J 0 THE OMAHA DAILY 3BEE : MONDAY MARCH 3 , 1890. 1 THE OMAHA BEE M COUNCIL BLUFFS H ( JFFIOti NO til I'l Altli STK13KT. B I'dlTirtd by cnukr In any inrt of tbe City H II W. mi ON MANAOBIl H TELEPHONES ! H hniiiT iiiT : ) < ni Nnai H Ail.NOU AllSNlION H Council IllufT * Lumber Co , conl H 'ihatchcr coal , 114 Main street , j Sprimr pee 'ds , Keller , tailor , 310 Bwny Hi Carbon Coal Co wholosnlo retail,1U Pearl H , EdOrrnnd na DnrllnRton , charRcd with 1 complicity In the burglary of Shueart'ft ' H i litirdivnro Btoro , will hnvo u hearing totnor- H i row before Juslico Srliurz 1 i H. O. Mrodo hnr tnhon out n building pcr- H : mil for the erection of n hnnJsoma three H t story brick block , on lot SO block 37 , Con H trnl subdivision , Cost , { 7,000. H The funeral of fclmira , the infant ilnURh- H tcr or Mr nnd Mrs l'ctor Anderson , took H ) plncco nt 3 o'clock ycitcrdny afternoon from B j the family residence , 1SU Tenth street s j The case of Miss Knto Payne , charfrod with nstmult nnd battery on Johnnlo Grimes , ! ono of her pupils , hns boon continued by content of both parties until next Saturday , H f when It will bo heard by Justice Harnett , f Josephine , oldest dnUKhtor of Mr and Mrs j Levi fjunti , died lit 2:10 yesterday after j noon , accd forty ix years Tt.o funeral 1 will tnku place from her lata rcsidonro on 1 Ensl liroadwny at 2 o'clock tomorrow nftor- j noon Interment will be nt Walnut Ulll Hl Mr D. F. Tnvlor , representing tlio Helen H Ulytto company , has arranged with Man H nficr Dobnuy far the nppoarunco of that com H puny In this city next Friday , Saturday and H Sundny evenings and n Snturdny matinee H They will prcsunt "A Mothers Love and H Corn , the Creole H MIhs Mary > T „ daughter of the late Michael H Clarke , died at Los Angeles , Cnl „ last B Weilticsiluy Thadeceased was twenty-four H yearn of npe The remains will arrive at H the Union Pacific transfer at 7:30 : this iiiorn- H ItiK , nod will bo taken direct to the Catholic H cemetery , where they will bo interred , H Mary McMcnomy , widow of the late Mat H 8 tliow McMcnomy , hns received * l,00J from H the Catholic Mutual Uenellt nsnociution , In H payment of insurunco on the lifo of the do- H ucised Mrs , MoMcnornv received the roon- H cy within fourteen davs after thi > proofs of i denth hail been filed at thu jirinclp.il oillco or Hj ttio association H The citizens on Avenue A are still Indig- Hi nantly kicking over the impassublo condition ' cf that thorough faro on account of the ' ditches left on either slda of tho.motor track Hi nnd will nppcar before the council this Hj evening , provided that body is not too busily H | engaged lu watching election returns to hold ) an oxecutlvo session H { Ttio regular annunl ball of Dnloy's mill Hj tary band will bo given In Masonio hall lm- H ; mediately nftor the close of Lent The ox- H' ' net date has not been decided upon , but duo ' notice will bo given nf the event There has . never been a musiaal organization in Council W Bluffs which has given morn universal sat H ' lsfaction than Prof Dalbys Ho has prov- Hji en Himself to bo an oOlcicnt band organizer H and leader He is nlso a composer of band H and orchestra music , and his compositions H are boingsought after all over the west H The pcoplo of Council Bluffs are proud of H the professor and bis band LbbbbbbbbI \ Mrs T. B , Louis will bo ready for bust B ncss in her now quarters , Masonic block , on H Monday , March 3. H ] 'Iho Lenders of fine watches nna Jewelry In the city , nnd tbo place to buy the best goods at the lowest prices In the establishment without rivals , the most reliable firm of C. B. Jacquemin' & Co Drs Woodbury havoromoved their denta oQlco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs ! I'crsonal lliraitrnphi M. II Judd has returned from a business trip "to Fromcnt , Neb Dr J. C. Robertson of 1090 Fifth nvonuo , Is out again , after a six weeks slego of la grlppo A. B. Do Normandlo has boon engaged as organist for the Kountzc Memorial chapel in Omaha A. Metzger has roturncd from a trip of U six weeks through California , Texas and H9 | Mexico 1 William Ward loft last evening for bis 1 homo in Salt Lnko City , after a two wcoks' l | a visit with friends hero Hi | Conductor L. C. Mercer of the motor line 1 ' ; has returned with his wife from a short visit r with friends at Sulom , 111. H } S. M. Williamson soils tbo Standard and H' Domestic sowing machines 100 Main st H | 52 crocorymon liundla Angeleno flour : Bent made Try sack H | : Dent bo docr-ivod. The lincBt , cleanest H | ; best meat maritot in the twin cities Is i HMcschondorf's. | ' . H | Dr II S. West , porcolala crown and I ; bridge work , No 13 learl H | To liolp CUuiiinudiin H Thn lndiRaortlio city..nro . orgaulzing fiy- H | the asslstanco of the Chautauqua assembly H ; The following uro nmong these inking'tho 1 Hj initiative In this inovemont : Mrs L. W. 1 Tulleys , Mrs , K. C. Smith , Mrs B. A. Hf Josselyn , Mrs , C. 13. Waite , Mrs E. D. F. Hij • Fisher , Sirs J. G. Slommcns , Mrs Chnrlos ' jj Ofllccr , Mrs C. 13. Cochran , Mrs J. K. ' , llnrkncss , Mrs B. A. Kpoonor , Mrs Dr i * Hunehutt , Mrs H. W. Tilton h • Thcso Indies will moot at tbo rosldcnco of ' g Mrs K. C. Smith next Thursday afternoon 1 t at U o'clot-lt to perfect plans and to assign 1 | the work All ladies that nro intorcstod m 1 Hi the Chautauo.ua movement and are willing f 1 ! to usust will pleuso moot with the others at fi the time and place named Hl Thu Manhattan sporting keadq'rs 418 B-way. 1 • E Save 60 per cent on tombstones and menu 1 mcuts Doslgu sheet and price list fr o. L. 1 Helloy , 203 Broadway , Council Bluffs n C. 11. stcamdyo works , 1013 Broadway H Doslrablo dwellings for rent at reduced 1 prices by E. II , Sbcafo & Co , , runtal agouts i f Broadway and Main St , up stairs 11 Murptiy'H Toinparaiiao Moollnen V | Uev T , J. Mackay , rector of St Paul's , Hl presided at the union gospel tompcranco Bl meeting at Masonlo temple last evening , It Bjj was the fourth lecture of the sorlcs dellv- H orod by Francis Murphy , and the largo hall Hj was packed An excellent choir led the H ulnglng , nearly all thn members of ttio choirs H of the city churches roipondiug to the call to H assist Tbcso lectures uro very interesting , j and the result thus fur is very satisfactory , j several hundred having already signed the 1 pledge ' 1 hey will bo contiuuod during the j remalndor of tbo wcok Mr , Murphy is a H ] magnetic speaker , and firmly impresses his . nudieuco that ho moans till that ha says H Ho describes must graphically portions of H his oarllcr life , when ho was a slave to the H drink habit , and the fuct that ho has been all B over the ground himself and knows from pn blttor exoenenco what ho is talking about , fives additional weight to every statement lo Is ably seconded In his good work by the H pastors of the various churches , who are j nightly beside him on the platform , H | One hundred und llvo millions of money , j not in insurance , but lu sound marketable H securities , such Is tbo announcement which B the Now York lifo Insurance company makes H of IIb condition January 1. lbUO Over H 115,000,000 of this amount is surplus over H legal liabilities , and represents the savings 1 made from the rates of insurauce , exclui- H lve of amouuts already roturncd to policy H lie ' .dors lu dividends , which reach over H tVir.OOO.OOO , Tbo Now York Lifo Is forty H flye years old , and has accumulated assets at j the average rate of oyer f . ' ,000,000 , per year , H its present rate of increase loini : over 111- B 000,100. It does not need so much buslucas H In order to bo prosperous , but If pcoplo will H have Its contracts who shall say them nuyi B its admirable system of policies , lis splondld I management , It * liberul treatment of policy B holders , aud tbo largo returns tnado upon H Its uiuturlug Tonttnos , glvo It a prestige with 1 the public which insures success , Tbe fuller j statement will bo Xuud lo our advertising H tolutnna SUNDAY : NEWS IN THE BLUFFS The Political Situation Clalm3 Almost Undlvldoa Attontlou A GENERAL DESIRE FO R REFORM Tlio CoiigrccUlonnl Pulpit 'Iho In- illcsi' itnlly to ClintuniiQiia'K Aid licnth of Mrs II II Hoott Goncrnl Niitcn , PrcpnrliiR For the Frny Today will toll the story , nnd In nil proba bility Tin : Bee will bo able to present to Its roudors tomorrow morning the names of the successful nsinrnnts for city oftlce , nnd an nrcurato report of the majorities , although there wilt bo a largo vote polled , and It Is certain that there will bo tt great deal ot scratching , which will delay the counting und make It very Into bcfoio the returns are all In , The fight nt the polls will bo ono of the most bitterly contested over hold In the city It will not bo a party light , but rather ono of the citizens nga'nst ' nug rule Boodle , whisky nnd Intimidation will bo the moans used by the ring to secure the success of the so-called democratic tlckot , and It is against these that the battle must bo waged Yesterday was the last day of grnco , and the political workers were busy oy.ory hour of it und until an early hour this morning The nomlness on the democratic ticket were out in full force , and the manner in which they buttonholed evsry voter who passed was an evidence of the uneasiness felt by them They nro loavlng no stone unturned that could posslb' .v ussist them In any man ner So dospcruto la the situation that they nro not working for ttio ticket as a ivholo , but it Is every man for mmself , nnd they are offcrlug to saenfico each other lu a way piti ful to behold There is not the slightest doubt but that there will bo moro trading at the noils than ever before seen hero on a similar occasion None understand the situ ation hotter than the democratic nominees , and they nro far from fooling as dated us is customary in this democratic city The outlook for the success of the citizens tlckot grows brighter every hour , nnd It is certain that a part , if not the whole of it , will bo olectcd Almost without un excep tion it has tno support ot the hotter element of democracy , and thcro is hardly u business mun of either party to bo found who is networking working for its success Its election depends on a light between the representative men and property Interests of the city against the flouting and purchasable vote In the First ward the principal fight will bo for ward alderman and the republican nominee L. A. Caspar , hns such a following that his friends are confident of his election E. T. Waterman was nnnounccd as an independent candidate for reelection , but ho wont to Mr Caspar yesterday , and offered to withdraw from the rnco in favor of Mr Caspar , provided the latter gentle man was opposed to tbo gag rule ot the Walters outfit in the First ward and would work against the reappointment of C. D. Walters as chief ot the ilro department Mr Caspar stated that ho did not intend to make any pledges , but that his opposition to Wal ters was a matter of public knowledge and that ho was opposed to ring rule first , last and all the tune That Bottled the inattor nnd Mr Water man is now out of the light The contest is between Mr Caspar and Mr Jennings The latter will not poll the regular demo cratic vote of the ward , owing to his decided prohibition ideas and because it is generally understood tbnt ho Is pledged to support Walters In the Fifth ward Bland Ulshton has with drawn as tbo independent candidate und is working hard for the success of l'oter Smith , tbo republican nominee The Globe stated that bo was too good a democrat lo bolt bis party ticket and bad announced that ho was not an independent candidate , but the party organ stopped right there and did not state that ho had withdrawn In favor of the re publican nominee Con Fitzpatrick , tbo nomiuco of tno democratic caucus , admits that ho is a weak man and states nlso that ho can not understand the strong opposition that has developed against him In the Sixth the chances ot electing A. C. Harding as ward alderman are most flatter ing A loading democrat said yesterday that the indepoadont candidate , O. P. Whip pic , would receive ns many democratic as republican votes and his candidacy will , therefore have llttlo effect on the real fight between Harding nnd Mlkesell The democratssentoverfcJOJJinto this ward yesterday afternoon , but there will bo grief ior whoever attempts to brlbo voters at tlio polls today , and the probabilities are that these who hold it will have an opportunity to take It homo and spend It on tbelr families I'he Mahattan is the stronghold of the Maloneyltes , und the place was filled yes terday with nil the word heelers and bum mers that could bo collected Whisky und beer wore the principal arguments used , and they flowed llko water The air wus not nt nil congenial to tbo respectable clement that Is sometimes found nt the place , and iho " proprietors devoted themselves to priming tno word workers for their duties today Democrats whp hnvo nlways voted the nary ticket state openly that they will not support it todny , not alone because of the character of some of iho nominees , but because - cause they Uecluro that * lt was not fairly nominated They charge that the caucuses in thu Second and Fifth words were packed , and the combine was at the bottom of the whole thing Thn caucus at the Ogdcn house on the evening before the convention Is referred - forred to In a manner that clearly demon strates how the dolegutes feel who were loft out in the cold mid virtually hud nothing to sny in the nomination of the party ticket Maloney will run ngalust a rock In the Third ward because of the attempt to pack the , caucus lu that ward against O'Connor , and the friends of tuoMuttor have vowed to play oven at the polls Another thing that is cauiing trouble was the ratification mooting at the opera house 1 Saturday evening It was simply a boom edition for some of the nominees , and the ; fact that it was run altogether in the inter ests of James , Aylcswortb and Holmes has caused the other candidates to sour on them , und they say this notion settled it with thorn , nnd they will work for their own in terests alone and will Undo the other with out compunction whonovur tbo opportunity offers An unusual source of strength will bo the Scandinavian vote which numbers 4 ) in the city , They wore out working jeBterduy for thu success of the citizens ticket nnd liuvo appointed committees to work in all the wards today , They say that they will vote the tlckot ton man , und want to see tbe colur of the democrats hair who can buy ono of tholr votes , notwithstanding tbe assertion of n democratic loader that ho would buy every ono of their votes nt H a plecu . Another class of citizens who favor the citizens ticket are the Germans , and thuy will make themselves felt at the polls as novet before The Council Bluffs Insurance comnanys' average annual income slnco organization has been { 120,000.00. Disbursements sluco organlzav " 'ju for losses and ether ex penditures now exceeds (1,000,090.00. Hlsks written slnco organization , (12,770.515 00 ttvery property owner should patromzo this homo institution , and in that way encourage und build up our city J , 11. Allen is the city agent ot this company , and a moro honor * able , reliable and trustworthy man can not bo found Tno directors of the company ura Hon \V. F , Supp , E. L. Sbugart , F. M. Guult , John Henuers , M. C. lirainerd und J. Q. Anderson City Steam Laundry , 81 Main Tel 141. TlioTfHt nf Ijiivp At the Congregational church yesterday morning the sacrament of tbo Lords supper was administered , The pastors tbomo was "Tbe Test of Love " Ho took for bis text John UilS ) "If ye love mo keep my com mai'dmcnli ' , " Ho said that Christianity was moro than a uiero sentiment , it was a Ufa in harmony with the Divine will , The true test of the Christians ' love for the Master was the lifo bo led However much the heart entered into the formation of character It was not tbe end sought for Love was to bud , and blossom aud boar fruit ! "By their fruits yo shall know thorn " When Peter affirmed his love for Jesus ho was i commanded lo feed the flock as the cvl- denro ii ii i nf his love Christ has lott on record his i commandments and they are easily un- dcrstoodi > Theology may have Its mys- tcrlcs , but the principles Christ lays down , for our guidnnco nro plain and prnctical ! A child can understand thorn Why nro all included in ono word , love , Love is tlio fulfilling ot the law Christ is tbo master nnd wo are sworn to obey lllm , Our lives shall harmonic with our pro fession To obey Christ is not only to plcnso Him but to secure our own highest intorcsts Christ ! enmo Into this world not to nugment the happiness of heaven but to make earth happy , Ho came to sot up His kingdom within oursculs After the address eleven now members wcro received , nftor which the communion was administered A plonsing feature ot the beautiful song service was a hymn ontitlcd , "Tbo Good Shepherd , " token from Dr Croft's book , Golden Hod , " to which a llvoly nlr had bean adapted by Miss Ellis , the organist , nnd sung by her , nccooipaulod on the organ by Miss Bottle Boss The popular wall popor-nnd docorntlvo establishment of P. C. Miller has boon re opened with Mr Miller ns tnanngcr The entlro stock has boon purchased by Jacob L. Jensen , and largely Increased by the addi tion of all the latest styles and designs by the best manufacturers Thn old establish ment Is rcaJ.v for business again , a fact the public will note with interest The handsomest nnd cleanest market , best meats and lowest prices at J. M , Seamans • o The water runs when Blxby plumbs , Denth or Mre II II , Scott At 0:30 : o'clock Saturday evening Hannah II , , wlfo of S. W. Scott , passed away after an Illness of about six months , ngod forty yenrs , eight months and six dnys Her ailment was cancer The deceased was born in Muncie , Iml Juno 23 , 1S40. She was married to Mr Scott In Ulo'omflold , this state , September 2 , 1S30 , and bad resided In lowu over forty-two years She came to Council Bluff * about seven years ago , nnd bIiico that time mndo this city her homo Besides her husband the deceased leaves three children to mourn her death They nro Mrs J. C. Hoffman of Livingston , 111. ; Mrs W. II Cop3onnnd Miss Blrdlo Scott of Council Bluffs Mrs Scott was u member of the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church , and n devout Christian She had a large circle ot friomls here , all ot whom will deplore the sad event The remains will bo taken to Clurlnda for interment JU Tipton , real estate , 527 Broadway Wo want you to list your rental property with us and wo will secure you good , reliable liable tenants , llcnts collected and special attention given to care or property E. II Sheafe & Co , Broadway and Main st , up stairs S. B. Wadsworth & Co , 207 Pearl street , loan money lor Lombard Inv Co A full line of jellies , preserves nnd jams Just opened Kollcy & Younkerman A New Iastnrnte Rev S. Alexander has resigned the pastorate - torato of tbo Fifth Avenue Methodist Epis copal church , and will herenftor devote his attention Bolely to the Trinity church , which has been holding its meetings at Laey's hall on South Main street tor some time past It is tbo intention to build a now church edifice Tbo organization has already purchased a lot on the southwest comer of Fourth street and Ninth avouuo , and a mooting > vas held Saturday evening to make further arrange ments for the work of building Plans arc being drawn , and a subscription list has been started to raise the necessary funds Mr Alexander , is a hard worker , and to his efforts is larecly duo tbo rapid progress made by the Fifth avenue church in tbo past year The best wishes of the public will at tend him in bis now enterprise Full line of homcopathicmedlcines at Ellis . A. Adler of Chicago.has Just opened tbo largest wholesalb nnd retail manufacturing establishment for picture frames and mould ings lu the west Before really establishing his business hero his wires health failed , and ho Is compelled to return to Chicago For this reason bo has determined to sell at wholesale and retail the entlro stock of over 5,000 metal leaf and bard wood frames , with several thousand line pictures , etchings , etc , at any saenfico the public demands 211 Brondway , Gillette & Freomau , practical decorators , 28 Pearl Ilnhy's Wardrobe Baby's wnrbrobo is often a matter of interest It Is curious that in England infants rarely , if ever , wear caps , while abroad they mostly do , und pretty , dainty ones , too , composed of line work and lacu insortioii , and closoly-plcatcd lace with bows and narrow ribbons in front , next the fuco , says a London letter - tor to Cnssoll's Family Magazine An old fashion has boon revived , of long veils made of net edged with lace , which almost reach to the hem of the clonic , nnd-thoy throwJnckcasily , being , of such soft comprcssiblo not | Kobes and cloaks do not differ much as yonro roll by Corded silk is often now employed for the cloaks , which nro wadded , and lined with n thinner make of silk , but the capes are much dcopcr , and often bordered with thick embroid ery upon muslin , and then nppliquodon to the silk with a full I rill of lace at the edge A good method of trimming cots nnd babies baskets is toarrungo t > o that the coverings nro all slipped on to gether , ami then they can onsily bo tied an For the cot , the curtains are quilted boncnth a circle of material , und under this they are secured to the uprights ; ull the rest of the covering consists of a wldo laco-edged llounco for the outside , and some wadded stuff for instilo all in ono , und Mod on in a minute In lieu of muslin , soft silk is mostly used , edged with lace The haskot 1b arranged on the sumo urincl- plo * Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chili dron teething gives quiet helpful rc t , 25 , cents bottle * Thnt Mntlo a DifTcrcnoc Philadelphia Inqulror : ' Papa , George Mr Joughnes abked ma to bo i his wlfo last night und und I con sontod " ' 'My child , I have nlways boon a kind , , indulgent father to you , have I uotV" Yes , papa " * And uovor denied you anything In my power to give when it wus for your goodV" "No , papa " ' • It has been the ono ambition of my lifo to see you married to a rich man , , for whore there is poverty there can bo i no happiness I would bo very remiss i in my duty to you as u futlior were I to i permit you to tlo yourself to a lifo of mitory with u pauper like Joughnes , u t clerk in some kind of a Btoro " Pupa , you forget Mr Joughnos 1b , indeed , only it clerk in u store , but it is i u rotnll drug store und " Bless you , my cluldronl Bless youl' ' Tits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness \ and hysteria are eoon cured -by Dr Miles 1 Nervino Free samples at Kubn & Co , 15th i aud Douglas , A Ilnllroail Projected in PnleRtliii , The Now Englund Land Company of t IJgypt is the paradoxicul nnmo of a pro posed spnuMcalo , the object of which is i the jmrcliaso of house lots in Port Said nnd Alexandria , and the building of a two hundred inilo modern trunk Una , from Port Said through to Damasousiu i Arabia Petra , Bays u Boston dispatch to > tlio Philadelphia Ledger Many well-known Now Knglundors are at the head of this enterprise , chief f Of whom nro Gen Butler , Prank Jones ot Now Ilampsbiro , Governor Goodell I of i the same 8tf\f3 , senator Frvo of ' Mnlno , nnd ToscjihU Palmer of New Jersey , titolnUoL'tfolng the treasurer The , plan is to build thn road through the ! mountainous regions In southern Pulostlno runnlrijry northward through the plcturosquu valley where ilows the 1 > 1 blo-ftuned rlvcc Jordan , and there into Damascus Fen Soiti : TilitoAT Saturate a flannel - nol bandage with Chamberlains Pain Balm and bind U on the throat It will euro any Ordinary case In ono nights time Mr * W. " B. Pallor , the leading mo reliant at Grconcnstlo , In . says : Chamberlains Pain Balm Is n , good ono It cured tno of a vlolont sere I throat , I have solj n number of hot ] ties for rheumatism und always with good rostilts " 50 cent bottles for sale by all druggists , HERE'S A QUEER BIRD STORY it Cnst n G' .omn Over an Otherwise Ki'Joynlilo Dinner Party "I sco a great deal of talk In the pa pers every little while , , ' said a man who hns built many mtlos of railroads and contracted for tiny number of big engineering enterprise s , in the hearing of n Now York Times reporter , about the foolishuoss of having the englo ns the omblotn of our country Ho is rep resented us a. cowardly , thlovish , unin telligent bird , und any number of ether fowls of the air nro put forward as can didates for the proud position of the nations bird Now I nm not nn ornithologist elegist , so I am not prepared to argue ever the rolutivo merits of the diftoront llyors , and I must confess that the eagle is a thief always and a coward very oftoti , hut that Iiq is lacking in intelli gence I most ompluiticully deny Lot mo toll you ono little stury of him that puts him in a very favorable light ' ' The speaker was one of a little party thnt had just finished dinner tit an up town hotel it few evenings ago , and his companions jumped tit the chauco of hearing un iiiteiosting tale ever their c igars About twenty years ago " ho began , "I wus engaged in building a big wobt- orn roadand one spring day wo pitched oureunip on the banks of ono of the turbulent rivers of the rogiou and settled - tlod down for u three mouths job on a ravine bridge A few days later wo noticed un eagles nest perched up the 'olulT across the rlvor and the following Sunday two of our mnn swam the stream during the nbsenco of the old birds und brought back two vigorous caglots with thorn \ "Wo hurriedly patched upn pen of pine slabs for the captives , making it about seven foot square und leaving lots of space between the slabs on the top and sides , so that wo could have a good look ut the squalling hunches of feathers The parent birds came back about noon , and whou they found thojr llttlo ones gone they kicked up a ( right ful row and How about in search of them as if they wore distracted When they finally discovered whory the eaglets \voro they circled ! around in the uir over the pen , keeping out ot reach of our rilles , and shrieked advice to their chicks about keeping up tholr spunk and making themselves comfortable as plainly as human beings could Then the old birds Hew away and came back after a little with two big fish in their talons They circled and circled nround over the pen , and finally let the llsh drop straight as u die right between the slabs jn the roof They kept up this performance every nay for a fortnight , und uovor in all that time did they raibs hitting the pen with thn fish they droppoo\ , Their parental af fection and intelligence bo worked on us that wo put , the eagles back on the other side of the river again , and I toll you it wus really affecting to see the way these two old birds hung around and caressed their olTsprintr They seemed to understand after that that wo were friendly to them , und during the rest of the time wo were there they flow all about the camp und had no hes itation in coming down to pickup the scraps of meat and fish thnt wo would throw to them , 1 cant say that they shed tears ever our departure , but I will warrant that they felt the pangs of sopuration us keenly as wo did " Shaken 0.it of Genr , By malarial disease tbo human machinery cannot half perform Its ofllco Digestion , secretion , evacuation uro disordered , thu blood becomes watery , the nerves feeble , the countenance ghastly , sloop disturbed and appetite capricious Terrible is the disease , foil its consequences Thcro is , however , u known antidote to the miasmatic poison , and a certain safeguard against it In malarious regions of our south aud west , in Soutn America , Guatomnla and on the Isthmus of Panama , as well as in traasmarino countries where the scourga oxistB , this InimltaDlo -provontivo-and remedy , llostettcr'sStomach Bitters , has , during the lastthlrty-Avo years , been constantly widening the urea of its use fulno3s , and demonstrating its sovereign value Liver coumlaint , dyspepsia , consti pation , kidney tioublo , rheumatism and do- blllty are all remedied by it * MULES RIDE DOWN HILL A Deckled Novelty in Trnmwny Pract ice In California Wo illustrate a novo'ty in tramway practice tiiiton from the ruilroad oper ated in the beautiful town of Ontario , San Bernardino county , California , says the scientific American The railroad passes through the middle of Euclid , avenue , a broad und beautiful strcot , bordered with orange and lemon trees The avenue U some six miles and a half in length , with heavy grades us It approaches the hills The cur is drawn up hill and over the levels by a pair of mules , but in going down grades the muios ride and the car moves by gravity , ns shown in our engraving A nlatform with fold ' ing sides is provided , which is supported ted near ono end upon a pair of wheals The opposite end of the platform is sup ported on the curt When the mules nro the tructlvo power1 the sides of the plntform are folded down nnd the whole rolls back unuor-tHo bottom ot the car , where it romaii ' , " and is drawn along the track with the par The wheels on which the platform is curried are of small dinmctor , nu 'A near them is u brake bearing directly on the rail when applied by the conductor . On down grades Iho platform or truck is drawn out from beneath the car , the sides uro raised ; ifiul the guardrails , otc , nro adjusted , The mules are driven upon the platform , the gutes are closed and all is ready for the descent , The mules quietly standwell fenced iu , while the cur iapidly ; runs down the grade - . i/i Wo nro indebted to K. P. Slater of Onturio , Ctil , . for photographs from which our illustration has been pre pared a. What Is moro attractive than a pretty face with afresh , bright complectlon i For it use Pozzonl's Powder , m Hnmnnllo Onrcor of a Cro > k. Courthouse Dotoctlvo George W. Ryan , who has just returned from Cull fornia , saw a number of old-time crooks during his visit to tbe Pacillo coast , suys the Cincinnati Enquirer Ono of thorn , "Brocky" Horton , who wus ira plicated with Lou Huuok in the murder of a truvolinp mnn In Ohio several years ago , is doing wall Horton and Iluuak were both hotel sneaks und sure thing mop , nnd Ilauuk Is still in the Columbus pcnltontlary ( or the murder Horton was pardonotf and wont west Ho 1 landed In Fresno , Cnl , where La Blnncho ] , the prlzo llghtor trnlnod for his 1 late fight with Dempsey , Horton wns ' "on the sknto9" there , but did not have I a pair of shoos to cover his foot , Somehow ! or ether ho mot a. Spanish girl i of wealthy parents who was nt- loading the sisters convent nt Fresno Horton is n tall , lanky , lll-shnpcd fol low , nnd his face is so covered with smnllpov : pits tint it looks like U slovo Notwithstanding all this ho succoodctl in winning Iho Spanish girl , nnd the dny nftor she graduated from the con vent Horton mnrriod her She proved to bo worth $100,000 In her own right , unci "Brocky" was not long in finding it out Today ho drives the strcots of Fresno bohlnd a spanking team ot horses and lives lu the llnost rosldcnco in the country IIo oven has n largo vinoynrd attache with the words B HortoiiPropriotor , " ever the entrance Ho is looked upon nsono of the best nnd most inlluontinl citl7.ons of tlio place , und but few pcoplo there know him ns the thlof who has done time In nenrly every lurgo prison in the country Physicians say that there Is no remedy for consumption In some ca&os this may bo correct Wo know , however , of many cures made by Dr Hulls ' Cough Syrup , and wo will guarantee rcllof , A scnslblo woman will not fall to keep a bottle of Salvation Oil on hnnd for mon's cuts and bruises A ljililo KoiiHonliiir for "Tlio limine- hold " Detroit Free Press : NovorusoMrs " when signing your uiiino It is incor rect and inelegant Put it in brackets below your signature if your eoire spondent is a stranger Tlio use of ma'am mid Bir by chlldron in roplylng to their elders is entirely given up ; they are taught to say yes , mamma , " or "no , grandmamma , " and in answering tlio questions of others when obliged to mister with u pluin yes or "no , " they simply repent the nnmo of the person adJrossod as "Y"cs. . Mrs Smith " A widow should not use her late hus bands title on invitations or cards . Do not ask anybody to excuse your glove a glove is not an orrorto bo p.ir- ( loned A small tea-tablo presided ever by the hostess or u Irioud , is suitable for an afternoon ontertnlninont For an informal gathering of nbout Blxteon pcoplo In the evening , have the re freshments handed Jt Is n pretty custom to send a little card announcing the arrival o ! a baby The card bears simply the narao und date , and is inclosed with the parents card to friends , not acquaintances Never l"uvo a house where you have accepted hospitality without making your adloux to the hostess Present a gentleman to u lady thus : Mrs Ray , ullow mo to present Mr John Introduce two ladies the younger ttrtho older " AMERICAN MILLIONAIRES An Knglish Writer mi the Worshiper or Financial llrsorvoirfl Wo shall bo told that the majority of men In nil countries seek for inoncyund that it is only the gigantic scale on which everything is conducted in the now world which inultes their million aires in uny way remarkable It is not so Not only do wo not specially decry American millionaires , but wo think their quality of mam moths the most redeeming feature turo in the worship paid them Money in these hugo aggregates hub in it such potentialities , is no entirely be yond what any man can spend upon 'sotf-lndulgence ' , thnt wocununderstaud that the desire for it is often another form of the vague desire for power which 8ilr the hearts not * only of the ambitious , but ot the philanthropic It is not-tho millionaire , but the million aire ns the popular ideal , who arouses our apprehensions Mon desire money in Europe , nnd sometimes , when they have anything to got , worship millionaires ; hut they do not make of them ideals They are not thirsting to bo themselves colhirs of cash nor are they Inclined to bow down before pccunlury reservoirs The tendency , in fact , is the ether way to hold mere money In a certain intellectual scorn ; to pun dor to the socialist dislike of the very rich man , lo full prostrate , if at all , before rank , and military , success , and iutolloctof a certain showy and advertising kind , Tlio sccrot wishes ol men are many , but these who deslio to bo as the Nitrate King , and who watch him , to catcli if they may his secret of success , are certainly not the community Tlio majority in all grades thirst for competence , nstlioy l'eckon competence , in order to bo free ; u few desire grout wealth as a tangible proor to themselves of their own success ; ono ov two seek mammoth forti'nes from the moro pleasure of the pyramid builder , half vanity , hnlf do- Biro to do what has not boon done before fore , but all sot in ideal before them selves ether than the money , Not ovou iu Franco uro the millionaires raised into idouls , while in Germany they are loathed ; in Italy , whore men quit busi ness on 200 u jour , they are disre garded ; in Austria they uro nothing , being crushed by the revoruiico for birth ; and In Kiigland they nro what shall wo sayV defended , with upologics for the defense , us people who uro use ful in their way That the admiration for weulth moro wealth grows hero und in all European countries , wo do not deny , because all other forms of irresponsible power are dying , and mon long for power less fettered thun the power derived from u popular vote Bettor any deity thuii Belial , if man is to advance , even if it bo so absurd u ono as Is embodied in the Kuglish con ception of aristocracy That docs nt loust impose some obligations ; but what are the obligations that the worshipper of Jay Gould iu his heart respects ? Not ovou the keeping of a bagain Thn Only Ono The Chicago , Milwaukee it St Puul Hallway is the only line running solid vestibuled , oloctrio lighted and steam heated trains hotwoon Chicago , Coun cil Blullsund Omaha , The berth reading lump feature in the Pullman sleeping curs run on these lines is nateutod und cannot bo used by any ether railway company It is the great improvement of the ago Try it und bo convinced Sleeping cars louvo the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , ntu p. m. dully , arriving at Chlcaeo ut 930 ; u. m , Pussoiigors taking this train lire not corapollod to got out of the cars ut Council Bluffs and wult for the train to bo cleaned Got tickets and slooplngcar berths ut Union tlckot oillco , 1601 Furnam st F. A. Nash , Gen Agt , J. E. Phkston Pass Agt How Not to C o lo Sleep "In these days of innumerable hints for health and couioliticss , "sayBapron > inont physician in tlio Philadelphia North American , lot me toll beauty how not to go to sloop Lot her take care that it is not with ii frown or dis contented expression , for such will bo apt to louvo its imprint during her sloonlng hours , und contribute just so much to pormnnont unbecoming lines As she finds herself sinking into the arms of the drowsy god , lot her close her mouth easily , allow the eyeliods to drop gently but fully ever the eyes , und just as she From the Forty-fifth Annual Report m j ( January 1st , 1B90) ) or the L New York Life Insurance Company /y 340 < Xs 348 Brondway , Now York I * ' \VlKLIA3I iirnmKS : - . resilient TOTAL INCOME , oicr l enf j nltioiulllloii dollars DENKFITS TO l'OMCY.HOLDEKS , oicr l e1ro million dollar * . INTEREST INCOME , nearly Ihc pur cent , on nieruRo nel n < s cls . NEW INSUNAXCE Mltl'lTEN , otcr nitclitinilreil nn.l Hfly million dollars ASSETS , otcr ono hundred nml ( he million dollars SUlll'IiUS , by the New York State Stiuulnril , iiTrr fifteen nml u half million ilollnri INSU1UNCE IN rOllCK , over four hundred nnd nliie.fho ( ) million ilolliips IltO KiSS : TN I8h0. Incrcnso in Interest $30.1,053.00 Increase In Bonollts to Policyholders , i Incrcnso in Surplus for Dividends 1,710,840.05 | Increase in Premiums 3,458,330.31 i Incrcnso in Total Income 3,701,1)83.41 ) ' Increase In Assets 11,573,414.41 - * * | Incrcnso in Insurance Written 110,009,357.00 | Increase in Insurance in Pored . 75,715,405.00 T RESULTS OF 45 YEARS ' Ilceeltoil from I'olk't.liolilcrs In Premiums for Insurance nml Annuities $ g'J , o2fl > 284.IO l'nlil to Policyholders anil their renresentntltes $ l2 ! ! , ll11,058.87 Assets held as security Tor I'ollcj.hiiWcm , .Intiunrj 1 , 181)0 ) $105,05:1,000.00 : Total amount iiaiil Policyholders nn.l now held ns security for their contracts JjigiH.ilDT.tiriO.S Ainmint pnia uiidlu-lil exceeds iiinouiu received , - S < > , W71il7. > . : t t Hecelteil from Interest , Itents , etc , in fori ) lite jenrs , 1845-1SM ) . $52,8(18,000.1)4 ( ) Heath-losses paid in fori-the ) curs , IS I5-18S ! ) 50.040,257.01) ) , Interest anil Items exceed Ocntli-losscs paid • - - 8 . .H27H&a.MNr' ; Dhlilemls paid In fortj-Ihc icnrs , 1815-188 ! ) $ : i7il)5tifll.5l : ) { i Surplus out Ua'illUies ' , under new State Lnv , Ian 1. 181)0 ) 15 , ( H,0 ) < )0.00 ) I Amount suved C'olUy-liolders from tulilc . . ' tf 1 - rate * , - - f tfO 5,0Ol. > For prospectus nnd full details , address 1 E. 0. jMIThV General Agent , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA I HEADQUARTERS FOR I CALIFORNIA ORANGES 1 DUQUETTE & GO , J WHOLESALE - I | Fruits and Commission , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la | | | O. A . BEBBB ' &COMPAlSrT , | Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in 1 Largest Stock and Lowest Irlcas Dealers , sent tor Catalogue | Xoi 205-307 Broadway , and an 1-200 Tierce St ' , Council Hliiirs , la § GAS FOB DOOM AND HEATING Tlio ideal fuel is .19. It gives the greatest dofrreo of heat , la nlwayaunde t _ J control and Is absolutely withojt dint ana there can bo no accidents from its use _ L fcMB Scientific in voatigntions have shown that food cooked by it retains 20 per ccn' B H moro of its nutritive properties than if cooked in Ilia old way You never ate a H | peed steak unless you hnvo tried ono cooked by gas The Council Bltilrs Gas and BJ Electric Light compiny have made it doslrablo in point of economy to use gas "Wir for cooking nnd heating It will pay you to investigoto this Their new gas , ; / heaters and cookers are the groatebt success os modern times They combine BY ' EVERY OESIKAUL.E IUAEITV M ECONOMY , HEAVINESS FORT USE , i | ABSOLUTE SArETl' , GKEATEST IIEATING CAPACITY , $ NO LOST HEAT ' fS > ELECTIUC EIGHT FIXTURES OF ALL KIVDi P CAEE AND EXAMINE i , ' , No210 Main St MERRIAM BLOCK , No , 211 Pearl St ) ] cou.vcie BEurrs iowa Si yields herself to his soothing embrace , summon borne pleasant thought that shall set the seal of peaceful content upon her face She should not lie with ono hnnd under her cheek , a common habit with youthful sleepers , which wrinkles nnd slightly numbs the skin , nnd , of cour o , she should brentho always through the nose This latter practice can be readily acquired if ope is not adictcd to it , unless there be some pronounced nasal impediment Persons who have passed their first youth are apt at the moment of falling asleep to lot their jaws drop slightly , and tlio lips of the mouth settle themselves in hoary curves ; this is not necessary vntil' the muscles , relax with ago and a little watchfulness nt the moment of losjng consciousness will lesson the tcn- doticy " sp ecTal n ot I c esT COUNCIL BLUFF3. IMAVi ; severnl houses nntl lots to trade for Council IlintTrt or Omalia unimproved proi > - My , U. II Juild SJtl Ilroiidway , Council lllutrs OANV.VSSnitB Wiinted-tJood Hearty man can nidlo * J to Jl a day -II llroatlway WANTKU Lauy rnrreiponilcnt ; object amusemout ; htrlctly conlUlciitliil and let ters returned If d" > lred Address A It1 , llvo of fice , Council lllutrs , Iowa I7IOII SAMI A. unreuln lrtakonBoon 17acres . (4) ( ) rod * norili of Uiautiiuiiun grounds ; Mill bell In ten itcio lots It dnMred U acres on ( irand menuu inside tiie city lim its { J0J per aero CIioIcb lota In Mullens , I'M to ! 40O. , Iot.s In Kiddles" &ul > „ W.u to SIKW ! Two of tbe ciiolcMtt icslrtonco lots In tlie city I i at J1.7C0 each If tiknn noon , Kin a lot on nil live , iml W : will tnalce U good lota ; u creat , baiKiilu ; only glnou oroomliou.se on .Mndl'on btrect one block from liroadwny , very lieip Choice ryi foot lot ou A\o , It , 1100. Nl"e cottafre on Park avenue Ile/udences and vacant lots In all parts of the city Farms for sale , Klrst inoru-aBe loans W. O btacy tc fen Itoom 4 , Opera lllock Council lllnirs IrtOlt IlXOIIANfiK A stock of dry poods , no . turns and millinery Address KIU l'rank St.- Council lllnirs , Li AHAHOAIN Complete roller mill aril bhw- mill for hole Capacity of roller mill , forty barrels dully Will null farm In umnectlon vrltli mill It deiircd tlool luasout for selling All InniilrleH In legard to said pionerty sent to tno followingaddioss will ro-elva prompt men tion ; C. V. Heel Heels , la " 171011 HAI.K Tne seven-room rotMjjo at tlio J. lorner of ; hl utronue and ntu ntreet , Alsi > tlm new tfu Us cottauo occupied by me on ad uveimo Hither propsrty will bu sold on easy tonus W , u. James C ' oUNCUi lflm'TOpro ,7er7y ' rorsale al : Kreat btrKuInn The roilowimr , mnoni ; the most beautiful homes lu Iho city , will lie nold at Kreut bargains , on monthly payments , or terms to suit : Tin ee new 8-room houses on Mn-oln avenue two blocks from electric moior hue Two now 4-room houses four blocks from electric motor line on North Seventh Btreet One new 5-room house four block ! , from elec tric motor line on North Seventh street Three new 6 and U room houses one block from electric motor line corner Avenue A and iwelfthstrest Ilesldes the above I Mavo houses aud lots in all purts of the city One new 1-rooni house on Mill St C I ) . Judrt.OW UroaJway Council lllulTs for secondhand furniture , stores and OABII carpets , A. J. Jlondel , l 3 Hroadway , - residence , 553 Willow av IjlOUSAMt-My , side nf lluyllis park Heated by steam , ikntod by electricity aud contalulDS all modern Improvements I-ot UXJ by 20) ) feet Also will sell or exchange for improved city property , my Xann of 670 acres , ton miles east of Council UluOM , NM I'usey , Council liluffs FOK BA1.B House ana ton acres on Upper Hroadway ; well suited for orlck yards ; good Improvements : reosoiuUde terms ; rare tbance for right party Juuulre Thomas John son , on premises FDItNISHBD rooms for rent at 117 rouith ' 'f { St , Council lllulfs 3/ NKW Improved roil estate to tr-uj for iialio \ j proven Omaha or Council Bluffs property ' | C. I ) . Judd COS Hroadway if , TiiOUSALBorltent rjaMon land with houses , % X1 by J. It nice lttJ Main st . Council lllutrs ' / , THE J A. Co J i , . Murphy Manufacturing . | 1st Avenue and 21st Street W'l' SASH DOORS AND BLINDS If Hand nnd Scroll Sawing He Rawing nnd HLl I'laiilng , BswlnnotuHKInils l'orcn llrackets ' # KinrtllnR woodJ.M ) par led dellvored Clean ' V sawdust by the barrel Sic All work to bo BrJ tlrst-class. Telephone til , Your Patronage Solioltod " Mil BELL & BERLINGHOF , If ARCHITECTS i AMI SUPEIUNTUNDENrH ; , Ronm 3 , Opera House Uloclc , Council UlufM , S/ S. -MAXON , 4 p Archile.t and nt . Superintend . . jj Room 251 , Merrlam Block , ' V COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA , i I Ouos Ornccn W. n. M. Fuset \ | - OFFICER & PUSEY , \ BANKERS ! Corner Main and Droaaway I COUNCIL IMiUFI'H , IOWA j Dealera In forelrjn and domestic exchange Collections made and Interest paid on time a > ; posits \ CHRIS BOSEN } SASH a DOOR FACTORY , f AND PLANING- MILL j Host equipped , moit centrally located factory ] In the city All modern latest pattern machln- ) cry Operated by skilled mechanics Special ' , attention given to scroll und bandsuwlng plon- ' ' Ing und trimlng General contracts aim estt' • • mutes for houses and buildings a specialty r Corner North Main and Myuster streets , Coun- t ell lllutrs 'ielephono-Wii. • J , l ) . Kdhundson , E. Ii HuurunT , \ I i'r s. . Vlcelrss , , , * Char II Hannaw , Cashier I CITIZENS'STATE ' BANK , , \ . or council lirurrs , , , Paid ur > Capital Sino.ooD.on I Surplus 39,000,00 \ Liability to Depositors..339,000.00 , IiueCTOiis-T. A. Miller , l0. . Oloison C. L. ' Sbugart , H. H. Itart , J. U. Kdundson , Cflas II ' Ilannan Transact ttenoral banking business < Largest capital and surplus of any bank Iu , horthwesteralowa Interest on time deposits i. F. M , ELLIS & CO , vi , ARCHITECTS W ANnnuiLnmo buhhintjndknt8. : It Hooms W and Ui Ilea llutldlng , Omuna Neb , } nnd lloomj lilt und 210 Merriain lllock Couast sH ! Ulullsiovr . Correspondence Bol cited B , {