Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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TUP ottt'fini iTitrn iitniri'Tf
The VoJumo of-Whoat Eualnosa
Oontinuoa Largo.
A Somowlint Knnlcr Fccllnttln Oaln
I'rovlfllonH Practically Unilln-
lurlicil A General Advance
In Cattln Vnlucw.
Marcli 21. | Special Tcloernm to
TUB HUB. ] Chicago bad u bi # npcculntlvo
wheat tnurkct nKoln today. Ttio trading
possessed some very interesting features ana
the volume of business was o largo that In
dividual transactions were largely lost sight
of. The thrco most conspicuous operators
hero were all buyers. They wcro Hutchln-
son , Purdrldgo and Cudahy. Hutclilnson
was buying to got the market up or keep It
up temporarily rather than nccumulnto a
larger line of wheat. Pardridgo was cover
ing nt a heavy loss. AH a short seller helms
been standing out for some days with the mar
ket against him. His purchases toJiiy wcro
estimated > it from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 bushels.
Cudaby was buying because ho thinks ho
seen the handwriting on the wall. None of
his buying wns to cover and perhaps ho got
long wheat. H must not bo thought that
the market wnt one-sided because of these
three buyers. Thcro was tun usual Belling
for" the proverbial Prh'ay break. Thcro wns
heavy reall/lng by houses. With prolltn
runglnc from } < j to la In May wheat there
wns suiting by benm to short the market for
a down turn after the curly advance. The
ndvnnco of the day was made the first half
hour. May opened tfo lower nt S0 ? c and
went straight up to 81' c or tfc over all pre
vious figures on the present move-
mnnt. ' At 1 Vclock May was
nt 81 Vc , the ton price. The fight
from 11 a. m. to 12 : HO p. m. in the pit was
nt 70Jtf@iOJ c to'h'CC&SO&a Within this nnr-
row nuiL'o millions of bushels changed hands.
Sellers thought with the I'ardndgo short in
terest wiped out the market would wonkon.
Huycrs thought that with n fresh short in
terest mmlo toitay any butt news would
cause a sharp advance and u scare- among
the shorts. Thus it stood at 1 o'clock. llio
feature of the market was a premium of 2c
for May over July , whereas two days ano
thcro was but 1 j-jfe difference. June sales
today were ntSOj < @SO'l8'o and July was at
' 80 to 7Sn'7S > tfc. The excellent wenthur
offset the tinner feeling abroad. Crop news
was as conflicting as for the week past.
Shortly before the close whcnt wont up to
81'iC ' , or Jh'c over the morning llguro for
May. Thcro was a good den ] of calling on
"calls" nt EO@SOV < o nnd tfien the market
closed nt $1.00. Juno closed nt 80) c nnd
July tit 7&tf @ 7SXa
' 1 hero wiis no largo 'Individual trndlng In
corn , but the market was fairly active , with
considerable strength ear ! v nnd prices steady
nt the close. ' 1 hero were 770 cars or No. 2
stuff. May sold at 30@3 ( > 'ifc. On the largo
estimate for tomorrow , 8313 cars.and gelling by
n Chicago elevator company against country
purchases , the price wont bade to 'JXo but
the eloso wns at ! ! 0c. Other closing ilcures
wereMarch : , 2SJ < fc nominnl , AprU 2'c ) ,
Juno EO c , July 31 > c , August 31c ! , Sep
tember H'J > ' c.
Ttio oats market , although fairly nctlvo ,
failed to exhibit the Hfo and the largo
volume of trading noted yesterday.
There wns good buying by several largo
opcrntors , but offerings were liberal nnd
their wants wcro supplied. The fooling nt
the opening wns rather easy and prices re-
cedoa slightly , rallied } { c for May , but later
receded , ' /r , nnd the market closed steady
at about ttio same prices as yesterday. Juno
nnd July were steady , with fuirtradlng. No.
2 white for May met with fair tdernand and
Bold at 23 o early , but later at 23X@23J4c.
Juno wns rather quiet nt 22 (5/23 ( 0. The
demand for car lots in store was light. No.
U was quotable at Ul @ 21c. .
The provision market wus undisturbed ex
cept for u little activity in lard. Pavdrulgo
boucht freely of this product and the price
of'May went from 50.10 to $ ( X15. Hulhinson
sold nnd the price went back to 50.12 > at
onco. In short ribs thcro was llulo change
except n sllgnt decline at the , opening. Muv
pork sold in S10.43@10.47X nnd back to $10.45
at the close. The cash transactions were
CHICAGO , Mnrch 21. [ Special Telegram to
THE UBB. ] CATTI.K. A fallinc off of 2.000 In
tbo run and the opening up of export trade
,1ms bad the effect of advancing prices lOc to
15o over the current range of the first three
iln.vs of the wccic nnd tbo advance covers
about everything in the fat steer line ,
mctlum | and light grades getting the great
est share of the advance. Uut few Toxnns
worp In alght , nnd recent sales were at $2.83
< ( ? 3 75. Butchers stock was In good demand.
The stockcr and feeder trade ruled rather
slow ana light , little steers are soiling n
nhado lower. Choice to extra beeves ,
M.85 ( < ; 0.05 ; medium to good steers. 1,350 to
1.600 Ibs , $4.004.SO : 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs ,
! 3.60 ( < { UO : 050 to 1,200 Ibs. ? 3.2o@3.60.
Stookors nnd feeders. $2.40(723.75 ( ; cows , bulls
nnd mixed , $ l.r > 0@3.-lO ; bulk , f3.23@2.75 ;
Texas corn-fed atcors , $2.00(5(3.75. (
HOGS The demand was fairlv active with
the bulk of the bent heavy colling u shnda
stronger , but at the close scalpers nnd oth
ers who had stock not up toihostandard had
to tuko "n shiivin off,1' us the saving coos ,
liough and common sold at M OO'uM.lO ; good
packers nnd mixed * t.l2' Q4,17 } , largely nt
M.15 , nnd the best heavy and steady ntSl.20 ,
with fancy heavy ut 84.23 to S4.B7K. Light
sorts woru not wanted nnd generally sold 5o
lower , largely at $4.1C@UO.
I New YonK , March 21. | Special Telegram
to THE UEE.I STOCKS The stock market
furnishes no lurprlsos these days unless it
bo surprising that sales fall below 60,000
shares , as they did yesterday , i'lio public
not onlv stands aloof from stocks but many
professional traders are In n waiting atti
tude. The belief prevails that very little
floating itockiof the Vnndorbilt lines , the
Coalers , Northwestern , liurllngton or Ilock
Island , Is on thoinaskot. It Is claimed that It
is bold by parties who will not part with their
shares on account ot ordinary lluctuatlons
either way. If this theory Is correct it fur
nishes n foundation for u magnlilcont nd
vnnco when the rate troubles and the proba
bility of tight money arc removed. There
was n better tone to foreign dispatches thin
morning owing lo the expressions of Em
peror William nnd this was plainly felt In
the aleck market , Early trading this mornIng -
Ing was much the sauio ns yester
day , whllo the fluctuations In no
stock , with tbo alngla exception of
Tennessee Coal exceeded if per 'cent.
The opening was steady to firm. Most of
tbo list traded In during the llrst few min
utes showed fractional advances , The firm
tone continued nnd changes In quotations
after those of opening were generally up-
\vardv Tonnc co Coal , however , after open
ing up I per cent nt 5 V , lost all its improve
ment. Dealings were devoid of any other
special feature , though Sugar , ' which with
Tennessee Coal was the only active stock ,
after tt slight rlno retired below the opening
price. Hoforo nodn there was a further Im
provement throughout the list. Sugar
Trust was. up to 70. , Oregon
Trantcontlijontal to 37 ; ; , Loulsvlllo & . Nu h-
villo to 84.V , LaKe Shore to 107tf , Western
Union to 81 t , Tennessee Coal to 51 a second
time , with Heading. Missouri Pucltlo and
Hock Island small fractions higher. St.
Paul , Uurllngton nnd Nortnwostorn were
extremely dull and steady. There was much
iuiprowd feeling In all itockt before the
close. The announcement ot a dividend in
Sugar TruiU caused that itook to oloso firm
nnd hlfhcr. Chicago Qai , after a break to
4IJ nntho adverse Illinois court decision ,
recovered to 43tf nt the close. Tennessee
Coal moved up to 54Ja nut gain
of 1-V per cent , Lackawanna closed XUP
and Ko.tdinir > V higher. Western railroad
slocks were buoyant on better prospects and
closed with fair advances. AlchUon , Uur-
llngton and Western Union wcro up J < ,
Northwestern if. St. Paul > Y , Missouri
Pad lie Jnnd Hock Island led with a 1 per
cent g-Un nt 01. Money continues easy
The total sales of stocks wcra 111,45 0 shares
The following were the cb.ilnir quotation * :
n. H. 4i rcaulir. . lil if 'Northern ' 1'nclllo. . .TH (
U.B.4 > coipoai ; , . .r ! < { ! < lonreforrod . . V.'H
U.4'tsroguUr..iaO't ! 0. * N' . W . HO.'i
l7.H.4'fcniipmi..1. ' [ < ) 'iJ do preferred . Ml
I'acldtBiotin . 116 I.V.r.Central . IMS'
Ontml I'aclOo. . . Hfl'j't I' . D.&K. . . . . . . . I8K
. . .1J llocklsland . PI
tea C..M. ASU * . . ( W'i
ACJuInnv . Hfl'j
. . . .
IlllnolfiCantral . 114 nnproforroa on
T..II. & W tr.ilnn I'acllla Oi'i
. U'4' VV..81.' . . . . . . . 12
l.nkoHhoro * noprotorrecl. . . . . " < ! ! . {
Michigan Cflutrnl. . D7f Wcsiora Union. . . . Bllf
MONBT Easy at 8 } Q I per cent.
PIUMB MEiictxTit.B IMPEit 5J i47) < per
STnnt.tyo ExcnANon Dull but steady :
sixty- day bills , | 4.b2 # ; demand , 54.S5 4
NKW Yoruc , March 21. fSnoelal Toloram
toTiin llKS.l Th3 folljwla.f urj thj mln-
IngstocU quotations :
Alice . 12.1 Horn Silver . 22,1
Caledonia , bli IHO North Hullo Isle..iro
Commonwealth Ontario 300J
rotnatock. T. ftcrp.liooo Oplilr 37(1 (
Con. Cal & Vn . . . .Hi Hiiv.iKOl lir
P.l Crlsto MS flerra Nevada 195
Halo J ; N'orcroj.s. , . antler Crooic ! '
. Mnrch 21. 1:1. : n. m. eloso
Wheat Firm : March , 80) (5 ( : May , 8lc.
Corn Steady ; March.'a > fcj May , 800.
Oats Kaslor ; Mnrch , 2l > iJc.
Hye Steady ; May , 4l@44iC. } !
Harley -Nothmedolni ; .
Prune Timothy $1.10.
Flax-Cash , 51.43.
Pork-Steady ; March , $10.33 ; May ,
* 10.45.
Lard Steady : March , S0.07K ; May ,
' '
Flour Firm ; dealers generally asking
nn advance of lOc all around ; winter
wneat. ? 2.iU ) ( < ? l.40 ; spring wheat , 8).75 ® 1.00 :
rye , ? 2.50(3-2.SO ( ; buckwheat , 75ci1.00 ( per
Provisions Shoulders , $ { . ! tt@lAO' short
clear. $5.405 50 ; sbort ribs , March , ? 5.07 .
Uutter Kaiy ; creamery , 15J24o ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , OJf
Hats , HQlli c ; Young Americas.
Ejrgs Firm : fresh , 13@14c.
Hides Stoutly ; heavy nnd light green
salted , 4X@4c ; suited bull , 3&c ; green
salted calf , fljfu : dry flint , G@7c ; dry salted
hides , Oc ; dry calf , 5@0o ; deacons , 20o each.
TaUoxv Steady ; No. 1 solid packed , 3 c ;
No. 2 , 3 > .fo ; cako4c.
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour . 14.000 17.000
Wheat . 18,000 1R.OOO
Corn . . . . .333,000 203,000
Oats . 112,000 180.000
Now VorK , March 31. Wnoat Receipts ,
7,700 bushels : exports , none ; spot stronger :
No. 2 rod , SiJf@30J.Cc In elevator , S0 % @
bOJ c alloat ; OUa.01fc f. o. b. ; options irregu
lar , near months higher , for } iBc ; ? off ? * " ° '
2 red , March , closing at SOc.
Corn Receipts , 42.000 bushels ; oxnarts.
lfiO,700 bushels ; spot stronger ; No. ! 2 , 86 @
30 ; < o in elevator , 37X@-'i3c afloat ; ungraded
mixed , 82 @ 38.J 'c ; options steady ; March
Oats Receipts , 09,000 bushels ; exports ,
4U(30bushols ! ( ; spot stronger ; No. 2 white ,
81J5rtJ32 ; mixed western. 23@31c : white
do. : ; li(7tioe ( ; ; options easier ; March closing at
Coffee Options closed steady at 10$30 (
points down. Sales : 77.2.V ) bags ; March ,
S17.75@17.SO , May , $10.05@17.10 ; spot Rio
easy ; fair ; cargoes , fiO.50.
Sugarllnw , lower ; refined , flrm.
Petroleum United closed , April , SOJ c.
Kecs Steady ; western , 14t @l4Xe.
Pork Firm : now moss , $ U.5U@ 12.00.
Lard Steady ; western atoain.fJ.oO.
Untler Active ; western dairy. Il@l8o ;
creamery , 13@23 } c ; Elgin , 20 > < j@27c.
Cheese Steady ; western , 10cJ10 ( > c.
St. IjouN. March 21. Wneat Higher ;
cash , 78 @ 7Sr ' ; M .V , 784'c.
Corn tligher ; cash , 23 o ; May , 205
Oats Higher ; cash , 23 > c ; May , 22J c.
Pork Steady at $10 fiu.
Lard Nominal , 45.00.
Whisky JI.02.
Hntier Unchanged ; creamery , 20@25o ;
dairy , 10@22c.
Miimrupnlie. March 21. Wheat Re
ceipts , 100 cars : shipments , 24 cars. Spot
active. Closing : No. 1 hard , March and
Anril. SOu ; May , Sic ; on track. 80 'c ; No. 1
northern , March. 7SJ c ; May , 70 } c ; on track ,
Tiy e ; No. 2 northern , March , 70c. .
Mllwniilcoi- , March 21. Wheat Steady ;
No. 2 spring , cash , ? ' @ 74o ; May , 74 < g74 , ' c.
Corn Higher ; No. 3 , 20a
Oats Higher ; No. 3 , white , 2 Ic.
Rye Higher ; No. 1. 44c.
llurloy Advancing ; No. 2 , 42o.
Provisions Weak ; porit , $10.30.
Knnsiu Oltv. March 21. Wheat
Steady ; No. 2 hard , cash , G5 > $ ; No. 3 red ,
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , c.tsb , 229 © 22Vc.
Oats-No. 2 , lS @ 18 ro.
Clnoliiimti , March 21. Wheat Strong ;
No. 2 red , SOc.
Corn Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 31Ke.
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 31@23c.
Whisky 51.03.
Ijlvorponl , March 21. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders oITci malcrntely ; Cali
fornia No. 1 , 7s 2d percental.
Cjrn Steady ; demand poor ; , new mixed
western , 3a 0).jd per cent.
Chlen n. March 21. Cattle Receipts ,
7riOO ; > strong to higher , closing easier ;
beevea. Sl.S3 ( < fr > .U5 ; steers. f3.2dgi,30 ( ; slock-
crs and feeders , | j. 10@3.75 ; T6xus corn-fed
steers , $2.80@3.75.
Hogs Receipts , 30.000 ; stronger , closlnc
weak ; mixed , $ I.OU@I.2U ; heavy , 5I.OOQ
4.27& ; light , $4.00@l.-r > ; snips , J3.504.35.
Sheep Receipts 8,000 ; strong ; natives ,
J1.00Q1.05 ; western corn. fed , S3.00@5.70 ;
Texaus , * 3.7S3.20 ; lambs , | 3.00@0.83.
Kansas Clty.Mnrch 21 Catllo Hoooipts ,
0,001) ; shipments , 2,000 ; market active ;
steers , J3.3531.70 ; cows. $1.S3J.05 ; ; stack
ers and feeders , $3.80(33.55. (
Hogs Receipts , 5,500 ; shiumonts , 1,030 ;
market steady ; all grades , 3AOVJ4 ( ) ( 00.
National Stnolc Yurils Kmt St.
Ijiiuis , March 21. Cattle Receipts , 8,01)0 ;
shipments. 70 > j ; nmrkot strong ; fair to
'lanov nalivo steorn , S3.30V < ? 4 80 ; stockon
nnd feeders , f2.80c < ? 3.40.
Hogs Receipts. 5,003 ; shipments , 5,100 ;
mnrkot lower ; lioiiv.\\.f I.OO/iJl.lO ( / ; packiut ; ,
W.00 ( < ? 4 05 ; light , M. 05 ® 1. 10.
Sioux City , March 4 1 , Cattle Receipts ,
150 ; shipments , 1,0.10 ; market unchanged ;
ca liners , 75cOtl. 35 ; cows , Sl.OOSl.25 ; stockers -
ors , J1.60 i25 ; feod-jrs , $2.25@J.OO ; veal
calves , ? 3.00@y.l3.
Hogs Receipts , 1,170 ; market higher and
trong at W.OOjJ4.00. (
Catch * .
Friday , March 20.
Estimated rccoints of cutllo 1,200. com
pared with 1,235 yestnrduy and 2,277 last
Friday. Tbo steer market opened active ut
nn advance of SglOa. The nmrkot lias al
most recovered the lost since last Saturday.
Nearly everything desirable was picked up
early In the day and by Urn inlddlo ot
the afternoon , before tlio break came , nearly
everything hud changed hands at the ad
vance , On later advices from Chicago the
market closed weak and lower , Ono bunch
of 33 steers averaging1 X ) pounds sold for
11.55 , the highest price paid for atocra
this year. Nearly everything changed hands
at M.CO ( 4.00. Thn cow market opened active -
tivo and strong , most sales indicating a
shade's advance. Everything was aold , the
market closing active and itrong. Feouors
and stoouora contluuo In demand and prices
lire llrm with everything at all desirable
picked up early , Hulls rule high , loino line
ones on market selling at
HUB * .
Estimated receipts of hoes 3,100 , com *
pared with 3,837 yesterday and 3,5b last Fn-
dty. Theiuuricet opoaed active and llrm ,
all changing hand * early nt 13.00(33.05. ( The
avcrngo prleo was f J.V1 , compared With
W.SOJ } yesterday.
Estimated receipts of sheep 1,001- com
pared with nonn yesterday and 5 last Fri
day. Ono lot of corn-fed westerns weighing
03 pound sold for C1.03 and n bunch of Utah
owes sold for fl.C3.
Prcvnlllnz lrloj .
The fallowing U a table of prlcM pill lo
this market for the graJo of stoo'.c mou-
tlonod :
Prime stc'ars. 133J to 1 ( 0 Ilis..W.83 (74.0J (
aoodateora , 12V ) to 1I3J Ibs. . , 8.4) fa 1.35
Good steers , 1030 to Via Ibs. . . 3.3 ] (33.35
Common lOJ'J to 1150 Ib stoorj. 2.00 ( i$3.3'J
Common canners . l.OJ ( ( (2.00
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.00 ( ii2.35
Fair to good cows . , 1.00 M2.45
Good to choice cows . 2.20 Q8.00
Choice to fancy cows . 2.03 ( $3.80
Fair to good bulls . 1.75 012.5'J
Choice to fancy bulls . -.5'J 0)3.50 )
Light Atockors and f Isadora. , . . 2.5) 3.15
Feeders. 030 to 1100 Ibs . 3.0) ) M3 50
Fair to choice light hogs . 8.00 W3.05
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 8.83 33.00
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 8.82' ' rt3.00
niul 1/tnvtnt Halos ot Iloi : ? .
Today. Yesterday.
Highest . 13.05 Highest . M.OiJ-j
Lowest . 385 Lowest . 3.80
Stock HcocliitP. yesterday. Estimated Today.
Cattle , 01 curs..1.2S5 Cattle , 53 cars..1.200
llOKS , 43 cars..2,357 Hops. 47 cars.,3liO
Sheep , 7cir..lCOl ;
Disposition ol .Stock.
Showmp the number of cattle , hojfa nnd
nhcep bouKht by the packers and leading
buyers on to-day's mantel :
13uvcrs. No.
Swift & Co. . r. 337
Gcorco II. Hammond it Co 178
The Armour-Cudnhv Packing company. 03
N. Morris 103
Lee Rothschild 2-J8
Hccker ft D 100
Shippers 2S3
Henton & Underwood 30
Showlntr the number of ho3 baught by
the loading buyers on todav's ' maruot :
Armour-Cudahy Packlnt ? company 1T > 03
Omaha Pao'ilnp Co IJH2
GeorRO II. Hammond & Co 183
Swift & Co 385
Shippers 14
Hoes yesterday averaged 2CO pounds and
CO to the car.
Showing the number of sheep bought by
buyers on tokav's market :
Swift &Co . 105
Boguo Packlnc cotnpauy . 170
Uaiigi or ! Vica < Uosj-i.
The following table showa the raajo of
price * paid for hogs :
Light and medium hops . S3 00 @ 3 05
Good to choice mixed ho s. . . 3 85 @ 3 02y' }
Good lo choice hoavyhogs. . . 3 85 C < $3 00
Ilnnirc rtf 1'rloes Uisun.
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for sbcop :
Prime fat sheep . $4 40 ( < ? 5 50
Goodfatshoop . 3 5'J (78 ( 1 03
Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 OJ @ 3 75-
Lambs . 4 00 ( < JO 00
Avcraun Co it ot Ho. * * .
The following table gives the average cost
of hogs on the dates mentioned , including
the cost today , as nassd upon sales reported :
Dato. Prico. Dale. Price.
March 1 . $3 75 March 12 . 3 83
March . . . . i. . . 3 7G March 13 . 3.S74'
March 4 . ' 377 March 14 . 301 %
March 5 . 3 74 ? March 15 . 3 07V
Mnrch 0 . a 71 % March 17 . 3 02
March 7 . 3 72X March 18 . 3
March 8 . 3 78 March 10 . 3
March 10 . 3 78 March 20 . 3
March 11 . . 8 81 March 21 . 3 81
Averaga I'noj u In ft.
Showing the nvara a pries p-iU for loaJs
of hogs on tha daya maicitoi In 1337 , 1333 ,
1830 and 1800 :
Coinniirativj Tables.
The following tables slow tha range in
prices oa hogs durin ? thl an 1 la xvjek :
lloprcasntattvn Sales.
13 763 3 20
Owners. No. Av. Price.
Standard Cattle Co ,
21 cows OS'J M 10
2tcowB 1027 8 10
83 steers . , .1300 a IS
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.-
0..107 40M40 01..233 120 W 00
5..270 - 870 72. . .214 120 U 00
8..327 40 275 03..271 3 00
5.80.r ( a 80 04.,250 a 00
ia..8 7 a 80 CO..303 240 8 00
5..874 3 60 72. . . 2SO 100 3 00
5..31(5 ( 60 8 80 CO..237 200 3 Ou
5..2SO 3 82)f ) W..2JO 40 8 00
On the Market With Horses.
G. A. Saportls , KoJ Uutcs , W.yo ,
On the Mnrkot With Shcop.
White , Sons ft Co. , Mtndon ; 13. M. Gibson ,
Clarlis ; L. P. Southwortn , atiolton.
On tlioMurUot With Cnttlo.
H. Blaco , Konnnrd ; Morrh ft , H. , Fre
mont ; Potcrnon & N. , Niokorson ; J. II. llurlc-
holder , Woodbine , la. ; M. U. ICoitb , North
Plutto : C. C. Nelson , Ulg Sprlnps ; Atvvood
G. & L. S. Co. , Atwood , ICnn. ; II. Moyors ,
Lincoln ; D. Uotrick , Uolnnd ; ford & U. ,
Mnywood : Tlioinas Lnnhan , Harvard ; Pnx-
son & U. , Gcnova ; M. P. Williams , Codur
Crcok ; A. C. Stoivcll , Cedar Hapids ; . John
WlffRlns , Uolumuus ! Standard fjattlo Co-
Ames ; GCOJ-RO Hootol , Millard ; J , P. Tnylor
Ashton ; N. Jacquot , Merna ; GcorpoV. .
HouRlo. Arcadia : KoRcra & Ollls , Ord ; Vf ,
h. Warren , Wood Ilivor ; U. W. Austin ,
Yorkshire , la. : Bennett & Greek , Itun Fra-
zlcr. Wayne ; W. & L. , Waterloo ; Anderson
& Johnson , Oakland ; K. Wither , Castorm ,
In. ; Koden & 7. , Modulo. la. ; F. W. & A. J.
West , Wlsnor ; H. Wliltworo. J. Hopkins ,
Tlldon ; Uiven & Gordon , Scwnrd ; A. Wil
son. Shickle.v ; J. M. Emarlne , Council UlufTs ,
la. ; Hay State Livestock comnany , Fnirllolil ,
la. , and AbinRton , III. ; Dan C. Davis , Mary-
villo. Mo. ; J. C. Smith , Hlioluy ; L.-Ander
son & Co. , ; James Connolloy , Warner-
ville ; II. Schmeltlikn. Humpnro.vs ; C. J.
Furor , Iluutlcy ; Lew Ueason , Anita.
On the Mnrkat With Ilo s.
P. Dledrlcksen , Frost it S. . Hennlnpton ;
U. Hlaco. Kcnnnrd ; W. II. McDonald ,
Plorco ; E. M. Muuson , Weening Writer ; J.
Hustle , Panaaia : O. M. Vounp , Berlin ;
George Yarns. Missouri Valley , la. ; J. H.
IJurltholder , Woodbine , la. ; J. J. Dohortr.
Dunlay. la. ; Hankln Bro ? . , Cambridge ;
Atwood G. & L. S. Co. , Atwood , ICan. ; J. C.
Arbticklo. Ludell , Kan , ; J. ElbB , DcWitt ;
W. A. Finloy , Greenwood ; Babbitt &
Evans , South IJend ; ( ! . II. Pnrmale & Co. ,
Cedar Creek : D. Detrlck , TJphind ; A. C.
Stowell _ Cedar Creek : F. M. Sackott ,
Albion ; John Wiggins , Columbus ;
Crill & , M. . Central City ; P.
C , KitiR , Clarks ; J. P. Taylor ,
Ashton ; A. Lorkowski , Farwoll ; T. Dear-
dorf , Mcrnu ; Taylor & U. , Broken Bow ;
Stevenson Bros. , Ansley : Kenyou Bros. ,
Hockvillo ; Hogers & Ollls , Ord : S. U. Black ,
Kearney : Wheeler & Chittcndun , Ponder ;
O'Connor ' Bros. & S. , Lyons ; A. E. Tun-
berp , Hooper ; Caldwell & ShcoU , Elgin : F.
W. & A. J. West , Wlsnur ; B. Whitwero.
Tilden ; M. B. Huffmah ; Nclitfti ; Wapers &
Coylp , O'Neill ' ; Walrnth & W. , Atkinson ;
Tcrwilliger & C ! . , Dwistli ; A. Cash , HIsfiiRs ;
L. Anderson & Co. . Mead ; J. A. Kehoo ,
Pintle Contor. '
Eoos Strictly frosh,12@12Kc ; cold stor
age , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at
any prico. '
BUTTEU Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21
@ 25c ; creamery , fanov solid naclcoa , 22f$23c ;
creamery , choice , 19@ c ; dairy , fancy rolls
and prints , ISg-Oo ; dairy , fancy solid
packed , 17@10c ; dairy , choice , 15@lic ( ;
country roll , fancy , 10@lSc ; choice , 12@l5c ;
country roll , Rood. OCrJlUc ; country roll , fair ,
7@Sc : poor stock , 3 ( < ? 6'c.
Poui/ntv Turkeys , fdrossod , fancy dry
picked , 12@13o : turk6ys , live , per ft , 8c ;
chickens , fanov , lli$12u ; chickens , choice , 9@
lUc ; chickens , Uvo. W.U'J3.50 ; goeso.dresscd.
fancy , 10@llo ; KOOSO , 'dressed , choice , 0@
lOc ; RCCSO , live , doz. , $0.00@7.00 ; ducks ,
dressed , faocy , lie ; ducks , cbolco , lOgtle ;
ducks , live , doz. , $2.50@3.UO ; plgoons , doz. ,
? 1.00@$1.25.
GAMC Jock snipe , $1.00@1.2.i ; golden
plover , $ l.00@1.2o ; mallard duck-i , 53.00 ®
350 ; canvasback ducko. $ o.00@(1.00 ( ; rort-
head ducks , doz. , $3.00 ; toal.uucks. doz ,
S1.50@3.00 ; mixed ducks , doz. , $1.50 ( 3.00 :
pooso , Canada , ? 0.00@8.00 ; geese , small , J4.00
( ffi.4.50.
HOSE15@10o per Ib for choice comb.
I'liRSEiivcs8@lto ) per ib.
JKLLIES 4@tKc per Ib.
DiiKssEi ) VEAL Choice medium , 7@"Xc ;
light , 5@Cu ; heavy. 3(5-tc. (
Arri.ES Per bbl , Cionltons , $4.00 ; W.
Twitf , fl.50 ; Ben Davis , $4.50 ; Uouinnito ,
Cinaii Per bbl , ronurd , 50.50 ; half bbl ,
? 3.60 ; hard elder , pure , per bS > l , $5.0J.
XiiNsecn On Ulc.
MAIAOA GnvrES Fancy , per bbl , f .50
choic-o , per bbl , $0.00@7 00.
COCOANUTS Per hundred , SJ.75.
Picici-ns Medium , per bbl. $5.50 ; small ,
8J.50 ; gherkins. S7.50 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
nts , $0.85 ; pts. J.135.
POTATOES Per bu , fancy , 35o ; choice , 25 ©
MAPI.C SUOAU Per Ib , ll@12c.
CHEESE Per Ib , full cream Y. A. , 12c ;
full cream twins , lljffa ; full cream Otiio
Swiss , lOo ; lull cream Wisconsin Swiss , 13 ®
Mo ; full cronm brick Swiss , 13u ; full cream
limburger Swiss , 12a
FISH Fresh frozen white trout , pike nnd
pickerel , per Ib , 7o ; sturgeon , 7o.
OIUNOES Per box , Florida brights , 53.75 ;
mcssma$3.25 ; California fancy navels , J.j 00 ;
Los Angeles , $2.75 ; seedlings , Riverside ,
S3.853.50 ; mountain , # 3.03 ; in llvo box lots
25c per box less.
LCMOXS Per box , messlna fancy , f4.00@
4..VJ ; vordollt , good , $ .3 00.
BASAXAS Per bunuli , $3.00@3.00.
HiiC9. ) PELTS AND TALLOWS Green salted
hides , 4jtfc ; dry salted hides , 5@0c ; dry flint
hides , 7c ; cult hides , 5c. Damaged hides 2o
loss. Sheep pelts , green , each , 73e@Jl.23 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 0@12c ; tallow , No. 1 ,
4@ln/c : No. 2 , 8 > @ 3 o ; grease , white 4 o ;
yellow , 2 CZ3c.
BEANS Ilund picked invy , $ l.r 0@l.CO :
hand picked navy , medium ul.40 ( 1.50 ; iiand
nicked country , tl.30l.40 ; good clean , | 1.2U
@ 1.30.
Pitovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 10 Ib average ,
0)fo ) ; 20 to 22 Ibs , 8Mc ; 13 to 14 ll.s , OWe ;
shouldprs , So ; breakfast bacon. No. 1 , Be ;
ham sausage , 8c ; dried boot hams , 7 c ; bcof
tongues , SO 00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 5@
5j o par Ib ; ham roulette , O c ; add lo jior
lt > for small lots.
BOXES ( Quotations 'pro for delivery In
Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , per ton , * 10.0018.00 ;
dry country , bleached , $ lO.OO@ia.OO ; dry
country , damp and uiolity , 33,00c)10 ( ) 00.
VEOETAIILUS Old Sweet potu'toes , fancy
Mnscatlnu , per bbl , ft.00 ; onions , extra
fancy , par bbl , J3.5'J ; onions , fair , per bbl ,
S2.SO : rutabagas , per nbt. $3.0J ; 'carrots , per
bbl , $2.00 ; uarsuips. per bbl , $2.00 ; boots , per
bbl , $2.00 ; horsa radlsti roots , per bbl , $4.00 ;
liorso radish roots , port \ > , 7c ; celery roots ,
per bbl , $300 ; celery roots , periloz , COc ;
onions , per bu. , 75c@l.'M.
Ari-LB BUTTEU PoFlb , | 0(37o. (
MiScB MEAT 8(5 ( ! lOo uqr 1 b
VEOETAIILES Toinatoos 3 Ib extra , tl.OO ;
3 Ib ntandara , westorh brands , 00@93c ; pal-
Ions , strictly standard , ' ? -.tW. ! Corn Finest
grown , 81.CO ; gllt-cdfta'svlgarcorn , very fine ,
$1.50 ; choice 2 Ib 'sugar corn , J1.20 ; 'J
Ib extra , western brands , S5c@tl.00 ; 2 Ib
standard , western pjraiids , 70 0c. Mush
rooms 1 Ib French , extra line , 22J(25o ( ; 1 Ib
French , HUP , 18@22o ; 7 Ib French , ordinary ,
ItXa/lSo. / Peas Tres HUP , par can , 25cj
dnml line , per can , lUc ; 2 Ib extra , sifted.
J2. 02 ; Ib early Juno , 81.-J5Q1.83 ; 3 lo Mar
row , standard brand. $1.10 ; 2 Ib soaked , .We.
String Beans 2 Ib high grade , Hefugco , S5u ;
3 Ib Golden Wax beans , 75o ; 2 Ib string
beans , 70o. Lima Beaus 2 Ib soaked , 75c.
Boston Baked Beans 3 Ib Lewis , $1.03 ;
crown brand , $1.50. Sweet potatoes 3 Ib
Now Jersey , $1.00 : dais.y , 11.33. Pumpum
3 Ib now puunkln. 11.00.
CAXXCD MEATS L Ib lunch tongue , $2.CO ;
2 Ib lunch tongue , $1,73 ; 1 Ib corned bouf.
ll.'JO ; 2 Ib cornea bouf , $2.05 ; C Ib corned
bcof , $ U.0 ; 14 Ib corned boor. $14.00 ; 2 Ib
boneless pigs foot , J.20 ; lib .English brawu ,
$1.20 ; 2 Ib English brawn , $2.00 ; 0 Ib Eng-
llih brawn , 10,50 ; 1 Ib comprested ham ,
11.75 ; 2 Ib compressed ham. $2.75:1 Ib chipped
beef , $ .3.00. [ _
Dnien FHUIT Currants , nowBJfc ; prunes ,
caiki , 1,300 Ibi , C o ; prunes , bbls or bug' .
; citron peel , drums , 20 Ib , 22c ; lemon
peel , drum * , ISO' fnrd dates , boxes. 13 Ibs ,
lie ; anrlcots , chclxi oraporntcd , MHO ; apri
cots , jelly cured 23 Ib boxes , lOc ; apri
cots , fancy , 23 Ib boxes , 15c ; ap
ples. evaporated , CO Ib boxes , Oc ;
npplcs , Star , S c ; apples , fancy Aldcn ,
G Ib , lOc ; npplc , Fancy Alden , a Ib , 10 > fo ;
Salt Lake , r > Jc ( ; blackberries , ovnporatod ,
ft ) Ib boxes , Via ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
13c ; po.tohos , pared , fancy , 18o ; Salt
Lake , 7c ; pitted plums , Cul. 23 Ib
boxes , SJ o ; raspberries , ovat ) . , N , Y. ( now ,
2to ) ; prunes , K. C. GO 70 , O OXii ; orange
peel , lee : raisins , Citlltornin I ondon croo
13b . $2.40 ; Cnl. loose muscatel * , crop 1SS9 ,
$2.10 ; VuloncloB , 1853 , ( l ) c : Valencia * , new ,
Oc ; Cnl. neodlcss , sks. , 7Wcj Ondurn layer ,
now , 0c ; dried urajies. 4kc.
SoAi-s-Castllo , mottled , per Ib , S@10o ;
do white , per Ib , 12o.
BnooMS-PflHor , 4 tie , $2.75 ; 3 tic , $2.23 ;
stables , $2.85 ; cotnmnn , $1.50 < r$1.75.
COCOA \i ib tin , 40o per Ib.
Cnocoi.vTR 22(333o ( per Ibj German chic
ory , rod , 8X0.
SALSOUA Bbls , 1 ; granulated , IJfo ; kegs
r.K < Roasted Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
25 jfo ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 2ij4c ! ; Gorman ,
23 tfc ; Dllwortb , i.'CJ c ; Alaronin , 25 fc ;
built , 231/c.
COPFEK Green Fancy old golden Ulo , 23o ;
fancy old pcaberry , 23o ; Ulo , choice to
fancy , 2lc ; Hio , prime , 23 > c ; Hio , good , 21J o ;
Mochn , ' "Jo ; Java , genulno O. G. , 28a ; Java ,
good Interior. 24u ; African , 23a
Houn Basts Manilla ropa , 15o ; sisal rope ,
12Jtc ; cotton ropa , Iflo : now process , 8) ) 1 : .
COTTOX Twixn Bibb , very line , 3 or 4 ply ,
22c ; line , 2ds ; Daisy , ISo ; c.indlo wick , 22c.
OLIVIA Quarts , nor doz , $3.73 ; pints , per
doz , $2.25bulk ; , per gal , Me.
ViXEcnn 30 gr. cider , Scjftooil , 12c ; white
wine , 15c.
STOVE POLISH $2.H ( > ( g5.87 per gross.
BAOS Am. , per 100 , 517.00 : Lewiston , per
100 , $17.00.
MOUSSES Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
G5a ; bakers' , .Mfi33c ; black strap. 20c.
WitAi'i'ixo PAI'EII Straw lt ' '
, per > , l'a' @
2 } c ; rag , 2 0 ! tnanlln , B , 5i ( 0e : No. 1 , 7c.
JUos Union square , 83 per cent oft list.
S.U.T Dairy , 20 Ib In bbl , bulk , $2.10 :
best grade. ( W , fi , $2 DO ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best grade. 23 , 103 , $2 'JO ; rocu salt ,
crushed , $ l.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton , Ml Hi luu-s ,
1 < AiiiXACBOt/'s Goons Barley , 3 ( ji4c ; fa-
rlnu , 5c ; peas , Uc ; oatmeal , I' C'din ; maca
roni , lOo ; vermicelli. lOo ; rlcottiO o ; sago
nnd tapioca , 0@7c : lima beans. Of.
OiLs-Korosojle P. W. lOc ; W. W.
2 > i : ; headlight , 13c ; gasoline , I2c ; salad oil ,
1.25 ( 0.00 per dsz.
'Fist ! Codtiah , extra Georges , now , 6c ;
grand bank , now , 4 , ' c ; sllvor , 2 Ib , blouKS ,
Uo ; snow white , 2 Ib bank , new , 5u ; Tur
key cod , larco middles , bricks , S'/o ; snow
white crates , 12-5 Ib , hoses , 7 o ; Iceland
halibut , lie ; medium scaled herring , 25s ;
No. 1 scaled herring , 23c ; domestic Holland
herring , , r > 5c ; Hamburg spiced hcrrihp , $1.50 ;
Russian sardines , 75s ; Russian sardines ,
plain , Me ; imported Holland herring , Crown
brand , 80o ; do. fancy milkers , OOc : mackerel
No , 1 shore , half bbls , $13.03 ; bloaters , half
bbls , $18.00 ; whitctUh. half bbls , $7.00 ; trout ,
half bbls , $3 50 ; family whltatlah $3.00 ; sal
mon , $3.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel ( herring ) , $1.00@
1.10 ; 1 Ib finnan baddies , $1.75 ; 1 Ib lobsters ,
$1.00 2.00 ; 1 Ib Alaska nalmon. Aleut. $1.GO ;
2 Ib oysters , 10 oz , $1,05 ; 1 Ib oysters , 5 oz ,
$1.15 ; 2 Ib select , l-'oz , $2.35 ; 1 Ib clams , little
necks , $1,25 ; 2 Ib clams , little necks , $2.10 ;
Ji'ilb sardines , imported , per case , 100s ,
$11.00 10.00 ; X lb- sardines , imported , per
case , 100s , $15.0J@20.00 ; Klb imported bono-
lei sardines . - ' Ib sardines
> s , ; , / , American.
per 100s , French style , $1.50(3)5.1)0 ( ) ) ; } < Ib oar-
dines , American , per case , 100s , French
style. $7.50@3.03 ; } Ib saidines , mustarj ,
per cauo. $4.00@4.23 ; imported key sar
dines , $13.00.
SOIIA Pkgs CO 3s. 5c. *
NUTS Almonds , 15c ; Brazils , 14c ; tllberto ,
2Ke ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , l J c ; psanut
COCKS , So ; roasted , lie ; Tennosso pea
nuts , 8c.
Duuci ( Grocers' ) Per Ib Borax , lOo ;
copperas , 2 > o ; Bay leaves , Me ; gluo. lOo ;
op.som salts , 4cglaubor ; salts , 3c ; sulphur ,
2J c ; blue vitrol , Oc ; alum , 4c ; turtarlc acid ,
42ov rosin 2if ; salt peter , ubsolutnly pure , Oc ;
gum camphor. 2 Iba in box , 1 oz cakes. UUu ;
hops , * 4 * and % Ib packages , 20c ; sago , } i and
yt-\\ \ > packages , lee ; madder , 13o ; saltpeter ,
lOc ; indigo , 3-lb and 5-lb boxes. S F. < i3Ji70c ;
Indigo , 3-lb nnd 5-lb boxes , Madris , 75e ; soal'
ing wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3 > c ; sealing wax ,
25-lb boxes , white , Jc.
StiOAiis-J-Cut toafiBMcjout loaf cubes % o\ \
standard , powdered , 7u ; XXXX , powdered ,
So ; granulctod , standard , 0f < 7e ; confection
era , A , O c ; white extto C , Oj/c ; extra C ,
Neb , 0fc } ( ; umber , 60 ;
CAXXED Goons Fruits , California canned
goods , standard brands , 2 } Ib , per doz
Apricots , $1.701.S5 ; apricots , i > lo fruit ,
$1.50 ; gallons , $ -1.50 : blackberries , $2.25 ;
cherries , black. $3.00ig2.25 ; cherries , white ,
$2.23@2.50 ; grapes , St.05@1.80 ; pears , Bartlett -
lett , $2.102.25 ; poaches , yellow. ? 2.10@2.35 ;
peaches , lemon cling , S2.85 ; plums , egg ,
$1.05@1.80 ; plums , golden dropj , $ l.tO ;
plums , green Rages , $1 05@1.SU ; peaches ,
with Pitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 ;
gooseberries , $2.25 ; quinces , $2.10 ; raspber
ries , ? 2.70 ; strawberries , $2 50 ; peaches , 3 ib
eastern standards , SI 85 ; 3 Ib pie , $1.10 ; C Ib
pie , $2.05 ; gallon pie , $3.00 ; apples , high
standards , $2 GO ; 2 ID gooseberries , OOc ; 2 Ib
strawberries , 00@05c ; 2 Ib raspberries , $1.00 ;
2 Ib blueberries , 80Vt90c ( ; 2 Ib blackberries ,
05@75i5 ; 2 Ib strawberries , preserved , SI. 75 ;
2 Ib raspberries , preserved , $1.80 ; 2 Ib black
berries , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama
chopped , $2 UO ; 2 Ib Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 2
Ib Bahama sliced , $2.50 ; 2 Ib Standard diced.
@ 1.50y cherries. 2 ib rod , Baltimore , 65
pears , 2 Ib , $1.33.
Dry Go ml .
CATIPET Wjur Bibb , white , 18 > o ; colored ,
UATTS Standard. So ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty ,
Boone , 14a : noorloss. case , $0.03.
ConsET Jiuxs Boston , 7c ; Androscog ,
gin , 7jtfc : Kearsapo , } ( Uockpurt \ , O c ;
Coneutoga , UJ/c.
TICKS OaKland , A' , 7fo ; International ,
YY , 80 ; Shetucket , S. bc : Wurren , No. ,
870. lo ( ) ; Berwick , BA , IScr Acmo. 13c ;
York , 80 inch , 12 > s'o ; York , 32 inch. 13kfo ;
Swift Iliver. 8c ; Thorndllcp , OO , S > tfo ;
Thorndiko FF. SMo ; Thorndlko. 1'2'J , O a ;
Thorndlko XX. 15c ; Cordls , No. 5 , luc ;
Cordis No. 4 , lO c.
DEXIMS Amoskoag. 0 oz , 10) c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 13u ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Havmaker , S c ;
Jaffroy XX. lljtfc ; Jaftroy XXX , 12 ! c :
Beaver Creek AA , llKc ; Beaver Creek BB ,
lOJ c ; Beaver Crook ( JC. OJ c.
KENTUCKY JEAXS Muniorwl , 15c ; Glen-
wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules ,
18o ; Empire , 25c ; Cottswold , 27 o ; Mol-
Vlllo , 25o ; Bang-up , 27K .
Hi.uAUiini ) SniiETisos Ellerton , 7 } c ;
Housekeeper , S ot New Candidate , 8 0 :
Uerlioloy cambric No. CO , Oc ; Best Yet. 4-4
O o ; butter cloth OO. 4) ; Cabot. 7J c ;
Farwell half bleached. 8 > c ; Fruit of Loom ,
85fo ; Green G , 04'c ; ; Hope , a ; King Phll-
II ) cambric , lOu ; Lonsdulo cambric. lOc ;
Lonsdalo. 8 > < c ; Now York mills , lo c ; Pop-
poroll , 42 In , lOc ; Penuoroll , 40 in , He ; Pep-
poroll , 04. 14Kc ; Pepporcll , S-4 , 'JOo ; Pop-
perell , 0-4 , 22o : Popperell , 104 , 21o ; Canton ,
4-4 , 8'fo ; Canton , 5-4 , 0 > < c ; Triumph , < ! D ;
Wasniutta , lie ; Valley , 5c ; Barker ,
bleached , So.
Biiowx SIICETINO Atliintlo A , 4-4 , 7 } o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlanuo D , 4-1. lijfc ;
Allantlo P , 4 4 , Do ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4J o ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , O o !
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , f > ? o ; Indian Hen'l , 4-4 , 7e ;
Lawrence LL , 4 4 , 55fe ; Old Dominion. 4-4 ,
5J c ; Pepporoll H , 4-4 , 0/c : Pepperell 13 , 40
lnch,74'cr Pepperrcll , 8-4 , 17 } c ; Popporoll ,
0-4 , 20o : Popporoll , 10-4 , ' 'So ; Utic.i C , 4-4 ,
4Jfo ; Wnchusott , 4-4 , 7o : Aurora H. 44. 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , OKet Atlns. O N 1J ,
Farmers1 No. 1 , 27-m.,49 e.
DUCK West Point , 2y-ln , 8-oz ,
West Point , 29-ln , 10-oz , 12Ho ; West Point ,
0-ln , 12-oz , 10 > ; o ; We t Point , 40 in , 11-oz ,
FLAXXELS Plaid Uuftsmcn , 20c ; Clear
Lake , B2o ; Iron Mountain , 2 < Ulc ; White
G II No. 2 , J , 22Kn ; GHNo.J , J { . 20 > o :
B II No. 2. X , 22 o ; B H No. 1 , ? f , 2'Jc ' ;
Qucchee , No. 1. Jf , 42c.
White Queuhco No. 2 % 37Jo } ; Oucchco
No. 35f , X'MoAnawan \ , 82 > rfc ; Winasor ,
22Ko. Ucd-C , 2J-ln , I5u ; 1C. 24-ln , 2IKc ;
G G ai-ln. 20e : II A F , J4' , 25cj J It F , % ,
27c ; G , } ( . 25c.
PIIIXTS Solid Coors Atlantic , ( lo : Slater ,
Oc ; Berlin oil. U c ; Garner oil. ti@7o. Pinlt
and Itubcs Hichmond , fi'iasAllen.d. ' ' o ; Hiv-
oruolnt , & ) o ; Steel Hlvor , Uo ; Paclllc , Ka ;
Indigo liluu St. Legor. 5 > < o ; Washington.
ll.ttfo ; American , 0 > jc ; Arnold , 0 > { o ; Arnold
Century , Oo ; Ainand , 12c ; Ktlofel A , 12c ,
barter oak , SJi'o ; Ilamapo , 4'o ; Lodl , fo ;
Allen , Oo ; Hichmond , Oo ; Windsor , OHfc ;
EddystonoOJ c ; Paciflc , 0fc. }
GIXOIUM t'lunkutt checks , C. ' c ; Whit-
teuton , OJ/o ; York , 0fc ; Normaudl dress ,
Calcutta dross , 7k o ; Heutrow dross ,
Stevens' N. bleached , OXe $ Sloven1 BUT ,
CAMMIUCSSinter 5c , Woods , 60 ; Stand
nrd , 5c ; Peacock , "n1 ,
SiintfiSd ! Ulipoks Caledonia X , O'.c ' ,
Caledonia AX , in o : Kcnnomv , Oo ; Otis ,
Oc ; Granite , OJiut Hnw Hlvor , 8'jc ; Craw
ford , 80.
Metnlh' .
HI.OCK Tii * Small pljr , 23o per Ib ; bar , St o
pert \ > .
Coi'i'En Planished bollorsUcn.nh' per It- ;
cold rolled , 2Sa per Ibjnhcathlng , 2io per n. . !
Pitts and flats , \lse \ per Hi , *
GALVAM/.KII SHEET Inox Dhc't 50-10 per
cent , pat. plan. Iron , A. lOJ c ; B , OVo.
lioortNU Charcoal , I. C. , 14x20 , 112. $ i.00 ;
I. X. , $7.W.
SIIKKT Iiiox No , 2rt , $ ) .73 ; No. 27 , $3 85.
Soi.nnu 14@10t ! .
TIN PIATK-I. 0. , 10 14 , 233 , $7.40 ; I. X ,
10x11 , 325 , $9.25.
Tix Pi.ATE-Colo I. C. , 10x14 , 8M , J0.50 ,
STKEI , NAILS Base , $1.00.
STEEI , WIIIK NAILS llaso , $3.50.
Wnin-Jap. barb , $3.tlJ ; galv. , $1.20.
lrui ; < .
Borax , He ; cltrio acid. KX. 51oi tartnrlo
arid , 42c ; carbolic aoul , 311(4110 ; rnstor oil ,
$1.20@l.28 ; baUuui tolu , 3(1@30o ( ; tonka
bonus. fl,55@U > 0 ; ctibcbberries , $1.05 : calo
mel , 05c ; camphor , 45 40i. > ; cunlharldcs ,
$1.2 @ 1.30 ; cassia buds , l'it2 < Je : chloroform ,
60@f > 2c ; ergot , -IS SOo : rino , 2023c ;
gum arable , C.0@li3o ; Ijcopodium , 406J43c ;
mercury , SOc ; morpliliio lulph , $2,00 3.1& ;
opium , $305 ; quinlno , n3@0c ; ttirpcntliio ,
64a ; llnsceit , raw , frio : boiled , Ulc ; Am-
saffron , 340 ; white wax , flue ; yellow wax , foe ,
Coil on liuliiHtrlrN of.Japan. *
The incnufnctnro nnd use of cotton ma
terials.HB well ns cotton cultivation In Japan ,
have been promoted slncu U > 00 , A. D , , llrst
under tl.o Shoggnato of Tokga\vn , says the
Dry Goods Chronicle. The summe.r clothing
of the most prosperous classes and Inhabi
tants of the cities of Japan has been Iroiu
that tlmo mainly | ? f cotton. The spinning
nnd weaving of cotton , howcvor , has never
advanced beyond the stage of n house I mill
try , and never supplies more than the
domestic need. This is the case also in cities
of the provinces of Kawnchl and Hnriim ,
especially of Sakai and Hluioji , which luivo
the largest cotton industries. The Klnka
islands furnish cotton material , usually
white check on n blue ground , which nru
popular on account of their strem-'tti and
durability. The looms at Morloka In the
north supply a considerable part of tlio de
mand , but get thojr raw material from the
southern provinces. A cotton stuff from
Narunil , In the province * of Owarl. nnd
called Naraml-shlborl , is very celebrated
nnd many houses nt Arimatsu , a pretty vll-
lago on tucTokaido deal In it.
To tlio Ir.ivHlnir Public.
The grout Rock Island route lists pro
vided every convenience nnd comfort
for its passetiKcrs tfoiiiji cast over ils
main lino. Ils solid vestibule express
trains , which leave daily for DCS
Monies , Davenport , Rock Island anil
Chicago , nro the llnest in tlio world.
They consist of now uiul elegant day
coaches , dining cars , Pullman palace
sleeping cars and irco reclining chair
cars , superbly appointed and ilttcd
up with till the modern improve
ments tlmt conduce losiifo and luxurious
travel. .luncUonal and terminal con
nections nro made in union depots nnd
nt Chicago with fast limited vestibule
exm-oss trains for all points cast. In
addition to this miigiiillcont train , two
express ami mail tr ina lenvo Omaha
daily , carrying sleoi rs and dining cars.
Further information as to routes ,
rates , titmi , berths , etc. , call on or ad
dress J. Li. DoUevoiso , 1H05 Fiirnam
street , Omaha , Nob. Telephone 7i > L' .
General Manager , G. T. fcP. A. ,
Chicago. Chicago.
SIX-\V15KKi-OJjl ) IjlkUXISrtANT.
Infant John A. Lounn tlio Thiril Given
a Coiuinisslnn.
COLL-MIIL-H , O. , March 21. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : HcE.l The youngest commis
sioned ofilccr in the American military is no
doubt John A. Logan , the Third , who was
commissioned a lieutenant in the Logan
rides , .a company of the Fifth rcplmcnt of
Ohio militia stationed at Cleveland. John
A. Lagan , jr. , is captain of the company.
The babe thus commissioned , for ho Is only
six weeks old , Is u grandson of the Into Son-
utor John A. Logan , and the commission
was issued at the request , of Colonel Gibbons
bens of the Fifth regiment , who stated in a
letter to Governor Campbell that the boy is
intended for the army , and suggested "con
sidering Captain Logan's intense interest in
the national guard ns well us the little fel
low's intended future , that n commission us
lieutenant in the Logan rifles , company II ,
Fifth infantry , bo given John Alexander
Logan , Third , dated February 12. 1800. "
This latter date is t.e : child's birlhdny. The
commission was promptly made out nnd for
The Only Ono.
The Chicago , Milwaukee < fc St. Paul
Railway is the only line running solid
ve&tibuled , electric lighted and steam
heated trains between Chicago , Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman sleeping cars run on thcso
lines is patented and cannot bo used by
nny other railway company. It is the
great improvement of tlio ago. Try it
and be convinced.
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot. Omaha , titt ! p. in. dally , arriving
at Chicitco at 0iO : ! a. m , Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
get out of the cars at Council Blulla nnd
wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got
tickets and sleeping car berths at Union
ticket cilice , 1601 Farnain st.
F. A. NASH , Gen. Agt.
J. E. PliESTOJf. Pass. Agt.
Koininlor's IJHHI Ilnpn Gone.
ALIIAXV , N. Y. , March 21. The court of
appeals has ufllrmcd the judgments of the
courts balow in the Kommler murder case ,
declaring the electrical execution act con
stitutional , and holding that tip error was
committed on the trial of tlio accused.
Ba : il Fiwl-Halioial Baft ,
O5 South IIUli SIruotf Oiualiu.
Cunitlll $100,000
SurplusJnn. 1st , IBM ) & 7.0UU
Hr.Niiv W. VATKS , I'reililont.
J.KWIH H. ItKici ) , Vice President.
JAS. w.BAV.iar ,
W. V. ilditsK.
JOIINH , Col.t.IN ? .
11. U. UltSIIISO.
W. H. tihla
Cor. lth and Kurnam Sts.
A Oonei-ftl llanklnu lliialnos ) TraiiHactod.
Mtntloo Ouiuba llto.
Cnpltnl , $4OOOOO
Surplus , AO.OOO
Officers nnd l > lr < * ciiM H , SI. Mori mnn. (1
M. llltohcock , Jis. ( mrno.ui. Jr. . A. llcmy , K.
.M Anderxon. Win. ( ) Mnul , v. pros , : t , , II Will-
lam" . A. V. llopRtn * . proi , A , Mlllard ,
I * . It. llryant. asMMnnt caviller.
Dooto and Shoos.
* Baeetiian to H eJ , Jones A Co.
A cent ) rorllnmon llubbcrShfio To. IKU. lUlmiil I1O
llttn yBtro l , Omaha , N braik .
' Lager Beer Brewers ,
141 ! Xorth KlgbUCQlti Strati _ , Om n , N biM . .
. _ Cprnlop. _ -JU .
Mannfaclnrers ofGalranizcilron Coraico
\VIdJoir-cnpn nnl m ! nlllnkfl ! lili Juhn Kpcnitor ,
[ iroprlitor. lUJnnJ UJduulb I
Artloto' Mntorlnlo.
A. UOSPE , Jr. ,
Arlisls1 Materials , Piaaos M Organs ,
121.1 Doiialni slroot.Oum'.in , Nebr.-s ! .i.
Conl ,
, , COliE A LlMK CO. , '
daflil Soft Coal.
9X < South IHtb ulrent. Onutia , Ni'
Shippers of Coal and Goto ,
111 South 13th ilrtot , Onmtm , Nu
Wtiolcsalo Cigars ,
103Kortb CthBtmot , Omann , Nob. "Hello"
Pry oocjlj ancl Nollpna.
M. E.
Dry Gooffs , FiirQisliinir Goods anfl Notions
KOCH nnr GOODS co. ,
Importers & Jokers in DryGoodi , Notions
dents' Furnlsblnd Rooli. Tornir llth nuJ Untuer
tteoti , Omaha , Nubras'in.
Wholesale Bealers in Furniture ,
Farnmn lira it , O inn In , Nebrni'in.
Furniture ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
13th find I.tavenwcrthirooH. . Omnhn ,
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair ShOD' '
Jlecbnnlo Tools nml llurolo Pcnlcs. HU'i UOUB ! .
t , Unintia , Nib.
Lumber , Eto.
- WholeFale Lninter , Etc.
Imported nd American Torllnnil Cement. 8UM-
Bent lor Mllwnukco llr'trnulic Cumunt
ua"ulr.o ; WbUal.tmo.
Dealer in Harrtwccd Lumber ,
lfC xlc rp t nn.l parquet lloorinz. Oth ami Djuglas.
urects , Onm'au , N brntka ,
Miners and Siipers rf Hartl a.ii Son Col
uij rltsl .SniH.iiui Han't ' null nni : , Oiualiu . > oj'
Dealer in Lumlier , Lath , Lime , Sash
offl ° *
FRED. W. OltAY ,
MCI * Lime Cement ElcEc (
, , , , , ,
Core's ! 8th and Douglas llrecK , Omnlm.
J'jlllJ.Dyr ! ? j - ? * 1P" ? ! - --n.-1-x-/
liBorters & Jokers in Millinery & Notions-
SIS , S10 and 212 South lltlj ilrcot.
Notions ,
Wholesale Notions M Furnisliins Goods ,
1121 llurnor s'.root , Omnlio.
Wholesale Reflued and Lubricating Oils ,
AxloGrtasc , etc. Oranlia. A. II. Dlsliop , Munnfcr.
Wholesale Pacer Dealers ,
C NT a nlcoaiock of pr n Ina. wrapping and wiltlnfi
ptpcr. Bpcclal attention Klvoii tucaril pnpt'r.
Safes to.
Gttnoral Auunts for
Hall's ' Safes ,
8Z1 and XiJ Eonth 10th St. . Omftpa.
Toy a , Eto.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Doll ? , Albnras , Fancy Goods ,
ouie Kurnlililnit Goodi. Clilldrcn' Carriigei. 130B.
> arnnm ilrfut.Onmlm , Neb.
AsrIculturnI trnplomont
Agrlcnlt'l ' Implomenls , Wagons , Carriages
Hutnlet , to. Wliulosr.lo. Omaha , Nvbraika ,
o. i. H'tXu ENGINE I'U.Ml' ot . ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wul ; tnlllr. 01 anil ( rnJu.iei > l.OmltiK.
U , Y' . HOII , Acting Manaior.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
ftwut-lron work , itcam puinpi. aw mills. 1J13-12U
Jiearcnwortb ilr * t , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast iron Bnilfling Wort ,
lncf , tr work , general foumlrr , inaconir , uj
bluck mltU work , dmio mil worf. . U. I * , llr
and Uth tlrct.Umaha ,
tfanl'rs ' of Fire 'and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaulti. jail work. Iron tUuttur , nnd flra ricnpfc
U. AnUreeu , prop r. Cor. lltli anil Jkjtioa bl > .
M. A.oisnno ir A co , ,
WUolei ! meuufacturer ' .t
BOOK Blinds and
, , Mouldings ,
llraneb uffico , Uth and Iurd itrvotf , OciaUa , Neb.
Of HQmatia , limited ,