m THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY. MARCH C ; 1890. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No mJvortlsomcnta will bo tnkon for X those columns nflor ! 2:3Op. m. Si & In ntlvnnco. TO Advertl'raent * under thli oead 10 rent * pet HUP for llio llr.it Insertion , 7 centM for each sub- neiiuent Insertion , nnd tl.iXi per line per month. No Advertisements taken for IPM than in cants * or flrot Insertion. Seven words will bo counted to the lln , they mnsl run consecutively and ruust he paid in ADVANCE. All advertise ment * must lie bunded In before 12:30 : o'clock p. ni. . and under no circumnMnccs will they be taken or discontinued by telephone. Partli'M advertising In these columns nnd Iwv- iHL'lhrlr answers mldrrsupd In care of THE HKK will pleisa ask fern chock to enablA them to get tlielr letters , ns none will bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ad- xrtjimenu should bo enclosed In envelopes. All ndvcrtUmcnts In thesn columns nro pub lished In l > ntli morning nnd uveblng edition ! ot TDK HER the circulation of which ngurcRnti-s more thnn l,00) ) papers dully , nnd gives thn nd- vcrM'tr * the benefit , not only of the city clrrn- Istlon of TIIB flei ! . but also of Council Illnffa , Lincoln nnd other oltleH nnd towns throughout this Bci'tloii of the country. " B R A N C H 0 F F1C EST Advertising for these columns will be taken on tbn nlioYo condition * , at the following bnsl- m-ss nousei who nro authorised agents for Tn HKK special notices , and will quote the same rates ns can oehad at the main office.n , .nri SOUTH OMAHA TinANPH OFFICE Corner of Twcnty-slxtfi nnd N atrcetH , Nebraako Savings bank building. JOHN XV BELL. Pharmacist , KM South Tenth Street. /1IIA8B A EDDV , Stationers nnd Printers , 113 \J Houtb Itth Street. H. i'AHNSXX'OHTH , IvimrTnacfst , 2115 Cum- Ing Street. _ " " "iriUKJIIEft , Pharmacist , 624 North.lGtb Street. EO. XV. PAltlt , Phormaclst , 1718 Leaven- worth Street. TrtJGlIE3'"PHAHM ACT. 23 * Parnam Street. i AVANTEI)7 _ SITUATION XX'nnted Ily first-class dreis- makcr. to do cutting and lilting , or waist iimaher. Addrcas l | x I47. Carroll , la. 6W ! 8J WANTKIJ I'osltlon an coacbman by younic man experienced with horses and cows. Call at lllnranco barn. 414 H. ITthst. COWt "MTANTlID-Hy n yountr lady , pojltlon us f i assistant booit-Koeper , cnshlor or copyist. AddressX4I , Bee. 697 > K WANTKU A position ad hotel housekeeper , best of reference. Address Mrs. F. T. Oowcn , 821 W. 7tnstreet , Hea Moincs , Ja. ] 601 Sj Al.lVi ; man wants employment ; willing to work ; age no object ; A 1 references for nobrlety and Industry ; a bank guarantee given for honesty. Address X 15 liee olllco. ! J90 Cj AVANTED Sf WANTED flood business man or woman to art as district manager. Must Invest 3100. Jalary I V per mi'Uth. Call Thursday or Frl- dny upon F. A. I'lpor , Mlllard hotel. 000-01 " \\rANTEU An experienced ollice or good i business man to take charge of a branch liousoatSt. l.outH. JIii3t Invent J"03. Hilary 175 per innntli. Cull Thursday or Friday upon F. A. 1'lper. Milliard hotel. CU7-CJ TNTEMJOl'NT boy forerramlB : onewUo has JLworked lu offlce preferred ; state references. AddrosHX4J Hue ollice. C740J WANTKD-Kxporlenced Krocery cleri , one that Is acquainted In city. Call at VU B. K'tli ' Bt. . ticket olllco. CS1-6 * W 'ANTED ' 45 men for stone quarry , $1.0) ) a day. Keith's Umploy. ollice , 'JWy 8 1 ith st 680-M WANTED Local nnd traveling salesmen to neil lulirlcatluc : oils. Apply for terms to the1 Dleterlchs Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. Ohio.C025J WANTED Kxperlsncodbundlewrnpp or. ap ply to ll. a Ureen. manager or the Uoston Store. 600-5 V\7'ANTE1) Man As agent of our pateni > > safes ; size 2WclSxl8 Inches : tx > retail. All nIzeB as low. New styles , new patterns now 1oclc. now factory. Not governed by safe pool. Jlverysafo warranted. Hare chance. Perma nent business. Our terms ; und catalogues Will convince you ngents clear WOO toi < Kperinontn. ) Write for exclusive ten itory. Alpine Safe Co , . . /i i .n4ii Cinci , o. nh ? > r * " \\fANTED Cnnvnssi-ra for the new tfaeKly f T paper Topics. Apply to Mr. ITed Nye , , Ilepubllcan Printing Co. , cor. 10th nnd Douglas 681 5 _ VTOTlCK-llrlclt Moulders nnd Setters-All J-N brick mnuUlHrs and setters stay a ay from Denver as there are moro hero than can nnd employment , lly order of 11. M. and S , U. No. 1 ot Colo. 5.15 BJ \\7"ANTED Salesmen at $75 per month salary V > and expenses to Bell n line of Mlver-pmtca ware , watches , etc. , by sampin 'nly ; horxe and team furnished free ; wrlto at ouco for full par tlculars and namnle case of goodB free. Standard - dard Sllvt-rwaro Co. lloston. Mass. 321 W ANTED-A good cook. Apply 2100 Harney Bt. Itotorenccs ruitulred. 51U-5J " 1ST ANTED 400 rockmen , teamsters and grnd- TT ers for Utah nud Nevada ; cheap rates. Albright's ' Labor agency ll'M Farnnm t. 3Z3 MEN to trnv l for the I'outblll nurseries of Canada. XX' pay JoU to $ ! ( ) per month and expousos to agents to sell our Canada grown stock. Add , Hone & XX'olllngton , Madison. XX'ls , SElinai DETECTIVES XVe want n man In every lo cality to act as private detective under our Instructions. Experience not necessary. Par ticulars free. Central Detective IlUroau. llox 1ft' ) . Topekn. Kans. VAN'l ED Canvassers at Singer sewing inn- TTchlue olllco. 1518 .Douglas at , 377 mSfl QALKSMKN XVautcd lit Once A few good O men to pell our goodh by sample to tha wholesale and retail trade. XX'e are the largest manufacturers in our line. Liberal salary paid. Permanent poiltlon. Money advanced for wages , advertising , oto , 1'or terms address Centennial Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III , tm-nilftt WANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery. Ticltew WKx Address A. a lloss & Co. , Denver , Colo. > > - - * ANTED-Oot the city , housekeeper , ii- cook1 In hotel , tl ; S nltrosnea and cliiun- benimld. $1 : 2 wiiitreBsea for Kearney. $3 fares all paid ; cooks , prhatt ) fnmlllosX ; laun dry \uiinnn , J7 : uuro girl , dishwasher Klrls . XX'hlte'a olllce.HU N Ibtli. lllli wanted for general house work In fam ily of three. Apply 1311 N. Itth St. K > 5 5t . wanted Good homo , good wages , ! for .ijouoral hoiiBOttork. inquire 1221 H. aith st. W "ANTED A good girl for getioraT Tioiiso worknt r. K. Tnggurfa4lHt nud Hamilton fltreetH , ouu block iveat , or XX'nlnut Hill motor lino. f68 6j WANTED Woman coo * fur XX'yo. . JIO ; cook nnd dining room girl for Fremont , JIO and tl5 ; COOK for boarding house , &X ; nurau girl , kitchen girl nnd houao keeper for ranch , only two to cook for. ftf ; housekeeper In city ; ouo on fiirm , no objection to one child , so for gen- cralhou3owor , Mrs. llrcga , aim S. 15th. 15th.tfl40J fiD A girl for general housework , 17th. 5 < ! Wj TANTjSD-r.irt for general housework. BOS r 'VC ' * Ictll amnll family. _ _ 'ANTED ( Jcod stroiiK 'BUI'"fur u neral housework ; toocl wu ca ; isil Cumlni ; at. t , ADV AOK\T8-'Inap ct our Roods , free. JLJ bond stamp for poatuco on ame. A. J. I > man , 13)1 ) Cheery . , ICainua CUy , Mo. \ATAWKD Girl for general liotuexvork , > t mu i > be JU'ut and iruud COOK , family ot.'l , giiod xvaf t. Apply -'B l'urnarn st. 010 WA'NTUD ' A K < x l Blrl for generrtl house work , good WUKOS to godd glrL" Apply fter.fl . m. toSlfflJJOilBeHt. 318-u * intESSMAKINQ. MF. MAOTNN , dresslimketv Lute litter . nud ae lgner for Stem llrotbera ot Ne\r 1 ork. Is now prvparea to uxecuto all order * for coatnines nnil wrapa at her present cotniuodl- oua eatuoHalnneut , luu Dodgu at , 674-7J ENO AGEMENT3 to do dr.-asnmklup in faml- lies nollclteO. Mi&a Sturdy , iia U. &tti ave. sai AS- ron HOUHICS. T71OU HKNT-8-room cottage , good yard. S124 JL' iKmgluiitrceti clioao to dcolmblo parties , Apply to Neb. Stfttm luuudry , 15S1 Howard et , rf- IKi TT'OU ' UKNT-A-Toom home. No , U13 H. th * . _ * ir Jlil lKNT IleganUy furnUhed prlrato JL' reslilcnco tth alt modem conveulmcui , alio Kood bara and ulco Uwn on cable , only six liindu from I' . U. ; no Oner location hi 'Ity : owner and wife will vaka room and board If grecatil * ; tor partlcalats addrcaa U M ! ! , TTIOU llENT-ImmrdlatelT. well fnrnlihed JL1 room rottHKc , right by the high aonool , city water , nice lawn , etc. , very desirable. Call at 231S.Dodg9jst. 814.121 TilOIt HENT-I miles from lown. n how house JL1 nnd line garden iand ; apply Ml N 13th fit. grocerr. 403 lit TTOU URNTroom house 1117 N Uth ne r J Nicholas. . fc.'C4J CIIOOJl corner Hat with modern improve- _ _ mrnt 24thandIeavenwortn _ _ MM _ _ m7 mllj r lOlt HIINT In the KstaBfook bioce Itltn nnil i. Chicago ntreets , line , seven nnd elgnt room Ilnti with every convenience nnd newly pa pered ; tl-.cso Hats face cost on Jelferaon an.uaro park nnd theie Is no better locutllon In tboclty. Uoberts 4W .V lUli it. C01 mioa T71OH HKNT Largo ten-room house with all JU modern Improvements , suitable for board ing house , on N Uth , between California and CassRtd. Kent reasonable. Inquire room WO Flrat National bank building. an . _ FOH IlKNT-B-room house , Sid near Leaven- worth at , 13) , C. P. Harrlion , Oil N.Y. Life. fOT-7 TJ10H ltr.NT-7-room llatj-ange block ; Cl S 13 TilOU UKNT Houses lu all parts of the city , J ? from 87 to Jiuoper mobtu. D. V. Bholet Co. , 313 I'lret Nat. Dank. 4BI-8 IjHll KKNT Ann-room detached home , fur- J. nare. botti , etc. . 20th nnd Leavenvrorth , JIO. David Jnmlejon. Hee bldg. 33U plOB TinNT-0-room llat , fi 3 S. 13tU st. T71OII IlKNT-A-room bouse. S63 N. 2-Uh ave. , J city water , splendid location , $13.60 : ri-toom house. .TSth and Corby . , S7 , good well and cistern. Uoo. J. Tox. r &a I'oxton blk. C7ft 1 TTOH HKNT Huttses nnd stores ; property JO c ared for. taxes paid. Midland Guarantee. ' . . 10l Varnatn at Abstracts. ni7 : POU UENT-Houso of 4 room ? inn Callfor- nlojit. Uiunp renttg a good party. 45 IF you w isli to rent n house or store see H. E. Colt ) . Continental bMck. 1SO VrOH HENT 3-room house with barn. 2114 JU Cnltrornla st. Inmilro N. XV. Cor. 12nd and " ° " Davenport. F [ IlENT-11-room house. No. .HON.IMud L ? st. inquire N. W. Cor. 22nd nnd Davenport. VM TJIOH HENT Houses and lints In nil parts of JP the city ; Hats and unfurnished rooms n specialty ; parties desiring rout nt from $5 to $75 brtsuru to call nt 150(1 ( Knrnarn st. before rent- Ing. Hutts Iteming Agency. IOIml7J 1TUJU HENT-The choice Hat In the Her block. JO cor 16th nnd Jackson sts. nil newly papered nnd has all convenience * . Call atllL ! Harney. 011 KENT Cottage of 3 rooms in rear of 1215 Chicago , near 13th ; $10 per month. 378 5J - fat with steam heat , leth st. . near 8-1IOOM 'Jhoa. r.lloll.ail i'axton blocg. 327 FOK HENT HOOMS KOUNIHIII3D fiTOlt HKNT A nice iront room wuu I J-B J closet and conveniences , suitable for one or two gentlemen. { 14 per mo. , 2025 rarnam st. Flat A. 672-0 A CHOICE of large and small rooms tleslr- -ci-ably furnished , with superior board If de sired. Itefercnccs. 1U23 Dodge , cor. 20th st. 673-7 * N'lOKI.Y furnished rooms with board In mod ern house , 1U 8.20th. 500 6J TjlUHNlSHED room torrent suitableforJJpen- JU tiemon , 1018 California st. 654 6j JlCfcLT furnished rooms , modern conven iences , terms reasonable. 2017 Lcnvenworth "CTOIl HUNT 3 furnt HPd rooms-for light JD boUBc-keeplng , references exchanged. 2321 St. Mary's avenue. 4.1973 F HOIST bed room and parlor with use of piano in private family ; $10 a month. 1511 California street. 478-ti * SI UA1ILE home rooms and board for three n private famlly.ulcoly located,21SOHarnHy. 427 0 * F Oil HENT Pleasant furnished rooms with all conveniences , 51U 8. 2Uh bt. KM > I.KASANT rooms with board in corner 1 house , Paul block , 1822 Chicago St. 163 BJ tnoit HENT Elegantly furnished rooms one JL ? block from P.O. ; modem conveniences ; best location in cltyalso day boarders.Call 111 S 17th 417 OJ TJ1OH KENT buite of front rooms modern -L1 conveniences , with or without board. $11 per mouth , 2215 f.eavenworth Bt. 328 OT. CLAIlT Europeun hotel , cor. Kltli and ODodge. Special rates by wees or mouth. o2U rUHNISHED room and board ; nil conven iences. 1'JlO Capitol ove. : 0 NICELi * fiiralshe'd room with board ; modern conveniences. Inqulre'at 007 N 20ti. st. - 391-5 T71 1OH HENT Hoom with board. 1722Dodgest. JLJ EW L Y furnished rooms. 1011 Douglas. 1W16J -J LAKUE furnished front room , iai3Jfarnam. 37J 12 * TJOOM8 nnd day board ; 1724 Capitol avc. _ , UK.NISHED room & board 1318 Davenport. - 181 7T POH HENT Elegant front room with alcove , well furnished , near fable and horse cars. All modern conveniences. Call 2UUS Douglas. U2l > "C10H KENT A very large front nnd back pnt -C lor imlurnLslicil. 172U Capitol nvo. 7U2 'VTlOErooms.modern conveulenccs.1831 Farn'm E'Oll HENT One largo trout room with board. 1W Cnpltol ave. 876 VTICE room , modern comenlcnces , 1719Dav- Lonuort. . 483mOS FOIl KEIS'T-.IIOOMS FOH HENT U unfurnished rooms , 2118 Har ney. 641-GJ CUNFUHNlSHEn chambers for housekeeping Otor man and wife : no children. 3l N 17th , 345 9J "IltOH HENT Three nice unfurnished rooms JL ! cheap to parties without children. S. XV. cor , Hurt and 22nd sts. Iteferouccs exchanged. U "I7TOH KENT T\\o or thrco unfurnished JU rooms. 1718 Cass st , or enquire nt 3. N. IRth st. 601-5J , TT10H KENT-3 largo first lloor. front unfur- JL nlshed rooms at 6 la No. 20tb bt , S blocks from P. O- B'X'-yj. _ FOH HENT 4-room sulto , unfurnished , suit- nblo for housekeeping , gas , water , etc. , to famllv without children ; northwest corner 17th and Webster nts. ; ; HKNT STOllKS i\XI > omi'IOKS T7TOH ItUNT Posesslonglveu March li. The JL ? south room In the Y. M 0. A. buildluir , suit- dblo for gents' furnishing , hats and caps , boots and Hiioes , millinery , furs , ladles' fancy goons , or other Huts of tradn. Apply to A. P. Hop kins. Commercial national , or XX'tn. viemlng , 1 101 Douglas st. 677-8 TpOH KENT A splendid brick store , well lo- JL' cnted , now occupied by a ehoo Btoro doing a protitabio business by party w-ho is eolm ; to imive into his own bulldlnK 0 blocks from this location ; splendid opportunity for some oue to open up with a trade built up to start on ; pos session given April 1st ; rent very low. T. C , llrunner , Koom 1. XX'are block. 453 6 STOKES at 707 , 709. 711 S. 10th.22xGO each , large nhow windows , eteam heat furnished. Thus , P. Hall , 311 I'axton block , 331 HENT-3-story brick building. 1110 Douglas - las st. . suitable for wholesale or warehouse purposes. Also brick store , 1U7 8. 13th st. In- imuu of ( has. Kaufman. 1302 Douglas Bt. 33 ! I7IOH HKNT-Tho4-8toty brick building , with X' or without power , formerly occupied by tno lleo Publishing ( o. , flu Karuaui nt. The build ing has H tlre-proot cement basement.complete steam hottUng Hxtures , wnter on all thu Uoors , gas , etc. Apply at the offlco ot Tha llee. UI5 FOHHENT-nrstortnlrd lloor of thenuw 3- Htory butldliit ; bolng built between N. Y , Ute und Mora * uulldlug on Farnam st. D. C. Patternon. 618 N. Y. Life. MB 9STOKES. SlU and SiOi Learonworth st. -J B78 mill WANTKM TO \\7AJJTBD-Oneor two furnished rooms with board ; best of reteriiuoa given. Address care Letter Currier No. UJ. MlHOKhhANKOUS. "VX7HO tuned thosa live Ktmbalt planoa uted f T by Madam I'nUl and company at tns Millard - lard ? Illoomtleld did the work audit is said that bo in no slouch. Piano * and organ * nicely timed and regulated tor W. H. K. COL12 , roliabfa lire insurance. . 033 A UOTIONsalesveryTuesday.TUuradayand -LXt nturday morning ntllli JJouglas street. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. am HE. COLE , notary publli uuij conrtyaaoer * itH rpo BITIT the txinvunlone * of clients engageit JL during thod y woopun evenliipi.B3j ; 1,18ttj. ; U. E. Cole , UoouOCoutluuntftl IIk ) , U)4 ) TtrnOMENTB. mecnnnleii' ll < n . warrants , tl Jury and witneM fees bought for cash D. 11. Kdwarda. lUg , llarKernik. J1" ? IP YOU hnro stocks of morchannlio forsnlfi I have ciutouiers wltn tbo cain. .1. II. I'nrrotto. room 21. Douglns blK. 4a-l'l ) HI ! . COM : , rental agent. Continental block , l'KUSONAI S. PEIlfO.VAIMrn. . A. M. Trnvls has returned tithe city tnd those wishing to sae Ler for professional services in the old room will II nd her nt XK y. Ultb st , MJ-flj pTTltaoTfAIi To * rM8ualOnobiftworadIa JL met lotne week * a BO : last met on Harney between IUh nnd ICthnts.t let me know when can eee you ; not henrlngulll call Hundny avnn- Ingathoitso. Address X 41. llee. 621 6T PBitSONAI , Divorce- ) quietly ; advice freo. Address Lawyer , llox 031 , Chicago. 111. aua-Bt _ _ LOST. _ _ OST Lady's pocket-booK. containing J5C , on 17th nnd Douglas BIB. , Tuesday ; liberal re ward by leaving name nt Doe ollice. OOt 6t T OST or Stoleri jSS'rexTard'and no qupstlons" JLJntikod for return ot diamond stud lost at I'attl matinee. Itoom 04 , illllard hotel. T OST-netwecn XVlncote & alley's olllco. 2ith ) J-J and I nvrnworth and COIR I'acino street. One blnuK book about 8x10 inches , red cover nnd about 1G l pages. $ . " > .CO reward If returned to either above address. Wlncoto S : lllley. r OST A Fur Glove. Army Style , Flnderwlll JLj get liberal reward uy leaving nt Dee Count ing Itoom , BTOHAGU. nillK rloanesi nnd best storage In the city nt JL low rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. SW mitACKAGE storage at lowest rates. W. M. JL lltishman , 1311 Leavenworth. 3M MUSIC. BEI'OUE buying a piano examine the now scale Kltnball piano at A. llof no,1613 Doug las st. 445 GEO. F. UELLENUECK" . teacher of tbebnnjo , room 813. Douglas block , or lleo olllco.IU PIANO tuning by George Illoomfleid , piano maker. Ill North 17tn..20yrs experience In N. Y. . Cblcago and Omaha. Excellent references. aroma. IVANTED TO BUV. Good Bocond-lmnd slion-cascs. WANTED Address V 68 llee office. COMJ "V\7 A NTED To buy 1 ot with or without house cheap , on easy terms. Address , xvltb full particulars. X 42. lleo olllco. fiCO fij " \X/ANTED To buy a sound burse not over 7 T years. SiSi Cn'ss st. 544 ( it WANTED A small printing press. Address R Jj..gfi3.TLnkest. K.-2-1IJ WANTED To buy for cash , a stock of hard ware , atovcj , etc. . about 83,000. Adaress "L , " ft H Bt. . Lincoln. Neb. 4'iti ' WANTED Furnlturo. carpets , household goods for cash. XX'ells' Auction & Storage Co.ll7aiJtUat. ! ' 330 WANTED Good commercial paper. Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co. ,619 I'axton blk. 84U / 1A8II ror nil kinds of Household [ roods nt 1114 V Douglasatreet.Omaba Auction & Storage Co. ia _ _ _ WANTED To ouy for spot cash , city or countrv parts or whole stocks of dry ana fancy goods , clothing , boots and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gout's furnishing goods , et'i. Call on or address J. L. llrandeis & Sons , corner - ner 13th nnd.Howard. . . Omaha. 833. WANTED to Huy-SJ.SOO good short time pa- per. H. H. Henderson. 40J I'axton blk. 417 WANTED A stocK of dnigs. Part Cash le trade. Box 6IB.Omaha , Met ) . 127 SAIiK MISCELiIjANKOUS. T7VDH SALE Horse. bucKboard and harness , JL1 inquire Iluokeyo stable , south Uth st , city. liNMJJ fnOR SALE Flat-top oak onire desk , almost JL' new ; call and see same at 12U7 Howard st. 6B9 K F IOH SALE Canary bird , nno singer. 1103 S 10th st. ' - 'OTJ-7 "CUM SALE Furniture for 10-rootn Uat ; part JL' of rooms occupied. Address X 37 , Hee. 519 GT "pfOK SALE A pair of heavy draft horseg , 8 JL ! years old ; cheap. W. It. Uennett's stables , 1115 Capitol ave. 60U-5 | I\OK SALE In small lots or by the car , clean JO Millet seed. Write to W. U. lloston , .David City. Neb. 44VT "IJ1OH SALE or trade About II.IOJ now * Jew- JL ! elry. Will take clear Omaha lot part pay , bal. cash. Address HoxfflS , Cozad. Neb. 4337 F IOH SALE One of the finest driving teams in Omaha ; afraid ot nothing , stylish and prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring carriage almost new. Address X . ) Jee ollice. 43U FUHNITUHE auction every XVednesday nud Saturday. 317 llth. XX'elfs. 3U FOH SALE A3Vhorse power Porter engine in good condition , wolgiit 0.10U pounds , cyl inder 11x18 ; for particulars apply to The llee olhce. 7U8 " 17IOH SALEortrade-Ono Hat top desk , one Jj B-foot standluc desk , one lease of section of school land. 4 ) acres of Improved western land and n sections of U. P. railroad land. II. H. Henderson. 400 Paxton block. 3H ST. UEHNARD and Scotch colly fshephard ) dogs for sale. M. P. llrown. Paplllion. Neb. 40-SJ ! ) SALE Some good watches and diamonds mends cheap. II. F. Masters , room 4 , XVItn- nell blk. 345 . HEAVY delivery wavon : set single buggy harness. 1 coal bed , 1 top buggy , 1 carriage. 1 Il-Ilat sliver cornet , 1 Mexican saddle. Bet new double harnosi. Itoom L ) , Hoard Trade. 085 POH SALE Or exchange , halt blood Clydes dale stallion , will exchange for good driving horse. George Vradenberg , 023 8. Itlth. 70s m 12 * CUiURVOYANT. DH. II. GHOUX.eloctriclty.mabHngo and mag netic treatment , chronic diseases a special ty , simple medicines when needed , 022 N 15th. 438IH31J MADAME IILANCH , the greatest mind reader and counsellor , bus sutto of parlors at 322 N , loth sreet.s. w. corner Chicago and lUth. This lady han a remarkable gift ot second fight , tells past and future correctly ; busltiftssconlldeatlal ; lmn Just returned ; lost and stolen property , truthfulness of absent friends a specialty. 347 TilOHTUNK Teller Mrs. Lenorman can bo JL' consulted on all attain ) of life. Satisfaction cuaianteed. flo.31QN. Pilh Bt. loa m 20J MM II De San. magnetic physician and mind reader , has the power of any two mediums you ever met. Tells if the one you love Is true or false. Olves you advice on divorce , contested wills , business speculation , oto. Parlors HON. 14th st 441-mBt TTJH. NAN NIB V. XV AIU'.EN. clairvoyantmed- -L'lcnl and business medium. Comalodiseases a specialty , llil N , 10th tt. , rooms 2 ana 1) . IIIU HIIOKTIIAM ) AM > TVlMOWIHTIXG. WANTED Educated youue ladles and gen- i > tleuion to learn shorthand and typewrit ing at the Standard Shorthand lluslnosa col- lege. Now York Life building ; linen rooms in the city ; alt latest Improvements , electric Hunt , slovator service ; cheuiMJt uchool because it is tlia best ; instruction thorough , modern , practi cal ; demand for stenographers constantly In creasing : success positively sure. Call or write for one of our lariro descriptive catalogues. Address Standard Shorthand llUBlnoss Col lege , Frank E. Hell , Manager , N. Y. Life Uldg , Omaha. Neb. 7& ) TTVEPOSITIONS. 10o per folio ; petitions at co - JL/re3pondenc .uccopylnr,3a.Mrs.Hlne.tel. : { u j. 120-m20J MOXKY TO IX AN. KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans ot J1U to Il.iW ) ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on noraes. furniture of a.\\v approved lecurlty , without publicity : not' ' s bought , for new loan , renewal of old and lowest rales. Call , U'JOB , Sheely blk , 15th tc Howard sts. 362 $ ! & , < * * > 01 privHto money to loan on Improved inside property ; cash on band. Central In vestment ca room 23 , Cnamour of Commerce Ml MONEY to loan la large su.ni ) . Centra In vestment Co. , room is , Cnamb r o Com merce. SM MONEY loaned on furniture , homes and wagons ; rujei romonublo. CityIx > anCo , 11HH. liithnt.1 op ; > oslti ) Milliard hotel. S6J MONKYtoloan on norses. wagonsuiniot , . Household goo < ii. plnno4.ortuus. dUinonds , t low eat rutej. 'JhoCral oruanlzed loan nlllua In the city. Make * Io u rromiW to JVJ dayti. which can be paid In part or tvhola at nny time , lhu iawermg thu principal and interest. ' Call and eve us wuen you want mousy. NY a can aatltt yoo promptly and to your advantage without rtmovnl ot property or publicity. Money always on hand. No deUy In liuklug loaus. O. K. Uw4 & Oo a 13 g. Llth Bt i pvur liiuguam .V Bunt. aif S KR Sholes. room 210 rirtJA-Watlonal ti\nk be fore making youfloana- . an _ 7 ; i'KulaENT residence ilJffis i Kinoo to $ loota. I ) Hulhllng lonm nt Bpo l4l rnte- . The Mead Inestment Co. , lleo enl WANTED -KlrHclm ItlKlde loam. Ix > weat rate . Call nud mo usiQMutiinl Invcitmont Co. . 1504 Farnam. o 3ui : ONEYto lonn. O. F. Itarla Co , real estate and loan agents. 1605 tWriam st. Ml F1HST mortgage loans at low rote * nnd no de- lay. D. V. Shoics Co. , Siurint National bank r . " " < 3il M7)NEY-3J. K ) or DO rdays on furnttura pianos , horae , housest etc , J. J. XVllkltison OIH Pttxton Pit. u _ , i .3 LOANS City and farm Moans , raortgago pa per liought , SlcCnguoHnvoaimentCo. ! 154 MONEY to loon on any security for short tlrao at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. Tbo Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , Itoom 4 fl , Paxton block. ; iV5 /1HATTEL loans at lowest rates : business wconadentlnl. J. 11. Emlngcr , 1417 Farnnm at. 300 to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. . Squire , 1310 Fnrnatn St. , First National bnnfc building. 303 T .IIIKUAL real estate loans made by W. M. JU Harris , room SO Frcnzur blk , opp.l' . O. 317 ' UIMHNG lK > aas 054'to 7 pnrcont ; no ad- ditlonal charges for commissions or attor ney's fees. W. a Melklo , first Nat. bank blda. J1I8 IT.COM : , loan agent , Continental block. _ "iYfONKY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos JLU-horses and waeons. Hawkoyu Investment Co. , room 33 , Douglas blk. , 1'lth and Dodge sts. BUILDING loans. I ) . V. Sholes Co. , 210 1'lrst National bank building. 351 _ MONEY to loan , by U. F. Masters. In any amount from JIO to J10.000 for any time , from one to nix months , at borrower's option. Loanx made on Household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rates without publicity or removal of property. My loans are HO arranged that you can make a payment at any time , reducing both princi pal and Interest. You pay Interest only for the time you use the money. If you owe a balance on your property 1 will take It up and carry it for you. Mopey always on hand. No delay. No pub- Hcltv. Lowest rates. U. F. Masters , itooiii 4. Withnell Block , lotnand Hurncy. _ 314 _ QECOND mortgage loans. It , 13 , Hoard Traclo. /"I HOICK City lx > ans nt lowest rates. We need VJloani of Jl.UOO to KXUKX ) , to nil special orders. Central Loan & Trust Co. , 1205 Farnam st. _ 442-J 15t loans made on BUILDING Choice city property At lowest rates. Private funds to loan on brick roildenco and business property upon verv favorable terms. KlmbaV. Champ &llyan , 1 ! . . Farnam St. 623mO OECOND mortgage loans. It 1 ? , Hoard Trnae. AB8TUAOTS OF OECOND mortgage loans. IL 13 , Hoard Trade , TiriDLAND ( luarauteo & Trust Co. . N. T. Life -Irl-blflg , complete abstract * furnished and titles to real estate examined , perfected * guaranteed BUSINESS CHANCES. FOU BALE Marble shorten good location , very cheap ; rare ctiunco ; only small capital required. Inquire at 10 Cumlng at. , Omaha. J : D3J 10J FOIt BALC Renoral stocJc bf goods und busi ness In a well located f.o\\n elchteen inllba from Omaha , now doing a'splenuld business ; good reasons for selling , ncqulre of S. Cotnor at ' Nebraska Savings bunk , tiinaua. Mob. < _ | .570 n4j TjiOH SALE A good hotel. In this city , doing JJ a paying business ; a good opportunity. price. K.JOO. llugglns. 313S Ihthst. r.91-g' STONi : and innd contri'ctbrs An extensive tiuurry with an nbnndalicB"of available ma terial for lease , situated on'tho I'liitta river 10 miles-ftom Omahn , For > tnoro dellnlto Information mation apply to Lewis S. Iteed & Co. . Hoom U. Cuainber.otCommerce.tr , , t 5CJIOJ „ W-ANTED A partuer-Sffth KX ) ) will buy halt interest In one OX the best .paying business In the city. Hoom 33 , Douglas block , . n ' 670-f.i WANTED A partner with tire to eight tbousaud capital in an established m'f'g business , either as bookkeeper or salesman. Address X14 Dee. 410 OJ FOU BALK Hotel furnished in Chadron , Neb. , situated on Main street ; } { cash ; bal. to auit purchaser. Address M. E. Sangworthy. FOIt EXCHANGE. HKKC'S your chunce Two nice cltf n new general Blocks of merchandise to trade for clear realty and cash. Itoom ai Douglas blook. ' 671-11 SKVntAIjgood farms for good Improved city property. Hoom iCi. N. Y. Life. 67 ! ) B TTOU TRADE An entire section of good. JU clear farm land in Texas for mjuaro piano nnd household furniture. Lock lio.x 205. Ited Oak. la. C008J TO KXCHANGK-Lots lP'block 12 , 1 ? . block 13 , Albright annex , nnd 10 , Hawley terrace , the three valued at SI. BOO. all clear , for U-room House in the west part of the city. Will assume JI.OOJ lucumbranco. C. F. 'Harrison , Oil N. Y. Ufa. npO THADE Stock of clean dry goods of $3.200 JL for $700 cash nnd balance lu good farm ? not over bO miles train Omntia. Itoom ff N. V. Life. 6TJ5 fllHB best opening for a good clothier in the JL state ; thn Star Clothing.nouse , Is for sale ; stock about M.UiiO , no old goods ; yearly sales JIR.ouo ; no competition nearer thun bloux City , a dlsinnce of ; w mllea ; good reasons for Soiling. Potter & Johnson , Waketleld , Neb. Wl UJ TT1O11 KXCHANOE-Flne property in Hans- -L1 com Place for merchandise , will pay some cash , clothing or furnishing goods preferred ; owners of stock should wrlto me at once. C. F. Harrison. N. Y. Life. K > 1 8 \X7ANTKD-To exchange lessons In art paint- IT ing for lessons on a guitar. Address Ada Thompson. 1514 Capitol ave. city. S88-5J TT1OU F.XCH ANOE Lots In Omaha for horses JU or other chattels. Daniels , 633 N. Y. Life. 61B 5t IT\0 EXCIIANQE-Farra near Norfolk of 100 J- acres and 1.-0 acres of school lease land In Custer county for hardware stock. Will add some casn. UF Harrison , 1)11 ) N Y Life. 633-8 'TF yon have anything to exchange cull on or 4-address H. K. Cole , U 0. Continental block , onico open evenings OioU to k'M : , Vfft Jj OH Trade 33J acres good ileeded laud 10 1' miles louthweat of llertund. Nob. , cattle preferred. Jno. O. Uallard. Ilortrand. T71OH KXCHANOK-Stock ranch In Wyoming. JL ! aOJO acres , fenced , 150 head cattle , clear.for farm la eastern Nebraska Jr western Iowa. D. A. I'owell.ar.'S Muyne-at. , Orchard HIMOmaha. 414 7j IjlOHKXCHANOE Ono of , the best grocery J ? stocxalnthecity. Daniels , fc38 N. Y. " Life. ' ) Di 517 K T7IOU EXCHANdC Cliolc'Improved Nebras JL. ka furins. Will aasume ht encumbrance If you have anything to offer address or call on Cleo. J.Sternsdorlf. room 3FK118 First National bang building. TelephoneUM. ca TT\OH \ IIXCHANOK Slots In South Omaha or X' i lot near Vinton st.jlor horses or mules. Koom 1J , Hoard Trade , "i , v& I WANT a grocery or arusustoclc to invoice 81.MM to 01,0JOM cash baMnc improved real estate , Lc"x box 4tfJ , Central City , Neb. IjlOUKXCHANQE A numtiar ot good unln- -V cumbered farms in Ka'uSus and Nebraska for Blocks of goods and gooll itock , will pay part casn if BUIIlclent inducement U offered. Money on band and titles to land perfect. Correspond ence solicited. B. A , Hyder/070 North S4th st. ' MU-iuiit CHOICE Improved farms In Nebraska , lown and HllnolR , clear of incuinberance , or ex- v angeforlmpnivedOmaha'proptrty. Address VOll HALK ltH.VIj EHTATE. Tmoil BALK Property in the neighborhood of JL ? llemis Park no bettor Investment. Call whllo owner Is hero tomorrow , U. l % . Harri- aon.011 N. Y. Life. 6 6 WE HAVR beautiful acre property within 2i ; inlieu of postolllco. Would you believe it , only I.6WJ per acre. An Inside business corner , $ i1.0CW , llouisos and lota In Most pare of city at the lowest price * and iuay urnia. HOUHU uud lot on 2iHh utreat f , Hanscoiu Place , opiy is.600 , Orchard Hill lots from tlV ) to f-WX Wa have sold sovcral rec " , tly. Only a few left at these figures , AUrgebrlcK bouse , 8 rooms and basement , north of Cumins , lot WxTu. iiux : Coiscth. Johusou if Lovcron. Hoom y. Chamber al t'oiumerco. K3 10 TTiOlt ' BALK-CdxiaJonJonuKBt. BOO per foot JL' Addto X Udo. tii al'J I.TUaOINS , 3B 8. Jflth t. f W 10J * IJVH SALK or trade I have rcu acres Ira- J- prove < l land In central Kansas , will sell cheap for r sh or triide for Omaha real estate , located fi miles from Leotl , county seat of Wlcnlta < Vu Land is located on two railroad ! . Call on.Julius 8. Cooler , lawyer , llooras 611 , 518 andBIBjiienly block. 643 fij TTlOlt HAI.K Ilousoand lot opposite hemts' JI'liikj is benenttud by this superb addition wlthoutrnxtrn cost : house has Brooms with modern Improvemcnta ; shrewd Investors and homeseekors will invastUate this. C. I' . Har rison. 911 N.Y. Life. tas a * n1oir SATlT A'ery cholcn little pTace uc r -L. Hanscoiu park. Pleasant home of 8 rooms vlt'i ' the very best modern Improvements. 11,000 ; ll i cash balance easy. U ! ' Harrison , 911 N V Life , fxt--B A MAN with * 1,2JO can take my farm. M ) ncrcs sandy loamiood land for grain or root crops , 1.1 head of choice cattle , splendid span of largo young bays , one Immlsomo saddle pony , ladles' and gouts' saddles , new double harness , nearly new frame house , largo frost proof root house , largo uarn nnd rattle shed , hen house , pig pens , corral , feed rack , : tt acres fenced pasture , situated m a beautiful valley settled by a nice clnss ot American larmnrH ami utock raisers , 1(4 ( miles from postofllce , 10 n-lles from a good town. Is In the best hay pro ducing and healthiest part of Nebraska , two good wells of excellent soft water on tnr farm ; fl.'JX ) takes everything clear of inoumbranco. Can give good reasons for soiling. Address X K , lice onico. 61U-7T FOlfSALR Choice east front lot in Hans- com Place. Wxl 0. Is on grade , will make two nice building sites , only U.m C. r. Har- rlson. nil M. Y. i.lfp. 63J B EKAL ESTATE ff you want to sell or rent list it with T. C llrunner , wholias a large list of customers. Hoom 1 , Ware block , B. K. Cor , lutli nnd rarnam , 45l ! HI FOK Sale-Lot 81x11X1 , facing south on the park JJ,50a-for Sdays. O Fllarrlsrn. 311 N YLlfo. 6J2-5 / 1OLI ) facts for spring rending. VJt2.10U buys a 5-room IIOIISP. barn , lot 60x100 , two frontages. Walnut Hill , foOO cash. $ .1.200 takes a 5-room cottagi'.n.1 ; feet of ground , wlthlu one mile of postolllce , $1,000 cash. 11,601 gets A now o-room house on IHtb , near Himtlton , $500 cash ; a trio of bargains. Also duelling properties too numerous to mention , from ul.yuoto (1B.UUP , on terms to suit and locations to please the most fastidious. Choice business and residence lots always on tap. Cull and investigate. n. A. Spencer , N. K. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas. F I ! Oil SALE Cheap-Lot lu Orchard Hill. Call on E. 0. Cooper , 403 Pax ton block , Omaha , 645 10 and 2504 If. 21th. 603 TTIOIt SALE A beautiful cor. 100x12 i .walks JL1 trees , good barn , ll room house finished with hard wooa , all modern improvements , in KountZtt Place ; cheap and on easy terms. 1 now seven room cottage on Ulst near Pa cific , . ' ,700 ; SJOO cash , bal. J2o.00per month. in ream cottage , cor. lot 4 > xlt5 It. , $3,000 ; 8300 cash , bal J25.00 per month. S 7 room cottages with tiath and gas. on Hurt st. near 24th. 8.J.OJO ; J10J cash. bal. $ r ,00 per mouth , or will exchange tor Inside unincum- bercd lot. Horse , buggy and harness for sale cho p. Hamilton Ilros. , liuildors , 403 S. 18th St , . . 4DU-J * 6fixG6 feet. N. E. cor. 10th .v Douglas , call or ad dress Mrs. Kuhlman , S. K.cor. llth & Vinton. ' ' 627 o2 | 7UU bargains in vacant lotsseo Huggins. "C1OH SALE Cottage nnd lot in Iledford place JO 403 I'axton block. E. C. Cooper. dSU-lO SPECIAL bargains to Investors or homo builders in Clifton Hill , Carthnco t est Curaing. Lincoln Place , Monmouth Pane and und Dellone additions. Having sole agency for the properties we hanale , can make special prices and terms to good parties. Loans on rcsiaenrn property at low rates. Wallace & IJlayney , 310 llrownlllock , 685-7 OH SALK N. E. cor. 10th and Douglas , call ' or address S. E. cor. llth uud Vluton. 527 a3 CTIOK SALE Tne owner of the se cor. Hid and * - Cumltig is now here and a special deal can bo made for n homo In the neighborhood of llemls Park. 0. F. Harrison , I'll ' N. Y. Life. rui o FOH bargains in improved farms see Hup- glns. 6SO-6t _ _ _ . .TTIOH SALE-40xl274. ! soutn front , J30U ; cheap- JL ! eat lot for the price in Omnhn. Apply on the promises , 3llli.Deratur st. 4J8-7 * riMlACKAGn property , the very best piece iu -L Omahn. tnu tgo before the llth. unparallel sn p. _ JL.\Vntermun \ , IKO Paxton blk. 687-73 , buys a neat 4-room cottage IH miles $ from P.O. : Center near SOtU ; lot 3x1 CO D a Patterson. filS N. Y. Life. 414 TTHVE room cottages. $1,600 each , 3100 ca JP down , balance 811 oer month. Thos. F. Hall , ail Paxton block. ! I70 O EST ranches in NabrasKa to trade , from 7 0 JtJtoi..OJO Acres each. HOom OJ2 , N. Y. Life. 6736 NOTICE to Investors Wo will receive bids for the purchase of our business property , l.'KIS Farriam street , known ns the east 2 feet of lot 7 , block 12J , up to April the llrst , next : owners reserving the right to reject any or all bids. I.ehmami & IInnsen. care of John II. F. Lehmann. tci4 So nth nth Street. 54 ! ) SPECIAL Uargaln A very elegant east front property. No. KJO Georgia avenue , with a llnt > it-room modern residence with every con venience , iucluJlug gas tlxtures , sewer con nections , handsomely decorated , and In fact n gem of a home ; owner going to leavn the city. This property must be sold ny March 1st ; for prlco and terms see me. If you have any in tention ot buying and wanta nice place , this will suit you. D. V. Sholes Co. 2111st Nat'l bant. 485 MONMOUTH 1'ark lots at low prices ; motor line , church , schools , all convenient. Neat flvo-roora cottagei nt J1.700 , Sl.NlO. $ . , :10J. : $1. IUJ on ency terms. Values are steadily advancing in this addition. Wallace & niayney , 310 llrown Hlock , 6SV7 FOU SALE East front7room hou o , full lot. good nelgnborhord. $2,2JO. O. F. Harri son. Ull N. Y. Life. 93 7 & Westerflfld.real estate , S.Omaha. ' lul LIST your property with II. E. Colo. 3C7 BAHOAIN IJaKcr place , house ana lot * 1'luO easy terms ; noxlo ) ft ; 3 houses. r > , U and 0 rooms , full lots , less than cost. Cash or trade. Address or call on owner. E. U. Merrill , 44th and Seward st. Walnut Hill. WD-ui 18J TTIOIt SALE Very cheap , no trade * , farm of JL ; 543.70 acres HOC. 5. 12. N 0 W. Hamilton coun ty , Neb. ; 2miles from Marauetto. small house , stable , 3tn acres of pasture fenced , living water , prlco only 810 per aero , S5,4J7.il' ' ) , one-third 1-ua crop Included , Terms J-YJOO cash , balance C per cent interest. F. 1C. Atitliw , owner , railroad building , Denver , CoU 3iiH TpOI' SALE-fSOO will Buy lot 50x120 In Omaha J- View , one block from motor Hue , nicely on grade. Lots in this addition are worth 81,000. and the above prlco Is open for a short tltno only. H. E. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 309 A SMALL payment douu and $15 per month will buy'a 4-room house and lot on IP'h , two blocKs from motor ; first-clang chunce to acquire a home on easy term * . Apply to H , E. Cole , Continental block. _ 272 I710H SALE or trade A good clean nardwar , JL ? stock. A good blacksmith and wagon shop with too is and stoce. A good bank having an established business , Two good rosldoc" < )3 , A good drug and jewelry stock on easy terms , AddroasXUflua. 2W6 * _ SPECIAL bargatn-Hest lot In Hillside No. I. Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap. C. A. Ool- luril , owner , Kearney , Neb. ! Wm2.'J LINCOLN P1 C8 an ! Cartiiajs lot * price f I.OOQ , fiO down , balance } I5 monthly. W. USslby , IU II. i 3rl , _ _ _ _ _ "IBOUSALRor trada for Omaha property , 210 X' acres of good laud partly under cultivation , near Grand Island , euiiulro West & Frltsaher , lOSNUrhst. 511 iu7 * _ FOH SALE or Trado-Improvod farm of aw acroa in ( Joiper county , Neb. , nix mlleo from Oxford uud II. A M. railroad. AUUrcsa J. H. Shaw , 4023 Hamilton struct , Omalm. 0'fl mO TEAVENWOUTH street lots. pnc 81.100 , 8VJ JUlown. bqlancq $15 inouthly , W. L. Selby. . W , lloarxl Trudo , ( Kl Diusdlu Ion. \iitini * . Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned dissolved partnership by mutual consent. Hemmer lira * . , will coutmuaou tnu corner * th and Fiiriiamatreetsnud Corner IHthand t'harlos utrents , who "ill collect nil debts duo nnd pay all liabilities for the abovu ( .torts oily. 11 t'chonberser will comtnuo at Htll l-nrnum St. . and hu will pay all accounts for the sui ! Htore and pay all bills for the said HWKnniam uireot only. J.HOMMIUI. SAM BOMMI.H. * Ul5d7t * ,11. HCMONUlillOUIl. * ( | ) nl8 Tor Iniuibcr. Pealed proiiosals for ftirnlsblug Douglas county with lumbrr for tha year nudlng loiw. will bo reilvcd ! nt the oiUco of thu county clerk until noon of Saturday. March 1Mb. ItftM. Hpt-cl- llcattoni and HI/US required cuu be oblulnud at the olllcuot county clc. ' . A rurtilled check for $ -'VUimuft accompany e.,1 ! ! bid , ' ) Uo Coinmls- s'ouor4 resrrra tuo right to reject any or all blilH. Daled Oiudhn , March Int. ISM. uildllt P. 0'MALi.Br. Qmnty Clerk. RAILROADTIME CARD. I CIlieAOO.lil IUTNOTON A y. I Attires Omaha. | Depot 101 li anil Mft nn " jOmnlm _ .1.U p m . , thlc o Vrotlhtile Tu | 3 a rii Oli nm , , . .Chicago Ktprrim , . i fUli p in 915pm . . . . . .Chicnito Klpro-n . . I K .11 n m JJO p m limn l cMnlercopt _ ( < iitnlij' . . . 111.39 m "LmTeTliTniUNIJTO.V A .M ( , HIVKIL [ Arrive * Oninhg. I lK'tlmii | nnil .Manon ltjyf u i Oinalm , luu'inm , , .l ) 'iivcr Ve llbiitii7 : | > ro . , s.m p in SCO a ni . .Iln'tlnn A Conronlln U > rrtl. ' H.IJ p 111 G.5.X p m . . Denver Kipre * * I l , U a m Leaves I "C'lllCAUO. II. I ft I'Al'lKU' . ! Atrlres Jhnalia. | tf. I > . depot , Ivtli n < 1 "ft t. " > p m Night Ki | > re' . . , . . , . i HOJnin I'.IS a in . . .Allnnlla ixprc" : . . . . . . . . I ll.'Ji p m p ni . _ .VeMlliuJa Llmltxl. . . .j OjBa m Xcnroi . . . . .vtrilRCNOIlTHV Omalm. u.iI'-JlcP < ! i-10Ll1 i"l U15 n ra | , , , . * , , .Chlcnfto Kvprp n. 4 30 p ml .Vpstltiule Limited. ( US p m | ( Lv. ex. Hat ) Mull ( Ar. ex.MonjI il'J ) p ni llnMcrn Flyer A SU17 , " A HTT l'Al.'U | Omnhn. IF. IV depot , loth and MnreyJ tiiJ 1ft n ml , , . , . . , , .CIilravo Mnll . , , I C.CI ) p ml . . , „ . . . .Clilcnk'o Kxprri * , . . . , . . . | IU.n m O.XfAHA AST.LOUI . " I _ \J. \ l tlejwt , lutli nnd .Mnrcf Pts I J.1J | > ra ) , . .77st. IiOidji I'Biiiinn llnll MHIU.V CITY A PACIKIl' . " I AVrlvcs Ulij depot , luUiniirt _ .Miircy * i . \ Oiiinlii. I. . . .sflimx t'ltv IMMeiiKer. . , . . I1U05 i p m . . _ . .St. I'nul KxprrsK . , ' HU ; .V"C1TV A PACIFIC. I. 1MI ; anilXX'olMti'rS _ < t < : h HU I'll u I Lluiltcrt . . . .I Leaves P. , K. A.MO. VAI.IjUY Omnlm. ItnTnTiii . . . . . " . .Illnck HUH Kxptets. . . . " , r'M p in U HO n m . . .Uniting Kxp. ( Kv.Suiulny ) . . , r'ju p m 6.1U p m . .XX'ntK'O A Lincoln Pit * piiKi'r , , 1U.20 n in 6.10 p m . .YiitK.yXnrfolk (1JT. ( HnmlMy ) . ] 0j.lla in " " " " Ijcavea" U , T. I'"JI. A. O. Atrlrci Umnlin. Ilcpot 15th and XX'cbiu-rSti. Omaha. SOU n ml , . .Slonx t'ltr Ad'ommotlatluii , . , 1U5 p m 1.0(1 ( p m . .SloutCltr ixpn : _ ' < ( ir. : Sun. ) . . 1AI p m 45 p m . bt. 1'nul Limited . II.30 a m i ; : > 5 n ni . .Florence I'aiKonKer ( ) : x..Sun ) . . 8.15 n m 5.15 p in . .Florencn rnsscniter ( llr. Sim ) . . 0 w p m leaves I MISSOUllI 1'ACIKIC. Arrives Omnlm. I Depot IMh amiVe | ler Stj. _ fu.iO a in.bt. | J-oult A K. IX Kxpn s , . , , ! ' J pro n UXIOX PACIKlO-aUHUUllA.N TRAINS. Tliene trains nlso stop at Kith. > 7th , aith nnil 24th streets. Summit nnd Savldga Cros'lnK. 'NVorklnx- iiicn's trains do not run taundujr. t \.to \ t. BT5 . H47 700 ( i.15 IK , iun 7.20 fiM 7.25 5 55 7.45 7.40 7.3i 80. ) 7.20 8.12 .15 82J 7 05 b. : ( JO 8.45 8 35 8.5. 827 9 (13 ( 815 807 7.55 ' .M 9 15 V 35 952 927 lUUi B.1S 907 855 S50 I'M I'M PM I'M PM I'M I'M I'M PJ1 PM PM ' 305 3.12 3.25 ' ,1-3(1 4.35 427 405 407 4.25 355 4JO 4.15 5.35 527 505 5.15 507 525 4 55 5 50 11.10 6.45 ( i 35 5 52 U.-J7 0 $ > 0.15 0 12 I ! 07 6.25 5 55 B.30 5 50 C.45 . . . . B52 . . . . 7.05 7.15 . . . . | 7J)7 ) fi 55 . . . 1150 Leaves I CHICAGO , n. I. ! c 1'ACIKIC. I Arrives Transfer" Union Depot , Council Plugs. [ Transfer TenvoH I K. O. , bT. JOI ! A C. H. Arrives Transfer ! Union IK'i'iit. Council lllulla. ( Transfer 1(107 ( a ml . . . .Kansas City Our Kxpreas. . . . fi 00 p ni 10.25 p m | . . Kaii iis City Xlght K-cpros * . . 0.10 a m Notion. Notice la hereby given , that the Omaha Southern Hallway Company , lias been duly in corporated undertheUn-s of the State ot Ne braska , anddooa thereon give public notice as follows : L The name of said corporation is , "Omaha Southern Hallway Compauy. " 2. The principal place of transacting Us busi ness. Is thecicyof Omaha , county ot Douglas and State of .N'obniain. 3. The general niUuro of the business to bo transacted by said corporation , is tno construc tion , operation nud maintenance of a line of railway of standard guage , and a telegrunh line in connection therewith , from the city of Omaha In said county , In n southerly direction through the counties of Douulas , Sarpy , Cusi nnd Utoe to Glen Hock , in the State of Ne braska , 4. The amount of capital stock authorised by the articles of Incorporation , la Three Million Dollars , nnd the S'tiue is to be paid us follows : An installment of ten per cent on each share of 6tockflli > ul be payable at the time of making the HUbscrlptlou , and thoreslduo thereof shall bo paid lu Much Installment and nt such time and place as may bo required by the directors of the company. ( i. The existence ot said corporation com mences on the ( Sth day of Fiibruury , A. D. IbBJ , and terminates on the Uth day of February A , D. 11BO. P. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which tne incorporation shall at any time besuuject. la Two Million Dollar ? . 7. The affairs of the corporation are to * be conducted by a President , Vice-president , Sec retary , Treasurer and General Manager. \VIUU-MS our hands this the utli day of Feb ruary , A. D. 1BW. S. II , H , (1P.OUOKO. ( SMITH. K. 0. MKIIUIAM , H. & Niuuouj K.8. llAtt < . lucorporutors. Short Ijlno ft Utah Northern llu Ixviiy Ciiinpiiii ) . Notirois hereby given that , pursuant to the articles of louKoudatlon and mjrooiiient. dated July 27th , IWi.i. tlm annual mo tumor thiibtock- ho dors of thu Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern Hallway company for tht > election of d.r cte > rn and HUCII other bmlnesans may legally lome before t.iu inei-tlng. will bo held ut tno onicuof thu company. No , 73 Main wtroet. Halt Iako City : Utah , on XVodu tduy , thu Iflth day of March , l JO , at 10 o'clock a. m. AI.KX. Jlii.LAii , Secretary , lloston , robniary jth , 16M. ttiOSin lor Sealed pniposaU for furnishing supplied for the county poor lioii.io for tnu year IHHJ. will Do ritcelvelutili t'imtclirlt's olllco until noon of Saturday , Marcu IMh , 1MJ. A rurtlllad chu k forlili.iniiilist uLCompauy ouch bid. Specifica tions for supplies can beoljtalnml at Urn county clurk'HOIIIfu , The Cnnini : iioncr'v reserve thu right to loject any orull bids. Dated Omaha , March 1st. IMU iiilclIU i'.O'MAM.KV.County Clerk , Notice , Matter ot Application of Wllhnlm Btoltonbcrg fur liquor license. Notice Is hereby givtm that XX'ilhelm Stolten borKUid upon tha iStn day pt February , A , D. ISA ) . II Itliu application to the Hoard of l-'lru and Police ( -'onimb-slom-rs of lm&Uii , for 14ciuo to u- Mult HplrltuotiM ami vinous liquors ut , KK , O > r. llth uud Hartley titrc.ets. Third wnril , Omaha , NubrasKu , from the 1st day of January , IbJU , to the Ut day of January. Itt'l. If theru bd n i ot > Jw tluu , ramnnst.-unce or pro- tout tiled within two weuka trout Fulinury 3Jth A. D. ltu . the ald lUunjio will bo graut d. &J-5 WILHLLM tttOLTKNUItlia , Applicant , ron irMnr.n-tr. s. imtu JL Service , Pine Hldge AgoncyS. Dakota , february - ruary Sl t , 1 M. t e leil propU Indonnt "Proposal * for l.umlxr" nnu addrosstd to tn undersigned At Pine Illdgn AKeucy. Hhannoa Co. , H. Daiota , will be received nt thl * Agency until one o'clock of.Mnrch 17th , isxi. for ftiruMh Inn for and dcltrtrlng t this AKPIICT. nlwut thr * hundred thousand teototns orlou lumber , a full description ot which may b obtained hr npullcallou to the uudrTslgnnl. Illddrrx wilt bo required to Mata In their bids the proposed prlie of rarh variety of lumber to bi > olfcrod for delivery under u Con tract . Ea h bid must be accompanied by a cert fled check or draft upon some I'liltf-d iUittc * Do- poiltury , made piynblntntnu order nt tnu un- iler Iitaud foratleo.it flVEp-r r < ni of thu am- omit lit the proposal , \vhluh rlierk or draft wilt lieforfplfMltolhe rnlt l Mates In r io any bidder cr bidders receiving nil an ard shall tail t o promptly oxocnto a contract with good and nilllclcnt surliUtofntliflnMMito bo returned to the bidder U. 1) . UAI.LAOHKH , U. S. Indian agent. fSJdi.t . This Is to certify that thn Nebraska Cenlf.il Hallway company desire * nil Increnso ot it * uu- t Iirlicd capital stiwk from onn million dollar * to four millions ftvi > huudrud thousand dollars. nnil that such Incruato and the making anil publishing of this certificate , nud the filing thereof with tha secretary otstatoottho otAto ot NebrasKa , hai boon duly authorized by tno holders of the mijorlty ot the capital stock of the Nenraska Central Hallway company. In witness whereof , we have hurvunto signed our names nt Omaha , In the county ot Dougla * nnd state ot Nebraska , on the luth day of An- Klisr , 18N . JOHN A. M'rfltANE. OEOHOEC. HAHNUM , President. Secretary. I Corporate 1 i Seal. \ Dtruclorn n XVILLIAM L. ADAM ? . , . . - . . HKNJAM1N J. MOHH13. Slate ot Nebraska , Douulns county , us : llofore me , a notary public in and for said Douglas county , personally came the abov named John A.fc.Shane , Oeorgu U llivrnuru. John H. Dnmont. XVIIllam L. Adams and lion- Jamln J. Morris , known to mo to bo tbo Ident ical porsont who signed the forogolnp ; Instru ment , ami severally r > cknowli > dged the said In strument to bo their voluntary act and dnoa. for the uses and purposes therein set fulth. 1 n witness whereof , I hav hereunto signed tny name und alllxed my olllclnlsenl , nt Omaha. Douglas county , NebrasKa this I'Jth day of An- gUft,18 < 9. XV. C. 1VKS , J Notarial ( Notary Public. 1 Seal. I 1'obSdOJ t.mor Oucaa on rssara durinn JL veiterdnr. F D llrown ot alto. T A Johnson , lot4 , blkJi. Drake's add , w d . f 3,500 A (1 Charlton and wife to J E Lowes , lot 13. blk4. Instltuto Place , w d . 4M South Omnha Lund Co to (5 XV XVoods , lot 6 , blk MJ , South Omaha , w il . 510 South Omaha Land Co to U XX * Woods , lot 1. , blk 133. South Omaha , wd . 540 Frame HiMaberry to XV L Solby. USxlSJ in nw no IMS-KI , rt o d . MO Abraham Uramson and wife to Henry HorthoUl , und interest In Hoffman s Terrace , w d . ( . . . l'l l J H Hudtleld to Henry llcrthold. lots 0 atulT. blel , Hudllolu'sada , w d . 8'JO V II Ollilgan to F nud P I'.occo et nl , s 3J feet lot. I , blk l l. Omaha , w d . 8,500 N J Smith to A N Smith , lot ! , N J bmith's Place , w d . 1.00) F 0 Hugan to U E HarKer. lot 17. blk 1" , sitbof J 1 Hodlck's add , deed . 50 Joieph and O E Ilarker lo Ivoy 1) Jaynos. lots S U. ' , ' 4. 25 and I-'O. blK i. and lots , 7 and ) * . bit 3. Sherman a\e park , wd . . . . 1,000 South Omaha laud conip tny to Annie Dargacawskl , s H lot 10. blk IS , South Omaha , w d . 330 transfers . 8 17,411 I'crinlt.s. The following building iiormlts were 1s- stioil .vostorduy : American XX'nter XX'oiks company , ono- Ktorv addition to pumping station. Lowe and Hamilton btreot * . $ COCO XV. 8. Sorensen , oue-framo store iiuu liirn. (7nntnn anil Smith Slxtiuntll streets 1,100 , K. C. Lliglnnstlono , one and ono-hnlf- btory framu dwelling , Grtnt and Hun- over l.'iOO F. I ) . Ilsye3onn andme-hr.lf-story frame duelling. Crelghtou and Hanover . . . 1,100 John Johsou. ouu-story frame bumPark er and Thirtieth 73 A. Drmnghuo. two-story frame residence. Twenty-fourth and Tort 3,509 C. II. Mooro.t Co. , one and one-nalf-story < > frnme barnCnpltol avenue and Twenty-J u ' seventh street 100 Total JW.575 The Mn'lonn ! Capital. The City of Washington is an object of peronniul interest to all patriotic Americans. Not nlono because it is the great throbbing heart of the mightiest und grandest republic the earth has over known , but also on account of its material nmgniticeticc. All Americana take pride in its beautiful uvcnuos , ma jestic architecture , stately lioinns ana well stored gal lories and museums aa thingd of grandeur and beauty in tliom- selvcs , auurt from the historic interest with xvhich they are inx-ested. It is a hope and asnirntion of all ' 'Young America , " at leasttoeomo time orothor visit thn capital of his country. The Baltimore & Ohio R. U. offers unequalled facilities in aid of tliiw de sire. All its through trains botxvoon Now York , Philadelphia and Baltimore on the east , and Plttsburg , Cincinnati , St. Louis nnd Chicago on the xvost. pass through Washington. Its fast express trains are vesti- buled from end to end and heated with Btenin. Pullman's latest and best pro ductions in the xvuy of sumptuous Uraxv- inu room sleeping cars are attached to all its through trains. The present management of the B. & O. have maclo vast improvements in the last two years , and the road is today ono of the foremost passenger carrying lines in the country. Through tickets via B. & O. R. K. can bo procured at nil the principal ticketolllccs throughout the United States. _ A Ilovnliitlonary I'owtlnr Horn , Charles F. Rockwell of this place has an ancient jiowdor horn which has ati interesting history. His grandfather , Jabez Rockxvoll , was a revolutionary soldier , having enlisted iu the conti nental army at the ago of 10 , aavs a Ilonesdalo , Pa. , dispatch to the Noxv York Sun. The regiment ho xvns in was recruited in Connecticut under the direction of Benedict Arnold. lie fought under Arnold atSaratogaxvhnro ho was xvoundod. After recovering from his wound lie was transferred to the di vision of the army under Wash , ington and Lafayette. lie was among thu hardy patriots who suffered in the terrible winter quarters nt Valley Forgo. The vicissitudes of the cam paign had resulted in the losing by n largo number of the soldiers of their powder horns. From the heads ofsoino of the cattle obtained by foraging about Valley Forgo , the camp -butchers had saved the horns , and tnoro xvas great strife among the soldiers who had lost their powder horiiH to obtain possession of ono of these. There xvoro HI ) many applicants that no sali'sfautory di vision could ho made of thorn. Ono day , as General Washington was riding by the camp , the situation xvaa explained to him and ho was asked to suggest some way tiy which the horns could bo fairly diaposod of among the men. Ilo look a papur and wrote a num ber botwenn 1,600 and 2.00U anil said that the ton soldiers who guessed tljo nearest to that number should have the horn * . The guesses wore made. The number Washington put down was 1,770. Jaboz Rockwell was ono of ton who xvoro near enough lo thu lucky number to got n horn , Ins guuss being 1,750. Ho carried the horn through the rest of the xvnr und it is thu horn now In possession of his grundnoii. Blllru' Nitrvo i.nU I , ( nr Pill * . An Important discovery. They not on tha liver , stomach" and bowel * through tha uorves. A DOV principle. They speedily euro bllllouiueM , bad taita , torpid liver , pilei and conciliation. Hmendld for men , women and children. Buiallatt , mildest , BUrest. 00 doioi for ! U conn , Bamplea at Kuhu It Co.'i , iStti unil