Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Three Fnrmoro Nonr Loon Indulge
in a Fatal Qunrrol.
I'roccctlltiKfl of the liculslnturo A
Hot Over rtoinlnntloiiB
ti of the btnto
iTnlvcirslty ,
A Trasntly Ncnr Leon.
1 > OX , In. , Mnrch 20. ( Special Telegram
to IIIE HUE ] Yesterday nftesnoon three
infill , nanicd Stove Little. Tart Fulton am
Frank Parsons , went to the back end of
Barney's harness shop to tuko n drlnlc lo
Kolhor. They all lived In the country not
fur from each other. After drinking for. a
ivhlta they became tjuarrclsamo and pot Into
nn argument ns to whether Lilllo'a girl
Bhoulti , teach the district school. Parsons
objected , saying the girl was Incompetent ,
and Little knocked him down. Fulton prevented
vented a light and towards evening they al !
got Into Little's wagon ana started
for home. They Had not gene far ,
however , before the iiuarrcl between
Parsons and Little was resumed. Little
toolc out a revolver and iniuio Parsons trot
out of'tfio wrKOti , Fulton also got out and
the two wallied , Little driving ahead , but
after a elioit time ho stopped and waited for
the others to como up. As they did so the
rjunrrel began again and Ltttlo claims that
Fulton tried to pull him out of the wagon.
Uhd latter denies It , but says that LItllo
llrcd ut him ns ho was was walking off.
Ulio llrst shot struck him la the
band. Ho turned around and n
nocotid allot struck him Just above
the heart , ranging downward , lodging In the
abdominal cavity. Little then turned to
Parsons , who was at the back end of the
wagon , and shot him in the abdomen , Ful
ton began to bleed internally , ' * and when a
phjnlclan arrived thcro was no prospect of
Ills living. Ho la probably dead nt this lime.
Pantons' wound is not likely to bo fatal , as
the ball did not penetrate very far la the
abdomen. Little has been arrested aud is
now In jail at this place.
The i
1 Dia MOINES , la. , March 20. The report of
the ways and means committee on tlio esti
mate of the sum required for state expenses
for Urn next two years was not ready when
, the senate convened thli morning , and it
was deferred until next Wednesday. Among
the bills of Importance- ono to .provide
1 for the purity of the ballot in all elections
tby the use of the Meyers voting machine ,
and one providing for an Investigation into
the cause of Iho increased oxDoudituro in
tlio > publio service alnco liCO. A resolution
was passed calling on the committee to
' examine Into the amount of salaries paid to
the ofllcorn of state inslitu ions , when ouch
tire nol provided for by lax. A joint resolu
tion asking congress to pass a law com
pensating Washington Galhind for outlay in
equipping troops in the into war was passed.
After Iho passage of several bills adjourn
ment wiib taken.
The house this morning passed a bill re
quiring osage orange hedges lo bo trimmed
down to the hcignt of live foot. A good
jtiany committee reports were presented ,
' amonp thorn being ono invorublo to granting
municipal suffrage to women. The greater
part of thu session was taken up with a dis
cussion of the joint resolution favoring a
I deep water harbor at Gnlvcston , Tex. Ad
< A Hot Cations Fight.
DES Moisns , la. , March 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. ] Thnro was a great
light in thojoint convention tonight when
the logislaturo'trlcd to elect resent a of the
elate university. - , FolloVfine custom , the
democrats were allowed lo name 'a part of
the delegates , and when they rcnominaled
Alphonso Matthews of the Third district the
republican caucus accepted the nomination ,
but Senator Price kicked over the traces
and mudo n hot attack upon him anu all the
old members of the board. Ho claimed
they wcro responsible for all the
.mismanagement of that institution and for
various misdoings in the denial department ,
of which complaint was made two years
ago. Ho prosed thai the whole board bo
cleaned out as fast us their terms expired ,
und ho wanted to begin with Matthews.
'Several republicans came to the latter's de
fense , and insisted that It was not fair to
dismiss him under charges , senator Price
made u very bitter attack on Iho state mil-
vorsity and Its management , aud refused lo
bo bound'by nnv caucus action. Ho Induced
ten other republicans to join him and two
union labor men , nuking a total of thirteen
votes agalhst the caucus nominee. The lat-
tor-rcreived sixty-six votes.
'Jho Itnilway I'm hi cm.
Drt'MoiNns. la. , March 20. The railroad
committee's hearing was continued today.
W. C. Brown of the Burlington road and
Chairman Falthorn of the Western Trafllo
nssdclation argued against joint rates.
Brown said that tlio best way to
regulate the railroads was to lot
them niuko tholr own rates , run the
roads to suit themselves , and have n
competent commission exercising super
visory control , with power to absolutely veto
nny measure calculated to work injury to
the pt'oulo. This was ifm plan recommended
by ilia railroad commissioners four years
0.10. Chuli man Fuilhorn said' that tlio
effort of compulsory Joint rates would
bo a demoralization of Iho railroad
business iu Iowa. If liio railroaus
were allowed dlscrcllonary power ihoy
would niiilto rales where asked. A rcpre-
nonlalivo of the northwestern roads asked
that Una ! consideration of the bill compell
ing the adoption of safety couplings , etc. , bo
deferred until n hearing could bo had.
Under the present condition of things it
would bo impossible to equip cars ns re
quired ,
Olllcort ) for Ktato IiiHtltiitlons.
Uis : MOINKS , la. , March BO. At the
Joint legislative convention this evening
the following elections were mudo :
- Trustees of the .college for the
blind , August Klrt/mun and Jacob
Springer ; directors of the atato normal
\ ohool , IX G. Cooley and J. W. Sattorwalto ;
trusiocs of the Mount Pleasant hospital for
the luaano , Samuel Klein , Gcorgo II.
Spohr mid J. II , Thornton j trus
tees ot the Clarimla hospital
for Iho ni8uno , M. N. Spencer ,
L. B. Raymond and E. II. Hunlar ; trustees
of the hospital for the Insane at Independ
ence , Louis H. Smith , C.V. . Flilmoro and
Albert J. Reynolds ; trustees of the soldiers'
orphans' homo , J. G. Brown , Mrs. J. G.
Hutchison and A. P. Ooo ; industrial schools
trustee , Mrs. Lomls ; trustees of tlio
agricultural college , \V. O. MoElroy , Charles
B. Baylor , John H. wood and J. S. Jones ;
rogouta of Htato university , Alonzo Abor-
uothy , ( i S. Stnnton. B. F. Oaborne , Al-
phonso Matthews and C. K. Whiting.
A iMaHon City Klopoinoiit.
MASON Crrr , In , , March 20. [ Special Telo-
cram loTiiu BEU.J An elopement in high
society circles lids just como to light. In
September lust E. J. Stevenson of Aurora ,
111. , came to this City and engaged ia the
mercantile business. Mrs. Addle 1C. Stod-
dard , also from Aurora , with her husband
came nero about the aamo time , and the latter -
tor was employed by Stevenson. The
charms of Mrs. Stoddard captivated Mr.
Stovcuson , and tbo affair culminated lu the
elopement , They tlrst went to Poorla , then
to Aurora , unit are now In eastern Michigan ,
where , it | B supposed , they will try to effect
a uiarnugo under assumed names. Prior to
thulr dopnrulra from here Stevenson no-
cured all UIQ money ho could on his place.
Parties hero are uow at work ou the case
end promise Interesting developments in
the qoar future.
71m IlnUrnait Commissioner * .
Des Moiscs , la. , March 2A. [ Special TolM
grunl to TUG UEE. ] The railroad comnilt-
slonorj today received petitions from citl
zons nt Wirt and Tinglcy aiklnir that they
order the roadu to provide facilities for trans
forrlng freights nt the 'crossing of the
Humeston & tihonnndoah railroad with Iho
Chicago , St. Paul ft Kansas City road
They claim that It would bo n great nccom
modatlon to shippers If it were done. Tbo
crossing is known us Diagonal.
Itcfiisoil to Indict the
Siot'X Cirr , la. , March 20. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB HER. I The grant ! jury has Just
closed n session of ono week by refusing to
Hod Indictments against the druggists for
violating the prohibitory law. Score * or
witnesses were rxainlncd. and the evidence
against fifteen of the proprietors , some o
them promlnnnt citizens , was conclusive
The grand Jurors refuned to indict on the
ground that petit jurors could not convict.
A Confluent llrowor.
Sioux CiTr , la. , March 20. | Special
Telegram to TUB BBE.J D. Kru * of St
Louis , an officer of the Anheuser-Busch
brewing company , has spent several days It
the city nogoliatiag for the purchase of rca
estate for a sltn for n warehouse. Mr. Krug
says that his company feels confident of thu
early repeal of prohibition In Iowa and Is
getting ready to do business in the stuto.
The Hcpuhllenn Conlcreiide.
DES MOINES , March 20. The gentlemen
having In charge tha movement for a slate
conference of republicans who favor a mod
ideation of the liquor laws have designated
April 2. as the time for such mooting in this
clty *
HIIRO Malm Shot Down " \VhiIo He-
BlHtiinr Arrest- Atchfflon ,
ATCIIISO.V , Kun. , March 20. [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BSE. ] Hugo Maun , nboul
thirty-two years of age , was shot aud klllci
a few minutes before 8 tonight by Ofllcers
Cyrus Smith and William Solomon. Tho.v
both lodged -14-hullot In him and ho died
Instantly. Tno ofllcors had been on the look
out for Malm lor several hours. During the
afternoon ho terrorized the Missouri Pucilic
yards because Conductor Stone had laid him
off as a brakoman. Mr > hn had bcoa drunk
with raorphino nud whisky for a week or
moro and Stone was compelled to got rid of
him. Matin armed himself and once was
on the point of killing the conductor with a
pistol , but Stone , by getting down on his
Alices and begging in the name of his wife
and children , induced tha craved man to re
lent. Still ho pursued Stone , who took
refuge in Superintendent Hathburn's oftlco
down town. The chief of police was notified
from Mr. Hathburn's ofllco and the two oltl-
curs were detailed to take the matter In
hand. They found Matin at thu corner of
Sixth and Commercial streets. Malm drew
hin pistol , but the ofllccrs wcro two
quick for him. They fired simultaneously ,
both bullets taking effect. As Malm fell
his weapon was discharged , but without oi
led. Mnhn died less than soventy-flvo
yards from where ho himself bad killed
Wells , a bartender , a little over ten years
ago. Wells had got the best of Malm in the
affection * of Dutch Bill's wile , a notorious
woman of Iho lown , and , drunk with'whlskv
and morphine , Mahn ono night followed be
hind tno pair ns they were riding in a buggy
and shot Wells in the bacit. For this crime
Mahn was convicted of murder in
the ilrst degree and sentenced to death
by Judge A. G. Otis. As the death penalty
in Kansas only means lmprisonmentfor lifo ,
Mahn was not hanged and by the efforts of
his relatives his sentence was finally com
muted lo len years , 'this was reduced by
good behavior , ana ho was discharged in
UuconiDor , Ib83. For a long Inno ftlahn
avoided drink and morphine and tried to
lead an industrious life , but the old habit
got the best of him , and six mouths ago
ho returned to both morphine and
wluskv. It scorned to bo his fate to
die wiln his boots on. In former
years ho was always ready with his pistol
and was at the head of many scrapes Ho
3ti co sent Dutch Bill word that ho would
kill him , but the penitentiary caught hiui'bo-
fore ho could carry out his throat , and about
live years ago a desperado killed Bill in
Now Mexico and saved Mahn the trouble.
Mahn comes of a good family and has rela
tives living in town who will inherit a small
property by his death
The Toronto Glebe Comments on Our
Turin' Bill.
Toito.NTo , March 20. The Glebe ( liberal )
commenting on the proposed changes in thn
American tariffsiiys : "Thuofloctof impos
ing these" taxes will cither bo to wipe out
Canada's whole export trade to the states ere
, o force our farmers to accept prices from Ifi
to 20 percent IBSS than they now obtain for
some § . ! 0.)00,00i ( ) ) worth of what they
iiavo to sell. Mot only Is. tint so , but Iho
.ho surplus which we now sell lo the states
will , if thrown on the homo market , reduce
: ho prices of all thu products
that our farmers sell for Canadian
consumption. Their annual loss will thus
amount up to many millions and the value
of their lands and plants will be enormously
diminished , livery in ere tin nt , every bank ,
every town company , every holder of mort-
gugns , every mechanic must suffer with Iho
runners und all alike should jolu in ugilation
; o avert the disaster bv lorclnj. ' the govern
moat to seek continental f reo trado. "
TonoxTO , March 20. A special from
Dttawa says the proposition of the United
States to Impose very much higher duties on
agricultural products will have the oflect of
drawing special attention to openings for
Canadian products in England Instead of the
United States.
Dakota Ornmt Army I'Jncnmnment.
Sioux FALLS , S , D. , Marqh 20. | Special
Tolcgram to. TUB BBC. ] General Algor ar
rived tblsavcnlng lo atlcnd the Grand Army
encampment , accompanied by his wlfo ,
Chaplain Loner of Iowa and Colonel J. II.
Drake of St. Paul. This arrival was tbo
signal for the steam wl\lstlcs \ lo let loosu
, helr innsio and Iho ringing of bolls , elc.
i'lio encampment mot this uiornlnc and ap-
lolnted 'a committee for the division of
iroporty. The committee consists of W. V.
Lucas of Chamberlain , William A. Bontly
of Bismarck , S. H. Bumper of Aberdeen ,
jcorgo A. Wheeler of Grand Forks and N.
C. Ash of Canton. It was found that there
was $1,310 on hood to divide and Iho plan
iroposed by Iho committee Js to gtvo North
Dakota ? 'Ul5 GO and to South Dakota * l,01U.'j5.
Yankton was this afternoon chosen us the
icxt. placa fpr. holding tha encampment.
1'ho Woman's Relief corps aru lu session , but
have dona littla business.
A Tax qn rrntliion Gamblers.
WASHINGTON , March 20 Representative
[ luttcrworlh loday appeared before the
house cominlttoo on agriculluro in support
of his bill levying a tux upoa dealers in
options and traders in puis and calls. Ho
explained the effect the operations in the
grain pic at Chicago aud other cities had
upon legltpnato traillo in farm btaplos. Mr.
Bullerworlh proposed to the couimltleo to so
amend thablll as to leave unlouohod lotfltl-
male transactions , while merely gambling
speculation was to bo loft subject to the law.
J his would bo a dinioult matter , but ho Hold
the injury which icaulted from this unro-
irlctod gambling was so great us to Justify
Iho passage ol.a law whoh ( might to u lim
ited extant liiconvonlonco legitimate trans
actions. Mount , Putors , Hondorson of Iowa
and other members of the house slgallled
Iholr intention of addressing the committee
In support of the measure.
Kaunas K'anuollunl Conference.
HOLTOK , Kan. , March 20. The Kansas
conference of the Evangelical association ,
comprising Kansas , northern Missouri and
southern Nebraska , convened hero today.
Blthop Bowman of Chicago presiding. Ilus-
olutlons endorsing BUhop Bowman andfcon.
donnilng BUhop Duubs and the faction that
composes hia following was unanimously
Mn sn6ro in thn Congo Country.
P.UUS , March 10. A telegram has been
received from itho Congo country stating
that a French nest consisting of ten natives
under a European naout had been masacred
ut Ubuogus.
Fourth Day of the Furat Kurdor
Trial at Fromont.
\ VllllninVolirinnn , n Htocktnan Iron
Nelson , It-Hod nt GnlfiMlntrjj ,
111. NnlirnHkn City IlrldRO
Coinpiiny Orunnlzoil.
Tlin Tnrat Altirilor Trial.
FncMONT. Neb , , Mnrch 20. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tim BKR. ] Today was the fourtl
uay of the trial of Christian Furat for the
murder of Carl Pulslfcr. Moro than ndo/.en
witnesses wcro examined and practically the
same conclusive facts brought out as Wcro
elicited In the trial of Shciipard , Furst's ac
complice. The details of the murder were
all none over , the twoassanalna bcltiK tracci
to the sporting house of Jennie Burns , ai
West Point , whuro they arrived the next
forenoon after the murder. Miss Richmond
nn inmate of tlio house nt the time , was the
last witness on the stand , and she idcntiflci
Furst ns ono of the young mon who calloi
there on the date mentioned. The case wll
probably not bo completed till Saturday
A Nebraska Mnckmnti Klllnd.
NELSON , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tele
pram to Tun Bnn.l William Wchrman was
killed this morning at Ualcsburg , 111. , by the
cars. Ho was n nephew of Henry Wahrman ,
who shipped n train load of cattle Thursday
to Chicago and accompanied the mock , ills
body will bo brought hero fqr burial tomor
row. Death was accidental.
Ni brnska City'n ili-kltin Company.
NnmtvsKA CiTV , Nob. , March 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Nebraska
City highway bridge company , composed o ;
eastern capitalists , has been orgnnUcd and
today submitted to the people o Nebraska
City precinct n proposition to build a high
wncon bridge over the Missouri river. Thoj
propose to bulla a brldgo to cost S.OU,000 ! or
500,000 and u bonus of $100.000 in twenty-
year 5 per cent bonds to bo delivered on the
completion of the bridge , work to commence
by July 1,1890 , and bo completed by Sep
tember 1 , 1890. As Nebraska City would
vote anytnlng asked of her , the bridge Is an
assured fact ,
Wont Alter Her Ibrrlntr .Daughter.
NKDRAHKA Crrr , Neb. , Mnroh 20. [ Special
Tolcgram to THE BEE. ] A Council Bluffs
lady who would not disclose her name was
in Iho city last night in search of an erring
daughter and located her in a house of ili-
fame on Fourth street. Thogtrl was secreted
and her presence in the city denied , when
the mother wont In * search of onlcortt. In
the meantime the landlady of the house
rushed the girl into a carriage and took her
to Wyoming station , on the Missouri P.icIUc
north of the city , but were discovered nncl
ovorlalten by tlio otlifcor and mother. The
latter took her unrcpeutlng daughter home
with her this morning. Tnc mother claims
that the landlady c.imo to Council UlufTrt and
induced the girl to leave home a week ago
and her whereabouts was Just discovered.
Nebraska City's New 1'ostmnstnr. ?
NEBHASKA CITV , Nou. , March ,20. [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE.J The news re
ceived hero today lhat Frank E. Holvoy had
been appointed postmaster to succeed Donald
M. McUuIg was a general surprise , as his
candidacy was generally considered a joko.
However , bis appointment will no doubt
I > rove generally satisfactory , as ho is n
younc man of push and state master work
man of thu Knights of Labor. It was gen
erally oupposed that Mr. McUuig would bo
allowed to servo his torui of two years
longer , as was his republican predecessor.
1'hero aru a lar o number of disappointed
aspirants. ' - , ' ,
N'otm 1'roiu Crnltr.
CiiAio , Nob. . March 20. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Jacob Critcbileld , an old "veteran
and pensioner , died yesterday at his homo
of bilious fever , after a very short
llncss. Ho is to bo buried Friauy at 2 p. in.
under the auspices of the Grand Army of
tnu Republic.
FarnieiB aiu bus v preparing the ground ,
and tliero nas been qulto a little wheat sown
Business Is still a little quiet , but hopes
are entei tainecl that spring trade will bo
more lively. _
Batisllt-d U itli ilia Appointment.
CHUTE , Nob. , March 20. [ Special to Tim
I3ii : : . I The nomination of b. L. Andrews as
lOHtmastcrof thin dty , while it did not come
unexpected , is. a surprise to ono wing of the
rcpulican party hero. Mr. Andrews' Is a
member of the Grand Army , and has the
support of that organization. Some ot the
stalwart republicans claim ho is u prohibi
tionist and u third party man. The people
ut largo don't care about all this , and are
natisiled with the appointment.
Tlirt-e l''ln crH shot-off.
CBXTIIAL CmNeb. . , March 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tim BEE , ! Charlie Locke , a
son of Charles Locke , a farmer living Jusc
south of the Platte , in Hamilton county.nar-
rowly escaped u fatal accident this
uvnning. While huuting his gun Was
discharged and three lingers shot off and the
ourth probably ruined. He was picking
some obstruction f i om the gun barrel when
t was discharged with the result named.
Knuml Ills Homo in
PoNOt , Nob. , March 2J. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. ] Wash. Wilcox , a farmer
cslding one and a half miles southeast of
'onc.i , lost bis dwelling house and. contents
> y ilro last night. Loss between 300 and
> 400 ; insurance 2150. Mr. Wilcox was m
'oncii serving as a juror aud going hotnu
'ound the building in llauics. How tbo llto
originated is not known , t '
Frpitinnt't ) n.ixcball Club.
FREMONT , Nub. , March 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE" BEE. | Article's of" incorpo
ration of the Fremont baseball club were to-
lay forwarded to Lincoln to be registered.
I'lioy provide for the formation of u club
vita u capital stock of R,000 ) , tbu Organiza-
ion of thu club being contingent on the for-
uatlon of u stale league. Subscriptions were
opened this afternoon and & 00 stocu taicon ,
Opponents oi * llluh J.lccns'c.
BEATIIICC , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tolo-
; ram to Tun BKB. A call was Issued this
evening for a people's convention tq nomi
nate a ticket in opposition to the high < hconso
ticket nominated Monday last. The call pro
vides for primaries tomorrow evening In all
the wards to elect delegates to the people's
convention , which- will convene nt the audi
torium Monday evening , Mnrch 2i.
Hound Over.
AIXSWOIITII , Nob. , March 20. { Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Excitement * has
jeeu intense hero today over the prelimin
ary hearing of A. G. Loonier , charged with
committing rape on ono Sadlo Nelson , n
thirteen-year-old girl who has boon living
with Looiner. Her mother lives In Omaha.
Boomer was bound over to Iho district court
n { 1,500 bonds.
A Tomperamii ) Tait. |
Br.ATiilCE , Nob. , March 20 , [ Special Tolo-
tram to TUB BEE. ] Tbo louiporanco people
lave about concluded arrangements for a
mammoth tent for mooting purposes la this
city. Iho teat will huvo n Boating capacity
of ! l,000 and will bo pitehod in a prouilnont
and central part of the city.
"Want the ItooortlH
COLUMHU3 , Nob. , March 30. [ Spoclul Tola-
grain to TUB BKE.J The supervisors today
mssod a resolution by a vote of 10 to 5 to
mvo nn export examination of tbo county
records. A comtuitloo of three was ap-
10 1 mod to estimate the cost and report at
ho next mooting.
A Ilontrlet > Hotel Oil nil go.
iliiTRiee , Neb. , Marcb 20. [ Special Tolo-
gramtoTuc UEB. ] Mrs. J. Q , Hamilton
today closed n deal for the Hotel Kmory , for
mcrly known ns tbc Grand Central , The
now proprietor h Uio wlfoof the former pro
prlctor of the Ktihilali house In this city.
Unrn ntul flnrflcM Ilitrnoil.
NBIIUASKA CITV , fob. , March 20. [ Spcola
Telegram to Tin : BEE. | The barn of Mrs
Harriet Clove , a nfilo north of town , wa no
troycd by flro eni'/y ' / this morning and two
ilno horses burildc > . iris thought to bo the
work of an Incomllary.
AiN3Woimi , Xpb.t March SO. [ Special Tel
cgram to THE BRE.J. It is Dan Higgins , not
Dan Hawkins , ng-was stated In Tuesday's
BBB , who IB mlssln alnco the stealing of the
Bacltoy mare hero./ ]
T1IK Nl\V ! X 01 tlC INQUlliy.
IIlK Slilpiicrn Who titnntl In Vary
Well satiilloil.
New Yoinc , March BO. The Interstate
commerce comnilsalon concluded Its oxam-
' Inatlon today , Edwin It. Llvcnnoro of the
produce cxclmnne tesliflod that rales as a
rule were higher when there was n largo
crop bccauso of tha Increased tfcmand for
transportation facilities. Increased cultlva
tion of corn In Russia and the river Plata
countries of South America tended to do
preclnto the market in the United States.
Thu rate of 33 cents from Chicago to the flea-
board wu * reasonable. Ocean rates wcro
nearly a third lower today than sixty days
ago.Vico President IJayden of the Now York
Central said n 20 cant rate from tbo Interior
would not nay for hauling the trains. If the
roads were not foiced by the long and short
haul clause to charge uniform rates tlmy
would no doubt make a low prlco for certain
shipping centers.
G. C. Eastman , exporter of beef , said the
rates were now 215 cents per 100 pounds from
Chicago and 21 cents from St. Louis. Thcso
ho considered would just about pay the rail
roads. The receipts of dressed bcof at thin
port had steadily Increased and exports of
live cattle grows larger every year.
A. M. Underbill said ho considered that
the present rates for wheat \vcro reasonable.
The commission having refused to strike
from the rocords.on a motion nuido by John
Livingston of Oswoto , certain testimony of
Paul Morton , Livingston has prepurcd a
petition to the United States senate reciting
n portion of tno testimony ho wishes to have
eliminated. The matter ho objected to was
a statement made by Morton that the unfortunate -
tunato condition of the western farmer was
not duo to the freight rates but to the pro
tective tariff and the high rates of Interest.
- O' '
Left Optional ; V lth Knch Irndo to
Demand it or Not.
vPiTTfnnno ) , Pa. , March 20. The result of
the conference of 'tha ' executive- council of
the Federation of Labor In Now York lost
Saturday has just been made public hero
today. Vlco President Martin says that no
ono trade will bo ordered to demand the
eight hour day nor to strike lo enforce such
a demand. Martin said U was loft entirely
optional with each tradd whether it desired
or thought it could secure eight hours for n
day'u work. It will also bo optional with the
trades whether thejpfio into the question or
not. ITtiot t hey \rfl I do BO is shown by the
replies sent to tlitf federation from nearly nil
trades , saying they desired to and were uulo
to light , for an eight hour day.
Gnttinc Itoacly.
CHKHGO , March 'JO. The Uights of Labor
n its next Issue \vili publish a resume of
the situation throughout the country in the
liroposed movement * for an oipht hour day
and will say : "fho lirgo and Hinull trades
unions ere rapidly placing themselves in
position to meet tUd'draft that will bo mndo
upon thorn on Ma I , when the eight hour
day for the builltlAtf trades 'will bo inaugu
rated. There is no indication that the coun
try will pass through such an oxciMng period
as that producodilbj * the labor convulsions
four yours Jago. cEtnpioyurs and employes
were both taugbbd' lesson' by the events of
Miunr , March 20 | Special
Telegram to THE BEE. 1 The 403 coopers of
this city have practically given up all hope
of settling tloirdlillcult.v | the boss coop
ers und expect to strike next Monday for , a
raise in wages to 15 cents u barrel.
llosolutiona of the Honso Committee
on ForeijCfii Affair ) .
WASUIXOTOK , March 20. The house com-
nltteo on foroiun affairs today by n unani
mous vote instructed Chairman Hitt to ro-
> ort to thj house the following Joint rcsolu-
: ion.
Resolved , That whenever it shall bo duly
certified to tno president of tbo United
States that the government of the dominion
of Canada has declared n desire to enter into
such commercial arrangements with the
Jnitod States as would result in the corn-
> lolo removal of all duties on trade between
Canada una the United States ho shall ap
point three commissioners to moot those who
nay bo designated by tbo government of
Canada to consider the best methods of ex
tending the trade relations between Canada
and the United State * and to ascertain upon
vhat terms greater freedom of intercourse
between the two countries can bo best secured -
cured , and said commission shall report to
ho president , who shall lay the report be
fore congress.
Crook' * Apaclin Campaign.
WASHINGTON , March 20. The corres-
londcnco bolweon General Sheridan
and Brigadier General Crook from
March 20 lo April 5 , 18SO , concerning Iho
Apache Indians was transmitted to the senate -
ate today. Gonnral Crook nccoptcd the sur
render of the hostlles on condition that they
should be sent east not exceeding two years
vith their families. Subsequently Goron-
mo und a number of braves escaped. Gen
eral Crook was Informed that their escape
iccasidned great disappointment nt Wushs
ngton and as his offensive campaign with
ho savages had fulled It was best to assume
ho defensive and glva protection to the peo-
ilo aud the business interests of Arizona
and Now Moxlco. General Crook then
asked lo bo relieved and General Miles was
detailed to succeed htm.
Goua With n Typewriter.
BUFFALO , March 20. A sensation was
caused In this city today when it was cur
rently reported that J. W. Woodruff , ox-
iresidont of the Lifbvanu Huscrvo insurance
: ompany , had fn , company with Ins pretty
blonde typewriter ? * ) ! ) ) "town , leaving anxi
ous creditor * boljd } | { < ( l For nearly aight years
Woodruff has boejuaMQclated with the Life
and Hesorvo company , When it b/oauio
known that ho lnyjjwen running heavily In
[ eht an invoatliiutkm wai ordered , and it
vas found that Woodruff had purnhasod
considerable lauilotind had contracted to
mild fourteen lioijajvd thcroon , the money
or which was tafeeyjfrom the funds of th
ompnny. Oniulalp at the company say that
t did not lose an hing ,
Hnfl'orfni ; .
ASHLAND , Wis.n" iMarch 20. It Is reported
that there Is proaThWffering among tha Indi
ans on Iho Flain atj , ' reservation bocuiiBOof
ho scarcity of fqgd funjl clothing. Only a
vook ago those , nara'n , Indians rofuucd to nc-
opt governmonto [ f > rofonvd them on con- *
tition that they should.ropav It. The reser
vation is unlit for cultivation.
A Vicious Nnurn.
MoniLB , Ala. , March20. On the Loulslnn-i
t Nashvlllo train this afternoon Jaka
Daniels ( colored ) refused to pay his faro and
vhen Conductor McCurdv tried to eject him
rom the train Daniels ahot him In the
iroast. The conductor then tired ttvo shots
nto the negro und stabbed him with a pocket
Knlfo , killing him. Tha conductor is not so-
lousl.v wounded. _
An Old Knohelnr Klllcil.
KVCIITON , Mo , , Mnrch 0 , Great excite >
uiont provalls at Dodovillo , nuar hero , on
ccountof the murder of a wealthy old
moucfor named "Lucky" Morgan. Robbery
TUS undoubtedly the motive. There is no
lue to the assassin.
Sensational Suicide of a Beautiful
Young Boololy Girl.
Xlirco Vnnra of Sj-HtomntIo Poraocn-
tlon by nti Anonymous Ijottcr
Writer Drove Joaalo White
to n Tragic Death.
Siiloltlcil nn tlio Htrcot.
JOWET , III. , Mnrch UO. Miss Jessto Z.
Win to , the handsome daughter of James S.
White , of 003 Nicholson street , died by her
own hnnd latt evening , the victim of it long
.course of malicious persecution. Miss Whlto
Ima been driving nbout thu streets for qulto
n while during the early evening. She WAS
nlono In the buggy , and pleasantly acv
knowlcdgcd the bows of acquaintances she
met In the courao of her drlvo. Just bcforo
dark alio stopped her horse In front of the
Hotel Monroe , picked up a box from the bottom
tom of the buggy , opened It ntul from It
took n revolver , the murrlo of which she
placed against her left breast. Thou fed-
lowed the bhnrp report of the weapon ,
which , as she throw'up her urms , foil on
tbo ground behind the buggy. The deed
was douo BO coolly and quickly that tnoso
who had been observing her from tbo side-
wnllc did not divine her purpose until it was
too late to prevent its accomplish
ment. A gentleman sprang forward
at the sound of the explosion and
reached the buggy just in time
to Catch Miss White as she wits falling from
It. She was carried into the Hotel Monroe ,
whcro sue oxpircil In a few moments. The
ball had passed close to the heart. Thu
pistol wu a now one , of the bull-dog paitnrn ,
and every chanber but the ono discharged
contained u cartridge. In the box that hud
contained the pistol was a letter , addressed
"To my dear ones at homo. "
The Wluto family have moved in the best
social circles of Jdllct and Miss Josslo was a
favorite with young people generally. About
three years ago , however , she acquired a
notoriety hero that was ns distasteful to her
and her family as It was unmerited by any
actor word of hers. Young inon who paid
her any attention were made the recipients
of anonymous letters written in n dlscuisod
hand , reflecting on" her character. ' " Miss
Whlto also received frequent letters threat
ening her with doatn at certain specified
David White , a cousin of Miss White , was
arrested on evidence obtained through do-
Icellvos ; Tbo authorship of the letters was
not flxod upon him at tbo trial wtiich fol
lowed , but ho was placed under bonds to
keep the peace. Miss White was sent east
o'u a visit to got out of the way of her anony
mous persecutor , bill that letttir continued
to come. The llcndish persecution at lust
a rove its object to desperation , and deliber
ately she sot nbout relieving herself of it
by the only laeans she could believe would
bo effective. .Accordingly , she secured the
revolver just how is not Known at present
loaded it carefully and then wrote the fol
lowing letter , winch , was found in the buggy
after the fatal shot had boon llred :
AN HOME : I nm tired of life and am going
to shoot myself , and deny the letter-writer
tlio pleasure of doing it. Three years uro
long enough to bo tortured by him , and
there are no prospects of any peace for mo
as long as I live ; and inasmuch us ho has
promised to take mv lifo I really tlilnlc ho
means It. But now ho never shall , and If he
found any pleasure in torturing me I hope ho
will bo satisfied now , for ho has driven mete
to destroy my soul. All I have to sav now
is for you to forgot and forgive mo for .the
wiciied act I am about"to commit.
Now , dear folks , I love you all so
dearly I could not live if any of you
wcro to be taken from mo , so I want vou all
to thinkit is all for tbo best that I
should.leavo this v.orld first. Please grant
those few requests. Do not bury tnu on a
rainy day , for I never liked u rainy funeral
day. Engage Mr. Chamberlain for the un
dertaker. Have Uov. Camp preach iny funeral -
oral sermon at the Episcopal church. Sister
Uoneviove knows what somrs I want sung at
ny funeral. Have the following younf mentor
tor pall-bearers : Julius Wostphal , Harold
Moon , vVill White , "Will Cushing , Will Wooas
and James Calais. I will now bid the world
and all of you my last good-by.
.lu.ssin F. 7i. MIIITE.
Across the top o ( the letter was written :
'Uoturnjrig to Huvlland's. " The letter was
uidrossod : "To My Dear Ones at Homo. "
\li33 White was ninctoen years of ago.
National fjoncuc Games.
ST. AUGUSTINK. Fla , March 20. | Special
L'olegram to THE BKE. ] Score : Brooklyn
8 , Chicago 2 :
Hrnthcihooil Gumps.
AUCIUSTA , Qa. , March 20 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE. ] Score : Brooklyn 8 ,
Philadelphia 3.
SAVAN.VUI , Ga. , March 20. | Special Tele
gram to TUB BEB. | Score : Boston 0 , Now
York ! . ' .
A. Tonsil Tmi-Koiiiul Fljlit.
NBW Youic , March 20. [ Special Telegram
o Tun BKE. ] A brutal ton-round prize
Ight too It place yesterday at Coney island
between Tommy Gibbons of BrooKlyn ,
and Jack Donovan of Jersey City. Both
mon were terribly puuishod , but Donovan's
lowers of endurance were superior and In
ho tenth Gibbons said ho .baa enough and
quit. _
Tlio Knelish Turf.
LONDON , March 20. [ Special Cablegram
o TIII : BEE. | This was the second day of
ho Hurst park steeplechase meeting. The
lurst park handicap hurdle race , plato of
-sovereigns , about two miles ( sixty-live
ubs ) , was won by ttio Duke of Beauforth's '
Ivo-yoar-.old blade horse Bonburb , Borlock
ccond ank Eskevoko third. There wcro ten
tarteri ,
Gnttonljurir Itnccfl.
GUTrcSnuno , N. J. , March 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tuu BEE.J Summary of today's
aces :
Three-quarters of a mile Cnrlow wore ,
Jyimmite second , Big Brown Jug third.
Time ! : ! &
Soiling , ono and thrco-slxtooiiths miles
Oarsman won , Pericles second , Uulph Blsck
Three-quarters of a mile Owen Golden
von. Freedom second , Blessed thlid , Mi mo
-1 : 'J3.
Selling , seven-eighths of a mile Mamie
Hay won , John Jay second , Hurwoad third.
Selling , for two-year-olds , one-half mlle
! cHt Boy won , Prlscolia second , Loltlo
bird. Time 5'J seconds ,
Sovou-olphtbs of a niila Wandermont
von , Bay Hldgo second , Blackstone third.
1'imo 1U9. :
Now Orleans Hnocn.
Niw : OIILKANS , l.a. , March 20. [ Special
.Telegram toTnu Bun. " ] Summary of today's :
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Somerset
von , Lady Blackburn second , Crisplno
Five eighths of n mlle Semaphore won ,
Llz/.ie > D. second , Healy John third.
One-half mlla Flormo won , Polo llarlan
second , Viscountoks third. Time 51 sec
Ono ratio and seventy yards Oruilo won ,
Churchill Clark second , Bonnlo King third.
Time 1:49. :
One-half mileCastllllan won , Lexington
second , Luccllo third. Time 00j seconds.
Henry SchocnhaU , foreman Henry Krug
Packing Co , , SU .loaoph , Mo. , uses Dr.
Thomas' Elcctrio Oil with his men for
sprulns , cuts , bruises , chapped haudi , etc.
It is the best.
\ ViItefnao \ \ His AHHOitt.
\Vixxirca , Man. , March 20. fSpocial Toi.
gram to Tun UKE. ] It U reported that , act *
ing under Inspiration from Sir John MoUon-
nld , Llouteoant Governor Schultz will refuse -
fuse his asicnt to the bill Just passed by the
legislature abolishing the Frouch langungo
nncl separata Catholic schools. If ho does
the Grcctiwny government will bo forced to
resign , hopeless confusion will ensue mid an
appeal will bo nmdo to the country , In which
event the government will doubtlOM bo tri
umphantly returned. A prominent Frenchman -
man Vfho pretends to know says that ( his
course will bo taken.
I'olltlon In Colornili ) .
Coi.oii MIO Si'iii.vos , Colo. , March 80. Forever
over n year thcru has been a bitter war bo-
twon the prohibition and anti-prohibition
olmont of this city. The fooling was so bitter -
tor ttint two months ago tha rcsldmico of
Mayor Stookbrldgo ( prohibitionist ) was
burned to the ground and It Xvas rumored
his political onomlr * had n hand In the mat-
tor. At n meeting of the republican and
liberal parties lost night Slookbrlitgo was
rcnomlnutcd for mayor and this morning his
now residence was tired and burned to the
tr round.
Gcrinnnln Mine
ASIILANIIis. . , March 20. The loss by the
Gcrmanla mine lire is greater than at first
estimated , ns the mon * hnd just struck n
large body of rich ere Just below tbo fifth level
in shaft No. 2 , No. 2 Is ruined by the cak
ing. It is feared the II ro will extend to the
rooms and shafts and tnnko the work of de
struction , enormous. It is Impossible to get
down Into the nilno at urcsi < nt , and ouarch
for the oodles is given up till the mine can
be cleat cd of smoke and water.
TnrliT HIM DoKivi'd Again.
WASHINGTON' , March 20. The republican
members of the ways and moans committee
uro beset on alt sides to chnngo the details of
the tariff bill. As n result the completion of
the measure is delayed , and It Is now dialed
that It cannot DO reported to the full com-
mittco tomorrow , as intcmlcU. Iho action
fixing the duty on raw silk Was reconsidered
mul the matter hold in abeyance , while tlio
item relating to Mexican ere wan reopened
and discussed tins afternoon without result.
Mini 1'rotPKf.
Cmcuto , March 20. Heprcsontntlvcs of
the crockery and glassware trade of the
west and northwest formed n national nsso.
elation tonight and adopted resolutions op
posing the section of the now tariff bil ! re-
imposing a duty on coverings of packages.
If tlio bill is passed Iho association urucs
that the china and earthenware rales in
vogue prftr lo 1SSII be reinstated.
Sold l > y tliu Micrirr.
NEW Yomc , March 20. The oheriit today
sold out the Baodor Glue company under
several executions. The company's state
ment shows gross liabilities of $313,7.23 and
actual assets of about ? stK ; > ( ) . It will bo re
membered that the Plttsbunr member of the
firm. Louis Hatiphcy , was accused of causing
the fuiluio by using the couipauy's coles for
his own benefit.
An Indian Triple Trncetly.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Marcn 20 , The Glebe
correspondent nt Standing" HOCK agency
reports a triple tragedy. A buck
named Horn Cloud bccamu enamored of u
bqtiaw named Jularwhowns ! livibg with
No Water. On her refusal to live with
him be shot and scridusly wounded her ,
killed No Water and suicided.
Illshoi ) lisher'Trial. .
RUUIINO , Pa. , March 20 In tiio Bishou
Eshcr trial today documentary evidence in
support of the allegations against the bishop ,
and ills writings and public speeches were
extensively quoted and numerous letters
road lo sustain the charges. 'Iho verdict
will bo made up tomorrow.
Ji'nrmers Ijynon tt
CrNTiiiANt , Ky. , March 20 : Uoiijamln
Gruel was lynched at HoDinson station last
night by a mob of about twenty persons.
Gruel had defrauded the farmers of that lo
cality bv buying stock and paying for it with
bogus cuccks.
AnAi'iiuin Mansion ? .
Loxnox , March 20. Advices received
from Quilllman , East Africa , are to the
effect that Portugese customs oflieltils and
an cs.-orl of SCO ) natives were massacred nuar
Lake Nyussa.
llnrrlxon as a Hunter.
ZlAi/mioni : , March 20. Prasident Harri
son and other gentlemen have had five days'
sport duck shooting In the vicinity of Bun-
( ics. ' 1 ho president will carry homo several
brace of fowl.
Ki'ntnclcy On. ting tnc Ijnitcrlcs.
LOUISVII.I.E , Ky. , Marcn 20. Hills repeal
ing Iho charlors of Iho Frankfott , Henry
county and the Grand Lodge lotteries passed
the Kentucky house today.
Tlio Uc.itn U cnrcl.
Piuiivnci.i'iiiA , March 20. Danlnl M. Fox ,
ex-mayor of this city arid superintendent at
the mint at Philadelphia under Cleveland ,
died nt Atlantic City tills morning , aged
Minstrel Citllirm ln-nd.
BOSTON , Mass. , Mnrch 20. Bon Collins ,
the well known minstrel , died tonight of
pneumonia , _
Strjlv Clith
The concert by the Stryk-on-Blaas Lust
club will bo given In Young Men's Christian
association hall next Monday evening , fol
lowing being thn programme :
Overture , "Guv Mannering" IT. Bishop
Song , "Thou Wondrous Soulh.Fr. Abt
Miss Frances Kocdcr.
( a. Flourolta UofC
( b. Spanish daneo Moszlcowslti
Solo Flute , "Tarontelln , " T. Uurrett
Mr. Franli Badollotl.
Sonata. Piano and Violin Monirt
Miss Ollie Cook and Mr. Baotcns.
Selection. "Lucia do Luiiiiucrmoor , " . . .
Solo. Piano , j a. Gavotte Bach
| b . . .Mendelsohn
j a. Ave Maria. , Gounod
I b. Bolero Moszltowskl
Song. "Just asVoll , " Thco. Mar/llas
Miss F. Kooder.
"Loroloy. " paraphrase Jos. Nodrasba
Trio lor Piano , Violin und Violoncello. .
Mr. Frank Browu , Messrs. Urant , Williams
and John Brown ,
"Coronation March , " , . .Meyerbeer
Conductor , Mr. Baotcn.
A Wisconsin Otllcnhnhlar who win
Appointed tiy-Vun Biirun.
About seven miles northeast of this
city lies the "deoortod vilhigo" ot
Potosi , Wls. , bays a Jubuquo , la. , dis
patch. When Dubuque was n moro
stopping place on Iho stage line Potosi
was a back woods metropolis. It is now
a btagnunt little bottlomont containing
about three hundred inhabitants. But
Potosi can claim one unique distinction.
Its postmaster is the oldest of years of
service in the United States. His
record Us an otllcoholdor IB unrivaled.
The name of this veteran is Celestin
Kultonbach. Ho Is a decrepit man over
ninety years of ago. First appointed in
1838 , during Van Huron's administra
tion ho has served lib postmaster of
Pete l under every president since Jack-
so n.
The old man gives the following In
teresting account of his business and
olllcial life :
1 ilrst gel acquainted wltn General
George W. Jones , afterward United
States senator from Iowa , at St. Gun-
oviovc , Mo. , in 18' , ! ; ! . Ho ( then engaged
inn to como to the lead mines and start
a bakery at Peru. Wis. , where ho had a
store and smelting furnnco. During
the winter of 18tt-ll ; : ! I went to Dubuque
twice a week with broad. In the spring
of 18311 was sent to Dubuijuo to start a
bakery and confectionery shop. There
I mudo the Ilrst broad , candy mid
crackers over manufactured in Du
buquo. In 1830 I came to Potosi. J
got my Ilrst appointment as postmaster
of 1'otonl in 18118 , during President Van
Huron's administration. Amos Kent t
dull wan then poslmustor-gcnonil. I
hold the ollico from that time to 1801 ! .
I was ngatn appointed In IBflH mid yet
hold tlio olllca. I havobuen postmaster
under every president since Jackson1 *
W'lmt n HtupiolomVlln Haw ntul
tlvorli * nrtl from a Ont > .
A young married woman on the
North Sldo suddenly grew suspicious of
her husband , who before his nmrrliigo
had been "onojof tlio boys , " and re
cently oho determined to cutoli him ,
says the t'hU'ago Trillium. Monday he
told her ho had to go to tlio lodgo. '
"That is only his excuse , " she said to
herself. "IleMl not fool mo this time. "
As BOOH ns ho was around tlio corner
she was after him In a eab. Thu hus
band , oblivious of the espionage ho was
under , wont straight to the lodge hall.
The eab was pulled up whom aTew of
thu hall entrance was seen roilulul thoru
watch wat kept.
"Ho will bo down soon , " the
wife to herself , "and ttion 1 will i-aloh
him n < ho sneaks nway. "
At 10 o'clock ledge was over , and the
husband cnino down stairs with the
other members. The "shadow" in the
eab was alert to ontcli every word.
"Come , George , " she hoard some ono
sny , "lot's have a tlrink before you go
homo. "
"Not tonight , " aho heard in reply.
"I must go straight homo. My wile
did not hcom well and I am aiixious
about her. "
Then the husband starlcd oil home
ward at a brisk walk.
"Whip jour horses ! " the now erost-
fallcn woman exclaimed frantically to
Iho cabby. "I must got homo before ho
does. "
The wclcoino the husband received
that night wns a surprise to him. "This
seems , " ho said , "like old umos. "
Seine KccnriN U'liioli Almost Take
Ono's Ili-eulli Axvny.
The following railroad records of fast
time may prove of Interest , bays the
Philadelphia Bulletin.
1 mile 50 } s. , ! ! milob in il in. Mil s. , 6
miles in 4 in. 50 s. , West Philadelphia
to Jersey City , September ! , 1879.
18 miles 15 m. . spcuial train convov-
ing the duke of Wellington , Padding-
ton to Slough , Kug.
: tO. " miles ! H m.-vspqciiil oxt'-a 95. ) and
two cars , Pennsylvania railroad , Rail
way to Trenton , N. J. , May 0 , 1883.
41 miles lit in. , 30 . , train
convoying , newspaper correspondents ,
hint IOJ miles in 11 in. , Washington
Junction to Washington , D. C.Junu 10 ,
CIi ! miles 17 m. , broad gauge engine ,
Great Britain , four carriages uiid vntif ,
Paddington. Diduot , ling. , May 11,1881.
90 miles 1 b , ! ! 7 m. ( autual running
time , ! ) U m. , ) special extra 931 ! and two
Pennsylvania ) rail road , . Jorsov Citv
to Uroiul Street station , Philadelphia ,
May ( i , JSSo , 1 li.17 in. , train 19 , i.'ii iuo
7 ; > : ! mid MX cars , two regular stopd. Jor-
boy ( Jity , N. , f. , to Broad atreot , Phila
delphia. February 12 , 188 ! ) .
Ill iniloa 98 in."Foiltune engine and
two Conches , Ainhorftbtiry lo St.
Thomas , Can. , May 5 , 18S1. 101) ) in. , lo
comotive biijrijufjo car , one couch , and
one Pullman palace car , St. Thomas to
Ainhot'titburg , September lit , 1877.
118 miles VM in. , Kn-jino No. 10 ,
special palace ear , 17in. . ( Wellniul to
Victoria ) , in 11 } in. , St. Thomas to Vic
toria , Can. lf > ; ! in. , Fontaine eutrino and
two coaches , in lol in. , St. Thomas to
Victoria , May 5 , 1881. The schedule
time from London to Bristol , lintf. , 118t
mimcsby ' Iho train known ns "Tlio Fl\- \
intf Duto'hintin , " in 1UO in.
Io7.71 miles lt-"i ( in. , special train ,
Niagara Fnllq to SyracuseN. Y.March
1. I87U. 1C8 miles iff 178 in.West Con t
Fiver , London to Crowe , I'lntfAugust
0. 1888.
400 miles 7 h. 25 in. , West Coast
Flyer , London to Edinburgh , Scotland ,
August ( > , 1SS3.
SKi milca 5 ! h. ( actual running time
10 h. 80 in. ) , bpenial train convoying
Washington newspaper correspondents
from convention , Chicago , 111. , to
Washington , D. O. , over tlio Baltimore
& Ohio railroad , Juno 7 , 8 , 1881.
Jersey City tt ) San Francisco , Cal. , 8 ! !
h. ! ! ' ) in' 1(5 ( s. , .larrott it Palmer's train ,
combination , passon gcr , mail and bag
gage car and a Pullman hotel ear , Juno
1 to1 , 1870. No slop between Jort > uy
City unil Pittsburg , Pa.
How Horn t'cdro Ij' '
A Paris newspaper correspondent
says that Dom Pedro's study at his hotel
at Nice commands a full view ot tlio
Mediterranean ami is embellished witli
handsomely bound volumes of many of
the famous authors of ancient and mod
ern times. "His favorlto among tlio
latter ) s Victor Hugo. The omporoi *
rises every morning at 0 o'clock , and ,
nfter partaking of his cafe nu lait.roads
the newspapers , At 0 o'clock ho lias a
genuine Yankee breakfast , a taste and
habit he acquired while visiting tlio
United Sta/tos. / Ho then goes out for a
drive. About noon ho partakes of a
light luncheon , and then spends two
hours in his library. At 2 o'clock ho
has his dinner , horvoil in French style ,
which ho dibptituhes with astonishing
rapidity , as a dignitary expressed it
who had Uio honor of dining with him.
After dinner ho sometimes receives jn-
titnato friends , to whom ho do votes an
hour or bo. Later ho takes a walk for
nbout half an hour. Hoturtiing to Ills
study ho gives himt-eH up to writing
until 7 o'clock , when supper U served.
Aftoi'biippor an hour is devoted to the
society of the members of Ills household ,
who ontortnln him with some favorite
games : Finishing this ho returns lo
his library , where ho communes with
his chosen authors until 0 or 10 , when
ho retires for the night. "
An I''tiHtnr 1'iiri : Cimtltii ; $1,000. ,
A Parisian firm tins' just finished an
Kofltor egg , intended for a wealthy
Spanish lady at a cost of $1,000 , It fs ii
most ingenious piece of mechanism and
ia made entirely of ptiro wlitto enamel ,
says a foreign letter. It is provided
with doors and slides , tlio inside being
engraved with Ktislor gospels. Tlio
opening ofn , doin'botsa tiny bird singing
and n musical iipparatuti going which is
capable of playing twelve airu.
Absolutely Puro.
Thl v > "dor never T rl . A marr l of parity
fttronftU &nd wholoaomsntDH. Mom -moral" ; il
than tint ordinary kinds , anil cannot bo sola by
ronipotltton with tno muttltudo of low Ion
sliori wolKht alum or phoaiilmto potvilura. i-'l J
o i'w''ij''ieJ'i ' ' ' ' > . ltoyL lUKixu I'oirueuco. ,
Ivv WAI ! at i tit V