Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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Miss Eva Shontz , n Ifilcntcrt younfr
elocutionist , pave an intorostinR ontor-
tnlnmontat the Central UnitedProsby -
torlrtn church lost night , which wtiq
highly appreciated by the uudlonco
I'erKonnl I'arnarnptt * .
0. A. Hlco of Kearney In nt tlio Pnxton.
Jnmca 1) , Lovoof Konrnoy nt the Mur
ray.A. . O. Pound of Dlalr Is stopping nt the
E. M. Palmer of Holdrego Is n guet at the
LD. . Powlor of Sutton Is a guest at the
O. W. Updlko of Howard Is a guest nt the
Kobert B. 1C. Mlltor of South 13ond Is nt
thr Cnsey.
A.V. . Baldwin of Fremont is stopping at
the Casey.
B.V. . Hnys of IJcatrlco Is registered nt
the Mlllard.
C. A. McCargar of Lincoln Is stopping nt
the Pnxton.
K. II. Morris of Froaiont Is resist ercd nt
the Pnxton ,
F. C. Phillips of Grand Island Is registered
at the Murray.
OeorRo-K , McDonald of Fremont is regis
tered nt the Mlllard.
Mrs. W. H. Thorpe of David City is n
guest nt the Murray.
Henry T. Oxnard of Grand Island was nt
the Paxton yesterday.
Mrs. E. Davidson and son of Kearney nro
among the guests at the Pnxton.
M. N. UraUo nnil It. II. Peterson of Louis-
vlllo nro stopping nt the Murray.
M. D. Welch and W. H. Dorjran of Lin
coln nro among the guests nt the Murray.
H. C. MoMnkcn of Plattsmouth , president
of the Nebraska Soldiers' association , Is in
the city.
Mr. II , M. Pattsrson has returned from a
plcatant trip to Chicago , whcro ho has been
for the last week ,
Mr. Herbert S. Houston , formerly city ed
itor of the Mitchell , S. D. , Kepubllcan ,
passed through the city yesterday on his
way to assutno the city editorship of the
Hulclilr.soti , Kan. , News. Ho looked
through TUG HIM : building , which ho said
surpassed any newspaper establishment In
the country , of which ho had seen the princi
pal ones. ' _
I have used your Salvation Oil for cracked
heels , mango , and sand cracks with horses ,
nnd It gives perfect satisfaction. Chas. VV.
Lee , 41 1V. . JJaltlmoro street , Hiilto. , Md.
The cost of Ur. Hull's Cough dyrup Is only
25 cents. A bottle will convlnuo all of Its
Foil Fllteoii
Tom Doolo , an employe of the Thompson-
Iloustnn.clcctriu light company , fell n als-
tnnco of llftcon feat yesterday afternoon , nt
the company's now building , at the foot of
Jones s trout , crushing hh left unco cap nnd
sustaining other painful though not serious
bruises. Ho hoards nt tbo Doran house , but
was removed to St. Joseph's hospital.
To Nnrvous Men.
If you will send us your address wo wil
send you Dr. Dyo's ' celebrated voltaic bolt
nnd appliances on trial. They will quickly
rcstoro you to vigor , manhood and health.
VOLTAIC ) UCLT Co. , Marshal , Mich.
Increasing tlio Assistant's Snlnry.
United States District , Attorney linker
eays that the salary of his assistant , who
ever ho may tie , is to bo increased from $ SOO
to $1,000 per annum. Mr. Hnkor Is hopeful
of procuring oven a larger salary than this
for tlio assistant , as the above increase was
secured voluntarily by the .Nebraska delega
A. llnrtl Winter for Throat , ami
The past winter 1ms boon an unusually
severe ono for throat and lung diseases.
Couuhs and colds seem ty hanp on with
Croat persistency and fail to yield to
the usual ronfodies. This is more
noticeable the further cast you po.
Many remedies that had enjoyed the
popular favor for years past wore pro
nounced of no account , and to have no
moro effect than that much water.
Others previously little known in the
locality jumped into popular favor and
received unstinted praise. An instance
of this kind occurred at Allegheny City ,
Pa. Messrs. F. II. Eggors & Son , a
popular drug llrm who have three stores
there , say a lady after having bought
her flilh bottle of a certain medicine
eaid : "This ono will bo the last. I
have cured up my own family and did
them so much peed that thoy-now want
mo to cure our neighbors. " The medi
cine referred to was Chamberlain's
Couch Remedy. Messrs. Eggors & Son
bought their llrst supply -last Novem
ber. They say at fltst the sales wore
Glow , but now their sales of this remedy
exceed that of any other two medi
cines they handle , and that the greater
part of their sales are from merit alone
or through the recommendations of
others. Ono retail druggist in Fitts-
Lurg , Pa. , has ordered llvo gross of this
remedy for his individual retail trade
during tlio past four months. This
remedy is well known hero and sold by
nearly every druggist in the city.
Hnllon & Hart , the popular comedy artists ,
will begin their engagement in Donnelly's
farce comedy , "Later On , " at Uoyd's opera
honso on next Monday evening. The pleco
lias been greatly Improved this season , and
now contains many now features.
Evans < fc Hooy , the renowned comedians ,
who have tnado a world wide reputation in
the characters of McCorker and Old Hess in
"Tho Parlor Match , " will bo at the 13oyd on
Thursday , Friday nnd Saturday of next
The nppearnnco of the California opera
company at the Grand opera house Sutulav
evening nnd all of ,
next week is exciting con-
Biilurnblu Interest , Inasmuch as iirst class
Bconlo productions will bo given nt popular
wleos , viz. , S3 , 1)5 ) ami M cents. This is nn
experiment by the management of the
Grand , and they pay a certainty to the com
pany , which is really n meritorious ono In
every way , and includes some of the best
known canun opera artists in tun country.
The roportolra will consist , as previously an
nounced , of "Said Pashu , " "Pinafore , " and
'Fra IJIavolo. "
The engagement of the Emma .Tuch
Grand English oporn company nt tbo Lloyd
on Monday , March 31 , will bo ono of the
chief musical events of the present year.
The opera of "Faust" will bo the bill , ana it
will bo ktagod and suiiu In a manner that has
never been equaled In this city. The com
pany comprise * 125 artists.
For strengthening nnd clearing the voice ,
uno "llrown'K Uronutilil Troatios. " "I
liuvo commended thorn to friends who were
Itubllo speaker * * and tiiuv hnvo proved ex
tremely serviceable. " Henry Ward Uoochor
Police Court Notes.
John HendrlcVs , the "big stockman from
Dcndwood , " was Dually balled out of ] all <
yesterday afternoon In the sum of $100 , his
bondsman being C. 0. Corbott ,
John Jones was clvon twenty days for
stealing n gold ring from a city Jail cellmate
named Bnnsnii.
J.V. . Hall , an ox convict , and John Cum
ins * were Jailed by Olllccr Dillon yesterday
afternoon , having In their possession two
pair of trousers nnd n coat , stolen from
Julius Meyer's rooms , Eleventh and Farnam.
Leon Kounld , Charles Dohn and W. K.
Jacobs , charged with assaulting E. IL. Dow ,
was a cutn of minor Importance , but which
occupied loveral hours before Judga HoUloy
.vcvtorduy afternoon. It wat a potty eijuab-
bloainoni' constables. It 11
was n ally con
tinued to 11 o'clock toJay.
A number of Omaha ministers will define
the creeds of their respective churches in
Tim Sixiur line. This Is a brilliant feature
entertaining aad instructive. Don't fall to
rand It.
Tlio Onion Pnolflo Create * Conster
nation Among WnrrtnR Ilo.itlfl.
A dispatch from Chicago says that the
Union Paciilo hn cast an additional fire
brand Into the whlto-hoat of western rate
troubles. It seems that this company con *
eluded not to ho drawn Into the wnr on any
basis , nnd therefore gave Its eastern connec
tions notice that under no circumstances
would It accept - n loss percentage
of the division on through business
than before the reduction of the
Chicago-Missouri river rates from
73 to 00 cents first-class. This caused n pro
found sensation. The Iowa lines naturally
objected to paving any moro than formerly ,
consequently serious trouble Is threatened.
The managers over there hold n meeting
yesterday nnd discussed the situation.
Every Chicago road nnd somoof the trans-
Missouri lines wcro represented , 'ihoy had
a hot time. The Union Pacific clearly In
formed thorn that it did not propose to lese
money through n light in which it took no
part , nor did It want nny reduction of rates
west of the Missouri river.
" \Vh \ # nhoulil wo be forest ! to accept a loss
per cent , " said nn ofllclal of the road yes
terday , "simply bocnuso somebody else
sees lit to reduce rates as c moans of re-
vcngo for souia controversy that cannot bo
adjusted. It is nonsonso. I boiiovo it U n
good thing for the Union Paelllo to bo
aggressive. "
"LJut your contemporaries nnd occasion in
the present dlfUiiiilty to. make caultal out. of
the fact that the Northwestern has voted
against the Union Pacillc's ' position. They
claim to sea In this signs of disruption in the
Union Piicillo-Northwestern trafllo agree
ments , " was suggested.
"J hat's all right. Lot them sea. If they
ran find nny consolation In the Xorthwnst-
orn's action , I am perfectly willing they
filiull have It. However , dnn't gel alarmed
over anything until it occurs. In the meantime -
time Just keep nn eye on the Union Pacific
nnd sue whether or not it Bti tains the posi
tion it has taken in this matter. "
IIiiiilin < r In NubriB'ca.
Unless the present state of affairs change
at least ono road , and that Is the Uurllugton ,
proposes to defer all expenditure of monov
in building in Nebraska this year , except on
the Omaha union depot. President PcrKlns
has written to General Manager Holdrogo
informing him that while rates are so dis
turbed and demoralized they .cannot
think of incurring additional expense.
Thcso things , however , will have no effect
on other corporations nnd the year promises
to bo nn nctivo ono. Between the Union Pa
cific , Missouri Pacific and Uock Island con
siderable now work Is to bo performed. A
local company organlyed ntKearncy in which
the Union Pacific is interested will build the
Wood River branch. The Hock Island has
decided to construct the cut oil from hero to
cither Beatrice or Fulrbury which will con
nect the main and Denver lines
and it is confidentially understood that
Mr. Gould's company intends to taxo up the
Omaha-Yankton scheme. General Manager
Clark is expected In Omaha some time next
wcok , the object of his visit presumably
being to discuss that proposition.
Trylne to End tlio War.
A strong effort is being inudo to terminate
the passenger rate war. General agents of
all the western lines have received
notice Iff attend n meeting In Chicago
cage next week. Some of the lines have
boon discovered manipulating rates to such
nn extent by the payment of commissions
tnat the revenue has been reduced to less
than the coat of printing tickets. For in
stance , the Hock Island is accused of selling
farns from Denver to Chicago at $11) llrst
class and ? 14 second class , with a 51 commis
sion to brokers. Of course , it denies this
charge , but Union Pacific men say they hnvo
bought n ticket nt $113 ana can prove what
they say.
A Now Traveling Aannt.
Mr. J. Murdock , traveling1 freight agent
for the Union Pacific , has resigned , nnd a
circular was issued yesterday appointing C.
J. tiano as bis successor. Mr. Lane has
been live stock agent. Henceforth ho will
attend to the duties of both positions. Tbd
appointment takes effect ut once.
Wanted A good appetite. You can
have it easy enough by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It tones the digestion
nnd cures sick headache.
"Carp , " THE Bee's ' inimitable Washington
correspondent , contributes to TUB SUNDAY
13nc nn interview with Undo Jeremiah
Husk. It comprise ? choice little stories ,
fresh and breezy gossip , and is full of meat.
An Abundant Crop and Iiow Piiccs
In CniiBcqnonce.
J. II. Hungato of tbo ICimball Ice com
pany was yesterday astfotl If the price
of ice for the coming season had been de
cided upon.
"Yes " he said "and it
, , is lower than it
was last year. "
"What i the scale ! " ho was-asked.
"Itis about as follows : For families and
others usm from fifteen to twenty pounds
per day It will bo 50 cents ; from fifty to 100
pounds , 40 cents ; from 100 pounds upwards
it will bo 80 cents ; from 700 to 2,000 pounds ,
25 cents , and from thence upwards , 1 %
cents. Saloons wlil bo charged 25 cents
straight. "
"How has the crop been this year , Mr.
Hungato ? "
"Excellent. Ice is abundant and of very
good quality , generally. All the ice for our
company was harvested from the reservoirs
of the Amoric.iu waterworks nt Florence
nnd U ns line us I have over seen , it Is clear
as crystal nnd of grout thickness. "
California Cat-It-Curc.
The only guaranteed euro for catarrh , cold
in the liend , hay fever , rose cold , catarrhal
deafness nnd sere eyes. , Kc.storo the sonsq of
taste snd unpleasant breath , resulting from
catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow
directions and a cufu is warranted oy nil
druggists. Send for circular to AUIETINE
MEDICAL COMPANY , Orovillo , Cal. SK
months' treatment for Si ; sent by mail , SI.10.
Sold by Goodman Drujr Co.
Tlio Court.
Mr. G. W. E. QrlRltli of Kansas has
brought suit in the United States district
court against Thomas H. Cotter , Jtimos Cot
ter and Elizabeth Cotter of Omaha , praying
for the foreclosure of nil equity of redemp
tion or other Interest In the following pieces
of Omaha realty , which were given ns secur
ity for four notes aggregating ? 5,500 : Tax
lot 20 In section 10 , township is , commencing
at a poiut on thu east line of Eighteenth
street north of the Houtli line of section 10 ,
being OOxllU fuel ; -also the cast half of the
west half of lot 1 , in block 'J- , being 33.XCO
IMIIes * l\orvo nnct Ijlvnr Pills.
An Important discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
cure bllllousnoss , bad taste , torpid liver ,
piles and constipation. Spiondid for men ,
women nnd children. Smallest , mildest ,
surest. 80 closes for M cents. Samples frao
at Kulm & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas.
Heilnolnir Pour Supplies.
Superintendent of Poor Mahoney was dis
tributing the usual grist yesterday , but
announced that this would bo the last wool ; .
There are a dozen or moro families which
receive support the year round , but the long
procession which visits his headquarters
duriug the sovcro weather U cut oil in ttio
summer. _
Mnrrlnua I iconsoi.
Marriage licotiies wore Issued to the fol
lowing parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Numo and residence. Ace.
1 Luclen E. Taylor , Omaha 81
1 Miniilo M. Clarke , Cleveland , 0 24
I Mnllory II. Harzard , Omaha ao
I Nettie Eriinir , Oskaloosu , la 13
I August Erlcksou , Omaha 23
I Mary Swansea , Omaha. , , .23
Grain Inspaatlnn ,
A petition signed by tbo owners of 2:00
elevators In Nebraska has Jujt boon wired
to Senator Itaudall , Annapolis , Md , It sgts
forth that ttaltlmora gram Inspection has
bcnn satisfactory to farmers and tUnllrs of
the west , nnd the petitioners think nny
cbango will bo detrimental to western in
An Absolute Cure.
Is only put up In larao two-ouaco tin .boxut ,
and U no nbioluto euro for nil sores , lurn ,
wounds , chapped hands and nil ekla erup
tions. Will positively cure all Kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company
at 25 cants per box by mail 3J cents.
AIUIIST > ; I > i-'oitAN
An Auctioneer to Aniwor Tor Holllnc
.Snide Jewelry.
Daniel S. M. Fretwo ) ! , the proprietor
of nn auction house on Thirteenth
street , between Hurnoy nnd Howard , has
been arrested by Deputy Sheriff Isaac A.
Hill for nn offcnso committed llvo ycnrs nco.
At thnt time Fretwell was running n jewelry
auction shon nt Freeport , III. , nnd It Is nl-
legcd that ho sold n brnss Watch to n lady In
thnt place with the guarantee that it was
oolld gold. Ttio laJy discovered tlio fraud
and caused his arrest. Ho was released an
$ . " > 00 oonds to nnpcur for trial , but at the
time net for his arraignment ho could not bo
found and his bondsmen had to lorfeit thu
money they put up for his appearance.
Without consulting his bandsmen first it Is
reported that ho quietly bought n ticket to
Omaha nnd his umidsmcn h'nvo failed until
within the last few days t o locate him. Ho
will bo taken back to Freeport , \Vhero he
will bo arraigned on the charge of qbtulnlng
money under falsa pretense" .
DlHtrlct Ctinrr.
Nothing was done In Judge ClarKson's
court yesterday morning. Tbo prosecuting
attorney wan ready with the Quintan case for
assaulting Louis Klopuian with intent to ,
kill , but the attorneys fur the defense
wanted time and it was given them.
Ida M. Hough complains of nn in
felicitous marital experience * . She was
married to Willis P. Hough only
seven months ago , mid in three months after
that time Willis was cuilt.v of sundry indis
cretions in which some of his lady friends
were concerned , and Ida wants her innulon
name of vVllliams restored to her.
Yesterday nftcsnoon , nftcr hearing part of
the testimony in the ease of Thomas O'NoIl
against the American Waterworks company
for damages on account of injuries received
while working in n trench , Judge Hopowcll
ordered the jury to return n verdict for the
defendant on account of contributory negli
gence on the part of the plaintiff.
County Co.u-r. '
Augustus T. Thatcher of Chicago , by bla
agent , Henry A. Cox , obtained a judgment
of $4n ) against the Pruyn Carriage nnd Coal
company for coat sold and delivered.
A. C. Houston has sued A. N. Meals and
R. T. Wruy for SG'M on a note.
The early approach ot the baseball season
is the occasion of a splendid sporting de
partment in Tiiu SUNDAY BKE. No ono in
terested in the affairs of the Western asso
ciation will fall to read it with great interest.
Pol It
Here are two tickets outlined by a poli
tician who ought to know what is going on :
Roeular Republican For mayor , Dan
Condon ; clerk. William Enright treasurer ,
Thomas Geary ; police judge , P. J. King.
Straight Democratic For mayor , W. G.
Sloan ; clerk , John Ryan ; treasurer , Thomas
Hector ; police judge , P. J. King.
There are indefinite and unreliable hints
of a third ticket to be-launchod on the local
political sea , but the man who are supposed
to bo responsible for it deny any knowledge
of the movement.
in tJiiiiuu ivmu'n Oiinrt.
John Connors and Charles Moir.ll , vag
rants , nnd William Gcrky , a plain 'drunk ,
were dismissed. John Donaldson , drunic ,
was assessed $3 and costs , and Pat Cqstollo ,
on the same charge , was sent to the county
jail for ten days.
The bull dog whoso tooth 'entered the leg
of the Williams , the Fourth ward carrier
boy for TUB UEE , Wednesday night , was in
the police court Thursday afternoon.
Ownership of tlio cnnin J could not bo estab
lished so ho was sentenced to bo shot.
Mauror Fallen executed the animal laat
night. .
Are You uufristorod ?
The boards of registration will sit nt the
following places ted vy :
First Ward Jerry Dee's store room , on
Twenty-fifth street , between M anil N
Second Ward J. Levy's ofllco , Twenty-
sixth street , near N.
Third Ward J. Kilkar'a , on West O
Fourth Ward At Exchange building.
Thursday's BEE was in error when It
stated that yesterday nnd today were the
only days on which voters could register for
the coming election. A closer roadluir of
the law shows that the boards must set again
on the Saturday preceding election.
City Notes niul Personals.
Superintendent WhittloHoy of the Hammond
mend house has returned from Hammond ,
Dr. Orlando Pearson Is the guest of Rev.
R. L. Wheeler.
Fred Cooper of Oakland , Iu. , made n short
visit to South Omaha friends while enrouto
to Colorado.
Mrs. Herbert Williams of Valley is visit
ing her cousin Miss Zoo Williams.
William MoNonnoy and William Newton
have gone to tnoir old homes in. Rhode
William A. Paxton had W. J. Coserove of
Lincoln nnd J. A. Dougherty ami Henry
Memory , prominent business men of Chicago ,
In the city visiting the stock yards and pack
ing houses thu otnor day.
Jeremiah Hughes of dorks , Noo. , was In
the cltv yesterday looking after his property
David Morris , n well Known miller of
Ouonduga Hill , N. Y. , Is the guest of Irionds
in South Omaha.
Wesley Slasor has gene to Creighton.
Nob. , called thcro by the alcknoss of ono of
his children.
Herman Roffol , whoso death was an
nounced Thursday , was sent to St. Paul
yesterday afternoon for interment.
Deputy Sheriff Al MoUracken returned
from DoWitt , In. , Thursday nnd left im
mediately for Denver on onicial business.
J. D. Robinson of the Hammond packing
house slipped unO suffered a severe sprain
of the ankle.
Col. E. P. Savaco loft for Now York city
The maple social given by the ladles of the
Presbyterian church Thursday night in the
Uraimola building was a successful alTalr.
Madame Crovan , the proprietor of the
"Cigar Store , " has been arrested for keep
ing a disreputable house. ' 1'ho men who
wore arrested for throwing eggs at thu joint
were discharged by Jud o King.
Mrs. Wlnslovv's Soothing Syrup reduces -
ducos inUammution while children tire
toothing. 2o cents a bottlo.
100,000witness testify to lie > | rtur ot
nr.TuU'n Tills.Vlieic fr < 'JvlllsnnillVirr ,
Illll < > tisl > Ufn.HcaorI.l\ AOi-ctloiw iiroviill ,
th y liino | ir tpii a great lili'iislng , Itrnilvrn ,
u Hliiglo trial will cunt Jnco 3 on that t hl H no
catcli-iu'iuiyiiu'illclne. T\n > ntj jcurntot Ims
GjtaUUiliuit their iiivrlti nil trtor the M orlil.
Gains Fifteen -Pounds.
'I luivo been l' -
ushic Tut niU for Dj-
In , iiml Unit thi'iii tlio rciuutly I < < \vr
trlcil. Up to tluit tliuo < i\vrytlilii | ; L oto ilU >
cpil with me. IcuiinowOlRfstuny lilnil
of f oil | notcr liavu u lioiulnchp , unu liuto
Kiilntd llltcen iiniinils ofnolM Il - li' ' . "
W , V. SUllt'LTZK , Culuiulilu , 8. 0.
Tutt's jCiver.PiU
V\rANTRI-Iressmftkirto ) ? rcnt n Milto of
* > furnished roomsabovuono of the prlncl-
pal ilry teed mores in n bountiful town of
about l-OiO Inlmbltauta. IM miloa woat ot
Omaha , at th nomlual runt of fid per month.
lnclulln ( ll lit nnd hout. Nn nua uveil apply
unleii th y can itlre uiuloubtoil rafijreuro ai to
their ability and character ; rlijlit piulv fan
easily uelllOO ptr mouth. AUdiesj , A40 , till
oOlce ,
IN its first staRM , can bo successfully
checked bytUio prompt use of Ayer'o
Cherry Pectoral. Even In the Inter
periods ot that disease , the cough la
wonderfully rtli vcd by this medicine.
" I have lUMftLAvcr'A Cherry Pectoral
with the hratl'Cftrct In my practice.
Tlil.s wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I l.nil a constant cough , night
sweats , was greatly icduccd In llrsh ,
nnd given up By my physician. Ono
bottle and a half of the Pectoral cured
inc. " A. J. Ei'dson , M. D. , Mlddiuton ,
" Several yours ngo I wns severely 111.
The doctors said I wns In consumption ,
and thnt they could do nothing for me ,
but advised mo , us a last re.soit , to try
Aycr's'Cliorry Pectoral. After taking
this medicine two or thrco months I
was cured , and my health remains good
to the present day. " James Ulrelmrd ,
Dnrion , Conn.
" Severn ! years ago , on a passage homo
from California , by water , 1 contracted
BO sovcio a cold that for BOIIIO days I
was confined to my state-room , and a
physician on Ixmrd consldeicd my lifo
In danger. Happening to have a bottle
of Ayei's Cherry Pectoral , I used It
freely , and my lungs wcro soon ic.stored
to a licnllhy condition. Sineo tjion 1
have Invariably recommended lids prep
aration. " J. U. Chandler , Junction , Va.
/er's / ' Gheny rectora ! j
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Marr.j
Bold by nil Drugclrtii. rrlco8l ; lxbottlcB,3S.
T , O.MAIIA , Han.
' ( Opposite 1'axtou HoteU
Offio * boun , V a. ra. , to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 n. . , * c
Spcclalliti ta Cnroalc , Nervous. Skin and mood Dl-
PT"ConiuItntlon ot ofllco or by in nil froo. Meat'
clnes eent 67 mail or1 express , securely packed , free
from ubntrvatlun. Otmrantren to euro quickly , safe
ly unit permanently )
UDDWITTQ TVDT1TT TW Spermatorrhoea , oeml
JNijltYUUk ) JJiiDlLuI HiUUmos.NlgtHEmla
flcnn. I'bralcal decay , arKliu from InilUcn-Uon , ox-
re s or Icaulftrnca. proilucInK Kleoplosno'3. despon
dency , pimples un the face , aversion to society , easily
dUcouraqeil , Inok ol confidence , dull unlit for ptuily
orbustnetB , nnrt tlnilft life a tmr < J n. feafoly , perman
ently arid privately cured. Consult Ors. Uetti & llsui ,
HIM Farnum Stroqt , Omaha , Nob.
Rlnnrt onrt QVln sypwiia.
o ? ; !
liluUU QllU Ulllll l imS ! ) ) mostterrlblolnlta
results , completely ) oradlcntoJ wltbont tbe aid of
mercury. Scrofula : erysipelas , fever sores , blotches ,
BlccM. pains In tba he no ami bonus , syphilitic sere
throat , mouth and tongue , catarrh , oto. , permanently
cured whcroothr.ralaiM ) fallow.
rimnimr &ni1 ! Uladder Complaints , .
, Urin2lT "Prtlntul. 'Dim-cult. tSo fro.
quent burning or blrtody urlno. urlno high colored ot
wltb milky nodtmont on slanJInv , weak book , gonorr
bom , glet.1. cystitis , etc. 1'romptly and safely cured
cbamcs reasonable.
moval complete without cutting , caustic circulation.
Cures effected at borne by patient without a moments
pain or annoyance.
To Tonng Men and Mlle-Aseil Men ,
AQTTDT ? nnDD I"118 iwful effects of early
UUltD UUltD Vice , which brines orpaula
weakness , destroying both rniml nnd body , with all
tsdrcaded Ills , permanently cured.
MRprnmn Address those wUa have 1m-
DDilU pal rod themselves by Improper
Indulgences and and solitary habits , which rum both
bony and mind , unfitting tbgin for business , study or
marrln o.
MAimiru Mix. or. tlioo entering on tbct happy
Ufa , iwaro of physlclal debility. qulcKly assisted.
Is based upon fact * , first practical experience , sec-
ond-every case Is especially studied , thus startlni :
aright , third medlrlnes nro prepared In our own la.
batory exactly to suit cacti case , thus atTcctlnif cures
without Injury.
CJ/"Sena n cents pos > .apa for cclrbratod woris on
chronic , nervous and delicate disease * . Thousnmia
cured. IW\ friendly letter or call may save you fu
ture suffering andshamc. and add golden yeara tollfc
r-No loiters annwrrcd unc ! s accompanied by 4
tents In sla-nus. Address orcnll on
im $ . ( SETTS & IIETT § ,
1113 F rnn treet. Omaha. Neb.
of ptlro Cod Llvor Oil with Hypo-
plioaiililtoo of Llmo and Soda 13
almoot no pnlotnblo no milk.
Chlldron enjoy It rathorthan
PRODUCER It la Inclood , and the
llttlo lade and laaalea who tnko cold
oosllyi may foe fortified against a
cough that nilfilit prove oorlotio , liy
toklnn Gcott'o Eniulnlon after their
moala during the wlntdr ooaaon.
Jli'H-tti-av/ftinslllitlluiitanil Initiations.
4IT FL'tn SI , Cincinnati , O
' , , . For tlio now season with n now stock , Our spring gootls nro open nnd on our conn ( era niul every proa-
"cnt mitl prospective purchaser o a spring suit should turn hi1 } footsteps in our direction. Wp will show
yon something worth coining for Wo nro constantly increasing our business , nnd the stock o goods wo
nre showing this season is on n much Inrgor acnlo than .formerly. It ha ? no equal in this part of the coun
try , mid always progressive we nro nlao with o'vnry season trying to improve upan the quality nnd nmko
of our goods.Ve handle nnd sell only such goods which will give satisfaction , nnd nothing comes on our
tnbles that is not perfect in nmko , fit nnd workmanship.
Advcrtisoing tnlk does not count for much nowadays. We do not use its much space in the papers and
mn } ' not put things so forcibly as others do Its we avoid all seinntioual methods o advertising , BUT OUll
GOODS AND PlllCES TALK MOST CONVINCING We rely upon our customer ! for this con
stant and steady jncrcnso of o'tr business a1 ? , wo hell them such goods which not only bring. ? thorn back
o very season , but causes them to rccomend us to Hum * friends. This is the most forcible way of adver
tising and is sure to bring the biggest returns. Wo do not blow a big bargain horn , became with us bar-
gnins arc a daily occurcnco , and no exception. All our goods nre bargains compared with the priced of
other ho'usos.
Our Mnil Order Dapnrtment is now iii working order. Write for samples of our spring suits nnd wo
will send you n good line to select i'rom and will also siind blanks for sslf-monsuring.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
Having about completed the
in our store , we are now
prepared to serve our cus
tomers in the best manner.
Qne of .the ,
Special Attractions
this week will be
Men's Trousers
which we offer from $1.75
to $5. Men's Spring Over
coats from $6 to $30.
All heavy overcoats will
be sold at a liberal reduction
& * " 1L
The largest , fasten mid fluent In lliu world
Passenger accommodations unexcelled.
Now York Glasgow via. Lcndonderiy.
Clreassin , March 20th I Ethiopia , April 12th
Anchoriu , April 5th ) Furnossia , April 10th
S.U.ooy , birnxi : > Ci.AtH nnd STRFIIAOK ratei on
lowest li-rm" . K\cnnlun tUkcti rcilurud. Hindu nviill-
nblo to ri'turn by either tlio I'lctuies'iuu t'lyduund
North ol Ireland , or Illver .Mumtiy and boulh of IrC-
hind , or Naples or Ulboialtur.
loivcst teriut. Traveleis' Circular IHIITS of cri'nli
nnd drafts for any nmount nt lovrcut cuircnt rutoi.
Ai > | > ly to nny ot Die local agents or to
HENDEHSON liUOS. . Chicago. Ilia.
II. S. Hnll , H. V. Moorcs , C. H. Maros.
U. P. Depot.
To Glasgow , liclfust Dublin anil Lhcr-
Fnosi NEW vonic r.viniv THUHSDAV.
Cabin passugo * J3to I'.O.ucconllng tolocAtlon of
Btcerago to and from Kuropa nt Lowest ttatcs
AUSTIN HAMUVIN * Co. , flcnernl Auonts.
C ) llroartway , Now 1'ark.
Jno. llloucrtt Oanpral U'estern Agent , ini Han
( Iolph3trct.t. Hurry 1 ! , Moorcs. Tlips. McCimuo _
Paiiaaata and from Great Britain and afl
oarts of Europe. MonlrcahLlvcrpool route , by tlio
waters of St Uwrenco. horto t ol all. UlaBcow to
Hofltoti , tol'lillndelpliln. Liverpool to and from
llaltlmore. Thirty btoamora. C'lats ozcelilor.
Accommoilatlona imsurpaejed. Weekly sailing ! .
AM.AN JL < :0."an. : West. AR'ta.
C. J. Sundell. uu > i , 112Latiallo tit. , Cblca.Oi 111 *
The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
For tlio treatment of all ClinONIC ANDSUHOlCAr. DISKASCS. llrnces , Appliances for deformities ana
Trusses. licit Kncllltlvs. Apparatus and ItCMiiHilcw for MiccesMul Trentmcnt of every form of illv-nic re
quiring .Moillral or aurKlnil rrrntiiiPiit N1N1JTV UOO.MS toll I'ATIKKIg , llonnl mill Atlcnilaiici- > . (
Accomuuiilallons West. Wrlln lur clri'iil.irson Dcfonnlllos and Ilraccs , Trusicn , Club I'eut I'lirtnturpH nf
All lllood Dlica e iiicccasfully treated. Syphilitic poison removed fiom tlio Bjslem wltlioiit , mercury.
Jvew Itcblorntlvotrenltncnt fin Ixjssvf Vital 1'ower. I'urtlet un.iMo to visit 111 may bo trcntcd nl Imnio by
corre pontlcnro. Allcomtniinlciitlona conHdcntlal. Medlrlnoor Inslnnut-nta pent by mull or expronfl PC-
curely packcil. no marks to Indicate contents or Kendor. Ono porionnl lulMli'W preferred Cull anil i-iumult
us or send history of ) our case , Jd wo will send In plain wrapper our HOOK TO JIKN KItKK : tiiun l'rl\uto ,
Special or .VurvnnsJlscn c5 , ir.polency. Sypblll . Uli'et and Varlcocele , with rjtiP'tlon ll t. Addiean
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Corner 9th and llnrnoy Strcots , Omaha. Nub.
Corner llj ant ] I'arjimii Sts.
Gontinuatiou of our Great Closing Out Sale
arc lu'lsi inailu liappy on acoointt or llio 1on-
dorl'ul BEaruains AVO arc oH'crin on I vcrj tiling.
i'ATGHUS I OH' or Gnntlomcu'ri licitvy hnnti'i o snil ( Hollil
, stoiji n'iiiilcin. wnrr intccl good liniur-i , iroin . ' i n uptvanla.
illcs' 11 n D solid cold nnd iriniiino ( tliiinonil oasidVatolics : ,
iMvolnil iiiovttini'tit-i , only $ :55 : and upxvarJ.
All oilier watolic.s in propurf Ion.
JISWLHjKY' CliuiiiH.ljoukoif.Il nits nnd all otlinrjoivolry nt all-nit
II.IKP former DricoH. COOCH ; | ) nro uoln ; fasr at. our .MAItlilOI )
DOWN KlGUrU08OIjOOIlS ( no liir $5 , Aic tlozoim of Htylos to
sclcor from. 1'lnoHt assortment or ijainps ever hli'j\v In Omaha
from $5 up to $51) ) . Sou them. Mount i nil hnyond dou-rlpilon Is our
line 01 Silver and line iiit tdriiplc-plntud warn. It miiit l o HOOII to
tie appreciated , ftiuli , novel nixl orl ln il dnHl iis ; ICpertiiiRs ,
Water Seta , Tea Self , Fruit , tin lull and Nut ItinvN , linlcu Dishes ,
Soup Turocno , HiHoult JarCulcn HnHUotM , Mutter Dishes 1'lckUi
Stands , Individual distort ) , Naplcln lloldor , Cups , nto. , 1) ' ! ten an
iniiiioiihc Hue orninnll warn , In arrlntk ; pntti > rn < i , all of wliioli are
nt about 50 OK.H OX THIS IJOIjIjVIt.
X. B. Grunt ICciliictlon 111 i'vivo * ol' Plni ami C
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska i
Tlio Well Known SpouialM ,
Is nusurpaesoJ In the treatment of a forms ot I'm
VATU Ii ) h.\h H nudt-trUturv.aciironuamtilt'ud. Im
iialcacy , l.ojj of .Mnnhuci.l. uiid Aiiiblllon. Mtorrlllty
or MarrcnOEs absolutely ( .tired. htnJ for Hooks , "Ili'j
Lite tecri't , " for .Man or Worn > , eucli IJ cent )
( stamps ) . Nervous Kcmnlo Dltvniei. cured quickly
nnd permanently- Treatment by torrenpoiideiicu.
stamps for reply. Con'ultiUlunfrfle. Olllcur1.15. Cor
l th aud Jackson Streets , Ouiaba .Nub.
Rbeumatlo Coui.
. iumbigo,0 nir l
oui n.bii y ,
1 Kidney
N rvcusn n
TreralUoji Enual Er
Ituillon. " Waiting of
JJody. Dls' . .Cy.1 , ei ctuitd by Indlicretioni la
Youth. Are 'tax * MirrUd or Single Ilfs.
fH-bi.\r\d IIMTOIHIBLK luniiuu ) la
Alioun El otrla Truss nnd Delt Combined.
BlGdfc . ; niU | ! r r illlluil'JUol , tIi | l , Mcti mt >
cfit jroulai > ulQieU4 torelote > itDll ufLui t < r A4 > lri
BOOMo.thllroftdway.BT IXIUIB , MO.
630 Orotdwax , HUW YOltK OlXY ,
Oio only finfi ) nnil pilnlnaa uiothoil of extract *
IllR tcctli. and Uin only niethoil of IllvurtltlK
teiith without j'lato ' , reiimlnliii ; cleun nn < l tlunv-
int. iiAt''otrr ,
You can dcubto your rnonoyin
six man ( Its by buying ono of tlwsQ
choice lots in West Portland Park.
AbolnpUm Bulldlntj , PortlnnU , Ur.