Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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A Practical Sermon by Rov. O. W.
Savlclgo at the Pooplo'a Church.
Tlio Open Door Versus Poison , tlio
i'lutol nnd the MUnourl Htvnr
Hnpo for tlio
Itotrnyod nnd Dcicrtnit.
Hov. Charles W. SavldRO , pastor of t ho
People's church , preached the following ser
mon to n largo nuJIonjo nt Hoyd's opera
house Inst evening :
Text , II. Samuel , xlll. , 10 : "And Tatnnr
put ashes on her head nnd rant her gar
ment of divers colors that wns on her , nnd
laid her hand on her bond , nnd went on
crying. "
Our subject Is "Uotraycd nnd Deserted. "
1 um going to talk plainly tonight to this
frront congregation , and if nn.y one of you
cnnnot stand plain talk I would advise you
to withdraw now. I tmvo noticed , however ,
that the people who are the most particular
about what a minister says in the pulpit are
themselves the most indecent tnllccrs. If you
nsk ino why I take this subject I reply :
"Tho sin of which I speak tonight is com
mon and cries to heaven , and I hr.vo lately
seen so much evidence of tnls wrong-doing
that I cnn bold in no longer. "
God speaks out on this theme ; and Ho
docs not smooth the subject ovar , cither.
The Almighty arraigns the law-breaker for
every crime. God is not nihiuncJ or afraid
to apoak out on every sin ; nor should Ills
messenger be. Goa calls things by their
right names , and lots people take it as they
Kcnd the history of this young girl spoken
of in tlio text. She was the daughter of the
Icing , nnd was a slstor of the handsome Ab-
Bolnrn. The young man , Ainnon , who pre-
tcndfl ho loved liar , feigned sickness. And
thu Idt.i'sent tlio fair Tninar to bnko calces
for the side man. This young woman w jnt
thcro , us she thought , on a mission of mercy :
but tlio sick man gets well in short order.
Tlio doors nro closed but I hear that young
woman exclaim with mingled fear anil linger
while she lights for her honor : "No such
thing ought , to bo done in Israel , nod I ,
whither shall I cnuso my sliauio to got And
tbou shidl bo as ono of the fools In Israel. "
In a little while the door of the chamber Is
thrown open , and the chivalrous (1) ( ) Atnnon
throws the young girl out , nnd shouts to bis
servants. "Put now this woman out from
mo , nnd bolt tlio door after her. " How like
Omaha that sounds In Ib'JU ' , instead of Jeru
salem 1,000 years 13. < J. The beast instead
of the man Is dominant. And when the
king's ' daughter goes out of the gate she has
nshca-on tier head , nnd her tlrcss of many
colors is torn , nnd she cries as she goes to
her brother's house. I look after her and
behold the saddest plcturo , nnd I exclaim ,
"Uotrayed and deserted one , you have many
a sister in this Christian city tonight. "
Not long ago 1 was called to sou n young
woman who was supposed to bo dying. A
llttlo unba witti an old withered facu , nnd
feeble , pitiful cry lay by her side. Soontho
child died , nnd tlio mother hcrtclf seemed
( 'hid , for it wns the child of sin , nnd the in
nocent bubo bore the murks on body and faco.
Within my memory a good uml beautiful
girl cnmo hero from her homo In the country.
1 wish I could toll you the story of her fall.
Tlio circumstances were similar to those of
the young woman in tlio text. For months
nho hnvercd between lifo nnd death , but ut
last awakes to consciousness , and because
slio is compelled to , takes up the weary load
of lifo while her bubo is sheltered in a homo
not fur from whcro I stand. I know this
case , and Jesus Is to bo her Judge , and I
know the Judge well enough to say that Ho
will not put all the bliuno on that poor girl.
A bwedo girl Is sent by her physician to
the homo of ono of my friends. She Ins no
money. She begs for shelter and for heln in
bor trouble. The man who was her be
trothed proved to bo her botraysr nnd then ,
siiico It Is so fashionable , forsook her. She
worked all she could nnd then after her babe
is bom she ilnd - employment and brings
back n dollar at a tlmo until she pays my
friend what In duo. I ntn not surprised to
hear that God has given that young Swede
girl a true husband who know the history of
tlio ono ho married , and I ntn right glad thnt
the Hnnio kind Heavenly Fattier has sent
that broken-hearted mother another llttlo
child that does not have to bo given away.
A young girl from the high school up
yonder knocks nt the door of rofugo. Her
little child is horn and shn says : "I Imvo
done wrong ; I Imvo sinned ; but this load is
too heavy for mo to bear nlono. I am going
to toll my father and mother , " The rather
nnd mother and the daughter meet. There
nro no harsh words , and the daughter nnd
llttlo child uro taken back homo , and uro
taken cnro of and helped up. Oh , these nro
fearful things of which I apeak.
Two IIttl > } girls thirteen years old , who are
mothers , nro in our city tonight. In ono
house over the hill yonder seventy of those
children were born in , \ little tuoro than n
year. And no ono but God can count those
who nro strangled und drowned nnd mur
dered In n score of ways. In King Herod's
time the llrst horn were killed. But there Is
u greater slaughter of the Innocents now.
But murk you 1 God is making out the war
rants nnd every guilty soul will bo nrralgnod.
Do you usk who those betrayed and de
serted ones nroI
Most of thorn nro Americans. Many of
them have no mothers. Many fall under
promlso of marriago. Thov nro young
women of both high and low station. Some
walk to the Open Uoor , and have nil their
directs in a handkerchief , and others rldo
thcro In olepnnt carriages. Ministers' nnd
senators' daughters stop at the snmo house
as the child of the day laborer. Misfortune
nnd sin know no class distinctions.
Do you wonder nt the picture I bnvo
drawn I If you kuuw the facia you would
not bo surprised. The young woman has
temptations to wrong doing ; but llko King
Ltwld's ' daughter she enters the ring to ll ht
the basest passion of thn man who should bo
her defender , but is now her betrayer. And
satan tells her that she must siu to got
bread. Is it any wonder she sinks down m
the mlrol
1 would sny to every young woman , "Tho
path ot sin la n thorny ono. " Look at your
ulster , Taniar. She had her picture taken
lor you three thousand years niro. You can
bear her sob und cry : Go into her room in
the house of refuge. She is on her knooslln
jirnycr. She would tnko her llfo.lf she dured
Bho feels thnt she must wear the stamp
of infamy all her life. And some of these
poor children know that the soul itself is
Bcoroa. 1 warn every young woman in this
great uudlenco. Uo not put yourself in the
power of married men ; or of unprincipled
young mon. You are bright. You know
the signs of rulu. The rattljsnuke has a
deadly bite , but ho rattles llrst. If you have
Muiictl , remember God elves us moro than
oho chance for heaven. Cheer up. Take-
The love of God U broader
Than the measure of man's mind ,
And the heart of the Eternal
Is most wonderfully kind.
Ho a Christian. And. If God sends you the
love of ono worthy of you accept it If you
will ; but tell your past history when the
man tells tn , but not boforo.
To the man 1 say : ' 'You may go free on
earth , but you will not In eternity. " I wish
you all the happiness you cnn have while
your slimy soul keep you company. Hut I
warn you , look out for punishment for two
worlds. Two yenrs passed awny.nml Amnon.
the betrayer of Tainar , wai killed with n
spear when he was drunk. 1 mlvlso you to
look sharp around every street corner , for
Borne man may be on your truck with n shot-
fiui.Do you know what wo cnn dot Every
homo is Interested In the question. You
know not whcro the lightning will strike.
Trent the betrayer ns be ought to bo
treated. Don't put him on n tleet horse nnd
help him uwivv ; but help the outraged ono lo
hold him. Io not uinko him your uon-in-lnw ,
but bring him to justice.
Lot ua cducato our children In the homo
and In the church. We muit make tuoro of
childhood. Lot as give our young women
bettor wages. I would like to co a revival
ot old-tiuio religion in dry good * stores. Let
Us support tbo Open Door , , vtuch was
opened by elect ladies In August , IbSS. It is
doing good work. Tticso uuiortuuato young
women find n Mioltor thcro. Some pay , If
they are able , 13 per week for their treat
ment. Hut the many pay nothing. The ox-
ponftts of this houjo nro $200 per month.
Lady physlclnns give their services free.
These young women nro kindly treated hero
nnd many go out to load bettor lives. An
honored minister In this city suid to mo :
"Tho deepest revelations of Jesus Christ ns
the Saviour of the lost ones Hashed upon mo
nt the Open Door. " Some have been foolish
enough to nsk , "Dow not the Open Door encourage -
courage sin I" Wo reply , "No. " God offers
n refuge for sinners. Does Ho thereby en-
couraeo sin I From my own knowledge I can
say that many of thcio poor children having
learned lessons In the tire have afterwards
proven themselves saved , tender-hearted
and noble women. Others say the Open
Door encourages the violation of mother
hood. For the children , when the mother
consent ; ) , are placed In good homes. We
reply : In many cases the mother cannot
support herself nnd child $ nnd If she keep
the f nthcrlcm llttlo ono with her it Is bran Jed
for llfo. This seems to bo ono case whereof
of the two ovIU the less must bo chosen. 1
Uclfcro In the Open Door ; for if this housn of
refuge bo closed the river , nnd the poison ,
nnd the pistol will bo used nil the moro.
God pity our boasted civilization when the
Open Uoor Is necossnry. The gospel of
.Jesus Is the only radical cure for sinful
hearts and deprnvt'd states.
Installation nt St. Mark's.
Rev. J. G. Grinilh , the new pastor of St.
Mark's Lutheran church at
Twenty-first and Hurdotto , was formally In
stalled In his now position yesterday mornIng -
Ing by Uov. II , Kuhns , assisted by Hov.
Adam Stump of North Plntto and Dr. Jncob
Clou , president of MIdlnnd college at Atchison -
ison , Kiin.
Hov. Grinith is n man of about flfty years
of ngo , nnd has most satisfactorily pnssnd the
probationary period of nbout two months ,
during which ho has been lilting the pulpit
of the church to which ho has been called.
Hov. Adam Stump was the llrst speaker ,
nnd ho took for his text Romans v , 10 , "That
I shall bo the minister of Josu's Christ. " "In
essence. " said the speaker , "the Christian
religion.differs from nil other faiths or sys
tems of philosophies or religions. The great
Pagan teachers , in speaking of thair teach
ings , were accustomed to say 'Thoao nro our
ethics.1 Hut none said like Christ , 'Come
unto mo , follow me. ' Wo often feel that
wo nro ministers of a congregation ,
that wo are advocates of o special
doctrine. Wo should Insist moro that wo
nro ministers of Jesus Christ. "
Dr. .Ineob Clotn ! college clnsmato of
Kuv. Grlllith , was the next speaker. Ho
took for his text the words , "I myself am u
man , " which were spoiccn by Peter to
Cornelius when tha lattsr fell on his knees
to worship the npostlo. "Tho text , " said
the speaker , "is applicable to two classes of
people ; lirst , thoao who exalt the. minister
above the remainder of mankini1 , mid second
end , to these who consider him loss than a
man. The latter class think that , a mlnlsto r
Is a necessary nuisance , who must bo tol-
orntod rather than honored or loved. " Uoth
of thcso extremes should bo avoided. A
minister Is n man. Ho baa a right to ba him
self. To 03 an ape or second edition of
somcDody clsa is despicable. Ho has n right
to follow out his own ideas of duty nnd
propriety. Ho cau dross as ho pleases. Ho
can wear a sloucn , or derbv or high shiny
bat at his own pleasure and should have the
right to settle for himself whether
ho should wear a frock coat , cuta
way , Prlnco Albert or sack coat.
His wife , too , should have the privilege to
wear what she plo.i303. The minister lias a
right to his political opinions. Ho has a
right to soond lib mono.y as ho uleasus. Ho
bus a right to have his special intimate
friends. A minister has a man's infirmities.
IIo gets tired and side as well ns other
human beings. He has his tits of depression.
Ho has bis limitations , both physical and
mental. Ho is not omniscient , neither can
ho bo omnipresent. Ho has a man's wants.
Ho needs your syrauathy , your pruycr and
your co-opo ration. "
Hov. 11. M. Kuhns then read the questions
to the prospective pastor and Hock , nnd the
nropor responses being made , Hov. Grimths
was then declared minister or St. Mark's
Evangelical church. Tbo right hand of fel
lowship was then extended to the now pastor
by the visiting ministers present.
Kov. H.iraliaM Sermon.
Rov. W. J. Harsha delivered n sermon at
the First Presbyterian church last night on
the subject , "Is the Presbyterian Church in
Danger of Disruption ? " Ho took for his
text the fourth and fifth vorao * of tao 43th
Psalm : "Thero Is a river the strja ms
whereof shall make glad the city of God ,
the holy pin of the Most High.
God Is in the midst of her ;
she ihall not bo moved ; God shall help her
and that right early. "
Ho stated that the history of the Proaby-
teriun church had boon a gradual develop
ment. At tlmos it had moved sluggishly ,
but the movement on the whole has been on
ward and upward. It was claimed that the
Presbyterian church can trace its ecclesias
tical lincago directly back to tno
apostles through the Wahlonsian church.
This church was the only ono which
remained in the primitive form
In which It wns established by
the Lord before His nsconslon. It has not
changed in eighteen centuries. Their form
of government Is strictly Presbyterian , and
their delcgntos were admitted to the Pan-
Prosbytoriau council.
The speaker said that in splto of this con
necting link the history of the church has
boon nn evolution. Ho then sketched the
in-ogress of the church from its inception nt
lioinu down to the present , with Us man.v
changes. Ho alluded to the many
divisions of the church , und said they
were only so munv evidences ' chat
; hero was plenty of lifo and lira in the
Ho was of the opinion that the discussion
going on over the revision of the confession
) f faith \vouU not. cause another division ,
jut rather thought the minority would sub
mit to the will ot the majority.
In conclusion ho applied his text by ex-
iressiiig the idea that while the Presbyte
rian church might not have bean particularly
referred to in thn text , It wns nevertheless
entitled to drink nt tlio river of divine grace
ns being u part of thy universal church.
Killer. ' tvcrvo nn < l Idvor PUN.
An Important discovery. They nc.t on the
liver , stomach and - bowels through the
nerves. A no v principle. They speedily
euro billlousnoss , bad tusto , torpid liver ,
piles nnd constipation. Splendid for men ,
women nnd children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. ! ! 0 doses for 25 cents. Samples free
at Kuhu & Co. % 15th nnd Douglas.
pnoi > iGA.ti SON.
Hoy. A. IV. Ijitnnr'fl Horiiion nt tlio
Klrst Itaptlnt Church.
Uov. A. W. Limar delivered his third ser
mon on "Tho Prodigal Son" nt tho'First
Unptlst church last night , taking for his sub
jeci "Poverty nnd Degradation. "
Ha likened the journey of llfo of a young
man to the journey of a ship la troublous
waters amid sand bars , roofs , eta. The
prodigal son had started out with bright pro
spects but wns soon shipwrecked and brought
to poverty and degradation.
The speaker applied this Illustration to
young men of today who waste tholr sub-
stanca In riotous living , .
BAnothcr clement In the prodigal's ' degra
dation was his slavery. His condition was
graphically sketched and past allusions made
to the similarity between tils condition and
thnt of many young men of the present day
whu allow themselves to bocotno slaves to
their appetites , to the neglect of the Savior.
The speaker closoJ by n strong appeal to
nil who hadn't already done so to give tholr
hearts to God nnd be saved. Ho likened the
prodigal to u soul nwav from God In n far
country. It. was In bondugo nnd slavery.
Only Jesus Christ could bring satisfaction to
such n soul. Instead of sinking lower and
lower until It reached the foot of the lull of
degradation , It would bo raised by His grace
higher and higher , nnd at last be crowned
with n coronation of love m tno presence of
Erysipelas nnd salt rheum was driven en
tirely nxvay from Mrs. J. (3 ( , AndersonPosh- ,
tico , Wis. , by Hurdoclc Ulood Hitters. No
equal as n blood punflnr.
Tlio Soutli Oinnlm Dummy Collides
\Vllh n I'rHclit.
Thcro was a wreck on the Union Pacific
road at the "summit" at 3:3U : o'clock yester
day afternoon which resulted in considerable
damage to the railroad company , but none of
the trainmen were Injured.
The dummy was running nt' . full speed
from South Omaha to Omaha. A long train
of freight cars bomg'pulled by two engines
had pulled in on the main line nttho ; top of
the hill , and had almost stopusd running
when the dummy came punin ? idong and n
hcad-cndcr collision was the result. Five of
the box cars , which wore empty , were do-
rallo.l nnd bad'y ' wrecked. The pilot of the
dummy cngino was smashed up , but none
of the crow on either train wore injured ,
The fast mail and Denver passenger trains
were run In from South Omaha over the I ) .
& M. tracks. No dummy trams were run
betivecti Omaha ana South Omaha after the
accident last night.
The dummy engine is No. 815. The on-
' is Hurnhani nnd the
glncor's nauio con
ductor wns Captain John A. Swoba. Mr.
Uurnhatn says that ho was runnlnj on regu
lar tlmo nnd was not signaled by the freight
train. '
The blood must bo _ pure for tbo body
to be in perfect condition. Dr. J , II.
McLean's Sarsaparilln makes pure
blood and imparts the rich bloom of
health and vigor to the whole body.
Not Kelatoil to Mrs. Glovolnn I.
In a special telegram from Salt Lalco City
it was stated yesterday that .William H.
Folsoni , n brother of ono of the late Hrig-
ham Young's wives , hnd b < ? on nrroated for
violating the Edmunds-Tucker law. It was
elated in conclusion that Folsnm was n
cousin of Mrs. Grover Cleveland.
Mr. Hyron Heed wns asked by a reporter
ycsterdny If it wns true thnt the Folsom re
ferred to in the dispatch was related to Mrs.
Mr. Heed stated most emphatically that
there was no William II. Folsom in the
family. "Tno wife of Hrigham Young referred
forred to in the dispatch , " said Mr. Heed ,
"was n girl numed Maria Folsom , who was
raised in Council Bluffs. She wont out to
Salt Lake end was afterwards married to
Urigham young. Sbo was bis lirst wife , nnd
was the luvorito. I don't remorubor whotbar
she had a brother named Willlmn or not. but
at any rate they are not rofotetl to Mrs.
Cleveland. "
An AliHoluto Cnro.
is only put up in larao two-ounce tin boxes ,
und is an absolute euro for all sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all nkin orup-
tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company
at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents.
1'orsonnl I'ar
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Swobo returned
yesterday from nn extended tour through
Mexico nnd tbo southwest.
W. C. Hrooks of Beatrice is n gucit at the
H. A. Bugles of North Platte is registered
nt the Millard.
W. H. Kolligar of Auburn is nt the Mi 1-
Thomas B. Hutchlnson of Fremont Is stop-
ing at the Cnsoy.
L. W. Koblnson of Lebanon * is registered
nt the Cnsoy ,
M. C. Hoborts of O'Neill ' is a guest at the
W. F. Hammond of Elgin is at the Cnsoy.
H. A. KInney has just returned from an
extended business trip throijch the western
states In the Interest of tlio jBrush electric
company. >
A. II. Cline of Hrokon Bo\v is registered
nt the Murray. ' '
1 S. W. Jacobs of Harnston'ls stopping at
the Paxton.
O. W. Greene oMCcarnoy-ls at the Pax-
A. Coleman of Stromsourg is a guest nt
the Paxton , ' -
C. L. Hose of Hustings is nt the Paxton.
To the young fnco Pozzoni's Complexion
powder gives fresher charms , to the old renewed -
nowod youth. Try it.
Paid in Kill ) .
Received of A. C. Ross & Co. , twelve
hundred und llfty dollars , in pavmont
of ticket No. ' 10019 , in class "IV of the
Denver State Lottery , for the Kern
Valley Dunk , Btilcarllold California.
( Signed ) The First National Dank ,
Dy Jou. < f BATHS.
Denver , Colo. , March ! , 1890.
Have you used
_ 'ABLE.
OP THE UOWELS , PILES , aud ull doraniromonu of the Internal Viscera.
RADWAY'S PILLS are u euro for this complaint. They tone up .ho mteiuul secretions
to bualthy action , restore strength to the stomach and enable It to perform' Un functions.
Price 25o per box. Sold bv ull Umijeljta.
RADWAY & CO. , Now York.
IN its flrst stnj m , cnn .bo successfully
checked by tlifr prompt use of Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral. Even In tlio Inter
periods of Hint.disease ) , the cough Is
wonderfully rolictcd by this medicine.
" ' I'cctornl
"I Imvo tiscdAyer'a Cherry
with the best * effect in my practice.
This wonderful jiroparntlon oncu snvcd
my life. I hntl n-coustnnt cough , night
sweats , wns Kto.-itly reduced In Hosli ,
and given nn by my pliyMcmn. Ono
bottle mid n IiilCof the I'cctornl cured
me. " A. .T. Kldion , M. V. , Mlddloton ,
" Sovcrnl yonrs ngo I wns severely 111.
The doctors sulil I wns in consumption ,
and that they could do nothing fur me ,
but ndvised mo , ns n Inst rc.sott , to try
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. After talcing
this medlcliio two or tliroo mouths I
wns cured , and my licirlth remains good
to the present diiy. " James lllrchurd ,
Dnrlen , Conn ,
" Sovcrnl yrnrs ape ; , on n passage homo
from California , by water , I contracted
so severe n cold that for soutu dnys I
wns couilncd to my state-mom , ami n
physlclnn on board considered my llfo
in danger. Happening to havn a bottln
of Aycr's Cheriy I'cctoral , I used It
freely , and my lime * were soon restored
to a. healthy condition. Slnco then I
Imvo Invariably recommended this prep
aration. " J. 11. Chandler , Junction , Va.
[ er's ' Cherry
Dr. J. C. Ayer Si Co. , Lowell , Mai1 ; ,
Bold by nil Drugglit * . 1'rlceSl jBlibottlcs.85.
T , OMAHA , Nua.
( Opposite I'axton HotaU
Offlc * hears , u & . n , to 8 p. m. Sundn re , 10 ft. m. , tc
Spcclnlliti In Chronic , Nervous. Skin and Blood Dl-
mr'Coniultntlon atofflco or by mail froe. Medl.
clncs tent by mall or cxprcaj , Bucuroly packed. Irea
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ly nnd permanently.
' Bpermatorrhcaa. soml
IttluVUUo iJtiLllLlil imlLosses.NlgntEinlii
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enUy and privately curd ! . Coninlt Drs. Itts & Hetls ,
IMjBFarnumStrcetvOmaba , Nob.
Blood and SHn Disease
renults , completely orodlcnloJ wlthont tbe aid of
mercury , Hcrofula. nryslpelaa , fever sores , blotches ,
ulcert. pains In the head nnil bones , arpnllltle sore
throat , moutli and tnnguo. catarrh , etc. , permanently
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ducntbarnlnzorbldody urlna. urlno Mali colored or
with milky sediment on Blanllnv. weak back. KOnorr
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charges reasonable.
moval complete without cutUnit. caustic ordlllatlon.
Cures affected at homo by patient without a moment *
imlu or annoyance.
To Tonng Hen and Middle-Aied Men ,
prtnn The awful oirccta of early
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weakness , destroying' both mind nnd body , vmu all
ts dreaded Ills , permanently cured.
M Address those \vtio Imvo 1m-
paired themselves by Improper
Indulgences and and solitary habits which ruin both
body and mind , unttttlne theui for buslnesj , study or
SI A u m KD MEN , or thoio entering on that happy
Ufa , uwaro of pbysklal debility , quickly aailsled.
Iibssoc ! npon facts , first practical exparlrnca , aec-
ond-overy case Is ecpotrlaily studied , thus starting
prliiht , third medlclnei nro prepared In our onn la-
batory exactly to auit eacn case , thui alTiicUng carei
without Injury.
{ 27 Hond n cents postaga for celebrated works on
chronic , nervous anddahcatodlsoasat. Tbouiamli
cured. IJ7 A friendly letter or call may Kara you fu-
Jure Buffering andshnmo. andadtlcolilen years to life
rr7No letters annwercd unle s accompanied by 4
tents In stamuJ.ddroisorcnll on
H13 FnriMtn ttreet , Omftha. Nob.
The great increase
in our
Monl/'niDnii TPHQi1tmnnt )
rluuKwuUl UulJdlllllulll
during the past season has
induced us to purchase for
the largest and most
varied jstock we have
i *
Never was there displayed in Omaha such a stock of Spring Suits as we arc showin g
this season , and at no time were such low figures put on them. vVo are determined to Uo
the largest business ever attempted , and our stock and low prices will bring it.
Moderate priced Suits for the Business Man and Mechanic is our specialty , and no
house in the United States shows as large a variety of them as we do. We cater for the
trade of the masses ; for the big majority of customers who havo'to practice economy
and to whom a saving of a dollar or two on a suit is a big item. To them we offer medium *
priced suits , made of good wearing material and of honest workmanship , at prices far below
those of other houses.
The following are a few lots which we offer this week at exceptionally good values :
One lot All-Wool Cassimerc Suits of dark brown color , honest and durable material ,
which we recommend for good wearing qualities , at $4.75.
Two styles of excellent Cheviot Suits of this season's patterns , very neat , lined with good
serge and well made up , at $4.90. The-material in this suit is not only good-looking , but
also very serviceable. It makes a stylish suit and one that will also give good satisfaction.
The line of $ S.oo , $9.00 and $10.00 Suits which we display this season is far ahead of
anything shown formerly. We make the assertion that with ever ) ' suit you buy of us at
that price you save from $4.00 to $5.00. No such assortment and no such values can be
found elsewhere.
Samples and rules for self-measuring sent on application , and mail orders promptly
attended to.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Per the treatment of nil C1IHONIC ANDSUItniCAI , niSnASHS llrncei , Ap | > Il.inocs for itoformlllea nnd
Trusses Ilc t Fnclllllcf.AiipariitUHiiuil HcmcdlPH fur Siiccostful Trc.itmont of every form of dlvnso rc-
qulrlnie Mrdlrnl or SiirKlralTrentii.cnt. U1NKTV KOO.M8 TOIl I'ATIHNTS , lloanl nnil Altuiidancc. licit
Accommodations West. Write for circulars nn Deformities nnd llrace * . Trusses , Club IVot Curvatures of
Bplnc1 , 1'IICB , Tumors , Cancer , t'f-tnrrli , Tlronchltla , Inhul'illun , Kloctrlrlly , I'nralTdln. Kplletny , Kidney , Illnil-
tlur , Kjc , Ear. Skin and Hlood. and nil Surgical Operations. DISKASKS 01' ' WO.MKN it ipednlly Hook of
Diseases of Women Free. We hate lately added n I.rlm-ln Depnilment for Women Durlrm ConUn.ii.ent
Strictly 1'rlvate. ) Only llcllablc Mcdleal InstltutoXIaklnK a Specialty of I'lllVATK UIBKASKS
All Illood Dl'cujes Btscceisfully treutod. Kyphllltlc poison removed from the Kjstcin wllliout mercury
hew Jtestorutlvo treatment for l-o s of Vital 1'iTOcr. t'artlca iinablo lo visit ns may bo treated nt homo by
correspondence. All communications confidential. Medicine or Instruments sent by mall or ( Mprcpi se
curely pacltcd , no marks to Indicate contents or sender. Ono personal Interview preferrp.l Cnll nnd consult
us or Bond history of your case , pnd we will send In plain wrapper oiu 110OIC TO MKN I'ltCH ; upon 1'rlvatc ,
Bpcual or Nervous ] ) l3ea ei , lEipotency. Syphilis , ( ileet and Vnrlcliccle , with question list. Address
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Corner 9th nnd llurnoy Streets , Oinnlm , Neb.
Cot-nr-r Kills and t'lirnain Sis.
Continuation of our Great Closing Out Sale
arc firing intulu happy on aofoiint of the
( Irrl'cil ESisrualns ivc arc ollcrisi ; un Hl
\VATCHIiS Ijatllos' or Gtiiitlcnicn'ri Isonvv l > : ititlri cuscd , soliil
jjoltl , stein \vuuleiH. wurr intod ooil 1 1m nri , Irnui $ lr > uptvnrit" .
IjRitlos' Hut ! Hnlicl coltl niui ir'Mitiino illiiinoiiil uiiduil U'utolic.s ,
ritllJcwclRll inovtMiicMit , only $ ; { , > anil ii | > wnr.l.
All oiltor wntclics in nrnp.irr ion.
IKWUMIY CliiUiiHjoolcui-It nya " "ilill iitlscr Ji-wiOs-y at n ! ) > tit.
llAItl ronniir iiriooH. Clocks nro coin ; fnti ut our Al\Ulvl JI >
DOWN I < ' 1GOIIIOS $ l > OfiUCKS yo lor $5 , Aiu ( lo/.oiiH of stylus to
Ht-lcur from. I'lnoHt assort incut of Ijinnpi i-vcr Miown in Oin.kli.i
I'roin $5 up to § , " > ( > . See them , lioniitirnl hoyoiul ( Ic-icrlptioii Is our
line 01 Silver nnil line < iui < lriiplcplittIvtiro. : . It must bo HIMMS to
lie npprnclntcii. IMuli , novel nnd < ( | PK | IIK ; I'JporcuHH ,
\Vatci- Sots , Tea Sitn , Krsilr , Snlud nnd Nsst IIiitvN , liiiku Duller ,
Miup Tnrocn-i , ISiHcttlt JIIIM. Gukn Ma kots , Huttcr IISIJH | , 1'iuU'u
StnntU , Individual Cnmor.s , Nnpkin HoldcrJ , Cups , tc , , lPHliliw un
iiiuncnso Iliso orHisinll wni'i ) , In artistic pattern * , all ofVnicli are
lClntt-oll atnhotit HO OKNTri O.Til 10 IOIjl\lt.
J ) .
K. i Kuilnutloa fa i'rivus ol' l > hiiii s iiitl :
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
The Well Known Hpuuiiillut ,
Is iuisnrpi s ( l In the treatment of n = formiof I'm
VAiKtlihiiABKiniKlStrliture iifiiroTjiinrantood. liii
patency , l.o i of .Manhoo I , un 1 Aiobiiliiii. htcrrlllsjr
> rllarri'iiu uliHilulelycural. ) fend for look , rim
IJfo hucrct. " for .Man or Woman , cacti 1J coiiti
tamps ) . Ncrviiiu Kamalo IHx-ates , cured quickly
md permanently Trc'Btniont hy cnrrci | > iiiiilnicu ; ,
stainpi for reply Cnniullallunrree. unite S. li. Cor
, Mi and Jackiun Streets , Uiuabu .Neb ,
Nos. 3O3-4O4-l7O- .
NI'.RVOt'S IIBIIIMTV. Younc nd mid
ille OJK ! luin iml'tihil ' from KiuiOKf or
VUITII , KxrrMMiKAnr u. fui iuar ! n
l il. 'IrriiiM taltJtJ | > mining lull pur.
tlCMlun fur huuiv fur , mrr. ur tllALoe.
I'ltor. ii. I'.UI SI.IK : ,
Lock Uos < i6. Detroit , Midi ,
Tioonly ) af * ami nulii'oss ' mithod of extract-
lutr teeth , niul tlio only nictlioil of liiHortliu : .
U'citluYltliont i > ) ate , reinalulni ; clean uiul dura.
im. iiAvniiAWOuT ,
1609 DUUO ( < AS sritUKT OMAHA.
Box of Wind Matclioa Free to Smokers of
" '
Cnu ho cured In 20 to 03 days by tlio
Hie ot till )
, , .
I1 ltl . lc.ll < > l.lllTltM > llvl'lll
lU'Unru l Imitations. It It ah
"M.UJIC lti\II5lV : ) ' licforo you uin pctiiiunt'iitly
micil. It H ihiiimxt heroic blood purlller IMCI kntmn
V , rite for imrllenlnrs. All letters conlWemlnl.
rooms ! 19 and -10 St. Clnlr Hotel Hloclf ,
Cor. Will and Uodno bis. . Uuiuhu , Ni'tr.isun.
I'll ! crtiu ) iiianiiKomont of llio
Mexican Intorrmtional Banking Co.
Cm iM' Moimrli" . ImuruurntJil by ( ho fttlu of till *
Iliiuhiui , voxico ,
For Cli.irllnlilc I'urp IBCM.
wlll ta'io pin 'ii 1 1 piliSIa n * thadtyof Jii.n for frl ,
iiieily I'n'ii del .None ) , Muvlco. " * r
WKUMJSOAV , Al'llllj U.'Jrd ,
under tlio pcrv nil H uicr'Hnn nt ficncrnl .Inilv > v
Mc ) MV mi'l > ir. riMll.ti AllillM.U 1.4 , I IIP I'Tlnel u
ponllpnmn of Mich promlneno > In t'ui I'nltt' ' t Mulol
Unit hi * pri'tonf o ulo.iu l < xutthliMit L-tiHnuinv It , thu
imhllu Hint Ihuilr.iwliib't n ill hit hulii with net lion-
rly unit lilrn"s { : to ul1 , uml the lulli > r itlin * iti > er-
vlroruf tw ; Mexican Kovuriimi'iit ) It of viui Mimd-
liuiiml Integrity.
Only < H(10 ) ( ( ) Tickets. Only ( JO,00 ! ) Ticket *
Whole Tickets , if I. Half Tlcki-N , S. .
Qimrlur Tickets , J | .
i isr of I'ltixi : ,
1 I'rlroof ftafkiOli fJi.Hfl
1 I'rlifof | iiimil < IIP.KH
1 I'rlruot HH f'f . "
lil I'rlwiof ' "lit1 ii'h nro .
M 1'rl/ui < > < Itilt'iich lire f'.i > * >
IUI I'rUcHdf Mi'HLh nru M'U
Wjrrl/caot' iMimt'li nro
AI'I'IUIMMAIIOS' l'l/l.i. | |
Ii ) I'rlzcsof f niuiifh nn > ! 'i.KO
HO lrl'cs of I'llt'iieli tire
l Jl'iUuaot i.'M'iuli iini
TI.IIMIVAI , rill/us.
'jC.I Tormlnnli to MMWI I'rUo nf F.Mcmrh nri- tll. ' .W
tt'J 'lornillliils toJU.UU I'tUaul ( U unuh nrc : . . ' . ' . ( )
1'JII I'rlic lauiountlni ! to . ll"i'.iC ;
\VolliiuuHl.TJlk-ncMl henihr eortlfv Hint Hie Iliineo
Nucloiiitl nt Muvleo , In Clilhii'iliiiii liui nn ili'i'oiit
litiin tlio tluxle.iii Intcrniilloiiul lliinUInK i'i/iiiiiny | ,
tlionoeui9iiry fun IH to Ktrininteu tlic luynu-nl ormr
ilioirizodr.iniiliitiio tiiiASii Mirrrm < > in uux.
Wo f nrtlier tortlty thnt o will miit > r\liv nil iliu
nrr.iiiKuinenls , HIM In IHIIMHI iiiiniiixu nii'l rontioi nil
the ( IruwliiKH of thin l/jttory , mill th'il th"
IIIII.IIH toil witli honaity , fultnujs , iinilln ! fullli
to rd nil | .
CAMIMI .Mllil'l III" .
Siipcrvl'or for Hie ii < i\i < r'iiiiiMit.
If any llrkot clrnMn.'u orl/e IH rent In llio un ler-
KgtH'il. liil'iio Mi'uunlil ' be colleclLMl uml n-mltted
to Uiuoniiui tht'ronf fn-i' nf clinmo.
KDIIAHII. lliiioMiv ,
I'lOSldeilt Kl I'lUii NiitlO'iiu llank. ICI I'.i" " , Ter.
At.KN IS * X A.NTIOI ) .
I'or flub nitoi.or tiny furttior infoiin.itlon nrltotn
the iiiulupilenoil , " .iiUof your itililrt'Ki clciirl ) null
ntnl o , county , slioet tind nnuibcr Mt ro iiti'id mult
delivery will bu nisureil by your enelo-ini ; an t'iivel
opubi'arlnu your full irbliut ) ,
Clly ut Jtmrt'4 , Merlco.
Fend roiniltrtiicci for Ilikoti by nrdiiiury leller ,
rontiilnlnit Moni'V Order , l' iicil l > y nil h i > ii' I inn.
I'linles. New York hichiuitru , lliinK Iliall or I'oalul
Nolo Addrcsi nil rculsterfeil letters to
city ul JinireMexico. .
i A Perfect Art Album ccntilnlng 24
Beautiful Photographs rtpresontlng
1 Tti and Coffee culture , will be tent
on receipt of your address ,
CHASE & SANDORN , 130 DroadSt , , Boston.
Western Dept , BO Franklin St. , Chicago , III ,
West Portland Pad
C'hmco lots , low pncofl , { rood \vutor , excellent -
collont ( lnili i'o ; motor line ; G-eunt cnr >
/uro / ; high , dry , boiiutlfuL Sold ( or cuall
or on iiiHtiillintMit plan.
Ablngtou BnlliHnt , ' , PortluinJ , Of