaat Oakland.
hob. Enquire of Cameron & Co. . rooms 507
aniUA ) Paxton blk. : wiHi
_ _ ! _ _ .
TI10U EXCHAWJ K-A restaurant and bakeryi
J-1 with all necessary parapbenalla , in beat lo
cation lu olty. Ilurtlett , room 107 , Shoely blk.
_ _ _ _ _ 341
SOLID COLO WATCII-Two clear lots ami
. 19mo CMl1 for Coed driving mam. Address
A 07 Ilea.
/"IIQAK 8TOHK To trade or will soil on uood
W termi. 1 1. lS.CoK _
/ 1 Lit AH lot and souio oasti for coed driving
_ Addrc s. A&Hee. . 8a-i
TirAMTlsn To trade farms ami clty lotn for
IT luercUiindbi' . Will pay pan ciiti , Jeasa
dr , llrokea Uovr , Neb. 57 ;
) Doutjliu blork
ty of all kinds which
< f rm land * . Cor-
rpapoudonco solicited. Stringer ic Penny.
x ! j
OK KXCHANUK llmtery nnd restaurant
bnklng UO. ) loaves ot bread A day. Dnnlcls ,
. Y. Llfo. 4 KUWI
THOU KXCIIANUR Nteo residence property
-L.1 toexchatiRO for horses ot other chatties.
Daniels. Kg , N. V Ufa. 403-J6I
/ " OHNKIloji Harnoy st. for c sh and other
vypronarly , Farmn to- Omaha property , Full
lot on loth t. , iifliir Farnam , forothor property.
Clear lots In Plerro. Klerntor and resldenca in
peed low a town for Onmlm proper ty.J ft on
rnrnaui st , with it-story brick and basement for
other property and sumo cash. Property of all
kinds to trade. G rover Sloven ? , 1315 Far liam st ,
\\ri- want n house and lot in thu south part
T T of city for a clear farm In Phorlilnti uo. .
Nob. II. E. Cole. 4 ! < 5-t
GfiGAN ntock dry goods , clothing , noots ,
shoos ; want peed rnal estate an < l nome
money , /Address llox 7' ' ) , Frankfort , Ind.
_ _ _ _ : ci7'
WlLliglvcnltolot In Northflold and some-
cash ror lot closer in. 11. C. Colt * . Itoom
C , Continental block , _ _ 3J3-3S
IF you have Anything to exchange cull on or
address II. E.Colo. It 0 , Continental block ,
Oflleo open cvenlugs 7 to : , U. WJ7
JL' ka furms. Will assume Ueht onctimbrimcs
If you have nnythl'ig to olfer address or call on
Ueo. J.Sternsdorir , room 3 17-3 13 First National
bank bulldlmr. Telephone 401 , Ci'i
WHAT have you to exchange for a lot In *
South Omnlia wortn JI.O-M. clear of in-
cumbranco. Address Xf > 2 , llco ofllce , OU
FOU UXCHANOE-2 lots in South Omaha
or 1 lot near Vliitou St. , for liorsoa ormulrs.
Itoom KI , lloard'Trado. Vfb
T710H SA LK Two good lotsWindsor place , or
JD will exchange. Address A 7. , Hoo. 440 2ti *
ITtOH SALH-lluslness property. xlB. ! ad-
JL' Joining the Natntorlum on Howard street ,
$17,000 , by U. II. lltllTetr , 018 S. 31st st 43'J
"ITIOH SALE Two well built houses , all mod-
JL' orn conveniences. On paved streets. Water ,
toner , gas , street curs. Walking distance of.
postollk-e. Will bo sold cheap and on easy
terms ns owner is leaving the city , Nathan
Shelton , 1011 Fninamst. ii07
mill.NKof Ul-fllfoetfrontbyl29ft. to alloy
JL near All Saints'church , Howard and "tltti
sts. , forl"t,230. Only * l,250 casli , bal. to suit.
This la the best bargain in the city today. F
K. Darling. 4'J Hnrker Dlfc. telephone 730. 373-2il
WE oiler a pleco of elegant property , suita
ble for platting , ntn very low price ; city
loa a short distance from It soiling for $1.000
oach. Prlco poracre. $1.600.
A full lot , corner of 12th aud Chicago , $23,000.
A full lot corner 13th and Chicago. J.'u.OUO.
Colsuih , Johnson & Lovgrc'j , room 0. rnnni-
her of Commerce. 330-2(1 (
0.3x115 on Capitol ave , west of high school ,
Oonly * W,0 0.
A nlco place tor a homo on 20th st , north ot
St Mary'jt avo. , 40 ft float , 10-room house in excellent -
cellent snape. modern Improvements. $8,000.
lloom ! ) . Chamber of Commerce , J00-2tl
10-HOOM house and lot. O ft front , Hoggs
& Hill's mid , $ IOX ) . Itoom U , Chamber of
Commerctv 310 20
VACANT LOTS Wo want you to list your
vacant lots with us. Wo
can aoll them. H. E. Cole ,
Itoom n. Continental block
aud 2001 North 21tti sts.
ABAHQAIN One of the very cholcestplcces
of Farnam street property , within live
blocks of court house. Mix 132 on easy terms.
Jlobcrt L. Oarllchs , 1014 I'arnam Bt iliil
ITlOll HALE 8.00J acres host farming lands In"
JD Nebraska and COxl J rout on South 13th at.
at a grcnt sacrlllco. Inquire 018 South I.lth st.
Oco. H. Petorsou. l'J.'a7
5HOOJ1 collage for sale or rent ; 2823 Cnleago
street. Inquue2tui Chicago at. 183
W AUQII &We3torQaldrealestate , S.Omaba. 131
TjlOHSAIjE IIigh nnd nandpomo5-acrotracts
JD nearft. Omulia , $400to fSOOpor acra. Curtis -
tis & Sackett.Mi 3. 15th Ht. 34gy
QIXTY-F1VK acres s. w. of p. o. , suitable for
IJpUttlug or gardening , for sale at a bargain.
F. K. DarUng. 4J Darker block. 8U
LIST your property with II. E. Cola
r 67
T710H SALE-Uaxt40 , Dodge St. . bpposlto High
Juchool. . choicest residence property in city
Itobeit L. Oarllctia , 1B14 1'arnam st. ! lo4
r1\VO cholco lots on small cosh payment , bal-
J-anco second mortgageto responsible p.irtlos
who will build. U.K. COLK , Continental blk ,
and i 0i N. ii4th. fitfi
TTllVi : room cottage * . S 1,000 each , $100 ca
L down , balance 11) uor month. Thos , K. Hall ,
311 I'axton block. 370
A nAUOAIN-DodgeAt ithsts. . 100x148 feat ,
xxwith 2 new 9-room houses A : b-room cottage ,
cheap for customer with mouoy.on line of cable ,
rental $110 per month. Address 203 N. Y. late.
244 a m
T/IOll SAhi : or Trade A good family horse.
J- excellent goer , black , d years old , weight
1,100. Enquire Bhecloy block. It. 210 , from 1 to
4 p. in. 34 ? ! MJ
3 1,500 buys 40xl'J7'/4 with good o-room house ;
tpwell. clstorn. Will sell 40xl.7li for JSOO. Ap-
ly on tliB piemles , 3I1U Decatur at. 2 3-alJ !
TTOK SALE Very cheap , no tradex. farm of
-L ! 543.70 acres , sec. 5 , 12 , N 0 W , Hamilton coun
ty , Neb. : 2miles from Maniuotte , small house ,
stable , 300 acres of pasture fenced , living water ,
price only $10 per acre , $ . "i,4-'l7.t > 0 , Terms J.,200
cash , balance 0 per tent Interest. K K. Aticlns ,
owner , railroad building , Denver Cot. 363
CUE'S YOUll CHANCE Fourlotsln Wood ,
lawn for 75. Address A 08 , llee. 431-21
140x130. Including a corner Boutli front , m
Orchard Hill , f'.aw.
IIon o 4 rooms and half lot , south of railroad ,
near 2JH > st. , $1.300.
Uoom I ) . Chamber of Commerce. 390-20
$2,7SO buys elegant 6-roomed cottage in con
venient location. Terms t-TO cash balance
$2fi per month.
( .1,000 buy 6-roomed > x > ttago In same location ,
tOOO cosh balanae fU5 per month.
SI.2.V ) buys 7-roomed cottage , J7SO cash and
balance $ * . ' " > per month. Como and see Stringer
& Penny , Itoom IJ Douglas block about thebo
bargains. . 8U1-3U
f \01TAQEhomes in most any addition for
VJsaie at from UI.OOO up. on easy monthly pay-
menls. F. K. Darling. 41 lt.irki r block. pit )
TflOH SALK 5-room house , full lot , 2.Sth and
JL1 Charles sts , $ -,00) ) , $ VOrash : fi-room house ,
full lot. linker Place , Walnut Mill , SI , 150. HM
rash , Inauiro of K. D. Merrill , 48th and So\v-
ardsts. Walnut Hill. ! M1 U'7J
TT ASYTEHMS-Honsaaaud lotsln all parts
Ji oftlio city on easy terms , or will build yon a
houje to suit. Grover Stuvetu , 1515 Farnam.
- '
" 1T10H8AL1 , Or exchange for drugs and real
JU eatate. $30.000 book stock. Hog Clf. 1 ' 7
FOH SALE t5xiiJ : on Jones- . J300 per foot
Address X3J llee. 635 a3J
VTOTlCKto Investora-Wo will rocclvo bids
JJl for the purchase of our business property ,
1'lUct Ffiruniu street , known aa tlm east 3i feet
of lot 7 , block UJ , up to April the Urat , next ;
owners reserving the right to reject any or all
bids. J.ehmanu it Hanson , cnro of John II. F.
J.eliinnnn , &Mjiouthjith Stroct. nlii
5 40.300-KJxWI. ( n aTcor 10th and Douglas. $1,000
P. > and D-rooui lioiue , lot 07x J , s o cor llth und
Vlnton. Mrs. ICuhluian. i70-a ! 2
Ion 1C at this list of business property :
J Sifl.510 for lot S block 10U n. e. cor. 15th and
Loavonworth ,
ja.nuo for north 41 ft. lot ft block 1B3 , city ; this
is a miltablo piece for warehouse or hotel.
J3.'i,00i ) for lots A and 0 block 114. 132x1 ? . ' ft , n.
e. cor.-ilthanil Furnam ; Riiltad for hotel.
ftiuoi ) for f > oxiri : , n. w.cor. I'Oth and Faruam ;
suited for stores und IlatH.
K8.CIIO for o. 41 ft. lot 3 block 107. opposite new
postolllcu ; rents now produce JI.Mo a your.
L li ana see Stringer & . Penny ,
Itoom - ) , Douglns Hlock.
820 ( luorgla , u rooms , nvery modern convmi
lonre , nli'gant and cheap , must ba sold by
April 1st , bast bargain in Omaha ,
4,3JO 7 rooms , all conveniences , location line
big bargain.
10,600 10-room pressed brlck.all convenience * ,
barn , gas llxtureri. hurdwoud Unlah , K.
front , f0x171 foot. HauscomPlaco ,
2,700-8 rooms , nil conveniences , orchard Hill.
7,600 13 rooinn , barn , all convenience * , three
mantel. ! , gaa tlxturos , giound corner ,
20,0008x175 trackagu for clear farm.
Hnvu you any bitrgulna ? If so , we
want a list ot them. Wo havu farinn
and vacant lots clear for houses aud
lot * . Sou us before you nuy.
D. V. Sholoj Co. , 2ii : I'lrat National Hank.
Ai'IN'E little home , 2Sth at. uear Woolwurtn ,
full lot , east front 7 roomu nud bath , very
llttlo cash required , F. K. Darling , U Harkor
blopjc. ' 278 _ _ _
aALT LAKK CITV-Partieg desiring to in.
Ovest in IhU city will do well to commit the
Dieter. Johnson Inviistmeut Co. , P. O. llox Ml ,
and 1& < ) South Main st. . Salt Lake City. We han
dle choice property only and clvo the bast ot
references. (117 ( AC.
BKAtnil'UL residence lot WxlOO on Popple ,
ton ave near 2dtu with barn , within tha
mlle limit , only 12.000. C. A. Btarr , 12 * Farnam.
A 8 .MALL payment down and Sin per month
will buy a 4-room house and lot on 18th. two
blocks from motor ) Urt-clasi chance to acquire
a home on oaijr tarmil. Apply Q H , K. Cola ,
Continental block. S73
T710II BALK A flat of 12 rooms well fur-
JL ! nlsned , flliod with good paying roomort ,
203-1 N. 16th over Moody's china store.
_ _ _
ErSAinTsTATK ii you want t < i sail nr rcnt
list It with T. C. Hrumiar , wbohas a Inrao
list of customnrs. lloom t , Ware block , a. K.
Con 18th and Farnani , 4W Hi
NCOIi Place nnil Cuthauo lots
II.OX ) , M ) down , bMancn f 15 monthly. .
W. USaipy. It. n. lUtrl tc tin _ fill' ,
T710H 8AI.K M. ono-thlrrt cash , will buy
JL' nice B-rooin cottftgu on 10th t. . In I.akn'ii
ndd.5 no trade. Address Owner , Itoom 1. 1127
O st , Lincoln , Nob. 317
H EKE Is your clmnco for a beautiful resi
dence lot AO toec south front near 20th and
Harney , M.OUO ; S cash , for a few day * only , n
genuine bargain.F. .
F. K. Darling.
4,1 llurkcr Itlork ,
Telephone 730.
* OMAHA.-r-
l-envej I TTJIl AllO. nL'UTIJflTO.Nv S J. T Artlvp ?
Omalm I Dopiit I ( 'Hi anil .M.T-nri Mrei'U. | onmlin.
3.1.i p m . . .L'tilcat-'a Vt'MlhuIn U l.'i n in
II IS n in . . . . . . . . . ( -hlcafto 1'xjirt'M . . , . p m
O.l.'i p m K"xprei 8.H ) n in'
tug P m biuiilay. a in
TxMves" _ ArrUcs
Oniulm. I Ih'imt Itllh anil Mmon uttcoU. _ Omnha.
1003 n ml..Denver Vestibule Kxprps * . . , , "ilOO p m
M n at . . .Hn lliiK < t A Coiicordla Ucnl. . . 0.15 p m
BSi p ni' l > envcrKiiros | < JK ura
Ouiahn Dcpol lOlli nnil Mimiin strools. Onmhn.
B..M n in . . . .ICnnsit Cltr Dijr Kipro's. . . . ( S.4.S p m
0 15 ) iin K. U. Nlglit r.ji. | Tli U. P. Trnn < . ( i IS n m
L'.S'IO.V I'ACIKIC. Arrlviu
Omnlia. DepoUnUi ami ilurcy nlrcoU. Onmlin.
Leaves I OMAHA A ST. I.OUTS ' I Arrives"
Oinntia. | U. P. ilopot. 10th anil Murcy Bta.l Omnlia.
4 15 p m | St. Mills Cnnnoii llnll..U'.IU p m
leaves I 8IOU.V CITV & PAnTPltjT Arrhes
Qpiaha. | u. P. ilei'iil. lutli anil Marcy S Onialia.
7.15 a nil Slun.x City J' 10 & 5 p in
C 15 p ml St. lanl Krproia 10 05 a in
IxiaveiJ hlOUX CITV A , 1'At'Il'IC. I Arrives
Omnli.1. Depot l.'itli anilVchtlir 3 . I Omnha.
0.45 p m | . St. Paul MmltpJ I il. I.Sam
R , K. 4. MO. VAIJ.KV. Arrives
Omalm. I Depot 13111 nnil Wf tutor Bt < . I Omalm.
(100 u in . . . . . .muck Hllln Kiprt' n G 2 ( ) p in
H 00 a in . .Ilnitlnns Kxp. ( Kx. Hundaj ) . . A 31 p m
510 p m . \Vnlioo A. Lincoln I'ossuiiKor. 10.9) a ni
S.10 p ni .York ANorfolit ( Bx. Snnday ) . 1(13) ( a m
Jj'i\ve.i I C , . bT. R , M. A O. I Arrive *
Omahn. | Depot litli n nil Wobnor Sts , I Omnhn.
Tboso trains alao atop nt Utli , ITlliJtli und 24th
Atroeta , Suniuil ) and Bavldsd Cruislnic. 'Worklim-
mun'a troluj do not run Suudajr.
Leaves CIIIUAUO. U. I. & I'ACIHIC. I Arrives
Union Depot , Council HlulU. ( Transfer
K. C. , ST. JOK a C. It.
Transfer Union Dopot. Council Plugs.
1007 n nil . . .Knnias City Day Express. . .
10.15 p m | . . .Ktmsaa Cltjr Nlnlil Kxiress. _ .
Notion < ifMeotlnc ol'tln ; Olty Cnnnoii
an a tloaril tit KquaUziit Inn.
rpo the ownorn of all lots and lamia In the city
JL of Omaha which are bomiUtoil or that may
bo found to lie -IK-IItort l oy the couatructlon ol
the Tenth struct viaduct , and to all parsons
having any Interest in Hutil lota and lands :
You , anil each of you , are hereby notlllod that
the City Council of the City of Omaha will sit as
a Hoard of Equalization at the odlce of tno City
Cleik , in Dautilas County Court Hou o , on Monday -
day , thu 31st day of Man-h , IHIIO , from U o'clock
a , m to 5 o'clock p , m. , tor thu purpose of IIH-
besslug and Im-ylne the amount of damages to
the ownorn of lots , lauds and reul o&tato cuiiBed
by thu uiTctlon nnd uialniuuanca of said viaduct -
duct as determined by the appraisers hereto ,
fore appointed to appraUo Halit damagoa ana
approved by the City Council , upon tlio lots ,
luiula and real eHtntu bcnullttod bv the con <
btructlon and malntepance of aald vlkdurt , and
of equallzlnitthopropotodlevy of add special
taxes and assosamoiits nmf correcting uny
errors therein , nnd of hearing ull complaints
that the onner * of property to Im taxed and
assessed , or persona having any Interest therein
inny m ko. riuld special luxes and assuMtnents
being levied according to law lo create a special
fund to bo used for the payment of damuges to
private properly caused by thu cunntructlou of
a viaduct on Ttmlh street bet eon Mason street
andJackhon atreat uj required by A curtain or
dinance ot ald cltv ot Omaha , entitled "An
Ordlnanco requiring the Union Pat-ino Hallway
Company and thn Clilcaeo. llurllngtonA ; Outncy
Hallroad Company to erect , construct and com.
pletu n certain viaduct and upproachn In und
upon Tenth street , in the city of Omaba. deter *
ouruo uf wicu IK ino Bum compaaie * . uuu np.
proving the proci-edlnm of the commlsslotiors
fieretoforo apiioliited to osiesa the dawaguj
therefor. "
You , aud each ot you , are hereby notlllcil to
appear before Kald City Council , kitting as a
Hoard of Hnuallzatton. lit the tlmo and place
above specified , to make any complaint , utiite-
ment or objection you may deniro roncernlui ;
said levy and ajjiaiiimeut of uli iporlal I axes ,
iu22dOt JOUM UitovKn , City Clerk.
Tills la to certify that tha Nebraska Control
Hailwny company iloslres an Turremo of Its u
thrlzed capital stock front ono million dollar *
to four millions tlv hundred thousand dollar ? ,
and that such increase and tha matin or Mild
piibllsninifof this certificate , and the fliimr
thereof with the sei-rotary of stMo of the ftutn
of Nebraska. ha4b n duly authorised by tun
holders of th majority of the capital stock of
the Nenraska Central Hallway company ,
In witness wliurooT. wo have iieraiinio atoned
our names at Omaha. In the county ot Douglas
and stare ot Nebraska , on the luth day of An-
Wist , I8M > . JOHN A. M'rUlANR.
OKOIIUr.a IIAKKrM , PttMldont.
. , Secretary.
I Corporate I
\ Seal , f Directors !
„ , . , „ , , IIKNJAMINJ.MOHIlU
State ot Nebraska
, Douahxs county , NS ;
llefore mtt. n uoturv public In ami for said
Douglas county , personally cama the abort
named John A. Mc 1iano. rteorgo U lUrnum ,
John II Dmnont , William L. Adtvuis nail Hon.
jamlnJ. Morrh , known t < > mo to bu the Ident
ical persons who Mgnml tna forogolng Innru-
mom , and severally acknowledged the said In *
Mrnmvnt to bo their voluntary act und deed ,
for the naoa and purposes therein sot forth.
Inwllnoss wnorcor , I have hereunto signed
mv nimo and Alllxed my olllrlal seal , at Omaha.
Douglas county , Nebraska Uil.1 IHth day of All-
KUKt , 18 < 9. W. UIVKS ,
I Notarial t . Notary 1'nbllc.
1 Soul , f 1'eb'SdoMt.mor
Short Mno At t'tali .Northern
Itnllwny Company.
Notlcols lioroby given tlmt. purjimnt to the
articles of consolidation and agreement , datil
July27th.IKW. the annual muttmof thttxtovk-
holders or the Oregon Snoit l.lnw and I tali
Northern Kail way umipauy for the election of
dlrcctom ami Mien other business as may legally
como before the meeting , will bo held at tlm
olllroof the company. No. 7:1 : Main .street. Suit
l.uko City , t'tnh. on Wodnejdny , thu lUth day or
March , l W , at lu o'clock a. in.
At.ux.Mii.t.Aii , Secretary.
lloston , February Bill , 1S .
. . on rjijra durinit
JL voalerdav.
K K Lynn and husband to J A Wakolleld.
ao 'i loui'i. i. ! ; Honors' Oknlionut , w d. J 1,000
DTlleausami wlfo tulA Walker , n ' _ . ,
lot I&blcck2 , Ilorbach'a2iuladd\v d. . 1
I ) T Henna aud wlfo to P \\nUei.lot . U. .
blk y , Horbncti'H2ndndu , w d . I
J J tlram and wlfo to Nets Nelson , undi
vided 'i of irregular tract In se ' 4 of III-
Hi-12 , w d MO
O W Ames and \\ifo > o John I Hcdlck ,
lots 15 t)22.blk 15. Ames Plnce , w d . . 3.GOO
11 L ( larllchs to Anna M .Vales , lota lit to
17 blk2 ! , llrlggs Place , w d 1.000
Euclid Martin mid wife tor V E Inghram ,
lot f > , blk 25 , Kmmt/.o I'laci' . q cd . , 1
Chug Corbett ami wlfo to E S Hood , lots
in aud 17 , blk 7 and lots 21 and 23 , block
11. Albrlght'M aiiu x. w d > . 4,000
Omaha Heal Estate und Trust company
to /oiler , lots M to 1blk 12 , SaundoiM
.V Hlmobaugn's Highland Park , wd. . . too
J H Hums to Henry Deluch , lots 21 and
22 , blk 4 , thrlvor'a Pluco. w d . . . . . . . . . 700
Albright i.imu aud lot company to W K
Itlioulo3 : c tut , lot. B blk 5 , Matthowa'
sub.vd . . . . . 400
ON Illckaauil wlfoto H T Maxwell , lot
It ) , Swetimm's sub. w d 1.I30
11T Muzwoll and w Ifo to ICuurnd Miller ,
lot IP. Sweluam's sub , wd J.OOU
Konrad Miller to M W Hoynold" , lot 15 ,
fc etimm'.i mill , qcd 1
South Umuha Laud Company to Mary
Wullaio , lot 10 , blk Viboutli Omaha , .
w il 75'J
It It Wend , irustee , to James Carroll , lots
: i nnd I , blk ; i" > . South Omaha , deed . . : . , 2,100
J IjMcCoguo aud wlfo to 1'raiik Olsea ,
lot le , blk 1 , West Cuinlng artdvd. . . . 200
J / 1'oroes nnd husbiiud toM H Kcluliait ,
lotu , blk 1 , Klunvood park , wd COJ
William Cobui-ii , shorlll , to W A Fl hor. *
lota. , 0 mid7 , blk2 , Arbor place , deed 51
W A Hanoi- aim ulfo to H O Ucvrles , lota
ii and II. lilk 2 , Arbor Place , q u d . . . > . . 1
W A Pisner mm wife to H O Devrles , lot
U. Ink 2. Arbor Place , q cd l
128 Hood nnd N Ifo to Mis Anna Purdy.
lot 17 , blls7 , Albtlght'sannex , wd tOJ
Co-operatlvo Lnnd und Lot Company lo
William linker , lot 3 , blk 2 , Jivuiutt
Placo.qcd ' 9JJ
II Kellyimilire to F bchlemlne , lot. , " ,
blk ! i. Improvement AEsoclatlon uibl.
w d 2G5fl
Ed nrd Phelun amilluto Edward Cua-
Hldy , lots 11 nnil7 , blK-i : ; lots K7 and 2 < ,
bit 2 , Missouri AVDUUO park , - > v d. . . . l,00 | .
TH-cntj'-flvo transfers S1I.47I
To tho'Jrnvttllnu I'liljllc.
The great Rock Island route luis pro-
viilctl every convonicnco and comfort
for its passenucrs jroinp : cnst ever its
main lino. Its bolid vcatibulu o.Vi'os-i | )
trains , which Ictivo daily for Des
Moines , Davenport , KoclC' .JLelaud and
Chiango , nro the llnost in tlio world ,
They consist of now and elegant day
coaches , din in tr cars , Pulluuui palnco
sleeping1 cars and free rcclininB1 chair
cars , superbly appointed and flttcul
up with all the modern iinprovo-
nients thatuonduco to safe and luxurious
travel. Junctional and terminal con-
noctioiig are inado in union depots and
nt Chicago \vitli fust limited vobtibulo
oxnrcss trains for all points oast. In
addition to this magnificent train , two
express and mall trains Icavo Omaha
daily , carrying slcopoi's andditiini * curs.
Further information as to routes ,
rates , time , berths , etc. , call oii.or address -
dross J. L. iJoBovoiso , 1U05 I'unituu
street , Omaha , Nob.
E.'ST. JOHN , .Ixo. i
General Mannffer , G. T. fcP. A. ,
Chicat'o. Chicago.
Ilulldlii ! ; 1'urinltM
Tito following building poruiits were It
sued yesterday :
C. L , A'nu Camp , ono and one-half story
frame building , Cottage Park.v . . $ 100
W W. J. Wyteo , one story rriimo storo.
Franklin and Tuenty slxth ntreots . . 10)
John Kngels , one btury addition , Sum
mit 150
James Nelson , ono story frnino addition ,
D ightund buoriiinn vtreets M
W. 0. Sloniau , frumo addition 1,000
Total . $1,123
is only put up In Inrao two-ou ueo tin boxes ,
and Is uo absolute euro for ull sores , burns ,
wouml.s , ohuppod hands anil nil r.lciti orujt-
tlons. Will positively euro ull Kinds of pllos.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drue company
at 2o oouts per box ; by mull 30 cents.
Marrmga licounos wore issued to tlio fol
lowing parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name and residence. A no.
( Jessobtnngnr , Oinahn iUO
J Sarah McCury , Avoca. . . . , , , 'J7
j Thorwnld E. Lurnon , Omsilm i.1) )
t AdolpliinoH. Singe , Omuhn ilU
j Jamun Hcnrdon , Omaha Ill )
( May Anderson , Omaha ya
j Charlie ICastticr , Omahu , ill )
( Frances Ilurenoslcy , Omahu yj
( John A. Carlson , Omaha , yt
( Auiacda ( J. Nolaon , Omnha , 'JL
( David L. Cralcr , Council HIuiTs 'J-J
I Minnie Stowurt , Council lllulTs. , , IS
( WIHlnm W. Pnlmor , Council llluffs . , . .iil
( ivy M. Stowurt , Council Ulufta 21
1 Peter Iliumon , Omaha , tM
I Joinila I'utortioii , Omnlm. , , . . ' 'U
f Henry Prooatlor , Davenport , la Ul
I Matilda ilcnsuu , Davotiport , In , 'JJ
The Only Ono.
The Cliicnco , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
vostibuled , oloutrio lighted nnd stoum
heated trains between Chicago , Coyti-
cil IJlufTBiind Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman sloopiiig cars run on thcso
lines is initontod nnd cnnnot bo used by
uny other railway coniany. | It is the
great Improvement of the ago. Try it
und bo convinced.
Sleeping cars leave the Union Piielflo
depot , Omaha , utO p. m. dally , arriving
atChlcucrout 930 ; n. m , Passengorn
taking this train arc not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council UlutTa and
wait ( or the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket oflleo , 1501 Farnam st.
F. A. NASH , Gon. A U
J. E. PIIESTON , Pass. Act.
O i
Aoivn XenoliorH.
Mlis C. M. Austin , principal of the high
school , and Teachers Misses Claric , Norlh-
rup , C10DionsLacby and Lamion of Atlantio ,
Ia.woro visitors at TuulicB oQlco yostorday.
Miss Austin In on her way to Lincoln to at
tend the inuotlni ; of the state teachers1 also-
elation , 'j ho others will romnlu In Omaha
govern ! days vUitlui ; tbo various schools of
the city.