THE OMAHA ! DAILY BEE , \ NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , FRIDAY3 MARCH 21 , 1800. NUMBER 270. SPANISH STATESMEN'S ' VIEWS llow They Regard tbo Rosiffnation of PrhiOD Bismarck. INCOMPATIBILITY OF TEMPER. Mlnlntcr of Korclun AiT.tlra Arnljo Thinks That tlio Cnuso ol the Trouble Between k'mpuror nnd Chancellor. How It In Jlotrardcd In Spain. \roiwrlu1iliKO \ tni Jamu Qortlnn llenntU , ] MAimin , March 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to - Tun Dnc.1 Today being the feast nf San Jose Increased the usual difficulty of Interviewing Spanish states men , who expect to bo petitioned n week'at cast In advance. I wan enabled to person ally get the opinion of Senor Sagasta , Mar- ciuls Vega do Armljo nnd Senor Morot , who is ono of the best informed liberal states men. I llrst called nt the prime minister's resi dence , but was unable to effect an entrance , ns the door bell had been removed in ex pectation of such visits. I was fortunate enough , however , to Interview Sagastn on the stairs as ho was leaving in company with the ministers of justice nnd the treasury of the colonies. Ho was tunable , ho said , to form an opinion until assured of the per manency of Pilnco Uismarck's retirement , of which ho had doubts. lie believed the chancellor's retirement , if permanent , would not nffcct the Immediate outlook of European politics. . I next saw Senor Morot. "Tho fall of Prince Ulsmarck , " said ho , "will have no consequences In Spain. Spain Is quite un concerned In the Internal policy of central Europe. " In splto of the protestations of a self-suffi cient lackey I sent up my card to the Mar quis Vcgn do Armljo , who has bean confined to his house by Illness the past ten days. I was particularly anxious to see him because tiot only as minister of foreign affairs docs ho control the foreign policy of the nation , but bccauBO ho hold vtho posl under a liberal government In 16S3 at the tlmo Prince His- inarck was thought to bo considering a pol icy of roapproachmont with Spain , and ac companied Alfonso to Berlin In Novemberof the same year , returning when Iho king was hooted by u Parisian mob. No Spanish statesman 1ms studied Prmco Uismarck's policy with greater interest and judgment. "The resignation x > f Prince Ulsmarck , " said the marquis , "is no surprise to mo. When William II. came to the throne I told the ( jcrmnn cmbassador that I did nol think I'rlnua Qtsmurck would remain In office six months under his now master. 1 based that belief upon my knowl edge of the clmractor of ono and what I Kucsscd'of the character of the other. They nro qulto incompatible. Prince Ulsmarck can only exist by subordinating surround ings to his will. The emperor Is too inde pendent to tolerate a tutor , to accept the chancellor as his philosopher and friend and remain In a state of passive obedienco. It was Impossible for the young soldier to have therefore regarded Princa Ulsmarck as In a condition of posslblo rcsignalion whicn might become acute , the case becoming acute by the attitude of the emperor In calling the Uerlln conference , The chancellor was un willing to bear the responsibility of so extra ordinary u measure. The socialist movement also seemed to brine prob lems with which ho felt himself unable to deal In bis own way with n free hand. As for the conference , I doubt the ndvantago. The result will probably bo sci entific rather than practical. The solution of the serious questions which have given birth to it can hardly bo obtained by an as sembly of gentlemen , As to the effect of Bismarck's resignation on the triple alliance , I boliova that for the present there will bo no change , nor do I believe that the proba bility of n general European war will bo In creased. Whether the war party in Ger many may bo ultimately strengthened , I cannot von euro to say. By the withdrawal of so great a factor In European politics wo must not count mainly on Iho personality of the emperor himself. " The Umnornr'H Ijoitnr to Illsnmrck. [ Copyrfp/it / iSWtiu James Oanlnn Ilenn'.tt. } UKUI.IK , March 20. [ New York Herald Cable Special to TUB UHK. ] For the first tlmo Holchsanzolgor announces the resigna tion of the chancellor and the appointment of General Cnprlvl. At the same tlmo it an nounces that Count Herbert temporarily takes charge of of the ministry of foreign af fairs. The Holchsanzclgor also publishes n text of the kaiser's letter accepting the chancellor's resignation. The letter is us follows : "My Dear Prince : It Is with deep emotion that I learn from your request of March IS thai you uro determined to retire from the onico lilted by you for so many years with anch Incomparable results. I had hoped thai during the lifetime of either of us not to have to face the eventuality of our separation. If I am now , while thor oughly conscious of the far-reaching import- mice of your retirement , compelled to face this eventuality , I do so with n heavy heart , but with the conviction that my granting your request will contribute to the preserva tion and conservation ot your life and strength , which arc both of priceless valao to the fatherland. The reasons you give mo for your decision prove to mo that further attempts to Induce you to withdraw your rcqucit nro useless , I therefore grant In nil kindness your wishes , nnd accordingly rcllovo you of your offices as chancellor , president of the ministry and minister ot foreign affairs with the firm con * " viction thut your advice nnd great abilities / undyour fidelity nnd solf-sacrillco will In the future , us In the past , bo available for mo nnd for the fatherland. " A prominent member of the rolohstag , In ipcaklug of Capnvi , told mo today that the general has u great knowledge of parliamen tary matters , a shrewd intellect , but ho Is frank and open , with a faculty for making friends. , Itiily In UnunHy. ICopl/rluM / is,0 fiy Jamti ( Jor.lJii ] HOME , March 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB HUE. I Premier Crlspl has received a telegram from Bismarck announcing his resignation , in which ho expressed - pressed the hope that Italy nnd Germany would remain good friends. The premier responded that it would not bo his fault If friendship was interrupted , as ho Wfluld con- tmuo to do all ia his power to preserve the present relations. Italy Is uneasy ever the retirement of the mighty chancellor , and everybody U waiting to hoar what Crlspl han to say , but the iirc.olcr In silent. There Is rejoicing In the Vatican , and the liberals and radicals In the chamber ore greatly encouraged. Giovanni Holro , the radical leader , was enthusiastic tonight when I mot him In the chamber. "Uliuiarck , " lie said , "has followed the ideas of Mnzzlnl BO far ns the construction nnd building up of national German unity is- concerned , and confirming that unity by public right. Having done this , ho bccnnio antl'Maz/.lnl , and oven the personification of Cii'iarlsm. Ho could not , therefore , but fall before the social question which the Immense armaments of military monarchies have brought to the front. Bismarck's fall must have a great and present Inllunnco on European politics , but it will bo n beneficial influence. Italy will derive such an impulse from It that a policy mora favorable to her national autonomy must arise a policy moro conformable to the natural necessities of the country , even If It give a shock to the present cabinet. The emperor In Interpret ing the exigencies of the social policy cannot but second the efforts In the interests of . " pence. _ IM3ACK wiun iimcy. IJIsinnrclcM Kctlrnmcnt Viewed ivtth Hccrct but Without Anxiety. Dr.iii.i.v , March 20. The National Gazette says the appointment of General vcn Cap- rlvi to succeed Princa Bismarck as chancel lor has nothing of n threatening character. The VosMscho Xcltung says tbo tension. has been brought to n climax by the fact that the destinies of Europe have been suddenly deprived of their axis. Prince Bismarclc was the guarantee of peace. History " tory will preserve the memory of his services In the cause of peace. His successor ser will bo compelled to immediately deal with the question of the reduction of the military burden in the Interests of peace. The nation witnesses the retirement of Bis marck with regret , but without anxiety. Prince UlsmarclrhnS made arrangements to vacate the puluco of the chancellor at an early date. _ German Imnarial BF.KI.IN , March 20. A special edition of the Kclchsanzolgor contains Imperial rescripts cordially thanking Ulsmarck for his services and appointing him Dulto of Laucnborg , col onel general of cavalry and field marshal general ; also appointing Count Herbert Bis- imirck ad Interim minister of foreign affairs and General von Caprivl chancellor and president of the Prussian ministry. Uismarck's acceptance of a dukedom , the offer of which from William I. ho repeatedly declined , has occasioned surprise. In the emperor's llrstirescript ho says , ac ceding to the request ho made on iho 18th Inst , thut ho grants Bismarck permission to retire , hoping confidently that the Fatherland will profit in the future as it has profited m the pas' , by his counsel , energy and faithful devotion. Tlio cinporor regards It ns the most prov idential dispensation of his llfo lhat on sev eral occasions ho has had Prince Bismarck by his side. What Iho prince has achieved for Prussia and Germany nnd whal Iho prince has been to bun and his predecessor ho Will over preserve In grateful remembrance. Bismarck's wise and energetic policy of peace by which his majesly is resolved to bo guided in the future , being fully convinced of us correctness , will always bo rcinora- bored and well deserves recognition. It Is not in the emperor's power to reward Bismarck for his services , but as a sign of his lasting thanks ha confers upon him the dignity of Dulto of LnurenDerg and presents him with a hfo-slzod oil painting of himself. In th'o second rescript iho emperor thanks Ulsmarck as a military leader for his invalu able services In the army during the tlmo of William I nnd to the present day , retaining Uismarck in the highest rank by appointing him field marshal and colonel general of cavalry. The rescripts abound in offcctionato ex pressions of regard and conclude : "God bless you , my dear prince , and grant you many years of untroubled old age , bright ened by the consciousness of duty truly ful filled. German-Amcrleiin Comment. CHICAGO , March 20. The Illinois Stnats Zcitung , commenting on Uismarck's retirement says : "Only ono thing is certain and thai Is that Uismarck's retirement pro duces a feeling of uncertainty. " CINCINNATI , O. , March 20. The Volksblatt of Bismarck's "It Is says resignation : not surprising that the chancellor tendered his resignation. The chancellor was an obstacle to the emperor's Idea of absolute man- archism. " The Volksfrcund sees In the changod'sttu- ation a concession to tno opposition , espe cially to the Catholic church. H was.appar ent that the growth of tha opposition was such that the government could not carry measures without thu aid of ono or the other of Iho wiigs of the opposition. tl\a \ result will bo the gratilmg of some of the rights of Catholics which have boon withhold under Bismarcit'a administration. The now minister - tor will have no policy except that of the em peror. MILWAUKEEWls. . , March 20 , Dor Harold , commenting on Bismarck's resigna tion , says : 'The emperor fully compre hends thai ho himself is responsible for the future ot iho German empire , nnd It Is but just to admit that his wishes should at least bo consulted in the management of alfairs. Bismarck , without doubt , holds tenaciously to his ideas. The emperor , on iho other hand , is imbued with modern Ideas ot llfo nnd government , und It remains to be seen whether he has rightly cauged the situation. U'o hope that ho will not bo under the nec essity of recalling Bismarck.1' ' A Ujisslan Opinion. ST. PETEUSIIUHO , March 20. The Novosto today published another article on the re tirement ot Bismarck from the German chancellorship. The paper declares thai the solitary support of the oditlco of European peace bus crumbled. A Iloinan Sensation. [ Copurfu/il / if'JO itu Jamti Uordnii Il-nnttt. ] HOME. March 20. ( Now York .Herald. Cable Special to THE Hep. ] Tbo sensation in tlilt. city tonight Is the announcement in Fnnfulln that AnJrow Costa , iho socialist deputy , has fled tu America. The chamber has been for two dnjs wrestling with bis caso. Ho has boon condemned to three years' Imprisonment for resisting the police- but ho cannot bo arrested unless the chain , bor consents. There was a scene of great excitement today during the debate. I do not uoliovo that Costu has fled , although I feel sure that Crlspl will succeed iu remov ing his legislative protection. General CITV OP MCAICO , March 20 , At the meet ing of the American association ot general passenger agants yesterday the election of officers for the ensuing year was hold. A. C. Mchaells of the Mexican Central railway was elected president. U was resolved to hold tlio next moutlng of tbo association Siptombcr 17 at Denver. General Passen ger Agent Uusonbark of the Chicago , St. Paul < te Kansas City becomes chairman of the executive committee for the ensuing year. The Mro Uocnrd. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , March 20 , Two blocks of buildings and a boarding house in Lu Villa suburbs burned this morning , caus ing a lens of 9125,000. Insured. CHICAGO , March 20. The hammer shops at Pullman burned this morning , causing a loss of 123,000. llclweou throe and four hun dred hands nro thro wn out of employment temporarily. _ _ The Sugar Trust Dividend. New YoitK , March SO. Judge O'Brion of the supreme court today hoard and' reserved his decision upon the application of the sugar trust for leave , under the Judge's recent de cision , to declare a dividend of 2'j per cunt on $60,000,000 of trust certificates. Ho will decide the matter tomorrow. IT IS NOT AN EXPERIMENT Secretary Rusk Says Nebraska Boot Sugar Is a Winner. THE VERY BEST IN THE WORLD. Diverse Opinions Amoni ; Ilopubll- oaiiH on the Tariff Hill Not Atuoli Chance for National Ilank , LccUlatlon. WASHINGTON HOUEAO TUB OMAHA Use , ) 513 KOUHTEBNTII STIIBCT. > WASHIXUTON. O. C. , March 20.1 Mr. Uorscy had nn Interview with the sec retary of agriculture this morning In refer ence to nn experimental station for the beet sugar Industry In Nebraska. Mr. Dorsoy's idea was to appropriate $100,000 nild have the government make experiments there in the raising of beets und reducing them , as was done with sorghum at Fort Hlloy , Kan. Secretary Kusk In his emphatic way said : "I would not recommend such n proposition , for the reason that the boot sugar Industry Is not In its experimental stage. It Is a win ner. Tno fact Is Iho beets raised last year In Nebraska contain a larger percentage of saccharine matter than nny raised In any part of the world. Wo need no experiments , ns wo have already established the essential fact. Wo are trying to secure all the beet seed posslblo to supply the demands upon us. Wtiol the pcoplo of Nebraska should do now Is to orgunlza and establish rclincnes , as the beets are of no vnluo without refiner ies. " Mr. Dorsoy informed the secretary that work In this direction had already been taken up in some' localities. The secretary thed said further : "lam satisfied that In n very few years the west will produce the sugar consumed In this country , nnd moro. " Mr , Dorsoy Is much interested In this sub ject nnd grasps every opportunity to further the interests of this Industry. He expressed a oolief that It would eventually bo of great benefit to the Nebraska farmers and would do much to solve Iho problems with which ihoy are confronted to.dav. DIVEHSC OPINIONS. Nebraska and Iowa present a very good Idea ot the divisions which are common ninoni : republicans on the subject of the tariff bill. At a conference of the Iowa re publicans last night , which continued till a late hour , ati expression was made which threatens to bo the unanimous decision of the dolognlion ngainsl any reduction of the internal taxes and In favor of free sugar. Final action was deferred. Just across the Missouri , iu Nebraska , the three representatives and two senators oppose any disturbance of the sugar duty. The grow ing beet sugar industry iu their state is the cause of this position. Thu KcUraskans would prefer to see all of the Internal taxes abolished rather than have their boot sugar industry destroyed. So It goes , each man In concrcss must stand by the local Interests of his district. Uut there will bo a tariff bin finally passed und it will bo very acceptable lo ihe country. DOWN OX NATIONAL 11ANKS. Anolhor black eye was given national banking Interests today through the granger Influence. The house committee on banking and currency had up bill providing that national banks may loan 10 uor cent of their surplus as well as their capital stock to In dividuals. The opposition to any class of legislation In favor of national banks appeared with renewed vigor In the committee and it was agreed thai Iho measure should bo reoortod adversely. It was recommended by' the comptroller of the currency. The prospects for any kind of legislation intended to relieve lievo the national bankintr Intcrosls at the hands of this congress uro now very small. The farmers of the far west have poured Into congress a wagon load of petitions pro testing against any kind of legislation tend ing to give an Impetus to national banking interests and congress seems lo bo thorough ly frightened. Till ! IIUTTEUWOUTII HILL. At a meeting of the house committee ot agriculture today there was developed the fact that n favorable report can unanimously bo-mauo on the Uutterworth bill prohibiting speculation upon the future delivery of food products. The light for this measure has been made by the farmers of Iho country , who allege thut the fictitious prices of specu lators control the actual market price of the grain stock of the couulry. There is no doubl that Iho bill can bo readily passed In eilhor house when It is tnlcan up for consid eration. Thu enemies of the measure will have no quarter shown them. UNION I'ACIFIO rUNUINO HILL. A member of the house stated to your cor respondent today thai he had made a can vass of Iho senate upon tbo question of Sen ator Fry's bill proposing an extension of the tlmo within which the Union Pni'illo rail road company shall pay its indebtedness to the government , and that there was enough outspoken opposition to guarantee the measure's failure in the upper branch of congress. This mnmbor Bays that there is no doubt that the Union Pacific funding bill Is dead so far as this congress is con cerned. NOT A MIIU'IUSC. Very lltllo surprise was expressed this afternoon when the announcement was made that the senate by a vote of ! )7 ) to 111 had refused to pass the Blair educational bill. There has boon n steady decline in the popularity of the measure for almost two years. This was duo to the Increase In the appropriations for pensions und public Im provements and the Incessant talking for the bill by Its author. Senator Ulalr has consumed aboul ton days in debates himself and many more days woru consumed by other senators. When the bill was first voted upon a few years ago It received a two-thirds majority. The next tiino U paased Iho senate the majority was' some what diminished , and now It is no wonder that the bill perished , It will not likely twer come up ugafu. A III.AC 1C EYC FOR aOHMAN. The shout and burst of upplauao which went up Irom the galleries in the house today when Mr. Mudd took thu oath of office and the scat to which ho was elected sounded very much liken shout of triumph and the tlrst signal for the downfall of Gor man's rula In Maryland. The case has a par ticularly important feature , inasmuch as the man who unseated Mr. Compton bus been * for years past Senator Gorman's right hand man In politics m Maryland. Compton hold a political ofllco for years and years nnd has lived at the public trough , nnd when at last the state ot Maryland grow tired of provid ing for Him and refused to re-elect mm , ( Joriuun forced his county to nominate- Compton for congress and has over since claimed ho was elected. In fact very tow cared to run against Mr. Gorman's and Mr. Campion's roughs , nnd when Air , Mudd con sented to run It was considered n for lorn hopo. Hut ovou the people of that boss-ridden district rebelled and to the surprise of every ono Mr. Mudd secured n majority of the votes. Then the peculiar methods of Gorham came Into play and the returns were fixed so as to civo Mr. Comp ton un alleged majority. Today tha galleries were crowded with Marylandera , both re publicans and independent democrat ! ) , who wanted to see justice douo. During Mr. Cooper's speech they burst forth with up plnuscs and the sneuuor had a hard time to bilenca them , when the victory was won they could not restrain themselves and gave vent to their joy by shouts nnd loud hand clapping. The effect of the house's action will bo a great nnd good ono , and although tbo legislature has gerrymandered the stuto this action will flvo encouiageinont to the independent valors that justice will bo given them by congress If they can prove as they did this tlmo that they were cheated or driven away from the polls , It was indeed a very great day for Maryland < nJn } Mr. Gorman beard Iho shout with trembling for ho knows It Is the llrst bell soundhfffror his downfall- The seating ot Mr. Mtlad 'gives the republi cans three congreimahrfoin the state nnd equalizes the delegation4hi the house , which has not occurred bofbrjo In the history of Maryland. ' rnrrioiiBn' "THE " Senator Pcttluro'w of South Dakota was today before the hduso committee on rivers and harbors and tnallo an Imprcsslva argu ment In favor of an appropriation of S160.000 for Improvements of the channel of the Mlj- sourl river at Plcrro , Chamberlain and Ynnkton , S. D. , b the removal of snogs , drcdglmr , etc. Ho Insists that the Missouri could bo madq imvigubU ) to the Missis sippi. Ho pointed out the fact that there had been no appropriation made for this work , although it Was proposed to glvof 100,000 for improvements Intended to prevent nn overflow nt Sioux City. Tlio committee will likely report In favor ot iho proposition. Senator Pettigrow has achieved ? reat success so far in nil his undertakings In behalf of his constituents. Ha has suc ceeded In securing , favorublo reports on u number of public building bills for South Dakota , has secured favorable action upon a largo number of private tnnasutcs for his constituents and huh just been informed that his proposition to npproprliio 220,000 for sur veys preliminary tb artesian Irrigation In South Dakota will bo favorably acted upon by the ! > oimto commltteo on appropriations nnd added to the urgent deficiency bill. By hU successes ho has already earned thetlllo of "tho hustler. " The commltteo on Indian affairs today authorized SenatoriPettlgrow to make n favorable report upon hjs bill for the relief of those who settled upon the Crow Indian reservation In South Dakota In February , 1883 , nnd were subsequently ejeslod by presidential proclamation : also the bill for the establishment o nh Indian school nt Pierre M MISCELLANEOUS. Senator Moody it troduccd a bill today providing that all Vi torlnary surgeons in the United States army shall bo paid (125 per month nnd have th6r > relative rank nnd nl- lowanccs ot. a .lieutenant of cavalry ; that each regiment of cavalry shall have two veterinary surgeons nnd each regiment of Infantry Wd aruileryono ; ihnt appointments of 'vcVVmnry surgeons here after shall be made from graduates of recog nized veterinary colleges who shall pass nn examination to bo fixed by the secretary of war. / From the commltteo on public lands Sen ator Paddock today .reported . adversely the bill restoring tho' timber' culture right ot Amos H. Worthmglon of Phelps county , Ne braska. ' The senate cotnm.itttiq.on commerce today ordered a favorablorc'port on the house Joint resolution directingtfio sesrntary of war to nppoint a board of .engineer officers to Inves tigate and report upon ho expediency of tunj noting the Detroll alfer. Sonaior Mandorsoii' . introduced a bill pro viding that soldiers and marines in the late war who now rccolvo qf shall receive arll- llnlal limbs from iho 'government every live years shall recolvo' tho'm hereafter every three .voars" . ' > William Walsh was ; today appointed post master at Dale , Cu'ster county , upon ibo recommendation of Mri Dorscy. S. HEATII. A LETTISH OUTINSl'UUCriON. . i Rules lor ; the Hii ! ( | of the Ilccontly Ccdod Sioux hands. WASHINGTON , March J20. The secretary of the Interior has prppiujcd u.letter of Instruc tion to the commissioner.of the gpncral land oftlco wh ch is to g6y/3rjrthd Balo.of the lands recently ceded to tbo-t mted Stales by iho Sioux nation of Indiarwl , The letter is in effect a construction o/3i2lion 21 oMho'SIoux act of March 3 , IjlSO , which provides that ' these lands shall'bo disposed of to actual settlers only under , iho homestead law and that the prlco to bopaid for the land disposed of during the first three years shall be $3 25 per acre , 74 cents per aero for all disposed of during the next two years and CO cents per aero for the residue of the land then undisposed of. The secretary holds first , that the purchase money must bu paid at the date when the final proof is submitted , nt the expiration of iho flvo years' residence required by iho not , ex-soldiers having iho benefit of the time they served m the army to four years , and second , the prlco which the settlers nro required to pay for land uo- comcs fixed at the date of original entry , and any- subsequent settler on land so entered and abandoned shall bo required to pay the same amount per neve as the settler who mndo the first entry. ' MHS. PKALS PlCtVMtS. A Nebraska Woman i\Vlin May Run Her FnltliloiHiie.H' . DENVER , Colo. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE UEE.F- Yesterday S. C. Prall of Elizabeth , Neb. , arrived In this city In search of his runaway wife. Ho had blood hi his eye and soon had her located and also her paramour , a man named James Mc- Millon , whom tbo police early in the day cap tured , and the chorgOjOl adultery wds placed , against htm. Search .Was then taken up for the woman , nnd last [ light the police caught her. Prnll says ho Intends to prosecute the guilty pair to the fullpjt extent of the law and says ho doesn't know any such thing as let-up on this case. Jl ? Intends to make It hot for u couple of otter ueoplo , ono in tins city nnd another iniPnobio. The party hero Is named Woods , nndiPrall says bo qwns u livery stable , and thcjPuoblo man's namu is J. H. Frank. He recently caught his wlfo writing a letter to Franktolllughlm that thu old man was going nway for n few weeks nnd nsklnc him to come to Elizabeth nnd visit during his absence. Prall found a let ter from Frank saying ho would bo on hand , nnd this caused a row , and Mrs. Prall quietly stole away. She now languishes In jail with her paramour. Mm. Ilnrcholl VUlu Uor Unstianii. WOODSTOCK , Out. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE Ucn. ] After her liberation today Mrs. Uurchcll Was driven to the jail. The meeting between husband and wlfo was very formal. There vifu scarcely n trace of emotion on the part of Itlier. Uurcholl hold oul his hand with t ' 'How do you do. " Mrs. Hurchel ! took .It und submitted to a kiss , and this part of tie ) meeting was ovor. Mr * . Uurcholl remained with her husband for about a quarter oY un hour nnd until uho was compelled to leafatb catch the train for Niagara Falls. Silo has some kind friends there , among whom ahpivould wish to bo for a time at least. Hfincpunsal accompanied her to Niagara Falls iiml will probably go on to Now York to meat Stevenson nnd his daughter , who will Arrive on Friday on the Germanic. Mrs , Hnrciioll stated that she would doubtless actoniiiany her father to Woodstock again aftcr'htsarrival. Honwoll'a trunks arrived hero today nnd were placed In charge of thu jail authorities , whore they will remain until uftii-tho trial. Uollcvna to'hb ' NinlllslB. TOUONTO , Ont. , M eh 20 , | Special Tele gram to Tim Uiic. ] Charles and Louis ' Svhochercd.yestord'ay decoyed Morris Gold stein Into their premises and heat him Into insensibility , after which they robbed him of fiOO. Goldstein'hus thirty-live wounds on his head and his recovery Is doubtful. Tho1 police say the prisoners are nihilists nnd believe there Is something more than robuery behind the attack. They think Gold- stem may have boon , a Ifmsian spy und that tbo object of the attack was revenge. Kwlpod tlm t'liokotltooic. Ci.F.yEtAND , O. , March 20 , ( Special Tele gram to TUB Una. ] J. L. Slorrett of Stcr- rottania. Pa. , loft St. Louis last night on the Hig Four road with 8J.UOO In his Inside pocket. On the train was an honos.t appear ing man , who suld he lived near Mr. Stor- retl's t.omf. When tbo trnld arrived hero today the itrangcr snatched Storrvtt's pock ctbonk and escaped with IU Mr. faturrett Is an old mau and In loft penniless oy the thief. THE BLAIR- BILL : DEITED , _ fc , \ It Fails to Pass in the Soncx v a Vote of 37 to 31. \ BOSS GORMAN'S PET Coinjiloii Ousted nml Altidd Sworn in Pork Packers 1'rotost Against Kdmunds' Mont Insncc * tlon MonBiirc. Semite. WASHINGTON , March 2) . In the senate today Mr. Cockrcll presented n protest of the Pork Packers' association of St. Louis against the bill for the Inspection of moats , saying the bill was unnecessary nml injuri ous to the stoclc raising and cnnnhik' Inter ests mora Injunouo oven than Gorman atul French prohibition. Mr. Sherman said the signers of the pro test woru acting under n misapprehension of ono section of the bill ( first ) which was ex actly the opposite of what tlioy assumed It to bo. , They assumed that the bill required Inspection In all cases where meat Ind been salted sixty days before exportation. This was n misrepresentation. The protest was referred to the commluco oil foreign rela tions. Among the bills reported and placed on the calendar was ono grunting right-of-way to it railroaa company ucio.s the Millc Lao Indian reservation in Wisconsin. The educational bill was taken up at 1 o'clock as unfinished business. After taking up the Ulnlr bill after debate - bate the sonata proceeded on the bill and its amendments. The llrst vote was on the three amendments offered by Mr. Moody ot South Dakota that the Illiterate * ) among the Indians shall bo included In the calculations. Mr. Hawley , opposing the bill , road the table of appropriations to ho in ado for the next fiscal i oar , with the following recapitu lation : Probable appropriations , ? 153.000- 000 : proposed appropriations , S.iSai3OOU ; total , ? 323,8-l2OOJ. Estimated revenues , f-J50100,000 : excess of appropriations ever revenue , $ rt-l : 13.000. Mr. Moody's ' amendment was agreed to. The senate proceeded to vote on the third reading nnd the engrossment of the bill , it resulted ugainst the bill. Mr. 131air changed bis vote from no so as to make a motion to reconsider. The result was announced yeas , 31 ; nays , U7 , us fol lows : oas , Kenubllcan Messrs. Allen. Allison , Chandler. ( Jullom , Dawes , Dolph , Edmunds , Evarla , Hlggms , Hoar , McMillanMandorson , Mitchell , Merrill , Moody , Pcttlgrcw , Plait , Squire , Slanlord , Stewart , Stockbndgo , Teller , Wilson of Iowa/ Democrats Messrs. Uarbour , Colquitt , Daniel , George , Hamp ton , Hearst , Paseo. Pugh 31. JSnys , Republicans Messrs. Aldrieh , Blair , Davis , Dixon , Far well , Fr.yo , Halo , Hnwloy , Hlscock , Ingalh , Jones of Nevada , Pierce , Plumb , Sawyer , Sherman , Spooner , Wulcott. Democrats Messrs. Uatcs , IJorry , Blackburn , Hlodgott , Cockorlll , Cone , Faulk ner , Gorman , Gray , Harris. Jones of Ar kansas , Konna , Morgan , Payne , Keagan , Turple , Vest , Voorhees , Wulthall and Wil- eon.of Maryland ! i . The following pairs were announced : Messrs. Butler , Vance , Paddock , Casey , Gibson , Brojvn andCull , , who were 'toe the bill , with Messrs. Quay , MoPherson , Eustls , Hansom , ' * V\tshburrir : > JtJQcl nnd" < * CatnorQnV who'whro against it. Mr. Blair tnada a motion to reconsider the vote , which motion was entered , and niter an executive session the senate adjourned. HOIIKI' . WASHINGTON. March 33. In the house today Mr. Henderson of Iowa presented a resolution of the general assembly of Iowa urging locislation against ttio adulteration of lard. Referred. On motion of Mr. Gear of Iowa the sonata bill was passed , withan , amendment striking out , the appropriating clause , for u public building at Burlington , In. , at a limit of cost of $100,000. The house then resumed consideration of the Mtidd-Compton contested election case , nnd was addressed by Mr. Compton , the silting member , In hie own behalf. Mr. Mooreof Texas , on behalf of the mi nority of the committee , offered a resolution declaring Mr. Compton entitled to his scat. Defeated Yens , US : nays , 1.15. The ma jority resolution declaring Mr. Mudd on- tilled to the seat was adopted yeas , * 15'J ; nays , 145. Mr. Mudd appeared and took the oath of ofllco. Mr. Morrow of California moved that the house go Into committee of the whole for further consideration of the pension appro priation bill , pending which Mr. Hooker of Mississippi moved an adjournment. Lost. Mr. Morrow's motion was agreed to. The committee immediately arose and the house udjouruod. I'nclllo Slnklnir Fund. WASIIIXOTON , March 20. In response to the house resolution tbo secretary of the treasury has transmitted to the house n statement that there arc now held in the United States treasury for the sinking fund of the Union Paclllo and Central Pacillo comuamos llrst mortgage bonds as follows : Union Pacific , 13,515,000 ; Central Pacific , (020,000 , These bonds wore acquired under the provisions of tho. act of March it , 1S37 , ana with the exception of 5533,000 purchased from the proceeds of the sale of $703.050 4 per cent' United States bonds hold in fund , worn all purchased and paid for with ac cumulated Interest on securities in the fund nnd amounts duo the companies for trans portation services performed for the govern- monti Ijnoy's Id-commendation. WASHINGTON , March 20. The comptroller of the currency in his annual report recom mend a law which limits the liability of an association , flrm or person to one-tenth of the capital stock actually paid In , to bo amended by the addition of the words : "Augmented by so much of Its surplus fund as from time to time may bo determined by the comptroller of the currency to bo bona fldo and unimpaired , but no part of the surplus fund Is to bo di verted or in ony manner withdrawn until the approval of the comptroller has llrst been obtained. Uut the discount of bills of exchange drawn in good faith against actually existing funds nnd discount of commercial nnd business paper actually owned by the person negotiating the game shall not bo considered as mono.y borrowed , " The house committee this morning con sidered this proposition , which was taken up In the form uf a bill , and after a long discus sion rejected It on the ground that It tonaed to further favor the largo ban us. . i. I'rootor lisiiL-N an Ordnr. WASHINGTON , March 20. Secretary Proc tor has Issued d general oFiler to the army that hereafter commanding ofllcors at posts Where n general court-martial Is convened shall , at thu request ot nny prisoner who is to bo arraigned , detail a suitable o til cor of the command as counsel to defend such prls- soner. If there bo no such oftlcor available at the post thu fact shall bo reported to the appointing authority for action. Continuation * . WASinxoTor , March 20. The following nominations wore confirmed by the sonata today : Hoglster of the land ofllco Heubon E. Krantz , Mitchell. Postmaster ) , iowu A. WilhsoD , Crouton ; Charles E. Talmadge , West Union : E. U. Cousin , Audubon ; II. C. Webb , Hand ford. Wisconsin Joseph Har ris , Jr. , Sturfjon Day , A WOKTIlIjESS FKI An Unbroken Ilocord of hying nnd Dlflohcdlcncc. CIIICAOO , March 20. In the Steele court- martial today counsel for the prisoner offered n statement made by KecrUltlng Sergeant Wcnrith of this city to the effect tnnt Wild had voluntnrllyatalkca with him ( Wonrlth ) about the case , saying the only reason ho refused to obey Stcclo was that ho had n grudge against him nml wanted to not oven. if ho could got Steele behind the bars ho would bo satisfied. Wild further told Won- rith that ho had boon In the army Jlttoon years , never moro than flvo years In ono troop. Wild was nskod what ho had to sny to these statements. Ho dcctinoJl to answer. saying that ho was not on trial. Sergeant Wonrlth was recalled nnd reiter ated his statement and Identified Wild. Members of Lieutenant Stoelo's troop then testified as to his. kind demeanor as" an ofll- cor and to Wild's bad reputation. Whllo In the Eighth cavalry ho had boon in prison many times for disobeying orders nnd other offenses * . Lieutenant Crovvdor , counsel for Steele , then offered the record of Wild's connection with troop F , Elehth cavalry. U showed that It extended ever u period of sixteen months , during which tuna ha had spent IU5 days In the guard honso , had been court- martialed six times , Imprisoned once fordls- obeying orders , oneO for quitting his post of duty nnd four times for other offenses. This evidence , the lioutonnntsaid , ho Introduced for the purpose of showing that Lieutenant Steele In striking Wild , did so with provocation , knowing ns ho did thut Wild was nn habitual guard house character. Lieutenant Crowdcr also offered tu put In the record of Wild when In the Fifteenth In fantry , from which ho was discharged for disability , and that while there eighteen months ho had been cloven times in the guard House and that in the recruiting sta tion nt Jefferson , Mo. , ho had been put In the guard house for Insubordination. The judge advocate objected to Its introduction , but before the court nroso to go into the pri vate room Lieutenant Crowdcr said ho honed the members would recollect that V.'lld had been lauded all over the United States ns ono of the country's bravo defondnrs ; thai his eauso hail been championed by Iho authorities of the land from the highest to these of the dime mu seum , nil of which was duo to the pros' , the representatives of which had been imposed upon by men of a character llko Wild's. It was , therefore , but , just that Lieutenant Steele should bo given every opportunity to show the kind of u character ho had to with in "Wild. The court , after a brief executive session , overruled the objection of the judge advo cate ixnd also another made against the ad mission of the record of Wild in the Colum bus barracks. Lieutenant Steele will bo placed on the stand tomorrow. Tlio Me Co 1 1 u Inquiry. New YOKK , March 21) ) . In the McCalla In quiry today the commander told of his charges ngainst Ensign Kllno. Ho said the Enterprise was anchored n few miles below Antwerp. Ho awakened between midnight and 2 a m. and remembering that the sheet chains were not fast called his orderly , but received no rcspouso. Then ho got up and dressed. Not finding anyone on the spar deck ho wont to the pilot house and there found Kline asleep in a chair. The quartermaster was also absent fram the quarter duck and the orderly from the culiln door. The com- milnder called tho.jjxocutivo officer , ordered thojnon confined and tput th .ensign under f&rresfforJioliiK.hslcori * ntvhls lioit'Oiid . deny- - "v' inirit. Kllno was then called nnd said after com ing on watch that ho wont aft to look nt n steam cutler which was towing astern. Then ho look several lurns on lha hridgo nnd went ituo the pilot Jiouso. Between ono nnd two bells the sentry reported nil right. Later the quartermaster asked leave to go to the head , which was granted. Soon after McCallncnmo hurriedly in nnd charged him with being asleep and ordered him , the quartermaster nnd Iho orderly under arrest. Witness stood watch on the bridge instead of on the quarterdeck because of the squall. Ho said MeCallu was very excited and would receive no explana tion. Quartermaster Graham nnd Orderly Flynn corroborated this testimony. It was brought out that Flynn stood watch for the quarter master while the lalliir want to the head. Ho admitted thai if the captain hud called him during Iho quartermaster's aDsonco tl.ero would have been no lookout. Henlcy'ri SAN FHANCISCO , March 20. In the Healoy Investigation today that gentleman testified regarding the tricing up of sailors from the merchant bark Estrolla. The master com plained to Captain Healoy thut several of his men would not work or obey him. They used most disgraceful language toward him ( Healoy ) . His only rogrol was thut ho had not punishoa them mora sovuruly. KJjOOl ) N13WS. The Fairest Portion of tlio A'n/.oo Delta Threatened. ViCKsuuito , Miss. , March 20. The orovasso " al Kaloigh , La. , and at Offtitts , Miss. , la likely to affect seriously the railroads in the respective vicinities. The Oftiuts crevasse Is now 500 feat wide. Unless closed very soon the orovasso will Hood large portions of Washington , Sparkoy and Issitquonn coun ties. the garden of the Yazoo delta , covering nn immense urea. The lnlolgh { crevasse Is enlarging nt the rate of Iwo feet an hour. All attempts to prevent the cnda of tlio lovco from caving In have boon In vain. There Is great distress in the track of the crevasse for want of skiffs to movn persons nnd property out of danger. No additional loss of Ufa is reported. Another Htrlkj Impending. CHICAGO , March 20. ( Special Telegram 10 THIS UcE.lThere is another strike Impend ing in all the brick. yards located m Cook county , outsldo of thu city of Chicago. In the city yards the hpurs ot labor average olght hours , while in the country yards they huvo heretofore ucon ton per day , und the country makers have boon ahlo to put their products on the city market nt a greater prolit than could bo made by the local munu- fucturors. Thu competition has boon keen , and so severely has it been full by the flrm 5 In the city that they havo. decided in car.u the hours of labor are noi reduced In the coun try yards to demand that the hours of labor in the city yards nhull bo Increased to ten hours a day. Thora U a scarcity of brick , owing to the continuance of building opera tions during the entire winter , and this de cision may not bo acted upon by the city manufacturers until Juno. The country manufacturers say , however , that they have contracted to maku eight hours n day's work after the llrst of May , But some of them want to io back on this agreement , and if they do there Is sure to bo a strike , Ilntton linlldlnuH Mint Cntnn Down. iNDUNArous , Ind. , March 20. The wrecked liowon-Morrill company and Becker buildings have sufficiently cooled this morning to permit the workmen to resume operations. An liiapeution of the buildings on either side of the ruins was madq and the inspectors decided that the Wnsson and Sloan blocks will have to coaiu down. Mayor SulllvauBcnt for the city attorney and Instructed him to proceed under the law and have all buildings supposed to bo In a shaky condition Inspected. "Every building that Is unsafe , " said the mayor , "must come down. " _ _ Tlio Woutlicr For Omaha nnd vicinity Fair weather. For Nebraska ana Iowa Cooler , fair , ' westerly winds. For South Dakota Fair , variable winds , stationary temperature. ARGUING ON IMMIGRATION , Sormto anil Houao Committees Llg- tou to the Discussion. MR. ROSEWATER TAKES PART , If Iinws Now on the Htnluto Haulm Were lOiittirond Thorn Would He No Need or Nrw Ones Kvnris Airrcos. Present IJ.I\VR Good WASHINGTON ; Mnrcti U A hearing was given this morning by the committee * of the house and scnnto on Immlcratlan and natural- izalmn , nlttlng jointly , to persons opposed to chnnges In the laws on these subject * . Edward Uosuwutcr , editor of Tin : O.MUIA. BIK : , was the llrst spcimer. Ho culd ho represented u number ot German and other societies In thu west. Ho reviewed the history of Immigration shico the declaration of Independence and slated that the question naturally follows : To what extent shall the right of Immigration ho extended or abridged by the United .States * The speaker said he believed the present laws on thu statute booku were sufficient for nil practical 'wrposca to keep out undesirable classes. All that wan needed was u moro rljtul administration of the lawn and n closer inspection al ports at entry. Kvorv cluss which was sought to bo excluded by the bllh before thu cntnmittco was already excluded by existing laws. Aftur thu argument by Mr. Konowator , Senator Kvarts of Now York , who is u mom- uer of the committee , stated that thu posi tion assumed by Mr. Hosownlcr was the most reasonable of that advanced by any one who had spoken upon the subject anil fully met his own views. Ho said { hat ho agreed with Mr. Hosowater that there was no nreosslty for iihirtu ever the Immigration to this country and Iho only thing needed was a smut enforcement of tha present laws. Senator Evarts very clearly expressed his views when ho said : "Thcro is no use to amputate a log because there Is n corn on the tnjB , " which meant Hint ho did not think that there was any excuse of or necessity for shutting off immigration to tula country simply because there were annrohistn , men dicants , paupers and other ohjectionablo characters who croup into this country on rare occasions. Richard Hnrtholrtt and Simon Wolff , ot the confaronco of delegates of the German- American societies , which mot in Washing ton this week , also argued agalust the bills. _ .g. IN THIS COMMONS. A IJOIIR Altercation Dctwcon llalfonr and Iho I'nrnnllitPH. LONDON , March 20. [ Special Cablegram to Tin : HBC.J In the IIOUBO of commons to night in the committee of supply there was u long altercation between Balfour and Iho Parncllues. finally after continual bickerIng - Ing nnd appeals to the chairman Mr. Halfour protested against the eternal repetition o1 * exploded calumnies by the Parncllltcs , whom he said were wasting the time of thu house without presenting the slightest now feature of interest cither to the government orto , the opposition. Sir William Vernon Ilarcourt taunted Mr Halfour with always making practically the same speech and reproved him. . . as respon sible for tlio mlBgovcriimcnt of Irnlnrid , fcjr'iwaortlng that the house wan bored with Irish matters and for concluding that all de batable matters were answered by a letter from his private secretary to the newspa pers. "It was Mr. Halfour's tone of lofty contempt , " Sir William continued , "that kept uilvo the exasperation of Inilnml. " Though the government might identify ItsclC with the Times the house was unable to rec ognize letters to that newspaper as complete answers on the part of the government to serious charges. Mr. Hnlfour said ho would endeavor to adopt Sir William's ' tone and manner nml thut ho will bo certain to conciliate every section of the housu. KiillnlMiry Hcolds. LONDON , March 20. At n meeting of the conservative members of parliament today Lord Salisbury In n speech regretted the slow progress of business in the coinmonii , the government being compelled to deal with obstruction of a most determined kind. The tithes bill and the land purchase bill were of paramount importance. The former must pass its second reading before thu Easter recess. Ho ridiculed the report that parliament would soon bo dissolved und scolded those tones whoso lukowarinnosEi , ho said , had contributed to defeat the govern ment In the recent supplementary elections. Lord Salisbury expressed the hope that tha difficulty with Iho United States ever the Hehrlng sea matter would soon bo settled. "Hut with such a susceptible nation na America , " ho said , "Grunt Britain cannot negotiate at the top other voice. " This was received witli great laughter. Iho MuG.irvoy Murder ItlyNtnry. CHICAGO , March 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB HEB.I The pollco are ngaln ut sea In the McGarvoy murder mystery. For a short tlmo late lust night the officials congratu lated themselves on their success In solving1 the mystery , but this morning found their hopes shattered. Taylor , the engineer wltli whom the murdered woman lived for aovnral months , waa released today , there being no evidence whatever iKjnlnst him. "Thoro seems to bo no doubt about this hnckmau from Milwaukee being the mail who accom panied Mrs , Ulngham on that fatal drive , " remarked Chief Marsh this mornlnt' , "So far ns wo are Informed hm name Is Freil Dammoti. Detective Williams Is , 1 thinlr , close on Dammon'fl ' trail. The follow him boon u hiibltue of .the lovco resorts for soma tlmo , and ho will soon be captured. " Km IAppointment. . MITCIIKI.I , , S. D. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UEK. | The appointment of 1 . N. Kratz to the ref.'istership of thu United States land ofllco at this pluco gives general satisfaction In this land district. Mr. IvraU was chief clerk In the snmo office from IbSIt to 18SO and has boon a practicing land attor ney sraco then. Ho will make a competent official. Ho U vice president of the tccurliy bank of Mitchell , nn active Sunday Bchnol man and Is president of the Mitchell Y , M. C. A. A.A A Chemical I'liint Tor CHICAGO , March 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; Unu.l Mr. John B. Wheules , an English chemical engineer , was In the city today m conference with several Chlcnvo capitalists in reference to a lur/ro chemical plant soon to ho established by them In this city. The work to bo carried on Is the man ufacture of certain secret process chamlcnla nnd the obtaining of the pure tin from scrap tin , which , It Is claimed , has never bouu ac complished. Arrivals. At London Sighted : The Wiscon m and Greece , fem : Now York ; the Nedcrlaml , from Philadelphia. At Now York The Island , from Stettin ; the Uovonla , from Glasgow. Southampton The Latin , from New York for Bremen , At Quccnstown The Coltlo , from New Yorlft - t'nt Crowi'H CUHO Contlniioil. CHICAGO , March 20. The case of Patrick Crowo of Omaha , who two weeks ago shot Officers JJriscoo and Llnvlllo nnd Citizen Cole , was continued till March 20 , as the offi cers were unable to appear in court. Hotli of the officers will recover from the effects of their wounds.