Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1890, Page 4, Image 4

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B. ROSEWATER , Editor.
Dally nnd Sunday , Ono Vcnr. , , ,
MX iiirmUis . . . . . . .
Tilted Months . , , st/t
Hiindny HIM- , one War. , a 01
\\ocriy lire , Otto Year with I'l a 0.1
Otnr.lm. ! ! ( llnlldlnp.
i Idcaitooimo , Mr Hookory Iwlldlne ,
New York. Knonift II and r Trlijuni llulldlug.
Whnblnirton , No. fill I'ourUontH Htreat.
Council Illttllii , No. 13 Penrl Street.
houtli Omaha , Corner N an 1 3tth { it net I.
COHHKBt'ONnr.NOi : .
Allcriinmunlcutliins relating to news nml edl-
torlnl mnlli-r Miould no addressed lot no Kdltor-
Inl JlepirttArnt.
/H biHlnrflnlrttcri ntul remittances
IJP nddrcfKrd to'Ilu ) lion IMlblHIiltiK Company.
Otiinhn. Drnffn , clicrku nml rosloltlru ( infer *
lu lc Hindu payable to Ilia order of tliu Loniimliy ,
TliBBccPnWIsliingCoinpy.Proiirlclors ,
JitiR Iliilldhia I'mimm nmlHcvoiiloonth Streets.
Tliot oln no excuse for nfalluro to sot Tin : HIB
on tno tinlm. All nmvmlcnlnni Imvo beori nott.
Jlcil In nury n full supply. Trnvolors who wnnt
Till. IllK nml cnti't BUI It on trnliis wliprn other
Omalm pnpnrn iiro carried nro lc < juoitud to
jintlfy'Jnti HBI : . . , , ,
Heasn bo purtlrnlnr to xlvo In nil CMOS full
Information as tu ( Into. lallway ami number
( iftruln
Fttiirn S'tntciiiiMit ol Clroulntlon.
Etatonf NetirnsltB , I , ,
County of notiKlim. I
HCOISH II. T7 clmcic , BiM'retnry of THE lie *
riiljliMilnn Company , clorx solemnly sx rnrtlmt
thomttml circulation nf'lnr. DAll.v llRCfortno
ivi'sk eiHllnir Mnrrh - ' . ' , 18JO , was as follows !
Btmilav.Mai : n 10 -WO
Motnliiv.Mnrch 17 ! W.ail
TtifKcltiv. Mardt IS 2) ) . * > !
WiMlnodny. Mnnh l -M70
'I'lmmlny. M.irrn-'J -Wi
Illdnv. M.ircliL'1 SI.JIS
fntmday , Mnrcn as 2)nt )
Average UO.HilH
GKOtton ii. T/SBiiucK.
Fworn lobofornitionnd mtbscrlbodto In my
pienonco this : M day of March. A. I > . UK ) .
[ Scnl.l N. I' . nilU.
Notary 1'ubllc.
Ftatl of Niibrnnkn , I
County ot Douulaa. f"
( Iforpj II. T/sclutcK. belnR tlttly sworn , do-
rotfa mid nnV that ho Is npcrolafy uf TIIK llr.u
I'libllsliltiK Company , that ilio nuunl uverime
dully circulation or TIIK UAir.r HKK tor tno
iiuinth of .March 18M. I8 , ii copious for April ,
JKSU. ) i copies : for Mny. ] < TO. Is.C'JJ copies ;
for Juno. IHfti. lHtV > H copies ; for .luiy. 1WI. 1H Wl
coplrts ; for August , lM' ' . IHfljl cnnlos : for Hnp.
tcmlicr , IS1 * . 1S710 copies ; for October , 1NO ,
JP.iniT copious for November , Itb'J ' , I9fll0 coplos ;
Tor Doccmbcr. iwj. 20,048 coplos ; for January.
1WO. l' .r V , coplos ; for Tobruary. 1WJ. l'i.l )
fiKnitriK n. T/Hnincic.
Sworn to ooforo mo and subscrlbod in my
rri'dcnco this lit day of Match. A. 1) . , 1HJO.
ISoal.l N. 1' . FEIU Notary I'ubllc
WITH an abundant iuo crop ntul
lower ice bills , Onialm'a BUCCOSS us tv
biiminor robert is iisstu-cd.
Till' confcsrtioiib of Shoriniiu , Neal &
Co. arc i-Iiiolly Ubcful in ititiintainin
pubhu Snturcst ut a btniiifjlinfj pitch.
TIIK wily banana peel hiia boon ban
ished from the business streets , but the
bud : alloy boquots of rich , penetrating
rofttso continue to ahod their llavors
repurilless o ( the edicts of the board of
New 1'ork dogs , wo arc told ,
wear colliira worth two hundred dollars.
In Nebraska the corporation collar nets
the wearer from lifty dollars a month
up , according to the strength and fre
quency of the baric.
Tin : Nebraska delegation in congress
suggest a number of remedies for the
prevailing depression in the west , but
there ! , s fie ovidoneo that the members
nro tumbling over each other in their
haste to apply them.
A KANSAS congressman has boon re
lieved of a bill intended to prevent
the adulteration o ( liquor. The experience -
porionce of Kansas with the villainous
nrttdu distilled by prohibition gives
the representatives of the state the
force of authority on the subject of
liquor adulteration.
A KANSAS UII-Y court is wrestling
\7ith the question of annulling a di
vorce after ono ot the parties has mar
ried again. Jn ordinary questions of
law the courts ara fairly well equipped ,
but when it comes to questions involv
ing the moral code , judge , jury and
town hopelessly grope in the dark.
SM uiTiNci under the dofuat of his
pot measure , Senator Blair has intro
duced another educational bill , with
the appropriation slightly cut down.
The temper of the senate insures n
more omulmtic defeat for the last bill ,
but the country must boar the inllio-
tlon of Hlalr's blustering assaults ami
bonile ravings.
Till ! western annex of Tammany
started In Chicago could luivo scoured
the country over without finding a more
appropriate location or a more fruitful
boll in which to plant the boed of po
litical knavery and "lino workers. "
To give the branch the rlsrht tone ,
( lentloiimii Maekin should bo installed
ns chief.
Tin : announcement that the railroads
ill suspend all Improvements and ex
tensions in Nebraska on account of the
demand for reduced tolls , will not
frighten anybody. The people have
boon cajoled and threatened before ,
nnd luuo managed to worry along. In
fact the railroad managers have swung
tilt * ulub ho often that it has lost Us
force. Meanwhile the corporations
which blow and threaten most will go
right on building and Improving , flatly
contradicting their own insertions.
Tin : rapid advance of improvement
in the Htorago buttery system promises
to remove the mio great objection to Its
use In electric motor cars. The weight
and space oivuplod has prevented a
general adoption of the utorngu system ,
instead of the dangerous network of
overhead wlros. Recent experiments
with storage batteries In Vhlladolplila
i\ml London proved a great success. In
the former city , the Luhigh avenue
line vas equipped and operated hue--
ccssfully , \\-\\\\o \ \ \ in Now York , during a
rocotit snow storm , the storage battery
cars proved their superiority over all
other Hystoms in overcoming the drifts.
The weight of the batteries has
boon materially reduced , and the coit
is now ioifb than that ef power ,
the uyslom can bo operated
on other than level btrcots
in yet to bo demonstrated , but the won
derful advance it ) cloud-leal bclonce and
the rapid multiplication of appliances
clearly show that there ia no such word
us fall in the bright luxlcou of elec
tric Uv. '
run vri r ov
Within ton dais the county assessors
will begin their annual rounus. The
city and county la * roll for 1891 will
depend on the result of their labors. It
U of the greatest importance that they
enter upon their duties with an honest
determination to do justice to all. They
should keep in view the fact that the
value fixed by them cannot bo changed
by the county boar.t of counli/.ation
unless a protest tornado by nit aggrieved
property owner. The formalities of n
trial must bo had before the board can
loyally change the nssosjors' figures.
Not only Is the board required to notify
nil parties Involved to appear and
show cause , but a vast amount
of rod tapoism practically binds
the hands of the boird and random
cqiialt/alion of the assesjiiiunt an Im
possibility cxcopt in Isolated instances.
The fact is there la no possible way
under the present absurd revenue law
to secure auch a radical rcyltjton of 111-
Bcsomcnt. methods no the Interests of
the community demand. The law puts
a premium on tax shirking. The neces
sity of raising the total valuation to an
honest figure and reducing the levy so
nstonpproKtintito the prevailing rates
of taxation In communities of like popu
lation , is felt by all. tnstonu of .so-
curing this desirable end , the law
forces counties to vlo with eacli other
in keeping valuations at the lowest
practicable limit , so as to pay the least
possible sum Into the state treasury.
The result is that some counties pay
more than their just share of the ex
penses of irovermnonl and the larger
cities are hampered and tpalorially in
jured by n mode of assessment that rep
resents but a small part of the true prop
erty valuation. They are placed at a
disadvantage by high levies and low
valuations , and these figures place their
financial condition in an unfavorable
light when compared with that of other
communities in statistical works. There
is no explanation ot the disparity , con
sequently investors nro repelled by the
excessive per cent of the lovy.
A striking Illustration of th6 ab
surdity of the law is shown
in the valuation of Omaha property.
Notwithstanding the fact that the cose
of permanent improvements in the city
during the piat 11 va years exceeded
twenty-live million dollars , the assessed
valuation for IS'JJ n only a fraction
over nineteen mijlloii dollars. This is
not equal to one-fifth of the actual val
uation. If city property were assessed
at anything like .selling value , a levy
of ton mills would produce as a
revenue as the present rate of forty-one
and a half mills yields.
This is a matter which should be
pressed to the attention of the
next legislature. Mjanwhilo the
county asaessors should labor to
wipe out the glaring inequalities
ot the ns&osatnonts. The law gives thorn
the power and ample time to correct
the nustaicos of the past. This can only
bo done by a conscientious discharge of
duty , without fear or favor. The toil
ing homo builder snould not bo taxed to
the full value of his improvement , while
the unimproved holdings ot the neigh
boring speculator are assessed at a low
figure. Ktterpriso should , not ba un
justly taxedor made to boar an undue
proportion of the public burdens. On
the contrary , the property owner who
improves should bo encouraged by mak
ing the ground boar the bulk of the as
sessment. The fact that lots are unim
proved is no justification for reduced
valuations , and the assessors must ig
nore that plea if they intend to honestly
discharge their duty to the public.
Tin : LOinfii nLucnov KILL.
Mr. Carlisle ind other southern con
gressmen are greatly exorcised ever the
bill intioduced in the house of repre
sentatives by Mr Loduo of Massachu
setts , providing a nowand uniform mode
ot conducting congressional elections.
These representatives profess to find in
the measure a serious infraction of the
constitution and a menace of grave in
justice to the south. They of course
propose to fight it to the last extremity.
The bill relates only to the elections
of representatives in congress , and finds
warrant in section four of article ono of
the constitution , which authori/es con
gress to regulate the times , places and
manner of holding elections for repre
sentatives. It. provides that on the peti
tion of five hundred voters in any con
gressional district the judge of the
United States district court shall place
the ntixt election in that district under
the provisions of the act. In such a
case the judge is required toapuoint
two registers for each polling district ,
ono from the party having the highest
and ono from the party having the next
highest number of votes at
the preceding presidential elec
tion. The registers are to make a list
of voters , which shall bo cloaod not le-,3
than ton days baforo the election. Two
inspectors of election shall ba aupjintotl
for each precinct , and thesj shall hold
the olactlon , guided , by the registry list.
The voting is to bo conducted in a man
ner similar to the system in Massa
chusetts and other states. The law is
to bo absolutely inoperative save in con
gressional districts where at least
five hundred legal voter. ? shall
call for Us operation. The United
States is to boar the burden of
expense attending the printing of ofli-
cial ballots and other incidentals of the
elections. The votes -are to bo returned
to the cleric of the district court , who
with the judge shall computj the re
sult and certify it to the clerk ot the
house of representatives , who shn'll
place on the roll the names ot repre
sentatives thus ecu-titled. Provision is
imido for the enforcement of the law ,
and for the punishment ot disclosure of
ballots or Interloroneo with voters.
There is cortaialy nothing very dan
gerous in this measure.or which should
excite the fearsor the anxiety of the men
who desire free and fair elections , In
districts \\horo | oloctlor.3 are honestly
conducted and all cltizoni are allowed
to vote as they please the proposed law
will not l > 3 Invoked , nt.d it Is presumed
that all good citizens will agree that if
there nro any districts in the country in
which elections are not honest and citl-
7cns are not permitted to exercise the
right of suffrage freely and have their
votes counted , it ia ' time a remedy
was provided for 'such a cou-
dttlou uf affair * . There ia no trace
of partisan partiality in the
bill , as oven the Now York 7YmM nil-
mils , that paper saying of it that it ia
"an honest nnd courageous attempt to
apply n sound principle of public policy
nnd n high standard of political purity
to n most ( lllllcult nnd perplexing
problem. " The great solicitude of the
southern representatives is not calcu
lated to convince the country that their
claim of fair and free elections in the
south Is sincere. That the proposed law
has constitutional tiuthorlty to support It
can unquestionably bo demonstrated.
Whether it can bo Hindu offoc'lvo , with
out producing conditions quite Us deplorable -
plorablo as those it is designed to
remedy , is ti question for most careful
and serious consideration.
Tin ; A'/.vr At
It is expected that the compilation of
the statistics of population under the
eleventh census will bo completed by
August , and that everything will bo in
readiness by the time of the mooting ot
the present congress for making the
now apportionment of representatives.
In vldw of this a good deal of intercut Is
said to bo shown among Incinbcrs of
congress in the question of the proba
ble sl/o of the house of representatives
under the next apportionment.
According to reports from Wash
ington the belief is somewhat
general that the next house
will bo composed of three hundred and
fifty-three members , or , in case of the
admission of Wyoming and Idaho this
year , of three hundred-and fifty-live
members. This would made the total
number of electoral votes in 18 ! , if the
apportionment should bo made by this
congress , either four hundred and
thirty-seven or four hundred and forty-
throe , and the successful c.tndldnta for
president would have to receive in the
ilratcaso two hundred and nineteen
votes or more , and in the second case
two hundred and twenty-two votes or
The now census is exnectod to show
the populntion o/ the bo about
sixty-live million , of which the western
states , including these on the Pacific
and states newly admitted or to bo ad
mitted , will have somewhat more than
one-third , orns estimated , twonty-threo
million live hundred thousand. On the
estimates of population for the several
divisions of the country , and assuming
the membership of the house will bo
inereas'Hl as stated , the Now Kng-
Innd states would probibly lose
OMO or two ropresantativcrf , the
middle states gain ono or two ,
the southern states gaih nine , and
the western states increase their repre
sentation fifteen. On the b'isis of three
hundred and lifty-fivo rcprosantativos
in congress the probable votes of the
scvornl divisions in the house und in
the electoral college would bo : Now
England states twenty-live vote ? in the
house and thirty-seven electoral votes ;
middle states , otghty-two votes in the
house and ninety-four electoral votes ;
southern states one hundred and nine
teen votes in the hou- and ono hun
dred and forty-live electoral votes , and
the western states ono hundred nnd
twonty-nino votes in the house and ono
hundred and sixty-seven electoral
votes. In any event the western sec
tion of the country is csrtnin to have a
very decided preponderance ever any
other section in the next house and in
the electoral college of IS'tJ ' , a fact
which may have a stronar influence
upon both the political parties in se
lecting presidential candidates two
years bonce.
The question whether it is expedient -
podiont to increase the mem
bership of the house beyond
what it is at present has received some
discussion , and probably opinions are
pretty evenly balanced , while there are
some who think it would bo wiser to re
duce than increase. But obviously the
greatly enlarged ratio of representation
that would bo necessary in order to
make the membership less than at pres
ent would be rdgnrduJ as unjust to
these stitas whoso populations hnvj ra-
mainod almost .stationary since the last
apportionment , and an increase in the
membership of the house of from
twenty-three to twenty-live is therefore
probable. Ono very important result of
the census of population will bo in de-
toimininff whether the elections nro
free and fair and the returns Honest , in
states whoso election returns indicate a
decrease of population. It may safely
bo nrcdictcd that it will bo shown they
are not.
Tin : wonl growers and woolen manu
facturers tins at locgorhends. The
Ohio lloeco producers are united in de
manding higher duties on the ground
tha.t without it their industry will bo
cripple.l. On the other hand , the New
K.igland manufacturers and the Penn
sylvania carpet makers complain that
their business is languishing for lack of
pronar varieties ot wool , the home
market being glutted and the foreign
market scaled against thorn. - In the
conflict of interests will congress bo
able to strike a happy medium bene
ficial to both parties 'i
Is the endeavor to follow the business -
ness in congress the publl.O has lost
sight of the fisheries question. The
ptunipotontiarinj of both the United
States and Canada have , however , not
neglected the subject. Mr. Cnurlos
Tuppor , the Dominion minister of
marlno and libherios , has boon closeted
with Secretary Ulaino for n number of
days and thu negotiations have pro
ceeded so far as to warrant the prospect
of a speedy bsttloment satisfactory to
loth parties.
A Disi'ATC'ii was sent to Haltlraoro n
few days ago from two hundred ele
vators of Nebraska in oflect that they
arc satisfied with the corn inspection of
that city and object to un change in
the system. The corn shippers of this
= tUUo are deeply interested in the move
ment proposed in Baltimore to place in
the hundbof the governor of Maryland
the power of appointing a commission to
regulate the inspection ot grain ,
ns any alteration in the standards of
inspection is liable to influence values
and cause confusion in the markets.
Baltimore u ono of the largest corn nnd
grain exporting cities on the Atlantic
coast. Its trade hai developed for the
past twenty jears , and exports norv run
up Into the millions of bushels annu
ally. In confbl'mity ' wltn the other
grain ports of ( no p abo.ird , llaUlmoro's
grain inspection to in the hands ot Its
produce exchange. Inspectors nro np-
pointed from it * members , selected with
HDOclal roforom/o to their knowledge ,
nnd from all imUbalion * the system has
boon nccoptalftqjor many year * . The
movement no\vjt \ > ; i foot is consequently
vlowod with njiirm , Grain mon untto
in condemning ffichomo to put grain
inspection undet' political control to bo
used as a lov'tir1 dippcmslng \ patronage.
So much fear is'fclt ' lost the bill now
pending in tlio- ' legislature become n
law and impori 1 Bnltlmoro's-grain mar
ket as to unite all niorcan tllo interests
of the city with the corn exchange to
dcfoat the measure. State inspection
has not proven satisfactory whore tried
and would bo fraught with danger In a
state ns politically corrupt as Mary
land. In Illinois and Missouri state in
spection furnishes fat berths for poli
ticians to the detriment of the grain
trade , and the business nun of Bilti-
moro are fully jus tilled in their op
position to attempt to saddle such an
nbuso on their city.
Tin : conference to bo hold at Dos
Molnes on April U by the republicans of
Iowa for the purpose of discussing a
modillcntfon of the prohibition law will
bo a stop fraught with vital issues for
the welfare of the state. Thoughtful
men have boon aroused to the necessity
of modifying the indllicient sumptuary
measure now on the statute books. The
movement , although recently sot on
foot , has assumed largo proportions and
is recruiting to its aid hundreds of
citizens irrespective of party. Local
clubs are springing up in various pxrts
of the state , especially in the larger'
cities of the interior. Nor is the move
ment lugging in the river towns , wliero
the demoralising olTocts of an incfli-
cient law are mojl glaring. The moral ,
law abiding element has taken a promi
nent part in the reform agitation , num
bering among Us supporters ministers
and churchmen who have not been
blinded by the false protonsas of
prohibition and who are anxious to
bring order out of chaos. The impetus
put in motion is sure to crystallize into a
strong political reform movement. Its
platform will abandon prohibition and
substitute high license * and local option
in its stoad. For that purpose the call
for a conference was issued bearing the
endorsement of some of the best and
most prominent incu. of the state. That
a largo delegation' will bo present is as
sured. Its task'will bo to unite on a
high license law acceptable to the ma
jority and to formulate a plan of cam
paign which shall redeem Iowa from
her sorry plight. !
A 1n I'llni ' ) Tr
jVct' ( i'orfr Tnhlllit.
NOUWICII , Conn. , ' March IS Twn boys.
Shotgun. Lrun. runoral. Next.
Tlio U"n > .oji ot'th-j Thins ; .
St. [ ill I 1 GllflC'Di'iHKMl
Tlio treasu-y atiortiso of Mississippi is
considerably Inrpcij than tlut of Missouri ;
but then her doaiai.ratlj mijority ia a peed
.deal larfjor too. ,
Tlio Humeral
llaitfunl iuiinint.
An unknown clc ( > haui loose In tlio streets
without n koepjr would bo a disquieting
spuctaolo.Vhatofanunkuowa youag Gor-
mun eujporor loose in European politics with
out Bismarck ?
I\ot a 1'c ron ti till "Kickor. "
Prosldant Harrison lus camplotoJ the llrst
ycnr of his adtnlnmratioi without having
once lesortod to the vote powor. During
thu same period of thu devalued adminis
tration conproas was no'.illaJ by the chlot
cxecutivo it had pused undcsirablo
measures on 115 scpar.ito occasions.
New York Wanti Mem of tlia Pork.
It 13 interesting to learn that Mr. Roswell
P. Flower has offered , on behalf of New
York , to support n , $25OlJOJJ rlvor nnd
Iwrbor appropriation on condition that Now
York gets a big share of it. This indicates
Mr. ! lower's full adhorsion to the school of
staiosmpnstilj ) which consists in supporting
everything that yialds n largo enough piece
of the pork.
Tlio Duty of tlio lowii LiezUIatur .
St. Luiin filn'ji'Deiniier it.
Seine of the ropublicin papara of town are
disposed to question the Ulobe-Loniocrai'a )
accuracy of observation , ns wall us the wis
dom of its udvico , ulth regard to the mutter
of prohibition in th t mate. It is not true ,
they say , that public ssntimant is against
the prohibitory polioy. Hut it U certainly
true that a majority of the psoplo voted last
tall for the anti-prohibition candidate lor
governor and that very nearly n majority
of the antl-prohibitioa candidates for the
legislature wore oloutoJ. It n likolv that
other causes helped somewhat to bring
about that result ; but the main issue was
prohibition. The democrats did no , , con
ceal their intention to repeal the prohib
itory luw in the event of thair success ; nnd ,
with a full 'undeiMtandin of this fact ,
onouuh republicans Joined thorn to IMVO thorn
n majority in the statu. If thasa republicans
who voted tliu democratic tlc'tol wjro not
inllucnced for the inoit part by hostility to
the prohibitory uohey , then sua'lv their foalIng -
Ing in Us favor waof ti vjry lu'tjwann and
unreliable ) charaotati They Wjre willing , nt
least , to have it dtacrodlto 1 by aa adverse
vote ; and men Who hold their devotion tea
a cau o thus UghtlJ' cm InrJIy bo uo-
ponded upoa to 'itand by It in tuture con-
tinsnnciea. '
It U useless to ddqy ttnt the republic in
party lus been et'oadtlv losing ground in
Iowa over slnco it ijstiousod prohibition as a
pirty measure. Tlia defeat of last fah was
uot un accident. , | 'f , was the clinmx of a
gradual process ofdemocratic , , gain at re-
puolicati expanse. In u local way the people
had repeatedly manifested their dlssatlitfac-
tlon with the prohioltory experiment ; but
the warning wontuirheodod , and so they om-
phasi/aa it by cleCtUff , ' a domocratio gov
ernor , not so mucitf bioiuso ho was a demo
crat as because hawti3 aa antl-prohibitoiiist.
That U the logieal and intelligent explana
tion of the matter. And the lesson which It
convoy * l manliest and conclusive. A ma
jority of the people of Iowa prefer to vototbo
republican ticket undoubtedly , but they will
not do 80 If they are required
to accept prohibition ns a part of
tlio republican creed. It Is for this reason
that wo urge tbo substitution of some
other uud inoro popular plan of teraporanca
reform. The question la not ono of yield
ing to the liquor Interest , but of raipsctlng
the lionust wUhes of voters without whoso
support tbo republican party can not nope to
retain it uiesndanoy in a state where It has
heretofore been so splendidly prosperous.
It in not to bo supposed for a moment that
there U a predominant scatltneat In Iowa in
fnror of the saloona and the evil influences
nnd tendencies that are nUvay * anil everywhere -
where associated \rlth them. Hut there Is n
ruling sentiment , unless all signs nro mis
leading , In favor of n Judicious local option
Inw , similar to thoio which nro working sat
isfactorily In olltor stutes ; nml Mio republi
cans should provide such n law nt once , in
stead of waiting for still stronger nnd moro
disastrous cxprcislons of public displeasure.
Mr. P. Wnlsh , n member of the North
I'lntto city council. U at the Mlltard ,
"Anything Interesting in North Plutto
politico ) " was the quoitlon put to tbo gontlo-
mac."Yes Indeed , " ho replied. "Wo are lookIng -
Ing for the hottest election thcro this spring
wo Imvo ever hud. Charles Ormsbv Is the
prcsotit mayor , nnd , being n pronounced
anti-prohlbltlonlst , ho Is going to have do
tcrmlnod opposition. Thomas fort , n rr.bld
prohibitionist , will bo his opponent , nnd ho
declares ho will boat him , but ho will Hud
out that the people don't agree .vith him.
North Platte doesn't want n prohibition
mayor , nnd I don't ' ttimlt It will Imvo ono. "
"Aro the prohibitionists very nctivo generally -
ally throughout Lincoln county ! "
"Yes , they nro. They nro vigorously en
gaged with their organ ballon work , nnd nro
determined to make a hot fight. "
"Will they carry the county ! "
' No , I do not think they will. They may' ,
but it is highly improbable. They had two
meetings there last wceic , both of thorn being
fairly well attended. I3ut the other sldo Is
nt work , too , nnd does not socni to bo much
"U'lio Farmers' alliance ? Well , It is n
strong organization and no mistulc o , nnd It Is
growing stronger every day. It is the most
wide axvaku organization wo have ever
had in that section , and thu mem-
ship today .vill rcacti fully six : hundred.
They claim to bo non-partisan , nnd their aim
Is to send somebody to Lincoln who will
logisluto for the pcoplo and not for the rail
roads. There U n strong feeling in the
country districts against the railroads. Joh n
Nosbltt , the present member , made n speech
nt Lincoln against the submission bill , but
afterwards voted for it. Ho gave his
reasoun , but they were unsatisfactory to a
largo proportion of his constituency. He
holds over , you know.
' Wo nro in the Third district. I'm a
democrat , but votoJ for Doraoy. Yes ,
I have heard of many complaints
against him. Ho uindo many
enemies by his opposition to our effort to
secure a government building a postofllce
and land ofllco combined. The citi/ons
raised a subscription ana sent n delegation
to Washington on this orra'id , but Mr. Dor
soy sut down on thorn , and wo didn't pot the
building. In this Washington delegation
wuro H. .1. Illnman and Stuto Senator Nos
bltt , but their influence was not sufficient to
'accomplish anythinir , and they returned dis
"Yes , business is increasing mealy at
Platto. Wo have built two splendid banks
during Jtho past year , the North Platte nnd
First National , costing respectively SIG.OOJ
und * i 1.000. There ara quito a number of
buildings' In contemplation there for this
summer , nnu wo nro all expecting an im-
Drovod coiulitiou of affairi in business cir
cles. "
South Sioux City is to have au Oddfellows
The Omaha presbytery will meet at Papll-
1 ion April 13. About fifty ministers will ut-
The old bell of the Methodist church at
Fairmont has baea sent to Tioy , N. V. , to bo
Ha Antrim of Oresham has been held for
trial on tbo charge of rape in bonds of
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Clapp , living near
Uloomitiirton , recently celebrated the lifty-
cighth anniversary of their wedding.
Hnmlin Palmer of Wahoo , who went east
to bo treated for a diseased limb , has be-on
compelled to bavo the limb amputated.
Editor Fowler of the Scribner News has
decided to remove his plant to North Hand
and start a now uapcr to bo called the
C. n. Grinom of Canipboll has boon held
in { 1,500 bonds for trial on the charge of
rape upoa the poison of Mrs. Andrews , a
married woman livmtrin the vicinity.
Mrs. Sullivan , n white woman aged ono
hundred and tea years living on the reser
vation , was in Crawford the other day on
.her way to visit relatives in Newcastle.
A drove of bogs was struck by a passenger
train near Blue Hill the other day nud
twenty porkers wore killod. 'Iho ongmo
was spattered with blood from pilot to cab.
Long Pine witnessed n very successful
business carnival last week , in which the
various establishments of the town wore
roproseutoJ by sixty ladies In brilliant cos
Joe Knolmel , a Columbus crank , cola-
brated the anniversary of the day his wife
secured a divorce fiom him by burning his
religious works on the sttcct and denounc
ing the church.
The cast Nebraska conforenca of the
United Hrcthrcn church has Just closed a
five dins' session at Strang and the nppoint-
mentH lor the ensuing year were announced
by llshop | Koehors. '
Schu.xlor had two incendiary tire * in ono
night lust wook. The first ono was discov
ered bcforo much harm was done , but the
second ono destroyed an old uloviitor tilled
with hay and Bradford's lumber .vard was
was only stwoj by tue very hardest work.
Hatghler has n beautiful Presbyterian
church , but not a ainglu member of that de
nomination resides in the neighborhood.
The cnergctle man who built the odllico has
moved awuy and ho was the only Presby
terian for miles around.
Wmlo Father Lancholt was cloanln ? out n
well un the old Van Voorhoes place , north of
town , last week , says the Madison Chronicle ,
ho found un assortment of jewelry tied
together with a string. There wem twenty
silver watch chains , iwontv silver rinu's und
two brneelots , The old gentleman thought
ho had .found a silver mine , and ao it was on
a small scale. How the Jewelry cumo there
Is a mvsicr.v , but it is supp-Hcd that a thief
must have dropped his plunder there many
.years ngo.
Hon. Charles It. Kocltloy has written a
letter to a friend in Fdlmoro county in
which ho declare * lie will not bo n candidate
fortho state HBiuto this fall , and remarks-
"I feel that the Insuoa now being pressed , I
hope to a Until conclu3lunbv the anti motion
ollsnro of paramount importance to every
clttatm who desires the prosperity of the
people and the advancement of the state.
At any rate 1 prefer to work In the rank * , II
by BO doing a grsator degree of harmony can
bo secured "
loiva limm.
Carroll is to hove a pickle factory till * soa-
sent A starch factory is talked of at Charles
The sale of horses at Wavorly amounts to
330,000 , a voar.
The tiood Teuiniars of Pomsroy will erect
a building of their own.
Tort Madison has secured the Usrjr wagon
factory from Farmington.
Ton thousand tons of hav have bean
shipped from Wejle > the pas ti our.
A site for n Y. M. C. A. building has boon
purchased at Ottumwa for f5sou. ;
The Spirit Lake Camn meeting will com
mence Juno t ) and hold ever tno Sunday * .
The farmers of Allamakeo county Imvo
banded toeuisclves together lu un alliance.
A co-operative croamary company UM
been organized at Hurt with a capital stock
os ? 1WO. (
John Larson of St. Olof had tils loft
band neatly amputated by a buzz saw the
other day.
Tor insulting a lady on the Hreat a Koo-
Kuk dude has paid 23 and Is spending Ibirty
day * in ) aIL
Mllto Mnlcno of Davenport choked bit
xvlfo Uocnuio silo wouldn't give him money
to buy wliky , and 1 now meditating on the
error of his wnj * in tbo county Jail.
Mtidcntlno county , which U now support-
Inu forty hisono patients In various Insti
tution * , h < n concluded that It will ba cheaper
to Kooii thorn nt homo , nnd wilt build n
county nospitnl for the Insane.
A Dubiifitio lady , whrso fr.iaturod limb ,
having boon sot by a sVdlful Rurgoon. was
hanlln gradually , Wft' . visited by Christian
scientists who purnundod her that her limb
wai not fractured at nil ntul nrgcd hur to
rise nnd walk , and In attempting to obey
thorn slio fell und fractured the other limb.
The widow of Archie Ncnt of UombcoV ,
who was fatally shot white assisting the
sheriff to nrrent two tramp- * last summer ,
Is in Absolute want nnd the Ingislaturo linn
boon asked to provide n fund for her roller.
She Is In delicate health and tin * four small
children dependant on her for support , As
her husband lost his IIfo In the sorvlco of the
state , It Is thought some provision should bj
made for tbo support ot his family.
About thrco years ago Piorson Wilson of
Clinton , nccldcntly stuck the bludoof n Icnlfo
Into Ills hand , the blade being broken about
thnio fourths of tin Inch from the end and
remaining embedded In the pnhn. Ho suffer
ed considerably , but on tbo advlco of physi
cians at the tima allowed the blade to re
main nnd has carried it slnco until lait wnok
when it pained htm so aovoroly and the member
bor swelled so , that , acting on the ndvlco of
Dr. Peterson , ho had the hand cut open nnd
the bladu taken nut. It was Homowhat cor
roded. Ho feels \ery much relieved nnd
will soon Imvo Iho use of the hand , which bo
has not had for throe years past.
Tlio Two Dakotns.
Plorro Is extending its street railway sys
Clark county farmers Imvo orjjanl/otl n
county alliance.
Whltowood's waterworks will bo com
pleted by July 1.
A Knights of P.ythlas brass bind has been
organized nt Madison.
A colon v of Ohio farmers settled In Charles
Mix county last week. *
Aberdeen lias put up the amount required
to seuuro the locution of the state fair.
John U. Dyer of Faulk county has been
appointed farmer for the Indian school at
Dondwood shipped east $110,000 in bullion
last week , the output of four mines the tlrst
half of March.
McPherson county farmers nro now sup
plied with seed wheat , StM)0 bushels , the
amount , required , having boon purchased by
A health resort hotel Is to bo built nt Gas-
carte , Full river county. The mineral springs
at that place nro naid to bo n euro euro lor
Mrs. T. J. Johnes of White Lake poured
hot water Into a cold battle and was badly
injured about the face by tbo oxploaloh
\vhlch followed.
Charles Pollock went to a masquerade at
Central City dressed In fornalo garb und
wearing a corset tightly laced. During the
dance be sllpncd and fell , sustaining a rup
ture which it is behoved will prove fatal
The Deadwood Times says thn Hear Gulch
mining district will bo represented nt the
world's fair in Chicago lu 18U3 by u complete
reduction plant in oparation on ere from the
the northern Hlack Hills , which will civotho
public an opportunity to sco tin In its uativo
state and the process by which the ere is
The Scandinavian farmers of the Hod lilvor
valley met at Grand Forks and organized an
association called the lied Hlver Valley
Farmers' Anti-Monopoly association. The
object of the association is to unable mem
bers to sell their wheat directly to the Eng
lish markets Instead of middle men as ut
present. Kcmcscntativos will shortly bo sent
to England to perfect arrangements
While his paients were awuv from homo
little Nick Lester , a six-year-old youngster
living near SturKts , got bold of a shotgun ,
whicn , with the aid of a.chulr , ho succeeded
maiming at his mother's pst canary birds.
Ho then blu/od away. U'uen his mother re
turned the birds were dead , the window pieces und the boy lying in a cor
ner in an unconscious condition us a result
of the locoil of the gun.
Southern Suppression of Vote * .
The junior democratic orpan in this
city , says the Chicago Tribunehiggling
along behind Senator Pasco , ( lenicb that
there is any suppression of the colored
vote in the south , and assorts that tut
ors in proportionately equal numbers
stay away from the polls , botn at the
north and south , through simple lack of
' The sections are not much unlike in
their regard for the ballot. In both
thcro are thousands of stay-at-homes as
well ns unfailing voters. It is quito us
just to infer 'hupprobsion' in ono case as
the other. The short vote of both north
and south is doubtless duo to the same
cause. The full vote is not cast in the
north because a great many voters do
not think it worth while to go to the
polls , and it is not cast in the south for
the samp reason. "
The inaccuracy of this assumption
will become apparent when n compari
son is made of the number of votes cast
in each state with the total population.
Talcing the United States ns a whole ,
there wore on an average in 1880 5.3
poraons men , women and children
for every vote that was cast. The
following table shows how widely the
southern states depirtcd from that
average :
State. No. perbons fctuto. Mo. persons
to votor. to votei.
flcorgla 00 MInnesoata . . L''J
Louisiana . . . . U 0 Nwbraska . . . . . . "i.B
Mississippi U 0 Iowa 5 u
Al.ibnnui . . . . . . . b 1 Illinois l.o
ArmmsuH TO Kimsns 40
Virginia . . . I'xnnsrlvanla . . . .4.1)
Texas fl.O Now York 411
Teunussei' . . . . . 11.4 Michigan 4
Kentucky (1 ( " Ititllaii.i 1 0
North Ciuolnm. fi 7 Ohio . . . 14
One may nslc with reason why the
percentage of voter * to the total popu
lation should bo the smallest in tlio
gulf slates , whore intimidation is uni
versal ; should increase in the border
states , whore bulldo/.incr is limited to
certain sections ; and should reach its
highest point in the northern states ,
where bulldozing is unknown. It maybe
bo said in attempted reply that there
are moro male adults in proportion to
total population in the northern than
the southern states. This Is so owing
to the largo foreign immigration , a ma
jority of which composed of adults ,
many of them not yet natiirali/.od.
Males over twenty-one constitute a lit
tle over twenty per cent of the total
population of southern and twenty-six
per cent of that of norlhurn states. This ,
however , modillos but slightly the fig
ures given abo\o and still leaves it for
southern bullrto/.crs and their defend
ers to explain why there should bo
twice as many persons to a voter In
Georgia ns in Illinois.
Klhtrittttei \ ll'ilcur , ( n I'nuil , Isslle't Hiji.ifur
So much otio thought about the llfo bovond
Ho Old not drain the waters uf hU
And whca death laU his children 'nc.Uh the
Ho called it "tho mysterious will of Ooj. "
[ la would not strive for worUllv gain , not
His wo nth , ho anUt , wes torot in ( .Soul's To
Ho krpt his mortal baily poorly drotsod ,
And t\llio.l : about thu Harmoni * of thn
bte iod ;
And when to hi * Itttt Moop lioUUl littu d vrn ,
HU only mourn or Ixvuihl her \vUau'
. ) miva not sure there \va n life to Mine ,
? a made > i Uo.vvon uf hU urlttlnonti > .
lontrovj for vriVitlth. and \\lllv an ovni | lia.l
tie comforlt < l Iho IUMMJT 1" ItU umi.
: lo word now ; ; irmooU often , and th * nJ !
ileitHxl umuy u brother to koopuut Uio
ll ) Said till * llfltMt KUOll A llttlO ) ! ! .
Man ought to maUe thu mou ut U f rm n ;
And vrhan bo dUl , the fartuna that li Uft
Uivo luooor to ttio ueodjaad bcrcIU
Women Unndldatos for the IJonrd
of Education.
An Old Hoitllcr Dins Wlilln Drunk
Secret Society Slnttors I
Intelligence Tlio Ulty
In Urlcf.
Intorcfltcd In Kdticntlnn.
Lisrowc , Nob. , March 23. f Special to
Tun UEK.J The response to the call fora
meeting of ladles to name Indies n < e.vuh-
dates for the board of education was not only
larpo but outhimastlc. Mrs. Trunk 1 { ,
lllllott called the meeting to order and at tor
slnglnt ; Our Country , Tis of Thee , " Or.
Charlotte Norton offoroj prayor. The lady
In the chair then stated tlio purpose of thu
call. She said that last year was the llrt
tlmo la the history of the city that the
women had como together In nnon-suctarlati. i
non partisan nnd non-organizational way to
express opinions on cdticatiottnl interests.
She complimented previous efforts ; snld thu'
the experience and so called defeat of the
former effort had worked wonders. Hint
whllo other parties accepted nominations
made by ladle * , the republican nomlmitinp
committee had oxurcssoa regret that their
nominations had not been received in tlmu
last year nnd that they would bj considered
this year. Hho stated that the cam
inittoo recommended that the Indies shoulj
not put n ticket in the Hold this year , but
work toward making the school manage
mcmt non-partisan by naldntr all parties to
accept the nomination of ladies by ladies.
Mrs. T. H. Leavitt waa olectud purtimnont
chairman nnd Alra. M. IX Welch secretary
After briefly considering the matter Miss
Plucbo Ulllott nnd Ur. Margaret Sabiir were
nominated for members of the board.
Two committees ivero then appolntrd to
nrrntiRO with the republican and domouratiu
parties for acceptance of the nominees.
STIUNOI.II : ) TO nimit
At 9BO : last nliht ; Monroe Howard , ono of
the best known characters about town , was
found dead In bed. Harly m the avonlng ho
wan taken to Uawlin'a barn in a verv be
sotted condition and put la nioouion the
second floor. At the time ho wun unable to
wallt. Shortly after the hour stated Walter
Stanforth , nn employe of the barn , want to
thu room where Howard was taken , for the
purpose of rotlrinc , and found him lyliiR on
hii back dead. Ills face was covered with
vomit and It is thought ho died from straiiKU-
lation. The deceased was about llfty years
of ago nnu an old Rolilior. The coroner has
decided not to hold nn Inquest.
The Veteran association of Lancaster
county has decided to hold n camp Iho at
Lincoln Wednesday , May 14. It Is said that
the membership of this association is m-
Lincoln divisions , Knights of I'.vthlas , nro
drilling Tuesday and Friday evening * . Thu
boys are getting ready for the Milwaukee
conclave. A largo delegation of thu bos
will attend from this city.
Modern \Voodtnan \ of the oily ovpcct to
celebrate the ninth anniversary of tno order
m a becoming manner. Committees on ar
rangements and programme have already
been appointed. Many of the most Inlolll
gent and influential citizens of Lincoln are
members of the order.
Lincoln assembly , No. 4 , ICiiInhts of
1'vthitis , ladies , moots tomoirow aftcrnouiS-
at Castle hall. Mrs. Judge Uilworth of
Hastings will ofllctate. The charier list of
this assembly contains twenty two mimes. A
U. Marshall lodge , No. 41 , will have degree
work in thu evening.
Monday evening , March 31 , members of
No. 15 , A. O. U. W. , with their wives nnd
friends will cclobinto their third anniver
sary. This lodge expects an unusually on-
joynblo time on that occasion , and in vlaw of
tbo many good things to bo served at bupper
a ucmcral fast is suggented.
iiui.ioious iMKi.Linr.xri" .
St. Andrew's ' church , nt the corner of
Eighth nnd Washington streets , was form
ally dedicated today. Histiop Worthinfjton
conducted the services.
Special services were held today by the
Young Men's Christian association. They
were in charge of Hev. O. k. Uukar and the
evangelists , W. 11. Cullis and II U. S irzont.
Thu executive council of the Nebraska
Lutheran synod convenes at the Y. M. C. A.
rooms next Tuesday evening at U HO p in.
Members from all parts of the stale will bo
W. 11. Cullis , stito evangelist , commenced
a series of special meetings at the First
13aptist church this evening. Kxcept Satur
day , services will bo held each evening dur
ing the week.
The contract has been let for the erection
of the Second Presbyterian church , at tbo
corner of Twenty-sixth nnd 1 * streets. It *
cost will bo from * T > ,000 to $ rOCO. Active-
work will bo commoncoil tomorrow morning.
Hev. K S. Halston , pastor ofthol'U-
mouth Congregational church , preached a
special sermon for the Knights of 1'ythius
this morning. The attendance of members
of tno order was tj'ilto large. Lincoln dlvl
sion No. 1 of the uniform rank in. r.-hcd to
the church ) n full uniform.
The 1'ostal telegraph and cable company is
putting In a wire from Lincoln to Uctiver.and
will connect the two cities within the no < t
sixty days. This information is rrcoivol
from a reliable source and there is no doubt
about its truth. The company is ( jet mg
nudv to bid for thu postal sorviea.
Monday , Tuesday ami Woilnojdiiy , Mnnh
21 , 25 mill 2U.
Now Scream Mntinoo ! lWaldi'tMlsi
YourLoudwt H for $9.
The I'opulnr Artists.
L'nilorIlia innniKcraont nf Mr Ititrrjr Himin Uiu
( .nut'rty Mu\e
Tlio Mvxlcmi Si'ioinilp t > p rkllnz mu l , linMinin
niarcliCD. U-aiitlfiuiliinv , i > iiiul ltu rosiuiuof titfi
tr Kirl , topunl jnxi Ilio cnirauclnn Kirotto tliu
i'r ' 'pri .o SflJtJon s ! oSmlvr Matin t >
Tim SinulU' > i fJiorgol > r ' .l Horsa in tno
A mtvlnc ! of Jfel r * W I the rr > ; * ) of
Mr. John I ) . iTV i i
NoltA H.J'i - * * * V il" | i > t > *
07 i
One D i m Q A d mits to All
HUM A O-H .MI , $500 ,
Omaha Loan &Trust Co
S. . Cor. Kith nn.1
is Per Cent Intwatt P Ui on oposit <
TKANK. ! t. VNUK , t' ' i < ii i
i \ I * XV \ mutv , Y r * t < V ' . .1 1 R
t , T
. A. V } * > , J , H , M rtm 4 J J
. ti \ Wrt < wCK vr. N\S .hot u
u. < W IV l. v .
Lenin any Amount mnda tm City < *