THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , FHIDAY MOKJSREffG , MARCH 14 , 1890. NUMBER 203 , The Third Jones Murderer Possibly In Jail In Plattsmouth. C. A. SHERMAN WAS MURDERED. The Coroner' * Jury Doclilos That Ills Death Wan Caused hy the Hand of Ono CharlcM A. Stevens. Is no fihollcnlior er'rt Accomplice ? Pr.ATTSMOUTir , Nob. , March 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnn UEB. | There Is n man lying In Jail hero serving out a sentence of twenty days for petit larceny who tallies exactly with the third party spoken of In tbo confession of Shcllonbcrgor , the supposed murderer of the Jones people , near Omaha. Ho has been very nervous slnco his arrest nnd sits all day with his head down , moping ns If ho was afraid. When Shollouborgor's confession was read in his presence ho was visibly affected , Slnco then lie has eagerly asKcd for the Omaha papers. Ho can give no delink answer when asked concerning his whereabouts in the fore part of February , He says ho has been living near Lincoln since January 1. When arrested hero ho hud a very line horse , which ho said belonged to his undo who lives in Lan caster county. Shortly after ho had been committed hero a man purporting to bo a deputy sheriff from Lincoln came and asked that his sentence be commuted nnd ho would Immediately rearrcst him on the charge of horse stealing. The supposed deputy sheriff offered no credentials , nnd his request was not granted , This , it is thought , was Just u ruse to uot the man out of Jail. The authorities have written to Prosecut ing Attorney Maloney nnd Chief Soavoy for a better description of the man , but as yet no answer bus been received. He has yet about live days to servo and Omaha author- ! Hies are expected hero to take the man us Boon & 3 ho is released. Sherman WaH Murdered. NKI.SON' , Neb. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to TIIC UEE.J The coroner's Jury in the case of the murdered man at Oak , gives a verdict that Charles A. Sherman came to his death from a gunshot by the hand of Charles A. Stevens. Mr. Sherman resided ut Carlton , Nob. , and four weeks ago left homo with Stevens to go to Colorado. Stev ens must have shot him the flrst day out and driven the team on to Colorado , where ho stated ha bought the team of Sticrmau , and that Shnrmau Had fled the country. It is Rtrnngo that the body was so long In being dlscovoicd. Tlio bl.oritT has started to Col orado with the necessary papers to bring Stevens back. S Fire in nn'fl Tournament Programme. k PIACTSMOUTII , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to Tun HUG. | At u meeting of the Plaits- mouth lira department arrangements were made 1'or the coming state tournament. The Uato was sot nt Juno 2-1 , 25 and 20. Proinf- unmngcrcgatlng ยง 2,500 will be offered. .Tho committee on programme submitted the fol lowing : Tuesday , Juno 2-1 , 10 n. m. , reception o visiting ilrcnien ; 11 a. in. , meeting of board of control ; 3 p. m. , green horse race , purse , $150 , flrst prize$100 , second prize $50 ; 3 f ) . m. , ureoM'huok-uand laildur.racc.ipursei $150 ; first prize , $100 ; second prize , $50 ; 4 p.'f m. , chiefs' race. 100 yards , first prize to fastest , gold medal , value ? 25 ; second prize to slowest , leather medal : 4:110 : p. in. , hose race , purse $200 ; flrst prize , $1CO ; second prize , $50. Wednesday , Juno 25 , 10a.m. . grand pa rade , prize to thu best uniformed and best appearing company , handsome banner and badge ; 8 p. in. , state hose race , purse $3.10 and curt ; flrst prize , champion curt anil WOll ; second prize , $100 ; third prize , $30 ; II p. m. , coupling contsst to rules , prize $50 nnd gold badge ; 4 p. in. , state hook and lad der race , purse $1150 and bolt ; flrst prize , * . * f belt nnd 5200 ; second prize , 6100 ; third r prize , $50. Thursday. Juno 20 , 1:30 : p. m. , ladder climbing contest to rules , prize $25 and gold badge ; 2:30p. : in. , grand hose race , free for nil , purse $ -100 ; flrst prize , $300 ; second prize , $100 ; 3:30 : p. m. , grand hook and ladder race , free for all , purse (400 ; Urst prize , $300 ; second prize , $100. Hose nnd hook nnd ladder teams from Hastings , Kearney , Grand Island , Lscairico , Ked Cloud , Fremont , York. Wahoo , Ne braska City nnd Holdrego have signified their Intention or being uresent , and n largo number of tonics from Iowa aro- expected to toke part In the free-for-all races. Platts mouth expects to entertain about three thousand visitors on that occasion. Will Have Hotter Mi-tit. CIIDTB. Nob. , March 13. | Special to TIIC BBC. ] For some tlmo past the electric light plant now in use In our city has given no satisfaction at all and there has boon some severe kicking by everybody. The city fathers had several proposition * before them to sell thu franchise to eastern parties , but the propositions never came to anything. Today tlio city has made n contract with the lirush Elcctno Light comutiny of Cleveland to remove the present plant and put In anew now ono with the latest improvements. There are to bo twenty street lumps of 2,400 camilo power , fifty fcot in height from the street and fifteen lights for use in stores. The system is to be tirst class In every re spect and the power used will come from C. C. White's uiipcr mill. This bcttlomont of the long mooted question of satisfactory light for our town gives satisfaction to every body. Niobrara IH Kncnurairod. NiomiAitA , Nob. , March 13. [ Special to TUB UKB.I Chairman Houston of the board of trade has called n mass meeting to beheld hold in G. A. It. hall this evening to receive the formal report of the committee- sent to Omaha last week to confer with the Fre mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway , with u vluw of its extension from Verdigris to Nlobrara , a distance of less than twelve miles. Thu citizens feel much encouraged ever the lively interest taken by Omaha In , thls mutter , nnd hope for a most fuvorablo result when the Omaha nnd Nlobrura com mittees meet in Chicago , and present the case m the proper light to Prcsldeut Hughitt. Crete's Now Hluh MJliool , CHUTE , Neb. , March 13. [ Special to Tun BBE.J At last tha now high school building is finished und now Is occupied by the school , Iho building has been erected nt a cost of ? 27,500. Fowler & HoltidnrfT of Omaha wore the architects , nnd the design ns well ns the interior arrangements are highly spoken of by everyone who took pulus to go through tlio building. Crete luis now ono of the llnost school buildings lu tbo state , The I vanuolloal Annotation. HiHVBK CIIOSSINO , Nab , , March 13. [ Spe cial Telegram to TUB HUB. | The Platte river conference of the Evangelical associa tion opened this morning. Bishop Esbor of Chicago , who Is under serious charges for unchristian conduct , to bn tried at Heading , Pa. , March ID , is uot allowed to preside. The conference elected Uov. E. L. KIplliiRor chairman. ICIpllugur received every votu but ono. * _ _ w Sold Mortirimail Property. PxrauoK , Neb , , March 13. [ Special to THE HKB.J G. J. Hess , who was arrested for selling mortgaged property on complaint of the Minnesota Chlof 'threshing Machine company , has been bound ever to the district court. Hall was tlxud at $300 , and lu default of the aauio bo stood committed. Ucsa hut been In the agricultural Implement business at Springfield for six years. Inntantly Killed. Hfnwr.i.i < , Neb. , March 13. fSpocml Telegram - gram to TUB Unn.J Gus Uorg , n Swedish citizen of Una county , was thrown from his wagon about ton miles cast of hero last night and Instantly killed. Ho had been to town and was going homo with n load of fence posts when the accident occurred. Horg was a single man about thirty years of ago. Tit for Tat. Nnmusic.v Cur , Nob. , March 13. ( Special Telegram to THE UEB , ! Mrs. John Eck had her husband arrested last night for beating her and today ho gave tbo ofllcors pointers which also led to her arrest and de veloped the fact that she is a professional all-round thief. Large quantities of stolen goods were found at her bouse. KIlltl.VG THJiUCSA MAUU. E. J. llrndbury Grant ml a Divorce Hy Judsn Collins. Cmcioo , March 13. [ Special Telegram to Tun HKC.I E. J. Uradbury , a typical Lon doner , was granted a divorce by Judge Col lins today from his wife , Theresa Maud , who is now a resident of Omaha. Hradbury is the Chicago representative of it-Now York linen drapery house. Uradbury testified that ho married Theresa Maud Spencer lu England in 1370. He lived with his wife until 1S54 , when she deserted him for a dashing London swell named John St. Mnur. " 1 wrote her a letter accusing her of intl- tlmacy with St. Maur , " said Uradbury , "and she did not deny it , but coolly suggested that 1 got a divorce. St. Maur afterwards died and she wanted to conio back , and wrote mo a letter asking forgiveness , and came per sonally to mo all the way from London , but I absolutely refused to receive her. " Uradbury's attorney presented many letters - tors to tlio court written by Mrs. Uradbury. Ono of the missives written after St. Mnur's death was very tender in tone and asked that their two hearts micht once again bo reunited. This appeal was followed by others , and then followed cablegrams saying she was coining to America. She arrived and the result was Uradbury's refusal to rc- cclvo her. * _ _ ' DIGITAL/IS / l < " 0lt IJ1COHICI3. Two AVomcn Almost Killed by a Druggist'Caroirs i ties * . NEW YOUK , March 12. [ Sposlal Telegram to THE Ilic. : | Julius Thaldcrmnndel , a drug clerk , was arrested today at the instance of the board of health , cliartred wltn having sold impure drugs. Two weeks ago Jonn U. McGuire wont to his store and ordered 5 cents worth of powdered licorlco for use ns a medicine for his wife , who was sick and bolng attended to by a physician. The clerk sold the licorice , which was done up with a proper label on the outside. The woman and a nclco of her's took some of the powder and In a short time they wcro both taKen sick , The woman became partly stupclicd and when the doctor was called they were both sulTennc from weak action of the heart , the woman's hfu being in danger. The husband went to the drug store und asked the dork what ho had given in the parcel and the clerk tried to snatch what was loft of it from the man's hand. McGuire thnn took the powder to the board of health. Hero the doctors tound that it was a deadly poison that had boon put up. It was pure digitalis. Experiments made ou rabbits with the drug showed that the action of the heart was affected and they soon died. Mrs. McGuire Is permanently Injured by tbo powders and the doctors say it is only a nuestlou of tinio when she will bo dead. S " * ' _ ' o - 1 " THAT TEN J11I.I3 The Suburbanites Hay It Will Cause n Punic. CHICAGO , March 14. .ISoscial Telegram to THE Unn.l A mass meeting of suburban residents to protest against the slow running of trains was held this afternoon In F.irvvol hall. In calling the meeting to order Chniii man Givcns said : "The railroads have rights wo are bound to respect. The city council is as much to blame as the railroads. Uut on whomever the blame mii.y rest the matter must bo ad justed. I toll you , gentlemen , this action of the railroads Is n calamity to Chicago. It will cause a panic if it continues in force six moilths. " Audrosscs wcro made by several prom inent citizens , after which resolutions were adopted calling on the city council to pass such ordinances ns shall permit the railroads to run at n higher rale of speed , but obliging them at the same to take such measures as can bo now adopted for the preservation of life and property at the crossings and upon their trucks. The question of how to lessen the danger of the tracks was discussed at length , but it was llnally agreed that the solution of that intricate problem would hotter bo loft for the council and engineers. WANTED U\T TEN MILLIONS. A Colossal Fortune Waiting for John Davis to CI lim Ir. Cni < nno , March 13. ( Special Telegram to TUB UEC. ] Urlcf dispatches from Helena , Mont. , were received this morning to the effect that Judge Andrew J. Davis , a wealthy citizen of that statu , died suddenly last night at Hutto leaving an estate worth $10,000,000. The point of interest to Chicago readers was that "his brother'John A. Davis of Chicago , would got the entire estate. " A ronortor spent thn day In hunting the many John Davlscs named in the city direc tory , but although nil seen wore very confi dent they could make very good use of the money , they were obliged regretfully to ad mit that thuv hud never heard ol Judge Davis and hud no relatives in the west. POPULAll WITH THE HO1H. m r u Tlio Dismissal ol' n Tutor Cnuaos a Itow in alHInd liiDtitutc. PiiiLAiinLrniA , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to Tnu Unc. ] The dismissal of Edwin W. Potter , the principal Instauctor in the Pennsylvania institution for thu blind , by the managers today resulted in nn outbreak by the bny pupils that lasted an hour and took the most strenuous dftorts of the principal nud other employes to subdue. Potter was one of the tcachora who charged Principal Uattlcs nnd Prefect Kiug with cruelty and mismanagement. Creditor- lc I'or a Hccnlvor. Ciucvao , March 13 , Tim financial troubles of N , Corwlth & Co. , resulting from u dis astrous attempt to run n corner In lead in 1SSS , canto up m the superior court today , The Union National bank , Evoro'.t & Part , the Pennsylvania load company and Thomas J. Phillips of St. Louis tiled a bill aslong for a receiver for the estate of the late Nathan Corwith , alleging that In default of their rights Corwith had transferred some $300,000 worth of real estate to ono Clarence P , Uirdsoyi' , who la also made party defendant. Important Itallrond l ) > allnn , Nuw YOHK , March 13. Judge Hawcs has received a letter from Commissioner Wilson of Springfield , III. , who was the referee in the matter ot the overissue of bonds of the St. Louis & Chlcaco railway company , in connection with which Frank C. Holllns & Co. wore charged with fraud. The referee reports against the imod fulth ot the holders of bond * 1,401 to 1,000 and against the right to share m the proceeds ot the sale. The Wcathor Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity : Fair weather. For Nebraska ami lowat Fair , variable winds , stationary temperature ; warmer , fair Saturday. For South Dakota : Fair , variable wlnili , warmer ; fair uud warmer Saturday , CARLISLE ON APPROPRIATION Figures Deftly Arranged to Toll Whoppers. PUNCTURED BY MR. CANNON. AVanninnkcr Getting Pointers Prom PostitinHtcrn ntt to AVliy So ftlany tin tiers Fall to Hcac'U Their Destination. WASHINGTON UUHBAB Tim OMAHA G13 FouuTBBXTit STHEBT. WASIHNOTO.V. D. C. , March 13. This afternoon the attention of Mr. Can non , chairman of the house committee on ap propriations , having been called to nu In terview with ex-Speaker Carlisle In a Now York newspaper of yesterday about appro priations by this congress , Mr. Cannon said : "Mr. Carlisle In his llgurcs commits the error of setting against the ordinary reve nues of the government for the next year , $353,000,000 , the total possible appropriations , Including a possible deficit of $57,000,000 , whereas If ho had Included in the revenues of the government , as ho should have done , the postal receipts , the result would have been a surplus even by hm lib eral method of figuring. In other words , Mr. Carlisle admits from his estimate of the revenues of the government the sum of $05,000,000 to bo re ceived from the postal receipts' , notwith standing the fact that ho includes in his sum total .of the possible appropriations the whole amount for postal expenditures. Mr. Carlisle's remarks , to say the least of them , bear n slight ti'igo of nn effortto , show that this congress cannot do that which the tbroo democratic houses over which ho presided during the past six years uf.erly failed to accomplish , that is , rcduco the revenues. Wo caunot fairly predict as ( o , the future , except upon the basis of that which has ac tually been accomplished. In this connec tion what is the record of the first session of the Fifty-first congress with reference to thu appropriation bills that have been prepared and reported to the house , namely , the District of Columbia Dili , the army bill and the pension appropriation bill ] "Tho District of Columbia bill has already been passed and in the aggregate the appro priations are $350,000 less than by the last law. law."Tho "Tho army appropriation bill is now on the calendar and when you deduct .from it $ $0,000 for certain objects which belong to the fortification bill , aud wcro provided for in that bill during the last congress , it ap propriates $35,000 leas than the last law. "The pension approuriation bill , which is on the calendar and is based upon the exist ing law for the payment of pensions during the next fiscal year , appropriates compara tively but little moro than the expenditures on account of pensions will aggregate during the current fiscal year. "With reference to the bills for the con struction of public buildings which have at tracted so much attention of late , it will bo seen by an examination of the record that at the last session of the last cqngrcss bills wcro passed authorizing the construction of new buildings aggregating in cost $0,742,000. The public building bills which hava passed the house uu to this tlmo n'jthis ' session ag gregate 5J.8S5.000. There is no doubt that many uf the bills authorized by the last con gress wcro wholly unneccessa'ry nnd I do not pretend to defend all these passed at this session. In addition to tha rccular ap propriation bills reported and these yet to bo reported wo have had this session to provide for dctlclcncos aggregating S21.050.000 , and there are yet moro to come , but this house is not responsible for them. They are the re sult of the insuulcicnt appropriations made by the last democratic house on esti mates submitted by and knowingly made insufficient by the retiring Cleveland admin istration , particularly witn reference to pen- Dions and the postal servico. "Mr. Carlisle speaks of a bill for the navy authorizing expenditures of $300,003,000. There is no such bill pending in congress , to my knowledge. There has been a report from some naval advisory board suggesting that it would bo wise ultimately to expend on the now American navy something like $300,000,000 , but thcrp has been absolutely no Incislation or even proposed legislation looking to any such end bv this congress. "Ho also speaks of u bill pending in the senate , appropriating $120,000,000 for coast defenses. That bill is an old story. It was wrestled ever by the last congress and its presence in tbo senate at this time forebodes no particular peril to the treasury. "Concerning the matter of pensions , it seems that Mr. Carlisle , with great pains , has aggregated the probable expenditure in volved in all the bills now pending before congress , not recognizing the fact that many of these bills depend for success on the failure of others. Congress can safely bo rolled upon to do justice to the needs and deserts of the veterans of the late war without undue pressure upon the treas ury. Tlio committees on pensions of the two houses ai enow earnestly investigating tlio question of proper necessary pension legisla tion , and until they act it will not bo tlmo for Mr. Carlisle and his friends to cry out cither against the illlborallty or their extrav agance. "IH * dlflleult to determine from what Mr. Carlisle says as to which is troubling his soul the most , namely , whether this congress will do too much or too little for the soldiers. The republican party has promised and will not fall to keep Its pledges to enact just nnd proper pension legislation for the soldiers , " WUV LETTEK3 AllE LOST. As soon as Postmaster General Wana- maker began to compass the details of Ins office ho discovered that there were received every year at the dead letter office over two millions of unclaimed InUcra. The figures Impressed him with the necessity of some action to find a larger par cent of the per sons to whom these letters are addressed , and ho issued a circular to the postmasters throughout the country asking them for their ideas ns to why so many letters fulled to reach tlio proper per sons nnd what would bo the best stops to take to remedy the troublo. Ho has already begun to rocolvo replies from postmasters in tlm various states. Ho has a number of letters from postmasters in Iowa and Nebraska. The postmaster at Council UlulTs , la. , says the causa is duo to letters not beinir addressed to the street and num ber , addressing letters with lead pencils , misspelling , Insufllciont address , Incorrectly addressed mail and careless writing. Ho suggests us n remedy that an effort bo made to bring before the public the neces sity of greater cnro In addressing letters , especially ns to street ' numbers , moro oltort to deliver by carrlora' , return en velopes to bo kept at all postolllccs and the puoliu encouraged to use the same. The postmaster nt Fremont , Nob. , says the trouble is with tno-largo number of tran sients , and that moro extensive advertising is needed and ha auggosts that the charges for advertising should bo 3 cants instead of 1 cent , . The Beatrice postmaster suggests greater cara lu the general delivery and larger ap propriations for clerk hlro. The Hastings postmaster writes : "Adver tise the letters moro , charge il cents , upon delivery and glva the public to understand that where failure to deliver was tbo fault of employes the 3 cents will bo collected by the postmaster from the clerk at fault. " VHiOriOXAL CL'IIKENCV. Tbo suh.commlttno.ot the house committee ou banking and currency , haviute in charge the bill providing for tho-isauanoo "of frac tional paper currency , reported adversely to the full committee today and there was a general discussion of tbo subject. It was believed that BOUIO kind of fractional postal currency should bo issued , especially for transmission through * ho malls , to taKe tbo place of the present postal notes , to bo sold ilka stamps and to bo redeemed by the gov ernment whenever they roach national banks or government inco'nti. The commit tee resolved to confer wth [ ttio postmaster general and house cdmtnlttoe on ipostofllccs and poUroads In relation1 to tbo subject. TUB Anijv. 13y the direction of tbij ! secretary of war the following changes in the stations of privates of the hosnltal corps are made : Frank II. Hlgolow , from Fort WaMiaklc , Wyo. , to Fort Omaha , and Henry Halnes , from Fort Omalm to Fort Washaklo , Wyo. Sergeant Edward Watson , Company E , second Infantry , now With his company , will bo discharged , Ordinance Sergeant Timothy Spollman , now at Fort D. A. Kusioll , Wyo. , is author ized to delay thirty days in complying with the order of February27 , directing him to report to the commanding officer at Fort McKlnncy , Wyo.- for 'duty. ' MI8CEUU.NEOU9. Senator Paddock today received notice that a bureau ot medical pension examiners has been established nt Elwood , Gospcr county. Nob. , and the following physicians appointed on It : Drs. J , G. Pace , G. H. Par kinson and It , H. KraccoQan. Representative Uorsny has recommended the appointment of Arthur C. Wilson to be postmaster nt Harbour , Nob. , also a change in the location of the ) site for n pustofllco nt Dale , Webster county , nnd that William Walsh bo appointed postmaster. A largo number of'.applications are being received by the Nebraska delegation from their constituents for1sugar , beet seed. The delegation has beou * uuablo to fill the re quests , owing to the , non-arrival of seed at the agricultural department. Senator Pad dock today received notice from the secre tary of agriculture that as soon as tbo seed arrived the orders which have been sent In by the Nebraska delegation shall bo imme diately filled. I Senator Paddock has introduced a resolu tion providing for the publication of 0,000 copies of a consular.repart detailing Inter esting facts relating to tho'beet sugar indus try in Hohcmia. Matty of these are to bo sent out to the Nebraska papers and to these who are to ongugo In the boot sugar Industry. The house today passed a bhl ratifying tno measure of tbo Idaho legislatureproviding for a wagon road between north nnd Soutn Idaho , a distance of 100 miles , and opening up an important mineral section of that ter ritory , which is soon to become a state. The house also passed a bill granting right of way througu the Noz.Perco Indian reserva tion in Idaho , nnd tomorrow it is expected to pass the Dubols bill providing tint the citizens of Shosbono county shall determine the scat of their county by popular vote. Senator Allison today Introduced a bill ap- proprla ing $75,000 for a public building at Crcston , la. Senator Moody introduced n bill to pay Gcorgo Fnulklnburg of Mead county , S. D. , S1.S70 on account of'Indian depredations in 1S02. . I The bill providing forj a public building at Hastings passed tha.scnato today. It has been favorably reported by the house com mittee. Mrs. E. Cameron was today appointed postmistress of Ono , Wheeler county , Nob. , vice H. A. Vankem'erk. resigned. Senator Paddock' today-reported from the comjnittco on public lands a bill authorizing the secretary of the interior to survey and mark the seventh standard parallel between the states of North andSouth' Dakota. It authorizes the secretary , of the interior to cause'tho necessary surveys for this purpose to bo made , such' survey to conform in nil respects to the general system of surveys of the United States , and appropriates $25,000 for the purpose. . PEIIIIV S. HEATH. lllGlIiil AVCi6lj DUXIES. The DIcsBinc Tnot AIcKinloy's BUI Will Brine ; . VV'ASHISOTOK , Mcrc'jIS pavld IarDster , president of the Ofilivool' Growers' asso ciation , and Judge Liawreacol atinembor .of ttio samb associated. t > Ye"parodf6 r'r7ubTica- tion the following statement , explanatory of tbo wool schedule in the tariff bill now under the house committee on ways and means : "We have examined for the flrst time today schedule 1C , providing duties on wools nnd manufactures of wool. It proposes n duty of II cents per pound on wool clothing , double on washed and treble on scoured wool ; on comblris wool 13 cents per pound and treble on scoured wool ; on unwashed carpet wool valued at 13 cents or less , Including charges at last port of ex port , the duty is to bo UK cents , and if washed 7 cents ; if scoured S % cents ; ou car pet wools valued at over 12 cents' the duty on unwashed wools is 8 cents , double if washed and treble If secured. It provides standard samples to bo deposited in custom houses , and-contains provisions to prevent round lot frauds , sorting frauds , admixture frauds nnd defines washed and scoured wools. As to the so-called carpet wools the proposed provisions are much bettor than ever incorporated in any tariff law , and these are the wools that Just now nro injur ing the wool industry of the United States moro than any other. 'Wo learn upon reliable authority that under the law us it now stands , 75 per cant , of the carpet wools tlfat'aro being imported will make excellent clothing , such us was used by our soldiers during the war , und if shaggy goods continue to increase In fashion as they have during the past two years , 75 per cent of the carpet wools Imported will DO used for clothing , and further , if clothing wool can bo imported as carupt wool at 2 } cents duty , the duty of 11 cents on clothing wool will not bo operative. If the cost of merino m not too far above the cost of carpet wools , manufacturers will abandon the use of merino wool to sonij extent for the cheaper carpet wool , thus bringing down the price of merino wool. The farmers of the United states and the people generally whoso prosperity is depend ent , on the success of our agricultural indus tries are to bo congratulated on the fact that Major MoICinloy and these co-operating with him oh the committee on ways nnd menus have proposed a measure of such im mense value. The proposed duty is an in crease of 1 per cent per pound on clothing and combing wools over the present low rate. The senate bill which passed January ' , 1330 , proposed 41'bnts 011 carpet wools whether washed or. unwashed , but the rates of the proposed bill of 3 > , cents on unwashed with higher rates on washed and courcd < maka it much better for tlio wool growers f nan the sonata bill , besides which the restrictive provisions of Major McKinlo.v's bill in connection with his administrative bill adds much to the protec tive features as to allwools , and in these re spects are much batter , than these found in any previous laxv. , "Wo now respectfully urgn the friends of protection to American ; .industry all over the country to-appoal to their representatives in congress to give 'their support to this measure and not to' surrender any ouo feature ot its protective provisions. " Truant Mmcs Killed. JACKSONVILLE III , , March 13. Albert Pol lard und Vornou Huy of Havana nnd Vir ginia , respectively , puuiU at the deaf and dumb institute In Jacksonville , ran away to day and started north on the railroad track , Near Litorberry they were struck by a train. Hay was killed and Pollard dreadfully in jured. Tnulbco's Itomnlns. WASHINGTON , March 11 The remains of ox-Congressman Taulbco were taken to mo railroad station aud placed on tonight's tram. The Kentucky delegation In congress will act as pa.ll bearers. Thq funeral services and Interment takes place at Mount Ster ling , Ky. Htcamnhlp Arrival. ? . At Hamburg Arrive ! ( The Rugla and Bohemia , from Now York. At Southampton Arrived : The Travo , from New York for Urouien. At Klnsalor-Pasaod : The Queen , frotn New York for Liverpool. Confirmation. WASHINGTON , March 13. The icnato to day cocflrmod the following nomination : Lieutenant Colonel William Smith by pay. master general with rank br'gadlor ' general. So For the Damngo Done is Not Sorloua. THE FLOOD IN ARKANSAS. Several Towns Under Water , Bwant Away nnil Trains Allan ilnncil A Very Serious Outlook. tlio Flood. NBW OIILEAXS , La. , March 13. Tito rlvor hero at , 2:45 : was 10 feet , 0 Inches , mid at 2:59 : had reached 17 feet , but it remained at that point but a short whlln when It receded to ID feet , S inches , whore It secmod to make a stand. This was 0 inches above the record of other years , aud the water went over the lovecs nil along the city front at every depression or low ulncd and soon Hooded the streets nud sidewalks of n large section of the city. Up town at the head of Jacksou , Washington and Saparnn streets the waves washed over the lovecs and sub merged the streets and sidewalks. .Tho same thins occurred at other points down to Poy- dras. Hero the water spread out over tlio broad space occupied by the Morgan road , then began to How down Poydras street and out inUvtna cross .streets on cither side , fill ing the gutters back of the drainage canals In ttio rear of the city. From Custom House street to Contt the water cnmo over the lovncs freolv and com pletely submerged the streets , and in many places the sidewalks and lower Hears of business houses from the north side of Canal street to Hospital street , n distnnco ot four teen blocks , and from the river to Kampart street , a distance of eight blocks. The damage - ago done so far Is not great. The greatest damage was that sustained by merchants who had sugar stored in the bonded ware- liouso on Levee street. The Southern and Crescent oil mills wore washed under by the water and the Hears wcro torn awuy and the embankments built underneath. The break occurred at Hatch plnco , near Hnrvoy'8 canal , but it only reached the width of four feet when it was discovered nnd promptly closod. It is still a dangerous spot , as the levee is very weak there. The Icveo at Sharp's place , flvo miles above Grntna , where there was u serious crevasse some years ago , is again creating nuxloty , aa it shows signs cf weakening. From the Canal street ferry to the Morgan depot the principal portion of Algiers , dis tance of throe-quarters of a mile , the situa tion at one tiino was very threatening. About noon the water commenced washing over the lovco along its wliolo length and in a short SD.ICC of time the entire front and the streets for blocks back were flooded. Yard Muster Mugulro of the Morgan road nnd the city forces immediately went to work and in four hours throw up a now levee that stopped the ( low temporarily , but the water was already unco deep on front street. Just below Algiers is the Orleans levee , which commauds a largo section of the country. The new levee was constructed only a few days ago , but tno river has been climbing up and totluy the warning sienal was again given. The water was six inch'ca deep over the lovoo's crest. Men nnd mater ial wo'ro promptly furnished nnd a gallant effort Is bomg made to stay the tlood. . The council tonight appropriated 839,000' for work on tha lovecs during the danger' period. v A Ureenvillo , Miss. , special says : The reports up to 0'iO : from all points on this lovco district , above and below , indicate that all Is serene on this side ot the river. Every preparation is being made for any possible breaks or wean places that may occur in the luvccs. Hain has fallen hero lor llfty-four hours with but slight intermissions nnd the total full is ( Ivo inches. It Is .still raining and the indications arc that it will rain all tonight. The river hero rose ono and one- half Inches la the past twenty-four hours and is still rising. A Gi-nvo Outlook. LITTLE'noci ; , Ark. , March 13. The situa tion at Newport , Ark. , at the confluence of the White and 13lack rivers is pno of extreme danger. The water is within n few inches of ttic top of the lovecs which surround the town and Is rising nt the rate of three inches nu hour. The inhabitants are greatly excited. Should the luvccs break the de struction will bo terrible. At Hatesvillo all that portion of the town through which the Iron Mountain runs is a fool under water and the trains are aban doned. Reports from the Ulack river valley show that the low lands arc now under water , at some places eo deep the trco tops alone arc are visiblo. Jucksonport is under water from two to four feet. The telegraph and telephone wires are down in nil directions and no esti mate of the damnco can be made. A Gazette special from Black Rack , Law rence county , gives n distressing account of the flood in that section. The Ulack river , along which uro ninny mills , is ten inches higher than ever known , and nil tlio saw mills are under water. A vast amount of timber has boon washed away. Workmen with families arc In great want nnd consider able distress is felt among the settlors. Every house in Powbaltan , the county scat of Lawrence county , is under water , except the postoflicc. Sovcral bridges have ueon washed away and horses , cattle aud hogs drowned. An AimmillCondition , MEMPHIS , Tcnn. , March 13. The river is in an alarming condition. The highest flood level ever recorded is already reached south of here , nnd 'will likely bo attained from Cairo to the gulf within a few days. The rainfall for the past thrco days sums up a total of from two to three inches ever the country lying west of the Missis sippi to the Indian territory nud south of the Ozark range , nnd from two to flvo Inches between the Ohio and Cumberland valloys. The Appeal's reporter just returned from Arkansas City says the real condition of that place has been suppressed. The water from the Sappington break has flooded the town and surrounding country , hundreds ol hogs and sheep were drowned nud the people ple are in constant fear of n break in the lovco in front of the city , where the water yesterday was four Inches upon the sand bank on top of the lovco. Snow Hlockndo In Colorado. ALAMOS * , Colo. , March 13. The Ulo Grande railway has 25'J snowshovolers nt work opening the snow blockade across the San Juan range at Cumbres on the cast side of the divide. The snow Is reported ns sixty foot above the top of the telegraph poles nnd for miles on each sulo it Is from twonty-ilvo to forty feet deep , the deepest ever known in this locality. The weather was very severe this tnoral'ig , it bolng 22 degrees below - low zero. Hurley ItauK Ilnhhory Trial. ASHLAND , Wls. , Mari'u 13. In the Hurley bani : robbery trial today the feature of tlio morning session was the testimony of Lou Thayer , the black-eyed variety dancer who pumped I3akor for the bcnoflt of Detective liyrnes. liakcr told her ho would Hue to huvo gotten all the money , but would not kick if ho only got pait of it. Heavy Dry Good * Failure. ST. Louis , Mo. , March 13. Edward Harrison risen and Noah Lodcr , of the flrra of H 'rl | son & Lodcr , wholesale dealer * In dry goods , Imvo made a general assignment without preferences. Tha Itabllltlci are from $300,000 to (400,000 and the nomlual assetivlil exceed the liabilities , T11K M'GAMiA IXQUIIlV. Testimony of Ofllcers Favorable to tlio Cotninniidor. < YOUK , March 13. The third day's of the McCalla inquiry was opened itb Lieutenant Merllch ns the first Mcrlich Joined the Enterprise in 3 said that the enforcement of dls- i board the Enterprise was not in ncci ; 2 ' 30 with the rules ot the navy , A ocatt ' ' lined Sutherland attempted to Jump over . to escape punishment , but was stop ) r members of the crew. Witness thoui ho men had too much liberty. Whlh 'onstnitdt mud' liquor war. smug gled I 1 and the men became drunk on duty.l , , - Lr. ) Hurndon , surqoon on the Enterprise , was the next witness. Ho told of the cutting down of Walker by McCnlhi. Witness had dressed u wound on Walker's head about an Inch and a half long. Ho did not consider it dangerous. The treatment the man re ceived was the best that could bo given him after ho was wounded. Witness claimed that McCalla treated the ofilcors nnd crow with every courtesy. The sanitary condition ot the ship was good. . Assistant Paymaster Mmlil told of the Walker Incident and said ho did not think Walker was very drunk. It was necessary to discipline \Valker nnd ho was glad to sea McCalla redtico him to submission by cut ting him down. Tlnnps were getting serious and the commander asserted his authority nt the right time. First Assistant Knginecr Hcnnctt testified that Oiler Whclan was placed In irons nnd afterwards compelled to shovul coal as pun ishment for the breaking down of the launch while Whclan was running it. Ar morer Kennedy was cursed on deck by Mc Calla nud relieved from duty for the acci dental discharge of his revolver. Many men were imt in straight Jackets for days , others we're lashed to the Jacob's ladder. Ensign Kline testified to the punishment of the men and said the commander seldom or never investigated complaints. THE BAHONK DISP13KSI3. A Favoring National In- Hncctioii of Cattli ; Passed. 0 FONT WoitTit , Tex. , March 13. [ Special Telegram to TIIU Unn.l The morninq ses sion of the cattlemen's convention was taken up with reading and discussions of resolu tions raforrcd to special committees. The afternoon session was occupied with the re port of the committee on resolutions and the adoption of same. The question of national and state in spection brought out a hot debate , resulting In passing in favor of the former and strik ing out tlio latter. A laigc number of res olutions wcro hurried through nt the last moment which led to some dissatisfaction. The stock yards company gave a free lunch nt the yards , partaken of by a train load of delegates carried by a free train over the Santa Fe. The Missouri , Kansas it Texas announced a free train to nnd from Galveston to all. TLo visitors are loud in their praise of the hospitality of the Fort Wortn people and passed appropriate resolutions before ad journment. The convention was harmoni ous , borne of the Nebraska delegates will accept the invitation to EO to Ualvcston and the balance will.start for homo at G in the morning. VEUV SATISFACTORY. Test or tlio Vesuvius' Pneumatic Jynauiito Guns. PHILADELPHIA , March 13. The final ofll- cial test of the pneumatic guns of the dyna- } nito cruiser Vesuvius was made today. Tbo result Is not tobe , madp uublicuntil , the re- pbrrrcaches'tho seeretary'of the'navybiit it is understood it has been satisfactory. Ono explosive shell tilled with gun cotton weighing 200 pounds -was llred from each guu and In addition several wooden bombs. The living was done over a measured mlle and the projectiles arc said to have gone in some instances a third of a mlle beyond the distance. Thrco different fuses were used , the first being the kind to explode the pro- Icctilo in flvo and a half seconds after strik ing tno water , the next in ono and n hair seconds nnd the last on touching the water. Tno shock from the latter was felt in the city of Chester , four miles distant. The explosion - plosion of each shell was lollo'.ved by n violent lent commotion in the nater and those who witnessed it say no vessel could stand the force shown. A COLD nhOODKU MUIIDEK. A Fair Bat Frail Scnorita Shut by a liovnr. PAXAMI , March 13. [ Special Telegram to THE Hnc.J On the night of February 0 a brutal and cold blooded murder was com mitted right under the walls of ono of the churches of this city. A beautiful but frail scnorita was matting her way homeward In tno vicinity of the church , when , Ju st ns she crossed in the shadow of tlio cditlco from the glare of tbo electric light , a flash and report startled the people about and the girl was soon to fall. A crowd instantly gathered and the ussassiu's escape was prevented. She died whore she foil , the heavy bullet having crushed through her head. Tno man was cool enough apparently , but rather de fiant when taken to the station. The mur derer said tlio woman had boon falsa to him. Pcoula are not so hot headed in this sunny land as to practice lynching , but public sen timent fools that way somewhat , and no pity Is likely to be shown him when the slow ma chinery of the law has run its course and landed the murderer in front of the tiring party on the Chiriquo Plaza , ) PA.TUIOTS. Tlio North Dakota Kred Wheat Com mission ItOHlullH. ST. PAUL , Minn. , March 13. At Uismnrck today the members of the North Dakota seed wheat commission appointed to devise ways and means to procure seed wheat for the destitute farmers resigned. After re citing the necessity for their action and the manner of their appointment , stating that the "state should bo and is able to rellovo Its needy citizens , " and mentioning the lot tery scheme recommended by them they conclude that in view of the summary re jection of their lottery proposal the mem bers of said commission "decline to further act under the concurrent resolution appoint ing them. " Tim leaturo of the communication is the Statement that the "state is nblu to relieve her needy citizens , " which suoins slightly Inconsistent with thu recommendation of the act for a lottery company. Hhodi ; Inland Kopntilloaitfi. PROVIDENCE , It. I. , March 13 , The rcpnb- llcan state convention assembled today and unanimously nominated tlio present state ofllccrs with the exception of the attorney eonerr.l. who is a democrat , for re-election. The platform extends hearty welcome to the citizens who Imvo obtained the right of suffrage by constitutional amendment and declares that they would suffer moro tlnin others from the adoutlon of democratic free trade , endorses the uallot reform law , con gratulates the people on the success of Har rison's administration and expresses w.irm admiration for Speaker Ucod for the strictly constitutional methods which ho adopted to overcome a factious and unreasoning opposi tion. _ _ In the Commons. Loxnox , March 13. In the commons Gen eral Hanloy moved to Increase the grant for the volunteer service. Ho was opposed by Goscucn , but the motion nevertheless car ried unild opposition cheers. The appro priations asked for the army wcro after wards voted. Death Hcoord. NEW YO K. March 13 , The wife of Tony Hart , formerly well known us Gorlio Granville - ville , died tonight. Tony is la the Blooming- dale asylum. IIE WAS BEATEN TO DEATH , An Aged Iowa Farmer Bmtnlljr Murdorocl by Robbers. HIS WIFE FATALLY INJURED * Ofllccrfl Sconrlnc the Country In Search of the Assassins Tlio Dos Mntnot Annexation Hill Signed. Murdered br Itobhcrj. CMXTOX , la. , March 13. ( Special Tclo- gram to Tnc Uui.l--Ono : of the most horri ble inurdorn over committed In this county occurred at the farm homo of u wealthy old couple named Mr. aud Mrs. Nurro , two miles east of Hrown's station , on the Mil waukee nnd four miles west of Prcstcu. Though the murder Is believed to have been done Wednesday , the fact was not known till this morning , when n son-in-law called and found the old man dead in the kitchen , having been dragged there from the sitting room. There was ono brniso on the back of his head and another under the ear , Which ruptured tha Jugular vein. Further search found the aicd wife of the murdcrod man up stairs nearly dead from having boon beaten an.l pounded while engaged lu n terrible - riblo conflict with the murderer , for the room was all disarranged and bespattered with olood. Physicians say the old lady cau- not live. Hoobery is supposed to have boon the in centive to the deed , for Mr. Nurro fro- qnontly had largo sums of money in the house , yet it is thought none was secured , for it hand satchel was still In the house with $1,105 in it , which had been collected by the murdered man Sunday , nnd as the combination to the safe WAS broken oil it is thought an unsuccessful attempt to open It hud been ir.udo. A reward of $1,000 Is offered for the murderer , although little or no clue is known of who It was. County ofllcors are In charge of the case , aud an inquest Is to bo hold. The murdered man was supervisor of the county somo. yc.ira airo and was highly respected. He is thought to Imvo been wortli $75,000. f < 3 ' - - The \i uislnturc. Dr.s Moixns la. , March 13. In the house today , after : i largo number of petitions worn. presented , b'ills wcro introduced as follows : IJeliovIng persons from liability for news papers sent them without their solicitation ; iiroteUliitr iicrlcultural societies ; conferring upon women tno right to vote nt school and municipal elections ; compensating individ uals for making nrrcsts. A resolution call ing for n 2 mill state levy tax was adopted after some debate. After a few resolutions . wcro adopted adjournment was taken till to morrow morning Among the petitions presented to the sen ate was one that an old soldier be appointed as adjutant general. Bills were introduced to provide for the exemption of old soldiers , and sailors from poll tux ; to authorize dis tricts to furnish school text books nt cost ; to dellna the rights of mutual Insuranca com- umcs. A bill legalizing the annexation of territory to the town of What Cheer was iiasscd. A resolution calling for u 2 mill tax ; levy was taken up but no conclusion was . reached 0(1 ( it. Ityns made a special otder for 10 o'clock tomo'rrow. As most uf tbo outsklo railroad ofllclaln hava gene home , it is oxbcctod that Mr , S < igo , trafllc manager of the Rook Island , and Thomas Wright , general solicitor of the same roail , will address the Joint committee - on railroads at U o'clock tills afternoon , Committees at Work. DCS MOIXEla. . . March 13. Heforo the i legislative railway committees this after noon A. U. Cummins spoke of the cqndition of tbo DCS .Molnes & Northern road , and said It was impossible to comply wltn the law in some respects. The road did not pay expenses and tno stockholders will not pay for moro improvements with no pros pect of getting their money back. Superin tendent Gerry of the Fort Madison & North western said that his road is losing money under the present law , and the proposed legislation , if affected , would permanently terminate the operations of the roiul. Tno special Joint committee Investigating thn sciiool book trust ( .card n number of wit nesses today , but not much Information wug- -'lcaDcd , I'ro/.t-n to Dentil. OsAdu , la. , March 13. [ Special Telegram . to TIIC UEK. ] Mr. James A. Starr went with his team after a load of wood. He at tempted to cross the Cedar river on the lee , The team broke through and drowned. In. his efforts to save the team ho bccamo chilled through and exhausted and Is sup- loscd to have started for homo. He went out a few roils , and tni morning was found dead , lying down In the mud. Ho unrno to this place about two years ago from Fayctto- county. * A Urncn ( if Conntiirlcltcrs. LUJU Vir.w , In. , March 13. [ Special Tele gram to THE HEH. ] For some tlmo thcro lave been indications that counterfeit money was belhg made and circulated In Sao county. A clue led to the discovery at this place nf a full kit of tools , dies , etc. They were found in possession of Churl'js Jones nml.Honry Miles , who wcro to-day arrested jy Deputy Marshall Davenport and taken to Sioux City. They will bo tried on Satur day. I , _ _ _ Foil Down nn ISlovntor Shaft. Dns Moixi : , la. , March -SpccmlTolo- [ - gram to THK UKE. ] Charles Kcnnutt , In ho employ of L. Harbach , felt into the ele vator well at the Walnut street building rom the second floor to the bnsomunt. Ho wax a now man nud not acquainted with the elevator. Ho attempted to Jump on when it vas in motion and then tried to drop back , but 'ell to thu bottoui. Ho was badly Injured and. will probably die , Ijtilii "Vomit : Iliiyf ) n Pnpor. DES MOINES , la. , March 13. [ Special Tele tram to Tun Hin.J : The Daily Capital of his city was todav purchased by Hon. Lufo Young , lately of Atlantic. Possession will jo given April 1 , The Annexation Hill Signed. DIB : MOINIS : , la. , March -Special [ Telegram to Tim Hiil : : The governor to lay higncd the annexation bill. He will ap- lolot thu commissioners tomorrow , probably .ailing the names proposed by the council. IIOI1UI5I > HIS ItllOTHiaiMV-LAW. GolilHtill Gels Away AVIth $1,000 Worth < > r Diamonds. CMSVUMNU , O. , March 13. [ SpeclulTola- gram to TUB HBI : . ] Charles Ettlngor , nn Ontario street Jowolcr , went to the theater lust night and loft his otoro in charge ot Louis Goldsoll , his nlnotceii-ycar-oUl brother-in-law. LUtlngar , whou ho reached his place of business this morning , found that Gnldsoll had decamped with $100 in cash nud MKX ( ) worth of diamonds un4 wutchos. Goldsoll , sr. , is a wealthy whole * sale Jowalor. 'A woman Is supposed to bo > - witu the young scamp. Wnnt Police Protiotlon. PiTTSiitwo , Pa. , MuroU 13. As n result of the failure of the Hacdcr Glue company thuro was n. heavy run today on the Heal Kstato Loan and Trust Company' * Hunk of Allegheny. The bank mot all checks aud applied for police protection tomorrow.