16 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNBG1Y , MARCH 10 , 1890.-SIXTEEN PAGES. The boom for Furniture Garnets and Stoves lias come. Our Grand Spring Opening last week was an immense success , people were actually turned away , - ot the town. Our sales-last week were more than double than the same week a year ago. We will fur- talk Our fine assortments ; low prices d easy terms , is the of time to lor them. If doubt any nish your . houseTfrom parlor to kitohenV in \ a very comfortable only style convince , at a very moderate but show cost you , the and finest you can line take ever your brought own - fflivi n Vl o pay . Free delivery for you 100 TVl ! I QCl. . Oar our assertions , come and see for yourselves will not you tickets furnished those living at a distance. * " " ' " ' " nniiiii miiiirvrn1"'i" ! Cook Stoves worth $14 this week $9.25 Wood Seat Chairs worth 65c this week 28c JNote Our Easy Terins.i * T / r\ Cook Stoves worth $20 this week $12.50 Kitchen Safes worth $6.50 . . . .this week $3.45 . $1 \vcok $4 month. $10 worth of goods a \ or $ u $25 worth of oods $ i.co \vcok or SO n month. Haiiges worth $35 this week $25 week . Bedsteads worth $3.50 this $1.45 . $50 worth of goods $2 n wool : or $8 n month. Chamber Suits worth $2O this week $13.50 875 worth of goods S2.50 a woolc or $10 njnonth. . Wash Boilers worth $2 this week 88c 8100 worth of goods $3 a week or $12 a month. Chamber Suits worth $3O this week $19.50 $200 worth of fcoods $5 a week or $20 a month. Potts' Irons ( per set ) worth $4 this week $1.60 Ingrain Carpets worth 40c this-week 23c Saby Carriages worth $15 this week $9.50 > Matting worth 40c * this week 16c Baby Carriages worth $20 this week $12.5Q Brussels Carpets worth $1 this week 67c Bookcases worth $8 this week $3.75 Stair Carpet worth 40c this week 18c Bookcases worth. $1O this week Hugs worth $3.50 this week $1.90 Gasoline Stoves worth $ S this week $5.75 Parlor Suits worth $40 this week $23.75 Folding Beds worth $35 this week $25 Plush ( Rockers worth $14 this week $8.50 Folding Beds worth $50 this week $35 Comforts worth $2 this week $1.25 laounges worth $9.50 this week $6 Pillows worth $1 this week 40c Bed I ounges worth $14 this week $9.50 I ace Curtains worth $3 this week $1,50 Bed Lounges worth $19 this week $12.50 Chenille Curtains worth $8 this week $4.50 Wood Pails worth 25c this week lOc Sideboards worth $25 this week $14.00 Hanging Lamps worth $3SO . . . this week $1.85 Hall Hacks worth $12 this week $8 Wardrobes worth $13 this week $7.5O Come at once to avoid the rush. Wo trouble to show goods. Jtfo extra charge for collecting. No interest charged. All goods delivered free of charge and \ sold on easy payments to South Omaha and Council BltifFs. TPPUTT 17 * THE RIGHTS OF THE STATE , Ex-MInlator Bonjamln on the Dan- of Over-Legislation. THE EXAMPLE OF SPARTA. AConipleto | .SiibJtiKiUlim nftlio Kl hls of tlio "Individual The 1'rlnci- plo onhieh Our Gov ernment Is itnscil. Mncnlfylntr tlio State. * From the beginning of the world to the present day no question has re ceived inoro constant and general at tention than the solution of the urob- loin of government. The happiness of every man is at stake in this question. Btrungo to say , notwithstanding that Bomo .approximation towards a satisfac tory solutiqn ot this perplexing subject Rppoars to have been rouchnd by sev eral nations , thus ofloring a model for others to follow , yet the question has never been more earnestly discussed than now ; this may uo in part because of the greater general freedom permit ted to the pcoplo in the direction of government affairs. But in this coun try at least it is also duo in part to the fact that , while the true principles of government are bettor understood at present , many details relating to the practical application of those principles tire still in u nebulous or experimental state. There have been few sovereigns who would bo willing to admit that they wore inspired by other motives than the welfare of their people oven in tholr most arbitrary nets. Even the czar of Russia , when ho undertakes , in this nineteenth century , to iorco all his tiubjocts under the sirossof horrible pon- ultics to bow at one shrine , to speak but ono language , and to avoid political discussion or the seeking after individ ual liberty , would doubtless vehem ently assort that ho is moved by strong patriotic motives alone. Most sov ereigns , whether peed or bad , hnvo boon blinded by such spacious pretenses - tenses , ignorant of the tricks which our mysterious human nature will play on us. MAClNirYINO Till : STATK. The fact remains , however , that gov ernment has been almost everywhere in all ngos , a magnifying of the Btato and a minimizing ot the people and the individual. The state has boon every thing and the individual nothing. This might not always have resulted in evil especially In small or now communities , like the Greek ropubllo or Rome in ourly days. But the trouble has boon that in most cases the hered itary sovorlgn has boon do facto if not hi theory an epitome of the stato. "L'otut , c'est mol. " I nm the sinto the famous dictum of Louis the XIV if aomowlmt too llutly put , is Btlll in point ot fact a correct definition of government as it haa been practiced the world over during those thousands of years past ! Even the so-called republics of Greece mid Italy wore actually oligarchies in which the goornmont was really vested in the hands of a low ruling families who lived olT the Btnto and for whom the state practically existed. Till ! KXAMl'MS OF Bt'AUTA. The most remarkable example of this form of government , in which the iden tity .and the rights of the individual citizen or subject were merged in the state , was that of Sparta. This example is the moro noteworthy because before the declaration of inde pendence by the continental congress of the United States there novel- was nny moro deliberate , moro carefully considered or more thoroughly tested an experiment in formulating a' theory of government than the plan said to have boon invented by Lycurgus and put into practice during several cen turies at Sparta. Although nominally a monarchy , the government of Sparta was really an armed camp , whoso sovereign was a and whose hereditary gonoral-in-chief citizens wore soldiers who surrendered their very identity as it wore to the state. They sat at common public mess tables ; both sexes , belonging from birth to the state which had arranged the selection of the parents , were obliged to exercise naked at the vigor ous public exorcises of the gymnasium , while those who were constitutionally feohlo or deformed were Killed lost they become a burden to the state. To sucli an extreme was this principle of the supreme importance of the state carried that durincr the protracted Mossinian war , when many of the adult males were slain , n number of vigorous young men were selected from the army and ordered to return to Sparta for the express purpose of roar ing a , now generation of soldiers ; for the good of the state the women , whether married or single , submitted to this promiscuous intercourse. In Suartn then the state was everything , the individual nothincr. The state. which is merely an abstract lig- mont of the brain , was elevated to bo the chief end of gov ernment. The same error was mndo in the case of the Pharisees , who assumed that man was made for the Sabbath. What was the result ? Sparta loft no arts , no sciences , no litaraturo ; she made no lasting impression in the progress of the race , and when she foil , nor citizens were the most sclllsh and corrupt in Greece. They had been taught but ono principle , physical courage and strength developed for the state. OTHER EXAMPLES. Most governments existing since then , which have shown evidence of vigor on the part of the rulers , have practically treated the people as if they existed only for the state , just as the church 1mb too often treated the world , as though the people were for the church and not the church for the in dividual soul. Enormous crimes , ap palling cruohtios , have boon perpetrat ed by both church and state for the pur pose , of forcing men to accept this prin ciple of civil and spiritual govern ment. This is all wrong. Society exists for the bonolit of every unit that composes it. Government or the state exists not for itself , but for the individual , and is then only what it should bo when it al lows the greatest possible liberty con sistent with order to every individual cit izen. The state should be like the heart ; man docs not exist for the heart , buttho heart for man ; so long as the laws of hyglono are observed , the heart per forms its duty of sustaining the lifo of the individual in a quiet , invisible way , never interfering with the thought or the action of the being whoso action it sustains. The Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So a government is ordained for man Indi vidually and not man for the govern ment. Only on this theory can that liberty bo preserved for which our fathers fought and without which life is w.cll nigh intolerable to the thinking men and women of this generation. It was exactly for tno purpose of forin- I ulating this basal principle of govern ment that the colonies rebelled and formulated the constitution whoso adop tion marked the greatest era in tlio progress of free government since the decline of Sparta. It is the rights of the individual and not the glory of the state which the constitution lays down as the foundation principle of good govern ment a government "by the people for the people. " Those facts are so patent to our people - , plo who have now for generations im bibed clear and generally correct no tions concerning the right theory of government , that it almost seems ab surd to recapitulate them again. And yet it is necessary from time to time to recall them , for the reason that there is a real and growing danger that those very liberties which have boon assured to us in this way may bo stolen from us through thoughtlessness or failure to perceive some of the dangers which threaten our dearly bought independence. There is unquestion able danger that wo may drift back to the mistaken and most deplorable theory - ory that man is for the state and not the state for man. It is not likely that outside of the ranks of the organized hierarchy of some branches' of the church , anyone could bo found to ad mit such notion. And yet tlio ill-con- sidored efforts and practice of too many arc loading precisely to such n result. If it comas , wo as individual citi/.ons cannot evade the responsibility of con tributing to bring it about either by negligence or by not sulllciontly scruti nizing the character of tlio men who make and administer the laws for us. TOO MAXY LAWS. Without looking at other causes , lot us re 11 cot for n moment that besides the two houses of congress there am no loss than forty.two legislatures grinding out law for this long-sulToring people ; most of thorn outraged in this tremendous deus task annually. Forty-throe legisla tures steadily making new laws or tin kering with old ones , for a nation having not twice as many people as Franco ! Law is a good and necessary thing ; so is medicine ; but ono may have too much ot cither. Aside from the fact that wo have twice as many laws as wo need , many of th < 3so laws are positively bad , bad as law and bad in practice. It is quite possible that a people may become so enmeshed with various potty laws , that cither it is bound hand and foot if it ob serves them all , or it becomes a nation of law-breakers ; for it is impossible for sueh a multitude of laws to bo always strictly observed even by law-abiding citizens.rlho greatest caution is re quisite in legislating regarding matters which are not in themselves bad , al though perhaps liable to abuse. Better that such abuse should follow some times , than to hamper respectable citi zens with a law whoso force they fail to appreciate and for that reason flnd it hard to observe. Man is not made for the state , but the state for man. UVH < 3 or The danger from this cause is two fold. In the flrst place the common weal is imperiled when too much law loads to a disregard of some ol tlio laws , and hence a disrespect in general towards the majesty of the law ; and in the second place , danger arises from the resultant indliTornneo to the character of those whom wo delegate to make our laws. Granting that n certain proportion tion of our legislators are men of sound practical sense , high principle and pure patriotism , the fact remains that by far too many of thorn are either hopelessly partisan or they are stooped in ignorance and besotted with their own Eolf-concoit ; or thoj are men feeble in will power , or trimmers , who , for the eako of retaining ofllco , make that the truiding principle of action ; or , worse than all , they are ranting fanatics , who are elected or got themselves elected to such responsible positions with the dis tinct purpose of forcing on the people the practice of some pet theory or im practicable so-called reform of their own on the spacious plea that it is for the good of the stato. Most great re formers are men of canncst views , who by dintof theirsingle-mindtidnobStheir arrogant , determined bearing , and everlasting persistency succeed in over coming all opposition and producing great ultimate public bonolit. Un fortunately , while most sclf-btylod re formers are men of such character , but few of such churactor light in a thoroughly good cause or i dvocato theories that would prove of bonolit to any but themselves. They arc , however , by fur the most danger ous men we send to our legislatures , for they possess the very qualities that insure success , and when they do not convince they finally win by dintof per sistent hammering. These nro the men who , for the so-called bonolit of the state , are willing to sacrifice the rights of the individual and throw to the winds the dearly bougct liberties for which our fathers fought and died. To thorn the state is everything , the indi vidual nothing. In Sparta they would have been tyrants , in Spain inquisitors , in this country they are legislators. Tim NATURAL HKSULT. The natural result of this condition ot things is a growing tendency to resort to what is called mor-il or sumptuary legislation. The experience of past ages has shown how rarely such legisla tion proves bonollcial or permanent , al though it may bo expedient in rare discs. Besides weakening the inilu- cnco and responsibility of both families and individuals , and lowering the moral influence of the church whnn functions belonging exclusively to re ligion nro relegated to the civil aw , the final outconu of this form ot paternal government must inevitably prove disastrous to that respect for in dividual liberty which so strongly dif ferentials our government from that of different periods or of many other na tions. The perfect system docs not ex ist mid probubly never will in this world , llonco great caution shoxld bo exorcised that in avoiding ono apparent o\il , wo do not. fall into one far moro serious and nermanont. Wo admit that as society impravos it becomes more complicated ; just as the Atlantic steamship of today is far moro intricate und oomploxan nllair than the ship in which Columbus came to America. Uuttyot it can never bo for gotten that however vast be the in crease of detail in the mechanism and organization of such a steamship , the Hi-tit thing and the last thing to con sider in that iiromlorful fabric nro the rights and privileges of the passenger for whom it was built and for whoso bonolit the company was chartered. In like mnnnor , if our republic pre sents n far more complicated system than the governments of other ngos , it should still never bo forgotten that tlio state was founded for the people and not the people for the statr. Wo have far too much legislation ; whatever bo the remedy for this over-legislation , whether by reducing the number of legislative sessions or by exorcising moro caution in the selection of our legislators , or otherwise , is it not time for us to consider the drift of events ? Is it not time for the people to empha size anew the fact that man is not for the state , but the state for every indi vidual manV S. G. W. UUJMAMIN. Uttlo Flaxen Hair Papa , it's raining. Papa ( somewhat annoyed oy work in baud ) Woll. lot U rain. Uttlo Flaxen Hair ( timidly ) I wa yoluK to. CONN UmAM TIES. Within the list twenty years the courts In Kansas have prantod 7,101 divorces. A man who hail cloood ftom Easton , Pa. , sent his wife a note from Jersey City tolling her to tclro care of the baby. „ James G , mid Ann Tomllnson of Plain- Held county , Indiana , lately celebrated thu seventy Hist anniversary of their marriage. The husband Is 100 and the wife ninety. A Jackson county ( Mo. ) man is suins for a divoroo from the woman ho woddoci thirty- cigbt years ago. Ito said his wife made him Jo the washing and the general housework. A widow in Now Yorlf lias , it is said , brought a suit for damages against r. well- known nourolofjist for taking her husband'8 brain , and also lor vlnlntlng an alluded con tract to RIVO her Sl.OUO for usinghor husband as a medical object lesson. Do Trompy ( to a former flame who has boon n party to a May and December mar- naijo ) Is marriage a failure i Former Flame ( with u glanca toward her husband In the next room ) Not a failure. Only n temporary embarrassment. Rufus Thompson of West Swanzey , N.H. , the father of the actor. Doiunan Thompson , w s married n few dava ago to Aars. Sarah A. WaiUor or Westminster West , Vt. Mr. Thompson it eighty-throo .years of ago and ttio bride is eight years his junior. There Is n man at Crawfordsvillo , Ind. , who has loft his wife four'times. The first time ho was gone seventeen years , five years the second time , two years the third and a year the fourth timo. After leaving the fourth time his wife obtained a divorce and now ho is buck upain. Slio has always made tier own livelihood. A man and wife residing In North Minne apolis , who own forty acres of. land Within the city limits , were ottered § 200,000 for it llvo years ago. The husband wlshtid to soil , but the wlto refused to sign tlio deed. The result was a quarrel between the pair , since which time not a word has passed between them. The wife coolis for both , but they oat their meals at ( separate tables and sleep in' separata beds. An Englishman who c.-.mo to this country thirty vears ago , leaving a wlfo at homo to whom ho soon alter ceased writing , was amazed Sunday at his boarding house , In Cohocs. N. Y. , by coining face to face witti her. They eyed each other for a moment nnd than embraced. She Had been searching for years for him , going from town to town ill over the rountrv. Ho was u weaver , and wont to Cohoos from Phlladolyhla. An English court has just decided that a wife married In Japan after the fashion of tiiat country is a legal wiio in England , on the ground tbat "Japan has long been recog nized as a civilized country. " A previous decision in a case where tlio wife was a Hottentot and was married after tlio Hotton- tot fashion had upset the union on the ground that the Hottentots were heathens aud poiygamlsts , and did not know what niarnago , in n civilised sense , meant. An old bachelor of sovonty-two winters by the name of Nell of Watanga countv.Oeorgla , wantnd toinnrry Miss Myra McCulleck , n pretty young girl seventeen years old. Nell loved the girl bettor than his own life , and whim ho proposed to her she rofuscd to marry him , Ho boirgcd and pleaded with her , nnd finally she told him aho never intended - tended to speau to him again. Nell linmodi- ntelv wont away , nnd securing an BY , ho laid his right hand across n log aud with ono stroke cut It oft at the wrist , saying ttiat it would bo a mark of nflllctlon upon him for learning to love a young girl whom ho ought to uuvo kuowu would uovor marry him. An AliHoluto Cure. The ORIGINAL A WE TINE OlNTMENr Is only nut up In larao two-ounce tin boxes , and Is un nbsoluto euro for till sores , burns , wounds , ohappod hands and all skin erup tions. Will positively euro all Kinds of piles. Aslc for the OUIUINAL , AUIETINE OINTMENT - MENT , Sold by Ooodman Drug company at ! 25 coats par box by mall 83 coats. Kearney Is hustling hard for n ball team and have good prospects of securing the fol lowing players : Ted Heady or Or mid Island , catcher ; O. F. Mauler of Topeka , pitcher ; A , Bvdnoy of Silver City , la. , loft and olmngo catcher : Harry Gatovvaod of Omaha , right ; Leo Klpu of Ashland , Wis. , pltchor ; Charley Crane , third ; Ullly Wilson , second ; Leo Pond , short ; li. U. Barnes of Lincoln , first , and 0. F. Ueardtloy , uildUlo and manager. The ( New ) Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute Corner 9th nnd llurnoy Streets , Omaha , Neb. Corner ittlli and Fariiain Continuation of our Great Closing Out Sale ESiiiidrudK arc IK-IIIR made luiM ] .V < lu'connlor Ilio Won- < ! orl'u ! HJiu-aaint wo are oH'crin ; ; on IHverj tiling. ALL DI/MOfWS ! RETAILED AT IMPORTER'S PRICES. W vrcllKS ImtUes1 or Onnlliiinon'ti lif-nvy ! > IIIH | K cnnc-d , solid ( old , stem win ICIH. wnrruueil KOOI ! ilinorH , Ir.im J lIO upivnrtlH. Imillrs' iln sol'il ' cold and ir-numo ( Iliiiuoiul UIIHUUVntclicx , ful jcivoldd mnvoinrmty , only $ : I5 and upward. Al'l nilinr wnu-lips In nroiioKMI. . . , , , . . , lUWI3ljllV OliiiHi , l iokoii-Il nan nn'l ' all otliisrjpwolry nt nlioiil llAlifi1 nu-niiir | iiic ) 'n. < looks iiru colii'r lasr at our AIAHKKI ) DOWN MGUItlSS $ l > CLOCKS gn lor $5 , Ate IO/.OIIH ol'nijIoH to Hiili'ct IYIMII. rini'st iiHunrtinont or IjaniM | ever hliowu In Oinnlin ( rom $5 up > .V " > " . Stn : tlinin. Iloiiuttriil llcyoiul iloic-npllon In our line 01 Silver anil line < | ii.ilriiplc-ilntul ] wiim. It inii-t hi > HIHIII 10 tin appi-roiiitoil. Illuli , novel nnd origin il < lpfliiii ; Kiorjiiun | , Water SetH , Ten Siilf , Krull , Snliid and Nut HVH < | , Halco J > IHII > H , MUIP Tureens , IllHOlilt Jar * , O ko ItnsUrtH , Ililltor JHsliitH , IMoklu Stands , Individual OUHKU-H , Napkin llolili ri , CHP , "ti- . , ItrHlcJc-H nil IIIIIIOIINO llnu ufHinnll warn" , In artistlo pntipi-iiN , all or wliluli nro iDliiUfolrl atalinui 5 DK.\T.S ON Till' ) DOMjUt. . STOIti : I'OK KKNT AMP riXTIJK 2& B'OIt SAM : . B. i'cat ICoiliiution In IVICIM ol' INiiima anil