T11JU U1HA1JLA JJAJLJUl JBJkl ! , : JLVJLUJJAX , 18JJU. * THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL BLTJJFFS ui : . NO. lU STIIHBT. rell\mil Ijjr cnirlfr In nny p ftof tlio City , II. W. 3 ILIUM . . . MANAGE * . ! TKt.Kl'IIONKSl Il'FlKrFKlr-CE ! ( | No. 43. ii. iso. y > . Jll.SOK K. y. i' . Co. Council HHifTa Lumber Co. , coal. Thatcher co1 , 111 Main ntrcct. Fidelity council , No. 150 , Koynl Arcanum , meets this evening nt 7:30 : o'clock , Cltv Clerk Stovnnaon will not nasumo the duties of his ofllco until next Wednesday. Justice IJarnott will render o decision it the Mowory rape case at 2 o'clock thl after noon. The Council of Kmlosh of the Scottlsli Kilo moats this evening at the cathedral for ivork. A single drunk represented tha result o ( the dally round-up In pollco court .vosterdaj uiornm ? . The Veteran Firemen's association will meet at the -city hall building at 7UO-tbli : evening In regular monthly session. A car load of thoroughbreds belonging tc the Haggln stable passed through tlio city \Vcdnu8day urenliif , on route for San Fran cisco. Oscar Hull and Mary Clorlf , both of this city , were united In marrmpo Wednesday ovuiiing at the residence of Justice Hen- ilrlcha , HJTho St. .Too house , on South Main street , lias been closed on a landlord's writ of at tachment. Fullui-o on tnu part of the tenant to pay rent was tha cause. Matt Harlc mourns the loss of W ) In hnrd cau'h. Ho hiilicvcH that It wns stolen and Frank O'Morn , William Thompson nnd John llrycon have been arrested on suspicion. All Saints' guild will moot In regular sos nion Friday afternoon , March 21 , with Mr.s. M. li. Fonda , earner of Ninth uvenuo and Fifteenth street. Mrs. M. U. Foudn , presi dent. Thomas Stcarman , an old resident , dio.l "Wednesday evening at his residenceNo. . 1724 Sixth avenue , aged cighty-lliroo .vo " . The remains will bo sent to Geary , Kuu. , today. Thceasa of McCarty vs Hen Marks was on trial ycstcidny morning la the superior court. McCarty seeks to recover for the loss of Ronio hay which It is alleged was burnt through the carelessness of Marks' men. Special communication Uluft City ledge , No. 71 , A. F. and A. M. , this evening at 7JO : ! harp. Work In the second degree. AH F. C. In good standing are cordially invited. Uy order of the W. M. Mrs. Nelllo Hnlncs asks for a divorce from John II. Humes , to whom she was married ten years ugo. She claims that ho has ill- treated her , has fulled to support her and Iins deserted her several tlmctt. In the superior court the case of Ettor vs O'Ncll et nl was postponed until this after noon. This casa is the ono In which ox- Judge Aylcaworth makes his debut us a practicing attorney after many years' serv ice on tha bench. The cnso is assuming omo magnitude and the list includes attor neys associated in it of some of the leading 11 rm8 In this city and a couple of legal lights from the town across the way. J. 11. Hlco , Gcorgq Metcalf and B. L. Shu- part constitute n committee of the board of trudo that Is trying to collect $1,000. This Is the balnnco of tliu bonus duo Keys brothers Jor bringing their carriage factory hero from Hod Oak. The bonus wa-j M.SOO , and $2.'JOO has been paid. The subscribers refuse to pay the balance , alluirlng that the company failed to locate the factory near the canning works as agreed. The jury In the case of State VB Ilonr.v Stewart , charged with assaulting Oalcer Doyle with intent to commit muidcr , re turned n verdict last evening llndtng the prisoner guilty of assault with intent to do fjrcat bodily injury , This will merely give him n jail sentence. The evidence developed the fuel that Doyle was the aggressor , but that In oclf-dofenso Stewart wont further than was necessary nnd pounded Doyle within an Inch of his life. Hon. W. H. M. Pusoy was In Omahalycs- terdny afternoon nnd called upon Vice Pres ident Holcomb of the Union Pneilic with rofurctnco to the new union depot for tbo Ululfs. HO was assured that everything was working favorably and expressed the belief that the proposed Ucppt would bo erected. Tlio Contract is bolng signed by the various roads and It Is understood that all prellmin- urv arrangements will very speedily bo com pleted. Hov. Mr. Holmickwas in the city yester i i day. Ho Is rapidly recovering from the effects of the nervous strain resulting from li ms trial and acquittal. It is oxpuctod that lie will bo able to rcsumo his ministerial work ut once. Ills friends nro endeavoring to have him give some other and larger Held of work than Ncola. and this would doubtless - loss bo In accordance with his wishes , as that city cannot bo a very congenial resi- tlcnco for him and his family In view of all the circumstances. The action of the now administration in Increasing the slzo ot the police force is very Kcncrally approved. It has been frequently demanded during the past three years , as the busiRCas portion was very indifferently guarded , while tlio residence quarters of tha city were loft absolutely without pollco pro tection. At tlio committee meeting Wednes day afternoon Alderman Lacy favored In creasing the force to twenty men , but It was finally agreed to miiuo the number eighteen for tlio present. This Incluacs the chief , cuutnln , Bcrgonnt and pt trol driver , nnd is mi increase of live men over the present forco. It Is desired to still further increase the number , so as to have twenty patrolmen , exclusive of oDlcers. Wall Paper At tha Doston Store , Council llluffs. "Tlio Kovtlvul of Days , " At the Presbyterian church parlors , will bo continued this evening. Very attractive tooths , in which the several days of the week are represented , will have In them beautiful and useful articles for sale. The musical programme to bo presented this evening Is us follows : Thursday Mollo.v Mr. W. A. Derrick. In Old Madrid Trotero1 ' Miss Lludell. 'How Ho Saved St. Mlclmol " . , .Ueoltatlon Mrs. J. T. Tidd. Dear Heart , Mattel Miss Mury Oliver. "Houso Keeping ua It Mlpht bo" Judson Messrs. Chariest Fitch , Eu Parsons , Clarence H. Judson , Ed Fitch nnd Will Ofllcor. Admission 25 cents ; children 15 cents. In the Saturday booth refreshments will Tuo served by professional waiters. Mention. A. T. Fltcklngor Is very ill with typhoid fever. Mrs. John T. Pugh of Paciflo Junction Is visiting Mrs. J. O. Mitchell. L. H. Slhloy loft last evening for Chleaco , Philadelphia , Uoston and other eastern jtolnts. Ho will bu absent about two wcolts. Mrs. O. J. Wclugurtor of Lincoln In tlio guest of Aldcrmun and Mrs. L. A. Caspar. Mayor Mnerao loft yesterday morning to attend a medical convention In St. Joseph. A. P. Cramer of Avooa was m the city yesterday. Mrs. C. Moxloy Is in Atchison , Kan. , on a ten duj g viilt to tier sister. Mrs. A. P. Mycri of Orleans , Nob. , Is In the city uid IB the guest of Mr * . Heurv { jtovonnou on Fulrvlow avenue. i Mrs. Ecclea , the famous fortune teller and clairvoyant. Husmess , love , marrlagu and changes. Mamago and maenotlu treatment , At Hotel Jameson Wednesday , Thursday nnd Friday of this week. Tliu Manhattan sporting hcadq'rs 413 H-way. Don't forgot tbo ilnoatclcanost boit , , , mar- market lu tho. twin cltioa U Merchuudorf's. J.G. Tipton , real estate , 537 Uroadway. Glllotto St Froomau , decorator * , S3 Pea Save 60 per cent on tombstones and moou- xnonu. Design sheet auu prlco list fr o. L. Kclloy , mUroudwoy , Council Uluffs. THE DOINGS IN TII& BLUFFS , The Dlotrlot Court InvoatlKatos the Tournament Gambling. WILL DOUBLE SALOON FINES. HondrlokH Falls to Confidence Main Street Merchants A Hoetloti ilntitl linn n Narrow Kticnpc. „ Swindling < 5nino . Yesterday nftornoon the district court was eet In motion on the case of 1'nt Lacy , charged with porraiUliitrgiunbllnK at n pub- lie resort under Ills control. It was ono of these cases In which the legal machinery seems to bo merely golnjf through the mo tions , with no Indications ot any emotion ur spirit prompting the formalities of trml. The charge ngnlnat Alilcrinan Lacy was that ho was ono ot the ofllcers of the association having charge of the fair grounds when the State Firemen's tournament was hola Hero In Juno last year. There were numerous dwindling anil gambling devices In full and free operation . The dofcnso was that Mr. Lacy was a member of the State Flromou'a association , ntid thnt during the tournament ho acted with the other ofllccrs of the atato orgunfeatkm. This state organization left the arr.uiBoment of local matters with tlio local organization , and liaiico Mr. Lauy had nothing to do with the Rainbllnj * and swindling games. The piountls were really under control of the mayor and city police , as far as law and order WIH concerneo , and for tins reason Mr. Lacy claims ho should be vindicated by the Jury. A number of witnesses wcro examined yesterday. Jt was pretty clearly established by them th.it there were all sorts of gatnU- linc and skin games running open on tlio erouuils iluritm the tournament. The do- fonuo showed no disposition to contest these statements , relying for acquittal on the lack of proof that Mr. Lacy in any way had con trol of the muttnr. An attempt was made to show that the association received a certain amount of money for running these games. Jt appeared , howovcr , from the witnesses called Unit a committee on privileges had control of all matters of that sort , and noth ing In tlio financial reports Indicated that any money came from these sharpers for any privileges. The case was not completed at the tlmo of afternoon adjournment. It will doubtless bo linislioJ this morning. The Beaten store , Council Ulufta , Are the loaders In the dry goods business. Tlio of fine watches and jewelry In the city , and the place to buy the best goods at the lowest prices Is the establishment without rivals , tbo most reliable firm of O. B. JACQUEMIK & Co. Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and Dridgo work , No. 12 1'oarl , C. U. stoamdye works , 1013 Broadway t\ Neat Ijlttlu Hovcnun. It has been a subject of much speculation what course the new council would pursue with reference fo the saloons. The old council levied a line of $2 > a month , and tnis in.idc the prohibitionists howl. They said that it was licensing an unlawful traQlu , and was nothing less than blackmail. It was known some time ago that tbo now adminis tration was not in favor of closing the saloons , believing that It was aealnst the general wish of the citizens , and a great deal ot interest has boon manifested as to what method they would ti\lo to regulate Uio busi ness. At the recent caucus of the aldorinen this subject was carefully considered , and the councilmen expressed themselves very freely. It was the sentiment of all that the saloon man should bo required to contribute liberally to the expenses of the city govern ment. 'Seven ' of them were in favor of a flue of tfoO a mouth. The exception was Alder man Lacy , who wanted to inako it J100 a month. There was no difliculty , however , in agreeing unanimously , and It may bo re garded us a settled fact that saloon men will hereafter bo required to contrlbuto $50 to the city exchequer onch month. Not only this , but the money will bo duo on u certain day and it must bo forthcoming. The police force will not bo detailed for the purpose of collecting It and if the payment Is not made when duo the delinquent saloon keeper will bo closed up. The amount of the line was raised for two purposes ono to increase ttio rcveuuo of the city and the other to closp up tno disreput able dives that now flourish In some parts of the city. If half the saloons uro closed the revenue under the now system will bo the same as before. TUo rqyonuu from this soureo will amount to over $20,000 a year. It is not yet settled whether or not to col lect a monthly line from the scarlet women of the town. Of course , the gambling house Hues will not bo collected In the futurn , as there will bo none of these institutions in the city , according to the Hat of tlio anti-gam bling association , but this deficiency will bo moro than mauo up through other channels. The most Complete Line of Curtains and Curtain poles At'tho Boston Store , Council Bluffn. Drs. Woodbury have removed their donta ofllcoto 101 Pearl street , upstairs. The gasoline steve U moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save hfo and property by using the C. B. CJas and Elnctrio Light Co.'s gus stove. Is n ChnilKn Needed , Alderman Everett is Insisting that a now street supervisor shall bo appointed at once to till the position now occupied by A. E. Avory. Ho baa no objection to Mr. Avcry , but simply wnnts another man in that placo. There are a good many , however , whoso views on the subject fad to coincide with thosu of the uldornmn from the Fourth ward. It Is generally conceded that Supervisor Avery has llllod the oulco very acceptably , and has kept the street in as good condition as possible with the amount of monav placed at his command. They urge , therefore , that there Is no necessity for n change , but on the contrary such n move would bo unwlso. Mr. Avery understands just what is ncoJcd , and his experience for tha past threoyears is certainly worth something to the city. Hu surely cannot oo dismissed on partisan grounds , oven If tlio council so desires , as ho is a republican. Ofcourao ho was rotalnod by a democratic council , but nothing else can bo urged against him. Jt Is btatcd that the members of the council will bo personally requested by a largo number ot citizens to retain him in Ids present position. For sale , on account of alcUnoss , J. Diclioy's general merchandise stock , located on Broadway , Council Bluffs , will DO sold at u discount for cash or trade for good unln- ruraborod cltv or Omaha property. Address Duquette & Co. , Council Bluff * . Doslrnblo dwellings for rent at reduced prices by E. II. Shoafo & Co. , rontul agonts. Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. IlcmlriokH m tlio HIIIfig. It has just been made known that John Hendrlcks. the clumsy crook who secured considerable notoriety In Omahu a few days ngo by his sensational inarrmtro to a notorious sporting woman , after palming himself off at a Dakota eattlo king , tried to confidence Bonio of the business inon. of this city only n day or two boforo. Whenhoeauio hero or where ho came from no ono ncoins to know , Jilt the first that Is known of him was when no appeared at tbo wholesale cigar store of II. II. Oborholtzer. Ho was accompanied by a well known mer chant whoso place of business js on South Main street. The la'.tor Introduced him , stating that ho bad known the follow about a month. Hondrlcks ordered 100 cigars , which ho took with him , and loft bis coat and overshoes In the store , as the day was wurin , statlug that be wlibod to vUit several wholesale houses to make purchases. Obor- hollzar accompanied him to John Llndor'n wholesale liquor store , where the stranger ordered fWO worth of whisky. The llquur was measured out for him before ho loft the place Ho remarked , "This I < n caili deal , but : hnvcn't any money with me , and wilt give you a check. Of course you xvdl want to Know that U Is all right , but you can easily find that out , and don't ' ship the stuff until you nro satisfied that the check la O. K. " Ho then loft and the choc's was prcaentci at the Pint National bank. It was on the Oranco City bank , but of course the follow had no money there. Lindcr acted on the buyer's advlco nnd did not ship the goods before he heard from the check , so that ho lost nothing but his labor In measuring tbo liquor. OborholUcr lost 100 cigars , but ho has Hendrlcks' overcoat nnd overshoes. The coat U a very heavy fur garment , and evi dently cost a neat sum. Ho wilt hnng on to U until ho h reimbursed for tlio lost box of clears. It Is not now known that Hendrlcks did nny other work In this city. Ho wont to Omaha Immediately after leaving Llndcr'a , and It was but a short time until ho was be hind the bars. Corsets for the Thousands at Tha Boston store , Council Bluffs. Wo want you to Hat your rental property with us and wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. Hents collected and special atten tion given to cnro of property. K. II. Sheafo & Co. , Broadway and Main St. , up stairs. A Narrow Kscrux. . Nols Christian , n Mllw.uiUca section hand living at Utcndalc , six miles cast of I his city , had a narrow escape from death llost even ing shortly after 0 o'clock. Ho was walking along the track , just outside the rails , when the incoming evening freight struck him ana knocked him into the ditch. Ho was re moved to his homo nnd Dr. Thomas wont out to attend him. Ho found that the unfortu nate man had sustained a compound fracture of the left arm and bis shoulder was badly bruised. Otherwise ho was but little In jured. Ho will bo laid up for several weeks. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. , COT Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard lav. Co. THE RISE AND SHINE AN ARI ZONA IDYL. San Francisco Argonaut : "Wake up. Hump yoursel , now. It's time for us to skedaddle. " The sleeper , thus rudely brought back to the cares and sorrows of the waking world , sat unon the edge ofhis cot and rubbed his eyes stupidly. It was dark through the open door came the yo.lping and howling of a pack of coyotes , and , in the west , softened by distance , the drowsy whistle of a reced ing train. "What's the matter , ! You ain't boon bowlin' up again , I hope ? " he at length inquired , with the reproachful ill-na ture always consequent upon an unwel come awakcnine. "No , I haven't been bowlin' up. " re plied the other indignantly then , low ering his voice to a whisper , added ; "Tho returns have come. " "That soV Who's 'IcctedV" dreamily murmured the man on the cot , as ho fell backward and glided gently to the shadowy realm of slumber. "Who's talkin' about 'lections the returns from that assay of the Rise an' Shine has come ; she goes 400 ounces silver , $45 gold , 5 per cent load and a trace of copper. " "Four hundred oun " "S s-hl You wnntthat g reasor In the ne.Nt room to get on to itV Get inside your pants and come out to the corral , where wo can talk about it. " No further coaxing was needed , and the two men were soon standing by the corral-gato. The only light visible was at the railroad station ; all the rest of the town was silent ana dark. The camp flros had died out , but the out lines of the freighters' wagons could bo distinguished in the gloom , with their animals clustered about them , tramp ling and munching , finishing up the vestipos of last night's feed , with an oc casional sharp , squealing neigh , as some mule avenged a lonir-standing grudge by giving a comrade a surrepti tious nip ; and , out on the vague ex panse of barren plains , the coyotes howled with that mirthless derision peculiar to them and kindred prowlers of the night. "What we've got to do"resumed the first speaker in a low voice , ' 'is to slide out to the mine as fast as tho'Lord'll lot us and locate the extensions. I had a sort of a fcolln' them returns would como tonight , so I stayed round and got the postmaster to open the mail , and when I got through readin' 'em , I seed him lookin' at mo mighty sharp and it's my belief ho looked over my shoulder and read the whole busi ness. If ho did , he'll start some ono right out to squat on the extensions , and we've got to get there and fool 'em see ? This very explicit statement was in the main true ; althought it had been the attraction of "faro , " rather than any premonition , that had kept Bob Watson out of bed at such an unseason able hour , and it had boon a moro chance that had led him to the olllco as the postmaster was distributing the mail in readiness for the early morning stage. His companion , however , did _ not attempt to rob him of any of the glnry , all minor considerations bolng lost in the refulgent prospects opened up in the magic figures 10 , ) ouncos. ' Who'd 'a * thought that rock had so much mineral in it1" ! ho remarked , as ho threw the sand blanket over his mule. "Who'd 'a' thought it ? " inquired Watson * in a tone of the 'most intense surprise ; "didn't I say so right straight along ? When wo llrst broke into the ledge , didn't I pick up a chunk , and , scrapin' olT some of that black stufl with my knife , didn't I say right then and there , 'This is straight goods , or I'm a sucker ? ' Didn't I use them very words ? " "Well , mobbo you did-r-I don't re member ; but if you say so , why it stands to reason that you did , " replied the pacific Earn Price , as ho proceeded to cinch his mule into apparent convul sions only apparent , however , for the mule is an artful animal and well bkillod in counterfeiting the agony oncondorod so physiologists say by tight lacing. Daylight found them well on the way to the iniao , and as they proceeded they consulted as to whoso names should be used hi taking up the various ox ten sions. "Wo might lot Mrs. Ilawes In on ono of thorn. " suggested Price , a little timidly ; "she 'pears like a decent kind of a woman , and can just knoqk the socksolT'n a cook-stove. " "Can if you want to , " replied Wat son , sarcastically ; ' might help you long some ; you don't seam to bo molt in' the old lady very fast. " A Uoop-drawn sigh was the only an swer made byPrlco.amlBilenco reigned between them until a small , irregular excavation was reached , where a notice lacked to a board , planted in a pile of rocks , announced to all comers dis tinctly , with due reference to lines and points of the compass that the ground immediately adiucont thereto was com prised in the mining location known as the " 'lllso and Shine , ' the , property of R. Wataon nndV ft. Price. " The two partners at oncttSet to work and stakoi olT about a nuarfpr of a mlle of grotint on each side oj , .Vie original location and Watson , < iwor a great deal o writhing , cho 'li/ / * of load-pencil ant profanity aids' , lo mental oxertlot which ho always invoked producot the proper notfces , claiming it in be half of various uUttiht relatives of the original locators , not omitting the aforesaid Mrs ; llawos , who had the first southwest extension duly credited to her. After the completion of thU'labor they breakfasted on bacon , coffee and crackers , nnd thd assayor's certificate was examined again to see if , in the dis enchanting light of day , its characters ' still possessed their ma'glo power. The figures were unchanged so plain no ono could mistake them : "Silver , 400 oz. ; gold , $15 ; lead , 6 per cent ; copper trace. " And as they smoked their pipes , each according to his taste , reared aeria structures of wondorous beauty ; and if these of Price contalnodapartments | es pccially reserved for the occupancy o Mrs. Hawos , ho did not feel called upon to advise his partner of the fact. Ic was decided that the should at once take out a few carloads of the best ore ship it to the reduction works , andv with the sura thus realized , they could open up the mine properly'and either soil or work it themselves , as they saw lit. With this aim in view , they therefore roturnotrtown to lay in provisions , hire three or four men , and engage teams to haul the ore to the railroad. Watson , bolng the moro energetic of the two charged himself with all these duties while Price , loitering about in an aim less sort of way , was by some magnetic inllucneo , guided to the tout of Mrs. Hawes. This lady was a true daughter of the frontier small , wiry , sharp us to features and voice , as well as in her management of the atfairs of Hfo and trado. Open-air life has many advocates , bul it cannot bo denied it is destructive to the complexion and to other beauties , more especially feminine. But what Mrs. Hawes may have lacked in the way of velvety bloom and youthful soft ness of contour , was .moro than compen sated for by her vigor and endurance it was this latter trait , probably , which had at first attracted Earn Price. Mrs. Hawes happened to arrive at Arivaca on ono of these red-letter days , or nights rather , when what was known in the dialects of that cosmopolitan camp as a bailo , dnnco or ' . 'shin-dig , " was in progress , and , though she had driven a lour-horso team twenty-live miles that day , done her own "swamping , " to say nothing of pitching a tent and getting supper after her arrival , stio turned in and danced all competitors on" the lloor danced round dances , square dances , reels and break-downs ; danced till the candles burned down , dickered and wont out ; till the rising sun showed his shocked . countenance through the open window , and the last hoarse , gurgling , whoop stuck fast in the throatof the exhausted floor- manager then slie wont home , fed hoi- stock , and cooked breakfast. Perhaps it was this insensibility to fatigue which first awoke the latent passion in the heart of Mr. Price , but there is noknowinp to a certainty ; with regard to phenomena of this nature , despite our boasted science , all is as yet but conjecture. But at any rate there could bo no doubt of his devotion to her. Since the night'Of the ball ho hail been unremitting ; in thuse little attentions , such as cuttiritr'-wood. ' carrying water , etc. , so dear to the heart of every true woman ; yet , as Watson had said , up to the present time ho haa received very little encouragetnont from the recipient of all these marks of respectful adora tion. tion.Tho The advent of Mrs. Hawes had been entirely unexpected by the society of Arivaca , nor was it known with any de gree of accuracy who-nce eho camo. or the probable duration of her sojourn among them gossip , it is true , had it that she was a Mormon on route to Salt Lake , but this report was generally conceded to bo the offspring of jealousy on the part of the other ladies. "Howdy dee , Mrs. Hawos ? " said Price , as ho sank apologetically down upon a nail-keg just inside the flap of the tent. A slight nod was all the response to this salutation , and Mrs. Hawcs continued her task of repairing a hamcstrap. seemingly obvious of the presence of her worshipper. "I s'poso , " resumed Price , after an embarrassing silence , "you haven't hoard 'bout the returns of the Biso an' Shine ? " "No , " replied the lady ; "I'm kept liustlin'around so't ain't time I no , to hcer nuthin' . " -"She goes 400 ounces , " said Price , confidcntall.y. "In yor mind , " retorted Mrs. Hawes ; "don't try for to make mo b'lecvo scch fairy stories as them airo. Think I can't toll horn silver from copper stain when I see it ? " "I know you can size up rock pretty close as a general thing , but this here ledge in the Rise an' Shine's diff-'ront from the common run o'rock there's a lot o' chemicals mixed in. with light- nin1 strikin' names , so't takes a good un to guess this hero ore hero's the c r- tlf'cato ' , too. " Price had forgotten that reading was not ono of Mrs. Hawes' ac complishments , or ho never would have been guilty of such a faux-pas. "Tako your ole paper an' git , " she cried angrily ; " 1 ain't no time to waste nosin' mound , figurin' our. , such writin' is them nssayers does a Philadelfy lawvor couldn't make hoad'r tails out'n it. " "Wo thought , " said Price , as ho rose to go , "you might like to be in on ono of the extensions.so wo located you in the first southwest. T'wan't cost you nothin' for recordin' you won't bo out nothin' no way. " This statement somewhat mollified the ladywho thanked him , stating that she believed ho meant well , though , of course , she knovrlt would never amount to anything a d'l in conclusion , she invited him toicall around after a while ind got a "snack o' sumthin' t'oat" an nvitatiun Mi1. 'Jfylco never failed to ac cept , " 'i Everything progressed favorably with tlio two partner/3 / , the streak of pay-oro widened as thcy , wont down on the edge , and they were enabled to take it out much "faster than they had an ticipated. Winston did the sorting of ; ho ere , as ho ikribw exactly the kind the assay had been made from. None jut first class ! vqck was sacked up , the ewer grades being loft on the dump , to jo worked when : the mill was built. Kvon Price's affair of the heart had taken a favorable turn , ho having , so to say. struck soft' ( round and was making rapid progress In the affections of Mrs. [ lawos. Whether there was any occult connection botwoan the esteem in which ho was hold by this lady and the pllo of four-hundrod-dollar rock 071 the station platform , it is , of course , im- wsslblo to say , but It was remarked .hoy increased in much the same rela tive proportion. At length two cars were loaded and Watson himself ac companied them to the reduction works o HOO that no change of ere was worked upon them lo their disadvantage. While ho was absent on this mis sion , Prlco brought his affair al- nest to a settlement the momentous luostlon was propounded and a favor- iblo reply received nothing was laek- ng but the wedding garments , and the jrido undertook to have them ready in side of three daya. During this inter val Mr. Price sauntered about In a state of beatitude much easier imagined than described. On the afternoon of the third day suc ceeding the departure of Watson , Price received a telegram , which , after pay ing for , ho opened and found to read tu follows : "Benson , Mop. 13. E. Prlco , Arlvacn Git married to wttnst ; back to night , U. Watson. 7 collect. " At llrst Price did not exactly grnap the moaning of the message , but a lit' tlo rolloction showed him that the ap parently enigmatical portion of it was merely Watson's way of advising him to expedite the wedding. He accord ingly repaired at once to the dwelling of iiis betrothed , and after acquainting her with the contents of the dispatch , suggested that they repair at once tc the justice of the peace and have the ceremony performed. But much to hie surprise , Mrs. Hawcs would not hear ol it. "I've only jest got the green callket basted up'r she said ; "ItUl take half a day lo linhh it , and them now shoes won't bo down from Tucson 'foro to morrow night. I won't git married in thcso old moccasins if I never do. Thai fool Watson's drunk , and .1 won't br druv around by him or any other man livln' sabe. Ef you can't wait and hov things fixed up decent and like white folks , you can vamoose just as pronto as you want to. " Price hastened to assure her thai though ho must necessarily lone to ad- vunco the hour which should make hot all his own , ho doubted not he would bo able to restrain his ardor so that the proprieties might bo observed in all -"You " ho said "it's like things."You see , , this : Bob's gone there , an' the oro's turned out so muehbottor'n ho expected that it sort o' rattled him , an' knowin1 how much I thought o' you , an' how keen I was for to hurry up the wcdflin' , he's just rushed oil'n hit the wires a lick so's to help us out llko " This explanation- allayed the fears Mrs. Hawcs had entertained that some attempt was being made to curtail her independence a matter upon which she was very sensitive and aho consented - sonted , after awhileto bo pacified. Had Price been less alllictnd by that blind ness which is such a marked symptom of the malady called love , the frequent outbursts of irascibility on tho. part of his promised bride might have aroused some uneasiness concerning the pcaco and harmony of their wodded'lifo , but as is usual in such cases , ho paid no hcnd to the danger signals and rushed blindly on his fate. Notwithstanding the plausible expla nation ho had given of Watson's mes sage , ho was considerably disturbed by it , and waited up until 3 o'clock in the morning to moot his partner on the arrival of the westbound express. Ho was terribly shocked by his ap pearance a more disconsolate , woe begone-looking specimen of humanity it would hard to imagine. "Faro , " said Price to himself , and his heart sank within him. Watson made no roplv to his part ner's greetings , but dragged him away from the station into the friendly shel ter of the darkness. "Did ? " ho asked you got my telegram , when they were out of hearing of any possible loiterer. "Yes , 1 got it. " "And you're married ? " ho interrupted eagerly. "No , " replied Price ; "you see the lady didn't exactly take to the idea. We'll got there tomorrow , though " "O Lord ! " groaned Watson ; "I knowcd It 1 had a feelin' it'd be jest that way. Everything gone to h 11 Busted llattor'n a tortillo ! " "Busted ! " cried Price ; "you don't mean to say " "Yes , I do that ono wouldn't pay to work. There ain't an ounce of metal in a mountain of it. Wo got to sell a mnlo to pay the freight on it. There was a mistake in them returns the assayer - sayor sent us the wrong ccrtif'catc. ' I'd ou'ghtor killed him , but 1 didn't ho said he hoped wo hadn't been put out out any by it , and ho gimme some of his cards to throw 'round 'mong the boys. There'll bo a holy circus out to camp when they hoar 'bout it and begin to liollor for their pay. What chows mo up the worst , though , Price , is that the widow'll back out like as not now. You never can depend on a woman , no- now. " Beyond a deep sigh , Price made no reply to this discouraging platitude , ind the two partners disappeared in the jloom. Watson immediately sought ; he oblivion and solace which by com mon consent is supposed to bo located somewhere near the bottom of a glass ) f whisky. How Price passed the lours of darkness what paroxysms of despair , what cyclones ol passion dis- .urbed his ordinarily calm and dream- ess slumber , it is not the purpose of .his narrative to disclose : let it suflico , hat the rising sun found him wan and laggard that is , as wan as his sun- jurned complexion would admit of. Ho partook of alight breakfast with nuch tlio same relish as the condemned nan feels for the delicacies of his last earthly meal , and about 10 o'clock in , ho forenoon directed his stops toward the widoxv's tent. Although alllictod with a ghastly sinking fooling in the region of his heart , or stomach ho was lot exactly certain which , not being strong in anatomy ho resisted the .bmptation to take some stimulant to on- iblo him to endure the approaching op eration. When , after several abortive at- .ompts , ho succeeded in reaching the tent , and found the lady engaged in putting the finishing touches to the 'green callkor ; " when ho reflected that now , perhaps , that festal garment- 10 longer possessed a reason for ox- stonco ; when , In short , all the bitter thoughts of what might have boon came crowding into his mind emotion most mastered him. "Must 'a' kotchod cold las' night , rom the way't you snulllo , ' ' remarked Us fiancee , by way of greeting. The delicate , ono might almost say wifely Boliciludo convoyed uy these simple vords was all that was lacking to complete Price's discomfiture , and it vas some time before ho managed to oply in a ohoidng voice : "Yes , I wiix up ruthor late , I wanted o BOO Watson ho came tack on the train. " "Drunk agin , too ; I hoord him creoehin' an' hollorln1 around. " "Ho wuzn't drunk when ho gome , but ho ere didn't work quite so thnt is , it lidn't como up to the assayor's llggora , in'Watson's bo techy an'easy put oiit by onnythint.'t goes wrong ; ho got bowled up a little 'fore ho knowcd it. " "What did that air rock work , onny- vays ? " "Wo ain't had it worked yet wo bought U she don't work at all , " said 'rico , desperately , realizing the futility jf further evasion ; "thoro wuz a mis- ako somowheros. Thoro.uln't nomlno jral in that ere thho assaJH1' BCt | us t vrong certificate wo'vo blowod our- elves in for all we've got , and so I've ome to say't if you wanted to pull own your ante , an1 drop out 'foro the leal goes any furdor why , o' course you an but I I " Mrs. Hawes'H eyes fairly blazed , with vinpathy and love , , doubtless , as she re- mod : That drunken no-caount Wat- on's boon a-puttin1 you up to this , lo's boon a-nizonin' your mind agin ho wlmmon folks. Tolo you I wuz too lo fur ye , did ho ? Boon a-ogcln1 you n fur to leave mo in the lurch , a'tor Wholesale mill Itotntl Doalora in HlocV uinl I/owcH Hunter * , nn I for CiUivloiio. ' Xoi. ao5 UQ7 ilroat ; u-ny , mul l'kr < 'e.StM mull * , In / everything's rctuly for tlio This ts seine o1 thnt llooly MntiHtorV Join's , but ho don't nmUc It Btlck you sabo that ? You thought 1 wuHtuclc on thnt ole rave-stun ( junrry o' your'n but I'll jest fool yo once fur hic'lc. It'c you I want , nna I'll hov ye. too , ol there's ouny law In Arl'/ony. " "Oh , phenomena , forever Incompre hensible , of the luuniui hcnrtt When Price believed the wotiinn ol his choice was irretrievably lost to him , thnt ho could no longer hope tc win her , the crlnmor of the impossible endowed her with till the ulmrms fancy over dreamed of , but when ho found that instead of losing her , she possessed him , body and soul , at the very moment when his felicity should have boon the most complete and unalloyed , it was tinctured by a viiguo regret the Indo- Unable , intangible sen so of disappoint ment whicty ever accompanies the real ization of our cherished ideals. This disappointment was heightened by the fact tlio bride would not consent to Watson being present at tlte marri age curomony. Price would 1mvo liked to have his old partner witness the legal sanction of his bliss , but the lady was inexorable , and Price acquiesced , a performance in which ho was rapidly acquiring proficiency. * r V ft * * * Tlio discordant clamor of the chariv ari had long since bcoil hushed , dark ness had invaded the sidereal heights and bllenco , brqodoil over slumbering Arivlca. Tlio barkeeper of the Fashion was just locking the door of thatcs- tablshmont , and Watson , who had been compelled reluctantly to abandon his location before the bar , clung to an awning post and inveighed against the folly of marriage and the wiles of woman. "Common horse-sense , decency , re ligion , everything's agin it the Bible's agin it , too. " "O come olT , " replied the barkeeper , "what's the bible got to say about , it ? " "What's the bible got to say about it ? The bible says jest oggsactly : 'Mis fortunes never come single' that's what she says , and when the scriptures coppers cnnything , young feller , you can play'or to lose everv time. " > Out on the dcscit the coyotes yelled in derision , and far off in the west the whistle of a receding train faded lingeringly away into the silence of the night and even so melted into air all the glittering hopes founded on the Rise and Shine. AFRICAN CURIOSITIES. ( tniiirkablo Collection limnetic 1 > J \Varil from ( lie Dune Continent. Probably the lincst collection of African curiositicg in the world is owned by Herbert Ward , who was associated for live years with Henry M. Stanley in Africa. A very hasty examination of the articles will at once change a white man's contempt for the ignorant savage into admiration for his manual skill. It scorns at first sight that the collec tion must contain a specimen ! of every thing made , used or worn bv the cen tral African , especially a view of the scanty costume in voguen that country but although the equatorial gentleman may be considered overdressed in a string with a tuft of gritss behind it , yet ho has as many kind of weapons as wo have cravats and u'.stcrs , says the New Yoru Sun. The largest but not the most interest ing feature of the collection is seen in the sheaf of spears. He has collected a startling num'oor of thorn , Each tribe has a distinctive kind of spear , and tlio spears resemble or dillor from each other according to the distance which separates the tribes. They bear ! > , pretty close general resemblance , however , since all are made with wooden handles and loaf-shaped iron blades. Many of the tribes have a small spear for active buainessand alarge one for dress parade. Next in prominence ami high interest come the idols , and hero it must be re marked that the central African does not usually worship his idol or consider it almighty. Mr. Ward describes the idol as a kind of middle man. Unless it can show that it is a good , practical , working idol , it is liable to various in dignities and is even often burnt.3 The most fascinating and blood curdling objects are the knives. Mr. Ward has a number of the knives most used for executions , which functions , by the way , are usually performed to celebrate the departure of a chief for another world. They belonged to the Bangala and lUabangi tribes , and Mr. Ward has scon them actually used in cutting oil' heads. The excutionors never bungle. The most strangely shaped knife of any is one used in , rough and tumble lighting , and for tin-owing , by the natives in the upper reaches of the Ouolla river. There are knives of every imaginable shape in the collection The idea of the pattern in most cases is taken from the palm leaf , and when the knife is made long and curved it is very handsome and suggestive. The handles are usually made of brass and wood and the workmanship is very lino. They are alwavs made by the natives. Endless curiosities with a particular history attaching to them wore a scat tered about the collection. There was a pair of wooden clogs , with Arabic inscriptions on them , which wcro sent to Mr. Ward by Tippo Tib as a kind of Christmas card. Tliu only way to keep them on your feet is to grasp a peg , which sticks up in the forward part , with two of your toes. The fortunate contra ! African has toes us d oft'us jour fingers. * Lying around were instruments that produced unearthly sounds , bracelets made of elephant's skins , human tooth , bnllalo's teeth , leopard's claws and iron bolls , necklets made from the tooth of victims of cannibalism , chunks of ivory worn by members of some tribes in their upper"lips , brass collars of the order of Makoko for chiefs only and plenty of llttlo poisoned arrows. Those arrows are nhot with great precision tea a distance of 100 yards , and the wound will prove fatal within fifteen minutes if it is not thoroughly cauterized. Few parsons would guess the use of live or six strands of IIher tied together and sometimes covered with metal. They constitute the court costume of a lady , and are worn around the waist. Whenever there is a tuft or other ap pendage to the string it goes behind , thus showing the primitive mid wide spread use of the bustle. Excellent taste and splendid work manship wore vislblo'in all the imple ments. They came from the interior , for the natives low all this .skill after contact with the rum of civilization fdr [ i short time. The most artistic objects woio probablv the immense war horns , made of elephants' tusks hollowed out ; md most elaborately carved , and the shields of dyed and woven llbro. There ivoro also some brooms , very light and long , which should form oloirant and valuable additions to thohousohold fur niture of a theosophist. They are In- Londod to drive away spirits when their presence is not desired. Altogether the collection will soon SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . . house * uiul lots to trade for * Council lilmr.i nr Omaha uulmprovod prop , crly , i * . II , .Iniltl.jWfl UrgjiUTar. C miicll Illuit . ' | JtOlt Itl'NT Tno7arie more rootn'uow oc- Joitl | ) d by O. W. Hull * ' romniHsloli tlottin. rn < n ilnn glvon May lit. Apply to Leonard I.ver tt. TTi iOll - . . . - ncro * t > 0 rods north ot J- ' 1'iMiiluinnm Kromi'Ii. ' 44 foot lot In PtrootrtvlllB on IlroadWAy , tW. New V-room housa ou 10th nvemie , t.M.U. Fine lot on Demon street cuxUM , VW.- tlooil farm In Nebraska to trade for city propoity. J.ot in Muliln'a xuh. . J2M to JtOJ. easy torms. Lots lu Itlildles , } r < 0 tu tl.UM Kino lot ou "th iivo. . Il0xii\ : will make 3 good lots. A Krcat bargain , only tt.iuj. ( inoil Ol foot , lots on Ave. ( I 1 block from Northwestern trark , JIV ! ) each. room house on Madison at. , t block from Broadway , very cheap. so foot lot on Avo. li , corner of 18th at , , JW. ) l''ln nt residence loH In the city at } l,7oU .ich. 1'lrst moitKago loans , \V , < * . Stacy . > Sou. Iloom 1. Opera block , Council Hint's. IJIOItHAI.K Atn bin'am-A W-ixcro ) ra noli J11)0 nilli-s from Onmlm. In llrst oiasa In A. No. 1 In every respect. This bar- K.xlu will repay u close Invrstlputon. ror par ticulars call on or mldresi J. U. Johusou No. Kmmrljit , Council Illuira. , | 7vOH'SAllji : pFrent. First class moat mar- Jket mid nil tools , ( loud opuiilm. . Apply iiulcK. Macedonia meat mnrkct. .Maceilonla. In. \\T ANTHO-A K . . . cook at Tlrnmct housed > T IKl s. btu st. MM. Durgan. I1MTKKS property for sale at iron \J b.irK.ilnTh following , iiinouu the mos beautiful homes In the city , will be solil a Kreat bargains , on monthly payments , or term to suit : Three now 8-room lio'ises on Lincoln avenue , two blocun from electric motor line. Two now < -rootn houses four blo u.s from electric motor line on North Seventh streat. Ono now frroom house four blowcs. from elec tric motor line on North Seventh street. Three now 5 and il-room house ; ono block from electric motor line corner Avenue A and Twelfth street. Ileslilcs the above I have house's and lots lu ajl parts of tlio city. One now -Vrootn house on Mill st. C. H. Judd , OJ(1 Ilrondvvay , Council mull's. / 1ASI1 for accond-haml furniture , ntovei and' Weal-pets , A. J. Mandol. ; cu Ilrond y. 'ijiOltHAI.i : Ata nargfln : one double saw JL' and Nllcer ; ono veneer mnchlno with pear- Ins complete , all new , sultablo for basuet. fno tory. Imiulre at Suydor's commission houbo ail'enrlat. Council Hunts. Tn > 6 It K A IJ' Ttte seven-room cotta o a * , the J- corner of 'M avenue and Utn street. Alio the now Swiss eottajro occupied by mo on 3d avenue. Hither proparty will bo sold on easy terms.V. . U. . atnos. AHAHGAIN My reslilcncB , afi-rooom house , pantry , bath room , rlojats , city water , etc. LotWxl2J. Stable , coal ami wood'house. Hear- ln fruit , tine location. One-third down , bnl aucejo suit. N. \Vard.4)5 ) Hroadu ay. ' T71OH S.\LK-.My roililanoj , MS Willow av- -L' cnuo , on south side of ILiyllss parK. Heated bysteain , llintot by eloctrleltv and containing ail moilurn Improvementi. Lot KM by M ) feet Also will sell or uxclnintto for Improved city property , my farm off > 7l ) acres , ten miles east ot Council Iliuirs. N. M. I'mey. Council lllulTj. NEW Improved re.il estate to trauo f jr imlra proven Omiiha or Council IllHlfspropjrty C. K. Judd , Ctw llroatlway. lOU SAIjK or llont Clanlon land with houses , by J. It. Itico IttJ Main st. , Council lliuirs. BELL & BERLINGHOF , ARCHITECTS ANI > SUPKlllNTHNDENl'S. Koom 2 , Opera Iicuso Ulock , Council 13 luffs , own. ' F , M , ELLIS & CO. , AND HUT.UHNa 8UPEIUN1T.NDr.NTS. Rooms I'M ami 4'I2 Hoi ) llulldliit ; , Omaha Neb. , mid Itooms-it and2tU Merriim Illock. Cuuucl Ulutfsjow . .Correspondence 8ol cited. ' - THE J. . A. . Murphy Manufacturing Co. 1st Avenue and 21st Street. Baud and Scroll Sawing. He-Sawing anil Planing , Sswlngof alllClnda. 1'urcn llrucketi Kindling wood Ji.SU par load delivered. Uloaa sawdust by the barrel "ic. All work to b Unit-class. Telephone : JM. "Your Patronage Solicited. " S. E. MAXON , W and Superintend jut , Room 251 , Merriam Block , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , - IOWA. 1 lias. W. II. M. Posur OFFICER & PUSEY , Corner Main and nroaaway , COUNCIIi UliUKFH , ICMVA. Healers In forohn ; and domestic exchange Collectlonnmade and interest paid on time da * poult ? . j "BOSEN VIV AND PLANING- MILL Ilent equipped , most centrally located fu-tory In the city. All modern latest pattern machin ery. Operated by Hkllloil mechanics. Hneclal mention ilvon to Hero 11 and bandsawlnir , plmi. .tig . and trailing. ( Jcnerat contracts ami Htt : > iate * for houhen and buildings a Hpuclulty. Jorui-r North Main amlMynstor Htreets , Couu * . 11 Ululfr. Telephone-'S'J. J.I ) . KmiU.MI.HONE.ll. . BlIIHUIIT , I'r > < 3. Vleo CHAR. It. MANNAN , Cashier , CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , or coiiNCir. tfr.urrii. Pnkl un Capital SiBO.ooo.oo . Surplus 35,000.00 Liability to Dopo8ltorB-335ooo.oo DliiKcroiis-T. A. Millar , P. O. Olosion. K. I * . ShUKart , K. K. Jlort , .1. I ) . l.MumMon , CnaH. It. llannnn. Transact gmiornl banklim busilnem l.arKest cnplul and mirpliw of nny Imnk la Northwestern low.i. Interest on tlmo deposits Convince a miin that the central Afrl- aiiH nro fur ahonil of most MIVIIKCH In nnnual Hitlll in fact , much of tholr work la oquul to thnt of the Japanese. . lie Hnd Alottom. Detroit Free Proas : Prom the wallet jf n murderer , robber nnd burglar ro- ontly captured/ Now York wan alccii a slip of iiiipor on which wus , vrltton : "Koop ( jood cnmpany or none. f. "Honesty Is the best policy. ( "DrinK lends to ruin. i "Honor thy father and thy mother. "Civility coats nothing. ' Do hot inoolt nt aucred things. " i I\orv iinil Ijlvbr 1'llln. An Important discovery. They act on tha Ivor , stomach and bowels through the icrvos , A now principle. They apocdlly : uro bllltousnuis , bad taito , torpid liver , illci and constipation. Spiundld for man , , voinon and children. Binallaitt , mliaost , mrest. SO UOIQS for 25 cents. Bamplcu it Kulm & Co.'s , IStU and