Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1890, Image 1

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.19 X
It Is Passed by the HOUOD After a
LonRthy' Dleousalon.
Shornian'ii Anti-Trust Mcnsuro Con-
Hldrr.-d br the Hcnntc .Mr. Al-
HHOII fllak-fl an Address
Upon tlio Hnlijccr.
WABIIIXGTOX , March 21. In the senate
numerous petitions nnd memorials wore pre
sented for n law against the employment of
aliens on government woru ; some for tha
frca and unlimited coinage of silver ; ono
from Nebraska against an extension of tlmo
for the payment of Pacitlo railroad debts to
tbo government.
* Mr. Plumb , from the commltto on appro
priations , reported baok the house joint reso
lution authorizing the appointment of thirty
medical examiners fortho bureau of pensions
and gavonotlco that ho would ask thauonato
to consider It tomorrow.
On motion at Mr. Sherman the bill to declare -
clare unlawful trusts nnd combinations in
restraint of trade and production was taken
up for consideration , The substitute re
ported by Mr. Sherman from the flnanco
committee on the 18th Inst. was road ; also
on amendment offered by Mr. Kcngan.
Mr. Sherman addressed the senate ,
At the close of Mr. Sherman's speech Mr.
Ingulfo offered an amendment which is
aimed ngnlnst dealings In futures or options.
It mis'rond and ordered printed.
On motion of Mr. Sherman It was ordered
that the substitute report from the financial
committee bo treated as tbo text of the bill
and so the amendments proposed by Massra.
Hcagan nnd Ingnlls are to bo treated ns
amendments In the first nnd second degree.
Mr. Vest argued against tlio constitution
ality of the origin al bill ; is well ns of the
substitute , declaring his bo lief that the
supreme court will immediately throw It out
of court. Tha sonata had been told last ses-
Blon by Mr. Sherman that whenever ho was
enllstlcd that combinations were protected
by a high protcctlvo duly ho would bo In
favor of reducing that duty , and * thnt , Mr.
Vest anld , was the real remedy. These
trusts were protected by u high tariff and
were enabled to work their Iniquitous pur
poses under the buttress afforded by the
tarlll law.
Mr. Illscock said no nttompt should bo
made to give the federal government juris
diction of n subject over which the states
had fuU and ample control.
Mr. Blair renewed his motion to , recon
sider the vote yesterday by which the odu
cntfonnl bill was rejected and Mr. Ingalls
moved to lay that motion on the table , but no
action was taken.
A motion to ndjourn over till Monday wns
opposed by Mr. Sherman , who wished to
bavo aullo'i on the anti-trust bill tomorrow ,
nnd the motion was defeated ,
Mr. Allison replied to Air. Vest's argu
ment ns to the connection between high
dutlos and trusts , taking the cround tnnt all
great combinations wore practically outside
of the tariff and independent of It. Ho wodld
nut admit thnt oven the sugar trust tvas do-
pcndeiit on the tariff. Ho was not sure but
that if supar wore on the free list there would
not bo still u combination arqongtho sugar ro-
HntriCB. Jn thn great staples woolen and cot
ton goods , leather , boots and alioes , Iron and
steel , on which duties wore high , tbora was
no trust except perhaps ns to stco' . rails and
nails. So also with the silk Industry of this
country , which produced prooably half the
silk consumed hero , and which was protected
bv u heavy duty , there was no trust or com
bination. On the other hand there was 'a
very powerful trust or combination for rais
ing the ; > rlco of beef nnd lowering the price
of cattle on the hoof , nnd no ono could any
that thnt that trust was the result of high
duties. ' 1 hero was also the oatmeal trust
nnd tbo whisky trust , which bud nothing to
do with duties. Although ho ugrccd with
the gentlemen who wore In favor of remod
elling nnd revising tbo tariff , still tbo sen
ators , If they wished to correct the great
evils of trusts nnd combinations , would
full far short of tholr purpose if
they confined themselves to n modification
of tariff rates. It was the duty of congress
to put on the statute books such legislation
as would inhibit trusts nnd combinations.
Mr. Coke offered a substitute for the bill
nnd Mr. Gcorgo offered an amendment , both
of which were ordered printed.
The bill then wont over till Monday , when
It is to bo "unfinished business , " nnd it was
ordered that the session tomorrow bo con-
lined exclusively to business on the calendar.
In announcing the pairs on the Hlalr bill
yesterday the relative positions of four sena
tors were misstated on the lloor. Messrs.
Quay and Uansotn , who were for the bill ,
wore paired with Messrs. Uutlcr and Casey ,
who were against. It was the reverse of
this that was stated.
After an executive session the senate ad
WASHINGTON , March 31. The house
wont Into committed of the whole on
the pension appropriation bill , and Mr.
Chondlo of Indiana spoke at length in
favor of the service pension law. lie ex
plained tbo provisions of the bill authorizing
asorvlco pension to every votaran over llfty
years of ago who served sixty days and was
honorably discharged. Under the general
law all Invalid pensioners who rocolvo loss
than $ j n month and nil who receive no pen
sion will bu bonellclnrlos under It.
At the conclusion of Mr. Chcadlo's speech
Mr. Clements of Georgia said that after
listening to the speeches of tbo gentleman
on the other side ho was Inclined to wonder
why Commissioner Tanner had been re
quested to resign.
Mr. Morrow of California said that tha
question could bo answered easily , but that
as the answer would Involve going Into mat
ters of detail ho would refrain from doing seat
at present.
Mr. Ucekbrldgo of Kentucky suggested
that the bill recently passed for the appoint
ment of thirty additional medical examiners
would have the effect of Increasing the num
ber of cases passed upon aud thereby caus
ing u deficiency.
Mrt Clements suggested further that in
accordance with the circular Usuod by tbo
commissioner of pensions , employes of tno
bureau would bo utilized In working up
cases , nnd ho said that if this was so there
would bo a largo Increase In the amount of
pensions under the oxUting law.
Mr. Clements Inquired whether $93,500,000 , ,
Which wns carried by the bill , would bo
BUftloiont for the next II a en 1 year.
Mr. Morrow replied that it would bo
suftloicnt to pay all pensions under the pres
ent law , but thnt If congress passed further
laws Increasing the uumbor of pensioners
there would bo a deilclnicy ,
Whllo referring to the service ponsldn
question Mr. Clements wns Interrupted by
Mr. I'etors with a question ns to whether
the country was not. bettor abla today to pass
the sorvlcq pension bill than It had bean
whn it enacted tbo Mexican service pension
Mr , Clements replied that ho was not sure
nbout that. Ho referred to the published
letter from the president of the Farmers'
ulllanco of Kansas regarding destitution ,
etc. Ho ( Clements ) did not ouposo just and
liberal pensions. His only objection to it
was that it appropriated lois. money than the
administration know would bo nocojjnry to
pay pension * for the next year.
Mr. H.vnum churned tbo republican party
with being false to its promises to tbo couu-
ry In the matter of pensions. Tbo demo
crat * , he said , wore determined that the re
publican * should carry out their pledges to
the Suldiers.
Mr. Cutcheon asked whether the demo
crats , while In control of the house , had
passed the scrvlco pension bill.
Mr. Uynum rcultcd that they hnd not , but
they had not ROIIO homo and asKed for votes
under false orctcnsos.
Mr. Splnola said the democrats Intended
to draw the line of ba'.tlo on the service pen
sion. The democrats didn't intend that the
republicans should mark tliomeelveo as
special friends. Tno democratic- party had
forced trio pension rolls from $23.000,01)3 ) up
to JIOJ,000UOO , and yet the republicans wont
on the stump and told tha pooulo they were
friends of the man who saved the country.
Mr. Knloo of Tennessee impressed upon
the housb the necessity of thoroughly in
vestigating the workings of the pension
Mr. Allen of Mississippi said bo did not
belittle the services of federal soldiers ,
To do so would bo to belittle his own. Ho
had been ono of tha man whom they had
had to overcome. Ho had a high regard for
the government ; ho was mighty sorry ho
had tried to bronk it up , but It the gentle
men were going to carry pension legislation
to its legitimate conclusion congress hnd
better stop und hva nn accounting. It
looked to him ns if the country would have
to lot the Grand Army of the Hoputillc take
the government.
Mr. Urccklnrldgo of Kontucicv expressed
himself In favor of a llbnral pension system ,
but was opposed to an abuse of that system
nnd opposed to maklrfg the pension bureau n
great political machine.
Mr. Grosvenor said the minority had siM-
denly become wonderfully patriotic , and If
it could only destroy the unpatriotic record
it had always mmlo It would bo wonderfully
bcneiltted. The gentleman from Now York
( Splnolu ) hnd said the democratic party had
run up appropriations for pensions from
? 12SOCU,000 to $100,000,000. There was not n
dollar of that money that had boon appropri
ated under any general pension bill over
passed by the democratic party or over
sluncd by n democratic president except that
Incroaslng the pension of widows. With this
exception every dollar appropriated was duo
to the patriotism of the rcpuollcan party.
Referring to Cleveland's veto of the depend
ent pension , ho said that when Cleveland
was ronomlnntcd no man had shouted louder
In his behalf than had the gentleman
from Indiana ( Uynum ) , nnd yet Cleveland ,
who had hurled his vetoes In the faces of
soldiers , was the most popular democrat In
the United States , and three years hence
would drag the democratic party at his car
wheels. The democrats were not to bo
credited with any of the pension legislation ,
but they were to bo credited with the fact
that today there were " 0,033 union soldiers
In the poor houses who would have boon
comfortable under the bill which Cleveland
had vetoed.
Mr. Tnrsnoy Inquired whether the repub
licans intended to p.isi the dependent pen
sion bill vetoed by Cleveland.
Mr. Qrosvonor replied that they would
not. They would pass a republican bill , u
bill which would not contain u paupsr foa-
Uiro nnd would have nothing ID it TO degrade
In tbo course of further remarks Mr.
Sulnoln stated that the great bulk' of the
union nrmy was made up from the demo
cratic legions of the north.
This caused a sarcastic laugh on the re
publican side ,
Mr. Strnblo of Iowa vicorously antag
onized ttic suggestion made bj Mr , Uynutn
that nn Income tax should bo levied for the
purposoof payinjr pensions.
After further debate tha committee rose
nnd the bill passed.
The bill for the retirement of General
i-Yomont , with the runk of major general ,
The bill passed appropriating 525,030 to en
able the secretary of war to purchase 2.500
tents for the use of people driven from their
homos by the Hoods in Arkansas , Mississippi
and Louisiana.
Sf At thu evening session the house passed
llftoen private pension bills.pndandjourned.
- * * . 71 - ' * - - " " * K-K. Jy Itt , -
lleport of Government Statistician
Dodun Upon tlio. Matter.
WASHINGTON , March 21. The prevailing
depression in American agriculture is treated
by Statistician Dodge in the March report of
the department of agriculture. The preval
ence of low prices Is noted und n feeling of
discouragement In rural circles througout
the world Indicated. It has been especially
severe in Great Britain and is a subject of
complaint , discussion nnd ofllclnl Invest'gu- '
tlon in Germany , Franco , Italy and other
countries. It. is present in monarchies und
republics , under divers currencies nnd eco
nomic systems. Dut it is loss severe hero
than In any other countries. The main cauio
of low prices la referred to the inexorable
law of simply und demand. Corn und wheat
and others staples are cheat ) Decnuso of
overproduction. Immigration has increased
the population 5oaotJuO In ten years. Inter
continental areas have been curved into
farms , free to natives and foreigner , opaa-
ing millions of acres to cultivation.
Dodeosays that while there Is nn excess
of production nf u few staples like wheat ,
etc. , there are Inauniclout supplies of many
other necessary products nnd a total absence
of scores of others which should furnish
profitable employment to rural labor. There
Is too narrow a range of crop ping. Diversi
fication is essential to agricultural
salvation , Tbcro are imports
costing $250,000,000 per nnnum
of agricultural products which should bo
produced hero. These are sugar ,
llbres , fruits nnd nuts/ barley ,
leaf tobacco nnd wines. Farmers are
sufTonni , ' for the want of hundreds of mil
lions of dollars that the sweat of brows and
the dexterity of hands might produce in
"raw material" for scores of old and now in
dustries. Another serious clitso of the de
pression , ho says , Is * the exorbi
tant shuro o. ' farmers' products taken
by the mlddlo mon nnd carriers. The
nrmy of dealers in futures disturb the nat
ural How of trade and check exportation by
a temporary rise , to bo followed by lower
oricos nnd greater lluotuatlons. Speculators
depress prices when the garners nro full and
boom them wtion the farmers have nothing
to soil , as nt present. The community is In
fested with pestilent swarms of non-produc
ers. The curse of speculation blights and
consumes the result of honest industry.
Orjiiii ! ntlm of the Lmrsast Com
pany in tlio World.
CHICAGO , March 31 , A company has bocn
organized hero which , its promoters say ,
will build the largest plato glass factory in
the world at Kllwood , Ind. , and prove an
Important factor In competing with foreign
glass. An application was snnt to the sec
retary of state for a chirtor today und tbo
capital stock U ilxed at (2,000,000. The
president of the company is Colonel A. ti.
Congqr of Ohio , nnd among those associated
with him are K. G. Keith of Chicago and
George T. I'crklns of Akron , O. For sorao
tlmo past Colonel Conger , has boon experi
menting at Kukomo , Ind. , in the inanu *
fnctnro of ulato glass , nnd the result has
been the production of n glass which ho
says o-juals or excels the host French plato.
" \Vo Hliiill begin building nt once , " said
Colonel Conger , president of the company ,
today , "and will soon have works at Kllwood
that will turn out UO.OOO feet of finished
glass per day and glvo employment to about
2,500 men.Vo have what wo bcltovo to bo
Inexhaustible natural gas welts and will
giva foreign manufacturer * aotlvo compe
tition , "
Tlio Weather Fon-cast.
For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair weather.
For Nebraska Fair , northerly winds ,
For Iowa Fair , northerly wlndi , cooler.
For South Dakota Fair , northerly wiuo > ,
stationary temperature.
CUICAQO , March 21. Argument * on the
board of trade motion to have tbo Injunction
regarding quc'atlons modified was heard by
Judges Tuloy , Coillns und Horton today. Do-
cUioti * will bo given next week.
Ho Knocks Carroll Out In the Forty-
Bcvrnth Hound.
SAN FJIA.NCISCO , March 21. Tremendous
Interest wns taken In the contest tonight be
tween Jack MoAullffo and Jimmy Carroll nt
the California Athletic club , nnd fully 2,000
people were In nttcndnnoo. Owing to some
rumors that the contest was not to bo genu
ine , President Fuldn last night informed
Carroll and McAullfTe that if at any tlmo
during the contest there was any oyidoucaof
"fooling" the light would bo stopped and the
men thrown out of the ring. Hiram Cook
was sclcotod referee. The battle tonight
was qulto brisk and considerable monay
was placed at 3 to 1 on Me-
Aullffe. Both men were apparently
in the pink of condition , MoAullffo weighing
MIJ and Carroll 135) ) pounds.
The mon came Into the ring at 0:10 : nnd nt
11:1" : thirty rounds had been fought , with no
decided ad vantage , but slightly In McAullffo'a
favor. In the twenty-ninth nnd thirtieth
rounds McAuliffo pounded Carroll about the
neck nnd body until the latter staggered
The next few rounds were generally in
McAullffo'a favor , but both men displayed
much cleverness.
In the thirty-eighth round Carroll com
menced to pound nt Mao's fnco and and jaw.
Carroll reached his mark half a dozan times ,
and Mac was evidently becoming dazed. Ho
struck out wc.ildy , but Carroll would getaway
away safely and come bick with another jab
In Mac's face. Carroll ropoatoi this per
formance In tno next round , though with not
such good effect.
The fortieth round was quiet.
McAulltle won the fight in the forty-sev
enth round.
nEaiUMDISUtill ST. , PATIllOK.
Four Students Expelled from the
Ottawa University.
OTTAWA , Ont. , March 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE UEE.J On Monday last , St.
Patrick's' day , four Irish students W. W.
Park , T. Iloddy , T. J. Nelloy and nnothcr
all of Uoston , Mass. , left the Ottawa uni
versity in the afternoon without permission
and remained away n little ever an hour.
Immediately on returning they were con
fronted by ono of the directors , who laid In
formation with the faculty. The satuo even
ing a'council was hoid with the ro
suit ( hit the quartette of students
were expelled. The remaining 200
students held several Indignation meetings
tbo following day and waited on the presi
dent , who refused to move In thn matter.
The affair was then communicated to Arch
bishop DuhameJ uud tno reverend vicar gen-
crul.who did their utmost to have the faculty
withdraw their derision. These , too , falied
nnd the United Status consul was appealed
fo , but ho was unabla to do anything und the
four young men were obliged to leave. Their
friends say they would have passed their in
termediate examinations without any dtfli-
cultr ut the eloso of tno term next month.
Tno relations between tha professors nnd
students of the institution nro not very
cordial and it is claimed that the expulsion
was uncalled for.
Presidents Elected by Until Veterans
mid the \V. It. C.
Sioux FALLS , S. D. , March 21. ( Spooial
Telegram to Tuu BEE. ] The principal
feature of today's session of tbo Grand
Army of the Republic encampment for Da
kota was the selection of a commander for
South Dakota. Thero'CverV ' 'only tnrd1'can
'dldate's In the field , Judge 'O. S. Palmer of
Sioux Falls nnd Hon. E. T. Langley of
Huron. When the session opened this
morning It was generally conceded that
Judge Palmer would bo the lucisy candidate , .
but when the vote was canvassed the re
sult showed that Palmar had 80 uotos and
Langley 95. The now commander is a
lawyer by profession.
At the Women's Relief Corps Mrs. Lucy
P. Drison of Gettysburg was chosen presi
dent for the department of South Dakota
uud the treasurer for the Dakota depart
ment was re-elected. The features of tno
day were a parade n mlle long , the ndt'ress
of General Algor and his departure on a
special train for Concord.
Rnlluuy Ordinance.
CHICAGO , March 21. | Special Telegram to
THE HEE.I The mayor has decided to return
the now railroad speed ordinance to the city
council Monday night without approval.
This does not 'moan n veto , but simply thnt
the mayor , In his accompanying nicsaago.wlll
nsic the council to reconsider the ordinance
in order to that some necessary and Import
ant amendments may ba inserted In it. Ho
will not talk about amendments , but it is
understood thnt the most important will pro
vide tha nature or the fauces to bo put up ,
which will probably bo brick walls of a certain
height , surmounted by nn iron railing. It is
also said that instead of providing for tlio
signing of nn acceptance of the ordin
ance by the railway companies ,
which would make the measure a contract ,
the substitute ordinance will require n spool-
lied time within which the improvements
designated must bo commenced und com
pleted. A , now or additional section will
also probably provide thnt some system of
permanent improvement bo made byvhicb
grade crossings will bo entirely abolished.
There will probably be no opposition to the
amended ordinance in the council.
Irylne to lUuUo I'nlftlonl Capital.
WASHINGTON , March 21. Much interest
has been excited nt the postofllco department
by the action of Willhm Dudley E'oulUe of
Indiana in sending out Inquiries to presiden
tial postofllccs where changes have occurred
slnco March , 1889 , especially to postmas
ters who have boon removed. In speaking
of the matter today First Assistant Post
master General Clarkson said : "Wo are
receiving letters from newly appointed post-
roasters who have been addressed in this
way. Inquiries scut out in every instance
that I have soon show that the case has been
prejudiced und the olmngo inndo assumed to
bo wrong. It Is evidently an effort to got
statements from removed and disappointed
ofllcluls for political use , and some ot the letters -
tors show an Intention to try and Induce now
postmasters to muko statements of defeusa
whora no defense is needed. No political
comparison can bo ma Jo out of those changes ,
The president made no removal except for
cause delinquency in ofllcial duties , Inef
ficiency of service or violation of law. "
WASHINGTON , March 21. Iloprosentatlvo
Springer , with tha balance of the minority
of the house committee on territories , have
united In a report in opposition tp the bill re
ported by the majority providing the ad
mission of Wyoming as n stato. Tha
main objections of the minority nro that
there was no warrant of law for the consti
tutional convention , and consequently a very
inadequate representation of voters in the
convention , among whom Were included n
number of women. The minority proposes
another constitutional convention , a popular
vote on woman suffrage aud the admission
ot thu uow state by a presidential proclama
tion afterwards.
The Dnnth Itnll. '
LONDON , March 21. The duke of ManChester -
Chester is dead.
LEXINGTON , Vu. , March 21. General H.
F. Smith , superintendent of the Virginia
military institute , died tonight of paralysis.
Ho graduated from West Point in 1S3U.
An Alnbaiim Ijyiiohlntr.
HUNTSVILLE , Ala , , Mnrch 91 , Robert
Mora ley , colored , was lynched this after-
near here for au attempted outrage on n
Whlto Klrl.
Republican Wayg&ncl Moans Members -
bors Propar g to Hodco.
rroloiind K3crct Expressed. In Wash
ington Over tlip. Dontli of Gen-
rnl Crook Incident * In
Ilia ( Jnrcnr.
\VAsniNOTOjrUtmRJHjTnrs OMAHA Has , )
513 FouiiTEBXTit STHEBT ,
WAsitiJfOTON. D. O. . March v r
It Is probnulcrthnt tha republican members
of the commlttco on ways aud moans will
make seine consldcrnblo concessions lu com-
pllanco with tbo demands that nra being
made upon thorn , atid in order to secure a
sufllclcnt amount of 'support to pass the bill
In the houson numb'er of republicans have
notified the commlttco that they will not sub
mit to It ns It is and Will vota with the damo-
crats for the changes they demand , The
committee will therefore have to make some
modifications nnd wAl do it ns gracefully as
possible. The democratic rnombors of tha
commit too have nettled upon their
policy , but they may decide
to report tlio < Mills bill with
some modifications as n substitute for that of
the republicans. It-lms been suggested to
them that they prepare a bill removing the
duty on sugar and'carpet wools and placing
all other raw materials on the f reo list. It
would bo a very popular measure with the
manufacturers throughout the country and
would bu likely to carry moro vote * lu tbo
bouse than the bill oTttin majority.
There has been quite a sensation In Phila
delphia ever the investigation of tno death
of Charloa A. Hcndricks , formerly of
Omaha , and who "died some tlmo ago , an
inmate of the Norr'lstown hospital for the
insane. The coroner's Jury has boon en-
deavorlng to ascertain whether the charges
that Mr. Hendrlcks' death was duo to ill-
treatment were well founded. Whllo the
facts of his death disclose nn ill-treatment at
the hospital , it was brought out thnt Mr.
Hcndrluks hnd been very cruelly treated
while en route nni under the charge ot
Keeper Ott , to whoso charge ho had been
assigned by the cojirt of quarter ses
sions. It was disclosed * that Hcndricks
hud been violent on the train , nnd In the
effort to quiet him Ott struck him several
times , but bis death was duo to natural
causes and hud no connection with the harsh
treatment ho hud received. The Injuries
were exceedingly slight , amounting to uiero
bruises. In the hospital it was shown that
Hondrlcks bad boon"treated with every care
nnd attention.
Great surprise was shown in the senate
yesterday when Senator Payne of Ohio
voted against the Blair educational bill. Mr.
Pnyno has all along-durlng the years of de
bate upon this mcasilro been ono of its most
ardent advocates. Hcyluia voted for it at
every stage , und. us ti nfembor of the commlt
tco on education ha baa signed the report in
favor of tbo bill's adaption. Ho listened all
along through the savtrdl days of the debate
to the speech of ScnAtpnUlalr , which makes
a largo volume , and * ib ' totwHbln an hour of
the time when-Ao'lyoto , .wao taken Mr.
Pnyno was vicrormig Iff hisfexpressions of ap-j
Pnyuo" was called and there wan a
weak but definite "no" almost every
gentleman in the sonata Instantly turned to
the veteran politician from the Uuckoyo
state. A few minutes afterward a senator ,
from Virginia went to u senator from ono of
the northern states and asked : "What in the
devil hu ? como over Payne's dreams that ba
should vote against this bill. " "Just before
1Kb vote wan called on the bill , " replied the
senator. "Mr. Vest of Missouri wont ever
nnd whispered In Mr. Payne's oar some very
positive instructions. They were to the ef
fect tnat if ho ( Payne ) voted for the bill it
would bo cold son-in-law
a very day when - -
William Whitney got any votes from the
south In the nominating convention of 1893.
Mr. Pnyno reflected a few minutes , nnd. sec-
ing that the bill was going to bo defeated by
n transformation of sentiment in the south ,
changed his position and voted no. "
The commlttoo on rule ? today had under
consideration the resolution of Mr. Chandler
and decided to set apaft next Tuesday for
the consideration of tha world's fair bill and
providing for final action upon it at1 o'clock
that afternoon. Much to the surprise of
everybody the New York mon made no
remonstration , but submitted to tha arrange
ment gracefully. It is thought they will not
ask moro than ono hour in debate. The
Chicago pcoplo will talk ns little as possible
and will Icavo Mr. Chandler to submit their
Senator Mandcrson Introduced n bill today
providing for the extonsioii of the coal laws
of the United States to the district of
Alaska. Ho also presented a number of pe
titions from Nobrnukans In favor of unlim
ited free coinage of stiver nnd the Grand
Army of the Republic service pension bill.
Senator Paddock introduced a bill making
the commissioner of llsh and fisheries an of-
llcor lu ono of the departments of agricul
ture ; also bills to pension Mary S.Miller
nnd to remove thn of desertion from
tha military record of Dowiti C. Hood ol Ne
Senator Moody introduced n bill to ratify
and confirm nn agreement with1 the Wahue-
ton nnd Sissoton bands nf Indiansjind the
Sioux Indians of South Dakota ; also a bill
authorizing the Fort Pierre pontoon bridge
company to construct a bridge across the
Missouri riyor ut Ploiro , S. D. *
The death of General Crook was n great
shock to his many friends in Washington ,
particularly us ho was hero only a short
time slnco engaged 'In n controversy with
General Miles , m which hu had the sym
pathy and support of Alt the oniooraultho
war department.It "was only yesterday
that the secretary of war transmitted to the
scnnto the correspondence between General
Sheridan and General Crook in regard to the
Apache cimpalgn in March and April , 1830 ,
nnd It banra directly ! Upon the charge ) that
have been mada by General Miles. For
nearly four years ' thdro has bean u bitter
controversy between the friends of the two
generals ever the AnAtmo campaign , which
has recently gained Ic wires t and bitterness
by the dlscusslon-ofia bill now pending in
congress for thu removal of Goronimo and
his pcoplo to Fort Sill , L T. General Crook
favored the removal'ana General Miles op
posed it. The corrispohdeuco sent to the
sonata relates to tbo campaign against
Geronlmo , which resulted in General Crook
being relieved , nt hla own request , from the
command of the department of Arizona and
the appointment bf General Miles to succeed
him. Acconipan.vinb.thu documents is u his
tory of the negotiations * between Goronimo
and the Apaches , but the whole affair is
summarized In the telegrams which passed be
tween General Crook nnd General Sheridan.
General Crook yvlrpd on March 2Q that ho
had mot the hostllas the day before at
Lieutenant Mnus' camp ; that ho had found
thpm "very independent and as llerco ns so
many tigers. " it pecincd impossible , ho
said , to got hold of them except on the con
dition that they bo allowed to return to their
reservation on thoic old status. On March
SO General Crook wired General Sheridan
contldentlally that the Indians would accept
ono of only three propositions to go east
not exceeding two yours , to return to the
reservation on th &r old status , or to return
to the vvarpatb 'As t ba to act at once , "
said General Cr.Qpk , "I have today accepted
their surrender upou ilia flret proposition. "
The Indians , the general eald. would start
for Howie tha following day with the Apache
scouts under Lieutenant Maus. March 80
General Crook telegraphed from Fort Uovvlo
that a courier Just in from Lieutenant Maus
reported that during the night Goronimo nnd
Natchcx With twenty men and' thirteen
woman nail left the camp , apparently with
out cause , for Chihuahua , nnd twelve men
remain out behind. Lieutenant Maus nnd
some of his scouts hai gone la pursuit.
Whllo thismosinuo was going ever the wlro
n tncssa50 from General Sheridan was trav
eling in the opposite direction
tolling General Crook that the
president could not nssont to the
surrender accepted by General Crook , and
that his instructions wore to enter into ne
gotiations for unconditional surrender , spar
ing only .the Indians' lives. This was fol
lowed March 31 with n dispatch lom Gen
eral Sheridan saying : "Your dispatch of
yesterday received. It has occasioned great
disappointment. It scorns strange that
Gnronimo nnd party could have escaped
without the khowledgoof the scouts. " To
this General Crook replied that there was
no question that the scouts were thoroughly
loyal. In n later message ho claimed thnt
the Indians had been drinking mescal freely
nnd that "bad liquor was nt the bottom of
Geronlmo nnd Natchez leaving. " March 31 ,
In response to the dispatch conveying the
president's instructions , General Crook tele
graphed that to Inform thu Indians thnt the
terms of tholr surrender had bean disap
proved would make It Impossible to no-
potlato with thorn further. To this General
Sheridan replied , April 11 : "As the
offensive campaign against him.Geronlmo ( )
w'th ' scouts has failed , would it not bo best
to take up the defensive nnd give protection
to thn people and business interests of Ari
zona and Now Mexico ! " To this General
Crook replied in part : "It may bo , how
ever , that 1 am too much wedded to my o vn
views on this matter , as I have spent eight
years of the hardest work of my life In this
department. I respectfully request that I
mny uow bo relieved from its command. "
It Is bchovod hero by the friends of Gen
eral Cruok that the recant agitation and the
attacks thnt have been tnado upon htm by
Miles nnd his friends had much to do with
shortening his lifo.
Captain John O. nourko , U , S. A , , nn nt-
tacho of the Pan-American congress , who
was for fourteen years nn nld-do-camp of
General Crook and with him in nil of his
campaigns against savage tribes west of the
Missouri rlvor , suld today : "General
Crooii's death Is a great shock to me , nnd
yet not wholly unexpected. For a number
of years past ho has scorned to ba on the
vcrgo of a physical break down nnd
ho often complained to mo of what ho called
heartburn , but which , in the light of today ,
may have been premonitory of heart de-
ponerntlon. Ho was a man for whom I had
tha warmest regard and deepest nffoctlon.
General Croak was the typical Indlnn
lighter ot America and in sbmo respects re
minded one of Danlol Hoono. Hu was tall
nnd straight nnd slnowy ns u cat , with not
an ounce of superfluous flesh , und never
know the word failure. Ho was n dead shot
with u rillo nnd an expert horseman
nnd could read signs on u trail
with a cleverness thnt t have never
seen attained bv any other wliito man ,
nor excelled by an Indian. His Indian ser
vices covered almost forty years , during
which became face to Jaco with every tribe
In our territory from the Missouri to the Pa-
clllu and from the British dominions to be
yond the Mexican border. Ho was a man of
abstemious habits , seldom drinking even tea
or coffee , and always tailing milk when ho
could got It. I nave known him on ono occa
sion to take the saddle at i a. m. in bitter
winter on the high mountains of Arizona und
ride till S n. m. the next day. Every man in
hla command was worn out when tncy
arrived at San Carlos river , where
the agency now is , and throw themselves on
tha craund to rest , but General CrooK
showed no signs of exhaustion , nnd. talcing
his gun , went out and nhot soma birds for
breakfast. If ho had any fault it was his
eagerness to kill bear. In hunting thorn ho
would undergo fatigue , deprivation and
terrible' risks. Ho. was once in the Big
Hqni.mouut.aina otMontana when a big she
-baar'fushsd angrily frfitrt'n thicket * ot roods
Where sbo bad young cubs and approached
preached with open jawa to within twelve
tcot of him. Not a nerve trembled
us General Crook raised his rifle ,
pulled the trigger and put a bullet through
her open moutn Into the base of her brain
and she fell dead at his foot. Ha was nn en
thusiastic fisherman and probablyJiln great
est enjoyment In lifo was to remain for
weeks in the forests nnd canyons of the
mountains , subsisting chiolly on the spoils of
his gun nnd rod. General Crook'a services
to western civilization cannot ba expressed
In words nor computed in dollars nnd cents.
Ho subdued the Snakes , Plutos and Han-
nocks of Oregon and Idaho where are no w
prosperous mining regions , following
them in the depths of winter to
their lava beds nnd capturing their fortresses
by direct assault. Up to his assignment ot
the command In Arizona In 1871 the Apuchos
were lords of the laud and hud dohcd our
government nnd that of the Mexican repub
lic , keeping thu pcoplo of Now Mexico,1
Arizona , western Texas und the states ot Chi
huahua and Sonora in n state ot abject terror
that cannot bo understood by a person not
on the ground ut tbo lime. General Crook
began his campaign by holding an interview
with ull the chiefs who were on the foucoand
csuld bo induced to hold a council with
him. Ho explained to them thnt it rested
with themselves to oay how long the war
should continue. They saw the force of his
words and agreed to furnish scouts from
among their"young men to go out after the
hostllcs who were still on the war path. The
result is already n part of history. In loss
than n year ho whipped every band of Ari
zona Apaches Into submission and put 0,000
ut work for a living. Ono of the lights in
that campaign which , gro.itly broKe their
spirit was knoivn as the battle of Salt river
canyon. AVe were led into it by our Indian
scouts and caught tha anomv ut the earliest
dawn of day. They were conlidontof tha
impregnability of tholr position and laughed
ut us , "but wa tumbled rocks ever the proci-
plca and cleaned out tun whole party , killing
seventy und taking thirty-live captive. The
uoxt campaign In which Crook took n dis
tinguished part wan against the Sioux-Cho.y-
ennoa of the north. Ho kept his columns
moving against them , relieving ono "forco
with another , but staying constantly in the
Hold for seventeen months. His marches
were made In the deptn ot winter , when the
mercury was frozen solid in the
buib and in the bent of summer
when the thermometer registered 117
and in rains thnt were deluges. No ofllccr
or man can aver forgot the thrilling experi
ences. Ono episode will show the severity
of the campaign. His command left Geese
crook with half rations of coffee , bacon and
hard tack for fifteen days and remained out
sixty days without a change of clothing. For
twenty-two days rain foil constantly. For
ten days the sun was not scon and for cloven
days tha command hnd nothing to oat but
the llcsh of tholr horses. There was , however -
ever , plenty of rain water. During the
campaign against the Sioux General
Crock met the enemy at the head of
the Little Powder early in February.
1870 , aud on St. Patrick's day bo destroyed
the village of Crazy Horse on the Lower
Powder , having nightly skirmishes for a
week afterward. On Juno U ho fought the
Sioux and Cho.vonnes on the Tongue river ,
ropellltii ; tholr florco attack on his camp. On
Juno ID ho fought the whole force of hostllos ,
numbering by their own statement 5,000. "
General Crook was m his sixty-second
year , nnd had ho lived would have bocn re
tired for ago in September , 1833. Although
the junior major general , ho wan tbo senior
of Scolleld and Howard in service , having
graduated from the military academy in
1853 , ono year ahead of Scbollold and two
j ears ahead of Howard. It IB , perhaps n
singular fact , in view of the Irregularities
that followed promotion in the army during
and Immediately following the war that
Scolleld , Howard nnd Crook , the
thrco major generals of tha army
served together us cadets at West Point ,
Crook being the senior and followed by
Howard and Soliollold in the order named.
General bhorldan was a clnssmatu of Crook ,
but graduated ono year behind him , Sheri
dan having boon suspended lu his first class
year for broach of discipline. Generals
Slocum , Stiyjloy anil Casey and Colonels
Alex McCook and Kaulz were also class
mates of Crook , There were forty-three
men graduated In this class. Crook
standing thirty-eighth la tbo or
der of general merit , General Casey ,
ho present chief of oupineers , standing No. 1 ,
Slouutu 7 , MoCord 30 , and Kautz 33 , If
Harrison selects the successor to
-jnoral Crook according to seniors , Miles
r $ , U bo the next major general , us ltd a lands
yf ' .ho head of the list of brigadiers , nnd Is
* % youngest general ofllcir of the nrmy.
i - * t\K \ military ofllcori. who naturally asso-
i * promotion with the death of n senior ,
th cellng Is general that Mites will
su , d Crook , but there Is n great divot
vet , of opinion among those gen-
Hoii ns to who will succeed
Mllt There nro forty colonels of the
line , -.d it Is safe to nisumo thnt fully one-
half of this number will be applicants for
promotion. Colonel Grlorson ol' the Tenth
cavalry Is the senior colonel of his corps
nnd of the army. Ho has nn excellent record
nnd Is a very deserving ofllcor. * Colonel
Griorson will retire for tigo In'July next nnd
It would bo u grateful tribute for his serv
ices If President Harrison , following the cx <
ample of President Cleveland when Colonels
Potter nnd Wtlcox , within n few months of
their compulsory retirement , were made
brigadier * , would advanca this old veteran
to the grade Of brigadier before
ho roaches the limit of actlvo serv
ice. Colonel Gibson of the nrtlllnr.y ,
Colonel Ulnck of the Second Infantry ,
Knutz of the Eighth , Morrow of the Twenty-
third und McCook of thu Sixth will no doubt
bo strongly urged for the vacant .brigadier-
ship. Colonels Gibson nnd Ltluck will rotlro
in IbOl , ICuutz in 1S3J , Morrow In Ib93 , nnd
McCook In 1893. Of these , McCook nnd
Kuutz will bo the strongest candidates , but
nil of these ofllcors might properly stand
ustdo for Colonel Grlerson , who would have ,
If selected , but n few months to servo in the
now grade , nnd would not practically Inter
fere with tholrambltlons. Colonel Grierjou
is now serving as brigadier general , nnd Is
commanding the department of Arizona ,
which embraces Arizona , Now Mexico and
Southern California , and this fact , should
glvo him preference with the president , other
things being equal. PEIIRV S. Ilcvru.
SntUliiiry Mnvo * the I'nrncll Commis
sion' * Hi-port Ho Ajiprnvml.
LONDON. March 21 The Marquis of Sal
isbury moved In the house of lords today
that thu report of the Parnell commission bo
approved. The Pnrnellltcs congratulated
themselves upon being found not guilty on
certain charges , but thnro was evidence to
show that the Parncllites In parliament were
.ready to make use of the crimes committed ,
by Purnellltes outsldo of parliament. Tho'
Irish parllmontary party hnd their hands on
the throttle valve of crlmo ( Hear ! Hoar ! )
mid lot go or restrained criminality
as their political necessities required. How ,
could the country assent to committing the
government of Ireland to mon thus linked
with criminality und immorality. The com
mission had laid bare and Indicated the spirit
of these aspiring governors of Ireland. Hero
were men whoso political objoets were sys
tematically pursued by means lending to
outrage und murder , nnd tholr political
career oucht to warn the country beforehand -
hand what would bo the fate of loyal ad
herents of the crown if over these criminal
conspirators got control of Iicland.
Haron Hcrschell attacked the one-sided
character of Salisbury's speech in referring
to the charccs on which thu Parnellitcs were
found guilty nnd omitting mention of graver
charges on which they wjro acquitted. The
verdict of public opinion was ou the
side of the Parnollites now , nnd when
the story of the episode was fully written on
the pages ot history praise and blame would
bo awarded in n very different fashion from
the way in which they were nwnrded by
Salisbury. Condemnation would not rest
upou the Parnullitos , but would concentrate
upon their uocusors.
Lord KImborlv said that the whole case
was pivoted upon forgeries , und It was only
just to record that the charges baaed thereon
had collapsed * , . . . , 1
Lord Spencer snld'ho > couldnoUsupport
the motion without also recording tha great
wrong inflicted on Parnoll. The old methods
governing Ireland had failed , nnd the only
remedy was to throw upon Irishmen the re
sponsibility of managing their own ufTu'rs. '
Lord Iloseberry severely censured thu
government for offering no reparation to
Parnoll and for taking no stops to punish
the Times. Ho concln cd with an olotiucnt
reproach and warning to tlio Irish nristoc-
raoy , saying nil hstory that guvo evidence
that an aristocracy separated frjm the people
was doomod.
Salisbury's motion was. adopted without
In tlio Commons.
LONDON , March 21. In the commons this
evening Lnbouchero moved the abolition of
hereditary representatives In parliament
The pcoplo would not long lolorato the Id
of several hundreds of men born witU . .j
privilege to Interfere with the government
and to legislate as u class. The house had
tbo spectacle before It of mon excluded from
Jockey clubi aud warned off race courses
und yet abla to Interfere with the legislation
of the nation. The motion was rejected
8U1 to 139.
The Gloomy Knding of n Romantic
ConrtHhii ) .
ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 21. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to THE UEE.J Adoloh Grottton , the
composer of the well known opera "Man- !
ton , " for n long tlmo n member of the Max
Uondlx Philadelphia orchestra and later of
the Uoslon Symphony orchestra , wns sent
to the Rochester msano asylum this after
noon , t
I'-or the past fouf weeks Grothon has boon
stopping at his father's house In Minneap
olis nnd making dally visits to his
sweetheart , Miss Helene Zenzius , on
Hondo street , St. Paul. Yesterday
ho visited the young lady's homo ,
was denied admittance , became violently insane -
sane and proclaimed the lady his wife. Ho
was arrested , examined by n commlttco of
thrco physicians und sent to Rochester to
day.Tho story of his courtship Is romantic.
Ha conceived tha most ardent affection for
Miss Zoiuius nnd shu became Infatuated
with him , but she Is his first cousin and her
parents fearing the results of n consanguln-
lous marriaga refused permission lor tholr
union nnd finally forbade his entrance to the
house. This unsettled his reason nnd ho
became- possessed witlr tha halucmatlon that
MIsB Xcnzlus Wns already his wlfu uud that
ho was being kept from her by force und
Chief KiiRlnccr Untwlstlo Testifies
NEW YOIIK , March 31. In the MoCalla In
quiry today Chief Engineer Kntwlstlo tes
tified regarding his suspension by McCnlla
because ho tested the boiler with salt water
Instead of fresh. McCalla also told hla side
of the story. Kntwlstlo said that to make
certain repairs it was necessary to illl the
boiler with salt water. Ho said McCalla
was very much excltod when talking of the
matter and would not allow him to explain
William Dulos and William Ucnnott testi
fied that It was customary and proper to test
a boiler with salt water before tilling It with
fresh water.
Coal Hcavnr Ilobbs told how ono day because -
cause dirt on his shoo made a ruot on the
deck Lieutenant ingoraoll caught him by the
uectf , throw him down nnd had buckets of
water thrown on him ,
The judga advocate asked Lieutenant
Ingorsoll If ho knew of any olllccrs of tha
Kutororlso bolng Intnmparata In the usa of
liquor on the trip. Ingorsoll baul
Bennett and Davis were suspend
ed nnd punished at Fayall for
being under the Inllucuco of liquor. At
Villa Frunca , In February , nnd at Lisbon , In
December last , Lieutenant Lemloy was un
der the influence 'ot liquor.
McCalla today refused to say anything to
the reporters regarding the btory that whila
hu was executive ofilcer Of ono of the vessels
of the south Atlantic nquadron several years
ago bo cut off a Bailers cur lu a moment of
anger ,
A Siiddon Tormltmtloa of the Groati
IirUltui Fljrhtor's Guvoor.
Ocntli , After I'CIIIK llruvoil for Forty
V nrt Conquers tlio UcnoriU
In ills 1'fnocful
Dentil of Gonornl Grnnlr.
Cincvno , March 21. fSpccInl Telegram ta
THE HUE. ! Major Gonornl George Creole ,
JJnltod States tinny , died suddenly in his
rooms In tlio Graud Paclflo liotol tliln morn-
Inj * . Ills death was so sudden that Tor aleut
lout ? tlmo his friends unit associate onicora
of tlio army at tlio headquarter * in tlio Pullman - '
man building could not realize tlu trutli of
tlio report. It was necessary to have the re
port confirmed times from rolinblo
Bourco3 bsforo It wiia finally ncoopted as
true. The shock wns nil the morj seven ba
causa Qonorul Crook had been up- I
piiroiitly in the bst of hoilth mid
spirits up to the moiuont ho ro-
tlrod last night. All day ycstcrdny ho
wns at his desk at the nrmy headquarters I
porfot : : ilng her usual labor and directing I
the affairs of the division of the Missouri , of I
which no was commnndor. Ho was in Ins I
usual happy frame of mind and worn his old- I
tlmo smllo rs ho greeted his friends. Last I
night with his wlto nnd sister , Mra. Hood of j
Oakland , Md. , ho nttondo.l n small uoclal I
gathering lit the homo of n frlond , nml nftcr I
Ills return < o the liotol chatted merrily la I
, the corridor with his acquaintances. I
When ho arose this.morning ho stoprod at I
once Into an adjoining roomas was his habitto I
oxcrolsowithlndinn clubs dumbolls nnd other I
gymnastic devices before putting on his I
eliUhes. As General Crook walked Into the I
little gymnasium ho called to his wife. Ho I
spoke with otfort saying ! "Mary ! Mary I I
como' iiuicklyl I can't breathe. " Mrs. I
Crook ran hastily into tlu room to Had the I
general ruiJ fallen to the floor. Mrj. C'roolc I
called to her husband as she loaned over the I
body. Kecelvlng no response she screamed , I
and. running to.tho door , called for aid. A I
momcut Inter n score of guests nnd employes I
of tha hotel wore there In ruBpnnao I
to Mrs. Crook's ' repented calls. I
The IIOU.SQ iihyslcian was present I
nlinost Instantly , but ho siw nt the ilrst. I
glnnco that the general was already dead. I
Major Kly McUlellan , thn nrmy surgeon , hail I
already bean summoned from the headquarter - I
quarter * , nnd ho itrrlvod with all the haste I
possible , only to Hnd that It was iruo thnt I
General Crook was beyond medical aid. The I
news was broken pcnllv to Mrs. Croak and I
Mrs. KoC't , who were led to the apartments I
of lady friends. Major McClellan iavo I
orders thnt no one but irionds bu permitted I
to see oitticr of the Indicia , and ho nt unco I
telopnoned Adjutant GeneralVlil - I
linms , to whom ho reported llio I
facts , nnd who nt once telecrnphed I
to Secretory of War Proctor. The causk ) of * I
General Crook' * death was heartfallure , re * I
suiting from Indigestion , lie had been I
troubled in this way tor tnany years. I
Dr. Hurlburc , the p'lyslcfau who was Mlm- I
tnoncd , said : "I arrived ut General Crooii'a I
beclsidu Only four or llvj minutes before I
death sup&rvonod. Ho was sufferI I
ing from irrosrular action of the heart I
% and hit lungs or chest seemed I
to bo filled up. \Vo cJld what wo could for. I
him In the way of hot implications with * ' |
sinapisms , hat ba0's n 1m feet , etc. , but ho I
was In artlculo mortis when 1 arrived I
nnd died without rallying. It an- I
poured to Uo n case of heart I
failurebut i noula not be positive nboul thnt , I
ns I had ucvvr been culled to attend him I
before. There m\y have beoa I
some stomachic complications. " I
Major Handnll of General Crook's staff , I
said : "We have noticed for some tlmn thnt I
General Croak wns not In his usual health. I
He was a man who never complained nnd I
said very little nbout his sufferings. At the I
locator last night I saw thnt he was not I
feeling nt nil well nnd I nskol him If I
ho worn In pain. He said "No.1.1 Hut I I
think tliat was the beginning of the end. I
"General Crook undermined Ills constltu- I
tlon In his Indlnn campaign , " said Major I
McClellan t'jla morning. "As ever.vono I
knows , ho was a wonderfully active man. I
Ho would stop at notnlng and denied himself - I
self every pleasure or other comfort. Ho I
constantly refused to encumber himself I
with things that misht conduce to his comfort - I
fort , BO that ho might move around moro I
quietly. There never was n point of danger I
In these western campaigns that he. did not I
place himself so that a good example would I
uo set for tha nrmy , I think the camnaiun I
of 13715 wns the foundation for his trouble. I
Then ho started out with thirty days' rn- I
tlons for his force nnd was no no nenrlv a I
year , spending a terribly aovoro winter I
in thn mountains and on the west- I
cm prairies far uwny from the I
forts nnd posts. This hartl service , together I
with the Irregularity of meals nnd the I
scarcity of food , resulted in his etomucli I
troubles , wtilcli Immedmtcly nlToctud his I
heart. I have treated bun every day since I I
have been lutnchod to the headquarter * In I
Chicago , and n few woolen ngo I had about I
concluded thnt his trouble had boon over- I
como. Lust week , however , It returned sud- I
dcnly. The nttnck was qullo severe , but no I
ho cnmo to mo the moment ho felt III there I
was little dlftlculty in getting him In good I
shape again. If his death hnd occurred list I
week 1 Hhould not nave boon surprised , but I
ns ho pulled out of that sickness nppuicntly 1
bitter than before , his sudden dcatli waa I
wholly unexpected by mo. " I
Adjutant General Williams , who assumed I
command Immediately nftcr General Crook'a I
death , has charge of the nrrangcmonts for I
the funeral. Ho Is In communication with I
Sccrotury I'roctor. It Is Mrs. Crook's do- I
Biro that the body bo taken to Oakland , Md , , I
for burial nnd her request has been forwarded - I
warded to too secretary. The funeral will I
probably bo nt the Grand Pnclllo next Sunday - I
day anil the body will bo taken to WashI I
logton. It will bo escorted to tlio I
tram by the Chicago regiments of the llli- [
nola National guurd , ns well us tho'rcgnlura I
from I''ort ' Sheridan , i
Every ofllclal army headquarters has some I
expression of doon sorrow to make on hearing - I
ing tho. IIOWA of the general's death. One of I
thu most affected was Adjutant General I
Williams , who said ; "General Crook and I I
were boys together at West Point ii'id have I
since bo n warm personal friends. I have I
flcrvcjl nmiiy icars under him. I
I Uuow him porsonnlly and ofllclally I
well. I know of no character moro I
lo.yul , true , upright tin a lovable , I
Tiut | covers all that 1 could nay , It covers I
everything. I never know u moro perfect I
character. " I
General Crook would have gone en thn re. I
tired list novt year. It Is not known what I
plans ho had 1'ormcd for his lifo thereafter * I
ArraiiEromoiits for the funeral have not I
yet boon'inndo. . General Schoflol < .l has been I
telegraphed to In regard to the matter and I
his wishes will bo considered. The I
burial will probably take ptaco at I
Oakland , Md. , the homo of his wlfo's people , I
ttourfh possibly U may bo thought Lost to I
Inter the remains In the Arlington national I
cemetery at Washington , General Creole I
was sixty-one years at ngo In September last. I
Thu remains have been taken charge nf by I
an undertaker , who Is now preparing the I
body for Us coftln. I
\Vnfchiimton OIllolnlH Slioolcod , ]
WASIIINOTO.V , March 21. The nowa of tb 1
death of General Crook wai u great shock to |
the ofilclals of the war department. Secretary - I
tary Proctor was particularly affected by the I
Intelligence , us ho had vorylnttinato nssoclaI I
tlons with the t'onoral during his recant I
visit nt Washington a few weeks ngo. Ho I
sent u personal message of condolence to. I
Mr a. Crook aud gave luatructloas lot Us I