THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : , MONDAY , MARQII 24 ; 1890. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No advortlsomonts will bo tnkon for these columns odor I2:3O : p. m. TormBCosh In oclvnnco. iTAdvertlsments under this neicfio" cents per Ine for the tlrnt liipertlnn. "crnts for etch sut > - prrUint | Insertion , nnd t\.Hl \ per line per month. No ilTcrtt mcuu taken for leu t'mti ' 2i cents for drut Insertion. Bnren wonls will bccounteil to the line , they must run consecutively ami must Do pild ill ADVANCr. All advertise- inents must bo handed In before 12nO : o'clock p. in. , and under no circumstances \\lll they be titkcnor ( llncontlnnod by trlonhone. 1'artlrsndvertlslng In thrie columns nnd hav ing thPlr answers nidlrcsscd In care of THE IIKK will | ) leno ask fora cheric to ennbln tlicni to get their letter * , an none will tin delivered except on prcJK-ntntlon of chock. All answers to nd- vetlsmcnt * should bn cnclosnd Irf envelopes. All ndvcrtlsmcnts In these columns are pub lished In both morning and rv tilng editions of Tur. llir : the circulation of which nguregatca more than IP.OOO pnpers dully , nnd gives the ml- -j benefit , not only of the city circu lation of TIIK Ilr.i , but tlfo of Councif IlluITi , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this sci tlou of the country. " " "BRANCH OFFICES. AdtcrllMcg for these columns will ba takes on the nbovcTonditlonn , nt the following busl- nna houses who are authorized ngonts forTiie IlKK speciul notices , nnd will quote the same rates as cun tie had nt the main office , _ _ ( i'Jl TH OM Al7A HlTANrTT OKnOIV Corner I J ( itTwcnty-slxtnnnd N sticotx , Nobrnskn Barings bank building. JOHN W. nr.LL , 1'Harmnclst. BW Bouth Tenth Hereof. nHAHi : A r.DDV , Stationers nnd Printers. 113 Fouth Kth Street. H.rAHNHWOIlTII. Pharmacist , 21 Ing meet. i'lmrmnclst , CM North ICth Street. KO. W. PA HI ! , Tharmnclst , 1718 Leavon- Woith Street. 2208 Faruam sreot. SITUATIONS \VANTIJI1. "lyANTKD A situation. In a bank by n TT young man having Homo capital and three years experience na cashier , address T. J. llrant. Utlcn , Neb. ' 3'.1)S1" ) \\rANTni ) lly a young man wllh good busl- Tt ness education , a situation nt any klndcf olllco work : can keep boons , operate Itcmliin- ton typewriter , nnd wrlto Hi to HW words per tulmito lu shorthand. Willing to begin on small wanes. Good rofeioncoH. Address 1121. Ilco olllco. Council Illuirs. aisaij " \\rANTni ) A situation by a flrst-clas1 * eoli th fectloner nnd baker. Address. A 43. Bee. 218 221 \\rANTKD-sittlntlon ns book keeper bya * young man who recently graduated from llryaut & Htrntton'o business college. Hulfalo , Ni V Unexceptional references A111 bo fur nished. Address box U77 , Stromsburg. Neb. 24' ' 21J rANHtunttmbya < four years In law and loan olllce , ex perience in wholesale business , llox 228. Coun cil Illuirs. C2.Vnl A "good wauon maker at ouco at T .Mnldoon'H aliop. llH ! Cumlng street. aiO 25J " \\FAN"r7:0 : Agents for the best Belling nrtl- TT t'lf ) over produced : costly outfit free : no peddling nnd no money required until Hnles nro nmdn nnd goods dcllvoicd. Address Jl. .M. 1'rlndman It Co. , Mnrtlusburg. Jlo. 370-22J V LrANTIJD A good plumber , Address Mure llcnn , .Lincoln. Nob. mi-ts ANTED Man As agent of our patent .safes ; slzo 24xl8xH Inches : $ .r > rotail. All nslow. Now stylus , now patterns , now locks , now factory. Not governed by safe pool. J'.vory safe warranted , ilaro chance. 1'crmn- Miont buslnerts. Our terms nnd catalogues \\lll convlnca joii. agents clear from WOO to JVXI per month. Write for extensive territory. Alpmo Hate Co. , Cincinnati , O. nK-22 : | AV ANTHD- Agents : fid per week. 811-N 'ml Q A liHsKTHN Wonted at Once A fnw good O men to sell our goods bysamplo to the wholesale und retail trade. Wo are the largest manufacturers in our lino. Liberal salary paid. 1'ormnnont position. Money advanced for wages , advertising , otc. For terms addles * Centennial .Mfg. Co. . Chicago. 111. 844 ttij WANTED Hey to learn the Jewelry trade. Cilrson & Dnnks , Darker block. . .57J TVANTIIDIO Swedes to go to Wyoming1. AI- T T brlitht'ii Labor Agency , 1120 Faruam HC. STA N LKY'H book , written by himself , Is en- tltled "In Darkest Africa" nnd has Imprint only ot Charles fc'crlbner's Sons , Now Yore on tittle page. Ilowaro of frauds. Agents wanted in lonn , Ncbrnskn. MlnncFotii nnd Dakota for genuine booic. W. H. Coudlt A ; Co. , DCS Molnett , 11 > 10TUlti : ngenti nnd jiliotogrnphcrs served with clcgnnt crnyolis , witter colors ana pus- tels. I'lno bromide prints made for artists. Iteducod prices. Jlynstcr 1'ortrait Studio , ISiJI S. 12th Kt. , Onmlia. 2:17 : a 1SJ T ViTlCCTIVES : Wo wnnt aiimu In every lo- JL/callly to net IIH private detective under our InHtiucllutiB. Experience not necessary. 1'ar- tlclilnr freo. Cimtral Detective lltuunu , llox Jiij , Topflkii. Kan. 2J3 ; iOJ " 1 XT' ANTIJD Salesmen nt76 per month salary v T and expenses to sull n line of Mlvor-pitttcu xvare , wntchea , etc. , by sniupla only : horse and team furnished free ; wrlto at once for fulipnr tlculnra nnd snmplo case of goods tree. Stan dard Silverware Co. , Iloston , Mass. ,12J \\T A NTEll 400 rockmon. teamsters andgrad- T T ers for I'tah and Nevada : cheap rates. Albright's Labor agency 1120 Fnrnam Bt. 3Si MUN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of Canada. Wo pay KU to $ IUO iicr mouth nud cxpnnseH to ageiilH to dell our Canada grown stock. Add , btone & Wellington , Madison. Win , " \ \ ; ANTI5D Canvaksers at Slngor sewing iaa- TT ihlno olllco. 1D18 Douglas st. tt77m& ) \VANTKD Agents for Denver State i Lottery" > > TloKots Wo. Address A. C. lloss * Co , , Denver , Colo. tG8-aprtrt \\rANTKD-Atoncc , a good wood carver , TT gtxd wngcs. utondy worit. Cnll on or ml- < lrei Fremont Ji't'g. Co. , C. I/ . West , Jl'g'r. > WANTIJD 3 tnlloru on cuxtom work by the weyk. A pply ii 1 1 8 1 1 Hi a t. i ; L WANTGD-Oood girl for general house I work good ° od hornu. : wages , K Apply at 1221 N. 2Uth st isAxi _ \\T ANTIJO ( tend girl for general housowork. TIC. D. IlutchlDson , 4212 Nicholas st. .one niul R half blocks from motor. 33-25 "WANTKD-dlrl for general house work lit T 1 family of live. Apply S. E. cor. Ifth and Center sts. t : I76-24J \\rANTKD Immediately , a competent 2nd T girl. wnueM J.I.NI per oeic. Apiily at M. T , rntrlck'a. 21th nnd Lake sty. ! 15I 24J a II III , wauled for general houxework , Apnly Mrs. ( ! . 1'ark.Ilia l.oavenwnrth st. SftSlJ \V ANTKD Ulrl for gonural housowork. 1120 i T N. luth. inu JADV ugenM nt'oucu for Nub , to handle our Jlong waibt nnd high bust corsets , fill. Cor net Co. , llrooklyn , N , Y. _ ur.-22J GOOD cook. Apply N. IL corner 21st and Webster. iiio ait Glllli wnnted In private lamlly. Knijnlro ut 8118. Spilth street. 217 ' \VANTKD-A second cirt by April 1st- Call TI ntlva : lnfuyettu avenue , ( formerly Paul at. H ( leroncca ronulred. Airs. J. H. Dumoiit. \ , \ ; r ANTI1D First class girl for cooking moat TT ly ; \vasnlug or ironing ; 1707 Cass lit , "V\7 ANTKO Olrl for general housoworkiood TT rtiitS ! aid. B. E. cor. 2Jth and Jouen te. _ _ 005 \\f ANTIID- good girl for general nouso T > work , small family , 2-JDfl Wlrt t. 720 imr.HSMAKIXG. " \\rANTHlV tire siimker to rent a sultoof T T rurnUh d room * above one of the prin cipal tlry goods store * in a beautiful town of nbout 12.UOU inhabitant ! ! , uo miles west ot Omaha , nt the nominal rent of tic , per mouth. Including light nnd neat. No one need apply uniosH they can give undoubted references as to their ability and character : rlsht party can emily net JllW per mouth. Address A 40. this ollica. 1IU-22J LAD1KS NotlcoACutn" I'rces-Mrs. Sci , vlllehas recovered from her long Illness and U prepared to ma e all line drousc * iu 'the 1st- , cat myUa t the lowest prices. Fit and finish Kuarftntcud flrtt claii , No. Oil N. 17th xt. _ ENOAOKHKNl-Htiidodrifsiinnklnglu fiunl lloi Kollcltcd. MU * Sturdy , KS H. iuti ave. AS * i-'ou itH.vr HOUHIH. : HKNT-Nlco cottage of a room * . S3U Caas street , P. O'Maliey. Uil 2UJ TiUIRHBNT-FI U In Estabroot blocV. SU. JL1 tcsnthnnd Chicago Btreex\(30. Itoberts , J13-55J neil HKNT 6-room cottage. 22d and l nrcn- I 1 wnrtn. IM p r mont.l. ( i F. Hnrrl on. Oil t Y. Lit * . 171- = : F nil IIRNT AT-rooincotTaM at 1211 N. 19th Bt. tSS-gJ Tlfc.Hl Iti'.NT A 7-room hnuio. 7inNorth Twcn- JL' ty-slxth street , wo per month Inmilronf Vf. A. Carney , coni'axtou block. "tgl-Slj U-HOOM liousT near 20tlT and Ohio , all the Omodern Improvcmonts , j psr month , ( Irovcr Htofons , 1515 Karnam , 420 IflOlt HKNT Nice fi-room cottage with live acres ot land , I1 , ' , miles west of city , only ti per month , U.K. Colo. 3:12-21 : HMlN-Hoora house , llrst-clnwi condition.modrrn X conveniences , largo lawn , barn , shade trcox , 8 blocEs from Lake school. Convenient to cable , motor nnd homo cars. A poly on promts' ' * . 9. K. JHCkson , N. 2l t and Hpruco sts. 116-O8J "ITiOH ItKNT-TwolO-rnotu modern houses , ail JU rouvcnlencej. Paved ittcetfl , cnb'o cars. Klvu mluufs walk of prmtolllco. Hofcrences required. NathanShclton , 1011 Farnam st. IjiOIl HUNT In Union block on the corner of -U 1Mb and MIIKOU Bt , a llatu , S on second iloor nnd 1 on third Iloor. In ttood repair : rent low. ANo store room. Inquire nt the block , room til" . John Humllii , tigcnt. 1IU HKNT llcautlful resldenco wllli linrn. FOII modern Improvements.fulllot.catt front , Georgia vo. lUclinrdU. I'nitcrson.liir , N.V.I.Ife. JjlOUHKNT Klosantnow H-room house , all JL'modernconvcnlnneei , ( teed locality , fl * > a month , llreuuau i : Co , , iL'lianiber Commerce. FUIt Itr.NT 7room Hat , 60S 8. 13th st. Cn- quire of J. It , Urandlea AjSon" . 3tl.'J7 : "niTfiniKN'P .1-room liotiMoTstJU Reword Ht. , JLJ $ i" > per month. I nnnlroui-l Sownrd. : IIOj THOIt ItKNT Ton room house , every con- JL ! vonlenciij closa to motor hud cable : 703 N 1 . : i71-37t Foil ItKNT Two eleven room house ; ) 310.312 Ni.'dst. Inijulro n-w cor.'i'dnnd Daven port. 19H lliNT--C-room : Hat , Coj a. 13tti st , Ij OK HKNT I'-room ' house , iill modern con- Jt ? vcnloncei , also part of rumlUiio forsalo. carnets , eto. , 21OT Douglas. ! l ITOIt IlKNT ! ! A13 Capitol arc. 7-room cottage JL' uith bath ; Inquire at Xjla Capitol uve. aa'5 _ _ TJIOIt UINT. : ilrlck dwelling. 12 rooms. JU kitchen on lirst Moor. Laundry , drying room , nil modern Improvements , iluo location. Apply -112 Karuam st. _ _ hM TTioii TtENT-d-roonTcottnge. 13U N. 27th st. JU 7- room coltnge and barn. 1.11(1 N. 2Un st. 7-room cotlag , and barn , 1KB N. 27th uve. , with city water , cistern , etc , n-room cottage 3'tli and 1'nrnnm. Htoro and room above , 170J St. .Mary's ave. Btoro , cor. 10th and Arbor ; good place for grocery nnd market. llarn iu rear of 712 S. d st. . city water. i-room ! Iiouso'wHh acre of ground- near II. & 31. round houso. II. O. Clark , room 7. board of trade. , _ am 21 TTIOll ItUNT 7-roora llat.Lange blocK ; t)12 ) 8 13 Jj ' 2S2 _ _ : _ _ liQH * HRNT Au 8-room dotachca Uouse. fnr- JU naco. bnth , etc. . 20th nud f.-Mvenworth. ilU. Onvld Jamloson , lice bldg. U2U Trbll lir.NT--IIouaes nnd stores ; property JJ cared for , taxes paid. Midland Guarantee 4 : Trust Co. . 1(114 ( Karnnmyt. Abstracts , id , ' you wish to rent a house or store sea II. B. Cole , Continental block. _ 150 WANT morehrws9s * to rent. Parrotto. I . flll-n.'i _ _ - fat with etenm ncnt. IBtn St. , near 8-ltOOM ahos. . F.Hnll.IHU'axton blocK. 327 FOIi ItKNT HOOnrM KUItXISHIJD TOIl KKNT S front rooms. $ . " 0 and ir > . tor JL1 gentlomon. yifi N. 15th st. 40Jt-2 ' rooms for gentlemen , with or FL'HNISIIKD witnout board , 1911 Douglas. 2I8-22J EfjEOANT room , modern conveniences. 1S2L casa. aa-g ; ' _ front parlor suitable for two HANHSOMK First-class board. Hcferences , 1KTJ rarnauisv. U3-J * nijV furnished rooms with or without board lira Iiodce ; reference. M'J-271 HTuNrsiVKD rooms nnd board. . 407 N 19th. Paul block- . JMJ2IJ rooms and board , all modern JD Improvements , 2uj 8 24th st , _ 280 gn FOIl HKNT Vurnisliod rooms ; gas , bath and btcain , 1510 Howard. o-ST T7 > Olt UUNTsiiUo of tlireo rooms with clos- J. eta for light housekeeping. Lawn and shade. Convenient to cable and motor. Kent 512 per mouth. Address A Gi. lloo olllco. - ! Cap. ave , board , modern conveniences. 1721 2S5 27j "I71OH HUNT I'lpooant furnished room with JU board , modern conveniences , JM11 Dotujlus. 217 24t _ HUNT Kurnlslied two front rooms 117 FOIt 2 th St. , between Dodge nnd 1'nnir.iu 41tK8 ! * "ptLUOANTroom.modernconvencos , l'21Cass. | T\OH \ HUNT An elegant front room with an JU alcove , furnished , ou second tloor : all modern convenient es 2I2SX'Othst. 2 5 C LEAN furulahed rooms. 1613 Chicago st. "C1OU UKN'l Furnished rooms , 1 Douiilas. Kit "C10H HUNT Suite of front rooms , modern x convvnlonces , with or without Iraard. $11 per mouth , 2218 Leavenworth st. lt-8 NICK room , every convenience , 171 ! ) Davenp't 7J.l-as ; TTHJItMSHKD-ltooms to lot , 2023 Ht. Mnry's JU avenue. G74 TOOH lll'JNT I'ront rooms. 2010 Dnvonuort. FOH KENT Pleasant furnished rooms with all conveniences , fill ) S. 2ah Bt. rui ST. CLAilt ( Curopeau hotel , cor. litli : and Dodge , Special rates by woo : or month. KENT ttooin with board. 1723 Dodgest. 170OMS and day board ; 1721 Capitol ave. JV SSI-may TfHMt HUNT One large iront room 1th boarcT JL1 1WX1 Capitol live. 075 FOIl ItlOX'l'-UOOSIS UXKUKNISIIKI ) "ITlOlt HUNT 2 , aoril rooms unfurnlihed nt JU eos N llf 4 rooms at Ull Woolworth ave , for .small families. _ _ 2SI 2J | rpllHKl ! nice unfurnished moms cheap , a w JL cor Hurt and -"d at ; no children and refer ences. m WO unfurnished rooms for rent , fftn'pouth J17th ave. , bet. Jackson nnd Leayenworth. 1119 2I pr.UNFUIlMSHKDchambursforhousekeeplni ; Ofor mttn und wife ; no children ; Ull ) N. 17th , PiU VOll UHNT HTO11KB AM ) OFI-'IOKS Foil HKNT Desk room In nicely turnlahed otllce. all con\uulencu3 , Hoam IV , Cotitlnun- tal block. mo DKSK roam tor rout lu ono of the most prom inent ground Hour olllcas Furnam st. Ad dress , A it. llee. 310 'J T ESK loom for rent In one ot the most prom- .Lament ground HOOBofllcunou 1'arnum st. Ad dress , A U. ' , lleo , ; tiu 22 STOHES at 707 , 709 , 7118.10th.22xCO each , large show window B , steam h t turnUhad. Thos , F. Hull. 311 Paxton Dlork. ; w I710H KllNT-Tlio 4-story brick bulldlntr , with JL1 or without power , formerly occupied by the lleo Publishing Co , I'll ) Farnam st. The but Id Ing has a tlrc-proot cement basementcompleto Htcam heating tlxtures , water on all the lloor.i. gas , etc. Apply at the oiace ot Tha lloo. UI5 1J10H IU5NT ' tory brick building. 1110 Doug. JL1 las Bt. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse purposes. Also brick store , 107 B. 13th et. Inquire - quire ot Chm. Kaufman. 1102 Douglas st. ( Ul FOIl HUNT Office room and largo" light base ment , cor , 13th RiidJucisoii sts. , nrst tt > o months free to good touaut. Enmilre Mrs. Lange,012 o , 13th st. V.1 > \VANTKl > TO IlKNT. \VANTUI ) to rent about July ) t a small cot- T T tag , with all modern conveniences , clone tobmluess. Addrem A14 , Ileennicc. KM JkTOllTON'8 rental agency , BIT I'axton blk. HOt"Sra-\Vow nt mor vacant bouses To rent , II. K , Cole : a'JO---J rjJlOVEItSTBVKN ! ? , 1515 Tarnam Bt.JJ II. PAUItOTTi : , rental agent , Uotlgla * nit ( fll-oV CHEAP and reliable lire Insurance , Parrotta. ' Kll-ai'i ; rental agent , Contlnoiitnl block. X V ATkFfHiiiinieb" , S2I3 foareiiworth iT 1DIANO tuning byOoorso Illoomlleid , piano JL maker. Ill North rtn , UOyrsexporlencaluN. V' , , Chicago and Omnha. Excellent references. pro ma. TTOIIUKNT 10 acres west of the city. Hoom JU u , chamber ot Commerce. 4H-g ( ( FOIl BA LU Furniture of n 7-room hiue. En- ( iiiiroWi North Twenty-filth utieot , foutli Omaha. 3S.V25J TruniNITl'HIIFOIl HAfE-Cahorcn < y pay- JU menu , O. F. Head , room 17 , llarftvr block. A (1001) ( yniui t nm , soiur.l rtnil quiet In any work : also a young mare nml a coi.d buy liorso ; all good drlvcrn. Apply -Mil N at rpOBUITlheconvemenco of clients idtirlnntheilay woopenevutilnc * . 7 to 8W. : : U. \ \ Col. ) . UoanOCoutlnental int. 201 for nliopllon. ' dress A ; ! 3. Hoe olllce. II'J rpo ItKNT House lUt with J. It. Parrotto.i JL rar-u5 DIILINQTKNTS Persons nolillng contracts for lot * , ptir- cnnfed from the Oiniiha Iteal KKtnte nivt Trust Co. , on which payment * have become delin quent , nro reiiuostml to cull and arrange nn early rottlcmont , ami save trouble nnd co4t. Omaha Heal Kstato nnd Trust Co , . Ii'J4 1'arnam St. _ _ _ KM A UCTION snles every TuesdayThursday and -iXitaturday morniui ; ntltll Douglas street , Omnha Auction A : Htornqe Co. &u HI ! . COIilI , reliable lira insurance. . TO HK , COI.K , notary public and convoynncer ; 5)j ) " ! ; os-r7" T OST-Ilotween Wlncote Jc Illloy's olllce. 2dth JLJ nnd Lc-avenworth nml Wlit ) PaclUa strco . One blame DOOK nbout fxlft Inches , red cover nnd nbout 15) ) pages. 5.1)0 ) reward if r turuod to cither above address. Wincote & Itlley. It AKlINO > " \7OUNO-JIan wishes board nnd room in prl- JL vnte family : suburbs preferred ; tikes lunch in town : luferuiicca given ; Htato term * . Ad- drcs A iVt. Iteo. 4t ! 2lt ST01SAGK. HI ' ' ' rat.M. , llruuch & Co. , Ull Howard st. xan"\ \ niHI. cleanest nnd best storage In the city at JL low rated at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. if II rpUACICAfJK storage at lowest rates. W. , M. JLllushman , 11)11 ) Loavoaworth , XK music. BKFOHR buving n piano exnmlno the nuw scale Klmbc.H piano at A. Uospe.lSM Doug las Rt. 44) G IX ) . F. CBMjKNHUCK. toncherof the banjo , loom 213 Douglas block , or lleo otllco. 'JIU AVANTKO TO 1JUY. AATANTED A lire proof safe IBxsO. It. L. TT Cleveland. Utli ami Nicholas JitH , 4'il-2ot \\7ANTKD to Iltiv ti or 7 room cottage in re- > spectiblu locality , p.ivlng about ii iu clfar vncnut property in good location for advance ; bnlnnci * cash or nssumo morcgigc. Address with full particular * , llox Si5 , P. I ) . ; C-2"J WANTHD Furniture , carpi-ts. household goods for cash. WelU * Auction V Storage Co. . JII7 a 13th st. ' \\7ANTKIi ( jood commertfall paper. NoT - T T brnska jMoitgage Loan Co .Ml ) i'nxton blk. /1AS1I lorall kinds of household goods at III ! V.- ' Douglas street.Omalm Auction AStoi-ago Co. \ \ / AM'KD To ouy tor spot cash , city or ii couutrv parts or wnolu "liickBbf dry ami fancy gooiln. clothing , boots and hoi . milli nery. stationery , gent's fuinlshimj goods. et > : . Call on or address J. L. Ilrandols tc Sons , cor ner ] ; ith and Howard. Oinali.i. SXi. _ WANTED to IluySI.WI good short time pa- per. II. II. Henderson. UU 1'axtou blk. , 417 FOR SAIjK-Oi ISCKIjIjANKOUS. p OH SAI.K 1 fp.iu of good miiU'S youug and JIn good order ; ju&t oir the farm , 172.1 S. UUi st. U77-j' : ; _ FOU SAI.K ( .ompleto furnishings ojn mod ern houso. In convenient location. I'rlco $ UOO. A bargain. Address A 17 lleo olllce- . mi 22 SAI.K rurulturo ot Hroom house Very -1 cheap If tiilxou nt OUCH , no better place for renting vco'.ni or boarding nouso. iisii good barn , rent very low , Addreis A 47 lleo. 2U2"J Tf\OH \ SALE nt a bargain Driu ? Uxtufcs. conn- Jt ? ters nnd show cate * . almost now. Jiujulro H. K. corner Inth nnd Farnam sU , "Itl J OHSF.S-- Forced sale. 2) head broken Orc gen liorsi'.M , wutghlng from eluht to eleven hundred pounds , ( .ash price , il.UJ } . Call at 13WI. 8. 7th ave. 93'-iit _ F OKSALK FirsY-cioss bllllar.l saloqa InTlvo Nebraska town. I'rlco II.IOJ on easy terms. if. n. cole. tan-as _ KOOM ll.-J Now Vork Lllfe. has the following forJIonday. Stock of grocorlts nnd house hold furnltuio for cash : only JUtD In city , doing coed business , established trade nnu a big bargain. _ _ 4ii.v.M HBAT SNAI > Furniture of 12-room Hat for G KJ < X ) . 11. U. Cole , Uoom U , Continotftl block. .VJl-'M FOIt SALK Aponvcart Imnilro nijli.'l N. 2indbt. ; ur27l _ _ _ "J71OH BALK 1'urulturo nnaU'a > oot X1 private ivsldeuco. alt mouurn ( OiiV ( > nlouce.s , BIS N. ttJth bt. 'IIV 2 < J FCill BALK or Irado Oood nlddbarron biiKu only JWJi llolbrook , IVI ) Faruam st. 2.i7 LAW library , very cheap , or terms Onsy. \ ply. William Martin , Fremont , Nj-b- "lilOlt BALM tome excellent furniture. In- i cludlni ; stovfs , cnrnets , etc. Alto pictures nnd bric-a-brac , t'M Ho. 2th | avunuu , ; t-2jj FOll SALK Counters nud shelving. Apply to W. L. Ehaiv , olllce south loom V , J | . . . ( ! . A. bulldlm. . 2J.V ITlUltNITITItn auction every Wednesday nud JL1 Batunlay. J1I7 H nth. Wells. U12 FOIl SALK A.IVhorso power t'ortcr engine In iiood condition. wotKht MIX ) poundn , cyl inder llxltt ; for particulars apply to The Hoc' olllce. 71)8 ) _ TTIOK SALE or tnulo-Ono Hat top deak , ono -L : b-foot stundlm ; desk , ono lease of sooilon of school land. 4SJ acrus ot imiinivod western land and ' ) Bectlons of U. l' . railroad land. H. H , Henderson , 400 1'axton block. Jill TD10H SALK Some Rood watches anil din- JL' inoiulH cheap. II. F , Masterj , room 4 , Wttn- nell blk. -145 CIjAIHVOYANT. " ' " MM. Dr.'l-'ddy" the dUtlnguUhed r > 'orld-famed and only reul natural trance cluirvoyaut and spirit me dium In this country ; Mveuth danehtur of tha dauKhtvr , born with veil unduresl est prophetic eltt of serond slKDt. Walloon- tranced will reveal every hlddtm mystery In life , Has long been pronounced in Kuropo nnd America the Krentost llvlue wouder of the present nwc. Umloratunas the eclanco ot ilia " 1'orsmn and Hindoo magic. " or ancient charm working , and prepares Egyptian talismans which will overcome your en mlea , remove ! family troubles , restores lost attectlons , makes marrlace with tne ona you lovw no failure removes uvll Inllnuncui , bad habits , cures witchery , ilia and all lonn-st ndlnt { And myc- terlous diseases ; will utve correct informa tion on UwHUlt , sicklies * , death , divorce , n line no nt friends , everything ; never falling adrico to youuu man on marruiKe and how to choose n wlfo for happlnuss , and what business best adopted for HDeedy riches. Ktock | Mculation u Hpectulty. Also Rives Indispensable advice to young ladles on love , courtship and marriage , and It your lover Is true or falsa , mid utvoj pic ture of future husband with name. n o und date of marilaKe. Houri. U a. m. to It n. in. , strict. N , II. For toe benollt of thoie who are unable to call upon Mrs. Dr. Kddy. ahn would respectfully anuounco that ah * Klre * parfect satisfaction by letter. Your entire lift will bo written lu a clear uud plain manner. Letter * with Htarups promptly1 answered. Bend for large llhutrated circular with upoclal , tnrms , Mrs , Dr. Kddy , IMS N , loth . , Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _ iiJ > * i _ T\K. NANN1EV. WA11UKN , ol irroy nt. wed- JLVicilaud buun * medium. Femaludlieaset in N , Utb st. , rooms si aua i ) . Hi'J ' K. nitOrX.electrlfHy.hincsnKB and DIU troatmfnt. chro lfl dlieasci special ty , simple medicines whou needed , ass N 15th. _ _ _ 4.18 m3IJ _ _ . bKCKIIONRtlieniul reader and MlM MIIS. Martna the fortunef teller. % vlH remain -In the city three week * louden- All tuflereri with rheumatism and temalo.nMkuess bettor come at once. Cnro by magnetic treatment Fees , 60 cents j 170" Cia street. ' " Ml-i.'t AND \VrANTED Educated yoypc laillej and genT - T > tietnon to learn sbortliand nnd typewrit ing at the Standard Sh rtUand lluslncss col lege. New Vork Lite building ; linen rooms in the city ; nil latest improvements , nlectrln light , elevator service ; cheapestMhuol because It Is thd best ; instruction thoroufth , modern , practi cal : demand for stnnogranbcM constantly In- ( reusing : succos * posUiveu ; Mire. Cnll or write for one of our large descriptive catalogues. Addresi , Standard Shorthnnd Ituslnoss Col lege , Frank IX Holt , Manager , N. V. Life lldg ! , Omahn. Neb. 70J NUY TO liO.YN. LTltKHAF. renf estnte losm maao byV. . M. llsrrli. room 20 Frenzur blk , opp.r. O. ASTKHS MOKRV to loan'oa cly'"pronortvj ! E morti' impor qought. II. II. Iroy , opp.l' . I ) . l i _ ifilO.roj to lonn nt 7 per cent net. C. F. llnrrl * P son.011 N. V. 1,1ft. 171 2 _ at lowest rrxtos : removed OIIATTRMonns .1. n. Kmlntri'r. ay ) KKVSTO.Ni : Mort nt5i ) Co.-I-im of IO to tl.UjU ; jcptour rnto.i Uoforts borrowinii nnd pave raonuy : lonn on dorwcs. furnlturu or nny npprovod tcrurlty. without publicity : notes bought , for new lonn , renewal of old and lowest lales. CnlIH203 , Shecly blk , ith & llovvnnl sts. \\rANTKD First clas < Innliio loans. Io\vo3t V I rntc.i. Cnll and sse us. Mutual investment Co. , 1504 Knrnum , 3W MONI1V to loan on sciirlty for short tlmo nt low rates. lowest rates on puretmal proportv. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , ltoot : > I 0 , 1'nxtou block. avi "iri HST mortcago loans nt low rates nml no do- Iny. I ) . V. Sholes Co. , 10 First National bank _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ il'll MONIJV loaned on furniture , horsoi end \ > ngons : rntos reasonable. City Loan to. , ruom 17 Murker. ! i.V ! bNI'.V toToanTby" . F. Masters. Tn any nmotint from $10 to JlO.ooa for any time , from one toslv months. I niiikii loiQf. on nousohold goods , pianos , organs , hoisos , mules , house * . Teases , etc. . In nuv uniount , nt the lowest [ luSHllilo rate , without publicity or removal of property , My loans are .so arranged that you can make n payment at nny tlmo null rcnuco vour In terest pro rntn. You pay Intersst only for the time you use thomnuoy. If you owe n bnlance on your property I will take U up nnd carry H for you , ut the lowest rate consistent 1th the risk. risk.MnPov nlwnys on hand. No delny. N'o pub licity. I.owo t rates. II. F. Masters. Itoom 1. Wlthnell Ulock lutn and llurney sts _ . C2i _ MO.VBY to loan on ntrniture. organs , iilannt horses und wacons. llnwkoye Invustmeut Co. , room 33 , Douglas blk. , PHli and Dodge sta. / 1'KK CKNT reswonce loans JJ.IKM to * > llulldlng I'jam nt special rates. The ile.ul Inrcatinvnt Co. , lleo uulldlug , ivi'J K. CO1.K , loaaajjont , Continental block. CIHOICllHinnll loans wnnted. C , 1' . Harrison , ymiN v. i.ite. > -ttt 170 MOXnv--3i. 01 or W llnys on rtirnlturo plnniH , hurjo-S houses , oc. J. .1. Wilkinson OIS Paxtou blK. ' : KU MN'iV : to loin ; cash onfiand | ; no d lny. J , \V. Amlro. 121'J Fnm mat. . First Nnilonal bank building. ' ! lfi2 T DANS made on any nvallablo nocuritr. Con- AJ tral Investment Co , llooin Si. Chamber ot Commerce. ' ! KJ LOANS of ! 20.0rj ( ta Jl.Ofl on rholcti Inside property wanted lmus' ' < IIM iy to 1111 a cpe- clat order. ItateB very -'loti' . Ca&ti on hand. Ccutrul Loan und Ttust Co. , I'M. " ) Farnnm .st. Bt'lIjDfNO-l.oaiis n1to7 pnrcont ; no ait- ditlonal churges for cnmmi'slons or attor ney's fees. W. D. Mclkle tlrst Nat. bank bldg. _ . . . 1 _ : w M 'ONRV to loan. O. F. IWvis Co. , real ostnto nud ; lo.iu agents. 1.VJ3 F nnum st. 'Ml > l7IT7lixu loans made Jii1 ' " " ' 7 7 C'nolco -c * < lAt city nronorty At lowt'sV riites. Private fttftds to loan on bvjric residence nnd business property upon very favorable terms. Klmbnll , Champ A : itynn , 1 ' 12U5 Fnrnam St. TVTON14V to loan on norses. wagons , innios , J.'jLnou3ehoUI coo'ls , plauoj.organs , diamonds , at loucht intr.4. Tlia lirst oiKiuilzed loan olllco In the city. Makes loans train : )0 ) to d'i' > dnyc. which can bo paid in part or uholn nt any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Cull and see us when you want money. Vie can nssln you promptly and to your advantngo ulthnnt ot property or publicity. Money aUv.iy.s nn hand. No delay in making loans. C. F. Iteod & Co * Uh ! S. Uth st : over lllngimm & Eons. U07 LOANS City ana farm loans , mortga o pn- | ier bought. ilcCngun luvottmout Co. il."i4 I"ON13Vto toan , rarrottd. Douglas block. AHSTHACTS OF TITIjK. T\rit > IANDOiwranteo Ac Trust Co. . N. Y. Life I'lblng.complete abstracts rurnlshed nnd titles to real ostnto exanilue.1 , perfected Acguurantoed CIIANCI'JS. Troll SALK-Kntlrooutntof IB-room hotel In JL1 south lunahn. furultiintrood. / . * ( KU. Unsy terms , best of reasons for selling. Address A , caru of postolllce , South Omaha. 4U7-25 * "ITlOK SALK Hestaunint , confectionary and J- > bakery ; only ono in good llvu town of J.ntOi dolugngOd | paying cusu business ; will sell a , bargain If taken In thirty days : InvoNtlgatn nt onciII. . F. ilurpny. .Stroinsourg. Nob. i 0-r.'j : SAY Do y.iti want to buy out established dry goods business ( * . ' , 'ftW ' In growing Illnck I11IU to\\n. Wrlto for Information to A : - ' - > . lice. lit-22 ; * "VfOTlCK Ktono ( marry at l.oui-tvllle , Neb. , Ii for lease or salts at luusnnallo HgureK. Tills ( litnriy Isono 01 rhn best sontli of the 1'latte ll\er , part nlre.ulyIrlpped , stona onsy got nt , nnd about fortv rods to haul to ralltoait ; also Eiimu ot the Hnest sand on the I'latte river : ad- dresj. ( i. Huber , LouUvllle. Nob. 2.il22t \JRW8PAl'KTlTl7vi r.UI For Halo or leasei i > owing to 111 health , Poulh Omaha Tlmns. Illgopporiuulty. Only eti-lmlvo nt-wspitper In city. C.ul on l ! . O. Muylluid , South Omaha. - FOIt SALI3-IO.X)0 ( ) , naif intarestlrt gonorn merchandise business of f'H.OIl per year , netprollt JlO.tKXJperyoir. lu western country : owner not uell and wishing pnitlal rest ; refer ences innit bo furnlHhed with letters of in- qnlry. Address A 3" ' . lloo onice. Ib'Jal. _ STOCK of drugs for sale or trado. ono-third Man. Willie Cadwoll , HroUon Uow , Nub _ _ _ " _ PHYSICIAN wanted lu/luedlntely / to take charge of a largo court tr/ practice , po com petition ; mint Hia "rfavhr" of HOIUU ox- pcrleuce ; can buy or roan my residence and drug store. Address T. C. Craig , M. D. . Huston , Kansas. _ HIM _ 240 25J Foil HAH ! or tradelflMo.shares 3t divi dend pariii stock lu a. t'ood inttlo company that I will trade for real { 'State or mortgu > js , Holbrook , 1JU1 Farnam utt IJ. 2tl7 "ir.6Tt BALK or LxcnaiiBo . * 12OX ) dry goods , a. ' boots and Bhoes , haiCifash , balance clear laud. LoclcllorS. l.auarl Tjls. _ tWU 24 * AOKNKHALm rrhandlio. buslnuss tor sale in a town on Sioux ( 'ltyTv 1'nclllo railroad lu western Iowa. Terms ciwn'.lor good Hocurlty. lluildlngs. Including rnaltlonco ami granaries also. Wlllexcnango fori , ) d farm lands or city property , llulldlnesr worth ubont $ l.ffiQ. flood ttold for doing a grtillt. cattle nnd specu lative business. Address AflB , Omana Hoe. _ . , -ifi _ P1U n 13 TTIOlt HKNT-CheckeretVUlfery barn on lth JL1 tt S of Harney. Call otliddress Nub. Mart- gape Loan Co. , BID 1'axton blk. na Foil BALK Ceneral slock of goods and busi ness in a well located town eighteen miles from umaha. now doing a , nplendld bnslnosn ; good reasons for telling. Icimlreof y. Cotner at Nebraska tJavlngs bank , Omaha , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ nn all FOIl KXCHA-NOK. rpo TUADH-For steam laundry or stock of J mercnandtse. good H roomhousaat Onklaml , Neb. Enquire of Cameron it Co. , rooms 607 and tW 1'axton blk. OOt-31 * TJ OIt Trade ifJj acres gooit deeded land 10 X1 mile * louthwuat ot tlertund. Neb. , c ttie preferred. Juo. 0. llalmrd. llertrand. Neb. . 115-11122 * TTlOHSALK-Or exchange , clear lands In -1. James river valley ctinnp for cash or lu trade for horieti. marchaudlso or doilrable city prop erty. Carroll Atvvood , Aberdeen , H. D. 241 21J \\rANTKD To trade furim and cltylots for T > inen'huudli. * . Will pay part Citli. Jmso Uaudy , Urolcon Uow , Nob. 22i-27J TpOH KXCItAHOK-A restaurant nnd bakery , J-1 with all necessary parophvnalta , In best lo cation Ii ) city. imrtlatt , room 407 , Shoely blk. tnOOLrW .vrCII Two clear lots and some cash for Rood driving team. Address A 07 lleo. 3J.2i | _ _ _ HOHHK3 Throe fine horses nnd cash to trade _ for lot tnjl'laluvlevr , ll.E.Oolo. 33134 /110A11 STTll-ToTnulo ) or will sell on good O terms. II.K , CoK 391-24 /"ILKAll lot nnd some Cash for good driving Wtfnm. Address , A 6K , lloo. M.-24 ircnney. . room an Dauqloa block have a big list ot property of nil kinds which they can trade for Nebraska farmlands. Cor respondence solicited. Stringer \ Fenny. ' _ - . . for cnh nud other Omaha property. Full lot on Ulth st. , near Farnam. forothor property. Clear lots In Pierre. Elevator nnd residence fit good Iowa town for Omaha property. " 22 ft on 1'nriiani M. with 11-story brick and basement for other property nnd some cash. Property of all kinds to trade. Urovor Slovens 1511 , l-'arimm st. 47I-2.- . T\rU want a hou < < o and lot In HIM south pnrt TT ot city for a clear farm In Sheridan Co. , Neb. H. E. Colo. , 4J10-24 CLEAN stock dry goods , clothing , boots , shoos ; want po-id real estate nnd some money. Address Hox7'i ' , Frankfort , Ind. TTriLL'glve nice lotIn Nortiifleld and some > casli tor lot cloior In. U.K. Cole , Hoom fl. Continental block , iKKi-M TV you have anything to exchange call on or adilret ) II.H.Colo , [ til. Continental block , Olllco oitcn evenings 7 to STJ. : ! ' 07 JU ka fnrms. Will nssumu Hirht oncumbrinco If you have anythl' oiler nddrosor cnll on Oeo. J.StortHdortl. room 317-3IH First Nntlonnl baiiK bulldltuc. Telcphono 401. R- > \\THATlmvoyou to oxchaugo for n lot In T I Sonth 'Oiuatin wortn tl.OM , cl nr of in- cumbrnnce. AddrosXKJ , Hoe olllce. tfd FOIl lXCHANF-2 ! lots In South Omalm or 1 lot near Vlnton st. . for noraes or mutes. Hoom 13 , Hoard Trade. PSS I-'Oll SALK ItKAIj KSTATH. TTOU ! HALK Two well built houses , nil mod- J oiu conveniences. On paved Htruou. Water , sexvcr , gas , street cars. Walking distance ot pcatojllce. Will be sold cheap nnd on cnuv lerina ns owner is leaving tl.o city. Nathan bhcltcn , lull I'urunm st. : UI7 front by 123 ft. to alloy near All f-ntnts1 church , llownrd nnd StJtn sts. , for > vsw. Only * l,2'iU cash , bal. to suit. This Is the bargain In the city today. K 1C. Darling. lltirker pit. telephone 7m. ! i7i-2il : WEotTcrn piece of elegant property , sultn- bio lor platting , ntn vi-ry loV price ; city lots n short distance from It selling for SI.WJ J each. I'rlcoliorticre. { l.fiiio. A full lot. corner ot litti and Chicago , iTi.OJU. A full lot , cqriu-r iith : and Chicago , ttr > , WH. Colseth. Joliiison & l.ovgre'j , room . Cnam- bcr ot Commerce. _ : ! 00-'ig 0.1x115 on Capitol nvo. , west of high school , Ooiily Sii.0,1) ) . . A nice place ror a homo on IMth st. , north ot St. Mn-y'n ave. , 40 ft front , lo-room house In excellent - cellent hnie ) , modern Improvements. W.OOO. Hoom ' . ' , Chamber Of Commerce , ; SHI-2il .10-HOOM haticu nnd lot. 41 ft front , Hoggs & .lllL'sadd | , * J.OJ3. Ilooni " ! ' , Chamber of "VfAOANT LOTSWo Want you to Hut your > yacant lotw with us. Wo , , . can soil ttiom. II. K. Cole , Jtoom U. Contlnnntal block nud 2.)0l North 2IIU sts , ; ij3--r. _ AllAItOAIN Onoof the very choicest pieces Of rnrimm street jironarty , within live blocks of court house. I'OxKtS on easy terms. Hobvrt I _ Oarllclis , 1(114 ( I'nrnam Ht U3I [ TUTi SAMT WXJ ) ueres best farming lands In JU NobraaR.iaudri'lxlM feat on yontliiatlt st. nt a grunt sncrlllce. Inquire U13 fc'outh l.'lth st. Gco. II. 1'eterson. liT-'al' K ItOOM cottage for sale or rent ; 26211 Chicago Js'rcet. InquueatUl Chicago it. 385 VArAUGH & WesternBldroal estita. S.OmaUs , T71O1I SALE High nnd nnndbomo5-ncrotracts JU ncnr H. ( Ininlia , JHOto JtOOpor ucro. Cm- tm A : tjackctt. 20J a. 15th bt. 312 23 SIXTY-FIVE acres s. w. ot p. o. . suitable for platting or gardening , for bale at u bargain. y. 1C DnrUng. , , * t block. BKI T IBTyoflr property with II. E. Cols JL/ S07 OK SALE-OxW : ! Dodgnst. . opposite High Hchool , choicest residence property In city Itobeit L. ( larllcns , 1014 Furunm st , ! io4 rpWO cholco lots on small cash unymont , bal- JL anco second mortgage to responsible parting who will build. H. E. COLE , Continental blk. and ant N. ! Hth. * ' TfUVIJ room cottages , $1.503 each , IJIOO ca JU down , balance tlA uor month. Thos. F. I Ull , : ill 1'axton block. , 370 AIIAKOAIX DodBR&Sdth sta. . 103x148 feot. with 2 new 0-room houses \ fa-room cottngo , cheap for customer with inonoy.on lint1 of cabin , rental 8110-per month. Address 20J N. Y. lAto. 241 a m . . . SALP. or Trndn A good family horse , excellent goer , black , H yearn old , weight 1,100. Kimulro Hhoeloy block , It. 210. from 1 to 4 p. m. , ! 7 2DJ rt > l,5TO buy * 4UxlVi't with good 6-room house ; tlDwell , cistern. Will sell I0xl37'i for JSUO. Ap- jy ou the premises , 311(1 ( Decaturst. 2.kJ-al9J T7"JK SALE Very cheap , no tnidcx. farm of JD fi4l.7n : actys. sec , . 12. N il W. Hnmlltou coun ty , Neb. ; 2mlic3 from ilaniuotto. smnll house , stable , JJ3 acres of pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 per acre , J. > ,4'17.W , Terms ( t-.200 cash , balnncn 0 per cent Interest. F. 1C AtKlirJ. owner , railroad building , Denver CoL MS FOIl SA Lit Cottnge , live room * beside bath loom uud water closet , basement , laundry nnd coat stalls ; nfty > root lot ; outh Itithst. be tween tit. Mnry.s and I.eavenwortti , Inquire ut IU7 b'o. mill after alK o'clock. 3IK 22J GET n move"on you and buy t > omo bargains. $1,0 * ) bifys 'K ' Biory Hroom house , ! ) r'xl4" ' , H-l trout cm itotl ) , ( ; block nortJi of Lfiiveu- worth , Thls.Ls rulnoulow. ? 2,7.M ) buy.i now S room cottngu In Orchard hill , full lot and nil conveniences. This is a daisy. tl.fitO nttvs cant front lot in Voppleton Park , nud wllltuiiilihl,3JU to build you a house to JI.Vo buys lot 18 blooic 2 , Orchard Hill. I ) . V. blioles Co. , 213 First Nnl'l bank. " PECIAL bargain IIi 3t lot In IIHUIda No. 1. S" Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Collard - lard , owner , Kearney , Nob. IftiinUj WANTED Patties who wmit pints of Am bler or Eckurmnnn Place can get thnsamo free of cli.iru'o by culling on C , F , Harrison.nil N. Y. Life. . 171 22 rruuE's'vorn ciiANci-rouriotsin : wood- 140xitQ : , Including n coiner south front , m Orchard Hill , ti.203. lloiiM ! 4 rooms uud half lot , south of railroad , near 2Jthst < . $1,200. Hoom 0 , Chamber of Commerce. GJJ,7V ) buys olt'gaut fi-roomod cottage In con- Pvealcnt location. Terms $ MJ ) cash balnnci ) 125 lifer month , M.aXi iHiyn U-roomod oottago lu same location , lauu cash balnnoo i ' > per month , * : VJ : > tl linys 7-roomed cottage , JT-'O cash and balance ? 21 per month , Come ami t > eo Btrlngar .t I'onny , Hoom 3J Douglas block about thosu bargains. 2UI-2H /"lOTrAOEiiomos in most any addition for vVsnto at from ll.inn up. on easy montnly pay ments. F , K , Darllnif , II llnrKnr blocK. nVJ SALU 5-room house , full lot , 23th and Foil Charles sts , I'.OO i , f.VXIrasli : fi-room house , full lot. llakor Place. tValnut Hill. JI.1W. liii cash. Innuiro of K. D. Merrill , 4Uth nnd Sew- urdsts , WaimtUlllh " " 'iH ' EASYTKItMS-HoiHosnud lotiiln all parts ofthe city on easy terms , or will build you u housQtoault , Cirover Stevens , 1515 Furnam. 42(1 ( TOH 8AIH Or exchange for drug * and real J-1 e tate , i2 .OOU book ulocK. llox Sid. 127 T7IOU SALKlxllJ on Jones st. WOO per foot JL1 AddreisXITJ llee. 2.i a2J OTICE to Investori We will receive bldi for tha pnrohasu of our business property , ] < Rb Farnam street , known a * thaea t3 ! feet of lot 7. block I2J , up to April the llrst , next ; owners rMervliiR the right to rejact any or all bids. Lelimann & llunaon. care ot John H , F. Lehmann , KJ4 South 17th Htroot. B ti ) $4"bTaoo-aixW. n e cor lOth and DougUs ; l,0)0 , i and 5-room houso. lot UTxS ) , a e cor llth and Vlnton. Mrs. KuhliUAn. 2Ti-a2 ) I.OOK at this list ot butlnass property : J AoOO ) for lot 3 block I'M n. o. cor. 15th ami LeaveuTrorth. for north il tt. lot n block m. city ; tltl.1 Is n Hultable piece for warohouia or hotel , t'J.-.ow for lots .1 and U block 114. IftxlX ! ft , n. e. cor. 20ilinud Faruam ; suited for hotel , JK.KXi for ftuxill' . ' . n. w.cor. 20th and Farnam ; fliiltmlfor btorun and Hun. JiHCW for t41 tt. lot a block 107 , opposite new postolllce ; rents now produce ll.nOO a year. JHOOO for lot B block bT. nouth front , bet. 15th and IKthon Dodge : now bringing good return. CMlaadiee Btrlagiir & Fenny , Koonj2) . Douulu Illock. 2tl ) 2U 830 ( leorgln , 0 rooms , erorr modem conven Icnre , ulcgant and cheap , must bo sola by April 1st , b st bargain In Omaha , I I.U30 7 rooms , mi convenience * , location ilns big bargain. 10.WO 10-room pr "cil brlek.alt rotivptitonce-i , barn , can fixture * , hardwood tlnlslu 1C. front. (0x171 foot , HanftcomPlaco. 2,700 rooms , all convenience * . Orchard Hilt , 7,600 12 ronnir , barn , nil conveniences. three mantels. gas fixtures' . gioilnd corner , S0,000-is jcir5 trackage tot rlnr farm. Hiivo you nny bargains ? If so , we want n list of llictn. wo have farm * and vacant lot * clear for houses neil lot * . 800 UK Ixi tors you tiny. I ) . V. Sholos Co , . 213 First National Hank. _ _ Ml ) An.Ni : lltllo home , 28th st , near Woolworth. front. 7 rooms nml bntli. very little cash required , 1' . K. Dnrllm. , 4J HarKcr block. 278 SA/LAK ! : TJmv-'artw dTisrtmto m- rnft In this city will do well to consult tlie Dieter , Johnson Invostmcnt Co. , 1' . ( ) . Itox & 7I. nmlM \ South Mulii St. . Salt Lnko City. Wo han dle chalet ) property only nnd give the best of rofeiBiiccn. (117 ( A 6 BKAfl 1 Wit italdenco lotfOxllWon Topple. ton vc near 28th with burn , within tlio mile limit , only K. 300. C. A. Starr , 12j'i rarnam. iW _ _ _ JW ASM AI.lj pnymont down and HI per month will buy a 1-room house nnd lot on Itith , two blocss from motor ; tlrst-cln s chance to ncuulro n homo on easy tnrms. Apply to U , I * Cole , Continental block. g2 _ FOIt 8AI.K-A lint of 12 rooms well fur- iilsned. Illlntl with good paying roomers , 202-1 N. lllthuvor Muody's chlnu stoio. a-waso _ _ I ) KA'.I KSTATiIf you WMit to selfor rent J Mist it with T. llirtiuuor. . who ban n largo lint of custonmr * . Room I , Ware blooic. B. 13. Cor. luth mill K.\rnnm , 4.VI ol LINCOLN i'laoa niul C.trthairo lot * . piico IIUXV ) ( ' .own. bnlanes * 15 monthly. W. L.S3iuy , U. II. Hairl IV lj nil _ 'rnoit SAM' Jiioa. ono-tmrd cash. wilt uuy * 'nice 5-room cottage on Ifltli st. , In l.nko'n add. ; no tr.idc. Address , Owner , Hoom 1. 1127 Ost. , Lincoln. Nob. 317 _ _ Hr.ltK IH your chaucoforn beautiful real. ilencu lot SO root notith front iu > ; ir "iltli mid Harney. W.OJU : lj cash , for u few days only , a genuine bargain. bargain.F. K. IMrlluir. 4J llarknr Illock , Telephone 7.10. TYPEWRITERS ! FOR RENT- EXCHANGE- FOR SALE- Jos.RMEQEATH.I IGT&FARNAM ST ? 4 OMAHA . + RAILROAD TIME CARD. "l/-avcs i CilllCXlTo. IUlir1lNriT(5. ! rA < 3' . T ArrtVcT Umnlia. I loMit loth uml .Mason utrci-ls. Uninlin. 3.11 p m.Clilcncu | Vcstltiulo Kxpress. . . IMS a ra 9M a in CblKiKo ixlresi : | K.SJ p m Chlniiro ICtprosi . 8 : n m . . . Ipwn l.oonl fxcopl Sinidar. . . . 11..10 n ra 'lc.uei S Arrives Omnlm. | Depot Ititli nnii MiKoii streets. Omrtlm. I0 03 n . . . . VoMlbiile iiYproa * . . . . 3U ) n in H M n nil . . .Hustings tc Conrordln Local. . . ( ! IS p in l ) 55 p ni | _ Mi n jn liiTC-s I K C. , ST.J.AO. II. Arrives Onmlia. 1 Depot IQtli anil ainio streets. 1 I Oinitin. 9.35 a m'.KnnviUltjr ' Day Kxpress. . . . ! i.15 p in 0.15 | > in | K. C. NlKlit Kip , vln U. 1' . Trnno.l ( i 4' , n m leaves I UNION I'ACIKIl1.Arrl Omnha. Depot tilth ninl Starcy streets. Onmlri. Leaves I OMAHA . 8T. UWIS. I Arrives Oinalm. | U. I * , depot , loth nnd Murcy Sts.l'Onialm. 4.15 p ui | hl.l-oula Cnpniin Uall . . . . . | 1'-1U p m Leavei I SIOUX CITT & P-AOIIflC. Arrives Ucialia. | U. P. depot. 10th find Marcy St8. Omnlm. 7.15 n ml Bloux City l'nnienior 1005 p m C.15 p m ! Pt. Paul lixprosa. . . . . . . . . 10.05 n ra Lcnies I HIOUX CITV& r.vcmc. .Arrives Omaha. | Depot IStli nnd Webster 8t . Omnlm. ii.45 p rai . .St. Paul Limited I 113 } u m leaves K. , E. 4 MO. VALLEY. Arrives Omiilm. Depot 15tli iind Webster Sts. Orndha. D1JO ; i m lltaclc Hills Kxprcag ft 20 p ra 11 ( W a m . .IlnatliiEs Kip ( Kx. Siinilny ) . . . 8 V ) p in 6.11) p in Wnliuo .V Lincoln I'uisonucr.t 10 W ii m 5 11) p in York & Norfolk ( Kr. Hunilar ) 10.'A ) g m Ijcavea C' . . S'lCl1. . M. A O. Arrives" OllKlljll. Depot IStli und Wobairr Sti. Oinaba. BUD a m . .bloux City Accominndatlnn. . . ! > .45 p ra 1.1X1 p m .Sioux : City Emrcis ( Kx. Hun. ) . . l.i ) p ra 0.4ri p in Ht. 1'iiul Minltuil 1) ) .W a m fi 35 a in .FloroncO'l'nsseniror IK * . Hull ) . . R.43 a m fi.15 p in . I'lnllTICH [ 'U33CI1KIT ( ] Cx. Hull ) . . II.J ! ) p m Irfinveii I MIS.SOUKI PACIFIC. Arrives Omnlm. I nvpnl IMIi unit Webster 8t . Omnlm. 10.W n ml . . .St. Louis' * Kill. ' Kxpresn. . . . 4 U p ra JI.15 ji jiil , , M. I.'juls A K. . < lxprc . . . . USO H in UMUH r/vulFlC-StniUltllAN TUA1.NS. Theno trains also stop nt l.ltli , 17tli , 20th and 21th Mroets , Summit nnd Suvldgo Crossing. "Work-lug- men's trains do not run Huuday. llrond- Trans wny Onmlin Htu- South Albrl't GDI II Ha Depnt. Dupot. tlon. Omalm. Depot. A H AU 630 5.3U 45 S50 11.15 ( I.S5 rt.10 H03 o.i ; 557 0.10 S 4S 11.37 U.M 0.40 MIS ( ! 4T 0.27 700 C..I5 7.05 B.10 7.M 0 DO 7. % 5 5T > 7.40 r.40 7.62M 1M 803 t.y } 3.13 7.15 8.23 7.03 8.U ) 7.UI . : M ' ' .I OS 8.15 S07 7.65 1U ) D.45 35 U 53 o'3 } 1003 0.15 907 B.M 8 .VI II I'M I'M I' I'M 30 ! I.H.U , J.HO 48.1 . 4.27 4 OS 4.15)4,12 ) 4.07 4.2i - . _ . 4H ) 445 5.U,4.Sj , 5.27 50J Sl'i613 | 507 6.23 4.53 S.SO 4.0) fllOl. . . . . . . . IK ) . . . ' 11.3511 em O2'i M 0.30 5'ffl 144 | lM 7.0) ISM I'Atitnc sufiiuiiA"N 'niAiNsr WK oy Wcstvraril. s . n.m ll.lillp.llll p.m p m a.m. . . Wi'lutc-rSt . . . fl.60 d.'M 7.50 .1.11 5.15 O.I5 H.35 O.ik Chntlinm. 3.M II.iH .57 5,23 I.21 ) 8.45 12 K. Drulil Mill . . . 7.00 7.M 5.23 0.27 U,47 I2.u ; l.uko .Stri'ut. . . B.UI 7.0.1 H.OI 3.M S.SS li.30 H.M u fa Walnut Hill. . a.oo 7.06 s.m 3.58 5.31 " ? ' . 8.M 1.02 Dundee I'ldro. O.IM 7.08 8.05 4.01) ) 5.3.1 ' 8.M l.OJ West SWo a. 10 7.10 8.07 4W 3.85 li'.W 8.M l.Ui Jmwn d.W 1.01 B.r.i l.OS Mnsrot 6.11 4.01) 0.01 1.11 Heyniour 1'urk 8.1ft 4.11 9.05 1.17 1'ortal. . . . . . . . . . | a 15 1.3d IUI. ( I IP.Hi I'.m p.m n.m. p.ra. Portal 8. SO 1.80 I.30 I.Si Bormuur 1'urlc. 8. IS 4.3'J 11.43 I IS- Mascot. . . , 8.13 4.42 0.47 1 60 Inwn 8,45 4.44 U.4D 1.62 West Hlilo .H ) 7.SO 8.r < 0 5.43 45 11.51 1.57 lluntloo 1'laco. Il.21i7.2l 8,51 4. 4915.41 Ili 0M 1.59 Walnut Hill. . . I ) 24J7.24 H..M 1.5215 44 4 ! ) 0.59 2.02 Lake Utroet.- O.M ! 7.23 ' 3.41 ! 01 10.01 2.UI Druid Hill. . . . a.31'7.31 ' H.W 4.57 5.48 li.M 10.01 Oak Clmtluim. . li.MiT.JJ 9,01 4 r,0 5.M 10,07 JJO WobstorMtroet 8,45 7.45 0,10 5.05 ( l.W 2.2) CHIUAUO & NOUTUWJ'.nrKlIN , ! Amrn Trunafor Union Ikipnt , Council Illultn. Trnnirer 0 10 n m S.40'p in 8.40 p ni Vostlljillo Miullitii U.I5 a ui 455 p m j.linitcrn KJar. . S 45 p DI bWp _ _ _ m . . . . . . . . . . .Atliintli ; Mnll 7.110 n m Leave * ClllUADO. H. I , & I'ACIl'KJ. ( Arrlvoj Trnuifcr Unluii Depot , Cuunrll Illuffa , ITrunsfur 5.15 p in NlRht Hxprt'si II Si"u m 101)5 ) a ni Atlnntlo HxprCBi. . 000 p m 10.00 p m Vo.illbnlo l.fmlluil 1M p ui lrf > fe | CillCAUO , SHI * Ic hTMl'AUItArrlri'i Trurnfurl Union | ) n'Ql. | Counrll llluffJ. [ Trnniifar ( iw : m . .Clilcuiio Mull ( exceptTiunitoj'.I ' ) 5.HO p m IL'M p m Chlcugu Kiprvis .I5 a m 10.00 p m . . . .Clilcngn Ktpron'i. , . . . . . | 2U ) p in I K. C..BT.JOK X')7ll. lArrlvoi Tramferl Union Deput , Council Illuru. | Trainfor lO'trj u ui | . . . . knti l City liny jiiri'ii ; | . . . " | ilufp m 10.25 p mKuiiii ! City Nlzlit Knprins. , . ! u in Kxpreu * . Cblcuiio Fam Mill. CreiUin Icnl I ia o HIOUXCITV .VTACli'U ) . Arrln' < Transfer Dillon Depot , Council muffs. Transfer 774 < n m , , , Uloux Cllr AceoniinodatloiiTr O.M n m 667p in Bt. P ul Kxprosi 9iS p m Notion , nlllds for rcmocul of S.VOOJ yards of earth from Clay and JctTerson atrcota. City ot Florence , at a cost not to uxceeil t'jUU , to bo paid for when completed tucity warrautudrawinH 7 tier cunt interest per annum ; eacn bid to be accompanied with a certldod check forlllW. will bo rscelvcd by the city dork : suld bids to be opened Bntur- day. March . ' . 1810 , at 10 a , in. . The City reser ves the right to reject any or all bids. J. WI.IIKII , tttyClerk. Florence , Neb. , Mar. 19 , It'JU. mlUdJtp no.vun or liQ Notice nt Jtootlnc oftlio City Cutuicll nn n Itonrit of I0iiintlr.ntltiti. TI O Hie owner * ot Ml tots and lands In the cl't X ot Omahn which nrobonclltcd or that may be found to bo bcnelltfd by Uu rtmstrnctloii or the Tenth street viaduct , and to all person ! liarlng any Interest In ald tots nud InniUt \ ou. and onch of you , are hereby notlllnd Jltnt the city iVuncll of the City of Omnlm will sit ns a Hoard of Kiiuallrntion nt the olllco of the ( tty Clerk. In DouuUs County Court Honor , on Mon day , the ill ? ! day of March. m\ from B o'clock a , m to 5 o'clock p. in. , for the purpose of nj- scjslnjt and levyliiff the amount of damage. * to the owners of lots , l.vuds and will cMnto i-nu od bylhp erection and maintenance of said via- rtuct as determliied by the appraisers hereto fore appointed to niiprnlso said dnmngcfnmi npprdvml by the City Council , upon the lots. IniuU nud rent oMnto benellttcd bv the roir Mructlnu nnd maintenance of xnld viaduct , nml of riiunllzlm : the proposed levy of ( rild spo l , l taxes nud nssi-jsments nnd corrcclllitj nny errors tnorclu , nnd of henrliii ; all complaints that thn owners of property to bn tiivod niul nsscssed , or persons Imvlmtnuy Interest therolu limy m'\ke. r < nld special taxes and nsM ssmeuts beliift levied accord Huj to law to create A special fund to bo used for the payment ot dnmnKcs to private property cau uit bv the construction of u vi'uluct on Tenth street between Miuon ntrect nnd Jackson street as reiiulred by a certain or dinance of said cllv ot Omnlm , entitled "An Otdliinncitnviultluutho Union IMcltlo Itulhvny Company nnd the Chlcnpo. llurllnu'tonA yuluoy Knllrond Comp.iny to erect , construct and com plete n certain vladttcrmul Uppronches In and upon Tenth street , lu the city of Omahn , deter mine the proportion ot tlio cent thrreof to be borne by each of the BMd companies , and np- jnovinu the proci'DdltiRs of the commlKMim TH Iiaretorora appointed to assess the damage * therefor. " You. nudvncli ol you. nro hereby not liied lo appear before nald City Council. olltlUR m n Hoard ot Kiiunli7.titlon.nt the time nnd pinto nbovo spoclllod , to nmko nny comp'.nlnt , Htnta- inniit or objection you may de.slro coucornliitt said levy nnd assossiunut ot such spoJlnl tie < , in' 'dtit .IOIIN Uuovi : . City Clerk. SCALl'.l ) propoiinl.s will bo recolvmTby the llonrd of IMitcatlon School District ot Omnlm. until 7I'J ! : ' p , m April 7th , 18 Kror n .school site of not loss than three full lots In Windsor Plueo ur vicinity. Said proposnls to bo sonled nud mnrkud "School Site 1'ropoiial , Windsor Flnco. .7 , II. I'II-BII , Secretary. mS3d3i _ Orcunu Hlidi-t Iilno V I'tuh Nortlicrn Knllwny Coinpniiy. Notlco is hereby Klvon that , pursuant to the articles of consolidation und Uirrcomoiit , dated JulySith , 1W.I , thu annual me'tluxof the stock holders of the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern Hallway Company for tha election of directors nud .such other business nsmny legally como buforo the inootliiK , will bo held nt the olllco of the company. No. Tit Main street. tnlt ! Lake City. Utah , on Wednesday , the 10th day ot Jlnrch , I MM. al 10 o'clock n. in. AI.KK. Mil. i , All , Secretary. Iloston , February lith , IbW ) . f-TdVUt / IHIIF ; QITAHTKHMASTUH'S OFFICK-DO- \J p.irtmont of the I'lutte , Omaha , Neb. , March a > , IKSU Pt-ah-d proposals , In triplicate , will bo roctflvfd hero nud liy each post and IMpot gu , r- ternuiRter m this department until U o'clock p. in. , central time. April " 1st , IS'.R' . nml then opened for furnishing wood , coal and charcoal , rciitiln-d therein aiirlng llscnl year commencing July l8t , IH.i ) . U. 8. reserves right 10 reject nnv or nil bids. Preference glvon to iirtlrlos of domestic production , conditions of quality and price ( Incltidlui ; lu the prlco of foreign pro duction the Uuty thi'roon ) boliifc eiiual. All In formation furnished nn nppllcntlon hero or to nny of tlio Post or Depot Quartermasters. IJn- vofoj'e.s contalnlni ; proposals to bo marked "Proposals for fuel , " nud iiddrossed n Indi cated nbovo WM. II. MI'CIIIIIS. Lteuteutant Colonel nnd Deputy Quartermaster fJennrnl , U. 8. A. , Chief Qunvterninster. iu'Jid4tnrt-14 ) . Cnrlidonti' . This Is to certify that the Nebraska Ilnllway comp.iny dealrus an lucroasn of its an- thrlzed capital stock trom onu million dollar ! to four mllllon.s live- hundred thousand dollars , and that such increase and tha inakinc ; nud publlsliliiKot this cortlllcate , and thu tlllni ; thereof with the secretary ot state of the suta of Nobrnsea. has tioon duly authorized by tna holders of the majority of the capital .stock of the Nebraska Central Hallway company. In witness whereat , wo have huremuo signed our imincM at Omah.i , In the county of Douglna and stnto ot Nebraska , on the luth day of An- Kiisr. ISMI. JOHN A. M'SHANi : . GnoilOlIC. HAIINUM. Frojldont. Secretary. J Corporate I I Seal. ( Directors : JOHN II. DITJIONT , WILLIAM Ii. ADAMS. I1KNJAM1N J. MOHIU3 , State of Nebraska , Dotialns county , as : lioforo mo , n notary public in nud for suld Douglas county , personally cntno tha above naniuil John A. AtoSlinue , Uoorgo ( j Ilarnum , John H. Ihimont , William L. Adams and Don- JauilnJ. Morris , known to mo to bo the Ident ical persons wlio Blgnod tno foregoing Inscru- meut. and Bovcrally r.cknowlHdged the said lu- Htriimeut to be their voluntary net and deeti. for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Inwltuiog wlioreor , I have hereunto signed my name und alllxcd my Omuha , Douglas county , Nobrasua this 19th day of Au gust. 18U. W. C. 1VKS , j Notarial ( . Notary Public , 1 Seal , f I'ebadOJ Umor _ NO OLD MAIDS THERE. Wyoming Snld to Ito tlio HaHt Hunt- Intt Ground for IIiirilmmN. A incmbor of the Wyoming Icgislti- turo 1ms prosontutl n bill to thttt body , which iirovlilos for taxinjr each tin- intirrlod inati iu the territory ovot- thirty-flvo years old S-.CO ti your , anys the Chicago Tribune. Murtin UoUins ) ) , who is stoiipiiifj at the Grand Pacific , is an tirdont supporter of thin bill , winch ho beliovcB will bo adopted. "And why not1 ho s > tvid to n , Trihuno roporter. "Tho Quebec Icfjislaturo him nrovided that every head of a family ol twelve children shall receive- from the povernmDiit 100 acres of land , whilotho French chamber of deputies has di rected the minister of the interior to investigate ttio subject of compulsory marrinpo. "Our bill , you see , in only the revival of an old ideu. Bachelors were subject tou special tax under the old Roman law , as they wore in England us Into nn the time of William III. 1-Vcdcrick the Great limited tlio mourning period for widowers to lliroo months. At pres ent the petitioner of Kranco is urging1 that a curtain ago for murrying bo llxcd by the government , tliofao who puss this line to bo severely iniiiiBhod. "Aflar our bill has passed wo expect an influx of young women. Today Wyoming is the bebt hunting ground for husbands in the United States. If 1,000 unmarried women ( from C'hicugo would start for Wyoming this month I would guarantee that 0 ! ) per con t of the number would not bo single n year. It takes n hard disposition to block a match out thoro. Our Hchool trustees want women for teachers ; our young chaps want pretty , entertaining girls to take to parties ; our bachelors want sensible women for lifo partners. "Lots of women from tlio east luivo gone to Wyoming within the last tow years , yet the demand is far greater than the supply. There tire hundreds of young girls working lilco slaves for a mere pittance in Chicago who could go to Wyoming , got ti school there and dc- cido on a husband. She would not ImVo to look for one. The school room is the greatest uvoinio to matrimony in the west. You would bo surprised to know that two-thirds of the wives of Wyom ing's wealthy inon were once school- marms. If this keeps on wo won't huvo any bohools. "When I was hero n year ago I ad- viBod n young toucher to go to Wyo ming , She got ti school about fifty miles north of and began work during the September term , in Uo- comber she married a wealthy cattle owner. Before her marriage she turned over her school to another young woman from Chicago. She , too , marrlotl in tlio bpring. Then the trustees oii- | ploycd nn old maid who hud neon about sixty summers ; but she WIIB there only two months. She didn't got married , but the bachelor runehinon who sup ported the school would not pay u cent until the old woman was removed. They said if wo could't run u kind of a matrimonial shop along with our schools they would quit the territory. The next toucher , an Omuha girl , was the prottlant one I ever naw ! " "Is aho teaching now ? " "No. " "Married a ranchman ? " "No ; ono of the school trustees. " 1 Who was ho ? " "Martin Hopkins , nnd ho is proud ot It , " and the citizen of Wyoming blush ed llko u girl. Vun Iloutun'a Cocoa Dollclous , uiado la stuntly ,