THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAYS MARCH 10 , 1800.-SIXTEEN PAGES. 11 I-'OH HAM ; ll AI > KSTATK. 0 , MAHA I ? the greatest city In the west today. TIIBOATKCITV , Kill outstrip nil hercompctltori. IET USTKMj YOU EOMKTHINO. Tliora will not bo n rctnll house nf nny note In ten years from now onst at 15th street. > " lOrOIAS ) , FAUNA MJ"and IIAIINKV from IKtli toMth Mron * . Kill furnish sites for tlio line retail nouses In ten years from now. MAHK THIJTilKDICTION. In ten years from now AM. the largo r tnll houses win be west of ifith street , THKU1J AllH IIU nKI,9 OF MOIjnV in jiullcloiis Investments In Omaha at the pres ent time. . .j MOVK Till' WOULD. HOT FACTS RIIAKI : THK UNIVBIISE. A CAUNIVAL FOIl IIAIIOAIN SI'.EKIIIIS IP WHAT OMAHA I'llKSBNTH TO TIIIJ WOULD NOW , AND THK "OLD 1IKLIAI1LE" M. A. UPTON CO. * IIAVH THE HAUOAINSTO IMIKSBN'T SO DON"F VOU 8EU ? that you nro letting bargains stare you in the face and not picking thorn up , THEltE IS NOTHING UNOEIt THE HUN THAT GUAHANI-EUS so auiti : A PIIOFIT A R INVESTMENTS IN OMAHA ItEALTV And the bent liusincss , Hunldcnco , buburban and A cm 1'roportlcs are for Bnlo rjy the "Old Itelinblo' ' .M , A. Upton Co. JLIST VOIJlt 1'KOI'EIITV WITH US. : and Itwiil ro'oiv'o the attention reiiulsito to se cure iinlclc sains. If you willKlve H1 the exclusive sale of your property we will lint the Maine with the Omaha real i-stiito oxcimniju. Voii will tncn have SIXTV-FIVB OFTIIE I.KADINU UESl'ONSI- Illl.B FIH.MS to handle It. nnd only us tit deal with. We list properly for exclusive gale only. Will fli > n you OMAHA JM'OJ'Kim' That Will Pay Vou Double the intercut that any mortua u can. I I IB T1.MK HAH COMB nhtn tiu-ro cnn bcxonii ) IIHI MONI'.V MADE IN UK At/TV INVESTMENTS IN OMAHA. JIAKIIAINH. IIAIU1AINS AND 1IAWJA1.NS. NICK BOUI'll I'llONl' lot on Douglas Mn.vtlii llrlKgs I'laco ( l-'ninam Isijavi-d to Unit Mm1 , Motor on Dodco street this Kiimmermirn t lr > 00 3 wo n.Ni5Wxii-rci't : : lots on ma sr. . Diviulit .V Lvman'M addn. Motor on ll'in. nt. ulli nincu tlili piopcrly vc-ry de.Hir.ibIe. For both 2.W3 1.OIM 1 nii'12 , block "V , " lowo' addn , lltlx117 , south and cast front on : i'.th und llnmllton Ms. 'Ihoro lots run through to t'harlca At , alil : are a decided bavKam ut 4.00 LOT 4. block " 11"I'rospect I'laco , a south front on Hamilton running through to t'lhu'los ST. , .Mix I Hi. ( ioodroom houso. Only W.-lHi lor this lurfo dnublo Iront lot iiml 7-room house. Will tell 10x11) ) toj- .300 Liyrv. Utlcn I'Ure on "Sth ctrtot. two blocks houth of I.oavenwoith , 47x1 ( U. Vrry 'iiiii-H below vnltie at J.dV ) h'O'/lll ' l < 'lONTon ( Bminct street , ( which Is to lie pavr 1 anil pjrlted. ) Now lU-ioom hoixso with every cimvtnU'iicc. Bower connortlcn , etc. Wo will M H IMs lii'iiuilful homo In Kunutzo I'laco ut lr-"r than H Is woith on easy lurms. \VI ) llAVI'fome n'co homv.s In Sjliull's-M ad- dltliip rurxnk1. A'.cO KINK silos In Hnnscom 1'lacn. Ali.M ) u nrat Vi.irgiilu oil two east front lots in Windsor Place. WHO WANIBtoLiiy H.o most Blphtly nnd lirnnlirm fom-scro plat for n MibutCnu homo In omalia ? WII UAVscll ftixlVi , cast front , ono ot thu lliu-st UMldoiico Kites tivvrlooKlnc the city. In West Oinaiin , for S 5.00.1 Oil IHUxl-ifi toiiOft. allny. for lO.Wia Olt'JKl > \ south itirt ci : < t fiont.nour Milton - ton Hogcr.s' ru.sldunr-t. , for 7,010 OH u. ut crude on Kiminm.Viist of 40tn Ht , ; line largo urlck hou-itf. all con veniences , for P.CCO OUX'hlxii7i ; ! , iitKfa'le , between li'.ltll nnd 4Uth on I-aruam , fronts four atrcets , for 19.CO ) l.OOIC 1IBUH1 Wo will Poll IK : feet on I'OiirtL-enlli Nt. , rear of 1'aclllQ Express bulldlnt' . for 40.000 Talto notice of tills line lot , In HoedsSd addi tion , lot B , 6Bx 11' ' . A n east front onTth sn eet , jiinsontli of l.caveiiMorth , for 4VC.O , ll.OJJ caah , balance 1 , - ' , : i and 4 yours. "FOK ( KIODNESS SAKE DON'T BAV I TOI.D YOU. " HUT OUT YOUH SITES blXUHUD WITHOUT DELAY. OMAHA WILL SUIU'ltlBE THK NATIVES JII'.KOItE.IANUAItV IH.1I. WK KNOW OK 1.V- DIIKTHIKSTIIAT WILL COME IIEKETIIIS YEAKTHATTOdKTHKH WITH THK VAST AMOUNT OK IMIIILU ; AND I'HIVATE IM- IMlOVK.MK.'S'rS ALIE.A1 ( > Y ASSUIIED ? WILL MAKKOMAHATHK ATl'ltACTlON OP THE CONTINENT. TIlltEE VEAUS A)0 ( ) WE HAD A LITTLE 8'0 ' DOWN AND SHI A MONTH HOOtl. liASTEIIN OAl'lTALlSTS HAVE THEIR RYRS ON OMAHA NOW , SOLID CON SERVATIVE OMAHA HAS FAbTKNED U'llEIlt ATTENTION TO HltUANIDOLLARS WILL FLOW IN HEIiE 1'Olt INVESTMENTS VIIOM THIS ON WHERE CENTS DID IN 1HE Thnro Is no rubbing It out , Omaha Invest ments doty thu world's competition for tholr eolld and sun ) Interest paying iiuulltiea. The best ndvtco that can bo ulven today Is to Inveht In a chime of Omaha dirt. ' Wo are always ready mm happy to servo our clients. Any bank , mercantile house , man , woman or child in Omaha will sponk \ \ ll of and recom mend the "Old Reliable" Reliable"M. M. A. UI'TON CO. , Telephone WI. Kith and Farnam. , . . I Omaha Real I.atate Memboi . Exchange. | Omahu Hoard of Trade. Property atlst : ! and Farnam hts , ut JUSTTHINIC OF ITl-SHU per foot , will be worth In ; iyears } 7ft ) ft ) per foot. BEE. . Mxl32. N. W. cor , litn nml Howardsts $45,000 SEE. . .00X133. . W. cor. SJmlnnti- Duvemiort sts 10.6M SEE . .iitixir.7 , 15th bnt , Dorcas Malthaft-room house 3500 SEE , . . .Ot'xHU ' , S. K. cor. liith and Ciietellarit-room huiuo. . . , Bf.oj SEE. , .Tho llnest ItO.tlMln West Omaha jo.fOO SEE. . , * ) per foot nnd less for r nmm Htroet property i-nst of 4Dth St. NOW IS THE TIME. . TO 11UY REAL ESTATE IN bOUTIl OMAHA. KNI.AKG1NO thoalrivirty _ : IMMENSE PACKING HOUSES ; ; ' " ' ' " ' * " ' ' 1'AVlNO'tno " " ' isplendully Graded Streets I1UILD1NU ; Two Kino and Costly : ; VIADUCTS ; : RUNNING IMOTOR LINES INTO SOUTH OMAHA ; ! ANTIO COOl-EItAOE ' . " " Allii Will M'aio Realty Lively In I ho NE.CT IH ) DAYS so Huy Now and and and and and and Ho in The Swlui AVEWlLLOUARANTEEa ) I'UR CENT ON Till ; FOLLOWING : 1.OT4. III.OCK 1 , llrown park , on SUh t-outliof Ohtreet. near viaduct . ( l.COO I.OTXO. IILOL'K : ) . llrown lurk , on'Itli , i * > iiiwi\putiiii'twniivut . * * * 1,200 1.0Va ; , IH.OUIC1I. Tlronu park , on 24th , I Reed hotel Ht grade , \\lth good houso. . . 0,000 LOTIiUxIfi I'llirr IN LOT r. . IILOOK 81 , 8011 tliUiimim , fronting llallro&d uvenuo l.WX ) LOT H , III.OCK 40 , South Oinahu-n Hue , lot.OOxlSO , , WO LOTS 11 AN I ) 12 , IILOOKSO.South Omaha , double coiner , mukoUOO-foot lots , 1,800 LOTS I AND ! ? . UI.OCICIW. South Omaha , double corner , at grade . ; 0.03d tOTSS A.N'110. 111.001 South Omaha. douuiu corner at grade | THIS IS J AM. UlI.TEDUi : INSIDE IMJOPEUTV , ' Tiii-i AUOVI : I'HIOES Can not bo duplicated In Pouth Omaha. HKOLD ku'Aiiu"NliuAi. . KSTATE. IIUALKUS. IdtUaud faraau U Oniana , FOU SALK HEAIj ESTATK. MMAT ! the year 18JD Is "to"be n preat -L one In the history of Oina- tin there M not reasonable room for doubt. The contract la now left for the 13 at , valuer , nnd work will soon commence there on. Thcworlcot clearing the postonico alto was began the otlur nlgnt In a most vigorous manner , out Chief Oallaher considered it a lit- tie prom&ture , nnd Issued an injunction. Hut never mind , Undo Sam will appear upon the scene some of thcio line spring mornings nnd the old rookeries will disappear as mist bcforo summer's sun. Instda of sixty days all , or nearly all , of the work * ot a public natura ar ranged for will bo under way. There will then bo such n livening up ot things in the Slldland City ni will ruaKo the Sarpy county lot boom of 1837 look like a thing of very small magnitude , and in the future we will denominate It a flurry in stead ofa boom. If you contemplate Investing let ns remind you that delays are dangerous. Every day you wait will cost you money , for property li steadily advancing. Wo can sell you 44 foot on Capitol avo. within U of a block of the now postofllco slto at a price which will make you big monoy. We liavo lots to soil lu a new ln < ildn addition In w hlch there Is more monpy than In anything on the market at this thno. Investigate this. If you want a homo , como and BOO us. Wo can sell you one on such terms as to make It within tliti power of most anyone to purchase. Flist mortgage paper for salt-at a llboVal dis count. FOR EXCHANGE. Clear lots , not wildcat property , but ground that will bo used for bulldlugpurpas cs within n year , for good property. If It Is rental prop erty , will assume some Incumbrance. A hotel in a live Iowa town , on main line ot C. II , AQ. . , tov xcliane for an Iowa farm. Choics southern timber Und for silo or trade for good property. Property will double In vuluo In 13th street addition In the nnxtyoar. Some line lots for sale. Will take second mortgage for part payment. N htrcet of South Omaha will bs graded and probably paved to Thlrtonth street addition thin summer. ; i,00i ) nuraery stock to exchange for real or ocrsonal property. Lumber yard- " , coal yards , warehouses , busi ness houies and cottases for working men will be built on l"th st. audition this season. Clear lota lu live , growing Nebraska town. Tnero is no batter Investment than n lot In Thirteenth street addition. It Is safe , sure nnd prolltuble. A fruit , cigar nnd confcctlonerystand for sale nt a bargain , or will take a good clear lot in an Omaha suburb , If on cur line. a he Rock Island R'y company will extend west through Nebraska this year. Tholr bridge across the Missouri will ba In the vicinity of Thirteenth strcat addition. Clear lots for gooJ personal property o any description , j.ots In Thirteenth stre t addition are going like "hot canes. . ' The people know a good thing when It Is offered them. Severn ! merchandise stocks for exchange. Have you secured a lot In I3tn at. addition ? If not take our m'vlca and lose no time in do ing so. Silver mining stock for real estate or per sonal property. Hank references' given. Have you hoard of 13tH St. addition ? Well , you w 111 bear of It often In the future. Ono thousand road cartsIn lots to suit , for laud nnd money. Clear lots In llitli street addition for exchange for other good pr&porty. Houses and lots for land. If the land Is clear will nutln lusldo residence property , lightly incumbored. Clear lots In Pierre , the booming capital of South Dakota , to exchuno for good Inside en cumbered Omaha property and will pay some money. The I'lorre lots are just noitli of the business part of the city , upon a beautiful pla teau , upon one of the leading avenues , where , in the future , the line residences of the city are to be built. This Is properly that olfers n safe , sure and speedy return on the Investment. A complete set of blacksmith tools , -nearly now , for sale at * bargain , or will trade fora house. Lots will double In value within a year in the 13tb street addition. Tlno Council lllulls residence property to ex. change for liuldo Omaha lota and will aasum Incumbrance. Thelt. &M. will sooiTbulld a depot nt ] 3th street addition. Second mortgage paper for something good. The grade stakes are set for the "J5" street grade to 13th street addition and work will soon commence. Huy lots In 13tn st addition now. The orlce will be advanced utter April 1. A patent article out ot which a good can- va'iser can make money. The exclusive agency ot 13th st. addition nt room 407 Sheoly blk. If you wlsn to seel c. piece of property ; if you wich to buy , It you wish to make an excnunga of any tliul. comn to room 407 Shvnly black , whcroyou will tiudn large list to Belect from. It we do not have what you want at the time , we w 111 maio it our buslncaa to Hud It for you. It does not make imy dllleredco whether your property in worth one hundred or llfty thous and dollars we run luudlo It for you. If you have Kot n bigger load than you can neil carry on a good pleco of lusldo property , we can take It ott your bauds , give you clear property uun Homo monoy. Can you well aak for anything butter than that ? Come uud ate us. and In the language of the "if yor don't s e what you M 8 11ALITWT. ! Hoom WT Bteely lllk < FOU HAIiK UlUri I STATI * Ii : IIVHON RUED COMPANY" , The oldoit real cMnto house In the state of Nebraska , having beencitabllshed In 1S.V5. Wo oner the best and safest chances to partlei wishing to ac quire a home , In two or three of the best residence additions In * the cltr , Immediately on or con venient to the llniM of street cars , wo will lease a lot for Ore years , for n rental of six per cent per annum on the price of the lot ( nnd the price will bo as low ns other parties sell for cash ) and the taxes. Thn. lessee will hava the privilege to buy the lot at any time m the live years at the price stated in the lease , and In that cnso all the rent ho has paid up to that tlmo will apply ns pur chase money for the lot. The terras of sale will bo one-fourth cash , with n balance to suit pur chaser , not exceeding Uve years' time , Interest six per cent per annum , payably seml-annunUy. Ho will bo required to build a. house of the value of at least $100 , nnd if ho docs not choose to buy can remove bis and other Im provement } at the end of 11 vo 2 2 \ years. No proposition could be more fair tha i this. If the lot should advance In value in the live years the tenant will buy It and secure the advance. If it fhould not advance or should remain sta tionary , he gets flvo years' house rent for a merely nominal prlco. THE HYRON IIEED COMPANY ; WHO WANTS TO EXCHANGE A PIECE OF FIRS'JMJLASS UNIMPROVED OMAHA REAL ESTATE FOR A FINE HHICK I1LOCKIN GOOD EASTERN CITY , RENTED FOR THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR. FREE PROM INOUMURANCE. For Sale l4-story ! frame residence , with collar , etc , , cloio to Motor Line , ( julte now nnd well llnLshod ; r > 0-foot corner lot ; price. J.,7BO ; terms. JU cash , balance to suit , or will trade for good clear lot. Cull nnd see us or wnt3 us. WH have for sale some of the very best prop erty In the heart ot the city , nt prlcea below what others are selling at ; some on Fnrnain , Dodge , Sixteenth ana South Tenth streets. A new four-story brlcfc warehouse on South Tenth btreet for Bale or rent. Some elegant residences. Unimproved Iota way Dolow value , some re quiring but small cash payment. ( jood lots for bulldlug ; will take second mort gage in part payment. Have a good list of land , Improved and un improved , lots and houses fur exchange. ; STRINGER X PENNY , j REAL ESTATE AGENTS. S. E. Corner ICtli and } ) edge Streets , Omaha. / \MAHAIson the eve ota great boom. Has V/experlenco taught you to grasp an oppor tunity to inaka money /1 f it has do not miss this chance. Corner OtU nnd Davenport sts. , II5.0DO. Corner 10th and Davenport sts. . flVWO. 'i ft. on Karimm , Just above Uth ) St. , $13,10) . Houses and lots In Popploton Part , easy terms , from $ -,001 to Jl.OCO. ' Vacant lots in Poppleton Park from JI.OiV ) up. waids. Have some very choice loti. Will fur- nixli money to build on same. 1 have a lot near car narn on Lake st. Price only $1,400. I have 122 ft. frout onS. 10th st. at cor. of Cen ter , only Jiu.uuo. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. ] t0 ! acres of clear land in South Dakota , only six miles from lllont. as Duo land as can bo found anywhere , will trade for Omaha or good farm property In Nebraska. " r.tuere.s of cluar land in Stanton county to trade for Omaha property or stock of coodH. Six lots on a. ( Jth at. to trade or for sale cheap. If you want to buy , trade or sell como and see me. If you want to make a loan I can do It for you at the lowest rates. J. F. Twamloy. real estate ami loans , Room Ip , Chamber of Commerce , Omaha , C f 1,3)0 ) buys good 1-room rottugo I"4 miles from 1 > . O. aw. 1'avodxtreut. (1,300 buys good -l-rooin rottaco li ) miles from 1' , O , bw , 1'aved street. 11,600 buys neat < room cottage , city water , 1U miles fro.ii 1' . O. 11,030 buys new 5-ronin cottage , full lot , Lowe a\onue and uoar reservoir. U.300 buys new 8-rooni house , tull lot. Walnut Hill , by motor , Small casn payment or clear lot , 1..500 for new B-room house near Kountze I'laoe. Easy terms. 13,001 for new tt-room house , Chicago street , near Lowe avo. Monthly payments. Bath , etc. D. 0. PATFEHSON. 518 N. Y. Life. JTIOR BALKSOO will buy lot 60x120 In Omaha J- View , ouo block from motor line , nicely on grade. I ita In thin addition are worth 11.000. and the above prlco Is open for n abort time only. II. E. Cola , room 0 , Continental block. UdV FOIt HAIjH HICAIi K8TATK "TNVESTMBN'ISjVjflEAL E8- J TATE , bought ftf jfroiont low prices. Will p.iyn handsome prone In a very short time. -.1 ACRE I'ROl'EHTY.incar city on Kelt LIUP will perhaps PA V Til E L A 110 iah' PROFITS on money invrsted.t i Hwlllpiy better than dcpotlti InHivlUKH bank * . 1 1 Jn fact , your ot Is your S.xvlngsi biiit nt nigh interest SEE roLLOWINdIIAROAINa : SEVEN-IIOOM - 1101'Sh oil Nortlriithst. , lotSJxli'i ' , c IlLOCltB Lake's addl- tlou.FS'j feet front , onlMth st. , nice 8-room cottage , barn.clty wa ter. cl tern. on cny terms , WM. 0 ROOM itOl'Sl ! , almost now , nnd lot Mxl27 , In Madison Snuaro , ni-ar motor line , ll.TW ) ; casnli.iu , balance , 8 per cent , 1 , u and 3 years. TEN-ROOM HOUSn. lot 60x133 , Boutn front on Uebstcr street , with barn , nice trees , at &UOO : half ciuli. balance to suit. CORNER DOUOLAS and 10th sts. , only tiwcash lio.OJii , bal. unco , ! l or 6 years , at * per cent. If you want vacant lots near the motor lines hero they uro way below value. LOT 3 I ! LOCK 0 I'OPPLETON PARK. At ft ? cast front , on Lowe uvetltlf. ll.fiiO. cash JI.WXI. 2 LOTA IN LINCOLN PLAOK 18.10 each and on very ea y terms. a LOTS IN WKI/T CUMING , J800 ench. LOT in WESTCUMINO addi tion on Mercer avenue tl.soo. S LOTS IN WEST SIDE , near Lcavcuworth , J.Vi'j ' each , nnd u number of lots lu otner additions at low prices und easy terms. KOIIT1I OMAHA LOTS LOTS 11 AND 13 , IILOOIC JI4 , 1''OxlW fcot. J',2i)0 ) LOT 4 IN III.OCK 10 , 00x150 feet . 1.200 LOT 4 IN IHXCK13. fiflxlW feet . 1.200 LOTS 2 AND 0 in HLOCIC4MxlfiO ( fect.oach MO Or you want aero proporty. the mojt prolltuolo i HAVE 'IT'ix ) SELLI ACRE LOTS IN SOLOMON'S ADDITION ( only ) at MM each. fi ACRES NEAR SOUTH OMAHA 11,000. ! S ACRES In Spring Valley $1.000. r > ACRES In Spring Valley t..mio. T.I ACRI's with trackage II2.UM , really worth 8.VW per ucro , and on easy tormi. 15 ACRES (3 ( live acre lots)2 ) miles west of Dun ueo Place at $175 per acre , on easy terms. Oltolx > bcck. _ Room IB. Chamber of Commerce. rpHE PEOPLE OF OMAHA DO NOT RECOGNIZE WHAT KIND OF A TOWN THEY HAVE. HAVE.WE WE HAVB A CITY OF 150,000 PEOPLE. IN A RADIUS OF C MILES WE HAVE 200.000 PEOPLE. WE HAVE82MILKSOP ELECTRIC. CABLE AND HORSE CAR LINES. WE HAVE 62 MILEsFoF PAVED STREETS. WE HAVE 93 MILE S OF CURU AND OUT- TEHINO. WE HAVE 130 MILEjUjF WATER PIPES. WEHAVE A FIRST-CLASS PAID FIRE DE PARTMENT. The building permits for 1339 amounted to f 6,000,03000 The real estate sales ; for 1839 mountedto ' . . . . : 18,000,00000 The bank clearances 'for ' 1889 ! amounted to 1 208,005,000 00 : t ; : We ell Real Estate : , ( . . . , : MAKJTLOANS l t f AND WRITE INSURANCE i. lll'tlllS THE OATE CITVOF THE NORTHWCST. WB HAVEN'T the cheapest propevty lu the city. city.WECANNOTloan WECANNOTloan money cheaper than any other llrm. HUT IF YOU WANT tobhy good Insldo busi ness or residence propeity , 1F YOU WANTa loan on such property. OR INSURANCE WRITTEN and your busi ness In general attended to promptly uttd In telligently , CALL and see us. MUlR&flAYLORD , 1000 FAHNAM ST. Notion. Notice U hereby given , that tha Omaha Southern Railway Compiuy , has baen duly In corporated under the laws ot the State ot Ne braska , and does thereon give publlo notlcens follows : 1. The name of said corporation Is. "Omaha Southern Railway Company. " a. The principal place of transacting Its busi ness , Is the city of Omaha , county ot Douglas nnd State of Nebraska. : > . The general nature of the business tob'J transacted by said corporation , la tuo construc tion , operation and maintenance ot a line of railway of standard guago , and n telegraph line In connection therewith , from the city of Omaha In said county , in a southerly direction tnrough the counties of Douglas , Sarpy , Cass and Otoo to Olou Rock , In the State of Ne braska. 4. Thu amount of capUnl stock authorized by the articles of Incorporation , is Three Million Dollars , and tile sauio Is to ba paid as follows : An Installment of ton par cent on each share of stocK-shiul be payable nt the time of making the subscription , and thoreslduo thereof shall bo paid In such installments nnd at such time and place as may bo required by the directors of the company. 5. The existence of said corporation com mences on the nth day of Fopruury. A , 1) . 1KH und terminates on the Uth day ot February A. D. liC.O. e. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which the Incorporation shall nt any time l > e subject. Is Two Alllllon Dollars. 7. The ulTalra of the corporation are to bo conducted by a Presldimt , Vlce-1'resldont , Sec- retnrv. Treasurer nnd ( louorul Mnnagor. Witness our hands this the Uth day of Fob- ruarj-.A.D.WW. B. „ . H.CtAIllc. ( iKOiifiKC. SMITH , K. C. MBIIIIIAM , R.S. Niciior.s It. 8. HAM- , . FlfulTQt _ Incorporators. UiH4oliiilnii The partnership entered Into between the nndoslgnred nnd David H. Lowli In February , IB'JJ , Is lieioliy declared dissolved. And tno ealn Lewis Is unauthorized 10 use my name hereafter in connection with his own In nny business transaction whatever. RICHARD K. 8TOWE. Dated March 15 , 1890. March ICdHt * ft I * Inn Notio- * . Hy the terms of tholr articles of co-partner ship the undersigned llnu is to exist for two years from February 3 , 18 10 , and has not been dissolved by mutual consent or otherwise , all reports to the contrary notwithstanding. i ' Lewis & Stowe. Omaha , March 15 , 1601. iNotlnp , 1 Joseph Schulf , hereby Rlvo notice to all , that wherca * my wife Kntle Schu - , knonn ns Katie Jnnca , loft mo without nny sum'clnt ciulii1 , and In pplto ot my cntrentirt. Mill refusfs to return to mo. Then-font from this date , March I'th , ISiiO. I will not bToipon- sibio ror auy of her uccess-xrloj or money she may obtain on my account. " in 15d it * .IOSKIMI SCHUI.TZ. IVO.2 II.A. No. PrtiposnjrforsiiiMlifeiica" x > Stores. Olllco of PurchnslnR nnd Depot Commissary ot Subsistence. ir. s. Army Omaha , iSel ) . , 1'ebrut.ry ! . " > , 1M > > > . Coaled pro- ponUi , In triplicate , will bo recolvi-d at this cftlco until 12 o'cloi-k in. , central standard time , un Monday , March 17 , IJlWat which tinn uiui plai-o they will bo opened lit the presence of biadom , for the furnishing and ili-llvory nt Omaha , Neb. , the following subsistence store. ' , viz : Pork , bacon : hard bread ! vinegar : bacon , breakfast : cheese , Y , A , ; crncKcrs ; Hour , Ily ; hams. 9. C. : lard ; nnd oatmeal , cooked. Preference will be given to articles nf domestic production or manufacture , conditions otiiual- ity nnd nrlco ( Inclndlm ; In thu pi-lea of foreign productions or manufacture the duty thereon ) being equal. The rlglit Is reserved to rtjcct any or nil bids. lllaiiK proposals and spec-mentions shoeing in detail the articles and quantities re quired nnd Riving full Information as to condi tions of contracts , will bo fnrni.ilui : ! on applica tion to this olllce. W. H. HELL. Major , nnd C. B..U. S. A. flMltlnlC-U Cortlllonf.o. Tills Is to certify that the Nebraska Central Railway companydo < lres an Increase of Its uu. thrlzed capital atock from ono million dollar * to four millions live hundred thousand dollars , and that such Increase nnd the maim ? and publlslilngof thU cortlllcate. nnd tlio nilng thereof with the secretary of Htato of the state ot Nebraska , has ueon duly authorized by tno holders of the majority of the capital stock of the Nonraska Central Hallway company. In witness whereof , wo have hereunto signed our names nt Omnh.i , In the county of Douglaa and state ot Nebraska , on the luth day of An- Wl t. ISKl. JOHN A. M'SHANE. OEORQEC. IIARNUM , President. Secretary. I Corporate I I Soal. I Directors : "JOIN | „ . WILLIAM L. ADAMS , ill'.NJAMIN J.MOUlti ? , State of Nebraska , Douulaa county , us : lleforo me , n notary public lu and for said Douglas county , personally came the above named .lonn A. McShane. Oeorgo U Harniim , John II. Oiimont , William L. Adams and lieu- damln J. Morris , known to me to bo the Idimt- leal persons who signed tno foregoing Instru ment , and severally acknowledged the said In strument to bo tholr voluntary act and deed , for the uses and purposes therein sot fartn , ' In witness whereof , I have hereunto signed my nameiiud alllxcd my olllclalsoal , at Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska this lUth day of An- BUST , 1819. W. C. 1VES. J Notarial I Notary Public I Seul. i I'ebsao ' ) Unor Orceon Short Mint & Utiih Nortlicrn Knllwny Coinpniiy. Nottcols hereby given thtt , pursuant to the articles of consolidation uud agreement , dated .Inly 27th , 188J , the annual ma tluv of the stock holders of the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern Hallway company for the election of directors and xuch other business as may legally como baforo the meeting , v/111 bo held ut the ollico of the company. No. 73 Main htroet. Salt Lake City. Utah , on Wednesday , the J'Jth day of March , ItW , at 10 o'clock a. m. Ar.ux. MIM.AII , Secretary. Boston. February lith , ViM. f-d2Jt MAHA , NEIL , MARCH IB , 189) . SEALED proposals. In triplicate , will be received hero until two o'ciock p. m. , central time , April l ! > th , IblH ) . and than opened for furnishing the printing rtqulred at these Headquarters during tha llscal year ending June ; ; U , 1KU. CJovernment reserves the right to reject nny or all proposals. All information furnished on Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster General , U. S. A. Chief Quartermaster Dept. of the Plane. inl5d4ta'Mi ' DRS. BETTS" & BETTS UN FAUKAII STUEET , OMAHA , NBA ( Opposite Paxton HotL ) Offloo hoan , u a. m. , to 8 p. m. Sundn yi , 10 a. EL , te p.m. Epccl 11 U ID Chronic , Nervous , Skin aad Blood Dt- cases. tIT"Cociultatlon nt office or by ftlnll free , lledl- clnci lent l > r wall or ezprcai , locurelr packed , frea from obiervntlon. Qunrantccnto cure quickly , iafo- ly and permnocntlj- . BpermatorrhcBB. aemt WDDUniTQ TIUPTIITV rlbKVyUu UbDlljlll uol Losses. Nlgnt Emls [ loin. Phjrilcal decar , nrtslnit from ln < tl crttlon , ex- cesi or IndulRenco. proiluclni ; nloeplesno'1. despon dency , pimples un the faco. avcrslun tosootety , easily dlBcotiraeed , lack of condilenro. ilull iintli for tudy or buslnem , nml Hnils llfiuiliurdon. S-uf-lr. perrann- ently aud privately cured. Consult Un. U tU & lletti. IttB Farnam Street , Uniaha , Neti. Blood aM Skin Diseasss result' , complete ] ? omdiciitolrltliont the ahl of mercury. Hcrofuln oryslpolns , fever ore . nlotcne * . ulcerf. pains In the hcud ana bone * , B > phllt1o ! Bora Iliroat , mouth and tongue , catiyth , etc. , permanently cured where others have failed , Rnd * Hladder ComplalnU , tfiflnOff ITpinQPI ? JVlUIlBy , UIHldlV Painful. Dimcult. too frequent - quent burnlnz or bMody urlno. urine Mull colored Of with milky sediment on stanillntl. weak back , gonorr bn-a , Blaet.cystltli , etc. Promptly and safely cured charges roasonablo. i moval complolo without cnttliiK. cnusilo ordlllallon. Cures atrectodat homo ! < y patient without a momcnU pnln or annoyance. To Tonng Men anfl Hle-Ased Men , PITDU Tuo awful circcts of parly AnnDU LUnb Vice , which brings ort'onlo weakness , destroying both muni und body , with all ts dreaded Ills , purnmnontlr cureJ. Address those wbo have im- MljrilKpO paired themuelves by improper IndulKOncen and and solitary babltfl , which rufn both body and mind , unfitting tboin for business , study or tnnrrluKe. MAIUUED MIN. or thoio entering on tact happy Ufa , af are of pbyslclal doUlllty , quickly asslstud. OUR SUCCESS , Is based npon facts , flnt practkal oxysrtcnee , sec ond-wary case Is especially studloj. thus starting aright , third medicines are prepared In our own la- batury aiactly to suit acn case , thus afficitov cures without Injury , rir Hendrt cents postage for celebrated work * on cbrODlo. nervous and uellcatodlionnoi. Thousands cured. tV\ friendly loiter or call may save you fu ture suffering andshamo , and add golden years to llfi tffKo letters unswnred unleit accompanied by < tents In stamos , Address orcall on mi § . { SETTS & IIETTS , 1O3 Farntm street. Omaha. Neb , SINOUIiAltlTlKS. A sycamore tree chopped tlown by Jnmcs Collln.s ot ( .tiilc-sburi ; . III. , split open ns it foil , shou-lni' it Uopostt of bono.v woigltlni ; over 1,100 pounds. The brjs wo'ild liavo Illlud n barrel. In I'lPdmont , whllo n peasant was lately cniingcil In itigKlni ; the foil , ho discovered n deep hole tn \ vlilchvua found burled nit Iminctifo collcotlon ot roppcr nnd broiuo coins of the Ho in an republic nnd cmplro. A curious ctmr.tctcr In I'.iris Is n man who mukcs lits livniR by slroUinx iitong the boulovnnla ntitl limiting \vngora with men nt the cafes that ho ntmvcr correctly uny iliicstion that relates to the history of Franco. Ho nlwnya wins the bet , It is said. A llritish cnptntn clnlina that ho * aw a vessel po through n Newfoundland fcR nnd Iciu-i ) nn open spnco lilio n tunnel. Another ship ' .VIH ublo to follow , Uccplng the other tit sight nil the way. The ilrst vessel ha-1 Its decks nil littered up with fog , nnd carried soiiii ! of It Into port. A great deal of excitement lias been caused In the village of Aloxamh-r , X. V , , by nn alleged haunted liousn from which weird and uncanny sounds liavo been heard iMUlnu nt various hours In the night and day. The story runs that twenty years npo n woman was murdered In the house , nnd since that tlmo no family has Inhabited It moro than n few weeks nt n tlmo. A peculiar result of tha drinking of Ice- cold water from n spring in HtonltiRton , Conn. , is reported , The water Jlows from n crack In n high rock , nnd the veins of n man who drinks from It begin to swell , und ho looks nnd feels ns though ho wcro nbout to burst Tor the next ten minutes. The swell ing gradually subsides nml no serious effect ls felt , except a slight buzzing In the cars. llnmllton & Urannninan , butchers of SnrlnullcUl. O. . purchased n steer recently. \Vlion the steer was killed n silver watch , lu food condition , wns found In thn stomacli. Two years n o n laborer on thu farm liuim his vest on n mil fcnco. A silver watch wns In ttio pocket , and both vest and watch dis appeared. It is believed the steer nto the garment nnd contents. The wutou Is on ex hibition at Troiuont. \V. O. Lowl3 of DrnUlcntown , Ga. , has two very pretty pets , und those , too , which nro seldom , if ever , seen nllve. They nro male and fuinalo sea otters , about. Imlf Itrown. They were captured near Mitchell- villo , arc nbout eighteen inches long , includ ing the tail. The food ( riven them Is llsh nnd almost nnvtliiiiK from tlio table. Tliestraiico cry that they maUo is rather mournful , but they appear to bo at homo In n box , nml ap pear to know Mrs. Lewis and look and call for food. In Shcfllclil , Ala. , tlio now Iron town , n curious phenomenon Is puzzling the local sci entists. From lima immemorial n Inko of considerable "depth und covering several acres of ground bus existed and has been n famous llstilng resort for sportsmen. Last night people In the vicinity were panic- stricken by n fearful nolso nnd subterranean rumbling ns of nn earthquake. This morn- lug it was discovered that tlio lake had on- tlrol.v disappeared , tlio bottom having liter ally dropped out. the water escaping through n hole llftecn feet in diameter , The wags contend that the plunge Is in sympathy with Tennessee coal nnd iron stock. Others say the lake has gone to Join the hero of a popu lar song. In Tcnsas parish , Louisiana , liavo just been captured two mammoth red bats cf the species identical with the vampire bat af thu lirazils. They are in shnpa like bats , but many times larger , measuring twenty-two Inches from the tlu of ono wing to the tip of the other. In color they are n revolting blood tint , anil arc of n snnpping , vindictive temper. Mr. I-cggett , the present owner , while feeding them was severely bitten on two of his lingers. Ills linml linx swollen , showing all the .symptoms of blood poison , nnd it Is feared Ins Hand will have to bo ntn- pututcd to save his life. The animals will bo cent to the zoological gardens of some northern city. They are doubtless the only ones in captivity north of the Kio Grande. .A lire nr.d water cnrnlval. the like of which lias probably never occurred In the eas belt , has been In progress on the hill just cast of Marion , Intl. At a depth of UoO fcot the drillers struck nn immense vein of water , which wns cased oft' . At n deoth of (100 ( feet n tremendous llo\v of gas was developed , the pressure of which lifted the casing and let In tho"water ubovc , producing u varitnulo geyser. Today the well had been nearly controlled , when an old man named Jackson came into the derrick und struck n match to light his pipe. Instantly there was an ex plosion , tlio workmen were blown through the derrick , und .luckson narrowly escaped being roasted nllvc. The derrick was burned down. All cffoi'ts to restrain tlio well or even put out the fire , have slnco proved futile. Outside of the Porta Stnbiana nt Pom peii , in u stratum of cinders , Imve just boon found the impression of three bodies und n tree. Casts taken of them show the bodies to have been those of two men and n woman. Ono of the men was In u kneeling position nnd the other stretched Hat on his back. Tlio woman lay fuco downward with her nruis stretched out The tree , of which casts of foliage nnd fruit , as.veil as of the trunk , wore obtained , was of the species lanrus no- bills , known to' have produced n round- shaped fruit that ripened toward the end of autumn , and , from the lonn nnd size of the fruit , It was evidently ripe when the tree was burled , which goes to confirm the theory that the great catastrophe took place In November of the.vcur 79 , It. C. , and not in August , as has been supposed. I'KPl'KUMINT DIIOPS. A cat showouglitto bolicM in a mowseum. Many line dinners nro served in n course way. way.Tho model husbands are the men who novcr marry. On philosophical nrlnciplcsthn lightheaded man is just trio fellow to fall on his feot. Tlio iirlzo-flghtors who go to Mississippi will bo pollto now und "beg pardon" of the governor. An old lady who witnessed a production of "Tho Merchant , of Vonico" many years ago went ngaln recently to sco tlio story of Shylock enacted upon tlio slnpe. t t' | > oii lirr return homo .slio was n ked how slic liked It. "Want , " snul she , "Vonico seemed to have been spruced up some Hlnce thn llr t tlmo I saw It. but .sliylock's Just tlio mime incan.orillnari * iblng ho was forty year * ngo. It would scorn Iliat the roar Is the proper place for the inishint , ' man , but somehow ho is seldom there. The coinage of gold dollars is lo ho stopped nn-1 Jewolcrs who hiivo noon converting them into bangles arc do'orous. ' Silence Is not golden for you when you ask votir friend to lend you ? 10 and ho tnltca occasion to Mop njil think , Notwithstanding the number of Chlneso joints nnd the universal domain ! for the arti cle , opium is still a drug In the market. Ilouorali ( dropping the last terrapin out of the window ) Tii' butcher oov's nfthor playln' o' his jokes on tnoma'am. ' Ho left , u basket In th1 lu'otnlnl wld six o' these lu- zards wld boxes on thulr backs , t1 frlclitcn me. ' "Awful accident nt the museum. " "Wlmt wns III" "Tho wild Oog from Hor- nco got loose last night unit nto up three- quarters of the o > slllod innn whllo bo slept. " "Does the osslllcd man know lit" "No ; tho.v'ra nf.-ald to tell him. " Phlllyloo That llokuaon's polling to bo a regular beat. What do you suppose bo's sent the usher with this note fort Mrs. Pnlllyloo I'm stmi I don't know. Phlllyloo Want's mo to lend him the fc.1) ) I borrowed of him yesterday , until tomorrow t ( July 8.25. via the Wtibash U. R. Omnlm to St. Louis with coiTCfponiltii reductions lo all points east and south. Coo. ! N Clayton , Ticket ngont , 1501 ! Farnnin St. , Oinahn. TIII- ; TNSniU.MUNI'd pUaii on rajj.-t during JL vostordav. llyron lleud und wife to K 0 Olson , w 10 ft lof.'T. blK I. Campbell's add , w d . . . $ 3 FO Olson und wife to II Hoed et nl , o 10 ft lot H. Mk1. , rnmpbeirrt add , w d . . 2 U T Dutconlid v.lf * ti > ( Icorgooflnlng - ton , lots 17 and 1"d add to llcdford I'lace.iicd . . . . 1 George Worttilnaton to .1 J Smith , lots 17 nnil IH , "d add to llt-dford 1'ltcc , and lota H and U1 , lilk I , Ilawiliornondd , w d r > ,5CO U I. Tnomas and wlfo to Jonn.el ? , s w sw 7-ltl-ld. wd . . . . OCl ) SadloiKnbcr to llittlo Kopald , lot U , blk lii. Allirmlirtt nuiu'x , wd . GW ) KT Mnxuollnnd wlfolo.l I' Hyiin. lots jandil , MiieH'.s sub , wd . 1,000 llrhlgot Million and liusoand to M I llro- vo.irt , slO ft of lot "i , Johnson's add , \\d . ,000 J r. lilipv and wlfo to S K Wnltney , lot 4 , .1 K Hllry'a will , w il . -MOO 11 Sl'ruynand nusimnd to K L lloboit- son. 11 S5 ft lot 10 , blK 1 , 1'laltn low , wd.MM Charlo.s Corbcttnndlfoto Hank of Com- metce , no ' , of 11-10-11 and lot -'I , blk , Douglas add. wd . . 10frO J II l-'nltonto 1H Illshiip , und / tf Join. blm. I'lalnviuwmld. w d . 7M ) T II INiyd and wife to II II Dunham , lots Hi , ai nml yi , blk 12 , Howling Orc-on , w d 1,1)00 ) It U Dunham and ( i I. to V I' Mills , lots 11"JO nnd 21 , blk. 1" . lion ling Green , \v A I.HK ) Nettln Marshall to Jos Sluirmur , wl'i ft of n y. Tax lot "ii in l'Vlo-1-l , w d . 1S.OOO 11 8 llrown to ( ran * . K.nmelutli , lot . ' , blk II , Ambler I'lace , w d . < W I Ormond Iliulklns to C.V Ixigau , pt lots K nnd 111. blK c , Sluill's add.r d . . . . P.COO 7 H Stanton and hushaim to ( iV i l.ogan , lots 111 nnd \ blk 4 , llautharno mid , nnd lots I , . andfv. ulk lu , lots , blk U , Cat Hinge , wd . 10,000 U II IIOsus mid wife to Ij A lloswiirth , lot HI. bin 17 , and lot 10. bile IS , Omaha View , wd . l.Cft ) I. Schroeder , truitec , to Trauk Novak , lots U nd7 , blk - ' , and lot I" , blk 1 , Ill-own Parkwd . 3,010 Amos I'lillllps and wlto to I , Crnmbli- ! i lot li. blk I , Lake's ad-J , w d . . . CM Amos I'hllllDsand wlfj to I. Cromblc. lots U to K nnd K' , 11 and Wllson'.sadd to Kanntxn I'lacfl , w d . I Amos I'lillllps and wife to li Cromblo , 2 tracts in se so 1-15-1 1 , wd . 1 Twcnty-thrco transfers . $ lt'8ull7 ' The folUwlnpr ligures show * the total real j cstalo transfers anil iiuildlng permits for the week compared with tno corresponding period of last . o v . Bay. _ 1SS ! ) . 1SS10. Monday i'W.'IS ' Tuesday : iloi ( ! ; Wednesday iw,8'ir : Thursduy 74. ( > H8 Frldny ' 13-bD Saturday 4r,7W 'Totals SM 1,723 HCll.lllNU l'iHMITS. : Kay. ISSO. Monday $2.8M ( Tucsdry sriSO."i \VcdiiC3day ll,4 : > l > Thursday 12,7U ! > I.'IOO Friday 'J.lU-'i fiOU Saturday 1'JOO Totals J3I.S90 $10-I5U llll ! HANK CI.IiMtl.NO ? . The bank cloarin3 ( for tlio weak were ns follows : Monday S t'OO.lfll ' 57 Tuesday ( Mil.feilS HO Wednesday < . . fe' 7. Hi.'l ill ! Thursday Ts'.l. ICO 'JH Friday 7f > li-ll : 44 Saturday 7-.T.UOl . ! 'J8 Total Sl , in,92i ; SI An Increase of 'Jl.'l per cent over the cor- respontlinK week of last year. CHICHESTCR'3 EHQUISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. RC : cnoca DIAMOND Rufe * * ) find Klwujt ri-tlillo. l.adlr * . brtl ) llruaultt fur Illamond ltrnndln red mrtallu Imiitii , .nlC'l wllb blue rlhion , Tnkp nn ftttii H iiHc. "t [ " ) rr - | ' tllcul r. anrl "lUllor to ) Iu < llr , "tH/ .rbT re turn mull. Aatxe / ' ' fiulTerliii from tlio c-arcwor joiithful cnnni , i arly decay , n a tlns maknutii , lost iiir.nhii < Hl , i tc. , I will B-IKI n vnlunlilci treiitlno ( vnlrili ciinlnliilntt full nartlculnra for lioino cunI'llKI ; of clmriic. A Kp'cuillrl ranllcal work : shonM li n-iia 1)V every limn Trim l nervdiu anil ilelillltatfil. AdilifM , Bl'ror , V , C * . I'OWI < KU ITIoudUDConu. . Of Every Design and Finish. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Douglas St. ETCHINGS. O-EMERSON , ENGKkVINGS 5THALLET & DAVIS ARTIST SUPl MOULDINGS , S Sc ORGANS FRAMES , MUSIC. 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska Improved July 3O , I8B9 WITH WITH SPINAL SPINAl Ho 4 ft APPLIANCE , AmiAHCI ATTACHED. BELT. ATTACHtD. Dr. OWEN'S Elcctro- : l Galvanic Belt find Snipcniory will fint-a the follow- Inz diseases and all oth ' era of a nervous character ; Rheu. kind.Sclatlca.Poralyel KptlopsyTsprnaiDiseasosiSt. Yltni'jfKWkfr \ ffiilbKSM Dance , HrkuU Dlcaso , Tiles , Heart IJlaeasea , Lumbago General nnd SSSJm LMmf1 Nervous Debility , Cottlrcncis , Kidney l > l8ca8CsNervoiuno8 , Trcmblln/r / , HWIC view. Wasting of tbo Body , anil all diseases caused from Indiscretion in Youth or Married I.lfo , Nervous Prostration , Personal Weakness or Kxhaus. tlon , remalo Complaints , In fact all nervous diseases nortainlne to Halo or Fornalo. WochallenBethoWorM to producon belt that will compirowltli it. The current la underihe control of the wearer and canbomado uwponsory. niiltl orstrona to suit any complaint ; this cannot bo donowilh nnyolhcrbelt. The Suspensory for weakness of mcnls connected directlyto the Iliitturi/.iho disks nro BO adjusted that by means of our appliances the JB/iJr/rlHfF/Mn bo carried tonnynarfo _ DaokVltir. Front V1.H 'i"itie"ifidnlvimlc Cella , with vco * I , of any description. I twill euro allrompialnia Curable by EccrcUy ° c ? aGalva ° w'llattory. The Klcclric current can bo ' fromeUlo ten hours day or clgbt. After czamlnlnRtl Ju belt you will buy no other , ai it U light and easily worn anil i wo have laourlllectro-tiulvnnlo licit and Apiuianco i , wo _ _ _ will . . 0cnd . , . _ our . .H J''iiI ' jl'oicrt4 n .im tmaf j'of AndiJC Holt complcto nOBvflRO tof to blf with electricity .or Cold fee. t Do not vrasto your monbr on belts patented yoara BKO. Wo have private coniultatlon rooms for ladlea ai well us conU , and all who call or wiito us can rc.v aaeuron HIM } " ° ft " 'nS9q"v"lil ? 0'8 * cplnlon.anauthobcUlanotadaptccJtolhclrcasotbcywIllljeftoad lBcd. Opcnatalltlmr.a. Consultationatofflco.orbyinaltfrQO. rorinformatlonhowloobtamuiftlbeUecoaU-pigollook The OWEN 3BLECTBIO BEET & APPLIANCE CO. , 808 North Broadway , St. iLouis , Mo. and 826 Broadway , Northeast Corner of 12th , New York City.