Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The city clorlt 1ms Issued 1,300 dog1
to duto.
II. 0. I'riul 1ms boon appointed por-
mntiont rnihvuy clerk , his run to bo foo-
Iwcon Lirnvoou to Superior on the Elkhorn -
horn roml.
City Llconso Inspector Illloy has
filed complaints npnlnst S. Wymlllor
nnd T. 1-3. Lee for selling coal without
u llucnsc.
Wllllnm Goodocko & Co. , clpnr dcnl-
crs nt BO I South Fifteenth street , hnvo
placed n clmttol inortRnco for ? 1.KM ! ) on
their stock in favor of the Bank of Com
Rov. Father John William * of St.
iJnrnnbiui church is lyintf very ill at
the rectory , corner Nineteenth and
California. His nltmont Is an
vu to U case of la prlppo superinduced by
The Omaha Business colloRo literary
society will give an entertainment this
evening at the corner of Sixteenth and
Capitol nvonuo. An interesting pro
gram mo IIIH boon prepared and a very
pleasant tltno is anticipate : ] . Every
body is cordially invited to attend.
1'ornoiinl I'nrniirripln.
E. 11. Stcphonson of Lincoln It at the Pax-
W. T. Hlcldy of Columbus is at the Mor
chant. . .
R I' . Mills of Cordon Is roRlstorod at llio
A. M. Wherry of North Plntto Is nt the
S. tl. Elwood of O'NolU Is a Riiost at the
W. K. Kurtz of Fremont Is a guest at the
C. T * Harrison of Lincoln Is stopping at
the Casey.
W. P. Urltchllold of Fullortnn Is stoppiiiR
nt the Casey.
II. E. Honostocl of Nlobrara Is registered
nt tlto I'uxtoti ,
Frank Sharuo of Uattlo Crook Is registered
nt the Mlllnrd.
\V. \ \Villlatnsof AlrmvortU Is roRlstnrod
nt tlio MoiclmnU.
David Moore of Omaha was at the Coutcs ,
Kansas City , yestordny.
O. \Vhit3on nnd wife of Hcd Cloud are
guests nt the Merchants.
II. L. Ucatty and wlfo of Lincoln are
topping at the Merchants.
E. L. Dodder of Grand Island is among
Ilia arrivals at the Milliircl.
II. L. Llppcncott nnd C. L. Allan of Lin
coln nro guests nt the Millurd.
C. C. Holilon of Otnnlin registered at tlio
Lulund in ClilcnRO yesterday.
I ) . W. Philips of Omaha rogistcrcd at the
' Fremont In Chicago yesterday.
Joseph flnrncnu , . Jr. , registered at the
Coatcs in Kansas City yesterday.
T. M. Slmllcnbcrgcr , cashier of the Brad *
Bbaxv , Neb. , bonk , is at the Paxton.
M. Welch , Thomas Kllloon and George W.
Daw of Fremont at o among the guests at
the Paxton ,
K. .1. Kllpntrlclc and wlfo , .T. 1J. Weston
and J. D. Kllpalrlck of Beutrlco are nmouff
the arrivals nt the Ptixton.
O. II. Phillips of Beatrice Is nt the Casey.
Mr. Phillips is connected with the land do-
rmrtmont of thu B. & M. railway company.
O. II. Andrews , clnrk of too Murray , was
culled to Davenport lust night by n telegram
announcing the serious Illness of onoof too
Cuptnln Knstii ) , Hen ( jallaglicr and Louis
Schroeder returned Thursday morning from
Mexico , whore they had beun to inspect their
gold mlno , the El Kofugio.
A. B. Ko.Uoii of Berlin , Otoo county , Neb , ,
wns n visitor nt Tin : Ben building yes
terday. Ho is n prominent stock raiser in
that locality and of course sweius'by
Omaha nnd the state.
Mr. Nixon Waterman , the "Small Change"
artist of thu Chicago Hornld , called upon
Tim HER people yostorduy. Ho loft this
: - paper recently to accept the pluco ho now
holds with BO touch credit , to himself -and the
A weak back , with n weary aching lame
ness over the hips , is a sign of disoiised kid
neys. Use the best kidney curntivo known ,
Which fo Burdock Blood Bitters.
Slioriir lioyd Hilton.
( "Sheriff Boya wont to Lincoln Thursday
with two insane patients. Mrs. Pauline
Dro\ol and Charles Wilbur. Soon after
leaving the Omaha depot Mrs. Drovol bo-
cnrno violent , and seizing Sheriff Boyd's
right hand bit a picco of the flesh off it at
the end.
Before reaching Lincoln tno sheriff's fin-
Bor bccnmo very sere nud was badlv swol
len. Ono of the physicians In the asylum
dressed the injured member , nnd no serious
results arc feared , although such bites fre
quently result disastrously.
An Absolute Cure.
is only put up in lurae two-ounce tin boxes ,
uiul Is an nbsoluto euro for all sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and all akin erup
tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles.
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company
at i3 ! coats per bos by mall 30 cents.
Wlu po Are They ?
Mrs. Hello Wiggins of Eldorvillo , Hancock
county , 111. , writes to the Omaha postmaster
for Information concerning her husband ,
Thomas Wiggins , who left her penni
less with ilvo llttlo children to
aupport nnd came to this city.
Mrs. Wiggins , says her husband has
a sister hero by the name of Strand. Mrs.
Wiggins has wilttcn to her but has received
no answer. 'Iho wife savs further thnt she
hus become so destitute that she has been
forced to go back to Ilvo with her aged
Frank J. Appcnzoller of Decatur. 111. ,
writes to the postmaster com-emlng Albert
Apponzollor. n young man of twonty-throo
who cnuio to Omaha a tow months ago and
1ms mysteriously disappeared. Ho Is a lira-
Sydnov Kosentluld's unique comedy , "A
Posslblo Case , " will bo played for the first
tinio in Oinaliu by J. M. Hill's Union Square
company on next Monday evening. The
company Is tlio same that wns organized
especially for the production nnd run In Now
York city , and Is a very note one. Thu com-
pnny Is returning from n trip to the Pnclflo
coast , where it mot with a most cordial re
ception. Mr. J. Chnrlcs Davis , manager of
the Emma Juch opera company , who is ono
of the ablest nnd best known theatrical man-
ngem In America , witnessed a performance
of "A Possible Casu" In San Francisco three
weeks ago. and remarked while in the city
last week that everything that had boon said
In favor of the play WJIB correct , and that it
wouUl bo no disappointment to the theatergoers -
goers of Omuha. The salu of scuts will
commence this morning.
The advent for a now play by the foremost
of American dramc.ti ta1s under any circum
stances bit occasion of great intercut to
thentro goers , but especially is it whnn tlio
play has had such romariiubia success in
Now York. Boston , Chicago and Son Fran
cisco , as Dromon Howard's "Shonamtoiih"
hus hud. It will bo produced for the IIrat
tlmo In thl city at Bovd's opera homo for
thrca nights and a mntinco , commencing
next Thursday overling , with its important
cast , Bconory and auxilarlos.
The gala of seats for thoSarasata-D'Albcrt
grand farewell concert , which takes place nt
the Gland Monday , March 17 , opened favor
ably at the box ontca Thursday morning. It
is almost certain tnut every suut will bo sold
before the theatre opens. Sen or Pubhi do
Surasnte , violinist , and Euecno U'Albert ,
andMudanio Bnrtlio Marx , pianist'appear
nud will undoubtedly uttraot the bust people
of our city.
Miles' fsrrvnuml I.Ivor 1'llln ,
An important discovery. They act on the
liver , Btoninah and bowels through the
nerves. A now principle. They speedily
euro bllllouinois , bad taste , torpid liver ,
pile * and cointlpatloii. SpiaiiJIJ for inon ,
women and children. Suialloat , mildest ,
urest. SO deles for & cents. Samples free
t Kuhu Sc C'o.'i , IBln and Uouglu.
Some of Itfl Kepreflontntlvc/i llunli to
Itn ocnoc. .
Botweou stntoaients ma Jo to ft freight
man nnd representatives of the demurrage
bureau or Cnrorvlco association rognnllng
the condition of the latter thcro aeoms to Do
an extremely wldo difference. The former
was reported n * saying that the bureau had
vlrtunliyloiit Its usefulness. This statement
the association denies and In reply offers
strong evidence of Its untruthfulnoss.
"Our meeting last Wednesday was not an
cntlro failure , " said ono of the oniclals.
"Chairman Jones wns not out of town , but
nt homo nick , nnd the bureau , I ran nssttro
you , Is not on its last legs.
"I don't uilnd saying to you thnt a meeting
of the Cnr-sorvlcn association was hold In
Chicago last week with thirty-one repre
sentatives present. Mr. Jones was thcro
nnd came back hlahly elated over the out
look for greater success In the future than
wo have had in tlio past. The llret demur-
rngo bureau in thu country was organized
right hero In Omaha about three years ago , '
by three roads. 'I hey were the Union Pa
cific , B. ft M. nnd Missouri Pncllle. Today ,
every ono of the thirteen lines centering nt
this point , belong to it and nro sailsflpJ with
the work It la doing.
"Tho facts are that our RUCCCHS , almost
from the start , has bcon HO great that since ,
from the modest beginning , over llfty
bureaus hnvu bi-on established ; and , as has
been stated , thlrty-ono of these were repre
sented at the mooting in Chicago. Such a
growth In so stiort a tlmo hardly looks as
though uo wcro playing out.
"Of course , wn have our llttlo differences ,
but merchant * Jlnd It much better to pay
any storage charges assessed ugalnst them
than to refine. I'lio difference Is ttmt in
stead of milking warehouses out of cars for
thirty , sixty and ninety days , ns wns the cnso
bofoiowohudn bureau , the cars are now
unloaded promptly and returned to the roads
for sci vice. "
"Tho mooting mljonrnca unlll next Thurs
day , when nnntuor will bo hold to discuss
ono or two mooted questions nnd adiust a
few matters which will put the burn.iu on a
Btill stronger fooling. Tlicro is no doubt of
its popularity and usefulness. The largest
jobbing firms , which , nt llrst , protested
loudly against being forced into unloading
their cars within a certain tlmo or pay a
penalty of so much per day on each car for
every day It remained subject to ttielr order
over that time , are now among tno best pa
"Tho scheme has been reduced to such a
system that hardly a merchant permits him
self to bo caught for demurrage. The
roads uro greatly bcncllttcu becnuso they
get the use of their cars. Four or Ilvo years
ago the Union Pacific yards were daily so
crowded that very often great difliculty was
encountered in awltchlng and making up
trains. "
A O mill .Joker.
The construction nnd operation of a
United States telegraph and postal company
would jio much simplified by securing Iminc.-
dinto use of the Union nnd Central Pacific
telegraph lines nnd making them a part of
the system. It" would give Undo Sam lines
frotn the Missouri rivur to the Pacific coast.
Starting at Omaha it would have n trunk
line traversing Nebraska. Wyoming and
Utah to Ogdon. with another important
brancti from Kansas City , joining the main
line at Cneyonno. The Central Pncillc starts
of course at Ogdcn , and passes through Ne
vada , as well us California , to San Fran
cisco. "Those suggestions I read in Bonio
Now York dispatch , " said a railroad man
yesterday. "They struck mo rather for
cibly. It is furthermore stated , however ,
that Jay Gould worked a quiet little scheme
into tlio proposed Union Pncilio funding bill
which will urovont this sort of thing ever
being dono. 'f hut bill , ns I undcrslsnd it ,
provides for the removal of all government
control of the Union Pacific which would
permit t'no Western Union to maintain Its
hold on the wires without hindrance. This
is what we call a Gould joker. "
After tint li. At SI.
A very lively contest has sprung up be
tween Lincoln and Hastings for the B. & M.
shops , providing they nro removed from
Plattsmoutu , which seems , as yet , to bo
a matter of doubt. Several months nco , it
was reported from Lincoln that the company
proposed moving them to that place- , but the
officials say they have no knowledge"
of Hiinh a move being contemplated
Ex-Mavor Bostwlck nnd ono or two other
leading business men of Hastings nro hero
nnd arc said to have coma on thu nulet to
consult General Manager Holdrega on tha
subject. ' 1 hey have thus far received uo en
couragement ,
An ofllclal circular received in this city
states that K. P. Vining , who is well known
here , has boon appointed general traffic m.ui-
ngcr of tha St. Louts & San Francisco road ,
with headquarters at. St. Louis. Some years
ngo , while general freight agent of the
Union Pacific am ! n resident at Oinahii , Mr.
Yining bccaino widely Known as the author
of n book In which ho attempted to provo
that Hamlet , the melancholy Dane , was a
woman.About that tlmo Anna Dlclconsou
wns traveling through the country playing
the part ol Hamlet.
Notes mill I
Vice President Holcomb of the Union Pa-
clllo is expected noino front tlio east today.
Assistant General Solicitor Kelley and
General Freight Agent Tohbotts of the
Union Pacific are at Sioux City before the
interstate commerce commission.
E. M. Ford , passenger representative of
the Union Pacific at Dos Moincs , came in
yostorduy with a party of travelers from
iloughton , who are cu route to Oregon ,
II. A. Johnson , general freight agent of
the "Pan Handlo" road , Denver , is in the
General Western Agent Ritchie of tbo
Northwestern hus gone to Chicago on busi
ness requiring his presence at headquarters.
Prominent clnrgymon , physlclats and nil
classes of citi/cns are unanimous in the en
dorsement of Salvation Ol ) , the greatest
euro for rheumatism.
No greater guarantee of the oxcelhlnqo of
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup could bo furnished
than that it is recommended by all the leadIng -
Ing druggists.
vs cunsr.
Ho Turns Out to lc a Thief mill u
A. S. Hltchlo hung around Central police
station nearly all dny nursing what might
bo called lump jaw.
Thursday night ho had a dcspcrato encoun
ter with a thlof named "Bii''k" ' or "Chuck"
McNamarn. His correct 11 rat name Is John.
Hitchlo nnd he , it seems , had boon drinking.
'I hey had never met before When
they thought of separating Kltchlu offered
McNnmura the hospitality of his loom in the
Crclghton block.
The offer wiia accepted. The men occu
pied separata beils. Later Hitohio awoke
and discovered MoNnmara searching his
pockets. Ho sprang out of ocd nnd clenched
with the ttilaf. Then they broke away and
Hitchlo grasped his revolver , which ho was
about to explode when McNamara took it
away from him and sot upon the lawyer with
n will. Each pummeled the other nnd both
began to bleo.l profusely , liltchlo being
budly cut on the inside of the right cheek
by being struck on the outside , the blow
driving his tooth Into the llosli. Blood
stained the carpet and the bed clothes , and
both beds wcin badly broken.
Finally McNamara got out of the room ,
taking u tlh him n diamond pin , gold watch
and chain uiul $18 In cash.
The polleo were notified and succeeded
in locating McNamara nnd locked him up.
A search warrant was issued for 1311 Nortn
Sixteenth street , where McNamara lives.
'Ihoro tha pin was found but the watch nnd
money nro t > tlll missing.
The charge ngnnut MeNainara will bo
grand larceny.
Clipped from Canada Presbyterian , under
signature of U. Blnckott Uobmson , Propr.-
I was cured of oft recurring bllllous head
aches by Burdock Ulood Bitters ,
The Traveling MenS Club.
The directors of the Omaha Traveling
Men's club hold a brief session yesterday af
ternoon. Lutlo was accomplished , Acom-
mliteo consisting of Messrs. Goodton , Oar-
son and Johannes was appointed to aecuro
estimates forfurnituio , etc. It wai almost
decided to take the rooms In the board of
trade building , The next meeting of the di
rectors will bo held ono week from yester
day at Darrow & Logan's at 1 p , m.
How thn Nlolielsoii Woman la Consid
ered by Her I-'riciiiIs.
A BKK reporter met a resident
Ellthorn In this state , and from blm gath
ered sonio Information regarding the woman
Nicholson or Ntokorson , who has figured
and still continues a prominent character In
the II , H. Cook dlsapporanco.
"At the tlmo of the suicide , " ho said , "I
went out to the Nicholson residence , four
miles north of Elkhorn , to tallc with the
woman. I was informed by her parents that
she was at Sidney , in this state , xvhcro she
owns a farm and has a married sister. Later
developments nnd your Kingfisher corres
pondent's repot t , however , glvo her parent A
the Uo , us she was , beyond a doubt , In the
Oklahoma country nt tno tlmo with Cook.
"She was in Etkhorn on or about
February 10 , stayed two or
three days and loft , it is
supposed , for Oklahoma as she was desirous
of purchasing a ticket at Elkhorn direct to
that country. I will Btato that , I was out of
town whim Mio wns in our city , or , In all
probability , I might have mot her.
"Her visit at tlmo mentioned was sup
posed to bo for tlio purpose of converting
into cash four head of horses belonging to
Cook , which were pastured by n Mr. Dlns-
dalc , an uncln of the Nicholson woman. This
will probably explain her sending Cook
money , IIB mentioned by your Oklahoma
correspondent. Thcra Is no record of her
sending any money ( rora Elkhorn.
"Sho m.ulo the statement , I am told on
good authority , that Cook was not dead , but
WIIR In Oklahoma , when ho was doing woli.
"Prior to thu Cook episode. Miss Nichol
son moved In the best society , had a good
character and her company was much sought
after by many of the rural beauxassho _ , was
of prepossessing appearance , a go'od"convcr-
Rtitloiiullst , and was supposed to have good
"horso sense. " Iho dogs out th.ero'Would
not bite her , after what has transpired bo-
twnon her nnd Cook.
"vVliilo public opinion Is divided , It is the
belief extensively thnt there was 'metno.l'
in Mrs. Cook's identifying the Mlllard ho
tel suicide , as her husband. The Nicholson
woman's story to the effect that COOK is
alive is accepted as true , Mrs. Cook's tojtho
contrary notwithstanding. "
"That tired feeling" is entirely ovpr-
eoino by flood's Sursaparilln , which
pivesii feeling of buoyancy and strength
to the whole system.
It Asnin HuccE'cds in GntdiK Its
Owner Into Surinut Trout ) ] .
Some tlmo ago W. T. P. Wood otnployod a
man minimi Arthur Keltlo to take care ot
several horses for him. Koltlo to receive S3
a week for so doing and 10 per cent of their
selling prlco when they should bo In market
ing trim. Keltic says there was some hitch
on Wood's part when the selling tinio cime ,
and that lie took possession of ono ot the
nags to secure his 10 par cent. Thereupon
Wood had him arrested on the charge of
grand larceny. The matter came uu for
hearing before Judge Helsloy yesterday
afternoon. Leo Estolle , for the de
fense , claimed that , a man might go to n
livery stable , lure a rig and not return it ,
wi hout laving himself liuolo to the charge
of cither grand laremiy or horao stealing.
Ho hcht that the case in hand was an almost
parallel one , nnd ho could bring authorities
to prove it. This assertion seemed to set
Assistant City Attorney Shoemaker nearly
wild. His fuco reddened to a llnry tint , and
swelling up. clenching his fists and rushing
up to Estcllo , ho hissed :
"Sir , you nro trying to do that most con
temptible of nil thmgs wilfully nnd wan
tonly deceiving this court , as you know just
as well as that you hnvo a band on your
shoulders that you cannot produce author
ities to provo your rank assertion. "
Estello turned pale with raito. Ho ap
peared to bo gathering himselt to pounce
upon Shoemaker. Instead of doing BO , ho
gave vent to his intense storm of passion by
calling down a series of demoniac curses
upon ills young opponent's hoad.
The court called time and continued the
case to Monday at 3 p. m.
In another column of Tin : BII : : is an
Horn headed "Strong Laiigutifrc. " It is
tin advertisement worth reading. Tnoso
who have spent $15 or $4 curing a cold
nnd perhaps still feel the olTccts of it
or hnvo been annoyed by ono for two or
three weeks will appreciate what ox-
Mayor Loughran has to bay. Chmubor-
luin's Cough Runiody , of which it
speals , has inudo man friends in Omuha
during the past few months.
How It'aa I'layuil on a Florence
Kalinin Mnn. "
W. J. Ilorton , a Florence saloonkeeper ,
was arrested yesterday on the charge of
obtaining property under false pretenses.
The complaint was liled byV. . O. Lostor.
Lester owned a saloon at Florence. Early
in December ho sold out his place to Hnrton ,
the consideration being $ . ' ,500. Of this
amount ? 200 wns paid In cash , nnditUo bal
ance In real estntc. Among the property In
the dcnl was a deed for an aero
lot at Cut-Oft island. The quit
claim was slened "Clarence Calvin. "
tester claims that , the signature
Is n forgery as there is no such man , ant )
furthermore that the lot is and was at the
time of thu deal owned by John I. liedlck.
U lion Horton was called before Judge
ITolsloy ho said ho wus not ready for prelim
innry trial. He was then placed under $1,000
Tor KJ.jcara I suffered from bolls , cryjlpclos
end other blood affections , t iklnx during that
tlrao crcat quantities of different medicines wltll-
oat clvb ? mo any perceptible relief. I'rlcnda
Induce J nio to try 0. a. S. HImprc\cd mo from
the etart , and after taliina e cral bottlcg.rc- .
ctorod tny health as far A31 could hcpa for at
iny ago , which la noveovcnty.fle years.
Mr.s. U. M. I.UCAS , Bowling Green , Ky.
Trcolkc on Tllood nn 1 RUIn DUeascemallcd free.
Ul'ECIl'IO CO. . Atlanta.Gu.
In Its First Stages.
J3 mre i/oii get the genuine.
IS a blood diionno. Until tno poison la
expelled from tbo system , there caa
bo no euro fat * this loathsome and
dangerous maludy. Therefore , tbo only
effective trcntnituit Is n thorough course
of Aycr's Sarsaiiirllla ) tlio best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the better ; dolpy Is dangerous.
" I wns troubled with cntnrrh for over
two years. Intried various remedies ,
and was treatdtUbyn number of phjsl-
clans , but received no benefit until I
began to tnkoVAjcr's Sarsaparllln. A
few bottlps of tills medicine cured mo ol
this troublesome complaint and com
pletely restored my health. " Jesse M.
Boggs , Holuian's Mills , N. 0.
" When Aycr's Snrsapnrllla was rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , I wns in
clined to doubt Its cfllcney. Having
tried no ninny rotm-dlcs , with llttlo ben
efit , I bad no faith that anything would
euro me. I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion. I
bad nearly lost thn sense of smell , and
my system was badly deranged. 1 was
about discouraged , \\hon a friend urged
mo to try Ayer's Snrsapnrilln , and re
ferred mo to persons whom It had cuied
of catarrh. After taking half a dozen
bottles of this mullclno , I nm convinced
that the only surounyof Uniting this
obstinate disease is through thu blood , "
Charles II. Malouey , 113 Itlvcr St. ,
Lowell , Mass.
Dr. ! . C. Ayer & Co. , Lcv.-cll , M&ss.
1'rlco $1 ; li bollfcf , $5. Worth $ S a bottlo.
( Opposite Pnxton HotoU
Offloo hours , u i. m. , tp8 p. m. Sundnyi. 10 a. m. , le
Specialist ! In Chronic , Nervous , Skin oni'Blood Dl *
r/7 Consultntlon at odea or by mall free. Medl-
clues lent by mall or oppress , tccuroly packed , free
from observation. au rantoe8to euro quickly , late
ly and permanently.
WUDTTfllTQ rPnTTTW HpjrmitorrhooB , eeml
flJUHlUUlJ ID DILI 11 mil Lo-oes.NlglitKmls
eloni. Pl.yilcaldecax nrlslru from Indiscretion , ex-
resior Indulgence , p-iiducliu nlceplesness. decpon-
dcncy , pimpled on the face , nrerfllon to society , easily
discouraged , lack of contldenoo. dull unfit for study
ur business , nnd llnds llfn nbjrdcn. barely , permin-
cnllv end prlvaloly.euioJ. Consult Drs. Halts A lletta ,
KUUFarnambtruut , U.-uttia , Mob , r
BlooJ and Skin DjBass ? ?
results , completely ocatlleutoJ ftlt'iont the aid of
tnorcury. Scrofula , crjslpolas. fever eoren , olotchej.
ulccra. pains In thu. huni and tones , syphilitic sore
throat , mouth and tontrna. ratnrrh , etc. , permanently
cured where others hnro fat cd , , „ " ,
' ITpinaniT' anV' ' llailtler fomplnlnta ,
, Ullllail JPnlntul. nimcult. tco fro-
quentburnlnv or bloody urine , urine blzh colored Of
vrltu milky sediment on Btftnllnir , weak bark , uonorr
buMi , Kleit.cystitis , etc. 1'rompily and safely cured
cbarces reasonable.
raoval complete without cutting , cauntlc ordination.
Cures offecio 1 nt homo tiypatlunt without a raoaicnti
linln or annoyance.
To TOM Min and Mide-Aiefl Men ,
nRDP TUo nwful effects of early
UUllD uUltll Vice , which lrln3 orpanlo
troikncss. destroying Loth mind and bodx. nidi all
ts dreaded Ills , pi-rmnnontlr curod.
Address these wlio have 1m-
. p.ilred iheruuulvca by Improper
Indulgences and ttnd tolltnry habits , which rum both
body nnd mind , uniutliu tbem ( or business , study or
MAUUIEU MEN , or thoie entering on that happy
llo , uvaro or physiclitl debility , qulculy asstited.
ti basort upon ( acts , fJrst-practknl experience. eo
ond-uvur ) case Is enpetlnily studio. ! , thin BtnrtlnR
arlgnt , thlnl medicines are i rapurud In nur own lit-
bainry exactly to Bait oacu case , thus nlfuUlnjj euros
irlthuut Injury.
CTTbend n cents postage ( or celebrated works on
chronic , nervous and di > licnte diseases. Thousanls
cured. fEf"A ( rlcndlr letter or call may ave you fit-
turo Buttering andshamc , and ad t Koiden jenra to lle
rfy.No letters nnsworod unleii accompanied by 4
tents In sta-nps. Address orcull on '
B > Bt ! . HETTS & KETTS ,
HIS Kamin street. Omaha. Nob.
w. & co.'s
la absolutely tiitro Olid
it i * soluble.
No Chemicals
are uicj In Ui preparation. It 'in men
than MTU ttntt lAa ttrtngtti ol Cvcoa
mixed > ith Starch , Arrowiuul or til ; ar ,
and if thmforo f&r more economical ,
totting Itit t\an tnt ttnt a cup. It 14
icllrlou > , nonrlilii ! ? , tlriiiEt'icnliis , Ki
el J.Y DiQCSTFI ) , mid ailmlrsWy ndsp'til
fur hnalklj n < vclli pcrioui In licaltii.
Hold by GroccrH cverjilicrc. .
W. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester. Masa
"lly ftthorouBhlcuiiwlPilgoof the natural laws
vhlcliKOTera tno opuratious of dlKuatlun uiul
lUUrHlon , nnd by a direful application of the
Llio liropeitiet of veil woloctoil Cucua , Mr , Upp3
hus provided our lironlcfitsitnblei with n dell ,
cutely Hnvorml bcveruse which m ly suvo ua
miuiy lie ivj ( Hictor-i' bills. It la i > y thu Juilloloua
nso ot such iittloles.or diet that a constitution
limy be unultinlly built up until atroni : onmigh
to resist every tuniluncy to illau iso. lliiniHoila
ot subtly m.uixtllrs iuo lloatliu i > rouni\ us ready
to attack wh rover tliore Is n o.vfc nolnt.Vo
may cscapo iiuuy n fatal shaft by UeopltiB our
selves weil lortined lth pure blooU and n prop ,
crly nourlHhed fraiiio. " Civil Borvloo Unxutto.
Mailo blinplyvlllibollliiK walnr or null ; . Hold
only In half po iiul tins. liyiroc > rolu ! > elod tim :
IAMEQ CPDC9.1 Pn Homa'opathloChomlits
J A 111 CO triOXXi UU Loutlon. England.
Queen OHyTopHfg
417 Finn SI , Cincinnati , 0
T'lpp Catuloju * .
The only saf < > and pulnloss mothoil of estract-
Inv twtli. nnd thu only method of Innortlnt :
tenth without plate , remaining clean ami duiii-
B > K. .
For the iiMY ( acnaon with n now stock , Our spring goods uro open and on our counters nnd every pres
ent nnd prospective purchaser of : i spring suit should turn his footsteps in our direction. Wo will show
you something worth coming for Wo nro constantly incieastnjr our business , nnd the stock of goods wo
are showing this Reason is on n much larger scale than formerly. It hns no oqtnl in this part oC the coun
try , mul always progressive wo are also with ovnry souou : trying to improve upon tlio quality and make
of our goods , Wo handle and sell such goods which will give satiifuotion , nnd nothing comes on our
tables that is not perfect in make , fit and workmanship.
Advertiseiiig talk does not count for much nowadays , we do not ino ns much space in tlio papers nnd
nmy not put things so forcibly ns others do na wo avoid nllseinntionnl methods of advertising , OUT OLJIl
GOODS AND PRICES TALK MOST CONVINCING Wo rely upon our customer ! for this consis
tent and steady increase of our business is , wo sell them such goods which not only biings'thom b.ick
every ? eaon , but causes them to raccomoml us to their f rien Is. This 'is the m > st forcible way of adver
tising and is sure to bring the biggest returns. Wo do not blow a big bargain horn , because with us bur-
gains nro a daily occurencc , and no exception. All our goods are bargains compared with the prices of
other houses.
Our Mail Order Djpnrtmcnt is now in working order. Write 1'or samples o our spring suit ? and wo
i will sciul you a good line to select from and will also send blanks for self-measuring.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets.
They are custom made clothing of merchant tailors , left on their hands for one reason or another.
These we bay in large or small quantities , tor' ready cash. For example : A suit ofclothes costing
originally , we can , according to style and quality , sell for $18 or $20. Just think of It , a sav
ing of BO per cent , one halfof the original cost. Many of them are from the leading tailoring estab
lishments throughout the country.
$05 custom innilc suit for $30.00 $ ( ! 0 custom madu made limits fur $9.00
$55 custom iniulu suit for $25.00 $55 custom made made pants for $ ( t.50
$50 unlom iim-le suit for $22.1)0 ) $50 custom made made pants for $11.00
$ J5 custom made suit for $20.00 $45 custom Hindu iniulo limits for $5.50
$ { 0 custom made suit for $1S.OO Sill custom made made unnts for $5.
$ ! J5 custom inndo suit for $1(5.50 ( $ ! ! 5 custom mndu mmlc limits for $ l.ou
$ ! )0 custom nmilo Milt for S1J.OO $30 custom made madu pants for..i'.i. 75
Latest styles and elegant garments in silk nnd satin lined suits and spring overcoats. Also Full
Dress Suits o r sale or rent , at the
' R
Remember number and place , 1SO9 Farnam street , Omaha , Neb , Open evenings until 0 o'clock.
Saturday until 1O o'clock. All garments altered free of charge to insure a perfect fit.
Having1 about completed the
in our store , we are now
prepared to serve" our cus
tomers in the best manner.
One of the
Special Attractions
this week will be
Men's Trousers
which we offer from $1.75
to $5. Men's Spring Over
coats from $6 to $30.
All heavy overcoats will
be sold at a liberal rcdution
Tlio Well Known Special ! * ! ,
Isnuiurpaoad In the lrentni"nt of us formi of I'll !
VATK DiHfAWtH urul xtrlrtura.u euronuarantced. lu
patency , Lost uf .ManliooJ. und Aninliluri Sltrrlllty
or lldrrf ucisubsolnlcly vured. bind for llooki.'l'nu
1.1(0 Hccrii. " for Mnn or Woman , each U cents
( stamps ) . Nervous hunmle lUsi'ntos. cured quickly
und iieriuunuiitly. 'Ircatmcnt by corrvipondenco.
lumps lor reply. CuriiiuiHllonliro , unicod. U. Cor
Ulli and JmVsuu Streeti , Ouiaba .Scb.
i m.wMuiuim . cinH
kl.p > rikr railiiii ilj. Linrm ll uill.l.J t a 4 P
Of Dianioi'ds ' , Watoiies , Clocks , Solid Silver and Qualm pie
Plated Ware , Jewelry , Optical Goods , uttery , Umbrellas , Etc ,
Aru ( joiner iiiiidc I > y ii" , ivIiUu ino t duuloro coinplain thai
ilicic ' > trtIe i dull. " 'flia public a. ] > prcuatu ! iVJTH\ ; [ ! :
ISAK ABSS , iii evidence : ! tiy Ilie UUural patronage wo are
receiving. JSJJ'i' WBH1' not ? you From S25 lo 50 per
ccnl , even on flio most staple c iods , aiul A l O3 , AIt
SAVES ) BS TWO nOI B ABS ! * A1ADK. We must yet out ol %
tlie filctail .Jewelry Kunluest , as our ILar o and IiifrcasiiiK
\VlioIcsale Trade deinaiHU It. SJoJlco our a lare { nliow
window * from day to duj- , and see what we aie
S2TCIA1. ATTB XTION is called Jo the
1OO rine Steel 4)arvins SotNofit pioccs , only $2 ; worth
85. 23O IV ut Sets or O IMeks and C'racli , In cnse , only SI eat-h
worth Sit I lcKimt I'iano S.amiis , SI a. . TO , worth $ 25.
'fl'EBIJ IMB2ST ao WAVS. Open Saliirduy BJien uj ; until 1)
MAX MEYER BRO. , Cir , SixMi ani Farm Sfi. .
iv. it. STOKE : a'ont UI\T : ; B'oat SALE : .
l-T XTJXmV > T.tM
The ( New ) Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
I'or Iho treatment of all CIIUONIP AND RimmC.U , DISBASKS Ilruw , Applancoi for dofiiriiilllN and
Trimo * Host niclllllos.App ilnlimiinil Ilonicilini nu SiKcmnfiil Trfitmunt of every form nt dlsi-aso ru *
quiringJli'dkal ' or HnraleJITrratiiioiil. NIMCI'V HUJMrl Kill I'AI'IIMH , llonnl nnd AttiMiilniicu , lloit
Accominiidalloiis t. Wrlto for circulars on Dofnnullioi and "ices , Triune * . Club ; 1 not Cnrvutiiros of
Splno. l'llf , Tiimon , Cumcr , Cnliurli , llronclilll , Inlialallon niijUrklly , I'.irahrfls , ii : > llop y. , Kliliioy . , Iliad *
CUT. Kyo , llur Hkln mid lllooil , mid nil Snrclnil Oportllons DIHIIAbl.S OK WDMKN f ij lioclallx Hook of
Ill > ei e of Wuuivii KiooVo liuta lately added l.yliu In liup-irlincnt > < . ! for ' . . Wninon . . ! ! ! ! . . Durlim . ) . . . ! ! . ' . uiiUueuiiaL
ibtVlttfy I'Miato ) Only llcilublu Medical Jn-tltiite Mnkliu n Hpeclnlly nf I'lllVATI ) lISIAhjS. ) ! :
Alllllood | ) Uoa e mu'oesjfiilly irinlnd. Hypliillllo nnlsun removed from llio ny luin wllhoiit mcrcvry ,
New Uoiliirntlra troilinunt lor I ) IH of Vllnl I'owc r. l' rtlcs ; unaulo lo vUlt u may bo Irenloil nt liomo by
corrcsiionilcnco. Alloimuiiinlcitlonscontldentlal Jlodklnoiir InitriimoiiU tent by mull or o-prean U *
ciirclr iiarkail , nn murks lo Indlcnto lontimU or n-nder Ono personal Inlorvlnw iirofiTred Call nnil consult
it "or .end hl ory of your t.isis nnd wo will ( .end In plain wrapper our HOOK TO M I.V ! rilKKi IIIHIII l'rl > uttfj
hlHClalorServoiullio.i ! . lumolmity Kyphlll ( fleet ami Vnrlcotulo , wllli question lint. Addie.i
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Corner IHh nnd llurnoy Streets , Oinalia , Nub <
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska