2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUMDAY. MAHOH 10 , J8UO.--SIXTEEN PAGES , Crime of much graver moment. At thin Juncture Marshal Dunn put In th city cagr a man half drunk. The latter tin n vlllatnon * ronguo and with It nbuscd tli officer. Ho called htm a murderer. She roan , who Is In the next cage , started an Hhoxvcd the violence of tils temper. Bur posing the term had been applied to hie ho nboulcdt "You , I'll g In thcro In n mlnnto nnd tlo you u . You don't kno' ' into n knot , you whelp. who you nro talking to. " Thl.i quick resentment of the stern inu r showed that It was the crlmo c shedding somebody's blood and not of mart gaglns other people's property , which wn pro.vlng upon hln mind. When Sherman had roif.ilncrt his composure posuro and thoTones murder was Introducct ho at llrnt nffcctcd i nornnco of th iiubjcct , Which the correspondent did alst Ho then repeated every important detail c the crime up to the time of his Incarcorn Ion and so correctly ns to names nnd place as to show that every plcco of informatloi ho could obtain on the subject.had bee ; mastered as well ns It is by these on tb track of tlio murderers. ADDITIONAfj INVESTIGATION. Chief JIntcctlvo ilazn Epnnils ni Afternoon ut tlm I'lnnoy Fnrtn. Upon his return from further investlga nt the Plnucy form and the surroundtni iicighLorbond yesterday afternoon Datoctivi Haze was seen by a reporter and asked wha lib had found. "I can bo candid with you to iho cxton ( simply of saying , " was the reply , "thut : found out n number of now points gooi points but under the circumstances I can not itivo thorn to you. Were they publisher it would simply bo showing that much mon of our hand , nnd that is certainly Impractl- r/hlo. I can tell you , however , that Mr , Kauthcr. who lives adjoining the Pinnci1 lilacc , and who Identified Neal as having been on the farm on the ild , will accompany mete to Plnttsmoulli Sunday morning and sen II lie can Identify the third cuspcct arrested there as the man whom ho saw at tho- farm with Ncal. From the description ho is very sure no Is the man. "I will also say , " continued Mr. Haze , "tlmt nftcr seeing thut farm hand in the cm- ploy of Schwarz , on the Swift farm , who hoard the shots about 5 o'clock on thn even ing of the IM , I am almost con vinced that these were the shots which killed the old people. The shots heard were eight In number. " Chief Seavoy will probably accompany Detective Haze and the other gentlemen to Plattstnouth this morning. Haze returned from Ins ilrst trip there yesterday morning , and said that the suspect there can hardly control hmiHolf when the subject of the mur der Is mentioned. NOT VKT ADOPTED. Vlnilnct Onllnnnoo Postponed Until Tuesday Nichr. The council met in special session last night to consider tlio Tenth street viaduct ordinance. The cnmmitteo on viaducts and railways reported a set of improved plans for the proposed viaduct and the council went into committee of the whole to consider - sider them. Gonor&l Manager Knnball of the Union Pacific was present and explained the improvements that had been made in the Plans. City Engineer Tilison also stated that ha had examined the now plans and had found them n decided improvement over the plans previously presented to the council. Mr. Kimball explained further that the Plans for depot had boon greatly improved. The old shed will bo torn down and an en tirely new structuio built much 'argor than the ono originally planned. The train sheds would be more than than twine as largo as was originally planned. The companies were ready to co to work at once upon the adoption of the ordinance. * The plans wcro approved by the council nnd tlio ordinance ordered to its third read ing. Then iho question was raised as to whether or not the damages appraised should bo , tendered boforo' /.ordinance . was p'assed.Mr. . Wheeler maintained that this should bo ( lone. City Attorney Pop- I'letcn held that the tender of damages was not a condition precedent to the passage ot the ordinance. The tender could be made out of the general fund and the fund reim bursed when the taxes for benefits are col lected. It had been sugceslcd , ho * aid. that the railway companies might temporarily advance the funds for the purchase. After some discussion the ordinance and report were recommitted to the committee on viaducts and railways to confer with the railway companies on this point and report on Tuesday night. The city treasurer reported that there is now on his books f.'l,01'J.Li ! duo against the Missouri Paoilie railway company as de linquent taxes for the years 183T , 1883 and ISbO. The communication called out consid erable discussion on the method of making the assessment of railroad property. The matter was finally referred to the committee on ilnnnco and a committee consisting of licchol , Shriver , Morcarty and D II. Wheeler , appointed as a committee to confer with the county commissioners on the matter of making the assessment for 1UUO. The recommendation of the fire and pollco commissioners that accommodations for the police station , court and patrol system bo secured of Peter Gees , was referred to the committee on publlo property and build- intrs. intrs.Tho petition of K. and T. Efflngor for an increase of damages by reason of the con struction of the proposed Tenth street via duct , was referred to tbo committee ou via ducts and railways. A resolution was adopted requiring all corporations of the city of Omaha exorcising lha light of eminent domain in the city to IHo as required by tiio charter proper plats of such property with the register of deeds , Kuoh plats to include all of the lands and lots heretofore taken for the use of eald corpora- Ions. _ _ A NliW Oil Y .TAIL. Iho Commission Airoca Upon n Ilitlldlnc hi con BOS Granted. . There was a special session of the license board yesterday afternoon at 4:30 : , with all members present , Licenses were granted to William Stolton- berg , southeast corner Fourteenth and Hartley ; MalConna & Con way , SKJO Sherman - man avoauo. A llccnso was refused to Heathman and IDunwoll , 103H South Ninth street. A remonstrance was tiled against issuing n llconso to A. F. HohliT , I'.MT North Nine teenth struct , and the hearing wns set for Monday , lli o'clock. The committee consisting of Messrs , Hartman - man and Gilbert reported in favor of renting n building belonging to Peter Gees , Fif teenth nnd Jackson , for city jail , pollco court und patrol stable * . Thcro are three rooms , bamg 44xrl , 4 l.\ti5 ami iii CO. together with u stable 44xCO. The report was adopted and ordered sent to the city council immediately with the cndoiscuicat of thu board , JHHKVITIKS. The young ladles residing in the Young Women's homo , ut 1U1I bouth Seventeenth Mreot , will glvo an entertainment at the homo next ' 1 hiirsdny evening. The proceeds will bo duvotcd toward the purchuso of a piano for the use of the young ladies. Dr. J. C. Harrison , the traveler und spe cialist , will lecture at the Now Grand next Thursday evening to men only. His lectures are vividly llliibtratol with stereopticau vi07v , and are replete with useful Informa tion to men und amusing anecdotes gathered dr.rtng liia wide oxporleno ? . His success O.crj where has been phenomenal. An ofllcer arrived from Chicago yesterday tli tuko X.ou Alcou.who is wanted there to an swer 10 the chargeof grand larceny , pre ferred by J. C. Johnson of the vvlmly olty. The mmnbcra of Success lodge. No. 135 , of ttio Urothcrhpod of Kullrpad 'A'laiumen , will BIVO tholr third uuuual bull ut Washington hall , Khihteeuth und Hafnoy 'atrcotp , tomor , Old man llnrrus has been temporarily ro- loAied ucudiug the dtaisfon of tha'Uulted Btato * supreme court iu regard to hit cuso. As ho owns a farm and is well fixed no bond Was exacted. Considerable money and clothing Is being collected at Trinity cathedral for the Dakota sufferers , The contributions are to bo shipped about Wednesday. ORDERED OUT OF THE STRIP President Harrison Warns the Im patlout Boomora HOW THE NEWS WAS RECEIVED Sonic Counsel I'nuslro ilcnlntnncc OtlicrH linllnvo In Obeying Klglily aiionsnnd Cnctlo ' Will I'rolmnly t'crlsli. Callrcl IJnoV. March 15. The presldou this afternoon issued /allowing notice : "To Whom It May Concern r The land known as the Chcroiceo atrip ere not open t Bcttlnment. The bill pending In congrcs anil intended to provide civil government fo tlio country known ns Oklahoma docs no provide for the opening of the Chcrokc strip or outlet to Battlement and has no yet received the vota of the tw houses of congress or tlio arj proval of the president. Entrance o settlers upon these lunus Is unlawful , and al persons are horohy warned against ontorln ; thereon. When those lands shall boconi open to settlement , ' prompt public nolle wilt bo given of the fact , but In the mean time It is my duty to exclude all person therefrom , and Ihoso who outer unlawful ! ; will only involve themselves in unprolltnbli trouble ns they will bo immediately re moved. " Troops Urdcrrd Out. WAMHXCITOX , March 15. Adjutant Qon oral ICelton telegraphed to General Morrlt at Fort Leuvcnworth to use the troops ll necessary and with prudence , as heretofore , to cnforco the proclamation Issued today by the president relative to intruders upon the Cherokee Rtrip lands. This order was sen ! by direction of the secretary of war. In tin : i'rninl < > ( t Laiul. AmcAX.iAS CmKan. . , March 15. 7hc iiooniers mistook the passage of the Okla homa bill for the act providing for the im mediate opening of the country to settlement and each colony of boomers , alarmed lest il would not bo first on the ground , rushed poll moll over the line regardless of consequences , Some fear is expressed by the cooler heath ; hat the government may deprive them ol their advantage and drlvo them out to await the formal opening of the country. Most ol .lio boomers , however , are settling down on : helr claims as if assured of their permanent resideiico there. They believe , now the in vasion has uecn accomplished , th'at Presi dent Harrison will allow thorn to remain nnd lermlt others to take up land whenever they arrive. .lust over the line from Guthrie , Okla ! houia , Ponca , a city of ; t,000 inhabitants , baa sprung uu over night. The gambling fra- ; ernity is there In full force and several dis- .urbanccs h.ive occurred and many lights invo taken place because of their presence , iut nothing serious bus resulted. Another ) f these mushroom towns appeared at Wil- ow Surings , just below hero this morning. Though not as largo as Ponuu , there are 'ullv u thousand people livintr there. Nyceville also came into .existence within ; he past twenty-four hours. The ciiy coii- .alns about elKht hundred people , who went .hero under the leadership of Major Nyce from CaUlwull. yesterday. At Outhrio last night a reoortor boarded he train on which the representatives of the Cherokee strip cattle company were return- ng from the Fort Worth cattlemen's con vention. They were greatly disturbed at the invasion of their lands , and a meeting was called in the Pullman smoking room. A committee was appointed to notify the sec retary oftho interior of the fucts in the case , umltoask , , for troops to restore to thorn the possession of thelrgrazing grounds. -nuoation that is uppermost , iu-tho nintls nf the settlers today' Is "What is Undo Sam going to do ! " Ho has done lothing yot. No military force is on the ground and sn far ns known none has been ordered to proceed there. The cattlemen are completely routed , heir fences cut , grass burned , cattle stam- > eaod nnd their ranges completely destroyed or the near future at least. They will be ompollod to cet their cattle together as well as possible and to huntalhnr pastures. Prof. jOppoelc nf the Indian schools telegraphed or troops to expel the uooiaora from the tuliiin school lands , 03 many located hercon. Prairie llres could bo seen all over the strip I us I , night. Nearly every quarter section of land for eighteen miles south of this city is at ores- ont staked off and many of them occupied by inatters. 'I ho report that u company of cavalry would arrive this aftciuoon caused onio uneasiness , but as the hours oiled by without the troops put- inc ia an appearance coniidenco restored and a feeling of security prevailed This , however , was short lived , for at 4 o'clock the news that the president had Is sued a proclamation ordering all settlers ott ho strip was received. In u few minutes nrgo numbers of men who had staked claims and haa returned hero for provisions gath ered together on the street corners nnd discussed the situation. Sonio counseled prompt compliance witli ho president's order , but' others Insisted hat it was a good plan to hold their claims until expelled by the troops and then as soon , as tlio soldiers were out of sight to return md begin farming operations. The advocates if the latter plan nro evidently in the ma- ority.flho old soldlor element seems to bo ho most determined to return their grasp upon their claims. Should the cldlors attempt to remove them thcro will bo 10 organized resistance , but believed il will take an army of a.OOO men to lioep them from settling back on the strip. The cattle mon here did not receive the lows of the president's proclamatlan , ordor- ng the invading settlers off the strip with much interest. 1-Vom Ponca , Willow Springs , Nycovlllo and other sottleinonts m the outlet comes news of burning prairies. It Bcems to have boon generally agreed upon hut the ilrst thing for settlers to do was to sturt a pralrio tire , nnd much of the strip has been burned over. TUoao prairie tires served a double purpose. They drove most of the cattle before them ntid also destroyed the odder which thnsa remaining might have od noon. Therefore the cattlemen are nat urally depressed over the gloomy pjospccts. 3aiu Howins of the Cherokee Strip Cattle company today : "J'horo are now , or rather wore before the invasion , about eighty thousand head of cattle on the trip , 1 do not bqliovo the most energetic action on the part of tbo cattlemen ana tha rovornment can BUVO them from irreparable o.i9 , If left on the strip thu cattle will tarve , for there Is nothing for thorn o cnit thcro and wo cannot ship provender to horn ; it would bo u losing investment ; so here wu are , 80,000 bond of cattle gooa for nothing but hides , clue ana bono dust. " Strntiirlmir Hack. KiowJt , Kan. , March 15. The laugh Is on ho boomers. Timt is the fooling with which ho president's proclamation la received icrc. Th3 boomers who Tind the good sense o refrain from Joining yesterday's uvasiou are doing thd laughing whlta holr more hot-headed companions ook uuon matters as anything but aughaole. A third perhaps of the whale number of boomers who crossed the line fstorday hove already returned or are on heir xvny to this place. They come strag gling back with a good deal of their Impetu ous energy lost , to await as near their pros- leotlvo claims as possible the formal opening of Jho strip. Will Itrnvu ilio Kdlcr. Can WELL , Kan. , March 15. Late this iftornoon a telegram was received announc- Dg that the presiuont had ordered the iot- lers out of the atrip aud that soldiers would bojieut to qnforco tho. order. This faot was announced , but It did uot atop the white- oppcd wagons that coottnoto appear and disappear. Many of them contained fain , lies who am go Ing prepared to kUy and ono of them , M ith whom a reuorter talked this n'onlnir , voleoJ too sentiments of the ma- orlty wh no said : "Wo are going ou. If \ ( -oino O.UI wo Mill bo brought out.1' ' bl'OUTINO NKWS. Tlio BOO'H hotter E. O. Moulton 2 , C. .1. Hlrd 2 , Uad\CIarJ < 1 , Hobcrt NIotBon 1. Ycstonlny Atinriwm' * Shoot. There were several Interesting shoots o the Uwln fe Umiuilro grounds yesterday nl ternoon. The first wn a llvo bird match , birds to the man , 30 yards rise , ? 3 cntranc The score : Patrick . 1 11111- I'nrmclco . 1 I 1 1 1 0- Ellis . . i . 1 10111- Mussolman . , . 1 01010- Clarko. , . , , . , r.r..l 0 1 I 0 l- Kcnnody. . , . ,1 I 1 1 0 0- Navm. . . i..t - Pntrlck took Ilrst , Kllu second on tli shoot-off , 'and Clark third , The second event was. n similar mr > tcl which resulted at follows/ Purmoleo . . . .r. . llllll- Pasrlclt . , . . . .t.rVi.j . 101011- Kllls. . . . . . . .7V.V ; . Mlttl- Montmoroncy . . . , , . . " . . " - . < i . IOIOU11- Mnsielmnn . . . . . . . . . . .Y. . 011111 Kennedy . -r. . 101101- Nason . . . / . Uillll- Parmclco took first' , Mussoluian secoei and Kennedy third. ' . * " The ten-bird targabmaLuh resulted In tin following score : Nason . : . . . " . . . 10000 10011 Parm'clco . , . lllll 11111 1 Miller , . . , , . - . . 00011 11111 Mnssoltnan . , - ; " . . i-j , . .lHll ( ) oem Fogg . , . v..v.-.7 , . ( K)100 010(10 ( Montmoronoy . , , ' . ' . ' .i . . ,01111 lllll Kennedy . . , - . . : : . .1101)1 ) lllll Smith . ifui..J1000 IKKio Meyer . : . . . : .7- . . .11111 01110- Htuto Ijonuuo Alni'tlns1. The state baseball league will hold a moot ing at Fremont on March ' > for the purpos of adopting rules , llxing salary limit , guai nntco , and the transaction of other iinportuu business. . _ .Mainline of the I'o o tionuue. Uoloxv is the standing of tho-Polo loairao which resumes playing-Tuesday evening : Von Lost Wheel Club . , . ; . 5 3 " Kamblcra . . - . . . . 6" a Continental ; ! . . . , . 4 5 Council Bluffs . 4 5 Morses . 5 Another lirntlki-rliniut Victory. Piiir\i > Ei.i'ntA , March 15. The court oi common pleas today refused to grant the in junction asked by the Philadelphia nalionn league club to restrain William Haltman from playing with the Philadelphia players' ' league club. Hallrnan played with the na tional league club lust year and the latter , in its petition , claimed that under the "reserve rule" the club held an option ou his services for 1800. In the course of the decision , which is a lengthy ono , Judge Thayer says that a care ful reading of paragraph 18 discloses tua there is nothing whatever in it to bind .1 player to.sign another contract. All that Is enacted was that clubs * ehould have the prlvileco of reserving him for another year , but fulled to attito on what terms. This failure renders the contract incomplete nnd inoperative , and the fault lies with the Phil ndelphm baseball club. If it were true , ns claimed by their counsel , that the contracts binds the defendant to sign a mmilar con tract each year , then it is apparent that he must sign it so long ns it may suit his em ployers , Paragraph 17 of the con tract states that a club has the right to discharge u player ut ten day's notice for any cause , and bv this , In conjunction with their reading of para- craph IS , Ilallmun bus sold himself for life to them ut , a salary .of 31,400 a year. Ho has no further holu on them than ten days and is at their mercy. It is perfectly apparent that such a contract is so unfairnnd lacking in mutuality that no court of equity would bind itself to its enforcement. Off ttir tun South. , NEW YOUK. March 15. [ Special Telegram to Tun 13r.E. | Tin New York nnd Boston baseball players league teams silled this afternoon on the Savannah atoamor. Tlio clubs will pla.v in Jacksonville , New Orleans and other cities , and return bora" about AprilO. Keofo did not'go ' on'tuczount of his wife's illness , but with .Ewinsr , , Urown , Vnuchon , Crauo and O'Day ' will join the others as soon as possible. HIM D'Oislon. Bupr.u.o , March 15. [ Special Telegram to TUB ! 3cE. ] Judge Corlot heard argu ments today on his order requiring the National Trotting association to show cause why it should noi bs punished for violating the injunction restraining it from aetiug in the Nclson-Alcryn case. ' 1 ho judge took the papers and reserved decision. St. I'nul'ri New Driving CIii | > . ST. PAUL. , Minn. , Muroh l."i.-r-Sp8cial [ Tologrnm to TUB lints. I A number of citi zens ot St. Paul hold a mooting lust uitrht and organized a now driving -club. A club house to cost ? 25,000 is to be erected at Ham- line and a trolling and pacing meeting will bo hold in July , at which 3 > ,0'jO ' in purses will bo hung up. _ GuttnnlMiri ; Kucos. GDTTCNIUJIIO. March 15. [ Special Tola gram to TUB 13un. | The weather-was mls- orablo today and the track heavy. Sum- HJury : Threo-fourths of a mile tllbtlon won , Paradlso second , Ulessed""thlrd. " * Time ' 1:28X. : - . Selllnc purse , ono and one-jjliattor mKleS Vigilant won. Grey Cleud second' , Bothwoll third. Tnno ! il. : ! Six and u hulf furloncg Wahoo won , Maralo Hay second , Mala third. Time 1M : ! . Syliinjr , six and a half furlongs Fcstus won , Millerton second , Queen of Hearts third. Time lH4 : > . < u The Clifton handicap , three-fourths of a mileGlcnmound won , ClayStocHton SP.C- oud , Glendulo third. Time liiJSK. Soven-oighths of a nfile Ttfad 'itowo won , Tyrone second , 13av Hidgo third. Time Now Orloiitid Jl ic j7 , Pfow OULCANS. La. , March Ift- Telfpram to Tun Uun''J "Sumaiary.of to day's races : Five and a half furlongs Event won , Friendless second , King Hoxbury third. Time Isltljf. ' ml" 11 , . , Five-eighths of a milo Dllly Pmkorton won. Mollie Hardy second , . Ormlo third. Time -l:07. : ,1 . " One-half mile Mogcie 15. won , Lucille second , Castlilian third. Time SUJf. Ono mile Vice Hegent won , Panama sec- ona , Pete Willis third. Time 1:53. : Ono-hnlf mile Dakota won , Liono Star second , Lexington third. Tfmq-5p. " ' Two Chi Urn UroiutYqct. QUCDEO , March 15. The house occupied by Uobort W. Livingston .a farmer living at Hourglous , In this provlnoo ( buriioa last night. Two children of Mr. Livlhgslon per ished in the llames. . > or iiui-v. Tbo funeral exorcises orer the remains of John H. Sullivan , whqdled ut Council iiluffi Friday , will bo hold at St. Phllomona's cathedral at 10:50 : a. m. tomorrow. Solemn high mass will bo celebrated , by Father Mc Carthy and the remains will ba Interred at the Holy Sepulchre cemetery Mr.-Sulllvan is well known in Omaha and leayoj a host of friends , who sympathlzo with the widow In her bereavement , Ho was born thirty-seven years ago at Xanosvillo , O. While yet a child tils parents moved to McGregor , la. , and In lt > 70 they took UD their nbodo In Omaha. John graduated from the Omaha easiness college and was married in 1834. In partnership with his brother , ho carried on the business of a tinsmith for a number of years. For the last year Im has boon gradually sinking under the insidious inroads of consumption , and Dually succumbed to it. Ills youngest child U in a critical condition and fears are entertained that ia a tow days Bhu will follow her father. Mxili Ward Republican Club. Tbfre will bo a meeting of the Sixth Republican club at 1U club room , -3520 Lalio Btreot , . Friday ovenmg. March SI. Every member u urgently requested to bo prcgcBt , us very Important DUimesi will come before the club. GEN. RAM'S UNDERTAKING UK . -ii > / Evorjr Pot JTSp'n Olatm to Bo Ad judlcatcci.ln BIffbt Months. 11 i , n 11 HOW HE $ ftoPOSES TO DO IT .il t , _ _ _ Three VOUHR Blon Vrom the WCB In "Washington on ThotrV y to tlio Houilnti Ono n GrnilnntJ or Nelrt\Hkn.'rt University. WASHINGTON' BuiiEVtrTttR OrAnUHR , 513 FOUHTBB.VTH StilBRT. WASIIINOTO.V. D. C. , March Ifi. General Kaum , the commissioner of pen slons , hat undertaken the greatest ofllcia tasic over begun by any man that has occu pled his position. Ho proposes to udjudicnt every pension claim pending within the nox eight months , do 1ms notified the soimt committee on pensions to this effect. Short ) ; after General Kaum entered the pension of lice ho began n complete overhauling of tli routine operations , and a few months agi perfected a thorough organization. He thoi determined to rigidly cnforco the rule of tin ofiico which prohibits the making of n casi special unless an affidavit of a reputable citl zen is produced showing that the nppllcun Is cither npaupor and maintained by publd or prlvato chantynor is in n critical physica condition. This gave him n largo amount o time from his cloncal forco- , which has beoi occupied in answering letters relating ing to making cases special. Today members bors of congress began to receive conies o n circular letter in nnswor to their request ! to have the status of pension cases given foi tno information of claimants. It has boor customary for almost every person who hai a pension claim pending to write to his 01 her representative iu congress quite fro qucntly requesting congressional influence for the purpose of ascertaining the stntu : of pension claims. This correspondence hat become very largo at the pension ofllce , General Kaum says that during tlio wool * ending March 1 there were received 4.USC culls of this character from claimants through their members of congress , and at torneys during the same period asked fet the status of 20.COS , a total of 2 , " > , C04 calls fet the status of claims in ono week. Commis sioner Raum says that to answer the calls made by members of corigrcss nlouo would require the entire tluio of over ono hundred examiners and to answer the requests relating to calls from congressmen and attorneys would take the time of over flvo hundred men. Ho an nounces that in thu future he will refuse to answer the requests of either claimants , at - tornoys or members of cougress. Ho thinks that it is time thrown away to answer ' 'these letters because the claimants asking for the information wlllfotJJrnado aware of any testi mony that may bo needed to make his claim perfect at the tiniOf it is taken up for adjudi cation and that then plenty of time to fur nish the nccessar prools will bo given. Keforring toitnoj'clironc ( ! habit of congress men requustinfhe ' status of cases , the com- ' mlssioner says : , "To nuke proper reply to these coiigrosaipni calls and to give the status in all of tbp cases as requested would bo such an interforonc0 , ! with the other busi ness of the bureau as to almost suspend the work ol adjudicating ( jluims. " The couirnissionpr requests claimants to aoply to him to ( have their , claims placed upon the list ofi/'Completed .fires' . ' for initne- tliute consiuerartio'tl. Such applications may bp inado by thu claimants or their attorney ' ' ' " ' bTrcoorU'tind'ahirH'set ' forth. 1. That the declaration has beau made in duo form stating the service of the soldier , and the fact usto , thu.incurreacoof the disability bility and his discharge from the so'rvico. 2. That the proof show * that the disaoility named in the declaration was incurred In tno service and in thu line ol duty. ! l. That the proof connects the present dis ability for which the pension is claimed with wound or disease incurred in the service ami establishes the fact ot disability. 1. That tbo claimant has , with the au thority of the bureau of pensions , han u regular medical examination in respect to the disability described and claimed in the declaration. 5 That in thq opinion of the claimant the claim is fully made out nnd completed. In the claims of widows it must ba alleged nnd proof tnudo showing that the soldier died of an Injury or disease contracted in the service and that claimant is the solder's ! widow. -In the case of dependent relatives it must be stated that the proper proof of depend ence has been fllod-.iti the claim and that the soldier left no widow or minor children. If thn application is made by the attorney of record , in addition to other Rtatemonts re quired , ho shall certify than after 11 curctnl investigation of thecnsifho is of the opin ion that the case is completed. Claims placed upon thodist of completed Hies In iho regular order will ho considered in tno order of the date. This order does not apply to adjudicated cases. When a claimant or his attorney wl'l certify i i accordance with the requirements ubovo ordered that n claim is complete it will secure Ita consideration within n few days. All chums in which the call for facts lias been complied with will bo very soon reached for settlement. To act promptly upon all completed cases requires that no unnecessary > \ork bo done. The bureau l now adjudicating conbldorably more than fifteen thousand cases u month froiiKho ' 'completed tiles" ami that number will bo largely increased , , the commissioner says by the increase of the thirty additional medical examining surgeons which congress lias just authorized. Calls are now doing made monthly in 50,000 cases for the fucts to complete them. At this rate complete cases wilt bo mudo In ovary original case now pending m the bureau within the next throe months. The calls for evidence now being made uro In the order in which the claims were tiled In the bureau General Kaum nivs ; that ho regards this as ; falr to every claimant , and that lie docs not think it should , bu dis turbed , because ot any extraordinary cases ; thut ho Is very anxious to do everything ho can to hasten the Bottlemont ot every pen sion claim pending In the bureau atid feels nuro that mombora of congress and the great body of claimants are not nosirous of impos ing work upou.yjijDillco . which will actually Interfere with\jnf \ business of settlement. Ho asks that the pWho are aware of nny evidence donco wanting Intension claims shah try to produce it nnd sunn it forward and says tnat in any event claims will soon bo reached cither for settlonient or for the tlnal call for the c.videnco to Icompletu tno caso. The domocraUu press uiul jrallticians throughout tl& > v country have been proclaiming tha { . the work of the pension bureau \r not now going forward with greater rapidity than under their ad ministration , but tt will bo seen that General K.iuni has tmiilnrwonderful stride * In hU work ; that he ivm exceed the expectation * and iho prouii as fit the most earnest advo cates of pension chums. This announcement will not only bu au.uurccablo surprise to the thousands who huve pension claims pending , but to every man in congress who has boon doing so much work to cxpodlto the wishes of his constituents. Under the new order of things at tbo pension onico it is uselnss for pension claimants to write to their friends in congress rospuctiag inlluonco to secure any kind of action upon their claims pending before the bureau , ll will bo soon that thu entire pension business li to bo settled with in a fsw months and that the commission has established u sot of rules which will operate the greatest justice to everyone and no amount ot political luttuunco will Induce turn to waver from them , ziuLors vot'XO SIE.V. Three young inon from the west arrived In this city yesterday who lutond to sail on April 1 for the country of the Soudan in Africa , Intending to spend the rest of tboir lives in missionary work there. They are Key G. Codding of Nebraska , n groduatn of tbo Btato unlvarMty of Uncoln ; J. K. Jador- quist of Minnesota and Ctmrlen L. Helmick of Kunia * . Th'oy belong to u party of seven who are going ns pioneers to ppcu u way fur n largo band of young inlsilonarloi from the wciituru states who intend to dayote them- BOlvOR to tbo African field , They have bco giving nddrossei the last faw month throughout the country and liaro mot wit much success , Thor nro going on tholr ow responsibility and do not take up collection or ask for money in any way. Wnllo Iu thl city they nro making tholr headquarter * a the Young Men's Christian association an they will speak at the gospel meeting thor tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 : o'clock. BTATH MILITIA .UTllOrnUTIOHS. Intonao interest is being shown by inillttn mon In some sections of the country in th bill to give n larger appropriation for tb etato inllltln. Gonnral Ordwny , commando of the mllltla for the District of Columbia , i looking nftor the Henderson bill providtn ; for the amalgamation and mobilization of th regulars nnd the militiamen each year. 11 says : "Wo have been urging the passage o n simitar bill for the past ton years nnd th outlook was never so auspicious as a present , The .members of the house com in it tea nro unanimously in favor of th measure. I liavo vnrv llttlo uoubt but thu General Henderson's bill will become a law It will result In Immense benefit to tin national guard and will do more to build ut : the qltlzon soldiers of the country than an ; monsuro that congress has had presented fo Its consideration.1 RUiVlSU t.KAl ) OIIE t > UTT. The ways and means committee has do cldod the question'of Imported lead ores , urn the paragraph prescribing the duty on thcsi ores will road as follows : Lead ere nnd leiu orb dross 1J Cents par pound , provided thai nilVororo containing load shall pay a duty o 1 } cents per pound on the lead therein ue cording to sample ami assay ut the port ol entry , MO rr\ll Of IMI'HISOXMEXT. The newspaper correspondents who havi bcou writing secret session news of Uu Ronato are no longer threatened with im prisoiunont for refusing to give .tho sourcu of their information to the smelling com mittee of the somite. Thu latter luivo u ver.v Vivid memory of thu result of the imprison , meat of Hullnt Kllbourn for refusing tc answer the queries of u congressional com mltteo. Mr. Kilbourn says now : "It was yesterday just fourteen years slnco tin IIOUHO of representatives committed mole jail IIB the guest of the nation for rolusin ( . to testify before 11 congressional committee. It wns Into In the afternoon of u eloomy day and the congressmen wcro cc hungry and tired that I beliovc they would have sentenced mo to the guillo tine. I gained tny suit by a decision of the United States supreme court and the gov. eminent paid me W2UU ( ) in cash. Congros < nlonal committees have not been as quick to commit men to jail for contempt since. If it had mot been for the precedent which my action established I really believe tlio news < paper mon who have refused to dlvulpo the sources of their executive session uewa would bo m jail now. " NC V l-OSTMA&TKIIS. -Nebraska Uton , Saundcrs county , O. F , Peters } vice D.-S. C. Alexander , removed. Iowa lioonesborough , Hoono county , J. MiNowcomb , vlco Kamsey , resigned ; Now Providence , Hardm county , G. E. Miller , vlco H. F. Johnson , removed. South DaKota Wnvcrly , Coddington county , J. T. Harkness , vice S. P. Mnssey. removed. MISCEU.AN'KOUS. Mr. UOrsoy introduced a resolution in the louse today to have printed 20,000 copies of the consular report of Keichonberg on the sugar beet Industry of Uohomhi for the use of the members of the house. This i * the report which is to bo printed by resolution of Senator Paddock lor distribution iu thu lip'per branch of corigrcss. The house today p'assed the bill nuthori/- ing the municipal corporation of Ogden to iissumo u bonded indebtedness , including all existing , liabilities , equal to 8 per cent of the taxable property within that corporation. 'Ibis is the measure drafted by Mayor Kicsel , and which has be.en favorably reported to the senate. There are good reasons to hope that i bill giving Ogden a public building may become u law during the present ses sion. sion.Tho The Dubois bill , submitting the location of trto county scat of Shoshone county , Idaho , to the vote of thu people of that county , passed the house today. The housj committee on territories has nropoaed to the democrats to admit Arizona nnd Js'ow Mexico along with Idaho and Wyoming If there is placed ia the constitu tions of those states Idaho's test oath clause. An application has been made by Sitniuor Mundoraonjfor the establishment of a post- Dfljco to bo called ICoysvillo.in Sioux county , Nob. Nob.A A postoDlco has been established at Pace , Holt county , with Celindu Page as postmas ter. ter.W. . S. McICinzsy has boon ap pointed postmaster at the newly joublishod postofllcc of Arbuta , Uospor Bounty. An examination of the mail service s promised on tills route. Upon the earnest lolicttution of Senator M undersoil the post- nustor general has requested an inspector to 30 sent , to Choyonuo county to ascertain all , ho facts in connection with the Huyurd- tVollHvlllo Alliance poatolllco service. Mr. Dorsoy today recommended the np- > olntmontof Drs. Smith , Lewis nnd liarnos o constitute the pension board at Albion , Sob. Sob.Mrs. . Senator Paddock , nnd Miss Paddcck lave returned to Washington and are at thu Portland. Pr.unv S. HdUHC I roOfiflt lUUN. WASurxciox , March > . Mr. rom the committee on Pacitii : railroads , re- lortod a resplutlon calling on thq secretary if 'the treasury for information us to whether ho covornmont is owner or holder of first nortgago securities of npy of the Pacific ailroads which wern aided by the govern- nent and if so the amount of such securities ind when and in what manner and by what lutnority tbo sauia wcro acquired. Mr. Ureckcnridgo of Ar ansas offered a esolution calling ou the sect-clary of war or information regarding the facilities at ils command to guard the lands of the Mis- lsippi aiuj other works und if there was cnsou to apprehend unusual danger ' to lUtnan life , etc. Adopted. Jl'lio senuto amendment to the house bill iUthorlzing the construction of .1 bridge icross the Missouri river at Pierre , S. li , , vat concurred in. Public business being suspended the house iroceedod to pay Us last tribute to the mem- ry of .Tudiro Kelly. Messrs. O'Neill of 'ennsylvauhi , Holmari , Hanks , Mills , Mo- Clnloy , Ulughnm , Wilson of West Virginia , 'atnbron. McKoiina , Kerr nf Iowa und ithers made buloffistio addresses nnd then , isa * mark of respect to the memory of the leccaded , the house adjourned. ' < Ncfn-rtska. and Iowa WASUISOTOX , March 15. fSpooia Tclo- ; run ; to TUB 13nn. | Pensions hnvo been Tainted to Nabraskr.ns us follows : Original u valid William L. Kogers , Hong ; Still- Han Hills , Almu ; Gerald A. Porter , Steph- nsoii ; ' ' , T iimos O. II. Hobbs , Lincoln ; John 1 , Kmuts | , JIaydon ; John H , Dunkorsou , vlimleu ; James M. Overman , Curricos ; ; iiurlu * Gilkcraou , liurehard ; I cvl. H , yillm , Cr.ib Orchard. Increase Cyrus S. Jlason , Lincoln ; Atnos Thurlow , South ) mahu ; Keuben Falcmior , Fremont. Iowa pensions Originals Invalid- John L Uab , Koodors Mills ; William WOK. Wlrt ; Vllliam U. Dillon , Uosotu , John W. Stuart. tislngSun ; Orin Jowett. Darby ; Joseph irahnm , Cincinnati ; William Honshorf , > > ttago ; John C. Und ell. Atoulton ; .Tamos V. Trpnt , Cincinnati. Restoration and In- roa Ur-Aloinio C. Abbey , Korthwood. In- rnaHO William H. Hlakoly. Follqtls ; Will- , nl O.Vmslow , Newton ; tloury.r. Gutton- ierg , Mitchell ; Julius C. llradley , Muoc- ionla ; Horace O. Farrington , Stra\vbarry 'qnt | ; Kobort 1C. Kector , Klchanl MIIU ; Jhurles Stevens , Madrid ; Henry No'dhius. itarivood ; Patrick Hearn , Musoatlno ; Anios Juoitnian. Sibloy. Original widow Sarah i , , widow of Joseph NelT , Charltou. lltilh-r Pu. , March 15. Two boilers la ho Northwest colliery , three mlles north of 'urbondalo , exploded with torrlUo force luring the noon hour today whllo a largo lumber of men were Iu the room eating unch , Two of tbo men , George Hess aud etcr Titson , were torn to jilncos * Sovcral thors were painfully injured by the scald- HI ; toum und the debris under which they vero buried , nnd three or four of thorn will Ho. Itlarrlnco IJccnse. Only one license was issued by Judge Shields yesterday , the following bolng the iartiea : fame and roslddnce. A o. ; William H. Hrown , Omaha * J ; Clara Walter , Omaha , lit REGULAR SUMMER CONFLICT , It la About to 'Begin Botwoou Rnll nucl Lnko Linos. REDUCED EAST-BOUND TONNAGE Numerous Confcrencca Pnll of n Bnt- Isfnotory Settlement of the Dif ferential QitcBtlon Cuts 1'roniUod. Ii.iko nnd Ilnll tilno Troubles1. CHICAGO , March 15. 1 Special Telegram to TUB llr.n.1 The irrepressible conflict between - twoen the lake lines nnd the mil lines It almost . ready to nuatn begin Its summer demoralisation , The eastbound - bound shipments for the week will show n largo falling off in grain traffic , the reason being that It is stored In Chicago elevators awaiting the opening of navigation. In splto of numerous conferences between the rail and- lake lines no satisfactory disposition has bcou made of the differential question , and the season bids fair to open with n renewal of tbo old policy of the boat lines to cut rates to any llguro ncposnary to secure u Ipad. The Lake Superior Transit company bus hitherto been ti largo factor In maintain ing nt least nsomblanco of steady rates , but that organisation has gone to pieces nnd the lines composing it the Pennsylvania , the Now York Central and Eric have not agreed on lake rates. Last year tlio boat lines averaged sixty to seventy hours between Chicago nnd Buffalo faster than the average time by rail , which even now averages over seventy hours. In addition the bouts hnvis year by year taken DOW kinds of freight unit now they nro competitors with the rail lines oh all kinds except express freight. During tlio winter the Northern Pacillc has secured con trol of the American Steam llargo company. The Grout Northern controls tlio Northern steamship company , and between the two the Clucago-St. Paul lines will lese n largo share of their through business. The competition has como to bo so well un derstood , however , that usido from the loss of trafllo there will probably bo no disturb ance among the rail lines. Last season's competition discloses only the reduction in the corn rate , which still prevails. The understood plan Is that the Chicago lines iyUl stick to their tariff rates In order to niulntuln tboir locals and simply totaice their through freight which can not go by boat. IOWA NIOWS. Knllcd to Kind n Trust. DBS MOIXES , Ia. , March -Special Tojo- gram to Tin : UEK. ] Tlio joint legislative committee that had been appointed to find out whether there were any oppressive trusts in Iowa reported today. It spent live days in investigation and conlliicd its in quiries to the school bookquestion. . It was the original Intention to have the committeeinaulro into all kinds of trusts , but ns so little time was Riven them they looked lor nothing but a school book trust. They examined a number of witnesses , in cluding some ngcnu of publishing houses , but failed to Ilnd a trust. Thov report that there is no evidence that the publishing houses have combined to form n trust or to control or stifle competition in this state , and they submit that as a 11 mil report. Tlio result of this investigation wilt probably lessson in u largo decree tha clamor for state publication af text books , since the legislators themselves - solves Ilnd that there is nothunr being done lo prevent natural campetition amoni ; school i > ook publishers. The { .legislature. DEB MOISES , la. , March 14. In the house bills wcro introduced to provide for inspec tion before slaughter of all animals intended for food ; two bills to provide for state uni formity of text books , nnd the creation i > t n : ommission to punish fraud in the sale of iortcultural ! products. The following bills , vere passed : Legalizing acts for the town if Albion ; amending the cede in rouard to : ltlcH of the second class ; funding indobtad- icss ; enlarging the powers of cities and .owns in making contracts with olcctrlo ight plants , gas works , waterworks , etc. L'ho report of thu text book committees WAH Za "B XT TI I IwB C8 TT X3.p111 IVJlti y Ara the bait munlln 111 vrlilcli to purltj-your bloinl. During the * winter month" , the lilooil bvuomca thin nin ! Imp uo. the hotly become * ironic untl Uro t , thu ni'jictlle may be lost , Bti-1 Justiiow tlio system craves thonlil of n rollnblu niodlclno. Ilooil'sSars'iiurllhi U rcuuUnrly uclsptocl to purify nnd onrldi tlio blood , to crento n KOO.l npi'Otllu ' mill to overcome tlmt tired H'ulltifc' . It Incrunsen In popularity uvery ye.ir. Hood's Sarsaparilla In tlio hloal Sprlui ; .Meillclne. It roiuct the klilno.i uuil llvor , ton * tlio dU'eitlvii ou inn , creatji an up- petite , purlflos anil Altallro the Itupuro anil alu ifisli blood , enrol the lien ( nchu intl overcomoj all t.'i ! ) uro tnitlntf tUfccM of that tlreJ fooling. Mr. ( I. W. bio m , orillltmi , .Mail.rlt ) : "Kuril ve years I win lck L'rery uprlnif , but Intyoir be in In February to tnko llooj'.t bnrsaparllln , nnd havu not seen a nick ilay slnco. " April May "In tlio irprlni ! my whole cystem wns completaljr ruiiduwii. Two mouthi uuo I bexaii tbo moot Itr ur 8ur5apnrllHi ! Hint oftoruwlin : two imlllcj I tlnd my appetite restored , my nervous nyatom tonoil upaha inygenornl lioRltliKioatly tiiiprnre.l. I Ilierc- fore lnkn great pleanurn In tollliiii nbout llooil'iibar- mipnillla. I ttinnlilcr Howls hars parllla lian no enu l. " ( il olKii' HIUTT. lllll router. Gulllpolla. Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla lias n rotor.l of cum or Kcrofula ami tilher blood illso es uurer eiiualk'd by any other preparation , 'lha most fo\cro cases jleld to IhU remcJy when olln'ri liuvo fnllvil to liaro tbo nlliilite t orr-ct. Hr- ruJltury i.roriila , vrlilcli clln''t to tlio bloccl uIth thn Kreatuil tcnadty , Is eurcil by thin pecullnr medicine. Us many romarkablu cnrjs hnvo won for llood'n bnraaparllln thu title DC "Tlio ( irentcst lllood t'urllles UYcrdhKoyercd. " Mareli A.pril May "I win very much run clown In hi' llh , Iml no Btr n ( h Hint no Inclluullon | o do iiiythlnn. llmTO bvun takliiK Ilood'n Hitrtaparllht uml thai llreil fu l- lug liat loft mo. my appolllo hu nsturned. I H'U tlko Bucnmun. " CilAlLNCUrlMrilAM , North Columbut , Olilo. IIllOlI'M felirMIIHII'lllll Hold by all ilrufiiUt . lit U fur fo. I'roparuJ only t > y C. I. IIOOO A CX ) . , l/iwcll , Ma % . 1OO Doses One Dollar In both houses. On account ol the limited time tho- committees hfld not made the oxnmlnatlon ns thorough ni da. nlrod , and did not hnvo BUfllciont opportunity to Investigate thoroughly , nnd lienco could not ay definitely as regard s the existence of trusts. The rcoort wns illod nnd ordered printed. In the senate thti morning , nftor the r.y * > port of the trust investigating com - / mltteo was nrcsontcd , n resolution wns In-/ troduccd to rontlnuo the time r / thirty day * . It went over utiilor the rule . . Ulllsforo Introduced as follows ! To appro prlato $ 1,500 to pav the expanses of tliORtuto university Investigating committee ; to ivg- tilatORaloof mileage book's on railroad * ; to amend the printing nnd binding lawn ; to amend the huv in relation to registered pharmacists. SonfnorClyde's bill , provid ing for the assessment of taxes on railroads , was passed , Oath's bill , compelling mliiu owners to ptaeo cscnpo Rhafts In mlnoi. and I Stowart's bill , providing the iinnner of 1111. } ing vacancies in the cftlco of count v recorder , J were also passed. Adjourned till Monday. A Novel C.1HO. Dunuqui : , Ia. , Mnrch li > . ( Special Tola , gramto Tun Htt-A : : | novel case of viola tion of the United .States innritimo law came up hoforo the United States commissioner today. John M. McGlmiei , a ilshermnn , was ( jlmrgcd by Major McIConzle , chief of the United Slates Mississippi river rngl * noers with cutting u hole four feet deep nnd Jlftoon feet long In the government ( lam at babuln. The object wns to divert enough water from the channel BO that the llxlimmin could lloat. hit boat from itho sloughs to thu river , McQInnos pleaded guilty nnd g.vvo n bond to nppoarnt the April term of court. Flrn nt MIsHourl Vnllfy. Mifsouiu VAI.I.BV , Ia. , Mnrch Ifi' [ Special to TUG Hct : . ] Friday night a largo barn ou the farm of Jacob Cox , u farmer living two miles northeast of this city , WHH buriiei' , together witli eight head of norno * . sovoriu head of cattle , nod n largo quantity of buy untl grain. The lo's Is fully M.tMO : Insur'- auco il00. ! ! Incendiarism Is the supposed origin of the lire. Killed In n 15 n ll n way. EAGI.K Guiivn , Ia. , March lo.-tSpocIul Telegram to Tun lii : , ] Last night , us MM. A. llromlo.v wns driving homo from town , the \cuiii became frightened and ran nwnv , throwing Mrs. Uromloy In front of tlio wagon. She wus so badly Injured that siiu died iu a short time Unruhcll , WoonsTow.v , Ont. , March If" . . Uotectlvo Murray brought to jail Charles buck , a far mer residing half n mile from the Sv'ono of the lietnvell inuraor. The day on which Iho uiurdcr was supposed to have been com mitted Buck , while driving homo from town met a man on the road near where the body was found. Uurchell was brought out of his cell and confronted by Huck. As soon ns Iho latter saw the prisoner , although hln clothes were different , ho rccogm/od him us the stranger who accosted him on the road. lie Biiid afterwards that the coat which Uurcholl wore when ho saw him was a , sack coat of a bluish color. Detective Murray has such a coat in his possession. Uurchell had nothing to say. St. Patrick's Hay. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will meet this afternoon in secret session to com plete the details of their cclebr.itiun of thu anniversary of St. Patrick. So far it is known that delegations from Council Bluffs , Pinttsmouth und many other neigh boring cities will bo present , tor cethor with their several bands , nnuV. , u largo procession Is promised on Ireland's own day. The local order will turn out largely. The llnj of march of the A. O. II. on March 17 will bo as follows : Form on Fourteenth street aud Capitol ivenuo , west to Sixteenth , nrrth : o Cunilngs , counter march south : o Farnam , east to Thirteenth street south ; o Howard , east to Tenth street , north to Dpuglus atreet , west to Fourteenth struot. lorth to Hull. Mlchaol Dollard will bo the ° ; rand marshal ! . --0- A Soolnl Ijftornry Glul . Last Thursday a literary and social society vus organized nt Dean { Gardner's residence Cho members nro. Dean Gardner , Messrs iL. . Bailer , Arthur Achoion , .loiiah Hill , F. 13. Shuohnn , F. E. Smith , J. A. Hohlnson , Element Chase , O. Us Moaurior , K. Potter , yo , SUze , Wills , Murbury aud Smith. Social gatherings with occasional literary ( elates uro the objects of the club. April May At the coming of xprlllt : thn blood nhmild bo purl- Hod , an Impurities which hnvo boon aociiimilatlnx for months oroveii year * , are llnblo to manifest tliciu- eelves and seriously ailed tha health , lloo I'H y.irii : parllln U untloubtodly the boil blood purltler. Itux- pola orcry taint or Impurity , ilrlrui out Merofuloui liumoranml Bcrnn of ill'e.ise , and Klioilo thu bloo 1 tlio quality und tone csiuntlal lo KIKK ! ho llth. Hood's Sarsapa-rilla Is nreplrc ; ! from Sn . > | inrllln , I ) uuloll Jn , MnnJr.iko , DockJunlpvr llorrlos.aiiil oiiiqrwoll known Twetublo reuicJIof , In such n peculiar muntier HI to UurUo Ilia full luo.llclniil ruluotif vncli. It wllli-uro , when In thu power o [ inoillcine , i urofnlH , Salt lllmiiii , Sera < llol's , IMmple' , nil Humun , Djijio.iilii , lllllouinij'i1- Hlrk lloailiiL'bo , Imll estlon , ( icncral llebllltir , U.t- tur.li , Khlni'7 unit Urer Complaints. April May "I know that Hood's rtanaparllln In a KOOI ! thfuit. 1 wni Bcvi'ruly troubled with bllllousncsi , anil t'ioii < ht IiMinld try lIond'AKarnapnrlllii.Vlici \ I linil tnkon Imlf n toltlinotleiHl | n lilg clmngu for ttiu bull * ' , nnil uflir tnkltu tno bottle * I couMilunul my- m < lf cnlimly uuroil. lliollovo tliioir n npnilllu will Oo alltlintliclatmeUforU. " .1. H , Biurll , Uolloclor lor lloll Ti'lephono Company , TJ iant ilaln Mr. at , Ilucbrjter , N. Y , WS"V 1 ? Hood s Sarsaparilla 'I takr Hood's SBiTapcirlllaiu a uprllitf Ionic , unil I recommend ) t to Hllwholiaro that mlwruUlu lire I fcchiiL' . " C. l'.Mt > iAi.v : > ' , aiUIIrlilii ) Struel , llrooklrn , N. Y. "IVKllne InneiiU nn-1 illity. Imvlnn nci nppctlto itn I IHP aiiibltloii to work. 1 look Hood's bnrnnparlllu wlili tlio Lost rosulla. AH n ( icalth InvlKorator and Inr poni'ial dolilllly I tlitnlc It superior lo unylhliiK elo. ' ' A. A. lUKKH. l.'tlcn.N ' , V , _ March April May "II y health vtui very poor lant | > rn ! atid iulnisn nilfrrlliainunt ul llood't Kampatl In I thountit 1 would try It. Hlins Wriixl woiilors for muuiltbui liullt uty nyiteiii up. 1 liaru lokou four bottlu anil am ou tha nflh. I r coiuni nU It to my ucqualnt * V , nncei. ' JUHW MATTllliWH , Otncgo , tt , V , > * OIood'H Hold by nil lrciKiiHt , tli nix for t'l. I'rcpuroa only by U. i. noun * Co. , i.o : i , > u . 100 I > set Ono Dollni'.l