Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1890, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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Monday , St. Patrick's Day , will bo a regular gala day at oui1 store. The most wondct'ful bargains
over offered will bo on solo Monday , and irony loft , will go Tuesday. Don't forget wo nro broak-
Ina things all to pieces , tuid wo propose to mnko Monday n slpm winder. Have vou soon the dis
play m pur show windows , of French Ostrich Tips and BrocadoSilUsln all the colors of the rain
bow ? Those tips wo do not expect to carry. Wo closed this lot at a rldlou'Iously low price , and
will give our friends and customers a benefit. Our Basement is still booming. You can buy al
most anything you can use in house furnishing goods , and at one-fourth usual retail prices.
Great sale all next week on Carpets , Lt\co Curtains , Portieres , etc. Old Carpets madoovor and ro-
lalcl by experienced workmdn.
fi.OOO pcnnlno Ostrich Tips , in nil col-
OTH.Vo will ollor them at l"jo ouch
until Bold. They may bo all
sold Monday , but if not , they still po
Tuesday nt llJJc each or HSc n bunch of
't ; come early and not good bclcctions.
200 Indies' nil-wool black .Stockinet
.Tackcts , Monday $2.60 , worth 81. See
our iimtHui.-o line of Indies' Knclish
\Vnlldiifr Jackets at $7.60. (58 ( , $10 , $10.50
and $12 , all at special prices.
100 doxcn Gents' Cloiulod Mixed Half
Tlojc , only.lUo pair. Seamless , JN'ot
half price. *
Eflbot on Thontrlcal Troupes of a
Recent Decision.
A Not Improbable Outcome of the
I'reficnt Stnto ol'Affair.Motl , -
JesUn'r ) London Debut
Thrntrfcnl l'roH | > ? cti ; .
The recent decision of Xho interstate
commerce commissioners in what is as the Baltimore fz Ohio case is
likely to produce a profound cft'ect upon
the theatrical enterprises of this coun
try. What is called the combination
system , the touring of stated routes by
nomad troupes of actors , had hardly
displayed the old stock-company organ
isations when the interstate- commerce
huv fell upon it with disastrous force.
The concessions of succial rates and of
passes in the ratio of the combination's
numbers becomes at once illegal.
For a little while some passen
ger acents slily evaded the law , so that
lull faros were not by any moans paid
by overv member of the wandering
troupe , says the Now York Sun. But
the jealousy of competing managers
and the undeniable earnestness ot the
now commission soon put an end to this
illicit tralllc. It was , however , re
placed by a recourse to what was calico
the picnic or excursion party device ,
whereby any band of theatrical tour
ists exceeding ton ir. number obtained
Kiiuh reductions of faro in tha aggre
gate as are lawfiA in the eases of bonn.
lido oxcursionibts. This fnot was ilrat
hrought to the notice of the interstate
connniHsion by the very managers who
recently appealed to the commission to
establish a modus vivondi ; and their
too candid presentation of their uaso ,
instead ot bettering their fortunes , last
wcok induced the closing of the lust
iK-ronfter such organizations as the
Casino oncra company , borne soventy-
llvo people strong , must like an errant
pair of negro minstrels , pay not only
lull fair for every individual member ,
hut must pay for excess of baggage to
the uttermost farthing. The suvero
conHquciico of this decision may ho in
ferred from the fact thnt ono comio
opera company , which went direct to
Chicago from Now York , had to play
four nights before it was reimbursed for
xlio cost of the journey. '
Discouraged as they are by thin seri
ous impost , tlio combination managers
nro awaking to the appearance ot
another quite as ruinous iirosuoct. Lo-
i'til theaters no longer uiiiko ovoii a pretence -
tonco ot providing scenery adequate to
the slngo uses of the present day , so
thnt very shortly the traveling combi
nation will have to carry with it scomo
appurtenances not only costly to con
struct , tint appallingly expensive to
ruder the stress of those conditions
tlio most optimistic combination mana
ger and u moro sauguino creature
does not exist is beginning to question
the policy of keeping up n system
which , while It devolves upon himself
nil Iho labor and all the risk , diverts
all the prollt Into the treasury of the
CO pieces of Handsome Brocaded Silks
now designs. These silks at price quo
ted , JlOc , is not half the cost to manufac
ture , in colors crcnm , pink , light blue ,
old rose , brownnavy8greensotc. ; come
500 fancy Drapery Scarfs , all hnnd-
seine colors and designs , worth from CUc
to 8i5c. Choice Monday 2oo each.
Monday wo place on sale a new lot of
Indies' very superior quality Fast Black
Huso , our own importation , every pair
warranted fust , black , double soles and
double heels. Only fiOc pair none can
toueh them.
local theatre. And lo confirm his de
jection , ho already appreciates the fact
that , while not a single manager of n
combination makes moro than a bare
living , every local manager in the
United States of any standing whatever
has accumulated a fortune.
The local managers ot the flr&t"class
now understand that next season the
road will bo strewn with wrecks , and
that a very small percentage ot the en
terprises gayly launched in the fall
will over inuko a winter harbor. It
is the logical result of this apprehen
sion that several of our larger eitics
will once moro he favored by revivals
of that only real school of acting , the
old-fashioned resident , sleek company.
Until thnt most desirable consequence
Of the ruling'of the interstate commerce
commissioners shall arrive , we must
continue to rely upon the solo existing
nursery of the dramatic art , the well-
worn stage ot the variety show.
IMiuIJL'Hkn la I
Mr. Wilson Ihirrott thought it well
to excite public curiosity by posting
largo bills in conspicuous places , with
nothing but "Modjpslcu" in monstrous
big lottci-H. Though my iiiinio hud
boon iiiontionoil in thu papers , it was
yet iiiMcnown to the grant majority of
people. "What is MntlJitskuV is it
alive ? " wits ono of thoquestions I heard
in a ear. Some guqssora thought it a
tooth wash or someoxotie cosmetic for
tlio faco. Kvoii to iho pcoplu whom I
mot socially I romiiincd a , Uind of unKnown -
K-nown quail lily. Only u few days pre
vious to my appoaraneo , at a rocoptiou
given in my honor by a kind mond.
Mr. Hamilton Aide , I was approached
by a lady who asked mo in what lan
guage I was to perform , writes Mmo.
Moujohku in tlio Arena.
The Amarican correspondents were
only of little avail to mo , I fear. There
was at that time u kind of distrust in
London against American actors and
American praise. Englishmen were a
little nfrnid of being taken in by
Brother Johnnthnn.
Though on the now continent Anglo
mania had boguii to spread through the
largo c-itlcs of the east there was no
such thing as Amoricomaiiia in England
at that time.
I had therefore uphilr work- before
mo. I was to overcome the natural dis
trust against a newcomer , a foreigner
and an American and the play so-
Icclcd by mo might prove another ob
stacle , us It braved the English social
prejudices and preached the lo&son of
forgiveness in opposition to tfio morals
of the day.
My llrst performance took place in the
afternoon ot May 1,1S8U. Tlio house
was full. Through the inllucneu of a
Polish friend of my husband , Mr. M.
Jarac/.ovaki , attnehou to the person of
the prince of Wales , both the prince
and princtiss were present. The rumor
ot their coming had helped to bring the
representatives of fashionable society.
The big loltorri of the wostors had some
thing to do with the tilling ot the gal
leries and the pit.
That wo feared as an obstacle , proved
to bo n help , and the pathotio Uorv of
A. Dumas overcame nil prejudices ,
molted the hearts of the public , and dis
posed thorn favoribly to the now-comer.
The reception was so warm and hourly
I could hardly rotiUzothat I stood in the
prcsonco of cold-blooded Englishmen.
\Vhonthaplriy was ended the kind
protector of nil artlata , the prince of
Wales , came , according to his custom ,
to compliment mo behind the scones.
My performances soon became the
fashion. Was I not the novelty of the
day ? The pit was converted into or
chestra teats , my matinees were re
placed by oveuings. In the stores ap
peared Leartseiib03'lu all shapes and
100 pieces line American llgurod
Saloons , handsome designs , choice Mon
day , lOc yard.
1 case line quality fancy Plnld Scotch
Ginghams , usually sold at tiOc ; you can
get them Monday at laj
50 dozen Gents' Heavy Cheviot Shifts ,
in checks and stripes , only 20e each ;
never got them again after this lot is
kinds , the tiaket-sollors in town real
ized hnndsomo premiums upon the
seats to the Court theater , and consid-
orcd mo as a favorite. Of course the
lion hunters did not lose such an oppor
tunity , and from all sides assailed mo
with invitations to social gatherings.
T played Heartsease up to tlio end of
the tummer season. The play with
which Mary Stuart , which like the
Dame aux C'amolias , was again in oppo
sition to accepted prejudices , ana in the
same manner proved & valuable auxili
Tlie Upward Irtsnil or llio
But the fact remains as Boucicault
has put it. Shakespearu wrote his
plays for the theatre of his time and
not for tlio fastidious taste1 of ours , and
ho und his collaborators hiid a keen ,
practical , dramatic or theatric sense of
how to reach the somewhat coarse sen
sibilities of that time.
Nolhing is so cheap and so false ns
the constant summary of writers who
toueh the edge of this subject , writes
A. C. Wheeler ( Nym Crinkle ) in the
Arena They will tell us that human
nature rcmaius'tho sump.
That is the sorriest libel on human
nature that can bo penned. Whenever
human nature ceases to gravitate
earthward and aspire heavenward it
will ecaso to bo human nature , and the
drama is onciof the most brilliant ex
amples at tnis moment , when viewed
historically , of the tendency ot human
I do not say that the drama stands
abreast of all the othor"splritual and
operative agencies to make mon nobler
and better , but it is dragged on by tbo
invisible forces that hem it in , n'nd it
continually reflects in its work' the in-
Hueiu'o that is bettor than it , nnd that
is inevitably moving away from the con
crete , the symbolical , tlio demonstrat
ive , to the abstract , the ideal , and the
I am quite sure that lull years ago , au-
dionccs that saw " .Tho Merchant of
Venice" well played gave thoir-Bympa-
thy to Antonio. If you have seo.n Irving
or 1'ossart play it , you will understand
that there is a good deal ot sympathy
for the Jew.
Salvlnl'H Kcoiumiinnl Ways ,
Sig. Snlvini , the Italian tragedian , at
the Columbia this week , is a man of the
plainest habits , despite his wealth and
position , aays the Chicago Tribune. In
his contract with Mr. Palmer it is pro
vided that the signer shall have fur
nished him a valet and a secretary , yet
the great man will have neither. Ho
spends much time in his dressing-room ,
arriving generally about 5 o'clock , and
the people in the company sny it is no
unusual sight to see the herculean old
tragedian sit for two hours darning u
pnir ot tights , or bespectacled , making
tierce Othello beards ot hair und gauze-
cloth. _
Mr. and Mrs. ICendal sail for England
May 31.
Jennie Yeamans gees to Europe soon to ap
pear at music- balls in specialties.
Nut Goodwin Is reading n uluy called "Tho
Congressman , " by Charles Dickens.
Hudolpb Hiinn , tbo dramatist , who died In
poverty at Schoouborff , wrote ] 7 > ) plays ,
It Is said that Mrs. Kenilal bas bought
'Tho , Charity Hull" for production m Lou.
It is given ouf that Manager Aronson bus
paid over tl'-UWJ la royalties to the owners
of "Ermine. "
Somebody should Introduce a shoemaker's
chorus Into an opera , then they could sing
awl together-
"Tho Nabobs" is the title of now play
which Ilcnsliaw and Ton Hrocck will pro
duce next soosou.
On tbo Ululto it is tald that J. W. Hamll-
CO dozen Ladies' Night Gowns , full
length , full sixes , tucked yoke , rufllod
cdgo , worth $1.00 , Monday only at 49c
CO dozen 'Ladies' Night Gowns , flno
tucked yoke and Hamburg insertion ; a
regular S1.2-r quality. If you need a.
Night Gown , come in Monday nnd get
them at 7oc each.
" > *
300 pieces tvcry fine * Tinon , Laces ,
some of the fpaljtorns run very wide ,
icnc worth lossthan 25c and up to OOc ;
choice Monday 12Jc yard.
ton is to take John Stevenson on the road
in "Wife for Wife. "
One of iho most amusing things about a
minstrel show Is to see the seats all in tiers.
Hose Coghlan reaches 1'hiladolphia , at the
Walnut Street theater , Marcn 17 , for an en
gagement of ono woolc.
Though three generations of Strausses
have been writing dance music , not ono of
the party din dance n step.
"Mr. Barnes of Now York" has cleared
about SW.OUO this season , according to Frank
Sanger's statement.
W. T. Curloton has pala over 533,000 for
royalties to the nuthora of "Nation , " in
which ho has sung over 1,000 time } .
"A Long Lane , " n coinody drama by Sod-
loy Urown , will bo given its Jlrsl production
March 111. at the Fourteenth street thcntro ,
New York.
Mrs. Langtry has not made an over
whelming success'of her production of "As
You Like It" nt-St. .Tamos' theatre , It is
said she makes a very crude Rosalind.
A fashion paper says that the best dress
ing for the hair is an O2g. If unpopular
actors would only remember this they would
bo saved heaps of dodging. .
Sidney lioscnfuld is writing for Helen Dau-
vray a now play to bo called "i'iio Whirl
wind. " VVith such a play atio ought to cro-
ttto storms of applause.
\Vanor is to have a monument in Lqipsic ,
his native city , and u imirblo bust in the
Panthnon at , Holpgna , the llrsi Italian city to
give his works a hearing.
An'Uncle Tom's Cabin" company was
snowed in for ten days during the recent
western bli&surii. This must have turned
the company's dates Topsy-turvy.
Hill N.vo has organized a musical company
to 1111 tno interval * between side-splitting
stories. Miss Ollio Torbstt , violinist ; Gus
tavo Thalberg , tenor , and Frank Downey ,
Manager HnrncVs reasons for refusing to
allow Julia Murlowo to ste company , or to
be friendly with oven her own company , nro
now apparent. Ho" intends to rnatry her
Marie Wainwright , it is clulmoJ , ha ? re
ceived an offer from a prominent , London
manager to tulco her ontlro production and
company for "Twelfth Night" to London
next summer.
'Up Goes Mrs. Murphy , " "Thoro Goes
MoManus" nnd "When Casey Huns the
Flat" nro the latest , contributions to Ameri
can music. Mr. Soldi has not yet taken them
under consideration.
Low Dockstadcr 13 said to bo devoting a
largo portion of Ill's weekly silary of ? iOO ,
which ho receives /rom Primrose & \Vest , to
the payment of iiUlndubtoJnoss to his pro
fessional brethren"lof servjcos In his defunct
minstrel company. , „
Another toner , Tolpl by name , has been
Unearthed In Itulv to take the pluco of Ta-
inapno when tlmUfojitloman has had bin day ,
or , as some of Tolpl's admirers thinl ; , to
Homo , " is as funn.v as his old ono , "Tha 1'ri
vuto Secretary,1' but everybody is asrecd
that it Is about Us full of side-splitting
provocations us it could well bo.
DoWolf IIonper'iTiis ' in Now York recently
nnd heard bis oiioKi , "Castles in the Air , "
for tlio ( Irst tlmo > ; "riiQ libretto la by Charles
Alfred Uyrnc , th&ii'uihor ot "Tho Pearl of
Pokin , " and the 'mu'ijo by Gustavo Kurkor ,
ono of the proims1ij [ ; composers in America.
Prof. Herrmann and George \V. Lodoror
have arranged to star Gus Williams and
John T. Kelly the Hlsinarck nnd Parnoll ot
Gorman nnd Irish comedy next season , in anew
now furco-comedy thut Is being written for
thorn. W. .W. Uandall U booking the time
of their season , which opens at the Chestnut
Street theater , Philadelphia , September 1.
The success ot tbo Etnnm Juch Grand
English Opera company on the Paclllu const
has been phenomenal , both as to the artfstla
and ilnanolal results. Manager J , Charles
Davis , who Is associated with Charles 1C.
Lucko In the direction of the tour , Is ntnu.
BinstlQ over the now northwest , which em
braces the cities of Victoria , Sealtio , To-
coma , Portland and Spokane , and predicts
they wilt bccotno among the bast amusement
center * in the United States. Mlsn Juch has
been cordially received everywhere , and tlio
business has been of such a nature that
Messrs Locke and Davis are ilkol.v to clear
$39COO in tne region abovs mentioned.
10-pioccs now all-wool Sill ; Finish
Henriettas , all the now shades and nn
elegant quality , only 75c yard. Ask to
see them.
10 dozen Children's Corset Waists in
drah and white , always sold atfiOc each.
Monday get them at 25c each only
half price.
Justin , another shipment of ladies'
Black Silk Vests. They are an elegant
Itiality , worth Sl.CO ; they go Monday at
> l each.
News and Gossip of the Week of
Interest to Laborers.
Masons ns ISiHlit-llnur Men Lmbor
ana the MIniiters Butchers Elcoc
OlHcers Custom Tailors * Union
1.mtinr nnd IMlul lorw.
There seems to bo a noneral demand for
the assistance of ministers in strikes all over
the country just at the present time. At
Binghampton , Ala. , there nro now several
striKes on hand. Their local labor paper has
this to say in regard to the minister of the
gospel : "In the two hundred strikes that
have taken place in England during the past
two months the Cnristian clergy have in
every ease oodoiivorotl to equitably adjust
tlio trouble. This IB practical relk'lon , und
nil honor to those noble men. Thuro are
two strike * now existing in this city one at
the Uirmiughain rolling mill und one at the
Linn iron works. Will not our ministers
hero gjt together and help us to equitably
adjust these troubles ! Ministers , wo fcul
widely separated from you. Wo arc poor und
would bo scorned , shunned , if wo attempted
to visit your churclius in our runs and min-
glu with the Hub. They woulu spurn tha
touch of our p.irmcnts ai though we were
some leprous thing. Put yourselves In sym
pathy with us. The rolling mill men wore
unjustly locKed out simply because they
formed n union so tiioy could navu u small
treasury nnd bo enabled to bury tlicir dead
und assist each other in the many little so
cial nffairs of life. They made no demand
whatever upon the mill , and in doing as it
lias toward thoio men , KusHian despotism is
modoto blush with slminu. The action of
the Lynn iron works strikers has been thor
oughly investigated and hold to bo honor
able bv their own local and international
unions and by every brunch of organized
labor in Dirmingham. England's ' clergy help
the Toilcry , and why not you ?
ns KljjIit-lliHir Man ,
" 1 wonder that the labor orgiui./.Ulons do
not enlist the Masonic order in tiio move
ment for eight boura work , " said a insmbor
nf that society.
"Tho movement Is in accordnnoa with ono
of the principles upon which Mns'anury is
founded. The Masons of ancient times
blood for eight houra for wor'.c , eight hours
for sleep und eight hours for recroaiion and
Improvement of the mind.
"Every nun who takes the Masonic de
grees now is pleagci ! to that principle , but
of course it isn't lived up to , probably , bj-
causu so many employers uro Masons.
"It would give ttm movement impetus if
the Musomo order would rolnforco all the
men who uro now demanding that eight
hours shall consul-no u day's work , and I
think the subject should be agitttml in this
city. "
The Cooper. . '
The coopers' strike in South Omaha bas
boon declared off , the result being n victory
for tbo bossua. Tlio trouble urosa over thu
latter reducing the men's pay from $ a to
S'j 75 per day. Tlio walk-out took place
abaut thrco wuoks npo. For several days.
the bosses were unable to sccuro men to
take their places , but slnco Thursday nil the
vacancies buvo been readily llllcd ,
The men who wont out say that tlio bosses
are hiring all of the ox-convlcta they can
sccuro. Sovurul of the old employees have
gouo back to work and iho others Imvo loft
for now places. Tbo mon who have gene
back to work at the roducad pnv , declare
they will not work for these wages during
the summer months.
Custom Tnlloi-H' Union.
The member * of tbo Custom tailors' Inde
pendent union are smllin ; ; over tboir victory
In securing a state charter. They start off
Turkey Red
Just for fun Monday. 1Z pieces Tur
key Kcd Table Damask , colors war
ranted fast , also Ilunfrow standard Tur
key Red Damask at ' 15c yard. Sold
every where , at 76c.
Now handsome beautiful line colors
and patterns ; worth 3Sc , only 2oc Mon
Just arrived 6000 packages best Zopli-
rs. any color you want at &c lap and
, ako all you want.
in a lic.tlthy financial condition with n motn-
bcrahij ) of thirty-live. The scale of prices
paid to the inon mid the now oflko.'s were
published in last Sunday's HEC.
J. I. YounRQUist.tho secretary for the Cus
torn tailors' national union , loft vary suttdon
ly during the middle of the week for Lotul-
villo. Tailors who outtht to know s ate that
John mnilo spmo false roprciontations to hli
union about certain pensioned members , am
that after being investigated the secretary
concluded to change his location.
Cienrniakors' Ofllcors.
The CiRarmalecrs1 union of South Oinuha
has elected tbo following ofllcers : Prcsi-
dent , It. H. Iloycr ; vice prosidoat , W. F.
Myors ; secrotary. C. Chmtmnsen : recording -
ing secretary , Edward Elster ; treasurer , J.
H. Bliss ; label secretary , .Tamos Kaln ; sor-
Bdnnt-at-nrniB , Alexander 1.0111111 ; trustees ,
.lames Kaln , Alexjiider Lconi. and Mrs.
Bertha Lnitner ; andilors , Frank Hpelman ,
William P. Myers and Anton Spcclit ; llnnnca
couiinltteo , Anton Spoctit and ICdwnrd Els-
tor ; executive- hoard , VV. R Myors , C. Chris-
tmnson , ICdward Elnter , Anton Speoht and
Tnini'H ICrln ; label committee , J. Ai Kain , J.
H. Uliss and . D. Koyor.
There will bo n nicotine of the horse-
shoers1 union .next Wednesday night at
Twenty-fourth and Cumins streets for the
purpose ot electing a detonate to tboir na-1
tlonal convoiitlon which tnkos place in
Cleveland , O. , in May. Last year the union
did not feel able to send a delegate , but rtm-
inir the liist six month * the membership lias
honn RO increased nnd the society has met
with such satisfactory success that there uro
n liulf dozen candutntos for the honor of delegate
Itutolxir-i I'.lent ( JlllenrH.
The retail butchers' union of Omaha have
olectou now otlicors for the onsumc year us
follows : I'resmciit , P.Hosen ; vice president
Gooruo W. Kurt/ ; secretary , rrcdoriclt
Gulloticr ; treasurer , W. ICobloj trustees ,
II. J. Martin , F. . 1'arsons. H. Gcrt ; door
keeper , J. Welsh. This union will eivo a
ball on March 20 at Moi/'s now half.
The boilormaUors1 union of Omaha is
flourishing , with n moinborship ot over
Mxty. The union Scale of prices culls for
$3.20 for nine hours' worlc , but thouverneo
pay for boderinakors , both In and out of the
union , will not uverngn moro than & ) . The
majority of this class of mechanics la this
city is employed in thu r.illroiut shops.
A Favorii ! ) it SIVIHOTI.
Carpenters and bricklayers nro still at
worir. When the cold weather closed the
labor season last your there were IHJ7 bqlld-
InL's loft unfinished. The greater part of
this worl : has been completed nnd as many
moro now structures Imvo boonbegun Ac
cording to the suporlntcndont of buildings ,
this winter bus been far in uro favorablu to
the laborer than was that of last season.
Kit-lit Hour I'cmul Clerks.
Chicago postal clerks to the number of 150
have organized nn association , Their ob
jects nru to scctiro the 8 hour a day and have
salttrlos graded from $ f > OU to SI , 100 , A simi
lar organl/ution l being talked of by the ,
boys who run out of Omaha.
\Vnnt Non-Union .MtMi ,
J. Eastman , who plastered the Pittstmrg
court house , where ho had to employ union
mon , has locked out union plasterers in
Chicago , and ia trying to lure non-union
mon wherever bo can. Word has boon sent
to Omaha that non-union plasterer * can so-
iwro work thoru.
The Matter With Thoni "Somo gymnasts
are too fresh , " romnrkoil Arnold us hu
looked at nn exhibition of tumbling. "Vos , "
added Uonstablo , "and Bomcrsault. "
Dumr lllocK , IJth and rarnara. Telo phone 069
Copper Bottom Ton .Kettles , " > 0o
Mop Sticks . . . 10o
Folding Clothes Hack flOe
Patent Ironing boards $1 00
Superior Clothes Wringers $1 48
Boys' Velocipedes $1 (1 ( ! )
Largo si/o Clothes BasketsISc
Paper Pulls lOc
Closlics Pins per do/.on lo
Wash Boards ( fie
Chopping Bowls. . , , ljc (
Scouring Brick , cake -la
Rolling- Pius 7 o'
Carpet Tucks per paper ] c
Scrub Brushes wortli10c ( ) lee
Whitewash Brushes Ifia
Whitewash Brushes 2 > o
Dust Brushes. . . . , lee
Dust Brushes ISo
Novelty Clothes Wringer $1 08
Bixby's Shoo Blacking , 2 boxes for. Co
Bixby's largo size box blacking . . . . fie
AiiM > nia Clocks CSc
Largo Bread Pans 2-5c
Hamllo Stew Pans lOc
5000 Pie Tins at Ic Ic
Patent Flour Sifters lOc
Dairy Pans fie
Pint Tin Cups 2 for Cc
Tin Dippers { Jo
Milk Skimmers 'lo
Frying Pans \Qc\ \
Frying Pans IGu
Frying Pajis i > 0o
Medicine Cheats 7oo
Having about completed the
in our store , we are now
prepared to serve our cus
tomers in the best manner.
One of the
Special Attractions
this week will be
Men's Trousers
which we offer from $1.75
o $5. Men's Spring Over
coats from § 6 to $30.
All heavy overcoats will
be sold at a liberal reclution
Paisanoto andlrom Oroat DrlUIn and an
parts ol Europe. Montreal-Liverpool rquto , by the
waters olSt. Lawrenco. shorten olall. UlimL'owto
loetoii. tul'MUilHiiliin. Liverpool to ana 'ruin '
Jlsltlmore , Tldrty Htc mo . Class excelsior.
Accomtiioilntlnne imnnrpoatet ] . Weekly sailings.
AliIiAN' fc ! O.Uon. West. Ag'Is.
CJ.SunJcll , uu i , 113 La Hallo St. , Chicago , IIU
General and HER VOU 8 UfcDIUT Y |
Weakaeii of Body and Bind , Effect *
l f Errori or Eiceuei In Old or Young ,
rlptli * llok , > ii > lu > ll > ixl | > r r < 0,11.11 ( irtlidiri