2 THE OMAHA DAILY BJEJ& TUESDAY , MARCH 5 , 1890 18WJ wns to Imvo tlio government turn ever to tlio Wnstorii t'nlon tlm telegraph line * It ) jml built In tlio south during tlio war. Ho * nys tlm furls nro Hint tlio Western lnIon lilul nothing to do with thut matter ; tlmt tlm nolUommil of tno government wns through tlio wnr department nnil that the Western t.'nlon Itnd no Intercut whatever nnd no righto In miy of tlio soutlinrn states ; tlmt ftaillement * wera mndo with trio houtluvost- fra tolcgrnph company , ttio Washington nnd Maw Orleans telegraph cotnanj | nnd ttiu Amorlriiti inlcgrnph company , in IbOo , nnd that tlm few linn * which tlio government hail built- and rebuilt in the couth were turned ovfir to these companion In payment /or tlm 1110 of tholr line * which the tfovoru- iiiOnt Mini Koircd , hold nnd used for three or four yours for | inllltnry purposes , 1 merely refer to thin hero no lliutyou cnn niaku clnnr your ( itntotiiont with regard to it. Mr. Itnsowator Tlml I * very Interesting no fnr ns It KOCH , but It does not HO fur unoiigh. In the flnt place the hondqimrtorit ot the Unit nil btntos inllltary lolcgruph on the tlnv when the order puollshcd In this Imolr , WIIH Issund ( AugustIII , ISMl ) , wns nt Cleveland nml rot nt tlio war department. 'I'lio order at tlio war department to transfer tlio milllnrv leli'irrnph HMOS unit oiiulpmouU to lho telegraph companies wns Issued on February 1)7 ) , IbfiO. 'llionctol 1SCO , linown rm the national telegraph not , wns , If I ro- nomlicr rltrhtlv , passed In July , nnd they liud turiiud Hint properly ever montlm bo- toro the net of ISGil wns piuscd : so that the ntor.V will KO for what It is worth. Huro nro the fiuitfti The liiMidiiiiartcrs of the United States niilltnry lolegraph were nt Cleveland In the oflleoof the Western Union tolcernpli rom- puny , nnd Its roinnmndar or ohlor wns the general superintendent ot the Western ( Jnlnn telegraph cuinpnny , nnd In thin book In the proof. 1 nsscrt nnd imtlntnln tlmt the lines of Ilia southern telegraph companies which uoro iisi.'d against the government were coiitrnbund of wnr , nnd , by the lnwi nnd usnjjcs of wnr In every civilized country , they would Imvo boon tnhon from these par lies because they were nsoil against the guv- nrninoiit with inoro effect tlum bntnlllons or brigades of soldiers , nnd with morn effect tlmti batteries of nrvlllory or nny weapons imod by iin nrmy. It was hornuao of thcio poctillnr relations nxiatlng butwcon these telegraph companies that such Jugirlory wns boldly perpetrated. Tlio order of r'ubrunry 27 , I8i0 ; , Is missing nnd In not to bo found among the original papers In the wnr dcpnrtnionr. I nm In- forineil tlmt It waslssuod by ( jonornt Thomas I' ' . ICchcrf , thbii acting secretary of wnr , unit tlm n.ssoclato of Oonornl Stager In thoconinmnd of the inllltary tolciritipli corps nnd who also sustained relations to tlio telegraph - graph companies tUut'nro wall understood. From tt.OOO.OOO to ! ICOO,000 Worth of tele- "ftrnph linen Were absolutely Riven nwav while thin peculiar comblimtlon Imd control of the mllltnry telegraph of the United States nnd manipulated the wires in their own Interest - torost nnd to the ilotrlinunt of the govern ment. The American telegraph company had Kdwln S. Sanforu , Its head , in charge nn Connor of nil dliimtcho.i. Mr. San ford wan president of the Adams express company nnd of tha American toli-grnnh company , nnd lu ) wns during the wnr coiuor of nil dis patches that went out of the war department. In other words , ho hnd the right toj-supproas wiy news that ontno from the Mold of battle mul to detain It nn hour , | r niiny , or two iluvn , nnd nlso thu power to prevent the transmission of nny dlspatchex tlmt , In Ills JudKnirnlHoemud Inunlcnl to thoKOvernincnt. PuritiK tlml period dispatches were received in the department every half hour from the New York uxchnnpo * . K'viiiK ' the quota- tloim of Kold nnd iniotatliffi of itloolis , which were promptly handed to Mr. tianford. When nra nrmlcs wcro defeated Kiikl wont up nnd MOclts went down. When there WIIH n union victory Kohl wont down nnd stocks went up. Tin ) m.in who could delay tlio pub * llelty of that fart for iinlf n day had n very iiiakMiltli'diit oppertunlty for nmn Hliif ; nn , Imiiinm ) amount of wealth. 1 mamtnln tlmt no one , no mnttcr on which si do ot the war Iiu might hnvu been , wouin Juttlfy the con- duel of thcKd companies mut tlm innnnor In \vhlch the wires vvoro II n ally iimnlpulnted so n to vicld thu largest rovcnuo to them while the Kovornmoul expended millions of dollars tor tclccranh facilities. Mr. ( Irium'tt letter , us I understand it , says tlmt thpy wuro very seriously Interfered wiui in ino souiiicrn ninies. 'i no govern- inont really rebuilt their "ramshneklo" wires , nnd built better wires for them than tlipy ever had before. 1 wns down there In 1W\I \ In Tcnnciflou nnd Alabama , nnd I was In Nnthvlllo when the union nrmy cantnrcd tlio city. 'I ho government reinstated their wires nnd placed thorn In IIrut elnss condi tion. A" "tu commercial dispatches sent during the wnr over their wires were paid nt the full toll rate , And the soldier who nont n mcssnco to his fnmlly puid full rates. The only UKO the government hnd of thcso. wires wn& simply fnr the transmission of nrmy orders , nnd tlmt was dona by its own military operators. Then nn to the patents widen they say wuro violated. What pat- ontsl Tlio telegraph wns discovered in 18.17. If Prof , Morse hnd nnv patent for ntrlnglni ; tclogrnph wires on American soil It must hnvu uxplrod within twenty-one years of that dale. I cnnuolHoo how nnyono was prevented or could huvo oeou prevented from bulldlnc just ai many wires in nny part Of this country as they pleated. 'I ho only possible patents tlmt might hnvo boon interfered with wcro them upon BOIIIQ In * Rtruincnts. Hut oven the patents on ordi nary lustrtliuents had run ou : by 1801. .Now , I say for myself , with what knowl edge 1 hnvu of the telegraph , that I would rather trust the government of the United States than any private corporation or nny nmmigcr of any privnto corporation. Wo Imvo been told , for Instance , tlmt election riots In New York were nt lonst prevented by the telegraph company giving ; nut the Itropur news to the people ix to the ruiultlof the election of IbS-l. What right has the telegraph company to bulletin election news or nny other newsl Would the govern ment of the United Stnti-s. If the tcicgrnph Imd been under Its control , publish on bul letins nnd ilvo nwny nuy Intclllgrnco trans mitted over Its wlrosl Would they vtolnto the mails ami open letters which contained Huch Intullitfoncol Would nuy express com- l > iwV open the packagcn that go through tlioir liiiniUI Are not telegraph companies merely nubile cnrrlurs entrusted with trans- inlltmg I'orvespendeneol Hut ihoahowinir IH here tlmt the telegraph company roonlved $ , IWO for olccium ue\s' In 1NV.K KlRhty-elght tboutnnd dollars fnr what ! For selling returns of stnto elections nnd eongrcsslotml iMcotionn nt different stn- tlons , peddled out to pool rooms , delivered nt the theatres nnd nt prlrnto resorts of every description. Tlmt U not , In mv , oplnlon.itho runctlon of the telegraph nirtt never Ishould lie. lie.Dr. Dr. Cireou nt ono tlino testlllod that the \Voitdrn I'lilon i the only camn.-xn.v in this country that docs lint doul In news ; nnd yet they huvo dertlt In news to the extent of $ * $ , - 000 worth of election returns. Now. suppose that Mr , J. ( Jould wns very deeply Inter ested In election returns , would ho bo los formidable limn any postmaster ircnornl or than nny man interested In the outcome of an election I 1 question It. And yet , I do not tnsut tlml the government shall aporatu nil the wire * , although In my opinion U would b lx st > t it worn done. Hut If wo cannot do lhat , the next best thing is to dovl o miino pl.tu to connect tha oostal cervico with tha talegrni > h service , nnd glvo the pooplu the widest latitude m telegraph faculties. It has beea naked here whettier or not a telegraph toll of less than the pivtanl rate would lia romunerntlve , I haw compiled AH ctluuntd of thaexKiusa | amlcarnlng ot n wire oiHratei ) nt a moderata speed. A tlrst class operator C.IA Iratuum by the Morse In strument forti- words pt > r mmuto At nn average ot thirty words pcnmmuo hotonA \ transmit 1MX , ) word * In nn hour , or I'MWJ ' \vot\U in a day of nine hours. Computing e ch uies ace nl thirty words and the rate ivsr me * .ico at 15 cents ho would curn for the eompauv t VVlo a slay , Mr Liinghara That presuppose * coullnu- ous work I . Mr. Hose water Yes. sir ; but I have dis counted Hint. A tlrst class oMralor | cnn send fort- words a minute , but 1 hrvvo only cal culated it at thirty. Mr , Hlnpham You arts going oil the bails ot continuous work ami ihcrutoro continuous busiucssl Mr. Hosowaier Yo , sir. I w rales will luaka continuous business. Computed at 10 cents t > or eissp of thlrVl' words , thfl wlro would cam ( . 5.40 a day. Thu s\ltrlei ot the two OMrator * , ouo to rcoclvo and one to end , at M a day , juid four ta > sscr.c rs to do llver th- ) business at $ t u da.\\ I to eauii mci- tJjugcr. m k a total expcnw ot $10 n daj % Mr. ChcAdlc How much do you compute the salaries to be I Mi. Itosuwater Threa dollars & day. Mr. GaedteUd i th Weslorn Union company pay M a day to IU operatort 4. Mr. lie * < 9waier Th y do to some ot them. Mr , Cheadle 1 liv In a town ot BO.IXW peopU and they ray their owrator ( . a , lUODlh t Wr uotercaler I bavo purpocom ! - putod It at tlio highest rntoi paid by the company , nnd also nllow Tory liberally lor the mosjougor sorvlco. 1 nllow in for blnnks nnd rnvolopos , nnd tlmt I * very liberal. There thnn roiimlus frio. 10 cJoar gain per day , cmml for lllil worKlng dnys In the yenr to IH.iy.'i.'JO , Deduct from this sum | inOi" > .UO for tha Incidental expenses , ropalrs to the lines , etc. , nnd wo will have (5,000 n year from the oiwrr.llons of thnt ono wlro , or 10 per cent on nn investment of > 0X)0 , ( ) capital. At the rnto of thirty tliron wonla a uilnuto , or " ,000 wonls per hour , n Morse line operated with duplex Instruments for ten hours a day would earn f.'OO per day. Operated as a rpiadruplox lU earning uapaoity would bo f too per day of ton hours , or ( Ow per dnytf fifteen hours , manned by two operators , working nn nvorngo of sovcn nnd n Iinlf hours each per dny. The expense would bo ; Klght oirarators nt $ . ' 1 per day , tf.il ; Hlxtnaii mcsi < onierst { I n day each 910 ; four oftlco olcrks4 ii day cncli , (3 ; blanks nnd envelopes - volopes , f ! ) ' , totnt ( .Vt. Coiupntliii , ' on n word bii'Ui for apcclnl nowx Borvlcont ona-thlrd of n cent per xvord , or tlio nvcrngo nowspapar rnto for night service , nnd 13,00 ! ) words per hour for nlno hours , would bo tOO u dny , nt iiL'iilnttt two opnrntors , which would ccstfll , mossunKorn ? 'J , nnd paper fJ : total , 910 , Icnvlugn net income per dny from a wire operated at oiio-thlrd of n cent per word ot MO. Mr. lllnelmm Arc wo to conclude from the sintomont thnt you have made , showing thut profit , tlml the government rates ara too hight Mr. Hosowntor I simply sutrgost thnt i10 or 15 cent rate would ba romunurntlvo to the government , or to nnybody ulsa who was working the wires. Mr. Dlnglmm Do you think tlmt amount of buslncsH would coma to the government anvo In vary largo offices ( Mr. Hosowntor If you will send your committed to Now York you will observe I wan in tholr ofllco ou baturdny that they nro kept pretty busy , right ulonjr.- The oporaturH huvovery IlttlorcHt. Air. nuighain The ipiostlon I am putting to you Is would it not bu only In the very Inrgu office * where this continuous wort ; would bo c.irricd on I Mr. Uosawatcr In Innra cities this contin uous work would bo carried ou. Hut it these places wcnl to keep the line going nil the tlmo there would bo no chailco for the Intor- moillivtu places to do nuy business nt nil. There would necessarily hnvo to bo itntno- dlalo wires lo do the way station business. 1 will now uls'o you something from a prac tical standpoint. I hnvo In my hand the pro- cocdltigi of the eighth minimi meeting ot the national hoard of trndo hold In Wellington In 1SS3. During the discussion of the pqstnl telegraph measure , Mr. Pope , n Chicago merchant , made nn exhibit of what tholr ox- purloncc hnd boon In running u chcnp telegraph - graph Riirvica between Chicago nnd Mllwnu- kco. The \Yoitern Union WIIH uhnrgmg thorn for mcssagei between Chicago nnd Milwau- Iteo UO cents for ten words , so Umy ostab- llshcd n system of tholr own between these cities. Mr. 1'opo saysVo : were not al lowed to build our lines along the railroads on account of aoino iiorc of Frco Maionr.v existing butweon the railroad companies nnd the Western Union company , nnd wo Imd to resort to the common highway. After wo hnd built our line wo reduced the rnto from 20 to 10 rents. Immcdlatoly upon our doing HO the Western Union reduced its rates Irom 20 ci-nts to 5 cents.Vltli tlmt 5 cent rnto wo paid n dividend In ono your as high us(0 ( per rent , nnd In two years wo wiped out the rntiro cost of the capital Block of that , linu ; thnt Is to any , the whole sum was refunded to us. " Now this is from the practical standpoint nnd will not be gainsaid. The fact la time tlio consolidations which hnvu nlw.iya fol lowed competition between telegraph com panies In thl * country have made thu plnnts of the companies excessively costly , while upon .tlio uapitall/ntion which the plants represent tlm dividend would iieem to bo rathar small. It U notorious , hovyovor , tlml there Imvo boon enormous profits accumu lated In this business. 1 will Illustrate. In 1801 congress clmrtorud the 1'iicltlo tele graph company , to be built from Omaha to ijncrnmouio nml to connect with n short line existing from Sacramento to tinn Francisco. Congress provided $10,000 per ntitnun as a subsidy for ten years , or in nil $400,000. Mr. r.lnnnt VVlmt vimr U'us ttnitl Mr. Kosowutor In 1801. Tuo subsidy was paid nnnuilly , nmnunting to $10,000 per annum , on the condition Hint thu company should conlino Its fates between thoMissouri river nnd the Paeitlu ocean to $ . ' 1 for ten words nnd ghould carry the governmental business free of charge. Now , the superin tendent of tha telegraph company who con structed tno greater portion of that line had quite an Investment In Itnnd out ot that line for every 15 cents ho invested ho got M when ho got through mid it was turned ever to the Western Union company. I was the manager of tha line for a number of years and was expected , of course , to send the government service free of charge between the Missouri river. and the Pacific ocean , The lines ran 'from Onmlm to Fort * Kuarncy. then to Julvsburg. then loLnramlc , by way of South Pass anil Salt Lake City. But a very short time nftor they Imd built their line they diverted n part of the line or built a loop from Julosburg around by way of Douvor nnd thunco north. If the govern ment hnd any service to do , we charged more around by tlmt loop thnn we charged from ' Omalm to San Francisco. While our rates from Onmlm to San Francisco were never higher thnn J.T for n ten-word mossngi' , our rates to Dover were JI.JO , lo Iletunu , Mont. , * ti , nnd to points ou this side of iho coast correspondingly exorbitant , The arbitrary methods of these companies nml the lack of general regulation Is strikingly shown at that tlmo In iho fact that while Irom Omaha to Bun Francisco , n distance of 1.700 miles , our rnlo wns W , from Omaha to Now York , a distance of 1,400 uillcs , it waa ? . * > 03. We charged from Onmlm to Chicago , n ills , tnncrt of 600 miles , $3.55 , From Council Bluffs to Now York , a distance ot live miles lost than lo Omaha , we charged $3.03. From Council Bluffs to Chicago , a distance ot live miles less than from Omaha lo Chicago , wo olmrged $1,55 , n difference of W.UO on every ten word message In favorot Council Bluffs. I have known people lo get on the stngu coach , pay 75 cenls faro from Omaha across the river and 7" . cents back , making * 1.60. and save M cents on a ton word message to Chicago. m Mr. Bmgham Wlml wns tholdon of thatl Mr. Uosewater I can not say , only thai Ihere wens iwo companies and they Pretended tended not to connect or to compete. The laws of the United Stales require Ihe tele graph companies 10 transmit government business ahead of every oilier business ; but they never Imvo done It , Thuy did not do It on the Paclllo telegraph line and they have tint dona It on any oilier telegraph line. A message known us C. N. D , , or Iho Com mercial News department. Is put upon tha wire nnd it has precedence ever everything. U ranks everybody's busmoas. Wo notice thai the \ \ usiorn Union last year received , from the Commercial News service some thing like MSO.OOO for one year. Thnt Com- moivlul N'lHvs service originated In a little jobbing scheme , Durlni * tlionr quotations or gold ami m certain MOCKS were sold to banker * mid speculators. They charged so iiuioli u month for those quotaiions and they were expedited ahead of everybody's busi ness. whether mossapa for tha government , doatu mcssngcs or anything olio. Kvont- ' iially these quotations nuulo a nucleus around which they built up what they called they Cotinnerel.il News dop.irlmmit. It U n sort of n circle within a circle , I'lhe argument of Mr. Hosowalor will bo concluded in tomorrow's Uauo. | It os nit oTn Mlnulaceil Swltnli , NASiiviu.r , Tonn. , March SI. A mls- plaoca switch ou the Louisvlllo & XathvlUa road In this city caused ihe wreck ot several rrelghl cars unl iho death of Iwo colorea men , beside * Injuring several others , Trolglit car * wore huric4 clour across Col- logu street , slrlklnc the wailing rooms Wherein were n Uirco number of women and children awaiting tuo train. None were iriously Injured , Tliojr All IMoailctL Not . KKW Yonit , March 24. The baton of dcpulj- sheriff * and ex-Warden Keatiiip , of Ludlow street jail , indicto.l by the grand Jury fer malteaianco In oftlcis xvero in court today , t-.ach enlonxl a plea of not guilty. ' Will Stnml ICaher. ToxiWAXui , N , v. , March 3l. The Kvangolloal coo ferenco bore pasted a rosoj latioa condomnlBg the action ot the ministers - tors at Heading la HUtiop Kshcr' * case and announcing iu detertuloatloa la uphold the bishop , Unmmlitae. Nir Yonir , March 34. The OeniTCsstonol ImmlKratlon commllteo , after an luipectlon of various i > olnu rcvurut to Washington tanlcht. Kills Uland U most favored by the committee for an laimiuraal dei > oi , IN FAVOR OF KESDBKISSUKI , Iowa , Rouublloina Want Another Popular Vordlot on Prohibition. THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT. Hliort Kosslon of Moth UrAnclic * ofllio liOKltlntnra The lllvcr Jmnil Xnx QncHtlon Oihor Hawk- cyo No\v . Icitvn'n Prohibitory DCS MUINCS , la. , March 21. ( Special Tel egram lo Tun Htcu.1 The first stop In the movement for the rouihmlsslon of the pro hibitory question to the people wn * taken today. Uoprosontatlvo Hood Introduced In the house u Joint resolution for the resubmission - mission of the prohibitory amendment to the constitution. It Is similar to the amendment which was adopted in ISSa. but afterwards doclaroJ invalid for some technical error In Its passngo through the legislature. This proposed nmondment introduced today pro- vldoa for the manufacture ns well tis thosnlo of llitior | for cortnm prooor purposes , such ns medicinal nnd mechanical , in case iho mnnu fncturo nnd Biilo ns n huvorngo is prohlbltod 'I'horo Is n strong aontlinont In fnvor of ro- . BUbmlsslon. Many of the republican lend ers say it Is the only thing they can do under thu present nlluatton , If Iho republican party ropoaH prohibition they say thnt the prohibltlonlstH will form iv largo third party. if It doesn't modify the law they sny the liberal - oral republicans will leave nnd the democrats will carry the stato. Hut If they submit it to the peoiilo , nioro people will bo disposed to nblde t by the result. If this proposed amendment is passed by tlm nnd the next legislature it would bo submitted to the people ntn special election early In 181U , Jnst ton years after tlio Ural amendment wns voted upon. The Uivor Imiul Tnxos. Fotvr DODOC , la. . March 21. LSoooial Tologrutn to THE Ban. ] Edward H. Lltch- Hold , the principal owner of the so-called rlvor land In Webster , Hamilton nnd Uoono counties , today ga.vo notlco of his applica tion for an Injunction to restrain the treas urers of the counties from collecting taxes on the lands from him. Ho objects to pay ing the tnxos on the ground that the titloof lands is In litigation nud the tnxos nre not collectible until nftor the United Stales suit to decide the ownership is settled. His ap plication will probably bo granted. It will bo argued before Judge Shlras nt Council Hlultn. March 20. Lltch. field Is ono of tbo largest land owners In the state. The taxes on thcso river lands nlono amount to $10,000 per year In Webster. Hamilton nnd Hoono counties. Litchllold 1ms already paid nearly $ JOO,000 taxes on the laud without protest , nnd | IH ! present nction Indicates that his confidence in tnu company's tltlo to the rlvor lands is somowhut shaken. A Doctor Cluuxml With Jturitur.ivi D.WESi'OUT. In. , March 21. I Special Telegram - gram to TUB HUE. ] Dr. J. A. Kold was nr- rested hero last night , nnd is now conlinod in tlio county Jail on n charge of murder. The mnttor uuon which the chnrgo is made grow ? out of the death of n young woman named Clara Matthews , upon whom it is al leged Dr. Kold performed tin operation of noortmn resulting fatally. The victim carao hero from Manitoba two years ago In com pany with a well known lady of this city , who was attracted by the intollieenco and neat uppo.iraneo of the girl she wns trying to help. On Thuradny last the dyiiif ; womnn , in. the presence of four witnesses , Including the acting county attorney , made an ante- mortem statement. It outers Into nil the possible details of the case. Dr. Koid has practiced here for years , no roiusai 10 make any statement for uublicnllon. Tlm DES MOINES , la. , March SI. Both houses Were in session only about half an hour this mornlug. lu the sonata the ways and means comnnttco reported on the receipts and ex penditures of the past half year , aim esti mated receipts and expenditures for the next biennial period. The receipts for the half year ending March 31 worn $1,051,012 ; dis bursements , $337,201 ; balance on hand. In cluding balance over from preceding six months period , $177,000. nud warrants out standing , $ ' 'i ; ! 2tH , leaving nn actual debt of $ o4,2o < ) . It is estimated thnt the receipts on u basis of n 'J mill levy will bo during the next biennial period $ . ' 1.11)7,200 ) , and ordinary disbursements $ 'J,4S."i,700. leaving n surplus of $711,500. Hut this will bo decreased by interest nud the present indebtedness to fGCG- 000. A number of petitions wora presented 111 the sonata asking for the retention of the prohibitory law , reform In school books etc. Hills introduced were : To provide for Insurance to citizens of Iowa without loss ; to provide for contracting for nud the purchase of school text books , ; to protect laborers nnd minors in mines ; to II x comuonsatioii fur road supervisors. Ad journed. In thaMiouso the majority of petitions pre sented wore In favor of state uniformity of text books , nnd asking for a change in the exemption law. A joint resolution providing for the resubmlssioii of tlm quesllon of pro hibition to the people by menus of n consti tutional nnicmlmont was presented ; nlso ono asking for reform In the monetary sys tem ot the country. Adjourned. Dnnth oT n Well Known Iniinnnr. MASON CITV , la. , March 24 , [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bins. ] licorgo K. Palmer , one of the oldest engineers on the Chicago , Milwaukee waukeo it St. Paul railway , nnd ono of the most popular , died suddenly In this city to day from auoploxy. Fntnl Holier CAIRO , 111. , March 21. Saturday evening a boiler in n saw null owned by W. A. Headlcs , near Wlckliife , ICy. , exploded , de molishing the mill nnd klllinu ; John Dennis and Frank Parker , mill hands. It. J. .Tune- son , cnglnear , will probably dio. nnd William Nutico , Joliu McCawIuy nnd William Sulli van were slightly Injured. Tha causa of the accident is unknown NKW Yonic , March 21. By the explosion of u sawmill near hero Knginecr Mattliows was killed nnd several other employes badly hurt , , ionlouny unuHCH .iwo uenthA. HEW LANDS , Cal. , March .M. Early this morning several shots were hoard la the hallway of the Windsor hotel nnd Manager McCenkey was found dying with n bullet wound In his breast , A rifle wns lying near him nml It was supposed he hnd loaned upon it nnd suicided. In n few minutes , however , the body of N. C. tireshnm , foreman of the Caligraph. ( newspaper ) was found In thu parlor with u bullet wound through the heart and a pistol lu his hand. The thoor.v U that MoCoiiKoy shot Gtoslmm nnd then suicided. Jealousy over a woman U sup posed to be the cause. A Cool Murdoror. ST. Louis , March SI , Cecil English , nn ex-driver , boarded n Washington avenue street car this afternoon and shot Conductor Thomas FiUgorald deud. He then took the reins from the driver , drove iho car up 10 the stables and was arrested , lie cUlma that Fitigorald was Intimate with his wife , Throe ladles on iho car were torrlblv excited ever Iho tragedy , and one of them fainted , Inaornuililo ALmrqnitiQiK , N , M. , March SI. Wilson Waddlughnm , the millionaire c.ittlo king , ng.ilnst whom sensational divorce procooJ- Inps wore brought in Chicago some timoaco , secured a divorce at Springer , Saturday , and the same evening married Miss Barrow of L-a $ Vegas. A' National t < u * > . l.iNsixo , Mich , , March 34. The botanical labrfttory was destroyed by fire last nlht ; , Oio only things saved bolng Dr. Deal' * library umnuscrlpla and tome IiulrumouU. The labratory was ono ot the larg st on this conllncut and the roUeotiaa desiroyod was priceless , representing UvontyMlvo work. HI Mi. It t'rovokm fP'KWor DlHCiiMHlon In wo snimta. WASIIIS'OTOM , t { trrcli | { ill. In the sennto today sovornl petittims against the ratlllcn- lion of the cxtraMiti6n treaty with Kussla hnvlng boon protaittcd from Massachusetts nnd Missouri Mfljfljpnr said that ho would onca more rnlMitbo iiuestlon ns to ihelr prosantalion In op ch , nossion. After some dobnto the polnt'of ' nVder was withdrawn by Mr. Hoar for thojy ijo Tic Ing. Mr. Hoar , frooj th.'n commltteo on privi leges nnd elections' . ) reported four resolutions on privileges nnd V)0rtcll | ) four rosolutlons In the cases otj" fersons claiming omits as senators ftoni tfyp' tnto of Montana , two of them declaring that Clark nud McOlnnls wcro not entitled to tholr soots and iho other two declaring thut Maunders nud Poivors wors entitled to their scats. Kcsolutlons from thu minority of tlio committee making opposite declarations were reported , and all wore ordered printed. Mr. Hoar gave notlco tlmt ho would ask the semite to consider them Thursday next , The House bill appropriating $ .10,000 for a public building at Fremont , Nob. , was ro.- ported nnd passed with n.subttituto und ucon- , feronco was ordered with the house so ns to iniiko this all public building bills correspond spend in form. The bill to dcclnro"dnlawful trusts nnd combinations In restraint of trade nnd pro duction was taken up and Mr. Turplo dis cussed the constitutional points involved. Mr. George opposed the amendment of fered by Mr. Huagiui. being bis anti-trust bill. bill.Mr. . Teller said ho was Inclined to vote for the bill although ho was not Biingiiino of its accomplishing Its purooso. Unless ino states took hold ot the question and suppressed these trusts by limiting ; the amount " of capital that can bo" aggregated In nny corporallon the trouble would continue. The bill , he said , would npply to the Farmers' ' nlllnnce and the National Farmers1 longno , which was organized with the avowed purpose of Increasing the prlco of farm pro ducts , a thing which ho regnrdod ns most desirable and as absolutely essential to the prosperity of the country. Ho ivns extremely anxious to take hold o4 and to control those grout trusts nnd combinations of capital that wcro distributing the commerce of the country. He aid not want , however , to BO to the extent of Interfering with organiza tions which ho tnbiight were absolutely justlllod by the rcm'arknblo condition of things in the country. Mr. Uoorgo referred to the Knights of Labor us another organization that would come within the scope of the bill bucauso the object of the order was to Incronsn wages nnd consequently to increase tlio cost of pro duction. Mr. Teller admitted that the Knights of Labor and all the trades unions of ttio couu * try were practically included m the bill nnd suggested to the committee which reported the bill whether it could not bo so worded as to contlnu It to trusts that wcro offensive to good morals. ' The discussion than drifted to the nmond ment offered by Mr , Uig'ills , aimed at deal ings in futures and options. Mr. Sherman opposwl it as not in harmony with the bill , as proposing n tax , which could not dridnata m the senate , nnd as not having been considered by tno committee. Ho also opposed Mr. Houijnn's nmondment und pleaded for the passage of the bill as re ported from the llnanco committee. Mr. Stewart said the bill was uuc6nstltu- tional. Mr. Hoar crltlcizotlltha bill lu some of its legal aspects and claimed that it failed to afford nny udciiu.itd remedy. * Mr. Sherman ropHod to Mr. Hoar and said that if the duty oa common clothes was too low to protect the manufacturers of Massa chusetts , not n month or a day would bo al lowed to pass bJforo Mr. Hoar would de mand n remedy In the way of raising the duty , Here wasdft.iromcdy for n greater wrong than any whicU had resulted from too low a tariff. T&OI farmers' associations throughout the country could not BOO the source of the ovll/buO they demanded a rom- odynnd Iholr doiimudihnd to bo heard. The power of congress vtn * , tbo only power that could deal with thOS > u oriioratlon < < , MrGoorge n-skcdaNfr. * t > hernmn whathor the Standard oil company was not a corpor ation under thu law of Ohio nnd whether the legislature ot lhat state could not annul Its charter. > Mr. .Sherman replied that the Standard oilcomnany hnd been originally organized with the modest capital of S-'OO.OOO , but there were forty or filly companies in other states combined with it. He had been In favor of n general law declaring certain contracts null and void , but had modlllcd the proposition to meet the views of others who thought no was going too fur , and now iho objection to the bill was Us weakness , but it was n weakness drawn Into the bill by the objections inadeln tha senate. Mr. Vest aimed some sarcastic toumrks at Mr. Sherman denying thai there was iinv- thiuic iu that senator's cureer that iravo him tlio right to assume time ho had discovered the remedy and tlio only road to success against combinations , , Ho ( Vast ) objected to the bill bccuusu In his judgment it would effect nothing. Mr. lliscock spoke against. the bill as not promising nny relief. The bill wont over ; until tomorrow without nction. After an executive session the sen- am adjourned. House. WASiuxaiON' , March 21. In the house to day Mr. Cannon of Illinois , from the com mittee on rules , reported a resolution mak ing the world's fair bill the special order for tomorrow morning , immediately after the reading of the Journal , the previous question' ' to bu considered as ordered atI o'clock. The resolution was adopted * Mr. Henderson of Iowa , from tha com- tnlueo on npproprmtions , reported back the urgent doilcionuy bill with senate amend ments t hereto with the recommendation that certain of those amend monts bo concurred in und that certain others bo non-concurred In , The amount npproprinlnd by Iho bill was $ J4JO,000 , of which $ , $74,000 was for ihe benefit ot the old soldiers of the country , Thu iccotumciidaiions of tlio commliloo were agreed to nnd a conference was or dered , Tha iloor was then accorded to thu commltteo on District of Columbia. Tbo Itock creek bill was considered , but no no tion was taken and tha house adjourned. An Important Dncislon. WASIUXUTOX , March 24. The supreme court of the United States affirmed the judgement of tha circuit court of the eastern district of Virginia granting a writ of habeas corpus to William. Lonny , convicted In ono of the suite courts of perjury. Lonc.v. it wivs nllogod , s\voro filsolv lu giving before a notary public testimony to bo used iu the A'lrglnm conlosicd election cose of Wmliioll vs Wise. The court eaj's testimony in con gressional contostau cfoclion case's is given in obodioiico lo tlio ; jlaws ot the United States and uot' Mf , the state and tuo " accused " "fchpuld have been tried before life federal court nnd not Itaforo tlio Rtuto.court , Justice Gray , In delivering the oplutSti , says : ' The admin istration by iiatluhaL tribunals would bo greatly embarnusoJ \ $ the witness testily- ing before the UnllOjVStnlos , court wore ll : - bio to prosecution lU-tlio stale court whore local passion or iiroiudieo might prevail. " Justice I ! ray roveripd' ihe judgtnoot of the game court , granUi&n. ! wrltof habeas corpus to Charles Gri > cnjjQ'livIcto l of fraudulent voting nt iho last ) Vre3lonti.il | election. Jus- tlci Gray holds Jui\t Grccn' offense Is a mate- matter , amr iya : "Although prei donltal oloclors nro. uupolntcd In pursuance of Iho constitution tfieV nr < ) no more agents of the Unirod Stataa'jfliaa are members of state legislatures a liajt us elector * for senators. " Sho. Wns tin Yfnia OKI. LBVMSXWOUTII , ICau , Marcn fit. iSpiclal Telegram to TUK BBS. ] Mrs. Aim Ferry dUxl this afternoon at St , John's hospital at Iho very remarkable atro of ono hundred nnd thirteen years , Mrs. Ferry had bocc n resi dent of this city since 152 , nnd for many years was cared for by thoSi tersef Charity of St. Jotm'a hospital. Her ago Is autheoU- Cuted by documents In her possession at the ttuie ot death. MrsIlnrrUnn In the South. ATLANTA , Ga. , March 21-Mn. Harrison and | > arly were entorlalnoJ by Governor Bullocit today and tonight were tenderoi a rocuDtton at the cipiUiL Tomorrow thejf go to Chattanooga too look over the battlefields - fields la ttiat violuity. A TOM LAND PURCHASE BILL The Asbourno Aot with a Few Alterations. > PARNELL SAYS IT IS ABSURD. Dnvltt I'ronniinccfl Against It ns n Imndlord Alanimrr (31 nils t ono Views Itwith SiiHplolcm Oilier Co in in out. A Landlord Kollof Solioinr. LONDON ; March ' 4. Iu the commons to day Matlhows , homo secretary , lo reply tea a qucstlou by Labouchcro , denied that Inspector specter JUUICH had over gene Into business at Del Norlo , Cal. , near Sheridan's rnncbo , for the ptirposo of gleaning evidence to bo placed buforo tha Pnrnclt commission. Uulfour introduced n bill for the purchase of land In Ireland nnd for the Improvement of the poorer and moro congested districts. Tbo bill also provides for thu establishment of an Irish laud department. Balfour said m proposing the formation of a land depart ment tlr.it there were now no fewer than Ilvo bodies lor the valuation nnd snlo of laud. The bill proposed un amalgamation of thcso into ono body. Regarding the nuc - lion , "Ought the land purchase bill bo compulsory 1" the government answered no. Compulsion should Do used most sparingly , [ ironical Irish cheers ] but when justified li necessity It should bu applied. Compulsion could not bauno-sidcd , It they compelled the landlords to sell they must force the tenants to buy. Thu must cogent reason against compulsion was that they could not muko a bill compulsory with out applying it lo tha whole ol Ireland. The government saw no possibility of tha imme diate consummation of sucli an enormous transaction as the compulsory transfer of the whoo land of IrclandUrom the existing owners to the existing occupiers. "Ought they to throw nny risk upon the British tax * uayorl The government answered , no. Still British credit under perfectly secure conditions must bo used. In dealing with the question of advances to tenants to cnablo them to purchase , the government had decided against advancing moro than twenty years' rental , moaning rent from which had been deducted - ducted tha local rates now paid by the landlords. Balfour than went on at gicat length to explain the schema of secur ity funds , the matter being very complicated. The bill In largo portion is the Ashbourno act Improved nnd with additions requiring security for purchases , etc. After an elab orate financial detail showing how the Im perial exchequer was secured ngainst default - fault , Balfour said it was impossible unless there was u repetition of the famlnu of IS 10 that tuo guarantees affecting the poor law and the education grants would ever bo approached. It is de signed to use } per cent from the tenants' ntuiual ocr cents payment ns a fund for the erection of laborers' dwellings. A grant of 1,500,000 from the Irish church surplus would bo devoted to relieving congestion , fostering industries nnd ameliorating the condition of the poor districts. Balfour In concluding defended the scheme us without risk to the imperial tax payer , while the 33,000,000 advanced under the bill with the 10,000,000of Ashbourno act would establish a perpetual fund from which future pur chases of tenants might bo made. Gladstone bald the schcmo was becoming very complicated nnd thanks wcro duo to Balfoui- for the obvious pains ho had tukcn In its preparation. It was premature , ho added , to discuss the involved proposals of the bill. The bill passed the lirst readme. The landlords nro to receive government stock at UJ/ per cent iutercst , payable lu not less thnn thirty years und to bo exchange able for consols wherever preferred. Under tbo clot nro rules the allotments bil I passed the ilrst reading in the commons to night , Comment on the LONDON , March 34. Gladstone , tonight in u speech at' the National Liberal club , spoke of Balfour's laud purchase bill as a bold measure which involved the British taxpayers' assuming a larco liability , nnd demanding a searching investigation. Koforrlng to iho Parncll commission , he could uot conceive of any shorter method of suicide than adopted by the house of lords in approving the raport. The tory majority hnd invented political methods as new fangled ns they were abominable. The Dally News , speaking of the land purchase bill , says ouo .thing stands out clearly , that British credit umy bo pledged to the extent of i'W.OOO,000 : , for the benefit nominally of the Irish tenant , but really for the bcnciit of the Ir sh landlord. The News says the voice was Balfour's , but thu hand wns Goschon's. Parnoll says the bill Is absurd nnd objuc- tionable In the highest degree , ono fatal de fect being that it gives no local control over its administration. Davitt pronounced against the bill as an insidious proposition to give the landlord moro thnn the vnluu of his lands. The Times does not commit it-self , not hav ing studied Iho bill , but thinks ou the whole it scorns to prompt the creation ot u peasant proprietary on u very largo scale without in volving the British exchequer in thu risk. 1'KO.M lIURLiIN. Doings oT ttio IjiUior Conference . Williclm's TclCKriiin. BKIILIN , March 21. The committee of Iho labor conference has agreed thnt each coun try shall ba left to decide tbo best method of securing the shortening of the tiours ot labor in trades dangerous to health or life. The Sunday commltteo will propose that all states shall agree to identical measures ro- ' latinc to Sunday rest Tha Woiumrischa Xcitung says the em peror sent the following telegram to nn Inti mate friend Saturday : "I hnvo indeed suf fered bitter experiences and painful hours. My heart is ns sorrowful us It 1 had nguia lost my grandfather , but Ills so npiwlntod to me by God aud has to ba boruu even tnough I should fall under the burden. The post of odlcer of the watch on the ship of stuto has fallen to my lot. Her course remains the same. So now full steam. Ahead. " General van Schollcndorf has been ap pointed to command the Tenth army corps to succeed Caprivl. 'Count William Bismarck the youngest son of Prince Bismarclr , has resignoj the presi dency of the regency of Hanover. Tlio Knipirnr' * New C.ililnor. " BKULIN , March 24. The "emperor has ap pointed Count Kulonbcrg , uow governor of Hcssc-Nnssan , Prussian minister of ttio in terior ; Dr. Miguel , ono of the leaders of the national liberal party , minister of tlnunco ; Baron llucno , minister of ngricnllnre , und General Von Galtz , uiinlsterof public works. Another UUmnrclc Hiiinor. liKRLiN , March 24. It Is stated that Bis marck has botiRht a villa in Swltierln-id and intends lo reside outside of Germany. llrstlrss Hussinn Students. LONDON , March 24. Dispatches from Ilus sla in regard to the agitation among the university students are confused and con- Dieting. The ngilallon started In the agri cultural ne.ademy near Moscow. In spite of ino slrlct precautions of thu government the agitation has spread to other Instituilons nnd iho students have neon holding meet ings , at all the universities. There U a general - oral upheaval in the university world. Ar rests of students suspected of being leaders In the agitation have boon made at every ono of iho principal universllte * throughout Hussia. Liverpool Dock Men SiriUe. Ln-Biiroor , March 21 The dock laborers havouffaln struck. The employer * decline to enter Into any nocotiallons with the men and a deadlock has resulted. The position U icrlouj. Oklnhoinn Suffer * . GcTHRte , I. T. , Marcaai. A serero wind storm throughout Oklahoma last night did great damage to tbo uns'uoitanltal dwellings ot the new settler * . Near this city Hube Johnson , his wife and one child were killed by the eoilapia of their bouie. A KOHMAIj The Pnrli llonril of Coininoruo Tnkcn Action on the nioKlnlcy Hill. irmij/rtpht IKHliu J < imfi ( ' < > r < f < m fttniiM 1'Aiits , March SI. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bar.l--A deputation of tha Paris board of commerce walled on tha minister of foreign affairs today to make n formal protest ngninst the provisions of the McKlnlcy bill. Were thU mcnsuru to pnss the Washington senate , Iho deputation said , French manufacturers would Hnd it very dif ficult , not to say Impossible , to Import into the United States. Mr. Hlbot , In r.oply , said he would consult with representatives of the European powers affected equally with Franca by the bill. Bo believed that tholr common nction would have moro chance of success than If Franco atooi ! nlono In Iho protest , To tlio , Uottom of the Hon. lCop/r/i/i | ; / ( IBM / > y./ime ( , fiiinloii Ittnnett. ] SOUTHAMPTON , Knglnnd , March 21 | Now York Herald Cnblo Special to THE BBI : . ] Vine Ourag , a Bohoiiilan Blocruga passen ger on iho Nerd Doutsehcr steamer Kidor , committed sulcldi ) by leaping ovorboaril when the vessel was about fifty leagues from hero. ThoMilp was at onca put about but the man hnd disappeared. He leaves n large family lu Now York. Jllltnn Uncos. GUI TON , N. J. . March 21. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun BUB. ] Summary of today's races : Soiling , seven nnd one-half furlongs- Triple Cross won , Hnvollar second , Parthian third. Timo-lMI' ' . Pive-oighlhs of n unto Sollnk won , Chap man second , Thud Howe third. Time 1:01 : , ' , . . Selling , six aud one-half furlongs Spar ling ono , Falcon second , Lukowood third. Time 1 : 'J K. Fivo-olshis of n mile King Hazcn won , Cnpulln second , Itatlor third. Time 1:02' : ' . Ono mile ( jurriogio won , Glonmound second end , Dave third. Time 1:115. Thrco-quarlors of a mile Vollott won , Sam Love second , Wmflcld third. Time Now Orleans Hneni. Mnw OULEINS , La. , March 21. [ Special Telegram to THE HUE. ] Kosull of today's races : Five and ono-lmlf furlongs Clara Moore won , Voice second , Florino third. Timn . Throo-quarlors of a mile Lady Black- bum won , Harvester second , Hardco third , Time liltyf. Seven nnd ono-hulf furlongs Monte Hosa won. Annlo Brown second , Homing Bill third , Time Ij7 : : f. Seven-eighths of u mile /Coke tlnrdy won , LIda L second. Murchburn third. Time 1:30. : 1:30.Five Five and ono-lmlf furlongs Colonel Cox won , Mncauloy second , Barney Leo third. Tlmo-l:00. : Clilcnco lloi-su Snlo CHICAGO , Mnrch ! il. The horse salcclo sod today. Altogether 553 animals wcro disposed of at an average prlco of ยง 80J , the total ivr- grcgallng S150.4SO. Goliic Hnulc on TinIP Krlcuds. BOSTON , Mass. , March 24. The carpenters at work on the Boston Players' club grounds were ordercti to quit this afternoon by the Carpenters union. According to the walk ing delegate of the Fedor.itloii of Labor that organization had been given to understand - stand that in payment for their indorsement the brotherhood would lot contracts only to such contractors as would ngrco to employ union labor , pay union wages and cnforcu union hours. It Is asserted thnt not onlv had the brotherhood club of Boston failed to conform to the requirements of the union , but the brotherhood oinnaeiirs in other cities hnd practically ignored , in placing' contracts. tlio endorsements of labor organizations and the wishes of tlio Carpenters' union. * Ward's Caso. NEW YOUK , March 24.--Tho suit of the Metropolitan exhibition company ugainst John M. Ward , for an Injunction to restrain the defendant from plaving base ball for others , was before. Judso Lawrence in the supreme court today. The decision was reversed - versed , but. tlio judcc intimated that he would follow the action of Justice O'Brien in cham bers , it being conceded thatall the testimony had been produced boforc Judge O'Bnon. A i\tC8Hii * From < fnkc. BAI.TIMOUK , March 21. Mrs. Ivilraln has n telegram from her husband. Ho states that he will not bo sent to Jail , but will spend his two months with his friend , Charles Rich , nt Hichburg , Miss. , where Kilrnln foucht bill- livan. Hich , It is understood , has purchased Kilrain's release under the contract leasing system. _ * MoGrccor Will Moot Davis. CHICAGO , March 24. fSuecial Tolecrani to THE Br.K.1 Lem McGregor will accept the offers of the Coliseum club ami meet Jack Davis iu a tea-round contest within Ilvo weeks. Ho stipulates that ho shall want $100 for expenses , the same to coino out of the purse. _ A Brotherhood Game. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , March 24. [ Special Telegram lo THE BEE. | Score of the Brothornood game : Philadelphia . 7 004 1 12 Brooklyn . 20100-3 The game was called on account , of rain. Th - Vlslhlr Snpnly. CHICAGO , March 21. The visible supply for tha week ending March 22 , as compiled by the secretary of the Chicago board of trade , is as follows : Bushels. Wheat . . 2-tK , < WO Corn . 18,117,000 Onts . 4,514.000 Kyo . 1,483.000 Barley. . . . . . 1,407,000 Jtnnsns I'rnlrln Flr < " > . STOCKTON , Knu. . March 24. Prairie flres have devastated a large portion of tno farm- lug lands of Kooks county. YiMlerdny many outbuildings and an immense amount of grain nnd stock were burned. The lire was started by a man burning corn stalks. Bo will bo prosecuted. WICHITA , Kan. , March 2t. Two boys play ing with matches on n farm north of hero stanod this morning a aMastrous pnnrio lire while the wind was blowing n gale. Tonicht It Is learned that the lire has practically burned out after passing over about fifty quarter sections of land , de stroying a great quantity of grain and hay. The loss of stock is not severe. It is under stood the pecuniary loss will reach 1150,000. Cause nfljow Prices for Grain. MiNNKiTOUN Minn , March 21 , [ Speciil Telegram to TUB Hue. l-C. A. Plllsbury. the leading wheat operator of the northwest , who has just returned from the east , says that more wheat has been sold in Chicago for future delivery than was produced in the entire world , and that the present depres sion In prices is owing to that fact. * Thrco Charrml lloilie * Konni.l. SEATTLE , Wash , , March 2l.-In looking over the ruins of Friday' * flro Iho charred remains of three persons were found last nlcht. The bodies wcro idonlitled ns these of J. U. Jones and N. C. Mays and wife.wno arrived hero from ArKansas Fridsy nnd look rooms m the building tbat was burned. Pock Goloi : Jnlo I'olltin * . MILWAUKEE , W s. , Mnrch -George W. Peck , the well known humorist , was noml nated for mayor by iho democratic convention - I tion today , _ llulnc s Pnilurp. New YottK , March 24. Kosi , Campbell ft Co. , dry goods commission merchants , as today ; debt , 1133,000. A Suoccssrul.TcM. NBWTOKT , It. I. , March 94-Tho torpedo boat Cujhlcg bad a successful final trlsl to day. tnalcmsr tue required twenty-two knots per hour for a three hour run. IT IS IN A VERY BAD ffAt The Present Condition or the Trans- Missouri Aosoolixtlon. DISCUSSING THE RATE QUESTION A Wordy War Ilotwopn General Pns- senior AKOIIIR Sutinstlnn nml TOWIIMUIt d ColllllllHSlOIH'l-H Morrison mul VciiAoy. Tim Trnnn-MlHNOiirl , Onic\m > , March 'Jl. | Speclal Tolcgram lo TUB Br.i.J : Tlio Trans-Missouri n io- elation , passenger department , Is In n bid wny und its comlitttion has doublets has tened the reorganization report of Chairman Walker and his conferees. At today's moot Ing of the Trans-Missouri the rate question west of the rlvor was discussed. A wordy discussion between General Passenger Agent Sebastian of the Kock Island nnd General Passenger Agent Towusond of the Missouri Paclllo ended In the hitter with drawing his charges tig.ilnst the Hock Island nnd acknowledging tlmt Mis- noun Pacific tickets wcro scalped nt Pueblo In exactly the snmo wnv the Kock Island tickets were scalped at Denver. To avoid this n committee was appointed to draft u continuous tram ticket which would destroy the opportunity .for scalping. At the nftornoon's session this way of settling thu dlfiicultv was ignored and n resolution was adopted ns follows : "That the rates to Pueblo via Denver shall not bS loss than $10 and on nnd nftor ton days' notice , which will bo civcn iiiimadlatoly , the rate to Pueblo via Dcnvorls to bo raised to tha lornl milled to tha Denver rnto. " The adoption of the resolution shuts the Union Pacific and Burlington un- tlrely out ot Pueblo business , and as the Hurllnglou wns represented nt today's moot ing tha porumnoncy of tlio resolution cnn bo imagined. The mooting ilnally adjourned until Wednesday , when the mombut-H wjll moot with thu CUicaco lines to discuss the whole western passenger situation. Morrison nnd Vonsny In Chiun o. CHICAGO , March 2-1. [ d | > oclal Telegram to THE Bun. | Interstate Commerce Commis sioners Morrison nnd Veasey stopped fn Chicago cage todav on iholr return from their exam ination of the western rate situation. As al ready noted , their mission was ut the instance ot the senate to learn whether rates on griiiu from the west to the seaboard were reason- abln or not. The other members of thu com mission nro iu the east on the snmo mission Said Colonel Morrison : "Wo Imvo bocrN conducting cxamhia tions on the rate question for two weeks and have accumulated a vast mass ot testimony from nil sources. From ono point all witnesses agreed , vithnt : rates nro now lower than they have over been. Of course tlmt docs not prove that they ought , not lo bo lower. Several granger witncssus'clnnncd thnt the vast increase in the amount of trnlllc inoro than makes up to the railroailn for the reduction in rates. Wo hnvo come tone no conclusion on thu subject and cnnm t until wo have comparrd the result of our In vestigations with those of the members who huvo been working in tha cast. Then our first report will bo made to the senate. " Tlio Intormnio Asioclntlnn. CtiiCAfio , March 21. A special meeting cf thn presidents , vice presidents and general managers of tnu rouds in the Interstate state Commerce Itailw.iv association is railed for April 'J lo hear and act upon iho report of the reorganization. The commit tee will bo Chairmen Walker , Fuilhorn and Fmlcy. The plan will not bo made public until the meeting. ltbort | of tin- Omaha Company. New Yonic , March 24. The annual report ot the Omaha company show gross cnrninga for the year ending December III. 1SS9 , of $0,117 , * < 57. an increase of $0,71(1 ( ; oporatmtr expenses nna taxes , SI.4S4.412 , decrease of f/M,7l , " > ; net earnings , Sl.yj.'l , I4S , an increase of $170,101 ; land sales. M , 130. lu tlm HniitlH ot * n K eclvoi4. LEAVKXwouni , Kan , , March St. Special Tclocraui to Tin : But , | Newman Erb , vice president of Iho Kansas City , WyandottQ & .Northwestern , has peon appointed icceivor for that road , and * also thu Lcavcuworlh Kupia Transit , operated by the Kansas City , Wyandotte & Northwestern. Mot tlio .Missouri I'm.lie liciliiotlou. DENvnii , Colo. . March 21. ' The Burlington and Union Pacific today mot the Missouri P.ieille reduction of yesterday , making u $7.53 rate to the Missouri river. Jt-- AS Washington Notes. WASHINGTON , Marck 21. Tlm president today issued a proclamation warning all per sons against entering the waters of Behrlng Sea within thu dominion of the United States for the purpose of violating the pro visions of section 1.5WJ of the revised statutes , relative to the killing of fur boar- og animals. The bill to reimburse settlers and pur chasers on the oven numbered sections of uibllc lands within the limits of congres sional grants in cases of the forfeiture of odd numbered sections , was advarscly reported in thu senxto. The house commltteo on pensions today ordered the two general pension oills ru- lorted to tha house with favovablo rccom- nondations. The Ilrst of these is the Hich inison bill granting a pension to the sur vivors of the Indian wars and to the uurviv- mr widows of those men who married prior o their discharge and hnvo not remarried , ut he rate of Js per month. The second , thu Morton bill , proposes to uinnnd the Mexican tvnr pension act so ns to include soldiers who served sixty days in the Mexlnm war or were engaged in battle nnd those personally nautod oy conuress for specific. ' services In that war and the widows of such soldiers. Mr. itockwell today Introduced n bill in the house to incorporate tno National American Women's Christian association and creating EllzaCetli Ciidy Slnnton , Kusnn B. Anthony , Lucy Stone , Itachol Foster A very , Alice Stone Bliickwell nnd Jane U. Spofford a body corporate and politic with power of succession to hold nnd dispose of property , elect oflleors nnd adopt and enforce by-laws. ' 1 he object of the association is to secure their right to vote to women citizens of the United States by appropriate national , and state legislation. 1'ho house committee on public lands after trying fn vain for xoveral months to roach un agreement upon the general ratio and land grant forfeiture bill this morning decided to shift the controversy lo iho house by roport- in two bills umbodyintr iho principles at issue. ' 1 hey nro the Payson and Stone bill. By n voto-of 7 to fi tha IIOUBR committed on coinage , weights und moaiures today author ized Chairman Conger to rejiort the Wlmlom silver bill to the bouse with a number of amendments. A minority report will ulso bo submitted. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of putltl H cmu nd wholeoin u . Horeegoaomlral llun tba ordinary tlr.ili. ami cannot Iw sold by competition with tea multitude of tow t u bon weight alum or chotphsu powdsrs. / ! J nillyJilJlrtonlM lUMMt UAKIMJ I'OWlUtt CO. , 109 > \ all St a , I.