Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ffATURDAY , flIABOH 22 ; 1800.
No mlvorlloomontB will bo tnkon for
tlioso columns at tor I2:3O p. m.
TermsCosh In mlvonco.
llAdveitlmnents ) under this nead 10 cents per
HP fet ltin IIrat Insertion , 7 cents for each nub-
\ "eqiient " Innortlon , nnd tUH | rar line per month.
JsondrmiBumont.s taken for lem than 25 cents
for first Insertion. Bovon words will bo counted
to tlio line , tlio ; must run cnntocntlvely nnd
roust ua paid In ADVANCE. All ndvertl-io-
jnent.s must ho handed in before 12:3 < I o'clock p.
til. , nnd under no circumstances will they bo
tnken or discontinued by telephone.
I'arllo-in-Uertl-ilng In them columns nnd Imv-
Ino their nnswers addressed Jncaroof TUB UK *
will pleanoask for a chert to ennbln thPin toget
their letter * , ns none wilt bo delivered except
/in pro entntlnn of check. All answers to ad-
Vctlsments should be enclosed In envelope * .
All advertlimcnts tn these columns are pub
lished in both morning nnrt evening editions of
Tnr. IffK thn circulation of which
jiuiro than 1P.OOO papers dally , nnd gltrs thu nil
t crllscr * ' the bonellc. not only of the city circu
lation nf Tim lire , but also of Council Ulutr * .
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
A < Urrtt. lcg for these column * will bn takes
on thu nbovo condition * , nt the following busi
ness louses who nre authorized ngrntH for TUB
< lfeK npoclul notices , nnd will quote the cnmo
jat as cnn no had nt the main odlco.
" "
of 'Iwcnty-fjixtli nud N streets , Nebraska
Eiu'lngK bank biilldlii' . ' .
TOHNW. HEI.U I'tinrmnclst. h20 South Tenth
'J Street. |
G ; jA < E& EDDY. Stationers and 1'rlnters. 113
Koiith Hth turret. _
Sll. rAUNSWOUTII , I'linrmncUt. 2113 CunT-
Inghtrcet. _ _
V J. IIUOHE9. I'hnrmnclst , C24 North 10th
. fttreot.
: a W. I'AIIK , I'liarTunclst , l-oavon-
notth Street.
S' J'IIAHMACV , 2W3 I'arnam Street
\\T lly'n yoiinit mini wltU Rood busl-
nesa Pdticntton , a aitnntlon ut nny kind of
ollcodrk : cuu keep booxs , opcrntu ltoinln -
ton typewriter , nnd wrltuKJ to 1UO words pur
ziiluiue In snortliand. Wllllnc to liefflit on aiimll
wages. Good referenced. Address It 21. llou
oillce. CoiincU Illtilla. .T8 22j
WANTIJlJ A competent lady \ \ Ishos a Blt-
untlon as hoiiKoitunper for a Kuntioman
ttlth dinall family ; , rotereucos. Address Mrs.
O. , Atlantic , Iowa. 3.11-21 *
\VANTKD-A sttuatlop. In a liank by a
> ' joiiiiKintxn havliiKHoiuo capital and three
rears experience as cashier , uddre a T. J.
Ilrailt. Uilca , Neb.
" \rUNO ) man , a llohomlnn , wanting work as
JL huriK'HS mnkcr , speaks HiiKllah. Imvo
vorkcll at the , trndo one year , will work for
ronsonnljTo wages ; addieis Anton llnrtimok ,
st. I'aui. Nob. _ aipu
\\rANTrO-Sltuntiou for mnnnndwlfo as
TT llrst and second coo * * : are llrst-c.ln s ,
Dtcndy and reliable. Aim. Urogii , SlWJf.KUt.
\ATANTnn Employment by young man ,
V > slendy Imblts nnd worker , llofcrencos.
II I1 , tcqillllett. 1 11 N. ailh st. _ gCMlj
WAVrKD Fltmitlnn as book keeper bya
younK innu who rrcenlly graduated from
Hryant AHtiftlton's business collcKO. lluirnlo ,
K. V. I'noxcrptlonal references will bo fur
nished. Address box 077 , btroinsbmg. Nob.
\\rANTED A situation by n llrst-cliss con-
TT rectlotur undbnkur. Address , A 4Bee. .
* Vi7 ANTED Mtuntlon by laTTy steiioKraphor ,
TT four jrnrs In law nnd lonn oillce. exp -
p i lenro in w holfsalo business , llo c 22 . Coun
cil 111 "ire. ( UVal
\VAXTH1)--31A IjK 11K til' .
V7 AM'Ell Good sign painter "at A.
A. Herring. Sioux City. Jn.
c47'i.OO to WiO.lU a month can be inndo working
Tfor us. 1'ersous preferred who can furnish
liorso audgho their whole tlmeto the business.
Unaro moments may bo profitably employed
nlso. A fo\v vacancies In towns and cities. II.
1' . Johnson & Co. , ic09 _ > luni st..JIcniaouil. Vo.
'VvrANTED- good plumber. Addrosn Mare
> > Ilenn , I.liicoln. Neb. ar7i !
C v/WAN'riJll- AH ngont ot our patent
> , > nafus--Blzo2i\l8xl Inches ; $ J"i retail. All
> sls'li 1iw. Ni.w ( styles , now patterns , now
' locks , now factory. Not governed by sufe pool.
Evorv nafo warranted. Itnre chanc/p. IVrnn-
mint buslnestf. Our terms nnd catnlogues will
convince \ on. ngents clear from $ 100 to iVJO per
month. Write fox-I'Xtenalvo torrltory. Alpine
Bate Co. , Cincinnati , O. 3JJ-22J
WANTKD Kxporloncod carput layer. Apply
on 'Ha lloor , carpet dep't , Morse Dry
UoodsCo. aa 21
" \WANTIU ) To mcotdemand for competent
" bookkeoperw In April , two ladles one
young man. J. U. Hmlth,910 INOW Vork Life bldg
\VAN"l'KD--\e = " "s : $ 'Opercok. . 81 ! NlKud
> > lEO 22J
8AI.h MEN Wnutcd nt Oncii A fnw good
men to Hell our goods by sample to the
\vliiilesilo nnd letall tiado. Wo nre the largent
inaniifactluois lu ourlltiK. I.lbeml biilaiy paid.
I'orimiuent position. Money advanced for
wage , advertising , etc. Tor terms nddriss
Coiitoiiiilnl Mfg. Co. Chicago , 111. 814 22 |
STANLEY'S book , written by himself. Is en
titled "In Daikest Alrlia" iiml hns imprint
only or Charles t'cilbnt-i's Sons. No v Vork on
tittle page. How are ot frauds. Agents wanted
in loua , Nebraska. MlnncMita and Dakota for
genuine booic. W. D. Condlt tt Co. , Dei Jloluos ,
281 27
\\rANTUD-Tnllors for Duulap , In. Apply
' to Hellii. Thompson & Co , Oiiinhn. 2VI8 2IJ
" \\T ANTED I"\TO cent mnkors and ono pints
l > maker , M. llurrctt & Sous , Duiilnp , la.
279 21
WANTED Experienced boy to check , mark
and w rap bundles In laundry , also boy to
do ihorcs In hotel , UK ) ; fruit and vegetable
t-anlni-r. Mrs llrcga. 3I41J S. 11th. 271 21J
"I 3101'UltE agents nud ) hers scncd
JIT with clcgniit era ) olin.'wntor colors nna pas
tels. I'liio bromide prints mndo for nrtluts.
1 [ educed pi Ices. Mynstor Poitralt Studio , 1823
N12th St. , Omaha , 237 a 13J
DF.TKCTIVr.S WoMinta man In OM ry lo
cality to net ns.prlvato dotoctho under our
Instructions. Experience not necessary. Par-
tlctiHrs freo. Cuntral Detcotlvo lluroau , llox
19T > , Topqkn. ICnn. " " 8j.t ° J _
' \\7ANTKD-Young men well nciiunlntcd in
> thu city to bollcltltro Insurance. Cnll ut
11 MT Pnxtou block , between 4 nud 0 p. m ,
230-2 It
\\7ANTKI ) Hey to lairn tbo jotvolry trade ,
> T Carson & Hanks , llarker block. 2.'i7-22J
W ANTED S.trnvollng saleamcu , aalary nnd
expeiiM-s ; no experlouco necessary. Address -
dross with Btamp , L. 11. Linn & Co. , Ln Crosse ,
Win. 1177-21J
\\rANTED Salesmen nt 175 permouthxalary
T T nnd pxpctuies to n ll a line of rllver-piatcn
ware , wntchei , etc. . by sivmplo only : horMJ nnd
team furnished free ; write nt once for full par
tlculum and Hnmple cnso of goodn rreo. Btan-
ilarABIhcrmiroCo. lloston. Mass. 823
\\7ANTED-400 lockmon , teamsters and ci nil-
T ers for Utnh and Nevada ; cheap lates ,
Aibrli/hl'a Labor ngnncy 11JU Furnnm st. _ U2:1 : _
KN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
Cnundii. Wo pay ( > V ) to ( luu per month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canada grown
block. Add , fctono X Wellington , Miullnou. WU.
AN'l Kl > Canvassers nt finger son Ing m-
ihluo olllco. ir > 18DoUKlHM t , _ IH7 nOI
\\yTANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery.
* T Tickets UJo. Address A. U HOBS & Co. ,
Dem or. Colg , . f CS-nprtlt
\\fAN'lEI-A ) compBtont girl for general
_ hoiisj\\oiik1riiia23tuiive. ) _ _ _ _ jtts2a ?
\\r ANTKD-Olrl for gouoral housework. 622
\ T touth 2410 struct. Mrs , Louis Holler.
tt.'l 23J
GI i wanted for housework. 1013 Chicago.
DIU . . . . . . . .1 help ivnntpd , apply Miss
trl r.maa.nrlfs street. Utt 23J
\ V ANTKI ) Tomorrow , lady and young man
T to reci'tvo instructions unit keel ) books.
lloom lUi L Ntv _ York l.lfu luillilfnt * * > 2JJ
_ _ _
\\rANTED Oood nurse girl nbout II years
T t old. Mrs. U A. tinnier , 2J27 California.
" \\rANTKli-acoilcomp8tetit girl to do gen-
C'0"3e ' > VOr'tiU ' > " ! ra ; ' ' "
rA.NTV'iTf1dr,0 ! , llth } ! st. ' ! ° Keu ° rul home work * j
KlTcook7 Apply N. K. corner SIstT
i Webster. .110 22t
1 II I , Wanted -Good girl for general house
B ° 011 nome' W1 ! B *
lUrnuy ' f ? ° .to . .1'aclno * ' restaurant " * * * ' -wiucdlntely. _ 2.VJ-2IJ 1015
i\NTKI--l' < impet nt girl forganeral housework -
work , llrlnj ref erenco. Ill South loth st.
"TXTANTKD A good girl for general honse-
T V work ; family smull. 2821 Leavcnworth st.
WANTKD-Une'cbambcnnaid. ' City hotoH
_ l Z2 21 *
\VANTKt-A sedond elrl by April 1st- Call
TT ntlrtU fnfyotio avenue , ( formerly I'nul
st , lUfcrences required. Mrs. J. II. Dumont.
at )
\y ANUED-A nu e ftlrl. 4)4 ! ) N. "Wrd t. t
: l\rANTib-ll : 'na waltresi , t ! ) : 3 houtokeep-
V > er ; rook ilhd second girl.s In family. IJ )
and Jl.V 2 second girls : nnrso Rlrli ; laundress ,
( IH ; i kitchen Alrls , wnltreflscJ.nnd nny amount
ot good pnvato tamlllos tn council I Hulls nn.i
pmuhnlra. . llrega.'JU'.H.jritli. 2-21 ?
GIIlli wanted nrrrhnte lamlly. Kntiulro nt
JJII2.SJ. Hth .
J -coinnetc'ni nnd reliable mid-
TT die ngo.l woman for general housework In
nfimnll family"Apply to Mr * , f.ymnn. cottaita
on 1'errin nvo. Council Illtiira , references re-
quired. _ _ . _ 220 XIJ
WANTED Mm clnss girl for cooking most
ly i no wasnliig or Ironing ; 1707 CMS st ,
WANTKD-Oirl for general hoiuowoTk. 1JO |
N. ICIh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IHJ
WANTED fllrl for hodsaHork.good
Miges nld. 8. E. cor. 2ith uud Jonej.gtc.
- for general nouio
work , small family. 2W8 wfrt , 7.M.
"WANTED Iirossmaknr to rent a Mtltoof
V > fiirnlMied rootns above ono of tlio prin
cipal dry good * stores In a Beautiful town of
iilmnt I. . 'Kit Inhabitants , 150 miles west ot
Omaha , nt thn nominal rent of 811 per month ,
Including light anil Mt-at. No OLIO neoil npl'ly
unlosn they cnuglVfi undoubted lofcrencsi ni
to their ability nnd character : rlrfht party can
easily not > { 10J par montli. AtldrfH A 10. thin
omco. _ _ _ _ _ iw"l _ _
NT"A lTMlsTriTiMro ( < IrH smiiicliiirlti fiiml-
llcs kuitcltcd. JIUs Sturdy , fl'S a. 2,1tn nve.
r > M A ! ! *
rpEN-Itoom house , Hrst-class conrtltion.modorn
JL conveniences , largo lawn. barn. Hluulo trees ,
2 blocks fioin liiitco school. Convenient tn cable ,
motor and horse cara. Apnly on promlsus. 8.
K. Jackson. N. 21st and spruce sts. 1l'i- \
"TTIOIt 1IKNT 5-room cottage , 22d nnd f.oavcn-
- lortn.ftJJ per inontii. C.I * . Harrison. Ull
NV. . IMe. _ Utr'-L- .
I/lOIl "KENT In Ltnton block on tlio corner of
JL1 15th and Mimou SIR. a llnt < 3.2 on second lloor
nnd 1 on third lloor , In coed repair ; rent low.
Also Dloru room. Inquire nt the block , room
1)17. ) .Innu llnmllii. ngent. _ 1IW _
COMrOUI'AllTiK fnrnlsheu house o seven
V > U'l J.J Ik i 4 * uiir * iiiiiimnjuitBu - VTU.B
A rooms cheap ; will tiiko part of rent In
board. Itoopi 4V < , Itamgo blk. .ti.1 SIJ
THIOH HEN' ! ' lloautlful residence with birn ,
JU all modem Improveini'nts.fulllot.oastfiout.
Geoiglaa o. Klclmrd f. I'uttewon.IWi N.Y.I.itc.
TTOIt UIJNT Nice cottage of 0 rooms. 2J12
JJ Cass > tieot. I' . O'Mallcy. S.M 2UJ
' ' houses UIO. 313
TTIIU Ur.N'l' Two eleven room
JUN2.'dst. Innulra n-w cor. s-Jd and Daven
port. 10H
_ _ _
plOK lti.NT-0-loom : Hat , C03 S. 13tU st.
IllOIt ItKNT U-inom tiouso , all modern con-
JL ? venluiues , also putt of furiiltuio forsiito.
tarnpts. etc. . 2100 Jouglas.
T71OK KENT House of 10 rooms , with every
JL' convenience. Close to motor und cable. 70J
N. lUth. _ 030-2H- _
"lOU Ul'.NT 1U Capitol nve , 7-room cottage
J- with bath ; lunulro at51 Capitol ave.
OK 11KNT. Ilrlck dwelling 12 loom
kitchen ou llrst lloor , Laundiv. diving
room , all modern Impiovcmenis , line location.
Apply 22 12 I'aruamat. _ biM
"IPOU KENT A I0-roomed house , newly and
JL'orr nicely furnished,1 * all modern conven
iences , on motor line. Address A 57 , lleo olllco.
! IJt 2IJ :
_ _
fTnit KI'NT Seven-room house , 2nd house
J ? from tt. a. corner of lilli and 1'acltlc : all con-
\ cnionces. il ! 2.IJ
1JIOK HKNT-5-room cottage. 1UU N. 27th bt.
JL1 7- room cottugc and barn , 1 1IU N. 27tn Bt.
7-room cottage and barn , 1102 N. 27th ave. ,
w 1th cltv water , cistern , etc.
fi-room cottagp. 3" > tli and Tarnam.
Store and room above. 170J St Mary's ave.
Store , cor. ] 0thnnd Arbor ; good plate for
grocery and inaiket.
Uniu In rear of 712 S. 22d sttglty water.
2-rooiu hou o with , aero of ground , near II. &
M.iouml house. * " '
II. O. Clark , room 7 , board of trade.
_ _
TqiOlt UINT : 7-room llatLange blocs ; UU8 _ 13
FOU KENT Elegant 0 room house , all mod
em consonlancus. 2U11 tit , Mary's nvo
nvoUl 23t
"ijiOlt HEM' An 8-room detached 10 use , fur-
JU' nace. batn , etc. , 20th and Leavonwoith. J10.
DaUl Jamleson , lice bldg. 320
FOIt HENT-House. 3 rooms , hard nud aoft
vntcr , * 10. Cor. Ifth nnd Paclllc. 315 23J
jjlOU KENT iTTmnlshed or uiifurnishod
JL ? ( rooms by Apill ] , all modem conveniences ,
\\lth or without board. Oil North 18th st.
311 23J
OU 11E > T A 7-room cottage nt 1211 N. IBth
st. I2J8-2JJ
| 71OH HEN1 T-rooin llat. with range , mantel
JU and nil other convonlencos , Jj2 , Including
w ater , VOu S. UCtn Bt. George Clouser.
2Ci 23f
FOU KENT Houses nnd Htores ; property
cared for. taxes paid. Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co . 1U14 Farn.xm st. Abstracts. ! CI7
IF you wnh to rent n lionise or store see H. E.
Colo. Continental block. IV )
I WANT moro houses to rent , Pnrrotto.
8-ltOOM fnt with steam neat. Ifth St. . near
Jones. 'Jhos , F.Hall.UlU'nxtou block. 3JT
TTIUUNISllED rooms und board , all modem
JU Impiovoments S 21th st. 'tu 21 !
FUHNlSIlEDrofims forgontloniou. with or
wltnout board , 1011 Douglas. 2IS--2 |
ELEGANT loom , modern comenlenrcs. ISU
Caas. SM8-"i
LT2i Cap. a\o , board , modem convenience ? .
1OH HENT I'leniunt furiilshpd room with
bo.ud , modern c.ouvenleuccs , 201. > Douglas.
- 217 2tt
PL'KNISHED room113 S. 17th st. Also
rooms for tior.sokcopluif. 203-3IJ
IT Oll UENT An elegant fiont room with an
JL1 aliove , furnished , on second lloor : nil
modem conveniences KiaSSIith &t. 22."i
TT1O11 HKNT Nicely turnlshed rooms wltli
JO llrat class board. ISUDpdgo. 11II23J
| 1iiUAN furulshea rooms. 1613 Chicago st.
L/ _ ' 15l24t _
| 710ll KENT Nice front room nrlvate family ,
JU with or without board , "IJ No. IBtn st.
N1CELV funiibhcil large and small rooms
w ith board , ' la brick tornue , 1B17 Chicago.
- 062 2IJ
"plOH HEN'i Furnished rooms , IflX ) Douglas.
IjlOH IIENT Suite ot front 'rooms , modern
A-1 conveniences , with or without board , ill
per month. 2218 ftavonwprth ht. 323
NICE room , every convenience , 1710 Dnvenp't
KIltllMbllED-llooms to let , ! M2 St. Mary's
JL ! avenue. 074
I II AVE a few elegant rooms vlth boardUt
joasatust. w. o. i . 211
1U2NT l''ront rooms. 2010 Dnvaaport.
TOOK HENT 1'Iensnnt furnished rooms with
JL1 nil coiivenUneiis.Dli > B.arthi-t. Mi
ST. ClvAjH European iiotol , cor. lltn nnd
Dodge , biieclal rates byaos. or month.
. ita
JJIOlt ItiiNX tlooinwlth board. ITS Dodge st ,
T > OOMS nnd day boanlj 1'J Capitol nve.
T < "pll HENT-One largo rrout rootiuTlth boorZ
JU1 luul Capitol uyij. e7S
TTHW HUNT S. 3 or 8 rooms unfurnished at
JU eos N 114 rooms at 311 Woolworth ave , for
email families , 2SJ 2J |
rilllHKE nlco unfurnished rooms cheap , H w
JL cor llurt anil 2.'d st ; no children nud refer
ences. 210-20 *
n WO unfurnUheti rooms for rent. ttO South
* - 17th ave , , bet. Jucksou and Loavenwortti.
1U3 8i
KriJNFUUNlMHKDchniubernforliousakeeplni ;
( Jfor man and wife ; uoclllldrvn ; 31V N. 17th ,
"T KSIv room for rent In ono ot the most pro in-
Jlnont ground floor olllcs on rarnjm at , AU
tlresa. A ; & . liec. am iff
rpOU IIENT Deik room In nicely furnished
JL1 oiucu.allconveuleuc < u. llooui 19 , Continen
tal block. us
WANTED A dni-ralst to occupy a ijtoro in
n block , rent * n per month : will RIVO :
monttis' rtnt. Addrcst V gs l
QTOIIES ntTOT 70" . 711 8l8lh,32C0 ] ( ! oacli. l
I fallow window s , steam hent furnished.Thos. .
F. llnll. 3llPnxton block &U
I710H IIKNT The 4 * itory "brick bulldlrTi * . with
JL1 * > r without power , formerly occupied by the
Dee Publishing ( o , Via Fnrnnm st. The bill Id
liiK has n nro-proot cement bnsement.completo
steam honttng llxturei , water on nil the llonrs ,
ga , etc. Apply at the oDleo of The Hoe's 01
ifioa KENT 'l-HtoryTirlck buimTTigTfnirnoitg-
X1 ln.sst. , suitable for wholesale or warehouse *
purposes. Also brick store , HIT B. 13th st. In
quire of llms. Knufmiiu. l a Dougla st.3.'tl _ _ _
r\Estl { room for rent In one oTfiio most prom *
.lament giound lloor onicosou 1 amuni Bt. Ad-
drca-i. A.H. tlee. _ 3I32J _
FOIt IIKNTOnico room nnd Inrgu'flghtbasc- '
iiient , cor , 11th and .Inckson Hts. . ' llrst two
months free to good toimnU- Enquire Mrs.
. 012 90. tlth St. U--J
WANTED At once , furnished rodln ndt to
cost over } J per inontn. Addre s AJilj.llee.
WANTED At oncn to rent 0 room house.
good locitloli nnd repair , clqso to car linn.
addresJ Btatlilg prlco nnJ location A > 4V lleo
onicc. ac zit
UrANTKO-Ti.ront April Iss-A-i furnlRhtd
house or cottngo from u to 8 rooms' , "cat
of references. Addiess A 4ft. lice. ffll-22J
Ty , ANTED to rtmt about July lit n mnnltcdt-
tngc. with all mo lent conveniences , close
to business. Address A II , Ilca oillce. TOO
1 SENT A I , A < ; 'ENjy.
Tl roUTON'S rental agency , 017 Paxton blic. .
"rlT PAUliorTiTroTit-iTaBent , Douglas bTk ?
OI1EAI' nnd reliable flro lusarancu. I'.irrotto.
TJ E. COIiE , rental agent , Continental block ,
\v ATKK spaiiloU , 22U Loavonwortli SOSaSOl st ,
AQOOl ) younc toim. soun 1 and quiet In any
work ; also ayouiiK maio and a uond bay
horse ; all good drlverJ. Apply 2U1J N20thavo.
SOj 2tJ
17 KSTAUltAN'l8 , Hotel keeper" , boarding
1 * houses , take notice 2TK ) cases 1-pound cans
California salmon In ( perfect condition will bo
sold for account of shippers nt 1111 Douglas St. ,
Saturday , at 1J a. m. 2UU-21
rpo SUIT the com cnionco of clients engaged
JLdurtiiffthoday wuopon evenings , 7 to BJU. : :
II. K. Col. . ) . Hoon0 Continental lllk. 201
W ANTii-A : girl baby for adoption. d
drc's A il3. lice olllco. Ill )
TIO HUNT House list with J. IJ. 1'nrrotto.
/ \STIUOI ! feathers cleaned , dyed nnd curled.
V/lInts bleached and piosscd. JJUlCnpltol ave.
15(1 ( !
Plcaso Head This
Persons noldlng contracts for lots pur-
cnapod from the Omaha Heal Imitate and Trust
Co. , on which payments have become dolln-
nuaut , nro ic < | Uestnd to cull and arrange an
early settlement , nnd save tioublo and cost.
Umnha Itcnl Cstato nnd Trust Co. . ,
IGOt Faruam bt.
A UCTION sales every Tuesdny.Thursdnyand
j-4-Paturday morning atllll IJouglasstreet.
Omaha Auction .V Storage Co. > 0
H reliable lire "insurance.
. 33 , ' .
HL , COIjfi , notaiy pubiu and ( .onvoynncor
> Si. )
IOBT lletween Wlucoto * Hlloy's ollico. 'Mill ,
J and I.eavenworth ami 30 Hi 1'nclllo street.
One blank book about 8x10 Inches. led cover
and about 151 pages. ? 5.00 reward If rqturned
to either above address. Wlncoie & Itlley.180
rpAKKN UP Illnck horse at Jlcno\cH'B
J- dairy , Dundee 1'laco. 308 23J
WANTED 3 boarders ; good accommoda
tions ; private family. Apply 21.1 No. IStiu
fPHK cleanest and best storage In the city at
JL low rates nt 1114 Douglas street. .Omaha
Auction It Storage Co. 1C1U ,
rpltACKA'JEntorageatloweatrates.V. . M ,
JL Ilnshmnu , l.ill Ijonvonworth. "TO
B rH''OItr buviug a piano examine the new
Hcalu Klmball piano at A. Hospe,15n Doug-
_ _ _ _ _
GKO. F.tii.IiNIIiaif. ) : : : teacher of the banjo ,
room 213 Douglas block , or lleo oillce. 210
) IANO tuning by Ooorao lltoomtlaid , piano
maker. 111 North 17th. 20 yrs experience In N.
Y. , Chicago and Omaha. Excellent references.
r ANTED lo buy a full lot In Prospect
Hill U23 N. ' . ' . , ' ' . '
cemetery , Inquire IrJth.1
WANTED To buy gold dollars. Address
stating ptlce. A 51 lioo olllco. 1.1 ! ! 2i !
WANTED Furniture , carpets , household
goods for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage
Co. . JI17 H l.ltu st. JJJ
WANTED Oood commercall paper. Ne
braska Moitgage Loan Co.,519 i'axton blk.
liousohold goods atllli
Douglas street.Omaha Auction A , Storage Co.
\\l ANTED To nuy for spot cash , city or
Vt country parts or uholeptockp of dry ana
fancy goods , clothing , boots and xhoes , milli
nery , stationary , gent's furnishing goods , ctn.
Call on or address J. L. HrandeiH & Sons , cor
ner l.Hhnnil Ho\\nrd. Omuha. 833.
\\7ANTED to Iluy-&JM good short tlmo paY -
Y > per. H. 11. Henderson , IOJ Paxton blk. 417
A ( JOOI ) span of work mnios , harness and
juv wagon for halo for spot cash , Aitdres A 50 ,
Iloo. 2bO 21
AT auction. Hatutday , 10 a.m At the Omnlia
auction and storage company's sulcsroom ,
Saturday. 1U a. m..2 ) casosot 1-pound tans Cal
ifornia salmon In perfect condition. Sold for
account of shippers. .TJO-21
"T7iOIl3AUDrllHg. : . dellxery nnd draft
Jp horses , H. Kuowlos KU1 N llthst. 21IU2.U
iroll SALE or tiado Good sidebar top buggy
JJ only itfu Holbrook , 1501 Farnam St. 2U7
'IT OIl SALE Complete futnlshlngs of amod-
a. ern house , lu convenient location. 1'rlco
JiHW. A bargain. Address A17 lleo olllco.
1KI 82"
LAW library , very cheap , or terms oaiy. Ap
ply , William Martin , Fremont , Nob.
iXU 2&f
"IT OIt SALE Some excellent furniture , lo.
JL.1 eluding stoves camels , etc. Also picture- ,
and brlc-a-biac. 4.M So. 24th nvynuo. 221-2JJ
'TJ1OUSALE nirnlturo of Hroom house % ery
J- cheap If taken at bettor place for
renting rooms or boarding house , also uood
barn , rent very low. Address A 47 Hue. 201 22J
OH a A LE Counters and shelving. Apply
to W. L , Shaw , olllco south loom V. M. ll
A. building. 23fl'
"liiOU SALE at a bargain Drug Ilxtures. conn-
JL1 tera and show cases , almost now < Innnlro
S. E. corner loth niul Fnraaiu sta. _ tote
HOUSES Forced Hale. 2J head broken Oro-
gouhorsfts. weighing from t-iuht to eleven
dred pounds. Lash price , JI.OJl Call
. S. 7th ave. _ gy.-22t _
IJIOH SAI.U Uuo of the llnojt drlvlni ; teMns
JL1 in Omaha ; atrald of nothing , utyllili und
prompt drivers ; also a full platform , iHprlng
carriage almost new. AddreSa X 22. llou olllco.
PUIINITUUn auction every W
_ Saturday. U17 B llth. Wells.
Foil SA tjE A 35-horse power 1'orter euglub
In good condition , weight B.10U pounds , cyl
inder 11x10 ; for purtlculnH apply toThellee
ollice. TUB
_ _ _
"ITiOK BALK or trade-One llat top d k ; bue
JL' 8-foot standing desk , ono lease of auction
of school land. 4 J acres of Imiirovoil wtsttjrii
land and Q iwcttons of U. 1' . railroad land. II.
U. Henderson. 400 Paxton block. _ ! H
TTtOIl S A IK 8omo lpood 'watches : tind dla-
JL1 mends cheap. U. F. ilmten , room 4 , Wtn- |
nell blk. 345
MUS. O.CKItON lithe mind reader nnd Ml&H
Manna the fortune teller , will remain in
the city throe weeks longer. All millerer * With
rheumatism und female weakness batter come
tonce. Cure by magnetic treatment. Fees ,
60 cents ; 171H Cassgtreet.
_ _
U. II. OliOUX.eloctrTtlty.ina.auKo and may.
netlo treatment , chronic dliaasos n ipedlal.
ty , simple medicines whou needed , 323 N 15th.
_ 4J3in3lj
DU. NANKIBV. WAIU'.KN. clairvo
icil and btismois medium , Keina
a peclalty. ll N , ittb st , room * 3 ana V ,
A IlHlVArjOxtraortlluarrof MM. Dr Kddr ,
xXtho dl-.tlnjiulshed nAfM-f.imod nnd only
re l natural trance clAtrfVtt > nt and spirit me
dium In thH country. ! seventh daughter of the
seventh daughter , born with veil nnd great
est prophetic itlft of leron'l ntgnt. Wniloon-
traurea will rovenl every hlddnr. mystery In
life. Has long been protOnnccxl In Kuropo nnd
AinertcA the greatest -living wonder of the
pre-isntnjp. ( rnderitnmisnlia scion-oof th
' Pornlnrt and Hindoo maglr , " or ancient charm
working , nnd prcpnroi L'gyptlan tallinmns
which will overcome your , enoiiiiet , ictnovcs
family troubles , reJtoresiuut attectlons , makes
marrmt-o with tno one you lou > no fallure-
romnvcii evil Inllueuco * , had Imblts. cures
witchery , Ills nnd all long-standing nnd mys-
trrlou * dlseaies : wilt tlvo correct Informn-
tlouon lawsuit , slCknosj. death , divorce , nb-
sent friends , every thing ; 'never falling advice
to voupg man on marntwo * iud how to choose a
wife for happltiPM , ami what business bo\t
adopted for sDtfedy richer/ ; Stock speculation
nsperlaltv. Al'o gives Indlspensablondvlce to
youngladtcn on love , courtship and marriage ,
nnd If jour lover li truer falsn. nnd gl\ej pic
ture ot future InislitidAllli name , ngo und
dateof marilnjro. Hour * , o n. m. to 8 am. ,
strict. N II Fortne benolltof tho'.e whonro
unable tocslt upon Mr * . Dr. Eddy , she would
respectfully announce that she gives perfect
satisfaction by letter. Your entire life will bo
written Inn clear and plnln manner : Letters
with stamps promptly answered. Send for
largo Illustrated circular \\lthspeclat terms.
Mrs , Dr. Eddy , SO ? N. H-tU . . Omnlm , Nob.
DEPOSITIONS , lOc per folio ; petltfons i cerT
respondcnceuccopylug, ; VX > .
_ 120-m3Jj
\\rANTED Educated young laiflos nnd gen-
r tlomon to learn nhorthand nud typewrit
ing ut the .Standard SbVirthaud lluslness col
lege , Now York Life building ; linen rooms in
the city ; all latest improvements , electric light ,
Jlovatot service ; ehrapml school because It Is
the best ; Instruction tnoroui-h , modern , practi
cal ; demand for stenographer * constantly in
creasing : success positively sure. Call or write
for one of our largo descrlptlvo catalogues
Addroa" . Standard Shorthand Huslnoss College -
lege , Frank E. Hell. Manager , N. Y. Life Hldtf ,
Omaha , Nob. TOT
L lHEItAL real cstnto loins made by W. Ji.
Harris , room 20 Frenzor blk , opp.F. O.
EASTKHN MONEV to loan on city property :
mortgage paper bought. H. ll. Irey , opp.
postolllcc- . 120
/1HATTEI , loans at lowest rates : removed
V > * to517 andGlO Paxton blk ,1. II. Eminger.
KEY3TONF. Mortgage Co. Loins of $10 to
JI.OUO ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money : loan on norses. furnlturo or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought , for now loan , renewal of old and lowest
rates. CallU2W , Shooly blk , 15th & Howard sts.
WANTED First class Inalde loans. Lowest
rates. Call ami see us. Mutual Investment
Co. . 1601 Farnam. uou
TITONKY to loan on cuy security
JLU. for short tlmo nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property ,
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
Itoom i 0 , Paxtou block. M
TTMllbT mortgage toans at low rates and node-
JD lay. D. V. Sholos Co.,21i ) First National bank
. U31
MONEY loaned ou furniture , horses and
wagons : rates reasonable. City Loin Co ,
room n Darker. 8.M
MONEY to loan , by ll. F. Masters , in nny
amount train $10 to 810,000 for any time ,
from one to SK months. ,
I mnko Ion5 on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horbes , miilo , bouses , Teases , etc. , lu
any amount , nt the lowest possible rate ,
without publicity or removal of property.
.My loans are NO arranged that you can make
a payment nt any tlmec und reduce \our in
terest pro rata. You pay Interest only for the
tlmo you use the money. . , Jf you owe a balance
on your property I will take It up and carry it
for you , at the lonest rate consistent with the
risk , srso1
Moroy always on hano\alNo delay. No pub
licity. Lowest rates II. F. Masters ,
lloom 4. Withnell Uloci " l/itu / nnd Hurnoy sts.
MONEY to loan on furuAturi1. organs , nlanoi
horses und wagons ntlawkoyo Investment
Co. , room 3J , Douglas bljujinth and Dodge ' sts.
Gl'EU CEN'T nuuaonceiUnins S3.H03 to SIO.OUO.
llulldlng loans at spixual rates , The Mead
Investment Co. . lice ouildlng. | idO
H.E , COIjC , loan agent.ijUoutlnental block.
' 111U1CU small loans wanted. U , 1' . Harrison ,
J J11N. Y. Life. , , nW - . 170
MONKX--8J. . 0) ) or WJcidayrfpon .lurnlttiro
pianos , horses , hou50 ? otcji Ji-J. Wilkinson
MONKV to loin : cash on naml : no delay. J.
W. Squire , 1210 Farnam st. , ' ilrst National
bnnk building. 302
T OANB made ou any available security. Con-
JLI tral Investment Co. , Kooui-J. Chamber of
Commerce. U3J
$10,000 to loan at 7 per cent not. O. F. Hairl-
soil. Oil N. Y. Life , f 171-"J
$1(1,000 ( to Invest In gooi } llrst mortgage paper.
Itoom 400,1'oxton lllocK ( U--DJ
MONKV to loan. O K llavis Co real eatato
and loan agents. JliOC Faruam at. 'Ml
BUILDING Loaun DM to'7 percent ; no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attor
ney's fees. W. B. Jlelkle , First Nat. bank bldg.
IU1LDING loans made on
* cnolco city property
At lowtst rate- . .
1'iiviuo funds to
loon on briCK
residence and
business property
upon\ory fa\orablo
Klmball , Champ & Ityan ,
1205 Faruam St. SSSalS
LOANS of i20,000 to SJJ.OJO on choice Insldo
property wanted Immediately to till a spe
cial order. Itutos very low. Cash on hand.
Central Loan and Tiust Co. , 1-05 Farnam xt.
MONKY to loan on norsei. wagons , mules ,
noiuehokl goods , ptannsorgans , diamonds ,
at lowest rates. The llrst ornmiized-lo in olllco
In the city. Makes loani from IW to ! W5 days ,
which can be paid In parr or wbolo nt any
time , thus lowoilng the principal and Interest.
Call ana boo us wtiun jou want money.Vo cnn
assist yon promptly nnd to your advantage
without removal ot property or publicity.
Money al rajson liaud , No dataIn making
loans. 0. r. Iteed & Co. , ! JI3 s. lath at : over
lllnghnm & Fons. T XiT
T OANH City anil farnl loans , mortgage TJn
J-Jpor bought. McCngue luvoatmont Co. .Ij4
roNEYtoloan , 1'nrrotto , Uouglns mock.
L ail-ftl
Guarantee , * ; Trust Co. . N. V. Life
bldgcompleteab3trnct,3 , furnlshod nnd tltlos
to real estate examined , per fectod Kimurnntood
TT1OH BALE llestnnrant , confectionary nnd
JLJ bakery ; only ono In good live town of l.rao ;
doing a good paying casn business ; will sell n
bargain If taken In thirty days ; luvostlfnto nt
once. H. F. Jlurphy. StrpmsoiitK. Neb. JCJD-22J
T\7 ANTED Fartnor in a peed barber shop
TT with three chairs : wood loc-itlon. Iiuiulro
or address W , I. Coopir.llIth st. Fieinnnt.Neb
'f JL ais-2i ;
_ _
SA V Do you want to burnout established dry
Koods business ( l-.OliO ) * in urowliu : lllack
Hills to\\n. Wrlto for IntoJUiatlon to A 21) ) . llee.
ITi9' U78-23 *
_ _
AOllBAT opportunityl'br sale the furnl-
turo Mill llxturoa of the bpearUsli hotel.
bpoarllsh. S. P. : the EikhoiOi Vnllay rnlltond
\ > lll bothoru this Hiunmarufiwjnodorn brick
homo w Ith BO rooms ; bulidintf-can bo lenteil
very low ; this Is a ma uiliccnt chance for a
live man ; thn outllf. uaieuJ ( ouiiht for about
lialtlts vuluo ; udd > o-isll-J.W. Valentine , sec ,
board of trade , Spearllsh , or F. T. Allauoui/h ,
Now castle , Wyo. s'li a.82jj ;
260 cases California HMinoiMUll be gold for nc-
count of Bhlpiiurs SaMlMay , 10 a. m. . nt the
auction house , lilt Douglas at. _ aio-2l
NOTlCK Stone fiuarrn/rt Jouisvllle. Nob. .
for lease or sale nt luilVHiablo ilguret. . This
final ry la ono 01 tlinbest.souui of the Flntto
river , part already alrlpfid , stone ofiay got nt ,
and about forty rods to 'filiult" ' raliioud ; nlso
BOinoot the Unest Hand , , . . . . _
dross J. ( J , Iluber , LouUrtllo , Neb , 2U122t
BIO bargain if taken soqn for sale the fur
niture of the hotel Huwley , very cheap ,
terms oa y , rent low , otltbr builiieas rni.inn for
selling ; aaUreas 1 T. llbberts. North I'lattu ,
Neb. 2if.2at
MEAT Market for s.ilo cheap , best location
in cltv ; btevens * cooler and llxtun-a ; luvui-
llgiite. Address A62 , Hoe , u U 2UJ
PHYSlCfAN wanted Immediately to"tako
chur eof n largo country prnctfco , po com
petition ; must be it "regulnr % of HOIIIH ex
perience ; can buy or rent , my resilience and
drug Btoro , Address T. C , prulK , JI. D. . Hastou ,
Kunsua. _ 240 28J
POIt HALE or trndo I have 5 shares at dlvl-
dend paring stock In n good cattle company
hat I will trade for rual rstuto or tcortKuKos.
Holbrook , laot FainamBt. 2t)7 )
AFINE meat miricet for sale or trade for a
stock ot groccrlta. IO3 Hanuders. t l 21J
STOCK < > t drugs for sale or trade , one-third
CASH , willi * CAtiwell , llroVen lion. Neb.
133-ilT *
"IT\OH \ > . naif tntere-itln nenoral
merchnndUo business of ( fiJ.OW per year
nqtproilt $ KV X ) per ye ir. In western country :
owticr not well nnd wishing prtttlai rest ; refer
cnco * ! mutt bo fnrnlihctl with luttern of In
qulry. .Address A 3 * . lleo ofllo. ICTnl *
"TfUJU BAHK or Exchange tliJOO dry poods !
-L' boota nnd shoes , half rash , bulanco clear
mini. . .LockIJ < Jnark.jmj. ! . lLrJl ! _
AllfNllTAI. ( : mrrclmiidlso buslnosj tor iiii
in n town on Stout Clty.V I'nclllo railroad In
wo tcrn jo\\n. Termi cn li , or good security ,
lluildlnei. Includlna residence nnd prnimrlci
alto. Will cxcnnnRo for good farm lands or
city property , HullilInK * worth about W.MXl.
( looil llolil.for doing n grnln , cattle nnd tipecu-
latlvo business. Address A U > , Umnhn llee.
, Pill n 13
8.VI.K In a lively Nebraska tonn ot
lu.OO" . n llMt-class stattonorv , book , nowi ,
and wall p | lr bilsluosi. Sile-i * ) ) .OOJ Flno
location ami Inndmir store In the city. Will In
voice nuont Jrt.ajo : ISstnbllshoi ! 10 year * . Ail-
dre'3 A1 , Unillia Hoe , SVJ-21J
TpOH HENT-Checkered livery barn inTistir
JLJ et Hot Hnrney. C11 or address Nub Mort-
ga-roj4ganC < i. . 5fu I'axton blk. CM _ _
171OH B A Mi General stock of goods and liu-il-
JU ueai Inn well locntod tonn ciRlitenu miles
from Omaha , now doing a oplondld builnc-ii ;
good reason1) for Helling. Ir.tiilroof | H. Cotucr
nt Nobraakn Savlncs bank , Omaha , Nob.37rtn4j
> 37rtn4j
STllINOr.U-'e ' IVniioy. room at Dout-lns block
lm\on big list of property of nil kinds which
they can trailu for Nebraska farm land * . Cor
respondence solicited. Stringer A : Founv.
\\rAMTKD- To trade farms nnd city lots for
T merclmndlso. Will pay part cash. Jesse
Oandy. llrokon How , N-jb. 22.-27 ;
TT10H EXCHANOK Pome good bargains In
JL' liuuU nnd city lots. N. It. Apple , loom 10.
\Vuro block , if. icor , 13th and Fnruam sts.
OIiEAN stock dry goods , clothing , noota ,
shoes ; want good real estate nnd some
money. Address Hex 7H , Trankfort , Ind ,
VJ127 ) *
Trade : fu acres goort doodt-il laud 10
miles southwest of Jlertiuul. Neb. , cattio
preferred. Juo. U. llallard. lleitrand , Nob.
' *
II' you hnVe anything to oxchaugd call on or
address H.E. ColB. 111 ! . Continental block.
Olllco open evenings 7 to 8JJ. : W17
I71OH EXCilAN'lTE-ciioTcoltiiprovoil NebraT
JU ka farms. Will nssttino Unlit encumbrance
If you have anything to birer address or call on
tJoo. J.Stenudorir. room ! )17-313 1'lrst Natlinal
bank building , Tolotwono 401. G23
TT1OH KXCHANGKlGwa7KnnsasorNobrasica
JU innd for stock of ftonernl inurchnudtbo ; will
pay 41,000 orOJO cash. lllseleyShciiandoahIn.
WHAT have you to exchange for n lot in
South Omaha wortn JI.OuO , clear ot in-
cumbranco. Address X K , lleo oillce. OU
TTIOH KXCJUANOE-S lots In South Omaha
JU or 1 lot near Vlnton xt. . for horses or mules.
Itoom 13. Hoard Trade. U"5
T71OU SALE Or exchange"cleir lands "Iii
JL1 James river valley chrap for cash or In trade
for horsc" < . merchandise or desirable city prop-
erty. Carroll Atwood. Aberdeen. S. D. 211 2JJ
J71OII SALE S.OO ) acres best fnrmlne lands In
JU Nebraska nud noxl'i ) foot ou South l.ith si.
at a great sacrlllce. Inquire 013 South nth st.
Oeo. H. I'etoraon. I"2al7
5KOOM cottage for halo or rent ; 2G2J Chlcai-o
street. lurtiirci2lUI ) Chlragost. 18.'i
fJIOK SAKE Cheap. 100x150 ft. , a corner. In
JU Hillside No. 2. ou grade. Also , 2 lots In 1'nlr-
mount place. N. II. Apple , room 10. Win a
block , a. e. cor. 15th nnd t'lirnam nt3. 1114 2IJ
XTirAUGH & S.Omaha.
V > 1,11
CJIXTV-riVB acres s. w. of p. o. , suitable for
OjilattlnK or gardening , for hale at u bargain.
T. K. Darling. 4J Darker block. blJ
I'KCIAIj b.irgaln-Ilest lot In Hlllsldo No. I.
Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Col-
lard. owner , Kearney. Nob. _ ISJmaJJ
LISl'yoilr property with H. K. Cole
FT\\V \ ( ) choice lota on small cash .payment , bnl-
JLanco second mortgage to responsible parties
who will build. II. K. LOIiT Continental blk ,
and 2301 N. Stta. 6tU
TjllVK room rottagos , ai.GIH each , $100 ca
X' ( UuYii. balance iln oer month. , a'hos , 1' . Hall ,
block. _ .170
Uodgo A:2tltn sts . 100x14.8 teot.
4UAKOAIN - . , ) > 8.broom . cottage ,
clieap foe customer with monoy.on line of cable ,
rental JUO per mouth. Address 3JJ N. V. Life.
I CAN offer forsalo for the next thirty days
closn to the city nnd only tluee to four blocks
fiom regular station on Holt I.tno jtnllrtmd.
This llind Is Bplendldly located within twenty-
live minutes rldo of the business center of
Omaha und w 111 miiko snlendld homos or line
fruit and vegetable gardens , and
that will sell Inside of throe years for ? 100 or
$ oOU each. 1 can olTer thli land In tracts of live-
to ten acres , nt prices and terms It will pay you
to Investigate.
Itemom bertha safest and surest Investment
made by people of limited moans in Chicago.
St. Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas City has been
made In well located acte property , and the
largest profits In proportion to the amount In-
\ estod have been realized ou this kind of no In
You take no risk. You can have a pleasant
home and support vour family oir of a live or
ten-ncro tract , that vrlll cost you less than an
ordinary city lot , or the land can be rented und
lined for fiulcanci gaiden purposes at llgures
that will almost pay for it. You escape the
high city taxes and numeious special assess
ments on an imestment of this kind and the
lapld growth of our city will soon maaii It
double and treble In value.
Call and let us show you this property and se
cure u choice of one ot the best estments ou
First Floor. New York Ilfo Ilulldlnir.
2'Jl ' 2J
BARGAINS In cholr-o residence propotty.
Lot 22. Clark's addition , "iitli nt. , uuar
Howard , lxl2orth ! * 7.0J ) 13,509
Ml'oeton llaiuey uuar 2Jth street , south
front 0,000
fllots ou Jlstst. , near Ho\\ard. beautiful
nees , very choice and veiy cheap , each
at 2.7GO
No such chance for making money ottered
this season.
T. S. Clarkson. ! ! 75 21
IOOICatthls list or ljualnoss property :
J ? : oWO for lot u block 190 u. c , tor. 13th and
J-r.,000 for north II ft. lot n block 153. city : this
is a miltabla pleco for warehouse or hotel.
J'JMHX ) for lots r , and 0 block 114 , 1 J2xUU ft , n.
o. cor. 20thaud rarunm ; suited for hotel.
$ )2.vx ) ( ) for Uxi32 ) , n. w.cor. 20th and l-'aruimi ;
fliiltod for s lores and Hats.
$ ' 8,0110 for o.4l ft. lot U block 107 , opposite new
pOMtolllce ; rentH now prodtico $1,500 a your.
flii.WKI for lot n block 87. south front , bet , 15th
nnd intlion Dodge : now bringing good re tin n.
tall and see Stringer .V Penny.
Hooin 3J , Douglas Illock.
ATINE Utttahomo , 2bth at. near Woahrorth ,
fuUlot.oast front. 7 looms and bath , < ery
little , cash required , i' , K. Darling , 4J Itarkor
block. 278
I71OU SAMS A largo warehouse on leased
-1 > ground. iMnaa throe years to run at low
rates. Near track and Inline location. Apply
nt once at 1001 B. 13th Bt. 100-23
< Jj 1,500 buys 40x127 with good u-room house ;
tpwell , clatori ) . Will sell 40xli7 for < > ao. Ap-
ly on tlio lireinliioa , 3110 Decaturst. 2.VI-nlUJ
TTiuK HA LU Very cheap , no tradCK , farm of
JU B4J.70 acresec. , . C. 12. N o W. Hamilton coun
ty. Neb. : 2miles from Marquuttv , sniiili houuo ,
stable , JOO acrei ot pasture fenced , living water ,
prlco only * JH per acre. I > .4J7.wi , Terms * 2.20 < i
cash , bnlinco 8 pur cent Intttront. F. 1C.
owner , railroad building , Denver CoU UM
© 40.000 i\ ino cor 10th uud Douglas , ti.oon-
Pi ami 0-room house , lot U7xS ) , a o cor 1 1th nud
Vlnton. Mrs. Kulilman. 270 u 2
ABMAIIL payment don and Jl" > per month
will buy a 4-room house nnd lot on loth , two
blocks from motor : tirst-clasa clmnceto aciuilro
n. homo on easy torius. Apply to H , E. Cole ,
ConUnental block. ff
EOUBAI'K Oroxclmngo for drug * and real
patate , tJO.OOO book ttocii. lloxfilH.f {
TTIOH 8ALK-WxiaJon ( Jonosi stjJOO per foot
JL1 ddrVsyX-fjaee. E25 n2J
TjlOHHAfjK-Cheap. 160 acre * land In Vnlley
JU Co , , Neb. , near Arcadia , nnd 1UO acres in
Keya I'aha Co. , Net > . , improvod. Address
. box "A ay llae. 12S-2lt
\TOTH1E to I nve tors-Wa will receive blils
JLl for the purchaio of our business property ,
l.WS Faruam street , known as tha east : u feet
of lot 7. block 11M , up to April the first , next :
owners reserving tha right to reject any or all
bids. I.ohmann i-lluindii. euro of John II. F ,
Lehmann. ( JJ4 Boutli 17th Street 64 ! )
CJ ALT LAKK cm'I > urtios desiriniriolu"-
Orescinthl ciljrwlU do well to connult tn
Illeter. Johnson InvHDtmeut Co. , I' O. lloxt.71.
and IV .SoutU .Main U Halt Lake City. We han
dle choice prop rty only and th o the best of
reference * . 617.4.3
( E2.T50 buys elegant B-roomM cottnec In con
Pvenlcnt locution. Terms * , W < 1 cash balance
* r > per month.
Hl.000 buys C-roomoil t'ottarto In s mo locAtlon
IftK ) cash bal-iiuo t5 per month.
PV-JW ttoa 7-rooined cottagp , t7.0 CRsh nnd
balance f-1 per montli. Come nnd HOC ttrlug r
A Fenny , llgom 3J Douslns block about these
bargains. 201-2U
WANTKH-l'nrtlei who want plan of Am
bler or EcKarmnnu Floco can pot thnsntno
free of charge by calling : on 0. F , HarrlsoD.till
OOrrAOK hornet in most any addition for
itaio at from tl.ixk ) up , ou easy monthly pay *
nionts F. K. Darling , 41 llnrkor blook. pia
POiSAlii- * : > .Vrooniion iislull lot"ajtTi niui
Ctiirk's sn , JAOU.I , Jwoc 8h ! r.-room houne ,
full lot , linker 1'lnre. Walnut Hill. I1.IW. flJu
cnMi. InainroiifJi. D. Merrill , 4Uh nnd Sew-
uid Bta. Wnlnut Hill. Odl S7J
irblt SAI.E-A llat of IS rooms Moll fur-
JL' nj-itied. niied with good paying roomers.
CiW-I N. Itithovor iroody'scttlnaBloro.
ton ave near : wii with barn , within the
inllo limit , only JS.500. C. A. Starr , isn Fainant.
sui ai
171 oil 8 A LlTtrin n'odTiTriTclx'inTiriTrbiiy
Jnlco iVroom ( ottago tin IHth St. , lu I.ako'H
ndd. ; notnule. Addieni , Owpor , Hoom 1. 1127
O st , , Lincoln , Nob. : i7 !
Hr.ltllisyour rluinco for n beautiful roTH
ili-nco lot M teot south fiont nour ' .tlthuml
Hartley , M.OXI ; M cnsh. for n faw dnys only , n
genuine bargain ,
F. 1C. Darling.
4.1 llalknr Illock.
Telephone . , 7ilO.
.121 47
BTSINE3S property Si tool on Douglas st. nt
about one-half valus. owned by a non resi
dent who ulilu < 3 to ronllro nt once. Hutchlu-
son & Woad. 1VU Douglas st. 2.M1-23
> RAL KSTATK If you wnntto sell or rent
'list it with T. ( i Hrunuer.holmsn largo
Hit of customers. lloom l , Wnra block , B. E.
Cor. 13th nnd r.irnam , 4M Jl
8W Qeoigla , 1) rooms every modern convnn
lem-p , ilk-Rant and cheap , must bo sold by
April 1st , best harcnln In Omaha.
8 < ,2iU 7 rooms , all conveniences , location line
big imrg.iln.
10,503 ID-room pressed brlclt.all conveniences ,
barn , pan llxtnro * . Imuhvmxl llnlsli , ] ; .
front , ruxlTl foot , lluiinfom I'luco.
J.,7iXl rooms , nU'ctnivnnlence-i , Orchard Mill.
7,500-U loom ? , barn , all conveniences , tlireo
iiiautcls. gas tuturcs , ground coiner ,
iHxl ! I.
SO,000-2f < < xlTn trackiKO for clear farm.
lluvo ion any bartrnlns ? If so. wo
wunt n list of them. Wo have farm *
nnd vacant lots clear for houses and
lots See us before you ouy.
D. V. Sholes Co. . 2IU I'lrsc National Hank.
LINCOLN i'l c3 anil Crthaso lots prlea , JJO ( .own , balance ll monthly.
W. Si , Saioy , it. If. lloira l'iuli uJ !
, IN i ) Hoc.
Matter of Application of KgRcrt Oft for liquor
Notice N hereby clven that IVgert Oft did
upon th 2stdny ! of March. A. 1) ) . IPIHI , tile His ap
plication to thu lloardof County ( Joninii.iHloiu'rH
of Douc'.us County , Ncb.forlkcnso toscllmalt ,
Hptiltuousand vinous liquors , at lloiinluplon ,
JiouKlid County , Neb , from the 1st day of
April. U a. to tlio 1st day of April , IEU1.
It there bo no objection , rrmonstinnco or pretest -
test Iliad within two weeks from Miuchaul ! ! ,
A. I ) . IS'nj , the said permit \\lll bu granted.
2l-3 Ennr.UTOiT. Applicant.
T7o ies I ciTlUTuio ; llUlfT.TNuiWSTJI
Omnlm. I Depot 10th anil Jtnson etrcol * .
J 15 | > ni . . .Chlciino VvMlbnlQ iiprc- . . . u 4' < a in
I ) 4'i a m . ChlcnRO Kxprc-19 l ) "Jl p in
! > I. ' ) n ID ChlciiKO Kxprcus. B , K1 n m
l ) M p m . . . lo-ra I cil oxrciit Smiil.if. . . . 11 30 a m
Omnlu. Dopiit 10th anil Mmon atructa. Otn ilia
10 05 a ru . . . .Denver Vcnllliulc Il. . . . S ( X ) p in
810 n m .IIustliiK-i .V Cuiironll i l.oinl. . . 0 l'i p m
0 M p m Dt'nvor lixprt'88 U n. * > u m
Leavus 1C. O , H I' . J * 0. II. I Arrives
Omnlm Depot IQtli anil Mnaon itreet * . I Ouialm.
935 n in ! . . .Knn.ia- City Dijr ixpre3 . . .I tt 4' > p III
" 45 p nil 1C. C. Night Kxp vK II I" . Tr.ini | li 41 ll til
Jjonves I UNION PACIFIC' . I Arrive-
Unmha. | Depot IQtli mill Mnrcy strnot-i. Omnlm.
2 < o p in Overland Hycr i > 20 p ra
7 60 p ni I'acltlo IJxpres' 7.11 a in
010 n in Denver Kxpru : ) * 120 p ru
4 45 p in ( ] rniul iHlnnd l xri ( except Sun. ) 12 45 p in
5 Tt ii m Kan-ma ( 'lty Kxpreis 12 0) a m
Iimrc.i ClIICAOO , U. t.A. 1'ACIHC.
Onmlm. U.I' , depot , mill ami M.ircyHU.I
4 IS p m . . . .Night llx 11100 a in
U IS n m , . Atliintlo Ilxprc-is. * 8 'W p in
II IJ p in .Vc-tltililo l.lmltrd. 800 p ID
Omaha U. P. depot , lOtli and Harcr HU. Omnliii
1)15 a m ChlcnRO Express oWn \
4 yo p m Vcstlbulo Llmltort. . . . . . . . 9 M a n
(115 p m ( Lv. ox. Bat ) Mail ( Ar ex. Man ) 7.40 a a
020 p ru linstcrn 1'lyor 2 43 p !
Loaves CHICAGO , Mill , i bT. PAUI < - 'Arrlvoi
Omaha U. P. depot. 10th und Marcy Hta. Omaha
0.16 a ni , .CliltuKU Mall ( except Bundar ) . . 6 15 p in
001) ) p ni Chicago Kxpross 1) ) 43 H in
Via p m Kxpress ZJO-p m
I.e.ives OMAHA 4 8JV I.OUIS. [ Arrives
Omahn. U. P , depot , 101 h onrt Marry Bl I Omaha
4.15 p ml St. Jxiuls Cminuu Hull . | 12M p m
Omnlm U. I' ilopot. 10th find Marcy 8ti
7.15 a in . . . . aiour Cltr 1'u-neiiKCr . .
(115 p ni . 3t. I'nul Idprcaa. . . . .
Orunlia Doput 15th and Webster tun. Omalui.
0 4"i p ni i..Ht. I'nill l.lmllnl. . ) IIJ5 ij m
P. , K. A MO VAIJTKV. Arrlvo
Omaha. I Ilopot IMh nnd Weli-U-r 8t . | I Omnlm i
900 n in . . . . HUck Hills Kxprem.
! ll ) a m Hastings KT | > . ( Ex riunilij- ) , 5M p m
f > 10 p Ml .Wntioft A Lincoln Pits onicr. 10 & ) a m
' > 10 ] i m Yorfc A Norfolk ( Hr. Hunilay ) 10IM ) ii m
Leaves I C , , BT 1" , M. K. O. Arrives
Omalui. | Ilopot 15th and Webster Bt . Omnlm
B UO a m . lrtilouY * City Accommodation. . U 4S p in
1.00 p in . blouxClly Kxpress ( Kx.Hun. ) . 1 10 u in
These trains also atop nt 13th , 17th , 20th nnil 2llh
Btrccts , HummU and Snvliljio Crossing.Vorklun -
uicn'ii Iriilns do not
Tminterl Union lciot. | Cimncll llluga. TraMfor
V 40 a iii Clilcnuii Kipri.i 6 lu p in
y 10 p hi . .Vostlbulo 1.1 ml toil , , , ll 45 a in
4 M 1 > III . . . . .Kutern lrlyer 6 45 p m
b.U ) p ni Atlantic Mall 780 tt III
CIHOAl ( > 7"liTTr& 'l > A HlId."I Arrl r
Trunsfor UnUin Dupot. Cuuncll Ilium. ITraiiifur
6 I6p nil. . . . .Nliiht Kxpro Jli a ui
10UA a in Atliuillo 1'nnr . . . , 000 p m
100) p iiij Vi'.llbiilo Jinltva 1 W p ra
"l.oatosToHTOAtiori'nL'A bT.
Tramferl Union Depot. Council Illutlii.
V Al a mi.Clilcaici Mull ( xceit buuilny ) . . V ) p m
030 i > ra Kipreaa , , , , , , , , 9 15 a m
10UU | i | . . . . . . . . . - . K pre. IX ) p m
Toaros" ! Ii. 0. , UT 'jOK " & ( STT Arrlros
Traniforl Union lioput. Council Illug- . Trninfer
lOOl n ui.laiiiiu | t'llr Day Kzpren , , . Tu"J > m
/5pjii.K ni _ CUr Night Kipfen. . . 0 10 t ui
"l aTB9 1 < 5M"A1IA & HT LOUTST
Tram tor I Union Depot , Council " Trninfur
Tti p . ' , . . . . . . lxul Canon lull " 12 fj pm
ICI1IOAUO , UUllt.'N AiTmNUV , ArilTo-
' " " 'tcr' Union liopiit. Council lllqgi. Trmii/or
I ) 10 tt ni , Chlcnk'O Kiproin , 515 p m
1000 p in ClilCoKQ i : prc- . . , , , , „ 820 a in
Q ( JO D ni Cnlcat-o tint Mill 6.3) p m
7.80 p raiio | | i. . . < ! ra'iton I mL"
HiOUJfTlTV k I'AUil 1C.
Tfamfef ) Union Depot , Cuuncll lllutU iTrnnifer
'Tli R mHloux"Cltir ypsia m
IU ) y ui | Btl' I 0.45 p m
Oregon Short Mno & Ulnh N'orllioru
Hnllwny Coiiijiniiy.
Notice U hereby glvoo that , pursuant lo tha
articles of consolidation and nrrecmtnt , dated
.Inly 27th , IJWSi , lhannuiinl inniUnttot thesto k-
ho'.dcr- the Oregon snort ltun And I tnh
Northern lt HHvny ivnipany for thoclertliniof
directors nnd inch other biislneiiaimav leg '
rome , l > ofor * > the meeting , will bo hr-lil nt trtn
onico if the companj. No. 73 Main street. Halt
Lake nty. I'tnh. on \ \ odnosilar , the IBth day of
Jlnrch , IWO , at lo o'clock n. in.
AI.KX. , Secretary.
llostou , t ebruary Cth , ! " ! . f .7d.Mt
Thli is to rortlfy that the Nobraiki Contril
llallnny comp-tny desires nn liu'ramo of lt i nil-
thrlred capital stock from ono million dollars
to four millions n\ < > hundred thoustuu dollar * .
nnd Hint such Increase nnd tlio m\Xiuz nml
publlsntngnf tills rortlltcato , nud tha tlllnu ;
tluToor witli tiui socroturv ot Htatn ot thi < fit At
of Nnbrntka , ha uetm duly nuthorlxeil by jn
holders ot thu m ijorltv of thuc.ipltnl stock ot
the Nonrnskn Central Hallway rompiny.
In u lines * whereof , we have hereunto Mirnml
our n uiu's nt Omaha , In the county ot Oougla *
nnd stnto ot Nebraska , on thn luth day of An-
ccr ltllrJ .
I Corporate I
l beai. I Directors :
W 1 1. I.I AM U ADAM ? ,
. . . , . IIRNJAMIN J.MUtmla ,
Stnto of Nebraska , Dmmlns county , ss :
lloforemo.a lunurv jiuhllo In nnd for said
Douglas county , persiumliy eatno the nbovo
named .lohn A. .vr-lhnup , Ucorgo C llarnum ,
.lolin H. Dumont , Wllllni'n I , . Adams and llou-
Jninln.l. Morris , knou-n to me to bo tha Ident
ical ptT.son.-i who Klgnod tno forounlng tnitru-
ini'iii , and severally - > cknoulodgud the sntd In-
stritment to bo their MUuntary act nnd deou.
for the uses anil purposes therein sot fottn.
In witness wlioreor , I Imvo hereunto slqnod
my name nud nlllxi-il my onirlnl nnil , at Unmlm ,
Douglas county , Nebraska thU Wthdayof All-
gusr. lfl < 9. . W. C.IVUS ,
Nnlnilall . . Noliuy I'tlbllc.
Seal. 1 ob 2 d IU t.tnor
OIIIKI' Ql'Altl'EllMASTEH'S ( > l'KK'E-It ) .
.iirtmoiit of the I'lntto , Umiilui. Neb.Match
20 , IMW. Sealed pniposnN , lu tilpllcate , Mill bu
received hero ami by each post and Dnpot Oiiar-
tcimnster in this department until So'cloekp ,
m. , central time. April 21 t , ltl . and then
opoiicd for furnishing uooil. coal nud chnnoal ,
reiiulivd therein iiuiliig lineal jenrconinionclug
JtllV 1st. 1HK ) . lr. .s , ivserveslight to rejett nnv
or nil bids. 1'icfoieiico given to nrtfclo' ) of
domostlc piodiictlon. roudltlons ot iiunllty
mid price ( liKliidlng In thu prlco of foreign pro
duction thn duty' thereon ) bulng pqiiul. All In-
formntlon furnished ou application hero or to
auvof tuul'ost or Depot Ouauorinnstors. En-
\oloj > es cunt lining proposals to bo marked
" 1'ropo'a'is for fuel , " nnd addressed as liull-
catcd iiliino W.M. H. HlTGIir.S. I.UUtentnut
Colonel itnil Doptity yuartermnster ( loneral , U.
S. A. , Chief qumtcrnmitor. iu2Jd4tal.t U
< 10LD MEDAL , PAHI3 , 1070.
IV. BAKnJl & CO.'S
ltf t tre iintt
tt it soluble.
No Chemicals
firct tun ! In Iti prrparntlon. 11 hi/ptcr.
l an Urtt Unit Ml'r njA et Cocoa
tnltcil with SUrcli , Arrowroot or HiiRflr ,
antl 1' UicrcToro Tar inero cconoinlCAl ,
rut'fiiit IHart ent tint a tup. H ll
dfllcluii't noiirlihlnir , MrcnKtlicnlnirf KA
K1IY DrnrfiTfi ) , onJ admlraMjr ajiplol
fur linnliJin-MclUi | > rri6n > In lu-aHll.
Kolrt lirGrorcrH c ernhcrc.
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester. Man&
"By a thorough know ledge of the nnturtl laws
wblcn govern tno operations of digestion anil
nutrition , and liy a uiroful application of the
Cno properties of well nuloeten Cocoa , Mr. Klips
has provided our breakfast tables with : i ifell-
cately llaor d liover.igo w hlch m ly save us
many heavy doctors' hill * . It Is l > y the judicious
use of siiclj artlclus of diet that a Louatltiitlon
maybe gradually built up until strong enough
to resist eveiy tendency to disease , llundredx
of subtle maladies mo Hunting around us ready
to attack wherever there Is a weak volut.Vu
may escape iniiny a fatal shaft by Keeping our-
i-clvoH well tortluod with ptire blood and a prop
erly nourished frame. " Civil bervko dinette.
Mndb simply with boiling water or milk Hold
only In half pound tlnd.bygiucer-.IalH'led thus ;
IAMCQ PDDQP. PR Homa'opatlili'ClioiUMts
JAltl UO tr r O & UU l,6ndou.inglnud.
Importers and Wholesale Dealers In
WatcliPs , Joiiclry , Cutlery
Nollons , No i cities , Albums *
- ,
Fancy ( louds , .tc.
Luii-'cetusiiorliuLiit Hir
Illc-iarlctyof 6c , lOo nml SSucounlrr ) . Our liuuii anil fully Illuitrateil
INSrilUMBNl'd pioia on rowr-l durmir
II 11 Hakes and wlto to K V S.ilTord , n > {
HW2d.i6-10.wd . i l.SOO
J M McClave to E .1 ' 1 hompson. lot > , blk
11. Orchard Hill , wd . . . . . . 1,000
C U Tyler and vlfeto 13 A Hybum , lots 18
und in. blk ft , Ivllby Place , and lot lg , blk
it , Phiuuluwndd , V , d . 4,009
Maigt Fetry and wlfn to John Hush , lots
n nnd 1 1 , bile 2. M Doiiavnn'x add , w d IJ.OOO
Cerllllcnto to probate the will of .Mary
Folk . . > . , . .
J , \MIcoxnnd wlfo to J Murscti , no
w 3-18-11. wd . 'J.OOn
Mary llruudos nml huslmnd to Oliarloi
and.lohu Haarmunn.lotlli , blk 4 , Camp-
boll'.s add. w d . 1,000
A 0 Soltz and husband to C H Sellpt lot
1. Iilkl , IVulilocbPlaru. wd . 1
City of Florence to Fannlu Mcir-io , l t ,
bltlOl , Floienco. qcd . 1
N A Kuhnund lto to.l F Hector , lot .it ,
blk4 , Ctclgliton lleijilits , wd . , 2.200
W U Human nndlto to II P K'alb. olJl
ft lot 1. blk 2 , Popplcton Park , w d. . . . H.60J
J .1 \VllKlmon nml wife to T.I Holliinlur ,
lot Id. blk 3. Crvmhton Heights , wd . 800
Juneltie Shnfor nml husbiiid to Mm N W
Curklmir , lot 21 , blk 1 , linker Place , w d 1
MrsN W Carkhuir and husband to (1 A
Hell , lota 2.1 and 21 , blk 1 , linker Place ,
w d . . . 1
1) W Clunn and wlfo to .1 W Dlllrnuce , pt
lot IMJ. OlHo'8 add. w d . . . . . 3,000
0 S Ooodrlch and wife to Faniilo M Croft ,
Iots20nnd21 III NOII W3-15-IJ , i | cd , . . 1
JOM Archibald nud wlfo to Aluxnmlor
Walker , u wnws M nwnw wKt-liM. ,
and lots 1 nnd 2 , blk II , P.ukor's mid ,
w d . . 10.000
E RSVood bridge to J E Host , lot 1,1'lack'H
BUb , wil . 3.WO
Utghtoen tiansfera . 8J0.810
Tits , spasms , St. Vltus dance , nervousness
nml hysteria nro teen ctirod by Dr. Mllo1
Nurvlnu. Ft co aauiplus at ICuhu ib Co. , 15tli
The following building pDniilts wora Is
sued yesterday :
Albert Eocha , one-story frame cottage ,
2715 Walnut street . i { 03
Jnmua Neville , ouo-atorybrlikHtororoom ,
107-u North Blxtceuthxtiuet . ] ,000
Lorenz Keller , ono story frame addition ,
South Tucnty-nluth und Walnut
struHts . , . 110
Kd Knppy , une-atory frnmn addition ,
Nineteenth nd Mumlorson atreets . . . . . 100
[ ' „ llonvdlct.ono and-oro-lialf-atoiy frame
barn. ICountze Place , . 390
Chris Hvder. ono-gtory frame cottage ,
1410 North Twunty-llftn street . . . . . 609
Thomas Cu y. ono-stnry frame tottuf- ; * ,
Mouth ' ! ' onttcth anil lloulovurd . . , . . , . 800
Gustavo Under , onu-Htory frame cottage ,
Ceilur and Fourth atrouts . , 'MO
f , . O. Mcllvnini' , one nnd-ono-hulf story
frumo barn . 100
J , U. Lehmer , ono story fiamo storage
sheil . . . . . , , ,
James Wright , repairs , . . .
Total . , . , UU >
Ha Trloil It on Ilia fon.
I tried Chninbarlnlii's Puln Dnlin ou
my son ( or rheumatism. Ho hud boon
unable to work ( or ovar twelve months ,
ind wus uiuihlo to walk to eohool , until
iftor I usoil tlio I'uin Diilm on him. Hems
ms Blnco boon wnlldiiL' ono und n liulf
nllos und biiolc to eohool every dny
'orabout two tnontha. M. I ) , IVfiflmt ,
Uorcliunt , Gibraltor , Uiiioa couuty ,
S' , C.