Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1890, Part II, Page 13, Image 13

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. H. BEEB S , President *
JANUARY 1 , 189O ,
Amount of Net A . * cts , .Tnniinry 1 , 1889 $ SVS21,33 ? . 19
Premium * . ' jw.nM.fiw.ofl
. deferred premiums , January 1,1B8U I.W3.73I.B8 K,5SitC1.10 (
Interest and rents , etc. , , CiUV 'O.T3 i
D. . LAW Interval accrued January J , 1833 4'jl.M'i 'tt- 4..V77.ni5.1l fri.mai < 1.3t
v SH8i)87 ) , < ! 0'-MJ !
Losses liv < 1 ntli , nnd niidowmonts matured and discounted ( Includ
ing reversionary iiddltirmi to Knme )
Dlvldum's ( Including mortimry.dlvldcnds ) annuities , nnd purchased
Total puld 1'ollcy-liolders l-.l-'U-'l.Cfl
Taxes anil ru-lti'iirancts , 262,737.17
C'ominlsnloim ( Including advanced nnd commuted commissions ) , broker-
RIMI. tigency expenses , physicians'fees , etc l.'ii.OVI.Cl
Ofllco and law expenses , rentals , salaries , advertising , printing , etc . . BMVtiKliO fl7.9M,3'l.Q7 )
$101,027 , ! ! ' . ! : ! . 1(5 (
rushondtpojlt , on hand , and In transit. , . . . . . . . . J'i.917.837.7.3
Uulteci States Huntls and other bonds ana stocks ( uinrfcut value. ) - . ttUl2.1B3.ll
Jtpnl l-state . . . 1J.2I2.B" ! . ! ) ;
Honds und .Mort . ( s. llrst Urn on real estate ( buildings thereon Insured
for f I MIA.UUU and tin ; policies aligned to the company ns aJdltional
collBti' iccurlty ) . . . . . . I8,10JfiliM
Temporary Loans ( inailcel vuluo ot tcutrlellcs held aa collateral ,
tlQTIri.1) ) ) , 3.709.0M.OO
Loans on oxNtlni ; policies ttlio Iteservp on tlieaa pullcles , Includoilln
Liabilities , amounts to over W.UW.WK ) ) . . . . . < 347,331.39
Qunrtftly nnO beinl-anuual premiums ou existing policies , duo subse
quent to Jan. JW ! 1,535,01537
J'remluini on exlstlncpollcle ? in courap of transmission nnd collodion.
( Thu lto or\o ou these iibllclu" ) . Included In Liabilities Is estimated
at ? l.7tO , W ) 1.10I.S1V103
Agency balnnci-s . . . . . ! i,2OT.5l
Ti ' ' jAccrued Interest on Investments. January 1,18 411'JH.ttl tlol. < B.t M3
* A ( li'tallfil hdicilulo of these I touts will accompany the usual annual
report Hied nlth thu Insurance Departmental the State of New Vorlc.
TOTA L ASSETS , . .Tniniiu-- , 18'JO ) Jt05,05:5UOa.JtJ :
Appropriated ns I < IOWH | :
Approved of payment ! HU,517.)7 ! )
Kouortoil loiies atrnltlnK > poorc 'J75,39t8ii
Matured ondournents , dnu and unpaid ( clAlmi not presented ) 40.M2.VJ
Amuiitlui duo and unpaid ( claims not presented ) ! W , ! ) . ' .W
llttcrved for re-Insurance on existing policies ( Actiinrles1 table I percent
Interest ! 5OOI,1 6.W
Ilcservuil fur contlnRont Hahllltlos toTontlno Dividend 1 nml.
January 1 , luny , over and above a 1 per cent reserve on ox-
Istlnjr policies of that Uass ffl.123.777.13
Addition to the fnnd during P-W -KK : > ,541).1U )
T > r n UCT - t T-'l317.SU
Itettirned to Tontine policy-holders during the yoat on ma-
lured Tontine * I.OIP/MJ.IS
Jlalnnco of ' 1'or.tlno I'niid January J. 1WO 7,
lleserved for premiums paid In advance 4 ( > .C18.'I
i)7,5.1 ! ) : { ,777.iS (
Vhhlljle Surplus ( rompauj's ncn Standard ) $7,517y8'2I.2S {
$105,053 , UUO.UU
Siir | liis ly tlic NIMV York Slate S < tindnrd ( > iicIiuUiiB the Tontine
" " : $15,000,000.00
, ( January 1st , 189O. )
TOTAL INCOME , over $ 29,030,000 , ,
BENEFITS TO POLICY-HOLDERS , over. . . . 12,000,000 , ,
NEW INSURANCE WRITTEN , over 15 1,000,000 ,
ASSETS-over 105,000,000 , the New York State Standard.ovcr 15,500,000 , ,
INSURANCE IN FORCE , over 495,000,000 , ,
Received from Policy-holders in Premiums for
Insurance and Annuities $223,526,284.49
Paid to Policy-holders and their representatives.$129,344,058.87 ,
Assets held as security for Policy-ho Idcrs , Jan
uary i , 1890 $105,053,600.96
Total amount paid Policy-holders and now held
as security for their contracts $234,397.659.83
Amount paid and held exceeds amount re
ceived $10,871,375.34
Received from Interest , Rents , etc. , in forty-five
years , 1845-1889 $ 52,868,069.94
Death losses paid in forty-five years , 1845-1889. 50,040,257.60
Interest - - - . and - . . -t-- Rents - tfn , i , exceed Death losses . . . - . . - . paid , „ , , . , , . . , $27827,8f2.34 iia lB I iaMWMM2 Mtt *
tMiirr. m nr r
Dividends paid in forty-five years , 1846-1889. . $ 37 > 395.6oi-5 °
Surplus o\er Liabilities , under new State Law ,
January i , 1890 15,600,000.00
Amount saved Policy-holders from table
rates $52,995,601.50
The Now York Lifo wrote $1,8OOOOO in now business in Nebraska during
1889 , which is raoro than was secured by any other company.
DR. GEORGE L , MILLER , Manager , D. SILVER STEIN , Special Agent.
K. S. FORD. Cashier. WALLACE WOOD , Agency Director ,
But the Witty Correspondent
Turned It-to Account.
IH Very I'Hjiid How Ono
Udportor Out Alionil of Blainu
Slicriiinn Very ADpi'onclmblc
Jiiitlce Grny'MiinobbUliiicss.
interviewUK ! Coimrosmnon.
roii'o'it | ' I WO. tyFrmil ; C . Citrptnttr.
\\'ASIIIXITOX , March 13. | Special to Tun
Bnn. | 'I ho tempest In the senatorial tea pot
which has been raised ns to the reporting of
the secret sessions by the newspaper corre
spondents is by no means new. livery year
KumiimlB , Harris , Wilson and other sena
tors iiiako wild threats : uT.mst their broth-
era who ( -lvo out the dolups of the executive
sessions to the reporters and the avenues of
news ore so many that the executive ses
sions nro nioro fully reported thtin the open
ones. About three-fourth ! ) of the senators
hold conlldentnl rclntlans with the loading
newspaper correspondents and every news
paper imm in Washington has ono cr moro
men upon whom he can rely to give liim ao <
curuto Information ns to anything before
congress. Many senators give out news
without knowing it and nn adroit in *
I'viowor U never nt a loss for the facts in
any case , acnator Edmunds' position in ro-
Kard to .executive sessions is so well
known that ho is seldom approached by any
ot the old correspondents. Your reporters
now and then attempt to interview him ,
and ho treats them politely , telling them
their mlstnko und asking for tho'.r address ,
laying that if they will civo it ho will send
them a document that tlioy may read to
their advantage. The green reporter thora-
upon gives his card , and thu next day ho gets
by mall a copy of the rules of the senate ,
with n blue pencil mark around the follow
Ing paragraph :
"Any senator or oftlcer of the senate who
shall disclose thu secret or couildentlal busi
ness or proceedings of the senate a hall bo
liable , If a senator to suffer expulsion from
the body , and if nn oftlcer to dismissal from'
the horvk-oot the senate and to punishment
for contempt. "
hcnutor Kdmunds
upon any subject , though ho ttotnetimes die-
talus his vlows upnn certain questions before -
fore the senate , anil when ho does the tallc is
always worth reading. Ho often gives In
formation with Urn proviso that the matter
ahull not Housed in uu interview shape , and
ho is In this respect muuli llko n number of
hU urother senators. Ingalls often talks in
this \vay , and his conversations sparldu
with lueas graphically expressed Ho is
lull of iuformatlau , Is up to the
times on every subject and if ono can escape
tin prohibition to publish ho is good for n
column any hour of the day tionator Sher
man thaugli'ha U said to bo cold is always
ready to talk to u newspaper man. Ho nn-
'hwers tilt questions put to him and gives in
terviews whenever ho ei.n. He will not say
\\lmt ho docs not. want to and ho is perfectly
f rank and open ! n his expressions. Ho somo-
tluioadlclatCH his niplics to ttio Interviewer
and ho la acceislblo both at the senate and
nt his homo. Lcland Stanford is another
very ruve slblo man und ho has aa many
ideas to the square inch , as any other states
man in the country. His head It cbocK full
of information.of all sorts and 1 hayo never
heard a subject mentioned In his presence
upon which ho had not something now to
say. He Is not afraid to say what ho thinks
and his tnlko are ulwai readable * . Senator
Allison talks readily but ho hedges so much
in his statements as to tatco the life out ot
tlicm. Hals too much ot a diplomat and ho
roosts on the foace.
Senator Hoar of Massachusetts never sub
mits to nn Interview , I remember iny first
experience with htm. I was correspondent
for the Cleveland Loader and I told him that
I had been sent by its editor to nsk him cur
tain questions. Ho was siMing in his dress
ing gown nnd slippers in his library when 1
made this renin'rk nnd he straightened him
self up like n shot and shut his mouth line a
clam ns ho chopped out the words : "Well ,
young man , you may nut your questions , but
I warn you that I will not answer ono
word. "
I then told him that I did not expect to in
terview him by force and that if ho had
nothing to say there was no use In my ask
ing questions. Ho then told mo that ho had
made n resolution to ptiblisu everything that
went from him into the papers over his own
signature nnd begged ray pardon for his
Bcomiug gruffncss. Ho wanted mo to stay
and loolc over the cartoons in Puck with
him , but I thanked him and left.
I llnditbat the New England senators are ,
as a rule , afraid to
and the most snobbish man on the supreme
court bench is Justice Iloraco Gray. Ho
nuvor Submits to nn interview nnd ho told
mo on co when I asliod him some question
about supiomo court misiness that ho
thought the country would bo better served
by .his attending to the business of the court
than by saying what ought to bo done as to
its improvement. Not long ago u lady cor
respondent of Washington was preparing an
nrticlo on the private liabrarios of tlio capi
tal. She ivroto to the leading statesmen who
wcro known to have collections of bookn and
asked permission to call and see ihoin. From
uvurymnn of prominence with the exception
of Justice Gray she got n nolito answer.
Gray's reply was formal almost to rudeness ,
; iml It stated that Justice Ura.'s . library had
been gathered together for other purposes
and tintt the public would bo Just as well
served by not hearing anything about it.
This is from the Justice of the supreme court
who wont down the river with the president
in nu English hunting costumo. a month or so
hgo and who , whoii I called upon him , re
ceived mo in n Rill ; velvet coat , natont leath
er pumps , a velvet vest and light pantaloons.
Senator Dawos of Massachusetts is not
averse to nh interview and ho talks well.
Speaker Head now and -then gives n sentence
or two to the correspondents , and McKmloy
is n good friend of the newspaper men. Joe
Cannon is full of idea1) and tie can grind out
n column an hour. Senator Hawley is very
busy , but hn Is a newspaper man himself
and ho will talk freely if you catch him at
leisure. Wailo Hampton never interviews ,
and the reporter who gcU anything out of
Joe Hrown is u genius. Cusbman 1C. Davis
of Minnesota is always ready to give uway
a good thing when ho has it. I remember
once calling upon him about 3 o'clock in tha
evening. 1 was told to wall : up to UK bed
room , nnd I found him with his head on tha
pillow nnd the bedclothes well up to the neck
of his frilled nightgown. Ho told mo that
ho had had u hard day's work und that ho
had go no to bed early to sloop himself fresh.
Ho said ho could bleep at any time and
that ho was good for twelve hours
or could get nlong with four as neces
sity demanded nnd ho gave mo the Informa
tion while ho lay in bed. Frank lliscook of
Now Vorlc IK u poser. Ho seems to swell
when ho U asked for an interview and if lie
has not smno nxo of his own to grind ho will
soy that ho is very busy Just now , but that if
you will call upon him tomorrow ho will ho
ublo to toll you whether he can talk or not.
Senator Joe Hlackburn is a good man to In
terview but n hard man to report. His
language is so llowery that you lese the
ideas if you are not careful nnd ho ought to
boqnotcd Just as ho talks to do him Justice.
Voorhoes u cautious , but ho often tells a
good story. George Vest Is full of Ideas. Ho
Isuotnlraid to tallc and ho dictates nn ar.
ticlo ns well .as most correspondents can
write it. iio walks un and down us ho dic
tates imJ his words flow freely.
ns yot. It is not considered etiquette to ask
him questions und the ordinary rule Is tout a
c.vblpot minister ought not to bo Interviewed.
Nevertheless Wnunuamkor talks frequently ,
Wludoui gives out expressions on BOUIQ sub *
Jccts nml IJIuiuu has made ono or two ut
terances since ho became secretary of itato.
SpoaUIng ot Blaiuo and the newspapers ,
ono of the beat stories that I have ever hoard
in regard to his experiences with reporters
was toht last ulcht on Newspaper row. This
sublect of executive sessions was up und a
number of the correspondents wcro chatting
about public men and interviews. Smith I ) .
Fry ot the St. Paul OloDO. described Ulalno's
adrealurei with George Nicholas. "Nicho
las , " said Fry. "was a reporter of the Chicago
cage Tunes , which was during thu days of
Editor Storey , a great friend of Bluine's.
IJlamo was in Chicago nt the Granil I'ac'.lic
hoiol. and Clint Snowiien. the city editor ,
sent Nicholas to interview him. As ho en
tered the hotel ho saw Mr. Ulainu go into
tlin dining room arm in arm with n promin
ent politician of Chicago. Ho waited until
they came out and saw Blaine go to the ele
vator nnd up to his room. Mr. Nicholas then
sent up his card to Mr. lilalne. The boy returned
turned immediately ana said that Mr. Blaine
was not in. Nicholas waited half an hour
and sent up his card again. Thosnmo result.
Ho waited another half hour nnd s * > nt
up another card , and still Mr. lilatno
was not in. Uy this time ho was rather an
gry , uud seeing across the street nn old Chicago
cage an who looked very much llko Mr.
Hlaino , it occurred to him that ho would got
oven with Mr. Ulalnc by malting this man
personate him. Nicholas was a curious fol
low. Ho stuttered In his speech und ho was
a good deal of n wag. Ha went over the way
and patted this man on the shnuldur and
said : "Howdovou do , Mr. Hlaino. ' ! The
man looked around and replied : ' 'What i * U ,
Nick ) What's the layi Haiti Nicholas : "I
hnvo been sent out to interview Mr.
Uiainc , and ns you loolc like Mr. 131aino 1
will interview you , " nnd ho
The man took tbo cue and ho answered the
int. rrogatorlcs in n characteristic manner ,
saying Just the things , however that Uhuno
should not have said. Ho referred in Impo
litic terms to General Grant rind criticised
Garllold. Nicholas wrote up the interview
and it was published In the Times. Lilatno
noticed it the next day when liq was
traveling somewhere in too cen
tral part of Wisconsin. Ho was \ory
angry and ho telegraphed to Mr. ritoroy that
ho had had no interview with any of his reporters -
porters arm asked what ho meant by such an
outrageous misrepresentation. Storey grow
excited over tbo telegram. Ho called in
Siiowdcn nnd asked who had written that
intorviuw. "It was George Nicholas , " ru-
plied the city editor.
"You must discharge him at once , " said
Mr. Storey , "tho interview never wok place
nnd I have gotten this telegram from Senator
LUaiuc. " Snowdon went back to his oRlco
and a moment later Nicholas came in.
"Well , Nicholas , you'ro tired , " said Snow-
den. "Ulalno has telegraphed that ho had
nothing to do with that interview ana tbc
old man says you've got to go. "
"Indeed,11 said Nicholas , "I think both
Ulaino ana Mr. Storey have not road the
interview. It does not pretend to bo a talk
with Hlaino but it expressly states that it is
n talk with a man who looked like Hlaino , "
uud thereupon Nicholas told the story
of how Blainu had illtreated him ,
how ho had sent up his card
three sepirato times , and how Ulamo had
refused to BCD him. 'That alters the case , '
uid Mr. Snowdon , nnd ho thereupon went
in to Mr. Snowdon , nnd tbo two looked over
the article together nnd found it was us
Nicholas had stated , Mr..Storoy was very
angry ut tha treatment of his reporter by
Mr. Blaine when ho had aono so much for
him and ho asUcd for Nicholas. When Nich
olas came In ho said ;
Mr. Nicholas , if you over treat u publio
man that way ngnjn I'll discharge you , but
for the present you may stay , and your sal
ary will bn $10 instead of $25 par week.
Gooa day , Nicholas. '
It was n short tluio after this that Nfcholas
came to Washington. Ho wus engaged ns n
reporter on Uio National flopubllcan , ut tha
head cf which was Quoreo P. Gornam , who
hated Ulalno and who was lighting him.
Ulaino'd hatred of Gorlmtn was equally
great , and Ulaino would never have
thought of giving an interview
to the National Republican. Ho
was building his bouso hero than
nnd spent some hours of each day In watch
ing its construction. Nicholas was sent to
Interview him. Ho watched for tbo tluiu
when ho went out to HOD his now house on
Ucpont Clrolo and just as Ulalno entered the
front door Nicholas Jumped down through
the coal hole and took oft lib coat , rumpled
up his shirt and in a short tlmo appeared before - ,
fore lilamo in ths attire ot a workman.
Ulalno is , you Unow , a very approachable
man upon certain occasions , and Nicholas
wont up to him and said :
"Mr. Ulalno , wo workmen think some
thing about politics as well as other people
and do you know that 1 have been greatly
interested In your great career. 1 liked
your speeches in Virciuia nod as for tbls
on-of-a-gun who edits the National Repub
lican ana who Is always denouncing you , wo
workmen don't think much of him. "
This was said in Nicholas' stuttering v/av
nnd Blaine listened to him , sympathized
with him in bis effort 10 talk and was ovl-
c'ontly Haltered by his appreciation.
tcllinc him what nu thought , of the issues of
the campaign , nnd drawn out by questions ,
gave n long discussion upon the matters
which were of the most interest
to the people at that , timo. Aa
the talk went on , however , ho thought his
workman seemed to know a remarkable
amount for a man in his position , and sud
denly stopped und asked :
"By the way , young man , who are you ! "
"I I I er , I am the man who tried to
interview you for the Chicago Times iu
Chicago , but d tl did not succeed. I I
am now in Washington , and I er write for
the Republican. "
To say that Blaine was angry is unneces
sary. Nicholas loft , however , baforo he expressed - <
pressed hU wrath in. notion , and the next
day a long and important intnrviow appeared
in tbo National Republican iu which Blame's
views weru given to the public in n charac
teristic way. \ ou would hardly find a cor
respondent in Washington who would at
tempt to got an interview in this manner to
day , nnd the action of Nicholas would not bo
approved of by eitner editors or correspond
ents. The newspaper correspondents are
us a rule fully as gentlemanly in
the potting of their information ns
the inost poll to of the statesmen and there
is not n man in the gallery who would betray
u confidence or n secret. Most of thorn nrn
close in the counsels of the publio men , und
not u few of ttictn daily keep bacl : informa
tion intrusted to thorn in conlldenoo which
might in alia them money and which often
mignt ruin the publio men who give it to
The rule , however , in newspaper work is
that n public man , in giving un expression tea
a correspondent , intends it for publication
unless bo absolutely prohibits or requests
the contrary , Ono of the funniest inter
views ot the past thrco years was that
which was unconsciously given by Senator
Ink-alls to Mr. Lowsloy , then of tbo Wash
ington Post but now connected with the Now
York World. Mr. Lawsloy was sent to in
terview Senator Ingalls on politics Senator
Ingalls did not want to talic nnd ho turned
the conversation ut every question that
Lowsley put to
When Lowsloy asked him as to the pros
pects of the party Senator Ingalls remarked
that Mr. Lowsley's beard needed trimming ,
and "as a friend" told.him "a gentleman
could not go through'lb ; ) ( without shaving
himself nt least onco.rt day. You should
s have the tlrst thing In the morning , " said
Ingalls. "You will wantu cup of hot water ,
and ns to the nuor < JL
Hero Lowsloy brokojlni "But , senator , I
want to usk you ns to the presidential situ
ation. " ; l
"I was speaking of the r.azor Mr. Lewsley.
I would advise you to get ono of the Shellleld
muko of a hollow blade" and the lighter and
smaller the better nnd- " '
"Hut , Senator Ingalls''Mnterrupted Lows-
loy. "I want to talk to * you about the political
ical- " ,
> rAh , Mr. Lownley , I/flrpot to spoalc about
the soap. The finest so46 you will nnd on
tbo market is that nmdf'in Now England by
a man named blank , " i > rj\ \ hero Ingalls men
tioned tbo name of oij't cjf the noted soil )
men of the United Stages . , and went on with
a quarter of a column of eulogy In his Usual
linguistic pyrotechnics upon the virtues of
this shaving soap , Mr , Lowsloy finding ho
could not cet what ho wanted , loft , und hav
ing a certain amount of space to
fill ho wrote up tna Interview on
shaving , quoting Ingalls' words as they
wore uttered. 'I'ho next day everybody m
Washington was laughing over this Inter
view , and by tbo following wcok It was
copied into nearly every paper In t'io United
States. Senator Ingalls did not object 10 it
until be , saw it on ono of the advertising
pages ot Harpcr'u Weekly. The shaving
soap man had taken a ptctura of Senator In-
galls and had paid for a whole page of Har
per's Weekly for this and the interview ad
vertising his soap. Mr. Lawsley bought
Harpers' the day it came out und bo bad it
in his pocket as , going up towards the capi
tal , he mot Senator Ingalls and said :
"Senator there arc some things in my life
of which I teal very proud and some for
which I am sorry. I feel for once , however ,
that I have done myself great credit and I
have never appreciated that fact us just
now. "
"How no ? " said Senator Ingalls.
"I Iind that 1 have been the humbio means ,
senator , of making you truly famous. I have
elevated you to the rank of Patti , Henry
Ward Heecher , Lydia Pinkham , Harriet
Hubbard Ayur , nnd the other really great
who ilnU their placn in tbo advertising col
umns of eroat nowspaoers. "
"What do vou mean ! " said IngalU.
"i mean this , " said Lowsley , and ho there
upon handed tbo senator the paper. Ingalls
screwed his double-spoctacloa eyes close to
the paper a moment without speaking , and
then ho raised it .up and said :
"My God , Lowsley , you'vo ruined mo. "
"Oh no , I think not , " said Lowaloy. "It
Is Just as you gave it to me , is it noU"
"Yes , I behove it is1 snul Ingalls , 'aud
there is no use in trying to lie out of it. I
couldn't afford to enter the ring with a great
professional liar like yourself. I will do ono
thing , however , t will prevent the appear
ance of that advertisement. " and thereupon
the BPnatorwont to his room nnd tolocraphod
to the soap man that if he did not taKe that
advertisement out of the paper ho would bo
subject to a suit for damages. Tbo result
was that the advertisement was dropped.
N > \v Coitus House , Itiin. City.
Absolutely flro proof. Finest anil
Itircost hotel in Kivnsas City. Unex
celled in its appointments.
Norway lias 1 university. 40 professors und
50 students.
Franco has I university , ISO professors nnd
O.ydO students.
Belgium has 4 nniveistties , S3 professors
and 2,400 students.
Hon. Warren Currier of St. Louis has
founded a scholarship of $1.000 in Colorado
collage , to bo known as the Currier scholar
Miss Mary A. Greene , LL.B. , is deliver
ing a course of lectures at Lasoll seminary ,
Auburrtilnle , Maw. , on "Business Law for
Women.Miss Grccno specializes the legal
points most important to the conditions of
women. Her lectures nro cordially received.
It is lucky for most college graduates that
Latin and Green are dead languages. I'ho
young gentlemen with the now sheepskins
would llnd thorn troublesome to meet In
overy-day life , if they were allvo.
In tha stata oratorical contest recently
held at Lawrence , Kan. , the representative
of Wnshburn college was awarded the lir.n
place. This Is the second consecutive award
to Wusbburn college in competition with the
loading educational institutions of the state ,
including the State university.
The attendance at Marietta college , Mari
etta , O. , Is increasing.vear by year. There
nro ninety-live in the collotro class moro
than over before in the fifty-four years of Its
history. Fifty-six nro members of churches ,
of whom twenty-two nro looking to the min
istry. Onu is a Persian fitting to teach in
the in is s 10 u college. Two Indians , active ,
religious men , are lilting for higher service
among ttioir peoplo.
The National Educational association and
Council of Education will hoi 1 their next
annual conventions at St. Paul , Minn. , July
4 to 11. IbOO. The Hon. James H. Cnn-
llela , of Lawrence , Kan. , is presldont of thn
association. It is expected that there will
bo twenty thousand teachers present from
all points of the union.
Under the wise management of President
Slocuni , Colorado collage has had a highly
prosperous year. There has been a largo in
crease in students , and important additions
have been made the faculty. A now dormi
tory for young men baa been completed at a
cost of f'0,000. and very successful efforts
are being put forth for securing a girls' hall
before next September.
The Installation of the Hon. Seth Low as
president of Columbia college will direct at
tention to the remarkable development o { the
principal American univorsltlos in the last
quarter of a century. U is safe to say that
during this relatively short period such edu
cational Institutions as Harvard , Yale ,
Princeton and Columbia bare made a greater
advance In their pecuniary resources , in the
size of their professorial stuffs and in tha
number ot students than in tuo preceding
hundred years ,
The trustees of Uobert college. Constanti
nople , of which Dr. George Washburn i
president , have made nn appeal to the
friends of the college and to nil who believe
in the power of Christian education in the
east , for funds to the amount of $150,000.
Of this sum ? 'IO,000 is needed for u building
for chapel , halls.'gyninnsiums and gcientltic
work : $ .20,000 for n president's house am )
for necessary improvements in existing
buildings , nnd ? 100,000 to increase the en
dowment fund for two now professors and
for increased expenses. Iho value of the
college property is estimated ut f 130,000 ,
and It has an endowment fund of S-00,000.
At the annual meeting of the department
of superintendence of the National Educa
tional association held in Now York city ,
there was u largo attendance of suporlnten
dents , most of the states being represented.
Papers were read on various topics , and dis
cussion followed. Among tbo papers was
ono on school statistics and legisla
tion , by Mr. La Folletto of Indiana.
Ho made a plea for a better
basis of statistical enumeration. The dis
cussion on this subject drifted into criticisms
of the work of the national bureau of edu
cation. Some thought that it presented too
many statistics nnd othcrn thought it would
do far better work If it nad nn adequate ap
propriation from congress. Mr. Pntteison
of New Hampshire made a strong plea for
unsectarian schools. Ho thought that the
teaching In public schools should always bo
moral nnd religious , but strictly undenomi
national. Considerable time wus devoted to
the discussion of the subject of the educa
tional oxbibit in the world's fair of IbO'J. A
resolution was adopted expressing symnatby
with American authors in the efforts they
nro now maKing to obtain from congress an
international copyright law. On the subject
of "City School System What is the Best
Plan of Organizntionl" the feeling seemed
to bn that the most important thing is to
keep politics out of it.
PARIS , 1859 ,
The Highest Possible Premium ,
mm i KM
* GR0SS 0F
The President of the Company.
1H5-1H7 Walmsh Avo. , Cluongo.
220 North 10th Stront , Omnlw.
Legal Blnnlcs should bo
clearly printed on best
white paper.
113 Soiuli lUtli Struct.
AtChlcaco.March 17 tufa. UiO ,
Inllultrry O.ailJulnlliK fc pol-
lion UutlilliiK arciiomii ut nil
l.lntls Including fn ltruiU-ninTnl
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t irraMirf nllhr t. I > U [ mporlf J& ( , r < iloHIillloM , 1 Hirrt.
Of thu many brrfUira making c n lKnmi'liH wo men
tlon I. . 17. Klil | > | wo , UnllfoniU ; H. I * . IVpK.r | , Churrli
Ilrni , ami La * In Cook. Ki'iitucki i t ) . A. Iliuwno , llk-li ,
Jl.I , Marc , Ili'l . Wnt..nHInck I'uni , \\lt will In , mlil
Hir U'ilkt-u , by Heonro U'tlkexi Jinlfrr IIUT < r4 , OC.tir
Hnlwrt Mcnriirni. 2 I7K > Ail-nil , by htnillCalll. S It'fi '
Kcntuelb > I'rlnrppsi Kintr rhnllia. 3171 , by I'hallnv ,
s 11' < ; flniimin by fnllfninlt. liw , C'nifnoc , 8 20H , by
Madria lni | > arlp < lnnil ( litxlu Drift Hlnlllons ami Mnrvii
ciinM ; nM by Oiilllirnltb llioii K M ItruH Hunter
Ilri > , nrjniiritvlllO\ , 1'rul lnbitol Mllnailkrc , Wlb. )
J I ) IkvLctt. Chlcneii , III , Ufai'ii HUM ottnna. 111.
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Itibltod to } nni f riemlansa cumplutif uiirwnrk.iiDd
use jour inlluonco In BocnrlnK orders for 119. Thin
inn6onn/iJe offer ; utlunli luulfiU. : Wnndoiit
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jonrpclf of thtarnronpiicirtnntty. Write namnnnd
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tarn with portrait. Aildrcru ,
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Iterelvcd today , a new lot of
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Kluvnlorj. MIIIU , C.ntorlin. nr hncdal lucblucry ,
r aclnio , ami Illuo 1'iltiu Jiirnliliei ) .
Member Air orlcnnHoclrty of Mcclmnlral Knxlacor
, mmm
y snn tl Bl tatlrvlr fr * ni bf
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Ukl , ptr..C * > f ri ll it nijNii ltfi Ar'i. L n ; .l.14J . ( U m4l' iM. . Hmtiiitil :
kf . .llbtr F.mtifl.i iu . HoiB 1I It
2 1