Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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Ho Admits _ His Connection with
the Plnnoy Farm Murdor.
If Gunrnntocd Immunity lie Offers to
Turn Stita'd Hrldonoo nnd
Toll thn Wliolo Story
of tlio Crime.
: t
Slicrmnn'fl Confession.
Pi. iTMMOimr , Nob. , March 21. [ Special
Tolcfrrnm to TUB UKR.J Shormnn , the
third Huspect In the Jones murder , has at
length confessed his connection with that
dreadful crlmo.
Mil knowledge of criminal matters led
him to bollovu that the oflluira of the law
would investigate everything and ovcry cir
cumstance connected with the deed ; ho also
know that they wcro on his track and fast
disproving nil the suUcniouts ha had made
concornuiK his whereabouts forthopatt sixty
days , All tlicso disclosures Imvo bcou pub-
lUlit'i ! in TIIR Ur.K , nnd In some way ho became -
came iipjirlicd of the fact. Hu nccard-
InKly made up his mind to
tell all ho knew about the butchery.
Lust iiiyhtthU determination became known
on the sirosts of this city , and was soon fiup-
ulomcntoil by the announcement that ho had
actually confessed to Deputy Sheriff TlKlio.
This wa * In a measure supported by the fact
that the deputy loft ostensibly for Grand
Island ; in reality , however , ho loft for
Omaha , where ho called on County Attorney
Mnhoney and told him the serot which had
been confessed to him by Sherman.
This morning the attorney , Detective
Huz2 , Deputy Sheriff TIgho , and Stono-
Krapher Dennoy arrived In town. They were
followed by TUB HCE correspondent , who
had noticed early in the day that there was
a movement of the officers In the direction
of PlaUsmouth.
Upon the arrival hero the party went to
the county jail , but only County Attorney
Mnlionoy was admitted. Later ho sent for
the stenographer and that gontlomaa was
ndmlttted. .
Sherman was talton to tha city part of the
bastllo mid the occupants of that place
wcro suffered to wander at will
in tlio corridors wbllo the sher
iff mounted guard outside. kShorman
loolcea HID picture of desperation ; ho has
grown palo and thin and his eyes seemed to
have lost tholr lustre. Ho was told that his
statement was'to bo purely voluntary and
that anything ho said would bo ahorthanded ,
road to him and licpt In conlldcnrc.
Ho then said that ho had been at tbo Pin-
noy farm several times before the Jones
inurdor jiud know the country lu the vicin
ity. A deal of what had been published
in the p.ipcn > was true and a great deal of
It was untrue. Ho did not murder the old
folks ana claimed to' bo only an accessory
iiftur the fact. The man who had done the
UlliliiK was Shellenbergor. Ho claimed also
thut nt thu actual time of the killing ho know
.whero ho was nnd would bo able
to provo that to the satisfaction
of the court. Il8 wanted Mr. Mahoney to
promise him Immunity if ha told the whole
story and turned state evidence. To this ,
however , the county attorney made no proin-
190.Hu W.IH asked If ho hud ever ROUO by the
name of Glover , Ho rciilicd that ho pre
ferred not to answer that question. .
Shblleubcrgcr , he said , hr.ii done iho kill
ing ngiilnf.t the wish of Nonl , and after the
inurdur the liittur remonstrated with him ,
claiming that It was not necessary to do
nwuy with the old people In order to Imvo
drlvou off the cattle.
To this Bhcllonborgor replied that they
were bettor out of the wny anyway , us no
body could tell what uiiKht turn up. '
Sherman was us keel if ho were related to
Isoal , und replied that there was no blood ro- .
lationDhlp between them , but intimated that
they were bound by ties which ho would
not mention. Ho seemed to have a deep
fooling uiralnat ShcllouborKor , and this maybe
bo accounted for by the fact chat it was
Sholiciibergcr's description of him and his
roftironco to a third party , which led to
Shcrtnan'd identification.
Ncal , it will bo remembered , said nothing
about a third party and claimed , as Sherman
claims , that Sholletibergor was the mur-
doror. As violent as his antagonism Is to
Shcllcnbcrgor , his feeling for Xaal seems to
bo of the most friendly description and loads
him to insist that Neal 'was guiltless of the
shedding of tha old pcopla'a ' blood ,
The lovolver with which the deed was
done was of "S-calibor , but ho made no allu
sion as to what disposition was made of It.
Greatly as Shollonborger fears Neal , Shor-
iniiu seems to dread meeting Shellcnbergcr ,
and the feeling Is general among these who
know him thut ho will break down com
pletely when confronted by the Nebraska
City suspect.
Tin : Ur.i ; correspondent today discovered
the ovldenco of 'Sherman's connection with
the crlmo in spots and streaks of blood on
the tricot coat and vest which Sherman has
been wearing In the jail. These tell-tulo ovl-
" 'dunces ' , It , seems , have been overlooked.
Since hit Incarceration Sherman has boon
necrotlv washing the vest and coat and has
HUccccda I in obliterating many of the crim
son stain * . ID fact , a largo part of this
was accomplished before ho was sus
pected of having bccu connected
with the murder. There Is one spot ,
however , which remains untouched thut
is on the Insldo of the vest. It is about the
length of u cigar , of a dark red color , and op-
uoari on tha lining outside an loner poclcot.
It loorfs tu though ha had comx'uled some
bloody Instrument in that receptacle and as
If the blood had worked its way through the
coarse cioth. The coat mentioned hero was
stolen from a man in Lincoln. The vest , is
comparatively now and it Is pot known
where It was bought. Both ot these gar
ments Sherman tried to sell to some of his
follow prisoners , but without success.
Sherman had u few days yet to servo In
the county jail for liorso stealing. Today
County Attorney Mahoney went before
Judge Chapman and sought to get him re
leased so as to have him brought to Omaha.
The application was granted and Bhurnmn
will arrive at Omaha at 0:40 : tonight on the
11 tt M ,
Tin : line correspondent spoke with Shor-
inan after the confession buttha latter said ho
had promised Mr. Mahoney to say nothing
about what had passed between them. Do
side , ho WHS feeling very ileuresseil , although
ho was buoyed up by the cheering MOWS
brought him of his wlfo In Lincoln , Ho also
apoku of tils ; littlcd daughter , who. by the
way , possesses romurkitblo peculiarities
which may Inter bo referral to.
Slicrmaii In the Comity < Inil.
Upon arriving in this city the party was
mot ut the deuot by Sheriff Do.vd und n HER
roportor. Only a small crowd in addition to
that usually present at the arrival ot a train
W-U on hum ) . The prisoner was Immediately
placed In a closed carriage , and , accompan
ied by thu sheriff , Detective Ilazo and the ro
jrartor , urlvcn to the county Jail. Scarcely
had the carriage door been closed when
Sheriff I'oyd remarked to tbo prisoner :
"Vouni ; man , 1 have seen you boforo. "
Sherman's face colored up Ilka a Hash , and
at about tha sumo ruto of speed ho turned ,
aud with a folia at snillunr , unswercd :
"Oh , I guess not - havoyoulVhorel"
"Don't net nlarmeJ , young fellow-dou'i
cot alarmed , " laughed Sheriff lioyd. "I
saw you In South Omaha a year or two ago. "
"Tho ihcrlff was formerly manager of the
stock yards down there , " remarked De
tective Ilnzo.
"H was two yours ago , than , that you ta\v
me , " quickly remarked Sherman. "I was
working for ICIrkpatrlck then. "
Aa the carriage sped along the prisoner
loaned forward and closely scrutinized the
streets through which ho passed. At onetime
time ho leaned back and remarked to the
officers :
"I hope you are taking mo to a decent
place , for that jail at Plottstnouth Is the
worst vermin-ridden hole I over was In. And
what do .vou thlnkf They ovun refused to let
mo have n tub of .water to wash myself In , "
"That was nad I" laughed the sheriff , and
then added : "Sco hero , young fellow , you'ro
In a pretty tight place in connection with
this business. Don't you think sol"
"That remains to bo found out , " replied
.Sherman , and , as If to change the subject , forward and resumed Ills observation
of the streets.
There was not a person waiting to son the
prisoner As ho passed from tbo carriage to
the jail. Jailor Joe Miller's first remark
upon getting n srjurc look at Sherman wan :
" 1'vo seen you many a tlmo In South
Omaha year or so ago but wo won't dis
cuss it now , " und Jailor Joe proceeded to
search the prisoner as a matter of form , so
it-proved and then sent him down Into the
bath room.
Ho will occupy n cell In the big cat.o , In an
entirely different part of the jail from Naal
and Sbollouborgcr.
Prominent Gorman citizens will present
their views In TUB SUNIHV UKE upon Prince
Ulsmarck's resignation nnd the probable
effect of It upon Germany. Every German
citizen In Omaha will Una In these Inter
views much of consuming Interest.
Hnr.sforil'fl Ac-ul Phosphate ,
Useful In nil forms of dyspepsia.
Iowa Tloputilicnns Cull a Confurenoo
to Gut thn Liquor Law Mocliiltid.
DKS Moixcs , la. , March 21. As a result
of several weeks' work In corrcspondonco
uutl personal visits , the committee appointed
to arrange for a state conference of anti-
prohtbltlon republicans has Issued the fol
lowing call. The organization started only
n few weeks ago has already secured the
co-operation of over Uvo thousand ot the
most active republicans In the stato. The
business men especially , who nro tired of
prohibition , have most numerously joined the
organization. Many prohibitionists , who
uro ready to concede local option , leaving
prohibition where It is effective , arc Inter
ested In the movement. Tlio conference
will mark a now era in Iowa politics. Kx-
Governor ICIrkwood heads tha movement ,
nnd will attend the conference , Anti-prohi
bltion republicans think they see in this
movement an opportunity to got their party
out of a rut , and upon the platform of the
party In the other states.
The call , signed by a nnmbor of repre
sentative republicans of the Btato , Is as
follows :
An Informal mooting was recently hold
In DCS Molncs , at which the attitude of the
republican party respecting prohibition
was considered. The meeting was com
posed of republicans who , whllo in
accord with the party , disapprove the
existing prohibitory law , and for that
reason some of them have bcon unable to
glvo the party full support In state and
county elections. The situation seemed to
warrant u meeting of republicans , holding
substantially similar views , from nil parts
of the state. It was therefore resolved to
propose a conference of these who favor
nnd will assist lu securing such a modifica
tion of the present prohibitory law as will
extend local options to certain communities.
At the meeting mentioned , tlio undersigned
wcro authorized and directed to make the
necessary nrrunccments for the conference.
In accordance therewith , the several coun
ties of the statn are invited to select delega
tions , to meet nt the Grant Houubllcan club
rooms in Dos Moines , on April U , IS'JO , nt 2
clock p. in. , for the purpose of taking such
action upon the subject an they may then do-
In counties In which no organization exists
or may bo effected It I honed that any persons -
sons in sympathy with tlio objects of the
conference ) will bo present , and they will bo
recognized us if regularly accredited. lio-
duccd rates upon the various railroads of the
Btatu are being secured. The call Is signed
byS. .f. Kirkwood , Iowa City ; Crate L.
Wright , Sioux Uit.v ; Joe K. Lane , Daven
port ; James C. DavisICeokuk : Sam D.Pryco ,
Iowa City ; Frank Thoruburfr , Clinton ;
I \ Wots. Council Bluffs ; A. U. Cummius ,
Des Moines ; George E. Clark , Algona ; C. P.
.Squires Burlington ; D. E. Lyon , Dubuquc ;
George W. French , Davenport ; H. S. Fair-
nil. Iowa City ; J. A. M. Collins , Kookuk ;
William G. Thompson , Marion ; J. H. Morri
son , Fort Madison ; C. P. Woodard , LoMars ;
J. II. WJnd.sor , Des Moincs ; D. Whitney ,
Lyons. „
Tlio LeclHlnttirc.
DES MOINCS , la.- March 21. There was
nothing but routine work In the senate this
morning and the ususl number of petitions
nnd memorials were granted. Hills wcro
Introduced as follows : To fix telegraph
tolls in Iowa ; to provide for settlements of
difficulties by arbitration ; to fix and rocu-
late the rental of telephones. Attomots
were made to call up for consideration sev
eral bills and resolutions , bat the chair
ruled that under provisions of the concur
rent resolution adopted by both houses for
three days nothing could bo done but to re
ceive petitions , memorials , bills , messages
and committee reports for rcleienco.
The house took up the deep harbor port
resolution loft unfinished yesterday , and
amended It so as to favor a harbor nt any
place on the uulf coast , and thus amended , .
it passed. Adjourned.
A Convention of ISditors.
Dns MOINCS , In. , March 21. fSpecial Tel
egram to TUB IBuu.l The semi-annual
meeting of the Southwestern Iowa Press as
sociation washela hero today. About
twenty-live newspapers were represented.
in the absence of the president. C.V. . Snyder -
dor of Council Bluffs , Mujur U. Tcdford of
Mount Ayr was made chairman. After the
preliminary exorcises n paper was road by
Mary Osmond of the Oscoola Sentinel on
"Tho Editorial Page : The Long and Short
of It. " Ulio subject of "Foreign Advcrtis-
ing" was discussed by G. V. Swearlnger of
Sidney nnd others. A paper by William Uoll
of the Ked Oak Sun on "Mistakes of Man
agement" was read. "Frco Notices" and
"i'ho Subscription List" were presented In
papers by J. P. Burrows of Centervlllo und
O. A. Lisle of Clarmda. 'I his afternoon thu
visitors were driven around tha city nnd to
night were tendered u banquet by members
ot the local press.
Hnlil Without n
LcMAits , la. , March St. ( Special Tolo-
graui to Tuu Br.u. ' ] Deputy United States
Marshal Davenport today took K. II. Wiloox
of this city lo Sioux Cltv , where ho will
stand trial on the charge of selling liquor
without government U'ileox was
under arrest on the charge of stealing from
the Omaha , but the case was dis-
misacd and the marshal took hJui In.
Are you troubled wilh chronic dlarrlHual
A glass of Coon's extra dry chuuipagno three
or four tlmeii n day will euro It.
'J\vo Nci > rnuN Unused
PMQI-EMINB , La. , March 21. Prince Saunders
dors , colored , was hanged hero today for the
murder of Ithody Walker , his mistress.
FiHXKUX , La. , March''I. Kduiond Nich
olas , n negro eighteen years ot nge , was
hanged today for thu murder of a young girl
several months ago ,
Itlpt of Oormaii Workmen.
. Bmiux , March 21. The workmen's uicot-
lug at ICoopponlek becoming too demonstra
tive last nlcht , tha geus d'nrmcs undertook
to suppress It. A rlnt ensued , In which ono
con d'armo wa * killed and many injured
wilh Btoaca'anuT knives.
Nothing1 tlmt wo could sny would FO
thoroughly convince you of the merits
of Clmmborluln's Cough Koinody ns u
fair trial. No 0110 sulTorlng from mi
ucuto throat or lung trouble cau use it
without bonollt.
Bvldonco Pointing Strongly to the
Prluonor'a Guilt.
A Complicated Law Suit nt Clay Can
tor Tlirco TlmusnnU llusliols
oTCorn Destroyed by Flro
Near Donlphnn.
Tlio Fnrst Murder Trial.
FBEMOST , Neb. , March SI. [ Special to
Tim linn.j In the Furst murder trial
today a largo number of witnesses wcro ex
amined , and a great deal of damaging testi
mony was brought out. As the trial pro
gresses It becomes moro nnrt moro apparent
that the accused stands guilty of the crlmo
charged * against him. The prisoner has
mndo two or thrco full confessions of the
deed slnt'o his capture , and his trial is a
matter of form only fulfillment of the con
stitutional right of n trial by jury.
The testimony today covered the commis
sion of the murder and almost every move
ment of the murderers from that tlmo until
their capture two Hays later. The witnesses
detailed tbo Unding of Pulslfor's body in the
roatl : the wounds wll'ch ' were on it and the
bullets that wcro found in the clothing
nnd extracted from the wounds ; the prison
er's appearance nt the farm houses of Fred
Hoppa and Autrust Shoemaker , llrat before-
the snooting and afterward about 9 o'clock
at the house of the former , whereFurst and
Bhcpard bought a loaf of bread ; also their
return to Scribncr the next night but ono
after the crlmo with horses which they had
stolen und rode into town that night ; of
tholr dopartuio from the barn ; of their capture -
turo the next duy. Ctmrlcs Koblnson de
tailed the arrest or Furst , which wiu two
miles northwest of Crowell , a little south of
tha Cumlnc county line. Furst nod on his
person at that tlmo a largo revolver , a bunch
of keys , a hinge Key , a pocket knife , glass
cutter , pair of steel pincers or nippers and
two pocKet books : that the prisoner was
very much frightened when ho was arrested
ana showed signs of fatlguo from His wan-
dorlugs and sleeplessness ; that ho hud horse
hair on his clothmr , as If ho had been riding
horseback , the color of this Jiair corrospond-
1ns with that of ono of the horses found In
Joe Shophard's cornil nt Scribnor the mornIng -
Ing of the day of Furst's capture.
A Complicated Cine.
CI.A.T CENTER' , Nob. , Match St. ( Special
to THE Dcr. . ] Quito a complicated case bus
just boon commenced bore. On the 10th
Inst. Messra. Fred Burkland nnd Nols Nel
son of Verona , this county , cumo to town
and entered complaint against ono Daniel
Hurtnott , charging him with running a hot
lunch counter In Verona and and selling
alcoholic liquors without n license. Two
warrants wuro issued against him , ono for
his arroai and the other to search his place
of business for liquors. Warrants were
given to Constable L. Gardnor. Ho did not
ilnd the accused in his pluco of business , but
secured a key and entered it and found a
quantity of cider , ginger ale and birch beer.
bringing the same here.
Ou the morning of the 20th Constable
Gardner received u telephone nicosugo sayIng -
Ing Mr. Hurtnott was thoro. Ho telephoned
buck asking Constable Learch to arrust him
and hold him until he could got there.
Upon Constable Gardner's arrival in Sutton -
ton ha found the accused in Constable
Learch'a caro. Constable Learch turned
over to Constable Gardner the accused , but
immediately arrested him on the charge of
burglary or unlawfully entering the place
of business of Mr. Hurtnott. Then the trio
started for the ofllco of Justice Braitch of
Sutton , the accused in the care of Constable
Gardner and Gardner in the care of Constable
blo Learch. County Attorney Epporsot was
telephoned to como over nnd defend Consta
ble Gardner. On his arrival ho dismissed
the case against him. Attorney Halrgrbvo ,
attorney for the accused Hartnott , asked the
Justice for the privilege to sco the warrant
which had been Issued for Constable
blo Gardner. Ho was informed that it
had not been returned yet. Thereupon ho
went to Constable LearcU and asked to see
it , nnd upon receiving it ha toro if to pieces.
Justice BraiUi had Attorney Halrgrove ar
rested for destroying the warrant , and thus
rests tbo case.
Hartnctt gave bond for his appearance before -
fore the county Judge on the -5th of this
For ttio "Hulled Out" SulTerors.
Lour CITV , Nob. , March 21. ( Special to
THE Bnn.l Rev. Bry , pastor of the Motho-
dlst Episcopal church of this place , who
lately visited the farmers In the "hailed out"
district In Chqyoniio county , has solicited
and will ship tomorrow a car load ot provis
ions , etc. , for these needy farmers. The
Union Paclllo railway company have gener
ously offered frco transportation for the cars.
Hev. Dry is a hearty sympathizer with the
unfortunate settlers , as his own entire crop
which his family had raised on his home
stead nine miles from Potter was cut down
as If with a scythe , and ho was obliged to
dispose of bis stock and move his family
_ _ _
iY Clmnuo of IMaiittirotncnt.
BcATnicu , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tele-
grain to Tun BBC. ] Harry Moore , the well
Known traveling passenger and ticket agent ,
has purchased a half interest in the Paddock
hotel , tins city , of Messrs. E. 1C. Criioy &
Co. Apropos of this it is also learned that
Dick Jackson , clerk of tha Paddock , bus
been proffered the management ot the Gar-
Held lioatih hotel at Salt Lake by the Union
Pucillu hotel company and that ha is now in
Omaha concluding arrangements for the
Will IJo Fated itv cho
UEATUICI : , Nob. , March 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Br.c. ) The traveling man , nnd
their wives of this city will bo given u grand
reception nt tha Young Man's Christian as
sociation rooms next Saturday ovcuing ,
March SO , by thu ladles' auxiliary. The
affair will bo a social ono and gives protmsJ
of being n notable event.
A Ilontrico DniniiKo Cnsn Settled.
HCATIIICI : , Neb. , March 21. [ Special Tolo-
grom to Tin : BEE.Tho ] Jury In the case of
Joseph Grimes vs. John Ellis , Harry
Phillips and M. B. Davis for damages to
Grimes' hall during the republican city cau
cus last fall , after being out thirty hours ,
RIXVU in n verdict for the plulntlft today for
JlTno court assessed the same amount
against each of the defendants.
Full From n 'fiftt. .
Nenn\8KA Cirv , Nob. , March 21. ( Special
Telegram to TUB Urn , | A seven-year-old
boy named D.ivh last evening fell from a
Ijovornmont boat onto the docks opposite the
cltv , fracturing his skull and receiving fatal
injuries. _
A lini-nfiil of Corn Hnrnoit.
Doxii'iiAK , Neb. , 'March 31. [ Special Tel
egram to TIIK BEI : . ] The largo barn of Mr.
Bay , just smith oi this place , burned this nf-
lurnoou. About thrco thousand bushels of
corn was destroyed.
Dr.Uirnoy , practice Hmitoil tocntarrh-
ul diaunscsof nose mid throat. Doe
Tlin I/nHt of thn HoulnnuUtH.
P.utis , March ill , Naquct resigned his
scat in the senate today. Ho said ho only
entered the sutmto In order to sccuro a dl-
vorco. Ho prefers to bo In tha chamber ,
elected by popular suffrage. The reading of
hit resignation caused an uproar. Naquot
was jeered on leaving the aonato. Ha was
the last Uoulaagtat senator.
Auction , TnrklHh Hun Auction.
115 H. Kith , opuoslto Stonohlll' . ) .
Huron Dtindiuu 1ms just urrlvod with
$15,000 worth of Oriental rugs , curpoU
diMporioa , ombrodcrloa , otc. The jjooda
uro now on exhibition nt ubovo address.
nnd will bo sold nt auction on Monday ,
Tuesday , Wednesday next at 8 nnd-70 : ! !
p ? in. Any ono wishing line rugs , otc , ,
ehould nttonil this aalo , as It lucertalnly
the finest collodion over offered.
Kobcct Wells. Auctioneer.
Till' ' : JKRSIKVllillJ TUAGBDY.
The Author of tliiv rcrnecutliiir hot
ter * Still Undiscovered.
CHICAGO , March SU-HHpecial Telegram to
TUB UKB.I The tn.vaicry which surrounds
tbo Jesslo NVhlto tragedy nt Jollot U stilt un
solved. No clud to the vrllcr of the perse
cuting letters has been found nnd the com
munity U wildly conJ6tt\irIug ! \ over the son-
satlon as to the authortif the letters ami the
motives which prodilcku" them.
David White , who Wits tried for the of
fense and simply bound over to keep the
peace , Is a cousin to the dead girl. Ho Ii
very free to say that tha whole affair origi
nated In the White .family , That n brother
of the young liuly who has boon ostrangaJ
from the family for toil years and feels a
spite toward them leads many to belle vo ho
maybe the writer. Humors In regard to the
terrible affair fly thick an.l fast. The public
sentiment is changing and many bolicvothat
the fated young lady was herself
the author of the mysterious letters.
Color Is lent to this theory ny these
who worked on the case trying to Ilnd the
letter llcnds. Ofllcers nnd detectives were
placed around the \Vhlto residence night
and duy. Detectives slept Inslda tha house
with their heads to the doom and on awaK *
enlng would Ilnd the mysterious letters lying
by their side. It is tholr belief that every
thing thai detective skill could do was denote
to catch the supposed llena and tholr failure
together with the peculiar manner of the
dropping of letters around them In the house ,
the tying of crnpo on the door , and the un
successful efforts to gain even n clue to the
author , leads them to suspect that tboro is a
skeleton In the closet of the Whlto fntmily.
That there are reasons for such an opinion1
cannot bo denied , but that tbo young lady
herself is tha author of tno letters Is beyond
The detectives engaged by the news
papers hero agree that It must have
been done by soma ono In the
family. It docs not seem possible ,
for the letters were mailed everywhere
in Chicago , in Kansas and on midnight trains
at different places. Thcso letters mailed entrains
trains would Iwar the railway post mark.
In fact , it cannot , bo possible that tbo young
lady was the author. The only reason why
her brother is suspected is because ho has
bcon estranged from the family nnd his
writinc on investigation bore some resotn-
blnnco to the strange back band of the latter
_ _
A special dish for laboring men Is provided
A Disgraceful Rot-To Dctweoii Two
Allotted Society Rcllca.
CHICAGO , March 21. [ Special Telegram to
THE BEB.J A most Interesting light oc
curred last night between two young ladles
prominent in. Milwaukee avcnuo society cir
cles. For some time past tliaro has boon
bad blood between them , owing to the fact
that both were enamored of the same young
man , the most graceful dancer and hand
somest "parti" nt the ftoasuro club.
Ono of the young ladles is a handsome
bloudo and the other is a striking brunette.
Their names nro suppressed oy their friends
for obvious reasons. Last night the young
ladies , each accompanied by several friends ,
met on Milwaukee avpnuo.
For several doys the .foud between them
hod boon particularly bittur and the bru-
nolto 'took occasion tortnuke a most spiteful
remark about the blondo. The blonde re
sponded to her bated rival with much spirit ,
and for a fowtuiuutos epithets , charges and
countercharges were bandiud. At length ,
goaded to madness by' the obloquy heaped
upon her by her durlc-hairod rival the
bloudo reached out her 'nervous little Hug-
era , and when she withdraw them suddenly
two tufts of dark bro vu.halr fluttered to the
sidewalk and were scrambled for as memen
toes of the octasion b'ytho uonllomcn pres
ent. Then at it they went. They scratched ,
bit , pummelcd and toro.-onch other's clothing
in strips.
The brunette was somewhat groggy when
the second round cominuncpd , but she tvout
in with a vigor that in a few minutes left
her rival's beauty > iu u sad wreck. The
blonde had now a doubjo object for rcvongo ,
and with a rush which would have bcon a
credit to a professional lighter sbo forced
her ouponant against the wall and seizing
her dress had soon made honors easy. By
this time both girls were exhausted and
their friends prevailed on them to retire
from the ring. Both weot homo and will not
appear in society for some time.
Washington Deserts tin Ijou-iic.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. , March 21. President
Baden of tbo Atlantic association today
notified President Phelps of the American
association that the Washington Motional
league club had bcon admitted to the At
lantic association. This loaves the National
league with but nlno clubs.
Broke the Skntlnc Itecord.
MONTIIEAL , March 21. C. Gordon , the five
mile champion skater of 1830 , tonight won
the ten mile amateur skating championship
ot Canada in 30:43. This Is 3:05 : below the
American record.
i Uncos.
CLirrox , N. J. , March Ul. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UEB. ] Summary of today's
races :
Selling , fifteen-sixteenths of a mile King
Volt won , Khafton second , Savage third.
Time 1:43. :
Five-eighths of a mile Go LncUy won ,
Consignee sucontl , Austorland third.
Solline , ono mile John Arklns won , Wild
Cherry secoud , Specialty third. Tlmo
Falsetto handicap , thlrtcon-sixtocnths of a
mile Frojolos won. Insight second , Samaria
third. Time 1:27 : ? ; .
Selling , thirteen-sixteonths of a mile
Prlnca Hoxvard won , Hurnson second , Lo-
moino II. third. Time l:2S : > .
Three-fourths ol n mile Monson won , Uo-
nianco second , Mulligan third. Time 1:11. :
New Orleans Ilncca.
'MEW OIIGEVNS , L.3. , March 21. [ Special
Telegram to Tun UEE. ] Result of today's
races :
Three-quarters of a mile A. dead heat be
tween Friendless nnd Somerset , Skoboloft
third. Time 1:15 % . Friendless won the
run off In 1:15 %
Five-eighths of a niito Du Dyer won , Re
vival second , Hcllovo third. Tinio 1UM : > .
Hnlf-mlle Captain King won , Eclipse , Jr. ,
second , Fremont third. Time 50 > f.
ODomile Marchburn won. Cashier second ,
SSolio Ward third. Time 1:43. :
Cooper & Co. will open the old Turf
and Field Exchange. 109 and 111 South
Thirteenth street. "They glvo long odds
on nil racing oventtf. They lay from
ouo to three points' > ribovo track odds ,
also have plenty of-monoy to back them ,
as they have n housoln Denver. People
interested In raclnjruvlll do well to &eo
tholr board. First , bolting begins at
1'J15. ; Messrs. COUIWIR& Co. will also
open aboard on Inispball with auctions ,
combinations and lo.nn odds. No rowdy-
lain will bo allowed , no , loud language ,
hut the strictest attention will be paid
to reading room decorum and personal
business intercom's' ,
* Hi
Nebraska nniMown l'nnalon .
WASHINGTON , D. Or''Mnrch ' 31. ( Special
Telegram to Tin : HisKfp The following Nebraskans -
braskans were grririted pensions today :
Original invalid Janid1 Gaudy , Humboldt.
Increase Tunis J. Farmer , Bower ; Josmh
Slick , Gibbons.
Iowa : Original Invalid Eliaha A. Bailey ,
Grundy Center ; John W. Cornish , H.tyurd ;
M. Nowtou , Morris ; Henry Anderson ,
Hardys John U. Miller , Iowa City ;
Annlo H. Wagner , Morrison ; Hiram F.
Parker , Fredoricksburg. Increase John
A. Crosier , Maryvillo ; tfacharhih Morris ,
Ollvotto ; Squire A. Fuqua , Qttumwa : John
P. Croatror , Locati ; John A. Snnboru. Choro-
KOO ; Hmanucl Toffor. Coif ax ; Wesley W.
Morris , Itoclc Kapids ; Edward W. Tornplo-
mun , Adul. Helsauc John Snyder , Bur
lington ; Philip Battler , allus Peddler , Croi-
co. Original widows , -Uosanna , wid
ow of Francis H. Watknr. Agency : Bar
bara , widow of Jacob M. Hitter. OJsbolt.
Mexican survivors Juraes W. O.illtius ,
Itlvcrton ,
Tun BEE caters to the business world.
Head the market page of TUB SCXIUY lies.
Railroad Associations to Talco
Action on Various Quostlons.
A Footing Among tlio Western 1'ftS-
Bonger ; Agents tlmt Itodca 111 Tor
any Lmstlni ; Settlement ot
tlio Question ,
XVcck. "
CHICAGO , March St. ( Special TelegrAm
to THE Ur.K. ] Next wools will bo "pns-
scnger week" among Chicago roads , both
enst .niul west-bound. .Tho trans-Missouri
passenger department meets Monday to tnko
UD the subject of n return to t ho old busn ,
nil the lines members of the defunct West
ern States Pnjscncor association meet
Wednesday for the saino purpose.
The Central Trafllo association the pas-
sensor douartnicnt meets Wednesday also
to consider the subjects of differential
rates as basing rates , the payment
of pu&sonRor commissions niul "harvest
excursion" rates. The two first subjects
will bo recognized J > B part of Chairman
Bluncliiml'.s proposition and upon which the
Central Tronic lines have twlco agreed only
to bo balked by the western roads under tlio.
lend of the Missouri 1'aclllc.
There Is no change In the western passen
ger situation from the fuct that It cannot
possibly bo worse and cannot Improve until
next Wednesday's meeting. There is a "let-
bcr-RO-Gallaghor"fcclln ? among the western
passenger men which boilea no coot ) . It is
on absolute fact that there Is not ono pas
senger agent among them who behoves
any ono of his competitors will prcBorvo
tariff rates , no mutter at what llguro they
nro put. Kucli oao of them says the only
offset of a ralso In rates will bo to allow his
competitors that much much moro leeway
in scalping nnd commission paying. The
only solution is the formation of a passenger
association. Hut none of them care to make
a move in this direction until the organiza
tion plan of the Interstate Commerce Hall
way association is announced to the western
President Cell > y
'MILWAUKEE , March 21. Charles L. Colby
today resigned the presidency of the WI&-
consln Central company and Wisconsin Cen
tral railroad company. E. II. Abbott was
elected president and treasurer of both cor
porations , nnd Howard Morris , assistant
secretary , resigned nnd was elected secre
tary of both corporations , n position made
vacant by the election of Abbott to the pres
idency. Henry T. Spencer of Hoston was
chosen secretory and also director in place
of Colgate Hey of Now York , who resigned
from the direr.tory. It is bollovcdttmi Colby
will soon bo chosen president of tno North-
urn Paclllo railroad company.
In the ante-room department of TUG Sux-
D or lice will bo found a communication
from a Mason upon a subject which vitally
interests the whole fraternity. Each ono of
the 5,000 Masons in Nebraska will read It.
To the younc foco Pozronl's Complexion
oowder gives fresher charms , to the old ro-
nowcd youth. Try It.
* -
A Cnshlor'j Coolness.
ST. PAUU Mlnu. , March 31. [ Special To I-
ogram to TUB BEE.J There was a run on
the Lousuro bank of Michael Doran , for
many yours democratic national committeeman -
man from Minnesota , this morning. Cashier
Smith hearing there was a suspicion abroad
that the Institution was unsound took from
the vaults SIWI.OOO and placed It in full vlow
upon the counters. The run stopped immed
iately. The banii is reported to bo thor
oughly sound.
Shildren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
When Baby was rici , vro gave her Castorta.
When cho was a Child , oho crind for Caatotlc ,
When she became MOT , she dttnc to Castoria ,
W'n she hue ? Children , oho RBVO tlicin Cast orii
Intensely Ouo Year.
iWcll. Neb , Pcpt. , 1SS3.
I suffered Intensely with neuralgia In tli
bead for ono yenr , but the pnlu vril cotlrelr
cured by n half dozen oprllcnilont of su
Jacobs Oil. jr. A. 1JACOK.
AT nut'ooirrs ASD DEALEM ,
tllB CHARLES A. VOQELER CO. , OMtimor * , MJ.
All who tlcMro good reeking lu their houses
nliould lisa
A slight addition gltrs great strength
nnd fltnar to Soups , Sauces nnd Mnilo
Ono pound Is orpinl to forty pounds ot loan
beer , of the value of about ; ; , r > o.
Ciinnlno only with fnc-sJinllo of J.
von IjictiluM Hlffnaturo In blue Inlc
noroaa the lahsl.
ttIMV.3 Nl' MKIHCIM ? .
All \lllfM 111 Ml !
euro for fcmliiM
Wi'nkn . Siu-r-
inniorrlien. Ini-
potoncy. nifl ! nit
< U < ciso9 Hint fol-
in n iio
of .Moinory ,
Vision , I > roninlira ) OM ARC. nnd ninny other dlseniei
tlmt lead la Ininnllx or coniiiuiplloii uml a pronmlnro
Ji i-'iill piullctilua : In our luimphlct , wlilcli wo do-
Ire to ncnil ( roe ! } mnll locvt-ry < > m > . i tr" rim Spool-
flc Mcdlclno 1' ol > l hjr nil ilniuKm * lit fi per | mckain.
nrtlx pnckm'u ( or t.'i. or irllllio ni'ntfreii by luallon
the receipt ul tlio money , by mlilreiMiitt
Tlio Grny niedlclno Co. . lluir.ilo , N. Y.
Oiincrniint of counterfeit * , novin \ ntlnpti'il thu
Yellow Wrapper ! tliomily ci-nulne. Sold InOmnh.i ,
Neli by lhauoodmnn DniK Co. , Ill ) 1'nrnnm St.
A'rrroiu Ilelillltj- .
Youthful Indlirrclloiif.
Lout Mnnliooil.
Be Your Own Physician I
Many men , from the cffecta of yonthful
< Impruilertcc , Imvo brought nbout netAlo of
! vrenki.ou ttirtt hno r nit iced Die i nrrnl tjt
> toni ao much ns to Induce AtnioAt crcry
> other dlw-m ? , aiul tlio n-Al ra\i o of the
troulilo ncnrcoly cor bclntt luiprclnl , they *
nro ilacloml for rterytlilnx but the rUht
[ one. NotwIthKtrtndltiK Hie innn > * Talimblo
> remcttlea thnl medical nclcnr * * hniproiluct'il
> for the relief of thd c-lru < of patient * , none
I of the mllrmry tnoile ? of tivattncnt clTeet a
f euro. Uurlnff our exten lrocollr B and lion-
; pltal nractk-ono Jiavn csx'ilmtnteU | Ml
nd d ) uit crvd new and conevittrntext it'ii
lott. TJioaocompanylncpreieHtitlon Uof-
; ferwl nt n certnln nnd upppdy cnrr. M ,
> liundmlsor casrsliKKirpinctteoharolwn
! restored to pet feet lienlth br Itfl u o after {
> nKotherrcnicMlles fallal. Perfectly pitro In * <
Krediont9imtntiou3caiuth4prcparatioiiof I
j this prescription.
1C Krythroxylon COCA , 1 2 drachm ,
Jeiubehliit 1-2 drachm ,
HelonlAs Dlolca. l-UUrachm.
OcUcmtn. 8 grains , .
Kxt. nniannAlfoliollc(2KrrUna ( ) j
Kit. lentAtid
Olveerlneq.s. Mir.
, Make 60 pitta. TakolpIUatap. m , and an- ,
> other on KOint ? tnhcd. Iiipomo r.xvs it will .
E bonoTfttsaryfiirthopatleultotAketwoptlla J
nt tx'dtttno.maklntf ibonumbcrllirifaday.
( ThUrciwdylsadftp'cdMcTcryconditlonof '
I nervous debility nnd ucfikncMlurtthcrBCX , '
amlo perUlly m thoiMjrafKM refultlnfffrom <
S imprudence. Iho voeupcralho poirern of J
; thiarcwtomtlvoarotrulyatonbitiiffnndlta ! i
i ute oonttntird for n short time chnnffs DID !
\ languid , tletillltntpd , nrrrelccs cottdltloa to '
; onoof icneuod life an l vl or. .
i An wo are constnntl v in receipt of letters of \
; inquiry lelatlro tn ( liU remedy , wo would
My tulhosnwhowouldprtrcrtoolitaiiiltoC \
u % by remitting $1 tiFertirely ecftlcd pack * ;
atjo contrtfnliiff CO pills , carefully com * <
poundedMill bo Pf-nt b/ifium mall from ,
ourprlv.ite Inborntory.orwo wtllfurnt li 0 '
pa kfttriw , M lilch > \ 111 curti moat coae . for E5. I
Address or call on
B Hew Englaifd Medical Institute ,
21 Trcmont How , Ilonton , .Alois , i
CopjrlBht. 18M , br V. n. HiLun.
RulTerlus from tlio effects or jouthfiil prron , i-arlr
ilecny , waiting wc&IcncRi , lost inaiiliooil , otc. , 1 will
send n valuable trcatlBu ( fifnled ) containing full
partleulars for homo cun1 , FllKK of charge. A
flplcndldruedlcnl work : should Iw rraU by nvcry
titan who la nnrrDUM and debilitated. Addreftn.
QProf. P. C. FOWLER.ITIoudua.Cotlli.
Instantly stops tfio most excruciating pains ; uoror falls to give ease to the fmfTcror.
ave llko magic , causing tlio pain to In.stantly Ftou ,
Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drops In half n luinuler or water will euro Inn
few nilnnte.-i Cramp Spasnm. Sour Stomach , Colic , Flatulen-o , Huartlmrii , Colcru Morbus , Dyaaii
try , Ulnrrlurn , Sick Headache , Niiusoi. Vomltln ; , NervousnesH. Sloeplessneis , Malaria , antl all
Internal pains arising rrom change of Olot or water or other causes.
GO Cnnts a Ilotilc. tinlU by
Kings are but men , but all men arc not kings. Therefore ,
when the King of Holland says , as he did by deed of August
12 , 1889 , that he is greatly pleased with '
and , entirely unsolicited , grants the manufacturers the sole
right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , a sig
nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
not "every inch a king. "
Thursday , t-'rlilur and Hutnrdny Krcmnrt.
Stnrc'h il ( ) , Ut utul i ! .
fntunlnv MatlUce.
Heller than "Tho Henrietta.- ! ? , V.
jnrotisoii Honor I's ( Ji'cnicstTi'liiinli | |
Author ofTUn Henrietta. " "TIio Ilnnkor'n
Daughter. " "Vo f Urn WtnOiron. " Me. , otc.
1'resuntetl In the * jn.i rmnnpr i\ < noon ill Now
i'ork , llojton , CV1 spo. fnn 1'rsnchco with Its
Great Cast , Scenery and Auxiliaries
Sent * on snlo Woilnesilny. Prices tlMcrvcil
II.M nnd Jl ! gcnrrnl ntlmUMou73cnml It : p l-
COMML'M INll - -
--TIIK VAMllt'S -
Headed by the Tavortto- .
I'rosciiUiiK flpocnlnr I'roductloni ot
llox Sheep OponTomorrow Momlng.
Monthly , Tui'Mlny nnd Wc.lno lny. March
21 , 2o mid 2 .
Now Scream Mntinoo IWcaldn'tlllss
Your Londsst Wednesday It for $9.
The I'opulnr Artists ,
UnJertlKi iiumnRcmoiit nf Mr. Ilnrrr Illnc , In tlio
( Tiirvu Conicily auwi- ,
Tim Mexican Si'ioinilo , pnrkllii limilc , lullllnnl
nmrclicslit-niillfiilUimco * , nxiiiilMtncoMiiinri , pri't-
tyKtrKtoplrnl tongs , tliu tMilr.incliiK itavotti * . tlio
urunt roim > r.ny. . . . .
m-iruliir prlcci. Boils on sslo SatitMnr. .Mntlnoo
Special Ungixgemcut of the
Hungarian iapsy
'Ihe most reflni-d ami Interesting imnleil treat
over olfm-ed In tha woat.
S GreutStago Shows. : t ) ( Jront I'erformora.
T Creut Departments.
UnJcr tlio luiinngamcnt of the
Mexican International Banking Co.
ror.i-c lonarli' * . IiicorporntaJ ti ) ' tliu sUlu at Clil-
uualiun , Moxlco ,
l''or Clmrltnblc
will taVo pluco In p'.ilillo nt IliocltyuC Juirjj ( for
mc-rly 1'iisoitcl Norto ) , Moxlco.
WI3I > NK8I AY , AlMlIli 2Jlrd , 1HDO.
under the pcrsoiril i upcrtrl lon or JOHN'S.
.Mixiiv niul Mr. ( 'AMII.II AUOlM.U.Kjt , tliu formijri :
irontlouiiiii of such i > ronineno ! ! > In tlio llnltPtl Mitoi
i hut lil < i > re i-iiri ) nlono U siiiliolcnt Kimritiitoo In the
1 public Hint iheiirmvlnjzs will tinhorn wllli mrlct lion.
i < > ty-nnillulrnei < to nil. uml tlio hitler till" miner-
vl'or otllin Mexican Kovorniuont ) Is ol oiinal stand
ing mul Integrity.
VAE'BTAIj I KIZR , 8 0OO ( ) .
Only ( iO.OOl ) TlckcN. Only (10,001) ( ) Tickets.
Wliclo Tickets , tt. Halt Tickets , I. .
Quarter Tickets , II.
i Prize or tunoiii . i /
1 1'rlMMif M.IHUH
1 I'rlzugr ftjiojli
: i I'rUcsnf ijmifiiclinro -Will
li ) I'rlrcsot . . y.JI ]
Ml'rUuiui Kllpachnru . o.lfU
111) ) I'rl/cior W 1'iu Intro . f' IJ
; 5)l'rUcsot illo&pli lire . > > '
IWI'rl/csor Jrtloarlinro . S WJJ ;
liiirrirc > r : oiiihnro . ; | , 'M. '
ICOl'rlzesor J.'iraoliari ) . A'X
K'.l Torinlniils lo r ) . ( H I'rlto or tu onrh nro. . Jll..Hj
W.I Tormlnala lofl'J.UW ' I'rlio or 111) each are. . . h.'All
uTl Prizes amountlnK to . SISWrC
Wo tlio iindnrslmied licrotir corlirr tliat tlio llnncn
Nttdoiial orMuxIco , In Clillitiuliun lias un ilupotll
from tlio Mexlran Intornnltonnl UnnhliiK C'liininiiy.
thonocoHsarr lunilt to miarnntBO tlio payment or nil
llioirirciUrawnlntlio ( I HAND I.OVTKIIV nrJuAit-cx.
Wo rnrtlicr certify that wo will auporvlso all tlio
arrangements , " ' III purson inuniiKO uml uontrol nil
thoil nliiK nr tlilt Lottery , unit tlmt tlio .iniiinr. >
ronilnrtpil wlllilionoity , fiurnoss , nnd lu gauA fallu
lowarU ull parti. . .
g > H commUMonor.
SuporTlsorror Iho lliiTornmont.
H any ticket Orlwlim u nrlzo Is emit to Ilio under-
nlKncil , Its fuco vnluo will l > o collected und remlltuil
to ttio on ncr thorour free or ctiareo.
I'roJlilcnt I'.l ruse Nulloimi Ilank. ii I'joo , Tex.
For ctuli rates. or any furthur Information , wrllntp
thn unilonilitnod , "laliiiK your address clearly , wllli
mat o , county , birnet and miniljur. MOIO rapid iimll
dcIHrery lllb iniured liy your cntlOJlim an unVBl-
opobourlnit your lull iiddri'M. ,
City of Jnaroi , Mexico.
? cnd romlttinces lor tlcinti by ordinary Irttor ,
coiitalnlninumoT Order , issued by nil KturoM t oni.
ninlcs , Nuw York Kxcliunirp. 1'Biilt Drall or I'ost.-il
Koto. Address nil roulntored lutlora to
I'Hy ot Juarot.Sloxloo.
„ ; FRESH ! ! DELICIOUS ! ! !
Order * by Mull nnil liiprc.i M 111 rcc-clvo I'rompt
nnd Correct Attention ,
. c.ty . .161 State StChlcago
- * ntlr. )
IVek'.ril. l pr4 TUDULAR lnn . . , „ . - .
flblii > * rM'ourerittl0a.a4Motehcar ! < J. LO&
tier..fl otb.r ttntdltt F * . . H IP < . ty . , „ - - , , - . , „ ,
IMHSOOX , K.-3 Ir. . i -r. ' ' r.H'h. V..rU
CU.L r nan r unom muori AQCST
It would not pay tlio tailor to mnko up poor inatorinl. TJioroforo ; in buving nilBflta , you nro ulwuyfl cortuln
cloth tlmt will give good satisfaction aim long service ; then tlio tailor takes far moro care with his work tlmt is bis-
stowed upon factory work , where iho idea la to Mgtil the purinontu IIH much us posblhlo In order to turn outwork
cheap. Another proat ttdvantago Is that runout ; our line misfits , you will fiiul the Imlf and quarter si/.os and bettor
HUliitf goods than cun bo found ut ostiihllahmonU tlmt doivl in roadv made clothinff. Then by buying misfits you are
really putting in your pockets what the tuilor loses ; for you got iis good as the tailor would make you for just half
what tlio tailor would charge. All alterations done frco ot charge to insure a perfect lit.
$70 cost out nmilo mill for $ ! (2.50 ( $ ( ! , " ) custom iniulc' orprcont fiir. innilo pants for $8.2.1
$00 filrttoill nmilo suit . . . , . . . . $ : ! . $ < ! 0 custom mmlo overcoat Tor. nindt ) p.iufK for $7.50
$ . "i5 ciuliiin matin suit for.27.50 $50 custom mndo overcoat for. iiiuihi punts Tor $ l > .oO
$50 fiistoni made suit Tor $25.00 $15 custom iimilii oieiroal for. iniiili ! pmts ; for $0.01) )
$15 custom mmlo suit for $ 20.00 $10 custom inaik > o > ercont for , iiiiuli ) pants for $5.00
$10 custom made still for $18.50 $ H5 custom mndo overcoat fur. iiiiulii pants Tor $1.50
$ ! J5 custom innilo suit for $15.00 $28 custom inudo overcoat fur. Hindu pinls ; for $15.7a
Open Evenings Until 9 O'clock. Saturday Evenings until 10 O'clock.
1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb , 1309