Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 18, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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V/hoat Starts Weak Dut Qota
Stronger Toward the Olooo.
Oats Quiet nnd Htcndfcr , nut With
out Important Feature Not
Much Doing In Provisions
Jlo nualnoas Slow.
March 17. | Special Telegram to
TUB Hne. ] The wheat market started weak
today , but developed great strength toward
the close. With no Important nowa at ttio
opening May started at 79 , % . The llrst In-
lluenco felt \ras from the visible supply re
ported. The figures gave a decrease of but
101,000 bushels at Now York and a total do-
crcnsoof but 213,000 bushels against 530,000
a year ngo. On this and on very frco selling
by two big houses Jones & Konnott and
McCornuck & Co. the price of May wo.U
off yto to 79 0. Hutchinson and a good
many others bought wheat around 79) o and
lupportcd the rnarkof , Hy 11 o'clock
lliero wns a big rally of # c to 79 u
on 114,000 bushels cleared at Now York and
totno bull news from the wheat bolt on Janu-
ry. About noon Cudahy became a very
Scnvy buyer , It was supposed on returns
nado by his crop export. King of Toledo
lends word that his latest advices from the
Illinois , Indiana and Michigan wheat fields
rvcro the worst yet received. Stocks In
country elevators In the northwest decreased
> 00,000 bushels for the week. 'Phis sort of
news sent the prlco of May up to 80u. After
i pause it was forced a fraction past that
point , when the crowd bccamo very bullish
or frightened nnd put the prlco up to SOJ c
In two minutes. At 1 o'clock the prlco wus
at EOVc , or lo over the morning llguro.
Late In tbo day Now York advanced the
limits on orders hero and did considerable
buying. The trade In wheat the last half
hour was enormous. The buying was cen
tral nnd most of these who had "calls"
culled thorn. Hutchinson opposed the ad
vance , but the market was too broad unJ
too strong. Tho.uloso Was nt the very best
price of the day SOJfo for May.
The corn market was unusually firm today
In the face of some not very bullish figures.
The visible supply of corn increased for the
week 2,000,000 bushels. March at the close
was % c up at 2Syc. ; May sold at 29Jfo nnd
EOaU ( : ! _ ) c nt the close. Other closings were :
April , 29J < c ; June , 30K 30Xn ; July , Sltfc ;
August , 31J c ; September , 32 o.
Oats were quiet and steadier , but without
Important features. Trading was almost
entirely In May within u range of ! c. Other
deliveries wcro slow. The visible supply
Sccrcascd 303.857 bushels , but stocks bora
increased 12,872 bushels. Cur lots of No. 2
In store were slow and quotable at20 @ 21c.
No. 2 white for May was stondy at 22 > c.
Thcio was llttlo featurn to the provision
trade nil day. Trade was light after thu
Drst half hour. In the 'pit pork opened
lower nnd after selling olT on u llttlo bear
raid from $10.60 to $10.40 for Mny It recov
ered to SI0.52J4@10.55 und closed nt $10.50.
Lnrd and short ribs were dull all day within
So range.
CHICAGO , March 17. [ Special Telegram to
THE HEE.I CATTIK Starting with a cer
tain 3. COO and perhaps 4,000 moro than n
week ago today was not a favorable Incident
for salesmen or shippers. In fact buyers did'
not overlook the fact and worked the same
for all It was worth and succeeded in hara-
morlng prices down a strong lOc , and about
everything in the beef line , including the
best , coed and poor stock cows , bulls and
all common grades shared In the decline.
There were quite a number of buyers of
stackers and feeders on tbo market and busi
ness was fair for Monday. Choice
to extra beeves , $1.50 ( < 35.00 ; medium
to good steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , $4.00 ©
4.40 : 1.200 to 1,350 Ibs. $3.50@4.10 : 950
to 1,200 lb , $3.20@3.90. Stackers unit feeders.
? 2.60@3.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $ l.r.0@
& 30 ; bulk , S2.2Cft2.05. ( Texas cornfod
teers , 950 to 1,250 ibs. $3.00 < ft3.7e.
Hocis Uuslncss was rather slow , especial
ly on packers , as most of the houses were
running short-handed on account of the largo
per cent of the employes taking a half holi
day at least. First sales showed a sharp
downturn un all grades , nnd at that decline
the great bulk of slock was disposed of. The
northwestern division ruled the lowest all
day , also having the largest number of hogs.
Iu this division tlbout f l.'jO was tbo top for
packers during the demand , but at the close
H. 15 was about the best offer. In the other
divisions about $4.20 was the price at the
uloso for best mixed. Shippers paid $1.25ig (
1.32 ! for host selected heavy und light sorts
NEW YonK , March 17. | Special Telegram
to THE BKB.J STOCKS If the great public
which Wall street Is waiting to give aid In
making an old tlmo bull stock market could
hear the expressions of professional opera
tors from day to day It Is probable that tbo
Indifference of outsiders might continue In
definitely. There Is llttlo roil enthusiasm In
force anywhere. Events of Importance do
not catch the attention of the trade and un
important rumors are chased In hope ot im
portant nows. Another fortnight and tbo
money question will cease to bo un import-
tint factor. In that tuna also the rate troubles
will bo cleared up. Already points given out
on Atchison last week are coming truo. Per
haps stocks will start up ono at a tlmo. The
opening of the market today was irregular ,
the temperature of the room
bearish nnd London buylne a
few Blocks. There was good business
early In only three stocks Reading , Union
Pacltlo and Tennessee Conl. The opening
prices were generally from } & to } per cent
higher than Saturday's closing llguro , but
further gains wuro few and Insignificant ,
tbo market soon developing a reactionary
temper. Except Iu the case of Tennessee Conl
and Oregon Short Line , however , the
losses Incurred were small. Tennessee Coal
dropped from 47) ) to 43 > tf nnd Short Line
from 43 to 43 , though late In the hour , whim
there was a bettor tone prevalent , both re
covered a'portion of the loss. Sugar Ro-
ilnorlcs were very quiet and after a loss of
} ( per cent regained the antlra amount.
Reading was actlvo within narrow limits ,
but tbo market developed no further feature
of Interest nnd nt 11 o'clock It was quiet.
The succeeding bour tooic Union
Paolilo from 02 ? to 03 , Tonnes-
BOO Coal rose to 40. Burlington
recovered from 10fil , , going lo l07iV
Michigan Central rose to 93 * , or IK per
cent advance from tbo close of last week.
Lake Erlo & Western preferred rose a full
point to 01' . The feature of the market ,
however , was the load of Atchison , which
went up lj .o 87)4' . After mid-day there
were some excellent gains In n few stocks.
Sugar went to 09 } ? , but closed steady nt 07 > { .
Tramcontlnontnl went to 38Jf and closed llf
per cent up at 83f. AtcbUon continued to
load In tbo advance and touched 37 ? , cloilng
1 > 4 up at a/ . Grangers and Coalers closed
ut about Saturday's Inures all through , with
lower. Union Pacltlo was weak und lost } f ,
closing at 03. Money waa fairly oa y all
The following were the closing quotations s
I ) . 6,44 resuUr. l i Northern 1'acluo. . M\
UH. is coupon * do preferred ; - " .
0. f .N.V liuy
do pro tarred Ml
I'aclfltOsof ' 0 } . . „ 118 N.V.C.mtral.07 |
C ntriU I'acldo. , . ! ! ! { c. . . . . . . J8i {
ChicagoAlton . . .UM Itock Island. . . P3 > ;
Chicago , llurllnvtuu CX , M. AHt.1' , ,
AOulner. , . . . , . . . | ( U doureferreil. . . . llU
P..L.&W . .I3.M1 Bt.l'aul AOmaha , . 32 > |
IlllnoliCdntral IIJVi uoprefsrrea 1UI )
J..II. & W. , . . . . . . . UiUan 1'acino ca
Kaimi&Toxaa , . . . 10 U .
l.ake Shore 107U Qoprororred. . . , , SI
MlchlcanCaatrat. , 97)j Western Union. , . . M
MoKEt ox CAM ; Eniy nt 8X4c ( ? percent.
PntuB MBncANriLB PAt-cu 5 } 37J < per
STXRUXO E.XCIUNOB Quiet , steady ; sixty-
doy bills ,'fo ' demand. $4.S > } < .
.Mining tnoolci.
New YonK , March 17. [ Special Telegram
CniCAon. March 17. IMS o. ra. close
Wheat Higher ; March , SOe : Mny , 80 > fc.
Corn Firm ; March. 2Sja'c ! ; May , SO ®
Oats Steady : March , 21oj May , 81 c.
Rye-Firm ; March , 44 c.
Barlcv Nothing ilolnif.
Prime Timothy Jl.'i ' ) .
Flax-Cash , (1.43.
Pork Steady ; March , 110.30 ; May ,
Lard Steady ; March , ? 0.02K ; May ,
10.07 ; , ' .
Flour Quiet , but flrm ; winter wneat ,
$2.UO@I.40 ; spring wheat. I3.75Q4.CO ;
rye , $2.GO@2.SO ; buckwheat , 75c@$1.00 per
Provisions Shoulders , $1.40(751.60 ( ; short
clear. $5.35cl3.40 ( ; short ribs , March , $3.05.
Butter Easier ; creamery , 1023e ; dairy ,
Checao Steady ; full cream ohcddars , 0 }
C10c ; Jlati , O GJlO' c ; Young Amorlcas ,
Ejcgs-FIrm : fresh , 12@13c.
llldos Steady ; heavy and light green
sailed , 4 } < @ 4Jfc ; saltoil bull , 8&c ; green
salted calf , G ) c ; dry lllntG@7c ; dry salted
hides , Oo ; dry calf , 5@0n ; deacons , 20o each.
Tallow Steady ; No. 1 solid packed , 3c ;
No. 2 , 3c ; cake , 4e.
Receipts. Shlpm'ts.
Flour . 12.00(1 ( 12.000
Wheat , . 17,000 4.0 < )0 )
Corn . 270,000 171,000
Oats . 77,003 150,000
Now York , March 17. Wheat Receipts ,
1,000 bushels ; exports , 113.950 buahols : spot
Irregular , closing llrm ; No.2 rod , S3tf@SSXo
in elevator , 89X@91 ' 4" c f. o b. ; options tin.
changed to higher , No. 2 red , March , closing
at SSjftc.
Corn Receipt" ) , 18,000 bushels ; exports.
40,850 bushels ; spot stronger : No. 3 , 3C ) @
3ll c in elevator , 37s @ 37Ko alloat ; un
graded mixed , UO@3S.5-ic ; options llrm ,
March closing at SOJfe.
Outs Heceipts , 1U7.000 bushels : exports ,
10.900 ; spot firmer ; No. 2 white. 30 r < 43U.fc ;
mixed western. 27@30c : white do , 29J < ( a3Jc ;
options higher ; March , 2G.J c.
Coffee Options closed steady and March
unchanged ; others 15@35 points down.
Sales : 83,750 bogs ; March $18.0018.10 ;
May , $17.50017.05 ; spot Rio steady ; fair
cargoes , $20.50.
Sugor--Haw , steady ; refined , easier.
Petroleum United closed , Auril , SS c ,
Eges Firm ; western , 14 > c.
Pork Quiet ; now mess , * 11.00@11.50.
Lnrd Lower ; easyvcstern : steam ,
$0.47 ; May closing ai W.42 bid.
Butter Barely steady : western dairy ,
CfSjlSc ; creauiory , 13@2Gc ; Elgin. 27 ( < i2J c.
Cheese Firm ; western , 10@10 > c.
MII\vuttlcoeMnrchl7.-Wheat-Unsottled :
No. 2 spring , 72K < g73o ; May , 73B' @
( . .orn Firm ; No. 3 , 23c.
Oats Steady ; No.2 , white , 231/c.
Hyo Higher ; No. 1 , 43j.fc.
Barley Firm ; No. 2 , 41 } c.
Provisions Steady ; porit , 510.40.
St. Ijoni.H. March 17. Vvneat Higher ;
cash , 77J o ; May , "Ho.
Corn liighor ; cash , 25 < < fc ; May , 2t ! < c.
Oats Higher ; cash , 20jjc ; May , 21 >
Pork Firm ; $10 5U.
Lard Nominal ; Jo. 50.
Whisky $1.02.
lUlmioiipoliM. March 17. Wheat Dull
ana lower ; receipts for two days , 2bO cart ;
shipments , 23 cars. Closing : No. 1
1 hard , March und April , 7dc ; May , SO' c : on
truck , 7lc ) ; No. 1 northern , March , 70 c ;
May , 79e : on track. 78c ; No. 2 north
ern , March , 74J o ; May , 77c ; on track , .
Uansan City. March 17. Wheat
Higher ; No. 2 hard , cash , CTi c ; No. 2 red ,
Corn Higher ; No. 2 cash , 224'c ! ; March ,
Oats Weak ; No. 2 , 23c.
Cliiulnnntl , March 17. Wheat Firm :
No. 2 red. 7Sc. .
Horn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 30@.11c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 23Qi21c.
Whisky $1.02.
Liverpool , March 17. Wheat Firm ;
demand poor ; holders offer moderately ;
California No. 1 , 7s 2d per cental.
Cam Steady , but quiet ; new mixed
western , 3i O a per cental.
lafts srouic.
Gnlnaeo , March 17.-Tho Drovers' Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Heceipts , 17.000 ; shipments , 5,000 ;
market active , but 10s lower , closing
stronger : beeves , $4.50@j.OO ; steers , $3.2Uffl
4.40 ; stackers und feeders , $3.50@3.70 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , S1.50@8.80 ; Texas corn-
fed steers , $3 033.70.
HORS -Hccoipts , 22,000 : market slow. 5rt §
lOo lower ; mixed and hunt. ! 4.10@480 ;
heavy , $1.10@l.a"i ; sltipa , M.50C 4.00.
Sheep Hecoipts , 11,01)0 ) ; market steady ;
natives , ? 3.50 ( < J5.90 : xvestorn corn-fed. $4.SO.'m
5.00 ; U'oxans , 53'j5.2U : ) ; lambs , $5.00@0.85.
The Drovers' Journal's special London
cablegram reports the market steady Tor
cuttlo ; medium to cbolco American cattle ,
llfS12J. c per lb , , estimated dead weight.
Offerings of Americans heavy ; general BUD *
lily light.
Kansas CltyMarch 17 Cattle Receipts.
4,100 ; shipments , 4 , 100 ; lower ; steers , $3.30
( il.SO ; cows , $1.SO@3.00 ; stockers and feei-
ors , f2bO@3.0 ( ) .
Hogs Uecoipts , 5,300 ; sblDmonts , 2,300 ;
market lower ; all grades , ? J.W4 ) 05.
Slouv Ulty , March 17. Cuttle Uecoipts ,
300 ; shipments , 750 ; market unchanged ; can-
Horn , 75cRl.2o ( ; cows , J1.0U@l.y. > ; stockers -
ers , * l.50rt2.25 ( ; feeders , 52.2o@2.UO ; veal
calves , ? 2.001.15.
Hoga Hocuipts , 1,300 ; market opened
0@10c lower and closed weak nt 5c lower
thun thu opening. Opening quotations , $3.85
\iitliinnl Stoolc Ynrcli , Knit St.
Ijouix , March 17. Cattle Uecelpts , 1,400 ;
shipments. 200 ; market steady ; fair to
fancy native steers , tH.UOJiS.OJ ; stackers
und feeders , 2.30 3.50.
Hogs Receipts. 2,000 ; shipments. 2,9UO ;
market a Rhado lower ; heavy , J-1.10@4. 'U ;
packing , SUB ® J. 10 ; light , * l.OO@J.'JO.
Cat lie.
Monday , March 17.
The receipts of cattle cstiumtod at 2,800 ,
compared with 1,053 Saturday , and 2,1'10 last
Monday. The receipts last week wcru 14,103 ,
compared with 13,009 the previous week.
Among the receipts , whicn wore much bet
tor than the receipts Saturday , were some
good steers , a good run of cowa and some
heifers , the heifer * selling at $3.00. The
steer murkot opened from a shade to lOa
lower than Saturday's market. The heavy
receipt * allowed buyers to make desired se
lections and the good quality niado the mar
ket rather active oarlv in the day , notwith
standing the decline. Only a few early sales
reached the fl.OO mark although
almost ovorythlng sold at $3.50Jil ( ! 00. The
run of cows was very fair , the market
opened iictlvo ut llrm to strong pncus. Near
ly everything iu the cow line sold at ? J.5'Ji < i )
2.95. The receipts of feeders and stockers
wcro liberal , the demand good and the mar
ket actlvo with a weak tendency. Dulls
continue ncllvo and strong. Sornn very tlno
export bulls were on tUo murkot soiling us
high us $3.50.
ecepts o ogs esmate nt 1,0 , com *
pared with 3,8'JO Satunlay and 1,532 last Mon-
day. The receipt * lust week were 17,912 ,
compared with 17,450 thu previous week.
The market opened u incklo lower ,
everything solllnj ; at W.93$3.U3. ( The over-
nee price of hogs was $3.9J , compared with
$3.97Jl Saturday aa d * J.77 4' Monday of lait
week. The market reached the top lleuro
on Saturday when tl'.OS wai paid for light
hogt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Kecelpti of iiheep estimated at 2,840 , corn-
pared with none Saturday and 1,4531 nat Mon
day , The receipts last week wore 4.117 , toim
pared with 3,037 the previous week. Noth
ing except western owes wcro sold , bringing
The following Is a table o ( prices pill In
this market for tbo griloi of stock men *
tlonod :
Prlmosteers , 13M to 1033 U > 3.J.S ) . J3
Good steers , 1253 to H5J n < s. . . 3.50
Good steers , 1030 to 13JO Ibs. . . 3.2J fftaso
Common 1003 to 1150 lb steeri. 2.03 M3.0)
Common canners . , . , , . 1.03" 1 ( $ ! ! .00
Ordinary to fair cows 1.00 '
Fair to good news 1.90 ® 2.4r
Good lo cholco cowa . . . . 2.20 @ 3.00
Cholco to fancy cow * . . . . . . . 2.03 R3.30
Fair to good bulls > 1.73 (32.50 (
Choice to fancy bulls 2.50 ( $3.30
Light stockcra nnd feeders : . . . 2.23 '
Feedors. 950lo 110J Ibs 2.83 03' 50
Fair to cholco light hozs 3.00 M3.03
Fair to cholco heavy hogs 3.00 _
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.00 ( 3.95
Avcrngo Prloo of IIOKI.
Showing the average price paid for loads
of hogs on the days indicated In 1337 , 1)33 ,
1SS9 and 1800 :
Ilnnco of Prices Hoit-i.
The following table shoiva tbo range of
prices paid for hogs :
Light and medium hogs $3 03 @ 3 05
Good to cholcu mixed hogs. . . 3 05 @ 3 05
Good to cholco heavy hogs. . . 3 00 ( < t3 05
Showing tbo number of sheep bought on
today's market and the purchases :
Swift&Co 100
George H. Hammond Packlngcompany. 121
Armour-Cudaby Packing company. . . . 177
KO of I'rltjus idem ) .
Tbo following table shows the ranga of
prices paid for sheep :
Pritno fat sheep . 4 40 @ 5 53
Goodfatahoep . it 5'J ( ftl 03
Common tn medium sheep. . . . - OJ r 3 75
Lambs . 4 00 ( 0 00
Co4t nl
The following table gives the nvoraga C33t
of hogs on the dates inontlono 1 , including
the cost today , as nuaod upon sales reported :
Date. Price. Dalo. Price/
Mnrchl . W 75 March 10 . II 78
March 3 . 3 70 March 11 . a 81
Miirch4 . a 77 March 12 . 3 83
March 5 . It 74 ? March 13
MnrchO . a 7IK March 14 . 3
March" . 3 7UK March 15 . 3 117 !
March 8 . 3 73 < March 17 . 8 02
Highest anil Ijoxvmt Snlos ut
Today. Saturday.
Highest . S3.05 Highest . W.05
Lowest . . " .93 Lowest . 3S'J '
Stock Itcoolntp.
Official Saturday. Estimated Today.
Cattle , 78 cars..l.C : 0 Cattle , 137 cars.2,800
Hogs. 02 cara..3 , fJU Hogs , 20 cars. . . 1.100
Horses , 1 car. . . . 1 > Sheep , 15 cars..2,300
J , A. Conyors-
21 feeders. . . . . . ni. . . 707 3 23
John Williams I -
20 feeders. . . . > .i . . . . .10W 3 27't
KivorBldo Live Stock UOIT- .
57 ( . t.1173 340
itoor. ,3
No. Av. Sh. Pr. Nd.v Av. Sli , Pr.
fi. . . . : 803 SO n.1.V..S70 SO WOO
7. . . .270 382K
7. . . . 243 S85
G..323 385
17. . . .250 3 S3
5. . . . 300 383 67\.210 ;
5 . . .2SO 385 01. , . . ' 220
7..2U 8 85 l > . < 5V..2iO
10. . . .837 3 87 > S ! . . .243
70. . . . 239 120 800 50' . ' . . 831
80 . . 2-20 40 300 M . .21S
70. . . . 229 40 3 00 .W.2.tS
02. . . .210 40 300 T0..25'J
9. . . .837 40 3 00 73. . . .230
ft. . . .200 300 75. . . .240
0..1SO 3 00 M . . .235
03. . . .230 240 800 02. . . 275
CO. . . . 279 120 300 D2..203
50..3fiO 120 300 " 01 . . . .230
03. . . . 270 200 300 49. . . . 230
120. . . 205 100 3 i'O '
Un the Market With Btioop.
J. t. . Hittor. Mor o Hlufts ; A. 11. Gibson ,
TJ. P. SlocKWoll , Shelton ; a. F. Dodge ,
Wood Hivcr.
On tlir > Market Wltli
A. E. Cady. St. Paul ; N. 1C. Hcdlon ,
North Loup : H. Koutlnp , Platte Center ; A.
E. Tumbcrg , Hooucr ; J. S. Iman , bllvcr
Crcok : W. T. Kickloy , Columbus ; M. Malone -
lone , Cortlnnd ; Clnric H. Co. , Wcston ; E.
1'cttoys , anulby ; II. McCubblns , Gibbon ; .f.
C. Hobblns , Shelton ; A. II. Kraarlnc , Pacific
Junction , la. ; C. J. Furor , Pnullno ; II. Enor-
son , Ccdur Kuplds ; J. P. Taylor , Ashton ;
Wuccra & D. , O'Neill ; H. C. Morden , LolRh ;
Moni ? & A , , Hlanchard , la ; K. E. Koborts ,
ArllnRton ; G. P. Moorhcad , Dunlnp , la. ;
Uanltln Hros. , Cambridpc : C. E. Vun
Husklrk. Oxford ; Haydcn & J. , Wallace ; H.
Gund &Co. , Uluo Hlllntid Ayr ; Fisher &
S. , Prague. _
On the Murkot U'llli O.lttlo.
Gould & Uakor , Charles Popper , Bolerade ;
Mlllor & Co. , Uradslmw ; J. I * . S. L. S. ,
Uclvldcro ; E. I3urkoop , Sprlngllcld ; F.
Johnnon , IJlnir ; O. A.Valcott. . Wiishlnp-
ton ; Lyons Hrothcrs , Wakclleld ; Han
Fra/ior. Wuyno nntl Carroll ; Bennett &
Greek , Carroll ; .1. A. Conyors , John Wil
liams , Urush , Col. ; J.V. . Nation , J. U.
Fisher , J. L. Graham. Wallace ; E. I. For-
Kuson , Exeter nnd Friend ; 3. A. Cowporth-
waite. Friend ; A. Crunkshank , Crete ;
\ Whcelor. Sclmylcr : I. U. HiBglns ,
rF. Higgins , Lincoln ; \ \ ' . U. Hudson & Co. ,
Parsons St West , Sioux City , la. : C. E.
Uruddr , Blue Earth City , Minn. ; H. A.
Kuypplor , Vardon , S. 1) . ; Crockett & S. ,
Sioux City , la. ; W.Gregory. W. 13. Uoll.
Tabor ; J. G. Matberson .t Co. , Pilgcr ;
Owen Hrothors , SmithgdurBcr .t S. , Stanton -
ton ; John Qu Inn , Presser ; J. S. Iinan , Sil
ver Creek : C. F. Way , Ortl ; S. P. Adams ,
F. McGinn , Plckrcll ; J. S. Iman ,
Osceola nnd HlslnRs ; E. I'otteys ,
Shelby ; S. E. Boahm. .1. L. Jackson , Cort-
land ; lloynolds & Davis. Hayinoud ; H. H.
Dorsoy , Wahoo ; S. It Hlack. Elm Green ;
Hobson & Black , Cozad ; Charles White.
Lexington ; Charles Pixloy , Gibbon ; \Vhlto
Hivcr laud and cattle couioany , Alda ; Wats
& H , Urett & J , Middlesex L. S. Co. , Wood
Hivor ; S. Harkcr , Plattsmouth ; A. H. Emn-
rlne , PaciHc Junction , Ii.
Lyons Brothers of 'Lyons , heavy dealers ,
went on market with four loads of fat cattle.
L. P. Hisgins of Lincoln was at the yards
With two louua of cattle.
W. T. Kickloy , thu extcnslvo shipper of
Columbus , was up with a car of hogs.
W. Gregory nnd Willis Hell cama In from
Tabor , la , with a canof cattle each.
Suiitubergor & Schott of Stantou had a
car of cattle on the marmot. Mr. Schott
cimo in with them.
A. J. tacott , a nexv Bhinptr to this market
from St. Paul , was at the yards with a load
of hogs.
Johnson Brothers of WakcQcld brought In
n load of cattlo.
Clark , Heaton & Co. of Weston marketed
S. II. Ncff marketed four cars of cattle
from North Bend. "
H. Gund & Co. marketed bogs from Ayr
und Uluo Hill.
Gould Si Baker marketed two cars of
cattle from Belgrade.
F. Johnson wino down from Blair with
thrco curs ot cattle.
Charles While came in from Lexington
with a car of cattle.
Charles Pixloy got In from Gibbon with
four cars of cattle. * ,
N. Watts & Co. marketed three cars of
cuttlo from Grand Island.
J. W. MathowEon & Co. marketed four
cars of cattle from Pilger.
The Standard Cattlu company sent in four
cars of cattle from Ames.
Hoyncrtds & Davis of Kaymond , marketed
throu cars of cattlo.
S. E. Beanrn ot Cortland added four cars
of cattle to the receipts.
S. P. 'Adams of Schuylcr was nt the yards
with two cars of cattle.
/ . H. HobliiBon of Sioux City , la. , was
hero with a shipment of cattle.
O. S. Wolcott eaino In from Wakrsfiold n car of cattlo.
Hlchard Nash , of the firm of Wood Bros. ,
Chicago , was a visitor hero.
John Quinn was in the yards with two
cars of cattle shipped from Presser and
Monk & Anderson of BlancharJ , la. , sent
a car of hogs across the river thU morning.
John Williams nnd J. A. Conyors of Fort
Morgan , Colo. , sent Ir. cattle from Brush ,
J. A. Cowperthwaito , one of Friend's reg
ular shippers , lidded u car of cattle to to
day's receipts.
J. S. Inman , n well known Osceola ship
per , cama in with four cars of cuttlo und ono
of hogs.
Schuylor was roprcsonted'on the market
by F , Wheeler , who cauio with a car of cat
J. Lesley nnd S. L. Sperry of Uolvldero
were ut thu yards looking after shipments of
c little.
C. F. Way , a regular nnd extensive dealer
located at Ord , cauio In with four cars of
Thomas Acorn , an old tlmo shipper to this
market , cumo tn from Columbus with a car
of cattlo.
Bennett ft Greek , the prominent Wayne
stockmen , wcro at the yards with two cars
of cattle shipped from Carroll.
Fred Grasmann gpt back Sunday from
Fort Worth , where ho was in uttondancj at
tbo cattlemen's convention.
H. E. Hooorta , n prominent shipper to this
market , contributed pIpad , of bogs to the ro-
ceitrtH , shipped from Arlington.
J. P. Taylor , Ashtoh ; Wagers < t Doyle ,
O'Neil , and H. C. Moran of Leigh , were
among our regular patrons on the market
wltti hogs. >
Gould fs Baker 'of ; Fullerton had two
loads of cattle on the market. Charles Pop >
per came in frpm thg 'same place with ono
Randall Frailer of Wayne , who ranks
among Nebraska's leading cattlemen , and
one of the best patrons of the South Omaha
umrkct , was ou hanjl ugaln this morning
with eight loads of cattle.
Eoos Strictly fr sh , 12 ® 13'ifc ' ; cold storage -
ago , ' pickled , limed , Baited , not wanted at
anv prico.
lU'TTEit Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21
& 25o ; creamery , fancy solid packed , 22 ( 23o ;
creamery , cholco. 10@J3o ; dairy , fancy rolls
nnd prints , IS Mo ; dairy , fancy solid
packed , 17 < 310c ; dairy , cholco , 15ft lOe ;
country roll , fane v , 10 ® ISc ; choice , 12 ( < { l5o ;
country roll , good. D310oj country roll , fair.
7Sc : poor stock , 8ctC&a
Pot'i/ntv Turkeys , droisod , fancv dry
picked , 12 ( < ? 13c ; turkeys , live , per lb , 8c ;
chickens , fancy , ll(312a ( ; chickens , cholco , 9@
lOc ; chickens , live , (3.00&3.59 ; gooso.drosscd.
fancy , 10@Uj : geese , dressed , cholco , 9
lOe ; goose , livo. doz. , KJ.OO(37.00 ( ; ducks ,
dressed , fancy , llo : ducks , choice , logilc :
ducks , live , doz. , 12 50@3.00 ; plgooni , doz. ,
ll.00itl,25. (
GAME Jack snipe , 11.00(31.25 ( ; golden
plover , f l.OO(31.S5 ( ; mallard ducki , W.ocxa
3.50 ; canvaiuack ducks , { 5.00(33.00 ( ; red
head duckc , dot , $3.00 ; tonlJducks. do * ,
tl.50i0.00 ; , mixed ducks , doz. , $1.50(42.00. (
gcesc , Canada , tO.OOgS.OO ( ; geese , umall , fl.OO
lloxnr15(31Gc per lb for choice comb.
PiiESEiivpsSbDlOc per lb.
Jr.u.iEi-4 ( < $ IH'o per lb.
DUCSSRO VBAL Cholco medium , 7(37J ( < c ;
light , GcGc ( ? ; : heavy. 3 ( < ? lc.
APPLES Per bbl , Gonltons. $400 ; W.
Twig , $4.50 ; Ben Davis , $4.00 ; Romnnito ,
$4.fx ) .
Cionn Per bbl. renneil , $050 ; half bbl ,
? 3.60j hard cider , pure , per bbl , $3.0J. OIL Olc.
MAMCU tiiiAi'ES Fancy , per bbl , $7.60
choice , per bbl , $0.00@7 00.
COCOAXUTS Per hundred , $1.75.
PICKLKS Medium , per bbl. $5.53 ; small ,
$0.50 ; gherkins , $7.GO ; C. & B. chow chow ,
qts. $3.83 ; Dt * . $3.85.
POTATOES Per bu , fancy , 35c ; choice , 230
MAFLC SfOAii Per lb , ll@12c.
CIIKESC Per lb , full cream Y. A. , 12c ;
full cream twin ? , 11'j'c ; full cream Ohio
Swiss. 15cull ; . cream Wisconsin Swiss , 13 ( ?
14c : full cream brick SWSB ! , 13c ; full cream
llmbttrgcr Swiss , 12c.
FISH Fresh frozen whlto trout , pike nnd
pickerel , per lb , 7c ; sturgeon , 7c.
OI : NOES Per box , Florida brights , $3.75 ;
niC8sina3.25 ; California fancy navels , $500 ;
Los Angeles , $2.75 ; seedlings. Hl\9rsldo ,
$3.353.50 ; mountain , $3.00 ; In tlvo box lots
23c per box loss ,
LKMOXS Per oox , mcsslna fancy , $1.00@
4.50 ; vordelli , peed , $2.00.
lUx.VNAS Per bunch , ? 3.00@3.00.
hides , 4s4c ; dry salted hides , 5@0c ; dry Hint
hides , 7c ; calf hldcB , 5c. Damaged hides 2c
loss. Sheep pelts , green , each , 7oc ( < 31.25 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 012c ; taltow , No. 1 ,
4Tl ( } c : No. 2 , 8'4@3c ' ; grease , white 4Jfc ;
yellow. 2f@3e.
CHOP FnniS12.50. > .
Biux $10.50.
C'oitx 14c.
BEANS Hand picked mvy , $ :
hand picked navy , medium n$1.40rl.50 ( ; hand
nicked country , $1.30'i 1.4'J ' ; good clean , $1.2J
@ 1.80.
Pliovisioxs Hams , No. 1 , 10 H > averatre ,
O' ' c ; 20to221li3 , SKc ; 12 to U Ibs , 0 > 4c ;
shoulders , as ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , be ;
hum sausage , Sc ; dried beef hams , 7J c ; bcof
tongues , $0 00 per dozen ; dry s.ilt meats , 5@
5'4cparlb ; haul roulette , 0) c ; add lo per
lt > for small lots.
BOXES ( Quotations are for delivery In
Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , per ton. $10.00S1S.OO ( ;
dry country , bleached , $10.00@13.00 ; dry
country , dump nnd meaty , $3OU ( < 010 00.
VCOETAIILUS Old Sweet potatoes , fancy
Muscatinc , per bbl , $4.00 ; onions , extra
fancy , par bbl , $3.5'J ; onions , fair , per bbl ,
$2.50 : rutabagas , per bbl. $2.00 ; carrots , pur
bbl , $2.00 ; nursnips , per bbl , $2.00 ; beets , per
bbl , S2.00 ; horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ;
horse radish roots , per lb , 7c ; celery roots ,
per bbl , $300 ; celery roots , per Uoz , GOc ;
onions , per bu. , 75c@Jl.OO.
Arri.K BUTTEK Per lb , 0(2 ( > 7c.
MIXCE MEAT S(5lOis ( ! per 1 b
VEGETABLES Tomatoes 3 lb extra , $1.00 ;
3 lb standard , western brands , OO Ooi ; ; gallons
lens , strictly standard , $2 90. Corn Finest
grown , 31.00 ; gllt-odfca sugar corn , very fine ,
$1.50 ; choice 3 lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2
lb extra , western brands. S5c@$1.00 ; 2 lb
standard , western brands. 70@SOo. Mush
rooms I lb French , extra line , 22cf25c ; 1 lb
French , fine , 16@22c ; 1 lb French , ordinary ,
10 ( < ; lSc. Peas Tros flue , per can , 23c ;
do.mi flue , per can , lOc ; 2 lb extra , si'ted ,
$2.00 ; 2 Jb early June. Sl.23@l.35 : 2 lb Mar
row , standard brand , $1.10 ; 2 lb soaked , 5'Jo.
String Beans 21b high grade. Refugee , Sac :
2 lb Golden Wax beans , 75c ; 2 lb string
beans , 70c. Lima Uoans 2 lb soaked , 75c.
Boston Bulled Beans 3 lb Lewis. $1.05 ;
crown brand , "SI. 50. Sweet potatoes 3 lb
New Jersey , $1.00 ; dais.y. $1.33. Pumptnn
3 lb now ininrilun. $1.00.
CAXHCD MEATS 1 lb lunch tongue , $2.0' ) ;
2 lb lunch tongue , § 1.75 ; 1 lb corned beut ,
1.20 ; 2 lb corned beef , # 2.05 : 0 lb corned
beef , * ( i.50 ; 14 lb corned beef. $11.00 ; 2 lb
boneless pips feet , $2.20 ; 1 lb English brawn ,
81.20 ; 2 lb English brawn , $200 ; 0 lb Eng
lish brawn , $0.50 ; 1 lb compressed ham ,
$1.75 ; 2 lb compressed ham , $2 75 ; lib chipped
DRIED FIIUIT Currants , new. 5c : prunes ,
casks , 1,800 Ibs , 5Kc ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
5c ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs , 22c ; lemon
peel , drums , ISc : fard dates , boxes , 12 Ibs ,
He ; nnricots , chcio evaporated , 14Kc ; apri
cots , jelly cured 25 lb boxes , lOc ; apri
cots , fancy , 25 lb boxes , 15u ; ap
ples. evaporated , 50 11 > boxes , Oc ;
apples , Star , 8) c ; apples , fancy Alden ,
5 lb , lOc ; np.-'lcs ' , Fancy Alden , 3 lb , 104c ;
Salt Lake , 5Kc ; blackberries , evaporated ,
50 lt > boxes , 5c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
18c ; poaches , pared , fancy , 18c ; Salt
Lake , 7c : pitted plums , Cal. 25 lb
boxes , SKo ; raspberries , ovap. , N. Y. , now ,
20c ; prunes , H C. 00 70 , O OKc ; orange
peel , 15c ; raisins , Calitornin London croo
1889 , $2.40 ; Cat. loose muscatels , crop 18SO ,
$2.10 ; Vulencias , 18SS , 0 > c : Valoncias , new.
Oc ; Cal. seedless , sks. , 7S/c ; Ondura layer ,
now , Oj c : arlod crapes , 4)-jC. )
SOAPS -Castile , mottled , per lb , 810c :
do whito. per lb , 12c.
BHOOMS Parlor , 4 tie , ? 2.75 ; 8 tie , $2.23 ;
stables. $2.83 ; common , $1.50 ( < gl.75.
COCOA H 'b ' tin , 40c per lb.
CHOCOIATE 22Q35C per lb ; German chic
ory , red , 8 > e.
SAMOUA Bbls , 1 % ; granulated , l | c ; kegs
Corrisc Hoasted Arbucklo's Ariosa ,
254 < c ; McLaughlin's XXXX. SijSjo ; Gorman ,
25 ; ! c ; Dllworth , 25h'c ; Alaroma , 23 c ;
bulk. 23ic. !
f CoFFBn Green Fancy old golden Rio , 23c ;
fancy old peaberry , 25c ; Hlo , choice to
fiiucy , 24c ; Hio , prime , 23 > < , c ; Rio , good , 21 > < c ;
Mochu , 20c ; Java , genuine O. G. , 2Sc ; Java ,
good interior , 21c ; African , 22s.
Hoi'K Basis Manilla ropj , 15c ; sisal rope ,
] 2 > < c ; cotton rope , llio ; now process , Sc.
COTTON- TWINE 13lbb , very tine , 8 or 4 ply ,
22c ; tine , 20c ; Daisy , 18c ; caudlo wick , 22c.
OLIVIS : Quarts , cer doz , $3.75 ; pints , par
doz. $2.25bulk ; , per gal , 03c.
VINEOAU 30 gr. cider , ScjRood , 12c ; white
wine , 15c.
ST.VHCH i ; ® 8c per lb.
STOVE POLISH $ J 00@5.87 per gross.
Bios Am. , pjr 10J , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per
103 , $17.00 ,
MOUSSES Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
55u ; bakers' , 24r335c ; black strap , 20c.
Wiurrixo PAPEU Straw , per lb , l' @
2 } < c ; rag , 2 'c : monllu , B , 5@0c : No. 1 , 7c.
13AOS Union square , 85 per cent off list.
SAI.F Dairy , 2SO lbIn bbl , bulk , ? J.10 :
best grade. CO , 53 , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2,40 ; best grade. 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; roclc salt ,
crushed. Sl.bO ; dairy salt , Ashton. 50 lb ba ,
i'AUiXACEOus GOODS Barley , 3J ( < t4c ; la-
rlno , 5o ; peas , ! Jc ; oatmeal , lt&ia ; maca
roni ; lOc ; vermicelli. lOo ; rice , 4 ( < fi1)jc ) ; sago
and tapioca , 0@7c ; lima beans , Oc.
OlLS-Keroseno P. W. lOc ; W. W.
2)41' ; headlight , 13u ; gasoline , 12c ; naiad oil ,
11.25@0.00 oerdoz.
FISH Codllsh , extra Georges , now , f > % c ;
grand bank , new , 4u : silver , 2 lb , blocns ,
Oovsnow yvhlte , 2 lb bank , new , 5c ; Turkey -
key cod , largo middles , bricks , S > 4c ; snow
white crates , 12-5 lb , boxes , 7 0 ; Iceland
halibut , lie ; medium scaled hprring , 25o ;
No. 1 scaled herring , 23o ; douicsllo Holland
herring , 55c ; Hamburg splcoJ herrlntr , $1.50 ;
Russian sardine ) , 753 ; Russian sardines ,
plain , 55c ; Imported Holland herring , Crown
brand , 83c : do. fancy milkers , OOc : muckurel
No. 1 shore , half bbls , $13.00 ; bloaters , half
bbls , $18.00 ; whitolUh , half bbU. 57.00 ; trout ,
half bblH. $550 ; family whltolish $ a.OO ; snl-
inon , $3.50 ; 1 lb mackerel ( herring ) , $1.00 ®
1.10 ; 1 lb lltman baddies , $1.75 ; 1 lb loonier * ,
$ I.OOd$2.00 ; 1 lb Alaska salmon. Aleut , $1.00 ;
2 lb oyntors , 10 oz. $1.95 ; 1 lb oysters , 5 oz ,
$1.15 ; 2 lb select , 12oz , $2.85 ; 1 lb clams , llttlo
neckfi , $1,23 ; 2 lb clams , llttlo necks , $2.10 ;
J ilb nnrdincs , Imported , per case , 100s ,
$ ll.0010,00 ; "fib 'sardines , imported , per
case , loOj , S15.0U ( < 20 00 ; M lb Imported bono-
lebs sardines , 20.f ; } lb sardines , American ,
per 100 , Frencn style , $ l.50ft'3,00j } { lb sar
dines , American , per case , 100s , French
style , $7 > 50i ( < S.OO ; % lb sai dines , mustard ,
per caste. 50I1 , $4.00@l.23 : Imported key sar
dines , $13.00.
SODA Pkgs 00 5s. 5 < c.
NUTS Almonds , 15u ; BruzlU , Ho ; lllbcrti ,
12Vu ; pecans , llo ; walnuts , 1-Xc ; peanut
cocks , 8c ; roasted , llo ; Tcnncseo pea
nuts , 8c.
Ditucij ( Grocers' ) Per lb Borax , lOo ;
copperas , 2 > < o ; Bay leaves , Ha ; giuo , lOc ;
cpsoin salts , 4o ; gloubor salts , 8c ; BUlphur ,
2 > c ; blue vitrol , Oc ; alum , 4u ; tartarlo iicid ,
4''o ; rfljIn'Jc ; saltpeter , absolutnly pure , 9c ;
gum camphor , 2 Ibs In box , 1 oz cakes. : iiu : ;
hops , , * { and J lb packnxes. 20c ; sago , ' and
H-lb packages , 15c ; madaor , 13c ; saltpeter ,
lOc ; Indigo , 3-b | and 5-lb boxes. S F. (15 ( 703 ;
indigo , 3 lb and 5-lb boxes , Madrla , 73c ; seal
Inp wax , 23-lb boxes , rod , 3Uc : sealing wax ,
33-lb boxes , whlto , 4o.
SUOAUS Cut loaf.B'k'cjcul ' loaf cubes 7o ;
Btanoard , powdered , 7 < o ; XXXX. powdered ,
80 ; granuUtod , standard , OkC" > 7u ; coofoction.
era , A , 0 , c ; whlto extra C , O'A c ; extra C ,
Neb , O'jc ; nmbor , 0 < s :
CANNED ( Mons Fruits , California cnnnc'l '
goods , stniulnnl brands , 2 > lb , per tloz-
Apricots , $ l.70iit. ( 3 ; apricots , plo fruit ,
$1.50 ; pillons , fl.Mr bl ckberno , $2.25 :
cherries , black , $ JOOii2.25 ; cherries , white ,
$2.2.H < (2.50 ; griipcs , $1.03ytl.SO ; rears , Hart
Ictl , $ -J.UX3'.26 : poachn , yellow. $ J.10r2.25 ( ;
ponchos loinon . ' .33 plums
, cling , ; , CKC >
$1.03 ( 160 ; plumi , poldcn ilrop.4 , $1.SO ;
plums , green gage * , $1.0301.80 ; pouches ,
with puts In , $1 00 ; currants , $2.80 ;
pooscborrlcs , $2 25 ; quince * , $2.10 ; raspber
ries , $2.70 ; strftwbarrlo , JifiO ; Dcnctio ) , 8 lb
eastern standards , $1 S3 ; H lb pie , $1.10 ; 0 lb
pie , JJ.03 ; gallon plo , $300 ; apples , high
standards , $2 00 ; 3 lb gooseberries , UOo : 2 lb
strawberries. 90iMc ( ; 3 lb raspborrlci , $1.00 :
2 lb blueberries , MV OOc ; 2 lb blnckberncx ,
05i73c ; 2 lb strawberries , preserved , $1.75 ;
2 lb raspberries , preserved , il.SQ ; 2 lb black
berries , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bnhnma
chopped , $2.00 ; 2 lb Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 2
lb Bahama sliced , $ . ' .50 ; 3 lb Standard Mlced ,
$1.23VI.M ( ; chernoR. 3 lb rod , Baltimore , S5
QOoc ; pears , 2 lb , $1 83.
Dry Hood * .
CAiirETWiur Bibb , white , ISKo ; colored.
HATTS Standard. So : Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12 } < Tc ; Hoonc , 14c ; peorloas. case , $0.00.
COICET JIHXS Boston , } faAndroscog \ ,
gin , 7J4'c : Koarsiik'O , 7 ; < 1io ; Koultport , 0) o ;
ConoMtogn. 0c. .
TICKS Oakland , A , 7l/c ; International ,
YY , So : Shctucket , S. S c : Wnrrcn. No.
870 , 10c ; Berwick , HA , l cr Acme. 13c ;
York , 30 Inch , 12 > 4'c ; York , 82 inch , UUtfe ;
Swift River , -So ; Thorndlke , CO , S'.jc ;
Thorndlko FF. 8'c ; Tuorndlko. 120 , 9i < c ;
Thorndllto XX , 13c ; CordU , No. 5 , H'c ;
Cordls No. 4 , 10 } < c.
Dcxnis Auioikoag , 9 oz. 10 > c ; Everett ,
7 oz , 18o ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Hnvmakor , S' ' u ;
Jaffrov XX. 11'/c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12'o . , !
Beaver Creek A A , ll' c ; BeavorCreek BB ,
lOj : ; Beaver Crook UC , 0'-/o. '
KENTUCKV JKIXS Momorlul , 15c ; Glen-
wood , 20c ; IContucky Slur , 35c ; Hcrculen ,
ISc ; Etnplro , 23s ; Cottswold , 27 } < fc ; Mel
ville , 23c ; Bang-up , 27J.JC. .
Housckccpur , S' ' 'o ; Now Candidate , 8)a'c ) ;
Berkeley cambriu No. CO , 9c ; Best Yet. 4-4
O'j'c : butter cloth OO , 4l4u ; Cabot , 7' ' > jC ;
Furwell half bleached. S' ' 'c : Fruit of Loom ,
S-4'c ! ; Green G. O'tc ; Hope , 7 c ; King Phil
ip cambric , lOo : Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ;
Lonsdale. Stfc ; Now York mills , lOJ o ; Poi- |
poroll , 42 iu , lOc ; Pcppcroll , 40 In , lie ; Pep-
peroll , 01. ll.fc ) ; Pcppercil , S-t , 20c ; Pep-
percll , 0-4 , 22c : Peppercll , 10 I. 2lc ; Canton ,
4-4 , S 4c ; Canton , 5-4 , 0 > fc ; Triumph , Oj ;
VVastuutta. lie ; Valley , 5c ; Barki'r ,
bleached , So.
Bnowx SHKETIXO Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7J c ;
Atlantic H. 4-4. 7o ; Atlantiu D , 4-1. 0 lc ;
Atlantic P , 4 4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4 4 , Cc ; Au
rora C. 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Crown XXX , 4 4 , 04c ; ! ;
Iloosier LL , 4 4. W < s ; Indian Hea I , 44 , 7c ;
Lawrence LL , 4 4 , 5 'c ; Old Dominion. 4 4 ,
5 } c ; Pcpperoll R , 4-4 , 0/c : Pepperell E , 40
inch , 7 o : Pepparrcll , 8-4. lXc ; Popporoll ,
9-4 , 20o : Popporell , 10-4 , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 ,
4 fc ; Wnchuabtt , 44. 7c : Aurora H , 4-4. 7c ;
Aurora H , 4-4 , OJ c ; Atlas , O N B , 7 > u'c ;
Farmers' No. 1 , 27-in. . 44C.
Dt'CK West Point , 2'.i-in , 8-oz , OJtfc ;
West Point , 29-ln. iu oz , 12Hc ; West Poiut ,
9-ln , 12 oz , lOKc ; West Point , 40 in , 11-oz ,
Fnx.VEt.s 1'lald lUftsmen , 20c ; Clour
Lake , 32c ; Iron Mountain , 20 } c ; White
G II No. 2 , 8j' , 22 } 'iG ; II No. 1 , Jf. 20 0 :
B H No. 2. 4' . 22'ifiB , ; 11 No. 1. "i , 29c ;
Quechee , No. 1. } f , 42a
" White Quechoo No. 2f , 37 } < c : Quocheo
No , 3 , : ii c ; AiiMvati , .TiJJc ; WltidBor ,
22' ' < ; e. Hod C , 24-in , l.V ; E , 24-in , 2IJfc ;
G G 21-iu. 20e ; II A F , ? / . 25c ; J R ljf ) ,
27c ; G , 4' . 23c.
PIIIXT Solid Coors Atlantic , Oc : Slater ,
Cc ; Berlin oil. O'.fc ' : Garnnr oil , 0@7c. Pink
and Robes Richmond , O'-fc'.Allen.O c--Riv-
eroolnt , 3' c ; Steel River , Os ; Paclllc ,
Indigo Lilua St. Legor. H o ; Washington ,
O' c ; American , OJ c : ArnoM , 0 > jc ; Arnold
Century. 'Jo : Ainaml , 12c : Stiefel A , 12c.
barter oak , 5 ' 40 ; Hama ) < o , 4 > - < i'e ; Lodl ,
Allen , Oc ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor ,
Eddystotio.OKc ; Pacific , OKc.
GIXOHAM 1'lunkett checks , GJ o ; Whit-
tcnton , 09/c ; York , 0'fc ; ' ; Noruiaiidl UrcsB ,
Calcutta dross , 7 > $ e ; Renfrew drees ,
Ciusu Stevens' B , 5-.Jc } ; Stevens' A , 7c ;
Stevens' A , bleached , Sc ; Stevens' P , 7 c ;
Stevens' P. bleached , SJj'c ; Stevens' N , h c ;
Stevens' N , bleached , \c \ ; Stevens' SI IT ,
CAMOIUCS S'ater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ord , 5o ; Peacock , 5c.
SIIIKTINO : Checks Caledonia X , fl' c ;
Caledonia AX , lO o : Economy , Oc ; Otis ,
Oc ; Granite , 0 fc ; Haw River , 5) 0 ; Craw
ford , Sc. _
SI o.i n IF.
BLOCK TIN Small pig , 2Sc per lb ; bar , 29c
per lb.
CorrEii Plaulalied boiler sizes , 31c per lb ;
cold rolled , 2So per lb ; sheathing , 27c per lb'
pltts and Hats , 2c per lb.
GALVAXI/.KD SHEET Iitox Dlsc't 50-10 per
cent , p.u. plan , iron , A. 10J < fc ; B , OJ < fc.
Roorixo Charcoal , I. C. , 14x20 , 112 , $15.00 ;
I. X. , 57. BO.
SHEET Iiiox No. 20 , $3.75 ; No. 27 , $3.S3.
SOI.DEH ll@10c.
TIN 1'iATC I. C. , 10x14 , 225 , $7.40 ; I. X ,
30x14 , 223 , $0.23.
TIN Pi.AiE-Cokc I. C. , 10x14 , 225 , 10.50.
STEEL NAILS Base , $3.00.
WIHE Jap. barb , $8.0'J ' ; galv. . $1.20.
Bameit Finl HalioMl BanJ ,
5 Soiillt lnh : § lr otOnialia. .
Cniiitnl . . ' . $100,000
Simtlus.Iaii. 1st , JSIO ! . uT.nOO
OK no KHS AND mitncrroiis
Hexiiv W. VAIKH , President.
J.KWIS y. KKEII. Vice 1'resldont.
JAv. . strAnr.
It. 0. CtT.SIIIMl.
Cor. l"th nnd Kariiam Sts.
A General Hanktu llunlneaj Transacted.
rQnftll SIKAIH.I : TA.
I ( llJul i pint IJOUOHT.
Un Improved ami I'nlin-
proved 1'roparty.
I'urclmpd or Negotiated.
TUB Negotiation of
A Specialty.
Correspondence Solicited.
Room ! 11U Brown Uuildiiiir ,
Oinalm , Nob.
lv ana r ll Veal , . . , ,
pru'lianilDrlfd l1nIU.V ict Clt .urunrlliliitIi"lni r
Ijave lovhltxVrltounror prlcnn Aranr lufunuKtlfm ) tu
n nj. Htf il riB. IIOII ItlMO.V A : < 'O. , CoiumU.ion
ilc rrhund , 171 Huillk \ > ulcr-.t. , Chlritfo.
Hirriic- Mftrupolll > iuNalluuatlii.iik.ClJlcagi > .
Mention Oinuba
or'S ' VuS s ;
rauitnc 1'rtmnturo l > rrar. Xcrvoui DtUlltr , lx i
Manhood. &c. , havloa t rleu fn r&ln tit cry known tmt.
dy , tiuducoTi'r d vlmple mraui of self cure , wblcll
U will und ( M.l.dl fHKK lo t > U ffllow-iuirrreri.
iUiir u.jiiuuim , r.o , iiuiiiw .wvuikcmr.
Capital ,
Surplus , 4O.OOO
OniccrJ niitl Directors I ! , M. Mortomnn. O
M. Hitchcock , .Ir.a. tlnrnciiu. Jr. . A , lloni-v , K.
M Amterann. Win. ( I Maul , v. pro * , : U II Will'
IMIIK , A. r. Hopkins , pro * . : A. Mlllnrd ,
K. II. llryant , insistent cuMiler.
Boots and Shooo.
Eucccmnn to It J , Jones A Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers
Agenti ( or Itoilon Uubticr Shoe To. . 1107 , 1104 and 1101
II rn 7 8Uo t , Om ht , Ntbrmka.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
UJl North KlghUulh Str * l , Om B , N t > tnil .
Manufacturer * of Galvanize ! Iron Cornice
WInJow-capi anJ nmnlllo nVyliiibU. Johu Upeuelur ,
liropnetor. I'jg ' nJ 1U South lota meet.
Artlata' Mntorlnlo.
A. I/OSPJJ , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs ,
1513 Ioui < la > Ueet.Onmlm , Nobrnika.
ponl , Coke , lEto.
Jobbers of Hard aafl Soft Coal.
S09 South I3tb strott. Ouiaha , Ncbra K .
Snippers of Coal and Goto
111 South 13th street , Umalm , Nebraska. _
JSJsara. _
Wholesale Cigars ,
tC3 North Cth Street , Omaha , Nub. "Hollo" HOT.
p f y Co io do i a n (
f. E. SMI 'a it CO. ,
Dry Goods , Fnrnisoing Goods and Notions
H.IO illllllllUWt IU. I . 1)1.1.
Imnorters& Jobbers in BryGooilj , Notions
Qiti' Kurnlihlnii Cools. Corner lltu anil Uacnoy
_ ilroeH , Omaha , Nebrmka.
Furnltu ro .
Wholesale Beaiers in Furniture ,
rarnam itrajt , Omatm , N'obrnikn.
Furniture ,
Omaha ,
ifflCORD , 11RABY& CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and L venffcrtl > ptr ou , Omaha. Nobrmka.
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Uccbanles Toolt anil llutlalo Scales. ll > Douglas
it , unmha , Nib.
Lumber , Eto.
Wholesale Lumber , Etc.
Imported and American Portland Comcnt.
aaenl for Mllwnnkou llydrnnllc Ceruvnt
and QulLOf Wulto Llmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lnm'ber
Xood carpiti anil narauat flooring. Oth and IJjuglat
itrcets , Onmha , Nubrntka.
Miners and Shipnersrf Hard and Soft Coa
tlUllmNitiicnai llnnk Hull mil ! . Ouiauu , .Not)1
Bealer in Lnmber , Lath , Lime , Sasi
Doan. etc. Tardi-Corner 7th nnd. Douglas. Offlo *
Corner 10th and Uouglai.
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corn i 0th and Uouglni itreeti , Omalia.
Mill I no ry a n d M o tlon B
Uprters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
S03.S10 and 21S South lltli itrcet.
Notions ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods ,
1121 Harnojr s'.roet ,
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
AxloOitaao , etc. Omaha. A. II. Dlihop , Mnnagcr.
Wholesale Pacer Dealers ,
Carrr * ntco ( lock of printing , wrapping nnd writing
paper. Special attention ulvon to card paper.
Safes ( to.
A , L. DEANE .6 CO. .
General Agents for
Hall's ' Safes ,
8tl nd 32J South 10th St. . Omaha.
Toys , Eto.
Jobbora of
Toys , Bolls , Albums , Fanoy Gooto ,
Honie Furnliulnc floodi. Cblldrcu'a CarrlagCi. 1201
ramam tre lOnialmNob.
_ Asr lou 1 1 u rn I I m p I o rn on ts
Agricult'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage !
Wholeialo. Qmalia , Nebrn ka.
o. O. IKJ.VW Mlfi'Ulfl/tJ / I'Ultlf I/O. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldar wind rnllli , 9U nnd M ) Jonot it.,0mlina
U , V. UQJI , Acting Managar.
A CO ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
fli ot-lroa work , ittum PUMPS. > aw mill , . UU121J
_ le .T nnorlll U tOmabn. | '
lron Worts , .
Wronght and Cast Iron Building Worfc ,
Koglutp , trait work , general foundry , machine , aid
blncmmllh work , omcu ind wurks , U. I' , llf. |
_ anil lull , tr t , umalin. _
Hanf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Prcof Safes ,
Vault , , Jail work , Irou tbutlori and Rro uncaptb
Q. Au JI Q , prop r. Cor. Uth and Ja ; aon bti.
Sash. Doors , EtoT
M. A. D/snnoir Aco. . ,
Wboleinl * mtaufaelurtrc & (
Sato , DoorUltoflnnu Monlilings , > '
Ilrancn offlce , 12tk and liarditrceti , Omaha , Nat .
YARD co. .
Of Sootii Omalia. iimitci
- < * * * }