4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 8ATUBDAY , MARCH 22. 1890. THE DAIIA' BEK " " E. HOBEWATER , Editor. _ _ PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING TiU.M8 : 01' BCIISCnilTION Jlftllr and Sunday , Ono Year . . . . . . . . . . . .tlO 0' Six months f > o : Thrco Month * 21.1 Ktimlay ll o , Ono V r. 2 o ; Weekly lice , Ono Vear with I'rdinluni. . . . 2 0. ) omens. Omnha. Pea llnlldlng. Chicago Olllro , un Jtookcrv lltllldlng. New Vcrk. Idxims II nnd l.'i Trlbtin * tlulldlng. Washington , No. All IViiirtienth Htreot. loiincUllliura. No. IU Pearl Street. fouth Omaha , Corner N an 1 2Jt'.i Strjati COHItKSI'ONDKNCn. .AllcommunlcntlnnA lolntln to news and edi torial matter tliould bo addressed to tna editor ial Depart trcnt. ntBiNr.s3 r.irrints. : All Iiifrlnrp3lrtlpr and remittances should Ic nddriffed to The tlcn Publishing Company. Oinnha. llraf" . chroki nnd I'oUolIIco ordori to ! > nmtie payable to the order of the Company. Tlie Bee PnUishiDg Company , Proprietors , ) lm : Ilnlldlmr I'nrnnin nnilHoventoiutli Street * . 7HE BEE QN THE 7RAJHS. Tlioi o In no excuse for ft fallnro to got TUB HKH on the trnliH. All nowxlealer.i hixvo been noti. Ilcd to rnrry n full unpplv , Travolcrs who wnnt ' 1 in : llii : : nml en n't get It nn trains wlicrn other Omaha papers nro carried nro rcriuoiti-d to notify TIIC. llr-K. I'leaio bo particular to give In all eases full Information nt to date , railway nnd number of train THE DAILY BEE. Fivnrn Ptntemeiu or Circulation. Etatoof Kchrnnita , I , . Ccmntyot Hou las. [ " Gfomo II. TzflemicK. secretary of TUB nr.r. J ublisliing Company , docs solemnly swcnrthat Ihcactnulcirculation otTiir. DAir.v llF.cfortho weekemllmr March I. . IBM , was as follows : Hiimlnr. Man-n U .1.810 Jlonday. Murch ID 1'i.Wl ' ( noscliiv. Mnrcli II > . , . . . .2).T- ' WcUnp uny. March 12 2i.SH TlmiMlnv. March 13 a'.iUI Irloav. Mnrcli 14 SO.I2) batuulay , Murcli 15 "J.7-1 Avcraco 21.O7O OEOKOI : n. I-/.SCIHJCIC. F\\nin to before mo nnd cnMcrlboil to in my presence this 16th day of March. A. I ) . 1SW. ( eal. | N. ! ' . PKII * Notary 1'ubllc. Etnte of KcbraRlcn. ( ( .otiDlyot Douulai. f * ( Icorpj 11. TzsrhiicK. bclmj duly sworn , do- ' mid .TVI tlmt ho H nocrotnry of TIIR HKB 'nbllshluc ' Onmpnny , tlir.t the actual average fially clrnilntlon of 1'l\K \ DAILY 1IKR for the month cf March 188.1. | f,8.'il copies : for April , IN < ! ' . lS.Wllroplo < i : for Mny. Ifit'J. 1S.CSW copies ; for .limp. im . lH.Kia copies : for July. 1W. 1H.7 topics : for Auenst. 18M' ' . IS.Ojl cooloi : for Son- temlier. } tH3. 18,710 copies : for October. IMP. JH.WTcoplen : for Novembpr. 1R8 ! > , I910 : | copies ; for Dcccmlicr. IRSi , ZOHH ( coplts ; for Jonnnry. ] . i .655 copies ; for Tobruary. 18D3 , in.'iil copies. GKonnr. n. T7ciiicic. Sworn to neforo mn nnd sul > scrlb d in my rtesenco this 1st day of March. A. B. . Irtfl. IScal.l N. 1' . FKir , . Noturv Public. OMAHA'S public bulldlnp is an Invis ible monument to local ivvarico nnd Dl'OtCilbC. Tin : poultice of Mudd applied by con gress to L5oss Gorman's hond will rcduco if not entirely banish tlio swelling. Tin : construction ol the new viaduct and depot means the rcijenoratlon of Tenth street as well as lower Fai-iinn for business purposes. lr Tin : temper of'tbo senate is right ly judged , the Union Pacific will bo glvon the option of paying its debts 01- goinp into bankruptcy. Tin : activity displayed in pushhrptho work on the now city hall insures the completion of tlio much needed struc ture .11 the earliest possible moment. IT IS ns dlllicult to lind afeoniblance of life in Omaha's now postolllco .is to dis cover an able bodied man in South Oinnlm who is not a candidate for of fice. fice.Tin Tin : sugar trust monster , nltbo ugh its bend lias boon brulsud , shows suf ficient vitality to declare a dividend of two and one-half per cent on fifty mil lions. Tin : anxiety of congress to learn the whereabouts of Silcott is temporarily forgotten in tbo search for a roprc.-iont- ativo unanimously in fuvor of the now tarilV bill. Tinui : : is every prospoot that the bill prohibiting speculation in food products will puss congtoss. If the penalties are vigorously enforced , a sharp advance in jail population is assured. Till- : street sweeping pangs have at tacked the .streets. Now let the board of health assault the alloys and a per ceptible improvement of the public health will reward their labors. IT is cheering to learn from an official source that the unno.xaiion movement , is not dead. It is evident , however , that the corpse of the committuo having the matter in charge is a fit subject for burial. Tin : prophets of evil must revise their predictions. Five days imvo passed binco Ulsmnrck retired from the nursery of European peace , but no seri ous sqimll has yet disturbed the slum- bora of the family. Now that every statesman and diplo mat on the continent from Alpha , to Omega baa expressed hit ) opinion re garding the resignation of Ulsmarck , perhaps the ox-chancellor himself may linvt , a word to say on that subject. sut last holds out the pros pect of oxtundtug her right hand to Canada in an endeavor to establish u commercial union Hatiafactory tO' both the United States and that country. It remains to bo soon how the prolTor will bo mot. IT is worthy of note tlmt the demo cratic pret > s of Kansas Is practically a unit in favor of government cheap money. The publication of domocratlo papers In the banner republican Btato Is uuroly worthy of a. government loan and pub lic sympathy. Tin : decisive defeat of Illalr'a educa tional bill is the most creditable act performed by the senate thU session. . In giving thanks for the suppression of this mtisanco the author should not bo forgotten. No man in the upper house labored as zealously to talk the mcaburo to death. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tin : enthusiasm of President Adams for u lUly per cent cut In rates booms to Imvo been shelved in the cor | > onUlon Ice box. The generosity of tlio Union Pacific la boundless , provided connect ing HIIOB boar the cost. As the latter Imvo unanimously voted against paying rnoro than their share of cut rates , UoroUno immediate- danger that the T'nloti P'lolflo will put ill practice what H preaches. OP uKxnnAt , cnooK. In the death of Major General George Crook the country has lost an able sol dier and a patriotic cltl/on. The mili tary hfetoryof the United States Is po- onlinrly rich In great name1 * . The list of distinguished heroes mjn not only of great callanlry. but of splendid ability Is hardly exceeded by that of any ovhor nation. It Is a magnificent galaxy of soldiers the republic can pre sent to challenge comparison with the greatest of any other land , and among them the nnmo of General Crook must occupy u conspicuous place. We have sketched clowboro the rec ord of his useful life , which for nearly forty years had been one of con stant , activity , much of the time in the most onerous and exacting Holds known to the military service. At the very boginnlng of his career ho was sent to the west and entered upon that experience ns an Indian fighter which has contributed BO largely to his fame. It is entirely just to say that no officer among those who have distin guished themselves in this service showed greater capacity or judgment than General Crook. During the re bellion ho made a brilliant record as an nblo , judicious and gallant soldier , and his name is inseparably connected with some ol the most notable victories of the union arms. Intelligent , bravo nnd careful'ho was never found wanting in any emergency and no officer mttdo fewer inistnkcsduring that period which tried most thoroughly the qualities of the soldier. General Crook was re garded by the Indians with mingled awe nnd reverence. They appreciated his courage and ability , und many of thorn believed him invincible. His in- iluonco with them was well shown in the nogotiat'on ' of the treaty for open ing the Sioux reservation. . General Crook's military career was almost wholly passed in the west , and it is the people of this section , who know him best , who will feel most keenly the sense of loss which the country has sustained in his death. Personally a modest and retiring man , ho yet had n quality of sincere geniality with those who know him well which made of them the warmest of friends , while all with whom ho came in contact learned to re gard him with the heartiest respect as a man. Ilia doalii will bo widely and deeply regretted. JUMIQitATIOX DISCUSSION. There cannot bo a reasonable doubt that the intelligent sentiment of the country is opposed to placing any further restrictions upon immigration than those which have boon properly pro vided. The outcry that has been made for several years for additional legisla tion , professedly from a pntriotio con cern for the social , political and ma terial welfare of the country , has really boon prompted for the most part by wholly selfish motives. The great majority of these who would _ erect additional barriers to keep out foreigners ntivo no other thought than to protect themselves from the competition of labor from abroad , caring nothing whatever for any other consideration. There is a class of politicians who uro very willing to pander to this solllshnc.ss , and in order to make the argument for re stricting immigration ns impress-five as possible it is Bought to frighten the coun try by nlleging that under tho" prevail ing condition wo are in constant dan ger of an invasion of anarchists , coin- munibts nnd other mischievous persons whoso capacity for harm is enor mously exaggerated. This country has nothing to fear from the few hundred persons who may annually como here from'Europc , bringing ideas not quite in line with our own , and to enact legis lation which would keep out tons of thousands of desirable people , who would become good and useful citizens , in order to exclude the very few who como here with objectionable social or political notionsVould bo to commit the very great folly aptly illustrated in the remark of Senator Evarts , that "there is no use to amputate a leg be cause there is a corn on the toe. " Less than half a million immigrants came to this country last year , and the probability is that the number this year will show a further fall ing off. There are more attractive inducements and opportunities else where in newer countries , and will continue to bo for some time. No reasonable - sonablo man who will loolc at tlio matter without prejudice will say that thorp is anything to be feared in any direction from the infusion into our population annually of half a million-'foreign ers who are acceptable under existing laws , nor can it bo doubted that there is room for such an addition of industrious and thrifty people. Congress - gross will do the wise thing in confining legislation relative to this subject to making butler provision for the enforce ment of existing laws , which are suf ficient to keep out uudobirablo persons. Tin : letter of the secretary of the In terior to the commissioner of the gen eral laud office governing the sale of lands in the Sioux reservation is timely. It is a careful construction of the Siou.c act of March " , 1SS9 , and will aid settlers In the purchase of lands by explaining the conditions under which title maybe bo acquired. Misconception prevails in the minds of many as to the true import of the act. Confusion is therefore avoided by making it clear that the land will bo disposed of to actual settlers only under the homestead law and at a. prlco for the first three years of throe dollars and twenty-live cents per aero. This should bo Bullloiont warning to speculators and boomers who have become - como possessed of the idea that the land can be had for the taking , to keep out and nmko way for the man earnestly seeking a homo. Oirit latter day public sentiment Is n terror to plcayuno rascals , whlla the defaulting Napoloonscommand admira tion if not respoot. Small thieves nro only fit to bo kicked nnd cuffed and hustled to jail. If the figures of the deficit mount into the hundreds of thousands , the criminal mounts the ladder - dor of Infamy , not ns a pubho robber but as "an unfortunate victim of specu lation"and the crime U classed as a "deficit , " This lax dominion of public morals Is nptlj Illustrated by the vigor ous prosaoutlon of the ox-troasarer , of Missouri. Ho was evidently nn amateur In deficit malting , as his peculations amounted only to the measly sum of thirty-two thousand dollars , but It is enough to oxcitci contempt for his thieving ability. The chanced are that ho will secure a ( rood round term in the penitentiary as a reward for Ins potty rascality und his idiotic folly In facing the music white Canada Invltod him thither. The Missouri defaulter is now thoroughly convinced that it docs not pay to bo a retail thtof. There Is no middle ground. 13o honest , or act the hog. . , Tin : autocrat of the refuse barrel has a grievance. Ho complains of compe tition. Outsiders are cutting Into his schedule of prices as ruthlessly as the farmers of Nebraska would cut into corn rates.Ho threatens to resign. Thl * , lee * in the height of the garbage season when the ash-pile in the back yard and the rubbish in the alloy lift their noxious heads in the spring sun shine and spread their noisome vapors in the balmy atmosphere. There is no mone.v in the business. As if gain were the only inducement to spur the garbage inspector to his duties. Shall it bo R'tld of him that ho cares but little how diphtheria , or chills , or fever , or billlousiiojs , or lassitude lurks in dark corners like n thief to knock down whomo ho may ? Does -he care but little whether the general health of the city bo good , her breath sweet , her drink pure , her appearance neat and her skirts cloanV The work man should be proud of his task and the garbage man of his labor. What is the city physician to do with a disgusted garbagomast'cr who should bo his right bower , his handyman in roformingsan- itary InspoctiotiV What is Omaha to Uo if like Othello the garbage inspector finds his occupation gonoV Tun Farmers' alliance of Kansas in vite the attention of the state dele gation to the it * demands for rolicf , and politely inform them that there are one hundred thousand votes behind the pe tition. On top of this coinu Grand Army posts withresolutionsdonouncing Senator Plumb and expressing "un easiness" for the conduct of repre sentatives. The re-submission move ment is gathering force daily , and will bo an important factor in the next cam paign. AH of which goes to show that a political revolution impends in Kan sas , the consequences of which can only bo averted by a prompt return to the broad principles of the republican narty , and the expulsion of the cranks. TJIK citizens of Indianapolis have paid the penalty of erecting egg-shell buildings by the holocaust of n few days ago which sacrificed a score or moro lives. They have awakened to the danger from 4lmky structures and the order lias gone forth to condemn oven- unsafe building in that city. Hero is a lesson well worth the attention of tho' proper authorities of Omaha. Despite tbo rigid rules of the building ordinance , flimsy structures built on in secure footing , liro'and dnath trapes with weak walls have been erected without protest. It is high time that all such infractions bo severely punished and that tbo bui'dipg inspector nut bis veto on the plans of any building passing through his hinds which fails to como up to the city's requirements. A jfoVKf.1 solution of the question of liquor regulation is proposed in Ta- conm. A syndicate of prominent men nua made an offer to the city council to tnko the entire business and pay into the treasury a sum equal to that now p.iid , provided that none but mem bers of the syndicate receive li cense. Instead of nearly one hundred saloons , the syndicate proposes to limit the number to twenty places , nnd that those .slmll not bo located near churches , bchool houses , or in the thickly hottlcd portions of the city. A bond is to bo given the city guaranteeing btrict com pliance with all regulations. The bchome is a novel one. Tin : jobbers and contractors who have loaded .South Omaha with moun tains of debt , are working day and night to tighten their grip on the throat of that community. Their oppo sition to annexation was intensified by the fear that such a union of municipal interests would drive them from the public trough. They are determined to rule and ruin and pile up a financial wreck to unload on Omaha when they find a scnarato government unprofita ble. Property owners who now object to annexation will secure mig-hty little sympathy from this community when the slimIV calls for u settlement. Kir STATUS DISTIUCT ATTOHXKY B.ucnu wants no dude or politician or featherbrain as liU assistant. Mr. linker is right. The assistant United States attorncybhlp has been too often abused in the past by the selection of an incompetent favorite or n political nincompoop. There has boqn ted much jobbing in tlmt dirpotion "altogether. While the office Is of moderate bulary , it is about time that it bo given to some young industrious attorney of the cijy willing to do his duty and niukp. it n stopping stone for higher responsi bilities. Tin : Iowa druggist Is n very import ant man and 0110 who exerts at times a strong inlluonco upon the people ot his neighborhood. Tlio very fact that the grand jury at Sioux City refuses to indict a number of prominent druggists of that burg for violating the prohibi tion law Is prlma facie evidence of the brother feeling and social relation which the druggists and their pustomors fms.tnin to each other dally over , the Friendly soda water counter. Tut : demand for building material of all kinds promises well. Manufactur ers of brick in the city should see to it that they do not retard operations by Insuillolent brick supply wlion . ' the bUildhiL' season fairly opens. ; Till' : political doctors in congress are concocting countless remedies for the ills of the ballot box and ignoring the more important and pressing demands of the people for reduced taxation , re trenchment ip.government expenses and reform lu.transportation charges. Tlicso questions jiro paramount tint should rocolvtfonvnost and Immediate attention at ttio hatul of congress. Tltr. owners futtfiossocB of the Tcntl street , tlndor 'b6'ses cannot bo polntoi out as model spirits of public enterprise ' Notwlthstandlnpj'tho liberal allowances of damages , j oy virtually demand the full value of Urn/property , while In fac the construction of the viaduct improves the vnluo of tho'jproporty by making 1 available for tl\d'wholesale \ ' trade. SIOXIKICAXT as well as curious It Is that the big grain shippers and railroad magnates of Now York citywhoso testi mony has just been concluded before the interstate commerce commission , have bushels of regret lor the poor western railroads , but not n. kernel of sympathy for the overburdened farmer. Tun managers of the Nebraska Cen tral bridge would confer a boon on the north sldo by revealing the site , the location of the depot , and the route thereto. The tension of anxiety threat ens to impair the health of those who are willing to unload their lots on the company at fabulous figures. OT11DK LAXDS 'I'llAN 0UI1S. The retirement of iilstnnrck , now thnt the letter of the emperor has appeared iicceptlng his resignation , 19 shown to bo permanent. There is nothing in the emperor's letter to Indicate the nature of the disagreement which Induced Ulsmarck to surrender his ofUclal power , but the language and the apparent spirit of the loiter plvo the im- prcsslon thnt Urn best of felcing exists between lha emperor und the ex-premier. These formalities , however , nro not to betaken taken literally , since they are ncceasary in order to allay popular apprehension. The reasonable inference is that the issue which led the chancellor to Rive up his oftlca was of such n nature as to seriously Interfere with future friendly relations between the emperor nnd the statesman. There appears in the bltuatlon nothing to shako confidence in continued pcicu or to create u doubt that Gernuny will continue In the path aloup which she has been moving for eighteen years , but Ihere is undoubtedly some apprehension that important , chnn ca , directing the whole of Europe , may not be roaioto. The course of events in Germany will be watched by all the nations with the most intense interest. # * * Europe Is presenting n flno collection of weak-kneed diplomats , not weak in their principles , but n ) their parliamentary sup port. The French ministry with Premier Tirard wjs bowJloJ over. Premier Tisza of Hungary bit the dust a few days ago. Pre mier Crhpi nvcrtbd an Italian crisis last week by refusing to accept the resigna tion of an angry Cabinet oilicor , Ulnnchcrl. Premier bngasttu of S' > aln still holds his ground , although the. corsorvatives under the leadership of'fcnnovus ' occasionally bring down n cabinet ofllcer with their sharp shooters. LordjSulisbury i strong because he holds a very . 'largo and very venerable umbrella over n crowd of tones who agree that tbii Is betl'df ' than nothing. Ho has lost the confidence of the country and will go down at the next general election. Even little Servia is In fashion , its ministry having resjsuod in a body. In fact it Is a period of qal inot disturbances. The fall of Tisza wus.n misfortune to Austria- Hungary , as ho represents in his person a national idea Whll-U for n dozen years has been lifting the oaipiro out ot the confusion of ruco conflicts. Sagasta stando for uni versal suffrage in Spain , nnd If the cortos finally passes his bill he may bo considered more of n republican than the republicans themselves. HisniJrch'a retirement moans much for Go many. The drama of govern ment in Europe isiadoad interesting these days. i * % It has been said tlmt Paris holds a larger amount of HiBfiiiin bonds than would bo comfortable in case of European difficulties , but 1'or thut reason her prominent men may feel ihntusctvos bound to do their best to up hold the financial credit of tlio nation which was foremost in the mini of Napoleon when ho piedlctod that within fifty years Europe would bo cither republican or cossack. Had lie lived u liitlo Inter ho might have widened his views to take in Asia with a correspond ing extension of the time. Financial mut ters apart , there Is good reason to bchovo Hint in the event of such a German move ment us some fear mint result from the am Dition of the joung emperor , Franco would turn to Utissui us the bi.it power able to help nor out of rho new dilemma , and perhaps assist in the much-longed-for .i-ocovoiy of Alaacu and Lorraine ns well as prevent the dreaded ex tension of GPI man urea to the ojona , which is probably the end aimed nt by the present military party in Germany. How far the ambition may bo hold in check by the pro posal of 1'cpo Leo'la nn open questlo. ) . Lint it mav bo argued that aa n mere matter of personal feeling his nppoal is not less lilculy to bo disregarded r.3 n consequcnco of the ro ll racy of Hwmnrek from the pohlK-al arena. Still it may not be impossible that the young emperor will bo equally unwilling with the deposed statesman to tuko u single step that will look like premonition of unotbor trav eling of the road to Cunossa. w * \VhilothoArabslavu trade continues to millet its atrocities upon Africa , u now method of intensifying her horrors 1ms been discovered. The latest crimes nguinst the unlives nro promoted by whlto merchants who nro ponotr.ulng to the vor center of tha continent in quest of Ivory. The recent largo exports of ivory from tlio Congo basin have been Iicrnldefi JH cr.Uifvlnu proot of the wonderful growfh of legitimate trade In that region , A j\ipiitch ; : to the Congo gov ernment the olhov.diiy announced thut over forty tons of Ivory , worth in Europe nbout $ MOCOO , had bcompurchascd by trudingcom panies on the upper -Congo within two months nnd woroithin on the way down the river. Witnln < < ( { llo past few months nearly $1,000,00) ) ' 'Yyorth ' of Congo Ivory has boon sola' ' In Antwerp. The Ivory is purchu&cd by tradmir steam , ors that nro pus'j'eli Ks fur inland as Stanley Fulls. A small pa t ot the Ivory Is bought from ttio natives , , but by fur the larger part of it cornea from.tiio , Arabs of Stanley Falls and the Loin anil river , who are straining every nerve toiwt _ the sudden and unex pected demand tnuK to their great delight , linn arisen at their very doors. The methods that have boon stimulated by the now enter prise of whlto man nro described In one of Mr. Stanley's letters , and also by Mr. Her bert Ward. Thcso ( jontloincn say thnt Ivory raiding Is now n very bloody business. The Arabs lead Into the ivory districts bands of MU to MM ) Manycma armed with Entlold rlllos. They burn every village they como across , capture all the women , tthoot down the men unless they at once got out of roach of bullets , nnd di > atroy the plantations. Having thus deso lated a largo area , they settle down with their captives at some place where plantains are abundant and urocood to open negotia tions with the people whom they have driven Into the woods. They send word to these fugitives that their women will bo restored to them for the price of n tusk of Ivory nplocfr. Tha natives then go on elephant hunts or open their hidden stores , and slowly the women are redeemed. The Arabs thus secure n rich supply of Ivory to soil to their whlto friends , nnd finally depart for the river , leaving behind them a region turned'Into a wiwte. The now phasn of ivory raiding Is really not a whit bettor than slave trndinir. Hut Wilt TUoj ? I'hlcaw Titbienf. Doubtless the Louisiana Lottery company wilt now spomt that $100,000 In relieving tbo of flood sufferer * ! The Hour nnd tlio Man. The disclosures of the New. York sheriff's ofllco nliow that the present Is a good tmio for some of the Now York democratic- papers to rniso their old political slogan about turn ing the rascals'out. . A Nnlttn Work. Sf. Louts Ulolic-Dcinotmt The bourbon legislature of Ohio Is doing noble work for the republicans in destroy ing all chances of bourbon success again in that stnto within the next dozjn yean ; . IN Til 12 UOTONDA. Church Howe was making himself com * fortnble In nn easy chair nt the Paxton last night nnd was willing ta bo Interviewed to a limited extent. "Lord no , " said ho , "I don't know any thing new In the pollttc.il Una. That's not In my line nt all. I don't take any Interest In politics , never did , nnd don't know any thing about it , YoirknowJ have enough to do to take care of my turnips , pigs aim other fruits , you know , without bothering with those of the state. Same people think differently , but I can't help that. "Yes , I fought for the Australian ballot system , I am proud to say , ntid I forced some other people to go on record un the question. I had good reason for my stand. I had felt the effects of fraudulent balloting. Don't Imngino that J am mak ing nny kick on what is all over now. I wasn't elected to congress b"o- cause I did not have enough votes , but If wo had had the Australian ballot system I would have had moro. I was very much gratified to see that the result in Massa chusetts and clsowhero bore out what I said in the house last winter. If the question could bo submitted tomorrow It would pass both houses with the emergency clause. It will come , sure as fate , and very soon too. "My opinion of the Nebraska corn rates ? Well , you read iny testimony before the commission , of course only n synopsis was published , but I told thorn what I thought was about right. The whole trouble is , ttiero was a big corn h&rvest and thcro is no place to put it It it were nn older state and wo wore not living such a hand-to-inoutli existence wo would bo ublo to hold our corn tor u few months nnd the stringency would wear nway. IJut wo can't wait and there is n rush of corn into the market from all sidoj , und of course a full in prices. I don't claim that it would do no good to reduce the pres ent rates. Of course it would do good- after n while , but not just now. There may be cheap clothing for saloi over hero. Thut docs you no good , because yon need no clothing , but you will need some , some time. ' 1 don't think that either thn railroads or too people are nltosottior right. They will como together some day and understand each other. There is a certain line to which the roads must cpmo. As tno country grows older they will be forced down to that line , but no one with any scnso will imagine- that they are going to got down nny faster than they are forced. "flmo will straighten out all thesn things. This mcet'ng of the commission nnd the tes timony given show people thut there is a good deal of exaggeration in the talk of grievances against the railroads. " Mr. Howe went on with n cooa1 deal ot other interesting t-ilk on various elections , candidates for ofilco , etc. , showing conclu sively that ho was nU'.l "out ot politics. " State Labor Commissioner Jenkins ar rived in Omaha last evening from Grand Is land full of enthusiasm over the sugur beet industry , und with information enough on the subject to fill n big volume. In speuking to n HUK reporter Mr. Jonklns said : "You may say ttut in u few days I will have n thousand pounds of sugar beet seeds for free d strioutlon. This is seed direct from Germany , nnd is the boit thut can bo secured. I Intend to send It nil over the state for the purpose of testing the various Hoils in different ncctmns. This seed can be scouted by application to mo by the Farmers' alliance of any county. The only condition necessary to secure n supply will be a premise iso to till out the bUrtk I shall send with ouch package for tlu purpose of ascertaining the soil It was planted ii : and 'liko information , and the forwarding in the fall of few boots for analysis. I think this ivill bo n grand opportunity for the farmuw of the stato. Wherever the beets provu to contain the necessary amount of saccharinemanor , there will bo no diftlculty , I bjlicve , in inducing capitalists to put up the necessary plant for the manufacture of sugar. " o Till ; roUll 11U.VIJRH1)Vmil30UT. . Swell AVediiini ; of headers ol'Cliarli-v ton Colored Scicintv. Ciuw.rsTON , S. C. , Marni 'Jl. [ Special Telegram to Tim Uii.l : A sensational tnvell wedding took placj here last night. The whole of the Afrj-Ameriuan 4) ) . ) v/.r pros- nnt Nuthmi ? like it has over been ttcon in thn smith. The irroom wai Lr. William H. . ( ones , und thotiridu Mini Mary 1'arltoson. The former la copper-colored nnd the latter a auric blonde. Uiic groom wnsnttircd in a coUumc fashioned after Jamo * O'Noill'n ' MontoCrlsto" dross in the third act satin trunk , silk hosn nnd stile waistcoat , trimmed with Valenciennes lace. The bride worn a cream colored silk lobo , with p.tlu blnoMHc brocudo front , ' a "V" shuped corsutfn uid golden slippers. Tlio wedding was conducted in the French-Italian style , with utcnduuts , grooms , ushers und mauls of lonor. Tlio Jiapllst church wus densely tacked and the street within twn blocks was 10 crowded that u platoon of policemen had to head the bridal , irocoH3ion und clo.iru pas sage through tlu > throng After the services it the church a Veni-tmn was given ut the residence of the bride's mother. Tno luiusa ind grounds were illuminated with Clnneso anterns. L'oloied society was stirred to Its ccntur by the event. Anothnr C'luitx'ii ( XiitliiHt Motoulln. NBW Youic , March ! -Special [ Telegram to Tins HII : : . ] A letter came to Admiral vimborly yesterday , sent by K. F. Connnllv , u mason living nt 1J Orangn atroot , New ark , saying that ho would toitify nsalnst Comuicuidor MoCallu. Connuily sayi thut n 1531 , Whllo the United States Btoainor . 'uwhuttun was In southern waters , ho was a Bucond-class tlrcman mid McCallu was lenlonant.Vlulo an attempt was beliif nndatopiita drunken sailor below dock , vleCnlla drew his sword and took off ono of ho man's ears. _ _ KnnsnH MillerH I'nkl. ATCIHSO.V , Kan. , March SI. [ Special Tele. eram to TUB HUB J Kelley & Pratt of Gny- era , In Smith county , whooparatod flouring nilU nt Gaylnrd and Osborno , have failed. Colloybus loft the country and ns ho had the nanagoment of the business n statement of ho llrm's affairs will bo delayed until exports can work on the books. They owe a largo number of farmers for wheat and ho banlis for borrowed money. .Mr. Pratt s held blameless and U rendering tnocrcdlu rsovory assistance. A DENIAL OF DKSTITOHOX , Governor Tlmyor Mtxkog iv Poraontvl Investigation of the Mattor. THE PEOPLE VERY INDIGNANT. inhabitants of iho DlutrlotNot nt All ricnflod with thn Ucports Sent Out Nou-fl From tlio Onnltnl Cljy. Nnt So Ilnd nn Hppnrtoil. LIXCOI.X , Nob. , March 81. [ Special to TUB URR.J State of Nebraska , Executive Department : Letters have reached me nt different times ( luring the Inst few months from points in Cheyenne , Klmball , llannor , Scott' * Bluff nml Uouol counties stating that there was destitution there , nnd thnt It was necessary to relieve the people and proven. Buffering. Letters , nlso , contradicting those statements , have recently boon received. Doing In doubt as to the roil facts [ deter mined to make n tour throtnjh these counties for the purpose of ascertaining the truth , so that It the facts wore not true I could give an emphatic nnd nuthorlllvo contradiction to the same In justice to the people thoro. Leaving Lincoln on Saturday after noon Inst 1 was joined nt Kearney by H. U. Grcor , osq. , president of the state board of agriculture , nnd nt Sidney by F. Do Castro , osq. , who accompanied mo on the Journey. Arriving at Klmball the next day wo started across the country by carrliges to Goring , Iho county seat of Scott's Uluft county , thirty-live mlles distant , passing through Harrlsburg , the county scat of Uannor county. Wo stopped at every , house on the whole route Interviewing ove'ry farmer nnd homesteader with the exception of two who wcro absent. Four public meetings were held in these three counties of Klmball , Uan- ner and Scott's LJluff. Word had precoJed u- * < , I was coming , nnd parties had sent notices Into every precinct of each county Inviting the people to como together seas as to obtain an expression ns lethe the condition of things in nil thnt region ; nnd the people came In largo num bers. In these mootiugs the question was put to them , do you know of nny case of des titution or where there is nny need of help in. your respective localities , nnd nil re sponded in tlio negative. Neither in those meetings nor on the way where wo traveled could wo lind thut n Bingia case existed where the pcoplo wcro suftorimr or where help was needed. Many replied to our in terrogatories : "Wo nro hard up but wo are not suffering ; wo have plenty to cat and to wear , nnd wo can got along and ask for no belli. " Wo crossed tlmt portion where a hail storm swept through n belt eight miles wide lust season , destroying the crops ; mid nlso over a portion where hot winds had proved very injurious , but nowhere did anyone ono need any aid. The county clorft at Goring reported to us that but ono application for nid had been made ts the county commissioners during the whole winter , and the aid was promptly rendered. Ono of the county commission ers of Uunner county stated that no request foras9liiancc ! had been made to the board from nny person in thai county , and that only ono person was supported by thu coun ty. Ono of the commissioners of Kimball county Informed us that only ono application for aid hud been made to the board during the whole season , and the assistance was promptly rendered. The settlers everywhere In these ahrcc counties said , if there wcro nny cases of distress , though they know ot none , their county wns abundantly nblo to take care of them , and ttie.v desired no outside help. There was u spirit of independence nmong iho settlers of all these counties that is highly commendable. 1 never saw a moro LontcntPd pcoplo , none more bravo hearted than tno homesteaders nnd farmers who dwell in these cobntiPs. Tney like their lo cations und could not bo induced to leiivo tiicm. The snmo may bo said of Cheyenne county. At Hotter , in that county , it wns stated thut some three families had needed Bomo clothing nnd shoes , but they had never mndo any application to the Mithorities and the hitter know nothing of their condition , but thut they had been ready nt all times to render assistance , Wo wnro inlormed that only thrco requests had been made for help und that it had bcon given. Thus wo found there hud been only isolated cases ( and a very few ) such us may bu found in nil communities in any stato. After a thorough personal investigation of this whole matter nnd n ride of 110 mile * by carriage through that flection wo nro enabled to give a most unijuutillud contradiction to all atatoiiiHnts which have been made to the ofToct that there , is , or lias been , any desti tution or suffering in any of these counties that needed nny help from thu outside. They nro abunduntlv able In take euro of their own people arid their own affairs. The people all thi-outrh those counties are indig nant Uiat such unjust statements buvo boon sent abroad. Wo are glad to bo nblo to stnto that nil the counties named in this communication constitute u moat valuable portion of the Btute of Neorasku , and ere long they will vlu with the older counties In progress and' prosperity. Mr. Greor concurs with mo in tl.ls statement. JOHN M. TIUTIIU. cnxsrs MATinns or ixtiniEsr. Ho'i. T. M. Cooke , supervisor of the cen sus , 1' irst congressional district of tnis state , has returned from Washington and entered upon thu uctivu work of sub-dividing Ills dis trict and appointing enumerators prepara tory to tuning the eleventh national census. Air. Cooke informs ' Hiu T.iiu' : representa tive tint , ho is districting Omaha into enumorator'a products on u basis of n popu lation of l-'j.OJO and Lincoln on a basis of 00,000. Ho further states that the cities will be .so districted us to give each enumerator approximately iJ.OOO peopln to enumerate. 'Die wards of both Omuhu und Lin coln will Do carefully sub-divided nnd in ninny instances the voting precincts of tlio wards. In the country precincts will bo covered by ; t single enumerator. The super visor dosiro- lo bo understood thnt thu active worK of enumerators will not com mence until Juno 1 , und that the lluul report of enumerators must bo in and verified.on the lust day of the months stated. Questioning Mr. Cooka regarding his plan for districting Omaha and other cities of the district lie btatcd thut wherever possible. lie would visit them and con for with prominent resident republican ! ) , and be governed by tiiem Homewhiit in naming enumerators ; thut so fur us Omuliu was concerned tie would visit that city during the coming week and commence tlio nclivo work of subdividing it. Acting under the uuporativo order of the depurtmontut Washington , the supervisor says that n&soasor.s , lux collectors or nny ono connected with Iho levying of tlio taxes In nny way are disquulillad ns enumerator. ' ) , and that' applicants should govern thoin- aelvcs accordingly. CM'ITOI. INTri.I.inBNCU , Secretary of Stalu Cnwdory is expected homo from his trip lo YoutiKstown , O , , to night. Governor Tlinyor attended a military ball at Geneva , Flllmoro county , ignicht. Hy Hiieeiu ! request ho uddrcsioa tlio Fanners' alliance of that place on the morrow. Miss Cluru , Attorney General Loose's second end duughter , who wus to seriously injured In iho runaway Wednesday ; hull oinprove.i , nnd tno attorney general was enabled lo be ut his desk most of today. The cases of Hiram J. Palmer VB Frank Courtney nnd John liurkholdcr vs John Frontier , on errror from the district court of Adams county , were filed for trial in the supreme court today , 'l ' ho Hunk of Uanbury , Hcu Willow county , filed articles of incorporation thU morning. Authorized capital stock * J5,000. Incorporu- toras J. S. Stqwurt , T. E. McDonald , E. L. Dodder nnd Jackson Stall , The Illiur HuildliiR nnd Loan association also illod articles of Incorporation. Erection of buildings and n general real estate ) bust * ness Is stipulated a its object mid purpose. Capital Block I-'UO.OUO. Incorporates ! F. W. Kennedy , L. H. Clew , T. E. .Stnyeni , C. L. Hicks , Vv. H. Ellor , U. .M. WilUoy und James H. Slowart. TIIK PISTIUCT COL'IIT. Susan H. Peckhatn vs thu City of Lincoln Is thu very latest case Illod for trial. The plaintiff wants 3,000 gradedamages. . Her property , it brick and frame dwelling house , U located nt tlio earner of Ninth nnd M Btrcots. JUJgo Field hoard the first of the numer ous grnduiff dnnmgo cases todny. Uonry Townsend vn the City of Lincoln In tlio title. In consequence of the Hosownter grade ho Rltcgeit $1,000 damages to Hi * North Sixteenth street property. Tno cnso will hnrdly bo de cided today. * Mrs. Ann Cnmpln commenced suit against John ana Mary Nolan today. She nllcncs tlmt itho ngruod with tha defendant * to fur. nlsh them with the money to buy them n lit' ' tlo homo In consideration of which they In turn agreed to furnish her n homo for tlio , rest of her natural life ; tlmt she unvo them } (450 for that purpose , but that nftor they si * I cured their homo they refused to contrllmtn to her support nml turned her out of doors. I : She now wants tlio court to compel tbo No- I ' Inns to convey the property to her. MM. ! Nolan is Mrs. Campin's adopted daughter } and wns brought up by her. X - ; W1I.I. ASBRMIII.K IN CONVENTION. Lincoln ladles propose to tnko nn nctivn < : part In the election of n school board nt the \ > coming municipal election. Indeed , Mrs , F. H. Klllolt nnd MM. M. U. Welch nro out In n card calling for n convention of women to bo hold nt the blah school building nt u o'clocic In the nfternoon. Thu call states that the mooting Is called to name two lady candidates for members of the school board , nnd to consider questions of vital Importance to mothers nnd taxpayers. A largo iittund- nnco Is earnestly desired. C1TV NBW3 AND NOTHS. Hock Island surveyors from Topeka , Ivan , , nro quartered nt the Capital hotel. Hx-Stnla Treasurer Wlllard Is In the city. Ho says that Interest In politics In Ins part of tiio slate is becoming somewhat intense. Charley Casey of Pawnee City left for homo this morning nftor spending n day In the city. Ho denies that ho Is n candidate for nudltor of public accounts. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the Nebraska slaio touchers' association com- mencoj Tuesday ovonitu- , March 13i. Proml nent stnto educators premise that it will bo among the most interesting conventions over held In the stato. Mrs. L , 1C. Uallcy of Minneapolis. Minn. , is canvassing the county In iho interest of the prohibitory constitutional amendment. She spoke nt Uonton Inst night nnd nt Wn- verly tonight. She stales very emphatically that sbo is n prohibitionist but-not n crank. Ofllcor Malone wont to Kansas City toJay after John F. Fuller , nn abstractor of tins -city , who skipped out after forging the name of McUrlde & Hell to a $15 check nnd pass ing It on a saloonkeeper for liquor. He was located Ihcto after careful inquiry of Lin coln detectives. Miss Lydla Muuldlng secured n warrant today for the nrrcst of Parker Frigate , n teamster , whom she charges with betravnu her under premise of marriage. Lydm hail Parker arrested nbout n week ago , but ho . worked on her sympathies nnd secured his 1- reloaao on Iho premise that lie would wo.1 j her ns soon as she secured ner mother'i t' oonRcnt. i The case against the consolidation of the Burlington nnd the Atchlson & .Nebraska railroads comes up for hearing before Judgu M. L. Hn.vward of Nebraska City us rofureo on next Monday nflernoun. Deputy Sheriff Ho.xio was busy today serving subpiumua on witnesses who will testify in the case. The case is uttracllng considerable interest ' In this city. M3\V LilP13 INSUUiVNOHVRIN 1C Ijtt. nriillniiL Sclicmn Whluli Has Worked by n Catholic 1'npnt. NEW YOIIK , March 21. [ Special Telegram to THE HUG. ] There are always many Intor- oslingepisodos occurring in the business of lifo and flre insurance companies of this city , 1 but lately there has been none which sav ored BO much of originality ns the scheme of the pastor of a Roman Catholic church up town to pay off the mortgairu hold by n , lift insurance company against the church building. The church in question is St. Monica's Hnmun Catholic church , und Ilov. J. Dougherty Is IU pastor. In order to ex tend the parish work and to add to tlio church building , the pastor sought to obtain n loan of S12."il)00 ) from n life insurance com pany. After the idun hud been lully con sidered by the olllcers of the com pany , it wns decided that $1L 0,0M ( should bo lent to St. Monica's , provided S.'O.OOU of it wus secured by policies upon the lives of the pastor and some ol thu members of the parish. To n clergyman of Douehor- ty'a activity ilia proposition " pre sented itself. Why should he not clear off the entire mortgage in tlio same manner ! So ho buckled down und became a vorltublo In surance ncont. His onergv wns so great thut between July nnd November of 1SW ho succeeded in having insurances written for fully SlUUOl)0. , ) eleven pontons entering into the Bchmo. Tlio proposition wus that nt the death of nny of the persons holding n policy Iho company should credit the church with the amount o ( the face , so reducing the total nmonnt of the loan tlmt by the time Iho last of iho eleven policy holders died the church indebtedness should bu entirely wiped out. The scheme is not alone working admirably nt St. Monica's , but the higher dignitaries of the church are said to look with considerable favor upon Iho idea of Dougherty's. HAS PKOUAUIjY SOLO OU1 " i New York Snla to Have Purchased . liKllniuipolls' Unit Club. iNniAXAi'OLii , Ind. , March 21. [ Special ) Telegram to Tin : IlEE. | It Is believed hero i that tlio Indianapolis ball club has been sold j to New York , together with all Its rights in ( the league , though the ofllciul announcement t is luokmg. It is known that the league. j through Mr. Spaldinj. nnd others , informed Messrs. Hrash and behmldt ut the wind up of the Cleveland meeting that they might ns well make up their minds to thu fact that they could not play ball this season in the league , and the sooner Ihey understood it the bctlor it would bo nil around. The Indian apolis men responded that they would con tinue notwithstanding the freeze-out. How ever , it seems to have been successfully worked. TlioHUin paid tor the Indianapolis club Is understood to bu fOr.OUO , but that fig- tire Is undoubtedly exaggerated. Thu players - ors profess ignorunce of nny sell-out. Can IJi'olnrn a Dlvlilontl. Nnw Youic , March ! il. Judge O'Hrlen of the supreme court this morning granted lenvo to iho sugar rollnery company to grant n dividend of 2 > f per cent on $30,000ODD on condition that tlio portion duo on lha North Ilivor rollning company's interest bo de posited with the court pending the tlnal determination - termination of the HUH ugalnst that com pany by.tlio court of appeals. Positively cured by theio 1'Ulo PIt'N. ' They nlso relle\e JHs trcis fro'n Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty Katlng. A perfect icm- cdy for DUzlnewi , Nausea , Dro-A slnc l , llfid Taste ir. thu HoiilM , coated iiffui , 1'uln In fliofiido , TOUl'll ) UVKIt. 'I'lioy f rosulato the Jlowels. 1'urcly Vegetable SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SHALL PRICE , OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Subscribed .V Kiiiirautead Capital , SBOO.OOO 1'ald In Capital 350 , OOO llnyn and sells dtockn ard bonds ; uegotliUut commercial papar ; receives and uxi'cntoi Units : acts us transfer ugont und trustee nf corpora tion * ; tiUosclmrgo ot pniporty ; cello U IOPU Omaha Loan &Trust Co SAVINGS BANK S. E. Cor. lOlh and Oouglao Street * . I'nlil In Capital . . . . . S3O.OOO Subscribed k guaranteed capital , 100,000 l.tabllltyof BlocldioUKTM , . . 200,000 D Per Cent Interest PnltJ on Deposit * 1'llANk.l. JjANIli : . Cashier. Owcr-itsi A. \Vymnn , president i J..l.Ilrown , vlc president ; \Vyman.truasiiror. . DlliKOroun : A , U , Wymau , J. II.MtlUrd. J. .1. Hi-own , Guy 0. Hiirton , li W. Nmii , llioj. h. KlinbMI.Ueo.il. | , lco. Loans In any amount made on Cltv & Farm Property , nntl on Collatorul Security , at Lowes fUUo Curronttoi