THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAKOH 23. 1890.-SIXTEEN PAGES , TIIK DAILY BEE E. ROSEWATER , Editor. 'PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING Tl'llMS 01' StMISOUH'riON Hall ) nm1 Sunday , Ono Vear . (10 f MX mouths . . r > C 'llirfo Months . , . 2 f Himlny lice , Ono Yfar. . . . . . 'H. Ileo , Ono Voar with I'romluni. . . . Z I nr.inlm. ( too Ilnlldlni ? . ( lil'-ngoOllloo , Ml Hooker y luilMlng. t"f Fork. llooms II nml ft Trlbuni llutldlng Muihlnuton , No. fill Kourtnnnth Street. roiinclHllmrs , .No. 121'cnrl Street. E'juth Uimihn , Corner N tm 1 BitnStraatl. AllcominnnlcntlonH relating to news nml mil torlal mutter fthould uo addressed to ttio IMItoi JM Department. iit'mNEss MTTKIIS. : All business letters nml remittance * snonli Ijonddrrtppdto'nio Ilcel'HbllnhlnR Company Otmlin , Drafts. chocks and 1'ostolHew order to be nmilo payable to the order of the Company TlieBec Pnblistiing Company , Proprietors , ) IKE llullillucr I'arnam andHerciitoantli Street * THE DEE ON THE TRAINS. Thmo Is no excuse for a failure to KotTiu : tlci on the tnilnx. All nimmlcnlarii IMVO boon noti lied to entry a , full supply. Travelers who wnn Tur llr nail cnn't got It on trnlna whom othei Omaha papers nro carried are requested tc luitlfy TIIK HKK. I'lease be particular to lvn In nil cases fill Inroriuutlou ( is to date , railway and numboi of train ' THE DAhr BE 7 Sworn Ktntcinciil ot Circulation. State of Nebraska , I. , ' " County of Douglas. f ( icotqo II. UVscnuct , secrotnry of THE IIui I'ubliMiInu Company , docs Holomtily swear thai the actual circulation of Tun lUlt.v DEB for tin week emllnif March SA 1KW , was as follows : HWi'lnv..Marrli 10 , . 'il,30 ( Momliiv. March 17 'l'it < ilnv. March 18 Wednesday. March 1 - . 'llmr-dav. Mnrcn.1) : ) 20.2 ; Trlduv. Miircliai 2I.IW haturitny , MnrcU 21 -0,571 AvcruRO aO.H.'HJ OEOIIOH II. TXSCHUOK. Muirn to liofori moaud subscribed to In my this SM day of March. A. 1) . rai. ( Seal. | N. I' . FII1U Notary Public. Bfnte of Nebraska , I County ot Douglas. fss- OcorKi D. TzschiieK , bolnK duly sworn , de- ' T'Oses ' and av * that ho is secretary of TUB lice J'uiJlIslilHK Company , that the actual nveruRo daily circulation of TUB DAILY IlRt : for tno month of March 18W , l,85l copied : for April , W. JS.MHroplPs : for May , 1WJ. J8.CU ; copies ; for.Iune. 1 > K . IS.SM topics : for .Iiilv , 1533. 1H.73J copies : for AURimt. lf * ( > . 18V ( > l conies : for Son- tciuher , IhS'J. ) H,710 copies ; for October , 1M1. HV.KI7 copies ; for November , If89. liin ! ) ; copies ; for Drcoinljer. 1SJO. :0,0t copies ; for January , IfflO. ll.r ! > , " > copies ; for robrunry , 180) ) . W.701 topics. GEount : n. TZSCMDCK. Swoin to orforo mo and subscribed in my presence this lit day of March. A. I ) . . ISM. tSeal. | N. 1' . FElr , , Notary Public. Tiii : weekly bank stntcmont shows the rchorvo has increiised $2.880,000. The bunks now hold 1,410,000 in excess - cess of legal requirements. TIIK Dakota relief fund has already reached proportions to olToctivoly rc- futo the whines of the bclf-olocted cus todians of the city's ( 'onerosity. TUIK docs not dull hut only sharpens General Van Wyok's eloquence in his scholarly arraipnnient of corporation tfreed ami monopoly oppression of the people of Nebraska. TIM : execution of a white nmn for the murder of a nouro in J irisiesippi calls for an iifiinndialo revision of the criminal code to prevent in future stirh n horrible miscarriage of Mississippi justice. TIIK Now York court of last resort , has unaniinousily iilllrmcd the constitution ality of the act substituting electricity for the pallows. Electrocution thus be comes u ( Ixturo and banishes the straiiffliiiir relic of b'urbario ayes from the 12m piro stato. I'UKSIDKNTlIfOIUTT of the Noi'th- western road is too sensible n business man to indulge in the foolish fulminations - tions of Mr. Perkins of the Burlington. The Northwestern proposes to improve und uxtoiul its system and keep pace with the growing development of the Btato. And the Niobrara oxtonaion > will bo among the ilrst undertaken thfo year. GdVKU.vouTiiAYKu's porsonnl inves tigation of the condition of the people in the central counties proved that the reports of destitution wore without foundation. The reports wore not worthy of a momont's-considtration. It i llnnnuiiil distress that boars houvily on the producers of the stato. The trouble is a. superabundance of food which cannot bo marketed at a profit owing to excessive freight rates. WITH the Rock Island extending from Omaha southwest , the Missouri Tactile building northward , the Ne braska Central penetrating the fertile interior , and the Pacific Short Line in vading the heart of north Nebraska , it" is evident that the corporations are not rallying to Mr. Perkins'hupportin bull- ilo/ing the people of the state. The tlireiltu of the Burlington wear Kip Van " \Vinklo whiskers , and it is impossible to disunite their purpose or surround thorn with the force of originality and truth. ATTKU an exhaustive investigation of the question , flity Attorney Popple- ton declares that all the 'territory within the boundary of Omaha , as fixed Inpril. . 1887 , is within the jurisdic tion of the city. South Omaha has exorcised jurisdiction over this tract , and collected taxes from the property owners , claiming that the village had been declared a city of the second class prior n the extension of the corporate limits of Omaha. This claim is shown by the city attorney to bo unfounded. The authorities of Omaha should promptly exorcise the city's right In the premises and if necessary force an early settlement of the question in-tho courts , Tin : protest against turning Liberty Island in New York harbor Into an im migrant station' is as vigorous us it is uni versal. It is surprising that Secretary \Vindom should bolect this island , hal lowed as it is by the gift o'f a friendly nation , in preference to all other Bites In the harbor , and commit an act of dis courtesy to the donors of the statue of liberty. Hartholdl , the designer and builder of the statue , expresses the general feeling of the American people when ho denounces the plan * as "a monstrous one. " There Is no excuse for the desecration of the island. To make it the dumping ground for immigrant , ? would outrage the patriotism of the country and ileatroy what should beheld hold sacred us a national park and pleasure ground. IIP * i'on nnrnnsstoif. The vlirorous expressions of dlscor tent which hnvo come from the farmot of tljo country , fully warranted by th general agricultural depression , Imv had the olloct to arouse congress to n earnest study of the situation and thoughtful consideration of remedies Western representatives especially ar showing that they are fully imprcsse with the urgent necessity of providln whatovcr relief may bo pooslbl through legislation. Petitions Imv poured in from their ngrlcul tural constituents demanding that tin interests of the farmers receive mor attention than has been accorded thai ; in the financial atul economic legisla tion of the past. The unprofllnblonos of agriculture is demonstrated in th market prices of products. In Iowa Nebraska and Kansas corn yields Ihi farmer only about half the price ho re coivcd for it two years ago. For tin surplus corn stntes the dccrcaso li value of this product in 1889 over 188 : is estimated ateighty million dollars Other agricultural products have no suffered generally so great ti doolino but most of them are lower than eve before. The demands upon the farmoi have not , however , decreased in amoun or urgency. The interest on his mort gage is not less than when the price o his products was double what it is now the exactions of the small money londni are greater than when the farmer was comparatively prosperous , and the rail' roads take a larger tribute from hilt : than in the time when his corn and wheat gave him a fair return for his labor. The middleman and the speculator later are a'fco arrayed against him. Such is the unhappy condition of that largq body of ou > % people whoso industry contributes vastly more than that of tinj .other eletnont to the material prospcritj and progress of the country , and cvorj consideration of national interest , soum' ' policy and patriotism demands thai something praHical bo done toalloviato it. It boars evidence to the existence of evils and abuses and mistakes that cannot bo boydnd remedy. It may not bo possible to remove all of them by legislation. II may bo beyond the proper functions ol government to supply all the measures of relief which the circumstances sug gest. But the more serious of the evils and abuses .may bo reacned by legisla tion , and thcro nro reforms and reme dies that are within the authority and duty of the government. The earnest consideration of this subject by the rep resentatives of the people is at least re assuring , and it suggests to the farmers of the country the expediency of main taining their demand for roliof. Al ready the olToct of their efforts is ap parent in propositions which show a de cided chanpo in the opinions of their representatives. The interests of the farmers will not be ignored in the Until preparation of a tariff bill , and the con sideration they will receive will bo moro valuable than increasing duties on their products. Their demand for more currency will bo mot by the passage of a silver bill that will add from twonty-Hvo to thirty million dollars annually to the circula tion. Something may reasonably bo ex pected that will give them relief from transportation exactions , and there is a disposition to try what may bo done to suppress gambling in agricultural pro ducts , an evil every whore regarded as ono of the greatest atTocling the inter ests of the producers. All these pro posals for improving the condition of the agricultural interest commend themselves to the intelligent judgment of a largo majority of the people , and their adoption will bo approved by a public sentiment not confined to the farming population. The para mount duty of congress is to rodtiuo the burdens which oppress the farmers , and the way to accomplish this is neither obscure nor difficult. It is gratifying to find that the representatives of the people are beginning to have n serious sonbo of this duty and to attend to it. That they may not fail to do so it is necessary , however , that the farmers shall not allow choir own zeal to cool , ind that while maintaining the demand for n reform of the conditions which Dpprcss them they nslc only what is rt-iso , practicable und within the power if the government to provide. On the whole the outlooic for legislation in ivhich the great producing element of : ho country will receive just considera tion can bo regarded as very favorable. OMAHA'S TRADE. * As the renders of Tin ; Bir. : may see jy reference to our commercial columns , , ho business affairs of Omaha ut this imo , so far as its jobbing trade is con- jornOd , afo much moro satisfactory than night bo supposed'in view ot the ngri- tulturnl depression throughout the : orritory for .which this city is the dis- ributing center. The general reports rom jobbers indicate that in all loparmontg the spring business thus ar lw boon somewhat in ) \cess of last year , and the n-osnoet sooros fu'vurabla for tv continu- inco of this gratifying condition. Moreover our merchants find eollet- ions remarkably good under the oir- lumstanees , having very little com- ilnint to make on this score. Thu very ; onoral conservatism of country doal- irs for some time past has enabled horn to keep their accounts well eared or , and on the whole tha record of uercantilo isollootioiis for the Ilrst tiroo months of the current year nil compare very favorably with irovious years. As to the financial ilTalrs of the city they , are represented iy the banks to bo in u very healthy .nil satisfactory condition. There is ti rood legitimate demand for money dileh the banhfc are in condition to iioot without the slightest strain , and nero is nothing unusual or exceptional n the monetary situation. This experience of Omaha Is not , ac- ordlng to the best Information , shared iy the other cities competing for the rado of this territory , and the for- unato situation of this city , u far as Its enlarged trade' i concerned , is to bo explained by the ict.that Omaha is steadily Increasing Is trade area. This is natural to its uporior mmtlon as n commercial con- or , as must inevitably become more upareut from year to year. A very casual examination of the map of til territory for which Omahi Is a dl : tiibutlng point , will show the great ad vantages which this city enjoys In poll of position over most of the compotin cities , and of the benefit i these it can bo deprive only by the most unfa : discrimination on the part of the rai roads or n serious laekof enterprise o the part of its business interests. / to the former there has not boonagrci deal of complaint recently , audit is ov dent that our merchants arc not nllov ing to escape them any of the ndvanl ages that are within their roach. An whenever our businessmen 3ocuro trad in tributary territory they hold It. In view of the depression very got orally prevailing , and the coin plain I of unsatisfactory trade at most of th centers of distribution , the condition ( business in Omaha must bo regarded n highly gratifying. TESTIMONYFOIt UlQIl LIGEKSU. At the last meeting of the Law an Order society of Philadelphia som very interesting facts were prosontoi showing the effect of high and re strlctivo license in roduclng-drunkor ness in thatcity. Figures wcro give of commitments to the county prlso for drunkenness during periods of nin months in the lust three years. Higl llconso wont into effect in Ponnsylvani Juno 1 , 1838 , so that the comparison are for parts of two years under thi policy s\ml of the year before it was in stitutod. The showing is very strotij testimony in favor of the policy. The records show that under the ol low license system the commitments fo intoxication during nine months , fron Juno , 1887 , to March , 1888 , numborci over thirteen thousand , while for hk < periods in the next two years the total o commitments was very little over four teen thousand. That b , while undo low license and practically unrcstrlctoi truffle the monthly average of commitments monts for intoxication was nearly fif Icon hundredunder high the av oragohas been loss than eight hundred It is necessary in order to obtain the ful value of this comparison to consido .that there has boon sotno increase ii the population of Philadelphia sinci high license wont into effect. The testimony of the police magistrates tratos and judges is uniformly tha there has been a marked chance foi the better , und this is the judgmon of all who" have carefully obsorvet the difference between the con vivial customs of the community under present and former conditions It is admitted , that the high license system is still capable of improvement and has not yet successfully passed al the stages of a thorough trial , but this admission pnly serves to render more significant the good results that have como from it. There are many places in the city where liquor is sold ciandcs tinoly , just as there are in all the cltic1 of prohibition states , but the Philadel phia Press says that in spite of these leaks the evidence is conclusive thai with high license the city enjoys a de crease of moro than one-half in drunk enness , disorder , Sabbath-breaking and crime. AltJIlTItATWlf AND J.AHOIJ. The labor world was not only aston ished but most agreeably suprised lasl spring when the vencrablo Cardinal Mann'tig ' cheerfullyaccepted the onerous duty of mediating between the striking dock men of London and their employers , The rcmarkablo success of the cardinal in olticting a satisfactory settlement of what thrcatunodtto become a disastrous labor conU'ct , shows how important and beneficial it is to these directly concerned cernod , as well as to the public at largo , to enlist the services of men of unques tioned character and. ability in the controversies which disturb and dis tress the public intovcst. Men of such standing and reliability , free from bias , possess powerful influencein bringing together conflicting interests and inducing the contending parties to suspend hostilities pending an inquiry into their respective claims. Once a common understanding is reached a settlement is certain , because neither employe nor employer can refuse to sub mit to arbitration without forfeiting public support and confessing the weak ness of his cause. This fact was recently illustrated in the conflict between 'the building tradesmen and the master workmen in Dublin. 'To prevent a disastrous con flict at the , opening of tlio build- inir soabon the archbishop of Dublin was requested to exercise his influ ence to bring about a settlement. The archbishop entered heartily into the work and dratted a code of rules that proved eminently satisfactory to both parties and paved the way to a settlement of future difficulties. There is so much sound , practical common sense in the principles enunciated that they deserve the consideration and sup port of worfdngmon and employers in this country , lloforrlng to the soparuto 3rgHimations maintained by employers ind workmen without any central body wherein both could bo represented , for purposes of friendly conference , the irchbishop says : ' 1 ho norm comes not from tholr oxlstonco jut from the fact that they ulono exist. It ; ouius , in pthor words , from the fuut that .hoso prh'tuiU < iUort3 nro not supplornoiitoil , as ; hey ought in onuli case to be , by some other n-gunlztUiou In which representatives ot the imployers and of the omployoil could moot 'rom time to tlmo to taUo counsul to otlior ipon matters In which both classes nro inter * moil. In thu absanca of somo'suoli common irgiinlzation the natural , und * ludcud uecos- mry , tomlor.oy of trade bodies tor the pro- ocilon of sopurato trmlo interests , whether if the employers or of the employed , is to In. ur.rtify the irrltathu ud disturbing Inllu- mcu of unj element of friction that may hap- > en to exist In the relations between the two busses. Tlio influence , on ttio contrary , of n yatuiu of friendly conference between ttio 'oprojeiitutivos of both claucs meeting on : ( | uul terms in u common organization would > u to reuinvo many causes of possibly serious nUutidcratniHllng. ' A conference ot the workmen and imployors was brought about , the arch- ilahop' acting as chairman , and an igreomont cheerfully signed by the 'osponslblo ' representatives _ of both ides -"That in future three months ' mtlco bo given by either party to the ithor before any change is made in the ate of wages or in the hours of work ; such notice bo jn given so as to expire on the first M May of qnch year. " A central or trade council was also agreed to. composed of equal numbers ot work men and employers , to whom rtll future disputes shall submitted , and by which a friendly Interchange of views may bo had , "not only in rofcu-onco to questions of wn'ges and hours of worlt , hut also In reference to many other matters affoqfhjg the interests of em ployers and , uio comforts and general well-being of .the workingmon. " Herein llcl In'o secret of the success of arbitration. "The bringing together of the employers and worklngmcn will in nlno cases out of ton effect nn agree ment by which strikes and the train of evils following may bo avoided. The intorofits of both being mutual , a friendly conference tends to allay ill- feeling and remove friction , and with the services of disinterested arbiters disastrous conflicts may bo averted. It is to the interest of both that , Ilrst of all , an agreement bo made re quiring a reasonable notice of n demand for n change of hours or wages , so as to allow tlmo for conferences and if necessary the mediation of one or more eminent and unbiased citizens. The plan outlined by the archbishop of Dublin commands itself as a simple , practical and equitable mnthod of pro- van ting- strikes and bringing employer and employed into close , harmonious relations. MMI BM Tinm : : is now on trial in the courts of Now York city a case which for dra matic interest has rnroly if over boon equalled in the criminal calendar or in the imagination of the most sensational novelist. It is the trial of the Flacks , father and son , for conspiring together to obtain a fraudulent divorce from the wife and mother. The storv is ono in which the public is moro or loss familiar. How the sheriff of the city of Now York , abetted by his son and others , obtained a divorce from liis wife after a marriage of forty years without her knowledge. The strange spectacle is now pro&ontcd where the state stops in to convict the wrongdoers , relying on the testimony of Mrs. Flack to satisfy the ends of justice. To break down her influence both father and son resort to the desperate means'of charg ing the wife and mother with drunken ness , ignorance , lying and deceit. This is u tragedy of Iho hcartstono which it is gto bo hoped , for the credit of humanity , may never bo repeated. The sympathy of tlio great city has been awakened in 'bpjlalf ' of the ngod and helpless wife aptl'mother. . The strong arm of tlin-law/s tightening its hold about the villianous husband and un natural son , and their base attempt to stamp dishonoron the wife will onlj aggravate thoih punishment if coir victod. , .1 ' ' ' * t' TIIK late North Dakota legislature passed a bill which , if approved by the governor , "will Increase hither than di minish the distress in the stato. The bill extends the time for redemption on real estate mortgages from ono to two years. The 'operation of such a law would intbtisily1'tho lifrrdships-which a partial crop failure 6as inflicted on the people , by draining capital from the state and forcing money lenders to oxncc greater security than is now de manded. It is not reasonable to sup pose that tlio holders of mortgages will press payments under the existing con ditions , because such action would depreciate - prociato the security. It is to tlioir interest - torest to encourage the farmers in theii' efforts to get a now start , to harvest a crop and thereby revive prosperity and improve the financial condition of the people. * This cannot bo secured by drastic laws which , while they may give temporary relief , invariably in flict permanent injury. IT was n very gracious and quite char acteristic act on the part of Mine. Patti in making provision for a medal to bo awarded each year to the pupil of the Now England conservatory of music who is most proficient in vocal culture. It will of course bo known as tlio Patti modal , and the desire to secure so dis tinguished an evidence of merit will prove a great stimulus to industry and effort among tho"mipils of the conserva tory. It was a happy thought of the great singer which cannot 'fall to bo fruitful of good results" , while the for- , tumito recipients of tlio "Patti modal' ' will secure an invaluable passport to. public attention and confidence. TIIK veil now being lifted from the army and navy In the several court- martials through the country discloses a condition that may well occasion alarm. The arrogance and brutality among the ofllcors , the demoralization among the enlisted and the general lack of discipline can bo laid to the sol diers' worst enemies , grog and gambling. The evil has assumed the proportion of a public scandal and the authorities at Washington can do the rank and file no hotter Bcrvieo than to institute a rigid inquiry andJonforco strict disci pline in all branches of the service. a boomerang when wielded by tholawleiss eloment. As a measure of revoVjtro for the enforcement ot the Sunday , yding | ) law in Denver , the council passed tvi ordinance closing all places of business , including cigar stores , bakeries , ulrug stores and oven news stands-on ttio Sabbath. It was hardly necessary pr the mayor to veto this foolish measure. It would -htivo strangled itself. < t GliHAT expectations center about the now stool eruisffif''Newark ' , the last , of five war vessels built by the Cramps of Philadelphia. Qf Amoiican design and constructed of American stool , the cruiser , if equal to the contract require ments , will bo ono of which the govern ment may expect great things in com parison with other war ships of the new navy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Is tlio Mopn Huimtor Jtuttled ? I'ortlumi Owmfdii. Senator Stanford has built another story on bis tluanclal scheme. Ho proposes that the government luill go Into the savings bank business , as well us sot up u real es tate , mortgage , und loan oQIce. Ho is taking the advlca of lexul and financial exports on the scheme. Ho would batter take counsel with n modlcnt expert M to his own mcntn condition. from the Kant , /ttfxttii/Journal. ' .Vlion the public affairs of a town nra surrendered ( rendered to political hoodlums a total wreck is only n question of tlmo. AVtmt Worries ' 13m. MtnitcniMlt * Jiinnmf. The democrats any the rep ublloan party lm no policy. It has the onlcos , however , and that is what la bothering the democrats most. Tlio Wliul in Never Wenry. ' 1'htluMtihUiIit'iutrer. Economy Is to bo the watchword nt the present session of congress. Unfortunately , t applies only to dollars , and not to tlmo or talk. A llnllufto Nnw York. MtiuiMiwtis Tribune , General Sherman announced the other day that ho had his monument bought and paid for , and the slcti of relief that wont up from Now York caused the Brooklyn bridge to tremble violently. A Curious I'corla Transcript. Some Now York dogs , according to the Star , wear collars worth $ .200. For some reason this fact was noUirought prominently forward , aa It should have boon , when Now York was eating dinners and drinking wine In nn Ineffectual effort to secure the world's ' fair. * * . < _ _ Iniquities of tlio Trusts. Cleveland Leader. 'iholr proat protlts do not como , for the most part , from economy of production , but from pernlclous Interference with the mar ket price of commodities. Nothing Is clearer than that combinations to arbitrarily and ox- ceislvoly advance prices nro contrary to pub lic policy , illegal and justly hateful to tno American people. OUR CONTEMPORARIES. Glvo Chicago n Show ! R'cw York Sun. Wo protest against the proposition re ported from Washington , as a part of the world's fulr bill for Ohlcago , that the fair must bo held sure enough in the year 1502. Glvo the great western metropolis n fair slmlto. Lot her have the broadest oppor tunity and the most liberal margin * to get up the fair and Invite the nations to it. Nobody need Imagine that such an expo sition can bo organized nnd opened lu May , 18y2. Some sort of n thing may undoubtedly bo got ready by that tltno , but not such a fair as the occasion requires and the country will demand , < _ Our HclatinitH Townrt ! KusHia. Ifcw I'm Ic I'mt. 'Jho United States have a tradition of friendliness towards Russia , but it is not proof nguinst such savagery as that which Mr. George Ivennan has lifted the veil from. It will not survive many floggings ol delicate - cato women or many shootings of defense less prisoners in filthy and overcrowded jail yards. Diplomacy can probably dotiothiug to mltlgato these horrors , out it ought to make Russia understand that the line of Cbristiandom is drawn at her borders and that no decent government wants to have anything to do with her. Only a Step. St. Louts ( llolit-Deinuuat. The proposition of Senator Plutnb to hold executive sessions of the sonnto with Closed doors as at present , but to give the results to the press at the end of the meeting , is a step in the right direction , but it does not go far enough. The people demand that this whole attempt at secrecy be abolished. Re sults are always obtained under the present regulations , but the country asks that pre liminaries and processes also bo revealed , and revealed openly und honestly. The Ultimate Itrsulr. liiiffalo KxprcM. It Is estimated that if all the pension bills Introduced in this congress should become laws they would call for a present expendi ture of 5070,000,000. What the ultimate re sult would bo no man dare com puto , but it would bo a sum beside which the present public debt with its interest $1,001,713- ' 813.82 would scoma trillo. No Blade State Ptllsluro Gazette , All the colored people need and all they require nt the hands of the covornment is to bo made reasonably sccuro In tlioir personal and property rights. The solution of the negro problem does not lie In the direction of a separate state for the blacks , but in the equal enforcement of the laws. The question can only bo settled on the basis of justice and equity. _ _ VOICE OF THE STATE PRESS. Prohibition nml Mich Ijjccnse. Kearncu Xcw Ilia. The Slocumb law is good law and theVo is every reason for believing that , should high liccsu carry , this law will continue In force. The difToronco between high license nnd prohibition is this : The former believe that the best and only way to control the liquor trnlllc Is by high license and the rigid en forcement of the law ; the latter believe In prohibiting the sale of liquor in any form nnd under nU conditions. Now , the only actual difference between these contestants , is as regards the most effective way of con- trollng the trnfllc under consideration. Kx- porionco has shown the failure of prohibitory lav/a to drive out the sale of liquor ; und It hus also shown that where high llconso laws wore In force and the law rigidly enforced , the prccontngo of crime was not against the latter way of dealing with the liquor trafllu. Alwnvn to the fore. CnlertilaeSeiil'iicl. ' . Tnu nun takoj the load of Nebraska jour nalism and keeps it. A Covert Meaning , AraiKilioc Mirror , John M , Thurnion has given It as his can did opinion that the great depression In business Is caused by "over production. " We guess John Is right , but ho did not tell what kind of an "over production. " Of course ho meant an "over production' of junketing political blatherskites lllto him self , Enterprising and IiiHUlrlnt ; . SiiHon .lilcei liner. It Is generally conceded that Tin : O.uuu liii : Is the most onturpristn ? nowapapor between twoon Chicago und Sun Francisco. Its splendid hltn In- enterprise are a constant in spiration to tlio west , and especially the state of Nebraska. Its euorgy is its crowning - ing dory. Omaha Is proud of Tnu HIK : nnd NobrasUa Is proud ot TUB Hii : : und of Omaha , A Oooil Kelioino Hut Eastern capitalists uro talking of putting * a barco line on the Missouri rlvor. It Is u good scheme , and ono that everybody can honrtlly endorse , who does not.mvust anv money in It. 'Whon It gets silicic on a sand bar It will stand thcro forever a * u beacon to other bargee , warning them to hun the shoals und iiulclcsands on which so many budding schemes have found an early grwu , Try Men , Not I'urtlcH. Party platforms and party pledges moan nothing , they are only made to bo violated. Party zeal U tlio cursu ot the country ; It de prive * IrultvuluAts of cntiu , judgment. What la needed Is an ok'cllon without ontluinlnsni , without brass unndn , without bonllrcit , without promises , without money ; an election that will till the legisla ture of every state with honest men ; ono ttmt will mnlto n clean swoop of fl.vocl tilings in both state nml nation. Pnrty to the dogs. Lot us try men , regardless of politic * , nnd principle rather than party. Nn Cause for Surprise. CiMOr County Lcailer. Wo have n state senator from this sena torial district who Is n banker ; a congress man from thU congressional district who is n banker ; wo hnvo a judge of Iho supreme court whom wo elected last fall who Is a railroad attorney , mm a senator of tlio United States who Is another railroad nttQr- noynndwoaro ; surprised that money Is scarce and rates of freight nro high. "What- soovor ye sow , that shall ye also reap. " Stands AVoll Wltli the People. niirood Jcnn1. { Erie Johnson of yio Iloldrcga Progress , at present a member of the lower brunch of the legislature , Is talked ot as a possible successor of George W. Hurton of Orleans in the state senate , llrothor Johnson has shown himself to bo u frlonil of tha farmers , and In his own county ho stands well xvitn the people , A Co i inn out nn Im\vs. lleitianil IleraU , Congressman Laws has not done and is notdolnc n single thing for the whole Second district. The district might as well not bo represented ut nit , for it is not a cent bettor off , so far. HERE AND THERE. Two or three years ago n party of enter prising gentlemen , headed by Ucoreo A. Joalyn , were ambitious to build n modern ten-story hotel at the corner of Farnam nnd Tenth streets. They interested owners of property in the vicinity , secured four lota nt about ono-thlrd thotr market value and gave hona to carry out the enter prise. .Ground was Broken nnd nn excava tion made , when suddenly work ceased , since which time nothing has uoon dono. As the union depot question begun to bo agitated with the prospects that the slto would bo located at the foot of Farnnm street everybody supposed the hotel scheme was suspended until that matter could bo sottlod. It Is settled nnd Tenth street gets the depot , as well as u line stcol viaduct. Now will Mr. Joslyn nnd his friends proceed with their enterprise ? That Is the question. 3no day last week n rumor was started to ho effect that they urouoacd to go ahead and erect the house according to plans und speci fications originally contemplated. Dut tine rumor lackoil confirmation. Mr. Joslyn was seen yesterday nnd asked to inako a statement. Ills answer was : g''I knowJncUilng about it. May bo my as sociates have been talking of taking the scheme up uealn. " "Who nro your associates } " "Mr. Andrews of Des Memos nnd the fact is , I urn entirely ignorant of any inten tion to build that hotel now. " "You once gave n bond to build it. " "Yes , I am uwuro of the fact that wo did.1 "Isn't that bond still In oxlstanco 1" ' 1 presume it is. " "Doesn't its provisions still bind you ! " "Maybo they do though " And Mr. Joslyn could not bo induced t < say another word. Some inquiries were nmdo elsewhere. Ii was learned that Mr. Hosowator , Mas Meyer , Henry Yules and ono or two others took Mr. Joslyn's agreement , also chut tin bond is still in Mr. Yates' possession. A gentleman in no way connoctei with the deal intimated his readiness to hot money that the hotel wouKl never bo built. "I can give you a pointer , " ho continued , 'which convinces mo that they never had any intention of building it. In the first place , nnd on an exceedingly shrewd bluff , they secured a block of ground worth $100- 000 for $30,000. At these litruros there is moro in speculation than n hotol. . "Furthermore , there has boon souio talk recently of Fred Ames utilizing his building nn nnonposite corner for hotel purposes. ] don't suppose ho would do that without first being assured that the Joslyn hotel is not to go up. Understand , I give you this simply as a pointer , though it Is not entirely without foundation , " * Half a dozen Omaha men , spocul itivoly inclined own n silver mine away down m the southwestern part of Old Mexico. Tno pro visions for tnoir minors are largely purchased and shipped from hero. A heavy wholesale grocer doing business - inoss on Tenth street happens to bo ono of the company consequently ho furnishes no very small portion ot the supplies used. Ilo is supposed to bo shrewd and enterprising. In fact ho has the reputation of always being - ing up to snuff. Hut u Mexican customs otllcor got the best of him not long since und that too in a manner calculated to reflect severely upon his shrewdness and enter prise. "I will tell you how It happened , " said another member of the corporation. "So far as you and I are concerned wo can oat peed oleomargarine and never suspect thut it Is not genuine butter. As the article Keeps bettor und Insts longer , because of the fuel that there is no- milk in it , wo sent 100 pounds , made ut Onnand's ns a part of our last shipment of provisions. When wo struck the customs house nt El Paso everything In tlio car passed inspection all right until the officer came to our broad greasing. It , vus labelled oleomargarine. You should liuvu soon the fellow turn up his nose nnd got in dignant. 'Mark this 'a chemical com pound , ' ' said ha to his cleric , "anil levy a duty tax of 73 cents per pound on it. " "Well , that was a Btuimlng' blow to our grocer friend. Having soon his own mis take in the labelling , you could Have knocked him clown wltn a feather. " "Did you pay the dutyi" "No , wo sent the stuff back hmnc. " "Then It was labelled butter and re turned ! " turnedVull , as to thut , I urn not saying u word , but you can bet nothing hearing thu stamp oleomargarine can got iuto Mexico. " * * * ' Omaha received her sovercst and most unfortunate nlow when ilia terminus of the Union Pacllio road , by law , established at Council Bluffs. " It was a gentleman oniclally connected with the railroad mentioned who uttered tins declaration , therefore ) publication of his name uiight bring him tronblc&oma Inquiries from Hoston , "I am satisfied , " ho continued , ' 'that ' had wo kept It on this side our city would today have n population of 200,001) ) . Only for thu influence of certain men than connectou with tlio company u change never could have been made. Hut the question has boon re- hoaraud so often that I don't care to discuss It now. Wo nro going to pot Union Pacillu dopot'ami ail the Iowa Hues hava agreed to usu It , consequently lot us rojolco. I Bay from the standpoint of u man In position to predict , that Onin'iu ' will outgrow any pre vious sot-backs she may Imvo hud and yat become the metropolis of tlio Missouri valley. " * "Yo , " said Dr. George L. Miller , yi ntn rjulto familiar with Uanoral Crook's career as an Indluu lUhtor. Sitting Hull was the Duly war uUlof ha failed to conquer com- plctoly. Once , nnd after n declaration ot pence between them , tlmt old scoundrel bo. trnycd confidence nnd triad to kill tlio gou- oral. "Crazy llorso proved to bo the greatest fighter nonornl Crook ever mot. During the Itosobud campaign that warrior dutln- Riilshcd himself for shrowdncss and tlipto ' nmcy. "Ills maneuvering In ono battle was / aummntcd with such military skill anl / successfully tlmt for n lonir tlmo the pubtle | bollovcd ho hnd Tin urmy ofllcor with him , ; Crook's forces were cut right in two and only for Iho daring bravery of n lieu. < tenant who rode under heavy lire \ through the Indian ranks Mud willed thb demoralized soldiers loft behind they would certainly all Imvo boon massacred , ' It was General Crook , " continued Dr. Miller , "who by his assistance enabled iho civil authorities to capture and clean out the most notorious loader ami band of outlaws that over Infested nnd harrnssed the fron tier , la that way nud as a man who could make his Influence for honesty felt , ho did moro to civilizeIsubraska than uny other. " GERMAN AFF/1IRS. . / ' With the resignation of I'rlnco UlsnmrcU ms chancellor of the Ciorimm empire com mences a new chapter In the history of that country. The consequences of this net of the great statoman as far as ttyo Interior pol icy of Germany nloiio Is concerned can be merely conjectured until wo Imvo authentic m formation of his reasons for taking such n doslslvo stop. There Is but little doubt that tha result of the late rolchstug election und the difficulties by the socialistic re script of the Emperor William , which are reported to have boon Issued without the knowledge or advice of the chancellor , wore the prlmo causes of his withdrawal. Thcro may have also { boon differences of opinion between the emperor nnd the ilritieo in regard to the further stops to boJuken to create u working majority In the now rolch- stag for the government. It Is gono'rally bollovod that the elmn- ] > * collor would rather Imvo conciliated tho-112 votes of the party of the centrum , If J it could Imvo been done by moderate conces f sions , than to form a coalition with the so-w f clullsts und German liberals , nnd late devel opments tend to show that Emperor U'lllfam. might have been moro inclined to take the latter course. . Taking this view ofho present situation the now government will have the choice of coalition with either of the above parties , nuJ whuli ono is chosen will urobibly de pend upon the amount of concessions do niandcd. Viewed from a. republican alliance with the p.irtv of the centrum , which includes the clerical party , would sig nify n reactionary movement , whilst the support of Iho socialists and Gorman liberal - ists would also insure n liberal policy of tl.o government. Of fur moro importance may 1)0 the consequences of this net of the chan cellor's for the welfare of Europe. Bismarck was In fact ono of the Treat powers of Europe. Tlio bourse , the great political barometer of liurope.fell several points at his resignation. The press of France , Austria and -Itussin. with ono voice proclaimed" that the main > lar of peace Is broken by tlio resignation of ' the greatest stato.unon of ( his country. Emperor William will .naturally exert lrftn self to the uttermost for the maintenance of the triplc-nllianco. but the nations of Eu rope Imvo lost their confidence. The feel ing of security , which in spite ot the threat ening situation prevailed in Europe has dis appeared with the chancellor , and the dan ger that the greatest war that the world has over seen wilt break out , is rondnroit more imminent. UHU.NO T/SOMUCK- . "Tho resignation of Ulsmarck marks anew now era in German history , in fact a now loaf in the history of Europe. What will bo written on that loaf is something which no ono cun forseo. The young emperor becomes - comes moro and more enigmatic , or ua wo savin German , "sprunghuftonsoitien Kntsch- lios/uiigcn , " which menus that u man jumps at his conclusions Instead of arriving at them by reason of n steady progress. . Tno most Important coincident of this grout historical event of the day h the rup ture between the emperor und Count Wul- tlorsoo , which was cabled a day or two ago , Should this bo confirmed it would throw n very interesting light upon two facts , first , tnat the young oraiicror - desires sires nothing moro ardently than to Impress the worU with tha 'luct tliat ho has "become of age , " and after ilrst getting rid of Bismarck the first , Is not will ing to load himself , at least in the eyes of the world , with Ulsmnrck .the second a dignity which was almost unanimously ex pected . in store for Count Waldurseu. The second fact is thut the now chancellor , General Capnvl , who belongs to the heroes neither of 1880 nor 1S70 , will servo no other purpose- than to fill , for the moment only , iho Immense gup loft by llismarch's with drawal , until William II , may have the grout good fortunu his grandfather' had in finding Ulsmarck , in discovering or InventIng - , Ing n 13ismnrck of his own. For there could he no doubt tlmt the nbsoluto power jwhlch Ulsninri'h awayoj ever the old amporor cqulci bo transferred by him to the follovrors of that remarkable monarulu While William I. was and always ro- nuiincd the finder und creator of his creut chancellor he glow m certain historical proportion with him and oven ovpr him ho r.hvays remained his em peror nnd muster and could quietly submit to any Influence , and Hubjugatlon to his will , without any feeling of being ovorsliadov/ecl by him who was and always remained his 'own vassal nnd man , " How different was tlio case with his folio w- orsl- They overcome , by nlnlieritance , this roudy-mado Colossus ready not only as , the leading statesman nml urbltrur of German and European destinies , but ready also to overshadow -them as n power behind the throne , and an nn historical liguro , ut every stop , Ho the inevitable hnd to como. It could not come during the short rolgn of the un happy Frederick HI. ; It comes now after tha lapse of thu r.ceond year of the reign of thut second William , who likes nothing hotter than to bo likened to his grandfather Ill- lam 1. . Who will say. If it hnd not boon for this uesiro nlono to Uu llko his grand fat her thut the you nit emperor would not have , long bo- foru , nont uwuv Ills "Iron chancellor" melon with the golden mfts of now dukedoms , Held- ' marsltuUhlps and autograph luttorsovorllow- ing with personal tenderness nnd gratitude ) UlIU HllU'lIVOUKI , . T = OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed < V guaranteed Capital , $500. ODO I'utd In Ciipltul . - . . . . 35O.OOO lluyri anil nulls stocks ui'd Ixwda ; nugotlaKM commercial puporro ; elvt-s ami oxocntus Units ; nets IIH tiaiiffur ugHiit und trustee ot corpora * tlons ; Ukes charm ) of property ; collects r l > ti Omaha Loan &Trust Co SAVINGS BANK S. E. Cor. I6th nnd Douglas stroati. I'aldJnCupltul , . . . . , . , . S5O.OOO titibscrlbod A : guarantied capital , | OOOOO LlaWlltyof stockholder ! * , . . . 200,000 5 Per Cent Intoroot paid on uopoalta rilANK J. f.ANlli : . Uasliler , A. U. Wyman , president ; J.J.llrowu , vlco president ; W.T.Vyman \ , treasurer. DlliKorous : A. U. Wynmn , .1. II. Mlltnrd. J. J. llrown , Uuy IVItiirtmi. K. NY. Haiti , ihod. I , , Klmball , ( lee , a Lake. * Loans In any amount made on City & Farm Property , nnd on Collateral Security , at Lowoa Rate Curranttoa