THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MOltft > AY MARCH 1G. 1800.-SIXTBBN PAGES. THE OMAIIA BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS OFMUK. NO. iu I' ftllvmil by terrier In nny part of the City. II.W.1JJ.TON . MANAOEIt TELKI'HQNUSl ner. No. 4 % iiHTii : ! . .No , a. MINOU MKNTIO.V. N. y. i > . Co. Council HlulTs Lumber Co. , coal. ' .I hatcher coal , 114 Main street. SpritiR good * , Keltpr , tailor , 310 B'way. Minnla PaUc. cn Imi been adjudged In- tano nnd will be token to Clnrlnda. Prof. Stem , Jr. , will Rave n slnlo writing icnnco nl the opera homo this evening. Tlio Said Pasha opera rompany in billed for Uolionv's next Saturday afternoon and evening. Pranlt Wheeler and Stella Ilnnsh , both of Omalmvcro married yesterday afternoon by Justlco Bchur ? . The second annual cxnlbltlon of the V. M. C. A. eymnnMuin will bo pivoti at the open house Friday evening , April 11. For the Jlriit uvo weeks of March warrants emountlng to $2I'JI2.0.I were drawn on the city treasury. Of this amount ? 10,0. .10 was the water tax. The dedication of the mission chnpol on Twenly-nlnth street 1ms been postponed till April ( I , when Ur. Ilniijli of Chicago and Dr. woods of Lincoln will bo prrscnt- The Jury In the case of Stnto v Dunn retired - tired .yesterday morning and In a very snort tlino returned a verdict of not guilty. Dunn was accusou of beln Implicated in the bur- Klnry of the hardware store of Shueart & Co. , ono of the stolen revolvers bcliiK found In his possession. A bold robbery was reported to the police yesterday afternoon. As n lady wan , coming through the storm doors at the postofllcc , n daring tlilcf snatched her uoclictbonlc from her hand nnd was out of flight before she could lvo nn alarm. It was dona BO fjulckly that she could glvo no description of tbo thief. The pocketbook contained about $3 In money. Tlicro Is no cluo'to the audacious robber. Ttio Social union of the Presbyterian will clvo a splendid onicrtulnmcnt on * next Thursday and Friiluy cvunlnga In their church parlors. Thoontnrtammcnt will con sist of vocal and Instrumental music by Omaha and Council U luffs talent and the festival of days , In which the domestic du ties of the ludl'is on the several days of ttio week will bo illustrated. This being u revelation to gentlemen , a full house is as sured. Mr. Mueller of the Mueller music com pany ycstorday recolved a letter from his daughter , the wife of Dr. Simons , consul general at Hone ICong , Cnlna. The letter contains a good deal of personal Interest about the family. The letter U dated Feb ruary 13 , and describes the weather as beinff as soft and balmy as u Council Bluffs sum mer nlunt. The doctor's and Mrs. Simons' llttlo boy Is reported ns having virtually conquered the CUnoflo and bas received some remarkable presents as playthings from the ma'ndarins. Among them are a real live elephant and a full grown camel , and ho Is now negotiating for tno purchase of a baby lion for his private mcnagerio. John Wallace , who has boon a patient at the Women's Christian association hospital for several months , will bo sent to the sol diers' homo at Marshnlltown this week. Wallace was ancstod by'ttio ' policy In a half crazy condition , nnd thrcatoncU to commit suicldo. He had $1,200 in nis pocket nt the time , ant ! u certain physician tried to soil him a lot of Manawa real estate , but the la dies of the hospital headed off the deal , feel ing that Wallace was not in a mental condi tion to warrant his transacting business Since that time ho has remained at the hos pital , but has frequently expressed the in tention of killing himself. Ho has now be come so violent that the nurses are unable to control him , and for this reason ha will be Bent away. Maglo lemon Julca at Lund I3ros. - Mrs. Mitchell loft yesterday for the cast to select the latest styles for Friedman's millinery department. Mousquctalro six to ton button kid cloves tomorrow at Kiscman's to all customers , only O'Jc. Wo have just received a largo invotco of embroideries. They are the best bargains in the city. Culloy's , : U3 Hroadway. Special prices on ladies' muslin underwear oil this week at Culloy's , 328 Urondwuy. Don't lorgot , the llnost.cleanost , bostmar- market In the twin cities is Mcrchondorf's. I'erflonnl 1'nrntirnnlis. K. E. WiTsoy is down with lunc fever. Mrs. Portorflold has returned from a visit at Atlantic. J. T. Hcem of Marongo was in the city yesterday. Captain S. L. Russell of Stanton , Neb , , is visiting acquaintances in the Bluffs. Miss Howard of Sioux City is visiting her cousin , Miss Mulquoon on First nvonuo. George Uudlolms returned from n far west trip and will soon bo off again for fresh orders - dors for wcstoin customers. Ho is enthusi astic over Seattle. Emll Duerr of L. iCIrssht & Co. , bas ro- coivcd Intelligence of the death of his brotuor-ln-laiv , named Fernokes , at Mil waukee , and loft last evening for that plnco. LicutCnat Governor Fletcher and Mr. Lebborman ot South Dakota wcro in the city yesterday.rlhoy are members of the commuted appointed by the legislature to solicit aid for the Dakota sufferers. Mhoy are now working In Omaha , but will visit the Dluffs again this week. They stnto that half u million bushels of grain Is needed to lellovo the sufferings of the unfortunate fitrmors of Dakota. Thov arc soliciting principally corn and seed wheat. Elsoman's glove sale tomorrow will bo n tonsntlonal event. Flue glassware nt Lund Bros. Mrs. Mitchell , who has charge of Fried- muu'a millinery department , has started for the oust to look cftor now goods and latest styles. Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crown and bridge work , No. 13 Pearl. For sale , on account of sickness , J. Dlcliov'6 general merchandise stock , located on Hroadway , Council UlutTa , will oo sold at n discount for cash or trade for good uuln- cumbered cltv or Omaha property. Address Duquette & Co. , Council Bluffs. Save 80 per cent on tombstones and menu ments. Design sheet unit price list froe. L. Kclloy , C03 Hroadway , Council Hluffs. After the CoiiH | > lrntorn. It seems that the Heltmek case Is not ended wiiii the llnalng of it verdict acquit- tine the preacher ; at least other cases will grow out of It. One 1ms alrottdy been Insti tuted acculnsi David Oliver and David Cun > nlngham , two of the witnesses for the state In the case against Holuilck. They are charged with conspiracy. The Information alleges that the defendants conspired with E. K. Puliuer , L , Graver , J. Graver and Grant Sweeney to Injure the person and property of D , M. Holmlclc. Cunningham has BKlppodoutnnd U is stated that ho is now in Texas.Oliver was arrested and tBken btforo Justlco liarnatt yesterday afternoon. Ho was not ready for trial , ana was hold In (1,000 bonds far his uupoaranco next Tuesday. Ho was unable to glvo ball and was sent to the county jail. It Is stated that warrants will bo issued for the arrest of the other parties engaged in the conspiracy , and thai ull will bo vigorously prosecuted. * You cfin suvo from 100 to MX ) per cent by buying glove * at Klsoman's tomorrow. Ir ) . U'oodbury hnvo removed their dcnta t/fflcoto 101 i'oarl itroot , upstairs. C , II , itcatnJye work * , 1013 Broadway Tlio tt fin WAtohea ana Jewelry In the nlty , and tha finfjn to buy the goods at the lowest WK-4 * li ( tin ( ulabllihmont without rivals , IM iM/tt t * IUbla firm of C , 1) . Jicquiuix & Co. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Tbo Holmiok Caoo Still Attracting Conslclorab'.o Attention , GENERAL AND PERSONAL NOTES. Hollcltiin ; Aid for the Drouth Stricken I'nrnicrs or linkiitn Tlio House * of t'rnyor Afior the Conspirators. ICohofR from tlin Jury Hoom. There is llttlo abatement of Intorcst In the ' Holmlck caso. Several of the Juryman who Ilvo outside the city lingered In town until yesterday obtaining much-needed rest. It Is nafo to say that no jury In recent years has returned a verdict that seems to meet with more universal satisfaction than this one , and the juryman who appeared In any public places were yesterday receiving the congrat ulations of the multitude. Two of them were in a Hroadwny store ycstorday mornIng - Ing discussing the case and talking over the scenes nnd Incidents In the jury room. "Wo wcro six to six on the first ballot , " said gno of them , "and wo remained so until after breakfast , all rumors to the con trary , notulthstundlnt ; , There was but very little discussion either way , and In the morning for the purpose of getting an expression from the otha follows who duslrod tno conviction of tno prc.ichcr , the six of us wno were voting for acquittal concluded wo would glvo them ono vote nnd note its effect , In the ' .opo that < t would break the silent and dogged manner of voting. Wo did so. and the vote stood seven for conviction nnd flvo for acquittal. This hau the ctfost of making them talk a little , and tlio lost of us wcro bcsclgcd with n good deal of spirit. Wo didn't think it significant that the flvo Catholics on the jury voted stcnililv and silently for conviction until after this , and then wo were reason ably sure they desired the conviction of the preacher. Wo were' not surprised then when our next ballot showed sl < c to six ngain. Juryman French dli about all the talking on the other side. U ho rest were silent nnd sly. French wanted Helnuck convicted hoc IUBO bo had 0neddled in the love affair * of Palmer. Ho thought ho ought to bo punished nt least to some extent for this. Wo replied wo would bo willing to have Holmlck sent to jail for two or three dajs ifvc felt sure.wo could have the fel lows who entered into a conspiracy to us- nault him sent to the penitentiary for two or tnren years. This was all that French stuck out for , that Holmlclc ought to bo punished for meddling. Finally , just before dinner , boino of them Intimated that tlioy wcro getting tired or it and- had a different understanding of the court's instructions , and the ballot that followed resulted in nine- for acquittal end thrco for conviction , French being ono of the three. After dinner ho scorned to feel a llttlo better , and our ballot stood cloven to ono for acquittal. The last one to hang out was Jimmy Clinch. It was his llrst jury , and ho soomcd to have rnado up his mind before the case was en tirely submitted and the judge's instructions received. Ho is n devout Catholic , nnd np- porently conscientious" ; nnd seemed to think that a change of his ballot meant a sacrifice of some sacred orinclplo. Ho voted in silence. Wo wore all in excellent good humor , in fact , wcro that way all the time , nnd wo saw that it would bo necessary if wo wanted to get out at all to take n little advantage of Jimmie , and wo said to him , 'Look here , Jlmmlc , do you want to stay Inhere hero all by yourself until you cast that vote ) The rest of us are through voting nnd wo'ro going homo. You want to bo locked up in here another night do you } ' 'No , I don't , " said Jimmio. Wo toolc a vote quickly and Junmlo's ballot was cast with the majority. It was an important case , but wo ought not to have been out over two hours. That time would bo required for the decent considera tion of the evidence and the points involved. It was a hard trial to us , and wo don't want any more of it. " ' Cnst is not considered in Elsoman's glove sale tomorrow. Water sots In beautiful designs at Lund Bros. , 23 Main st. > Gillette & Freeman , decorators , 23 Pearl Thu Manhattan sporting heudq'rs4lS U-way. Elscman's special glove sale Monday. > Dakota Kcllcf. J. E. Hnrkness went to the adjoining towns yeslordny by request of the board of trade Dakota loliof committee. Ho reports roadv response to the call. At Noola Father Schlffmacbor has already many agents at work nnd they are expected to report today , nnd several car loads of corn will bi for warded Monday to Ipswich , Dak. At Woca Mr. Harkncss secured a committee , who will nit at once , composed of Hov. Ci.irlns Whotzel , Kcv. Kartinan , Kov. J. II. Slcilcs , N. Hodgjon , Welso end Slevus for Avoca and Saiffort and Woiso for Oakland and Carson. They will contribute themselves , nnd ns sev eral of thorn operate elevators , such will ro- cclvo corn and grain and ship without charge. The pastors will give notice in their churches today , nnd Monday will go to the farmers in the country for contributions. Uov. Charlfs Whctzol , pastor of tho. Pres byterian church in Avoca , rendered Mr. Hurkr.oji most oftlciont aid in getting the matter before the people. Editor Cramur of the Avoca Herald gets out the coimultttio'a posters free , and Mr. Aldncunnd J. U. BInko will render the com mittee every support they can. Mr. Htirkuc's found the Farmers' nlllunoo In session In Avoca and was given n hearing and u promise of help. Mr. A , C. i'athcal of McCook , S. D. , went to Wosion and Under wood on the snmo errand and has encourage ment also. The people tire willing and ablci to help. The only question , is how and where. Tlio finest Imported $3 25 ladloa glovo.onlv OOs at Klseman's spccml glove nalo Monday. Hanging lamps at Lund Uros. J. U. Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway. S. H. Wndsworth fc 1,0. , SOT Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard Inv. Co. . llin Homes of Prayer. Christian science today at 1 o'cloolc In Press ( sluu room. Entrance No. 19 Pearl street. To.\t , It. xx. Services ut Ovorton's mission nnd People's church nt ! 3 p. in. , Sunday school at S , gospel meeting ut 7:30 : , corner ol Fourth avouuo und Seventeenth street. First Presbyterian , corner Seventh street r nd Willow nvonuo Hev. Sccptioii Phelps , pttstor. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m. und TiitO p. in. , Sabbath school at 13 m , , voung people's mooting at 0ao : p. m. Strangers nmt other * corulally Invitocl. Uorean Baptist Church Preaching by the pastor. Sunday school nt 11 MS n. in. , prayer meeting Wednesday evening , The revival meetings will bo continued this week at the First Uaptlst otiurch under the direction of Uov. F. L. Patterson , the evangelist. Trinity MotUodlst Church South Main street , oppoilto Uightu nvenuo. Preaching ut 10:30 : a. m , nnd 7:30 : p. m. Young people's meeting ot 7 p. m. Sunday school at 3:30 : p. in. Class mooting at 0:15 a. m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday nt7:3J : p. m. The dedication-of the Mission chapel on Twenty-nluth street has been postponed till April 0 , when Dr. Halglo from Chicago und Dr. Woods of Lincoln will bo present. St. Paul's Church Uivmrt sorvlco today nt 10:80 : a. in. and 7:80 p. m. Sunday school nt 12:15. : Soruioti topics , morning : "i'no Hcst of Jesus , " livening ! "Uow to Us- ootuo a Christian. " Young mon snd strang ers nlwuv * cordially wolcomcd to those sor- vtcci. 'l\"J. Macltay , rector. Congregational Sorvlcns morning nnd ovenlng. In tlio morning the pastor will pieach. Subloctt "Tho Lovc of ChrUt.11 In the evening Mrs. M. li Drake of Iroquli. b D. , who Is in the city visiting her neil , Mr. M. M. Marshall of the Chicago , llur- llngtou & Qulney , will glvo her personal ob- torvatlons of tha destitution m South Da < KOta. Mn . Drake Is o very Interesting speaker , Co in a and le rn the facts. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor nt 0.15 , All nto cordially Invited. Pilgrim Sunday school nt II p. m. , corner of Ninth strcot nnd Avcnuo A. First llnptlst Church-Corner of First nvenun and Sixth street. D. H. Cooley pat- tor. Kov. lL. . Patterson , tlm evangelist , will proacli nt 10 : ! ) . > a. m. und 7:30 : p. m , Ho will give a blblo reading at 0 p. m , on "Tho Way to Heaven. " Sunday school nt 12 m. Christian Endeavor nt 0:80. : All cortally invited. Never were gloves sold ut such prices as Elscman will sell them Monday. > Pure Chlnrx oak | ugs at Lund , Bros. , only 10 cents. Foster , Trofoos , Snato Maria , Mons uo- tnlro and Alexander kid gloves-ISc to C'Jci'nt Elsoman's special sale Monday. Bnvo Ijlfo and Money. The gasoline steve U moro dangerous than the unloaded gun. Save Ufa nnd property by using the C. U. Gas and Elnctrlo Light Co.'s gos stovo. Let us urge you to attend Kiscman's spe cial glove sale tomorrow. The Inaugural IlxnruUcs. The programme for the inauguration of Mnyor-oloct Macrae tomorrow evening has been comnlctod. The event will take plnco In the south courtrroom of the county court house , nnd the following will bo the order of exercises : 7:3J : i ) . ni. Music by Prof. Dalboy's band. At 8 o'clock p. m. sharp Mayor Hohrer will call the city council of 18sl ) 00. consistIng - Ing of Couucilmcn Uollcngor , Everett , Knophcr , Lacy , Wntorniun and Weaver , to order , after which ho will deliver his last message. After the message has bocn re ceived and disposed-of , the old council will adjourn slno tiio. Music by Prof. Dalbey'B band. Major Uohror will call lo order the city council of lbOO-01 , consisting of Councilmen Cusper , Everett , ICncnhor , Laoy , Mlkesoll. Smith , Wind nnd Wood. 'Mayor Hohrer will then-present the bond of Mayor-electMncrao for npprovul. after which a committee of two will bo npnolntod to notify the now mayor und escort him to the council chan-- bor. The ofllcial oath of mayor will then be administered by City Clerk D. A. Fnrroli. U no retiring mayor will then deliver the great seal of the city and Mayor Donald Macrno will take his seat as mayor of the cl y of Council Bluffs. The now city coun- cill will take a recess during the reception of the mayor and city councilioon. Music. Public reception. A cordial invitation Is extended to all city officials , retiring and elected county officials , past conimlssionorc , directors of the school board and ofllciala and citizens and visitors from abroad to attend. A special Invitation Is attended to all ladles. 'Iho council proceedings will bo neces sarily brief on account of the reception fol lowing. Several Invitations have boon sent out. Senator Gronewog has sent his regrets. Sizes from 0)5' ) to CJFostor's , .Santn Marie , Trofoos , Alexander & Jouvlno's best grade of kid gloves m blacks and colors , regular ? 1.50 to ? i.25-glovcs , only 4So nnd COo at Eiseman'a great special glove sale Mon day. Mall orders received up to Monday night. State size , color , length and make wanted. A regular $1.25 glove for 43o nt Eisoman's special glove sale tomorrow. You will bo waited on and got what you want. Desirable dwellings for ro'nt nt reduced prices by E. II. Sheafo & Co. , rental agents , BroadWuy and Main st. , up statra. . Lamps at Lund Bros. , 23 Main st. Dress Mnlclnir. Miss K. C. Holt has resumed her dress making business at her rooms In Mernatn blk. A Ilovoltine Case. A moro degraded crowd has not assembled in court room in many a day than was sooa in Justlco Hendncks' oOlco yesterday. It was mainly composed of the dwellers In the dugouts In "Duck Hollow , " nnd a moro ig norant , dirty , lawless and altogether dis gusting set itould bo impossible to Imag ine. The horde hud gathered to hear the re volting details of ono of the most ho'rriblo cases that was over set for a hearing tcforo a magistrate. The Mowery rape case was on trial. George Shedd und Margaret Mowcry and James Mikcscll are charged ns being the principals. The woman , Magrguret Mowery , is hold as a principal , us the Iowa law does not recognize an accessory before the fact. The Mowcry woman was on trial yesterday. The evidence developed the fact that the wo man enticed the prosecuting witness , nn olovon-year-old girl named Hattlo Banthor , and her nephew , .Tcssla Mowery , fourteen yours of age , into her house for a vllo pur pose , and was an eye witness to what followed. Another girl of the Hiimo ago and n sovon-year-old boy were utso enticed there for the sumo purpose , but they refused to do as directed by the Mowery woman. The B.mthor girl told a very stiulght story , and stated that the defendant kout watch at the window. While on the stand the prosecuting witness was not questioned about her relations with the other defendants , but at other times told that she had been criminally intlmato with ull of thorn , and that they bad given her nickels. As the case Is Investigated , the most hor- nblo depravity is brought tq llaht , and the facts nro even * worse than was at llrst' supposed. The case was not concluded when Court nd- journod , nnd the defendant was hold In { 500 bonds until 0 o'clock Monday morning. She could not uive It und was ordered taken to jail. At this n lively scene ensued , The woman fainted , or p'retonded to , and when picked up sot up a series of shrieks nnd howls tnat worooar-solltting. She was tnkon into n sidu room und quieted , und was then taken to jail. The ovdonco ngnlnxt the outfit is convlnn- ing , and there is little doubt but that thov will each rocolvo long sontcnces to the peni tentiary. s . The nauseating details of the case at tracted the usual oiowd of scandal seeltors. Why pay $2.25 for n pair of gloves when you can got them for CO cants ut Elsoman's special sulo Monday. Beautiful rustle hanging baskets at Lund Bros. , 2J Main at. Wonted for cash Nebraska or North western Uoports. S 13 , BEK Oftlco , Council Bluffs. Wo want you to list your rental property with us und wo will secure you good , reliable tenants. Konts collected and special atten tion given to care of prooorty. E , H. Shoafo fi Co. , Broadway and Main st. , up stairs. Lay In yiursapply of Easter glqvcs at Eiscnmu'aspecial sale tomorrow. Three Now Yurie HanUcra. One of the sights of lower Broadway uvory afternoon la the parndo of the " \Vormsor Brothers , the bunkers who Imvo iinulo so much fiuno recently us ( loulors in rixilfoud sauuritioa , says u Richmond Times Now York lottor. The Wormsors , three nbroast , make a solid platoon us they take their course up to their aristocratic house on Fifth nvonuo. Like the Western Union , tlma- ball tlioy servo ns wntoh-saUtirs , lot1 ox- udtly at ! io : ( they nuns tlio Trinity. Isldor being the aonlor nartnor , is in the middle , Simon is on the right und MorlU , who , though rognrdad as ono of the "brothers , " is only u nephew , is on the loft. They nil tl roe dress very mil oh the nllko , mid always wear the Bamu llowor in thoii * button-hole. The senior nartnor , with his superior stnt- uro mill his 'resotnblnnuo to Napoleon III. , is by far the moat striidng in ap pearance. Longhi , the manager of 1M- monico'a Droiul street branch , enjoyed for many yours tha exclusive distinc tion of being the grout counterpart of the French emperor , but Ibidor Worm- ser is now Iho only person in Now York , and perhaps in the country , who pre sents the greatest resemblance to Na- polooti. KIDCLOVESALEATEISEMAN'S ' 3OO Dozen Kid Gloves Almost Qlvon Lmdlcn Simula Not Full to I my In Thblr Krister Hupply of Gloves Now Ifcail About This Snte 1'rlorn18 Cents mill 01) Cents. On tomorrow , Monday , March ft , Elso- mnns' will glvo Iho llrst great glove Halo of the season. The goods will surprise you In every respect , for thov are the sumo duality that you have paid from two to thrco times OB much for. The former prices of the 4Sc lot were 11.00 nnd $1.33 , nnd the 0 ! > c lot $1.60 , $1.75. $2.00 and * 3.25. Wo earnestly Invite our friends to attend this sale , as these are the greatest bargains wo have over had to offer. Special attention to ladles wearing sizes 5 > j , 5 # , 0 , WA to ( > XTho most of these lots nrc In tlieso sixes. They consist of Mousquotnlro I , 0. S nnd 10 button In length , rolors tans nnd grays. Also tans , blacks nnd drabs In Foster hooks , Trofoos , Santo Maria , Alexander atU Jouvlncs. und many otbur of the best mauufncturors' goods. Our Mr. Simon Elsoman has just returned fiom the New Vorit markets where ho hits bought uow lines for our now glove department und wo nro bound to soil every pair carried ever , beildes sev eral lots of now ones at such prices that uiovo them tomorrow sure. Ladles need not fear neglect In being watted upon ui wo have niado arrangements for plenty of room and nn extra force of .salesladies to wait on the trado. Don't miss this snlo. Mall ardors received up to Monday evening Will receive nrotnut attention. HENKY EISEMAN & CO. , Council Hluffs , la. A WONDcRFLlT. FOUNTAIN. A. Stream of AVatcr LOO Koct High Is Scon In Queensland. The artesian well ut Charlovillo , on the Wurrcgo river , Queensland , is the newest and most romurkublc instance of the natural resources of murvolous Australia , says the Queonslundor. The well is situated quito near the railway station , hut in ono of the most unlikely pluccs that could have been imagined. Who on oitrth would have expected that this nrtcsian we'll , which is the best in the world , or at nil events yields the largest amount of water , was sunk on the top of a sandy hummock ? Yet , so it is. The sight was chosen by the hy draulic engineer , 3. B. Henderson , for reasons only known to himself , but which have boon amply justified. Crossing the swampy Hat leading to this hummock attention is drawn to a wide channel cut through the drift sand , nnd it is explained that the out- How of water had done tnis ere the ap paratus for controlling it had been ob tained. The bore itself looked a harm less enough kind of thing. It might have been taken for a rather high standpipe - pipe placed in an idiotic position in the bottom of u hole GO or 70 yards long , 80 broad , and 10 feet deop. But. a moment's observation showed that the harmless-looking stand-pipe hauT.iVmdo the hole. As a matter of fact , yio water when it was tapped rushed urt in such u volume that it washed uwayftho sand around the bore in u few minutes und cleaned out the foundations of the derrick and threatened to wreck the whole con trivance. If they had not got u plug into it pretty soon it would have washed Charlovillo into the "Warrogo. On top of the pipe there hud been lixed a right-anglp bond , so that the water can bo turned in nny direction. Subsequently a noz/.lo , ono inch in diameter , wusutturhod to the pipe , and when the _ water was turned on it ascended in an oven jet to u height of nearly 100 feet , returning to earth in a Heavy shower or dissipating in mist clouds through whioh the rainbows pluyod with tin effect that was as beau tiful as it was wonderful. It seemed that the visitors would never tire of looking at it. They simply stood and guzed , hardly saying a word , for in the presence of this marvelous phenomenon speech seemed poor end commonplace , and the mind simply gave itself up to child-like wonderment. Hani-Working Itosa Bnnhnnr. Rosa Bonheu- : , the greatest animal painter of her time is sixty-seven years old , yet she says she has still enough worlc in her mind to 1111 two lifetimes , says the Indianapolis News. In 1850 she bought nn old house in tho"\illngo of By , on the banks of the Seine , not far from the forest of Fountainobleau. There she has lived und wrought ever since. She lias added stables and u studio to her house. In the stables and grounds she 1ms had from time to time a veritable menagerie of animal ? , in cluding lions , chamois , boars , gazelles nnd nn elk. It is refreshing to road that her studio contains not an article of bric-u-bruc und scarcely anything that is not needed in the grout work of the great artist. No kickshaws und no trash. She has always been an early riser. She buys the morning is the best time for work. Her animals nro ulso more docile then. She spends much time out doors , wulking or riding in a little curriugo which she herself drives. At her work and out doors she wears u man's clothing with u peasant blouse. Her life has been devoted to her nrt , pure und simple , und rich has boon her reward. There are some wrinkles in her face now , but neither her marvel ous mental or physical powers have weakened ono whit , Her enthusiasm koo-ps her always young. A Mnilnxt Man , A thin , careworn-looking man. hav ing a pencil und tablet in his hand , culled at u house nt n house on Second nvonuo the other day , says the Detroit Free Press , and said lo the lady as she opened the door : "MuuiMn , I am canvassing for sub scriptions for u poor family. Will you put your name down for small suraV" "Is it . " u. worthy familyj"1 "Yes , indcod.1l' ? "Do know them " you personally11" ! "I do , mu'nm. " "And nro thoyrpully in need ? " "They certainty uro. " "Very well 1'Jf give you a qimrtor. " .She put her nuiup down und handed him the money , , 'upd ho hud reached the gate when she culled him back und said : "It has just occurred to mo that it might bo your own family. " "Exactly , mulntn. It is ray family , but modesty forbade mo to say so. I am not ono who soaks to push himself forward , though I would doubtless got along bettor if I was. Thank you , ma'am. I know the family , and I assure you it is ull right nil right. " L Tlio New Utmlnntl T.nvn Mooting Whllo Now Englund led the other colonies during the yours preceding the armed resistance lli-ut made nt the old North bridge utSulom , nnd Massa : chusotts led "Now England , Boston led Massachusetts , and moro than nny other man , Snm Adama led the town of Bos ton , says n writer in the Now England Mugasiuo. The grout historian of the English colonies in America , George Bancroft , says of Sum Adams , thnt ho was "tho typo mid representative of the Now England town mooting. " Ho was thoroughly in sympathy with the dem ocratic idea which made auch u meet- log possible. "Ho obtains , " wrote Ilutchlnson , "tis chief dependence from the Boston town ir.cutlng , where originates the measures which nro fo.- lowed by the rest of the towns , nnd , of course , nro adopted or justified by his assembly. " Ho wns atypical Now Eng- Inndor , rnd his inlluonco shows on nil sides. 116 is even responsible for our caucus , width has of Into f coined to bo awakening from its lethargic stnto. It is not ullllatilt to trace the connection between his company of ship builders or cnlkors on the docks of Boston , nnd the caucus , which seems to us so time- honored. But ho wns only n true son of the town , nnd such true eons nro oven now to bo found , not only hero in old Now Englnnd , but also In nil th o NowEnglnnds thut nro rapidly obtain ing the ImlMico of power in our west and northwest. A CAVALRY CHARGE. Wilil Uxultntlnn of Illtlorn In the Hoar or llnttlc. Wo had boon hold in rcsorvo on the second day at Gettysburg so long that men nnd1 horaos became nervous nnd nfrntd. My horse wns nn old who would diop Ins head nnd pick nt the green grass with n b.utery firing on each side of us , but as the moments dragged nwny on this occasion ho evinced n woman's nervousness , HU BII writer in * the Detroit Frco Press. I looked clown the line and saw that the alignment wns constuntly being broken b\ * the horses backing up or forging ahead. They could sco the lighting to the right and in front , und tlio sinolce from the union battery to the loft nnd in front of us drove back and over us. and the horses breathed it and blew it out of their nostrils in gasps. A tremor of excitement a sort of shiver rand own the line. The wind had shifted u bit to blow the smoke to our left , and down across the meadow wu saw the confederate cavalry forming with the green woods for a background. Job Stuart's men were there , Ashby's men , mon from Hampton's Legion , Imbodon's Virgin- inns , Rossor's Rangers , guerrillas from Mosby'o command. Thcro ivcro fragments from every cavulry coimirind wo hud mot on the turnpikes of old Virginia , nnd there wusn't a squadron which wouldn't stand for n charge. The but tery began firing moro ranidly , and there wasn't n man of us. who did not realize what was coming long enough before wo cot the word. Some of the horses know it , too. You could feel them filling their lungs nnd stringing up their nerves for hard work. The troopers in gray wheeled into line under n tire which must have tried the nerves of the bravest , and then the compact muss got the word to advance. They were coming for our battery , which was without infantry supports. There we stood , two thin , short lines , representing a thousand dragoons , bftt _ not numbering one-half of that llguro , 'and a body of live to one was moving down upon Us. I saw several of the gunners look back. They saw the odds und wondered , perhaps , why we did not run a\vay. "Attention ! " Wo had obeyed the order before it was given. "Right dress ! " We were a minute ahead of the com mand. "Forward draw sabres guido right -trot ! " Ahl Wo are off ! The gray mo ves north and the blue moves south. Wo are goincr to moot in the meadow below. We m ust hold them back until infantry supports can be brought up. Every man knows thnt ho is moving down into u muolbtrom of tlctith , but no one lags. A strange exultation creeps into the heart. It is ns if you had heard sotno grand , good news nnd wuntcd to shout ever it and tell everybody of your good luck. "Gallop charge ! " Death ! Whyif ono could die a score of times instead of only once , there would be no four. I sit so lightly in the tiaddlc that my horse seems to have no weight to curry. Ho skims ever the ground as if ho had wings , and I begin cheering and yelling in chorus with my comrades , It is a living missile of 600 mon thrown at the front of 8,000. What a crash there will bol How horses will go down and mon pitch from their saddle ! Afraid ? No ! Why. man , I would not miss the bcono for a year's life ! My hand clutches j.ho sa bre with n strength I did not know I possessed. I feel n hunger for blood such ns J never felt before. "Yi ! Yi ! Whoo-rah"and ! wo strike them fair in the center. The 500 nave the greatest momentum , and wo drive thiough the 3,000 ns a wedge is pounded into soft wood. Mon strike nt mo. There is uJlash , flash , and a pop ! pop ! of pistols. " I strike back. I feel the desire of the .Igor to slay. "Rally ! " Wo have driven through the mass , nnd the bugle sound the cull to gather for the return. The horses obey it without a tojoh of the rein. It scorns that the whole living mass is riding i n u circle , nnd that there is blood o n every man und horse. All of a sudden wo shoot out from under the smoke-cloud into the sun- fihino not the SOO , but the 300 und the battery opens ngain. Wo are to the right of it , und it sends grnposhot into a wild mob to drive it back into the cover of the woods. It is a sight to look down over that woods. Five hun dred dead und wounded men nnd horses are lying thoro. It is only as I sit on tny horse and look over ttio field that I begin to feel weak und grow frightened. My head begins to swim , things grow dfirlc , nnd Bomo ono helps me to the ground. I liuvo u pistol ball in my shoulder , nnd the blood is running down my back from n sabro cut on the head. _ CARTER HARRISON'S PLUCK. Ho Tnuklc-H Thrco Iturslnrs nnd liookw Up Onn nT'lhcin. Ex-Mayor Carter Ilarrifeon appeared in the role of a burglar catcher Fri day , und , uftur n struggle , landed his man , with the aid of the patrol wagon , in the West Luke street. Btution. saya the Chicago Herald. About 3 o'clock Friday afternoon a neighbor of Mr. Harrison's saw throe mon enter the house , 328 Murfahllold avenue , just in ' residence. The rear of the ox-mayor's neighbors , knowing that the house was owned by.Mr. Harrison , notified him of the intruders' notions , nnd the ox- mayor , calling on u friend who wns ut hand , sallied forth to do or die. Mr. Harrison's tactlcsshowod that the coun try had missed the services of n grout soldier when the ex-ran > or did not enter the nrmy. Placing his friend nt the front door to cut off retreat , ho wnrilv marched himself round to the buck 'door where , before ho hnd time to deploy Ins forces , the invaders burst upon nim. . The odds were three to ono , but u Kontuckinn never hesitates at such n trilling Inequality as thut.and , though ho was outnumbered , Mr. Harrison risen made for onnof the purtyerubbod , nun , and , dcHtnto his struggles , hold fast to him. Signaling to the corps of observation to bring assistance , ho un aided hold his man. The Luke Street ungon eoon rolled up , und the prisoner was taken to the station , where ho gave the name of Joseph Borland , and Bald that ho nnd his friends had en tered the house for the purpose of stealing load pil > e. HONESTY OF WOMEN. A Man Who Snya 'Ihoy Al\inyn Hc turn llorrowocl Umbrellas. "Did you ever Know n woman to fail to return n borrowed umbrella ? " naked u dealer in hcso articles , addressing a. Boston Glebe roportor. " I can't say I ever did. " ' "Nobody else ruvcr dlit , " snld the dealer , emuhuticully. "I huvo boon u long time in the business of Bulling thorn , nnd I have miulo n special study of Woman in connection with the bor rowed umbrella phuso of social ethics , nnd I have yet to learn of n case in which Bho has abused tlio confidence reposed in her when she was lent nn umbrella to protect herself when she was caught in n suudcn shower. She either returns it in person or sends it with verbal or n pretty note of thanks nt the llrflt opportunity. When n man comcsln hero to buy an umbrella nnd 1 got chntting with him , I usk the ques tion , point blank : "Did you over lend n woman nn utu brollu'r1" "Yes. " "Did she over return itV" "Yes. " "Then I go to u book I keep for this purpose , und make nn entry in this form : 'Interrogated nnothor today ( en tering the date ) . Ansuor : Lent a IK returned promptly. ' Hero is the book.1 And the dealer allowed to thoreportoi n book with many pages of entries ii the form given , covering a number of years. "No , sir , " repeated lha doulor , with strong emphasis , us there ortor took his leave , "u woman never mils to re turn u borrowed umbrella. " GlndMono'ri Dnlly MIX * . Mr. Gladstone lives a very regular life nt his home. Ho breakfasts lightly about 7 o'clock , nnd shortly before t walks to the church for prayers , writes n correspondent of the Philadelphia Times. To the intelligent observer the sight of the great statesman wulkina lo cliurch at tMs curly hour in the morn ing cannot full to bo interesting. Clue in a long coat , tightly buttoned , with a u long shawl wrapped closely around his nock , und uouring u soft felt lint , his appearance is decidedly picturesque Upon his return to the enstlo from morning prayers ho retires to hisstudy whore ho reads nnd answers , with the aid of his secretary , his enormous mussel ol dully correspondence. There Is no rogulnr hour for luncheon nt the enstlo nnd it is partaken of by those nt homo nt various times. In Iho afternoon Mr. Gladstone takes a walk in the grounds und if the weather is propitious usually engages in his favorite exorcise of tree- chopping. Ho dines ut 8 o'clock , utter- wards rends or writes , and ut 10 retires for the night. Though abstemious in his habits , ho usually drinks bitter bcoi with his lunch nnd a glass or two ol claret or port at dinner. Mr. Gladstone is not in any sense Uhcctic , is a gonor- oua liver and is a great believer in the virtues of u glass of good port wine- When engaged in spoaidng his fillip is iv compound of sherry and egg , which is prepared by Mrs. Gladstone with us much unxioty und care us if it were the elixir of life. Mr. Gladstone novel smoked. He acquired his habits at a period when tobacco smoking was gen erally roguidcd as somewhat vulgai among the better classes. SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. several houses and lots to trade for IIIAVC Council Illiiirs or Omaha unimproved prop erty. C. 11. Judcl. 60(1 ( llroadw.iy. Council Illuirs. TTlOIt SALi : Tlio Sliopnrcl clniR fctnre. No. I2J - * - ilnm st. Council Illuirs , J.V. . 1'erogoy , tl 113108. TT10H BALK Cheap , Jloiler Imrfilnr proof JL auto with tlniti lock. Also line clicrry ImnK counter. S. 1" , Hue olllcc. Council mmra. FOU SA1.C-10.20 or (0 ( ncros bO roils north ot CliAUtnuiiua grounds. 44 foot lot In PtroetsUtlu on Ilroailuny. $95 } . Now 8-room hoiiso on loth a % umio , S..tiO. ) . Kino lot on Henton street OiixlA ) , $ HW. Good farm In Nebraska to trade for city property. . i.ots In Muliln'a suit , J-)0 ) to $10) . easy terms. Lots In Kiddles. $ i' > 0 to il.OXi. I'lue lot on 7th uvo , 110x1 li.vlll make ! l good lots , A Brent biiguln. only $ IUO. ( ) Good ut ) foot lots on A\e. C , 1 block from Noitinvcstom traci , tlfVJ eucli. 0 loom house on Madison St. , 1 block from JJroadwuy. very cheap. BO foot lot on Avo. It , corner ot 18th st , , $100. Finest residence lots In the city at $1,7W oach. First mortgage loans. \V. c. Stacy & Son. Room 4 , Opeia block. Council Illuirs. FOUSAIiU At a bargain A 'JJIairo ranch UK ) miles from Oinahn. In Hut class lo cation and A. No. 1 in every respect. This bar- Kaln w 111 repay u close Invnstljfntlon. 1'or pir- tlcuhus call on or iidihess J.U.Johnson , No. 10 1'earl st , Council niutfs. , HMTPF3 nrowty for sale at Rrea bargains. The follow tiiif. nmoni ; the mos beautiful homes In the city , will uo gold u great bargains , on monthly payments , or term to suit : Three now 8-ronai homoi on Lincoln avenue tno blocks fiom'uloctiiii motor line. T.HO now 4-roum houses four blocks from cli'ctrlo motor line rn North Huvonth stroot. Ono now B-room house four blocitf. from elec tric motor line on North Socnth stroot. Three now 6 nnd U room houseoao block from electric motor line corner Avenue A and twelfth street. liesltles the above T have house1 ] and lots in all partxof the city. Ono now Q room house on Mill st. 0. li Judd , QJtl llroadttay , Council muffs. for second-haml furalniro , Htoves anil CASH , A. J. MunUel. : t'i llrondwfty. TTIOlfSAM : At a uar Mn : one double Haw J- ' and sllccr ; ono venujr machine with gear ing complete , all now , suitable ror baseot fao ton- . Inquire at hiiyder'H commission house 2J 1'carlst , Council Muffs _ hAI.K Tne seven-room cottage n < < the FOIl of , Id avenue and utu Htreot. Also the new Swiss cottage occupied by mo on ill uvonne. Hither prop ity will bo sold on easy terms. W. U James _ _ All A ItCl A IN ily resident e , a fi-rooora house , puntiy , bath room , floats , city water , etc. LotUJxIUM. Stable , coal and uoocl house. Hear ing ; fruit , line locution. Oiiivthlrd down , bal ance to suit N O. Wmd. in llroaduay. _ T710II SAfjB Aly"rssl < li h80 JV53 Willow nv- Jcnne , on south side of lljyllts park. Heated by steam , llgntol by electricity and containing all modern improvements Lot 100 bv aJ feet Also will noli or uxilmugn for improved city property , my farm offi'O acios , ten nillns oaHf gtCouncIl lljiilM V. .M. Piuey. Council Hluffs. Improved roil ostito to tri ? for nalm NKW \ n Omaha or Cornell mill * property C. H. Judd , BJ Ilroadn.iy. "IjtOIlSAIiEor Kent Garden land with houses , J.1 byJ. It. Klce WU Main st , Council Ululfj. J. P. I'.DMU.NDaOV , B. U HllUOtllT , I'res. Vlca 1'raa. Cu.ts. 11. HANMAX , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , or COUNCIL UI.UPFS. Paid up Capital $ I50OOO,03 , Surplus 35OOO.OO Liability to Depositors , ,33SOOO.OO DIIIECTOHS I. A. Miller , K. O. dleison. K. L. KhiiKurt , K. K. Hart , J. i ) . Kdundson. L'has. It. llunnan. 'irnnsact general bunking business Largest capital and surplus ot any bank In Northweutora Iowa. Jntarest on time doposlti BELL & BERLINGHOF , ARCHITECTS ANI > 8UliUIMKN KNl'S. Room 2 , Opei a Ilcu-o lllock , O-uuill ; UlufTa , owa. F , M , ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS AND IIUIMMNa 8Ul'KI NTiNDKNT8. : Itoomi OJ mid 11) Hee llullillni ; . Omaha Nelx , nnd KoomaSII uuil'-'lil Merri m Illoclc , Oouucl Ulmlsjow . .Correipoudenco Hoi cited. Honnty How Acquired There Is nothing tlmt adds moro nttrnct'oi or beauty to Iho hiiimin fact ) than a nlco complex * ion. TiinrtucMlonUoftcnnitcod , IlowU Itpos- slblo to regain a beautiful skin ? TIiN Is quickly nnswcrcd-therelabutoio method of acquir ing It ami that li by rciumliiitho nulii. Hut how CMI tlio nkln burcnoHod ? only bva gindual piocoss of removing the outer cntlct.o and draw ing from underneath nil impurlllc ? , leasing the iinUor sKlu free from dlscoloiationsnnd Wein- t'hv-i. The imturn of the skin Is such ttiat Im mediately under the outer IM.MT there it n line and lioautlfiil tmdor skin like tlmt of the ) oilng. nmlnftor the old Hklii has hoonrcmoved this tin- ilnr sKln takes Its place. IB there n remedy that wllldothls vtlthotic injury to the under Klein ? 'I hero is but nun and tlmt is the World Kauourn * cd 1'a-c Blench , mnnufacttircd by Mm. , A. Httpnott. the lending complexion Hpcclaltst , of Now Votk , 'I'M * article , bo IJns removingpint * p'e , blackheads , moth , fiicklc * ) . bumu M'ot-i , H.tllou limit , wrink'cs of the outer Hkln , etc. , brings back u natural healthy nnd youthful co'or ' , and la n decld"d bcnullt to nil complex , ions , as It Hims the akin , thus piovcntlm ; tan , churns and wrinkles. Mtno. Ituppcrthasglvcn 3 ' cUdcnt and convincing ptooNof ( lie c-lllcloncy of Tare llleich by clearing ono-hnlf of tlio fitooi of patients and liultlnj ; the public to cull bc- foio , during nnd after treatment , and thfl mpit skeptical could not but rumnik. the \\onileifiil po en of her tonic. Again she oirtrs to cmo oriemovobythu U'jeori'aco Illcach any ca-o of pimples , moth , freckles , etc. , fioo to iiuy ono willing to ha\o half their faces cleared nt u time anil allow the public to call and see thiim at her olllco In Now York City. 1'nco Illeach does not fallow on the face and is entirely harmlest 15 the mon dellcto complexion. The use of onu bottle ulll show a declitod ImproUMiicnt , and H mnuy mo ell anougnpleased ulth 01 u buttle , but tu thorougnly clear the comiilexlon It us ually lequliui thioc. 1'rlce , ? ! per bottiu ; tliroo bottle J SI. f.voiy lady should not tall to tend 1 cents for circular. MADAM A. IIUI'I'IIIST. Complc\lon Speehllst , : W Hast rouitecnth stioct , New Yoru City , N. Y. RAILROAD TIME CARD. Arrive ? Urnnlm | lf pot 10th nnil .Mnsoii streets I Omnhii. 3 l'i p in . . .UitcnRO Vestibule Kxpress 1115 n in ! > 4f > u ni ( JilcnKO KxpreM o.JI p in i > ' ' > 1' m Clilenpo Kxpre-i 8 ix m n W p in . . . lown I.OCH ! except Hnniliir. . . . II M n m "Leaves ' [ mHIMNMON ft 5liT"iimTlt , Xrr\\mt \ Omnlia | Drpnt lOlh iincl MUHOII slreett. | Uiniilin. H35 a ml .Kniiiiis Cltjr Dij Kxprexs 1 b O p m ' . ' < 5 mK | U . ' , ' , p Nil-lit Kxp. via IJ ! 'Irons | I 4' n in 1 eiivcs I IJN'IOV 1'ACll 1C. ( JmnlujJ Depot IDlli nnil Mare ) ntrceH 2 45 | > m < > \orlimii Flyer 1) ) 'J p m 7W p m I'liollli'llxpreii 7 II ni. . 0 10 u in Denver Kxproi * . 4 JO p in 4 4 } p m Lirnnil I'lnml KM > ( tuicpt bun > I' . ' t"i p in a in , KaiiMt ( .Itjr Hxprcs * . 1 (1.1 ( n m - I-onves I I'llll'AdO , It I il'AttllC AirTTcT Oumlni | U 1' . ilcpot. lOlli unit Mnrc ) SI" Omnlm 4 l'i p inf . .NlRlit Kiiiri'M . . . . Iliuu n m .Miami . .Atlantic Kiprcii i.TO p in ! l 15 p in' ' . yoalllinlu I.linlluil 2 Ul ) p m CltTEuTO A MlUTliW-lcai KUN 1 Arrlvcj JJ. ljlppot , Hull nnil Mnri ) Sti Onnlii n n m . . . Chlcnxo Hxpreaj I 6. ) p m 4 JO p in VcKtlbnlo l.lmlteit , o & . * > it ni l > 15 p ni ( l.v CY Hit ) Mull ( Ar ax .Mulill 74. ) n in ! > Kt p ni . . . .Ktftc'rn i lyt'r. I . ' II P in ToiTt-s TCI IIUAHU , 'Alllj , A hi' fM II Arrl ei Oinahn | 1) ) 1' depot. IDIIi nnil Mnuy .sti j ( Imiilm. 1' 1 n in Clilcn i ) .Mill ( client 811 Kill ) t j ft 4r , j7"iii neil p m ' 'i 4i u ni a p in Chicago Kxpie-s . ' O p m I-c-xvcs I 1.IIJI ( l Arrives Qmnhn | l' 1' ilepot. lUlli nnil Mnro I Oimilin. 4 15 | St 1,011 Is Ciniuin Hull I. 'O p m * -MISSOUIU 1'AOIHO aUlll/llllAN CK'B | : WestnnrJ. n intp in WcuMcrSt. . . . b'M b.OU T.50 Oiik Chnthnm. A M 0 M 7 M 1 U Drulil lllll . . . . 7 tei 1 M Like Street. . . ii ai 7.U ) 8 01 i M Walnut lllll. . 1. Od 7.00 n w H ! Duinlcn IMnco. r ( is 7 as 8 W 4 Ol ) a.ia 7 10 d o ; 4 ( TJ 8 ( CI i ni .Mincot B llj 4 Wij Siiymmir Turk 6 III 4 II 1'ortiil 8 2i 4 'Ml I UMON rACIl'IC-atnUIIUIAN 'lltA1 9. Tlieso trnln * olio slop at imti , ITtli , * ) lli nnil 2ltb Ktrei In , Hiimmlt unit Buvlilcn Cruasln 'Wurkuig * mcn'H Irnlns do not run Huuilay -At > ourmvn.-ui'it.s i Arrives7 Triii for | _ _ Unlo L1y ° 'ii" "lcl1 ' " " 'I ' ? 'Irninirir n 40 n in < lilrnKii 6i < 0 p nl ,140 p in Vuillbuln l.lnilteil U 45 ii in 4 65 p in llnilern hirer r > 45 p 111 8 ( ) J p m Atlantic Mull 7,10 u ni LOUVM I rilltJAOO. U. t i I'ACIHC I ArrUci' ' 1 niuftr | Union l ) not. Couiiill iiiun ITr nfoi * / . 15 p m Mvht Hxprcsi . I U IS a 13 10 04 a ill .Allnnllo I I K ( U P in 10 M p in , \Vitllmln lniltnil I I fO p in IMAVKI ICIIIIAO ; ; , JIH , \ ST. I > AUU ) ArrTvsiT 'Jrnniferj Dillon Depot. Council Ilium I1 rniijifof ' 'JM u m GiUaKO .Mnlf ( except hunUny ) 641 p m p in , . Clilruifo Kxptiii * , Vli n in lOOi ) p m Uilc KOKxpr _ < 'iis , iW p m I.e.m I "K. ( ' . .hl'/JOK .V a II. I Arrive * 1r n forl IJiilo111 Dupot , Council JllulTi , l'i innufcf 1007 a ra | Knn-ij City Day KiprcM 1 t > U'p ui 10 5 p 01' ' , Kunini I'lty Nlulit Kijiren I n 10 uju lmvo I OMAHA * . HrToUiH " I Airlver Trnnjfurl * JJnlon Dcpot'ouiRll _ _ HlutTn l'lr iiifc' 4 45 p ml . . ht. Luati Cnnon liall U 16 p in 'l nvcP I'afiCA'dO.llUIIL'N ft OIIINCJ 'Imnifcrl Union l ) not , _ ( _ ' < jiiiicU lllulti rlrantro * 9 40 a in , ( hlcoK'i K | irc i > i. .m plil 10 ( M p ni , riilcm.u Kxprcni . 8 SO n u 6.00 p m , ( lilron ! > tmtt ilnll I 6.U p in 7 SO p in > , . .croiton Ixicnl II SO n PI Hiuuxcirr * 1'AciKtc. l ArrhVr" 'fflimUf lltiluii Depot. Oniiicll llluir _ rirunitfjr T 41 a m , .bToux ( Itr Accoiunioilalloli U85 li m X OK ) p in . . . . . bt. 1'iviit l.ipreu , 9 U ( i nt RESTORED. Manhood lltMEiir Knrc A. victim at youlkfui linprinlrnrr. fAuttna PrtmAtuia I > e < Y , htrv u Dcljillty , Ixue MAnhool. do.havingtrieUInTftiUBTery ) known rein * * t dy.h&tduroTcrcd mptrni i invaniof gelf nut , wUlib / ha will tend fKtl * < l > KltKF. to hU fellow tufTcrcr * . / AUOrtu. J , II. UJUSVUB , I'.O , Uoz 3290 , Ntw VJfk Clltf f