Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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No advdrtlsomonta will bo tnkon for
thcoo columns nftor I2 3O p. m ,
' TormB Cash In nclvanco.
under this ne d 10 rents per
. no for thn t1r t Insertion , ' crntn for etch nub-
erjue nl Insertion , nnd.w \ per Una per month.
No dTertlx menti taken for Irm than ' > cents
for first Insertion. Horen word * will lin counted
to the line , they mu t mn roucecutlvely anil
rnint t > 4 paid m ADVANCE All advertlxo-
inciiM inuatbe huml d In before 12:00 : o'clock p.
in. , nnd under no cirrunmtanrcs will they bo
tftkeiior discontinued by teloplione.
r rtlcs advertising In Uiene columns and hnv-
Inc their ixnw n < a < 1 < ] rr"ued In earn of THE HKK
will plencn nnk fora cheer to pnabln them to get
tlielr letter * , nn none will be delivered except
fin presentation of check. Alt answers to ad'
VetUments xhould be enclosed In envelopes.
r All Mivrrtlnmcntfi in the a column * are pub
lished In both morning nnd cvetilntt editions of
Tun llr.r. the circulation of which ag rp atMi
more than 18,000 papers ilnlly , and Rives the ad-
vrrtlifirs the henellt. not only of th rlty circu
lation of Tun Ilri , but al o of Council IllnlTi.
Lincoln nnd oth r cities nnd towns throughout
thlnBei tlnn of the countrr.
tlieee columns wilt ba takes
on tbu abore conditions , nt the following liuiil-
tiMi r.ousen who are authorized ageutx for THE
Jlcr. special notlcrs , nnd will quote the eame
rates as cim be had at the innln olllce.
of Twenty-sixth and N streets ,
Pavings bank building.
TOJ1NW HULL , i'harmaclBt , KM South Tenth
J Street.
Si : & EDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113
_ / South ICth Street. _ _ _
BH. FAHN8WOHTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
t Ingbtrcot ,
\\T j. IIIJGHE ? . Pharmacist , 624 North 10th
. Street.
GE07 W. PAHIt , Pharmacist. 1718 Leaven-
worth Street.
TrUOHES' 1'IIAHM ACY , 22u3 Faruam Street.
" \\7ANTBD Work by n mule Btenocraplier
' i nnd typewriter. Address A C" , Hoe.
WANTED Situation In an olllce. have had
2 years experience and can glvo city refer
ence. Address A 65. Ilee. J19U-23J
WAM'ED-A situntlor. In n bank by a
young man having some capital and throe
years experience as cashier , address T. J.
llraht. Utlca. Neb. 32921 *
WANTED Situation as book keeper bya
young man who recently graduated from
llryant AfStrntton's business college. Hulfalo ,
' N. Y. Unexceptional references will bo fur-
1 Dialled , Address box 077 , Stromsburg , Nob.
\\TAiNT"ET--srtuatioirbyTody stenographing
f f four years lu law and loan olllce , ox-
porlonco In wholesale business. Hex 228. coun
cil Hluirs. 625-nl
\VAXT10U ItKIjl' .
'CrAN1J15I"S"Sood"wnRbn "iiiiiSVr nt oiicbat
> ' Muldoon's shop. 16H Cumliig Btrect.
" \ \ 7ANTIJI ) Good sign painter ut aagaA. .
> > A. llerrliif. SImix City , la. aaga
\ \ ) xiNTKI ) AgenU and canvasserM to sell the
Y "Step-farther" combination chair ; Home-
thing new ; It sells at sight In every household ;
H'lto ' J.VJ par week easily made by nctlvo men.
Write for pnrtlculuts : address "SpuclaHy de
partment , ' ' Lemen Mfg. Co , , South Itend , Ind.
\7ANTED10 Suedes logo to Wyoming. AlT -
T brlcht's iJibor Agency , 1120 Farnnm st.
M AN nnd wife and farm hand , man ns gardner -
ner , t'.O. Mrs , llrega , 311' } S lith , *
WANTKD To meet demand for competent
bookkeepers In Atirll , two ladles ono
young man. J. II. Smlth/JIO New York Llfo bldg
KY'H book , written by himself. Is on-
I Jtltled "In Darkest Afrka" and has Imprint
only ot Charles Scrlbner'H Pens , Now York on
itttlopage. 1 to wnroot frauds. Agents wanted
in lown , Nebraska. Minnesota nnd Dakota for
Konulno booe.Y , I ) . Coudlt & .Co.t Dos Hollies.
281 87
TJiCTHIti : agents and photographers served
with elcgiint crayohs , water colors nnn pas
tels. Kino bromide prints made for nrtl.sts.
Iteducedprlcos. lyustcr Portrait Studio , 1KM
H. liUh st. , Oraahn. zn a 18J
T\KTI5CTIVEB Wownntaman In every lo-
-L'callty to act ns private detective under our
Instructions. Experience not necessary. Par
ticulars free. Central Detective liureau , Hex
llij , Topnka. ICan. S18 30J
\\7"ANTED Salesmen at $75 per month salary
and expenses to sell a line of sllvcr-pmtea
ware , watches , etc. , by sample only ; horse nud
team furnished free ; write nt once for full pnr
ttculars nnd sample CIIBO of goods free. Stan
dard Silverware Co. , jloston , Mass. 82J
\VANTED-400 rockmen , toamstersandgrnd-
Tf ors for 1'tnh nnd Nevada ; cheap latos.
Albright's Labor agency 11"01'arnam st. 3X1
M EN to trayel for the TonthUl nurseries of
Canada. Wo _ to month and
oxpuuses to ngenfs to sell our C'unndn grown
HtocK. Add. htgne & Wellington , MmllKon , Wls ,
324 m31
_ _ _
A\7 ANTED Canvassers ut Singer sowing mu
ff chine olllce. 1518 Douglas st. B77in2U
WANTED Agents for Denver State LoTtery"
Tickets 50c. Address A. C. lloss & Co , ,
Denver , Colo. COS-aprUt
\\rANTED-AKents to cnnvnss n cooking
f f utensil of great merit. Can show letters
trom parties who made up to Ji > a day. Ex
clusive territory given. Call or address Clms.
t < cliulthol-)8'i'ifmoiit liouse. Council Jllulls , In.
_ _ _
WANTKD At once , n good wood carver ,
good wages , steady worK. Call on or mi-
dress Fremont M'l'g. Co. , C. L. West , M'g'r.
AG EN Trf Wanted iridescent signs nnd nd-
vortlsnig novelties. Immense sales nnft
profits. Outllts free , llobert Sims & Co. , Wash-
ington. I ) . 0. _ 2U9'ilt
A LADY , familiar with customs nnd ex-
J > nouses , will chaperon nix young ladles who
desire to combine study and travel for eigh
teen niunthslii Europe. Highest references.
Address T34 , ture Lord & 'J homas , Chicago.
_ _ _ _ _ _ 4Ul-23t
WANTED 'J tailors on custom work by the
week. Apply 31 IS llth st. 4 l-2ot
" \yANTBD Stenographer nnd typowTlter
f operator , cither lady or gentleman. Must
uo good priimun. Apply Monday after 2 p.m.
vlco ITMldont's onice. If. P. U'y. 42 SJ-
W "ANTED Btenograher , bright young man
with olllco experience ; good place to right
party. Address A 71 , Hoe olllco _ 422-23J
Y\r ANTED-A boy to work In the broom fao-
f i tory. 1317 Cnlcago htteet. _ 42I-2IJ :
\xV ANTIiD Compctent iiurso and " "second
f ; COOK for olllcer'a family In cllr
and 2 for Dakota ; cook for Missouri. W lain-
dress , tt , room herself ; 2 chambermaids , 4
. waitresses , head waitress. ; 60 girls for general -
oral houiowork. D14K B 15th. 378 sir
WANTED-Good girl for general house
KS * NaitiiKitH voge" ' K00dllom ° . A.i'i.1' ' > ' ' 11
\VjNTJl.T0od Blrl 'cTReneral housework.
T iU , U'illlU'hlusoii. . U Nicholas St. . one
and half blocks
a from motor , 383-23
\ \ > ANTUD An Kxrerl.nced"ladyca8hler lifa
f dry goods store ; must have llrat-class
reterencei. AdUreas A If , Ilee. X..V24
"IS r ANTED- nillllners and 10 apprentices
T t wanted at ; Stonohllls.
' \V A N T E D-.Gl rl f o r ge iioral house workln
f i family of live , Apply S. U cor. 10th and
Center at . _ 87B-24J
" \\rANTED Immediately , a rompotcnt 2nd
i > I , BlirJW * * ? } per , wooc API'ly ' Rt M. T.
, 2Uh and Luke at ; . 351 2lj
GOOD girl for general homework at once.
Mrs. L.A. Uuiuer , 2427 California street.
\ ANTED-Couipetent waist hands at Hher-
TT wooa'a , Ilainge building , 42J2HJ
T A FTBIi-Oo d wa"l7t "nnUhera at once at
TT Mrs-Mnude Marti. lloOnil nd2Jr.cob bis
GI III. wanted tor general housework. Apolv
Mrs. O. Part , ami Leaenworth at. at824J
\\rANTED-A comnctvnt girl general
V > liouaework , 6QUH 2itli uve ?
WANTED Girl for goueral tiouiework. 1120
N. 10th. IKU
GI i wanted for housework.
ntlp wanted , apply Miss
. 1618 Charln stroc't. k'fl ' X3)
T\rANTKO Tomorrow , lady and young man
T T to receive luutnictlons aim keep booici ,
lloom H\ New Vorlc Llfa bulldln& 287 23J
"WTANTEU Good competent girl
f arui house worlci liberal wutjen palii. Is 15
LVJ Si )
T WISH to employ a few ladles , on salary , to
JL take charge of oiy busings nt their homos.
Light ; very fascinating and healthful : wages
110 per week , llefercnci * given. Good p , y for
part time. Address with Stamp , Mr * . Marlon
Walker , Loulnvllle , Ky. _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
ANTEll-dirl to 'do general hotwework-
calnf-'IlSSllthst. 2tf7gt !
ANTED-A'sccond elFl by Atirll Isf Call
atWMJ Lafayette nvenuc. ( formerly Paul
it. Inferences reqnlred. Mrs. J , H. Dumont.
ANTED-Flrst class girl for cooking mostly -
ly : no wasning or Ironing : 1707 Cass st.
TirANTI'.D-Grrl Tor general iiousftwork. b22
> V South 2itli street. MM. Louis Heller.
ANTED-GIrl for general housoworJt.Rood
tinpes aid. 8. E. cor. SUh and Jones stf.
lKu )
ANTED -rcoydgirTfoT general noitso
work , small family. 2ioa Wfrt st. 720
. otico Al'ut iii Prtccs-Mrs. Sci -
rllle has recovered from her long Illness and
Is prepared to mao nil line dresses in 'tlm Int-
i st styles nt the lowest prices. Fit nnd nnlsh
guaranteed llrst class. No. Oil N. 17th fit.
417-2" > t
NOAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In fnml-
lies solicited. Mlsi Sturdy , TO S.2. " tn nye.
FOlt KENT -Flats In EstnbrooK block. Six-
tcoiithnnd Chicago streets , $30. Hoborts ,
403 North Sixteenth. 383-2SJ
"IJ10II IUNT ! A"7rootn hoiue.7in " North Twen-
JU ty-slxth street , JJO per month Inquire of
W. A. Carney , Ul'l Paxton block. JI8I-2IJ
' you want any 10 and 1'J room houses , with
II' modern improvements nnd low rent in
first-class locution , see the W. J. Paul houses
cor. 2.ith and Harney. 412-23
- house near -Mil and .Ohio , nil the
modern Improvements , liJ par month ,
Grover Slovens , I51B rurnnm. 420
OH HENT-NIco n-room oottago with live
acres ot Innd , 4J4 miles west of city , only M
per month. H. E. Cole. _ 302-21
riirItoom house , tlrat-clacs condition. modem
JL conveniences , largo lawn , barn , shade trees ,
2 blocks from Lake Hchool. Convenient to cable ,
motor and horse cars. Apnly on premlsiS. .
K. Jacknon , N. " 1st and Spruce sts. 715-a8J
" 171011 HENT Two 10-room modern houses , nil
-I ? conveniences. Paved streets , cable cars.
Five minutes walk of postolllre. lleferences
required. Nathan Sltolton , 1011 Farnam st.30i
IJ1OK HENT III Lllitoii block on the corner of
Jv istli nnd MUHOU SIR. 3 Huts , 2 on second llocr
and 1 on third lloor. In good repair ; rent low.
Also store room. Inquire at the block , room
017. John Humlln , agent. 103
A COMFOHTAIILE furnished house ot seven
xxiooms cheap ; -will tuke part of rent In
board , lloom 4.Vllamgo blk. 323 2.J )
TTIOK KENT lleautlful re ldonco with barn.
JU all modern linprovemcnts.ful ! lot.oastfront.
Georgia ave. lllchard C. Piittersou.yo ; N.Y.Ljfo.
310 27
TTIOIl KENT Elegant now H-room houso. all
JU modern c invenlonces , good locality , S45 n
month. Hienuaii & Co. , 3Chainbor Conmierco.
T71OII HENT-Nlce cottage of 0 rooms. 2512
J ? Cass street. P. O'Malley. ! ! 2il gllj
TTKJH KENT 7room llat. 508 S. 13th st , En-
JL1 quire of J. L. llrundlen&bons. 3C0.27
FOIt HENT New l-room cottages on Council
Hlulls motor line , $ Sand 210 pormonth ; city
water. Curtis At SncKctt , 1.08 S. lUh bt. " 312 2J
IJHMt KENT rf-ruom house , 2420 Sowurd St. .
J2 J25 per month. I nqiilro242ISowurd. 31025
HUNT Ton room house , every ron-
FOH ; close to motor and cable : 70 N 19.
E ! > 71-27t
_ _
"iron HiNT : TwHKrrooin houses 310. S1J
J. NU'-'dst. Inqull | flr/cor. 22d and Daven-
1'ort. ' _ VS ' B
T710E KENT-C-ioom Hat , COS S. 13tl ? bt.
KENT U-room house , till modern con-
vcnlonces , also part of fnralturo for sale.
carnets , etc. , 210G Jjouglas. 221
I710II HENT 20IJ Cnpltol nvo , 7-room cottage
JL with bath ; Inquire nt 2518 Cnpitol live.
J.TU 25
_ _ _ _ _
TTIOU HENT. liilck ilwelllup. - 12rooms. .
JJ kitchen on' first lloor. Laundry , drying
room-nll ; modern Improvements , line location.
Apply Kilii Faruam ot. * ' * BUS
TTI(7iT HENT A 10-roomed house.Tlewly and-
JU very nicely furnished , all modern conven
ience ] , 6n motor lino. AddresaW 57Uieo'olllee.
ITtOIl HENT Seven-room liouse , 2nd house
J-A from H. o. corner of 12th and Puclllc ; nil con
veniences. 312 jj
FOIt HENT Furnished roonis with board ;
modern house ; most pleasant location In
city ; 113 S.,2Uth. 301 23J
T71OH HENT-n-room cottage. 1314 N. 27tli st ,
J-1 7- room cottage and barn , l.'llfl N. 2Un st.
7-room cottag , and barn , lUK N 27th ave. ,
with city water , cistern , etc.
5-room cottage 3" > th and I'avnam.
Store nnd room nbove. 1703 Bt. Mnry's ave.
Store , cor. 10th nnd. Arbor ; good place for
grocery nnd rnnrket.
Ham In rear ot 712 8. 22d st. , city water.
2-room house with ncroof ground , near H. &
M. roundhouse. -
H. G. Clark , room 7 , board of trade ,
300 24
dllltENT-7-room Uat.Lango block ; til8 13
FOll KENT Elegant 9 room house , all mod
orn conveniences , 2011 St. Maryjs nve.
lit 23t
Tr'OH HENT An 8-room detached no use. furL -
-L nace. bath , etc. . 20th and Luavonworth. (40.
David Jamleson , lieu bldg. 320
FOH HUNT House , 3 rooms , hard and soft
water. IIP. Cor. li > th and Paclllc. 315 23J
1710H HENT 7-room llat , with range , mantel
J-1 and all other conveniences , 12 , Including
Mater , 705 S. 16tn st. George Clouser.
31" 23f
FOH HENT Houses nnd stores : property
cared for. taxes paid. Midland Gunruntoo
& Trust Co. . 1U14 Farnam t. Abstracts. ! O7
IF you wish to rent a house or store sea H , E ,
Cole , Continental bljck. 150
I WANT moro housas to rent , I'arrotlo.
Ull-a" )
8-HOOM flat with steam neat. 16th St. . near
Jonea. Qhos. r.IIull.SllPnxton block. 327
THOU KENT 2 trout moms , $ 0 and $23. tor
JL1 gentlemen. 3IU N. IStUst. _ 4 t-'Jl ?
FOH KENT One very largo front room nt
704 South Eighteenth. R80-23J
HANDSOME. front parlor suitable for two
gentlemen. First-class board. Hcforenccs.
1B23 I'urnain si. ii05-25
TVTIOEIiY fnrnlshod rooms with or without
JL.N board 11)23 ) Dodge ; reference. Ub9-27T
nilNISHElTrooins and board.407 N 19th ,
Paul block. Ill , ) 2IJ
TPUHNISllKD rooms and board , all modern
JL1 Improvements , : m 8 21th at. _ 280 Zil
FOH KENT Furnished rooms ; gas , bath nud
stenm. 1519 Howard. _ 387
17IOH KENT Silito of three rooms with clos-
Jels for light housekeeping. Lawn nnd
bhinlo. Convenient to cable and motor. Kent
S12 per month. Address A (15. ( lleo olllce.
ITIUIINISIIEI ) rooms. 113 8. 17th st. Also
1- rooms for houiekeoplng. 205-23J
1710 U HENT 3 furnished or unfurnished
JL1 rooms by April 1 , all modern conveniences ,
with or without board. Oil North 16th st.
ill ! SlJ
1723 Cap. nvo , board , modern conveniences. *
285 37 j
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I71O11 KENT I'leasunt furnished room with
JL1 board , modern conveniences , 2015 Douglas.
17 H4t
T7K ) II HENT Furnished two front rooms 117
JU S , 2Mb. Ht , between Dodge and Farnam.
410-25 *
NEATIiY furnished room with board for
two gentlemen , reasonable terms , l M Bouth
17th at. 419-231
_ _
TJj LEG ANTroom.modern convinces , lt > 31 Cuss ,
fpOU HENT An elegant front room with an
X1 alcove , furnished , on second lloor : all
modern conveniences. 213 B 25th Ht. 2i5
T71OH KENT Nicely turnlihod room * wltu
X' cnt class board , 13U Dodge. Ittl S3J
C 1,15 AN furnished roomt , JB13 Chicago nt.
_ Utait |
[ TUMI HENT Nice front room private faintly ,
-L1 with or without board , 13 No. 18th it.
_ _
T7IOH HENT Furnlaned room * , 1WJ Douetaa.
J _ | _ KU
TjiOlt HENT SuiU ) ot front rooms , modern
i' couvculttncea. with or without board. 114
per moutn'la Ltayeuworth at , IB3
NICE room , every convenience , 1710 Dnvonp't
TTU'ltMHIIED-lfoomsto let , 023 at. Mary's
JJ avenue. 074
TpOH KENT Front rooms. 010 Davenport.
EOlt URNT 1'lonsnnt furnl h d rooms with
nil conveniences , G10 S. UGth ot. OU
ST. CLAIH European hotel , cor. 13th nud
Dodge. Special rates by wcec or month.
_ _ _ _ _ CT
1J10U Itl'.NT iloem with board. ITKDodgost.
-U , aii
T700M8 and day board I 17-4 Capitol arc.
IildllllKNT One large troiit roomvtlth board.
1 ItKXJ Capitol nvo. 075
FOU 11 KNOWS , ilorfl rooms unfurnished at
COM N. 134 rooms at 311 Woolworth nvo , for
small families. J&T aij
i : nice unfurnished roonis cheap , B , w
Xcor Hurt nud d st ; no clilklrqu nnd refer
ences. 2KKM *
rtlU'O unfurnished rooms for rent. KB South
-L 17th nvc , , bet. Jackson nnd Leavonworth ,
rtIN l'UHMSllii : ) chambers for honsntooplni ?
Jfor man nnd wife ; no children ; 31U N. 17th ,
TpOH HUNT Desk room In nicely furnished
-L oUlco , all conveniences. Koom Itf , Contlnen-
tnlblpck. .OlB
WANTKD A druggist to occupy a store in
a block , rent Wi per month : will glvo : t
months' rent. Addrest V2S Hoe offlco. 7 m Ztt
STOHK8 nt 707.-70H. 711 B. 10th.22x 0 each , large
show windows , steam heat furnished. Thos ,
r. Hall. 311 Paxton block. 311
I71OK HUNT The 4-story brick building , with
JL or without power , formerly occupied by the
lice Publishing Co. , ! > 10 Furntun st. The build
Ing has a llro-proot cement liasomont.completo
ntcain heating llxturos , water on all tholloors ,
BUS , etc. Apply at the oinco ot The Hoe. 015
TO HIINld-Htory brick bullalng , 1110 Doug-
JJ las St. , snltablo tor wholesale or warehouse
purposes. Also brick store , 1U7 9. 13th st. In
quire of Clins. Kaufman , 1102 Douglas st. 333
FOIl 11KNT onice room and largo lightbaso-
ment , cor , llllh.'ud Jackson sts. , llrat tuo
months free to good temant , Kuqulre Mrs.
Lance , 01''so , 13th st. OS )
WANTKD Hy man nnd wife. : i or 1 unfur
nished rooms In respectable neighbor
hood tor llgnt house-keeping. Must bo within
llftecn minutes walk of court house. Address
A 01. UUK olllce.
_ _
ANTED At once to rent 0 room house ,
good location nnd repair , close to car line ,
address stating price and location A ! ! ' Hoe
olllce. a 3 pat
WANTED To rent April 1st A furnished
house or cottage from U to S rooms. Host
of references. Addiesa A 40 , Jlee. jl-Z3j
W .ANTED to runt about July jst a 'small cot-
tnge , with nil modern conveniences , close
to business. Address A II , Dee olllce. 000
_ _
MORTON'S rental Ixgenoy , 617 Paxton bllrl
H Ot'sr.S Wo wantiiioro vacant houses to
rent. II. E. Cole : . a23-L"J
GKOYEll STEVENS , 1516 ranmm st.'l vy '
JH. PAHKOTTE , rental agent , Douglns Dlk.
/1HEAP nml reliable lire Insurance. I'arrotte.
( Hl-Jio
HK COLE , rental agent , Continental block ,
. ; u. >
w ATElt spaniels. 22M Loavcnworth st.
T'O Ladles Mrs. Duprez's famous remedy for
JL for nil female complaints , Ono mouths
treatment securely sealed sent by mall on re
ceipt of price , il. Lady agents . -wanted. Tab-
oral terms. Manufactured by the Oardon City
Specific Co. , 101 Lasalle St. , Chicago.113 )
- others. Will sell 50x124
for 4000. furnish lumber una take mortgage
for all to those who will build a homo ; 'best
deal In city for carpentois , planters nnd others
that can bo found in city. W. J. Paul , 1009 Far
uam. . ' 41223
WAlTuntll the completion of Paul Vrfsl-
dencos on 25th and 11\rnoy If yon wish the
latest nt the best possible rental In city. 412-23
ANTED I y young man , room nnd board
In private boarding house where thcruuro
only a few select young people. Modern con-
voylences. Homo comforts desired. Glvepur-
iculara. Address A , CO , Hoe. 409-'J1 *
T7IOK HENT 10 acres west of the city. Itoom
JLJ 0 , Chamber of Commerce. 401-21
IJ'.OH SALE Furniture of a 7-room liouse. En-
JO quire 807 North Twenty-fifth street. Sotitn
Omaha. 3S5-25J
PUKNITUKEFOK SALIV Cash or mxsy pay-
nionts , O. F , Head , rooin"17 , linrker block.
A GOOD young team , hound-uud-quiet In any
work : also a young mnro nnd * a good bay
horse ; all good drivers. "Apply 29J4'N ' ' 28th avo.
. > ans 25 ]
rpo SUIT the convenience of cllents""ongaged
-Laurlngthodny woopon evenings , " 7 to 8:30. :
H. E. Colo. lloon 0 Continental Hlk. 204
WANTED A plrl baby 'for adoption. Ad
dress A 33. lleo olllce. . 149
rpo HENT-Houso list with 0. H. Parrotte.
J- C3I-05
/ \STKICH feathers cleaned , ayod nnd curled.
VyHats bleached and pressed. 1501 Capitol avo.
15823 *
DELINQUENTS Please Head This-
JL1'ersons noldlng contracts for lots pur
chased from the Omaha lleal Estate und Trust
Co. , ou which payments have become delin
quent , nre requested to cull and arrange ait
early settlement , ana save trouble nnd cost.
Omaha Heal Estate and Trust ; Co. .
1.VJ1 Farnajn St ,
A UCTION sales every TuesdayThursday nnd
jtvfruurduy morning ntllll Douglas street.
Omaha Auction It Storage Co. 'CO
. COLIi ! , rollablo tire insurance. '
HE. | .TO
TT E. COLE , notary pubiU and convoynncer
A GENTLEMAN ot 30. "blondo ; " stranger In
the city , whoso liouts of business are long
would like to know a younglady : good looking
who would be Trilling to accompany him to
ilaces of nmusomentB once ortwlco a week.
Address A 59 , lleo olllco. 408-23 *
LOST Hetwocn Wlncoto & Hlley's ollice. 2dtli
nnd Leavenworth anil 8010 Paclfla street.
Ono blane boolc about 8x10 Inches. led cover
nnd about 15 1 pages. W.OO reward if returned
o either above uddross.Vlncoio & Hlley.
TAKEN UP ( Hack horse at McDowell's
dairy , Dundee Place. 303 23J
Man wishes board nnd room in prl
vote family : suburbs pi ef erred ; tikes lunch
ntown : references given ; state terms. Ad-
Ireas A M , Ilee. _ 414 Sit
WANTED 2 boarders ; good accommoda
tions ; private family. Apply 213 No. IHtti.
174 23
TOHAGE nt lowest rates. HranuhV & Co. ,
J1211 Howard at. asu a2l
T1HE cleanest and best storage In the city ut
J- low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. 33U
pKACKAOE storage at loweat rates. W. M ,
JL llushman , 1311 Ixiavenwortli. : m
BEFOKE buviui ; a piano examine the now
scale Kltnball piano at A. Ho t > e,1513 Douglas -
las at. 44i
GEO. F. ( IKLLKNIIKCK. toucher of the bunlo ,
room am Douglas block , or Ilee olllce. 210
\XTANTED llargaln. flrat-claa * safety bycl.
TT clo ; atateprice. A64.11ec. 0X1 Sij
VlNTED-A flro proof saf * 18x20. it"a
Cleveland. Htu and Nicholas 8t8. i'25t
ANTED To buy gold dollars. Address
W statlua prlco , A 51 llea olllco. W t
WANTED to Iluy 0 or 7 room cottuco in re
spectable locality , paying about ( J lu clear
vacant property In good location for advance ;
balance cash or luaum * mortgage , Address
wltu full particular * , Uox m , P. 0. iuq-iaj
TXTANTEn-FnrnRure , carpets , household
TT poods for codi Wells'Auction * Storage
Co. , iil'S 1-ttigt , _ 33J
WANTEDGootiTconimercftll paper. No-
brnska Mortn&Jto Lonu Co.M9 Paxton blk.
. 3(0 (
Hot household itoodi nt lilt
, ) nlvha Auction & Storage Co.
il . : cin
" \ ANTED-To / tiiy for spot cash , flty or
TT country parts , or whole ctocks of dry ana
fancy goods. clotlriUM boots and sheen , milll
nery , stationery , s onfa furnishing goods , otn.
Call nn or nddresniliiL. llrandets * Sons , ror
nor lSthnnd HowjjrJlToniaha. 833.
WANTED to Huy4t2 , H good diiort time pa-
per. H II. lltndflMon. 40) Paxton blk. 417
ITlOll SAIiE 1 spnrf'of ' good mules , yuunK mid
JL' lu feooil order ; Jim oil the turm , ir.i H. lith
Bt. 'l77-3 ! ! *
T71OH ! billiard saloon In llvo
JL1 Nebraska town. Price $ IWO on easy terms.
H , E , Colo. 391-2,1 ,
OOM US ! Now York Lllte , has the following
tor Monday. Stock of groceries and house
hold furniture for cash ; only . 00 In city ,
doing Rood business' , established trade and n
big bargain. - 432-2J
TJIOIiaALE At n .sacrifice , new copy Hout-
JL' lodge'Illustrated edition Victor Hugo's Lea
Miserable. In live volumes. Illustrated by emi
nent French artists. This would be a hand
some birthday or Easter present. Address A
70 , lleo olllco. > ' 120-Klt
HEAT HNAP-Furnlturo of 12-room Hat for
JWO. H , IX Cole , Itoom 0 , Contluotal block ,
FOK SALE Apohvcart. Inquire ai 1021 iN .
22nd st. 352 27J
TTlOllSAIiE Drlvluu ; delivery o"iid "draft
J horses , H. Knowles 13M N 17th st. 2iiQ23t
TilOH BALE Furniture ana lease ot 10-room
JL' private residence , nil modern conveniences.
015 N. BJth st. 310 29J
"T710H SALE or trade Good sidebar top liiiKKjr
X1 only 'A Holbrook , 1JQI I'm nam at. > "
LAW library , very cheap , or terms rasy. Ap
ply , William Martin , Fremont , Neb.o _
T710II BALE Some excellent furniture. In-
JL cUnlIng stoveH , cnrnets , etc. Also pictures
nnd brlc-a-brac. 438 So , 24th avenue. 221-25J
FOH SALE Counters nud shelving. Apply
to W. L. Shaw , ollice south room X' . M. C ,
A. building. 223
TTIOIl SALE Ono of the finest driving teams
JH In Omaha ; afraid ot nothing , stylfsn and
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring
carriage almost new. Address X22. Uoe onice.
FUHN1TUHE auction every Wednesday and
Saturday. 317 B nth. Wells. 312
TT'OK ' SALE A 35-horso. power Porter engine
JF In good condition , weight 5,100 pounds , cyl
inder 11x18 ; for particulars apply to The IJee
olllco. 708
I71OKSALE Mocking bird , line whistler , price
JE S5. 010 BoutU 10th at. , room 0. 314 23J
TTIOK SALE An A 1 cook stove , almost
JL' now ? at ono.thlrd price. A bargain. En
quire sonond lloer , No , 2331. Douglas st. 337-23J
17IOK SALEortrndo Ono flat top desk , ono
JL' 8-foot standing desk , ono lease of section
of school land. 48J acres of Improved western
land and I ) sections of U. P. railroad land. H.
11. Henderson , 400 Paxton block. 311
TJflOK SALE Some good watches nnd dla-
JL1 mends cheap , il. F. Masters , room 4 , With-
nell blk. 345"
DU. U. GHOUX.eieitriclty.maBSugo nnd mag
netic treatment ; chronic diseases a special
ty , simple medicines when needed , 322 N loth.
' ' 438IH311
DH. NANNIE V. WAKKENt clairvoyant , med
ical nnd business modlum. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 N.llSta sc. , rooms 2 ana 3. 310
AHKIVAL extraordinary of Mrs. Dr. Eddy ,
the distinguishedrworlrl-famea and only
renl natural trauco. clairvoyant nnd spirit me
dium In this country : seventh daughter of these
soenth daughter'bbrn ' with voll nnd great
est prophetic gift ot moeond sight. Whlluou-
tranced will rovoalipvery hidden mystery In
life. Has long been pronounced In Europe and
America the greatest living wonder 'ot ' the
present nge. IJiulq stonas the science of the
"Persian und Hindoo muglc , " or ancient charm
wolklng. and prdparbs Egyptian talismans
which will overcoitl6 your enemies , lemovej
family troubles. rest ( > ros lost nllectlons , makes
marriage \\ithtne onojou lovu no failure
removes qvll Inllucucea , bad habits , cures
witchery , fits nnd all"long-standing and'mys
terious diseases ; will gi\e correct Informa
tion on lawsuit , sickness , death , divorce , ab
sent friends , everything ; ' never falling advice
to voung moil on innrriuge nnd how to choose n
wlfo for happiness , nud what business best
adopted for speedy riches. .Stock speculation
a specialty. Also gives indispensable nd vlco to
young ladles on love , courtship nnd murrluge ,
nnd If your lover Is true or false , and gives pic
ture ot future husband with name , nge and
data of marilage. Hours , 9 n. in. to 8 p. in. ,
strict. N. IJ. For tue banollt of those who nro
unable to call upon Mrs. Dr. Eddy , shu would
respectfully announce that nho gives perfect
satisfaction by letter. Your ontlro life will bo
written in a clear and plain manner. Letters
with stamps promptly answered. Send for
largo Illustrated circular with special terms.
Mrs. Dr. Eddy , 30S N. lUth . , Omaha , Neb.
Educated young lad lea and gentlemen -
tlemon to learn snorthand and typowrlt-
inguttho Standard Shorthand Htisluess col
lege. New York Llfo building ; llneat rooms in
the city ; all latest improvements , electric light ,
elevator service ; cheapest school because It Is
the best ; Instruction thorough , modern , practi
cal ; demand for stenographers constantly lu-
creasing : success positively sure. Call or write
for one of our large descriptive catalogues.
Addresi , Standard Shorthand Huslnoss Col
lege , I'-rank E. Hell , Manager , N. Y. Llfo nidg ,
Omaha. Neb. 700
r 11IEHAL real estate loans
JU Hurrls , room 20 Frcnzur blk , opp.I * . O.
_ _ _ fc _ _ _ _ _ _ , 317
EASTEHN MONEY to loan on city property ;
mortg paper qought. 11. Ii. Irey , opp.J' . O.
/ 1HATTEL loans at lowest rates : removed
VAo 617 and GIG Pnxton blk J. 11. Emlnger.
EY8TONE Mortgngo Co. Loans of 110 to
$1.000 ; get our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on Horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought , for now loan , renewal ( it old and lowest
rntos. CnllU208 , Shoely blk , 15th Sc Howard sts.
WANTED-Flrst class luidde loans. Lowest
rates. Call nud see us. Mutual Investment
Co , , 1501 Farnam. OICJ
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
rates , Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
Koom 4 A Pttxton block. a.Y >
F1H8Tmortgage loans at low rates and node-
lay , D. Y. Bholos Co. , 210 First National bank
_ _ _ 351
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
room 17 Hurker , 353
ONEY to loan , by'11.'F. ' Masters , in nny
amount from $ IO < to f 10,000 , for nny time ,
from one to six mouttww ,
I make loans on Household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , . 'houses. Teases , etc. . In
any amount , at the1 "lowest possible rate ,
without publicity or > rrlliovalof property.
My loans are uo arranged that you can make
a payment at nny time1 and reduce your In
tercut pro rata , You py Interest only for the
time you nso the motuiy.i If you owe u balance
on your property I will tuke it up and carry it
for you , ut the lowest ; rite consistent with the
risk , u
Money always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. Lowei-t rates , , II. -Musters. .
Koom 4. Wltunell Clock 15th and Hurnoy sts ,
itt \ 023
\fONEY to loan orf ntrnlturo , organs , ulnnoi und wagonaA Hawkeye Investment
Co. , room 33 , Douglas.ljlk. , 1'ith and Dodge sts.
GPEH OENTresiuoficiloaus. f.000 ) to $ IO. < Xj < ) .
ilulldlng loans utTspbcial rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , Ilee building. . ' * 5'J
TT E. COLE , loan ijuVe'il Contlnental blpolc.
/ IIO1GE small loans wanted. C , 1' , Harrison ,
D Y. Lite. 170
ONEY OJ , 0) or DO days on furniture
pianos , lianas , houses , etc. J. J. Wilkinson
018 Paxton blk. .KB
to loan : caih on naud : no cloloy. j
W. Squlro , l.l'j Furnam at , , Flrat National
bant building. 3Ci
T .OAN8 made on any available aecunty. fen-
JLJ tral lnve tment Co. , Koom 23 , Chambur ot
$10,00' to Invest In good ilrat mortgage paper.
H&om 43Q. Poxtoii lllocg. W-KIJ
6TN8 oI 3obu9 | to .0 on choice Inside
property wanted Immediately to nil a spa-
clal order. Hates very low. Cahh on hand.
Central Loan and Truit Co. , 1205 Farnam at ,
Loan -fl to 7 percent ; no an-
BUILDING for iximniiiiloiii or attor
ney's tees. W. a Mitlkle , First Nat. bank blue.
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , rent it to
and loan agents. 150J Parunm st. Ml
UILDING loans inndo ou
Cnoice city property
At lowest rates.
Vrivnto fimas to
lennon brlcc
residence Mid
business property
upon very favorable
Klmbnll , rnamp & Hynn ,
_ _ _
MONEY to loan on norses. wngons. mines ,
Household good * . plnnosorgans , diamonds ,
at Ion cat rate * . Ihe strat organized loan olllro
In the city. Makcg loans froin.'H to ! K5 dny.4 ,
which cnubopaid In pnrt or whole nt any
time , thus lowering the principal and Interest.
Call ana .HOC us when you want money. We cnn
nsfilHt you promptly nnd to your ndvautngo
without removal ot property or publicity.
Money nl rnya on hand , No delay In making
loans. 0. r. Heed A Co. . 310 H. 13tn 8t : over
Illnglmm lc Son * . 357
LOANS City nud farm loans , mortga o _ pi\-
per bought. McCnguo luvoatinunt Co. ! 154
M ONEY to loan , 1'arrotte. Douglas mock.
TV flDLAND Ounrnntoo A Trust Co. . KrvTtlfo
JTJLblrtg.complote abstracts furnished nnd tltloi
to real estate examined , per foctoil Ac guaranteed
3fl l
TI10H SALE Entire outnt of IP-room hotel In
JJ Smith Omaha , furulturn good. JftV ) . Easy
terms , best or reasons for soiling. Address A.-
care of postollla' . South Omaha. 407-25 *
VTEWSPAPEK IIAKG A1N ror Bnle oF lease"
J- > owing to 111 health , South Omnlm Times.
Illg opportunity. Only exclusive nowspnper In
city. Cull ou K. O. Muylloul , South Omaha ,
. 410-25J
" \\rANTED-A lady with ? 1UO as partner In n
TT pleasant , legitimate and money making
business. Address A 03 , lice. ' 400-23'
TOOK SAIJK10.000 , naif Interest In general
JL ! merchandise- business of ifJOJJ ( ! par year ,
not prollt J10.UUO per yo ir. lu western country :
owner not well nnd wlshlng.pnrtlal rest ; refer
ence * must bo furnished with letter * of In
quiry. Aadress A 31. Uoe olllce. 189al7
" \\7ANTEl ) 1'artcer In a peed burbor shop
TT with three/chairs : good location. Inquire
or address W.M. CooperI''S lith st. Fremont.Nob
T7IOK SALE The furulture.aislics , nllvorware.
JL'piano , etc. ; everything complete , Innnow
12-room brick'Hat ; this place Is bringing
In * iOOpor month , mid will bn sold nt a bargain ,
ns owner Is going to leave city. Address , A 03 ,
this olllcc. SCO 2JJ
A G HEAT opportunity For snle the furnt-
turo MIU hxtures of the Bpeartlsh hotel ,
kpearflsh , 8. D. : the Elkhorn Valley railroad
will bothuro this Hummer : new modern brick
hoinawltliM rooms ; building cnn bo rented
very low ; tnls Is a magnificent rhndco for a
llvoman ; the outfit cnn lid bouzht for about
half Us value ; addioss L. W. Viilentlno , sec.
board of.trnde. Spcarllsh , or F. T. Allabough ,
Newcastle , Vt'yo. 328 23J
QTOCK ot drugs for sale or trade , one-third
VJcnsh. Willis Cadwell , Uroken How , Neb.
183al7- _
BIO bargain if taken soon for sals the f ur-
nlturoof the hotel Huwley , very cheap ,
terms easy , rent low , other business reason for
Belling. ; ndilress L , T. Hoberts. North I'latte.
Neb. 292 23t
MEAT Market for mile cheap , best location
lu'cltvbtcvons' cooler and fixtures ; Inves
tigate. Address AG2 , lleo. 3J9 2JJ „
TDH\S1CIAN wanted Immediately to take
X charge of a largo country practice. I'o com
petition ; must bo a "regular" ot 'nomo ex
perience ; can buy or rout my residence and
drug store ; Address T. U , Craig , M. 0. . E.iston ,
Kansas. mo 25j
FOH HA&Kor-trado I have 5 shares if divi
dend paying stock In u good cattle company
that f will trade for real estate or mortgages.
Holbrook , 15U1 Karnatn Ht. 2t7
T/IOK SALE or Exchange S12.0K ) dry goods.
-L1 boots and shoes , half cash , balance clear
land. Lock Box g. Lanark , Ills. IK 2 It
A GENEKAL merchandise business tor .sale
in a town on Sioux City .V Paclllc railroad In
\vesternlbwu. Terms cash , or good security ,
lluildliigs. " including residence and granaries
also. Will exchange for good farm lauds or
city property. lluildliigs worth about 3.I.WXI.
Good Hold fordoing a grain , cattle and specu
lative business. Address A 19 , Omaha Hoe.
919 a 13
FOK HHNT-Chockerod livery barn on 18th
st S of Harney. C'lil or address Nub. Mort
gage Loan Co. , 51'J 1'axton blk. CM
PUH SAIiE ( lemiral stock of goods und bmi-
ness In ft well-located town elshteou inllus
from Omaba-now doing a bplemrid business ;
good reasons for spiling. Inquire of B. Cotnor
at Nebraska Savings bank , Uinaha , Neb.TOl
TOl alj
T110 THADR For steam laundry or stock of
JL merchandise , good S rooinnouseat Oakland.
Nob. Enquire of Cameron A : Co. , rooms B07
and fi03 Paxton blk. 301-21 *
POIl SAIiE Or exchange. Hallway lands
for Insldo lots to build ou ; very best deals
ottered 1 made > oqn. W. J. I'nul , ICOB Farnam.
t2 2:1 :
_ _
TO THAUE ii section farm , well improved ,
In Wheeler Co. , Neb. Lots In Council mulls ,
Housn pnd lot In Albright. House nnd lot In
Shultz add. for farm nnd Omaha property.
Johnson A ; Webtrg. 310 bouth ifitli st
_ " . _ 363 as
T71OH E.YCIIANOE A restaurant und bakery ,
i- with all necessary parnphenalla , In best lo-
catjon lu city. Hurtlett. room 107 , Shuely blU.
QOUDQOL1) WATOII-Tuo clear lots and
fj some cash for good driving team. Address
A 67 Ilee. 391-21
H 'OHBES Thron line horses uud cash to trade
for lot in 1'lulnvU'W. II. E. Cole. 391 21
/11GAII STOKE To truao or will sell ou good
\J terms. II. E. CoK 391-24
CIiEAlt lot and some cash for good driving
Unm. Address , A SP. lice. 324
ennoy. room 20 Doimlas block
ig list ot property of all kinds which
they can trade for Nebraska farm lands' . Cor
respondence solicited. Stringer 4 : Penny. _
fcU v
WANTED To trade farms and city lots for
merchandise. Will pay pait cash. Jesse
dandy , llrokou How , Neb. 222-27 *
Hurnoy st. for cash nud other
CORNEIton Farms lo- Omaha property. Full
ot on loth st. , near 1'arnam , for other property.
; iear lots In Pierro. Elavntor and vesldonco in
; oed lown town for Omaha property. 2ft ou
'nrnam st , with 3-story brick and basement tor
other property and some cash. Property ot nil
kinds to trade. O rover Slovens 1515 Farnam st.
TTIOK EXCHANGE Some good bargains In
JLJ'lands and city lots. N. H. Apple , room 10.
\Varo block , e. o. cor. 15th ana Farnam sts.
165 2IJ :
J " , ( /00 / Hardware In good town for Inside
Pumnha residence property , must bo good-
HooillOJiN. Y. Life. 43-23
; want a house and lot lu the fcouth pait
Wi city for a clear farm in Sheridan Co. .
Nob. H. E. Colo. 4t5-24 !
HLEAN stock dry Roods , clothing , boots ,
v ahoos ; want peed real estate and some
money. Address Hex 70 , Frankfort , Iud.
_ 1M3 27
glvo nice lot lu Northileld and some
WILL for lot closer In. H . E. Cole , Itoom
0. Continental block , _ 393-35
T\7ANTED-Insldo lots for lands , etc. , also
V T mortgages , W , J , Paul , 1009 Farnara.
412 23
you have anything to exclmnga cull on or
address II. K. Cole. Ill ) , Continental block ,
Olllce open evenings 7 to 8 :3J. : ! M7
nWlT EXCHANllE Choice Improved Nebras
L' ku furms. Will assume Unlit encumbrance
f you have anything to oiler address or call on
Jeo. J.Btornbilorir. room 317-318 First National
mine building. Telephone 401. _ C25
have you to exchange for a lot In
South Omaha wortn t IU > , clear ot m-
ciunbrnnce. Address X 52 , Ht-a olllco. na ;
fJlOll It.XOIIANOE-2 lots In South Omaha
V or 1 lot near Vlnton st , , for homes or mules.
loom 13 , Hoard Trade. _ M >
T710H BALE Two well built houses , all mod-
JU ern conveniences. On paved streets. Water ,
sewer , gas. street cars. Walking illxtance of
postolllee. Will bo laid cheap and on easy
tertDB us owner la leaving the city , Nathan
fehelton. I Jill Furnam at. M >
T710K HAI.E Atngrcat sacrllice. OflxHO feet ,
JU on N. mil street , (1,600. terms to inlt. I/Ms
on Hancroft and 7th t. at a targaln. Very One
residence on IVth at , W.U'W ' , Lots uud Improved
property for sale cheap , ou terms to null , ou
monthly payments lu nearly overadd. . la
Omaha , ripeclal attention is railed to sain of
lana lu nearly all atatts and territories , and
lrrls tea land In Now Mexico.
Call and see Johnson Ic Wuberg ,
310 South 16th Bt.
rfmiNKof HI 64 feet front by I2H ft. to nlley
JLntiar All faints' church. Howard and -"In
sts , for * 5.riW. Only II.3X ) cash , Dal. to ault.
ThU is the beat bargain In the city today. K
K. Hurling , 43 llarncr oik , telepbouu TM , ' '
HAM : niiAii HHTATI : .
IJT IX COLE. Telephone * l.OM
norsKs'nw SAM-
K.OUNT/.K I LACH-A n elegant ll-room lioust > .
all mo'lern Improvements , b.irn wllh
city wntrr nnd gas. Pnved street , elec
tric motor , Prlco lii.wm , naif cash ,
balance to suit.
KOUNT/.r. & Hl-fll'S-Corner lot. 4 x111. t
houses , Income over Jl.uX Prlco
. . . . . IOWO , one-third cash , balntictHoinilt
MIMiAKD PLACE-Doiiblo house , n rooms
each with nil modern convenience-
lotr.uxlic. . street paved , electric motor ,
_ . „ . _ . _ Price UO Kl , "jcash. balance fiv ears.
CAPITOL ADDITION-CO feeton Fnrnamstreet
with line cottage. Prlco J2 > , wy , one-
third cash , b.ilanea to stilt
CALIl OHN1A STHEE I'-Elegnnt 13 room hoiino
all modern convenience * , ono of the
ilnt'st. Price Jio.wui W.iOJcnsh , bnl-
mice to milt.
HAMILTON STHEET Iletwcon 21th and 2Mb.
streets , Gixl27 ) ! $ ft , lotwlth Hi Ntory
house , Prlco } f,500 ; „ cash , balance lu
U or r > > earn ,
SEVVAIU ) STIlEEr-Near ajtli st. . cozy home.
„ . . , , Prleu turn i : f.1) ) ) cash , and $15 monthly.
SPAULDINO ttTHEF.r Now 8-room house.
J.I.HUO ; J2jO cash mm t2) monthly ,
EDIOK PAHK-Eie-iint 7-rooin houso. prlco
I2.3JO : Mxicash. balance to suit.
DOHCAB SrilEET-llouso. of ( I rooms , city
water. tc. Price JI.OOJ ; * 500cashM
monthly ,
COHHY STKEhT-I'lneO-room liouse , convon-
Ii'tit ' to cable nnd motor. I'rlco $ lir.O ,
on your ow n terms.
IinCHCOCIC'S ADD-Two nent llttln cottages ,
. . . . . . 0 rooms , $2,00) ) each , nt your terms.
PLAINVIEW ADD-Houso ot ll looms for
f I WX ) .
HAWTIIOHNE PLACE-Throo lots very nearly
on gruuo only Jl,2.'il ) . .
KOUNTXE PliACE-Corner lot , beautifully on
grade , price f 1,700.
KIIillVPLACE-liOt 60x123 , lirlco Sl.l .
PO'lTEH ADD-Two nlco lots. JI.M each , on
your own terms
WEST EN D ADD-'l.ot 60x111 , on 31th tlonr
unm , $3ruu : tcrma 'j cuuh , bnlntau to
DUNDEE PLACE-Flno lot 50x130. on grade ,
prlro 11,200 ; S 00 cash down.
CHEIGI11ON HUIGiny-Two nlto lots. SOxl''O.
prlco fM each.
GISE'S ADDITION Cheapest lot on the market -
ket , 40x110 : prlco tl.COJ ; { COO cash , bal
ance aacond mortgage.
N UT HI LIiTwo lots , BOxUO : prlco WOO
each , * iOJ msh. balnuco to Butt ,
SIIINN'S 21) ADD Two homes on lotOOxU7'J
feet , to trade for clear land In Iowa or
Nebraska. This Isa line pleco of prop
OMAHA VIEW llouso nnd lot 'to trndo for
good clear lot ,
LAKE'S ADD Nlco 5-room cottago. rented at
818 per month , to trade for clear farm
BHULIi'ri 21) ADD Two-story B-room house
with modern convcnlonceb to trade
for outside property lightly encum
OHCHAHDIIIM.-Nlca clear lot to trade for
lot In Plalnvlew.
JJUHDETTE COl'H I'-I.ot 25xf. ) to trade toward
housnnnd lot.
DOUGLAS ADD-Lot 50x130 to trndo for tnnn
good clear lots to tradd torO-room
house in good neighborhood.
H. E. COLE. Itoom ( i. Continental Illock. nud
2501 North 21th st. Open evenings 7 to B'W.
Ul.UX ) buys gooii 4-room cottage 1'i ' miles from
P. O. aw. Paved street.
$1.300 buys good l-room rottaco 1'i miles from
P. O , sw , Paved street.
$1,000 buys neat 1 roomcottairi.- , city w.itor , l'i
miles P.O.
$ i'W buys now 8-room house , city water , cis
tern uud barn , Nicholas , near Walnut
Hill depot.
JI.FOJ buys new B-room cottage. Jones , near 31th
st. , lot 33x132 ,
J2.250buy.s 5-room cotluco and lurn. Howard ,
ncur3Jd St. . lot : uvl'J. . i
$ J,500 for now R-room lionsa near IConnt/.o
I'laco. Easy terms.
$3OOJ for now S-room house. Chicago street ,
near Lowe ave. Monthly payments.
Bath , etc.
D. c
518 N. Y. l.lfo. ICJl-'S
WE oiler n piece of elegant property , suita
ble for platting , at u very low prlco ; city
lots a shoit distance from It selling forI.OOJ
each. I'rlco per acre , $1,600.
A lull lot , corner ot 12tn and Chicago , $2. " > ,030 ,
A full lot. corner 13th and Chicago , Wi.UtiO.
Colseth. Johusou .V Lovgrou , room ! t. Clinm-
bcr of Commerce. UUD-.O
03x115 on Capitol ave. , west ot high school ,
Ooiily * J,0 0.
A nlco place tor n homo on 20th Ht. , north ot
St. Mnry'H nvo. , 40 tt front , lU-room house in ox-
celleiit shape , nodern improvements , J.s,0ti ) ) .
Itoom 0. Chamber of Cotnmerce , 390-211
A10-HOOMhoti8crandlot,40ft front , Hoggs
ic Hill's add , JUWO. lloom'J , Chamber of
VACANT LOTS Wowautyou to list your
vacant lots with us. Wo
can sell them. H. E. Cole ,
HoomO , Continental block
nud 2JOI North 24th sts.
BIHDSof passage.
That must bo caught on the fly.
Mark n note of these special bargains.
0 lots , ; xl-K' , south fiout on Cass HI. , between
2. > th and 2Cth ts. , on which dwolllugs will bo
erected to suit purchasers , on easy payments.
7-ioom brick house , modern conveniences ,
cast iront on * 2d near Grace st. Small pay
ment down , balance monthly.
21otBon Grace Ht , near 22d st. , south fronts ,
on which dwellings will bo erected on easy pay
C-room cottage on 30th st. , corner , lot 18x123 ,
.l.flil' ' , I10J casn , balance monthly.
8-room house , to bo moved oil ot lot for other
Inibrovemouts , almost given away.
For trade , n good Improved farm.
1) , J. O'Donahoo ,
KiOl far nam St. .
AIN Onoof the very cholcestplecos
of Faruam street iironorty. within live
blocks of court house. IMxlffJ on easy terms.
Itobcrt L. ( iarllchs , Ifill 1'arnam at. :3I :
riOlt SAKE 8,00) ) acres host farmluir lauds In
JJ Nebraska and IVlxir. ) foot on South 13th si.
at a gront sacrifice. luqtltro Ul. South lltli st.
Gco. II. Peterson. 19Jal7
cottage for halo or rent ; 26X1 Chicago
5150OM Inquire 2iil Chicago at. 18'j
"ITIOII SALE Tliroo liniidaomo town lots Just
J noith ot Ft. Omaha , Hiaauh. . Curtln &
Sackett. 20S S. loth st. 312 2J
IJlOltSALE Cheap , 100x150 ft. , n corner , In
JD Hlllsldo No. 2 , on grade. AIKo , 2 lots In Fair-
mount ulncu. N. II. Apple , room 10. Wuro
block , s. o. cor. l.ltli anil I'aruam t > t.i. I HI 2IJ
VXrAUGH & Westorneld.real estate. S.Omnha.
TTlOIl SAI.E M ) acres land In Lincoln Co.Nob
J ? In sleht of the growing town of Wallace. A
tree claim and homestead adjoining. Will re
linquish right to this land vary chen ; hinull
frame house on homestsud. Geo. ' hrhlKO ,
Wallace. Neb.
- acres s. W. of p. o. , tiultablo for
SIXTY-F1VE gardening , for bale at u bargain.
F , K. Darling. ' 4 1 Hnrkef block. _ 811
your property with II. E , Col9
_ M7
T710H SALE iWxIIH. Dodge St. . opposltu High
a ? Hchool , choicest resldenco property In city
Itobort Ii. ( iarllclia , 1014 FarnaiiiBt. ! lj4
OH SALE High nnd handsome fncro tracts
near Ft , Omaha , fKVto WOO per ncio. Cur
tis & , httCkett , 20 < 8. 16th Hi. _ 34223
riWO cholco lots nn small cash payment , b.U-
JL ance second mortgage to responsible parting
who will build. 11. K. COM ! , Continental blk ,
und 2JOJ N. 21th. HU
_ _
SAlE or Trade Handsome African lap-
FOR , hand made. UO South loth at. , room 8.
1141 2JJ
FIVE room cottages , f 1,500 each , 1100 ca
down , balance $ l > uer month , Thos. F. Hull ,
311 Paxton block. .TO
AIIAUGAI.V-Ioilgo&2tHh Bis. , 100x113 feot.
with 2 now U-room houses i : b-room cottage ,
cheap for ciistomor with monoy.on llnu or cubic ,
rontul JIIU pur month. Address 'MiN. Y. Llfo.
24 1 n 18 ?
T01l 8ALEorTrade-A Koodauiy irae
JU excellent goer , black , b youri old , weight
1,100. Enquire Sheeley block , H.2IO. from 1 to
4 p. in , ! HT ! MJ
IJIOK HALE A large warohnu-e on laasea
JO ground. Lnaso throa year * to run at low
rates. Near track and In line location. Apply
ut once at 1001 B , ma at , HXi-2.1
< Jjl,500 buys 40xlS7S5 with good 6-room house ;
t > n li , cistern. Will aell 40xl.7 for * p. Ap-
y on the premlsf * . 341(1 ( Decaturat. a 3-al-J
TTIOIt HALE-Very cheap , no tradeH , furm of
JL1 & 4J.78 acres , sec , 6. 13 , N 0V. . Hamilton coun
ty. Neb. : Smllo * from Marquette. ninull houia ,
Mtable. JK ) acres of pasture tuncod , living water ,
price only $10 per acre. Term *
cash , balance 8 p r cent luturest. F. K. AUuri ,
owovr , rullroau bulldluj ; , Dourer CoU 3&s
SPECAh ) llargalnt. Ono ot the very choicest
pieces-ot Fnrnnm street property , within
llvo blocks of the court house , IMlxlIH , * iw per
front foot. Easy terms. Tbl will bo wortli
tV)0 ) per foot In J yoarn.
lift test front on Fnrnnm street , corner 2Jth.
Sure to advance.
; tixln : foot on Howard street between lltli
nnd 1'itli ; line locMlou Mr jobbing or commis
sion houso. Prlcn low , terms to suit ,
JOxllOleet on Dodge street , opposite high
school. Choicest residence property in tno
city ,
si ot the choicest lots In Hrlggs' Place on Fiir-
nnm. Douglas and Dodge Htrcetsnt n bargain.
Smalt payment , on.v 'terms. Hobert I. , ( lar-
Hclis , 1814 Furnnni street , 39.V2J
CornorliUh nnd Mnnderson sis. , (10x132 ( ft.
Well Improved , Itental vnlno (100 Pi'T
mo. Can offer this fur n few days nt. . J MCO.
East front lot 10x110 ft , on I''th mid Cen
ter sin. , witn 12 room house and barn
renting for * IO per mo ,
00x112 ft , ou Dnvrnport at. , bet lith nud
l.'th sts. , improved . . . . 12,000
13'xlU ft. , cornsriilatiind Ir.nrd wts , , Im
proved , TrncS In ullov ± ! , OuJ (
A nlc homo In I led ford Plaetf , two UOJKS ! ;
from paved streets , full lot nud l-rooin
IIOIIHO , l,75i )
1W ft. east fiont on inua nvi > . by 120 ft.
south front on Nelson st. In \ \ nltiut Hill 4.iV : >
ns > ixl2J ( ( ru corner 28th and I'nrnnm. . . I'.OJd
} ot the finest lots In Hnnscont
Place very cheap
Finn irstdonro lot on 1'arnnm nuUi5'.b : ,
WIXI8" . ft 5.50) )
fiOxliW ft. on Hamilton st. , In block I Or
chard Hill. . . . , , ,
sin : us rnu HAHUAINS. LIST votm IMIOP
Hartmnu & HobbliisT : ! 0 N. V. l.lfo IIKtg.
Telephone ID. . uil-M
" TISIDHNCKS iirwTj.TiuiiTiroclTNTira , yuii
nud Hnrncy. londy noon. Setithom Kino
location , the llm-st o ? uvurytliliitt and nt the
very lowest rental , can not bn beat In the city ,
water furnished , nlao ranges , etc. 4I'I
LKI.W residences in W. J. i'aul Block No. i ! ,
ready soon , sou thorn , -jtli lind Harnuy ,
H nHK'S YOITK ' CHANCn-Fourlotsln Wood-
F OH SALE Properly ot the lloodmun PackIng -
Ing company , corner lltli and Grace streets ,
either'lu part or all , with fixture * or without ,
containing ono acre choice trnckniru fronting
ou two streets ; Inqulru of J. W. Illshop. room
4 , llarkor block. ; pis a !
140x130 , including n corner south front , iti
Orchard Hill , S-.aiJ.
Home 4 rooms and halt lot , south ot railroad ,
neurSltli st. . JI.200.
Itoom 9 , Chamber of Commerce.
H-A few lots , vorv chonp'l ; > 10 for
fixl"l. ) and will furnish lumber to these who
wish to build n homo and take mortgage
for nil , W. J. I'aul. ItTO Karuain. ' 41.S Kl
m-,7.l ( buys olegint fi-roomod cottage In con-
Pvonlent location. Terms J.VJJ cash baluncu
} 28 pnr month.
H.OJO buys 0ioomedottago In sama location ,
fXlU cash b.ilanoo SL'5 p r month.
J.I.2VI buys 7-roomod cottage , 17M rash nud
bnlnnco Wiper mouth. Como and ooBtilnger
iV Penny , Ituoni 3J Douglas block about these
bargnlim. ajl 'l '
/10TTAJK homos in moat any addition for
Wrfaio at from Jl.'ioi ' up. on easy monttily pay
ments. 1' , K. Darllni * IJ darker blocf , ' ) 'J
T7IOK HA M : 5-roniu house , full lot. 2jth ami
XChillies sts , fJUOJ , fiXIcash : n-roofn house.
full lot. linker I'lnn * . U'aluut Hill. ifl.lW ) . tlVl
cash. I uuuiroof K. U. Merrill , 4ijth and Saw-
aid sts. Walnut Hill. Ml X'7J
\\rANTi ; ! ) Equities In farms , western , tor
clear lots. Contractsand Impioved Omaha
property : for conxonlonco to transients wo am
open evenings from 7 to U. Itoom U N' , V , I.lfe.
_ _ _
SIK ! Our descriptions of choice weaterii
. homes for silo or trade. Farms that will
boar Inspection , for from $ > to Jl" per airo und
will taku llvo stock lu payments nt tnat too ,
4I.-'J _ .loliu llovlna & Co ,
BUST llnrgnlns lu Omaha An east front lot
In I'ottor H mid , l.owo nve. nnd How
ard. $ U 0. Lot in Kllby Place only Jl.ttiO
These prices are aw.iy below full value , drover
Stevens , 1513 Fainam. I'lVSl
EASYTKIIM8 Houses and lots In all parts
of the city on easy terms , or will build you a
house to suit. Glover Stevens , 151" ) 1'arnnm.
_ _
T7Kll SALK Or exchange for drugs anil
Ju c.statc. ifJj.OOi ) book HtocK. Ilex Clu. 1'7
TT OH RALK MX 13 ! unJon > ; S' st. ? ' ! 00 per f6ot
J- Address X3J liea. ' u ' > a2J
to InveatoiM Wo will rocetva bids
for the purchase of our biitilauss propertj" ,
] .kH Farnatu stioet , known as the ia < ti \ \ foot
of lot 7 , block IS ) , up to April the llrst , next :
owners reserving the right to reject any or all
bids. Lt'hmann \ Hatiseu. care of John II. F.
I.ehmanu , ( l-'l South 17th Street ut'.i '
f | 40jno fl\iii. ( n o tor 10th and Douglas. 1 1,0)0 )
P > and U room lionsv. lot U7x * < ; i , s o tor 1 1th and
Vlutou. Mrs. Kuhlmau : ; 7i-a ) : . '
ASM A Mi payment down and fin per month
will buy a l-room homo ami lot on 10th , two
blocKs from motor ; Iln > t-clas8 chance to acqulro
n homo ou easy tiirms. Apply to II , IJ. Cole ,
Continental block. ; m
T O you want n line drhlug team ? Iwlllux-
J-'rhango a tlna team coal blaekH for anything
worth the money as 1 Imvo no UBU t'ir them.
1BO'JS ' ( rnrnam st. WU-L'I
AOlti : PUOPlUtTr.
I CANolTer forsalu for the next thirty day *
clooii to the city nnd only three to four blocks
fiom legular station on licit Line Ilallroad.
ThU land 18 Bplendldly located within twenty-
live minutes rldo of the business center of
Omaha and will mnkosnlundld homos or line
fruit und vegetable irnrduns. and
that will .soil Insldo of thrcu years fort 1011 or
tMU caclo. 1 can oiler lilt * land In tracts of llvo
to ten acri'.s. at prices nun terms It will pay you
to luveMtlgate.
Itomemtier the s.iiost and surest Investment
made by people of limited means In Chicago.
St. Paul , Minneapolis .iud Kansas City Inn buau
luudo In well located ucro propeity. and thu
largest prollts In pionortlon ti > thu amount la-
vested have boon realized ou thil klud of uu In
A'ou takuno ilsk. You can liavu a pleasant
homo and support your family elf of a llvo or
ten-aero tract , that will con yon less than an
ordinary ( Hy lot , or the 1-iml can bo rented unit
used for fiulcand garden purposed ut llguros
that will almost pay for It. Von escape this
hluh city taxes and numerous special usiens-
mcntson MII investment of this -Inn and thu
rapid growth of our city will Boon inukn It
double and troblu In value.
Call and let us show you this property and SB-
cure n choice of one ot the bust Investments on
the market.
First Floor , Now York Llfo Hulldlnif.
291 2.1
FOH HAl.E-A llat of 12 rooms well fur-
nlsiiod , Illlnd with good paying roomers ,
202-4 N. llth over Moody'H ctilnu ntuio.
BEAU'l ll'Uli renldenro lot fllxlO ) on Popplit.
ton ave nuur 2ith with barn , within thu
mile limit , only I2.WJO. C. A. Starr , JSJS ruinam.
SOI 30
"T71OH SAIiE I.MIW. ono-thlrd cash , will buy
-L. nlco r > room cottn n on Itith Ht. , In LnkH'x
udd. ; notnide. Address , Owner , Koom 1. 1127
O st. , Lincoln , Nob. I7
H EKE is your chance for a beautiful roil-
denro lot M icet south front near 2Uth und
llarney , lO.IIX ) : H cash , for u tow dayii only , it
gomilno bargain.
43 HurkHr Illock ,
Telephone 7K : ) ,
ail 27
pronnrtv Hi foot ou Douglas Nt t
BUSINESS - valut. ownad by a non-rust-
dent who wishes to rouluo at once * . HutUiln-
son IfVend \ , IWl Douglas at. 239-23
1'JKAL ESTATE If you want to sail or rent
J that It with T. C. Hrunnor , whohn * n larcis
Hit of customers. Itoom I , Ware block , if. E ,
Cor. Hth und Farnam , 4V ! 31
) Georgia , U rooms , every modern con van
821) ( once , ulegant and cheap , must bo Bold by
April 1st , bust bargain In Omaha.
t i,23J " rooms , all conveniences , location flno
big bargain.
10.600 10-room pressed ! conveniences.
barn , gox fixtures , hardwood nnlsh , U.
front. 0x171 feet , llatucom Place.
2,700-H rooum. all convnnluacuH , Orchuid Hill ,
7,50U12 roonif , barn , all conveniences , three
mantela , eta fixture ! ) , ground corner ,
2u,000-2H xl75 trackauo for clear farm.
HUTO you nny bargain * ? K 00 , w
want a lut ot them , wo hara farnn
and vacant lots clear for housoa and
Inn , H us before you buy ,
D. V. Hholes Co. , 213 Flrat National Hank.
bit )
LINCOLN Plaoa ami Carthaca lots prlc *
ll.uo , * VJ down , b4Unc 116 moutUly.
W. lSnuIL II , llairl l'cl . 6J !