THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , MARCH 25 , 3890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Many Outoldo-Influoncoa prevail in the Wheat Pit. CORN SHOWS UP FAIRLY STRONG. Trading In Onu Alnlnly In n I'ro- rcsslonnlXnjr.tIorc Foroo tlicnvn In the Provision TratU Cnttlo and CHICAOO PllOUUOB MAHXBTS. Cmc ao , March 21. jSpecIal Toloeram to THE HEE. ] Thcro were n good many out- nldo Influences in the wheat market today . They wcro pretty well balanced nnd tho' market was largely In the hands of local operator * . The small speculative trade ( 'rncrally sold edt pretty well Into Saturday nnd came In as buyers this morning on early null news. There was a break of half a cent on the visible supply figures , and still later n ecaro among the shorts on fresh buying In .fuly put prices to the top figure * again before - fore 1 o'clock. The flrst now of the day xvas the Illinois report , which claimed as high ns 25 per cent damages In a few counties , with slight damage in others. The news lost most of Its force for a tlmo because It was not accepted ns n trutnful statement , but later in the day this news be came the , strongest bull influence. Action in May was opened nt 80J c , sold ut 81e , off to SO o nnd up to 81'tfe. July opined nt 77Uc , sold nt 78 > < c. off to 78Yc , nnd then up to TO&e , or more than Ic over the closu Saturday , whllo May at Its top price wiis but Jg'c over the close Saturday. The buying In July from 77J c up to 79o was led by Hptchlnson , Baldwin nnd Farnum , Logan , t Co. and Poole & Slier- mun. 'iho short * hastened to protect their trades nnd for a tlmo the market was broad und strong. At 1 o'clock Muy was held steady at Sic. Receipts at the northwest were pretty frco and export clearances moderate. There were no now developments in wheat at the close und lust prices were slightly under the best llguros , with the murlcot llrm. The closing prices \verc : March , 80 > < fo ; May , 8tcj June , Sic ; July , 77 ; < @ 7'Jc. Considering thu largo receipts of corn , the largo estimate for tomorrow and the lareo increase In thu visible supply , thu market for thu cereal was fairly Hlrong. The visi- Dlo supply increased 1,420,000 busbolu. Thcso things had been largely dis counted nnd the market weakened a trille. Huvlng by Hutchlnson and Swnrtz & Dupoo fully balanced the bearish figures and May opened at 'Mc , sold at 29J c and closed at 2W. Other closing llgures were : March , 28 > < c ; April , 28 fc ; June , 30 @ 30 c ; July. iil ( < t > 'M } ci August , 31c ; September , 32K ® Tbats were quiet nnd steadier , with trading mainly in a professional way. Car lots In Btoro were 'luiet at 21J o for No. 2. No. 2 white for May was quiet ut 23K@23c. Thcro was moro force to the provision trudo today. Pork was neglected largely nnd thu activity nnd strength was in lard and rtbi. Parties who sold lurd last week bought it back again today. llutchlnson , Raymond und others bought July lurd freely and the prlco wont up to tO.UO and closed nt that figure. May lard went up 5c to $0 22. Ribs were fie higher for May nnd July with lOc difference : ln future , May pork was ut ? 10.42 } < ? early nnd $10.50 at Iho closn. Now York reported Hutuhlnson lulling lard there through grain houses. CHICAGO STOOK. CHICAOO , March 21. [ Special Telegram to THE Hiic.J CATTLE The general movement was rather slow. Nevertheless the volume of business proved largo and us n rule steady prices prevailed. Some roughish heavy cattle curly sold strong , but later slieht con- qpsslons wcro grunted. Rlpa smooth steers of .1,150 to 1,500 pounds avcrago brought strong last week's quotations , an extra fancy load of two-ycnr-nid short horns making the gilt cdgo 11 g nro o ! 5.81. Half to three-quar ters fat steers und old cannlnc cows drugged nnd moved merely ut weak prices. About thlrty-tlvo loads of Tcxans came in and found nn outlet nt previous quotations. The stockcr and feeder trade , though rather unsettled , had a strong undertone. Ciiolco to extra beeves , $480@535 ; medium to good stours , 1,830 to l,5lH ) Ibs , f4.00@4.(50 ( : 1,200 to 1,330 Ibs , S3.SO@4.80 ; 050 to l,2uO Ibs. S3.iOJ3.yo. : ( ! Stockers uud feeders , $2.5U@ 11.75 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.40@3.50 ; bulk , $2.40(33.00 ( ; Texas corn-fed steori , 300@3.70 , Jlrms 'i ho market opened strong nt Sat- urdity's closing prices und heavy and draguy for light , llnlshingveak all around , with late sulua not us good at earlier in the day even on beet qualities. A few prime quality of heavy sold easily up to $ L25 ( < H37& 'J'1'0 bulk of the general run of heavy mada > ( l 'l.l7Jij ' , whllo solcctcd butchers' nnd medium weights commanded generally $1.20. Light sorts Bold at $4.10@4.15 , mostly around $4.10@I.12) , light mixed ut $1.0. @ 4.07 ! und roughest tieavy mixed at $4.05t ( $ 4.10. Olilcatcn , March 21. Cattle Receipts , 14,000 ; strone ; bocvo * . fl.80W3.35 ( ; steers , t3.30@l.40 ; stockersund feeders , t2.50@3.75 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1.40(33.00 ( ; Texas corn-fed cattle , J3.00 © 1.00. Hogs Receipts , 23,500 ; steady ; mixed , * t.00@4.25 ; heavy , $3.95(24.30 ( ; light , J3.00@ 4.15 ; skips. 83.50O3.9J. Sheep Receipts 8,000 ; strocg ; natives , J3.75gO.25 ; western corn-fed , Sl.90@0.25 ; Texans , fl.CO@3.20 ; lambs , $5.00(20.00. ( NEW YOHK , March 21. | SpocUl Telegram to Tun Hnn.l STOCKS The burden of the bull talk from Saturday till Monday was that the time has come to buy stocks. The financial outlook , they say , has greatly Im proved , nnd'thut , barring improbable acci dents , tbu llrst week of April will bo passed without serious closonosseln loanable funds. It Is argued hat the public IB ready to comu In. The Vunderbtlts , Vlllard's southern lines and Grangers are all waiting for the beginning of the upward movement. The bears daru not short the market , and holders of long stocks have persistently refused to bo shaken out by profcusional raids. On the other hand , the bears were credited with agreeing upon n plan of at- taak for today and Chicago Gas was m-irked for u soft spot , with Union Paclflo as n point of attack in railroad shares. This morning , as was natural , after the advance of Satur day upon u ( lull market , prices were as a rule somewhat weaker , though a marked inprovemont wan made in souia directions. First prices wcro generally lower than thu closing llgures of Saturday , the losses ex- tundlng to 14 l'or ' oont , .but further losses wcro restricted to slight fractions In nil cases cxcupl Sugar Refineries , which de clined 1 per cent to < i3JV and afterward fully recovered the loss. On the other hand , speclul strength was shown by Chicago cage & Kastorn Illinois preferred , which rose to bO ugulnst 77'tf Saturday , und Hocu- Ingo Valley Coal continued to rise , reaching 22i from 21 , Touneisco Coal following with n gain of 1 | .or cent to 57. Changes In other stocks were entirely insignificant , but the 11 o'clock market was strong , though dull at the best prices reached. During the hour the plans of the boars promised to bo car- rlod out , when Chicago Qai went oft to 41J/ nnd Union Pauillq to 02V. Uoforo noon there was a change nnd Gas recovered to 4'2tfuud Union Pamiio went up } ( to 03 , era a fraction bettor than the close Saturday. Richmond Terminal and Tennessee Coal wcro cacti Improved at noon. The stock mnntet . bocatua strong toward the cloao on Washington no\s regarding coinugo nud prospects of good results from iho meeting * ot the presidents ( and pusion- ccr agents hero und at Chicago the next two l ys. Chicago Gas was up to 43. Northern Paclllo preferred gained u full point lo 73s ; . Other not gains wcro : Atcalson tf. Uiir- llngton nnd St. t'nut rach J < i and Uook In. land and Union Pacific each -V par cent. Coal stocxft were strong and higher. The folio win ? wore the chain ? quotationt II. S. 4 rezuUr. lily NorLhorn t'Mlfls. . 31U U. 8.4s coupons . . .irj do orelerrod ' 3'i ' tJ.tMl < srouli\r..luns : 0. * N.V Ill 0.H. 4 ! { s coupon ] . . licUi : do preferred..Ml I'aelntBiof' 110 N.Y.lfcntral 107 Onlrnl l-aclQo. . . ai's'l'.O.&K ' ' SOX Clilc KO.VAlton . . .111) ) i Hock Island 1 > 4V Chlcaiw.llurllngton , C. , M. &HU1 , COW & 9ulncv lOT'.l ' donratcrred.- ! ) lllnolsCtntrai ! ! . ' ! lllj : tioproferroa. . . . ' . ' tt I. , n.Y. . , ttrtion iMftno cay KansasAcToxas. . . . UJXUV..Ht. L. St I' 12)4 ) LakaShora 107'i aopraforr ii . . . . M'i Michigan Ceutral. . DT'iVcstern \ Union. . . . t MlBsourH'aollle. . . . ' . .T MONBV Easy at 3 > f(34 ( for cent. PIIIMB MBit < nxrus PAPBII 5 > fvj7j per cent. Sinnuxo E.xciiiNOE Quiet ; tlrm : sixty- day bills , Wb2 ( demand , i mining atoclc . NEW Yoiiif , March 21. [ Special Tolpram to TUB BEB. ] Till fjllj.vla.r arj ths mla- Ingstoc'i quotations : Alice 100 'Halo&Norcross..23. * , Caloclonlii , bli IN ) iliomestalco 7W ) cboltar ao ) Horn Silver Con. CaU & Va. . . . .41) Iron Silver 183 rommonwealtli. . . 'JJ1 North Unllo Isle..110 Comstor.K. T. bas.auW Ontario . ' ? M > Coinatock. T. f orn.JIOUO Ophir nr , Deailwood. T. . . .ir > Sierra Nevada 1UJ KI frlito 143 Mutter Croo'UX ) Treolnml Ill ) Union Con 193 UouW&Cnrry. . . .1J ) CKUDUUH ai UUICAOO. March U. tils n. ra. close Wheat Firm ; March , SO o ; May. Sic. Corn Rnsy ; March , 2S& ; May , S'JJi'c. Oats Firm ; March. Sljtfc ; May , \X \ < : . Hyc Firm ; c.ish. .12c. Hurley Nothing cloiti . Prune Timothy Jl.SJ. Flax-Cash , 11.18. Whisky gl.iw. I'ork-Quict ; March , 510.40 ; May. 810.53. Lard Firm ; March , 50.15 ; Muy. 50.2J. Flour Firm nt lust quotations ; winter wneat. 5'J.uOil.-10 ( ! ; spring wheat , ? 1.10@ 4.CO : rye. $ a.60@Z.tO ; in bbls. 1'roviHlons Shoulders. Ct.40@l,50 ; short clear. 55.40(35.50 ( ; short ribs , March , $5.15. Uuttor Easier ; creamery , 15@24o ; dairy. Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 10 lO 'c ; Hats , lOX@llc ; Young Americas , 11(3 ( UK. KBPS- Firm ; fresh , 18 > < f@I4J c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy nnd lifjht preen salted , 4X@4Jfu ; B.iltod bull , ajfc ; preen nnltcd calf , ftifo ; dry Hint , t5@7c ; ( try salted hides , lie ; dry calf , 5@0n ; doaconi , 20c c.ich. Tallow Unoliangod ; No. 1 solid packed , ac ; No. 2 , 3 > ic ; cake , 4c.Kccolnts. Kccolnts. Shipm'ts. Flour . . ' . . 12.00(1 13.000 Wheat . 21.000 10.000 Corn . -134,000 175,000 Oats . . . . . .131,003 121,000 Now York , March 21. Wheat Ueceipts , 18,000 bushels ; rexports , 21,000 ; spot trifle easier ; No. 2 rod. 8P@39.tfo In elevator , UO c afloat , S9J ( a91 * < c t. o. b. ; options clos- iiiK steady. No. 2 rod. March , closing nt S9c. Corn Hocoipts , 40,150 bushels ; oxuorts , 45,000 bushels ; spot easy ; No. 2 , 3GJf@36 > o in elevator , 87Jf@3So afloat ; ungraded mixed , 31U9c ; options closing steady ; March , 30-tfc. Oats Hocoipts , 123,003 bushels ; exports , l,5uO bushels ; spot steady ; No. 2 white , Kg31a } ; mixed western. 27J4@31c ; white do , 'll foiio ; options llrui , March closing at coffee Options opened barely steady ut 10(7(35 ( ( points down. Sales : -I'J.riOU bags ; March , ? 17.SO@17.S5 ; May. ? 17.00@17.10isuot Hio steady ; fair car uoa , $20.50. Supar--Haw , lower : rclincd , weak. PciMloum United closed , Auril , Soc. EBBS Firm ; western , 14 > @ 14Ki : . Pork Stronc ; now mess , flt.5Uysl2.00. Lnrd Active on western speculative buy ing ; July sold 12 points higher , others G points ; cash , fU.50U0.05. ( liuttor Quiet ; western dairy , 12@lSc ; creamery , 13@25c ; Elgin. 20 , ' c. 'Chcoao Firm ; western , 10 ( < ! tO } o St. Ijoulx. March 24. Wnoat Higher ; cash , 7S H'i ! ; May , 7Es'@T8K < . - . Corn Lower ; casn , 29) o ; May , 2fljjO. ? Oats Cash nominal : May llrm at2a , c. Pork Firm ut * 10 5u. Lard Nominally at $5.90. Whsky-$1.02. ! Mutter Firm ; creamery , 20S25o ; dairy , lB22c. BIllwaukoc.March 21. Wheat-Stronger ; cash , 74o ; May , 74u. QJorn Firm ; No. 3 , 29c. Oats Firm ; No. 2 , white , on track , 21c. Hyo Higher ; No. 1 , 44@44Wc. Hurley Steady ; No. 2 , 42X,313c. Provisions Higher ; porK , 810.35. ClnnlniintiMarc'i24. Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red. 80c. Corn Higher ; No. 2 mixed , fl2@32'ic. ' Oats Strong ; No. 2 mixed , 25u. Whisky 81.U2. JMliinoupnlis. March 21. Wheat Ho coipts of wheat for two days , 290 carp ; ship ments , 13 cars. Cash wheat fauly active. Closing : No. 1 hard , March and April , 7UKc ; May , SIX0'on track. SOJ-Jc ; No. 1 northern , March and April. "Sj c ; May , TOJfo ; on track , 79 > @ 79Kc ; No. 2 northern , Mnrcn nnd April , 70'fe ; Muy , ' 77 c ; on track , TtijffQTSti. Ivnnsii ; 'City. March St. Wheat Steady : No. 2 hard , cash , C5 > jo ; No. 2 rea , cash , Corn Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 229 ( rt'22Kc. ' Oats No. 2 , cash , 18J e. Ijivorponl , March 24. Wheat Quiet ; holders offer moderately ; California No. 1 , 7s 2d per cental. Cjrn Qulot , steady and unchanged ; new mixed western , 83 OJ a per cent. tiiVK srouic. Knnsnn Clty.March 21 Cattle Receipts , 8,700 ; shipments , 4,400 ; market strong ; steers , ? 3.40@4.70 ; cows. Jl'60@3.23 ; stockers - ors and feeders , $2.75i$3.tiO. ( Hogs Hocoipts , 4.UOO ; * shipments , 800 ; market steady to strong ; all cradei , J3.87U 04 10. MatUinnl Sleek Yur.lKait - , Kait St. IIIIUIM , March 22. Cattle Hccelpts , 2.1UO ; shipmonts. none ; market strati ) , ' ; fair to fancy native nK-ora , ? 3.304 , ; S3 ; etockori and feeders , $2.253.50. Hoes Hccaipts , 4,500 ; Hhipmcnts , 2.000 ; market steady ; heavy , $4.00@4,1U ! ; packing , ? 3.U5 ( < { 405 ; light , ? 4.00@l.lO. Sioux City , March 21. - - Cattle Re ceipts , 310 ; shipments , 22o ; market dull ; c.umors , 75cC'1.2o ; cows , 81.00 1.25 ; stockers - ors , S1.50 ( ( 2.25 ; feeders , $2.25@2.90 ; veal calves , $2.UJ3.15. Hogs KeceiptH , l.OJO ; market opened and closed steady ; OMAHA IjlVK hTOCK. C lttlr. Monday , March 24. Estimated rccoiptB of cattle 1,000. com pared with 2,431 Saturday and 2,90iJ last Monday. Tlio market was wall supplied with pond ncaves , thu number of Rules nt and above $4.00 cxceodingnny day lint week nnd equaling thu St.OO sales any day this mouth. Mho top , too , was reached today , ono bunch of Iti steers averaging 15'JS pounds nt $4.40. Tlio stcor nicrkot has fully recovered nnd is about as high today as it has been any day this month. Tlio market opened early and active till the close all balng sold curly. The ro- colpts of eowd were light and only ordinary exuopt thu Standard c.utlo company's ' ship ment which sold ut $ ' 1.10. Tim receipts of feeders was larco but enough for the de mand and prices ruled llrm everything changing hands early. Estimated receipts of hoes .1,100 , com pared with 2IXXl rattirday and 1,058 last Mon day. The market opened active ut a shade's advance , all selling early. The light hoes changed hands early ut an advance of 5o , the heavy hogs not responding to the ad vance on light ones changed bands later linn ut Saturday's prices. The average prlco paid today was W.fl39 compared with J3.W yesterday and ' * J.02 lust Monday. Prevailing The following Is'atiblo of prtojs pud In tills market for the gr.iJcu of stock men tioned ) Prime steers. 1303 to 10X1 > s. ,83.85 (5J1.M ( Good steers , 125 < J to HV ) Jba. . . 11.4 J ( cdl.25 Good steers , 1050 to 1X ! > lti . . . 3.2J M3.S5 Common 1000 to 1150 U > tteoH. 2.00 @ ) Common cannora . , , , . 1.00 MA 00 Ordinary to fair cows. . . 1.00 06235 Fair to good cows . 1.00 ( rt2,45 Gooa to choice cows . 2.20 ( a3,25 Cholco to fancy cows . 2.85 M3.UO Fair to good bulls . . . 1.73 @ 2.5'J Choice to fancy bulls . 2.M ( # 3.50 Light itockor * und feodors. . . . 2.53 3.13 Fecdori. O.VtollOO Ilis . 2.01 © 3.60 Fair to choice llcht hoes . ! J.O."i W4 00 Fair to choice heavy hogs . . . . .T.IK ) ,33.03 Fair to choice mixed hozj . . . . 3.00 ( i 3.r ! ) nnil lotvoU Halas ul Today , Saturday. Highest . $4.00 Highest . 13.D5 Lowest . 5.00 Lowoi' . 3.87 } Stock llouclpts. Offlclal Saturday. EstlmatoJ Today. Cattle , llJcars.2,40.T ( Cattle , 77 cars. . .1.000 HOBS , 40 cars. . . 2.003 HORH , 10 cars . . .1,235 Sheep , 8 cam. . . 1,421 Shocop , 4 curs , . . 000 Hnnji-l ol" P.'loo * llogi. The following table showi the ranga of prices paid for hogs : Light and medium hos . $ -1 05 ( > ! > 4 00 Good to choice mixed hew. . . 8 UO ( ltl ; 05 Good to choice heavy ho s. . . 3 00 M3 05 1'rlcu of Showing the avor.ijj prici p'kll for ofhoRSon the duya mdlcitoi In UJ7 , 15JJ , 1839 nnd 1393 : Hanzo of Prlcus Uiaun. Tbo following table showJ fho range of prices paid for stioop : Prlino fat sheep . ( I 40 @ 5 153 Goodfatshcop . ! l 53 Ml 0) Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 OJ ( tQl 75 Lambs . 4 03 Qi ) 00 Avcraco C ; > 4t ot lloz * . The following table gives the nvora o cait of hogs on the dates mantionoJ , including the cost today , as based upon sales reported : Date. Prioa. Dito. Price. March 1 . f 3 75 March 13 . 3.37 , March 3 . 3 70 ; March 14 . 3 01J/ Mureh-l . 3 77 March 15 . 3 07' < March 5 . 3 71 March 17 3 92 March 0 . U 7IJ < March 19 3 83 March" . 3 72' March 19 3 SBtf March 8 . 3 78j > March 2' ) 3 89 } i March 10 . 378 March 21 3 81 March 11 . 3 81 March 22 . 3 92 March 12 . 8 S3 March 21 . 3 Compnrntlv < ! The following tabloi slow the range in prhv on hoj ; during this aiJ lut w jo'.t : Disposition o ! Stock. Showing the number of cattle , bogs and sheep bought by the packers and leading buyers on to-day's marKet : CATTLU. Huyers. No. Swift & Co. ; 215 George II. Hammond &Co „ 410 ThoArmour-CudahvPuekingcompany. 14S Leu Rothschild 240 Henton & Underwood 12S N. Morris 128 Shippers and Feeders 225 Uocker& Degan 71 ! Cranu & VunCant 32 G. Frauorman et ill 3U Armour-Cudahy Packins ? company C2 Omaha Packing Co C > 54 Swift & Co 231 Gcorgo II. Hammond & Co 422 HOBS Saturday averaged 258 pounds and C4 to the car. COWS. FECDEI19. 1. 730 300 49 783 325 14. 721 315 7 983 880 1. bUO 320 23 81(1 ( 885 3. 703 320 1 lO'JO 340 4. 853 3 25 1 750 1 25 3 . 973 1. . 001 1 50 2 . 905 75 1005 1 70 1 . b'JO ' 85 CALVES. 012 260 1 . 100 00 . 605 280 2 . 180 00 170 3 60 1 . 150 5 00 2 1205 300 20. . . 975 3 00 1 ,1050 00 STOCKKIIS. 1 470 2 50 10. . . 523 3 20 01 53 2 00 STAGS. 1 13iO 2 75 1. . . 1820 3 00 WS.KO. 10 1153 350' WKSTBHX Owners. No , Av. Price. Standard Cattln Co. 1)0 ) cows 959 13 10 11003. No t. , Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 0. . . .310 ? 3 SO (1. ( . . .283 : M 00 0.I. . . .331 60 i ) SO 15. , . .2(13 ( 3 ! K ) I.u. . . . .400 - 3 85 71. , , .278 40 3 00 u. . . .3tS5 3 85 73. , . 233 40 3 05 0. . . .290 3 51 , . .371 3 05 no. . . . 03 120 3 90' 54. , . .253 40 3 95 57. . . .283 40 3 00 51. , . .231 40 3 05 02. . . .200 1110 it DO 40. , . . ! JO 40 3 95 57. , . .2U5 80 3 U ) 07. , . .234 80 4 00 47. . . .217 bO 3 00 GS. , . .238 4 00 03. . . .255 40 3 00 70. , . .273 4 00 fHi. . . .313 3 00 69. , . .220 4 00- 67. . . .205 240 3 UO On the Mnrkut With Hlieop. Uonnct Hrou. & P. , Ft. Collins , Col. On the Alurlcet With Ilorsco. 11. D. Evans , L. L. Holcomb , Huntlngton. Oro. On the Mnrkot With Iloits. n. J.Morris , Western ; J. P. Taylor , A h- ton ; J. M. Anderson , Lebanon ; John Uurn , Hooper ; H. ScblnstouU , West Point ; Thomas Harris , Central City ; O. Lioetol , Mltlurd ; .Uuckley & Uoss , Stronuburg ; U. A. Puck , urd. Manilla , la. ; McConnail liros. , Over- ton ; Middlesex L. S. Co. , Wood Hirer ; J. M. Eumrlno , pouncll HlufTa , la. ; G. P. More- head , Dunlup , la. ; W. H. Harrington , Tokumah ; Anderson J , , Oakland ; 11. C. Cutter , Cowlcs ; W. It Sapi & Co. , WIIcox ; M. Cobb , Fuuk ; H. Hummer , Mmoola , la. On the Mnrk r'Wltii O.tttl . J. AV. Hlun % We < t Lrion ( In. : Hlvlni & Gordon , lloo and OOfthrjer ; H , Warner , Hooper ; H. Sclilnstoclt.'fBbcmor neil West Koss , Stromsburg ; . AL Ulack , Kearney ; HoDson & . , Cozsrd ! Skinner it Tnbor , Orcrton ; John Qulun. Middlesex L. S. com pany , Wood Itlrort CJHchafer , Culbcrtsou ; R S. WIIcox , McCook ; { itato liank. W. Pul- vcr , W. K. Saip | & Co , , WIIcox ; C. Elliott , Curtis ; Jackson ft it , , Ehvood ; Will iam Ulackmoro , Fridfldi ; , W. Kop- lor , Dorchester ; John Frostroru ft Co. , Malmo ; J. F. IlollM.Coi , Ithaan ; Charles Morton , Union ; W. O.Smth , | , Alexandria , S. D. ; J. M. Anderson , Lebanon ; C. J. lllath , Sidney , In. ; Patrick Hrothers , Nlckorson ; M. C. Lindsay. W. H. Cbtabs. North Platte ; P. M , Golden , Oasis. Utah : U. Hears , Goth enburg ; John Nicholson , Ucanlngton : H. S. M. Spollman , Tokamah ; J. S. Yeaton , Lyons ; J. P. Alberts , J.V. . GrlbbIo , Da- kotaCity ; D. F. Stoner , Emerson ; E. Hro- quct , Norton , Kan. ; M. E. Mix , Oburlln , Kan. ; J. A. Conyorn , John Williams , Urush , Colo. OMAUA WHOIjKSAljR AIAIIK13TS 1'roducc. Eons Strictly fresh , ll12o ( ( ; cold stor go , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted a any prluo. HUTTEH Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21 ( T < ; 25o ; creamery , fancy solid Dackoa , 2JJ2Jc ( ; ; creamery , choice , 10@-J2o ; dairy , fnnuy rolls nnd prints , 1820o ; dairy , fancy solid packed , 17@19c ; dairy , choice , 15lllc ; country roll , , 10@lSo ; choice , 12651Go ; country roll , peed , OS10o ; country roll , fair , 7ayo ( : poor stock , 3c ( oc. Poi'i.Tiiv Turkeys , dressed , fancy dry picked , 12i13c ( ; turkeys , live , tier . , 80 ; chickens , fancy , lO lla ; chickens , choice , 7 © lie ; chickens , live , f3.00@3.60 ; Koosc.drcsscd. fancv , 10@lli3 : Keeso , drcssod , choice , 9i ( ? lOc ; Reese , live , dor. , * 0.00(37.00 ( ; duaks , dressed , fancy , lie ; ducks , cholco , 10@llc ; ducks , live , doz. , SJ.50@3.00 ; pigeons , doz. , $1.00(31.25. ( GAME Jnek snipe , ? I.OO(7l.2.'i ( ; coldun lilovcr , ? 1.00@1.25 ; mallard ducks , ? 1.50@ 2.90 : canvasback ducks. $3.00@i5.00 ; roa- heatrduckii , doz. , 33.UO@2.00tcal ; nuolie. doz. , ? 1.25@l.GO ; mixed ducks , doz. , $1.00(31.25 ( : pooso , Canada , $4.00@l.60 ; gcoso , nmall , $2.50 HONES ( Quotations nro for delivery In Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , ucr ton. f 10.0018.00 ; dry country , bleached , ? 10.00@18.00 ; dry country , dump and meaty , f3,00a10 ( ] 00. VtOETAiir.r.s Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Musciitlne , per bbl , $4,00 ; onions , extra fancy , per bbl , $1.50 ; onions , fair , per bbl , $2.50 ; rutabaRas , per bbl , $2.00 ; carrots , per bbl , ? 2.00 ; mirsmps. pt > r bbl , $2.60 ; boots , per bbl , ? 2.00 ; horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.50 ; horse radish roots , per ID , 7c ; celery roots , per bbl , ? OOJ ; celery roots , per Uoz , COc. MAI-I.B SuoAii Per Ib , ll@12c. " CHEIISE Per Ib , full croatn V. A. , 12c ; full cream twiue , ll } c ; full cream Ohio Swiss. 17c ; full cream Wisconsin Swiss , 14@ lOc ; full cream brick 13u ; full cream limburger Swiss , 13c. HONEY 15@lUc per Ib for choice comb. PHESKIIVES8@10o per b. JEI.I.IES 4@4io per Ib. DIIESSED VEAL Choice medium , 7@7Vc ; light , 5@0o ; heavy. 84o. APPLES Per bbl , Gonitons , W.OO ; W. Twig , ? 4.50 ; Hen Davis , ? 1.50 ; Komanito. 4.50. CIDEU Per bbl , reflnrd , J0.50 ; half bbl , f3.50 ; hard cider , pure , per bbl , to.OJ. LissKcn On. ( He. COCOANUTS Per hundred , J1.75. PICKLES Medium , per bbl. $5.50 ; $0.50 ; gherkins. S7.50 ; C. & B. chow chow qts , ? 5.8"r Dti. $335. POTATOES Per bu , fancy , 35o ; choice , 25@ 80c. 80c.FISH Fresh frozen 'whlto ' trout , pike and pickerel , per Ib , 7c ; sturReon. 7c. OIUNOES Per box.iElorida brights , $3.75 ; mcssinu$3.25 ; California fancy navels , $5 00 ; Los Angeles , $2.75 ; seedlings. Riverside , $3.35(23.50 ( : inounfuli3.0j ; ; in tlvo box lots 25c per box less. i LEMONS Per BOX. mcsslna fancy , S4.00 ® 4.50 ; vordelli , pooa , * 2 00. BANANAS Per bunch , S2.00@3.00. HIDES , PKLTS AND FALLOWS ( Jreon salted bides , 4 ? c ; dry salted hides , 5@0c ; dry Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 6u. Damaged bides 2o less. Sheep pelts , preen , each , 75c@J1.25 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lbUu12o ( ; ; tallow , No. 1 , 4@4 } e : No. 2 , m@3icgrease \ , whlto.4 c ; yellow. 2 @ 8o. BiSANa Himd picked invy , $1.50@1.CO ; hand picked navy , medium a1.40@1.50 ; hand nicked country , 81.30,31.40 ; good clean , $1.20 @i.30. APPLE BUTTEH Per Ib , G@7c. Mixes MEAT 810o per 1 b Groceries. DIIIED FUUIT Currants , now. G'j'c : prunes , casks , 1,300 It ) s , 5c ; prunes , bbls or ba s , Oc ; rulsm cured , Stfci citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs , " 22c ; lemon reel , drums , 18c ; fard dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lie ; aoricots , ehoio evaporated , 14 } o ; apri cots , jolly cured 25 Ib boxes , lOc ; apri cots , fancy , 25 Ib boxes , 15c ; ap ples , choice evaporated , Sjtfc ; upplcs , prime now , SXc ; flgs , layer , 10 per cent tare , 13 , ' c ; in sacks , 7c ; Persian dates , 7 0 ; Salt Lake , 6 0 ; blackberries , evaporated , 60 Ib boxes , 5o ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 18c ; poaches , pared , fancy , ISo ; choice , lOc ; Salt Lake , 7c ; pitted ulums. Cal/25 II ) boxes , 8K < 39Kc ; raspberries , ovno. , N. Y , , now , 27 > < ; o ; prunes , U. C. 00-70 , 9@9Xo ; orange pool , 15o ; raisins , Ualltornia London crop Ib89 , $2.40 ; Cal. loose muscatels , crop 1839 , $2.10 ; Valoncias , 18SS , 0c : Valencias , new. Oo ; Ual. seedless , sits. , 7c ; On dura layer , now , lOJ c ; dried grapes , 4a ; pruuolles , new , 12&0. CAXNCIJ Goons Fruits , Callornla stand ard brands , 2 } Ib , per doz Apri cots , $1.70 ( < ? l.b5 ; apricots , pie fruit , $1.50 : gallons , ? 4.50 : blackberries , $2.25 ; cnerrios , black , $2,002.25 ; cherries , white , S2.25@2.50 ; grapes. SI,051.80 ( ; pears , Uart- lett , $2.10@2.25 ; ponches , yellow , ? 3.10@2.25 ; psaches , lemon cling , 3J.40 ; plums , egg , $1.G5@1.80 ; plums , golden drops , $ l.tO ; plums , green gages , $1.05@1.80 ; peaches , with pitts iu , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 f gooseberries , $2.25 ; qulucos , $2.10 ; raspber ries , S3.SO ; strawberries , $3.CO ; peaches , 8 Ib eastern standards , Sl.'bS ; 3 Ib pic , $1.10 ; G Ib pie , $2,05 ; gallon pie , $3.00 ; apples , high standards , $3.00 ; 2 Ib gooseberries , OOa : 2 Ib strawberries , 90@95c ; 3 Ib raspberries , $1.00 : 2 Ib blueberries , 80f < UOo ; 2 Ib blackberries , 05@75o ; 2 Ib strawberries , preserved , 81.80 ; 2 Ib raspberries , preserved , $1.80 ; 2 Ib black berries , urcserved. $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama chopped , $2.00 ; 2 Ib Uahama grated , $2.75 ; 2 Ib Uabnma sliced , $2.50 ; 2 Ib Standard sliced. $1.25@1.50 ; chernoRJ Ib rod , Baltimore , 85 ( 95c ; pears , 21b. $1.30. VEOBTAnLES Tomatoes 3 Ib extra , $1.00 ; 3 Ib standard , western brands , ( JO@Ooe ; gallons lens , strictly standard , $2.90. Corn Finest grown , $1.00 ; gllt-odfa ; sugar corn , vary fine , $1.CO ; choice 3 Ib sugar corn , $1.20 ; 3 Ib extra , western brands , 85c@$1.00 ; 2 ID standard , western brands , C0@70c. Mush rooms 1 Ib French , extra line , 22rt25c ; 1 Ib French , line , 18@22c ; 1 lb French , ordinary , ICiglSo. Peas Tros line , per can , 25o ; dnml iluo , per can' , ,10c ; 3' Ib , sifted , $ LOO ; 2 Ib early JuuO , I.25@1.35 ; 3 Ib Mar row , standard brand , SI.1U ; 2 Ib soaked , 57c. String Beans 31b high grado. Itofugeo , S5o ; 2 Ib Golden Wax , beans , 75o ; 2 Ib string beans , 70c. Lima U6at ) 3 Ib soaked , 7flc. lioslou Hultod Helms U Ib Lewis , $1.05 ; crown brand , $1.50. .S'weot potatoes 3 Ib New Jersey. $1.00. Pumpmn 3 Ib now uuurmln , $1.00. Olir.l'nnd tomatoes , $1.00 ; Okra. $ t.W ( ; bucotusb ; $1.20. $ CANNED MEATS l.Jlb lunch tongue. $2.75 ; 2 Ib lunch tongue , H7pi 1 Ib corned beef , S1.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef. ' $2.05 ; 0 Ib corned beet , $0fiO ; 14 Ib cornet ! beef. $14.00 ; 2 Ib boneless pics feet , $ J.20 ; 1 Ib English brawn , 51.30 ; 2 Ib English bldwii , $2.15 ; 0 Ib , Eng lish brawn , $0BO ; 7'lib compressed ham. $1.75 ; 3 Ib compressed ham , $3.75 ; 1 Ib chipped beef , $2.00. SOAPS-Castilo , mbttlod " , per Ib , 8S10a ( ; do whlto. per to , 12ov lliiooMS Parlor , f tfd. $3.75 ; 3 tie , $2.25 ; stables , $3.85 ; common , 11.50 1.75. COUOA4 tb tin , 40o per Ib. CHOCOLATE 22ii33opor lb | German chic ory , red , 8Xi\ SAI.SOUA Ubls , l,6 ; granulated , l o ; kegs . CorrcG Koasted Arbucklo's Ariosa , 25 o ; McLaughln' | XXXX. 2. o ; Gorman , 25-tfo ; Dllworth , 25 > ic ; Alaromu , 25 o ; bulk. 23 ' .li * . CorrBE Green Fancy old golden Ilio , 25o ; fancy old peabcrry , 25o ; Ulo , choice to fancy , 24oKio ; , prime , 23) o ; Ilio , good,21 > o ; Mooha , 29o ; Java , genuine O. G. , 23c ; Java , good Interior. 24a : African , 22 c. FIBII CoartsU , extra Gcorpos , now , 6Kc ; grand bank. new 4Ho ; silver , 2 Ib , blocks , Ooj'snow white. 2 Ib bricks , now , 7&o ; Tur key cod , largo middles , bricks. Shu ; BUOW white cratoa , 12-5 Ib , boxes , TJi'o ; Iceland halibut , 9a ; medium icaica herring , 2Sa ; No. 1 scaled herring , 22c ; domestic Holland hurrtag , 55c ; Hamburtr splcod herring , $1.60 ; llu U / " 75c ; Uusilua lardmci , plain. Wo ; ImportcdjHollnnd herring. Crown brani ) , 80o ; do. fancy milkers , We : muckcrol No , 1 shore , half bbls , $13.00 : blotttors , half bbls , $ IS.OO ; whitclUb , half bbls , $7.iX ) ; trout , half bbls , > 60 ; family whltoiisli W.OO ; ; i | . mon , $3.6iT ) t Ib mackerel ( herring ) , ll.OOQ 1 10 ; 1 Ib llnnnn baddies , $1,75 ; 1 Ib lobsters , 2.16 ( < 2.25 ; 1 Ib Alrukn xnlmon. Aleut , $1,00 ; 2 Ib oysters , 10 oz , $1,05 ; 1 Ib oysters , 6 01 , $1.15 ; 2 Ib select , 12oz , $ j.85 ; 1 Ib clams , llttlo necks , $1.25 ; 2 Ib clams , llttlo nccki , $ . > .10 ; t/tlb sardines , Imported , per case , 100s , $ il.OOji9IO.O ( ) ; , ' 4 Ib sardines , imported , per case , luOj. $16.0Ur20,00 ( ; H'b ' Imported bone- lci-s sardines , 20 > ; } i Ib sardines , American , per 100s , Froncii style , $ l.60t5.00j ( } Ib aur- dines , American , per case , 100 * , French style. $7.50@3.00 ; } { Ib saullncs. mustard , porcaou. B3j , $ J.75Sl.OO ( ! ; Imported key sar dines , $13.00. SALT Dairy , 2SO Ib In bbl , bulk , $3.10 : bent grade. 00 , 6s , $2.80 ; best grade , 100 , 3s , $3.40 ; best grado. 23. 10s , $2.20 ; rock salt , crushed , $1.80 ; common , bbls , $1.20. r AKINACEOUS Goons Harley , 3 > f(34o ( ; fa rina , fie ; pens , 8c ; oatmeal , lyiXS'Jo : maca roni , lOc ; vermicelli. lOc ; rice , 4 { 0 o ; sago and tnpiocn , 0V7o ( : limn beans , Oc. OiLs-Korosono P. W. lOo ; W. W. 12jc ; hoadllght , 13o ; gasoltno , 12c ; salad oil , 2.0u@9.00 tier doz. SODA Pkgs 00 5s. 5j < c. NUTS Almonds , 15c ; UrazlU , lie ; iltborts , 12jc ; paeans , lie : walnuts , 12 } c ; pennut cocks , 8c : roasted , lie ; Tcnnesso pea nuts , 7c. Duuua ( Grocers' ) Per Ib Uornx , 12c ; copperas. 2 > o ; Hay loaves , lie ; glue , ICe ; epsom salts , 4cgtaubor : salts , 8c ; sulpbur , 2 } < o ; blue vitro ) , Oc ; alum , 4c : tartnrlo ncld , 42e ; rosin 2u : sallpotor. absolutolypuro , lOc ; gum camphor. 2 Ibs in box , 1 oz cakes. 83c ; hops , } .f nnd } 4 Ib packages , 20c ; sngo , ) { nnd K-'b ' packages. 15o ; madder , 13c ; s.iltpotcr , lOc : Indigo , 3-lb mid 5-lb boxes. S F. 05 ( > $70c ; Indigo , 8-lb nnd 5-ib boxes , Mndris , 75c ; sealIng - Ing wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3o' sealing wax , 2o-lb boxes , whlto , 4c. StioAiii Cut loaf,8 ccut ; loaf cubes 7 c ; standard , powdered , % oXXXX. \ . powdered , 80 ; grunulcted , standard , 7c ; confectioners ors , A , 0jc ; white extra C , O c ; extra C , Neb , O.-je ; umber , Oo ; lion : Basis Manilla rope , 15c ; sisal rope , ' c ; cotton rope , 10o : new process , . COTTON TWINE Bibb , very line , 8 or 4 ply , 22o ; line , 20o ; Daisy , 18o ; candle wick , 22o. On vns Quarts , nerdoz , $3.75 ; pints , per doz. $2.25bulk ; , per gal , Me. VINKOAH 80 pr. cider , So ; good , 12o ; whlto wine , 15c. STAIICII lj ® 8c per Ib. STOVE POLISH ? -i.K5.S7 ( ) per gross. HAOS Am. , per 10'J , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 100 , $ lV.Ou. MOUSSES 13bls , Ni O. , choice , per gal , 55(3570 ( ; bakers' , 2Src32c ; black strap , 20 @ 22c.WUAPPINO WUAPPINO PAPEK Straw , per Ib , 1 } @ 2 > o ; rag , 2 } c : inaniln , B , 5ftlCc : No. 1 , 7c. JiAos Union square , 35 per cent off list. MKATS Hams , No. 1. 10 Ib average , 9 o ; 20 to 22 Ibs. S fc ; 12 to 14 Ibs. ' 03fc ; shoulders , 5) ) c ; breaxfast bacon , No. l8) ) c ; bum sausage , 8c ; dried beef hams , 7J < fc ; beef tongues , $0 00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 6@ Ocuerlb ; bam roulette , O o ; boneless ham , 7ic ; plcnio ham , 0)jc ) ; add lo porlb for small lots. Dry Good * . * CAIIPET WitAi' Bibb , white , ISJ o ; colored , HATTS Standard. 8c : Gem , lOo ; Beauty , 12 o ; Boonc , 14c ; peerless , case , $0.00. COHSET Jr.iss Boston. 7o ; Androscog , in , 7c : Koursage , 7c-Uockport ; , DENIMS Amoskeag , Ooz , 10) ) c ; E oz , l'lVrk \ , 7 oz , l.'io ; Hnvmakcr , 8Ko ; Jaffroy XX. llj c ; .Taftrey XXX , 12 > Jc : Beaver Crook AA4 \ ° \ Beaver Crook UB , O c ; Beaver Greek ( JC , 9 , c. KUNTUCICV JiJ\S8 Memorial , 15o ; Glen- wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules. 18c ; Empire , 25o ; Cottswold , 27 > < c ; Melville - villo , 25c ; Bang-up , 27 > j'c. BLBACIIKD SHHETINOS Ellerton , 7 } c ; Housekeeper , S o ; Now Candidate , 8 c : Berkeley cambric No. 00 , 9c ; Best Yet. 4-4 0) ) 0 ; butter cloth OO , 44'e ; Cabot , 7) ) c ; Farwcll half bleached. 8'c ' ; Fruit of Loom , 8 ? c ; Green G , 0 'c ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phil ip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric. lOc ; Lonsdalo. 8 > c ; Now York mills , lOJ c ; Pop- uoroll. 42 in , lOc ; Pepueroll , 40 in , He ; Pep- poroll , 0 4. 14Kc ; Popporell , 8-1. 20o ; Pop- peroll , 9-4 , 22n : Pepporcll , 104. 2-lo ; Canton , 4 ' , i3 > Cc ; Canton , 5-4 , 9) c ; Triumph , Co ; Wusmutta. lie ; Valley , 5 > .fc ; Harker , bleacbod. He. Buow.v SHEETINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantio D , 4-4 , Atlantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C. 4-4 , 4J o ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , 0 > ' o ; Hoosler LL , 4-4 , ! > % c ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7c ; Lawrence LL , 4 4 , 5 c ; Old Dominion. 4-4 , 5Jjfc ; Pepporoll U , 4-4 , GJ c : Pepporoll E , 40 inch , 7 c : Pcpperrcll , 84 , 17 c ; Popporoll , 94. 20o ; Popperoll , 10-4 , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4c ; Wnchusott , 4-4 , 7c : Aurora It , 4-4. 7o ; Aurora B , 4-4. 0 } c : Atlas , O N B , 7 c ; Farmers' No. 1 , 27-m..fic. CIIASII Stevens' B , 5J o ; Stevens' A , 7o ; Stevens' A , bleached , 8c ; Steven * ' P , 7 c ; Stevens' P bleached 8c Stevens' N , , /c ; , 8Kc ; Stevens' N bleached 9 Stevens' BUT , , > < c ; , lie. CAMnitics Slater. 5c ; Woods , Cc ; Stand ard , 6c ; Peacock , 6c. SIUKTINO : Checks Caledonia X , 9 } o ; Caledonia XX , lO c ; Economy. 9c ; Otis , 9c ; Granite , OJ c ; Haw Klver , 5 } c ; Craw ford , Stfc. TICKS Oakland , A , 7 > o ; International , YY , 8c ; Shetueket , S. S 'o : Warren , No. 870 , lOc ; Berwick , HA , 18cr Acme. 18o ; York , 30 inch , Wlj'c ; York , 82 inch. 13 o\ \ Swift Uiver , 80 ; Thorndike , OO , S c ; Thorndiko FF , 8Wc ; Thorndlko. 120 , 9c ; Thorndlko XX , 15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , luc ; Cordls No. 4 , 10 > < c. DUCK West Point , 29-in , 8-oz , 9Kc ; West Point , 29-in. 10-oz , 12Hc ; West Point , 9-in , 12-oz , I0 ; < fc ; West Point , 40-m , 11-oz , 17c. 17c.FLANNELS FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen , 20o ; Cloor Lake , 82c ; Iron Mountain , 20J fo ; Whlto G H No. 2 , % , 22K ; G H No. 1 , } { , 20Ko : B H No. 2. X , 22 c ; B H No. 1 , Jtf , 2'Jc ; Quecheo , No. 1. J , 42c. il < c G O 2-l-ln. 20c ; 'H 27o ; G , X , 25e. PitiNxs Solid Co ors Atlantic , fie ; Slater , Oc ; Berlin oil. O c ; Gnrnor oil , 0@7c. Pinlc nnd Hobos Richmond , 0 oAllcnOJ ; o ; Riv- croolnt , nj c ; Steel River , Oc ; Poclllc , 0 > o ; Indigo Blue St. Leger. 5 > < ; o ; Washington , OKc ; American , 0 } c : Arnold , OJ c ; Arnold Century , 9o : Amand , 12u ; Stiotel A , 12c. barter oak , 6 , ' u ; Raumpo , 4Jifc ; Lodl , 6 , 0 ; Allen , Oo ; Richmond , Oo ; Windsor , OJ c ; EddystoneOXc ; Pacillc , 0 > c. GI.NQIIAM Plunkott checks , 0 } c ; Whlt- tcnton , 09/c ; York , 0 > c ; Normandl dross , Calcutta dress , 7 ! o ; Renfrew dress , Mctslg. BLOCK TIN Small pig , 2Sc per Ib ; bar , 29o per Ib. CoppEit Planished boiler alzon , flic petIb ; cold rolled , 2So per Ib ; sheathing , 27o per Ib ! pltts and Hats , 23o per Ib. GALVANI/ED SHEET IIION Disc't 60-10 per cent , pat. pltm. iron , A , lOJ o ; B , 9J-fu. KOOFI.VO Charcoal , 1. C. , 11x20 , 112 , $0.00 ; I. X. , $7.60. SHKET IIION No. 20 , $3.75 ; No. 27 , $3.85. SoLDini 14(3)10c. ( ) TIN PLATE I. 0. , 10x14 , 223 , $7.40 ; T. X , 10x14 , 225 , $9.25. TIN PLATE Coke I. C. , 10x11 , 235 , J0.50. STEEL NAILS Base , $3.00. STKIL : WIUB NAILS Buso , $3.50. WiitE Jap. barb , $3.00 ; galv. , $1.20. Borax , He ; citrlo acid. 40 < < ? 51u > . tartarlo arid , 42o ; carbolic acid , 8JC ( < illo ) : castor all , $1.20@1.28 ; b'alsum tolu , 80@3'c ) ; tonku beans , $1,65@I.OO ; cubeb berries , $1.95 : calo mel , 95c ; camphor , 45fi"IOc ; canthurides , $ l.2.'i@1.80 ; cassia buds , 17M2'Jo ' ; chloroform , 50@52o ; ergot , 4550o : b'l.vcarlno , 2025o ; gum arable , C0@93c ; bcopodium. 40l5o ( ; mercury , SOe ; inorpnlno sulph , $2UO@3,16 ; opium , $395 ; quinine , 85iSOo ( ; turpentine , 64o ; linscoa , raw , 63c : boiled , Ulc ; Am- saffron , 34c ; whlto wax , 60o ; yellow wax , 35c. A I'iciny liner. The ordinary notion of a doer is probably - ably of ini unimnl of considerable bulk , but this prouu of mammals , iiko many others , includes roprosonUttives of moat vtiriod sizes , says the London News. Ono of the very smallest members of the group u little cr.otituro not much moro than a foot in length is at pres ent to bo scon in the Marsupial hospital ( which , by the way , shelters almost fewer "marsupials" than any thing else ) . It is known as Stanley's Choonv. taln , and wub named by Dr. Gray after Lord Derby { grandfather of the present earl ) . who owned u magnificent ma- nugorio , Apart from his cloven hoofs , this animal looks loss Iiko u door than u small rodent or oven marsupial ; it never possesses horns and the mala hns n pair of very long curved canine teeth in the upper jaw , which may perhaps bo used for lighting. A much hioro re- tnarkablo use has boon assigned to these extraordinary developed tooth : it has been siiul that the door too hotly pur sued springs -into u tree and remains suspended by its tooth until the pursuers have passed by. This is , however , ono of those statements which hardly ncod refutation , ' l-'or iMnlnrln tiso Horiford'a Acid PhoMilmto. Dr. E. O. Davlos , Du Smct , Dak.snys : "I have used It In slow convalescencennd pre vention from icnlarlal diseases whore the drinking water wnMbad ; 1 bollova It to bo beneficial In preventing summer complaints , also ono of the best agents wo have to rectify the bad effects nf the drinking water upon the kidneys and bowels. RUSSIA WITH US. A KiiBsmn Olllolal Tnlki of tlio ItuU- Thnt Might Hn Done. A Berlin letter says : "In the course of u discussion on the subject of tlio 1'iin-Atiiori- can congress with ono of thu most Inlliientlal and progrcssivo olllcluls of the Russian em pire bo mailo the following remark : "I cannot "Understand why the United States nro going to &o much trouble nnd ex panse to obtain nmrkcta in South America nnd yet so entirely neglect to maku thn slightest efforts to enter Into commercial relations with us. You nro aware of our warm sympathy for trio United States'nnd you nro equally cognizant of our deep aver sion to both Germany and England two countries that arc inimical to Russia in every way , and with wlncn wo nro bound to go to war , sooner or later. Yet , notwithstand ing this , almost our entire Import trade Is In their bands , and it Is Russian gem which contributes to tlio success of thclt manufac turing and mining Industries. Of course wo should immensely pro far that If any one country Is to bo bcncllttea by our trade It should bo our friend , the North republic , rather than our Hfo-long enemies , Germany nnd England. For many years to como our import trndo will naturally go on increasing , for the industrial development of our great country is but In ( ts Infancy. 1 have good reason to know that the anxiety of our government to foster commercial re lations xvlth America and to transfer our Import trndo from Germany and England to you on political ns well us economical grounds would lead it readily to erant cer tain reduction1) ) of tariff in the case of goods from the United Stales. 'Must look at the Hold uliicli there Is for American tr.ido. Over 40 per cent of the ontlro enormous area of Russia is under cultivation and devoted to agncultaro. which as .Vet is carried on in the most primitive fashion. Surely there is no reason why wo should not obtain our agricultural imple ments nnd machinery from you rather than from England. At the present moment almost nil. our locomotives , our steel rails nnd our rolling stuck ara obtained from England. It is but a year or two slnco the minister of railroads gave n single ordei * for 600 locomotives and 20,000 freight cars. Assuredly the United States could have filled this order just cs well ns the English. Indcod , tlio opportuni ties in the metal trade nro cnormoup. Tto demand for iron in Russia is vast , but our native supply is little larger than that of Sweden. The fact is that Russian iron Is of n very inferior quality. It is smelted will wood instead of coal. Moreover , our manu facturors have not ns yet taken nnv consl - cruDlu advantage of the sclrntittc.disuovcri < s and experiments of the last forty years ; flml then , too , the center of our metal trade , such ns it Is , is in the Ural , whence transport is both diftlcult und costly. "Another article with which the United States could supply us is coal. Wo require an enormous quantity , and nt present nearly all that is used is obtained from England. Until recently wood fuelulono has boon used , but the terrific destruction of'tho forests has ended by seriously alarming our govern ment. "Of course the great difficulty lies in the fnct that there is no direct intercourse by sea between our two nations. Of the 15.0UO vessels that entered Russian ports last year not ono bore the- American flag. The few transatlantic goods that are shipped to us nro landed at German ports nnd convoyed from thcnco by mil t a great loss and ex pense. A line of steamers running on altern ate fortnights to Odessa on the BlucK sea and Riga on the Baltic woulo vastly benefit our trauo with you. Odessa is the lines , port of the Black sea in fact it is our Liver pool. Riga is the best port of the entire Baltic. Its winter harbor is open all the year round. Riga is , moreover , the second largest trading town of Russia , with n popu lotion of 800,000 , in a vast agricultural can tor where a great trade might bo done in agricultural implements and machinery. It is within 800 miles by rail of St. Petersburg , and forms tbo terminus of a direct line to Moscow. "Of course , I am only speaking as a pri vate person , and not in my olllcial capacity ; but personally I think that the above rea sons , if properly presented to our govern ment would bo of weight , not only in proem- ing tariff advantages on American imports , but might oven lead our iieoulo to grant a subvention to a Russo-Anicricjn line of steamers. " Ivprvo nmt Ijivor PIllH. An important discovery. They act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A no'.v principle. They speedily euro billlousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Spiondld for men , women nnd children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 80dososfor25 cents , Samples free at Kuhu & Co.'a , 15th und Douglas. SCHROEOER & DEAN , GRAIN , Bant FM Natal Bui , 305 Soiilll I3III Street , . Omulin. NATIONAL BANK TJ. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital if 100,000 SurpliisJtiii. 1st , 181)0 ) r.7,500 O1-T1CEH3 AND DIIIKCTOU3 HKNHV W. VATES , Prujlilont. l.twiH'J. Itr.EH , Yico President. JA ? . w. BAVAOP , \\.V.AItWSK. JOHN 8 , COU.INS. It , C. ( 'lIHIIINd , J. N. II. I'ATIUCK. \V. II. H.lllMItr.i.Oi s'lto THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and Karnain Rts. A General Danklnj ; Ilusluos * Transacted , Wo olio rrcah anit ifll V l. IUy , Uruln. lldrWool ! , Orei'il und Hrlfil Krulti.VcKelnlilri.urniylhlnnyoilni Imvo lo thin. Wi ltd u > for nrlrm or any Indmmtlmi you lif eel. HIM ! AIT UN , SIOIllllMIN A , < < > . , fommU.luu Mrrrhunli , 171 Haulhtulcrit. . , CMmico. KirciiocK-MHrHrwIlli Mention Omaua lleo. STRICTURE ! Dissolved and Removed by Medlciue NO INSmiJMKNTt ) . Address PHYSICIAN , IJoxVOl , - - PIIOVIDKNCK , II. 1 llcntioa Omaha lice. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK , Cnpttnl , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 40,000 Ofllcars and Director * K. M. MoMoirmn. fl M. Hitchcock , Jo * . ( Inrnonu , Jr. A Ilonrr l M Anderson. Win. u Mi ul. v. pn > .i I. II Will- Inin * . A. 1' . Hopkins. preM A. Mlliard , cnsliler ; K. H. llrynnt , nvijstnnt c.itlilcr. ' Doomnnd 7 , , JOSE8 A CO. , HucctMori to ItoeJ , Jones A Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Biots &Ste for'llniton ' llubbcr She Co.,1108,1IM and 11X ( > - - U ru rau ll Drowcra. sronz . < - . iiKn , Lager Beer Brewers , 1MI North KljfliUealh StN4l , Omnnn , N t > r i . Cornlco. EAOLE CORNICE Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice \VInJoif-cni'i nnJ ratluMc krllahti. Jolm Kpcntlor , proprietor , tin nn.1 tUHuutb I0tt > tlrect. Artists' Motorlnls. A. UOSPK , Jr. , Arlisls' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , .Oiimim , Nobrnikn. Coal , Coke , Etc. Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal. 209 Boulh nih lre t. Omalm. Nebraska. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cok 114 South 13th ilreot , Oumlift , Nobrn > k . . DEAN , ARisrtoNa & cat Wholesale Cigars , ' iOJHorth Gtb Street. Omnba , Nob. "Hello" 1139. Jf. E. SMl'uA CO , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions ' .OfuO 'uhllltlLHYl * O .H. ' KILPATRICK-KOCII DRY GOODS CO. , Importers & Jokers in Dry Good ? , Notions dentV Furnishing UooU. Cornar llth ana Uacnar tienti , Omahfi. NobrnskA. Furniture. DEWEY & &TOXE , Wholesale Dealers in Furnita Furnam tr ) t. Omabn , Nobnuka. CHARLES Furniture , Omaha , .Nebraska. Crooorlos. ZfcCORD , 1JRAD'Y A CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Uthnnd Laaveawcrth tt.-'ots , Omaha. Nebraska. Hardware , HlMEliAtlOH & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Iltcbanles Tools and lluffalo Sailcs. 1105 Oouglu ilrect. Omaha , Ntb. Lumbar , Etc. JOHN A. WAKKFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported nrt American Portlnm ! Cement. Statt agent for Mllwituhao llrrtrnulle Cument anil CJulnof WliH ? I.lmo. CUAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwocd Lumber , Ifood carpets and parquet flooring. 8th and Uouglt ireelft. Omalu , Nubrnslta- MISSOURI MIXING CO. , Miners and Hard and Soft Coa iUJ 1 Irst NHUCIIKI llnnlc Hull lint : , ( mmlm LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumiicr , Lath , Lime , Sash Dotra , eto. Tanla-Cornor Ttii anil Douzln. Offlo Corner Will nml DJimlas. " * " " " "FRED. w. a RAY , LnnHier , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Cornci Dili and Uoualai UrccH , Oraalin. rnilllnory and Motlone. . T I. OttERFELDER & CO. , IfflporlBK & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions X3,210 and 212 South 111U street. Notions , J. T. JZO.D/A'SOiV NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnisliiiig Goods , 1134 Uarnoy elreot. Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK-LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Urtaac. etc. Omab * . A. II. Illshop , Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paner Dealers , C rrr n nice ilock of pr.nllnif , wrapiilnir nnd writing paper. Special atlcntlou Riven to cnrd paper. Safes --to , A. L. DEANE A CO. . General Auonts ( or Hall's ' Safes , t mi nd 32.1 South 10th Bt. Omaha.t t Toyq , EtO. H. HARDY A CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Gooas , onia Furoliulne Ooodt. Children' * Carrlizo. 12CB harimrn stre t,0malii . fiob. Agrloulturnl Implomonto. LININOER < METCALV CO. , Aplcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriagea llUMlos , to. Wholoulo. Oniaha.Nobrnika. Li. S. WIXD ENOINK Os PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplier llalllrtaj win ! mllli , S18 and UJono ) ! 3t,0mati , U.IMloii. Acting Munnner. BHOWNELL il'c'O , Enfc Boilers and General Machinery , work , ilcom puupi. < avr ra'.IU. ' 1313-1JU , Uianlia. Iron WorU. PAXTON & VIBRLlKd'TRON Wrought and Cast iron Building Work , Knifliio , trfti ! work , general fOJiiilrr , machine , auj lilackimllb work , omco anil work , . U , 1' . llr. and lltU , U tUmiliq. OMAHA s IRON 'women , Hanf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes , Vault * , jail work. Iron ( button and flrj oicapia , O. Andisen , prup'r. Cor. llth and Jan , on tits. fiaBh.JPporB Eto j 3f. A. JDISDROW A CO. , WhoIeiM * mF.uuf ctur r ! if Saih , Door , Blinds and .Mouldings , Drench office , Utk and Itard itrooU , Oaiaba , Neb. SOUTH OMAHA. ! STOOK YARD co.t Of Sootynalit Limited ,