I ) ' 4 THE OMAHA DAILY , BEE : MONDAY , MAKOH 3. 1890. I THE _ _ JAJIjBEE. . C E. ROSBWATBR , Editor PUBLISHED EVERY MORN1NGK TT.riMS OPSUISClllITION Dally anil Sunday , One Year $19 OH Fix month * Am t 'IhtroMonih * 2 50 Hirailay ltcp.dno Yrar . , . . . zoi W eeJciy Jlec , Ono Year with 1'remlntii. . . . Z 03 , omcca Omaha , ttt-a llullillng t hlmgoOnice , UT ItooVerr nulldlag New \wk , Hnom * It nml n Trlbnn * llulldlng Washington , No All I'ourtsenth Street Council lllutts No 12 Pearl Street thriUh Omaha , Comer N an 1 SJth Street * . COtlHKSPOMDCNCE A11 communications relating to now ? nml edi torial mntter thould bouddrcssed to trie Kdltor- lal Department I11B1N ! : S3 fKTTnitS , All butneBl < tiers nnd remittance ) should be nddrf s < ied to The lice I'iibllhlng Company , Omaha Draft * . chert * and ro toltlca orders , to be mnilo payable to the order of the Company flic Bog Publishing Company , Proprietors i Jlci Ilulldlixf Karnam andSorciUesnth Street * . f I = = = = = . i THE BEE ON THE TRAINS i 11ierolsnocxcu oforafallurotogotTitETlEB 1 on the tin Ins AH now * iloalnrs have been nop I , lied to carry a full supply , Traveler * who want | * rnr III i : and cant Ret Hon tram * \thern other Omaha pap > r * are carried nro requested to ? • notify Tim IIei , , ' l'ltnie lie pirtlculnr to giro In all cases full \ information a * to date , railway and number j ) of train , l ; r j | THE DAILY BEE S fworn Statement of Circulation f Etnto of NohraiKO , l „ S County of Douglas ( " • f ( leonso 11. TzschucK , secrotnry of Tim Bek h I'nblishliig Company , does solemnly Hwear that t tbeactual circulation of'In r Daii.v llEEfortho ? week ending March J , IBM , was as follows : 5 rlundar.reu.dl 22.200 , Monday , leb 31 19.4S.1 i UilBidav.roli.M 1H/H8 ' > VcilnKdny l'eb SI 19H13 • rjiursdav , 1'eu.sr I0.J73 : 1 rfclav , Ieb 28 1 ,418 Balurday March I IH.77 ; Average 10.811 OEOUOK II T/.SCItirCK. Sworn to before mo and subscribed to In my presence this 1st day of March , A. t ) ISO lbeal | T N. V. FHlL a Notary Public Etalo of Nebraska , I I County ot Itouulas f Georgu II Tzschucic , being duly snorndo- l t)0 ) cn mid says that Ho ts aecrotary ot ThkIIek 1'uDllslilng Company , that the actual average rlally circulation of aiif lUll.v lll-B for the month ofllurch 18W. W , M copiesfor April , \ lbSW lS.OJ1) ) copies : for May , lata 18.6M conies ; . . 1683. 18.WS copies : for July 1M' , 1B.7J3 conies : ror August 18r < > . 18.031 conlos : for Hon tember , lbW JH.710 copies : for October , 183J , 1IVI7copies : for November , ItWO , 1B.I10 copies ; for December , 1RS9 , 20,018 copies : for .lanuaiy , JC90. nias copies ; for February , 1893 , 11,701 copies Oroiine n. TYsciincK Sworn to Before mo and subscribed in my presence this 1st day of March A. D „ 1880. l eal.l N. I' , rr.iu Notary Public , Tin : report of tno Iioupo elections commlttoo in the Maryland contest c " nso clearly Indicates that Barney Compton's liamo is Mudd - _ Tins problem before the state board ot transportation iB not how to secure a reduction of local freight rntos , but to discover a member with sufficient noryo to second the motion of Attorney Gen eral Loose = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = bi.VA'roit : Ixoalls protests that the bill to prohibit the importation of liquors into prohibition states was in troduced l'by . " This request explana tion trims the frayed edges of the sena torial campaign in Kansjs Tin : democratic proposal to test in the Supreme court Speaker Roods ruling on n quorum should bo carried out with out dolny The country is ready for a decisive settlement of the question mbother congressmen can obstruct log iblntion by refusing to vole Tin : Virginia law providing for state inspection of arosscd meat , slaughtered ono hundred miles or more from the place of sale , is now in full force The chief object of the law to provide plncos for n small army of political iavoritos has boon accomplished , while the consumer ns usual foots the bill Ir contractors are to bo rollovedof the penalty for failing to do the work nwnrded them , how can the ooard of public works prevent straw bids or corri " binutioiiB to force up prices ? The oxouse'of rv contractor that the price of material ii too high tor him to do the Work at a profit , is too transparent for elous consideration It lb very kind nnd considerate i the part pt the board of public works to Bond contractors to the council combine for relief from their obligations The liberality of the combine in paying the pnrttltrTSfuTIuTuT ; tno street railway " paving tax nnd multiplying tax shirk ers , is an nssuranco to straw bidders that their certified checks will bo re turned for the asking Tun experiment which ono of our leading dry goods merchants has made MiJxOeping his store olpsed on Saturday hights for months past hits demon strated the wisdom as well as the jus- tlco of the move The sales of this pro ptrosslvo morchaut have not fallen olT in the aggregate and his employes have liud the benefit of his liberal policy From eight in the morning till six in the evening is a good days work for nny man or woman If other retail dry goods housosshould not in concortand flo Hkowiso they would lese no trndo Rud con for a boon upon their dorks At a recent dinner of the Harvard Club , Prosldont Eliot made u vicious nnd unjust attack on the reporters , ITaking the Boston reporters as typos of the profession in gouorul , ho denounced them as drunkards , thieve * . dead boats Mid bummers Now the press ot Bos ton is largely It not wholly manned with college graduates , mainly from Harvard If they am such u hopelessly bed lot as the profosbor declares , they must httvo secured their training in the * Colleges It Is evident , however , that condiments ot the banquet produuod tins ovorllow of spleen , or , perhaps , in- tempuruto indulgence cnusod intemper ate gpoooh In olMinr case Mr , Eliot Jb rcsnonsiblo for slnndoriug ioloss of intelligent , industrious men , con Bclqntlous in the performance of their flutlusund . honest in till their dealings with mun LIUo other professions , jour nalism is nut without its black suoup The tomptutlons are great , and not a fotv-fall by the wayside , Ilut they are not true ropresontiUhos of the profos.- eion , A successful reporter must bo • - ' bonobt , sober and truthful If ho is do- BoiuuUin either ho is soon crowded out of the raou It Mr Eliot will spend a week in the editorial harness Id Boston Dr uny other elty ho will reaJlly dis cover that ho has ti wrong conception of . the ; nuko-up ot press reporter * . CAS T1WY AFFOHD , T0 IWDUCE t The January statement of the Chicago cage , Burlington te Qutncy railroad , just issued , shows the company to be In n very prospcrouscondltlon The earn ings of the company , including the Burlington & Missouri River road in Nebraska , for Junuary , 1890 , wore two million , ono hundred nnd oighty-ono thousand , four hundred nnd seven dollars lars , nn increase of two hundred nnd slxty-rivo thousand , two hundred nnd two dollars ever the corresponding month of last year The expenses for .lanunry of this year wcro nlnoty-four thousand nnd forty dollars loss than tor the satno month ot lost year , so that the not earnings for Jnnunry , 1800 , were thrco hundred nnd tlfty-nlno thousand , two hundred and foi'ty-thruo dollars greater than for January , 1839. The excellent showing of n year ago is thus largely exceeded , nnd it is remarked that It the company docs only hall a * well for the next eleven months as It did ( or January , It will easily bo able to pay an eight nor . cent uividond on all Its stock The effect ot the showing was very fnvorablo upon the prlco ot the Btock What do these flguros sttggost ? tn the first place they show that the Burlington manngomant is ap ply in f the strictest economy , consist ent with olllciont service , in the ad ministration of the affairs of the com pany , In order to recoup the losses sus tained In the conflict with Its omployos two years ngo In the second place they iudlcato that the companyriould make a mntorlal reduction in transpor tation rates without ondnngorlng its nullity to earn a , reasonable dividend upon its stock The Burlington man agers can not , in the face of their statement mont of not earnings for January , glvo nny satisfactory reason why they should continue to exact the rates on Nebraska corn which they aro-now taking It is obviously practicable for them to materially reduce the corn rate with entire safety to their inter ests , nnd a further demand that they shall do so is fully warranted by the flguros of their January statement The state board of transportation will hold n mooting today It will bo well for them to glvo soma consideration to the flguros of Burlington earnings They contain an argument of great 'orco for these who sincerely desire to assist the furmors of Nebraska in their extremity CUB 1'AYMASlElt GEXEIiALSUIP In the contest for the position of pay master general of th.B army , the record of none of these Booking the appoint ment has rccoivod higher commondu- tion than that of Colonel Terrell Dur ing the raoro than a quarter of a cent ury that ho has boon connected with the pay department noolllccr has shown grontcr ability and fidelity in the per formuueo of his duties There is not a single blemish on his record But hav ing no ground of opposition on this score , amo9t disingenuous nttempt has boon made to doloat his nppoint- motit by the statement that ho relied for success chiefly upou the fact of friendly personal rotations with the president This has boon freely pub lished by the Washington correspond ents of eastern newspapers whose sym pathies are with other candidates and undoubtedly care has boon taken to bring it to the attention of the presi dent with a view to impressing him with the idea that the selection of Ter rell would bo regarded as In the nature of a personal favor It certainly ought not bo to the dis advantage of a candidate for deserved promotion that ho enjoys the personal acquaintance and rospoot of the presi dent , and wo do not believe that Presi dent Harrison would permit such a consideration to influence him in nny case But as to Colonel Terrell it ik wholly gratuitous to charge that ho has given any value to the fact that ho ,1s known to the prosldont personally Ho has made his contest for the appoint ment upon his rightful claim to senior ity In tljo pay dopartmout and upon his record of able and faithful service There is not a reasonable doubt that Colonel Terrell is logully the ranking olllcor of his corps , and if the president - ' dent believes tills to bo the case jiibtlco and his duty require that ho shall correct the legal wrong done Tor- roll and give him the nppolntmont If sectional considerations can prop erly hnvo any wolght in a ranttor of this kinc , Colonel Torroll has another claim Including the army register of 1801 , there hnvo boon iifty chiefs of staff departments ot the army , and but five of the number have been from the west or southwest No man born west of the Alloghanics has ever bean ap pointed paymaster general It would seem but just that , services and record being equal , preference should bo given to western tnon in thepo staff appoint ments until the inequality involved in the uniform preferment of mon from ether sections has been cot rected The prosldontwlll do an not of justice by appointing Colonel Torroll , which would bo approved by the public and undoubtedly would bo rogurdod with general satisfaction in mllltury clrclos NOT A VAUVISAN VWTOIil Certain democratic organs were not plonsod with the confosbion made by Governor Boies of Iowa In his inaugural address that lie could not rognrd his oloctlun as a purely partisan victory Such frankness on the part of a dome oralio governor annoyed the organs , particularly when associated wl h the utinouticomont that ho would furnish an administration as broad and llbpr.il us the spirit manifested toward him Yet these organs cannot but undorstuud that It was not a partUun victory They must know that Governor Boies could not luivo boon elected without the votes of repub licans and the refusal of others to sup port the republican candidate To ! ( liguros of the elections of 18S8 and 1880 nro instructive In the fortnoryoar the republican veto of Iowa , in round num bers , was two hundred and eleven thousand , and In the latter it was ono hundred nnd tioventy-thrco thousand , while the democratic vote in the two yours wu3 respectively ono hundred and seventy-nine thousand and one hundred and eighty thousand , Anybody can sou that the result lust fall , which gave Boies a plurality of a Httlo moro I than six thousand , was not "n purely I partisan victory ' and nobody familiar with the facts will pretend thnt Iowa Is : now a democratic state , or doubt that on natlonnl issues the majority ot her Voters nro republicans A democratic governor was elected becnuso thousands of republicans the difference lu the vote between the Inst two oloctious , as above noted , indicntos the number to bo ever fifty thousand were dissatisfied with the policy ot prohibition and approved ot the policy ot regulating and restricting the liquor trafllo roproscntcd by the democratic candi date It is impossible to determine how many of these voted with the democrats The gain of that party docs not iudicato that the number was largo But the decline in the republican vote shows plainly the extent of the discontent of republicans with prohibition That policy was the commanding issue in the Inst Iowa campaign , and democratic success was due to the fact of that party having taken a clonrly doflned posi tion in favor of llconso nnd local option , which is nccoptablo to tons of thousands ot Iown republicans Consequently it was not , in a strict sense , n partisan contest , so little did any of the political questions which dlvldo the parties figure in it Governor Boios was thorcforo entirely right In not rognrding the democratic success as a purely partisan victory , and ho Is to bo cominondod"for the purpose - pose to give the state an administration as broad and llboral as the spirit mani fested toward him There is reason to expect that ho will do this regardless of the disapproval and criticisms of the cxtromo democratic organs DAXOnilOUS llESTItlCTtOXS The most olToctivo nnd unanswerable argument against legislation pending in congress proposing to restrict Eu ropean immigration and the naturaliza tion of aliens , is embodied in the pro test ot the national oxncutivo committee - too of the North American Turners 80- cioty The commlttoo declares that the proposed mcasuros introduced in con gress are fraught with the sann mis chief and breathe the same spirit which caused the founders of the republic to rise in rebellion against a British tyrant and hurl at him the indictment : IIo has endeavored to prevent the popula tion of those Btntes ; for that purpose ob structing the laws for naturalization of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage - courage their migration thither and ratsinf- the conditions of new appropriations of lands The proposed legislation is , thorc fore , opposed to the spirit which forms the foundation of the republicand cannot ' not be defended on the plea of expedi ency or solf-lntorest. The industry , thrift and honest intelligence of the im migrant has been the chief factor in the growth and development ot the country nnd in placing it in the front rank among the nations of the earth The patriotic devotion of these who have iu the last conturv immigrated to this country is indellibly stamped in history What right ltavo wo to • nssitmo that the character of those to come under a continued llboral policy of immigration will boone ono particle lower , , than these who came Deforo ? In truth , the very pro posal of these lllliberal measures is an affront to the bearer of every non English name , no matter how long the line of his ancestry that holpud to build up this nntion - It is impossible not to view with alarm the bill proposing nn educational qualification ns requislto to naturaliza tion The spirit which prompts a meas ure of this class is an offspring of the spirit which harassed the continental army and gave aid and comfort to the hirelings of King George It is clan nish , mlschiovous and contrnrylo that spirit of liberty which has made the republic the refuge ' of the oppressed In the words of the protest , the very existence of largo bodies of unnaturalized resi dents would constitute a mohnco to our institutions Love of a free pountry can best bo bred in mon by securing to thum the full nnd early enjoyment of its privileges and blessings The proposed immigrant inquisition by consular and governmental repre sentatives is pernicious , impracticable and unjust Every unbiased citizen willngroo with the Tumors that the scheme would bo a posltivo damage to the country It would old the wicked merely and deter the good No Eu ropean will assist in retaining its bad elements and forwarding the doslrnble Such a system of csplonngo would Do odious and degrading to honest immi grants and demoralizing to the consul service The commlttoo declares that the existing laws , if rigidly nud justly enforced - forced , airord nmplo protection against all undesirable and criminal immigra tion But no such system of laws as now proposed can bo onaotod wUhout violating the fundamental principles of tlio national compact and dat'koniiig the brightest pucos of our national his tory " The sonliinonts of the protest will meet the hearty approval of every patriotic citizen With a contury's marvolouB progress , dlroclly duo to the brawn and braiu attracted by liberty , the nation cannot stultify itself by placing needless restrictions on immi gration and citl7onship. The pro po d measures are violently antago nistic to the interests of the west and south , On all sides Btatcs nnd com munities are striving to lncroase popu lation , offering tempting inducements to farmers , mechanics and laborers to aid in developing the limitless resources of the country The warm hand of wel come Is hold out to the thrifty nnd in- dust ious to eharo in , our national wealth Why then recall the Jnvita- tiou to the sturdy , honest toilers of the old world and substltttto stagnation for progrossionV ' WAits may coma and wars may go , but the Union Pacific bridge toll gees on forever In the now schedule ot re duced passenger rates between Chicago and Missouri river points , twonty-ilvo cents is tucked on to nil rates from Omaha No direct toll is exacted for crossing the bridges at Davenport uod i-ii I Rock Island , Turlington , Kansas City I or other po\nU \ , whllo the trnvoler to this city is invariably In.Id up for a quarter at th6 threshold IlKNHY WlVXiit ON' declares that the fight between , HUl nnd Cleveland in Now York will * force the democratio convention to ieloct a lender outside of the emplro state Calvin Brlco's Ohio bar'l assutnosaiow Importance in cense quence 1-roh's lunnl Klvnlry Cftfcaoo Tribune The too porstsjent u o of his mouth by Sonnlor Call ot Y'orlda will brine upon him tbo Jonlous dlsliko of the only Mr Vest Tyranny or Annreli ) ? IVillml'lp'ia ( /ulrcr. / . Government control In the south Is tyranny " The south without povornmont control la anarchy Which would you havol An Iinniliinry Quantity CMcag > JV < n * . When thc-Unltcd States senators onffBRO in nn Investigation of nn offense against their dlf-nlty they Imva nuproiched ns near ns posstblo to Infringing upon ShaUcspoaro's Much Ado About Nothing " Sloiitniin Wont lie no Olno Next Time SI Mini rioiiMr-J'rcM. Tlio end of the Montana contest will bo not only tha seating ot the republican con testants ( at Washington ) , but such a revul sion of popular feeling ns will innlco the nou election in no way doubtful feliort on "Jawlis , " AVlu l'orfc llorlil A councilman in London , O. , has boon caught In the net of blowing open n hotel snfo The Ohio councilman has pretty poor picking nnd ho cannot afford to follow the dignified methods of accumulating wealth common to some of our municipal legislators , The Wright of the West /uiiuas ( / 'Ki/JoionaL. / Koforrlng to the worlds fair contest an exchange thoughtfully remarks that the west boat the cast simply because It hod the mo3t votes Hut why did it have the most votes ! Uecauso It now has the most people and altogether the most important part of country A I'osslUlluy in ilevlvas tfew Yoile Tribune A western religious paper pitehos iuto the cowboy style of revivalists who are so much In vogue now Will It bo long , " it asks , before the feces of the city are adorned with lithographs and posters announcing the arrival of The Mastoaon Evanpellsttc Com bination ! ' " . m Tlio Prohibition 11 nn . • St Louts ( Jlnbc-fiemncrat. Tlio prohibitionists ot Ktiodo Island have put a state ticket imtbo field to bo voted for ut the state oleekon four wcoks hence , The prohlbitlotitsts know thnt their tlokot can not possibly succeed They will be just as well satisfied , however , it it draws enough votes from the republican tlokot , to put tno democrats in power alio SugeWtlon a Good One Korfjlk Journal Tub Omaha Beesuggests that the old Fort Omaha grounds nnd buildings bo mude ever by the gojrorntnoqt to the state for a military academy , oy condition that the state accept and use it for that purpose Until wars cease in tbq earth a military education Is doslrablc for a proportion of citizens No ono knows when it iwill bo necessary and the suggestion seems to be a good ono ; . * Taltry Defense o' n. Meun Atliok lloclicettr JlcraUl It also has an editorial nearly two columns long about Mr Sutherland's reply in the Now York Tribune to Uishop Fitzgerald's attack on the president and the United States senate on account of Judge Drawers appointment to the supreme court The Volso" pettifogs its case badly in the editor ial on the Tribune letter , affording a striking contrast to the clear , logical and unanswer able argumnat of that loiter But then , of nil political organs in the country , "Tno Voice is among the most disingenuous and somotlmos among tbo most unscrupulous The Vital Question irai/Jjet StantUrtl No ono can sincerely deny the evils of in- tomperanoo , nor can much bo said for the saloon except its rcqognition with proper legislation may bo less harmful than a sys tem which ignores it altogether In the hotels , on railway cars , in the business places the inevitable jug Is brought forth with some light , jesting remarK nbout pro hibition , There is an air of Insincerity about the whole business that must disgust these who support it from a deep conviction of duty • The whole subject practically resolves itself into this : Can the liquor trafllo bo bet tor controlled by a wall roirululod high llconso law than by prohlbitidh ? • After eight years of constant endeavor , asslstod by the ino3t extraordinary legisla tion in Kansas , wo must say high license Is he boit method ot regulating the traffic rillbONAti AND FOIilTIOAIi Now York Commercial Advortlsor : HIU has been culled a peanut politician , hut bo is not Ho is moro of a chestnut than anything else Hutchinson ( Kan ) News : Now , if Ron Butler could have an operation performed upon his political chances ho would not have lived in vain , Indianapolis Journal : One thing scorns certain : If the southern states remain BOlidly democratic many years longer tbero will bo nothing left of their treasuries but the fur niture New York Tribune : It is said that in tbo select circles of China the hostess informs her callers when | t is time for thorn to go , Tuu goddess of reform-as Mr Cleveland will bear witness has adopted this Chinese custom Philadelphia Itccord : When Corporal Tannoroxclalmed' ' "To hell with tbo sur plus I" he could hardlv have imagined that so powerful a lobbyjwould have authored In Washington to enfprqo his omlnontlv patri otic sontlmoat ( r Milwaukea Sentinel : Ex-Governor St John , lu a prohibition speech at Detroit , said that the hardest thliig In the world to over come is Ignorance " jjtill , If he had begun earlier ho might lmvo ovcrcomo a good deal of his ignorance , ji St Louis Globe'Domocrat : Prosldont Harrison is quite light in saying that tbo re publican party "bos jnovor suffered from an Intelligent discussion of its history nnd its principles " la tha respoot us in ull others , It differs entirely from the democratio party , Buffalo Express : , , hpueral Plsk is ugain boastlnir that they prohibition party is stronger today than ever before " Yes ; it is so strong that it keeps practical temperance mon out of congress and state legislatures anil helps elect those who are inimical to tbo cause New York World : Tlio youthful duke of Orleans bos been pardoned and klckod out of France As the youni ; uiao passes over the border ho can exclaim ; "What's banished but set free from dally contact with cigarettes - ottos and nbsintho ! 1 go , but when I return it will bo after I am sect for " Kansas City Journal : Mr Cldvoland re cently assorted that thousands of Now York democrats voted ngaiust their convictions in lbSS for ( J unlecu , This Is not lluttorlug to Now York democrats , and argues the ivoatt- ness of their convictions But it ti , apiece will keep thorn in line with the democracy in ISM they will not bo neglected Boston Journal : It Is n very bad condi tion of affairs in Florida which is disclosed in the information sent to the sennte by the attorney general The pcoplo of Madison count ] should understand thatnorthcrn cap ital and immigration do not How toward n community which practices election frauds nnd sustains them by violence Chlcaco News : Young William of Ger many may have noticed thnt socialism is < Acn moro provnlcnt than tbo grip in his stccl-rlvitod empire STATU AM ) TUUUItOKY chrankn Thcro were 1,113 chattel mortgages tiled in Dnkotn county last jenr A social nnd commercial club has been or ganized ot West Point with twonty-sovon members • the store of K. A. Wherry Si Co nt Fnlla City wu * burglarized the other night and silk valued nt S1GU was tnkou The sheriff of Dakota county proposes to purchase a supply of balls nud chains nnd put the prlsonors nt work A Nanc-o county farmer nnmod Ucomor Is under nrrcst nt Columbus , charged with raping bis twolvo-joar-old daughter Tbo Indlanola gas well is now down nbout flvo hundred foot nnd fund * have been raised to sink it to a depth of 1,000 foot or moro Wlilto caps hnvo ordered Martin Muth of Wane to leave town , but ho will stnv nud try to make it wurin for the parties who sent the notice Indlanola figures on having n paper mill , broom factory , packing house nnd butter nnd pgg packing establishment the coming season The hcadnunrtcrs of tbo Woman's Hcliof corps this year will bo nt Almy , the homo of Sirs M. H. Morgi.ti , the prosldont of the or- ganizition The Atma roller mills , which were recent ly purchusod by Ked Cloud parties , were entirely tiroly destroyed by lire last week The tire Is supposed to hnvo been of Incendiary or igin igin.Thoro There is trouble nt Papillion between the congregation nnd pastor of the Presbyterian church nud sovernl of the church members have been publicly donounccd from the pulpit Vnndnls broke Into the Presbyterian church at Admah , Washington county , de molished nil the lamps and poured the oil over the floor The parties nro known and will bo asked to make good the loss Albert Phillips , Tames Gi'onther and Ed ward Gdonthor were nrrostod on a charge of storting a prnirio llro near Wallace , but were ncqulttcd by the jury , Iho damngo caused by the llro ' nmountod to nbout 53.000. The elevator at Coraova was entirely de stroyed by llro last week , together with Its contents , including a carload oi corn which had boon collected for the Daitota sufferers The Iobs is about fG,000 , with $ J,0Gu insur ance Edward Morrison , a Sarpy county school teacher , has been declared insane and been taken to the Lincoln asylum The young mans sister Is in the same institution nnd it is thought that brooding ever her fate caused him to lese his reason , The council of administration of the Re publican Vulloy Old Soldiers association , comprising twelve counties in Nebraska and Kansas , decided to hold the next annual re union nt Alma , Juno 10 to 14. Last year no nttempt was made to hold a reunion on ac count of the state reunion being hold at Kearney , This year it is the purpose ot the association to * make the reunion equal to that held by the state if possible Iowa Items Onions bring $1,70 a bushel at Keokuk The now clock for the government build lag at Keokuk cost * 1,330. Ex-Auditor Rust of liremor county died recently at San Antonio , Tex , of consump tion , A foundry Is to bo erected nt Waterloo ny the Uago Stove Works company of St Louis Tnoro are 100,000 busbols of corn and 50,01)0 , ) bushels of oats iu storage at Dun combe station The Young Mon's Commercial club of Cedar Rapids will endeavor to secure the erection of a union depot During 18S0 there was shipped from Logan Sfil carloads of hogs The number of hogs wes 10.8S8 , and the amount puid for them was $102,375.71. * The first annual Industrial institute under the auspices of tbo Iowa Fulls Farmers club will do hold in that city Wednesday and Thursday A largo attendance Is expected from the surrounding country , nnd promi nent speakers will bo present from dllforont parts ot the state A Plymouth county farmer dlscovorod two men nttomptlng to load bis hogs Into a wugon ono night last week ITo knocked ono down with a pitchfork nnd pursued the other some dlslanco in the durkuoss On returning ho found that the first man had recovered and osrnpcd with the wagon load of bogs A firm in Missouri Vnlloy i * advertising its business by means of hand bills which state , among ether things , the following few facts : "Wo nro not crazy , nor huvo wo been , n * has boon reported , and wickedly circulated by some of tbo low blackleg scuffs of Missouri VuHoy , nor uro wo bluckmuilors , nnd wo dent spread on the streets and put on style with stolen property , and wo dent have to steal tbo birthright Irom an infant to make our living Nor are wo low enough to carry n paper around the streets of Missouri Vnlloy to see how many wo cau find of n degraded cowaidry kind that will sign their name to a paper , to have some respectabla citizen mobbed and removed from our midst , or conceited in some cave seven or eight miles from Missouri Vnlloy , north Wo dent have to pllng nor hire -otbor-poople-to silns-poisorniboutTStber peoples ple's places of business in order to kill thorn off so as to save us from going to the ponlten- tiury and we dent tuko any part in such thieving robocrios ns tlio one was that oc curred nt the fork * of thp Do Witt road , whore Hunlcor was killed und C. B. Ellis was shot in the side nnd shoulder and L. W , Wordsworth , who Is Mr : . Brcseo's father nnd once a heavy stockholder in the St Paul railroad , was reported captured and robbed and con coaled in a pit Wo are not friends to tbo class of pcoplo nbovo men tioned nnd shall possibly aony their iirosoncp " The Two Dakotan There nro UO.OOO bead of bogs in Charles Mix County There nro thirty-eight scboolbouses in Faulk pounty Lead City is to hnvo a $75,000 hotel built by n stock company The contract for Pierre's new $30,000 opera house has boon closed Blackleg 1b causing the death of many catilo in tbo vicinity of Vilas Madison capitalists wanna twine factory and harvester works to locate in thnt city Mlnnio Bush , the sixteen-year-old daughter tor of n Jnmustown hotel keeper , committed suicide bv taking poison No cause for the deed is known < A case is reported at Grand Ferns whom gum chewingbrokoup nonce happy homo , orphaned two interesting children and placed the father in nn insane mr > lum North Dakota llgnlto coal , a ton nud n half of which is equal to a ton of good bituminous coal for heating purposes , is being delivered at Mandan for $1,70 per ton , The A. O. U. W. is endeavoring to rnlso seed grain for its farmer members in South Dakota Blanks hnvo been soot out to as certain the exact nmount of grain each mem ber will nocd nnd the money to buy tbo tame will bo raised by assessing each mem ber in the Unltod Stutos a small amount An assessment of IU cents to each member would rnlso $25,000. A queer case of nervous excitement is re ported from Oldham , Kingsbury county , savs the Sioux Falls Argus-Leader , Theo dore Bodish of that place , who for twenty years has steadily pursued his trade as a blacksmith , was , ono evening lust wsek , takou with violent paroxysm * that wcro manifested by a desire to use his right or hammer arm , over wlnob be seemed to have no cor.troU While eating his dinner bo sud denly begun to pound the table with his right hand The table was removed , and still the arm contlnuod to pound away This contlnuod nil the afternoon , und at , Diehtltwus oocossary to strap the arm firmly to his body to prevent him from in juring himself nnd these attending him The most wonderful thing about the case is that Mr Bodish is iu perfect mental and Ehyslcal health , and nothing wrong with lui except the arm that has pounded away for so tnunv years Doubtless the csso will bo an interesting ono to the medical fra ternity , ' ' THE CAPITAL CITY GRIST Peculiar Dovolopmonta In the Hud Bon DlvoroD Case DOINGS IN RELIGIOUS CIRCLES Two Oninnuo Suits Agnlnst the Iliti- llngton Vr Missouri A Knights of Pythlnn Slasqucrndo llnll * Coiitcmplntcd The Hudson lllvorco Cnsr Lincoln , Neb , March 2. { Special to Tub Ur.E.l It is learned thnt stipulations in the Hudson divorce case hnvo been fllod tor record , but thnt proceedings to nnnul the mnrrlago contract will move incrnly on , They were filed ntn Into hour yesterday nttor- noon To make a long matter short , Mr , Hudson has taken back the naughty charges bo mndo against his wife ns far ns ho cnn Ho Btipulntos that they shall ba strioKcn rrom his petition , The case will como up for flnnl hearing smno time during the week No doubts nro entertained , however , but what the decrco of divorcement will bo granted nnd thnt the recolvcr of publio moneys of Lincoln will soon bo n lawful subject for on other contract In the matrimonial lottery PAROUS AND PULPITS St Paul's M. E , church will bo rolocntcd during tbo coming summer The present slto is thought to bo n bolter slto for a busi ness house than n church Its conveniences nro nlso said to bo inadequate Uov Mr Loivls , pastor of St And rows church , nnnounccs n Lenten scrvlco for Wednesday evening Ho will deliver an nd- dress on the oubject ot The Primitlvo Church " Uov Stoln , pastor ot St Paul's M. E. church , commenced n scries of discourses this morning on the subject of "Pontics nnd Ilellglon " It Is understood that those ser mons nro intended to uwaken nn Interest in the nmenduiont for constitutional prohibi tion tion.Pastor Pastor Ralston of the Plymouth Congregational - gational church dlscoursod this ovemngon the subject of "Llfo , Views nnd Llviug , " A largo audlcnco grcctad him Rev Dr Krum , rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter , has Just returned from Omaha nnd entertained his nudlcnco this oveniug on the subject of Danger of Living In Cities " Elder O. B. Newman closed his scries of interesting talks on the subject of The Ulblo Student at Work this evening at the First Christian church TWO DAMAGE SUITS Henry Johnson and John G. Purgcson have brought suits against the 13. & M. Rail road company to recover damages in the sum of $10,000 each These suits are built upon the fatal accident that occurred at the Ninth street crossing of the defendant com pany , last December , when Arthur Wright was instantlv killed and the plaintiffs seri ously injured They sot up cmolcssness on the part ot employes of the road und allege an unlawful rate of speed Furgeson wns young Wrights stopfnther This makes thrco cases against the Burlington for dam ages growmgout of thnt accident CITV XLWS ANn > OTLS Some of Lincoln's Knights or Pythins lodges contemplate a grand musqueinao ball in the near future P. Coursoy Richards of this city was made hiswrian of the First Nobraskn regiment nt the recent PInttsmouth rouninn Lena Shulor is again entitled to the name of Lena Duyhoff She was given n divorce from her husband , A. C. Shulora , vesterday oventng on ttio grounds of extreme cruelty Charles Edwards and Miss Ada Bell wcro united in murriugo today by Rev Curtis The contracting parties are both of this city.Crnton Crnton Ford , No 2 , L. O. O. F. , is making arrangements to attend the sovereign grand lodge , which convenes at Topeka , Kan . In April Judge O. P. Mason , who has boon qulto sick for tbo past two weeks , is said to be convnloscltig The stoto board of transportation will take up Attorney General Leeso's resolution to rcduco freight rates to the Inwitschedule to morrow morning ut 10 oclock Peter Jensen , the jnung blood who got nwny with S3U0 of O. C. Stnculand's money , has not been captured Detectives , however , me on his truck T he police docket shows that 153 arrests wcro made during the month of Fobrunry Of tneso 45 wore for prostitution , 30 for lar ceny , 18 for gambling , 18 tor entertaining prostitutes , 0 for vagrancy and 1 for cruoltv to animals - . HOW SOME BRAVE MEN DIED Heroism ol" Thoio Who Wont Down In the Monitor Toriini joii It wns at the bnttlo of Mobile * Bay , August 5 , lbOl , that Admiral Farragut was lashed to the main yard , up to which he had climbed in order to bo above the smoke and 60 bo able to ever so'j the operations of the fleet All the world has . heard of the admirals cour age , but comparatively few will , per haps , to mucli as remember the name of _ ainanwhop in thff samoTiallloTpor formed u deed of Btill nobler heroism , savs the Youths Companion Dr Hutchinson , in his account of the bnttlo , says that tbo Con f era to ram Tennessee sturtod out from behind Fort Morgan just'beforo the head of the Federal - oral fleet was abreast of It , intending to attack the ships ono by ono Oil receiv ing two or three broadsides , however , she changed her course und run back , closely followed by the Fodorul monitor Tecumseh As the Teoumsoh uoarcd the fort , pounding away at the ram with flftoeu-iuch solid shot , she struck i lloatlng torpedo and exploded It , As was afterward ascertained by tlio divers , the explosion toro a hole in her bottom moro than twenty foot square , and she sank like n stone , turning ever as she wont down in eight fathoms of water By this frightful disaster 110 out of 120 mon were lost in a single instant Com mander Tunis A. M. Craven , ono of the most gallant ofllcors in the service , lost his llfo through his noble disregard of self no was in the pilot house with the pilot , close to the only opening in tlio whole ship , nnd this only largo enough to allow ono mun to pass at once Captain Crnvon was already partly out when the pilot grasped him by the log and cried , Lot mo got out first , captain for Gods sake ! I have five Httlo children ! " Tlio enptnin drew back , saying "Go on sir , " and wont down with the ship , while the pilot wus snvoa , A week nftorward , when the dlvors examined the wreck , they found nearly all the crow ut their posts , just us they had sunk The chief ongluoor who had boon married in Now York two weeks bolero , und who hud received from the flagships mail his loiters as the line was forming , stood with ono Imnd upon the revolving bur ot the turret - rot englno , whllo the ether hold an open letter from his brldo , which his dead eyes still seemed to bo reading TAltDV WIT J. A , Stacnn , In The Ctniurg A bright little man ant bemoaning the fate Ot tbo wit that Is tardy and sparkles too late ; Of the keen repartco that Is strictly ones own , But coinos into view when occasion has flown Oh I the ideas , apposlto , bright and subllmo , That truvil likuslugoconches never on time , So sluggish in movement , so slow in the race That a new toplo renders them quite out of place , So the blight little man , with u serious look , Rouiurkod to bltusolf , us bo opened his book , "Of regrets that unuoy a humorists head The middest is this ; It might have been said I" CURIOSITIES OF BRAZILIAN LIFE V Scourn In tlio AlnrkrlN Iiire nt Hotel * H • • An Klnstlu Ciirrmicy * * ) H Among the most intorostlng novollloi * _ H to the trnvolor lu a Brazilian city are H the markets nnd the bird bamnrs , sn\a M Bahla letter in the Now York Tribune jr H The mnrkot is ordinarily to bo regnrded / M ns the pulse ot the town If it bo well / H served , clean nnd orderly , the blood clr- / S nulittlon ot tlio community mny sufoly / ho considered ns excellent Judged by ' t this test there are few if any const towns H in Bruzll iu which there is sound diges- H lion , The markets nro dirty , disorder S ly , and tinnttractlvo There nio scanty H and lll-mnitngoddlsplnys of meats The H poor IIvo on jcrKod beet of inferior * M grades , Of fish there is a lnrgoras ort H ment , but fresh vogctablos are lacking H Even the display of tropical fruits u ' M disappointing Ilahia orangi's nro deli H clous , but not superior to the best Her H Ida oranges seen iu the New York H mnrkct Mangoes nro abundant nnd I H cheap Bananas nro smaller but more H delicate in itavor than these scon tu H the northern inntkot The most deli oious fruit to bo found in Brn-/il is \ , H the piuonpplc Northernois nhu out , . ( fl this fruit wcoks ntlor it has been picked in its green statu have onlj a H faint idea ot its sweetness , lusclousuosi , And delicious flavor , Ituro the pine H apple Is picked when the tropical sun B has perfected Its chemical work und the fruit is ready to molt In the mouth It H would bo nn affront to nature tosprinklu H sugar Upon it when sliced It is lnel- H low , overrunning with juice , nnd of incomparable - comparable Iliuor The finest pine apples nro those found in Pcriuunbuco , ' H but the fruit grows almost every where , iu Brazil There nro other fruits , such | 9 us alligator pours , melons , chlrinioym - • . 2WM H und Bujiotcs ; and a great variety ottrop- nH leal nut . Fruit is ohonp hero , the finfl est pineapples bniug sold for U or 9 I cents to the experienced native , and 9 for 10 cents to tlio unwary tnuclei' . fl Parrots nro nlso inexpensive in tlio fl bazaars adjoining the market The bird fl docs not seem to acquire the 9 Portuguese tongue readily , for amoug the many I have soon I hnvo not found ouo accomplished lin- . quist The plumage , however , is of befj W nildoring brillinnco and beauty when m hundreds of them are scon together M The parrots nro exhibited in close pro m imlty to monlcoy cages , the American M tradition of a monkoy-nnd-parrot time apparently not having become current in Brazil The monkeys nro all ages , sizes , colors and species , but nearly nil that are scon in the bazaars nro tin I trniuod , tlio purchaser being expected to begin as well as to complete the pro I cess of uducnUon I Hotels are few and ill-conducted in I I Brazilian coast towns , but theto excel 1 I lout Fiencli and German restaurants in * Bahla and Pernambuco A good table d'hote dinner of half a dozen courses is borved , and oxccUent wines nro to bo hud at reason able rates When ono hns the bill to settle ho finds thnt the score | runs into the thousands The bisis of i the currency is an imaginary unit , the rois , 1,000 of which make a milrois , worth , npnrt from exchange , about 50 cents The lowest nickel coin is 100 rois , worth flvo cents , Below these uro Jj _ , y copper coins , 20 rois being the smallest UHJH I have seen oquivnlout to a cent If iHHHHJ one dines with a friend at u rcstuui-aut Vl the score will amount to 7,500 rois a ro- 9r suit startling to the umtlatcd When real estate transactions iio condttclod t the figures rise into the millions , und | ! when trade statistics nio computed billions - < lions and trillions arc brought in " Re versing the process one pays 2,000 rois ' ' to a boatman to go nshoro from a . ' steamer , 1,000 roib , or a milrois , ! for a bottle of boor and some * cheese , 5U0 tois to # a guido for } pilotago through a public building , ! 200 reis for ride street ' ' a on a car , 100 rois for a tura gn the lift from the upper t to tlio lower turn , and another 100 rois ,4 for having I1I9 boot bluoked This 4 financial sybtom must tend to impart i- elasticity to poverty , for even a beggar - J gar must have some consciousness of nf- , } llueuco when a 100 rois nickel is dropped I ' into his cap For the American who & comes south with a fooling < jf honest f pride in the fact that sporlo payments 1 lmvo boon resumed in his country , and that paper money there is ns good as . * gold , nn hour of humiliation is in ro- \ > v j serte When ho oxehnnges his 810 4 j" gold piece into Brazilian currency ho AS ' $ receives for it as currency 18,000 fois ; ' ! > • ' : but the eighteen milrois are only { qui v- J 1 nlent to $ ! ) thut is to say , $1 litis ueeu | ; biieriflcod in the exchange To complete - $ ploto this dissatisfaction the paper * i money is exceedingly dirty and irro- • } doujnablo In coin Gold and silver nro 'A never soon here , vet uro heavily discounted - M counted when forbignors bring them yj in , an inconvertible currency commandti ingu heavy premium • -3 _ _ Lord -NuuLuls Wounds if - It bus occurred to no obituary writer B to notlco Lord Napier of Mugdula's P utter indifference to wounds und tlio /t wonderful celerity of his recovery from \ them says the London World Two of } his wounds he had not cared to notice 1/ / nt all In his record of services furnlshod i < to Harts Army List Ho wus severely * ' , wounded at Fororoshu in December , KL1 1815 , but hud rncovod in time to tuko W. part in the bnttlo of Snbrnon seven * - > - > r90 * * ! wcoks later Before Multan in the mid My dlo of September 1048 , a cannon shot [ ' all but took his log otf , but ho was l j mnrching and fighting again by the Wf , . ] second veek 111 Novomhor The 12th fl | of January following ho was severely Wi wounded in the trenches , but ho was • ! • able to march several hundred miles ' - across country nnd fight ut Gujorntono m\i \ mouth later to a duy , IIo was shot iu fly the leg at the first relief nt Lucknow , mi but nevertheless rode oat the next day ( and brought in the rear guard , after ] which throughout the outlro blockndo Ic ho did continuous and arduous service MY At the second relief he wus severely > ' wounded but this did not hinder liltii irom taking up the active duty of chief engineer nt the Alumbugh a few dajH later No man ever had moro the mens snua in corporo sane r A ! < nvirltc Mr II j. Pete , tlio loading druggist of Tombstone , Ariz , says Chamber lulus Cough Remedy hns established - * itself ns a fuvorlto iu that community OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Subscribed & miaruuiosd Capital , $500,000 1 l'nlil In Capital . , , , , .350.000 lluyg and bsIIs stocks apd bunds ; negotlatat coaimorilat paperirecttlrttxiimlexccutMtrugts : ad ) us transfer ugout un/1 trustee of corpora tions ; tuk us charge ot property ; collects rei > U Omaha Loan Trust Co SAVINGS BANK S , E. Cor IOth and Douglas 3troot9. raid In Capital , , , , , , , . . $30,000 Subscribed Aryimmtitocdcapital , . , 100,000 I.UUIItyof stockholders , . . . , , , , , , 200,000 5 Per Com Interest Pnltl on Dopc-3lt3 I'KANK J , IANUK Ciithivr Otruens : A.U.Wyman , president ; J.J.llrown , \ _ vice president ; WT Vt'yman , trua-iurer , ' 9" . mmL ninrcnous : A. If , Wyinsn J. II Millard J J , 9V ! llrotvn Uuy O , Uurtou IS W , Naa , jfios il MM % KimballUeo 11. J , ke t iUti Loans In arty nmount made un City & ! Farm Property , and on Collateral ] Security , at Lowes Ratfc CurrontUta - ) Jmmm