THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY MARCH 16 , 1890-SIXTEEN PAG-ES. MORSE DRY GOODS CO , CHINA SILKS , 470. Choice patterns , our own im X portation. You will not see them anywhere else in thccityj possibly not in the country ; 19 inches wide , 470 a yard , worth all the way up to 7sc. CHINA SILKS , $ i. By far the best value in the whole west ; note the width , 27 inches ; so many different pat terns .as to almost bewilder you ; real Shanghai Silk , $ i a yard. WASH SILKS. The loveliest patterns you ever looked at ; moreover they are the newest style ; exquisite * colorings. If we had imported more we could have sold them ; as it is , they will all be sold this ivcek. SURAH SILKS. A new line of choice shades , 19 inches wide , C5c a yard ; in this lot we have all the opera and other colors , as well as black. BLACK SURAHS. Double warp , good quality , 65c a yard ; we have also an other quality at $ r , and the best bargain- the lot is one at $1.25 , the best thing we have to show. FRENCH CHALLIES , 6oc. The richest designs we ever displayed ; printed to Our order in Paris ; we have no competi tion on them , either in style or price. MORSE DRY GOODS CO FROM THE STATE CAPITAL. Bnnkors DIaplonaod With the Dis position of Sta'.o Funds. TREASURER HILL IN DISFAVOR. Xlio Money Chnnccra May Defeat Him I'or Uc-lSloctlon A. Sliootiin ; fccra o Stnto llouso Mat ters Miscellaneous. Finnnciera Otrmtleii. Nob. , March 15. [ Special to Tin ; linn. ] In some quarters It Is given out 'that State Treasurer Hill has bocn marked for the slaughter ami will go down with other 'single term state officials this coming fall and because , it is alleged , ho has failed to make n talr disposition ot the de posits. In other words because ho has not placed thu state's money in this and that banjt to the liking of certain biuiK onicials , who pose as the political power of certain localities. This dictum , liowever. falls to disturb the equanimity of the state treas- xiror. lie says ho lias tried to entrench lilinsolf behind business principles and to handle the state's money only us the law directed. Con versing \vitli Tun UIE : representative regarding the demands of certain leeches this morning ho said : "Ihero has been something of a scramble for deposits. Indeed , 1 may say , in some localities , It has been outrageous , nnd at different times my patlonco has been sorely tried. The fact is , prior to to the commence' incut of my term of oflico largo sums of the permanent school fund worn scattered among different banks. I felt that this scattered fund ought to bo taken up wherever de posited and Invested in county bands. This accumulated fund was from $300.1)00 ) to 9500- 000. Now , when I suy that this fund has been Judiciously Invested In the class of securities I have suggested the pub. llu can know that school districts und school children In different parts of the state have received material bunellts. Be sides thli 11mvo taken up outstanding war rants wherever possible and stopped accu mulating Interest. In this connection 1' will say that I have takeu the accumulated In sane fur.d , amounting to something over $100,000 , which was transferred by an act of the lasit legislature and put It into the general - oral fund , nnd it , too , has been exhausted in meeting general expenses. " "Do you mean to say that you luwn ex hausted the permanent school fund s you suggest , and that it was not done before the commencement of your term of ofllcc. " " 1 do : and upon these Investments the temporary school fiiiu ! is drawing a healthy interest. Hits has helped mo to make a bettor - tor showing In my semi-annual reports than liny of my predecessors. " "Tho banks that hold deposits from the permanent school fund which you have taken up nnd Invested uro the ones that are inclined to oppose your reuonilnatton , are they noli" "i think BO. But I don't contemplate much opposition from them , avon when they thoroughly understand the disposition I Imvo made of this fund. Bunkers like other people aru human nnd they want all they cun get. 1 have done what I behoved to bo for tlio best In all things that pertained to uiy ofllcu , aud If 1 go down , us has been BiiLMiei ] , I go down with the consciousness that 1 have done my whole duty to the itttto. " 1-rATK IIDl-SK INTKLLIfiE.NCi : . The board of secretaries of the slate beard ol transposition will incut ttio Interstate ) commerce commission ut Omaha on Monday , This nroyrummi U m rc&pouso to an invita. tlon from the commission dated ut Sioux City , la. , and Just received. Articles incorporating the Belmont nnd J'rolU Canal and Hoscrvolr company were illod today. Capital Block , * 100lMO. Incor- iwratoMi M. O. Nell , P. Peter ou , L. M. 1'uulcy , Nels B. Anderson , John II. Abbott , 1 > , H , Itedforil , P. J. Gcrhart , A. T. Frold , J. U. Auderion ami John M. KtmquUt , , 'Ihu Cuorgt ) W. Fraiik Improvement com- MORSE DRY GOODS CO , COMBINATION SUITS. If you want a beautiful , new , stylish dress , one that will not be common in the city , we have a few made exclusively to our order. The reasonable price , $15 , is selling them fast ; plain and fancy goods to match ; a complete dress , latest style , SIS- PARIS NOVELTIES. ' In Cheviots , Tweeds , Croise Cashmeres , Vigonia Serges , Plaids , Clan Tartans , &c. , arc now open. NAPKINS. We mean you shall have a bargain this time and offer a lot several hundred dozen of the finest 5-8 napkins , worth $6 a dozen , some of them are not quite so good all at $2.25 a dozen next week. TABLE DAMASK. 2 yards wide , $ i a yard ; it is reduced from $1.50 ; that makes it very cheap. More over the patterns being woven * double damasked are very fine. t MARSEILLES SPREADS. At $2 a piece we have a case of large size Marseilles Bed Spreads that have usually sold for $3. MORSE DRY GOODS CO pany of Kearney filed amended articles. Under picsent nrticlcs Uio indebtedness can not run above $1100,000. Heretofore ) J200.UOO was the highest amount. bCl'HEMB COUHT CASKS. The following cases were filed for trial in the supreme court today : Jesse Atwood vs J. J. Atwater ot nl ; error from tlio district court of Saliuo county. , Isaac Culm vs Duvld May ; error from the district court pf Lancaster county. Isuuu Hugirin vs Louisa Haggin ; error from the district court of Sulino county. FHOT HIM IN THE XKCK , GeorRO Cranor , ono of the proprietors of Uio Hotel Nebraska , disputed with his host ler , Theodore Varnoy , regarding the proper manner ot bedding tils horses. Both were intoxicated. Cranor piolted.up a pitchfork and Vnrnoy a stono. 'Iho latter proposed settling It by a slugging match , but when Cranor dropped his weapon the other inado for him. Cruuor pulled a revolver , and as Vamoy started to run began firing. Vurnoy fell at the first shot , and Cranor ran into the hotel. Vnrnoy was more scared than hurt , the bullet having touched him on the shoulder nnd ulnncinfc oil struck him on the neck , within a half Inch of the Jugular. Crnnor was promptly arrested nnd is having u pre liminary hearing this evening. CITV NU\\S ANII XOTCS. An attempt was inado last night to enter the house of C. J. Ernst , 100 C street , but tlio burglar wits frightened nwiiy. Ho loft behind u line fur muff which had evidently boon stolen somowheroolao. In tlio case of Uillincsloy va Pickotta , an action to recover forlyiicres of land immc- diatoly adjoining the city on the west , the Jury rendered a vurdlct in favor of defend ant , The pollco department , ! * running a flour ishing matrimonial bureau. Two maidens nil forlorn who had loved unwisely secured the assistance of Marshal Molivlc in corrall ing their ought-to-be uiBbaiuls. This morn- inp another young woman applied for the saino relief , and her betrayer was quickly brought to tlmo. The plain of MendelssohnFUhor& Laurie of Omaha have boon accepted by the Lin - coin hotel company , which will erect u flvo- story caraVansary ut Ninth and P street. Lincoln Irishmen will celebrate St. Pat rick's day by a blc celebration at Plt/ger- ald'a hall. Hev. M.C , Walsh of St. Theresa's will deliver the address of ttio evening. Senator Sutherland of Tokamah , Hurt county , will tnako the race for secretary of stato. Prominent s nto politicians secured his consent lust night und his castor Is shied to win. The Jury In the case of A. J. Gutln vs the Cbicugo , Burlington & Quincy , returned a verdict for plaintiff this morning uud assess ing bis damages at 1 cout. ThU uiu > ins that thu Q was guilty of charging too high a freight rato. David Duff , n farmer living south of the city , \viis bound over to the district court on thu charge of destroying a note nignod by his wife and owned by Mrs. M. li. McCall. Parker T. Tuguto , u teamster , was ar rested last ovonlug fur betraying Miss Lvda Mauldlng , who appears to havu bocn u light- running domestic , 'iugntont ' IIrat refused to marry the girl , but gave In after nwliil" . Lyiluwas but seventeen , howoyer , and the consent of her mother was necessary. Tlio old lady was telegraphed to at tier homo In Tecurnsoh , "but her consent 1ms not yel ar- i-lved. Mcanwhlla Tugato fomuins in Jail , wheru the girt bring * him his meals. Miss Hello Upton of this city was the win ner of the gold modal In the Dcmorost con test at Itoca last averting. Ilou. J. K. Wobitcr and wlfo returned today from an extended eastern visit. Kn-d Orlmos , son of Dr. H. S. Grlmo , had his right leg broken last ovonlug by Its cotuluB in contact with the revolving wheels of a dray. Robert Hunter , the stockman , was thrown frnm his horse last night , and received u gasti on his forehead which required the doctor's uuodlo. Eight car loads of fltio horses from the California farm of Senator Stanford arrived , In tlio city todav ami wcro unloaded ut the fair grounds. The run from Cheyenne to Lincoln was urndo at the rate of forty milea an hour. , * Dr.Uirnoy.practicelimited to catarrli- al diseases ol nose und throat. Boo blilf. o A. I * . Tukoy , Llfo building. Homes in ClUtou Hill for moii of Unmod incotnu. MORSE DRY GOODS CO MEN'S GLOVES. $2 a pair for the genuine Pcrrin Frercs best Gloves. $1,50 for a heavy Craven tan , street or driving gloves , worth $2 a pair. > I. C. CORSETS. . Lots of people like these Corsets. Some that have never tried them will be glad to get them at' the price we offer them , $1.50 each ; the lowest price we ever heard of for the quality we offer is $2.50some ; of them are the $3.50 quality. After this lot we will , not have any more. LADIES' HOSE Fast Black. 150 a pair ; not regular made but with finished sclanis ; the color is absolutely Jast and will not rub off on your feet. ' The price being only 150a pair , they will sell quickly. * * CHILDS' HOSE. i ' t We closed out the entire line of Childs' Saxolinc , .Hose , sold at 5oc to'850 pair. We offer them -to-morrow 5 , , 6 , 64 ] , 7 , all 25c ; # , 8 , all 35c. They are the genuine Saxoline Hose , the best bar gain we ever offered. m UNDRESSED GLOVES. A lot of choice shades in Courvosier , Jouvin and other best makes -of long Mosque- taire Gloves that are ' worth $2.25 a pair , will be sold Mon day for $1.50. MORSE DRY GOODS CO A. O. H. ISnr-rtainmant. The sibovo society will give un enter tainment .it Exposition hull Monday , March 17. As will bo seen by the fol lowing programme , a very delightful time is in btot-o for all those who at tend : Music Salute to Erin Thomas Coats A. O. H. Band. Address by Chairman..Hon. II. C , Gushing Vocal Musfo Jules Lumbard Address. . . . , . . .Hov. Father Hayes of Nebraska City Music Poet and Peasant..Father V. Sufllo A. O. H. Hand. Address Will J. Glair Vocal Music A. J. Webb Recitation . Sbainus O'Brion A. A. L. Dick. Music The Rage in Ireland E. Heyer A. O. H. Band There will bo : i macting of Div. No. 1 of the A. O. H. at the Royal Arcaniuru hall , of Douglas , between 13 un 14 sts. Sunday , March 10 , ( it U o'clock shurp , for the purpose of making arrange ments for St. Patrick's day. All mem bers are requested to attend. By order of " \Virii , J. CLAIII , Pros. K'EARIjV MVK THOUSAND. The Npbr.iHkn Dclpuntion Wants Alexander's Salary IncrnnsrU. Senator Mandurson has introduced a bill into the United States senate to fix the salary of the surveyor of the pprt of Omaha at ? l,200 , per year with foosund commission. Representative Council will introduce the same in thu house. Mr. Alexander , as surveyor , or , as1 com monly calico , collector of customs , at pros- out enjoys n salary of ? 350 per annum with fees anil commissions , which increase his 1 ncomo to between W.OOO and S-1,000 , If tlio present bill passes , therefore , ho w'ill draw the coin fortublo salary of between $4UOO and $5.000 per annum. All commissions above * opOO are turned over into the treasury ot tbo United States. The port is ono of tfio most economically conducted In the country , there Doing only four others In the United States where the cost of collecting is loss in proportion tion to the business of the oflico than in Omaha. It costs but 3 3-10 cccti on every dollar , while the next lowest port to O mail a Is St. Joseph , whore the cost of collections is T cents on the dollar. Fire Auction , Firn Auction. 310 , ai2 , So. llth St. , Monday 1 p. m. Tito on tire stock of the Omului Uliom- ical works , lutoly damaged by Hro and water , $ o,000 worth blacking , blueing1 , iimchmo oils , soap , shoo-dres < ang , pa per bags , wrapping paper , scrub nnd bracking brushes , In lots to suit denier , grocery men , hotel men , boardinghouse - house kcopors , attend. ROIIDUT WKLLS. Auctioneer. . . . . e- > 1 1. iicforo llnylii : ; A piano examine the now scale Klin ball piano. A. Hospo , 151 ! ) Douglas. A DUtinuiilHlied Visior. Rabbi Henry Uorkowitz , D.D. , pastor of the Ucnl Johudah congregation of Kansas City , Will give u lecture under the auspices of the U A. C. E. society of the Congrega tion of Israel at the temple , corner Ilurney * nnrt 'J wonty-fourth street , Monday evening , March 17. The subject of the discourse is "Uutt ure. " All visitors nro cordially Invited to attend. The reverend pentloinun has oc cupied a prominent position in the Jewish church fer thu past six years. Thouitti still a young man , ho has already won a reputa tion outside of bh own creed , lie Is the au thor of n brochure on " Judaism on the Social Question" and other books which have boon favorably commented upon by the secular as well as the religious press. As the organizer and pro * mover of the Associated Rcllof Society of Kansas City , non sectarian , Dr. Uorkowitz brought to his aid the support of every cler gyman and philanthropist of that city In the work of administering to the wortby poor and distressed. As a pulpit orator ho has few equals. During his stay In Omaha ho will ba the guest of Mr. and Mr * . M. Hell. man. MORSE DfllGOODS CO it- 4-BUTTON KJ.DS. . A new lot , blacks and colors , inO" the latest spring shades , extra quality , known as "Derby" Gloves , usualjp cc $1.75 ; our price $1.25 a pair. BOYS' SUITS. New spring suits for boys' wear , as good as you ever saw for $7 to $8 , on special sale to morrow for $5. vVe have also some Scotch Cheviot Suits at $6.50 , and some fine Kilt Suits at $5.50. HANDKERCHIEFS. Stupendous purchase of 1000 dozen Ladies' Embroidered Hemstitched Handkerchiefs , worth 25c to 35c , will be sold in one lot at 150. These are arranged on a table. MEN'S SOX. The celebrated "Shanknit" fast black Men's Sox , regular 50 cent quality , at 350 a pair ; $2 a half dozen. Butterick's Patterns , Fashion Sheets Delineators for April no win. GINGHAMS0/ / . . Lovely Scotth'Zephyr ' Ging hams , ' 32-inches4' wide , about 11 > 200 different > stripes , checks and plaids , 250 yard. 'They are thfe same ( Hat you see in the largest retail houses in lli New York at 35c and 4oc. MSE DRY GOODS "GO , "He'd a very bright future before him , " they said , And his conduct confirmed their opinions. For , Judged by hia iifo , we can think of him dead As a stoker in Pluto's dominions. Burlington Free Press : She I can't im agine what inak i our naughty parrot swear so. He Wasn't ne brought up in bad com- panyj She No , indeed ; wo got him from n missionary and ho has lived in my own parlor over since except for n few days after the donation party , when ho was in papa'a study. OPERA- HOUSE. THURSDAY. SATURDAY. FRID7XY and ac 20-21-22 I SATURDAY MATINEE. I THE SEASON'S ' ONLY BIG SUCCESS "U will always stand as the Great American 1'lay" Now York Sim. THE CRAZE IN NEW YORK. "Its 8iirces.s U gieatatthan "TSo Henrietta" or 'The Banker's Daughter" New YorsTimes. Bronson Howard's ' Greatest Triumph "Holler ( Imn the Henrietta. " N. V. Herald. "Best American play Ever Written. " N. Y. World. By ( ho author of THE "Tho"fl6nrietta. " "Younfr'Mrs. WJnthrop. " IMMENSE "Tho1 Haulier's Daughter. " "Old fifavo Letters. " ' SarittiVa. " PLAY , "Ono of Our Olrls. " Seats anil boxes readii Wednesday. Prices lleaarveil * l.r.O and $1 ; general uilnilsilon 75o urnl il ; gallery , : . ' 3c. ill MORSE DRY GOODS CO CRO1SE CASHMURES These have been so popu lar that \vc cannot help , but ad vertise them again. They are wide the widest fine dress fa bric we show almost 50 inches and tljc price $ i makes them very desirable , all new colors. DRAPERIES CURTAINS. Our new stock is all in we bought unusually heavy be cause we expected to have shown them in our new store , asVc cannot do so we are obliged to cut the prices and calljparticular attention to the PORTIERE CURTAINS One lot at $6.50 we are sure" they are worth $10 a pain The next is a lot at $10 a pair ; worth $15. SILK SHELIA CURTAINS Beautiful colorings , rich dado designs , also a lot of Chenille Curtains all at $15 a pair ; worth $25. BRUSSELS CURTAINS Are dainty and stylish we have some imitations of the finer grades of these at $7.50 a pair , they look exactly like the real that we are obliged to ask $50 to ยง 75 a pair. OUTING FLANNELS. Are so much used this year for dresses , for waists , child's blouses , jackets , etc. , and we have the genuine Scotch goods at 450 , 5oc and 6oc , newest styles. MORSE DRY GOODS GO , . "Swear not at all , " is of the first And best of moral laws , And shown that one should only swear At these who give him cause. In order to properly observe the require ments of thu Lenten season some hara tell nnthitig but HsU stories. It was a wide-awake Buffalo hey who , on being reproved by his mother for discussing n wrestling' match on Sunday with his brother , meekly replica : "Allright , mamma. Will you read us a bjblo story ! " "With pleasure , dear. What shall it be ! " "All about how Jacob wrestled with the angel. " IMPORTANT ANNOUNEMENT Monday Evening , March rth. FAKIS\VKLIj GKAND CONCERT , m The Greatest Living Musicians ; Pablo lie Sinrjualo , Violin. EiiKim D'Allierf , AS318TKH 11V Mine , lli-nlio aiar.v , INniin. Under the dlroitlon of Henry 13. Abbey and Manrlco Urau. I'ASSACAOLIA. 0minor J. S. llach Arranged by Uugon D'Albert. Herr Eimcn D'All > err. HONDEAU IIUILLIANT. K.Schubert 11 minor , op. 10 , tor piano and violin. Mine , Borllic MtirxntHl Honor 1'alilo Do ' SaruNatc. EONATB. op , E8.11 minor Fr. Ohopln rAilouro Jlaestoso-Scherzo Largo 1'lnalo Presto ma nou tanto. Hnrr KufiMi D'Alliort CONonilTO roil VIOLIN Memlolssolm Allegro Andante finale , Allegro Maltu. Honor J'ablo ( loSnrnsuto , 1 a Rhapsodic , op. 70 , No. a. J. Ilrahms Mi Humoreske , op , U , No.K. ! ) ( Irleg SOf.OS , fa Bnlreo do Victim. ' , No. II. Kr' Mxzt ) ilXUJtuHiHodlo 1'r.Jjlszt Jlorr I'jUKcno D'Albarr. SOLOS fSKAVcm' ' honor IViblii ( In and B. Snlo ot seats be- gliiH Thursday morning , Muich Uth. STKIMWAY 1'JANO US15P. DIVORCE MARRIAGE AND ITS S AND ITS DANGERS , MISTAKES I Three Night ; * nnd Mutlnee. Commencing Jlonduy , March 17th. I WKDKESDAy MATI.NlIi : . I J. M. HILL'S ' ONION SQUARE THEATER CO. A POSSIBLE CASE. A Laughable Comedy Satire by pydnoy Itosenfeld. THE LATEST NIJW YOKKCOMBDV SUCCESS. A Melange ot run , Tact , 1'aucy. Klejjant . Costume * , Stent'ry , I'ropcrtlus. The Qnostlon Is Marriage Seats are now on sale. or -A THE HOUR Prices -25c , 50c , 75c & $1 MORSE DRY GOODS CO PLAIDS Seem to be the thing this year for Indies/- / and child's wear. We have a beautiful assortment , 40 to 42 inches wide , at g5c a yard ; they src reasonable in price , superb styles and qualities. VAN DYKE TRIMMINGS. We have received some new styles and colors in Van Dyke Points , as well as 20 different patterns in black ; all on sale Monday. PRETTY INDIA LINONS. Fine light weight , almost like an Organdy muslin , checks and stripes , 25c , 300 and 350 ; these can also be had in plain fast black. Buttons , Crochet ClaspsCro chet Trimmings and New Buckles just in. BLACK GOODS. Monday we shall open our new spring importations of Black Wool Henriettas at 850 , 95c , $ i , $1.35 and $1.50 a yard ; two shades of black. CARPETS. We want to call your atten tion to the fact that we are showing the best things of the season in Body Brussels , Ax- minster , Wilton , Gobelin and other Carpets. No odds how cheap the car pet , we know that you don't want a pattern you don't like at any price ; yet we have some patterns not so good as others Minister I am very plad , on this rainy Sabbath morning , to see such n full house. Jones ( Waking up after dreaming of the nicht before ) Full house i No good. I have four deuces. "I saw your gaze intent upon tlio nave " Indeed ! " she interrupted in haste , ' "Tia Jealousy doth cause you so to rave , For knaves were never to my taste. " And when like April ruins the fair ono cries , Ho siriling kneels a penitent. "Piay , let rae ury these weouing eyes The church nave was tuo ono I meant. " Ill Angiisttn Dnlj's Lniesl C'omoily s T u H H. -OF- H.P E 11I I.O 11s I.T E ( THE LOTTERY OF LOVE , ) T S E What tlie Omaha Daily O Y P Papers say : Very clever oomoily company. * * * An fxtradlnary nvont , social O ly , as xvi'll maitlsiically. * * lluactv laiiRht2i- and almost con- P I tin-led apphiiLso. * * * Asenjoy- iiblo an entertainment as any tlnit V ban been witnessed In Omuhathls bonsoii. lice , March 11 , L O O It In by far the moxt comedy -presented In thla city no fur IT C this bi'ttbon , Republican , March IT , Seriu-o seals at once anil mold tlio ijrnat rush. Dux ullleo now open. Tlmi-Mlay March 2ltli ) at 8 1' . M. Dr. J. C. HARBISON Will ndilrcbs men only , upon Ana 1'ilduy iUrch ' 'lut at 8 p. m. "S8 iCII-'I : J I. KA8KS" ( Hoys nndor llftoenuot admitted ) . Ilotli Ice- turns widely Illustrated by nuifulrtcimt dissolv- JiiK views projected upon 3,0'Wwmara feet of run- von by a powerful atcreoptlcan. Admission inc. Tuesday nuil \ \ cduuHiluy , tlnrch 1H anil 1'J. ' HYDE'S ' BIG SPECIALTY GO , Cotuprlttltig the Cream of the Vautlovilio 1'rotesslou. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. that we sell as bargains. But we arc in the carpet business anil can render you effective service when you want to buy. NOTIONS. Amonia , large bottles , 8c ; Playing Cards , 250 a pack ; best Dress Braid , 50 ; English Pins , 5c a paper ; best Book Pins , roc a paper ; Chamois sponges , IOG ; Hand Mirrors , 580 ; lots of other notions equally as cheap. WASH GOODS REM NANTS. From our recent sales we have accumulated a lot of short ends , and have also a lot of manufacturers' remnants that come in from 6 to 10 yards a big counter full at 33 \ ( per cent less than regular price. BLACK SILKS. Armures , Peau de Soie , Royals , and other new weaves , at $ i , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.65,51.75 ayard , will be among our at tractions for Monday. We have a special bargain in 24-inch Peau dc Soie and also Faille Francaise at $1.75 a yard for -Monday , reduced from $2.50. Come and see it , NEW NAINSOOKS. We received a lot Saturday of very neat checks always so hard to find particularly as fine a quality as these at 25ca yard ; regular price 350. MORSE DRY GOOOS GO , Saturday Evening , Marcli 22 , ONE NIGHT ONLY. G'emof 3Ii'li dy and KolIIckln Fun , Will the Comedian , And UK or BRIGHTER ! FUNNIER ! HANDSOMER ! THAN EVER. To bo glvon at Gormania Hall , 19Hi and Harney Sts , .SATIJK1 AV , MA1KJJ1 ti2NI ! > . Under the iiniplcua of tlio LADIES' ' AUXILIARY SOCIETY OF Til K OMAHA TURMEREE . ADMISSION. ! Se A 1'UHSdN. 'Ilckets for snlo ut J. 1. 1'riiuhauf'H John lluumer > . and at the door. rWtmin ' 1 liu rurmlesi uinl Li ! t vurluly ( inlrrtHlinnont uriir ulvi'i ) In Omului. Cumo anil MID It. < > | > uii uvor ) ' HiIII Intliuwovk ' 1'liu Iwiit Inluiit on llin vurlo'slou. . llK 9 ulwnira upon. Ailnilulun lor , 'lxaOu Come HIIU tuo tnu Utuaioiue Uillci.