, THE OMAHA DAILY EEEMIONDAY , MARCH 3. 1890. 7 | I SPECIAL NOTICES " J f. j OMAHA 1 Ho ndvortlsomontB will bo token ( or i\ these columns oftor 12:30 p. m. Terms Ctyah In ndvnnco V * > .Atlvertlsments ntnler this head 10 cents per V line for llio tlrst lm orllon , 7 cents for ouch eub- % aeqtient Insertion , and ti.rVn per line per month \ No advertisements taken Tor 1cm than _ i ccnta * for flrsi Insertion Savon words will be counted to the line , they muni run consecutively and tntiat bo paid in AnVANTK All advertise ment * must lie handed In lie fore 13rsj : o'clock p. m. , nnd tinder no circumstances will they to taken or discontinued liy telephone Partiesodvertislm ? In thesecolumns and liar lna theiranswers addressed In care ot The Her tvlllplenso nskforn chefK to enable them to cot their letter * , ns none will lie dolltcred except on presentation of check All answers to ad- tetismentsj should bo cnclo od In envelope * . All ndvcrtlsmunts In the e columns are pub lished lu both mornlnc and evehlnn editions of Tiik llhr the circulation of which nRiaeeates more than 18.000 papers dnllv , and Rites the ad vertisers tha henellt not only of the city cirru- latlon of Tnr nrr , tint also of Council muffs , Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this section of tlio country \ tbranch officesT ' ' Advertising for these columns will be taken _ t on tlio above condition * , at the following Imsl- > ness houses who are authorized agenti for'fiiB I * < n * special notices , nnd will quote he same ' I rates ns can be had at the main office QOUTIf OMAHA HHAkTmI OFKICK-Comer Cj of 'J'weiity-fdvth and N streets , Nohriiska ' BHTlngs bank building _ _ ' TOIIN W. DIUiL , rharmnclst , KM South Tenth O Street _ _ OIIASK _ linnv , Stationers nnd Printers It3 couth KthStreet ' b II rAHNHtVOUTliTTiiarmnclst , 2113 Cum IJ Street • j Ing . _ I . T\r J. UlimirS I'liarinaclst , f4 North ICtli IJ VV . Stieot 1 L /7Jio. : W. 1'Alllt , Pharmacist , 1T18 Leaven _ V f Ka w oi th Street ' ' ! T iTUUHESMWAHM ACV i03 rarnani Street J BlTUATlOXa VANTKl ) . H TJlTANTi : ! ) lly younK lndy , n position a % II vV bookkeeper or olllco work Address KOOt jl Hurt st , 494-4t I TUMI I Ill Situation wanted as manager of H JU rotall lumber yard In some good western Lf | towns ten years expericncn ; can furnish first IJ s claps references Address X 'll lice 4T7-3t -5" Va/ANTUII Blttintlon by lady stenographer m. Ti Kour years with law nnd loan olllco Ad dress Ilex -iC. Council lllmts la 4Il-m27t ( QTKNO'lUAI'lillU Younir man SSI years , kJhtalthy wlll.tccept a situation in mercantile house , salary moderate ! own Itomlmtton ma chine ; correspondence solicited Willis O. . Knight , Seneca Vails , N. Y. 43)-l ) * TyANTKII-I'ositlon by an all-round olllco • i man ; references given Address X 2.1 , Dee 4S6U SITUATION wanted by n young man , a booC kjkoopor ; can furnish retcionces Address X 19 lleo 403 Ij \ \ 7ANT151ltunton ( ! by competent Scotch j V woman nt 1T > , ns housekeeper In a hotel or for a widower with children , wages * " > . Mrs , I llrcita.ilU' ' , 8. lttli 379 19J SITUATION wnntodfor ncompotont Scotch woman of III ni housekeeper for hotel or widswer with chlldron ; also for B good women > with children , ages a months to lu years My rooms are nlwnya full of girls from U to 6. Mrs , llrega 314K So lftli f.03Nj. ) BOOKKr.Cl'Klt First class , wants position in oillte or bank ; llvo years oxperlenco ; references furnished , Address V 11 Iteo olllce 1 • 11843 * AVAXTEI ) afATilJ ! HELP / _ _ _ _ _ HSvAl ANTUD Coed competent man to manage k ' T our business In live Nebraska town ; must Invest SlOO : salary to start Jtfi , paid monthly _ _ Hr ' r Address with stamp and references _ ock llox l _ Pf' tl < 7. Omaha 4213J WANTED A good coatmaier , good wages , . bla N llitU at 413 IJ H TTt ANTKD Local and traveling salesmen to v 11 f lUitbrlcatlng oils Apply for terms to < thelileturlihs Oil company , Cleveland , O. U 459-lt WANTKD Tliose out of employ can get good positions , paying business , by en- B • . closing f.Oc for onrtiruinrs No humbug Ad H dfess J. < li Oarrett fall Cltjtiet ) . 4331 * WANTED Man-As agent ot our patent safes ; slzo 28x18x13 inches ; J3" > retail H AHhIzbk as low New styles ; new patterns ; m now lock ; now factory N ot governed by safa B pool Kvery safe warranted Itare chance m Permanent buRlness Our terms and cata- m loguo will ronvlnco you ngentsclear t310 to { .VJO B per month MCrlto for exclusive territory At- | > plneBafo Co . Cincinnati O. 4-l-lt AN'JKll-All looking for work or help to _ _ , call at C.K Keith's employment olllce,318i ! H BUthRt Satisfaction guaranteed Tel llUitf , 233 m WAVnili A llrsfc class carriage painter , capable ot taking charge ot paint shop ; steady umuloyment ; address , stating wnges Jonu ( llazotiy _ Co . Clarlnda , 1'age cor , la 489-tt JB * . / VATaNTKJ ) A young roan that understands iH V/ -i " ' keening accounts , willing to make himself 9.v < ; - genoralljr usafut Addrossxyj , lleo olllco lU > H , . C00-3. B > \ % ' ANTKll An active man on liberal salary B * ' to permnnoutly represent an nssociatlon _ ' Incorporated to supply , nt cooperative prices , _ general merchandise and nil kinds of articles ! _ for homo and family use , in each small city , IB town , vlllnijo and rurnl district 84M0 mom IB bers 1'r.Id up ccrtltlcates S10U.00U In cash , W Crodlt well rated Ueferences exchanged Urn j H ptro Co-Operutlve asso'n , Lock box (110 ( , N. V. ? • \\7ANTrD-30fJinen for lltoh.near Colllnston _ , ' nnd Mlirord titoSiCU per day , or W3 per _ ? ! month nnd board , lllley _ Kramer , cor llth J _ _ [ airrtynTngnrsta . itii WANTED Salesmen nt * " 5 permcnthsalary and expenses to sell a line ot Mlver-pitueu J B ware , watches , etc , by sample only ; horse and M team furiilihoil free ; write at once for fun par tlculars and sample case of gooda free Stan J _ B dard Bllverwara Co , lloston Mass : ! - ! WANTIU-400 rockmon , teamsters and grad , _ _ era for Utah and Nevada ; cheap intes * > Albright's Labor ngoncy llj Kiirnam at ajl _ i * IVrHN to travel for the 1'onthlU nurseries of _ M-Caunda. Wo pay t'M to Jloo per mouth nnd : B expenses to agents to sell our Canada grown ' k utock Add Mono & Wellington , Mudlsnu , Wis , 14 - , : tumil BH "TVOTEUTIVES We want a man In every lo r _ H OVcallly to act ns private dolectivo under our < B instructions , Kxperlenco not necessary 1'nr- H tlculnrs free ' Central Detective llureau Ilos K lW.Uopek . Ivans uaitt _ W ANTED Canvassers nt blngor sowing inn B LLJiblua ofllco 11H Douglas st 377 m' 'U jB \\r ANTKD Cnrrlago wowfworker , Arthon.v VJ ' \nrtln , _ ltli between N ana ( ) , South B flmnhit 277-tJ SALF.8MEN Wanted at Once A few good men to soil our goodb bysumpleto tha K wholesale and retail trade We uio the largust m manufacturers in our line Liberal salary paid , VJ l'ermuut'nt position ilouey advanced for H wages „ advertising , etc For terms addrets H Centennial Mfg Co . Chicago 111. 844-mlnt _ "WrANTHD-Balesmcn on salary or commls- H T slon to handle the New Patent Chemical H | ink eiaslng pencil The greatest soiling uovoity m over produced Krases iuk tnoroughiy In two m ocoudanonbr : slonaf paner ; _ I0 to W\ \ per m rent pro lit One agents sales amounted to IKUQ H in six d ny : another I i in two hours We want1 m oueenergetlo general agent for each state and B territory Sample by mail U& cents For terms M nnd full partlculurs address the Monroe Eraser Mfg Co , LaCrpsse Wis 409-t' | l \\J ANTED Agents for Denver State Lottery , M > V rickets Wo Address A , UIloisCo B _ Denver Cole MlD-nprlrt „ ' AVAXTKl > - KiaMAM'3 HKr < P. m WANTED Woman pastry cook * iu ; assist nut , JJgtrl ; forolllcersfamily W ) ; ecoud B girl fet prlvsiu family ; cook for tamlly of 4 , (1youuglnay ; cashier ; four good dlnlngroom M girls ; housekseperou a farm , no objection to a ' child ; W good girls for general nousenork , M Mralrega,3Hh ] PQ llttf Tel.381. SUT-3J. JH WrANTKD A girl for general homework , _ B \ 'V IniinlroStllurknya ( la IJ _ H ' WrANTED nr8t clair girl for general H T V housework , small lamlly , uti a iTJth st _ J tQilt K Q PASTitY cooks , 4 hotel waiters , GO to cook , M _ j washund Iron , wife for ( Jermau farmer B KeUb'H Em p. tlllce , 318 | ( S , 15 , Tvl 16J8. B > 81-0 " _ _ LADY AOKNT3-Inspect our goods free , Bend stamp for postage on same A. J. B Lymau , 1211 Cherry su , Kautos Cttr , Mo H 497-5 * _ " \\f ANTKD Q > od second girl ; references re- ' _ ' 1ulr l Ames , 1JUpark uye 479-4 S "WrANTED-Qlrl for gmcral homework , B Tf must be neat and good cook , family of a , H jSrgood wages Apply ay.Faruam at 6IU rNC | B XXTANTED ' Flrat clu German girl ; no _ _ T ashing or ironing ; nWCussnt , 410 4j WANTED A good girl for goueral house _ _ _ work , good wages to good girl Apply _ | ftttorfl p. m. to Silgi Uodgo St 318-q * W&NTED-A llrat class shirt polisher nt once , good wanes nnd good chance tor m right girl ; David City laundry , David City , roil ItKNT HOUSlOS IflOU HUNT 4 miles from town , R hew house and Una garden land ; apply Ml N llth St grocery 403 lit TTIOU ltKNT Houses 111 all parts of the city , JL' fromtolliflpsrmohtti D. V. Bholos Co , 213 first Nat , bank • 4 t-S • fJlOH nr.NT-lmmrdlntely. well furnished 0- - * room cottage , right by the high scnool , city water , nice lawn , etc , very desirable Call ut ai5 Dvxigo st , fiii-uj \\t ANTED-Ocntlcman and wife to take mi- • ' funilshcil house on Pnrk ave , and board gentleman und wife for house rent Address X 33 , lied Cl.SJ IjtLEfl ANTnousor.fl * rooms on Dorcas st ill ernis to suit II 1 ! . COLE , lloom 0. Conti nental blk „ and aiOl N. SI st I9J-3 TjIOHItENT- thei EstabTooklilockTsth nd XI Clikago streets , line , soveu and elgnt room Hats with o\ery convenience and newly pa pered ; these llats facooait on.lellerson square park nnd there Is no belter locutllon In the city , llobcrts 4U ! N ll.th st 101 inlOj J roll HFNfTreo VIll rent furnlshod linuso : of eight rooms nnd barn , in good location , free , ami pay840 per month to responsible lmrty who will hoard three anult persons , ll 1504 rarnamjft ; 4Jl-2 * GHOO.M corner Hat with modern improve ments _ lth nnd Loavenwortn Ms 017 lull ] 1 J10H HUNT Largo ten-room house with nil ' modern Improvements , buUMiIo for board inghouse , on N Isth , between California and Cass mi * . Ileut reasonable , Inquire loom 500 Flr t Nnllonnlbank blinding , ! t l " 1 poll ItEN 1' New v-ioout house _ ! d nnd Call fornia Ms , nil Convenience , ju A.CWnko- ley room fjQ * i N. V. Life lildn.- . ! K3 bHIlt UKNT An 8-room detnehed house , fnr- nare bath , ctcM 20th nnd Luu\enworth. S10. DaMd Jnmloson , lice hldg iM TJlOlt ltllNT "Tooin llat.Iuuge block ; CU S13 , ' J roll KiTPr--llousoT : aWi "Ttoros ; property . enred for , taxes paid Midland Ounranteo .V1 rust Co . 1'IU ' Farnain at Abstracts 3.17 IilOlt KENT A spien fill brick store , well lo- cateil , now occuulml by u shoe store dolmt a profitable business by party who is going to movu Into his own.bulldUia blocks from this location : splendid opportunity for some ono to open up Willi a , trade built up to start on : pos session given April 1st : rent very low T. C , llrunar , Itoora 1. Wnro block 433 & • OH KENT Mou eof l room . 1913 Collfor- nla t. Cheap rent to n good party 4.35 V'ICftIA * furnlshi-d rooms , modern couven- > lencos , terms reasonable , ailT Leavenworth 40lfij IF you wish to rent n house or store sea II E. Cole Continental block 13U JOIt RENT 9-rooin house with barn , 2111 : California st Innulro N , W. Cor.nd ! and Davenport , MO IriOU HENT-11-room house No 310 N. _ ! nd : st Jliaulro N. W. Cor Slnd und Dft enport JB I710It KENT Houset and Hats In nil parts of the city : Mats and unfurnished rooms n specialty ; parties desiring rent at from $3 to $ T5 bo sure to call nt 130(1 ( Furnam St before rent , ing Uutts llontlng Agency ' 934ml7J FOK KENT iiegantly : furnished prlvnto resldenco with all modern conveniences , nlso good barn nnd nice lawn on cable , only six blocks fiom 1' , O. ; no liner location in "lty ; owner nnd wife will take room and board It agreeable ; tor particulars address U 63 llee IflOlt IIKNT The choice flat In the Her block , cor ICth and Jackson sts , nil newlv papered and has nil conveniences Call at 1113 Ilarney 3C9 JjtOK KENT Cottage of ,1 rooms In roar ot 1215 Chicago , near 13th ; * I0 per month 378 6 ] 8-HOOMfat with steam heat , 16th St . near Jones , alios F.lInll.nilPaxton block 337 FOK HUNT KOOMS FUltMSIIKD FKONT parlor , handsome suite of front rooms ; also other rooms Fliat-class board , modern conveniences Uufereuccs lb iFarnnm ; 130-tJ FOK KENT Furnished front room near TJ IVdepot Call nt 1010 Iaclllc 407 IJ O UNfUltNlSHED rooms 033S. 10th. U 334 1 FUUNISUEr ) or unfurnished rooms torrent ; 1st Hat , sa larnam 4b5-3t ICELY furnished rooms with board 113 8. ) th 49J-3t FllONTbed room and parlor with use of piano In private family ; lltta month 1311 California street 478 3 $ DESIllArtLKhome rooms and board for three in privyte famlly.nlcely locntcd.3130IIarney. KENT Pleasant furnished rooms with JIIOU conveniences Bill S. 3uth st K'jO ' 73LUASANT rooms with board in corner J. houde , Paul block , 1S33 Chicago st 13J 8J " - F URNISIiniTrooms with board at 107 N 1'Jth St , Paul blk 433 3 * FTIOK KENT Elegantly furnished rooms ono X : block from PO : modem conveniences ; best location In city ; als > o day boarders.Call 111 S 17th 417 Oj TjlOIl KENT Suite of front rooms , modern J- conveniences , with or without board , til per month , 3318 Leavenworth st 338 ST CLAItt European hotel , cor 13th nnd Dodge Special rate3 by wee or month _ IilUitNISHKT ) room and board ; all conven- . ' leucea 1910 Capitol „ vc 330 NICKLl' furnished room with board ; modern conveniences Inquire at COT N 3Jta st , 391-6 TTIOlt KENT Uooin with board IT33Dodgest. ? 387 _ "p EWLY furnished rooms , loll Douglas ' 1 LA ltd E furnished front room , 1911 Farnara • 3ra i3 ROOMS and day board ; 1731 Capitol avc a84-m33J 17IOH KENT Pleasant furnished room with X ? board ; modern conveniences , 3015 Douglas , 30J 3 > 1JOOMS Hoard if desired at reasonable Yates X\ Modern coin enleuce C38 So 17th St • ' 16l-m8 ] . IrUKNISHEDroom & board 1318 Davenport 181 7t IilOK KENT Elegant front room with alcove , wall furnished , neer cable aud horse cars All modern com entences Call -OtS Douglas 939 FOIl KENT A large , comfortably furnished room in a new cottage fronting on Capitol ave : private family ; with or without board Address Y 33 , llee 783 "ITIOK KENT A very large front and back pat X1 lor unfurnished JT-M Capitol ave 733 \TICEroomsiiiodern conveiilencos.1831 Farn'm IN 900 IjiOIl KENT One largo front room with board ? 1903 Capitol uvo 675 "NT1CK room , modern conveniences 1719 Dav- 1M enpoit 483m01 FOK KKXTMIOOSIS UXFUltXISUEn FOK UEN'T Three nice unfurnished rooms choan to parties without chlldron 8. W . cor Hurt nnd 33nd eta Keferunces exrnanged , 393 tlj TflOH KENT 2 unfurnished front rooms ; heat , -a ? gas , bath , with or without board , 011N. ISth st , 43 | 4J TTIOU KENT Two or thrco unfurnished -L rooms , 1718 Cass at , or eniiulro at 4.1d N. ICth at D01-3J. "filOK HENT-3 largo Ilrst Hoer front tinfnr- H nlshod rooms at SIS No 30tr. st , SblorkB from P. O. 6U3-8J. FOU KENT 4-room suite , unfurnished , suit able for housekeeping , gas , water , etc , to family without cnllaren ; northwest corner bth and Webster ats 333 " yon itK.yjwTfoitKs anijmoffFoks TOKE3 at r077irt > . 711 sTlUtbi-fxUleaeh. largo show windows , steam heat furnished Thos V. Hull , 311 i'axtoa block 331 " | JVH KENT-3-Htory brick building 1110 Doug X } las bt , suitable for wholesale or wnrehoiuo pun > oans Also brick store 10T B. 13th st ln- quire of Chas Kaufman 1M Douglas at 333 FOK HENT-tThe4-story brlclc building , with or without power , formerly occupied by the Ueo Publishing Co , V10 Farnam st The build ing lias a lire-proof cement basemontcomplete steam heating futures , water on nil the Uoors , gas , etc Apply at the place of The llee 1)15 ) Oil HUNT First or tntrd Hoer of thenow 3. story building oslug built between N. Y , Ufa aud Morse building on Farnam st D. C , Patterton 618 N. Y. Lite 608 OSTOKES , 3103aud StU Leavenworth at * 5 • 878 mill WANYUU TO HKN1' . Xnoil UHST-3 furnUhed rooms tor light housekeeping , references exchanged _ i Et , Mary's nveuuf , 439 t ) , MISOKTiTiANnoLS TT E , CO LE , reliable riro Insurance . . ClEO F.7lEirLENIliCK7teach6r : ot thebanlo , I rooms II , Douglas block , ur Ilea oftlco 8I " - A UCTION inlcs every Tucsday.Thurtdny and Hnturday mornlnp nt lilt Douglas street , Omaha Auction , V Stornae Co 330 HE COLE , uotniy rublli and conveyancer , . 333 rpoBlHTthecomcnlcnec of clients engaged X during the day we open evenings , 0:30 : to H : 10. H. EJColo KoonrContinental lllk a04 _ IDKSIIIi : to purchnse 8or 10 complotoK , of P. uniforms ; must bo In good order Cnll on or address Secretary Pythian Club , Paxton blk 33d JL'tlOMENTS , inccnanlcs' lien * , wnrrants Jury and witneis fees bought for cash [ I. K. Edwanls , 11.13. Ilarter lllk 039 IK YOU have stocks ot merchandise for Mile I have customers with the cash .1. II Parrotte room 31 , Douglas blk 430-13 WANini ) llOAKl ) . \\T ANTED To board , children otnny ago t i conveuieut to school lloferouces given , Mrs II J.Clver , lV.plllon , Neb 4 _ _ HHXTAIi AGKXOY IITbn w antto sol I jr rentT fist 'It with T. IT ilrunuer , whohns n largo list ot customers , lloom 1 , W ate block , B. E. Cor ithand rarnaiu 4.l 31 IT yon want your houses rented , list with Ex clusive llentrtl Agency , Parrotte , 1fith and Dodge Kami * HE COLE , rental agent , Continental block , . an VKItSOXAIiS pilTilPONAL-nivorci > quletly : advlco frcoT L Address Lawjor , llox all , Chicago 111. 3U-5t 1DEI1SONAL An elegant bust Is the noblest - work ot Oed The empire bust dovuloper will Increase the bust to any size Free trial ot one mouth allowed Agents wanted Send for Illustrated circulars , address The Emplro Medical Co , 233 Wo3t43ndst „ Now York City 411-1J I WANT to buy n house with lot , paying $30 down nnd S13 a month , Address V. O. llox 130. Council Ululfs 291 4 liOST f OST On Monday last , amaropony nndnlno J Imonths old colt , sorrel , w hlto face and legs Finder will pleaBe notify Charles Johnson , 33J0 Kmmitt St , Omaha Ill-It 5iT-Or stolen Pointer bitch , liver colored , brown speckled logs , one year old , Keturn to 1411 N Sotn and receive rew ard P , VT Wal- tors 313-1 LOST llctween Wlncote „ Klley's olllco , Silth hud Leavenworth and 3010 Pacltlo street Ono blame book ubout 8x10 Inches H'd cover nnd nbout 151 pages $3.00 rew ard It returned to olther above address Wincoie _ lllley.4E8 4E8- STOKAGC aMIE cleanest nnd best storngaln tbeUty ht -lowrates at 1114 Douglas street Omaha Auction „ Storage Co . 33tl alUAOIvAGU storage at lowes t lates W „ } | . . Ilushman , 1311 Leavenworth 313 aiusic BEl'OHi : buringa piano oxnmlno the now scale Kimball piano at A. Uospe.lSKJ Doug las st 443 PIANO tuning by George Illoomfleul , piano milker III North 17th. ayrs experience luN Y. , Chicago and Omaha Excolleut references 309 m _ ! " WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy for cash , a BtocK of hard ware " , stoves , etc . about $3,000. Adurc-s "li , " 030II St . Lincoln , Neb 4'i3-3 ' WE w ant to huv 30 or 40 acres , not over 3 miles from the P. O. 3Ve moan business Call at once Star Land and Loan Co . IM0H Farnam st 313-1 WANTED To buy n good second hand Stevens retrlgerator for a butcner i-hop ; size 6x3 Inside Address llox 310 , Superior Neb . 3081 VXTANTED rurnlture carpets , house-livid , T v goods for cash Wells Auction & Storage Co . 317 8 1,1th st 339 WANTED Good commercial paper Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co.,519 Paxton bit 340 CASH tor all kinds of household goods at 11U Douglas strcet.Omaha Auction & Stoi age Co 3.10 LOOKING mill wanted at North Bond , Neb A liberal donation will do madobv the busi ness men for.tho same Address Mill Commit tee , North Hend NVb 9C5 mt "Wf ANTED-To buy for spot cash , city or TV country parts or whole stocks of dry ana fancy gooci , clothing , boots and shoes , milli nery , stationery , gents furnjshing goods , otu Call on or nddress J. L. llrnndeis _ Sons , cor ner 13th and How nrd Omaha 833. WTANTED to Iluy-$2,600 good short tlrao paT - T > per H. 11. Henderson 401 Paxton blk 417 ANTED-A stock ot drugs Part cash _ trade Hex 61MOmaha , Neb 11 FOU SAIiE MISCEIiAJ030US. ITsOIt SALK In small lots or by the car clean i Millet seed Write to W. O. Boston , David City , Neb 4t > 7 IJtOK SALE A sulky road cart ; a barguin : Add , s. 10 Webster Ale jj Oil SALE or trade About 81.C09 riew ijew- olry Will take clear Omaha lot part pay , b U-wt'h. AddrssscrzrCu : aa Neb 4T3 7 FOE SALE 2,030 pounds dressed cnlckens , turkeys and ducks , wholesale only , Nay _ Kosa , 114 N 13th st . 4ul If FOK SALE One of the finest driving toatns In Omaha ; afraid of nothing , stylish and prompt drivers ; # lso a full platrbrm spring carriage almost uew Address X33 , Ueo olllce 430 T7IDKNITUKK auction every Wednesday nnd JJ Saturday 317 1 Ith Wells 313 FOK SALE A33-horse power Porter engine In good condition , welglit MOu pounds , cyl inder 11x10 ; for partlculurs apply to The llee olMcc 708 I FOIl SALE-Dentist outfit all in good shape ? Cashortlme 013 Paxton block , 313 17IOH SALE or trado-Ono Hat top desk , ono - 8-foot standing desk , one lease of section of school land 41 acres of lmprovod western land and A sections ot U. r. railroad land 11 , 11. Henderson , 100 Paxton block 344 ST HEHNAKD and Scotch colly fshephard ) dogs for sale M. P. Urown Paptlllou Neb 409-SJ TTIOlt SALE Bome good watches and dla- X' mends cheap II F. Masters , room 4 , With , nell blk ; 345 HEAVY delivery wagon : set single baggy harness 1 coal bed , 1 top bnggy , 1 carriage , 1 H-tlat Hllvur comet , 1 Mexican qaddle , set new double harness Koom 13 , Hoard Trade CBS IJIOU SALE-Or exchange , half blood Clydes } dale stallion , will exchange for good dilvlng horse George Vradenberg , 033 S. lotlu 708 m 13 * OliAIKVOVAMT DK II GKOUX.electrlclty.mabsngo and mag netic treatment , chronlo diseanes a special ty , simple medicines when needed , 333 N 15th. 438 m31J MADAME BLANCH , the greatest mind render and counsellor , has suite of parlors at 333 N. 10th sreets w. corner Chicago und 16th. 'iiils lady has a remarkable gift ot second sight , tells past and future correctly : business confidential ; has lust returned ; iobt nml stolen property , trutntuluus ot absent lends a specialty 817 TjIOKTONH Teller Mrs Lenorman can be Ji consulted on all affairs ot life Satisfaction guaranteed No , 3I0N , 13th st , 109m30j MM E. Do San mugnotlo physician and mind reader , has the power ot any two mediums vou ever met Tells If the one you love is true or fahe Gives you advice on divorce , contested wills , business speculation , etc Parlors 119 N. Itthst 441-mM T\K. NANNIEV WAItl'EN.clairvoyantmod- - iceland business medium Female diseases a specialty 119 N. loth St , rooms3 and3. 810 BHOKTilAXD AND TYl'TWIUTIXO. . V\rANTED-Educated young ladles and gen ft ttemen to learn shorthand and typewrit ing at the Standard Shorthand Huskteas col lege New York Life building ; tlnett rooms In the city ; all latest Improvements , electric light , alevotoi service ; chrunest achuol Iwcauso it la the best ; Instruction tlioraugh , modern , practi cal ; demand for stenographer * constantly in creasing ; success positively sure , call or write for one of our Urge descriptive catalogues Address , Standard Shorthand Business Col lege Kraok li Bell , Manager , N. Y. Ufa Hldg , Omaha , Neb 7&T " B EPOS1T10NS. I0o per folio : petitions & cor- roaponden , t > copyUlg,3c.lri.lllna.to ! . UjJ , HM-EdVJ aiOXHY , TiOAX KEY8TON13 liortgagf $ o.-txans ) of I0 to II.OuO ; gotourrates proro borrowing nnd save money ; loan on minus , furniture or any npprored security , without publicity : notes bought , for now loan , rebewal of old and lowest rates Call.KZOft , Sheolytblk , 15th 4 How artists ' * 333 _ CjrAOOOof private money'to loan on Improved • Plnsidn property ) ensh on hand Central in vestment Co , room 23 , Chamber ot Commerce _ l m f\Mt \ LOAN-J10.0UU at 5 per cent net C. V. X Harrison 911 N. Y.Llfa" 300-1 MONEY to loan In ltu-ftd suus Central In vestment Co , , roomi'v , Chamber ot Com merce tfcL _ * ! ' 4t0".000 at per cent In alnotitits not less than • Piiiooo on llrat class business property McCandlish , 3U South 13th st 419-3 MONEY leaned on furniture , horses nnd wagons ; rates reasonable City Loan Co , l tthst , : opposite Millard hotel 33.1 _ _ _ _ SEE Sholcs , room 210 First National bank be- f ere tn a king your loans , 331 GPEIl CENT residence loans J3.IW0 to llOOvu llulldlng loans nt special rates The Mead Investment Co , Heo building 339 A NTED-First clasi Inside loans " Lowest rates Call nnd see us Mtitiml Investment Co , 1601 Farnam BWJ ONEY to loan O. r. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents 15031'nrniun st 331 ITIKST mortgage loans at low rotes and no do- ! lay D. V. Sholos Co , 210 I lrst National bank 331 TIT ONEY to loan : cash on hand ; no delay J , XU W. Squire , 1219 Farnam st . First National bank building 303 MONEY 30. Oil or VQ days on furniture plnnos , horses , houses , etc , J. J. Wilkinson ni Paxton lK _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . LOA NS City and farm lonns , mortgage pa- per bought , Mct'oguo linostment Co .I > 4 MONEY to loiiu on fcny security for short time at low rates Lowest rites ont > ersonul property The HendononMortgage Investment Company , lloom 4 O. Paxton block 335 CHATTEL loans at lowest rates ; business conHdontlal J. II Emtngcr , 1117 Farnam st 330 MON'15Y to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household goods , plano'sorgaus , diamonds nt lowest rnUM The llrat organized loan olllco In the city Makes loans from 30 to ) T > daya which can be paid In part or whole at nny time , thus lowering the principal nnd interest Cnll nnd see us when you wnnt money Wo can aBsln you promptly and to your udvantngo without removal ot property or publicity Money always on hand No delay tn making loans C. 1' . Heed - Co , 319 S , 13th st ; over Ulngham & Sons 337 1" OANS at lowest rates ; cash always on hand : J notes bought ; money advanced on any nvallable security The Peoples Financial Ex change , room G7 , Barker block 338 EAbTEKNMoney Philadelphia Mortgage.t Trust Co want mortgages from direct bor row ers ; make saving nnd call on Goo W. P. Coates , 7 Board ut Trade 363 T.TIIEKAL real estate loans made by W. M. XJ Harris , room 20 Trenzur blk , oppP O. UILDING Loans 314 to 7 percent ; no ad- ditlonal charges for commissions or attorneys ney's fees W , B. Melkle , First Nat bank bldg 318 HE COLE , loanngeuC , Continental block . 319 MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos horses und wngons "ILiwkeyo Investment Co , room33 , Douglas ulfefPUh and Dodge sts L 3"0 BUILDING lonns D.1V1 Sholes Co , , 210 First National bank building 331 ONEY to loan , by Uf f Masters , In nny amount from $10 tOj.Slfi.OOO for nny time , from ono toslx months , it boirowei's option Loans inane on household goods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , ihonses , leases , etc , in nnv amount ut the jufteH possible rates without publicity or removal of property My loans are so arransftdlhat you can make n payment at nny tlmo/rortiictng both princi pal nnd Interest You pay Interest only for the time you use the money _ , lt you ewe a balance on jour property ! will tnkb It up and carry it for you • ; Moroy always on hand , t.No delay No pub licity Lowest rates J , li F. Masters Itoom 4. WItntiell Blbck loth and Hurney ' _ rt _ o • 314 SECOND mortgage loans , K. 13 , Board Trade 'liiM , . . , _ _ _ _ _ CHOICE Cltj- Loans at lowest rates . Wp neeil V-'loaiiJ'or81.UO0 to tTAOOititolIU special orders Central Loan _ Trust CoA'1305 Farnam st * 4I2-M5 * ' DILOIN01oah made on < • Cholco city property , At low est rates Private funds to iloan on brick residence and business property UDon verv favorable terms Kimball , Champ _ Kyan , 1303 Farnam St C33mfl OECOND mortgage loans 1 _ 13 , Hoard Trade ADSTltAOTS OF TITIjIS SECOND mortgage loans It 13 , Board Trade , fi23 TV flDLAND Ouaranteo * Trust Co . N. Y. Life -'J-blag , complete abstracts furnished and titles to real estate examined , per fected _ guaranteed 3fm HUSI.VESS CIIAXOES , GAKDKN tarm for rent , size , location , land und terms most favornble ; John It Web ster , 414 Bco building 3901 BLACKSMITHS attention-Good shop , two fires , for sale or rent with or without tools Address B. II Douglas , McCook , Neb gSS-SOJ WANTED A partner with live to eight thousand capital In an established m f 'g business , either as bookkeeper or salesman , Address X14 Bee 400II j rpo JOB Printers As iWq desire to devote more time to papers , the dally , weekly and Sunday Demnoriit , und as we have a line Job and bonk department , four presses , etc , with a democratic patronage , wb desire to rent our Jobbing Interest , ou a percent by the month Propositions w 111 bo received for ten days Address - dress Democrat Pub Co , Omaha , Neb.4tlm4 4tl-m4 ANE3VBPAPEU chance-Tho Dally Demo rratis the only democratic daily in Omaha It Is the oHlclal organ of Douglas county , 11 us been by convention resolutions indorsed as the party organ Its stockholders are the most prominent and wealthiest democrats in Ne braska , A practical uowspapor man who will buy a small Interest and look after a fcpcclal department for the company's interest will do well to address Democrat Pub Co.OmahaNub 4TVI11I ITHHt SALE Hotel furnished in Chadron , - Neb , situated on Main street ; 'Jcasli ; bal to suit purchaser , Address M. E. Sangworthy 403m3J FPU EXCHANGE THO THADE-First class hotel In growing J- railroad town for good farm land For Information call at Box 131 , Carleton , Neb • • 498-3t _ IP you have anything to exchange cull on or address ILK Cole US , Continental block , Olllco open evenings u:30 : tp 8:30. : U07 Ij'OU Trade _ _ acres ' " ( ? obd deeded land 10 JL' miles southwest of Ilcrtand , Neb , , cams prutorrod Jno G. Baliard Bertraud , Neb • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a30 EXCIlANGE-ForjJlf.rdwf.ro. good farm . of 100 acres3 miles from Norfolk , Neb , , nnd 1.2N ) acres school laud leitsos in Custer county , will add cash also -Vfl&rrUon , nil N. V" . LlfO ITOl 303-1 OEXOHANOE-SomV'fcloar ' lots in Briggs place on Farnam St , on _ some money , for a resldenco a little closer inif O. P. Ilarilson.UH N , Y. LlfO , 300-1 _ _ I7IOK KXCHANGK-A puwbor ot good unln- -Lcumbered farms in Kansas and Nebraska for storks of goods and gpoa stock , will pay part cash it sulllcient lnducenfent Is oifered Mouev on hand and titles to land herfoct Correspond ence BOltclted , Jt A. Krder , 979 North 24th st _ ' ' • ; 64U-mK CHOICE Improved farms in Nebraska , Iowa and Illinois , clear oflincumberance , or ex change for Improved Omaha property Address X.a i nit * 437 V I J30K KXCHANGB-Stock' lu Wyoming - 3.000 acres , fenced , ISO head cattle , cWr.tor farm In eastern Nebraska or western Iowa D. A , Powell , J7' „ Mayne st , Orchard lllli.Omaha , 414 71 TOOK KXCHANGK-Cholco Improved Nebras -L' ka furras Will assume light encumbrance if you have anythlug to offer uddress or call on Gee J.Sternsdorlf , room 317-318 First National bang building , 'lelephoao 4 l. 033 7i30It ICCHANTi-Lots ( : that will lwublo "ln X' value 111 a month * , clear and Inside , tiu wortn ot nursery stock for luud , f i.oou jewelry stock for clear lamL HT.iUO geuerat stock fet money and land , Nebraska fnrns Iowa farms ; lUtiuo worth mliitngstock that wlll.bear Investi gation ( or encuiuwed land In Nabraaxa or Kansas J. II C r * . Bheoly Block 431-8 TiTOK KXCHANGK-310U III SqutU Omana or - > ' 1 lot near Vinton st „ for horses or mules , ltoom IJ Board Trade , t > hf > T WANT a grocery or drug stock to Invoice • 1.609 to If.OXU cash baiahoi Improved real • state Lock box tl ) , Central City , Neb I3 iu FOK 8ATiE . nEAT < KST.VTI3. IrtOK SA 1,1-lluIldlng ' loToixlOO facing south on the park Hfioo for three days C. F. Ilar < rlsbn 911 N. Y. Lite 438 1 EAST nnd south rorner 130x160. Ilanscom i'lacft Special price U F. Harrlsan , oil N , Y , LHo 421-j LOOK these up and see It some of them will not stilt you Lotfi , lltmobaugh place , mce lot on 30th , one block w est ot Park ae. . elegant uclghbornood , . Iot 'fl , blocks , Hawthorne , an cast front nonr Chicago st tl.TuO l/olti blocks Hillside No 1 , south front , near Mr Yntes' residence , 11,100 , l t in Smith ptrk , > erv line east front , cor- norSherman a\o and Ilurdotto M feet front , worth 1130 per foot Make otferon this Hastertt owner says it is for ale with a big S. Onoot the very nnest lots in Hanscom place , An east front on > Kd st , between Poppleton and Wcolworth Ave MlxIKl tVO\ worth tl.OU ) . Note tlin depth ot this lot 100x150 corner fronting Hanscom park House thut cost nfin ) . House can bo moved In renrof lot to front the other street , leaving ItimlUJ on the corner fronting the pvk making nu ele gant alto for line residence or block Wo can oiror this olegnnt property for n short time for 810.000 , U cnah , balance nny tlrao w Ithln 8 years nt percent For bargains ot all kinds boo the Old Holla- blo " Jit , A. Upton Co : 10th and Farnam Telephone 131 , 273-1 Ipbll SALE b-roo 11 house facing on Cuming . st , , oppo.ito llomls park Modern house , motor , line and other conveniences : f 11,000 ; terms easy C. P. Harrison , 911 N. \ \ Llfo 300-1 SOME Hno rental property on South 19th , in good looMlou Street pa\ed , H. E. Cole , Koom 0 , Continental bloc * . 603-3 r HAVE Just opened nn ofllca where I mil prop trod to sell nr exchange city or farm property I halo some excellent bargains In < leur rarms ; nlso roslcienie , business aud vacant lots In city 1 have a lot on 31th street , 'outn Omaha I can deliver for H.33J gilt-edged. _ E Hugglns , 313 South 10th street , Chamber ofCojimorco 491-lt SEVEIIAL ulco fl.room houses In Council Illuirs on motor line ; small payment in cash and 315 monthly II _ , Cole , room 6 Cou- tlnentat block 400-3 riAWO cholco lots on small cash payment , bal JL nnco second mortgage to responsible parties who will build II K. COLE , Continental blk , and 2304 N. 31th. 503 KOUNTZE Place Finest residence locality lu Omaha Two houses with tnoaorn Im provements ; prlco $7,600 each II 11. Cole , Continental Ulock and 2301 N 2tth. OTKI IJIOU SALE A beautiful cor lwixl 4 , walks -U trees , good barn , li room Iiouso finished with hardwood , nil modern improvements , In Kountze Place : cheap nnd on easy terms 1 now se en room coltago on 31st near Pa- cltlc J3.71H ) ; 8T00 cash , bal J23.00 per month lUrcom cottage , cor lot 4,3x115 ft , M.0O0 ; $30U cash , bnl $33.00 per month , 37 room cottages with oath and gas , on Burt Bt , nonr 2tth. $1900 ; tlOO cash , bal Ji3 00 per mouth , or will exchange for insldo unincum bered lot llori > o , buggy and haruoss for sale cheap Hamilton Bros , Buildurs , 403 S. 18th St 400-9 * OLEAKrarm in Sheridan Co . Neb , for house and lot In Omaha Nice home nonr Lake Street school , to trade for clear land UK Cole 100-3 OAN Bell desirable rcsldmco near motor line at $ lf monthly II K. Cole , Koom 0. Contl- nontal blk , and 3301 N , 21th st 490-3 EST End addition-Choice lot , 59x130. east front ; prlco $3,500. H.E.Cole , room 0 , Continental block C03-3 FOB SALE-40xl27 > { . sontn front , $800 ; cheap est lot tor the price in Omaha Apply on tlio promises , 3118 Decatur St 4J0-7 * rpH'l ) very deslrablo building lots 120x157 -a feet In Tiowa'a addition , block V. Prlco $ l,2ai. H. llCule , Conlluontalblk 49C.3 IrtOtt SALE Hero is n snap 53x115 feet with . a good li room cottage on North 19th st , be tween Lake and Spruce sts , SL500 , only KM cash balance to suit Lots In Collier and Ames ( dace nnd lied ford place that wo can sell on he most fat oroule terms Houses and lots for sule on a small cash pavment nnd bulanco monthly payments to suit the purchasers Call nud bo convinced that w e can save vou money In sclectln yourpioperty Wo nlso sell prop erty in Council Illuirs low a. Grand Island and Kearney , Neb , and lands In nil states nearly on best terms _ nd low prices Come nnd see us and bocontlnced Jobnsou _ Webcrc , 310 South 13th st 410 3 $1,200 buys a neat 4-room cottngo'i miles froraPO : Center near 20th ; lot23xl5' ' ) D C. Patterson 518 N. X. Life 414 TCUVK room cottages $1,500 each , $100 ca JD down , balance (15 uer month Thos , F. Hall , 311 Paxton block , - 370 SPECIAL Bargain A vary elegant east front property No B20 Georgia avenue , with n line 9-room modern residence with every con venience , lnciu ling gas fixtures , sewer con nections , handsomely decorated , and in fact a gemot a homo ; owner going to leave the city This property must be sold oy March 1st : for price anil terms see mo If you have any in tention of buying and wanta nice place , this will suit you DV Sholos Co 2131st NatT bank 485 TXTAUailWcsterilold.realentuo , SOmaha V > Ul LIST your property with II E. Cole 387 ACOHNEK331-3 feet on Farnam at nt a bar gain 9,0ii0. H. E. C9I0 , Koom 0 , Contl- nentalblk , and 2301 N , 2ltn St 490-3 BAIU1A1N Baser place , house and lot 91.31)0 ) , easy tonus ; Mxl5.l ft ; 3 houses , 6. 8 and 9 rooms , full lots , less tban cost Cash or trade Address or call ou owner D. G. iicrrtll , 44th and Stgvard st , Wnlnut Hill 059-m 18J KOUNTZE Placo-ll-room residence with every modern convenience on coiner lot , 10,1x121 feet ; price , $11.1109. II , E. Cole , Contin ental Ulock . and 3j04 N 21th , 603-3 "l/IOIt liEABB BT0 acres on bottoms north of X' city rorgardcnlugpurposos.poultry.dalrles , etc ; plenty of money cnu be made ; call early for choice ot locations Hoggs fc I1I1L 3W3 AU-room house and lot 33x124 , only a mlle westotcourt house , KM ) HI tBxl33 , south fronton Davenport Bt , with two 6-room cottages , $0,593. Still some more acre property away down A new5-room cottage nudsmall lot near 30th , south of K K. , $1,000. New 6-room house and lot , Lowo's addition , SI.MJ I. A good 9-room house nnd lot , 30x110 , In IIor- bach 3d add , north of Charles , $1,500 , Good house and barn , with full lot , Hanscom place $3,500. - Colsetn Johnson _ Lovgren , II9 , Chamber of Commerce 397-3 ITiOlt SALE Very cheap , no traden farm of MJ.70 acieB , sec 5,12 , N 0 W. Hamilton coun ty Neb , 1 timllea from Marquette , small house , stublo , 3U0 acres of pasture fenced , living water , prlco only ! 10 per acre , $5,417 flu , one-third U89 crop included Terms $3,201) cash , balance ( i per cent interest , V. K. Atxlus , owner , railroad building , Denver , Col 308 733011 tJALE-$800 will buy lot 50x120 In.Omaha JC View , ono block , from motor ilno , nlcely' grade Lots in this addition are worth $1,000. nnd the above prlcu Is open for a short time only , IL E. Cole , room 6 , Continental block WJ FOK HALE Three lots in Hawthorne , price $1,1300. 11. _ , Cole , room 0 , Contleental block 4W3 K30K 8ALE- _ } For cash without d-count One $300 mortgage One $ XX ) mortgage One $1,500 mortgage , Ona $ ; ,0)o ) mortgage All bearing 8 per cent interest Well secuied Principal and Interest guaran teed W , T. Seaman , Omaha's largest variety wagons and car ilagei 1311.1333 and 1335 N lath st , 315-3 A SMALL payment down and $15 per month will buy n 4-room house and lot on 10th , two blocks from motor ; Urst-clasa chance to acquire a home ou easy terms Apply to 11 , E. ( ale , Continental block 2i3 371011 SALE For a few nays we offer great } est bargains in Omaha In our l'W ' cholco lots in Omaha View at special prices for cash Hoggs - lilil : ioiki fnOKSALEor trpdo a good clean hardware X1 stock A good blacksmith and wagon shop with tools nud stout A good bant having an established business , Tu o good residences A good drug and Jewelry stock on easy terms , Address XV lleo , 299 6 * FECIAL b.trgalu-Ilest lot in Hillside No 1 , Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap , C , A. Collard - lard , owner , Kearney , Neb lS9m ! J " Ij301t sALE-23vl feet fronting Dodge.betwaon ? 29th at , and 2vth ave ; choicest ground In that part ot city ; price lower thau the lowest , Hoggs _ HID , 1108 tVrnamBt 309-3 LINCOLN Place and Carthage lots .prlco 11,000 , $30 fiown , baianca IS monthly W. USJloy , U , r 531 J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOK SALK or trade for Omaha property 2(0 acres of good land pirtly under cultivation , near Grand Island , enuillru 3Vest _ Fcltacher , 198 N llrhat • _ _ _ _ _ . TAOll SALE or Tradi Improved farm of 33 , X' acres in Uosper county Neb , six miles from Oxford mid II at M. railroad Address J , IL Shaw , 4923 Hamilton tioet.Omab . OM mOt LEA YEN WOItTH street lots , price 11.100 , " . ] down , balance 115 monthly , w. L > bolby , it , 13. Board Trad * . tJ Ndtlcci tn Stnoktintilora The annual mcetlhg ot stockholders ot The Ben Publishing Coispany will beheld held at ihelr olOc corner Seven teenth nnd Farnam streets , on Monday , March 3.1890 , nt n o'clock p. m. , tor the purpose ot electing a botrd of directors nnd oHlcers for the ensuing year ; nlso such ether business as may come up for consideration By order ot the president , George H Tzschttck , iwr _ teb lft-iot Notice to Archlteoln , The Hoard of Education ot 8011th Omahn , Neb , will rocclvo plans nnd specifications for a school building to be erected lu the Third ward of said rltv ; said building to bn 11 four-loom main building , the present Third ward s honl building to bo n wlug of the now building , nil to be heated with xteam All plans to bo sub mitted 011 or before March 10th. Itw 1 bo board reserves the right to reject anv nlul nil plans , nnd will not be llablo for miv costs or expense , except for plans and specifications ucccptod For further particulars call on or address r. J. Persons , Piosldent , South Omaha , or nny mem ber of the Hoard By order of the Board f-rdlt J.C Cmitou , Secretary Micok-lioHl'rs' tin tiur | , Notlco Is hereby git en that the regular an nual meeting of mo stockholders ot tha South Platte Irtnd company will bs held nt the olllco of said company lu Lincoln , Neb , oa the llrat Wednesday m March , 189J , bsiugthoSth day ot said month By order ut the board ot director * . KO l'lULi.ii-s. Secretary Lincoln , Neb , Fob 3 , 1S9J. F4-3jttitor Cortilli ; it- . This Is to certify that the Nebraska Central Hallway comptny desires nn increase of Its nu- thrlzed capital stock from ono lnllllou dollars to four millions five hundred thousand dollars , and thnt such luoreaso and the lutKiug nnd publishing of this cortlllcnte , nnd the filing thereof with the secretary ot state of the statu of Nebraska , hits noon duly authorised by the holders of the majority ot the capital stock ot the Nebraska Central itatlwuy company In witness whereof , wo have hereunto signed our names nt Omaha , in the county of Douglas aud state of Nebraska ou the 19th day i > r Au gust , is , 9. JOHN A. M'SHANE , OEOKGEC I1ARNUM , President Socrotury I Corporate 1 ( S Al [ Directors : JOHN It DUMONT WILLIAM U ADAMS , BENJAMIN J. MOKIlla , State ot Nebraska , Doualas county , ss : Before me a notary public In nud for said Douglas county , personally came the above named John A. McShnne , Ueorgo O Barnuui , John H , Dumont , William L. Adams and Ben jamin J. Morris , known to mo to bo the Ident ical persons who signed tne foregoing lnstru * muut , and severally acknowledged the sald in- Htrumont to he their voluntary net and deua , for the uses and purposes therein set forth In witness whereof , I have hereunto slgnod my nnmo and anixed my olllclal seal , at Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska this l'lth dayot Au gust , ISvj W. C. IVES , J Notarial I . Notary Public 1 Bool 1 Feb2dflJt.mor RAILROAD TIME CARD leaves I OHfUAOO llllltliKs'liTO.S'XljrTArrlTCs Omnlin | Depot 10tliwnilMn on streets Oiimlia 3.15 p ml . .UiIchiro 3"estllnilo Express . ' . .ili'nm 943 am t'lilcngo Ktprrss , , r.so p la 0 10pm Clilcuco Express 8.30 u in CIS p mlnira | l icnl ex bit , via UP Trans tl.tO : a la "j-eaves IllUKLlNtlTON \ MO HlVEK ArrkcT Onnlia I Depot loth nml Mason slrects Omnlia 1003 am . . . Denver Vestibule Kxpres 300 pm S 50 a m . . .llaatlnus X , Concordia 1-oeul. . . ( i.l' p in IMpm llcnvcrExprcas ; i..Y a m Leaves K. C , ST .1. * a H. An lies Omnlia Depot lOthnnJ Mason streets Omnlia 9 35 a m . . . Kansas City Day Express . . . lk.15 p m 9 15 y m | Iv C. Night Exp Tin U. 1 * . Trillin 6 43 a m Leaves ICIIIUAOOA JWitTiTwiTSTiins Arrives Omnlia U. 1' . depot , loth and Mnrl > Sts Oniaha 9.15 n m Chicago Kitiress , A * . . . , . . (1.30 ( p m 410 p m Vestibule Limited , A 10.10 a m fi.15 p in II Atlantic Mull 7.40 n in 915 I'm E.i lcrn l'lfer , A 343pm A , Dully It , Dally except Saturday C Dullr except Monday "Xuavos UNION rACIKfiS Arrltes Omaha DopotlOtli aniOlnrcy streets Omaha ' 7 5 pin Overland l < Iyer 7.10 u in c. 't > p m I.lmlled Tnst Mill 120 p m 10.30 a m Denver Kxprcas J . . . 255 pm 4.45 p m Grnud Island Exp ( except bun ) 13 33 p ra 430 n 111 Kansas City Express , . . , . . . 1330 am Jxa\cs , ctilllCAGO It I. _ PACIFIC I Arrl cs Omalia U. I . depot 10th nnd Alnrcy Hts Omaha 5 15 p m NlKlit Express 903 a 111 .115 a 111 AtlanticKvnrus r.30 p 111 4.15 p in I Vestibule Limited , . . . . . . . Iliu ) 111 " " leaves clilCAtiO MIL , A BT PAUUI Art Ives Omaha V. I * , depot , llhli and Murey Sts | Oiiialin IU5 a m Chicago Mali I iiU3pm 500 p m Chicago Jlxpiess | 1M3 11 111 leaves OMAHA _ ST LOIJIH I Arrives Omalis V. I * , depot , 10th and atarcy Pts | Omaha 4.15 p in St lxnils Cannoii Boll \1 \ W p m Iieavcs f HIOUA cT'l'V A 1'AOlVIt : . Arrives Omaha If 1 * . depot 10th onil 'ainrcr * Sts Onnlia 7.15 n in Mmix city t'ogsenpen , . . . . 1003 p m 1)15 ) p m St Paul Express 10 05 a m " Leaves - ! HIOU.V CTrV & l'AClTluT I Arrives Oiuaha I Depot 13th mid Webster Sts Omahn 1143 p nn bt l'niil Limited | I'Kain " Leaves F „ M. _ MlU7 VALtiiir Arrlvos Omsliii Depot 15th nnd Webster Sts Omalin DOOnu lllatk Hills r.xpress 530 pm ! > l ) n m . . HiutlnirslCxp ( Ex Sunday ) . . . 520 p m 510 p m . .Wnhoo „ Lincoln Passenger . 103) n m 5 10 p 111 . York A Norfolk IKx Sundayl0 ) | 3) n m Loaves I C „ ST.T.rjirXTa An Ires Omnlia Depot I51h and tVclmer Sts Oniulu 0U ) n 111 . . Sioux City Accommodation . , , tu , p m 100 p m Klnux City Express . . , . , , , 1.00 p m 345 p ml..Oakland Accommodation . . . 4.45 ii m " ' * , Leaves MlSsoUlll I'ACIKit ! \ ArrIte Omaha Depotlttliand Webster Sts . I Omalia 1030 a nil..St. IxiuU „ K. C. Express . . . | 4J15 p m ul3 n in I. St Lents AlCaHxpre , | i.- i n m Missouui pacikio suutTitTTATf trains ' js epk C < x ; rs w r. c cw Westward gH Sf gi < gf if gf ES3 • r r _ _ _ _ L 5 * ' V Am n in n mTp 111 In mfp m a in p in WctMtcrSt . . . 56011 50 - . . ' ) .1.45 5.13 I..I5 Jl.i5 lj.13 Oik Chatham 5 M 0..V ) 7.57 .1.51 5.SI l , . 'J4 b.4' li.M llnlld Hill . . . . U l l 7.(10 ( 7.IS .1.51 : , . • • ' , 0.27 8.17 MM Lake Street . . ( i ( tl 7.m 8.01 J.M 5.23 c.a : ) H.rji rj 5S Walnut Hill . S.IM T.Wi M.tn3.MA. : > l 1 . ! LO" ! Hlimlco Place (104 ( 7.0S 8.03 4.11 5.it : liil 8.51 I.UJ West bldu 0.10 7.10 8.07 1.02 5.93 11.10 H.U , 1.11.1 Ijinn , fl.l" 1 01 b.5S 1.04 Mascot 8.11 I.OI . , . . , , . . 9 01 1,11 Heymonr lurk . . . ' 8.Hi 4.11 9.03 1,17 l'orlal . . . . 8.23 4/.1) ) | 9 13 1.50 Kastivard ' am a m il m p m p m p 111 n m. p m. Portal . . . . 8.UI4.KO 9.1.0 1.115 Seymourl\irk. , . , ! ; . . , S.H'i 4.WI 9.42 1,43 Mascot 8.1 ; l.i ; 9.47 I.M Luwn 8.13 4.41 9.49 1,51 West Hldo 11.20 7.S0 5.5U 4.M 5.40 0.43 9.51 1.57 Dundee I'lace , li.2l 7.21 8.51 4.1.1 5.41 il.4(1 ( .l.&l 1.59 Wnlnut Hill , , 0.21 7.21 8.51 4.52 5.41 K , < ! > 9..VI 2 92 Lake Street . . . O. ' 'il 7.21I 8.5 > l 4.51 5,40 9.61 10.01 2.94 Jlruld Hill I1..II 7.31 8.5' ) 4.57 5,49 11.53 10 III 2 03 Oak Chatham , ll.Uo 7.55 9.IU 4.59 5 53 7.00 10.07 2.10 Webster Street 11.13 7.45 9.10s | 05 II 00 7.10 10.15 - • JO UNION PACiriC SUIHJKBAN TItAINS Theis trains alio stop nt 13th , 17th , 20th nnd 21th streets , Summit nud SarldKO Crossing Working men's trains do not run Sunday , llroad-l TransSbeel'y way fcr Omahn Hts- South Albil't CllluHa Depot Jlepotj tlon Ouinlia Depot . E" > a p " 5 " si mi 5 1 ti t 1 e > _ tf r r ft r ftr r s ? l : i : I i : I I : I 1 l | ? _ I AtllAMlAM AM AM llltU All AH Alt A- 551) ) 5311 . . . . 515 SW . . . . 1115 ' ( J.55 , G10 1105 0.17 557 6.30 5.15 0S7 . . . . li.U > 0.53 . . . . 1110 ti 'ii (147 ( ll 27 7.00 1115 7 U. II10 7.20 li UJ 7.25 5 55 7.45 7.40 7.52 7J2 803 7.20 612 7.15 8 25 703 8/X ) 7 _ ) B45855H5i827 903 815. , . , 807 7.55 , . „ UO 9439959M97 10J 915 . . . . 907 855 . , , . S50 I'M Ill Ill I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M I'M 11 05 , . . . . 312 . . . . 3 25 LU ) , , . , . . . . 4 35 . . . . 127 4 95 4 15 4 12 4 07 4.23 ,3 65 4 9U S 50 4 45 5 93 4 62 6.27 (95 515 518 507 625 46 5o0 169 n.10 ' 5.6 * 6 45 (135 ( 5.52 0.27 IUI3 11.15 U 12 007 Wii 6 65 0.50 5.50 C45 . . . . 032 . . . . 73 7.16 . . . . 707 . . . . . 55 | . . . . OjO leaves I CIIICAOO It I. _ PACIFIC , Arrives Transfer I Union Depot , Council lllurn , | Trunsfer rt.15 p nil , . , .NlKlit Express i.u > n U10 a in Atlantic Express , , . 6.65 u in 800 P ml . . V..itlbnlu _ Llinlled . . . . . , | | VM u in liavoi | CinA ( ! l7)ANOIlI'nwItSTEiU < , " " Arrlvea " 'Jransler I Union Depot Council illulls , 'Irunsfer * 949 a m.Clilcago | Express . . .J 64U p in 34U p nil . . . , , , Vestibule l.linltocl , . , . , . . , 945 a in 4 53 p nil , . . . , Jtastcrn lljrir . . , . . 5 45 11 in JBIWji m | . . . . . . Atlantic Mflll . . . ; _ . _ . . . _ T.a _ _ i ; " Leaves | CHlliAUO , " JllCi STTT'AUL.1 Arrives " Trunsferl Union Depot , t oiiiifll fllults Transfer 9 40 h ui.7iT..nilcsKO | Mall 6 45 p m QUI p ml . .Clilcaiiu Express . IU0 a _ m " Leaves K. C..BT.MnHt ' tt iiT fArrfves " Transfer nhlon Depot Council IIlutTs Transfer itX07 a m , , , Kansas nty'F ) r Express..I BJM iTia _ _ L8m • • Kansas City Nlnlit Exjiress .j fi 10 a 15 " ' ' ' " " " " Leave s OMAHA A ST I/HlTii ; Arrives Trailster Union IH'iHit.Cuunfll Ululfs Transfer Til p ml . . . . . bt Iuls I'liniin Hall . . | lil5 rTia Ta e intMGo7llUlfl/N TTltrrNCj • Arrlvos " Transfer Union Itcmt , Council lllults ITisiufcr 950 a nf * , , t'litcagu Kspress , , tut ) p in 10.UO p 111 . . , , , . . .VMiaau Elprc-as. , . , . , , , 820 a IU 6i p m . . , , , . .Chlcaico Past Mall , , , , , . . 5l p in 1M piu . . . .Ciest x > Local II go a in " Leaves "f BToT/XCnrV _ "PAtTlPiO TArrlves " Transfer Union Depot , tkiuncli lilutfs Transfer I 7.45 mil . Htuux City Accowniudatloa.M V3 a in U ( > . . . , , . . . .61. Paul Express . , . , . . , , II 63pn > SALVINl'S REALISM M Ills Pnminis Dontli Sonne 1 ho Itosult _ _ | or Studv In a llotpltnl | Now thnt Salviul 1ms publlahctl his H fitrcnoU tn Auiorlcn , it socms to como H homo to tlioso thnt nro foml of him thnt H wo liave roiilly lost liini , saysti Chlcnjro | Tribune lloston letter.Vo know ro | well thai wo shall uovcr cahls like , H but thnt wo nro now oinbarkcti ttpon H thnt elderly course of saying to n | youncor pcnonUion thnt they were born H too Into , sliuio thuy have mUsotl lilm , | thnt wo would fnlii tlisboliovo still thnt | _ H this is ititlootl his lttbl tour In H When ho wits in Dostoti onrlior in the H scnsonn friend , it physlclnn , sultl to H him Hint lie could not in the least com I H prohond the phyHicnl aspects of dentil H so well ns it was shown m the powoiftil | ( loath scotio lu "Ln Morto Clvilo" Hint _ _ _ _ ! Sulviui H _ _ "I fttiuliod thnt death tn the hospital - _ _ | pital , " the nctor unswurod , speaking of H cotirso in ltitllnn , so that I do not ifivo | Ins exact words "I happened to sea an | old mini dto there , llo tyns nn old H priest , whose niece had left him tomnlto H n runaway marrin < ; o with a man whom _ _ | ho disapproved Tlio grief which ho H felt broke him down , nnd when they H found nt the hospital where ho wns thnt H ho could not live , they sent for the _ _ | youni ; couple to come and beg ] iiB fur H ulveness before he died I wns thcro H when they catno Tito old man eiuipht H sight of them , raised himself up in his H bedmud for nti instant nil his ilro nnd H force scorn to como hick ; tlum it wont H outllko the llickorof n ctiudlo Tliat l _ H wns whore I lourtied the donth in 'La H 'Morto Civilo " ' H Salvinl has nf into yonra boon mubl- H tious Ilrst for his art , which ho loves in _ _ | a way which seems to belong to a by- H gononeo , sosinglo and iutenso is it , H und after thnt for his family Ho has _ _ H stived for the snko of leaving ' them in- H dopondctit , and it is probable thnt his H olTorts in this direction have boon sue _ _ | ccssful He is whllo in tills country besot - H sot with nil sorts of beggars , whom ho H is too good iiuturod to donv ; nnd one o ( _ _ H the droll incldorils of his last visit to H Boston wns the call of nn impudent H youth who insisted upon his buying H tickets to n dry goods clerks hall , in H the ovoniug of that day I saw him play H "Snuiboii , " end the absurdity of his H having two tickets to the dry gooda H clerks ' bnll catno over mo just as 'ho wit3 H about to enter for the first tlmo , so thnt H _ I expected the piny to bo spoiled for mo H Fortunnioly ho carries ono away in _ H of . H spite incongruous thoughts _ _ SHERIDAN'S RIDE A MYTH y H This Sinn lleflitnfl the Popular Idea H _ _ ortlii ) Cudnr Creek Itnttlc H The paper which Colonel St irr of M Richmond , road before the Loyal Legion - H gion on Tuo lny ovoniug on the battle H of Cedar Creek , nn extract of which ap- H penrcdin the Jour mil , rofutcs the pup _ _ H ular idea regarding thnt most itnpor- _ _ H tant notion , says the Indiuuupclis Jour M nal The general impression is thnt M the da ) ' was lost to the Union side H _ _ when General Sheridan appeared on H the field , and that the splendid Union M army , which had won important vtcto- M rios and was led by some of the most M experienced aud gallant olllcors in the M service was hurrying to the rent a demoralized - H moralized mob Oltl soldiers who have M seen service have never accepted in | _ _ full the popular nccounts of the battle Her or tht stories based upon Buchanan H Heads "Sheridun's Ride ' 1 Old troops H tire not easily stampeded , aud tvhon _ _ H raw troops nro surprised and made a H mob ns were these in the first Bull Hun , H the first thing they do is , to throw away H their arms But the retreating troops _ H ut Cedar Creek , who were represented _ H as a fear stricken rabble when met by H General Sheridan seemed to bo armed H nud ready to turn about and light Hero H is the ono grout Inconslstcacy of the H current reports of Cedar Creek which H havu found lodguiont in the popular H mind _ H Thnt the troops at Cedar Crook were H surprised the morning of Octobar ID , H 1801 , and forced back there can bo no H doubt That there was a season ordts- H order is equally true That would hup- H pen in the event of a sururiso That | _ _ the arrival of Gonornl Sheridan or any H other man could he known along the H whole front of a battle line which extended - H tended ever sovornl miles of broken H country nnd at once turn rout into halt , H nnd halt into advance is preposterous H In his own book General Sheridan H makes no claim that the troops were a _ H retreating mob , hut intimates very M plainly that the lines were reforming H whoa ho appeared Such corps coin B mnudors ns Lmory , Crook and Wright M were not wen to-givu.up-Ueld 4ind the | _ _ scores of division nud brigade commnti- H dors under thotn and the huuureda of H regimental olllcors , nnd , above nil , the _ B splendid rank and Illo of an army thut HJj had boon at Gettysburg und had proved their valor on a score ol bloody Holds , did not become a cowardly rnbblo at Cedar Creek Thut Shoridun's ' udvont was most propitious , that his dash nlong the lines juntas the movement to rctriovo the disustoi' had boguti gnvo coniidonco nnd inspired the ranks with his rare courage , and contributed largely to the brilliant results - sults which followed , there can bo no doubt Uo was the most conspicuous military genius dov/alopod. / by the wur He won ho groat'ronown upon every Hold upon which ho fought that it is not necessary thnt it should bo heightened by making It to appear in history that the three corps of vutorans 3vho electrified the loyal people of this United States by the series of brilliant victories In the Shenandoah vnlloy dur ing the fall of 18(51 ( were n fugitive rae blo nt Cedar Crook , without u soldlorly instinct until Gonornl Sheridan ap peared The nnuio of ' Phil Sheridan rightly holds ono of the highest places in the ostlmation of loyal people , and ho will occupy that position so long as patriotism , high courage , and military gonlus are hold ln esteem ; but it be longs to the hundreds of thousands of bravo men whom patriotism prompted to oifor their lives to save the country , nnd who died by thousands on the bat tlefield , that history gnvo thoin the croo.it their duo It belongs to the army of the Sliunundonh to have it said that it tvas not panic-stricken at Ce.lar Creek , but loll back under a torlllo und sudden assault to reform , which it was doing when Sheridan came up To the end that justice may bo denote to the men who iniido up the union nrmioB wlillq mnuy of thorn nro y.pt ullvo , and that history for the future may conform to the fact , and not be the product of pootlenl imaginations , such papers ns that ! Colonel SUtrr are of the greatest value Orcuoii Bliort Mni > & Utah Northern Itulltviv Company , Notice 1 hereby given that , pursuant to tha article * ot consolidation uuel atsreoment , dated J ii I y' tli , 1NSJ , the annual mentlnicot the stock holders or the Oreaon Hhort Line and Utult Northern Hallway Coinpnuy for thuelectlnuoC directors ntidNiicii other business an may legally tome before tha meeting , will ba held at tlio olllco of the company , Nu 73 Mala street Halt Lake City , Utah , on Wednesday , the 10th day of March , ltrJO at 10 o'clock a. in Alex MiiAn , Becretary tlostoo February Bth , lain ) . fcflcUyt Nniloo to Coiiiraclors 'Jlio Lexlinrtoa Hank , of Lexington , Neb , will receive bids for tiie erection of a three story brick Uutel , up to March 15th , IbOL l'lans and spociucatloaa can be aoea at Leilngtoa ilaak , lhe rluht to reject any or all bids is roiorvvU Veb'ldbtB