Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1890, Image 1

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A Reduction or About Sixty Millions
IVool Growers nnd Manufacturers
Until Got Moro KnanurngcMtioiit
Homo Internal Jlsvcnuo
Tnx.-B i'riinocl.
The Now Schedules.
March 18. The republican
members of the ways and means commlt'.eo
.tlcalty agreed upon every point of dlvl-
i on the tariff schedules and reductions
t bo made from the Internal revenue , and
will present the bill to the full committee for
Its consideration before the end .of ttio wcok ,
The clause relating to carpet wool and ono
or two other articles is not yet finally and
definitely passed upon. While the bill Is not
Absolutely completed , nnd will of course bo
RUbJect to revision , it Is believed to bo sub
stantially a llnlshcd measure so far as the
majority of the committee Is concerned.
The internal revenue features of the bill
nro as follows : The entire abolition of all
Bpcclul taxes upon dealers of nil kinds , com
monly known na licenses ; taxes upon snuff
repealed. Fanners nnd planters growing
tobacco have liberty to soil to whomsoever
thny please without restraint In the sumo
manner ns any farmer can dispose of any
other products. The tax uppn manufactured
tobacco will bo reduced to1 cants ; cigars ,
cheroots nnd cigarettes , snuio tax as now.
Alcohol used In the arts Is frco under sub-
Btanttally the same restrictions proscribed
in the sonata bill. The reductions In the
revenue from those sources will be in round
numbers between $17,000,000 and $19,000,000.
The following nro the pilnclpal provisions
In the tariff . schedules : The chemical
Bchcdulo contains but few changes from the
existing law. The earthenware and
glassware schedules remain substantially
ns In the existing law. Thcro are n number
of Important changes in the metal sched
The existing rates are maintained on Iron
ere nnd , iig iron. Barb wire for fencing is
made dutiable it 0-10 cents n pound , which
Is below the duly on that kind of Iron enter
ing Into other uses. Beams , girders nnd
atructural iron is reduced from 1 ! { to G 10
cents a pound , which is a reduction below
that of the scnnlo bill.
Hallway Iron U reduced to 0 1-10 cents n
pound , the present rate bnlng Cl a ton , a re
duction of about ? 4 n ton and a reduction in
the rate ilxcd by the senate bill. Uhoduty
on rails is reduced n Ion.
The duty on tin pinto Is Increased to " 2-10
ccntB a pound. Pig tin remains frco. It is
believed with this encouragement our tin
pltuo will bo manufactured In this country.
Already wo mukosl.out tin and sheet steel ,
which is 05 per cent tin plato and with a-
nuranccs that there Is tin In the Black Hills ,
it is thought n great Industry will spring up.
Thcro is an increase in the duty on pocket
cutlery whlcn the committee justifies upon
lha ground of the depressed condition of
that industry in tha United Stales and the
nhnip and ruinous competition already felt
'rom Germany.
Gun barrels are placed upon the free list.
Hand sowing noodles nro also placed upon
the free list.
The now metal aluminum is given n des
ignation for tha ilrst tlmo under "metals uud
manufactures" thereof nnd is made dutiable
ut 87 per cent ndvalorum.
In the lumber schedule the duty on sawed
boards , sawed planks and llnished lumber Is
reduced 50 per cent from the present rate.
There is n special provision inserted that In
case Canada lays an export duty upon lum
ber ttio duties shall bo collected according to
the rates under the existing laws ,
The dutv on Sumatra tobacco is increased
to $3.75 per pound. .
Thcro Is an increase generally along the
or.tlro list In the duties on agricultural pro-
duets. The duty upon barley is raised to SO
cents n bushel , hops to 15 cants .a pound ,
buckwheat to 10 cents a bushel , macaroni
and vermicelli U cents n pound , oats 10 cents
a bushel. The duty on agricultural seeds Is
increased. The duty on nco Is reduced from
tyi to 2 cants a ponnd , nco Hour und rico
meal from 1 cent to % cent u pound and
broken rice toi cent u pound.
Butter and all substitutes therefor bnve
the duty Increased to ( t cents n pound. The
duty on eggs Is raised to 5 cents n dozen , po
tatoes to 6 cents a bushel. Hides , which
uro now on the frco list , nro made dutiable
nty \ cents a pound. Thcro is u small In
crease in the dutv upon fruits. An advance
in duties generally bus boon conceded the
farming interests where if is believed the
increased duties will benefit the farmers.
Spirits , wines and other beverages have
been loft as found In the existing laws. Salt
ulso has not been touched. The cotton man-
, ufucturas are loft substantially us In the
sonata bill.
.Tuto , manlla and sisal grass are put upon
the free list , ns Is wool do gras , which outers
Into the finishing of leather.
A reduction Is made In tha duty on bind
ing twine.
'Iho wool schedule wools of the first
class , known us clothing wools , It cents a.
round ; second class , known ns combing
wools , 13 conln ; carpet wools valued ut 12
cents or less , ! % cents n pound ; valued over
12 cents , S cents a pound. This is n reduc
tion of Ijij cents a pound from the
Hannto bill and on increase of ! } < $ centa
from the present law. It is btllovad , however -
over , that tha definitions and classifications
nnd restrictions provided for will uinko this
duty oven moro valuable to the wool grow
ers than the duty tlxcd by the sonata bill.
In ttio Mills bill wool was put on tha frco
list nnd the duty given to the manufacturers
of woolen fabrics wus from -10 to 45 per cent.
AH this bill inultes wool dutiable It gives
compensation to the manufacturers
for Iho duly Impound on wool. The difference
between the duty plvon the manufacturers
by the Mills bill und the proposed measure
is only 10 tier tont. After giving to the
manufacturers a compensatory dutv. for the
duty on wool , yarns and cloths uro made
tlutlnblo at 40 per centiul valorem jiddltionul ,
i\3olon goods utCO per cent nnd ready made
clothing at 00 per cent. It is understood
though that thcro is sonio division in the
committee upon the subject.
For the encouragement of silk ctiltura in
the United Stains a duty will bo recom
mended on raw silk.
Thu sugar schedule was given In yester
day's dispatches. It amounts to a cut In the
duties on sugar of irom SO to 00 par cent ,
Molasses U Is made dutiable nt a 25 per
cent ndvulorom duty , the present rnto being
spcctllo. This Is n considerable reduction.
The comuilttoo has not yet settled what
duties will bo lovlcd on load ores.
Among the now legislative provisions pro-
] > osed In the bill Is ono that no importations
Bhall bo made Into tha United States which
do not show plainly the country from which
tlio.v are imported. This U dona la order to
put n stop to the practlco which has become
very common of sending foreign goods Inlo
the Unllod Slalos with American brands
thereon , the purpose bolng to dccolvo the
imblio und to have the wares supplant
American goods which have established rep
utations. The bill also repeals that section
of the statutes which glvoi to the United
States and contractors under it tbo right to
Import supplies Into this country frco of
duty. By this means it Is Intended to ro-
qulro the Unilod Statoi ami all U * oOlccrs
und contractors to bo bound by tho. laws
which it establishes for Its citizens.
It is estimated by tbo farmers that tha tar
iff bill will reduce > ' .a rovenucs about
500,000,000. Of tills reduction fL'0,000,000 to
f37,000,000 will bo secured by the cut
on sucnr and from (17,000,000 to $10,000,000
by the Internal revenue feature * of tha bill ,
Tbo frco list , which contains with few ex
ception * all the Item * In the icnato bills nnd
n few others , will , it U citlmatod , uiako a re
duction of between f 1,250,000 und 100,000.
List or Iho Dead KO Far an AftCar-
tnlnod Voices I 'mm the Itulnn. , Ind , , Mnrcli 13. A great
throng surrounds tlia ruins of the Bowcu-
Merrill book concern this morning. An
army of workmen Is busily engaged carting
away Hie bodies of tha dead and Injured
burled there. The voices cf several persons
In the ruins can bo clearly heard above the
noise of tha workmen. The Hat o' the dead
as far as known nt this hour isns follows :
ANDURW O. CiiKititr , superintendent of the
11 ro alarm telegraph.
Gcoitut Fu-i.KNEit , engineer , still in the
Ksi'v STOIIMKU , pipcman , stilt in the ruins.
Dtvin ! { . Louitv , plpcmun , still In the
UI.IS ES.C. , substitute.
IlKxnr t ) . Woormvrr , plneman.
GKOHOG W. OI.BXX , pipcman.
Ai.ngiiT HnrFMAX. pipcman.
ANTHONY VOLX , driver.
THOMAS A. HMCK , truckman.
The injured number eighteen. 'Hie fire
originated In the basement from the furnace ,
but In what manner Is not known.
The work of clearing away the wreckage
was continued throughout the day with
renewed energy. The floors nnd roof luy
ono upon another with burnt books and
stationery .sandwiched in between.
At.I o'clock this morning the crushed and
mangled remains of Tony Voltz worn found
and extricated. It was about S o'clock when
the dead llrctnan was located , Sotno one
noticed his head protruding from the debris.
Quick work revealed his form In an almost
standing position leaning slightly forward
with ono hand clasped on the lioiul.
The most horrible of all was the condlt'on
of Espy Stormor , whoso dead body was
taken nut at : B o'clock with ono leg burned
entirely off. Ho must have died In terrible
ngony , us there nro no evidences of his hav
ing bean killed by fulling bricks or timber.
WoodrulT now only rcmuins In the mass cf
ruins ,
iilir Di'V GoodN Ulnzc.
PEOHM , 111. , March 18. A fire In the re
tail dry goods house of Pnrdco , Mills & Co. ,
early this morning , damaged the stock to
the amount of $50,000 to S < JOCOO. The loss Is
fully covered by Insurance. The Jlrc orig
inated from 11 gas jet. This is the third lima
the llrm has been burned out within the past
Norway Minn Mill Hunting.
MILWAUKEE. Wis. , March 18. Advices to
the Evening Wisconsin from northern Mich
igan are to the effect that the lira in the
Norway mlno is still raging. General Su
perintendent Kelle.y , Capluin Bond nnd a
party entered the mlno this morning. They
\\ero overcome bv smoke nnd when found
wcro insensible. The loss aluiady is bo
twcen $ .20,000 nnd $10,000.
Ills Testimony Substantially in Ao
cordaticu With Prior Statements.
Cincvao , March IS. The court martial for
the trial of Lieutenant Steclo of thu Eighth
United Stales cavalry , assembled at noon
today , and after formally organizing pro
ceeded to hear the testimony of Private Dell
P. Wild , the complaining witness. '
Wild told lib story as follows : Ho had
been ordered , ho said , to carry u piece of
canvas. to Lioutoimut Stcelo's headquarters.
Ho was told to taka it to the back yard ,
where bo was men by Lieutenant Stcelo ,
who requested him to assist in placing thu
canvas on a storm root leading from Stoclo'a
back door to on outhouse. " 1 didn't think
ho had nny right to ask me to do that , " con
tinued Wild , "und so I said : 'Lieutenant , I
refuse lo do that work because X don't have
to act ns servant to no officer. If you ask
me to split or carry In wood I'll
do it , but I won't do nothing
of this kind. I think it is menial work. " Ho
then called mo u deserter and swora at me ,
and llnally struck mo in the face , knocking
my hat into a tub of water. I then started
out of his yard , when ho ordered mo to halt ,
nnd had mo placed under arrest. I was
taken to the quarters nnd then got permis
sion to go back and got my cup , which was
still in a bucket In the lieutenant's yard.
Corporal Scott took me back , and when I
got to the gate Stoclo says , 'What do you
wantl' and I says , 'I want my cap , sir,1 and
ho says , 'Get It and got out ot here. ' I wont
back to the quarters , where I staid until I
was tried in November. I was imprisoned
from the 24th of October until the trial. "
The defense then examined Wild nnd at
tempted to prova that ha hud frequently ex
pressed the wish that ho had kilted Lieuten
ant Steolo.
In reply to a question as to the truth of
this statement Wild replied :
" 1 refuse to answer that question. It aln 't
got nothing to do with this case. I ain't on
trial hero. "
Ho finally admitted that ho had said that
ho would rather have killed Steele than to
struck him. "Because , " ho said , "I could
got justice in a United States court , but I
can't get no justice in u military court. "
"Did , you over join the United States
uraiy under the name of E. P. Wnrdl"
asked the counsel for the defendant ,
" 1 object" suid the Judge udvooato , "ou
tha ground that that is Irrolevcnt to this
case. "
Tno attorneys argued tha point and tha
court retired with n great clunking of side
arms to the nnto-rooui to consider the
question. They returned after several min
utes absence and sustained the objection ,
Lieutenant Crowd or then asked permis
sion to bring Into court ono McCouins , who
had known Wild under the alias of Ward.
The court again retired to the council
chamber nnd this time ruled In fuvor of the
defendant. McComns was than called und
In his presence Wild was uskod if McComns
was not his ( Wild's ) sergeant In the Filtconth
Infantry. The judge udvocuto objected
again and was sustained.
After hearing one other witness , Corporal
Spelt of the Fifteenth Infantry , In corroboration -
boration of Wild's story , which completed
tbo case for the complainant , the court took
u recess till 11 o'cloul : to-rnoirow morning.
Sonio Dnumclni ; Testimony Against
New YUIIK , March IS. The McCalla In
quiry was continued today. Fireman Shay
charged Lieutenant Mulligan with cruelty ,
having put tha witness in Irons and tied him'
up because ho did not too prouorly on the
quarter deck. Two sailors corroborated his
Flroinnn Botzcr charged Lieutenant In-
gcrsoll with treating him In a similar man
ner and Lieutenant Mulligan with having
had him tied up to n Jacob's ladder. This
testimony was also corroborated.
Michael Kcavcy charged Lieutenant Mul
ligan with having gagged him with n bay
onet. Lieutenant Mulligan udmlttod that ho
had no order * to do this.
& Seaman Noel told about Lieutenant Ingcr-
soil threatening him with a belaying pin
nnd afterwards striking him down with bis
list. Several other complaints were entered.
Captain llunloy't * Trial.
SAN FIUNCISCO , March 18. The Invcstlgu-
ttou of the charges of cruelty and miscon
duct against Captain Houloy of tbo revenue
cutter Bear wcro resumed today. Several
sailors testified to tbo tlolng up of seamen
from a merchant vessel. Witnesses were ot
tbo opinion that Hoaley was tntoxlcat.d at
the tiuio.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Couhllu Cniirt-Mnrllal.
VAU.CJO , Cal , , March 18. The court-
martial which has been In session tovoral
days trying Commander Coghlln of the navy ,
for publicly criticising naval officials and the
discipline , completed its labors today und
tbo findings were sent to Washington.
A Oily Auditor Short.
CIIATTAXOOUA. Teen , , March 18. A dis
crepancy of t < ! , 532.50 was tonight found bo-
twcen the accounts of City Auditor White-
side und the city It fa not known wboro ho
Is. Hla ollleo wai declared vacant.
Ho Wants tin Opportunity to An-
Bwor Mr. Rooowator.
President llarrlhon nnd Digtln-
GucHtfl DlHCUH.s Vinndi
nud Politic * The New
Tariff Measure.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , March 18.
Postmaster General Wanamakor and Gen
eral Tyncr wcro attentive listeners to the
argument in fuvor of postal telegraphy de
livered by Mr. E. Hosowator today before
the post offlcn committee of the houso.
They both pronounced it tha most Instruct
lvo and Interesting discourse they had heard ,
Thu members of the * committee also express
themselves highly gratified at the array of
facts and the wide range of Information pre
sented by Mr. liosowator.
Quito u sensation was created when ho
produced nn ofllclal report of the quarter
master general for 1SOO which discloses the
fuct that over fifteen thousand miles Of
uMltary telegraph nnd 200 miles of
cable were turned over on .February
-7 , 1SCO , to the toloeraph com
panies without pay or any other equiv
alent except a cancellation of pretended
claims for Invasion of patent rights.
A running debate with members of the
commlttoo which followed the debate throw
much light on points that had not been here
tofore explained by any other person on
cither sldo.
It was oxpcctcd that Dr. Norvin Green
would ask for another hearing next Friday
to counteract if possible some of tha dis
closures that wore made before the commit
tee today.
Mr. Evans of Chattanooga is chairman of
the sub-commlttco of the house committee on
postofllces nnd postroads having the Wnnu-
nmkcr postal telegraph bill in charge. Ho
listened with close attention to Mr. Rose-
water's ' statements today and this evening
said : ' 'Mr. Kosowater presented an argu
ment which is simply unanswerable as to
why the government should control the tele
graph In time of war , and I think tils argu
ment In fuvor of government control at all
times cannot be refuted. I notice that
President Green has just asked the com
mittee to give him a further hearing
Mr. Kosewator's ' statements were the most
practical and contained the greatest amount
of common sense of any that have been
made before the committeo. Ho has shown
that a largo amount of telegraph property
acquired by the government during the wur
has been turned over to tdo lolegrnph com
panies ; that grunt roads have Joined the
monopolies , turning ever 'their lines to the
Telegraph compunies in defiance of the con
tracts , and bus in fine presented every
argument that a practical mind could conceive -
coivo in fuvor of his position. I do not know
ihut the committee will report tbo
Wanamaker proposition , but I urn confident
it will report in favor ot Homo kind of an ar
rangement In sotno degree similar to that
one. Mr. Hoscwater made hla position es
pecially tenable and above criticism by not
advocating any spcciul firm of postal tele
graphy and by not attaching the telegraph
companies viciously , keeping In perfect hu
mor. Ho howad himself to bo working for
the public good. " " '
A. IIIJIA11KAULK 1)177XKit *
There wns a ruther remarkable dinner nt
the white house hist night.Tho president
invited Senators 4)awcs ) , Aldrich , Allison ,
Hiscock , Merrill and Jones of the senate ,
and Messrs. MeiCtnloy. Burrows , Cannon
Conger and Blnghum , of the house to dine
with him Informally , It being understood
that matters of public policy wore to bo dis
cussed during the evening. Tno'dlnnor was
carlior than usual and WAS servedIn , the
private dining room. After thu menu was
half llnished the president Introduced the
subject of the tniiff und asked how
the committee on wavs and means
were gutting ulong with their bill. Mr. Mc-
Klnloy explained the situation , while all of
iho gentlemen around the table , understand
ing iho significance of the question , gave"
him their attention. The president then
uskcd Mr. Aldrich and Mr. Allison what
prospect the bill would have in the sonata
when it reached that body. They told him
they would bo able to pass it in good ardor ,
provided 11 conformed to tbo policy repre
sented by the bill reported and passed by
the last session. The president then ex
pressed himself very warmly upon the sub
ject of the tariff , explaining that In his
opinion the interest of thu country de
manded that there should bo a reduction of
the revenue particularly on articles of food
and the necessaries of life. There wan n
good deal of tooling , he explained , particu
larly In the northwest ngulnst maintaining
the tariff that hud been imposed during the
war. The republican party wus pledged to
reduce the revenues , and tba duty better bo
cut down oven it the government was com
pelled to economize In order to mono both
ends moot.
Then the silver question wns tnkon up nnd
thu president asked Mr. Conger , chairman
of the house committee on coinage , weights
ami measures , what the prospect was In the
house for that kind of legislation. Mr. Con
ger thought it was entirely probable that the
Wlndom bill would pass very much us it had
been decided upon by the committee ,
but when the president nsked Mr. Aldrich
what prospect the bill would hnvo
in thu senate ho wns Informed
that the commlttea on finance had already
reported a substitute which differed from
the measure which Mr. Windom had already
prepared , nnd that they would Insist on Its
passage ) and agree to no other , whereupon
Mr. Jones of Nevada spoke quito freely and
ttxplulnod to the president the character of
the sonata bill. .Tho most remarkable feat
ure about It , ho said , was that it had been
unanimously agreed to by iho senate committee -
mitteo on finance and was the only financial
measure that had over been endorsed to
such an extent by that committee.
Any measure , ho said , was re-
markQblo that could secure the
approval of Mr. Merrill and himself , but tha
Wlndom bill was not so popular , The prcsl-
dent did not engage in u controversy , but
intimated rather strongly that In his opinion
thu Wlndom bill covered the case about ns
well as could be devised und ho was particu
larly anxious for the passage pf some sort of
u measure.
The republican members of the committee
on ways and means have finally agreed upon
a Uriff bill und will report It to the roll committee
mitteo tomorrow. As stated In these
dispatches on Monday morning , there were
three points at issue , the duty on sugar being
the most Important. On this the western
members agreed to a compromise ami tha
duty ou all grades of sugar up to und Includ
ing No. ID was placed ut 85 per cent ad-
vulorom , and all grades above 10
nt 40 per cent. Thu It is esti
mated will make n reduction from
sugar of from $30,000,000 to $35,000,000 a year ,
' 1 ha next | > olnt ut Issue , which wus the
duty on carpet wool , has boon pouted also
by a compromise. The duty on/ coarse wool
Is placed at 3Jf cents a pound in order to
afford iho tnorlno wool men the protection
which they Insist is necessary against tbo
adulteration of tluer wools with the coarse
varieties in the manufacture of clothing , but
a concession bus bean made tq the carpet
manufacturers in a provision which gives
them a rebate on all coarsa wools uaod In the
manufacture of carpets. In Other words , all
coarse wools of class U Introduced Into this
country will ha > u to pay a duty of 8K cents
nor pound , but they pan bo stored in a
bonded warehouse until uied and upon
proper oviduuco that t-oy wcro used In the
manufacture of carpotA n robuto will bo
paid. / .
On the third polnv.whtoh wns leal ores ,
the committee decided Vi sustain the decision
of Secretary Wmdom ijad f placed the tax nt
\M rants n pound. <
i'hablllnsit stands j satisfactory to all
except the northwestern members , who
have been Insisting nil the ' white
that sugar should KODU the , frco Hit , but they
hnvo secured a reduction of almost 70 per
cant from the prosttl tariff and feel very
well satisfied , knowing they cannot got nny
moro. The bill wilt bo printed tonight , re
ported to the full cjpimlttoo tomorrow , nnd
Mr McKlnloy oxpccp to got it Into the house
not later than Saturday or Monday next.
when bo will give mulpothat it will bo called
up for action about the llrst of April ,
On Friday the joint committee on Immi
gration will _ o to Now York for the purpose
'Of Investigating th $ question which has
arisen In conncctlon wllh a now location for
the landing of Immigrants. It Is held that
the Castle Garden quarters were abandoned
nnd Bed loo's island was chosen by Secre
tary Windom for political masons. The
commlttoo will also. . bo present when nn
Italian ship arrives : with from twelve to
fourteen hundred Italian immigrants. They
will go on board the ship as soon ns It
anchors and rcmalninboaril , till the Imml
crunts nro ull landed and pass inspection. -
their purpose being to not n thorough knowl
edge of the modus operand ! of the landing
nnd passing upon Immigrants In the port ot
Now York. 'Iho committee will hear Mr.
Hosowatcr of Tun O/CAIIA. BER nnd repre
sentatives of ttio Turner societies on the sub
ject of immigration Icursdav morning.
WANT inin ; : TIN.
The Armours havo'potltlonod congress for
frca tin , on tha groural that the duty will
ruin the canned goodi business and increase
the prlco to contumcrs. The Dakota sena
tors have created nulta ; a sentiment In favor
of n duty on tin. Thijy say that American
tm mines In South Dakota have to compete
with the mines in ' Malacca , where labor
costs but 25 cents per Id ay. They argue that
a duty of 2. > cents pea oound on tin will pro-
tcct American workman nnd will not in-
crcoso the cost of canned goods ,
Tomorrow the cofn'mltteo on election of
president nnd vlco prudent Intend having n
moating for iho consideration of the Me-
Comas bill , which provides for the election
of members to tha SFifty-second congress
from the districts' now arranged , and nul
lifies the gerrymander schemes in Ohio and
other states. ' Chairman Ledge thinks the
bill will bo favorably reported from the
commission. Mr. JtlbComas , the author of
tha measure , said to j-our correspondent to
day that ho had ma lo a thorough canvass
among tha republican members und found
very little opposition.-1 ! Ho said the measure
was Just and was in. conformity with the
constitution and statutory laws. Ha had
but little doubt that ( tvould bo reported to
the house ut a very oatly duto und passed.
This bill and tha onoiby Mr. Ledge , provid
ing for federal sup avlaibn of elections , will
liKely provoke very lltler partisan debates.
Both measures are tojcoiiio before the house
before the tariff olll lis , taken up if possible.
At the meeting of tba senate committee on
agriculture today Mr , Paddock's bill pro
posing u bountv upon the production of xugar
beets and beet sugar jiq the United States
and the Introduction ref machinery to bo
used in beet sugar mjinnfacturo frco of duty
was under discussion , ' Tfio friends of the
cnna sugar Industry 4u tlio south strongly
opposed the proposition , holding that lha
beet sugar Industry ndcds no tnoro encour
agement than the cana sugar industry , while
those who xvero not Uirectly Interested in
either cnno or bootisi ar opposed tbo aboli
tion of the duty on'beettsuirar machinery ,
saying thut there \vwjno reason why this
cluss should bo ndnjittcKl jvhfinpibjjr ma
chinery has to nay ft qjity. ? ' The committee
was considerably dlvr3ed 'o"ivtho'3UbJeot and
before a decision wus coached the hour of
adjournment arrived , /i'hcro will bo another
mooting on the subject.
Nebraska Lisbon , Perkins county , I.
Hart , vice E. B. Kenney , suspended ;
Prague , Suundcrs county , W. 0. Kirchman.
vice F. Sccor , removed ; Portal , Saroy
county , J. R Hildobrand , vice J. P. Pat
terson , resigned.
Town Hlnustnd , Emmett county , L. Lar
son , vice H. Johnson , removed ; Temple Hill ,
Jones county , T. Finn , vice J3. O. Furrell ,
Governor S'noup oLIdaho , who has been
here for two months past la the interests of
tha bill to admjt that territory to statehood ,
loaves for homo tomorrow. He has worked
hard for the passage pf the bill , but Import
ant mutters which require his Immediate at
tention in the territory force him to Icavo
Just when his labors' arj on the eve of
On motion of Sonat6rMoody late this af
ternoon tha Bonato , passed the bill appropri
ating f JOO , 000 for a public building nt Deadwood -
wood nnd 5-450,000 for-Sioux Falls , S. D.
A. J. Clurk , C. H.Paul nnd U. L. Els-
moro of Hastings , who huvo been hero
working m favor of the bill before the house
making un appropriation for a public buildIng -
Ing at Hastings , left for their homes tonight.
The sonatciproposes lo clvo $150,000 , but the
house only wants to RIVO $75,000. 'Iho con
ference commlttea will likely compromise on
1100,000. i
Mrs. John P. Newman , wife of Iho
Omaha bishop and former pastor of the Met
ropolitan M. E. chiirch of this city , nnd
George D. Dcshititds , manager of the Balti
more & Ohio hotels iitIoer Park and else
where , nro among thD guests ut the Hlggs.
Tlio bill to remove the ofllces of inspector
of boilers and hulls from Galena to Dubuque ,
on the Mississippi river , was up for a hear
ing before the committee on commerce to
day. Messrs. Hqndqrson and Hayes of Iowa
suoho for the bill while Mr. liltt opposed It.
At the conclusion of.'tho hearing the commit
tee decided with but ono dissenting vote to
report the bill with the recommendation thut
it should pass. Mr. Mason of Illinois voted
against tha measure.
Hopresent.xtivo Doraoy has boon notified
of the establishment of a postofllco nt Tel-
best , Washington county , rnd the appoint
ment of Conrad Tuhlbroat as postmaster.
Mr. Uursoy tins eent to the postmaster
general a petition from citizens In Blnlno
and Cherry counties respecting n * change in
the star mall routes there. They want the
route between Pordutn and Hnlscy discon
tinued nnd the route between Brewstcr and
Halsey substituted' from Browstcr to Por-
dum via Hultioy. " -
Preliminary punnrs.havo bcou filed for the
establishment of the First National bunk of
Pierce by O. L. Wattles , n. a. Geek.
Wlllmm H. Chllvors , 'Benjamin ' LIndsoy , J.
C. Mohnmrn and G. W ; Wattles.
The preliminary papers have also boon
filed for the First National bank of Teka-
muh , Neb. , 'by G. , W , Green , J. P. Lattn ,
William Neablt. Ed JLatto , G. B. Huncock ,
W. W. Lattu und J.-.Sptlumn.
A petition bus bcen.pont to Assistant Post
master General Claylison by Mr. Dorsoy re
questing u change ip the location of the post-
Qftico of Huohlnspn ( , Douol county , and
recommending ( ho appointment of Walllng-
ton Whlto as postmaster.
W. W. Punnoy hasv\vthdrawn | his resig
nation from tbo position of general agent of
the ccpsus fop the collection of mort
gage statistics and slates that ha has con.
eluded to act In tha capacity to which po wns
appointed. \
Editor Vaughn ot-Omoha i In tbo city.
Mr. F. W. Muhm pf the Clinton ( la. ) Her
ald Is In the city. PKIIIIY S. HEATH.
Thn Weather Fnrooasr.
For Omaha and vicinity Fair weather.
For Nebraska F.alr , warmer In northern
&l stationary toiQporaturo In southern portion
tion , winds shifting to easterly.
For Iowa Fair , jirocoJod by showers in
eastern portion , northerly winds , warmer , In
northwestern and stationary temperature In
southeastern portion.
For South | 3akotaFair , winds lifting to
southerly. tjeneralfySvarmur.
Trnln. Honlns ilia Journey.
TACOUAYnsb , , March 18. George Fran-
cfs Train today stalled on his Journey nround
the world , taking tbo steamer Olympia to
Victoria , where be will connect with tbo
Canadian PaotQo line fcr Yokohama.
_ . _ . , *
Ho. GIvoa Partloulara of the Murcli 7
of Obnrloa A. Shgrman.
'Itio 1'rlsnnor to IJo Ileturnod to
Xuokolli Coun'ty as Soon na
Hrqulflltlon Pnpcrw Arc Oh-
tnlnctl Stnto News.
Dntnlls of the Or lino.
Surnmon , Nob. , March 18. ( Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE. ] Sheriff Warden owned
through here this morning on route Irom
Colorado , wlioro ho had gene to arrest the
supposed murdcror of Sherman , iioar Oak.
Shorlft Warden did not have his prisoner
with htm , but had linn lodged In jail lit Ster
ling , Colo. , and will return and bring htm as
soon ns the proper requisition papers itro ob
tained. From him particulars of the nrrost
of Slovens and the lull particulars of the
murder , as confessed by the young man , nro
obtained. Shorlft Warden reached Sterling
on Friday last and learned tlmt. the Stevens
family , consisting of the father and mother
of the youthful murderer , resided about
thirty miles cast of that placo. Procuring : *
toum.ho drove out to the placo. Entering the
hutnblo sod cabin of the aged couple ho saw
a young man seated tlicro whom ho at once ,
from the description that had been ( given
him , recognized as Charles Stnvons. With
out further ceremony the sheriff told Stevens
ho had n warrant for his arrest , to which
Slovens replied : "What for ! " The sher
iff said. It was for the murder of Charles
A. Sherman on or about February 11 , near
Oak , Nuckolls county , Nebraska. To this
young Stcvuiu , ull trembling wilh emotion ,
replica : "I don't deny it , and thcro is the
gun I shot him with , " pointing to a single-
barrelled , 12-gaugo shotgun standing in or.o
corner of the room. The sheriff then pro
ceeded to secure Ills prisoner , and wnilo
doing so Slovens gave tbo following partic
ulars of the murder , all of which lie hud
before given to his father , but now first
brougnf'to the knowledge of the gray-
haired old mother , who in n frenzy of
grief declared that Charlie had always been
a good boy and had never spoken a cross
word to her.
Stevens said : "Sherman and I started
from Carleton February 10 in a two horse
wagon to go to my father's in Colorado ,
camping in the wagon some ton miles out
the llrst , night. I took my shotgun in the
morning and went out to hunt for quails , , re
turning about 11 o'clock. Sherman was
standing in the from part of the wagon with
n large Colt's navy revolver in his hand , and
which , without a word uttered by him , ho
leveled at mo and lired. I was within a few
feet of him and seeing ho was about to shoot
again , without a moment's thought cxqcpt to
save my life I llrcd just us ho wus about to face ,
the whole heavy load of shot taking effect in
the sldo of his hear ) . Sherman fell in lha
wagon and a moment later I realisedas blood
began dropping down , the awful crime I
had committcu. My llrst thought was to
turn back : 'and give myself up and
toll bow It occurred. Sherman
had the team already hitched lor
the start. I thought I would then drive on
and toll the llrst person I met , so I took part
of the tent coveting , cut it up , wrapped it
nboutSherman's bead and throwing the rest
of the tout over the body drove on toward
Oalr. Soon I heard seine ono coming up behind -
hind me. I thought I would tell them ,
but they were such rough looking
pcoplo that I feared that they might kill mo.
On I drove with the dead body of the man I
had murdered at ray feet , and the tnoro
I thought the more I feared to spook of it to
any ono passing. Nlcht coming on , I saw
the old hay stack and then determined to un
load the body , bury ii under the nay and
then movoon as fast as I could. Rolling the
body out of the wagon t chucked it under
the stack as bent I could , hastily fed ttio
horses and then drove all night ao hard that
I was compelled to give tha horses a whole
day's rest , while 1 slept , In the wagon all
stained with the blood of the man I had
murdered and hoped I nad effectively con
ccaled. I reached father's in about ten
day ? , I think. They wanted to know where
Slicrman was. I told them I had bought the
tcvm and Sherman had skipped the country.
They believed mo , but when they were un
packing the wagon father saw the bloody
tent cloth I hud forgotten to destroy or
throw away , and I told him what an awful
deed I bad done , but begged him not to tell
mother. "
County Attorney Searl wont to Lincoln
yesterday to procure the necessary requisi
tion to bring Stevens back.
Hontrico Will Mnkn Complaint.
BEATRICE , Nob. , March IS. [ Special Tele
gram to TUK UEE.I A commlttoo of fifteen
representative business men was appointed
by a special meeting of tbo board of trade
this afternoon to visit Lincoln tomorrow
and appsar before the interstate commerce
commissioners now tnoro with a view of
laying the matter of freight discrimination
against Beatrice before the commission.
The committee will leave hero early tomor
row morning and are loaded for bear. The
committee goes In rosponoo to n telegram
from Commissioners Morrison and Veasey.
Children Ilittau by n Dot ; .
OIILIANH : , Nob. , March 18. [ Special - Telegram - ' -
gram to THE 13cE. ] A dog belonging to'a
farmer named Qusick , living a few miles
west of this placo. several days ago showed
signs of hydrophobia. The dog was tied up
With a chain , but this afternoon got loose
and went ton school house near by and bit
four children , ono of the children being tha
son of the owner of the dog. The Oog then
ran away and bit considerable stock in the
neighborhood bnforo being killed.
I'mttsniouth VotoH Ilnllronrt HojidB.
PLATT IOUTH , Web. , March IS. ( .Special
Telegram to THE UIE.J : A proposition to
vote bonds to aid In the construction of the
Omaha Southern railroad was submitted to
the voters of Pluttsmouth precinct today.-
The bonds were curried by n majority of
almost two hundred. This moans another
railroad for Plattsmouth and the citizens uro
accordingly very jubilant.
Went Point Hoard oCTrndo.
WEST POINT , Neb. , March 18 [ Special to
the Tin : Bins. ] A board of trade was organ
ized hero last Frldry night with n capital
stock of f 4,000 , divided into 100 shares of $ J5
each , uo ono being permitted to take moro
than oUo slmro. Thirty-four subscribed at
the mooting and the list has slnca increased
to nintoy , and the balance of the stqcir will betaken
taken today. Much Interest is manifested ,
and West Point expect * to laavo u boom this
Destructive Kiro nt Oxford.
Oironi ) , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE UEE.I The clothing house of
H. W. Olios was destroyed by 11 ro this mornIng -
Ing , together with all Its contents , also a
small residence end a vacant store room , the
latter the property of II , P. Lau of Lincoln.
'J ho loss on Giles' building and stock U
fully * 10COO ; Insurance , 40,000. 'Iho tire
was apparently the work of un incendiary ,
A Shipment of Cattle.
NEUION ; Nob. , March 18. ( Special Telegram
gram to Tin : UBE. ] Henry Wobrman
shipped ten curs of cattjqo \ Chicago on the
H. & M. today on a special train ,
A Hirniico Case.
PONCA , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] A eon of Moses Ashen-
feltcr , a farmer residing in this vicinity , wai
the victim of u most peculiar and probably
fatal accident n short tlmo ago. The boy
Was hanging by his bauds from tbo rafters
I of n house that was being built nnd swinging
I from ono ratter to another. In so doing he
wrenched the muscles of the abdomen in
such n way ns to affect the action of the dl
, gostlvo organs. The case baflics the physi
cians1 treatment nnd the suftcroi It slowly
. lying.
W. W. Chniimnn'H Ji ntli.
SritiNnrlni.u , Nob. , March 19. [ Special
TUB Br.E.J W. W. Chapman , ouo of the
lost residents of this county , died nt his
no four miles east of this place last Sat-
_ * tiay afternoon at the nco of eighty-three.
Mr. Chapman was born In Shorburtio. Now
York , May 8 , 1S07. In IS 13 ho wns among
these who withdraw from the Congrega
tional church on account of Its pro-slavery
nttitudo nnd united with the frco church ,
composed of soccdcrs from all denominations
for the same cause. Prior to the breaking
out of thu rebellion no was connected with
the underground railroad society In Now
York , whoso object wns the aiding ot ml oh
slaves that wcro desirous of obtaining their
freedomoma forty thousand fugitives hav
ing crossed Into Canada while no was con
nected witti iho society. In directing thorn
northward on their lllpht for freedom ho hud
always pointed out to them the north star.
In the matter of burial ho requested that ho
might Ha with his head toward that star ,
which request wus complied with last Mon
day when ho wns laid to rest In Falrvlow
cemetery. Ho wus mobbed llvo tunes on uc-
oount of his political faith , nnd ut the Uticu
mob he wns kicked in the side by n Metho
dist minister , breaking his ribs nnd giving
him scars which ho carried to his grave.
Among his immediate associates were Amos
Dresser. William Goodoll , Gerrlt Smith ,
Myton Holly , James G. Btrnoy , C. O. Footo
and others whoso names have passed lute
Ho was n stenographer , nnd devoted the
use of that art to thu llDcrty party In its
u nvoutlons und in the work of the under
ground railroad. .
The Kurst
FUKMONT , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Hnn. | The court room was
densely packed nil day today by spectators
interested In the Furst murder trial. A largo
number of those present llvo near Crewel ! ,
where the murder occurred. The day was
put In endeavoring to get u Jury. The spa-
clal venire of sixty BUbpcunucd yesterday
was exhausted and court adjourned until
0 o'clock tomorrow uiornin ? , nt which tlmo
another venlro of forty , now being sum
moned , will report. Eighty-four examina
tions have been made , with eleven jurors In
the box passed to peremptory challenge. No
testimony is likely to bo taken before Thurs
day. _
Arrested for HOMO .Stealing ; .
AiNSWOUTHNob. , March 18. [ Special Tel
egram to Tin : Bic.J William Lundis was
arrested by Sheriff Magill tilts morning ,
charged with being concerned In the steal
ing of the Bnekcy mare on the 113th. Will
iam Lnndis and Worloy Ellis waived exami
nation and were plncod under 101) ) bonds to
npueaiat the district court. Dan Biggins
and the mare are yet missing.
Frrmniit I'ollooiniMiM Bnll.
FIIEMONT , Nob. , March 18. | Special Telegram -
gram to THE UKC. ] The llrst annual bull
of the Fremont police force took place nt
Masonic hull last night. Tlicro wcro present
moio than llvo hundred people. The ball
netted $ JOO , which will bo devoted to the
purchase ol unilornm.
Oddfellow * LoU no nt I-'illcyT *
BEATIIICI : , Neb. , March 18. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J A new lodge of Oddfel
lows wus Instituted at. Fllloy , this county.
last night. Grand Master Bargor officiated
and was assisted by members from Cortland.
Hcprosontutlvos were pMsent from this city
and adjoining towns. The formal core-monies
were followed by a grand banquet.
An A. O. U. W.
BEATUICE , Nob. , March 18. [ Special Telegram
gram to TUB BCB. Hov. .T. G. Tuto , grand
maslor workman of the Auciont Order of
United Workmen , delivered an interesting
and largely attended lecture ut the audi
torium tonight. Ins subject was on the
workings and history of the order.
Superintendent tjowa In Ilcutrico.
BKATUICE , Neb. , March 18. | Special Tele
gram to liiu I3rE. ] Superintendent Lowe
of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska Is In the
city on matters connected with the Koolc
Island business nt this point.
Omaha Traveling Ainn'ii Donth.
FIIUMONT , Neb. , March IS. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BBE.J H. II. Butcher , n trnv-
ollilg man representing the Consolidated
Coffee company of Omaha , died suddenly at
tbo Now York hotel at 1 o'clock this morn
ing , from what is said to bo heart trouble ,
Arkansas Thrcntnnmt With n Serious
ViCKSni'r.o , Miss. , March 18. There was
a'serious break in the levee at Luna , Ark , ,
today , and tonight it had widened to 800
feet. The levee at O ( Tot's also broke
this evening above Greenville. The water
irom this break will overflow all of the rich
lands of Door Park section back of Green ,
villa. A largo force of men have been put
to work nnd It Is hoped will got the break
closed. If it is not soon closed a largo part
of that county und the Yuzoo delta will bo
At Now Orleans
Nr.w ORLEANS , March 18. The river
situation In this immediate vicinity is not
much changed , but t'iu ' lovcos nro bolng
strongly enforced. A dispatch from St. Joe ,
La. , nays the situation on Iho Tansas front
district Is becoming moro favorable. In that
vicinity armed guards have boon placed on
the lovea with instructions to shoot anybody
approaching them at night.
She Wa4 on llnr Muscle.
CitiOAao , March 18. [ Special Telegram to
TIIC 13KB.1 Nettio Moran , u little colored
woman , was lined { 50 by Justice Prlndivlllo
this morning for stealing some nionoy from
Gcorgo Conoy. The character of the evi
dence did not suit Nettie. She sprung upon
Coney and nearly follod'hlui to the floor with
a succession of blows. Five policemen suc
ceeded In bringing the woman back Into the
dock , The court again lined her $ oO , but
Nettle had just realized that aho was unublo
to pay the lines , and , thirsting for rovongo.
sha ngain began to "slug" Coney , Several
ofllcurs came in for their sharo. Nettle
puwcd the nlr nnd frothed at the mouth
when another $5J line was placed against
her , making $ I&0 In all. Nettle was arrested
sonio tlmo ago for shooting her "lover , "
Churlos Peyton , und at another tlmo she
cleaned out Justloo Lyons' court with a hot-
tla attached to n cord as a weapon ,
Hlhlo und I'ulillu Schools.
MADISON , WI . , March 18. In the case
brought up from the circuit court of Hock
county the supreme court has decided that
the bible.lias no place In the common schools.
'Iho opinion was unanimous. Tbo case
originated at Kdgarton , where eult was
brought to compel the district board to pro
hibit teachers from reading the bible to
A tit ono 'llirowi-r Shot.
YOUK , Pa. , March 18. Mrs. Margaret
Shopurd of Boston lectured tonight on "Tho
Romfsh Priesthood Exposed. " When leav
ing tuo ball Victor Seenlr throw a stone
which stunned her. A policeman chased
Segner and on his refusing to slop shot and
seriously wounded him.
Rtoamah ) | > Arrival * .
At New York The Werra , from Dromon.
At London Slanted t The Hermann , from
Now York for Antwerp.
At Glasgow The Ethiopia , from Now
Ono of the Hansons Ailvnnoacl For
the Ohnncollor'a Rotlromont
He Huhmlm His Policy on the
Qiirntion to the Cnhluot Meet
ing nnd ilia llr liiin-
lion ! ' ( ) ! lo\v ) .
The Iron Cliaiiopllor' * lletlronicnr ,
ICnpl/rfi/ht / / ) by Jttwc * Gonlon llcnnftt.\ \
Br.HMX , March lb. [ New York HcraUl
.Cable-Special to Tun Hnn. ] The TngbluU
announces today tha retirement of the chan
cellor from all his oftlces nnd that Count
Herbert , with all the Prussian and Imperial
ministers and chiefs of departments , has re
signed , This latter story Is not confirmed ,
except In the cnso of Count Herbert , and
many doubted In Berlin yesterday the re
port of the chancellor's resignation ,
The Post advised the people to watt until
the KelcliBiuwolgor conllrnii'd the reportami
the latter appeared In the evening without a
Today I have heard what I hnvo reason to
believe Is n true version. At n cabinet meet
ing yesterday the kaiser placed his
ultimatum before the chancellor on the labor
question and the latter promptly resigned.
This morning the kaiser sent to the chancel
lor to effect a compromise , but ho refused to
yield un lota of his original position.
Fourteen ofllcors of the different guard
regiments going to Morocco with n mag
nificent present from thoknisorto tha sultan ,
Including n superb fountain with arrange
ments for lighting it by electricity , were to
have had un nudlcnco with thu kaiser yester
day , but they had not received It.
Tonight Kugcno Uic'.iter says in the
Frolsinntg Xcltung that lie writes no leader
on the chancellor until the nous la- fully con
The ICrouzo tfoitung tonight had only ft
short article n a corner of thu paper on the
retirement of the chancellor , which in
erroneously attributed to n dlvcrfO'ico of
opinion with the kaiser on the colonial
Iho National Xoitung accepts the retire
ment nnd hopes the chancellor will long re
main to witness the advancement of his
tiThe Tagblntt , w'nich always opposed tbo
prince , says ho represented to the Germans
the supreme architect among those who
built up the now Germany , and to forolguera
ho pcisonified the strength nnd glory of tlio
The Vosslcho says the prlnco is such nn
overwhelming factor in the politics of his
country that the Germans will hnvo difllculty
In getting accustomed to the now atato of
The bourse was little affected by the news
except u slight slump ut the opening. On the
streets thcro Is no moro excitement than
usual. In front of Uisnmrck'a pahieo this
evening there Is no sign of ncioivd , although
there ura lights in many windows. At tlio
gate thcro Is only the detective in plain
clothes wlipjUwoys tands thcrd ; WA11 tojlc
' ' * '
' ' *
about u suclc'istorro''rtuowi3li'nnct.'llor Is Idle.
Cnusod a Sensation In Vlonnn.
LCopi/rfffht / IStO l > ti Samei Gnrdnn Ihnnett.
VIENNA , March IS. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEE. I The con
firmation by the evening papers of the report
that Prince Bismarck's resignation bus been
accepted Is causing a tremendous sensation la
political circles horo. The almost Imme
diate retirement of Count ICalnoky is looked
for In consequence. Thophuncollor's action
is generally admitted to huvo been brought
about by the young emperor's determination
to have a frco hand In the management of
state affairs , rather than to nny differences
of opinion regarding nny social problem.
No Comment hy Illsnmrck's Or nn.
BEIIMN , March IS. The North German
Gazette , Bismarck's organ , publishes ro-
| ) orts conceriiiuir tha resignation of the chan
cellor , but makes no comment on the sub
Armv Comninndeva Culled Toupther.
DEIIUN , March IS. The ompuror hn
called a mooting of the commanders of the
various army corps. Ho had a conference-
with the minister of war this afternoon ,
Ialior Dulojinton Ilniuinottod.
UEUI.IX , March 19. Prince Bismarck nnd
Count Herbert Bismarck lunched with the
members of the labor conference today.
The emperor received the dclogatc.i anil
subsequently presided at n banquet given
to them in the plcturo gallery in the castlo.
Prince Bismarck declined un invitation to
the banquet.
The resignation of the ministry Is merely
a customary fo.rmul net , but It is reported
: lmt Count Herbert Bhmarck nnd Minister
Muybaclr really iutqnd to resign. Hictccrt
nnd Goldschmldt und other frolRlnnlgo dep
uties were Invited to the court banquet to-
iit'ht. Never before has n member of the
FreislunlgD pnrty been thus honored. It Is
stated that the frclnlnnlgo professor , linn-
del , und Hurr Miqucl will bo invited to enter
he cabinet at tuu earnest request of tha cm *
loror. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IIorhnrl'H Hislnntlon. ;
LONDON , March 18. The Post's Berlin
correspondent says : It IB true that Count
Herbert Bismarck tendered hm resignation ,
but a change in his ollleo Is unlikely ,
although It Is prabublu that Prince You
Hohonloho or Count Von Ilatzfoldc , will bo
summoned on the advice ot Count Herbert ,
The Chanoidlor'ri driavaiinn . ;
LONDON , March 13. A disna'.ch from Her-
In says It U rcoprtod that Bismarck is In.
censed because Hintzpotor composed tha
abor rosorlpts without his bolng consulted ;
that the chancellor recently hud o dispute
with Boottlcuor , whom thu emperor favored ,
and ho also dlfforod from the ompsror about
colonial matters , and determined not to re
call his resignation.
Iiidn't Ilnrinnnlzi ) With His Vlcnvn ,
BAI/TIMOUJ : , Md. , March 18 , [ Special Tol-
cgrnui to TUB Br.n. | Tbo Methodist confer
ence today admitted , upon hn own applica
tion , Hov. W , 8. Holland , of the Tonnossoa
conferonco. Ho has been a member of the
Central Pennsylvania conference ana an
older in the church In Nebraska. Ha naked
for Hi o change on the ground that ho was
not In harmony with some of the Ideas of
government in the northern branch of the
church ,
Kahbath Unions Con for.
CHICAGO , March I8. The executive com *
mlttco of the Illinois State Sabbath union
mot the Chicago committee of tno National
sabbath union today. The task of prqnar *
ng a proper Bun.ay programme for ado | > -
.inn by the world's fair management was re
ferred to a committee.
Day Vlrnv Dlmioiur Plndlni ; .
BUFFALO , March 18. The Inquest on tlio
Day View disaster ended today , The jury
charged the Luke Shore railroad maupgo *
merit with uroti nogllgonco of Its rules nnd
lolds Conductor Houghtallnfr directly und
mlpably responsible for the lives lott in thy