Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 11, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntivortlsomontB will bo tnkon for
thcBo columns nftor I2:3O : p. m.
Terms Qov-Mn
- jitlvoncoj _
Adrertlsmentii timlrr this ne d 10 rents per
line for lh' ilrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub-
rti\\\f \ nt insertion , ami I I.MI per line per month.
No nilTcrtlatincuts taken for le i than 25 cents
for flrxt Insertion , Boron words will bo counted
to the line , thry innst nin ronsecutlvely nnd
must be paid In AllVANri * . All ndrertlso-
inents must be handed In before I20 : ! o'clock p.
in. , and under no citrutnstanros will they betaken
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'artles adxertlslni ? In these columns and liiv-
Inc their answers adilrrssed In care of Tile llr.p.
will pleiso ask fora chcrit to t-nablo them tORot
their letters , ns none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to nd-
xctlsments xhould boontto'wlln em elopes.
All advertlsmetits tn thee columns are puli-
ll'hcil In both rnornltiK and evchlni ; editions of
TUB Ilir. the. circulation of which Bjcurngatcs
more tnnn lfK papers dally , nnd Blves the ad-
Mrtlsers the bonellr , not only of the city rlrcu-
liUlon of TIIK IlKt , but also of Council Hindi ,
Lincoln and oilier cltlM and towns throughout
this sei tlon of the rountry.
' "
Advertising for these column * will ba takes
on tliu nbore conditions , at thn following bunt-
> i ss hoiifcs who are authorlred agents forTite
Hue special notices , and will ( | iioto the same
rates ax can oe had at the main oince.
'jrH ' ( jIAIIA
of Twenty-sixth and N street" , Nobrnska
Bavlngs bunk bulldliiK. _
TOHNW. I'hannaclst. KM South Tenth
J Bin of.
1'rlnters. 113
fc'outh leth Street.
SH. rAUNSXVOHTK. I'harmncist , 2113 Cum-
. Ing Street.
TV T. 11UO H K . I'harmaclsT ' fC4 North ICth
GIX ) . W. PAHIt , I'unrmacist , 171S Leavon-
wotth Street.
d1 I'HAHM ACV , 2208 raruam Street.
Vyr ANTED SltiiationTiy a rollablo man In
pilrute iainlly. Can pl\o best city refer
ences. A.V. . 2111 Iiulliinn bt. 77J-11 *
" Mp7.OVMKNT wnntJii by ainaii H ) years
old In an oince or store ; has experience and
ability and can fjivo best of reference. Salary
not so much an object as steady employment.
Address X 71) ) , llee 7 1 IfiJ
\1 Ol'NCl man 20 years of HBO , with one years
experience , would liken situation in re
tail shoe store ; wages no object. Address. XB7 ,
Jlco. 70.I-12J
W ANTUU Situation by younir Iitify a
copyist , or clerk in store , llofereuces.
llt.i : . 078-lor
\ VrANTnslitulltlon'1 ) for men. Parties
i T rantln main help of any kind will bo
promptly supplied , free of charge by applying
to .Mrs , llrega. 8H4 a. ICth. 7M-U *
V\ANTii : ) Sltliatlon fo7n widow of 21. with
boy of 1 ; is a uood woricer and will work
cheap. Country preferred. Mrs. Itreca. JUlJi
a 1'itli. 751-10 +
AWANTBD Situation by ladjr stonoRrapllor ,
* four years In law and loan olllco , ex-
pc-ilence In ANholesale buslnosa. HOY 22tt. Conn-
< U Hluirs. iSiVal
" \VANTKII--3IA M : JII3M' .
" \ \ 7ANTEI ) Kesponsible. enerROtlo min as
solicitor. Address X 3 , Ileo.
CTHri'lVlvo want nTian In every lo-
callty , private detective ; experience not
rciiulred : particulars free ; U. S. letoctlvo )
imroiui. Kansas City. Kan. _ 7bi-l ! 1J
WANTKD Salesmen on alary or commis
sion to handle the now patent Chemical
ItiK IsrasliiK I'tncil. The greitoat selling novel
ty ON or produced. Kraies inic thoroughly In
/'two seconds ; no abrasion of paper , 10J to r JO
per lent prollt. One agents sales amounted to
Sfi-'O In sK dayrt ; another * i ? In two hours. XVo
want ono cuernetlc Roncrnl n ent for each state
and territory. Sample by mall . ' ! ! > cti. Tor
terms and full particulars , address 'Ihe Mon
roe nr ger JIf . Co. , La Crosse , \Vls , .78-I2J
V\7ANTit : ) Hellable traveling mnn can make
> il.O nor week with speclaltj. J. H. Tabor ,
i7i" > Dearborn st . Chicago. 775 10J
\\rANrr.I ) A drug clerk registered In NebrasKa -
brasKa , must bo competent and willing to
work. Addles * A , Sphroter , cor. 10th and Far-
Hum , Omaha. 7bU U
WArtTKD A good mnn with some moans
to tnRo mauagument of company and
boom a coed town in a good tountry. Must bo
aman of good standing and good organizer ; a
Dig thing for thu right man. Address X US. llee.
_ _ 770-1 1J
' '
( I IIN'IH wanted for henutltully 'wrlttoiTx-ls'-
A Itlng cardii. Send lOc for snmpleR with your
name thereon , llox M7 , Central City , Neb
\ \ * ANTRI ) An active man on liberal salary
'i topeunauently represent an association
incorporated to supply , at co operative prices ,
general mercliandiio and all kinds of articles
for homo and family upe , in each small cltv ,
town , Ullage and nirnl district. 80,000 mcm-
Ier8. 1'ald up certltlcates J100.000 In cash.
Credit well rated. Iteferonces exchanged. Um
pire Cb-Operutlx e asso'n , l.cck box flio , N. Y.
G OOD agents wanted. Apply at 2410 Cumlng
JTst. 1' . A. Gavin 701.111
\V"AN"l HI ) Hood cawnssors.malo or female.
II 1 reo transportation. Lxclustve toriitoty.
! WO per cent commission. Aadress , 0. D. Mabee ,
Omaha , Nob. 70J-11'
OAUX'Elt that can do cuolnet or Joiner's
work. U. btevens i Son's planing mill.
WANTP.D Ten coopcis , steady work guar-
anteed ati7" > per diem 'Iho Armour-Cud-
vhy Packing Co. , South Omaha. Neb. 712-10
" \\7ANTII ! > A canvasser Good money to
TT the right party. aws Lake st. 7iO-Ut
A XT'ANTIID Salesman atquainled xvith the
retail dry goods hnd clothing trade In
Nebraska and Northern Iowa , The best of
leferenco required. The C. It. Cones * Son
JI'f'K Co. . manf'r clothing , overalls , etc. . etc. ,
Jndlnnapolls , Ind. 010-10
WANTI3D SaloMiieu at $76 per month salary
and expenses to sell a line of sUver-piaten
xxaro , xMitchea , etc. , by sample only ; horse and
team furnished free ; xviito at once for full par
tlculars and sample case of goods ireo. Stan
dard Sllvei ware Co , Hoston , Mass. 02J
\ \7ANTI3D-100 rockmen , teamstoibandcrad-
TT eis for I'tah and Nevada ; cheap rates.
Albright's l ilior ogoncy 1120 I'arnam st. U2J
M13N to tiax-el for the I'onthlH nurserfesTt
Canada. \ > 'e pay JWJ to J10U per month anil
expenses to agents to sell our Canada groxui
btociz Add. ttone A. Wellington , Madison , XX'is ,
XH m II \
" \\7 AN'I ED Canvassers at Singer aoulng maT -
T T chine olIlcoIBlH _ Douglas st. U77 m20
SALKSXIKN Wanted at Once A few "good
men to sell our goodh by sample to the
xxhoiosale and retail trade. We are the largest
manufacturers in our Iluo. Liberal salary paid.
Permanent position. Money advanced for
xvnges , aihertUlug , etc , > 'or terms address
Centennial Mfg. Co. . Chicago , 111. Ht-rnm
\\TANTI3l ) Agents for Denver State Lottery.
T Tickets 60o. Address A. C. Hess 4 Co. .
Denver. . -
V7 ANTUD Two cli Is to do dining room nnd
l chamber xvork ; one dtsiivvnshrr and onn
llrsl.clata lady cook. XX'ngt's for clrls tt per
xveok : for cook J * . Addiess X\ ' II. Cairns
proprietor , Union Hotel. ( Irteley. Colo. 77Mo ]
V\rANTKD Olrt. good wages ; small family.
i > Apply 1113 a. luth st. 7M
\\TANTni ) A RociFglrl for general nouso-
T > work. Apply at 0oa Hurt st. 7n5 10J
\\rANTKiT-\ll the girls In Omaha to till good
\ ii and imvv places of nil kinds , Keith s of-
' lice. 318 > . B. r tU. Tul. IMS. 15L1U
AVrANTBfK Coihpotent lady stenographer
i > nnd typijwrUcr , lllcnard C. Patterson , W7
K. Y UfB. 7 JB
\\TANTUU-Cookfor Tekamah. W : 4 wolt-
i r rosse for the xvest. t-X ; chamber maid , 3
serena cii-13.1 nurse Klrl , cooka prlvato family ,
* X ; .1 coots bxitirding house , IW xveek ; pastry
took , $7 ; sweat cook , $7 ; Wghla ceneral work ;
lots of nuxvulaces. Omaha limp , llurrau. 119
N. lllth Bt. 7(0.10 ( *
\ \ 7ANTK1K l.adlea ami young men tore-
TI telvo Instructions audkeop boots. J , I ) ,
vlu , Now Yoik Lite building.
_ _ _ _ _
"vlTANTKD-- good ulrl for general House-
J T xvork. small family , 220HVlrt _ _ st _ 720 _
AUIHL for K ueral housework ; ( ! ermuniiro-
furred Kuitulre. 2415 Jonn , between bt ,
M r > ' 8 ave , aim I.uavenworth. 769 lo
\\rANTED-8ome gooil party totnso care of
TI liaby boy U months old ; itato tcrmi. Ad *
tires * , X til , llee ollk-e _ _ _
" \\7.\NTEH-Womon cook for Wyomlnir , H3 ;
11 on * for ColumbuM-JJ ; x'uicetabla cook , tJ ) :
msUtunt , t5 ! ; d cook. J7i oua < JO ; luundreuus ,
-M ; fonts for private families , tiit txvo for
fumllles ot X 14 , no xrashtnK : woman cook and
xvultirss tor Colorado , m and ( II ; girls for
I'lfttUujoiiiu , Columbui. lYomont. ( Muncll
Hlutls aud S3 for general Iwusoxvork. Mri
ltr gm 9U > i 8.15th. 7510t
"IV ANTEq-.Uutton-JioIeniakor , 1112 P rn ni
" \\TANTPO A cojiuxJtont cook nnd Ikundri'ag
ii Mr > . J. J , llrowu. mii , stittmuu avenue.
AV - for housework. Call ftfter
4:30 p ra. IMS.ZIdst. 7&J-II
W PANTKD rirst-clasn flt-rmarigirl : no
washing or Ironing ; 1707 Cos * st. 012. lit
T7' NO AOUMHISTS to do dressmaking in fntnl-
Jiilles solicited. Ml s Sturdy , ( VK H. iMtn nvc.
S3) ) AB *
1YHOQ.M house , Ilrst-rU 3 condition , modern
1 v/conx'enlcnrcs , Inrpolavvn , barn. shade tree ,
" blocK * from Lake school. Convenient tn cable ,
motor nnd hurso earn Apply on premises S.
K.Jnckaon. N. 8l t nnd Spruce Big.
_ MOH IH'.NT In ttia Kstabrook block 16th and
JL' Chicago streets. Hue , seven ntul elgnt room
finis with every ronvantunco nnd newly pn-
tiered : thes" flats face 0.111 on. Joavrson sqiM re
park and there Is no better locntllou In tlioclty.
HobertSjW. NJi'tht. _ LCI inlo
1T W HIINT-H-roum cott ige. good yard. ZB4
-L Douglas strtet : ch i | > to desirable parties.
Apply to Nob. Steam Inuntlry , 1WJ Howard st.
T01l "fir.NT Immediately. well furnished i *
JU room cottage , right by th high scnool , city
water , nice lawn , etc. , Miry desirable. Cnn nt
! ! ! > 1)0(1 no st. _ &H-UJ !
TjlOll HUNT I miles from town , a hew homo
-P and line gnrden land ! npply Hl ) N I-lth st.
grocery. _ 4IM 1 I *
17l01tltKNT-riAt6 ! S16ih st. first Iloorj It U
JU partly furnished with now furniture and
piny will tnkeono room at n good price : for n
gootf reliable tenant nero 11 A good cnanco. Call
lit HKMInrnoy st. _ IKO
HOOM home , 201 h and Olilo. city , water ,
gas and Imth. only f ! > per month , ( Jiover
Stevens , lull 1'arnam st. Ollico open evenings'
UII.NTUroom Mat , 603 S. 13tU st.
ItBNT House * and flats In all parti of
Foil city ; Hats and unfurnished moms n
specialty ; parties dialling rent ttt from $5 to J75
besurii toi-all at IVJi ) I'.irnum st. before rent-
Ing. Hulls Iteming Agency Ulml7j !
POH KISNT A 7-room house west side of
Ilauecom park. Apply at ; UI4 Frauds jt
lOIl HUNTS neat houses near motor. JISj
J-same for sale. 4I.8UO and * IWW , on small
monthly payments , or xv ill build to suit pur
chaser. Inquire ot owner , COI Paxtoiyilock.
"IPOH UKNT fi room cottage 1712 .1 nekton st.
JL" 3 rooms untiirnljhed , 17U'i ' Jackson st.
737-14 *
IjJlOU HUNT HOJili Mason street..i-Foom house"
JO all conveniences. Including r.ingo and fur
nace , good nelgnborhood. Inquire , WIO.Mason.
KENT flat In KstaDrook Mock. JTOper
month. Jtoberts , 40J No. lth. ( 724-llt
TT ° 11 HKNT Hats cor ICth and JacKson , all
JU newly papered nnd In Hue condition ; they
conveniences. Call at 11W Hartley st.
TJ1OH KENT 8-room house , city xvnti-r. 2 CIH-
JU terns and KM. 1711 Davenport. Apply lloom
3U Harker blk. UU' '
OU HUNT 7-rootn tlat , Lange block ; 01. 8 13
_ b-
TflOU HUNT $18 , ' , -room housti , S flth bet.
JU Hickory nud Oak. See G. F. fclsaaser. n. e.
cor. 14th anil 1'arniun. 7Ut _
F/'Oll ' 11E.NT An 8-roora detached douse , fttr-
.U nace. batn , etc. , 20th nnd Leave nvvorth. $10.
Uavld Jamleson , lloe bldg. _ 3.W _
troll HHNT lluusos ana stores ; property
JP cared for. to\es paid. Midland ( lunrimteo
& Trust Co . 1U14 I'arnam at. Abstract s Ml
you wish to rent a house or store see H , B.
IV . Continental block. 1M
PLEASANT 7-iootn Hut with modern con
veniences : nl--o 4 unfurnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Apply Itoom R , 1C01 Howard
GHOOM corner Hat with modern Improve
ments. 24th and Leavenw 01 tn "ta 677 inllj
POH HENTLargo ton-room house with nil
modern Improvements , suitable for boardInghouse -
Inghouso , on N 18th. between California nnd
Casssts. Iteut reasonabla Jnimlro room KM
First National bank building , 2Jt )
TjlOU KENT House of lOioomi with evorv
J- convenience ; close to cable and motor. 708
N IDtli 1.08 1 ) J
WANT inoio houses to rent , Parrotte.
I _ OU-a' >
- liouse for rent at 2018 Charles st.
A5-HOOM 'Oil Charles st. _ u O 108
- Cat with steam heat. JCth St. . 'near
8-HOOM 'Ihos. K.llRll.iilll'Azton blocK 32T
HUNT t.ari-e front parlor , nicely fur
nished , with folding l > od. etc. Heat , gas
and bath. Addtcsa. C01 N Ibth. Ii77-14j
TTyKSIHAHl/K norae . . rooms . and board . for three
JL/ln prlvnte rauilly , nicely located.2l ) Hurney
) rooms with board in modern
house , pleasantest location In city. HIS.
20th8t. TiiH-llg
UlTNlSHEU Hooins with Boatd at 107 North
1'Jth ' st. , in Paul block. 75(1-11 ( *
IT1OK HEWT I nlcclv fnrnlMied rooms , all cou-
J veniences.OblocKrt from postolllce , prlLei $ S
i2.U ! tX. " 11 So. IGth. Jlrs SI. n. IlerKov.
000 10 *
1300.MS furnibhed w Itli board. 1816 I'arnam.
It ( W.J1 if
fjlOIl HKXT T\vo simile rooms with board in
JP a now brlcK nloasant homo for centlemen ,
1 5 per mo 203 N. 17th st. _ 74-MO *
"VTICUroom , e eiy ion\cnlence , 1711) ) Davenp't
1 > VJV-ah ?
TTlUKMBHED-K ombt oet , 2022 St. Mary's
JO avenue. B74
AVKn few elegant rooms xvlth board nt
Ill S 21th st. XX' , O. riold. C.14 21 +
I OK Iir.NT 1'ront rooms. 2010 Davenport.
1OU UKNT Pleasant furnished rooms xvlth
nil conveniences. DID S. Ltth st. 50' )
IjlOU ItKNT Suite ot front looms , modern
JJ conveniences , xvlth or without board. JU
per month , 18 ( , eax onxv orth st. 'CS
S T. CLAIK Furopean hotel , cor. l.Itli nnd
Dodge , Special rates y xv ees or mouth.
10H IICNI' Itoom with board. 172.J Dodgest.
; K f urulshert front room , 101 1 1'arnam.
_ 37J li ! _
ROO.XIS nnd day board ; lil Capitol ave.
FOU HUNT Klegant front room xvlth alcove ,
xvell furnl'-hed , near cnble and horse cars.
All modern com cnlenccs. Call 2U)8 ) Douglas.
"I710II HUNT A xery largo front anil back par
JU lor unturiiUthed. 17'A ) Caultol avo. Tdl
" ICKroouismodern convcnlences.lB21Fara m
HUNT Ou large trent room xv 1th board.
I1UH 1 Capitol nxe. 675
C Utt I'U UN 1811 KI ) chnmT > ors for housokeaplng
tJlor man and xvlfe ; no children. 31 ! ) N 17th ,
315 10J
17XOU UGNT-.1 unfurnished rooms ; city , els-
J-1 tern and xxell xvnler , H13 Chicago st.
_ _
4UM < UUNISlir.D rooms. C31 S. 17th bet
Jackson ami .Leaxunxvorlh , G > ' 7 I-J
ItUNr-fcTore cor. l nnd Plerce sts.
XVIU let good tenant have the Ilrst throu
months free. Very anltnule for butcher shop ,
Kngulro ot Mrs. l.nnge , 01. , ho , 11th st , UAU
"EflOU HUNT Desk room In nicely furnished
X1 olllco , till com ententes. Itoom lu , Continen
tal block , uia
\\7 ANT1U ) A druggist to occupy a store In
? > n block , rent iJl per mouth : will givei : i
mouths' rent , Addrest V "t > llee ollice , 7lU m 2)t )
STOUUSnt707,70 7118.18th'xGO each , large
tihowxvlndovxs , steam h at furnished. Thou ,
K. Hall. 311 Paxton block- . SU
UHNT 1 story brick building. 1110 Douglas -
las st. , suitable for xv liolosule or wuroliouso
purposes. Also brick storo. IU7 S. Kith st. In-
iniiru ot Chiu. Kaufman , tuu Douglas st 3ti
YjibTTiTKNT7 The Tifory brick TJuiTdTnirrxv ith
JL' or without power , formerly occupied by tno
lice Publishing ( o , f 10 Ir'ainam st. The bulld- llre-proot cement baaetacmt.complcto
stuata hoatlnK tlxtures , xvntcr on all the lloors ,
Kua , etc. A.i.'ly t the oliu-o ot The Ileo. ms
TJIOUWnNT-Plrttortnlnl Uoor of thenoxv 3-
JU story building Ming built between N Y ,
Life and Morae > tmlldlug .on Farcam st. D. C.
1'atteriiOO. 618 N. V. Life. 603
O STORES , ilCOamU'lOi Lcaveu\rorth st.
cs miij
\\rANTKD Tu reutixvoor tUre * nirnlshed
roomi for light housekeeping. Mtutbs
ctat. Address X til , lie * . Tii-lU
Ttl. PAIinOTTn , rental agent , Dotielas bit.
. tKll-n >
GIIOViit : Stevens , lf > l' Knriiam st , telpphono
815. Ofllco open oviungs Heal t-stntp ,
loan and rental agency. Property for exchange.
. ' and reliable lira Insurance , Parrotte.
OHI.'AP nI-a5 ; !
Hi : . COI.K , rental agent. Continental blocic ,
! U5
ItKNT-ilouses list xvlth J. H. Parrotto.
T rcil-aA
i : . COLi ; tollable tire insurance.
A UCTION sales every Tuesdaj-.Thursdayand
j-ASnturday morning ntlllt Douglasstroet.
Omaha Auction .V Storage Co. ftifl
HB. COfjE , notary publl ; aud couvyancer "
_ _ _ , i51" ' "
rilO Stfi'l the convenlonco of clients engaged"
JL during the tiny we open ovenln p * . 0 i3J to H : D.
n.i.Col.i. : lloonOContinental lllfc. a)4 ) _
YOU have stocks of merchandise for sale
IP have customers xvltti the cash. .1. II.
Parrotte. room 21. Douglas bit ; . -CM-ll
STOLEN or strayed , from * V Dodge , bay
mare about f > years old , white star on fore
head , one white foot ; had on halter , lleturu
nod ieelverowai'il. 7BD li *
1 > t0 doc. ! ) months old. lost from cor. JKd nve.
and Dodge sts. lleturu him there or nt
Morse's dry goods store for rewnrd. 787 U
5sT Between Xviiicote tt Hlley's olllre , 2iitii
nnd Lfoveuworthand iiuin 1'acltto street.
One blanic booK about Pxlf ) Inches , red cover
and about 1" > J pages. J5.W1 reward If returned
to either above address.Vlncote A , Illley.
WANTED table boarders , 17JJ Cap ave.
748-15 *
OAHD with or without rooms. 1B1B rarnam.
KTUItAOi : .
rpin : cleanest and best storaso in the city at
JLlowr.itei at 1111 Douglas street. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co ail
rnilACK AGE storage at low eat rates. XV' . M.
JL Ilushman , 1311 L , ivenworth. S\A \
" \\7HO tune'l those live Kimbill pianos used
i by Madame I'nttl and company at tne Millard -
lard ? llloomllcld did the work and It Is said
that ho Is no slouch. I'lanos .mil organs nicely
tuned aud regulated for { J. Ill N. 17th st . , .
* > * .1rtfc
BKl'OHi : buvingn piano examine the new-
scale Minball piano at A. Hospe.lSn Doug-
lasjt 441
G HO. r. ( ! iLLiNIliCK : : : , teacher of the banjo ,
room 21) ) , Douglas block , or llee ollice ' ! 0
TJ > IANO tuning by Oeorgo D'oomlleid ' , plnuo
JL maker. 111 North 1UU , 2iyrs experience In N.
Y. , Chicago and Omuhn. Kxcellont roferenct-s.
WANTUD rurulture. caiputs , household
goods for cash. XX ells' Auction \ btorugo
Co. , ill" S nth st. _ M'J
AAA15 ha\o n customef for lot no of P.O.
Hutchiuson a. XVead , l. > 24 Douglas. W0
" \7l7ANTil ) Second-hand paper cutter. Ad-
I > dress Xtt-'llef. 731-15
" \Y * "ANTIlJ ! Uood commercial piper. No-
T > braskn Mortgage Loan Co ,513 I'nxton blk.
/ 1 ASH tor all kinds of household goods at Mil
VV Douglas street.Omaha Auction A Storage Co.
VV AIsTIID To ouy tor spot cash , tity or
VV country parts or whole stocks of diy aim
fancy goods , clothing , boots aud shoos , milli
nery , stationary , gent s furnishing goods , etn
Call on or address J L. llrandeis & Sons , cor-
nerl.Ith ami Howard. Oinalia. _ * ! ' _
WANTED to IluyJCOgood short tlmo pa
per. II H. Henderson. 40) I'nxton bl' ' : . 417
ITlOIt SA LK A larjo soda fountain made by
Jt ! .1. XX" . TnftB , Hoston , Mass. Address J. I :
Deeimakor , Chester , Nob. 770 15J
/ VUH thoroughbred Clyde stallion , 7yours old ,
V-xgood breeding mares and good yearling
colts for sale at reasonable puces. Heiuou for
selling : want to make a tilp to the old country.
Address Adam \ \ tndolph. Grand I land. Neb.
| 772-10J
"VFICK4-rooiinottago for sale , purchaser to
J-i remoxo hame. OnlytiOJ. 11. li Cole. Con
tinental block. 7M-I1
1/lOH SALi : llngllsh pug dog , pedigreed nud
JL1 i eirlstered in A. K. . U S. II. IIou , o broken
andxerv kind. A groit pet and a bargain
Price 0. Can bo seen at 1417 N. 1'lth M.
I71OH SAL13 Drug IKtures. Mhelving , conn-
JL ters uud show cases.almost new Immlioof
A. Sthroter , cor. 16th nnd rnrnam.Omiihii.
7S > 12
TJiUNlTtTHKof 7-room cottage x-ery cheap ,
J furniture almost noxv. Must be sold by
March 1. Addrugs XW , Ilt-e. 7o2
TJlUHNlTtTHi ; of 0 room cottaga for sale.
JD Price ifluU. II. U Cole , Contmeutnl blocK.
SALK Ono of the llneit drivlm ; teams
in Omaha ; atrnld of nothing , stylish aud
prompt drivers ; also n fuil plntfoim spring
carriage almost nexv. Address X 22 , Ileo olllce.
4.1(1 (
T7HIHNI I'LMti : auction every Wednesday nud
JC Haturday. J17 8 Uth. XVells. ! I42
F iH ( ) SLE A a.Vhorso power 1'orter engine
in good condition. x\eight MOo pounds , cyl
inder 11x18 ; for particulars apply toThoUee
ollico. 7UH
TJ1OK SALK or trade-One Hat top desk , one
Ju 8-foot standing desk , ono lease of sertlon
of school land. 4W , ) acres of Improved xM-stern
land and l > sections of U l' . railroad land H.
II. Henderson. 400 Paxton block. 1144
"IJ10H SjVLK Some good watches and dla-
-L mends cheap. It. Musters , room 4. XX'ith-
neinjlk. 345
TT1OH SALK Or exchange , half blood Clyues-
JL1 tinlo stallion , xvlll exchange for good dilvlug
horse Ueorgo Vradenberg , liSl 8. luth.
70s m 12 *
Dlt. II. OltOUX.olcctriclty.mabsngo and mag
netic treatmunt , chronic disease's a HTIOI lai
ty , simple medicines xvhen needed , .Ki N ir > th.
4J13 in IIJ
IjlOllTUNC Teller Mrs. l.oncrinan can ho
JL consulted on all atlalrs nf life. Satisfaction
gttaiantced. No. DION. 16th st. 1UU in ! itJ )
MA DA.Mi : 111\NC1I , the greatest mind
reader and counsellor. Tins suite of
parlors nt IW N. l th sreet.s. w. corner Chicago
uud 16th. This lady has a remarkable plft
ot second sight , tells past and future correctly ;
tjuslnnss confidential : has just returned ; lost
nnd stolen property , truthfulness of nhsent
friends a specialty. _ _ _ 31 *
Dlt. NAN NIU V. XVAIIK.EN. clairvoyant , mod-
icnlond business medium. Fumaluxlisoasea
n specialty. 119 N , 16th St. , rooms - ana 3. 3IU
\\rANTIU ) IMucnted young ladles and gen-
TT tlemen to learn stturtlmnit nnd typewrit
ing at the Htnmhml bh. > rthnnd llnslness col-
lege. New York Life building ; tlneat rooms in
the city ; all latest Improvement * , electric light ,
alovutor service ; clu'iitMil school because It Is
the best ; Instruction thorough , modern , practi
cal ; demand for stenographer * constantly In
creasing : success positively sure. Call or vvruo
foroueof our large descriptive catalogues.
Addre * * , Standard Shorthand lluslness Cot-
lege , l-runfc li Hell. Manager , H. V. Life llldg ,
Omaha , Neb. . TM
DEPOSITIONS. 10o per folio ; petitions A cor-
re4poudenc0Uucopylng,3o.Mrs.llluotoI. ; U xj ,
M ONiV ; to loan , Parrotte , Douglas block.
B1TILDINO Loans-BH to 7 percent ; nond-
ditlonal clmrges for commissions or nttor-
ney'atoes. W. li. Meikle , I'lrst Nat. bank bldg.
! 148
0 ATI IUi loans at lowest rntes : removed
'to&17 and610 1'nxtou blk J. D. Umlnger.
MONUV tu loan , by II , KMutters , in any
amount from K10 to (10,000 for any time ,
from ouo to six mouths.
I inuke lotns oa nousohold coeds , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses. Teases , etc. , in
any amount , ut the lowest possible rate ,
xvlihout publicity or remoxalot property.
My loam are no nrrautod that you can make
n payment at auy time ntid reduce your in
terest pro ratu. You pay Interest only for the
tints you use the money. If you owe a balance
on your property I will take It up and carry it
for you , ut the tow-eat rate consistent vvltlilho
. .Morey always on hand. No delay. No pub
licity. I.owei-t rates. U. V. Master * ,
iloom 4. Withnell llloclc 16tn nd lUrney ts.
TTT.YSTONl' Mortor B Co. -I-osn * of ! 10 to
JLVii.ono ; get our rates a re borrow inK and
save money ; loan on nor * # J. furniture t or any
approved teouruy. without publicity : note *
bought , for n w loan , renewal of old and lowest
rates. Call , ll , Bheely blk , 15th & Jlloxvivrd sts.
. .
T .OANS made on anr nxallabln securitr. ten-
JLJ trnl Investment Coj UootnS ; , Chamber of
Commerce. SVt
MONUYtoloan on norses. xvagons. mules ,
Household good * , plauv | , organs , diamonds ,
at lowest rate * . The ilrst organized loau olllce
In the city. Mattes loans tromin to St day .
xvhlch can be paid in part or vvholo at any
time , thus lovverlnu the principal nnd Interest.
Call and see us xvnen you w'ant money. XX'e can
nssUt you promptly your advantage
without removal of property or publicity ,
Money alays.on hand. No delay In making
loans. C. I' . Iteod & Co.11U S. 13th st ; over
lllnghnm .V Pong. * ' .Ti7
_ _
VJP.i : Hholes. room 10 Iim National bank be-
Ofore making your loans. an
WANTED First class inside loan * . Lowest
T T rates. Call aud sec us. Mutual Investment
Co. . 1501 Karnam , SW
IVJ ONKYTo loan. 0. 1' . Davis Co , real estnto
and loan agents. lf M I'arnam st. ; tl )
FIHST mortgage loans at low rates nr.d no de
lay. I ) . Y. Hholos Co. , 210 Urat National bank
MONr.Y 3) . (5) ( or H ) days on furniture
pianos , horses houses , etc. J. J.Vlklii ou
filH Piuttou oln. ilta
LOANS City and farm loans , mortgage pa
per bought. McCaguo Investment Co , .154
MONI1Y to loan on tny security
for short tlmo at low
rates. Lowest rites
on personal property.
'Hie I louderson Mortgage In vestment Company ,
lloom t 0,1'a'itou block. .ui
TV 1 ON'IIY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. ,1.
J.U XX' . Squire , 1J10 1'arnamst , Urst National
banfc building iiti
BUfLUiNO lonns madoon
Cholco city property
At lowest rates.
I'rhiUo funds to
lo.m on brink
residence and
business pronerty
upon x erv favorable
Klmball , champ k Hyan ,
iav > Farniim St ,
LIlinUAL real ust.ite luius mauo bvV. . M .
Hants , room M I'renyer blk , opp.r. O.
( \ I'EH UI'.N 1'residence loius JI.UOJ to SlO.duO.
v > Iliillding loans at special rates. The Mead
Investment Co. , llee building. TO )
( Ji IO.OK ) to ln\est In good Ilrst mortgage piper.
'P Itoom no. I'axtou lllock. iW ICJ
'Pn i. COLU loan agent , Continental block ,
MONHY to loan on fiiriilwo. orgim , iilnnos
horses und wacons. Hnw veyj Investment
Co. , room3J , Douglas blk.iuh and Dodge sta.
_ _ _ _ _ il 0
B L'lLUING fonns. ITSholos Co. . 211) I'lrst
BQnCOND bank building 331
QnCOND mortgage loaus U 1J.
S r.CONU mortgage loam It U Hoard Trade.
TirinLAMDCuarantee it Trust Co. . N. Y. Life
I't.blig.coaipleteib3trarts furalstied and titles
toroal estate e < camln31 , i > er fected tcguaranteed
M l
FOU HALG Aclern. sniall orug stock , only
ono In a peed grow Icti. tn n in York Lo. ,
Neb. riieip for cash -itiui'e Call on or nd-
chess T. W. Handall , 'Ihhyoi. Neb , 777-10J
, j
POH SALH or oxch.ingo b.iloon llxtlires ,
pool table , otci , sopanuo. AderessXn'i Ileo
olllce. G81-1J *
RACKET store for s&.le : nlco clean stork ,
good trade , flood lotiitloa Tor cash nnd
bankable paper only. K , \ \ . Scott , bchuvler.
Neb. oJ-llj
rpIIK whole or one-half * luterost In the best
-L mill property of iSobrasK.i. 17 miles from
Omnha ! 'io acres of gii d pasture land , Hue
timber , no mcumbraiice.-'KOod dwelling houto * .
l.xirrjtliln ? In llrat chii.1 older Address .1
Wlckcuberg.rilON Ibiii st. 7 1-IIJ
IfOH SALE A stock Of dry good- " , boots ,
J shoes , hats , caps , clothing and cm pets , sit
uated In Aurora. HamlttoilVuuuty. N b Mock
about ? -.i,000. V.verythldul in llist-ctass order ,
Htoro22xl-i ) , cf orlck , on uoraer , 2 lloors , best lo
cation and stock lu tli. ) , t ( > ua Asuapfor.iuy
one who wants to engaft' fn goods business.
1'or information coriehpjrtlil w-lth1 XV U Smith ,
AXirora , Neb / - ll" 017-20
I OK SALK Marble stipp m good location ,
very cheap : rare cil.ince ; only smalt capital
required. Inuulro at-'Jit ! Cumlug St. , Omalia.
; 6W 10j _
SALK ( Jeneral stock of goods and busl-
ness In a well located town elptitien miles
f 10111 Umalin , Mow dolug a ' plenuld buslueAs ;
good roisotis for selling. Iniiulreof S Cotuer
at Nebraska Savings bank , ornatia , Neb
67 ll alj
TON K nnd sand contractors An extensive
iiuarryxvlth an abundance of ax nilablo ma
terial for lease , situated on the I'lutta rlxer Itt
miles fiom Omnha. I'or moro dellnlto Information
mation apply to Lewis S. Heed it Co. . Hoom U.
Ciiamber of Commerce t\6l \ 10J
Wi : wish to e\.h-nigu our equity in a brick
and iron front , metal roof , stone store
room , In a Kansas county seat , ' 1.00J population ,
lluilding constantly rented and paing moder
ate per cent on investment , for Omaha real es
tate Improved or unimpioved. Cin put in i > OJ
in merchandise on a satisfactory deal.e
x\lsh to talk x\lth owners ns xvo xvill pay no
commissions to agents. AddicssX'l , llee.
7M 11J
rpo TltADH Corner ou Ilarney eastof X 11-
-I glma ave for some money and good piop-
erty. Loton 10th ht between Douglas nnil Kar-
Hum sts , for other property llous and lot on
22ud near Muson , aim tine cast front lot In Han-
scorn I'lace , forpropeity in XVost Omaha. $ , UOJ
second mortgngu paper tor acr property. 8-
room houte near 20th and Corby for other prop
erty. Jl.sun worth of clour property and bal
ance cash for n good lot between Ibth and 2'id
SIH and Dodga and XA'ebst' < r If you have aux
good property to trade rail around. Ciroxer
StflVflns , 1515 rarnam Tel. 81o. Olllce open
evenings. on It )
FOH CXrilANflH Clear laud for uulse. or
horses. Plrst moitgngo paper for s-xme.
Clear inalde lots in thoclt > wltn Alprospeita
for chattels In fact vou can get almost any
Kind of a trndo you w ant by calling at 417 SlU'o-
ly block. l37-ll
\\7HAT have you to excluingo for n lot In
T ? South Umalut xxoitn $1,0 ti , cleiir of in-
cinibrnnce. Address X.IS , llee olllce , liU
riiO nxCHANGK Clear rral estate and cash
JL for a clean stoee ol groceries. Address H
A. Hauler. Thiirmiui , ID. R1H-1 !
HI'.HU'S jour chunce Two nlco clean now
general HtocKs ol merchandise to trade for
cl'.ar realty and cash. Itoom 21 Oouglas block.
_ _
II' 5011 have anytlilng to exchange tall on or
address II.I ; ( ole. Ill , Continental blotk ,
Olllco open evenings liJl : ) to b.HJ. , : i'.7 .
TJX O It Trade , CS ) acres good deeded laud 10
J-1 miles soiitliwost of liortiaid. Nub. , cattle
preferred. Jno. ( i. Ilallaid , Hertrand. Neb
115-m'i ! *
"IBOH IIiNT : Checkered luery barn on IHh
JU1 gt S of Ilarney. Cml or address Nub. Mort
gage Loan Co. , filO I'axtoablk. CGS
1T10H UXCHANHE-Chpft'e Improved Nebras
JL1 ka farms. Will asstinmUuht onctimbrauco
If you have anythl'ig to 6lfer address or call ou
( leo. J.Sternidortr , iooinilT-.llS ; Tlrst National
bang building. 'lelephomi BI. 025
TTiOH nXCItANjK-jroti'lii ( ] South Omann'or
J.1 lot near Vlnton St. ; for horses or mules ,
Itoom JJ , Hoard Trade. - * iw
_ &M j _
IVf A NT n grocery or drug stock to liuolco
ll.noi ) to W.onii , i4 cash balnncft imiiroved real
estate. Lock box itO , C'enfrul City , Nob.
you sALK nUi JSTATI : .
ASl'AN of match blacks , a line driving
team , harness and c.irritigo to oxcuango for
nlot. limn Karnam atint _ 7b7 U
KOIOOM cottage nudUlxIStfeetof Kr-
Jaud Chicago sts , J.I.MhJo/i.iXKJ cash , baL easy ,
0. F. llarrlaon. 311 N. Yaffle. 781 12
TTiOK SALEiill sell for cash or on easy
JL1 terms , 10 acres of laud adjoining the city of
Yore , Nab. , und H blocr near the college In
the sumo city. Address all communications to
H. M. Wolfe. Culhartson. Nub , 771-11 ] a
I71OU SAll'-lr ) usohmit'o focdriij8 and real
JJ estate , J.u,000 book HUICIC , llox 5 Is. r.'I
POK SA LE GAtKti on Jonefc btTsiOO per foot
_ Address X 31 llee. _ 6J5 a2J
I.TUaULNS , 312 sTloThst. 565 10J
OTICB to Investors We xvlll receive bids
for the purchase of our business property.
] . Karnam street , known as th * east-B feet
of lot 7. block 12 J. up to April the Ilrst , next :
owner * reserving the rlghv ( o rejact any or all
bids. Lohmann * Hainan , earn of John II , F.
BLKOANTresldeuceof 10 rooms with o > ery
raod ru liuproxement , in west part of city.
lundy to cur * , etc. 1'rlcu f\WO. H. i : . Col ,
tontliicutat block and i'.Jt N. 21th * ticot
_ _
BUY A IlOJin Small cash payment ; f y
terms : special law price , WrlKht A , Las-
bury , Arllucton block. 7M-18
/"tOTTAOE homes In moit any addition fur
vAwie At from tt.uM up , on easy monthly pay
ments , F , K. Darling. 41 Darker blocic. pltf
KOt'NTX.I ' ? I'lace Tliree fine houses pleas
antly located , cheap See H , K. ( * ole. Con
tinental block. 750-11) )
south IBth street for
Mst your property xvlth us. XVo can rent It.
Telephone W < 7
( Hobo Loan & Truit Co.
It. O , Devrliis , pros. ; Cadet Taylor , xlco
pros' ; W. II. Taylor , sec. and treas. 7uO-i'
FOH 9 A I.K-llulf price for cash ; lots 4 , fi nnd
0 , block I , I'r'uyn park , Omaha. Owner can
not take care of them. Address room 1 , 1127 O
st Lincoln , Neb , _ P > &i-U !
UALT LAKiTcifYl'arttes desiring to In-
kJvest In thU city xvlll do well to consult the
Dieter , Johnson lux ostment Co. , 1 > O. llox 571 ,
and IKi South Main St. . Salt t/xke city. XX'e Imn-
die choice property only and glx'o the best of
references. 617 A 5
KSTATK If you xvnnt tn sell or rnnt
list It xvith T. U. llrunner. who has n largo
list of customers. Hoom 1 , Ware block. 8. II.
Cor. 15th and Knrnam , _ > l HI _
'ITIOH S Al < If Latin Hctmont purk , J.'od ; Hall s
JL ; sale. JV ) ; Job prlntlitgollleeln Omaha , r..MO ,
netted oxx ner * I.WJ ) last your. Address X 40. llee.
" _ _
( \TICi"bulidInfr : site tn Hanscom place for
J$1.0(0 ; no pavment down to party who xvlll
build 11,200 houji ) C.F. Harrison , Oil N.Y. Life.
( CW8
POH 8AM1 Cottapo and lot In llcdford pi
403 l'u\ton block , 13. C. Cooper M'J-10
in 1'lalnvlew. 1'rlco II.NW. im
easy terms. H , K. Cole , room 0 , Continental
bloc's. 7W-10
want to buy J ) acres of land In the
sotilhwestpart of thoclty. not over2i } or
n miles out : will jiixr cash. Star Land A , ioiu
Co. , HO 'j fainumst 787 12
_ . . SALnrheop Lot in Orchard Hill. Call
on K , U Cooper , 4UI 1'axton block , Umaha.
rpVVtfchoTco lot-ton small cash naymeut , bal-
Jmi n second mortgagu to rospunslble parties
xvho will build. II. U LOLH , Continental blk ,
and 2501 N.iltll. . Ml
V\7K HAVB bi-autirul aero property within
2 ! } mlics of postoMico. Wouldjoubollexe
It , only JI.511) ) per acre.
An Inside business corner , jn.03) ) .
Houses nod lots In x > est part of city at the
lowe t prices and easy terms.
House and lot on 2Jth street , Hanscoiu 1'lacc ,
only t'.noi ) ,
Oiohard IIII1 lots from iiV ) to $ XO
XVo have cold suxeral recently. Only a few
loft at these figures.
A large brlcit house , 8 rooms and basement ,
north of Cuming , lot Mx70. * .t , : > W ) .
Coisoth. Johnson A : Lovgi'en ,
Itoom U , Chamber of Commeico.
K > 3 10
_ _ _
FncTATTlJarKaln A very east front
property. No US ) Georgia avenue , with a
llni > U-room modern residence with every con-
xenlonce , liu'lu Hn4 gas tlxtures , sewer con-
ni.ctious , hunilsa noly decorated , and In fact a
gem of a homo ; on nor going to leave the city.
This pionorty must bo sold oy .March 1st ; for
price and terms stiJ mo If you have any in-
teiitlon of tmylnar and winta nlfe place , thla
xv ill suit you D. Y. Sholes Co. 2111st Nat'l bank.
\Vesterlleldroal estate , S.
1ST your property xvith II. U. Cole.
"l/U > ril houses in first class condition In
JL' Konnt/nnnd Huth'is addition. I'uxed street
nnd good U ation. Jiicomo Ji.OOO. 1'rica ili ) , ( ) .
II. 13. Lole , room C. Continental block. 7fiO-10i
IA L U A It G AIA'S Lot near How ard and
KPLC aw , (1.1'Xi. ' bouth frfint ono block
from motorcar , Luno ax-e and Hiimllton , { JOO.
Corner IVJ ft. Mouth front , cm Popplelon ave ,
ana li * ) ft , east front , ou Jlst st , j-s.oo/j. Some
lots Just south ofalnut Hill on vcrv easy
tirnis , only8kW. ( Houses and lots In all parts
of the city. House aim lot in Hiinscom Place
on veiy easy teims. fcovernl good business cor
ners very cheap. Ilst your property x\ltb me.
( Uorai Muveiis. I.'ilTi larnam at. Tel 815.
Olllce open ex milngs ( , U9 10
1jlOIlSAlI3-A beautiful cor ftxi ; 4v.-aiks
J- trees , good barn , U room house Unshed
xvlth hard w oou , all modern Improvements , In
Kounue PI ILO ; cheat ) and ou ep-jy terms
luewsf"on room cottage ou .list near Pa-
tltlc , J..TfO , $ 00 cash , bal J2i.OO per month.
lOiconi cottage , cor. lot lixlll U , W.OOO ;
fTOUcash , b l fi'i oil per mouth.
27 room cottigL j with nnth and gas. on Hurt
st neir 21th. ifl'JiO ; ? 10J cash , bal. { 21 1)0 ) pur
mouth , or will exchange for inside unlucum-
bered lot.
Horse , buggy and harness for snlo choap.
Hamilton llros , HuiUU-is , 4J3 S. ISth St ,
4IIJ- ' ) *
MOUS13 aad lot on ! id and Callfoinla sts.
Cheap at IIJ.OOOH' U Cole , Contiuantul
block. 760-10
GixCC * feet. N. 13. cor. 10th A , Douglas , call or ad-
diessMrs. Kulilmau , ti.E.coi. llth \ Vlnton
527 a- !
Fl\rI3 room eottniju . J1.5UO each , $100 ca
clown , balance II i uer month Thos. r. Hall ,
31lPnxton block. J70
BAHOAINliascr plucu , house ana lot * l.i)0 )
easy terms ; r > Uxl > ) ft ; 'J houses , r8 and n
looms , full lots , less than cost. Cash or trade
Addreyaorrnll on owner. 13. G. Meirlll , 41th and
Hew ard st. WamutJIIll. _ ' .153-m ! 8J
Fult SAI.n Very cheap , no traden , farm of
54J.70 acies. sec r > , 1. . N 0 W , Hamilton coun
ty , Nub. : Smllrs fiom Mnrquetto. small house ,
stable , U ) nire * of iwstiiro foiiced. living water ,
price only $10 per acre. J. ' > ,4J7 i > ) , one-third IKfO
crop Included Terms &J.2OJ cash , balance 6 per
cent Interest 1' K. Atnius , owner , railroad
building , Denver Col. _ ! M
OH SATTHOi ; ) will buy lot "iOxUO in Omaha
View , otiu block from motor line , nicely ou
grade. Lots In this addition are worth $1,000 ,
nml the aboxo price is open lor ashoittlmo
only II 13. Cole , room o , Continental block.
; ij'j '
_ _
A SMALL piymont cloxxu aud in per mouth
will buy n 4-rootn house and lot on liith , txvo
blocks frotn-tnotor ; llrat-class chance to acquire
n homo on ensy tmms. Apply to H , 13. Cole ,
Continental block. 872
b rgiin-II"3t lot In Hillside No. I.
SPHCIAL lot In llaxvthorne cheap. C. A. "Col-
lard , owntu , ICeauiey. Neb. ISJmKJ
I.INCOLN I'Hco anl Cirt'iaze lots price
JfUOfO. iVU c.ow n , balaucfl 115 monthly.
w L.SJIUit. . it , . ( .nM L'l-iu r.3J
SAL13 or Tiade Improx'od farm of 3JO
FOH In ( Josper county. Neb , six miles
from Oxford and II i. M , railroad , AddrcsaJ ,
H. Shaw , 4U-1 Hamilton street , Omaha
tU3 mil'
tJ'lOP Ootn homo.
SI3E lir.H13-yJS N. Y. Life H'ld'gv
Tidy cottages built to suit and sold on easy
terms ou lo u one mlle from the P. O. anil shops.
Also in xvest nnd north pans of town.
Don't xvalt till the boom is here with Its high
prices , but buv now. U you do not xvant a
homo buy n lot on monthly p lyments. 1 have
n number of lots In good nddltlons that can bo
sold nt bedrock prices on such terms.
If you are at xv > rk during the dry cone
around Monday evening.
Hoom 303 N. Y. Life Jl'ld'g. 7JI-10
FOH SAL13-Heal estate-llouso nnd lot on
Davenport uud 24th streets Price fl.OOO.
Part cash and balance time , or imit cash and
good farm uoar Omaha. II. L , Cole , Conti
nental block. 750-10
" "
D ONT forget the lot on JJJth bt. , JI.3JO. Htiu-
glns , JU . lUth at _ 7.1 -lit 1
OH A 31ins in Houtti Omaha surveyed and
.ivplatted foi building purposes Price , JiOO
per acre. II 11 Cole , room U , tontlnontal block.
t inirt Uoinn mi I il.xll
Sealed proposals xvlll bo received nt the
county clerk's ofllue until MotuUy , Muicli 'Mil.
IMW , at 1 p. in for performing the woik and
furnUhluirthe materials of all kinds necessary
fortha construction complete of court house
nnd jail buildings In the xlllage of Pierce ,
1'lert.e county , Nebraska.
lliich bid must be accompanied by n certified
chicle for fiuo 00. payable to ttii order ot the
County Commlvilonnr-i as u gu irautea that he
or they xv 111 enter into u good ami fuilllclont
bond approved by the County UommtBslimera.
' 1 ho t Igh t to roji'ct any nmi nil bids Is reserved.
Plans nnd speclllCiitlous lan be oxamlued at
the oltlce of the county clork.nnd the architects ,
H9her& Itussell , Sioux City , I own ,
T K.hiiBKT/ I Hoard
xM. . DKIII.OVV , > of
C.'lm3-10 J. OEA.V , ) ComraUstonors.
PropoinN Tor Ijiiinlior.
Sealed proposals for furnishing Douglas
county with lumber for the year ending ib'JO ,
xv 111 bo received at the olllco of thu county clerk
until noon ot buturdny. March 15th. 1S' < ) . Specl-
ncatlcms and sU s rei.ulred can bo obtained at
ttie olllce ot county clerk. A certified check for
liXlJOnuist accompany each bid. TtieCommls-
Hlonera roserro the right to reject any or all
Dated Omaha , March 1st , 18 < H > .
mldiu P. O'MAfj.Ei' , County Clerk.
Proposals for Supiillcs.
Sealed proposals for furnishing supplies fertile
tile county poor houte for tlm year | t uo. w 111 bo
received at tlw county clerk's olllco until noon
of Saturday. Mnrcn l&th. 1MHJ. A certified check
for ( jO.UQ must accompany each bid , BpecllliH-
tlons for ui > [ ill i can he obtalnml ut the county
clurk'.solllcu. The Coiiimla8lauer' roivrve the
rlglit to reject any or all blcU.
Dated ( ) in lm. March Ut , I "I
uildlil P.O'M.vLi.t , County Ooric ,
rllll'AdO. IIMir.lN'OTO.V VO T Arrives"
_ lopotIOlli _ Mul Mivon slrpoK | llniMm
" 5TT5 p m llilcairci Vi tltiuTo Hxpro W IX a m
I" IV n m , , , I'hlrngn K pro , . > | i m
PIS | < ni Chlrntto Kt | > n < s , , . . ! ? . < > ) n in
JtMjMIt Iowa l-ornl ptrrpt Suml DM am
TeaTpT' Itl.lNUTU.V A MO HIX Alt Arrives
Omnlli I IK'iml lotli nml MnviM street * _ Oinili _ _ . _
1U 0.1 n in Itoim-r X eMIIuiln KipiTi" . . "SIM p in
8 .VI a ni UnstliUs A Oitnintl.n Uieftl ii IS p in
JI55 p in1 IH'inrerKJprem ii .IX n in
1 ratei I K V HV J \ C II I Arrives"
Omnlm. j DepotUllhniiit xin nn ttrocl * 1 Olllltlln.
. aiu" .Knn ns t'llr Ii ) y . .tun. " * It , IX p in
P 15 p m K C Nliihl llxp. via t' I1 Trim' fi IX n in
Ioive I r.S'lUN I'.XCII 1C i Arrives
Omnlm | Depot IQili anil Mnrcr MrfPts I Oiiiilm
' 2. i p nil Overland uTer. . VM p m
; ? so p m. I'nclllc Kxpies * . . , 7.1 X n m
010 m' ' IX > .
a ' nver Kxp
4 4) p in llrnnil Is'larui'Kxp.Vptivpl Sim ) JH 4i P m
523 a tu . . . l < nii m niy lixpnxn | U05 n m
" "
< TTR'A7o.Tf.T ; & PAI inc ; Arrives
Otnnlm. U P depot iotli niul MnrfyCts f Onnvhi.
4 15 p ni . . Malit Kxpro , II ) HO a in
. Atlniitlr KtprcM. . . l''W p ni
D ISj > in .X'cslllnilo Umlicil ! S IW p in
isnit.v : : | Arrive *
Uinnlin. IT. P _ depot , 10th ami Xlnrcy St . | Uui.ilm
tilTlii riilr.iitn iiprr : < s
4 , V n m XY'tlbttlu Limited . . . . .
HIS p in ( Iv i-x. Hut ) Mull ( Ar. i-x .Xton )
P a ) p m Kniltfrii Klrcr . _ . .
CHIIAIiO. Mil , A ST. PA III * l Arrives
Transfer ] Unliml _ > epol , Council ltlurt . _ | Trmi'for
li < U a in Oilcairo Mail lex-rapt KunUnjr ) . . ? .IO p in
H.10 p in . . Clilrngo Kxpre ii U.l'i n m
lOODji in riiloniro llxpross . 21W p in
oxiAitA A sr i.orij < . Arrives
Jlinnlin. | P depot IIHIi mill Alnn-y St Oumlm *
1 15 p in M loul IVimion Hull . , 11M 11111
Slot \ ( 'ITA I Arrives
Oilinhn I 17 ! 'I ' , loth niiit.XInrcy _ Sts I Omnlm
7 15 a niT loiix city I'lUM-iiKor . . . . 110 05 p in
Illfi p m1 st Paul llxpro . . i 10 OJ n in
I .X CITV A PAl'IHC. I ArrlvoiT
Oumlm I " it llUi nmlXVcli _ ler Hl " . _ ' I ( Imnlin.
It IX p in > -l Paul lilinlliMl. . . . . .
"ii'nves I I Arrives
_ Oiitnlin _ I Depot lith niiit WplHtnr "Is I dunlin
! M < ) n mi . llTiick irilirKxpwsii. . . fi2U p in
! MU n in Uniting Hxp ( Kx Milutnv ) . 5 VI p ni
f. II ) p in XVnlioo \ r.lnriilii l'as i int'r 10 a ) a in
i > rk A Niirfulk iix : Siimlnr ) I0.-Uj > ju
< ! . s | < P. , .XI A.O Arrives
Onialm _ Dppnt 1'itli mnl XX'otiiii'r Sts. Oumlm
Is HI n in Sioux AriiimniotlntlDii . To p III
1 ( U p in SliiuxTltr expressKx ( Sun ) 1 M p in
i ; II p in M 1'niil l.lmltpil II30 n m
C 15 n in . I lorenco PaiNMiRor ( Kx Sun ) . . H IX n in
515 p in Ir lorrnco Pnini'iiiriT ( I'.x Sun ) t , 'J ) p in
MH ( OriH PACII'lf. Arrives
Omnha I _ lepot IMh mirt XXVImtcr M * . Oinnlit
10 M iTiul . . .St. liouts A. K. C. llipii' " . . . .
' . ) 15 p ml
The e I nil lit nlto ' 11th , Kill.tjtli nnil 21th
utrietH , .Summit anil i < UilKo CrusgliiK X
nieirs train * do not run Mimln ) .
I , 4 li M ti 11,1,27 , 7I ) ( . H7l | ) > li II ) 7JO , I.UI7 ) > .15.1
7 111" 40,7 , VJI7 I. 8b ( 7 JO 8 li 7 II1
8 4.S K U 8 . ' 7 , ' 10.1 8 15 S ( )7 )
II 41(11 ( < Ui'.l 'ti 27 ID 051 II 111 | 'l 7 |
1'VI i I'M I'M I'Ml ! VI I pii if V.I | > VI l >
. . -tO' . 1.1 U
4 ii 427 4 Ull 4 I54 ! 12 107
41353545 ,127 , 5tt1 5t1l51J507
. I IM ml . I
541 \hMbSl \ [ l , . > 7 ( , ( I1 | 0151,1.'II 07
MV 1,1. _ 7051 7 111 _ .I707 _
ieavpi ICIIICACOA MUTiiwisriiiN ) : : Arrives
Trims * for I JJnlmi li > | it Counrll HliilM. Transfer
ll40nm | . t lilraKo Express . . 5 40 p in
; s III pin XVstlbulo I.lmltiHl 9.41 ii in
4..1.1 p m . KiMtern I lyur . . . . , 545 p m
ami p in Atlantic Mull . . . . 7 a ) ii in
Cortlllu t .
This Is to certify that the Nebraska Central
Hallway compHiiy desires an Increase ot Its an-
thrUed capital stoclc from one million dollar *
to four millions Uvo hundred thousand dollars ,
nnd that such Increase and the maiin and
publlsnlnKOf this certificate , and the Illlun
thereof with the se"rntary ot stito of tn state
of Hobrastta. hastiBen duly authorlrod by toe
holders of the imjorlty ot the cipltal utoct ot
the NenrnsknCcucrnl ttalivvaj company.
In witness whereot , xv haxa hereunto signed
our names at Omnhi. in the county of DoUBlaa
nnd state ot Nebraska , on the 19th day of Au-
Bust , wsii JOHN A. M'MIANU ,
GiOHQUC : IIAKNITM , Prosldont.
becrotni y.
1 Corporate I
1 boat , f Directois :
XVI 1,1.1AM I. . ADAMS.
State ot Nebraska , Douulns county , HS :
lleforo me , u noturv public In and for said
Douglas county , personally tame the above
named John A.fc3hane , ( JcorRO 0 llarnum ,
Jonn H Dumout , XVIlllam I. . Adams and lien-
JaniluJ , Morris , known to me to bo the Idnut-
icnl persons who Hlgued ttio foruL-olnt , ' lusiru-
muut , nud severally acknjw Indeed the said in
strument to be their voluntary net nud deed ,
for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
Inxvltnesswlioreof , 1 have hereunto signed
my name and affixed my ofllclal soil , at Omaha ,
Douglas county , Nsurasica this I'lth day ot Au
gust , im . XV. C. IVI'.S.
j Notarial I Not.iry Public.
1 Seal , f _ ebSil W t.mor
AUMV falM1PrTlTs hiiOt yiiart8Finaster'
Olllco. Omnha , Nebraska. Pebrunry " 8th
18JO.bonled proposals in dupllcato will be re-
reived nt this olllco until lo n. m Tuesday
Marcli ! lth , IK'U.ut xvhlch time and place they
xvill bo opened In the presence of attundlOK I'lil-
doisfordc'llveiyot : I.uinb r. Duors XVlmlows ,
( editr Posts , bhliiKles , hewer and Water Pipe ,
Hnrhed Wire. Paints. Baud , 1.1 me. HullU. .
I.lsH giving snerltlcatlonsiiunntltles and otlior
information xv ill bo f uinishuit upon appllcu , tlou
to this olllce. Profi-rt'iico xv 111 bo Blvea to artic
les ot domestic production or manufacture , urn-
illtlon of quality and price ( inclndliiK In the
price of foreign production or nuutifacturo the
duty thereon ) bulug cimnl nnd further , that no
comrictu shall bo awarded for furiilKhltiK ar
ticles ot foreign pioduUlan or manufacture
when themtlclusot millublo ( iiialltv of ilomei > -
tic production or runnufiii'turi ) can ba obtained.
The government Hwrvrs thuriuht torojoctnny
oral ! proposals Illdders xhould attach a copy
of this ndvoitlsoinoat lo their lills. JOIIN
SIMPSON , Catitnln and Anst , Qr. , U 8. Army.
PiioposAr-s run ir.M iu-u. : s. indiuu
Service , Pine KlilgM Agency 8. Dakota , Feb
ruary " 1st , 1KW. Bisaled proposals Indorsed
"Proposals ! foi Lumber" and addressed tu tno
undersigned nt Pine llldctn Agency , Shannon
Co , s , D.anota , will bo reculvod ut tills Auoacy
until one o'clock of .March ITtli. 1HJ , for furnish
ing for und ili'llvtrliiK ut tills AK ncr , about
tlirife hundred thous.ind f net ot assorted lumber ,
n full description of which muy bo obtained l > r
application to the uiuli.Trtl nel. Illdders xvlll
ba required to state In their bids the proposed
prlre ot each variety of lumber to bj ottered for
delivery under iv Contract.
Karh bid must be accumpjnlo t by a certifleil
check or draft Upon bomo IJulted Htutea Do-
posttory , mitdvpiiyatile to tno order ot the un-
dersliruud for at leant t'lX'Upor cent ot the am.
ount or the uroiiosul. whlohchuck or draft xvlll
lie forfeited to the I'lilteJ htutud In c su miy
bidder or bldilurs reoolvin an avvanl nh.ill fail
to promptly exonuw a contract with ( 'ooj and
sulllclfiil surl tiei < otherwise to ba returned to
the bidder II D. UAIiLAUIIBU , U. H. Imllau
agent , ftd2.t |
Hltort Line & Uttiti .Northern
Unltxvny Company.
Notlco U hereby given that , pursimnl to tha
articles of consolidation aud nfrecment , d.ttml
July 87th , ItU" . the AnntiM tn 'tlint ' of Ihoto k
holders of the Oregon Short Linn nnd 1 till
Northern HMIway Company for tlieoluatliiii of
directors nud such other bit'luossas may legally
come before tno meeting , will bo held nt thu
ofllceof the cntupiiur , Nn. 7il xinln street. Salt
Lake City , I'tah. on XX oilumilnjr , the I'Jth day ut
March , IH"0 " , at 10 o'clock n. tn.
AI.KV. Mitnil , Secretary
Hoston , February nth , IH.H ) . f7d.Mt
Nollca U hereby gtvon , tint the Otmih *
Southern Hallway Company , has been duly In-
lorporated under the laws of the State of No-
braskn , nnd does thurociii give pulillc notlcout
follovvs :
I , Tlu'immeof snld corporation U , "Omnh
Southern Hallway Compuuy. "
ii. 1 he principal place of transacting Its busl *
ness , is the city ot ( Jmaha , county of Douglai
and State of Nebraska.
: ' . Uho penorftt mituro of thn business toba
transacted by said corporation. Is the construe *
I Ion , operation and matntuuanco of a line of
tallvvayot standard guage , and n telegraph
line In connection ther < with , from the city of
Omnlm tn nald county , In rt southerly direction
through the counties of DoiiKlas , Snrpy , Cms
nud otoe to ( lion Hock , in the State of No-
4. The amount of capital stock nuthorlred by
the articles of Incorporation , M Three Million
Dollar * , aud the same Is to b pitd n follow st
An installment or ten per cent on each share of
Mockshnil bep-xyablo at the time nf nmktiu ;
the subscription , and thoreslduo thureof ih.ll
bo tmld In such Installments and at niioh tlmo
and place ns may bo required by the directors
ot tlm compnux * . .
f > . The oxUtenro ot said corporation com
mences on the Otliilnv of I'obruary. A. I ) isui ,
nud terminates on the Oth day of Tobiuary A.
f. The highest amount of Indebtedness or
liability to which the Incorporation shall at
nuy tlmo tie subject. Is Two Xlllllon Dollais.
7 The nlfalr * of the corporation nro tJ l >
conducted by n Piesldetit , vtce-Piesldent , Sec
retary. Treasurer and Oouoral xinuagor.
xx'itness our hands this the ttth day of Peb-
s. „ . „ . Clui { <
( liouni'.C SMITH ,
13. O. MinwuM ,
It. S. Hxi.t , .
1'lOd.Bt Incorporntors ,
Not loo.
Tliero xx 111 ben meeting ot the stockholders of
the Codmuii Packing Company , nt the rooms at
the I'nlon Natloual Ilnnk , luth and Dodge at
3.JO p. m ou Thureday , March 2uth , 18H > .
Ity J. W. Hisuof , President.
Hoiiiotlilnt ; ( Vliout the MnnVtuHO
N.I in In on Most Struot Curs.
John Stophcnson lias for sovonty-
oightof the oifjlity years of his lito boon
11 citi/.on of No xv Vo'rlt , ana for tit leiist
sixty of them n coiiBpicnous und highly
esteemed , not to SUV 11 sueeobsful clti-
con , siiyt ) the Now York Sun. Ho has
nnothcr motto Unit ho ntloptcd before
street curs over xvoro hoard of and
xvhich his friends stiy ho cnrrios out tia
persistently nntl conscientiously i\t \ ho
dooa his dotariniimtion tosoo thtttovory
tuition shill : bo tiblo to ride in its oxvn
street cars ; that motto is : "Ncvor turn
out a bud ) iieco of xvorlc , " not such sin
unusual motto for u mini to hx'c up to in
his business , but ono that is seldom car
ried into oxery day family ana social
life , ut least'to tlto extent that Mr.
Stephon&on carried it. llo has probably
for a full half a century boon the most
notoriously honest man in the rity of
Xc\v York. It xvas almost llfty
jours ago that a hujjo truck
diaxvn by four horses uaiMilod up and
doxvn Eirondxxny bearing n hu o placurd
informinir the public that "i'liis is the
\x-ny ono bankrut | pays his debts ; hii
name in Honest John Stophonsoi ) . "
The story of tlio truck xvas that homo
time before Stopbenson had failed and
paid 50 cents on the dollar. Gottinff on
his feet apain ho had paid olT , ono by
ono , ns fast as ho xvas able , the ether f > 0
cents lo all his creditors but John L.
Mott _ , xvho stubbornly refused to accept
his debt , telling Stephenson that the
fiiilure had boon an honobt one and that
his indebtedness xvas legally and
morally wiped out by the bankruptcy
proceedings. Stephenson could not
force Mott to take the money , but xvhon
Mott ordered a truck from Stonheiisou
the latter built it and delivered tt ac
cording to orders , and then sent the
bill indorsed. "Received payment bv
bankruptcy debt. John Stophonson.1
It xvas Mott , then , xvho could not force
Slopheiibon to accept the money , and ho
got square by hitching up four horses
to the truck and having it driven ui >
and down the city xvith the placard
upon it.
Couirlip , IIoarsi'imH" . .Soi e Throat ,
etc. . quickly relieved by Broxvn's Htonchfal
Troches. A slmplo nnd effectual rumody ,
superior to all other articles for tliu suma
purposo. Sold only in IJOXOB.
A fllnttpr-of-Knut. Doctor.
Cliicago Tribune : A young man on
the board of trade xvont to his physician
and , to use his own language , said ho
wanted to bo doctored.
"What's the matter with you1 aalcod
the doctor.
"Can't sloop. "
"Whv can't you alcooV"
"Don't know. "
"What time do you go to bed ? "
"As a rule about U o'clock. "
"What time do you got up ? "
"About 0 in the morning. "
" What doyou do before you goto bed ? "
"Nothing , except , innybc , road an
afternoon papor. "
"Smoke ? "
"No ; not ofton. "
"Haroly. "
"No. "
"Well , young man , you are an oxcon-
tion. No wonder you don't sloop. My
advice to you is to go out somoxvhoro
and have a good timo. Are you mar
ried V"
"No. "
"Got a swoothcartV"
"No. "
' 'And you expect to Ho down to pleas
ant dreams having inado nobody happy ,
not even yourself ; having soon nothing ,
notovonof lifo. You think you can
sloop because vou adhere to business ' ,
going from bed to shop and sho'p to bud ,
never saying anything pleasant to any
body ; going to bed at 0 o'clock and
getting out nt ( i in the morning. That
last act would muko a man so dissatis
fied xvith himsull that ho wouldn't bo
able to sleep. "
Mothoas xvill find Mra. Wlnslow'ti
Soothing Syrup the best remedy for thoJr
children , "o coots a bottle.
The Only Ow > .
The Chicago , Milxvnukoq A : St. Paul
Hallway is the only linu'running eoliil
vostihulod , olectriu lighted and stoatu
heated trains botwoun Chicago , Coun
cil 01 tills and Omaha.
The berth reading lamp feature in
the Pullman stooping cars run on thoao
lines is patented and cannot bo used by
any other railway company. It is the
great Improvement of the ago. Try it
and be convinced.
Sluu.vtng cars leave the Union Pacifio
depot , Omaha , aid p. m. dally , arriving
at Chicago at 0:80 : a. in , Passengers
taking this train are not compelled to
got out of the cars at Council DlulTs and
wait for the train to ba cleaned. Got
tickets nnd sleeping car bertha at Union
ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam st.
f , A. NAfiH , Gen. AgU
J. E. PUUSTUN , Pass. Aft.