THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THtlBSDAY , MARCH 13 , 1890. A Thoroughly Humdrum Day In the Wheat Pit. CONSIDERED STRONG. Onts Quint nnd Stcndr An All Around Ailvnnoo In HOB I'ro- duct * Cnttlo Jttilo Ijowor llo Active. CI1IOAGO IMIODUCB MAHICKT3. CIUCAOO , Mnrch 12. ( Special Tolocrnm to Trix Dec. ] The opening prlcoof Mny wheat , 78Vc , wns the lowo&t nnd 76K@78 o was ttio highest up to 1 p. to. , when tliu price wns nt l&Jfo. There wns no great influence of nny aort , no vigorous attempts at controlling the market , unit so It becumo-a hum-drum nffalr. Dodge's crop figures , which unset tled the uinrkct yesterday , were unheard of today. What Iittlo outside news came In was pertaining to winter wheat and was generally hullUh. This wns offset by heavy sales by Hutchlncon , who was called n very heavy buyer of "calls" on the curb last nlghl. The Michigan crop report said that considerable dnmogo wns done during February. The roliorts covered n territory representing 05 per cent of the crop of the Blntc. The lending buyers In tills mnrkot were Chandler. Urown , Norton , Worthlng- ton , Olfford , Schwartz , Stoover & Jones nnd ICennott. Counsoiman sold early nmi Ilutchlnson wns n frco seller between "a'rf ' ® 78J4contho ndvnnco through Parker. The number of cars for tomorrow Is only 81. May sales up to 10 o'clock wnro : to 7S' ' < ( ii78 ! > fc to78 Ci78 c to 78 } teA ' 81'W78l ( iJ to 'SJtfo. .luno Bold nt " nna July at 7 ( ! ( ? i ( > , l < d nnd 70V@ < GK- Wheat closed under complete control of our oper ators \vho put the price up nnd down so ns to got tlio most profit out of the "puts" ana "calls. " The close wns nt 73-tfo for May. March 77Jfc , Juno 77c , July TlVfe. The corn market was considered strong todny , ns It yielded but n very slight fraction In the face of very heavy selling by Hutchin- non. Dunhnm & Co. nna Steover were the best buyers. " Hnrltelt & Frnzlor sold nnd there wns sell ing for country account. March wns USjg'c nt the closo. May sold nt 29 > @ 2 ! ) < c , nnd closed nt 29 % c. April closed ut 2So ; Juno nt 20HCZ29 > fic ; July nt 80c ; August nt 31-tfc ; September nt 31 , ' c. Onls worj quiet nnd stcndy nnd without nny Important feature. May was ttio only month traded in and prices only lluotuntcd } ( c. There was no outside or local news to nfloct values and trading was on a reduced scalo. More deferred dellverenes were neglected. In the cash market Iittlo demand existed except from tlio elevator men. Car lots of No. 2 in store were slow nt 20 @ 20lB'c ; und in n special house sold at Silo. No. 3 whlto for May was slow at 22 > c. The provision trade showed some llfo nna some strength today. Several things helped n slight advance. The receipts of hogs are disappointing. Offerings in the pit nro very meagre. At the Cliicngo yards nil parties bought nt slightly bolter prices. There was n lirmor feeling in the pit at the opening , with prices about 2o higher all arnuud. Muy pork sold 5c higher early nt $10.20 , mid nfter the call there was briMt buying headed by Baldwin and the price wont to $10.3T > , but soon dropped back to S10.27K. whore it closed. Lard sold up to C.15 , Mny ? ( J,20 , July closing at $0.10 nnd I0.15@0.17n. An Anglo-American bought July lard and sold Mny. Norton and \Vorth- Ington bougnt pork enrly. Short ribs hold around ICc for May. CHICAGO L,1V 13 STOCK. CHICAGO , Mnrch 12. [ Special Telegram to Tnn 1JBE.1 CATTMI Business opened slow , the flrst sales being hardly as good as at the close yostcrany , and later on values ruled a good lOo lower , with the general market weak at that , but nt the decline prices nro j-ot n shnuo stronger than Inst wook. The decline wns largely on steers nnd covered nbout all classes. But few Tcxans were In Bisht. Cow stock showed no particular chnngo , and bulls nro muKing strong prices. Choice to extra beeves , $4.80(145.10 ( ; medium logood Bloors , ISW ) to 1,500 Ibs , $4.00@1.70 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , $3.riO@-1.85 ; 050 to 1.20U tbs , $3.0@l.OO ! ! : stockers nnd feeders , ? 2.40@3 115 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1. 10(31)50 ( ) ; bulk , $2.HftJ2.00 ! ) ; Texas corn fed steers , $3.10 ( < p 8.05 ; cows'f2.00i2.40. ( iloos There wns Iittlo or no chnngo ns compared with yesterday. The demand was nctlvo nnd values ruled strong from Iho opening to the closo. Hough and common mixed sold at * l.004.0 ! 9' , but Iho great bulk of good mixed made $4.00 , with best heavy , Including butcher welghls , at 4.2j ' ( $ l.l5. Light sorts sold largely at M.IU@4.15 , and thu slngo variety at $4.17 } ( J3 4.20. IdVK HTOUK. Chicago. March 12.-Tho Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle HocuiptH , 13.000 ; shipments , ; niarKet weak und lOa lower ; beeves , $4.80 ® 6.10 ; steers , ? 3.30@4.70 ; stackers und feed ers , $2.40(0(8.05 ( ( ; cows , bulls und mixed , 21.40 < re'J60 ; Texas corn-red steers , ? 3.10@3.05 ; cows , ? 2.00 ( < ? 2.40. Hogs -Keculpls , 24,000 : shipments , ; mnrkolstroug to a Rlnulo iiighcr ; mixed $3.00 @ 4 15 ; heavy , $3.03@l.l5 ; light , 1M.OO ( < H20. tShnop Uecolpts , 3,000 ; shipments , 1,000 : market steady ; natives , S3.75@5.90 ; western corn-fed. < 4.IOii6.03 ! ( : Texans , J3,75"3.15 ; lambs , t5.000 60. KnnHas Olty.March 13 Cattle Receipts 5,000 ; shipments , 2,200 ; market lower ; steers , f3.2534.75 ; cows , $1.SO@3.00 ; stack ers and feeders , ? 2.SOii3.50. ( ; Hogs Receipts. 0,700 ; shipments , 1,400 ; market higher ; all grades , W.77 } < @ 4 05. National Stock Vnrtl * . Knit St. LouK March 12. Cattle Receipts , 1.8UO ; shipments. 300 ; market strong ; fair to fancy native stears , $3.80(36.00 ( ; stacker * and feeders , ? 2.30 ( < J3.00. Hogs Receipts. 300 ; shipments , 1,500 ; market stronger ; heavy , $3.93jJ4.05 ( ; packing , J3.00Q4.00 ; light , t3.85Q 1.00. F1NANC1AU NEW VonK , March 12. | Special Telegram to TUB UKK.I STOCKS The speculators who congregated ut tbo Windsor and elsewhere - where last night were outspoken and bullish. The fact that prices throughout the list are ranging higher Is of Itself an argument that the boars have played their game pretty nearly to the end. Tight money possibilities now stand In the way of the long predicted advance. The fact that many think the bull movement may bo two or throe weeks off may bo ttio moans of Blurting an upward action more sud denly than oven the most naugulno expect , The action at the opening today was prom ising. First sales were with a Iittlo moro animation In the general list than usual of Into , though Grangers , Union PucluV , Nnw Knglund anil Heading were most prominent in dealings. First prices were almost in variably from > $ to % per cent higher than last night's ilgurcs , ana further fractional gains were scored In the early trading , In which everything except Heading shared , although Now Knglond , which led the up ward movement , rosoonly percent. Sugar Refineries late took the load and rasa over 1 per cent , crossing 09 , while the stocks of the regular list became stagnant and dull nt the Improvement already maiio. The no tion ot thu llrst hour was continued with slicht Interruption to noon. Higher price- were touched throughout the list with west * ern railroad stock as strong us on yesterday. Atchfson led up to 33. Uurlmgton uiailo the best advance , going to 45Jf. Northwestern touched HOJf , St. Paul C8'a nnd Union I'aclllu 01. Missouri Pacillo wuri not llrm with tbo others. Sugar was steady ot CO'-i. ' Heading - wont off to iiSX nna LauKawanna lost Its early gain.Vabash preferred moved up to 207 , Stocks closed on a bulge tuch as tha market has not bad for weeks. A sale reported ot u majority ot llurlingtou & Northern stock to parties representing the Burlington ifecjulncy. On this news and a 3i ! per cent dividend on St. Paul preferred the bulls took hold bravely and the shorts were frightened Into unusual efforts to cover. Atcnlson went up to 30 , Burlington to 10 ? ' { n 2K per cent advance , Northwestern to HI , Hock Island to 04 and St. Paul to 09) f. U was a bull move and lasted to the closo. The total sales were 332,412 shares. The following were the closing quotation } ; U.S.4s regular. 121 : Northern I'AclOa. , ! Wi ? U.H.Iscoupon * . . .122ldo ( oreferred * 4 tJ.f.4't rWiliir..1oij : | > u. A M. W Ill U. .4's ' coupons..JiUli doprererrcd.r [ 'ncliltfl * or ( jj ( lit N.V.Centrat 1 ( Bit Central I'acldo. . . . Kj I0y Chicago * Alton . . .12. ) Kocklolanii Oi Chicago , Hurling ton C. . M. ASU' 60H A9ulnc\r - dourBferreil. . . . . . II7U ' ' ' ' ' M'nul . . .T. I Ilinoli Cant ril' . . . . IMU uopreferrod. . . . . 92 I. , ll.i Vf. . UAlonPacino 84' ' < Knnsa A'laraa. . . . 10' ' ; W..8t. It. AP 13 > 4 LnkoHhora. . . . . . .10(1)4 ( ) ( ioproforr d. . . . 27'i Michigan Ceutrat. . OB Western Union.KJS MlRiourli'aolllo . . . 74J MoNBt Easy nt 3)i@4.Vi ) per cent. PIUMK MBUOAXTILH PATCH 5 > f iff ! per cent. STEHUXO EXCIIANOE Dull but steady ; sixty-day bills , # ; demand , $4.S4 . All tit MX ntootci. Nuw YonK , March 12 Teloram toTiic Uzs.l rho follj.viif urj tha min- Ingslook quotations : Alice 100 'Horn Silver 210 Caledonia , II. II. . . 1U ) Iron Silver 1" > Con. Cnl. * Va110 Mexican 27 * ComstooK. T scp..3XK ) Ontario X ) Deuduooil T , . f..l"iO Savage . . . . ! ( ) " t.'rlsto H' ) Slerni Novndx. ( . . . J ) Krolancl 100 Slitter Creek 1UO Homeitnka 760 ItoiKl OlTDrlnicH , WAsiiiNOTOXMnreli 12 [ Telegram to THE UEK. I Hand olTcrliicn today wore as follows ; $00,450 at $ l. i ; $150,01)0 ) at * 1.03 . ruonuouu.Yiucurs. . CHICAGO. March 12. IMS n. ra. oloso Wheat Kasy ; March , 77-S/o ; May , 78g'c. Corn firmer ; March , 'M o ; May , 'Mc. Oats Stu.uly ; March , ZO o ; May , 81'ie. Hyo March. 4UV e. Harloy.Nothing doing. Prime Timothy $1.18. Flax Cash , $1.43. Whisky Sl.Oi Pork - Finn ; March , $10.03 ' ; May , 10.27K- Lard Steady ; March , S0.05 ; May , ? 0.10. Flour Steady to llrm : winter wnoat. ? 3.UO @l.40 : spring wheat , f.75@4.GO : ) : rye , f'J.50 ® 2.bO ; buckwheat , 75c@$1.00 par owl. Provisions Shoulders , $ l.iOMO ; ; short clear. $5.35(115.80 ( ; short ribs , March , $1.05. Hutter Easier ; creamery , 1025c ; dairy , ( Jhceso Firm ; full cream Cheddars lOc ; Huts , 0ti@l ( > ,1c ; Young Americas. @Hc. ERRS Easier : fresh , 12@13c. Hides Steadv ; * heavy and light preen salted , 4 } < @ 4Jfc ; salted bull , 3J/o ; preen salted calf , fl cj dry flint , < J@7c ; dry salted hides. Oc ; dry calf , 5@Go ; doacona , 20a each. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 solid packed , 0o ; No. 3 , Stfe ; cake , 4c. Rocoints. Shlpm'ts. Flour . 13.000 7.000 Wheat . 33,000 15.000 Corn . 437,000 . 7UOO Outs . 137,000 124,000 Mvorpool , March 12. Wheat Quiet ; holders offer modoratoly. C3rn Quiet ; new mixed western , 3s O d per cental. Cincinnati. March 1'3. Wheat Dull ; No. 3 red . 77c. Corn Wculc'iNo ; 2 mixed , 20 @ 30Kc. Oats Steady No 2 mixed , 2o@Jlc. Whisky $1.02. Kt. IjiiulH. March 12. Wnoat Higher ; cash , 70 ; < fc ; May , 708'S ( > 70Xe. Corn Steady ; cash , 3-lJ c ; May , 2ic. ( Oats Firm ; casli , Uu o ; May , ! iO % @ 21c. 21c.Pork Pork Hlohor at $ Lard Higher nt J5.S5. Whisky Steady ut $1.03. Butter Nominal ; creamery , 23@75 ; dairy , lC@21c. MIHvaiilcof. March 12. Wheat A trifle stratigur ; No. 2 spring , cash , 71@72c ; May , 72 ; e. Lorn Steady ; No. 8. 27 > c. Onto Steadier ; No. y white , 22 0. Kyo Active ; No. 1 , 42 c. Hurley Quiet ; No. 2 , UOtfc. Provisions HUhor ; porK , $10.05. KniiH.iN Oltv. March 13. Wheat Stronger ; No 2 red , 70c ; No.2hard , 04c ; No. 8 , GOc. \ Corn Stronger ; No. 3. 31c. Oats Higher ; No. 2. SOJtfc. Mii.iioi.poli-i. March 13. Wheat Active and slightly higher ; receipts , 211 carp ; ship. mcnts , 80 curs. Closing : No. 1 hard , March. 7 < ) % c ; May , 78c ; on track , 77 c ; No. 1 northern , Maruli , 75iCc ; May , 77o ; on truck , 7rtK@7c ( ! ; No. 2 northern. March , 734'c ' ; May , 75 0 ; on track , 7-l@7. Ho. Nmv Voric , March 12. Wheat Uocolpts , 11,550 bushels ; exports , .10.700 bushels ; spot dull ; No. 2 rod , 8UK@SOXo in elevator ; 8S , ' < fc , afloat , 87t < $ &Uo t. o. b. ; op tions wcalc ; No. 2 rod , March , closing at SOj.Cc. Corn Receipts , 9,700 bushels ; exports , 10J.400 bushels ; spot steady ; No. ! 3 , 8l5J c in elevator , y7ViJ37 ( culIout ; ungraded mixed , 27@37 > o ; options steady ; March closing nt S0)go. ) Outs Receipts , 41,000 bushels ; exports , 02,850 ; spot steady ; No. 2 white , 2'J ' i@31c ; mixed western , 27@3Uc ; white west ern , "Oc ; options easy ; March closed at 23 " 4 c. CoiToo Options closed linn ; 10 points down to 10 up ; sales , 00,750 bags ; March $17.BO@18.00 ; May , S17.5.r17.75 ; suet Rio tinner ; fair cargoes , $ 'i0.50. Sugur'-Raw , steady ; rellnod , firm ; fair refining , 5 MOc. Pgtroloum United closed April 03 . Egcs Easier ; western , lie. Pork Firm ; now moss , $11.00011.50. Lard Strougei1 , cash wanted , for export ; western steam , (0.45 bid. Huttor Steady ; western dairy , 5@lSc ; crenmory , l20c ! ! ; Elgin , 27 u. Cueoao Stronger ; western , OMAHA MVE STOCK. Cat He. Wcdnosdav , Match 12. Cattle receipts estimated ut3,700 compared with 2,57li yesterday and 3,72 : ) lust Wednes day. The quality of ttio receipts is much butter than yesterday. The receipts of steers were liberal and among them were sonio very good onus , one lot soiling at $4.40 , a doren other lots soiling at or ubovo tha $4.00 lino. The market opened slow and continued during the early part of the day without special features , with sales gen erally steady at yesterday's prices , the bull ; of the sales being at or above { a 70. About one tnirdof the receipts today were cows , the quality being good , much batter than yester day. WhiloBulus will indicate an advance , the higher prices ura on the quality of the stock and not on an advance in prices. Some line heifers sold at t.2j. Ttio go no nil cow mar ket was a steady , easy market with sales at about steady prices up till midday , when , under contllctlne advices from Chi- CUKO , the general market became weak and shaded cff. The bust grades of cows wera all picked up before the actual decline sot In , so that only tha poorer grades suffered. The receipts of fueders were very liberal and the doinand irood. Nearly every thing sold at or above 1.00 , six sales nt * 3. 15 , the highest price paid this winter for feeders. Everything was piclcud early. Hulls continue aetivo and strong , prices ranging from * 3.00 to $3.2. % the bulk going nbovo $2.30. stacker * , llko feeders , were In demand and anything nt all dcslrublo sold readily at strong prices , the top being $3.10 , tire bulk soiling at or ubovo RI.OO , The sup. ply of oaKes was liberal , the quality good and prices strong , the bulk selling at or above fi.OO , the tup being $3.50. Receipts nf hops estimated at 3 000 com pared with B.20J yesterday and 3,754 last last Wednesday. The market opened active at an advance of a shade to 5o. All sold early , The bulk sold at $0.80@3.85 , although a few loads of very line hogs sold at $ i.K ) . The nvorago price will bo about MSI compared with $ lbi : yesterday. The top price today was the highest price reached this month , Slioop. Sheep receipts estimated at 475 , com pared with Oil yesterday. Mutton tluds ready sale at 11 rm prices. v . I'rovnllluz I'rlojs. The following Is a Ubloof prlosa paid In tills market for the graJoi of stock men tioned : Prime iteort , 1300 to 1000 tt > i..t3.SO @t.50 Good steen , 1250 to 1151 tbs. . . 3.53 (31.25 ( Good stoars. 1050 to 13X1 It . . . 8.2 ] Ci23.SU Common 1000 to 1160 lb steers. 2.00 Oimnion canners , . 1.00 0(3.00 Ordinary to fair cows . 1.00 (32.00 ( Fair to good cows . UK ) (542.45 ( Good to choice cows . 2.20 © 3.00 Choice to fancy cowa . . . . , . 2.03 3.30 Fair to good bulls . 1.75 $2,51) Cholco to fancy bulls . 2.60 M3.f > 0 Light stackers and feeders. . . . 2.00 $2.8 ! ) Feeders. 050 to 1100 ITis . 3.20 $3 50 Fair to cholco light hogs. . . . . . 3.85 M3.00 Fair to choice heavy hogs . 3.80 33.8."i Fair to choice mixed hoiM . 3.80 Illciinst nntl Ijowost Mnlos of Today. Yesterday , ( llHhcjt. . , f3.UO Highest . $3.S5 Lowest . 3.S5 Lowell . 3.75 Stock Hoooltitc. Oftlclal Yesterday. Estimated Today. Cattle , 1'JO cars. . 2.570 Cattle , 133 cars.2.700 Hogs , 43 cars . . .3,219 Hogs , 45 cnrs. . . 3,000 Sheep , Gears. . . . 041 Sheep , 3 cars. . . 475 of lHoo4Jloiri. . The following table shows the ranga of price * paid for hogs : Light and medium hogs . $ .1 85 03 00 Good to choice mixed hogs. . . 3 85 $3 8"K Good to choice heavy hogs. . . 3 S > W3 85 Hnnzo of I'rloas The following table shows the ranga of prices paid for sheep : Prime fat shoap . ? 4 40 @ 5 33 Good fatsheop . . . ! t 5'J ' ( tt 00 Common to medium sheep. . . . 2 OJ 174175 Lambs . 4 00 Qt < J 00 Coit ol The following table gives the average cost of hogs on the dates msntionoJ , including the cost today , as naied upon sales reported : Date. Prlca. Dao. Price. Ahirch 1 * 3 73 March 7. . .1,73)4 ) March 3 8 7rt ) March 8. . .3 73 > March4 377 March 10. , . . . . ! J 73 March 5 II 71 % March 11 3 81 March 0 a 71J March 12 8 83 Comparative Tablt-'s. The folloiving tabloi show the r.inj In prices on hagi ilurin ? tliU and lnt : wj3'c : Avcracd 1'rio.s ( ' llor . Showing Iho uvora u price pil.l of hoc * on the il.iyj uidioiloJ In 1337 , 183'J and 1890 : Disposition of Stnolc. Showing tha number of cattle , hogs and sheep bought by the packers and loading buyers on to-day's raantot : CATTLE. Uuycrs. No. Swift & Co 081 George II. Huiutnond &Co ISO The Armour-Cudahy PacKlngcompany. ySO Omaha Packing Co IS Lea KothBchild 2T9 Benton & Underxvood 11 Nuls Alorrlu 1 0 HocKur & 1HT Shlppora and feeders 2J3 11OQ- ) . Showlnir the numbar of ho ? ) bought by thu loading buyers on todav's market : Armour-Cudahy Packing company 1,404 Omaha Packing Co 1)71 ) George H. Hammond & Co .r > 22 Swift & Co 575 Hogs yesterday averaged i.34 pounds , and C3 to the car. SHEEP. ' Showing the number of sheup bought on today's tuarKot uud the purchases : HopresRiitativi ) Hnlei. No. Av. Prico. ISO western , wethers 115 No. Av. 1. .1000 1. .10.10 4. .1200 10. .1011 21 . 012 1. .1410 1. .1000 4. .1100 15. .1058 19. 1012 .1032 1225 24 .1002 10. .1115 17. .1030 "I .1103 0. .1173 8. .1240 8.a. a. .11811 2J. .1214 ' 'U. . 1204 12 .1112 21. .1120 .1110 .1232 41.l . .1100 l | W * .1274 10. .1123 21) ) . .1107 03 .1154 is ! .1230 22. .1050 0.a. . . 810 a. . 773 45. . 027 1 .11150 3 . 757 . 070 ; ) ' . 870 4l ! ! .11115 8 10b7 S 10JS .1035 8.a . . 781 a . .1000 i. . . 64M ) o. , . 8S3 a. , . CCO i. . . 400 15. . . tV. 1. . . 510 4 1317 3 1120 15 1063 600 6UO On the ainrlcoitli \ Hhuop John Kldd , Ong : J. S. Pordycc , L. M. Ormsby , Central City. On tlin Mnrkat Wleli lines. First National bank. Loup City ; J. B. Mollinger , Octavla ; Fuller S. & F. , Leigh ; H. C. Moran , Crestou ; J. M , Anderson , Wilsonvlllo : J. F. Fairmao , Axtoll ; Hnydor & Jackson , Wallace ; Fuller &Uood , Cowlcs ; Doots fi N. , Kearney : H. Enorson , Cedar Haplns ; P. M. Sackott , Boone ; W. II. Lewis , Columbui ; Faulkner & S , , Rogers ; B. II. Horsbey. North Bend ; J. Lcmko , Mlllard ; John Schrer , Hoag ; A. Lavorty , Memphis ; J. F. Hell & Co. , Ithaca ; W. Har rington , Tokanwh ; G. W. Ferguson & Son , Huntoon Co. , Earllng , In. ; A.Mlltncr , Waco ; W. H. Van Alstlno , Arcadia , J. H. Gallon- tmo , Bromllold ; A. F. Nlcliols , Lltchlleld ; N. Jaciuot ) , Merna ; II , A. Northrup , Dun ning ; 'i'nylor & B. , Broken Bow ; Stevenson Bros. Ansley ; Gcorgo Boetel , Millnrd ; C. K. Welch , Papillon ; John Osaonkop , Lnuts- vlllo ; P. Diodrlcltson , Bonnlngton ; David son & M. , Ainsworth : Ed Haley , Davuy ; F. C. O. A. , Cedar Bluffs ; W. H. McDonald. Pierce : J L , Packard , Crolchton ; Shcppurd & U , , Tilden ; Walrath & H. , Atkinson. On tlio Market With Cnttlo. Hankin Brothers , Cambridge ; F. M . Oatts , Arnpuboo ; Cook Brothers. Holdrogo ; Hayder&J. , Wallace ; Doets & N. . Kear ney ; T. Lnnhnn , Harvard ; F. Wight , Ge- nevn ; Standnrd Cattle Co. , Ames ; J. L. Shoup , Cunoman ; Dryfoos & H. , Columbus ; Faulkner & S. , Hogers ; B. Horthoy , North Bond ; M. Hcnahan , Elkhorn ; J , Qulnn , Mlllard ; Bussett & II. , Wisnor ; A. O. Lord , Oakland ; J. G. Wilson , A. Flommmg , Morse Bluffs ; L. C. Prathor , B. Beatty , Kline Brothers , Thayer : J. B. Brooks , Houston ; Harris & / . , Charleston ; George W. Leo , Eldon ; J. Neb , Clarkson : Kennot Brcs. , IJird City ; J. E. Hunt , Stan ford ; Anderson Bros. , Wllsonvillo ; W. E. Echols , Brush ; J. H. Uallonilne , Bromlicld ; I ) . L. Tcof , Aurora ; W. Z. Tlllson , Havennn ; A. Fl'nt ' , Litohlleld ; A. Dawson , IJromrlold ; Nelson & Potter , Arcadia ; Keene & T. , Overton ; J. McICeo , Grand Island ; G. Keck & Co. , Kearney ; J. W. Qclmen , St. Paul ; William Sweeney. Emerson ; F. Schwed- helm , Bancroft ; Lyon Bros. , Lyons ; J. F. KcBsIcr , Oakland ; Kcnt.C , Co. , Cornelia : Westcott & G. , Arcadia ; .ludson , S. & Co. , Lnramlo ; John Coker , O'Falious , Dak. ; John Lute , Paxton , Dak ; Abe Cox , DoU'ltt ; D. G. Hoot , Endi- cott ; A. Blanser , Dillor ; C. J. Illnth , O'Uell ' : Kllpatrick Bros. , Hoag ; Wm. Francis , Palmvra ; M. T. Patrick , Ulysses ; Perry & * M. Wehoo ; Hodon & Z. Mo. Val ley ; Dudley & G. Woodbine ; J. H. Pratt , Bonnington ; W. II. McDonald , Foster ; H. B. Dexter , fcBlatr ; D. W. Austin , Ncola ; la. , J. T. Robinson & Son , Persia , la. ; H. Ham mer , Mineola ; W , E. Kin sol la , Dow City ; E. F. Day , Elmwood ; A. C.-Adams , Eaclo ; Snyder Bros. , Lincoln-T. ; C. Bradley , Waco ; Miller & Co. , At J7 Adams , Brad- shaw ; Lennox & H. , Arcadia. Mnrkot Mention. A. r. Nichols , Lltchfleld , marketed hogs. M. Hanahan marketed cattle from Elk- horn. D. G. Robb of Endicott was hero with cattlo. Charley Welsh had hogs here from Pa- pilliun. Joseph Kllpatrick was in from Hoag wita cattle. C. J. Hlatt came in from Odoll with n car of cattle. A. A. Adams of Toledo came in with a load of cattlo. W. II. Lewis was hero from Columbus with hogs. John Colter comes In from O'Fallon's with u car of cattle. John Schoavoa of Hoag marketed hogs of his own feeding. John Odsnnkop was up Irora Louisville with ucar of bogs. Kornot brothers of Bird City , Kan. , were on market with cattlo. John Lulo of Piixtnn was at the yards with two cars of cattle. Fuller , Smith & Fuller were on the mar- kct with hogs from Leigh. Alfred Garton was on the market with a car of cattle from DoAVitt. The Kent cattle company sent in a car of cnttio from Nowmaa'a Grove. > John L. Shoup brought In his llrst ship ment of cattle from Chapman. Fouiknor & S. of Schuylor , prominent dealers , marketed thrco cars of cattlo. J. II , Quinn , n prominent farmer and feeder of lilkiiorn , wns in with cattlu. J. B. Melhmgor of Octavia had hogs of his own feeding and topped the market nt J3.9U. II. L. Harris , who is feeding und also buys Uvo stock ut Wisnor , was in with a load of cattlo. Harry Hobinson of J. T. Robinson & Son , Lovelnnd , In. , was ut the yards with a car of c iittlo. E. P. Blaisdol ) , the well known shipper of Hamburg , la. , was ovur with a car of butch- era' stuff. Ilnnry Hammer , Ihc popular stockman of Mineola , la. , put in an appearance with a car of cattle. The extensive stockmen , Lyons Bros , of Lyons , were on the market with four cars of line fat cattlo. W. F. Moses of HllUdalo , In. , broucht ever forty-eight hogs that averaged 2SO Ibs and sold for f I 00Iho lop price. Dudley & Goodwin , who nro numbered among our best Iowa shlppors , cuinu ovur from Woodbine with ono cutof cattlo. * A. Flint , a veteran qulppor at Lltchflold , who hat ) for several year made Him hla market , was in with thrco.loads of cattlo. F. M , Gatts of Arupahao , u new shipper to our market , camu in with a car of cnttio unu suont the day looking over the yards and packinghouses. . < W. E. Kiusolla , ono of'tho leading ship pers to our market , contributes four loads of cattto lo the receipts , and was hero himself to look after them , . T. J OMAHA WHOIjl3 | VIfB MA11KETS Produce. Eaas-Strlclly fresh.r fc { ; cold storage , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at any price. BUTTEU Creamery , fancy rolls , prints , 21 @ 25o ; creamery , fancy solid DacHod,223cj ( ! creamery , choice , 10@22o ; dairy , fanoy rolls and prints , ISJi'-Oo ; dairy , fuuuy solid packed , 17@19c ; dairy , choice , 14 < c 15o ; country roll , fancy , 13@15 ; choice , 10 ( < fl2o ; country roll , good. OQlOo ; country roll , fair , 7 ( < Wc ; poor Block , 8i$6o. ( POULTIIV Turkeys , dressed , fancy dry picked , ll13) ) < o : lurkeys , live , per lb. 7@8o ; chickens , fancy , UMlSa ; chickens , choice , 0@ lOo ; chickens , Uvo , f3.00@3.50 : gcoso.dressed , fanoy , ll@l''o : geese , dressed , choice , 10 < < $ lie ; gcoso , Uvo , doz. , 10.00 ( 7.00 , ducks , dressed , fancy , llo ; ducki , choice , 10ollo ( ) ; ducks , Uvo , doz. , f3.00@3.0 ; pigeons , doz. , ll.OOQM.25 , CJAMB Jack snipe , tl.OO@1.2A ; golden plover , 11.00 ( 1.23 ; mallard ducks , W.OOQ 3 CO : canvasback duoks , | 5.00@0.00 ; red head duck , doz. , 13.00 ; tool mucks , doz. , H.50Q3.00 ; mixed ducki , doz. , tl.50t32.00 : treoso , Canada , | 5.50@0,00 ; geoae , small , (4.00 0.4.50. BKESWXX No. 1 , ! C@l9a Pius FJJET PJcklod , kit * , 70o ; anlcod pigs tongues , kits , $ ITW ; pickled tripe , kits , 05o ; pleltlod H , C. trlpo , Kits , 85o ; spiced pigs hocks , kits , $1.20. MK S PoiiK-Pur bbl , 9.75 ( < ? 10.73. HCCKWIIKAT Fi.otn Per bbl , f 1.75. Wooii Pine , average , 22$2.1o ( ! ; medium. average , 21@3Ja : quarter blood , average , 13 ( 20rt ; course , nvoraeo , 15i(17o ( ; cotts and rough , nvorago , 14i$10c. ( HAT Choice upland. (0.00 0.23 ; midland , ft.60 : lowland , fJ.fO. iliDRs , Pnl.Tfl AND I'AI.I.OWS Oreon salted hldos , 4 > u ; dry salted hides , 5gOc ( ; dry flint hides , 7o ; calf hides , Cc. Damaged hides 2a loss. Sheep pelts , preen , each , 7Jc@fl.25 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 9$12c ; tallow , No. 1 , 8k@W . " No. 2 , 80 ; grease , white , 3o ; yollo\v , 2ij ( < ? 3c. Citoi1 Fp.F.i-$12.30. ) HKAX 10.60. Cous 14c. OATS 13c. BEANS Hand picked invy , Sl,50@l,00 : band picked navy , medium al-40 ( lW ) ; tin ml nicked country , $1.30 1.40 ; good clean , $1.20 @ 1.80. LEMONS Per BOX , mcsslna fancy , M.OO ® 6.00 ; vordclll , good , $2 50. UANAXAS Per bunch , $2.00@3.00. MAI.AOA Gmi'ES Fancy , per bbl , $7.50 choice , per bbl , $0.00(37 ( 00. COCOAXUTS Per hundred , $1,75. PICKI.KS Medium , per bbl. $5.50 ; small , $ il.50 ; gherkins , $7.60 ; C. & 13. chow chow , qts. $5.85 ; plfl. $3.U5. PctTATor.s Per bu , 35o ; common , 23o. MAPI.R SmiAit Per lb , 12)fo. ) PHOVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , 10 lt > average , OUo ; 20to221lS , 8Ko ; 18 to 14 Ibs , 0fo ; shoulders , So ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , 3c ; ham sausage , 8c ; dried beef hams , M ° \ oof tongues , $000 per dozen ; dry salt meats , 5@ Hi/cpcrlb ; ham roulette , 0) ) < c ; add lo per lb for small lots. Boxm ( Quotations are for delivery In Chicago ) . Dry buffalo , per ton. $10.00@13.00 ; dry country , bleached , $10.00I8.00 ; dry country , damp and meaty , $3,00(410 ( 00. VEOETAIILKS Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Muscatlno , par bbl , $4.00 ; onions , extra fancy , per bbl , $3.50 ; onions , fair , per bbl , $3.50 ; rutabagas ) per bbl. $2.00 ; carrots , per bbl , $2.00 ; uursmps , per bbl , $ ' . ' .00 ; beets , per bbl , $2.00 ; horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ; horse radish roots , per lb , 7o ; ' celery roots , per bbl , $500 ; calory roots , perUoz , GOc ; onions , porbu. , 75cC'f$1.00. Ai-i'i.K HuTTBit Per lb , 0@7o. MIN'CK MKAT 8GlOu per lb. HOXKY 15@10o per lb for choico. PUESCHVES8SJ10o ( per lb. JEirin3-4@IJ c per lb. Dur.ssKD VUAL Choice medium , 7@7 > c ; light , 6@0c ; heavy. 8C4c. Ari-LEs Per bbl , $4 00c85.00. ( CttixiiKitKins Par Ubl , $13 50@14.00 , Cmnii Per bbl. reilnod , $0.60 ; half bbl , (3.50 ; bard elder , pure , per bbl , $3.00. LINSKUII OIL 04c. Giuu i'ic . DIURD FIIUIT Currants , now. 5.V c : prunes , casks , 1,300 Its , 6)/c ; prunes , bbls or buxs , t > Xc ; citron peel , drums , 20 Ibs , 22c ; lemon peel , drums , ISc ; fard dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lie ; uuricots , cbcise evaporated , HJ c ; apri cots , jolly cured 23 lb bozos , lOu ; apri cots , fancy , 25 tl boxes , 15c ; ap ples , evaporated , 60 lb boxes , 9c ; apples , Star , 8x'fc ' ; apples , lancy Alden , 5 It. , lOo ; apples , Fancy Alden , 3 lb , lO c ; Salt Lake , 5c ; blackberries , evaporated , 60 lb boxes , 5a ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 13c ; peachej , pared , fancy , ISc ; Salt Lake , 7c ; pitted plums , Cal. 35 11) boxes , 8 0 ; raspberries , ovap. , N. Y. , now , 20o ; prunes , R C. 0070 , 9@9K"i ornngo pool , 15u ; raisins , Culilornia London crop 1889 , $ J.S5 ; Cal. loose muscatels , crop 1839 , $ .2.00 ; Vnloncias , 1833 , Oc : Valeneias , new. 8 > e ; Cal. seedless , sks. , 7J o ; Ondura layer , now , 9J c : dried urapes. 4c. SoAidCastile , mottled , per 11 > , 8 ( 10-5 : do white , per lb , 13u. VhOETAiiLus Tomatoes 8 lb extra , $1.00 ; 3 lb standard , western brands , 9J@95c : gallons lens , strictly standard. $ } 90. Corn Finest grown , $1.00 ; gilt-edfo sugar corn , very line , $1.50 ; choice 2 lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 3 lb extra , western brands , 85c ( < ? $ l,00 ; 2 ID standard , western brands , 70(430c. ( ( Muslr- rooms 1 lb French , extra line , 22tg25c ( ; 1 lb French , line , 18@2Jc ; 1 lb French , ordinary , 10@18c. Peas Tres fine , per can , 23c ; doml line , per can , lOc ; 3 lb extra , sifted , $3.00 ; 3 lb early Juno , $1.25@1.35 ; 2 ID Mar row , standard brand , $1.10 ; 2 lb soaked , 59c. String Beans 2 lb high grade. Refugee , S5c ; 2 lb Golden Wax beans. 75u ; 3 lb string beans , 70c. Lima Beans 2 lb soaked , 75c. Boston Baked Beans 3 lb Lewis , $1.05 ; crown brand , $1.50. Sweet potatoes 3 lb Now Jersey , $1.00 ; duis.y. ? 1.85. Putnpmn 3 Ib now Dump'kin. $1.00. FAUINACBOUS GOODS Barley , 3 > @ 4e ; la- rinn , 5c ; peas , 3c ; o.itmeal , 2 ( 00 ; maca roni , lOc ; vermicelli , lOc ; rico , 4rtO ( ) o ; sago and tapioca , 0@7c : lima beans , tic. On.s-Kerosone-P. W. lOo ; W. W. 12' c ; ho.idlight , 13c ; gasolmo , 12o ; salad oil , 1.2509.00 per doz. CAXNCD MEATS 1 lb lunch tongue , S2.GJ ; 2 lb lunch tongue , $4.75 ; 1 lb corned beuf , $1.20 ; 2 lb corned beef , $7.05 ; 0 lb corned bcel , $0.50 ; 14 lb corned beef. $14.00 ; 2 lb boneless pips feet , $3.20 ; 1 lb English brawn , $1.20 ; 2 Ib English brawn , $300 ; 0 lb Eng lish brawn , $ (5,50 , ; 1 lb compressed ham , $1.75 ; 2 lb compressed ham , $4.75 ; lib chipped beef , S'.OO. Fisu Codfish , extra Georges , new , SJc ; grand bank , new , 4Ku ; nilvor , 2 Ib , blocKs , Oc ; snow white , 2 lt > bunk , now , 4 'c ; Tur key cod , laru'O middles , bricks , S > { u ; enow while crates , 12-5 lb , boxes , % a ; Iceland halibut , lie ; medium scaled herring , 253 ; No. 1 scaled herring , 23c ; domestic ) Holland herring , 55c ; Hamburg spiced herring$1.50 ; Russian sardines , 75s ; Russian sardines , plain , 55c ; imported Holland herring , Crown brand , 80c ; do. fancy milkers , lHc ) ; mackerel No. 1 shore , half bbls , $13.00 ; bloutors , half bbls , $18.00 ; wtutcllsh , half bbls , $7.00 ; trout , naif bbls , $560 ; family whitollsh W.OO ; sal mon , ? 3.50 ; 1 lb muckcrol ( herring ) , $1.00 ® 1.10 ; 1 lb linnnn baddies , $1,75 ; 1 lb loostors , $1.902.00 ; 1 lb Alaskn salmon. Aleut. $1.00 : 2 lb oysters , 10 oz , $1.115 ; 1 lb oysters , 5 oz , $1.15 ; 3 lb select , 12 oz , $ J.35 ; I lb clams , little necks , $1 35 ; 2 lb clams , iittlo necks , $2.10 ; ' lb sardines , imported , per case , 100s , $11.00(8111.00 ( ; } { lb sardines , imported , per cnso , luOa$15.UOj20.00 ! ; } < ; lb. imported bone- loxs sardines , 20u ; ! j lb sardines. American , per 100s , French style , $ J.5il(25 ( 00 ; M lb sar dines , American , per case , 100s , French style. $7.50 ( < i3.00 ; K"lb sardines , mustard , per cuflo. 5'Js , $ l.00@4,25 ; imported key sar dines , $13.00. BIIOOMS Parlor , 4 tie , $3.75 ; 3 tie , $2.25 ; stables , $2.85 ; common , $ l.50igl.75. ( COCOA K 'b ' tin , 40u per lb. CIIOCOI.ATK 22i385opor lb ; German chic. ory , red , 8) 0. SAI.SOIIA Bbls , 1 % ; granulated , IJfo ; kegs . SODA Pkgs 00 us. 5)4'c. Nurs Almonds , 15c ; Brazils , llo ; illbcrts , 12Uc ; pecans , llo ; walnuts , \ty a\ \ peanut cocks , 80 ; roasted , llo ; Tennosso pea nuts , So. Dituos ( Grocers' ) Per lb Borax , lOo ; copperas , 2 > o ; Bay leaves , lie ; gluo. lOc ; epsom salts , 4oglaubor ; suits , DC ; sulphur , 2Ko ; blue vitro ! , 9o ; alum , 4c ; tarturio ucicl , 2u ; rosin 2o ; saltpeter , absolutnly pure , 9c ; gum camphor. ! ' ] Ibs In box , 1 oz cakes , iliiu : hops , \i \ and \i lb packages , 20c ; sago , ] i and H'-lb packages , 15u ; madder , 13o ; saltpeter , lOc : indigo , 8-lb and 5-lb boxes. S F , )3jJ70o ) ( ; Indigo , 3-lb and Sab boxes , Madrls , 75c ; seal ing wux , 25-lb boxes , rod , 8) 0 ; sealing wax , 35lb boxes , whlto , 4o. SUOAIIS Cut loaf,8Vocul ; loaf cubes 7 o ; standard , powdered , 7o ; XXXX. powdered , 80 ; granulated , standard , 7u ; confection ers , A , O u ; white extra C , 0fc } ; extra C , Ni'b , 0 ] o ; umber , Oo ; COFFKE Rousted Arbucklo's Arlosa , 25 o ; MoLaughlln's XXXX. 25 so ; Gorman , 25 o ; Dilworth , 25' u ; Alaroma , 25 < o ; bulk , 2. CoFFKK Green Fancy old ( joldon Rio , 25o ; fancy old peaberry , 25o ; Rio , choice to fancy , 24o ; Rio , prime , 23Uo ; Rio , good , 21 > c ; Mocha , 29o ; Java , gunulno O. G. , 28o ; Java , good Interior. 24o ; African , 22u. Roi'is Basis Manilla rope , 15o ; sisal rope , ISJi'o ; cotton rope , lOo ; new process , 8 " . COTTON TWJSB IJIbb , vary line , 3 or 4 ply , 22o ; line , 20o ; Daisy , I8o ; c.indlo wick , 23o. OLivns Quarts , par doz , $3.7fi ; pints , per doz , $3.25bulk ; , per gal , Mo. VINEOAH 30 pr. cider , 8cgood ; , 12o ; white wine , 15c. , STAIIOII 4J Q8o per lb. STOVB POLISH -$3.00@5.87 per gross. lUns Am. , pur 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 100 , $17.00. MOLASSES Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal , 55o ; bakers' , 2lf435c ; black strap , 20o. WuAi'i'ixo Pirnu Straw , per lb , 2Ko ; rag , S o ; nianlla , H , 5@0o ; No. 1 , 7c. UAOS Union square , 85 per cent off list. SALT Dairy , 230 lb In bbl , bulk , $3.10 ; boit grade , GO , 6 , $3.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s , 13.40 ; best , grade , 23 , 104 , $3.20 ; rock salt , crushed , $1.80 ; dairy suit , Ashton , 50 lb bags , S5o ; bulk , 234 tt > bags , $3.25 : common , in bbl , 11.25. CANNED GOODS Fruits , California canned goodi , standard brands , 2X lb , per dor- Apricots , $1.7031.85 ; apricots , plo fruit , $1.50 ; gallons , $4.60 ; blackberries , $2.25 ; oherrlet. black , $3.00@2.25 ; cherries , white , $2.25@3.50 ; grapes , $ l,05i$1.60 ( ; pears , Burt- lott , $3.10@2 25i poaches , yellow. $3.10(32.25 ( ; peaches , lemon cling , ( J.33 ; plums , egg , $ l.G5Gl,80 ; plum * , golden drops , $1 . ' 0 ; plums , green gages , $ ! G3@lbO ; pcaohos , with pltts In , $1.00 ; currants , $3.30 ; Fooscborrles , $225 ; quince * , $3.10 ; raspber rlcs , $3.70 ; strawberries , $3 60 ; peachci , 3 lb eastern standards , $1 & 3 ; 3 lb pic , $1.10 ; G lb pic , $3.00 ; gallon pic , $3.00 ; apples , high standards , $3 GO ; 3 Ib gooseberries , POc ; 3 Ib strawberries , 9oc > i95c3 ; Ibratpbarrlot , $1,00 ; 3 lb blueberries , sii ( < ( Wj ) ; 3 lb btaokbcrrics , 03@75o ; 3 lb strawberries , prciorvcd , $1,75 ; 2 lb raspberries preserved , $1.30 ; 2 lb black * berries , prcservod , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama chopped , $300 ; 2 lb Bahama grated , $3.75 ; 2 lb Bahama sllcod , $3.60 ; 2 lb Standard diced , $1.23r$1.50 ( ; chcrrius , 3 lb rod , Baltimore , 85 M95c ; pears , 2 lb. $1 30. _ Dry Gi > ol- > . CuircT WHAT Bibb , white , 18fo ; colored , HATTS Standard , So : Gem , lOo ; Beauty , Xo ; Boone , 14o ; poorlcts , case , $7.60. COIISET JntNS Boston , 7c ; Androscog , gin , 7 ? c ; Koarsargo , 7Jfo ; Hockport , OJi'c ; Concstoga , 0 > i'c. TICKS Oakland , A , 7'j'o ; International YY , 80 ; Shctuckot , S , 8) 05 Warren , No. 870. IGa ; Berwick , HA , ISo ; Acme , 18c ; York , 80 Inch , 12 0 ; York , 83 Inch , 18Uo ; Swift River. 80 : Thorndlke OO. 8&0 Thorndlko FF , S c ; ThorndlKo 120 , PJfc ; Thorndiko XX , 16j ; Cordls , No. 5 , 9Ko ; Cord is No. 4 , lOKo. PIIIST Solid Colors Atlantic , Oc : Slater , Oc ; Berlin oil. O c ; Garner oil , 0$7o. ( Pink and Robes Richmond , 0 0Allon,0 ! ; o ; Riv- oroolnt , 5 > o ; Stcol River , Oc ; Pacific , Indigo Blue St. Lcgor , fij o ; Washington. 0 > c ; American , 0c ; Arnold , 0 > o ; Arnold Century , Oo : AmanJ , 12c ; Sliofel A , 12c. barter oak , 6,1/0 ; Ramapo , 4ife } ; Lodl , 6'fo ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , O fc ; Eddystono.Oi o : Pacific , 0 > fc. OI.NOIIAM Plunkutt checks , Oj o ; Whit- tenton , 05/o ; York , C c ; Normandl dress , o : Calcutta dross , 7' e ; Renfrew dross , CAMIIIUCS Slnlor , 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stand * nrd , f > a ; Peacock , 5c. SiuiiTi.No : Cherks Caledonia X , OJ < c ; Caledonia AX , inWfu : Economy , Oc ; Otis , Oo ; Granite , 0 ? o ; Haw Hlvor , Gko ; Craw ford , Sc. DcxiMS Amoskeag , 0 oz , 10 > < c ; Everett , 7oz , 13o ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Haymaker , 8 0 ; Jnftroy XX , lljo ; .Inftruy XXX , 12Wo ; Beaver Creek AA , ll > c ; Beaver Creek BB , lOl c ; Beaver Crock CC , He. KKXTUCKV J BINS Memorial , 15c ; Glen- wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules , ISc ; Empire , 25o ; Cotlswold , 27Ku ; Mol * villo , 25c ; Bang-up , Z o. CIIASH Slovens' B , O c ; StcvenV A , 7c ; Slovens' A , bleached , 8c : Steven * ' P , 75'c ; Slovons' P , blc.ichcd , 8/o ; Stevens' N. bKo ; Slovens' N , bleached , 0 > e ; Stevens' SHI1 , He. FJ.AXNEI.S 1'laid Haftsmen , 20c ; Clear Lake , 82c ; Iron Mounlaln , 2G > c ; While G II No. 2 , % , 22 } * ? . ! ; G H No. 1 , f , 2 J o : B H No. 2. Jf , 22&c ; B H No. 1 , X , 30c ; Quocheo , No. 1. $ i , 42c. White Quecheo No. 2J37Jfc : Ouocheo No. 3J , a.'Xo : Anawan , S.'Kc ; Windsor , 22' ' < fc. Hod C , 24-ln , 15c ; E. 24-in , 21 * ; c ; G G 21-in , 20c ; II A F , f. 25c ; J H F , f , 27c ; G , $ , ' , 25c. ULBACIIKD SUEETIXOS Ellorton , 7 0 ; HoiiHckecpor , 8) 0 Nuw Candidate , Sjo } ; Berkeley cambric No. CO , Oc ; Best Yet , 4-4 O o ; butter cloth OO. 4 0 ; Cabot , 7 } c ; Fnrwell half bleached. 8 | c ; Fruit of Loom , SKo ; Green G , O c ; Hoe ) ) , 7 a ; King Phil ip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo cambric , lOc ; Lonsdale , # , ; Now York mllN , 10J < c ; Pop- poroll , 42 In , lOoj I'epucroll , 40 In , He ; Pep- percll , 04 , 14K ° ' . Pepperell. S-4 , 20o ; Pep percll , 0-4 , 22c : Pcpporcll , 104. 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , 8'fo : Canton , 5-4 , 9)Jc ) ; Triumph , tie ; Wasinutta. lie ; Valley , 5c ; Barker , bleached , 8 } c. BHOW.V SnnETixo Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7/c ; Atlantic H , 4-4. 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-1 , 0/4c ; Atlantic P , 41 , Oo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , Oc ; Au rora C , 4-4 , 4 u ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0c ; Hoosier LL , 4 4 , fijfc ; Indian Head , 4 4 , 7c ; Lawrence LL , 4 4 , 5 c ; Old Dominlor , 4 4 , 5' e ; Pepporell H , 4 4 , OJfc : Poppercll E , 40 inch , 7c : PeppDrrcll , 8-4 , 17 c ; Pepperell 9-4. 20c ; Pepporell , 10-4 , B2c ; Utica C , 4-4 40 ; Wachusett , 4 4 , 7c : Aurora R , 4-4. 7u Aurora B , 4-4 , ( ijfc ; Atlns , O N B , a Farmers' ' No. 1 , 27-in. . 4Jfc. DUCK West Point , ttii-In , 8-oz. OJ c ; Weal Point , 29-in. 10-oz , \ ' o ; West Poiul , 9-in , 12-oz , lOi c ; West Point , 40-in , ll-o/ , ICc. - - This Woman was Not Curious. Mrs. John Outlnnd of the Fiftounth district is reported quite ill , suya the Jnckson ( Tcnn. ) VVhif , ' . She is n very old ludy. , ftnd ciitno to this county fifty- oiglit years ngo , sottlinjr thrco miles north of town , whoroslio has lived over sinco. She Buys thut when she passed through Jticlcgon the court house was iv little log hut sitting in ono corner of the present court house squareand thut though she has lived within thrco tnileB of Jackson nil those yearsshe has never seen the town sinco. She knows it must ho a good deal larger from the number of whistles she can hear blow ing the dinner hour. She is the mother of a largo family of children , who. with their children , are nmong Madison's active , progressive farmers. SCHROEDER & BEAM , GRAIN , First H3llo.ial Haul , it05 Soulh litlli SlrcotOinalia. . NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NJ33. Cnpital if'IOO.OOO Siiri.his.1nii. 1st , 18)0 ! ) 07,500 Ol'TlCIUtd AND IIUIXTOU3 ! HBNIIV W. YATES , President. Lewis S. ItKKD. Vlco 1'rosldont. JA. . W.SWAOK , W. V. MllH'K. JOII.VH. COI.MNM. It. C. ClISIMNfl. J. N. II. PATrtlCK. W. | | . tf.l.UJIIKI/Hl'llo THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th nnd Farnnm Kin. A General llanklni ; lluilncsii Transacted. AM , KINDS OK PA. IIOUUHT. On Improvud und Unim m proved 1'ropoity. LliJi r urchased or Negotiated. Thu Negollatlonof COUPOHATIO.V IIOND3 , A HpocUlty. Correspondence Solicited. W. B. MILLARD , Room iilU LJi-own liuildinir , Omnlm , Nob. BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , , London , L'liKliiiiil. ADOLPH BOISSEVAIN & CO , , Amsterdam , Holland , BANKERS. Iliir nml sol 1 Amcrli-HiiseciirlUo ! , oncocnrnl.tlon on on Inn nnd u n all Coiitlrmntul nucrkcti. NdKutlatlon > or now loans u tpcclaltr. Waalio rrcolrt ) and ttll Vral , Hay , Drain. lllcIn.Wool , ( Irtriianii Dricil ( rulu.Vt-vclahlrii.uranyihlDtfrnumar have to hljK WrltaitnTor prlcrii orauy InforiiiMlon you mrnl.HimilKIIH , MUlddhU.V A. Co.foumlitlor. llrrt-hunli , If.I Koutli \ \ , , Chli uiro. HrrMiL > oliw. ' Mention Jmuha Uo , COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK , Capital , $ * OOO06 Surplus , -.0.000 Oillrors and Direct > r I ! M Moriomnn. 0 M. llltrhcock. Jr. * . Uixrnmui. Jr. . A , lloury. U. M Ainlorson , Win. ( i Maul , v. pros , ; U II , Will- lain * , A P. lluptln * , prt'i. ; A. Mlliurd , cAShleri K. U , llryant , iis lt nt caihlcr. OMAHA' MANUFAGTIIIiEBS ; Doota nnd Shooa. KIHKKNDALL , JOXES < t CO. , 8uco mori to Kioil , Jono A Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Slices Ag nli ( or llmion Itubbrr Bhoe Co. , 1107.1104 nJ 1104 U rntyHU ) . .Unit.ha , N br V . Browora. swnz .t lager Beer Brewers , 1M1 North KUbUtmlh Strati , Omnnit , N bt iV . Cornlco. EAOLE GOItNWE WOliKS , Mannfaclnren ofGalyanizG-ilron - Cornice WlndoiT-cupt nnd tniunlllo VylUhti. Jnlm Kpont-tor , proiirtttor. 1IW nnd llJtkiutb Idtti it root. Artlato' Materials. A. E , Jrt Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 UouKlai itroct , OnmtiR , Ncbrnikn. Cool , Coke , Etc. OMAHA COA'L , ' Jobbers of Bard and Soft Coal , va South 13th ilrett. Omaha. Ncbmika. NEUItASKA FUEL CO. , Shluners of Coal and Coke , 111 South 13tb itreel , Omnlm , Nobraika. cigars. DEAN , ARMSTRONG A CO. , Wholesale Cigars , WSIforth 6th Street , Omaha , Neb. "Hello" IJry tSoodB encl fotlona. Jf. E. SMl'Fu A CO' , Dry GoOuSjorflisliinEGoOusanilNolious DIIY GOODS Importers & Jobbers in Dry Good ] , Notion ? Dints' Furntihlns Gooli. Cornir llth and Unrnof iruota. OniithA , Nubrnskii. Furniture- DKWBY it WOKE. Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnra irarnam etruH , Omaha , Nebraika. CHARLES SinVERlCK. Forniture , Omabn , Nobrasha. Crooorlos. MeUORD , ItRADYA CO. , Wholesale Grocers , I3th and I , aveuwortli i , Ooiaha , Nobrn ka. Hnrtlwaro. HlMEliAUail , t TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop W otanlc Tooli nnd Iludalu Hcnloi. 1105 lougla * itroet , Omiihs , Neb. Lumber , Etc. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. Imported and American PortlandCement. State gent ( or Milwaukee llydrnulia Coruunl nil Qulnor Whlta Lima. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber , .To < Ml oarpota and parmtot llonrlns. 9th and IJjugla * iireoti , Omabn , Nubraika. MISSOURI MTX1NO CO. , Miners and S'llnpirsnf ' Harflanil sof Coa 'UJ I Irat Nntlciml Hunk lIullilliiK , Omtilia , Nub' _ LOUIS DRADFO1W , Dealer in Lnmlier , Lalo , Lime , SasQ ro , eta. Yards-Corner 7th and Douglas OOet Corner 10th and Dounlai. _ * FRED. W. GRAY , Lnmlier , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc , Cornel Mb and Deujlaa ttrect' , Omnlia. _ Mllllnory and Motions. I. OBERFELDER A CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 203,210 and 212 South lltb itroct- Notlona. J. T. ROD INSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Iliiruuy itroet , Ouialia. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricatini Oils , Axle Grtasoetc. Oraalia. A. II. Illsbop , Manager * Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paner Dealers , Carrr n nice Mock of pr.n'lnir ' , wrnpiilrw nnd wrltlcl papor. Bpaclal nttuntlon Klven to card pnpvr. Safes ito. A. L. DEANE A CO. . General Aicenta for Hall's ' Safes , El and 32.1 South 10th St. . Omaha. Toya , Eto. H. HARDY A CO. , Jobber * of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gooft , Home Furnlililnv Goudt. ClilMrcn'i Carriage ! . T et , Onaalia , Neb. _ _ Agrloultural Implornonta. LININOE'R & MKTCALV co.t Amlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages Uumlei. Bto. Wlioloialo , Omahn , Ncbrnikm. " * o , Otuili \ -tf/VU/A'/O' / < V I'UAH' cU.,1" Steam and Water Supplies , wm I inllli , 01S and oJonoi ) it.,0inntia. U. f. lUiu , Acting Monniior. UROWNELL& CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery. flitcl Iron wor < , itwim pumpi. > a < r mill. . 1713-1211 l.erTenw ortb ilrvvt , Oma.Ua. _ Iron Works. PAXTOff A VIBllLING IRON WORKii , Wrought and Cast iron Bnilfling Wort , iliiitrim work , gonertl foundry.machine , nail blnckitullli work , tmico IQ < I work * . U , P. 1(7 ( , nil 17th ilitst , imiali * . O.V.-1///1 SAFE A IRON IVO/t/v'.S , Hanf'rs ' of Fire ana" Burglar Proof Safes , Viiilu. jail woric , ( ton ihutton and Bre c cnp . a. Anilfti'a.iKop r. Cor , lltli and J mon . Sash. Doors , Eto. , Jlf. A. DIXIIROW i CO. , Wboleial * ra&nufactur < u ! 't Sah : , Doors , Blinds and Monldlngs , llranch office , mh nod Uard itreeti , CmuLa , N SOUTH OMAHA. . . . . . * * - * - * + * * + f + * vir wfl rr * UNION 8TOOK YARD CO. . Of Sontli Omaha , . Limited