Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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j i The many friends of Mr Chnrlos IT
Hendricks In this city will regret to
licnr of lils dentil , on Fobrunry 20 , at
Philadelphia , after great sulTcrlng
I'rrnnnnl I'nrnirrnpln ,
J. C , Carson of Chtulron Is nt trip Qnsoy
M D. S. Seltz of Norfolk is at the Murray
. J Hil Clarlic of Vnlontluo Is registered nt the
A. , T. Mrals of O'Neill is a ruojI At the
j Cn oy *
I A. Hnzlctt of Ucatrlco Is stoppuiR nt tlio
i Casey
I t 11. A. Chnmborlaln of at the
Chnrlos V. Wilson of Lincoln Is nt the
A. O. Mnsoii of Norfolk Is registered nt
the Casey
12 C. GotzlriEcr of rroraont Is stopping at
the Pnxton
II S McClure or ltod Onk Is stoppinf nt
the Mlllnrd
| William Winters of Kcnrnoy Is stopping
nt the lnxton
II A. Judd and wlfo of Nebraska City nro
quests at tbo Iaxton
| J. II Leader and wlfo of Chadron nro
nmotiK the gucisis nt tlio Murrny
Mrs , Prod L. Amos nnd MI93 Ames of
i lloston are among the guests at the Millard
I Pnttfir U'olli p Sick
I Tier A S. Wellor or the Missouri conference -
, enco , who wus expected to preach nt the
Trinity M. 12. church , Twenty-first nnd
Hlnnoy , yesterday morning , was dotorroJ
from so doing by sickness
j CniintllntiAmrrlcins
j The regular bl-nionthly mooting of the
I Ordnr of Canadian-Americans will bo hold
in Ccitrul hall at 8 o'clock Monday evening ,
March 3. All Canndlnns nro cordially In
vited to nttcud C. K. Mc.MoNlKS ,
I Secretary
Flornioo Jscwj
The dance given on Fobrunry 22 for the 1
bonollt of the volunteer llro company was a 1
iucccss , the uroceods amounting to 735.
These wishing to retain their dogs should
' sccuro n llcen&o nt oncu , ns the marshal has 1
been instructed to kill such as are not spent
I lug a tag
It W. Cuwan Is on the sick list '
Tlio singers nro progressjng finely with i
I their music under the instruction of Dr
j Uiown of Oniahu , who very Itindly offered I
his services
I Ilor.ry UcLnnd who was thought to bo
j past nil help , is slowly Improving
V Miss Julln Turner has returned from i
J Ulnir , where she spent a few dms visiting J
{ her old friends
j ' Tommy Dubois is in town shnicing hands
I with his many friends
A Territory to lie Opened to Omaha
t • Ily tliu Snimrior Intension
• 'It is the Uest scheme tint has been ad
vanced for the bonollt of Omaha , " said I
u 1 ' Secretary Nnson of the board of trade , ra-
Icrrlng to the proposed building of a rail
road frorn Superior , Neb , "to Uodgo City ,
Kan , connecting with the Kllthorn nt Su
perior , thus forming a direct cotnuiunica-
i i tion with Omaha
Mr Nasou was a member of the board of
trade committee that attended the meeting
ft , ot Superior on Saturday , the proceedings of
{ \ which were reported in The Su.sdiy line ,
i ' , "We met a most euthusl.istlc reception , ii
, said Mr Nason , ' and ' found u people cnthu-
jj siaElically In Iiivor ot the proposed roud to
i the Omuha live
stock and t-ouiuierclal niar-
lj kets Wo nnd not been furnished any facts
i ns to the benefit to bo derived from such u
i road and were accordingly astonished when
, they presented nn uirayof.stutistics showing
8 the weuith nnd products of the countiou '
5 through wliieh the
praposcd road will bo1
| built "
| You really think the road will bo bulltl'f
5 wan Aslted
4 i certainly uo " was tno reply , "it is
9JJJJJJJJJ bnckod by men who luvo built railroads bo-
9JJJJJJJJJ fore and they uro going into this mutter in
f the right way My own conviction 1b that
9JJJJJJJI the road will no built and will eventually bo
9JJJJJ8f extended to 111 I'nso nnd Galveston , nnd that
9JJJJJJJJi will make it all the better for Omaha The
9JJJJJJJJI proposed oxtenaion to Dodge City openBUp
9JJJJJJJf a railway through cloven fcrtilo Kansas
IJJJJJJJjf counties that arn now without competitive
IJJJJJJJ'l ' markets Then , too , it is u ro-
9JJJJH > 3 tallatory net In some respects St
J Joseph nnd Kansas City have
9JJJJJJJtf lines running into southern Nebraska and
99999991.3 Sloax City , ouo into northern Nobrasita tap
9J9JH" ping territory directly
tributary to Omaha
9 9jHp3 Tills line will give us access to some of the
H | best territory in Kansas that Is perhaps
99H'l properly speaking in thu territory of Kansas
i City and bt Joseph Superior is ono of the
99Hif most tlioroughiy eutei prising little cities 1
H over saw unu the leading people of the see
N tion nro very much in earnest over this
HPj | iroect ] , as tticy nro apparently ever every
| other plan for the development of their city
9J9JHJ nnd the utatc "
l • "Wlll'tho-countios along the proposcd-lino
9j9jH | aid the procctl" ]
9 991 § Most deeidodly The state law of Knn-
i sns authorizes the counties to vote bonds for
9J9JH5 railroads to the amount of $ .2,000 a mlle
| Each county touched will , I mn convinced ,
S vote this nic , and each town on the line will
9999B' give big bonus subscriptions besides The
8 road will bo built , and will give Omaha ao-
cess to the cream counties ot Knnsas "
HIU There wns aubmiltcd at the Superior raoet-
H Ing n statement of the resources of the eleven
H " , Kansas counties directly tributury to the
proposed line which furnishes abundant evi-
l1 denco of thu wealth oT the country to bo
i brought Into direct communication with
H/ Omaha in enso the road is built Here is a 1
Hj condensed showing of these resources , tuken
f from the Kansas state reports for 1SS0 :
Ji Jewell Couuty Population , M.OOO ; wheat ,
fi > 800,000 bushels ; corn , 8,000,000 bushels ; oats ,
H | * 1,700,000 bushels ; lie , IS.1,000 bushels : potu-
fi toes(8S.0Ml ? ! ( ( oushols ; horsoH , 15,000 ; 11,000
1 , mules ; 14,000 lows ; otlier cattle , U0.00J ;
f sheep , 2,000 ; swine , r > j,000.
1 Mitchell County Population , 15,000 , ;
1 wheat , 550,000 bushels ; corn , 4,500,000 , bush . >
f els ; oats , 1,210,1.00 bushels ; rye 1113,000
1 bushels potatoes , 142,0)0 ) bushels : O.iJOO [
B . horses ; 750 tnulos : 10,500 cows ; 22,000 other J
H cattle ; 12,500 sheep ; 21,000 swine
H • Oaborno County Population , 13.000 ;
l Wheat , SiO.C'OO bushels ; corn , 0,700,000 bush >
j els ; oats , 040,000 bushels ; rye , 2J4.00O :
bushels ; potatoes , 120,000 bushels ; 0,300 ,
H horses ; tl.000 mules ; 10.000 cows ; 20,000 other
H cattle ; 12,000 sheep ; U'TO ' swluo
H Smith County Population , 10.00J ; wheat ,
H H 210/00 ( bushels ; corn,5,300,000 , bushels ; oats , '
H 7b0,000 ; rye , 171 bushels ; potatoes , 207,000
bushels ; 11,000 horsei , UOO mules , 11,000
H t * cows , 20,500 other cuttle , 200 gUeop , 31,000
1 Kills County Population , 8,000 ; wheat ,
H 1,202,000 bushels ; eorn , 400,000 bushels : oats
M 100,000 bushels : rye , lOtl.000 bushels ; pota- i
H toes , 40,000 bushels ; 4,200 , boriics , 850 mules ,
H H 8,300 cows , 13,000 other cattle , 1,300 sheep
1,700 swine ,
H B Hush Couuty Population , 5,000 ; wheat ,
850.000 bUBhels ; corn , 400,000 bushels , oats
i 8b,000 , bushels ; rye , 74,000 bushels ; potatoes i ,
j 20IjOO bushels 3,100 dorses , 215 mules , 3,000 • .
j j cows , 7,200 other cattle , 600 stieop , 1,400
twiuo ,
i Kussoll Couuty Population , 7,000 ; wheat ,
B 620,000 bushels ; corn , busholsoats ; ,
H 105.000 bushels ; rve , 277 bushels ; potatoes ,
H 71,000 bustiols ; 5,300 horses , 305 mules , 0,200 ; "
H cows , 17,000 other cattle , 7b00 sheep , 3,400
I'ord County Poi htion , 7,000 ; wheat
V 47.0M busUola ; corn , 370,0 < )0 ) ; ; i ,
Ki3.000 bushels ; rye , ' . ' J.OOObuihelb ; potatoes ' ,
01,003 biuheli ! 2,700 horses , 425 mules , 33,000
HBl cowb , 0b00 other cattle , 250 sliceu , 2,000
HBlH U.irton County Population , 13,000 ; wheat ; t
H 2,070,000 bushels ( corn , 1,1)50,000 ) bushels ;
W oats , 300,000 bushels : rye , 233,000 bushels :
f potatoes , 61,000 bushels ; 7,000 horses 800
I mules , 7,200 cows , 17,500 other cattle , 2,303
sheep , 8,000 swmo
Ness County Population , 0,000 ; wheat ,
H 155,000 bushels ; corn , 400.000 bushels ; oats ,
H * 24,000bushels ; rye , bO.000bushels ; potatoes
17WW bushels : 4,000 horses , 320 mules , 4,500
H H 'coiv , tl.COU other cattle , 500 sheep , 11,000 , >
JlQdgman County Population , 4,000 , It
H wheal , UO.tWJ bushels : corn , 10,000 bushels > ;
H oat , VAIXX ) bushels ; rvo , , 32,000 busbfls ; pa
D taUMM , ] 2UX ) bushels ; 2HXhorsos , 250jnues ! ,
R • ,709 WW * , 0,700 other cattU , 5,000 alieep , JW )
HHJ 9wl v
m ' * \ at \ < it the Ulorcu Couutioa-Populutlou | l
113,000 ! wheat , 011,000 nores , 0,744,000
bushelsj corn , 037,000 acres , 20,0 ) ,000
bushels ; onts , 127.00H arres , 5,204,000 bushels ;
rye 7r ! ) , > C0 ncrcs , 1,070,000 bushels } potatoes ,
10,000 1 acres 1,003,000 bushels ; sorghum ,
W.7J0 acres , value , t , 43,000 | 10,1)50 ) pounds of
broom corn : 73.200 horses , 23,055 mules ,
7i j > ,200 cows , 109,700 other cattle , 44,050 sheep ,
135,000 , swlno •
Dr.Utrnoy.prnctlcollmitoil to catarrh
al diseases of nose nnd throat Dee bldfj ,
Ilov j Clnrles W. SavIiIko A llscs Vt
How lo Slept TIioiii
Ilov ChnrlosV. . Savldgo dollverod a ser
mon ' nt llovd's opern house last night The
text ' was : I Corinthians , 10 13 : There
hath 1 no temptation taken you but such ns Is
common ( to man ; but God is faithful , who
will not suffer you to bo tempted above that
ye ; nro able ; but will with the temptation
] make n way to escape , that yo may bo able
to ) boar It "
Our subject this evening ta Temptations ,
nnd How to Moot fhem "
Temptations nro common to men They
nro ] common to nil Temptations should not
bo reenrdod as ndlsgraco nor dishonor , nor
ns i a misfortune , but ns n God pcrmittod
proving ! Iudcod , ns Christians , wo nro told
to < count It nil Joy when wo fall into mault
fold temptations " God honors his children
when ho can count on them so far ns to put
thorn ! to the proof , It is real
gold ] , not tinsel , that Is put Into
the lire , Jesus himself was sorely tempted ,
llutthnt wilderness exporionoo made him
nil i the moro my sympathizing Savior And
now I Know what the Holy 'Splrlt means by
the words : "ror wo have not an High
Priest which cannot bo touched by the feel
ings ot our Infirmities , but was in all points
tempted like ns wo nro , yet without Bin "
Job and Daniel nnd nil the Old Testament
worthies passed through the Heated furnace
of trial
The storms of temptation beat upon the
iiend of the little child Just beginning to tot
tor nlong life's pathway And the nged
man with his whlto huir and bent form must
ever Bing
Fight on my soul till death
bhall claim thee for his own
Hell tnko thcu at thy parting breath ,
To his dlvino abode ,
Mon who nro devoutly rollglous who pass
for saluls are not lot tilono by the enemy of
Tboro wns n man in Egypt who had a violent -
lent temper , so bo ran away from his homo
into n monastery where be thought ho would
bo frco from incentives to anger Hut there
ho was frequently irritated by the ether
moults who , unintentionally , gnvo him nn-
noj unco Ho determined to escape wholly
from tbo society of man , the said bo , "I can
not give wny for I never shall be tempted , "
So ho took with him mi earthen bowl out of
which to drink nnd hid himself in the desert ,
One day bo was fetching water from the
spring and ho upset the bowl ; bo dlppod
again , but ns lie was ' going bis foot triimed
and again the water was ! spilt ; a third time
ho tilled it , but his band shook and hu over *
turned it ns before Then flaming into n 1
passion ho dashed the bowl ueainst a stone 1
and shivered Itto fragments When his anger
hud eoolod down ho exclaimed , "Oh fool that
I am how can I escape the tomptatlon
which Is in mv nature ) If I have not men
lo bo ungri with I mgo nt nn earthen bowl " '
And some of the moat terrible totnptations >
come to the soul in thu hour of death That
sainted mau Key Josepn Alleino , had , Just
before his death , n Bore tonfiict with Sutan ,
in which ho exclaimed , Away thou foul :
Mono , thou enemy of mankind I Art thou l
come now to molest mo , now I am just going :
now I am so woalc nnd death upon mo I
Trouble mo not , for I am none of thine ; I I
am the Louls ' Christ is mine and I am his ,
bis by covenant I huvo sworn myself to bo 1
the Lords ; therefore , be gone ! "
All about us the tried and tempted ones
are waging these florco battles Life is full
ot peril It is not half 80 porll-
oua to die ns it is to live
Kvcry uro , must grow up amid
unfriendly and opposing influences ; some of
them , subtle nnd insidious like the miasma
in the air , nnd some of them florco nnd wild
like j the blast of the storm or the rush of
buttle Satan never gives up a soul without
a struggle
. Does any ono ask why these temptations
. are sent ) God evidently designs this life ns
J testing time The trial of jour faith is
more j precious than gold " God himself
I points to ono ot the great companies of the
Buved and says : "rti030 have come up out
of , great tribulation mid washed their robes
nnd , made them wblto in the blood of tbo
Lamb "
This ia Gods method of growing
character Hut our text saya : God
will with the temptation nlso
make , , a way to escape " Hut this is true
God only promises protection and help to His
. children How can Ho help these who are
lighting against Him I
SHSulTer ! some words of counsel which I bo-
liovo our Heavenly rntlior will approve
In the hour of temptation think of the ro-
suit The mind is never moro clear than when
about j to consent to wrong doing I have known
_ thatiii _ tbo _ past byexperience I bavo seen
the ; results and Bbunndd ttio precTp"lo s ; Tlnr
moment wo venture to the dangerous edge
in order to grasp some forbidden flower or
j fruit , the head grows dizzv nnd wo lose our
bnlunco ; in that moment wo really have no
claim on God to keen us from from falling
any more than David had when ho leaned
ever the proclplco of lust Think of the re-
suit and keep far away from tlio brinlc ,
Study your weak points nnd govern yourc
self accordingly 1 hero nro mon in this city
who cannot carry money In the pockets and
walk soourely Then , I say , rccognlzo this
und place younuonev in tbo care of another ,
Do not go where you will bo unduly tried ,
"Go not in the way of ovll mon " I know
moro than one man who has fallen because
ha thought hlmsolf strong enough to broatbo
the nlr of sin Uun from the sin that has
been your ruin
Kualizu and bo' able to nppropriato the
dlvino help Jesus bas : " 1 give unto them
eternal lifuand they shall never perish , and
no man is able to pluck thorn out of My
Fathers hand , " "I huvo praiod for tlieo that
thv fnltli fall not " Claim these wonderful
promises If you am Gods child and realize
the divine presence
A man is as atroug ns the person or thing
ho hitches to
Then resist the devil by every moans
Hosist the dovll by flying to Const for sal
vaticn and help KcsiRt him by the force of
nn Iron will unit tbo assertion of evorv
spark of manhood you possess Daniel
Webster was once asked If hs | opinion on an
Important subject had changed Ho replied
Look toward Hunker lull iu tbo morning
und notloe wncthor in the night tbo inonu-
ment has walked into the sea "
You should bo as firmly grounded In the
right ns this
Hosist blm by the constant use of the
grandest weapons , namely , the word of
God and prayer , 1 never saw a man fall ,
who faithfully used these moans I am told
that a chemist can dip his hand unharmed
Into hot lead If be first immerse the hand in
a certain acid
Iurgoyou , too , tnconiuer , | byfalth Atlmld 1
travelers route once lay among the Alps
The way was no broader thau.u mule path ,
and it skirted n dizzy proclplco She found j '
it eufost to shut her eyes nnd not attempt to
guide the com au of the well trained beast
Ho there did times when the weary nnd
tempted traveler heavenward closes his eyes
to nil about hlui and simply commits his way
to God
There are great rewards for you It you
overcome The roii'cinusnoas of bnving
douo rlghtis u rowurd of thu highest order
' 1 hen there will be Gods word of approval
aud the crown of life
Dentil or J. SI MoUluro
Mr , J , M , MeClure , travolmg passenger
agent of tuoMllwaukoo with hcadQuartors
In this city , died at U10 ; yestocday morning
at bis residence Twenty-sixth and Pierce
strcots , of quick consumption , after an 111-
ucfj of only three weeks His ago was
tnirty.slx years , and tie loaves a wife and
daughter ,
The deceased had beiin connected with the
Mllwaukeo ubout six years , and was ono of
the most ' efficient und widely popular of rail
At 10 o'clock this morning tbo business
atsoolates and friends of the decerned will
confer at the Milwaukee office , Fifteenth
aud Furnwo rtrMte , rewarding soma fitting
action as to lb * ( tail * of their highly w-
tmsavl tri u < L . .
How NelirnBkn Hogulntcs nntl Con
trols tlio Iiliiior | Traflls
The "hlah llconso" law of Nebraska
known ns the 'Slocumb law , provides :
Sea 1. lho county board may grant
licenses j upon the petition cf thirty resident
freeholders of the precinct where the snlo ot
liquor j is proposed , nnd Retting forth that the
applicant is a man or rcputablo character
nnd n resident of the stnto The application
must bo accompanied by any sum which the
board may require not less than $500.
See 3. No ncllon shall be taken on the ap
1 plication tilt notice hns boon published for nt
least 1 two weeks in the paper in the county
having 1 the largest circulation !
Sec 8. If n rcmonstrnnco Is filed the
board shall appoint a day for hearing , nnd If
it bo shown that the applicant has violated
the license law within a yonr , or If uny
former j llecnso has been rovukod for n mis-
dciuonuor the board shall refuse him a
license '
Sec , 4. There is nn appeal from the li
cense bonrd to the district court
Sec fi The liconio sh ill bo for not moro
than t ono year for n specified place nnd Is not
transferable I nnd may bo revoked whonovcr
the ' law is violated
Sec.0. The applicant shall give a bond of
$5,000 , with two good sureties , which may
bo | sued upon by any peison injured by tbo
selling or giving away of liquor by the sa
loonkeeper 1 or his agent
Sec 7. No person can bo surety for two
Sec S A flno of $ .25 for each offonio Is
provided , for selling lo persons under twen-
ty-ono years of ace
Sec 0. A minor who misrepresents his
ngo ' is liable to n line of $ ' 0 und thirty days
m Jail
hoc 10 Selling to Indians , drunkards or
Insane | people is punisbablo by a line of $50.
See II For selling without a llcenso
there ] is a line of not less than $100 nor more
than I5UQ. or ono months ' imprisonment mid
the party so selling is liable In the same way
ns , If ho bad given bonds
Sec 12. Magistrates Issue warrants for
violators ' of the law as In rases of folonv and
bind ' over after examination
See 13. There Is a flno of $100 for selling
or ( glvinir awnv adulterated liquors
bee 14. Selling or giving away on Sunday
or i election day is punisbablo by a line of
See 15 , The saloonkeeper shall pay all
dnmigcs ( to the community or individuals
by reason of such traftle nnd Bhall support
nllpaupors , widows and orphans nnd the ex
pense of nil civil and criminal actions grow
ing out of such trnfllo
Soc.10. Any married woman may collect
for all damages done her and her children
Sec 17. When a person has become a
county or city charge from intemperance a
suit inny bo brought ngninst any ono in the
habit ot furnishing him liquor , and he in his
turn mny recover a proportionate part from
any others
bee IS In a suit fur damages it is only
neLOsary to provo that the defendants solder
or gnvo liquor to tbo poison whose acts or
injuries nro complained of
See l'J , Suit may bo biought before a Jus-
tieo or tbo peace
Sec 2d. AH lines go to the school fund , and
the complaining witness shall get from tbo
general fund an amount equal to ono fourth
of the amount collected
See 24. Pormlts may bo granted to drug
See 25. In corpoiato cities and villages
the llcenso shall bo not less than $ * > 00 In
cities under 10,000 population and not less
than $1,000 in cities over that population
Thoeouncil U tlio license board and all other
provisions of the act apply
See 20. Druggists must keep a record of
liquors sold under a penalty of from $20 to
Sec 27 , Any purckaset making n false
stateinorit ns to the purpose for which liquor
Is bought is liable to a flno of $10 for the tirst
offense and $20 for the second ?
See 23 Any person found intoxieatod is
liable to n tine of $10 and costs ,
Sec 20. Saloonkeepeis nro not allowed to
obstruct , the view of their window * with
scrcons at doors or windows
Soc , 31. Treating Is prohibited
Ssc 32. The person offering or nccoptlne
a treat is liable to a line of $10 or ten days
in ( r Jail
_ _ - _ _ _
It hus boon decided by some of the
BtoclcholdoM of the Coliseum building
association to hold a meeting1 at the
olllco ; of Grooti & Williams , First Nat
bank building , Monday , March 3 , at 10
o'clock , to which all interested are in
vited Charles J. Snoll , M. H. Green ,
J. E. Ebersolo , J. A. Fuller , Tames A.
Woodman , H. B. Irey , George W. llol-
brook ] , M. F. Soars
Ono of the large Sunday audiences ped
culiar to the Grand signalized the close of
Pat Hoonoy's season last night , 'lho piece
created the same enthusiasm which charac
terized the presentation on Inst Friday nnd
Saturday , notwithstanding that Mr Hoonoy
waB suffering from a heavy cold and that his
wlfo hud , shortly before the rise of the cur
tain , learned nf tlio death of her sister , Miss
L'mma Abrends , in Now York The sad in-
telligonce bad u serious effect upon the star
himself , who , however , bore up bravely
under bis dual nffllclIoTr- ; -
Dentil ol M. J. Jolinnnes
MJ Johannes , one of tbo pioneer jewelers
of this section , died at noon Saturday at
tbo ntro ot fifty-seven , nfter an Illness of
about five years Mr Johannes came to this
city In 1871 and located at the northeast
corner of Fourteenth und Dodge streets ,
where ho conducted a manufacturing
Jewelry j , business uutll 1878 , at which
time ho went cast Iu about
tlireo years bn toturned to Omaha and
Iu i 18S4 was taken sick He never recovered
from his illness The body was taken from
tlio bouse of his son , Charles Johannes , 1114
South Twenty-eighth street , by Covert
ledge 1 , A. F. and A. M , of which the de
ceased . wus a member It was cqnvoved to
St } Hiunahas church , corner of Nineteenth
and California strcots , where the funeral
service wns conducted by Hov , John Will
iams i The body was escorted to the grave
by Covert ledge , where the burlul service
waB cead by Hov Williams
A Hold Assertion
Davy Coykctulnll , Hocla , S. D. , says
Ohamboflnhi's } Cougn Remedy Is the
bust 1 medicine ho ever bundled , As ho
lteops 1 ever twunty di lie rout medicines
for f coughs mid colds iu stock at his
drug store in Hocla , this is a bold abor
tion , but is undoubtedly true
Till DnnlHti Masqucrad" .
The eighteenth annual mnsquerado ball of
the I Danish association occurred ut Wash
ington 1 hall Saturday evening , Tbo ball was
gaily decorated nnd the vnnegated costumes
ot the maskers harmonized with the sur
roundings Tlio masques were numerous
and ' unusually elegant , the usual characters
being represented O. It Nelson officiated
as master of ceremonies and the following
constituted the commlttoo of arrangomeuts :
J. ' Muthleson 11. Jacobson , A. Scliouboo S ,
Neblo , P , Tolstrup und O , H. NoUon The
uiusie was a lending feature , there being
. *
twonty.flvo piecesund tbeir playing was
most excellent .
Will bo paid to any competent chemist vho will
Cud , ou nualydf , a pirttdo of Usrcury , I'otmb ,
er other poboni la Swifts Spetlflc ( a 8. B. ) '
Ilcnietdon , Tex , Aug S3 , 1339. For eigh
teen months I had ao eating sore oa my toagaa
I was treated by the best local pbyglcLms , bat
obtained no relief , the eoro gradually giovrbig
Trotse I concluded finally to try 8.6.8. , and
was entlaly cured after \u\a3 \ a few bottles
Ton have my cheerful permission to r > abll h tha
above Etatemcnt for the benefit of thcxi lUslUuly
afflicted " O. B. UcLeuore , IIcaderaouTcx
Treitlto oa Blood and Skm SiicaaeEwnaUcd frco
M.TJ1J.SrTf' iiB n ( iif l9 r ° ; ' " > nU- fly
HMr Hf ri KijlHai
IS not only afdiltrcsslngcomplaint , of
Itself , but , bf cntislng the blood to
become depraved and the system en
feebled , is that parent of Iniiutnernblo
maladies , That Aycr'a SarsnpnrlUn
Is the best curorfor Indlgistion , even
when complicated w 1th Liver Complaint ,
Is proved by the following testimony
from Mrs Joseph Lake , of llrockway
Centre , Mich :
Liver coinpltint nnd indigestion
mndo my llfo a burden nnd came near
ending my oxNtcnco For moro than
fouryonrs t sudorcd untold agony , was
reduced almost tnaskclctnn , nnd hardly
lintl strength to drag injself about All
kinds of food distressed me and only
the most delicate could bo digested at
all Within the time mentioned box oral
iih > slclniiH treated 1110 without giving re
lief Nothing tint I took seemed to do
any permanent good until I commenced
tlio use of Ajer's Sirsnparllln , which
hns produced uondciful lisulls Soon
after commencing to tnko the Snrsap.v
rllla I ronlil see nn Improvement In my
condition My appetite began to return
nnd wltli It eiuuo lho ability to digest
all the food taken , my strength im
proved cneh ilaj\ and after n few
inontht of faithful attention to jour
directions , I found • myself a well
Mnmnn , nblo to attend to nil household
duties , The meilkine has given mo a
new lease of life "
Ayers ' Sarsaparilla ,
rniririED nr
Dr J. O. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
Trice * 1 ; six bottles , * 5. Worth * * i a bottle
ms butts asm I
MMt'AiivtM Kthket , Ohaha , Nhb
( Opposlto Paxton HoteL )
Onoo hears , yn rrutosp m. Sundnyi 10& . m to
hpocinlieti ta Chroalc , Nervous , Skin and Blood DI-
CJ"CoD ultRtlon nt offlco or by mall free Medl *
clnes sent by malt or express , securely vacked , free
from observation Umrautecft to euro quickly , iafo-
ly nnd permanently
8loim. rnyileal docay.orlElnK from luJlscretlon , ux >
pessor IntSulKonco prodticltKr sleppleinow dospofi *
dency , pimples on thattwa , tie lun tOBoctety , erwlly
dlxconrogea , lack ofcon'ldence dull untH fur study
or boslnesB , nni ) llndftlirL a bunion , f-afoly. perman
ently and prl7AtoIy curoJ Cousult Dm Liotti St Uotts ,
liuy Farnaui btreot Omaha , Neb
Blood and Skin Disease SStfe'baiisu
results , completely ermltciitud vrlUiout tue aid of
mercury Scrofula * ry > lpolai fever m > ron , hlotchoa
ultcra | palnalntho henn and t > one , syphttltlc flora
ibroat , moutU and louxuo catnrrh , cto , pormaacntly
cured where others twre fal en * * •
Kidney Urinary i raWiSeJit" '
quentburnlnzortiloody urine , artnn hteb colored of
with milky nodlment on utanilD3 , weak biclc , uonorr
htea < Bleet , cystitis , via Promptly and safely cured
charRes reason able
nioral fiomplcto without cutting , caustic ordination
Lure ' * efTociod nt boom by patient without n moments
; ,
pain or annoyance
To Tonne Men and Middlc-Aied Men
AQTTDD jl HflDD tea awful etrecta of e rlf
OUllD bUnlj
Vice , which brlnRi orpanto
woRkneas , dottroylnzbotli mm < l and boilr , Willi ill
tsdieadoil 111. , pi > rmntu > rHlr curml
MPPTITin D Address tlioo wUo have im-
DDllu paired themselves l > y lmpropor
tndiiliieQces anil and .olltnr ? habits , uhlch rum botb
mdy nod mind , unHttlng tliam for business , itudr or
marrlugu : s.
, Maiiuied M , or tbeso , ntcrlnr on that hapuy
tle , aware of pbrslclal dcbtlltr qulclilr niintvd
fs , based upon facts , first practkal experience , boc-
oinl-cvory case Is cBpoclRlIy studied , thus startlns
arltbt , third medicines nro prepared In our own la *
batory exactly to suit eaclicuso , thus ufftcUug cures
without Injury
, Clf"ifndi tents postage for celebrated works on
cbronlc ; , nervous nnd delicate dMcaso * Thoui < tn1s
cured nfA friendly tetter or Ciill n ay rave you fu
ture . * Rutfertnfcnndshanie , andaddRoiden years to Hf4
(71X0 letters answered untess accompanied by 4
- tents : In stamps Address orcall on _
BR . HtiTTS & JBETTtf ,
- PHi HEE9 nBllvi
P fllyl'ivMjO'nsralondHEaVOUO U BILITyt
KJJllJn If"53liWeakneuHor BodyandMiud , Llitct ,
Uotu.l KiSMSi , Doll UilflJjof n.NlKinll Errors fnllr or llclnd ExreMMln llo Older lo rclnri Young nJ
blr/ciikfnltK . . > ( , . L\ri.ii.uirluuijlss ; lMlilsliir ) lll > XH IMUlNHM-nratCK .
IU U.lliIrora &uhLe . . . . lu a dir
. . . ( auil t.retf a loaulri lull ILrm
J . .
t rlptl * rl.nk * .iplin.lf.n rnd proor ftullfd tie&lcd ) frr
* V NEBV0C8 IIEHIIITV Voung ana mtd
A VHo mttrt iniw , nuirerliiB rrom l.i.i oils or
L\ _ J outii.IticuwKoiiAuini , CuroKunnn
Pit -fllec'l. lr < wU ' . | < ! |
MS > J ticulnrs for homo nuc , nil v or uuiui ;
Vh&A 1'KIU. II K. llKSI.lIIt ,
VQK 'I.ocl ' < IJ3as6. JUutrultMIUi
IVtO I'ElirOHMiNCi'H IIV Till !
Grand I ' Italian Opera Company
Umlortlio direction of Messrs Abbey \ Oran
ANI > A COSIl'ANV OFIU' .NO Mll AltllSlg
Monday r.vunlnz , .liarill ! t ,
Verfll'M Sublime ninii'l Opoin , in four acts ,
Big "rancl8co Tamacnn a , , Jlanrlco
Mine Lillian Nurdlca . , , ai .l.eonura
Tuo.stlav AUvvuonii , Slaicii 4 ,
Atl > blch will bo presented Itosilul'a IJcaiitlful L ,
Upcra , tlio
Barber of Seville
( Jntntl Chorus anil llulltl Orclu trn of 00 )
Conductor Big Itomulado gajilo
Inniilrlos atioulil bo addressed to I10VI1 A
HAYMKa , Local Jlauajera lei 1'attl J.nt'af -
mint , Omaha Neb
Tha salu ot soata wlU'comnionca at 9 a. in
Thuradnr ' , l bruary S7th , nt the box olliteot
llovd'sintra ( llouan
. . ,
,1UUCK3J.T6 , . .W and tJ.00 , Qeueral admla-
• Ion lf.00.
l\rATHT-1 5 TQOf
We ' propose to clcmonslratc what a business can be done in this city in Boys and Chil-
clrcns' Clothing Wc have made enormous preparations , and having been especially for
tunate in our purchases in that line '
, we intend louse our boys department this season for
a great advertisement Wc want to make a lasting impression on the boys , and teach them
while they are young this great lesson , that there is UO place to folty Clotllillgf
like the Hebraska Clothing Company
To begin with we place on Sale the following unapproachable bargains
400 excellent Cassimerc Suits , with Knee Pant ; , at ? igo Ihey arc of good weight and
heavy enough to wear right now in this cold weather Nothing more durable for Boys
wear was ever placed on our counters Tliey are excellently made with pleats , and come
in three nice patterns You will open your eyes in astonishment when yo see this suit \
250 splendid all wool Suits , in small checked patterns , beautiful shades and excellent > ' <
wearing garments at $2.25. Wc do not say too much when wc pronounce this suit worth $4.
Thousands of other Suits , for small and big Boys from the cheapest to the finest grades
of goods and every suit in our Boys Department a bona-fidc bargain Out of town patrons
have the same advantages as those living here we fill mail orders promptly and if goods
are not satisfactory can be returned Write for Samples
IN GUTS , SHOE DEPARTMENT wc offer this week as first bargain of the
200 doxen excellent Men's ' Shoes , solid leather soles and Counters , Seamless , in Congress
and Lace , with plain and Cap toe at $1.25 worth regular $1.75. " "
Same quality in Boy ' s Sizes $1.10.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets
i Of Diamonds , Watches , Clocks , Solid Silver and QuaJruple I
I Plated Wae ; , Jewelry , Optical Goods , Cutlery , Umbrellas , Etc j
j Arc being ; untili' 1 > J ii" , wlillc mint dealers voiniilaln Unit |
§ their "Irtulc U ilull " Thu public tipprecialo i.NlTBM ; |
[ EM2i ABA'S , as uviilciicciS by the liberal patronage uc tire |
jj rcceWSnsj ilV'T WHY notJ Wc sine jou I'roiii 25 to 50pur 3
I cent , e\en 011 the moxt staple * . ' < > < > < ] , ami A IIOliliABtg
I SAVB : ! > JS TWO OUI.LABtS JIAtti ; . We mutt uct out ol"H
j this BCulail .Teuelrj ISuslncs , : is oar B.ttt'KU n ! > < l Biicrciuliiff |
i Wholesale Tradu deniaudh It police our . ' > Iare ; slion |
H wiuilows from day to day , suul see u hat we ai e ollVrhij ; . |
SB JCUBAI * AT'ITJRTBOX l called to the lolloivini ; : |
Ijj IOO l iac Sices Oanins Sets oia pieces , only S2 ; worth A
$5. a50 i\'iit hots ol'O S'ieits and 4'raclt , In cnoe , only SI ear h 9
worth & : > . IMepanl I'itnio Lamps , gt'2.50 , tiorlli tfdfi H
I sssat RBDVCTIOA ! IS B'lAAOS A.\I > < ) K A.\S > 2tS
TBBBi rVBiX'ff 'to DAYS Ojien aturdiiy ilicn ns aat 1 ? ) 3
O'd licit 4
max meyer & BRO . Cor SixlG3iitii an ! Faraaoi sis I
s. a. SToac roit rknt ; a'BXTBiBtis : r < st sali : . |
ETCHINGS , ffi S &Rk l | S ra'EMBRSON ,
ENGRAVINGS , J& mlli M ffl W&T MJi mm UiTHArjLBT * DAVIS
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
State Line
To Glasgow , Ilelfnst , Dublin mid Liverpool
Cabin iiaffaBeyo lo KO , Hccorcllnz to loc itlou ut atit
loom KicunlonUllofJJ ,
glffiauo to and from Kuroi > o at I npft llatji ,
"Stuteof California , " bulldinj , ' .
AUSTIN IlAUiniS 4 Co . < iWI AKCnts ,
WHroadmiy , Now Vorx
Joun Bi ras : . , Ucn'l Wcitcrn Acont *
It I Itando'pu Bt , Chlciio
1UI1II1 E. Moonts , TUOS illCANNr ,
A3CM1U ut O na'11
" t © " weak meW
ien'i a voluublu triatlta ( wale.ll tontaliiliie taV
iTittlculara for liouio cure I'llFi : of charge A
J.l n\llilhi lto ! workiiSouW U. ira / v nr
linn who in norrnm and dshlllwl drtdiPM ,
lror V. C. FOWtKBtM iIu ,0 Mn *
West Portland Park
Clioico lots , low prices , good water , excellent -
collont ilrulntiHfo ; motor H110 ; G-cc nt cur
furo ; ltl h , dry , bountiful Sold for wisher
or on instiiUinont plnn
'Ablnston Bnlldlas , Portland , Or
II , At , muriiutiir , . . JoiivAiiiuvscE
liticiAtr Mitiou ,
Real Estate Agents ,
ai o.\iiVisri : > N , tk-vas ,
isrnMHiihii8ir. : . . . .
OulVBhtoui tliB&oiliort that Jaan't U to Da
for Hie Ow t Nortliweat Iiifoiantlon unit
Jluiw furnished VUitow uro luvltoa 10 cull
at our olllu- .
IVAUme KVM0 /is/sour ONE CUBE
It Aii bo ulreu lit u rui > at cutitv er Ira u In ur
UrlMurfiMftl , wlitoul ttt * UuowUdc * of Ibarntieat
Uuoouaar/ 1 * sbsaluuly tiiralcn und will ctlti
a ptrmaqeot nd peedr oar * , whulii tbo natltat U
Bmodrt drmvroraJ nloolioliav/r ck , i'fXJIhit
FAII . Xt oper-Atej o qui air fid with eueb c r-
Uloty thct tbo pAtltnt undergoes uo i oonv niecce ,
and re Ub > • * w rt his com pinto refaructloa Ii
efleettd 43 ptffo boor of parl ulai fret
MliNACO.IDlh.VI ! cuiliud | ISlhA ( uoitnffNU
* * 4ttifpHd tf MlA K tt IIKtU'H A Vti Omuli * . * ' * *
A PuclfotCi ur Caeo Frco to Smodcrs of
j isia : > e or tvonuv
Onicc , b. Ktor UtU and Douzlai bis , Uoiaha Va
A/lanhood / a
IVlUllllUUU of jcutl.ful liunrudrncf ,
caiKliiR I'rematuiu lipc y , .Virioui Dilillily , I ott
JIajilioo.1,4a. laInn ti K l ( Mil n eor j known l cine ,
dy , linn dlwoi trcdn Inn l mnn of df iuri > , Tihlch
li wlqfid | | ( . ' l"Mll KKi : lohli fellow ( UiririrB
Addreu Jll HLrVtS I' O llol 3rj0 , > eiv 1 oikC'lljr
.WC0B , l3rH&DCD0l S18. OMAHA NEB ,
ta 61iIU ! ,
B.itr clllUtiAppirttunndRvq64I < iforBocetMfu
Ire taint of ory form of DUtiit raouliltur
Board & A4t ndiLBej Pint Accamscdetioaa ia Writ
„ oa DoforinlUu and
firitfs,3ruiieiCllvt > fcit,0i.r , turei < ie ) > iic1illca ,
W > "t 0oysr. 0 tjTK.iBroatbltii , UlAiUse
Sltitrleltr , , EsUep r. Kidsey , 8Uid r ,
Xy.liu , Sktii until wd ud lU6vrsU Ydfi tit > e * ;
truau ucuiiucartiauiiT ( ITIICIIT FSIfATf )
Ooly BeU/blt M dtol Ia UUU mttliff a 6t liJiy ai
AIIBItwd Pluutl • • ! inf llr IrMttd H/ptllllhl-tltoa
rarjuTtdfrcallf ( / ! • . • Itb nt luucurEt kt ! rallrt |
Ir l ir.rLuia r ( ITlL I'UHUlu l-allll ) autltutl.U I
l io 7ti lrt u4fc , Ksaitftr orrtp a'D < i. aiIcouibhcU * .
liacoaaCttstUI Ualiu , ilc > li irll < l.Blkju..ll rI
trail iitu ] Ji * k < lD d. > rka.oti.dlrlar ilf PI , e ( m ttt
( ) oaacriuulli.Urtlavp r < i > a < . U.llasdaaDtall i
Uakorr of raar aaaa , a d * a vl I Ib4 lo Plata , ou
Dnnw Vil tASU taut : U ; a rriiau Uncial o 1
tlnUlaataPil VarlaoaaU villi auaiballal iaaf . .
ltth ud Boijn SUittt UUAHA , KXS
" '
. . 3
! ill IBSil i iM i tt
im isS
g MjlKp fe 9lfl
Wo wish to say TO OUR FRIENDS I
AND PATRONS , that wo nro limit-B *
kinfj oxtonslvo repairs nnd changes
in our store , giving ourbclvos moro
rooinwliich our Increasing business
demands Thu work is being push
cd ns fast as posbiblo , and in a few \
days wo will bo able to open and y
dihplay our spring goods , ! which are
constantly arriving , but which the
dirt and dust of ropalring com polls
us to lcoop under cover
fflfc JAVAfit MOCHA
r tp mj an a A Perfect Art Album containing
r 111 Hi C Beautiful I'blographj represontlne
I H0 " " " "
I "Te * and Colfee culture , will be tent
I on ' receipt cl your addreii
CHASE & SANDORti , 136 Broad St , , Boilon
Wettern Oept 80 Oar.W'i St , , Chicago , III
; t /
'flie only imfnnml imlnlosa motliod of extract
lug toctli , uml ilio only inethoU pf tiuertlnii
able t < oth wltiiout jilute , reiuululiig clean mm I durn-
me iiAi/oii.twoi'T ,
150 IOltaiAS HritKI"J' , _ • _ • 'AiA [ ,
Tlio Well Known Specialist ,
Uiiutu.piMnl . . In tUoiri-atmt'iitof all fonui ( if I'm ,
IIIMA8I.H RIKlMll till ! ' .
UdUrULUaiUllleuil !
, . " " •
liatJiiiy l.oaa of Manlioiil.aul AmuTilon
orll rrene al olulelrniril fctnj for lluult UUrrlllir , • • llm
Ufu Km ml " for Mau or W'naaii , cacli 11 cent
lalamiiii Nirruui luivalo lilattaaa , . curediiuiulr
atnl ucriuaiiuullr 'iriutiniinl Ur corrfapniKlfiic * .
Mauipt forieplr touauitatlonfreo , OfllcoH K. U > V
Uiu and Jackauu bti cta , omatia NcD