TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : i JPHIDAY , MARCH 21 , 1890. THE SPECULATIVE MARKBTS. A Pooling or Strength Dovalopa In tlio Whoa * Pit. \ HUTCHINSON A HEAVY DUYER. Action In Corn Fair mill V'nlucs Finn All Day Increased Trading In dnts Mtilo Doing in Provisions. CHICAGO PUOnUOE MA.IIIIET3. CHICAOO , March 20. ( Special Tclopram to Tits HKE. ] The wheat market was a thing of strength today. Tno prlco of May wheat nt 10 o'clockvas 7tJ ) e , The prtco at 12 o'clock was SOJ c , nt 13:30 : 80jo and at 1 o'clock 60c. This action was partly the result of some bull news and moro the re sult of the action of one or two local. houses. TUB market opened with prices about .Uc lower all around on worthless cables and ex cellent weather over the ontlro wheat belt. The advocates of 70c * for wheat were on hand to soil. Those who had It long wcro ready to unload nnil the bears wcru ready to sell it short. Dcforo there was any sign of strength May fold at 70c and off u fraction to 9e. Ed wards ft Co. nnd Knrnmcror led the early Bclllntr. Too latter sold out n Una of long wheat. Many other bulls were sellers. Then the news bc an to Improve. Now York dispatches predicted largo clearances. Thcso did not materialize , and it was explained that a storm prevailed nnd ( that wheat was loaded and will clear tomorrow. Whllo Now York , Philadelphia nnd Unltlmoro cleared loss than 10.00U bush- cis of wheat , Now York and llaltimoro to- pother cleared 33,000 barrels imd sacks of Hour. St. Louis sent another batch of crop news , but the buying In that marKct Indi cated that the tnidu believes the fields hnvo been damaged somewhat , The bin feature hero was the buying of HutchinBon. Ho bought early through two or thrco tiouics for n dURulse. Later ho put his own brok ers In the pit to tnUu nil they could get. Ho- fore the prlco moved up lo ho had at the lowest estimate bought 1,000,000 bushels and Itept on buying. Schwartz & Dupuo bought nearly ult day on a moderate seato ami this was credited by some to Pardridgo covering , but that gentleman was openly , nt times , u seller. Logan & Co. nnd the Lamions sold freely nt onu time. There was realizing by many around SO a and May dropped to 60) 0 , but the heavy buying wont on , and at 1 o'clock May was up to 80J c ; Juno was up Jfc to SOJ o und July % o to 78o. There was a little easier feolinc in wheat just at the close on realizing sales. May closed just la over the morn ing price nt bOc. March closed at E0.fc. ! ; Juno sold nl SO&c and closed nt 80'fcr July closed at 78 ( ' < )7&c. ) . Action In corn was fair and the market was llrm all day , closing nt about the beet nriccs ut an advance of } . ( < < i > > HU "U nround. The warm wet weather , which will have n tendency of throwing n poorer grade of corn on the market , singularly enough was one of iho bullish influences. Everything elsu on the lloor except provisions wni strong and ad vancing and corn wont the same way. At the close March was quoted but n fraction up ut 2SK - M y sold at 393J e and 30@SO , ' c. closing ut SOc. April closed at iiO c , J Una nt UO fc , July at 31 @ 31c , August ut 8'o und September nt 82 > o. Ttiero was u decided increase in the trading In the oats market nnd during the most of tbo session nn excited feeling existed and prices lluctutitca sharply. The recent slowness In the market Induced heavy "short" selling for May delivery nnd the market became oversold. Light arrivals and email stocks hero created considerable uneasiness among the "boars" and nn attempt to cover resulted in n material increase in the voluino of tradIng - Ing nnd nn nivance of % o m prices. There was no particular bend to the buying , but novcral largo traders were quito conspicuous. One prominent trader , who has been the largest seller for several days past , sold at the opening , but as prices started upward ho did not follow. Mav received the most at tention and sold at 31 } ( < 222.fc and closed nt u net ndvnnco of % c. Juno nnd July were nctivo nnd advanced c. but outside ligures wcro not maintained. The demand for car lots of No. 3 In store was small at lilJ.iC. No. 2 whlto for May advanced nnd sold at 23J3 , > s'c nnd closed Juno sold nt23c. Very little business was transacted in the market for hag products and there were no very marked changes in prices. Speculative offerings were only fair nnd sales were made nt slightly reduced prices. At the decline the inquiry Improved Bllghtly , especially as the grain markets were stronger nnd the packing nt the prin cipal points ill the west for the week showed u further reduction , compared with lust j'oar'B returns. , Shorts purchased a few lots nnd some outside orders were provided for , which had the effect of advancing prices moderately. During the latter part of the session tba feeling was quiet , nnd prices nettled buck to about medium figures nnd closed rathsr steady. Trading was chiefly in May nnd July deliveries. Offerings were credited chlclly to local manufacturers , lie- celpts of products were moderate und ship ments of nil kinds wore qulto largo. Moro products are moving to southern markets , though the bulk of them arc still forwarded by eastern trunk lines. Inquiry on shipping account was moderate and tlio o lie rings only fair. Sales were not vary largo , nnd the changes in prices were slight and rather In clined In favor of buyers. CI11OAGO MVK BTOOIC. CHICAGO , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE Hun. ] CATTLIS. The demand was moro nctivo. with hero and there n hunch of prime steers making a shade moro money than yesterday. There were about ton loads of Texnnn on the market , mostly common. "Hutcher stock was In good demand and steady. The stacker mid feeder trndo pre sented no now features nnd nro selling at J2.203.75 for light nnd 3.00 ( < f3.05 for assorted - sorted fenders. Choice to extra , beeves , M.GO ( > t5.00 ; medium to good Btocrs , 1,350 to 1.600 Ibs , ? 4.00@4.40i 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , CI.60Q4.in : U50 to 1,200 Ibs. * 3.20@4.00. Stackers and feeders. ? 2.40S3.70 ( ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , * l.M3.40 ) ; bulk , f3.2U2.00 ; Texas corn-fod , t2. 0(3.70. ( ( Hocia Thoio was a down turn or t > @ 10u nnd business not overly artivo at that. The supply , although not heavy , was Increased by about 5,000 that arrived late yesterday , making with the number left about 30,000 on sale. At tlio close packers were blddini ; $4.00@4.05 nnd only getting the odds und ends at that run no , but good mixed could bo had nt $1.10. Shlbpora und assorted heavy sold at ? 4 Ig4.20 ( ! ( , an occasional load at J4.25. Light sorts sold largely at * 1.15. NKW YOHK , March 20. | Special Telegram to TUB HEK. I STOCKS The bull forces af fected to bo well pleased with the outlook after business hours last night. They traced the selling of yesterday to the bears , who wcro Increasing the short interest without materially lowering prices. The fact that long stocki are flrtnly hold Is their chief us- suranco that prices must soon shpw an im provement. Thu talk about tight money loses force each day as thu mouth wears away , with money easily obtainable la the street at 4 per cent or loss. With the call for a meeting of thu passenger aconls of the warring roads at Chicago also e mos ovl- denco that the absorption of the liurlingtou & Northern by the parent company does not do away with all obstacles. There ara many complications ( o bo settled. 'Jhou , too , there uro many standard stocks la the railroad list not at oil connected with any existing troubles , and they do not faro any batter than the warring Hues. The depression started yesterday by foreign In fluences U not seriously constdciod. Tbo trade generally given up tbo market for a ( low and unimportant , one for tbo next two weoki at least. Tali morning , after a steady opening at slight changes from last evening's prices , dull business and a feeble upward movement took place. There was the usual lack of feature In tno general list , and only In Union Pacific , Sugar Henneries and Tennessee Coal 'was there any animation whatever. Tcnnnssco Coal continued Its upward movement begun yes terday and rose from 51 to 53V and was Joined by Wheeling & 1-ako Erie pre ferred , which advanced to 73) ) against 71 last evening. The movements In others wcro conllncd to the smallest fractions. Sugar Hcflncrios was the weak point In the market , and after opening up ' / at 09)1 ) lt rose to % but later reacted to 03K- Late Jn the hour there was adrooplng ] tendency and prices in many stocks wcro carried back and the early gains lost. In the hour to noon Tennessee Coal went up to 54. Sugar , after touching CS,1/ , recovered to G9Jf. Western stocks were Irregular. Atchifton and Uurtinijton each showed a sllpht net loss at noon , while Hock Island was up X per cent from the opening to 03/ ' utfd Northwestern up } g to llljtf. Union Pa cific was off yt from Iho U o'clock pries at C2 # . 1 ho market was without force and en- tlroly professional. Tno utock market was the lightest for souio tlmo. The total sales wcro but S3,000 shares. The boars made their usual effort to weaken the list In spots with little hucceas. The Hock Island divi dend set some tongues at rest nnd assured the trade regarding the earnings of the com pany. Sugar was llrm dn the prospect of favorable action by the court regarding Its dividend. | Uoston supported t Atchlson on every slight decline. Money was loaned at 3 per cent at the closo. Tbo folio wing were the closing quotation ? : I ) . 8.4s rcBUi.-ir. . I2iy Northern 1'nclQo. , 30U U.H.49 coupons . . .123U ilo nretorreJ Wi ! " " > - o. 4v ; 1105 U. H.4Ji coupon ! . . liXJJ do preferred 141 Paddedof ' ! 118 N.V.Centra ! 100K Central I'acldc Ifl P. IS.I & ! * . . . . . . . . -ISM VhlcacoJcAlton . . .19 ! ! Hock Island M Chlcaco. Burlington C..M. * 8t.l' , IMi ! & 0ulnov ICOM douroferroil IUI D..U.VW | .Wi . . llllnolsCantral II3II aoproforroa . ' ) ! ) . . II. A W U.llon 1'aclllo . BSSi Kan.ins&TexAi , . . . W..St. L. & ! ' . 1 'i ' I.nkoShoro lOOy ( lopreforrea. . . . "li i Michigan Ceutral. . 07 \Ve3tern Unloa. . . . bli ? Mlneourll'actnc. . . . "S'J Monnr Easy at 3@4 per cent. PUIMU MEUOANTILB PAroit W < > M per cent. STRUMNO ExciiAxnc Quiet but strong : sixty- day bills , $4.s2 ; demand , $4.S > 5. Hond OITnrliiizs. . WASUisoTox.March 20 [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. | IJonds offered : $230,000 at S1.23 ; 1189,1100 at $1.03 . 'PKODUOK MA.itKUr.4. CmcAoo. March 2J. 1:15 n. ra. close Wheat Higher ; ftluroh , SOVo : May. SO c. Corn Easy ; March , 28Ko ; May , 30 < 3. Oat's Firmer ; March , 31J c ; May , 23e. Hye May , 44C < ? 4ifc. Harlev-'Nothinir doing. Prime Titnothv $1.19. Flax-Cash , fl.4S. Whisky S1.03. Pork-Steady ; March , ? 10.27 } ; May. ? 10.42 > , Lard Steady ; March , $0.17' ; May , Flour Quiet and firm ; dealers generally asking an advance of lOc all around ; winter wneat. ? 2.0UVi4.40 ( ; spring wheat , $ J.75@t.OO : rye , * 2.BO@3.bO ; buckwheat , 75c@tl.00 per cwt. cwt.Provisions Provisions Shoulders , | 1.35JI.40 ( ; short clear. J5.40ii5.45 ( : short ribs , March , 85.02)- ) . Huttor Easiur ; creamery , 1024c ; dairy , 12@21c. Cheese Firm and n Hhailo hicher ; full crc.am eheddars , V &lOo ; flats , 10@llc ; Young Americas. ll$12c. ( Esps Firmer ; fresh , 12 } @ 13KC- Hides Unohaufed ; heavy and light groan salted , 4X@4J.te ; salted bull , SJ c ; pronn salted calf , O u ; dry Hint , C@7c ; dry fjaltod hides , Oc ; dry calf , 5@0c ; deacon * , 20o each. Tnllow Unchanged ; No. 1 solid packed , 3 c ; No. 2,3Vio ; calto , 4c.Hccoints. Hccoints. Shlpm'tf. Flour in.OOO 10.000 Wheat 17,000 23.000 Corn 440,000 101,000 Oats 117.003 140,000 Nmv Yorfc , March 20. Wheat Uocolpts , 29,150 bushels ; exports , 5.090 busliols ; spot llrm ; No. 2 rod , 8Sj5 @ 8J o in elevator , higher ; No. 3 rod ! lifurch , "closing at 8SJ c. Corn Hecelpta , 20,400 bushels ; exports. 178,400 bushels ; spot stroncor ; No. 3 , 30 , @ 30 3-lOc , 37f@37J e nlloat ; ungraded inixoo , 31@383 < jc ; option * llrm , March closing at . Oats Receipts , 112,000 bushels ; exports. 35.550 : options stronger ; No. 2 whlto. 31 @ 82Jtfc ; mixed western. 27 > i@3tc ; whlto do , 3JgdJiJc ( ) ( : ) ; options higher ; March , 23c. U'oiToo Options closed steady at 515 points up. Sales : 07,750 bags ; March , $17.80 17UO , May , ? l0.95@17.25i spot Ulo about stoady.falr ; ; cargoes , $ ' 20.50. Sugar--Raw , s'oady ; refined , firmer. Pe'roloum United closed , April , bC c , Eggs Firm ; western , UK15- Pork Steady ; now mess , $11.50@12.00. Lard Dull nt 1@2 ) ) omts up ; western steam , spot , f.J.5T. ' @J.50. Butter Easy ; western dairy. 0@l8o ; creamery , 13@23)tfe ) ; Elgin , 33J rtgJ7c. Cheese About steady ; western , 10 l3c. Ijivorponl , March 20. Wheat Steady ; demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; Cali fornia No. 1 , 7s 2d per cental. Cjrn Quiet ; easy ; new mixed western , 3s O' d per cent. Mtmiuiipnlis. March 20. Wheat Re ceipts , 135 curs ; shipments , 31 cars. Active. Closing : No. 1 hard , March79c ; May , Sic ; on track. SOc ; No. 1 northern , March , 73c ; May , 76 ? ; on track , 79c ; No. 2 northern , March , 70c ; May , 7o ( ! ; on track , 70@77) e. March 20. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 spring , cash , 72 } o ; May , TJa , Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 2iHc. Oats Firm ; No.2 , \vhltoS3Jo. Rvo Higher ; No. 1. 43) ) < fc. Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 41'ic. 1'rovislons Steady ; porK , $10.3'J. ' Clnoliuiiul , Maro'i 20 Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red. ' 79'S3c. ' florn Strong ; No. 3 mixed , J)2e. ) Oats Steady ; Mo. 3 mixed , 21@21 < fc. Whisky $1.03. St. IjoulH. March 20. Wneut Higher ; cosh , 78o ; May , no. Corn -Higher ; cash , 35Xo ; May , 2.5 c. Oats Higher ; cash , 23)4'c ) ; May , 23c. . Pork Firm ; $10 5u. Lard Nominally , $3.93. Whisky Steady ; $ I.OJ. Butter Firm ; creamery , 20323 j ; dairy , 10i22c. ( { liiuiBiH Oltr. March 21) ) . Wheat Higher : No. 2 hard , cash , 05 @ 03 c ; No. 3 rou , cash , IM&ilXo , Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , Oats-No. 2 , IjlVK HTOUIC. Otiloneo , March 20. Cattle Receipts , 11,000 ; stronger ; bouvos. Jl.50f.f3 00 ; steers , $3.20g4.40 ( ; stookers and feeders , $2.40QJ3.70 ; cows , bulls und mixed , $1.50 ( < $3.40 ; 1'exas corn-fed steers , $12.W'g3.70. Hogs Receipts , 21,000 ; slow and CglOo lowjr ; mixed , $1.00 11.25 ; light and heavy , $4.00 ( 4.25 ; skips , $3 fiU , ' < 83. ! . Sheep Receipts 0,000 ; steadv ; natives , $3.1)0(30.00 ) ( ; western corn-fod , $ I.SO ( < J5.70 ; Texaus , $ I.OC ( < J5.23 ; Iambs , $3.00v < 10.03. KntiHimUity , March 3J C ttlu Receipts , 1,300 ; shipments , 3,400 ; market steady ; steers , $3.35 1.70 ; caws , $1.85jj,95 ; stockers - ors und foeilers , $2,45 3 53. Hogs Receipts , -1,200 ; shipments , 400 ; market strong ; all gradcj , f.M'K ) 4 00. Sioux City. March 20. Cuttle Receipts , 400 ; shipments , 400 ; market unchanged ; canners. 75c ( < l$1.25 ; cows , $1.0031.25 ; stockers - ors , fl.fiOWJS ; feeders , $2.25i3.l)0j ( ) veal calves , * 3.003.15. Hogs Receipts , 3,203 ; market Lower ; J3.b73iW3.00. .National Htno'x Vardi. ICnit Ht. IjnulH , March 3J. Cattle Receipts , 100 ; shipments. 1)00 ) ; market steady ; fair to fancy native sluoni , $3.25. < i4.U3 ; itockors and feeders , $2.30 3.00. HORS Receipts , 7,700 ; shipments , 3,100 ; market steady ; heavy , $ I.OOftf4.15j packluf , $3.40 < < i4 03 ; light , tl.OOQI.15. O M A 1 1 A MVK 8TO OIC. CattlK. Thurtaay , March 20. Estimated receipts of cattle 1,150 , com pared with 1,400 yosturday and 3,5'JO tail Thursday. The market opened early nnd active nt an advance of 5c on steers , nnd xecps strengthening during the day till the market was up fully lOo over yesterday's. Several tales wcro reported at an ndvancs of moro than lOc. Three-fifths of tbo receipts sold alMWHiJ 1.00 , ono bunch of forty-four line HC'2-lb steers topping the market at $4.22J { . About twenty loads of cows were on the market , nil of which were picked up early on an active market at au advance , closing from Co to lOo higher. On no other day tor n long tlmo have as manv sales of cows been mado"nt and above $3 03 an wore today. Ono buuch of cows sold nt $3.40 , another at $3 20 , whlloono very flno cow was at the yards for which a buyer said ho would plvo $ .1.83. The receipts of feeders continue liberal. The market Is ac tive , buyers picking everything up ns fast ns they arrlvo nt linn price ? . A number of line stags wcro on salochanglnp hands at $3.23 ( < $ 3.42)1. ) The liberal receipts of bulls do not more than moot the demands and prio.'s rule hard on an actlvo market. I loir- . Estimated receipts of hogs 2,800 compared with 4,601 yesterday , and 3,253 last Thurs day. The hog market opened 5c higher ; the market was nctivo and all changed hands early , the light hogs selling nt $3.00 ( < 13.97 ! < The average price paid for hogs was$3.8'J. compared with $3.SOI4' yesterday nnd $3.87 , last Thursday. " I'rovullliiz I'rloa * . The following U a Ubloot prlojs piU In this market for the graljj of stock men tioned : Primosteers , 133D to 1003 ltis.$3.73 (34.40 ( Good stoora , 1250 to 1153 ttis. . . 3.43 0)1.20 ) Good steers , 103'J to 13)3 ) Dis. . . 3.2J O3.8'J Common 1033 to 1150 Ib stoorj. 2.93 < ft3.50 Common canners . 1.03 ( i$3.K ( ) Ordinary to fair cows . 1.00 (8:233 ( : Fair to peed cows . 1.90 ( $2.45 Good to choice cows . 2.20 ( < c.OJ : ! Choice to fancy cows . 3.03 M3.3J Fair to good bulls . 1.73 ( & ! ,5'J Choice to fancy bulls . 2.5U 03- ' " Light stockcrs and feeders. . . . 2.5' ) ( r 3.15 Feeders. 950 to 1100 Ibs . 2.0) ) ( c < 3 50 Fair to choice .light hoes . 3.90 M3.U7i < Fair to choice heavy hogs . 3.80 33.00 Fair to choice mixed hogs . Highest null Uowoiit Sales oi Hojri. Today. Yesterday. Highest . 53.97 } Highest . $3.9 ! ) Lowest . S.tO Lovvost . 3.77 Stock Onicial yesterday. Estimated Today. Cattle. U9 cars. . 1,411 Cnttlo , 50 cars. .1.150 Hogs , 7 1 cars. . . 4,801 Hogs , 43 cars. . . .2,800 Sheep , 10 car. . 1,037 Disposition ol .Stock. Showing the number of cattle , hogs and sheep bought by the packers and leading buyers on to-day'a mar not : CATTLE. Uuyers. No. Swift' & Co 507 Gcorgo II. Hammond &Co 239 TnoArmour-CudahyPackingcompany. 00 Leo Hothschild SUO Dcnton & Underwood 00 Nols Morris 110 Shippers and feeders 293 Becker & Euan 73 Crone & Vnnsant 23 iioas. Showlne the nuranar of 11053 bought by the loading buyers on todav's market : * Armour-Cudnhy Packing company 2,121 Omaha Packing Co 7 Swift & Co 203 Gcorgo H. Hammond & Co -112 How yesterday averaged 200 pounds and 00 to the car. Hans' ) n I * Pi'leo * Hog ) . The following table showi the ranjo of prices paid for hogs : Light and medium hops $3 S3 @ 3 97 > < f Good to choice mixed hogs. . . 3 S3 } @ 3 U2 > Good to choice heavy hogs. . . 3 faO ( $3 00 Ilantro or 1'rlces > liaup. The following table shows the range of prices paid for sheep : Priuio fat sheep $4 40 @ 5 53 Good fat sheep 359 ( JZ > 4 03 Common to medium shoop. . . . 2 OJ @ 3 75 Lambs 4 00 < & 0 00 Co it ot 11034. The following table gives the average cost of hogs on the dales mentioned , including the cost today , as based upon sales reported : Dote. Price. Date. Price. March 1 $3 75 March 12. . . . . 3 S3 March 3 3 f % March 13 3.S7J March 4 3 77 March 14 3 91W March 5 3 74K March 15 3 H7i < March 0 3 7IK March 17 3 93 March 7 3 72K March 18 8 80 March 8 3 78 March 19 3 SOtf March 10 3 78 March 20 3 b9. March 11 8 81 Avcrnc. ) I'noj if Showing the nvoraa prioa paid for loa-ls ofhogson t'.i3 days indicate ! In 133T , H35 , 1889 aud 1893 : CoiutiaratiVi ! Tlio following taS'.oi ' sluw ths ranj in prices on hog. } during thli nnl last wjj'.c ' : Days. Tills week. Last weak. Monday. . . . , Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 80 Itcpresentntlvn 8 5TCCKS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . , . ' .ISO 2 00 1 .1100 8 00 8. , , . 92J I 00 10 .1I4'J 3 00 4 , , .10-13 1 35 20 .1338 8 05 9. , .1018 I 10 IS .1170 8 70 , . 705 ; t 4'j 8 ' 3 70 , .10111 t 45 ! I3 'l25 ! 3 75 20. .1053 8 45 23 .1243 877f ( 10. .1081 15 20 .1190 I ! 80 20. , ,1095 t 45 23 .115 3 80 18 , , .1018 50 SS .1209 8 82K 14. , . 950 50 14 .1180 8 S2)tf ) 1 , .1150 I 50 IS . 1143 8 83 0. . .1093 3 50 20 .1243 3 85 43. , .1078 : ) 55 83 .1235 39 K 8. , .1100 3 55 40 .1208 8 95 17. , .108'J 3 55 30 .1833 4 00 10. , . 91'0 ' 3 55 17 .1423 4 15 5. . .1233 3 55 81 .1520 4 15 11. , ,1114 3 00 41 .UGJ 4 22 > ; 14. , .1120 3 03 COWS. 1.S. . . 870 2 00 3. .1195 2 65 S. , . Mil 2 00 15. . 974 2 05 1 . .llbO 2 00 14. .1010 205 10. , .1013 2 10 3. 1105 3 70 13. , . U-'O 233 3. .1130 3 70 1. . .11IIJ 2 8(1 ( 10. . 9S1 2 70 18t , . 923 2 85 40 . U81 370 t ) , .1170 2 85 89. .1028 3 70 5 ! , .1100 3 40 3.G. . . 970 275 1.U , .1000 3 40 G. . 900 2 75 1.s. . . 050 3 40 4. .9J8 2 75 s. , .1071 3 45 8. .1333 3 75 10.fi. . , .1072 2 50 0. . 810 3 75 fi. , . 9.0 2 50 17.I . . 9SO 2 80 15. , . 003 3 50 I .1370 8 05 15. , .103.1 3 5" 1. .12JJ 8 83 21. , . UU4 2 00 10. .1311 3 40 3 , . 900 3 1IUI.I.3. 1. .1530 3 00 1. . .1320 2 40 1. .1103 3 00 1 . .1340 3 50 1. . U70 3 10 1. . . 15'JO 3 50 3. .1175 3 23 I. . .1290 375 .1540 3 80 1. . .1910 3 75 .11)10 ) 3 85 1. . 3 W ) 5. .1470 3 35 1. ! 2000 2 90 1. .1070 2 4'J 6. . .1700 3 93 1. .1480 2 40 1. . .1703 325 FKKDEIIS. 25 , . 833 3 S5 13. . 758 3 20 33. , . 937 2 1)0 ) 3. . 870 8 25 27. , . U27 3 00 1. . 830 3 80 5. , .1000 3 00 24 .1070 8 40 43. , . 813 30J 30. .1053 3 45 gTOCKCllS , 15. , . 4bO 260 U . 077 3 20 5. , . 300 300 35. . . . , . O'JS 3 20 31. , . S94 3 10 3 . 085 325 3. , . 780 a 15 CAX.VEII9. 2 , 955 130 3 . 030 1 85 4 095 1 75 19 .1100 2 00 1 ' 870 1 73 1 703 3 00 1. .1430 9 M 1 1S90 325 1. .1520 3 CO H 15CO 342 f On the Mnrlcct With Cattle. L. Lain b , Cl arks ; I. Kussoll , Fullcrton ; Stanilnrd Cnttlo Company , Ames ; Bank of Com , Coin. la. : C. J. Furor , Fuitliold. Ilolstow and Scrlbnor ; Itono Urotliors , O.il- data ; Henry i oisy , F. W. UowdonVisnor ; A. Ulnckstono , T. lilnekstono , Piicor ; H. A. iMorritt , Buxton ; AvVlllson , Shiok- loy ; C. A. K. Gordon , UljsBoa ; W. C. Sconce , Adnuis ; John U. Harms , Cedar UluflV Modlsett Mrothors , liush- villa ; Peterson & K. , NicUcMon ; F. C. Knelt , P. Eulcrs. Mlnden , lu. ; A. Pryor , Shelby , lu. ; Willtnui Osborno , Mnrlc Need , Weola ; A. T. MoEldory , Porsla , In. ; S. Llv- ingston , Crescent , hi. ; S. J. PuttorsonDun- Inp , In. ; P. M. Colby , Unidsluiw ; H. J. Tierney. Anslo ; William Sturrctt , llrnyton ; J. W. Nicholson , Manjuottu ; Hart & Co. , S. P. Hurt , MuCook ; D. MePhoo , Edison ; E. J.Volls , IJelvidere ; William Troyn. C. C. KltiKory , Dorchester ; Hyslmm & Culver , Haul us ; S. A. Randall. Grand Island ; J. D. Spearman , Springllold ; A. C. Adams , IC-i le. On Tim Mnrlcut With F. Hoy. ngont , Silver Creek : G. M. Uussol , Fullerton ; E. D. Welker , St. Edwards ; ij. A. Totnplcton , Tckumnh ; J. G. lilaksleo , Bcnnlnpton ; Jno. K. Uurgo ss , Kcunard ; P , Ehlers , Minden , la. ; LJ. Jensen , Wcstnn. In ; II. C. Leiler , Sprmglluld ; J. Hastlo Cooke ; P. M. Colby , Uraashaw ; A. W. Downey , W. Z. Pollard , Aurora ; H. J. Tierney. Ansloy : Titus & Turhuno , Litchtleld ; U. W. Parks , Uurwoll ; D. Mcl'hoo , Kdison ; Wllsoy & H. , Mooroliuld ; M. Maekcy , Farnani ; Lucas & E. , Kearney ; H. Hom'hton&Co. , AladridG. ; II. Cobb , Wallace ; F. M. Murahall , Wolllleot ; Fuller & Good , Cowles ; K. Stafford , Daw- sonville. Mo. ; William Uays , Valparaiso ; Gamev & Olen , Alondamm , la. ; Cobtirn , aill&S. , Atkinson ; Iveyo & Co. , O'Neill ; lirodham & S. , DotlKo ; W. W. Uakor , Lo- retto ; T. C. Uov.'don , .Wisncr ; Nye & Schneider Co. , Stunton ; J. F. McCartney , J. LiRhtbody. Geneva ; Hoblotnan it Dunn , Uo Witt ; Speltz & Klosterman. David City ; Bradley & Grady , Maui > dona , la. ; J. M Bar- bour , Tabor , In. ; I'aul Bros . Mcl'nul , la. ; Aug. Arriens , Bocliis ; John Anderson , OMAHA AVMOMSSAIjE MAUItETS 1'roilnoc. Eoos Strictly fresh , 12@12'fc ; cold stor- ngc , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at anv prico. i BUTTEH Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21 ( T425u ; creamery , fancy solid nackoa , 22@'J3u ; creamery , choice , 19@23cdairy ; , fancy rolls nnd prints. 18 ® Wo ; dairy , fancy solid packed , I'dll'Ju ; dairy , choica , 1510o ; country roll , fancv , 10@l8c ; choicj. l'J@ir o ; country roll , Kood."ftUJc'couiitry ; roll , fair , ? @Sc : poor stock , UMio. ! POULTHV Turkeys , drssBoil , fancy dry picked , 12i13c ( : turkeys , live , per tt > , 8c ; chickens , fancy , 11(313' ( : ; chickens. cioic3 ! , 9 ® lUo ; chickens , live , S3.00Ta.VJ ( ; poese , dressed. .fancv , 10@lli : ; ceeso , dressed , choice , 9@ lOc ; Reese , live , doz. , W.00@7.00 , ducks , dressed , fancy , lie ; ducks , choicR , 10llc ; ducks , live , dcz. , $ i.50@3.00 ; pigeons , doz. , GAME Jack snipe , $1.00@1.25 ; polden plover , ? t.00@1.23 ; mallard ducki , $ 'J.OO@ StDO : canvasback ( Jucks. ST .00@I5.UO ; roa- hcad ducks , do ? . , $3.00 ; toul.uucks. doz. , ? 1.50@2.00 ; mixed ducks , doz. , Sl.50 2.00 : peoso , Canada , ? G.OO@.0J ( ; peeso , nmall , fl.OO ( ft. 1.50. Iloxcr 15lo ( ! per ib for choice comb. S@lUoporib. -l@lKc per Ib. DitKssEi ) VCAI. Choice medium , " @ "Kui light , C@0u ; heavy. © 4c. Ari'LES Per bbl , Genitons. S4.00 ; W. TV/IK , W.50 ; Ben Dayla , W.50 ; Homantto , ? 4.50. ' CIDCU Per bhl. roflnod , 'S0.50 ; half bbl , f3.60 ; hard cider , pure , par bbl , S5.0J. LIXSKII ) On , ( He. MAMUA GII.VI-ES Fancy , per bbl , S7.BO choice , per Dbl , $ (5.00@7 ( OU. Coco.vxirrs Par hundred , $ [ .7r . PICKI.ES Medium , per bbl. $ . " > .50 ; small , $ ' .50 ; ifhorlcms. 87.50 ; C. & 13. chow chow , Ota , $5.85 ; nts. S3 85. POTATOES Per bu , fancy , 35o ; choice , 23 ® 30c. 30c.MAII.B MAI-I.B SUOAII Per Ib , ll@10a CHEESE Per Ib , full cream Y. A. , 12o ; full cream twins , li ) ' < o ; full cream Otilo Swiss , 13e ; full cream 'Wisconsin Swiss , I8ij ( 1-lc ; full cream brick Swiss , 13c ; full cru\m limburger Swiss , 13J. Fiiii Fresh frozen wlilto trout , plko and pickerel , per ib , 7o ; sturKOon. 7c. OIUNOES Per box , Florida brighls , $3.75 ; mcssinn3.23 ; California fancy navels , ? . " ) 00 ; Los Angeles , ; 2. o ; HCodliiiKS , Riverside , $ ; ) .35@3.DU ; mountain , $3.00 ; in live box lota 23u pur box loss. LEMONS Per DOX , messina fancy , ? 4.00@ 4.5'J ; vordolli , nooa , S3 00. BANANAS Per bunch , $ J.OJ@3.00. ilinud , PELTS AXII TALLOWS Green salted bides , 4-fo ) ; dry salted hides , 5@lic ; dry Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , Sc. Damaged liidcs 2o loss. Sheep polls , preen , each , 73c@H.23 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9 12u ; tallow , No. 1 , 4(34) ( ) 0 : Nn. 2 , a @ 3J/c ; ; grease , whlto 4J < To ; yellow , 2 ( ii-'l' ! . BEANS Hand picked , nvy , 1.5n@l.nOj hand picked navy , medium al. 10 ( 1.50 ; h.iud picked country , 81.30 g 1.4.0 ; Kood cleanJ1.2U Ql.itO. PnovisiONS Hams , No. 1 , 10 lt > avorapo , 9'fo ; 20lo2J Ibs , b } e ; 13 to 11 lljs , shouldera , 5u ; breaktast bacon , No. 1 , ham sausage , 8c ; dried (120 ( f hums , 7J..jU ; l tongues , ? il 00 per d02 < n ; dry salt meats , 5@ fijfo per Ib ; ham roulette , 0 > < o ; add lo per Iti for small lots. BONES ( Quotation * 'nro for delivery In Chicago ) . Dry buffulft , pur ton. $10.00 ( 18,00 ; dry country , bleached , * 10.00@'J.OUj ] dry country , damp and meaty , $ , OJ ( 3lt ) 00. VKOETAIILKS Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Muscatlnc , per bhl , t.OO ; onions , extra fancy , par bbl. $ J.5'J ( onions , fair , per bbl , $3.50 ; rutabagas , per bbl$3.00 ; carrots , per bbl , $3.00 ; parsnips , per bbl , ? . ' .00 ; beets , per bbl , fJ.OO : horse radliti roots , par bbl , $4,00 ; horse radish roots , per Ib , 7o ; celery room , per bbl , $300 ; celery roots , perUoz , OOo ; onions , per bu. , 73c | | .UO. Ari'LU BUTTBII Peplb ; , (57o. ( MINCE MEAT SlO ) rpjqr 1 b VtaETAiiLES Touiatjc ? ! l Ib extra , $1.00 ; 3 Ib standard , western brands , OOJaO.V : gal lon * , strictly standard , ! $2.UJ. Corn Finest grown , $1.00 ; gllt-eddiysugiir corn , very line , $1.50 ; choice 3 lb"s'Ugar corn , Jl.'O ; 2 Ib extra , western brands , 85cgtl.OO ( ; 3 ID standard , western brands , 70uJSOc. ( Mush rooms I Ib French , extra line , 23J25o { ; 1 Ib French , line , 18Q2.Jo ; 1 Ib French , ordinary , l < ki$18o. Peas Tros Unp , per can , 33c ; dnmi tine , per can , lOc ; 2 Ib extra , al'tocl ' , $3.00 ; 3 Ib early June , $1.3. > @ 1.)5 : ) ; 2 lo Mar row , standard brand , $1,10 ; 3 Ib soaked , Me. String Beans 3 Ib high grado. Refugee , S5u ; 2 Ib Golden Wux beans , 75e ; 2 Ib string beans , 70c. Lima Beaus 2 Ib soaked , 75o. Boston Baked Beans 3 Ib Lewis , $1.03 ; crown brand , $1.50. Sweet potatoes ! l Ib Now Jersey , $1.00 ; dais.y , $1,33. Pumpum 3 Ib now pum-Htln , $1.00. CANNED MEATS 1 Ib lunch tongue , $3.00 ; S Ib lunch tongue , $1.75 ; 1 Ib corned hoof. $1.20 ; 2 Ib corned beef , $3.05 ; 0 Ib corned beef , $0.50 ; 14 Ib corned beef. $14.00 ; 3 Ib bonelci * plfu feet , $ J.20 ; 1 Ib English brawn , $1.20 ; 3 Ib English brawn , IJ.OO ; 0 Ib Eng- liih brawn , fO.0 ; 1 Ib couiprourd ham. $1.75 ; 3 Ib compressed ham , $2.73 ; lib chipped beef , t3.00. Grcocrtof. DIIIEI > Fnuit Currant * , now.As4oprunci : , casks , 1,300 Ibs , 5' , c ; prunes , bbln or bags , ( V4c ; citron peel , drums , 20 lb , 23o ; lemon reel , drums , 18c ; fnrd dittos , boxes. 12 Ibs , lie ; nnrlcots , chclo evaporated , 14 } < e ; apri cots , jolly cured 2,1 IN boxes , lOc ; iiprl- cols , fancy , 23 ll > boxes , I5j ; np- pics , evaporated , CO tt > boxes , Uc ; apples , Star. 84c ' ; npptcs , fancy Atdon , 5 ib , lOo ; apples , Fancy Aldcn , 3 lh , lOKc ; Salt Lnko , D 'c ; blackberries , evaporated , M It ) boxes , f > * { o ; chcrriox , pitted , dry cured , 13c ; poaches , pared- fancy , ISo ; Salt Lnko , 7c ; pitted plums , Cnl. 3Ti Ib boxes , SJ c ; raspberries , ovnti. , N. V. , now , 20c ; prunes , II. C. 00 70 , O' UKu ; ornngo pool , lOc : raisins. Calltornm London crou 18SO , W.40 ; Cal. loose mtucatels , crop 1339 , $ J.10 ; Valccclni , 18SS , 0c , ! Valoncms , now. 9a ; Cut. gccdlc.is , sks. , TWo ; Ondura layer , now , 9 > < e ; dried crapes. 4ko. SOAPS Castile , mottled , par Ib , ST(10c ( ; dn whlto. per Ib , 12c. BiiooMS Parlor , 4 tie , $2.7S ; H tie , $ J.23 ; stables , 32.85 ; common , $1.00 ( < $1.75. COCOA } ib tin , 40c per Ib. CiiocoiATG 22if33cpor Ib ; Gorman chic ory , red , SXc- SAI.SODA Bbls , 1 ; granulated , IJi'o ; kojs l c. c.COFFHD Koastod Arbucklo'a Ariosa , ST.'Vo ; McLaughlln'a XXXX.S5so ; ; Gorman , 25 > a'o ; Dilworth , aS' c ; Alaroma , 23 c ; bulk , 23 c. Corrsn Green Fancy old golden Rio , 23o ; fancy old pcabercy , 2T c ; Rio , choice to fancy , 24cKio ; , prime , 2UU c ; lilo , good , SI c ; Mocha , 2l > 3 ; Java , gonulnu O. G.So ; Java , good Interior , 2-lc ; Afric.in , 22c. Rort : Basis Manilla rope , 15c ; sisal rope , 12)'o ; cotton rope , IOs ; now propcs1 ! , S,1 c. COTTON TWINE Bibb , very line , 3 or 4 ply , 23c ; line , 20s ; Daisy , ISc ; candle wick , 23o. OLIVES Quarts , uer doz , $3.73 ; pints , per doz. $ J.23bulk ; , per gal95c. VINEOAII 30 pr. cider , So ; good , 12c ; whlto wine , 15c. STAUCII ljtf@So per Ib. STOVI : POLISH $ J.OO@5.87 per gross. BAOS Am. , per UK ) , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 100 , $17.00. MotASSES Bbls. N. O. , choice , per pal , 53c ; bakers' , -lc3jc ; black strap. 20c. WiuH'iNa PAPBH Straw , per Hi , 2jfo ( ; rag , 2 > c ; manlla , B , fi@0c ; No. 1 , 7c. UAOS Union square , 35 per cent off list. SALT Dairy , 2iO ll > in bbl , bulk , SJ.10 : best grado. 00 , 5s , $2.80 ; best grade , 100 , 3s , $2.40 ; best grade. 23 , 10s. ? J,20 ; rock salt , crushed , $1.80 ; dairy suit. Ashton , r > ! i Hi bags , tAniNACEOcs GOOD ? Barley , 3 @ 4c ; fa- rlnn , So ; peas , lie ; oatrmyil , iy ( riJo ! ; maca roni , lOct ; vonnicolll. lOc ; rice , 4i ( 0. ! o ; sago nnd tapioca , C@7c ; lima beans , Oc. OILS Kerosene P. W. lOcV. ; . W. ,2'fc ; headlight , 13c ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , 11.25@9.00 per doz. FISH Codllsh , extra Georges , now , f > J c ; grand bank , now , 4 } u ; .silver , 2 Ib , MOCKS , Oc ; snow white , 2 Ib bank , new , 5o ; Tur key cod , lareo middles , bricks , SJ c ; snow white crates , 12-5 Ib , boxes , 7 0 : Iceland halibut , lie ; medium scaled herring , 25 ; : ; No. 1 scaled herring , 23c ; domestic Holland herring , 55c ; Hamburg spiced herring , SI. 50 ; Russian sardines , 75s ; Russian sardines , plain , & 5c ; imported Holland herring. Crown brand , SOc ; do. fancy milkers , OOc : mackerel No. 1 shore , half bbls , $13.00 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18.03 ; whitetiah , half bbls , S7.0U ; trout , Half bbls , $3 50 ; family wliltoUsh $3.00 ; sal mon , $3.50 ; 1 Ib mackerel ( horriug ) , $1.00@ 1.10 ; 1 Ib llnnnn baddies , $1.75 ; 1 Ib lobsters , $1.UO@2.00 ; 1 Ib Alaska salmon. Aleut. $1.00 ; 2 Ib oysters , 10 oz. ? 1,95 ; I Ib oysters , 5 oz , $1.15 ; 2 Ib select , lliaz , $2.33 ; 1 Ib clams , little necks , $1.23 ; 2 Ib clams , little necks , $2.10 ; J ilb sardines , Imported , per case , 100s , ? 11.00@10.00 ; X Ib sardines , imported , per case , lUOs , $ ! 5.0Ucg20.00 ; > ilb Imported bono- lcts sardines , 20 ; # Ib sardines , American. per 10a , Froncli style , J1.50Gi5,00 ; ; ' < J Ib oar- dines , American , per case , ICO. ? , French stylo. $7.50@8 00 ; J Ib saulines , mustarj , porcauo. 50f , $1.00Qfil.25 ; Imported key sar dines , $13.00. SODA Pkgs CO 5s. 5J4'c. NUTS Almonds , 15c ; Brazils. 14olllbcrts ; , 12j < c ; pecans , He ; walnuts , 12X" ! peanut codes , Sc ; roasted , lie ; Tcnnosso pea nuts , Sc. Daubs ( Grocers' ) Per Ib Borax , lOo ; copperas , 2) o ; Bay loaves , Ho ; glue , 10s ; cpsom salts , 4o ; glaubor salts , 3c ; sulphur , 2 > c ; blue vitrol , 9c ; alum , 4c ; tartarlc acid , 42o ; rosin 2u ; saltpeter , absolutely pure , 9c ; gum camphor , 3 Ibs lu box , 1 oz cakes. 33u ; hops , tf and % Ib packages , 20c ; sago , } { and K-'b ' packages. 15o ; madaor , 13c ; saltpeter , " lUc : Indigo , 3-lb and 5-lb boxes. S F. ( I5$70c ( ; indigo , 3-lb and 5-lb boxes , Madris , 75e ; seal. ing wax , 25-lb boxes , red , 3 c ; sealing wax , 23-lb boxes , whlto , 4c. SuoAits Cut loaf,6j < acut ; loaf cubes 7c ; standard , powdered , % < s ; XXXX. po wdered , 8c ; granulated , standard , OJ < (7.7c ( ; confection ers , A , 6c ; white cxtia C , CJ u ; extra C , Neb , 0 | c ; amber , Co ; CANNED GOODS Fruits , California canned goods , standard brands , "Yt Ib , per doz Apricots , $1.70i1.83 ( ; apricots , pie fruit , $1.30 ; gillons , $1.50 ; bluckberrics , S2.25 : cherries , black , $ ' 2.00i2.23 ! ; cherries , white , $2.2n@2.r)0 ; crapes , $1.051. ( SO ; pears , Bartlett - lott , $3.102.25 ; prachos , yellow. $2.10(52.25 ( ; peaches , lemon cling , S'2.35 ; plums , egg , $1.03@1.80 ; plums , golden drops , Sl.tO : plums , green gages , $1 03@1.80 ; poaches , with Pitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 ; p-ooscborcics , $225 ; quinces , SJ.10 ; raspber ries , $2.70 ; strawberries , $2 50 ; peaches , 3 Ib eastern standards , 1 85 : 3 Ib pic , $1.10 ; 0 Ib pie , $2.05 ; gallon pie , $300 ; apples , high stacdards , $2 00 ; 2 Ib gooseberries , < .Kc ) ; 2 Ib strawberries , 90@'J3c ; 2 Ib raspberries , $1.00 : 2 Ib blueberries , 80 < V 90u ; 2 Ib blackberries , 05@75c ; 2 Ib strawberries , preserved , $1.75 ; 2 Ib raspberries , preserved , $1.SO ; 2 Ib black berries , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama chopped , $2 00 ; 2 Ib Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 2 Ib Bahama sliced , $ ' 2.50 : 2 Ib Standard sliced , $1.25@1.50 ; cherries. 2 Ib red , Baltimore , 85 @ 93c ; pears , 2 Ib , SI 33. % Dry CAWCT WJIAP Bibb , white , 18 } o ; colored , . l c. HATTS Standard. Sc : Gem , 10e ; Beauty , 12.Ko ; Boone , 14c : peerless , case , $000. CousnTJn INS Boston , 7fc ; Androscog , Km , 740 : Kearsapo , 7JjC ; Knckpurt , fl c ; Conesloga , O c. TICKS Oakland , A , Xc\ \ International , YY , 8c ; Shetucket , S. b c : Warren. No. S70 , lOc ; Berwick , J1A , IScr Acme. 13o ; York , 30 inch , 12h'o ; York , 3-J Inch , 13 > c ; Swift River , be ; Thorndlke , OO , SKc ; ThorndlkoFF , SK" ! Thorndlko , 120 , ytfc ; Thorndlko XX , 13c ; Cordis , No. 5 , luc ; Cordls No. 4 , lo ) < fo. DENIMS Amoskoag. 9 oz , lOJ c ; Everett , 7 oz , 13o ; York , 7 oz , 13o ; llavmakcr , SV c ; ' Jaffroy XX. ll > < fc ; Jnffroy XXX , 12'i c : Beuvor Crook AA , ll c ; Beaver Creek BB , 10 > < c ; Beaver Crook CC , 9 > c. KENTUCKV JEANS Memorial , 15o ; Glen- wood , 20c ; IContucky Stuc , ; )5c ) ; Hercules , ISo ; Einplro , 23c ; Cottswold , 27 > c ; Mel ville , 25o ; Bang-up , 27Hc. BLEACHED SIIKBTI.XRS Ellerton , 7Kc ; Hoiisekoopor , 8) 0 Now Candidate , b o : Berkeley cambric No. 00. Oc ; Best Yet. 4-4 0)fo ( ; butter cloth OO. 4'4'u ' ; Cabot. 7J o ; Farwoll half bleached. S.MO : Fruit of Loom , 85i"e ; Green G. We ; Hope , 7tfc ; King Pliil- ip cambric , lOu ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo. 8Kc ; Now York mills , lO c ; Pop- poroll , 42 In , lOo ; Pepperoll , 41) ) In , He ; Pep- porell , 04. 14 > o ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , 20o ; Pop- poroll , ( M , 22o : Pcpporell , 104 , 2lc ; Canton , 4-4 , SJfc ; Canton , 5-4 , 9Kc ; Triumph , Oj ; Wasmutta , He ; Vulley , 6c ; Barktir , bleached , Sc. Bnow.v SIIKETINO Atl.intiq A , 4-4 , Ma ; Atlantio H , 4-4. 7o ; Atlantiu I ) , 4-1. 0 , 'o ; Atlantic P , 4 4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-1- 4 0 ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , Uo ; HooslorLL , 4-4 , O c ; Indian Head , -l-l , 7e ; Lawrence LL. 4 4 , 5c ; Old Dominion. 4 4 , DUCK West Point , ail-In , 8-oz , 9Je ; West Point , 29-in , 10-oz , 12Kc ; .West Point , ! ) in , 12-oz , 10 > fo ; West Point , 40.m , 11-oz , 17o. FI.ANNBI.S Plaid Raftsmen , 20c ; Clear Lake , ! 12o ; Iro'n Mountain , SOU" ! Whlto G II No. 3 , K. "K" ! G II No. 1 , X , 20 0 ; nil No. 2. # 4Bsfre ; nil No. 1 , > / - " ; Quechco , No. 1. % , 42c. White Quecheo No. 2Ji , 3T3fo ; Ouechco o S s 23'jc. lled-C , 21-ln , 15o ; E , 24-lri , 21 G G Sl-ln. 20o ; II A F , X , 25o ; J R F , 27o ; G , X , 250. PIIINTS Solid Co ors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , Oo ; Berlin oil. Oltfc ; Garner oil , 0@7c. Pink and Robes Richmond , OXoAllentl'ta ; ' ; Riv- orpolnt , 6 0 Steel River , Oo Pacific OKo ; ; , ; . . _ _ _ . * . _ * Ttl ll l n Illll. CJfr T Mn r \ f - I If l. I ? „ hartoroaV , C ) o ; Uotnopo , 4 > tfoi Lodl , o ; Allen , Be ; Hichmond , Oo ; Windsor , OUc ; EddystonoOKo ; Pnoillc , OJfc. UIXOIUM Plunkott cheeks , pi o ; Whit- teuton , O o ; York , OVo ; Nonnnndl dress , 8J c ; Calcutta droi , 7 } < o : Hen row dross. ' Ciusii Stovou * ' H , 6J c ; Steven * ' A , To ; Stevens' A , bleached , 60 ; Steven * ' P , 7 cj StovonV P , blonchml , S\o ; Stevens' N | SJ < cs Stovons' N , bleached , v > < c } Slovens' SKI' , lie. lie.CAMnmcs CAMnmcs Slater So ; Wooas , Cc ; Stand nrd , r o ; Peacock , 5c. SiniiTlNO ! ( Jnerks Caledonia X , P' ' ci Caledonia \X , lHo ( : Heonomy , He ; Otis , Oo ; Granite , OJi'o ; Haw Uivor , CMo ) Craw ford , So. _ _ Motnlo. HI.OCR TIN Small nig , 23c per B > { har , We per tli. CoiM'Kit Planished bollorslzcs,31o per Id ; cold rolled , 23o per It ; sheathing , 37o per 1M ulttii and llatfi'So per Ib. GALVANIZED Siini-.T Iu6x IJlte't ' 50-10 per cent , pat. plan , iron , A , lOJ o ; H , O' ' o. HOOFING Chardbnl , I. C. , 14x20 , 112 , $0.00 ; I. X. , r.BO. SIICKT Iitox No. 20 , $3.75 ; No. 27 , M.S5. Tix PiATi-I. : U. , 10x14 , 225 , 7.40 ; I. X , 10x14 , ffW , 50.25. Ti.v PrATK-Coko I. C. , 10xll,2J5O.GO. STIIEL NAII.S Huso , $3.00. STKF.IViui : NAII.S Hnse , 13.50. WIIIB Jap. barb , $3.03 ; galv. , * l.20. Horax , lie ; cllrlo * nold. 40 ( < ? 51e ! lartarlo nrlil , -t''o ; carbolic ; tcid , iiCOCllc : castor oil , ? 1.20 t.28 ; Imlsum tolu , WI@ ' . ) o ; tonka bcuus , Jl.ti.X l.OO ; etiboh herrics , Jl.95 : calo mel , 95c ; camphor , 45 40ii unnthatldcv , $ . ' - ' , * © , ; ; caisht buda , 17(2Jo ( ( ; ctilnroforin , 60@i3c ; ergot , 45C'50o : ifiycarlno. 20$23c ( ; Biiut arable. OOQ93c ; fscopodium.IOijJ45is ( ; mercury , SOc ; morphine nnlpli , ? ' . ' , laVU.ir ) ( ) ; opium , M.l''j ' ' ; quinine , a" > 050o ; turpentine , file ; linscod , raw , 53o : boiled , 9lc ; * Am- B nitron , 34c ; whlto wax , 50o ; yellow wax , S5o. o To Mm 'Irnrt'lmu Public. The proat Rook' Isliunl rotito 1ms pro vided every oonvonlenco iiutl comfort for Ha passengers poinj : cnst ever its mnin lino. Us soliil vestibule express trains , which lotivo dully for DCS Monies , Davenport , Hock IsCnml und Chicago , nro the finest in the world. They consist of new und elegant day coaches , dining cars , Pullman palace sleeping cars und frco reclining ohuir cars , superbly appointed nnd litlod up with nil the modern Imnrovo- incuts thut conduce tosnfo nnd luxurious travel , .functional and terminal con nections are made in union depots nnd at Chicago with fast limited vestibule express trains for all points cast. In addition to this magnificent train , two express nnd mail trains leave Omaha daily , carrying sleepers nnd dining cars. Further information us to routes. rates , time , berths , etc. , uall on or ad dress J. L. DoUevoiso , 1W5 ! Farnam street , Omaha , Nob. Telephone " 82. E. ST. .TOH.V , .TNO. SKUASTIAX , General Manager , G. T. it P. A. , Chicago. Chicago. For rhcumatlam.lumbaRO. nouralRla.cramp and colic there is no remedy superior to the penulno Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. in the Sfrftor Cnr. According to 'the Shoo and Leather Reporter there is no place where feet and footwear , in their quiescent state , can be bettor studied than in the street car. A little observation will convince one thut , so far as their limited scope will permit , there is u great diversity of tastes in this part of dress is else where. Tlio triform in fastenings nro nil represented , with a close contest be tween button nnd congress , and a ma jority of lace in the heavier and coarser ' kind's of men's shoos. Jn men's tlio greater number consists of calf or its older kindred. In women's it would , perhaps , bo both figuratively and litor- nlly impossible to separate the sheep from the goats. In fastenings , the fair sex still incline numerously lo buttons. Ills noticeable , also , that women are coming down gradually from high heels , and that many now Imvo a broader buso of support ut this end of the foot. Slightly longer shoes uro gaing ground , and that is an Indication of good sense. It is not dillicult to see when another's shoo is too short for the foot. A glunco at the great too joint , nt the inside of the ball , und a mental measurement of Iho length of tlio shoe allowed in front of it , settled the point. In u foot , say , that wears comfortably a , No. G shoo , there will be not less than 15 } inches between this joint and the front end of the shoe ; in a foot that rests easily in a No. 3 shoo there ut least 2J inches of space. This applies , of course , to normal feet. An Absolute Cure. ThoORIGINALAUIKHNE OINTMENT Is only put up la luraa two-ouueo tin boxes , ana is an ubsoluta euro ( or all sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands and nil okin erup tions. Will positively euro all Kinds of plloj. Ask for tno OUIGINAU AUIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Dru oouipaay at 25 cents per box by mail 3J cunts. SCHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN. Basement Fiut Nalloial Bui , . ! t05 Honlh illh : StreetOmaha. . NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital $100,000 Suriil S'J " . 1st , 18510 u7oOO UKK1UKKS AND DlllKCTOItS HKNIIV\V. VATES , President. LEWIS a. llKKK. VIce I'resldoat. JAJ.v. . 8 < vAU' , W. V. MnllSK. JOHN B , COMIN3. It. O. ( 'tJSiuso. J. N. II. 1'ATHICK , W. H , b.llmiu : i.Ui shlo THE IRON BANK- Cnr. l"lh nnd K.itnim SH. A General Hanking Huslnesi Transacted. WANTED" ISSUED DY CITIES , COUNTIEU.3CHOOL DISTRICTS , WATER Correspondence solicited. COMPANIrQ | ETC ( N.W. HARRIS COMPANY . . & , Bankers , 103-100 Dearborn Street , CHICAGO. 70 Btoto Gtroot. OOtlTON. Wealiu rjwlvo ami ncll VM | , Kay , Grain , Jlldri.Wool , tiatotonliln / Wrltuun/ornili'i-uoraiirlutuniuiUoiDoii "wl. MlMiiniM , iKIllblKd.V A : CO.fommUilon UrrchiinU. 171 Hun 11 , \ \ ulir-.t. , rhlfair , " . Mention Omaba Deo. TO WEAK ButTrrtna from tliontccuot joutliful in < ir , l dec- , waiting ) weakniu. tint tnauhxj > l , t'tc. . 1 will tcnU a valuamo tn-atlio iienlt-il ) conulnliu : full parllrutan fur homo curt' , I'llKIS or charite. A jpk'uillil medical work : thoulil l i niuy \ nvcry ( nan wlm la nerrnu and dclillllaU'il , Xddrru , Vrot , tf.V. I'OWIlli..TIooautiConii. ! JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD HXDAL PAKIS XXPOSITIOtt 1833. NOB. 303-404-1 70-C04. 1 THE MOST PERFECT OP PENS. COMMERCIAL i NATIONAL BANK , Cnpttnti $4OOOOO Surplus , ' O.OOO Officers anil Director * -IS , M. Mar itnnn. ( J M. Hitchcock , .lo * . ( Jurneiui , Jr. . A , llenrv 1 ! . M Anderson.Vm. . ( I Maul , v , pros , ; I * II. will- lams , A. 1' . HopKIn * . prm.t A. MllliM-il , cushion ] ' . II , llrynnt , assistant cn.ihlor. OMAHABoots Boots and Shoos * XWKENDAU. , JOSES . .1CO. . , Biicrcnori tolltu.1 , Jonei A Co. Wholesale Manufacturers ofBJohSShoes for llniton llubbcr Blind Co. , 1101.1104 onil 1101 llnrntj BU * lUni bn , N t > rtikn. Drowore. STORZ A ILBIt , Lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North KUhtJUUh Str t.OmMi . N Cornlco. EAGLE OOttNICE WORKS , Mannfactnren offialyanize-ilran - Cornice Wlcilow-cnpi nnit ni > lAllla krMiibU. Jolm Kponitor , lirophitor. lOOniiil lUHouth lotunrect. Arllsto' Klntorlalo. A. UOSP& Jr. , Arlists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1413 DouRlns ulroetOnia'.m , Nobrniki. Coal , Coke , Eto. iOAL"CORfT&'L Joiners of Hard and Soft Coal. JOB South 13th itrett. Omtlia , Nclirnikn. NEllRASKA FUEL CO. . Shippers of Coal and Coke , 111 South 13th street , Omntm , Nobrsik * . DEAff , ARMSTRONG , t CO. , Wholesale Ciaars , tOSHorth Cth Street , Ornabu , Nob. "Hello" Dry Goods and Notions. .V. E. SMIfIIA CO. , Dry Goods , FnrnishinHocds and Notions 111,10 Irluin I I low > . i > uoui. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS COT Importers SJolieers in Dry Goods , Notions Oeatt'KurnlihlnK < 5oo1i. Cotnor llth and Uirnor n ett. Omahn. Nebraska. Furnlturo. ITEWEY & bTONE , Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnre , i itro-jt , Omaha , Neurnikn. CHARLES SlIWBRICK , Fnrnitnre , Omntis , obta1la. Ct'ooorlos. MoCORD , BRADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers , 13th mil I < avetin'crth ir2cli , Oiunha , Nebranka. Hardware. A TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and'Scale Repair Shop M chanlo Tools nnd llutralo Hcalcs. 1106 IJougia * street , Omaha , Neb. Lumbar , Eto. JOHN A. WAKKFIELU , Wholesale Lnmber , Etc. Imported and American I'ortUnd Comcnt. Slate mscut for Mllwaukou llrdrnnllo Com cut " " ' " ' " ' and Qulnor Wlilto Lima CIIAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnraher , Hood carptls and parquet flooring. 9th and streets , Oinnhn , Mcbrnska , MISSOURI MTX1XQ CO. , Miners and Shippers of Hard and Soft Coa i.uj Hist National llnnk llnllilmt ; . 1)111:11111 : , .xuo * LOUIS URADFORD , Dealer in Lumlicr , Lath , Lime , Sash P. " . . .to. FRED. W. OR AY , Lnrahcr , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc. Corn m Cth ana l * > u < la itrecla , Oronlm. Nlllllnory and Motions. I. OliERFELDER A CO. , Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions KM , 510 and 212 South llth etroct. Notions , J" . T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and FnrnishiUE Goods , 1121 Ilnrnoy t Iroot , Omaha. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Luhricating Oils , Alia Crsnic , etc. Omaha. A. II. Il ! hoi > , Mnnnucr. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Pacer Dealers , Cttn nnlco stock of nrlotlnir , wrapplnn nnd writing piper. Special attuntlou iilvontu card paper. Safes f to. A. L. DEAh'E A CO. . Qrnoral Agents for Hall's ' Safes , Ml ana 323 South 10th St. , Omaha. ToyB , Eto. II. HARDY A CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Alhnms , Fancy Goods , Home FurnUblnz Ooodi. Children' * Carrtigei. 1K8 I harnam streetOmaha.Neb. Agricultural I m p I o m o n t a. LININOER A METOALF CO. , Agricnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ! | BugKlBi , to. Whnloiala. Omaha , Ncbranka. ' u. S. WJXD ENGINE < t PUMP CO , , Sleam' and Water Supplies , Ilnllliiar wlnl nillli , 013 and WO Jonui at.,0mntt , I < l. V. lion. Action Manager. / [ UROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , , fluet-lrun work , itearn pumtn. i w mUI . IJIJ-IJU l aT nwortlnlr tOiaaba. , iron WorkB. PAXTON & VIERLINU IRON WORKS , ' fronglit and Cast iron Building Work , Knvluei. brait work , general fpunlrr , machine , anil I tlackioiini work. Ofilce ton worU. U , I * , llf. il nil Utli ititat , Unittbo. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Kaiil'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Frcof Safey VftiiKi. Jail work , Irou iliuttun and flfJ ticnpja , ' ] O. AnJueo , prop r. Cor. lltu and Ji : k on BU. y | iSn ahi Doorat E\o. M. A. DISBROW ACO , , Wbolnal * m aufaclurert it Sa DooK , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch office , ink aa4 Hard ttretti , Omaba , ) ' SOUTH OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARD co. , Of Sontn Omaba Limited.