Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Burrowe , Lofolotto nnd O.inr Dotor-
mlnod to Win.
Ilo IntlmnloH in Mr. Crisp n Dcolrc to
Alvel Him on tlio I'lrld at Honor
Klcotrlo htrcct Hallways
\\nHliliiuton. .
Ui'itcitr TUB O.MAIU Jen , }
WASHINGTON. D. C. , M.iroh iV
There wan Hover more- rapid work done on
n tariff bill than that which tooic pluca In n
dingy little committee room In thii nub-b.tsu
niont of tlio old portion of the capital this af
ternoon. The republican members of the
committee on wava and moans were having
their Html meeting and wore for the Ian
tiuio naming upon tbo provisions in the now
tariff bill. All of the republican members o
the committee wcro present , and as rapidly
ns a clause , sentence or paragraph could bo
road , Chairman McKlnloy cMlcd for a viva
volco vote and tlio question was determined
Thrco or four Iteit.s of special importance
were left over from the mooting
of today , among the in sugar. At the
inccttnt * tomorrow the republicans ox
poet to complete the consideratlot
of the bill , whleh it is intended shall go the
full committee the first of next week. The
thrco republican members of the committee
who nro lighting for free raw sugar , Hur
rows of Michigan , Lnfolottc of Wisconsin
nnd Gear of lawn , have sot about to force
favorable action upon their position. They
hnvo asked the advocates off rco raw sugar
from the various states in the house to get
together and adopt resolutions defining their
positions , The republican members of the
Illinois delegation adopted a resolution niu
attached their signatures to it declaring thai
In whatever form the tariff bill as protmrec
by the committee on ways and means shall bo
reported it must favor the free admission ol
sugar below sixteen degrees of fineness ,
which is raw sugar In the common parlance
of trade. As noun ns the bill reaches the
committee the contents will rapidly become
known , no the republicans say the demo
cratic members of the committee will hava
no compunctions about making the pro
visions of the measure public. It Is possible
that thfi bill will reach the house within ton
days or two weeks at the furthest. Some of
the republican members of the committee ,
goaded by the criticisms of the press and
smarting u liulo under the irritation of so
much individual opinion , nro insisting that
the bill shall go to the house from the full
committee by the first of the week after
In the liouso a few day ago Mr. Crisp of
Georgia , whu was chairman of tbo commit
tee on elections under tbo Cleveland admin
istration , up-ended nnd delivered himself of
n very bitter personal uttaclc upon Colonel
W. W. Dudley , lie characterized him in n
very severe manner for Ins services to the
republican party and said everything ho
could to smirch the ? colonel's reputation.
'Iills morning ho had nn opportunity to con
front Colonel Dudley with his innuendoes ,
but lie did not avail himself of the
opportunity. In fact Colonel Dudley
solicited an acceptation from Mr. Crisp of
" satisfaction" if it was desired.
Mr. Crisp is at the head of thu democratic
minority of the liouso committee on election ,
which is now considering the Millar-Elliott
contested election from South Carolina.
Colonel Dudtoy Is attorney for the contest-
lint and when ho rose to address thu commit
tee ho prefaced his remarks with some ob-
norvatlons personal to the gentleman from
"It may bo that I in my professional ca-
liaclty am doing the cause of my client violence
lence by appearing before this committee , "
Bald .Colonel Dftdloy , 'Thorp1 nro onter-
tuihcd on thu part of nt leant ono member of
the committee opinions of and feelings
toward mo which may prejudice my case ,
but I Want to suy that I corno hero solely in
n professional way nnd nny feeling that maybe
bo hold against mo for nny reason
By any member of this jury should
not militate hiramst ray client. Another
thlnir I want to say at the outset of my ur u-
mcnt is that if there is any gentleman hero
who intends to attack my personal , political
or iiroloNslonul character , on the llonrof thn
house , \ \ lien their case comes up in that
body , I want him to speak up hero and not
assail me at a time and in n place where j
: an not defend myaeif. lam hero to meat
any aspersions which may bo brought
iiKninst mo hero or elsewhere , " and Colonel
Dudley looked Mr. Crisp hard ii the face as
lie added with emphasis. : "All I asi : is n
fair lighting chance , uud not to bo assaulted
where 1 will bo helpless , " Mr. Crisp said
not a word. .
Iii the sonata today during the considera
tion of a proposition to grant a right-of-way
through the streets of Washington to u
street railway company , Senators Mundor-
son nnd Paddock made Mtrotig arguments in
favor of over-head electricity ( or motor
txwer. They contended that It was superior
to horsn power and citcil the succehshil use
of thu system In Oinana. Mr Paddock
spoke at length of tbo electric street railroad
built in Omaha , and said that although
there bad been much opposition to it at tlio
time , thora was not n citizen in Omaha now
who would not bo glad to have
nn electric line on .every street
In tlio city. Thcro hud not been n
titnglu accident on that road. Mr. 'Mander-
son spoke of the great valve of street rail
way fr.uiphibes nnd suggested that the '
proper method was not to permit parties
who bad upcjuhitlvo interests In outside real
cntato to dictate lines of road by wtilch their
real estate could bo brought into markct.but
that there should bo gomu demand from the
suburban population olong the proposed route
on the commissioner of the district or m
congress. Tlmn the franchise should bo
urnntcd to tlioso who uro ready to pay most
for it. As it was , now those roads wcro
operated to the immense profit of a few Indi
viduals. Ho concurred with his colleague's
remarks as to the electric road in Omaha
and declared his belief that the best system
ot street railways was the clectrio ystem.
Congress will glvo the right of way for the
overhead olectrlo system in the nuuurbs of
the city , but not in tlmt portion of the city
. thickly populated , as it disfigures the streets.
I asked ouuof the Nebraska senators today
for a list of the candidates for the position of
assistant United States attorney for Ne
braska and the reply was something llko
this : "If vgii will got , a directory of the
lawyers In Nebraska uud check off about ono
third ot the names you flnd you will como
very near gucstlnc the lUt. There are hun
dreds of aspirants in thu Held mid it would
bo an injustice to them to give their names.
Thcro is n wonderful amouut of excellent
talent offered for the position and If the
iinmcR of all who have beau recommended
were published In Tnu Huu they would , I ho-
Hove , 1111 n column. " I got the sumo reply
from the stulo delegation.
The senate cuininltteo nn appropriations
lm ugreril to recommend that an appropria
tion of f''O.UO ! ) bo made immudiatoly uvalU
nblo tor the purpose of making surveys In
North uud South Dukott and other arid and
Hoini arid regions of the northwest and
noulhwcM , to determine the proper location
of artesian wells which uro to bo adoutod us
u mean * of irrigation. ThosmiatoeommlUi-o
on irrigation has had two uicotlnga this
vrcok for thu purpose of discussing the vari
ous proposition ! relating to Irrigation and it
has ncroed to recommend u bill appropriat
ing MUO.UOO to bt applied to tapping the
artesian basin is the country mentioned.
This special appropriation for artesian wells
is outuldo of the mineral Irrigation proposi
tion which in before the lenato and does not
rolnto to the basin und other irrigation
projects which have hcua nuggoslod by
members of the geological survey and mon
in coogrcaa.
A ub committee of the houto committee
Bii mmculluro today reported to the full
committee favorably tin bill of Conger of
Iowa "dullnlnif lard aud ImuoJlug a tax upon
und regulating the manufacture and ale nnd
importation und exportation thereof. " 'Iho
tiili propoiea to tax compound lurd the iniua
M oleomargarine , itnd to place U under iuil *
lar Inspection bv the Internal revenue law.
It IB understood tlmt Iho full committee will
rcirarl In favor of the bill nnd no ml It to the
homo next week. Chairman Paddock of the
eunnto committed on airrlculturo fn > > that
no such specific legislation will bo reported
from his committee. He Is In favor of pure
food , hut ho enyfl that the question of ndnl *
luratiou In too extensive la treat specifically
Item by Item , nnd that there mu t bo n gen
eral bill upon the nubjcct dealing with nil
adulterated food articles alike. Such n
measure has already been referred to n sub
committee of which ho Is tlio clmlrniun , ana
is now under discussion with prospects of n
favorable report nt nnv day.
The minority tenort of the committee on
territories opposes Idaho's admission on thu
ground that the test onth clause is n dls-
'franchising clauar. Springer and Mansur
lgn this precious document , which will
carry little weight among reasonable men of
their pnrtv. The iraliey of the republican
majority will bo to admit nil territories Inde
pendent of thelrx assumed political com
plexion as soon ns they can show their llt-
nean for statehood. Hoth Wyoming nnd
Idaho will receive the full parly vote , nt
least on this basis , and for tills reason the
honso nnd senate committee have ngrced
upon n favornhlo report on Mayor Kicsel's '
bill to Increase the borrowing power of
The house committee on public grounds
nnd Inillclinzs hud today the Salt Lnko
building bill under discussion. Senator Pad
dock and DoloRUto Cain did lively button
holing mnnng the members of the committee
in the endeavor to secure u report for the
full amount , carried in the scimto bill. The
sub-committee , however , stated that under
the rules of the committee , taking postolllco
and internal revenue receipts into consid
eration , it felt unublo to report a larger
sum than jr > lCOD , , which amount will bo llxcd
by the house bill. It was intimated ,
however , that In a conference commlttoo the
house would probably rccedo somewhat from
Its position. The liouso committee on public
buildings today considered u memorial from
Salt Lalio urging that the site and property
of tbo industrial homo at Salt Lnko bo
turned over to tlio government for use as a
site for the federal building. JOx-Marslml
Shauidincssy Is hero in advocacy of this
scheme , Iho argument used is that the In
stitution is of liulo practical use and that
economy would dictate Its conversion for the
use suggested. Dulcgato Cain is opposed to
tlio chance on the ground that tlio site is not
central and that the abolition of the homo
would bo u gross breach of faith. Senators
Edmunds and Paddock will oppose the
EChcmo ns expected.
Miscui.rAXJous. :
"Representative Halter of Now York , chair
man of the committee on commerce , has pre
pared nnd will soon introduce in the liouso n
bill of Interest to railroad men nnd shippers.
It is amendatory of the interstate commerce
law and provides that charges ngalnst com
mon carriers may bo investigated by notaries
public and the testimony so taken forwarded
to the Interstate commcrco commission. The
bill is in thu interest of economy and expedi
tion. As tlio taw now stands the commission
Is obliged to dispatch u moinbor or members
to the place where the charges are made to
invc&ugata them. Thcso are frequently
points hundreds , and sometimes a thousand
miles distant , and the cost involved is con
siderable and thu delay ? , always vexatious ,
uro occasionally so crcat as to frustrate thu
real object of the examination.
A postofllce tins been established nt Lucllo ,
Sheridan county , and Lunlla M. Kella ap
pointed postmistress ; also an ofllco at Jess ,
Sheridan county , and Lulu Joy appointed
Srcnntor Mandorson reported from the
committee on printing today with a favoru-
blu recommendation the resolution intro
duced by Senator Paddock yesterday pro
viding for the printing of li.OOU copies of thn
special consular report on the beet sugar in
dustry In Hohemia.
A letter was today received by Senator
Manderson from the United States llsh com
missioner stating that the present appropria
tion is not , Biifilcicnt to warrant the establish
ment , of a llsh hatchery in South Omaha.
Senator Maderson introduced u bill today
to llx the salary of the surveyor of customs
at Omaha at § 1.200 a year with ffics and com
missions. The present salary is only S25U.
Mr. Dorsoy introduced in the house today
n resolution adooted by Grand Army of the
Kauubllo post " 7r > , Plat'.o Center , Neb. , in
favor of the service pension bill.
Mr. and MM. John G. Wilbur of Omanu
are hero on their wedding trip and arc the
guests of Sonctor and Mrs. Mandorson.
Watson Pickerel ) , special agent for thn
bureau of animal industry , agricultural de
partment , loft for Kentucky today , where ho
will join Airs. Pickoroll and leave for the
west the llrst of next week. Ho is duo in
Omaha for next Wednesday morning.
Duvid McLean of Sioux City is hero.
PBIIUV S. lliiATii.
"Murder nt Kvniistnn.
EVAXSTOX , Wyo. , March U. I Special Tel
egram to Tnu Uic. : ] This city was the scene
of u murder nt I' ' this morning. Hnnry Mur-
rlu visited the resort kept by Miss JCato
Grosser. During his stay a quarrel ensued
and Miss Proascr fled into an adjoining
room. Murriu attempted to follow her , when
she shot through the panel of the door , kill-
tug him Instantly. The ball entered ubovo
thu loft oar and passing downward came out
nt the baclc of the head , The weapon used
was a-14-cnlibro bulldog revolver. The par
ties have quarreled on various occasions , and
t is stated that Murriu wanted her to marry
urn. This stio positively refused to do , und
.ho quarrel resulted. Miss Presser is now
n jail awaiting trial.
Bismarck IH Hclicinlnjr.
nmti.m , March 11. It is stated that Bis-
inarclc has uskcd Wlndthorst , the clerical
cndor , to give his support to startling finan
cial nnd military proposals which the gov
ernment will soon lay before thu reichstjg.
JOHNSTOWN , Pa. , March 11.Lato last
nliht n frnmo building on the Pennsylvania
allroail , six miles east of here , used ns
looping aparttnenta of laborers employed in
cbullding the viaduct at that point , burned ,
and two men perished.
April May
J. C/
Arolbo best montbi In w'jlch to purify your bloo I.
liirlnK Iho wlntar months , the hlood becomes thin
ami Impure , the body becomes weak and UreJ.tlm
ni < pctllomuy bo lost , and Just now the system craves
thuiihlof urollnlilc uii'Ilclne. Hood's Sarsaparllla It
pocullarly luUptjit In purify anil enrich the blooil. In
reulo n Kood nppotlto and to uvcrcoiuo that tlreit
feullnj. It Incmnon In popularity uvery ye ir.
stholdoul HprlutfMt'dlclno. II rouses the klJnoya
Hud liver , tones tha itUmtlrp oruans , eranlis uii up-
H'tltu , purlllo ! ) and vltulUca the liupunianil lunlsli
blood.euriM tha licnda ho and ororo.uei all thu
irojlrntlne otfccU of that tlrei feollng. Mr.O. W.
Blonn.ot.Milton , Ma < . , wrlt ; "Korllvo years I wai
sick orcry aprlnit , but I in ye ir bricin la Tubrimry tu
ako Hood's banaparllla , and have not seen a sick
lay Blnco. "
April May
> 'l wat very uiuciTruo down lu nautili , had no
ilrpngth nnd no InclluMlon to do inythluv. Ibavo
> entaklnf Hood's bsr spstlll ami that tlrad fetl >
at lit * lefl nit , my app tlto h returned , I atu like
anew man. " CUAUXCEr LiTUAMNorth Columbui ,
8ol4 by nil druggists. II ; lUforW. Prepared only
by C. I. I100U & CO. , Lowell , W .
100 Uosou One Dollar
An Interesting Talk With Oorbott
on Pugrlliatlo Matters.
_ *
< \ Gontliiiimnly Professor I/Is ICRll-
nmto of Kllrnln , Sullivan , Ate *
AullfTe nutl tlio Otlu-r
lilt ; On OH.
Corliott nn FiclitH and Mulitnt-H.
.1. .1. Corbctt , tlio big Sun Francisco boxing
professor , who recently polished oft Jnko
Kllrnin ui Now Orleans in nueh Imndsonio
style , was in the city bovcral hours yester
day aitcrnoon , the guest of Jaclt Wood. Car-
.belt Is on route to Now York , where ho is to
'bccohio the llsttc star of a combination to bo
put OQ the road by Mlko Donovan. Ho Is n
powerful , big- follow , with keen blue eyes
and n complexion llku a school girl's , and
\vhllo ha looks to the uonnoissour every Inch
the lighter that ho la , ho would bo taken
only for a gentleman of elegant leisure by
every casual observer who should happen to
meet him.
Air. Corbett called nt Tim UCB
oftlco and spout nn hour1 In
pleasant converse with the writer. Ho was
stvllslily attired In n black Prince Albert
coat and vent , with whlto and black striped
trousers mid tin elegant fawn-colored ovor-
coat. Ho were a late Dunlnp and bult col
ored kids. It is nt onuo p.uont to tlioso who
meet him that Corbett is out of the ordinary
run of pugilists. Ho Is fairly woII edu
cated man and has been reared amidst cul
tured surroundings. Ho spent several
years as u bank cleric anil Hoveral uioro in an
Insurance otllee. Ho Is a good conversa
tionalist anil his language is free from that
obnoxious slang" , and his nir devoid of nil the
swagger piloa on by the professional Unockor
out."What do .vou think 'of Kllrainl" ho was
'Well , " said ho , pausing a motnont , "JaUo
is a clover big fellow , but horribly over
ruled , and how ho ever made > uch a long
stay with Sullivan Is. something beyond uiy
comprehension , as I found him such un easy
mark. You sec , Kilrain looks upon a draw
us practically a victory. His rccdrd shown
this , for , with the exception of his battle
with Jack Ashton and Vnquelm , the Now
Orleans novice , nor.rly nil tils lights have
been draws. Ho is a splendid ring tacticluu ,
aa adept In dodging , slipping down and
running away from punishment , but ho is u
tremendous ways off from a hard hitter. "
"Artd John L. , your opinion of
him ! "
"That ho is the greatest man 'who overstepped
stopped into the ring the only bona-fido
phenomenon the P. U. Has ever , produced ,
cither in thesa modern times or in the davs
of old English history. If ho 'should over
meet Kilrain again it is dollars to pennies ho
whips him in half a dozen rounds. "
"How about Joe MoAuliffc , will you moot
him ? "
"Well , not for some tlmo yet , nt any rato.
"Xou see , I'm not posing ns n lighter. I tried
lor months to get on a match with Joe , but
ho wouldn't have it. When I was in Port
land some weeks ago sparring at "Senator"
Morgan's pavilion Matt Dee offered to guar
antee MoAuliffo tfiOO if ho would corno up
and meet mo. But ho declined. Now ho Is
sere because ho thinks that I hava rotibcd
him of his laurels on the coast by whipping
Juka Kilrain. Ho is a big , thick-headed
farmer , and that's all you can inako out of
bun. If 1 consent to meet him it will be at a
tirno of my own choosing. I do not care to
bccoinu u professional lighter. They till got
whipped in time , and then what are they ? .
At present I am the professor of boxing in
this 'Frisco Glymuio club , which is the gentle
man's club of the city. I get n luiudsomo
salary and am satislled. Just nt present I
have a lay-cff , and as Uonavnn offers mo an
easy opportunity to muko n few thousand ,
I've concluded to do It. I'vo never b'een
away from home , save , iny late trip to Now
Orleans , and am anxious to see New York
and the other eastern cities. " .
"What do you think of Omaha ? "
"Why , it is a Bright , lively city , and I llko
it very much. This is certainly the lluost
newspaper building I was over in , and wo
have Rouio great ones in "Frisco , too. 1 hope
wo will no booked to exhibit here I"
"Will Jack McAuhlTo whip Carroll on the
2Uth of this month ? "
"I think ho will. "
Corbult's ' record is a line ono. When but.
eighteen years of ago ho boxed an eight-
round dr.ivv with Jack Uurk , the Irish lad.
Ho next whipped Mlko lircunun , knocking
him out in three rounds , it toqk McAullffo
forty-nmo rounds to do Brcnnan. Corbett
next bested Frank Glover in- lour rounds ,
then John Donaldson in four , and stopped
Prof. William Miller in six and Captain Daly
ia two. His greatest light , how
ever , was with Joe Chomsky. It
was n bare-knucklo fight , and ho
won in two rounds. Ho afterwards hosted
him twlco with gloves. The fourth meet be
tween them was stopped by the sheriff in
the llfth round.
On this occasion the referee ordered the
men to meet again within a week and settle
the question of superiority. This they did ,
Corbott winning la the twenty-fourth
Corbett loft last evening on the 0:15 : train
for Chicago.
Tlio AlttTiioon's fihoot.
The members of the Omaha and 'Lofevro
gun clubs will assemble in the-Gwin & Dim )
mlro giounds this afternoon for & sweepstakes -
stakes llvo bird shoot. They have a flno
lot of birds on handand are anticipating lots
of sport. There will also bo u number of
turuut matches , and ono or two apodal
shoots. . .
' 1 tin Association
Svrut'L3B , N. V. , March 14. The schedule
ommlttuo of the American baseball assoeia.
April May
At the coming of sprlnir Iho l/looiljshould bfljmrl-
lloil , its liapurlllos which Imvo bcciiaccirnunlini , | ! : for
months or even > , uro liable to manifest them-
nelves unit sjrlomly nifuct the lioilth. IIoo.l'sHursn.
imrlllnUunlonbtoUly thobost blood pnrlllcr.'It i-
pels every taint ot Impurity , drives ojit : rpfuiiui )
linmurs nnil ( 'orunof dlscaio , und giroto tliubjooil
tbo quality anil toiio es eiitlnl toKOod lieitltt ) ,
Hood's K
Is orepnruil from HarsapnrlllH , Dandelion , Muudruko ,
Dock , Juniper Ucrrloi.nuilothcrwell known Tt'Kotnbla
reiniHlle , , Iniuchft pocullur nmnncrKi to ilerlvu the
lull nio'tlclnnl ' valuoof each , It will euro , when In Iho
power of mcdlclno , Scrofula , Salt Illuuin , auroi
llot's. I'lniplc ? . all Jlimiori. I/s | > opila , llllto'Jtuesi
Sick llemlncho , IiiiIlKestlun , liuncrnl Debility , Ca-
Inrih , Kidney snil MvcrCoiupluliita. ,
April May
"My honlta was Ttiry { MX > r Usl spring and suolng an
adrerUi ai ut ot llooil'ii PsrsuparMa 1 tliougbt I
would try It. It lias worked wundors for mo as U bat
bulltmy syit m up. I taken four bottle * ami
m on tlio nfth. I recommend It to my acquslnt-
Jouy MATrurws , Otwejio , N. V ,
HooilN Sufaupurlllu
Bold by all [ six for IX Prepared only by
C , I. UOOU A CO. , Lowell > , Mass.
1OO Du o ! < Ono Uullur.
tlon mot lioro tou > y , and mndepubllo their
schedule for the coining season , recently prepared -
pared nt Phllnddtphln. 1'ho season open * on
April 17 nnd cl < JV * 'October 13.
hovcral mnoAftncuU ivoro made to the
constitution , giving visltlntr clulu 40 per
cent of the gate rocelnts Instead of 'JO , ex *
cot > t.luly 4 and Memorial day , when the re
ceipts are to bo divided equally.
A 1'iicliiBtlu I'nrcc.
An alleged pri/ir fight toolr place nt Gor-
mania hall , South Omaha , last ovenlnir , be
tween Man Daly pf Hanger , Mo. , nnd Dick
Munro , n soldier from the Fort. 'Iho uff.ilr
was down on the bills ns n fifteen round con
test for n purse of JC59 , but 50 conn would
Imvo been too much. The men were fenthor-
wclghts in avoirdupois and everything cjso.
r The next tlmoMunro goes into u fight ho
I shouldn't forgot hU Springfield rlllo , for ho
| couldn't ' make n dnnt In n roll of butter with
his lists. Daly is n trlllo bottor. The two
men went through n dozen rounds , when
Munro , in mnkinir n lead for Daly , struck
the towel In his ceo mi's bands nnd sprained
his wrist. Of course that- settled It , nnd
D.ily wns declared the victor ,
> \iiinlclinmtlon.
The Lofovro Gun club met last night
There wns u largo attendance of members.
The question of amalgamating with the
Omaha Gun club was favorably considered.
The Club meets next Friday night for n
further discussion of the subject. All members -
bors not present nt that meeting will bo ox-
poltcd from the club. All present will bo ad
mitted to the proposed organization on a sat
isfactory basis.
CMFTO.V , Iv. J. , March 14. [ Apodal Telegram -
gram to THE lieu. ( Summary of today's
races :
Selling , six mm ono-hnlf furlonun Foun
tain won , Savngo second , Long Tlmo third.
Selling , ono nillo Sparling won , Enton
Town second , Honnio L. third. Tlmo
Huiorm handicap , three-quarters of n mile
Carnegie won , Insight second , Mouson
third. Time 1.20 > .
Selling , ono niuf 'three-quarters mlles
Darling won , Bella scccud , Unadmgn third.
Time1:03. : .
Fivo-oiuhths of a mlle Nonngo won ,
Waterloo second , Imogo third. Time 1 :03. :
l'ostOtiel. |
NKW OULEANS , La. , March 14. [ Special
Telegram to TUB HER. ] Tbo races today
were postponed on account of rain.
fUick E\VMI'B ) Cnso.
NnwYoitK , March II. The Now York
baseball's application for an injunction
against JJuoir. Ewmg came up In the United
States court this mornlnir. Decision was
'Washington Notes.
WASIIINOTOX , March 14. The republican
members of the house of the Illinois delegation
held u conference totlnv th'cro being but two
absentees to considerftho tariff question so
far as it relates to thu dutyon sugar. The
confertneo was an earnest , and harmonious
nno and upon motion of Pnyson the follow
ing was unanimously ndoptcd :
Uesolved , Thatjt s the judgment of the
republican members' of the Illinois delega
tion in congress that in any bill to bo re
ported by the committee , on ways and means
revising the prcsd'rit tariff , sugar below No.
Hi should bo admitted free of duty.
Secretary Winuonl today transmitted to
the senate from Secretary Ulnine a petition
asking for nn additional upuropriation of
§ 35,001) ) tn moot tub , expenses of the inter
national marine , ponforouco. The original
appropriation was S20.0UO.
i'ho senate committco'uddod a number of
items to the urgent , deficiency bill , amonc
thorn being for tlio publication of ofllcial war
investigation expenses , 810,000 ; house of rep-
lesontatives , mise tlimeous , ? 1U,100 ; printing
, ,
° 'i5ocrqaryVipdop ? todas executed n lease
with'tho North-yAlncricad comuitrcial''com-
pany of Mow \orit and San Francisco for
taking fur seals' oh' thd" 'islands of St. Paul
and St. George for the .period pf twenty
years from the 1st of May nu'xt.
In response to the senate resolution calling
upon the sccretary'of the interior for n report -
port as to the cuuso of the withholding of
patents for lands withn ) the limits of tha
Union Pacific grants , which uro free from all
claims and were not reserved nt the date for
the definite location of the company's road ,
Secretary Noble says he is still considering
the questions ns to whether they ore free
from all claims nnd not reserved for any
date of the definite location of the company's
road and other questions of law and fact
which , with the grant questions , the Secre
tary says uro of morn than ordinary import
ance , nnd ho has not yet boon able to com
plete his inquiry.
Chandler , chairman of the special world's
fair rommUtoo , is hopofnl tnat the committee
will conclude its consideration of the bill
this afternoon , so that ho may report It to
the liouso tomorrow. Ho will make an effort -
fort to secure a special order for the con
sideration of the bill in the house at nn early
Frnno iscio Chinese Ordinance.
SAN FRANCISCO , March 14. Mayor Pond
today approved the ordinance recently
passed providing for the removal of the Chi
nese population to the prcscrloed sections In
the outskirts of the south part of the city.
'Iho greatest portion of tbo Chinese of the
city , estimated at 4,000 , nro now located in a
district adjacent to thd business center nnd
the order enforced will work n marvelous
change In that locality. They will test the
constitutionality of the ordinance.
* -
I'nnic Strlr'kcii 1) iliomlniis.
PAIIIS , March 14. The French gun boat
Emorudo bombarded Abomoy , the capital of
Dahomey anil Kalary. Tlio Danomians were
prune stricken by the attack.
A TiTi 1 TWo
.O. IJJL 11 JLvJLcl > J/
* Tlit ) mnrkeil benollt wlilob | uoplo in run ilown or
nouVunu-lstqtoof health tlurlvo frUm Homl n Barsi-
piirlll.i , conclusively prOTC IDo chilm Unit this mcill-
tlno "maki's the weak itrunt. " It ilocs not at t llko a Imparting \ltluns fctrcnutli from tvlilih
lhi > ro must follow u.ji& itlon ot Kroittor wenknosw
tlmn before , but po'svtiilnir just thosu element !
whiilithcoyatcm noWM'nVi 1 rcii.llly solzos ,
r rt i' ' j' ' ' '
st i1
llulldi up In H pjrfi'ctly mitiirul way , nil thu weak
ened pnrt , nets upou ( ITo hlood as a purlllc'r nnd
Tltnllier , ns < Uti to ( ifqllhy action Ihuaa Important
ornmis , the kidneys uoil llrer , utid upooJIly uv < r *
cumtii "THATTluuii J
" . ly daughter receive. ! muqh boncDt fru'ii lu i > o
of Hood's Hmiiparllla , ! an uxcollunt toiilouftur u
protracted attack of brjnchlal piiouuionia. " IIEV.
! ' . II. ADAMK , New IItrtfurd | , < 'onii.
April May
" 1 have for a laoir lime bruii uilnz lloo.l's Harsa-
parllla , and believe me , I would not bo without It.
As a spring medlcluo It Is Invaluable.1 R. A , IllluiiKH ,
IS ) Oolarlo Street , Chlci 0i 111.
N , U. If you dwldo to Uku HooJ's 8.i'i p rllls , do
notbo luiJuccd to buy any other ,
Ifootl'M SurtHtparlllii
feM by all druitcltts. | l : sUforti. I'reparcdonly
by C. I. IIOOIJ i. CO.J \ > well , .Max
100 l > < cs One Dollar
A. Mlanpprohonolon Conoornlnsr the
Oklahoma Bill ,
KduunlD the Nouro nntl Save the He-
liulilio , Iho Hiirtlcti of IllH Uo-
innrks Gotiornl ( 'Y
HotiNe * .
WASIIISOTOX , March 11. Mr. Henderson
of Iowa presented for roforcnco the rosiplu-
tlon of the general assembly of Iowa favor
ing such legislation In regard to car coupling
ns will protect the Ufa nnd limbs of railwny
Mr. Perkins of Kansas stated tlmt nn
erroneous Idea had pone out that according
to the provisions of the OKlahuuia bill
passed. yesterday the Chcrokco outlet had
beon'dceliircd open lo settlement under the
homestead law. Thu statement should have
been made that the public land atrip not
the Chorokco outlet had boon opanod for
settlement. The Choroitcu nutlet , ho said ,
wns dmbracedvlthln the limits of the now
territory , but was not open to settlement
under the hotnasload law. ,
The lipuso then .went Into commlttco of
the whole on the prlvnto calendar.
The bill nuthnrlzing the president to retire
Gcnornl Fremont with the rank of major
general was talton up.
Mr , Kllgoro offorcd an nmondtnont for the
retirement of General Fremont with the
rank of brigadier general. After u brief dis
cussion In Messrs. Mansur , A'andovor nnd
Hanks eulogized the services of General
Fremont. Mr. Kllgoro'a amendment was ro-
jecteil atd ( the bill laid aside with favorabto
rccotiimoDdnllon. The bill was subsequently
rcportedao the house , but no flnnl action
wan taken mid the liouso took u recess.
The usual Friday evening routine In Iho
house was enlivened tonicht by the discus *
sloti of n bill granting a pension of 10 n
month to Francis Doming of Michigan on
the ground of blindness. This Is ono of the
bills vetoed by 1'rqsldent Cleveland. The
discussion wns participated in by
Messrs. Stone of Missouri , Kilgoro
of Texas and Lane of Illinois.
Finally this bill und ono other
were reported from the committee of the
whole to the house , but before action was
taken Mr. IJrcckiuridgo of Kentucky moved
au adjournment.
Mr. Perkins protested vigorously , but the
hodr of 10:30 : having arrived , the house ad
x , March M. In the senate to
day umong the bills reported from the com
mlttco nnd placed on the calendar were tbo
following : -Appropriating ? "i,000 for a pub
lic building at Aurora , ill. ; authorizing the
construction of u bridge across the St. Louis
river between Minnesota nnd Wisconsin.
.Mr. Halo from the committed on appropria
tions reported the urgency dollel'incy ' bill
and said ho would call It up for action next
Mr. Hlair's educational bill wns then taken
up ns unfinished business , and Mr. Teller
spoke in support of it. Speaking of the rnco
problem ho aahl ho did not , admit the problem
was so great that it might not bo solved bo- it ho did ho should dispair of the re
public. If the southern pnoplo and the
nogrous could not live tocethcr in n etato
of political equality and political harmuny
there was tin end of republican government
in one-third nt least of the area of the United
States. Hn had no key to the .solution , but
ho believed education might in some rospccts
hole to soh'H it. If the colored people were
educated the chances would be butter that
the races would live together on better
terms. I noranco and vice went hand In
hand. If the south nlono were nblo nml will
ing to try to educate the colored race the
pcoplo of tie north would not complain , but
if the south lacked cither the dcsiro or the
ability it WHS right nnd proper that the
north should como to its aid.
Mr. Gcorgo said that if the senators on
both sidci of the chamber were to bring to
tha solution of the ijuestion , If its solution
were possible , the charity nnd kinduuss and
good feclint ; exhibited by the senator from
Colorado a good deal of trouble would bo
The bill then wont over without action.
Mr. Call gave notice that ho would on
Monday move to modify certain rules ns to
executive sessions , thu object of the motion
being to allow the nominations of Messrs
Swayno and Stripling , as judge nuu district
attorney for the northern district of Florida ,
to bo considered In open executive session.
Mr. Culiom presented u resolution relative
to the Je.ith of Representative Townshoud
of Illinois , declaring the senate shared witli
the the house In its expression of sorrow ,
and directed that , copies of the resolutions
bo forwarded to the family of the deceased.
Ho then pronounced a oulogp on the dead
member. Ho referred to many similar oc
casions on which the senate had been uskcd
to express its sympathy at the present
session , mentioning the death of Cox , the
brilliant orator , and of Kelly , the urc-ut advocate -
vocato of protection nnd American industry
and labor. Ho also named Mr. Nuttinc of
New York , Mr. Laird of Nebraska and Mr.
Guy of Louisiana.
After appropriate remarks by Messrs.
"Vest , Halo nnd Jones of Arkansas , thu sen
ate , as n further mark of respect , adjourned
until Monday.
Coining After 7na Alcon.
CHICAGO , March 11. [ Special Telegram to
TliU 13KU. ] Dotcctlvo I'lunkott loft for
Omaha this afternoon to brini ; back a fa-
mala prisoner wanted In Chlcaeo. Her
naino is 7oa Alcon , and she is oald to have
robbed .1. CX Johnson of $301) n few days ago.
She was captured in Omaha.
April May
"In the eiirlnz my wholu sysloni wns rumpletely
rundown. ' Tire months HXI > I IIPRIIII the mo of
IloOtl'iibiir niinr lln , and after usIiiK l o lioltlo < I
llml my uppollto ro'loreil , my nervous njftcni lonol
up , unit uiyicviicral lienlth tirontly ImprovuJ. I thuro-
forotnko iircat i > louMiro In tcllliK about Uuoil'it Snr-
nnpurlllii. I conslilcr lluoil's Sarsnp.irlllu Imi no
uqual. " ( IfblHlK IIIUTT , Hill Poster , Uiilllpolli , Ohio.
Iluiu iDCOnlof curcit of Hcrofulu ami other hloul
illMftne.1 never uinmllfil I > y any othnr | iruparulloii.
'JliomojtOTOro fitsos ylt'M to Iliu romoly KIOII |
otheM haio fulli'il lo hnvo the ullBhtest nlfotl. ll -
roJilnry niTOfula , which tllnifi to thnliloU with Iho
greatest ti'imclly , U cured by tliU peculiar inpdlclnc.
llsnmny rcmarkahlo cures Uuvo won for Ilooil'it
Wnr iipiirllltt Iho lltlo of "Tho UrtMtenl lllooU I'urlllcs
oT r ll covcrixl. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
April May
"J > il iprlnit I was lompletolr fanned out. My
trcnglli left mo and I fi'lt vlck and mlivrakla all tlio
tlmB.iolhutli'oulcllmrdly attend to my busliioi. I
look ono bottla of Hood's Bar > aiartllnand It
mo. Tlicro Is nothing llko II. " Il.
ICntcrprlio , llellotlllo , Jllch.
llfU | f"rti. 1'rct'iiru ' only by
0.1. HOOD A IX ) . , 1-owoll , Mass.
1OO I > u < iu Ono Dollar
The Com in or CM )
Siofx Cur , In , , March H. [ Spccln !
O'olorfram to TUB Hir. | Comnilsnlonora
Morrison nnd V'oasoy of the Interstate com-
tncrco commission arrived hero thU inornlnfr.
They were mot nt the depot by members pf
tha Jobbers' nnd mutnifacturers' association
und local railroad men. They held n sort of
Informal reception at the hotel In the after
noon , later npindliiK some tlmn looKing over
the city. In nn interview Mr. Morrison
said :
" \Vo nro hero particularly to gather In
formation regarding railroad rates on Ne
braska gram nnd food products , In pursuance
of n resolution pus cil by the ocnato. Tha
Interstate commcrca commission will not
Itself Immodmtolv take nnj action , but
wo ihali report what wo flnd
to the coimto.Vo have just begun our in
vestigation , having examined u number of
witnesses In Uhlc.ico , among them BOIIIO
prominent railroad men. The point wo nro
really getting nt , I supposn , l whether n
reduction of the rnto on corn would really
benefit the Nebraska farmer , The proJuu-
ura b.'llovo tlmt It would , but the rallro.idt
claim that nny reduction would simply bo
trunsferrcd to it reduced market ( ( Dotation
of corn. I do not euro to uxproas an opinion
on this point just now. I flnd that there uro
vorv few hero In Sioux City that have nny
direct interest or knowledge as to gram
rntcR. "
Tonight the commissioners hold n long
hearing , nt which n number of leading
Jobbers nml packers tcstillcd. AH Colonel
Morrison suggested , none of them had any
light to shed on the grain rate , and the ox-
niiiinatlon wns rambling and desultory , cov
ering n wide range of topics. The principal
subject discussed wni thu rates on live stock
nnd packing house products. The interest
ing feature of the mooting was tlio oxprea *
Hionsoftho commissioners roirurding thosu
rates which vitally affect Iho packing Inter
ests ot nil Missouri river points , being the
issue between thorn nnd tlio Chicago packers.
Holh commiasionora emphatically expressed
the opinion that the present rates or rela
tion between llvo stock and packing house
products ought not to bo disturbed , nnd that
u reduction of the rate on live slock would
destroy or seriously nnd unjustly Injure the
western packing centers. Tlio commission
ers will leiwo here tomorrow for Omaha.
DBS MOIXEH , In. , March -Special [ Tele
gram to Tun HHE. ] Ten moro suits against
the Chicago & Northwestern ruliro.ul were
begun In the United States district court to
day in behalf of shippers In northwestern
Iowa. Tnoy charge tlio road with discrimi
nations in violation of the interstate com-
inerco law. The highest amount claimed by
these suits is § 1.000 , tisked for by Cassady iV
Whiting of Whiting. The sums range from
that amount down to SU0. !
Tlio Iititrislntnrc.
DBS Moixn.-t In. . March II. In the senate
the U mill tax levy citno up under the sonata
losolution , nnd nlso the house concurrent
resolution , mm nftcr nn extended discussion
the matter was referred to the ways nnd
means committee with instructions to report
by March 20. A bill of $1,015 to pay the In
auguration expenses wa ; passed. 11 audio tt
introduced n bill calling for county uni
formity of school text books. The legalizing
nets for tha relief of Clinton and Charles
City were passed. Adjourned.
In the house n partisan struggle was pre
cipitated Again by the reference of the Dent
license bill last wcctt. A motion was made
to refer it to the committee on police regula
tions. nnd it was nmonued to mnltc it sup
pression of intemperance. The amendment
wns carried , but no vote taken on the
nmended motion. After considerable dis
cussion the bil ! was referred to the committee -
too of the whole and will bo considered next
Wednesday morning. The oil ! authoring
cities of the llrst , class to flina their out
standing debt , was changed so us 'to apply
only to Sioux City , and passed. The legal
izing nets for Clinton nml Charles City were
passed. Adjourned.
till ! HOlKMllllP.
Dni MOI.VKS , In. , March H. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Hic. : I Secretary Alnswortti of
the railroad commission received a telegram
from the railroad nmuacersstatlug that they
would adopt the commissioners' schedule of
Juno 23..1SSS , to take effect March 10. This
Bchedulo leaves rates up to 10. ) miles where
they uro now , but reduces long distunco
rates , the first class rate for 100 miles bmng
: UJ : cents. This wiis a case of Hobson's
device , and the commissioners told the roads
thai if thov did not voluntarily accept these
rales they would compel thuin to adopt tlu-in
The chungo was brought , ubour , by the low
interstate rates under recent slashing to
Missouri river points ,
Aiui ° xntuii Co _
Dfirt MOINES , la. , Muro'i II. [ Special Tol-
cgram to Tnn Hin. I The governor today
appointed John Mitchell , El. H. Hunter , H.
L. Chase , W. L. Uuad , Conr.ul Youngor-
uian and H. F. Kaufman annexation com *
missionera to rodlstrlct the city of DOB
Moines into wards. They were prominent
workers for annexation. Thov represent
tlio city und suburbs , mid half of theai arc
republicans and half democrats.
Tlin Anti-ProlHl ) tionlsls.
A number of anti-prohibitionists congre
gated nt Moty.'s now hall , on South Thir
teenth street , last night , but the attendance
was so small that the ganllomon concluded
to postpnna the meeting until next Friday
night , and in tbo meantime have it properly
There will bo a fltato gathering eif mem
bers of this sot'iuty in Omaha on April 1.1. |
nnd inuno there will bu n grand rally oj j
iinti-prohlbilionists at Hustings.
Dr.Bmiey.praetk'olimitetl to cfttarrli-
ul diseasuBof nose mill thronl. lleo
April May
"I know tlmt Hood's ftirimparlllii H n C"01 Ihliii ; . I
nns jevcroiy troubleil with LIIMouJini" . uud t iiiuKht
Inouhltry IloirMiriaiarll.i ] Wlion 1 haltiiknn
haf ! a lottlo I nollrctl a bin fli.tnjcu for Iho bettor ,
nnd ufltr taking iwu hotth-n I consldcri-1 my-
si-lf outirnly cured. 1 bellovo HuoJ'ii S.irKiipnrllhi will
ilnnllllintlatlalniDil lorll" J. ll.Hmril , C.illo.'lor
fur Hell TuliTlionu Couuiiuiy , T3 KnsMjiln
Ito.hp-ter , .V V.
"luku Iluixl . > Ha ap.irlllua iv tiprlng Ionic , uud I
rirnmiiieiiilll to nllwhohiivo that mUemtilo tired
ffclliiK. " C. I''J llrlilita blroet , llrooklyo ,
N. V.
"Keeling lamaiM und OUiy , having no appotlto unit
no ambition tn work. 1 took Ilood'it hartap.irlllu with
thu bust results , Asa heallli InrfKorntor aiul fur
Ken < Tiil dwblllly 1 think It nuperlor lo anylhliiK die. "
A. A. ItlKKH. UUfa.N. V.
April May
"Kvery eprlmr for yearn 1 uato niado It pnicllru
tolakofrom truvotof'T-Jboltlninf lloixl * farnspii-
rllla , bcconie 1 know U purltlus Iho blood ami Ihor-
, " W. II
oughlyclcanu'Slfc * y tuiuof all Impurltlo
I.AWUKffCK , Kdtior Altrloultural Kpltomlil , Imllau-
( polls , Ind.
Soldbyall ilruiiuliti. Hi six for IV I'ri'parcd only
by C. I. HOOI ) i CO. , A pothetarle" , Ixiwell , Wan.
1OU I > ost"i Onu Dollar
T his powdi-r ncvor varies. A marvel of purity
strotiKtnnntl wholatoinennss , .Moroornuomli'nl
than thu prdlunrjr kind , , and cannot bo sold bye
o muuu o o
short \roluht alum or nhosplinto powders , .Sold
" " " "I' UOVAJ | "VKIX" 1 > 1)W"K
It Will Unit ! n Cinirornnun With tlio
linnril ot Trntlit Today.
A comnnttco nppointcd by Oovornor A. C.
Mollelto of yoiitli Dakota to solicit nld for
the sufferers from mouth in that state
arrived In the city yesterday and will moot
the board of trade tonittht for thu purpose of
Inyini : before ) the pcoplo of Omaha nn appeal
from the leuUtaturo of South Dakota solicit
ing aid lu thu hhapo of grain lor seed.
This makes the ttccond tlmo the condition
of the pcoplo of South Dakota has boon
brought 10 the attention of Om.ilut. Three
months ago Governor Mollotto bout out ro-
porta of the suffering in n number of the
counties In the state , but these reports worn
subsequently contradicted , afterwards reasserted -
assorted anil reeuntrndlotod , until no one
boomed to know whether there really wa any
destitution in the state or not. As n con
sequence the movement In Omaha lo send u
train load of provisions , grain , inc. , was
allowed to drop.
OH the 21st of February , however , the
legislature of South Dakota passed n resolu
tion reciting the fnot that , owing to tlio so-
vcro drouth n number of farmers were in
great need of seed grain of all kinds to seed
their land the romlug spring. Tlio i-onstltu
tion of the stntu forbuls the issuing of bandi
by townships , counties or utatj for thu relief
of such destitution , and thu legislature
theroforo.rosolvod to appeal to the moro
prosperous sections of their own state and
nlsii to the largo cltlm'ellroctlv interested in
South Dakota's welfare to contribute aid ,
appointing Governor Mollette n committee
to carry out the intent of the resolution and
to appoint nn executive committee of llvo
citizens of thu state to assist him in the dis
tribution of nil moneys unit other supplier
The governor lias Issued an appeal embody
ing tlio resolution nbovo referred to. and
stating that thousands of the best farmer * of
the ntato hnvo been rendered destitute.
They hnvo been furnished mil during tlio
winter , but tire now in need of grain to seed
their lands in order to produce a ciop. He
sta'os that n few counties arc entirely dcstli
ttite of seed nnd food and n number of other *
nro partially so.
The covernor guarantees that every cent
contributed will be expended for the pur
chase of grain without calling for expenses
of aitv kind.
A meeting of the board of iratio has lienn
unllod for tonight to incut tlio Dakota com
mlttcu niiil to I into .some action jookintr
towards the relief of the sufferers.
, MAKKIii > A
A Hnniantiu Invent In tlio tillc of n
Slomtirr dl' tlio Hem -"tloiillc.
There was u sensational marriage in this
city .yesterday afternoon. It eiimo about in
this way : 1 hursdtjy evening there arrived
in Omaha John Ilumiricks , n very wealthy
rnttlo shipper of Dead wood , S. D. , widely
known throughout the untiro northwest , in
cluding tills city. Ho was on his way to
Chicago with forty-eight cars of cattle from
his ranch in Dakota. Soon utter his arrival
here , and wbilo standing in the rotunda of
the Millnrd hotel ho happened to overhear
Charlie Moore , n well known huukman , men
tion the iinmo of Hurtle Mucn. Turning
bwiftlj1 about , the strungor ruughtMooro uy
the arm and norvoufly inquired all ntinut
the woman wnusa name hail been mentioned.
When it came to u description of her the man
giiBpod : "Great God1 then sho's the love of
my youth. Take ma to her Immediately. "
Moore complied , nnd when lui hud brought
the two together ho witnessed the most ,
( iranmtiomeotingof his life. Tours rained
line water from thy eye * of both man and
woman , us they recounted their old iovor
Tlio result was that the stockman und the
spurting woman visited 'Squiro Hart's oflluo
yc'Htei-.lay afternoon , and in the presence of
u dozen well known citizens old friends of
Mr. Ilondricks were imulo man ami
wife. To give his old llaine further
proof of the fiicit that witli nil her fiiultn ho
loved her Htlll , ho gnvo her a certillc'l check
fur f."iOUO to enable her to immediately quit
her infamous surroundings , und also , there
and then , had papers drawn up malting her
heir to one-half of hiscstuto , wnleli citizens
prosunl attested thov knew to bu wortti
The murringo was at first sot for next
wcok , but Hc'idrlcks. it seems , learned yea-
tordnv morning that friomls of his in this
city had apprised his sister In Deadwood of
the renewal of his old Infatuation nnd she
had answered that she would como by Unit
train to prevent U.
Mr. und Mrs. Hcndrickn slnrt today for
Chicago uud other points east on their wed
ding tour.
April May
"I feel very much Inilclitml tn llooa' * Huntnpurlll *
'or I liolicvoll l tn tli'j mo of tM < mallcmn Hint I
jno my | iriwiillu'ultli. In th sprlntc I Kflt xo com-
ilvlc'lr rundown llmtl couhl not catomloop , nlnl nil
hn ilrrailnl ( IKi'iMc * nf llfoiei'inoil to linru n moil-
muu nn in 1 nyituni , 1 witn utillxi'il to utumluii my
Kirk , mill ntlcr pcoUiiK ruuillcnl Iri'ittiuuiit ami
| ] i'N.llnx < ivur f-V ) t wit * no kollur. ' 1'liun my wITu
IITMIU Ivil mo In try
inrorolliolIrM hollliuif mrillcluo WHS itnnal
ii'itnn lo anii'i il HIKVUIIUW mini two toitlft iin4
iuliieil 2J pmiml * . din o.U unytliliiit Itliout U lui U-
iK ) nuii m ) ilyppi'ixlit mill WIIUinMcd Imrn liiinn ,
nun r foil livllvrlu my HIV , iimut wurlt iift'ln ' nml
iinililiT myauir u neil urn" . Tluuo two bottle *
fern worth IIUJ lo me. " W. V. III'MiH H , Lincoln , III.
t'cml for hook cutitnlnlnit ImtniuTwIiili.
April May
"llool' "ir niurllliiiuromonoir | lUu , mill ruitortM
10 tu my nimlcil liontlliaml Mrouuth , " WIU.IAM II ,
l.oi'mi.Tlllon.N. n.
"My wife inirruroil from ilofc lieailtrlio mid nouinl
IK. Aflortaklnu llcioiVi ainaiinrlllu ( lie Wft mud
jllcvoil.V. . II. 1) ) Ainr , WllinlnMton , Ohio.
JLw- ?
ulilhrllilruKKl > t * . Ill lt fur VI. I'ruimtO'l only
yC , I. I1QO1JAOOApollietar.oi , I/onoll Max.
10O Onu I > illui"