Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1890, Part II, Page 9, Image 9

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11 elf - Conforming. .
CONTiNOATIONofleSiLGofCllILDHEN'S ' Wo sell only the Wilcox Dorbys and Silk Hats. Wo bollevo them
to bo the finest goods in the mnt'kot. At the popular price , iJO.GO.
. .
, These goods'aro made on five different blocks.
CD Wo believe our line of Overcoats this spring : will bo the greatest success wo
have over had. They tire iiorfoct nttinf aim wo solicit an inspection from
K The lots advertised last week at $2.BO and $3.OO are all gone , but
mon who have boon unsuccessful in being littod to n , ready-made garment. Wo
htivo them in stouts , regulars and slims. the line of Knee Pant Suits at $3.BO and $4.OO will be offered for one
Fine Meltons . $15 and $18 week longer. We nro now showing a full line of Boys' and Children's goods.
Pine Worsteds and Cassimeros . 320 , S22 and $2o
SAL.E Goods carried from last season are botng sold
To voutiff mon wo offer n. very desirable Spring Overcoat , made from an all-
wool , bluck diagonal Ohoviot , which is so fashionable- this season a garment at ? 3.BO , which formerly sold at $6.OO and $7.OO , and goods for
trimmed elegantly , with wide silk facings at the popular price of $12.00. $4.OO which sold for double this amount. We hajte added a line or
Scotch Cheviot Suits this week at $5.OO. Come and see them. Don't
. give $5.OO for shoddy goods when you can buy goods that wiH give
PRICE $9.00. satisfaction and not cost any more. ' * NEW SPUING GOODS.
This popular bargain line will bo run as long us wo can got the goods. It is
the line udvortisod lust week a pure , all-wool , blue Cheviot , three-button Cut This week wo expect to be very busy fn this department. The
away Suits , at $9.00. Send for one , and if you do not find it worth $ ,15.00 , you may time has come for our patrons to select a Spring Suit and Overcoat.
return it at our expense. We offer the following inducements.
A Merchant Tailoring Department , organized on the most exten
Men's ' Black Worsted Sack and Frock Suits sive plan. The largest stock of woolens ol'any in the city. Artistic
, work and popular prices. Wevill offer this week :
PRICE $12.5O. Bargain lines of Long Pant Suits , ages 12 to 15. Several choice styles of Foreign Cheviots.Suits ,
Wo will offer this week 150 suits of Men's Black Diagonal , Frock and Sack Suits , Price $5.5O.
nt $12.50 cloth .mado by the Riverside Woolen Company and every garment made $35OO.
in our own work room. Wo recommend this line to our trade us a dress suit. The Bargain lines of Long Pant Suits , ages 14 to 17 ,
regular price with other dealers would bo $18 and S20 , and any person who buys a Price Fine Cassimeres for business wear , $45.OO.
suit of this lot and is not sutisflod with it , will have the price cheerfully refunded.
MFN'S ' PANTALOONS-SPECIAL SALE. Bargain lines of Long Pant Suits , ages 14 to 17 , These prices are for genuine merchant Tailoring. .Each garment
. made by a journeyman tailor and not in a machine room. Wo pay
Price $10.0O. the highest prices for making our goods and will send out goods
One Week More at$3.5O. that are first-class in every respect.
By sacrificing our Droflt in order to clean up broken lots of high cost goods , The sale advertisedln this department for the past ten days has
wo can run this bargain line for one week longer. Hundreds have boon sold dur been n big success. The secret is-that customers find the Fine Trouserings , to order , $10 , $12 and $14.
ing the past wool : , and it.will the best
prove advertising medium the Continental advertised and plenty of them.
has over adopted. just as Spring Overcoats , $3O and $35 ,
MAIL ORDERS Bear in mind , you can send to us for any garment1 advertised , and care will be taken in filling the order and it will not
dost you one cent , if goods are not satisfactory. Return them and charges will "be paid by us.
The Usual Budget of Baseball
, STho Story of the Nnnpnroil'8 DafotU
Snytlrr on Hinh Mvo Tlio
Illnc , tlio Horse , Doc ,
Gun and Wheel.
There's n Bin Day Coinlncr.
The opening of the championship season In
this city will bo accompanied by tlio unusual
demonstration of a grand parade by the
players and an open air concert before the
Kruno. The opening contest will tuko place
Saturday , April 20 , between Sioux City and
the Omnttas. The grand stand will bo hand-
BOmoiy decorated and Score-Card Mullen
will bo on Ijnml witli a cholco souvenir for
the ladles probably a photograph of him
self."Going to have n big tlmo , are you , Presi
dent McCormick ? "
"That wo uro , and wo'ro going tohavo flvo
or six thousand people out there , that is with
nny sort of decent weather. "
"Why don't you got the railroads to run
excursion trains from adjacent towns and
citicsl Lots of people would come. "
"Well , wo are talking of. that very thing ,
nnd then wo tire going to have the city legis
lature out thoru In u body , and that alone
ought to uo worth the price of admission ,
don't you think so I"
"Bet I do I'd ' give 00 cents any tlmo to
BCD the counclltmmla combine perched up in
the grand stand. "
"So long. "
"S'long. " _
About tlio Ijnral Ton in.
The Oniaha ball team , Cleveland , An
drews , Walsh , Canavan , Strauss , Clarice ,
Days , Faun lug , McConnell , JSrijuarnnrt ,
lltid , Morim , illnos , Willis , Thuyro nnd
Kcarns , will all bo hero within thrco wooUs ,
and preparations marto Immediately
for actwo work. Manager Leonard
him received letters from all the
players , and without , an exception thqv
have reported themselves In good form and
lionlth nnd eager for the playlug season to
roll round. This is indeed oncouragingaud it
bespeaks harmony la tlio team , and harmony
ninoug the men Is an element In effective
ball playing second only to actual ability ,
Every day , in fact repeatedly every day ,
TUB llr.n's baseball scribe la asked what ho
thinks of the Omatm team , and the answer
is Invariably ttiat It is an unusual Htrong ouo
nnd iium necessarily make a good showing ,
Can any ono doubt tins after scanning tbo
nbovo list of names ! It Indeed embraces an
exceptionally line array of talent , promising
incn every onu of them , even unto the tiov *
oral untried quantities It contains. No
claim U made that they will win the
pennant. Such effusive declarations cma-
nato only from those who do not known n
ball player from a circus acrobat , nnd when
they say It do not know what they nro talk
ing about. Omaha will encounter several
ball teams the coming season well worthy
the prowess , and a good place in the race ,
oven up as high in second or
third should bo a , source of satis
faction to nil these who weigh the
chances against higher honors. Kansas City
will bo most formidable in playing strength ,
While MinnoaDolls , Sioux City and Milwau
kee nro nil very strong and will put up such a
Kama as no club In the country , especially In
the minor bodies , Is warranted In ululuilnp
the ability to worst them tlireo games out of
live. The task of winning tbo pennant will
bo n moro dllUeult ono the coming teason
tlmu over before , and the Western associa
tion team that accomplishes thU laudable
nchlavcuioiit may well Indulge In u llttlo
Kratulatory enthusiasm.
Thompson Will Trv
ST. I'XUL , Mluu. , March. JO , 1690. To the
Sporting Editor of THE Dec : I hava ac
cepted the terms of Charlie Abbey on your
recommendation nnd will give him a fair
trial. I shall feal under many obligations If
ho proves strong enough for St. Paul. Noth
ing now hero , except that wo nro gradually
getting in shape for the opening of the
season. A successful season seems ussuurod.
A. M. TiioMi'iiox.
President St. Paul Baseball Club.
More of WnUli'a Gnnslp.
The baseball park has been put In line
condition lor the oponlng of the season , but
the work of renovation and improvement
still goes on ,
'Tho diamond , says Joe Walsh , "looka
better now than It , did last season , nnd If
Manager Leonard would put on a , big roller
whllo tbo frost is still m the ground ho
could make it as smooth as a billiard table. "
"How does our diamond compare with
these of the ether Western association
cities , .Too ? " asked Tnc BEE scribe.
"Favorably , with the best of them. "
"Whicn club has th6 worst diamond ! "
"Kansas City , by an overwhelming major
ity. The Cowboys' diamond Is not only as
rough as a corduroy road , but la full of sink
holes for drainage purposes. Then , still
worse , it Is so laid out that the afternoon's
sun is right smack In the ticcoml baseman's
nnd shortstop's oyos. I used to havn to
shade my face with my cap to aeo the batter ,
who stands In the shade. So you can con
ceive of the dlft'.culty In otopplng hard-hit
groundorH in Kansas City. It Is also harden
on the fielders , and Kansas City never sees a
good Holding game , save on cloudy days , "
Dr. Dohso's Downfall.
The Bancroft , Nob. , gun club was in a
flourishing condition up to a few daya ago ,
but now all Is anarchy und discord. Tnia
condition ol things was occasioned by n re
cent shoot hold by the club , The members
nro : Frank Muibauch , George Hawley ,
Gcorgo Lydiclt , John Hawley nnd Dr.
Dohsc. The latter has long boasted of his
twenty years' experience nt the trap nnd has
frequently declared that ho intended to comate
to this city nnd yank oft the scalps of Frank
Paraialeo , John Petty , Billy Brewer nnd tbo
rest of our cracks. All the Boots In Ban
croft were afraid of him and went into the
match ncalnst him a few days ago with u
good deal of trepidation. Now tho.v all want
to shoot him for sand , mud or tnush Hu
cnuio out n tuil-ondor. Everybody boat him.
Ho was BO badly broken up that ho woula
not allow the local paper to publish thoscoro ,
so the members put their heads together
and concluded to send It to TUG BBC. Tna
match was ton blue rocks , eighteen yards
rise. The score :
Malbaugh 1 11111101 1 0
Dr Dohso 1 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0-3
Hawley , Q 1 1 0 1 0 I U 1 1 1 7
Lydlck , . . . , I I 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 1-0
Hawley , J. , 1 01100111 0-0
The doctor Is now offering for sale dogs ,
guns , fishing taoklutraps and every thing ho
owns In the way of sporting patuphoraulla.
Knnpn't ) Job Ijut Opinion.
In a letter to an Omaha trlcnd , Wilbur
Knapp of Portland , Ore. , remarks : "Ger-
wlng ought to have won that Omaha raco.
I know him well. Ho Is speedy and n good
stayer , and If I und boon In the race would
have watched him closer than all the rest.
Hut lot mo tell you what I am ready to do :
I will ride any ono in the country a match
race for from $1.500 to $3,500 u side and TO
unit S10 of th" gate , the race not to bo over
thrco hours n nlirhl or under flvo miles. I
have tha best of Iwcuing hero , a thorough-
bted who will not allow mo to go for small
stuff. Now if nny of these duffers about
Omaha mean business , let them display It.
You try and llnd out if thera Is nny oao ttioro
with nionev , and or courao without brains ,
who Is willing to back any of thoia mugs.
Toll Sandy U , to publish this challenge ) and
to Inform these lop-sided would-be cham
pions and blowbards that they are not In It.
Uingloy U n stiff , Heading mill worse and
Atbtnger a farm band , and the whole gang
ought to bo doused into the river , Eck with a
four-ton stone around his neckl That's
what I think of the job lot. "
The AVilil Fowl Outlook.
There were n good many big bags of geese
nnd duetts made during the first four days of
the past woeic , but the sudden cold spell
has again driven the birds gulf ward. The
market is tolerably well filled with Canadas
nnd brunt , with a goodly supply of mallard ,
pin-tail and redhead , with an occasional
bunch of canvas backs. Geese are bringing
$1 a pair , mallard , 00 ce'its ; pin-tall , 75 cents ;
redhead , 80 cents ; canvasback , S3 , and teal ,
50 cents.
The early wild fowl shooting In this Im
mediate vicinity promises to DO bettor than
It has been for several years. There was
but llttlo shooting last spring , or fall either ,
and the birds have had u flno opportunity to
recuperate and bring up large families. The
sportsmen are nil in n fever ot expectation ,
and as soon ns the winter breaks up In earn
est the marshes will bo full of shooters. A
warm spoil with n few gentlo'falna will
bring In the teal and the \Vilson snipa by the
Chicane's Opinion of Ijlmlstxy.
Chicago Sporting Journal : Jimmy Lind
say , the Omaha light-weight , arrived In Chicago
cage Saturday , nnd at once rnndo his way to
the Sporting Journal ofllco. His object m
coining to Chicago" to spend n few days
with his friends , previous to leaving for Snn
Francisco , to which city ho Is liable to bo
summoned nny time by nls friend Patsy Fal
len , whu is already there looking for n
match for him. Lindsay , although of an
athletic build , looks anything but the lighter
that ho is , resembling In dross nnd appearance -
vacation. Ho is
anco a young priest on a
modest , yet Quito nn interesting talker , and ,
while not looking for a match himself , Is em
powered by the Gate City Athlotio club to
make arrangements for n good heavy weight
to co to Omaha ' and tight Jack Davis under
Its auspices. Lindsay Is accompanied by his
wife , a charming lady , whom ho married just
previous trfhls battle with Oriflln. Ho Is a
plumber by trade , also n first-class bar
tender , who does not know the tusto of
whisky nnd never smoked a cigar or pipe in
his Hfo ,
Tlio Story of lomi nly'fl Defeat.
Howard Rutherford , a 'Frisco newspaper
man and a member of the California athlotio
club , spent an hour at Tun BUR ofllco last
evening. Ho talked entertainingly of the
recant affairs before the California clubs ,
particularly on Dompsey's defeat at the
hands of Georeo La Blanche.
"Tho Marino , " ho said , "never was Jn
such condition , whllo Jack was all awry.
In the Ural six rounds La Blanche rushed
and Dempsey showed his skill as a ducker
ana jumper , but ho never lost an opportunity
to Jab his burly antagonist In the face. * La
Blanche was ucly nnd showed n tonaonoy
to light foul , and ho should have been called
down In the seventh round. " Up to the
eleventh round It was rush und sing by the
Marino nnd dodco nnd stab by Jack. After
this La Blanche adopted the long range tac
tics. Ho made no headway , whllo Dempsey
began to swing hia right nnd was rapidly
nailing the light. In the twenty-sixth round
ha thought bo saw a chance to knock the
Marino out. Ho pushed him Into his corner ,
but to the surprise of everyone , barely saved
himself from being knocked out. as La
.Blanche Inllictod BOIIIO awful punishment.
In the thirty-second ho wont after him
again. Ho llddlrd the Marino to the ropes ,
then , after a feint , lot p.o his loft , following
with bis right on La Blanche's Jaw , but the
next instant the doughty Jack lay on the
floor an Inert mass. The knotty right list of
the Marino had collided with Dorapsoy's
nose with tremendous force , and tbo Nonpa
reil was a vanquished man for the first time
in his life. "
Mr. Huthorford will remain In the city ,
the guest of friends , until Wednesday next ,
when ho goes to Denver.
Hnyituruii itiifii i'lvo.
Edgar 0. Buydcr , associate editor of tba
Omaha Excelsior , has Just Issued a very
coinproueuslvo and interesting treatise , or
book of reference , on the popular game of
high flvo single , double and progressive.
The little volume has boon carefully re
viewed , und but one exception to its ceneral
rcliabilitv is noted , and that is to rule It ) In
the single high flvo cede , whicn reads :
10. In uaso of n tie , high irocs out first , low
next , jack next , then game , ana lastly the
first flva spot. But should jack bo made first
before cither hicrh or low , then the game is
terminated , and high and , low do not count.
The jack never takes precedence before
the high or low In high Hvo , no matter nt
what stage of the game it may bo ' 'saved. "
In aovcn-up , however , If.'two players are a
tie nt six points each , nnd .tho dealer turns'
jack , thonwio Is out , but under no ether cir
cumstances. '
Aside from this discrepancy. Snyder/a / volume -
umo is a worthy ono and will bo found of
great assistance to all now " players.
"Whisperings ot thuVhcol. .
The Apolloa now captain has called his
first run for a trip to the Bluffs at ii)0 ! : ) this
Dick Calkins has a now Victor safety. It
Is the first )800 pattern * brought to Omaha
nnd is a btid.
March so far has brought but llttlo riding
weather , nnd ttio Rtoel horses huvo been stu
diously kept a-Jtublo.
Two now members wore taken In at the
last mooting , which makes the jnvoniles
total membership thirty-four.
The boya mileage last year was but 530 ,
but Captain Bcindorf declares that tho.v will
reel off 0,000 miles this Boason.
Ned Heading Is one of , the most worthy
long distance riders in thq world. In fact it
would puzzla any name his superior.
The American blcyclonnos who wont
abroad to vanquish the European female ri
ders huvo returned sadder , poorer and wiser
Tno Appolos now ofllcera nro Doa 1 Wortz ,
president ; Lou Leeder , vlco president ; Dick
Calkins secretary and treasurer and Oscar
Beimlorf , captain. .
Dingley , the Minneapolis whirlwind , has
scon his best day. Ho has uo powers , save
those for short dashes , remaining , und
henceforward woula do well to stick to his
engineering ,
A prominent bykcr predicts that many of
the famous road records hold in Omaha will
bo badlv shattered this'summer , ns there are
any number of promising new riders coming
to the front. ,
The Apollos consider themselves on a par
with the Omaha far as racing
ability goes , The say they took to firsts and
ono second at the rocuiit tournament , and
will do Btlll better next timo.
Charlie Ashlngor , the ; old horcc of the
oyolo track , has abandoned the wheel for the
plane , the hammer and tlip saw. The won
der Is Charlie didn't ' realize what ho was cut
out for years and years ago.
That old tlmo nnd ' Indefatigable hippo-
dromer , Tom Eok. Is hero 'wildly endeavor
ing to got up another tc nalo bicycle race at
the Coliseum. If he si ccoeds the building
might as well put up ita's butters. '
Pcrrlgo has a now ttfcome for tickets in
his riding school for ladles. The school
opens next Thursday at the armory , Ho will
issua a ticket for $5 good for ton lessons or
ten hours' rent of whbol , ana after that
amount has been used In lessons , the same
may bo applied on tile purchase of u wheel.
Some of Omahu'a most elegantly paved
streets nro In a deplorable condition , on ac
count of several wcotta' accumulation of
mud and refuse. Wheelmen , who probably
got over the city more generally than nny
ether class of citizens , see this uvcry duy.anu
their unanimous verdict Is that the street
commissioner might become bettor entitled
to his salary by n little attention la this
N. F , Flak and F. L. Teniplo ot Lexington
and Leon Wurtzof Button spent several
days amouft thu local wheelmen last week.
They wore hero In the interest of the League
of American Wheelmen. They say that
everything looka favorable for an organiza
tion m Nebraska the coming season. Just
now the division la lu tt.4 juapo , but with a
Utlu extra rrork it couU oaiily bo elevated
to the standard that exists in other states.
-Thoro are there ofllces which should bo
filled without fsiiluro before All Fool's Day ,
or they must hold over In their vacancy until
September 1. If the organization could DO
perfected without much further delay , il
would bo In eood shape for a grand stale
meet this fall.
Many now otnatnontal nnd useful articles
are being put up in the O. W. C club house.
The latest Is a handsome metal monagram
from Oscar Eponetter and un electric bell
from Ed Smith. Tomorrow the billiard
tables will bo rc.idy for use , nnd the treas
ury will bo swelled probably S35 or 810 n
month from this source , and will have n ten
dency to brine the members around much
oftener , ns there are several embryonic
Schaeffors and Slossons within the club
ranks. Hereafter membership tickets or
certificates will bo issued , nnd nil aiombern
in arrears for dues should pay up and got
their paper. The house committee is pro
gressing rapidly with its work about the
club house. It is a now committee nnd its
duties are not aufllclently defined for real ef
fective work , but they are doing splendidly.
When the Hacing board of the League of
American Whclmon passed is now famous
ukase against tlio payment of the traveling
expenses nnd entrance fees of racing men ,
members of athletic clubs. It was generally
supposed to bo an intended olap at the Ama
teur Athlotio union and that a rupture would
bo caused thoseby between the two bodies.
Tno rule cause any amount of aiscusslon by
interested parties , nnd although the athlotio
uorlil strongly condemned It , the league In
dorsed the action nt its recent annual meet-
Ing. Whllo the moro Impetuous are inclined
to the belief that warfare is to bo the result ,
it is probable that the matter will bo quietly
and ntnicably settled when representatives
of the two organizations cot together and
talk the matter over. Such n conference
will bo hold Homo time this week , and al
though It will , of necessity , bo of nn Informal
nature , the outcome will practically Bottle
the matter , Sports.
Billy Halo , an old goosu and duck hunter
nt Chapman on the Pfatto , bagged seventeen
geese , two brants nnd seven ducks In two
bourn' shooting last Tuesday morning.
Tho'dlfllcultlcs of the polo league have nil
been amicably adjusted and the schedule
will bo resumed Tuesday night with a game
between the Kamblors and the Council
Bluffs teams ,
J. J. Corbett , the recent vanquisher of
Jake Kilrnin , and the boxing professor of
the San Francisco Olympia club , spent Fri
day afternoon In this city the guest of Jack
Wood. Ho was onrouto for New York city.
Manager Jack Prince is In receipt oC.a letter -
tor from Parson Davis In which the latter
states that Jackson has decided on n two
vcoka' rest , nnd it will bo impossible to
make a date for Omaha until after that
Manager I'rlnco reports that ho Is making
satisfactory progress in the formation of the
Coliseum athlotio club nnd gymnasium nnd
expects to hao It In operation by the middle
of next month ,
Petn Simpson of this city Is the owner of
four live wild geese which ho uses with
much success for decoys. Harry McGrew
Is also the possessor of n number of live
birds , which are thoroughly trained nnd do
wonderful work.
A state sportsmen's tournament , under
the auspices of the grand Island gun club ,
will bo hold In that cltv on May 20 , Ql , < l
and S3. The eastern and western state us-
socmllona have consolidated and will meet
at Grand Island on May 10. This tourna
ment will bo conducted ns n classification
affair , thua giving nmatour shooters as good
a show as professionals.
Mike Cleary , the big middle weight , will
bo in the city several daya this wooic , com
ing hero from Hot Spring * . Just what
deary's object la in vUitlng Omaha Is not
known , but It la suspected that ho comes
hero to consult with Manager Kilkenny with
reference to meeting Jack Davis before the
athletic club , Whllo Cleary has done a good
deal of great fighting In the heavy-weight
class ho la only a largo class middle-weight ,
but a man who has no superior in
Bcloaco and clovcraeas la the riog today ,
From tlio Diamond.
Milwaukee has formed u city leaguo'of six
Dad Clarke , the pitcher , will reach Omaha
this week.
Ike , the Milwaukecs' new inllclder , has
Just been married.
Minneapolis has released Chrisman , and
Milwaukee Mills.
The New York World says Oniaha gets a
fine catcher in Eddie Thai re.
Elmer Cleveland thinks particularly well
of Bays' capabilities as a pitcher.
The Cowboys will have two Hoovers in
their team , and it might ho added , several
uioverc , too.
Manager Leonard has sent notifications to
all the Omaha players to report hero on or
before the "oth.
The Kansas City team will get their pre
liminary practice at Excelsior Springs , Mo. ,
instead of at Hot Springs , Ark.
Does any ono ( know what hus become of
old Joe Quest } Ho seems to be about as
thoroughly lost as Charlie Koss.
Andy Cusick , the ex-Phlladolphla league
catcher nnd of last season's West Point
team , is hero looking for nn engagement.
Pickctt , the Kansas City contract jumper ,
has played three games In the south with
the brotnornood , and made just six errors.
Camp brothers , who were with Grana
Island nnd Kearney last season , uro in the
city and have several good ofT'jrs ' for this sea
Jimmlo Hart and D. Linnehan , graduates
, of the city league , will f robably go with
Dick Dywor's Portland team this season us
a battery.
Did you ever consider what a great out
field the Cowboys will have in. Hoover ,
Burns and Manning. There are none in the
country to beat it.
Grand Island , Fremont , Hastings , Seward ,
York. Kearney , Beatrice and Columbus nro
all hustling for funds and players for the
proposed State league ,
Denver club has been nt Hot Springs for
a ween , but the weather has been so unfav-
nblo they have had absolutely no opportunity
for practice so far.
Pitcher Fanning writes Tun BEE that It
Is a mistake about his being wild. Ho says
ha is'ono of the tamest men on earth and
that he expects to play the game bang I
Toledo hasn't secured either Conway or
Henley yet from Kansas City. The club will
need another good right-handed pitcher
badly before the season la fur advanced.
Manager Cushman has ordered the Mil
waukee uniforms , They will wear nt homo
white with blue trimmings , nwav from homo
chocolate gray with maroon trimmings.
Jimmy Canavan has written to President
McCormlck that ho has given up his con
templated business venture and that ho will
report nt Omaha when the time comes.
Thought so.
Minneapolis is now endeavoring to buy
Uillv Traflloy. What Morton can possibly
want of Traf , , and ho.w DCS Monies can even
talk of letting any ono go , la one nf the
things past finding out ,
Wngenhurst , who played with Minneap
olis last season and one of the most thor
oughly exploded phonoms nf the day , will
guard third bag for the Pennsylvania uni
versity team tills sccson.
"Tho Uepentrtiico of Cyelono Jim , or Ho
Sawed Wood on thu Iowa Farm , " is the tlllo
of a llttlo pamphlet which docs not make
food reading for the new-born magnatoa In
Clcavclund this week , Ken Mulford.
Hen Dcaglo , the old Cincinnati pitcherhas
a good clerical position In Kansas City , and
wants no more of base bull. Tom Mansoll
nnd Jimmy Lilllo are also residing there ,
but their active base ball uays are over.
It ia rumored that ono of hut season's ' city
league managers will put an independent
team In tbo field to represent the Kdon (
Musco , and pl&y all comers , Miissra. Saokott
& Lawlor , the genial proprietors , will keep
up with the times.
Will Sunday , the wall known ball player
ana evangelist , addresses the young men of
Nevada , la. , today on "Tho Joy and Peace
ot a CnribUan Life. " Tit Willis went over
lustnluhtto listen to the sermon and ace
that Billy makes no muffs.
"Macullar's Merry Men" would draw
well hero If Dos Molncs over ventured this
far east. "Mac" is an old Kcd himsolf.nnd ho
bus two ether cx-Cincinnnti playnrs to keep
him company. Trnflloy ana Will Hart. Cin
cinnati Times-Star.
It f.s sale ! that Joe Quinn I.s thinking nbout
studying law in imitation of Johnny Ward.
However , it matters not what is said , Quinn
will keep right on ployi'jg ball until the
Charllo-horsa totes him irom out the arena.
These baseball students of the higher pro
fessions makes everybody sick.
The City league will bo composed of ilio
following teams ; Garncau Snow Flaiics ,
City Steam Laundry , Crane Brothers , South
Omaha , Council Bluffs Nonpanol'n. The
_ teams will nlny at South Omaha nnd Lake
Mttiiawn every Sunauy , and on the Omaha '
grounda when the league team Is absent.
Jeff Dolan , a baseball player well known
In the state several years ngo , but who re
moved to the Paoiflo slope , where no gained
a wide reputation ns a catcher , died recently
in the Insnno asylum at Nnpa , Cal. Ho wa
struck by n ball on the temple while playing
behind the bat niiu from that moment watt
Insane. Whllo in the asylum it was 1,1s cus
tom to go into the yard and take up a position
as if bonlud the bat.
QneslionH nnd Annivers.
Dick U , , City A straight beats threes of
nny kind. Under no circumstances ,
through your own neglect or the dealer's , or
from nny other cause , can you win on four
cards. You lese all title to the pat.
Can you Inform mo throuch SUNDAY'S BUR
what has become of Sam Mnllett. who
pill-lied , or tried to pitch for Omaha in ' 88 ;
also the whoreabouta ot Tug Ariitiulo ? Does
the season open in Omnhii on Saturday or
Sunday ? Is Manager Leonard married (
Halston , Council Blutts.
Ana. Molfett Is mining In Montnnn ; ana
Arundlo pressing brick in Auburn , N. Y.
The season opens hero Saturday , April 20.
Don't know whether Mr. Leonard is mar-
rlcd or not.
Ploaao state through the columns of SUN-
BAY Bnn who Is the fastest boy bicyclist In
America ? A Cyclist , O mull a.
Know of none faster than Will Plxloy of
this city.
Was John L. Sullivan over knocked out , if
ao , who dun Ul Sporty Boy , Lincoln.
Ans. Yes , twice. It was "dun" the first
time by the baseball pltehor , McCormlck ,
who'caught Sully fair in the forehead with a
hot one. Ho was completely knocked out
and didn't know anything for ten minutes.
His second knock out was "dun" by the
Mississippi courts knocked out for ono year.
What nro the fifty nnd ono hundred yard
running records nnd by whom made ? Miner
Bros. , lied Cloud , Nob.
Ans. Fifty yards , 5t Rcconas.ll. M , Johnson -
son , Now York , Nov. M , 1884 ; ono hundred
yards , 0 4-5 seconds , same , Cleveland , O , ,
July 31 , 18SO ,
What Is good for n dianbleil arm caused by
pitching ? The disability lies In the elbow
joint. Ball Player , North Bend , Nob.
Ana. Blal's llnamcut and rubber ban
In thcro any point within ten or twelve
miles of the city whom n party can drive
nnd find good llshlng ? If there nro any
eucli places outHldo of Mamtwa nnd Onto It
lakes please publish them in Sunday worn
lug'a Buu. lid , Omttha UuUbor Co.
"Ana. There Is tolerable good pickerel
fishing In the spring nt Honoycruek , IB , ,
distance flttcon miles , and some pickqrei ,
bass and croppy at Horseshoe- lake , fourteen
miles north of this city.
Will you please publish the name and ad <
dress of some dealer in Hvo pigeons ! 1 havt
a line lot. 1'lrl F. Wolgatuood , Sawyoi ;
Neb ,
Ana.-Gwin & Dunmire , this city.