i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , MARCH 3 , 1890. 0 H II THOUGHTS IN LIGHTER VEIN h I ; r j-- * "Wnlte Prom the World of Wit nncl A Humor 1 \ | \l WHY MR PATRICK WASN'T ' KILLED 1 Sir Old Hey * StrntrRr Tlio Hush Accounted For Method in Ills Mnrtnrm Snltl ' 'Vcn" ' Front 1 orco of llnbit Tim Koroe ofllnblt , Fllcgoinlo IJlnottor ; Alpornon Dear cat Kmlly , I ennnot conceal my footings nny longer I must tell you now how rtonrly 1 love you Mny 1 liopo for your love in return ? Emily Cortulnlv Will tlint bo all | today ' \ Not 31(1(1 ( Enouitti fur Thar St Louis Critic : Angry Subscriber < * Inm tnnd nil the ivny through , nn'I I * > wnnt my paper stopped Editor Yes , sir ; do you want to pay t what you owe I Angry Subscriber No ; I ain't ' mad \ enough for that I n the I > PH < rJ Air ' Boston Curler : Shall I play you this little Spanish fandango ' she asucil , sweetly 1 ' ' 1 1 bog your pardon , " ho said , turn 1 Ing red , but the fact is , I dent undcr- , stand Spanish " I , Ji ( > ! > ClOHR Jp.i _ r Medical Times and Resistor : Gnlli- A gun Doctor , hnven't you been iittcnil- jjjjj | $ ing on old man GilfullawV Mn& Doctor Yes IB "IIJW Is ho today " * tliS "IIo is boyoutl the rench of medical HRr assistance , I' fear " IF What ! iB.ho dying " 3 | "Oh , no IIo's broke " 33j , On Guard * \ Fliogondc Blaotor : "By thundor.old ft \ f fellow ! what has happoncd to you that ? you smile 60 all the time What was ft bo good " S "O , nothing at allt but you see ono never knows nowadays but somebody might bo photographing him " • Aatoutitctl For ' Dry Goods Chronicle : Now that's what I llko to sco , " observed the visit ing morchntit to thc-proprietor of the 1 great dry goods emporium ; all the clerks full of vim and onovgy " i "Ych , " . nssontod the proprietor , "wo close early today and they are nil pot ting ready to go homo , " No Huppmli 1(111. ( i Drakes Mugnzino : You will no tice " said the manager of the company , as ho stopped in front of the curtain , that the programme says that seven i years are supposed to clnpso between the second nnd third acts In this case there will bo no supposition about it , jb The sliorilf of this county hns just Ml--- , ' taken possession of the stage , and I flHflfc think it will bo about seven years bo- mMWh ' fore wo can got the uiattor settled The i mty nudionco is now dismissed " m A I'reecnt for Ills UltV | T America : Mr Oldboy My dear , i 'if ' when is your birthduy'/ II Mrs Oldboy Why , James ! The idea im of your not knowing ! Why do you ' II Well , I've lost my silk umbrella , IB • and 1 was thinking it would bo a good I jM idea to got you ono for a birthday H present " fm An Omitted Ilnitfnrk ! M Nashville American : The Rev Dr MM K. , a college professor , who wrote his sermons with the utmost euro and logl- Hm cal coherence , once found it desirable [ wlnlc preaching to omit a portion To- IB wind the close of the sermon there was J n reference to the omitted portion , a J .fnct which ho forgot for the moment , HJ and then , suddenly remembering it , he J oxtricatou hirasolf from the dilllculty in II' this wlso : "As I have before remarked J BI or in a part which I have omitted " , llu WmiitlCHlcd Harvard Lampoon : Captain Spear And were you never wounded , Pat i P vt Faith , ser , nnd I was In the fight nv Sportsylvania a dirty rob lifted his gun nnd flrnd I was scared , I toll yoz He struck mo right under mo loft breast But if it struck where you say , the ball must have gouo through yourhonrt nnd killed you " Oil , tjcdnd , ser , mo heart was in mo mouth at the time " 1,1 fo iii I'iZQit Crook Texas Sittings : Judge Pulltriggor Is your vordiot guilty , or not guilty Foremtm-Bill-Capjtrojo- Dead Hess Kunuh ) Wo want to ask ono ques tion : The evidence shows that tlio pris oner shot at the man six times , and then only hit him once in the foot Ain't ' there no law agin suoh poor shoolln'/ Judge Pultriggcr ( reluctantly ) No Foromnu Bill Cnparojo ( sailly ) Not guilty , then n- . ' Ono Grcut Advantage Llfo : Maddox I llko your noWhouso very well , except for ono thing Slmoral What is that There is a saloon directly opposite " That is a drawback In ono respect , but think what a convenience it is to know where you cun nlwaya find a po liceman near " Tim Oruo'al Test Now York Weekly : Maine Lawyer • What is your opinion of the charac ter of Deacon Black Witness ( cautiously ) I never hoard jiothln'mgln him Don t you know him to bo un honest manV" Well he's boon fair an' square in all itVhy with mo , and with othora so far as I know " "iBii'tthat sullloioutto provo him a jan of storllng integrity " Well , I Uunno I uover traded bosses with him " Why They Dent Spealc Now rO" Boston Courier : Why , Lizzie , where have you kept youraolf so long " "Wo haven't ' soon ouch other for n long while " "No , I was inquiring about you the other day and I wus told that you wore married , hut of course that's nousonso " Its tlio trutli my dear " Gracious mo | " "Yob , donr , and my husband is very Very rich ! Then ho must bo very Onn of Mm Four Hundred Now York Tribune : General Clinton JI Fisk a Sunday or two ago was die cussing one of the international series of Sunday school lessons at a prominent uptown Mothodiet Sunday school Tlio lesbon wus in Luke , and the general gave it bketch of the lifoofLuko Do thbii quostlonod the school on the les- ton Among other questions was this : Luke was ono of the four whatV" It j < f was supposed there would bo a sharp P5 volley of replies : One of the four evangelists " But uo response came from a single snholur , when a little bud of proinite" hold up her hand in dicating that she could unswur Tell , ub , then , " said the toneral One of * the Four Hundred , " said the little chick There waB no mnro solemnity in , : that school during that session A Doincntla Iiplso to Pittsburg Bulletin : Amorlcnn Heir ess ( now a counters ) My dear , have you put on jour coat with the padded should ers The Count { from behind the portlor ) I haf A. II Has the valet laced your stays properly I * Tlio Count IIo hnss mo lofo , A. lit And penciled your oyobfows , ndjusted your wig nnd applied tlio rouge nnd powder artistically'i The Count All Is pcnutllully done A. M.-Thcn you arc a good boy You Bbnll hnvo another thousand for your gambling debts , and shall ride with 1 Fide and mo She flinck to Her Gum Drakes Mngazino : George , darl ing , " bIio murmured , ns they strolled in , the garden , lot us at op at t hut rustic scat yonder for a moment "Certnlnly , pot , " nnsworcd the young man That is the plnco where I pro posed to you last night Do you want to stop for the fond recollections that cling ' about the spot " "No , not exactly.QYou sco I know that It was coming last night , and that you would want to kiss mo , so I took my gum out of mv mouth and stuck It on the bench If It is there yet I want to get it That is all , George , dear Outitido the Limits Detroit Frco Press : Look at that coat ! " ho exclaimed , ns ho entered the Btoro of a dealer on Michigan nvonuo the ether day "My frondt , vhas something wrong mlt dot coat ' * "I should remark ! You warranted It fast color , nnd see how it hns faded ! " Horn I warranted it , did IV" . You did " How long ngo vhas dot " Four woclts ngo tlio day before I went to Toledo " "IIo , ho ! You haf been to Toledo , eh ! " Yes just got bnck " Dot Bottles der case und lots mo oudt Dot coat was warronted for Dctioit cli- mutq , und if you go to Toledo you must take your chances on shrinking und fading ! " tlio F.tll or n Mnshcr St Paul Globe : He was a smart young follow of the nnglomaniac typo , and ho had been standing on the corner for 6omo time , sunning himself in the rays of the genial .Tanunry sun watching the maidens ns they crossed the street nnd amusing himself with a surreptitious study in crinollno Ho was intent upon observing n young miss , moro than or dinarily fair , when a yellow dog bound ed from the alleyway with a tomato can tied to his tall , just as tlio young man had struck an attltudo intended to cap tivate the fair one There was a rattle , ' a crash , and the frightened canine , rushed between the pedal extremities i of the ether puppy , and the would bo i masher came to the ground witu a b crash Thciowas a mixture of dog , tomato , can and youth tangled up in a confused [ mass for a few moments , and then the i crushed Apollo rose to his foot , his face i frescoed with tlio smut of the street , whllo the maiden passed him by with a morrv giggle and the audience of news boys looked on with a smile of llondish ! glee ono of them crying in n high i pitched voice : "Ahgo and takoaTurk- ish bath ! " Dow Uo Mnnnend Ir Now York Lodger : The prairies of f the west arc great , places for wind , " ' said a wild west telegraph operator "I [ used to have u station out in Nebraska , right out in the open prairie , and the way the wind blow there was a caution But It was a lucky wind for mo At a station abouC thirteen miles west my girl lived , and , ns I had no Sunday trains or business of nny kind , I used to go up there und stay over Sunday But a livery horse from Saturday night to [ Monday morning cost mo too much money , so 1 rigged up a sail on an old tlo-cnr. All 1 had to do on Saturday night was to hoist my sail , push the tio-car out on the main track , " and in loss than an hour I was at my journeys oud For more than a year I went to see my girl every Saturday night by means of that sail-car. Pretty slcclc wasn't it' . ' " Yes , pretty sleek But do you moan to say that the wind blow In the same direction every Saturday night during all this tinio'/ " "Of course I dent ! . " Well , how did you manngo on those nights whou it blow in the other direction tion'/ " . Easy enough I had another girl at a station tlftcon miles east " Thr Great line Islnnrt Itoutn ' Inchanging time on Sunday Nov 17 , the Chicago , Uoclt island < k l'aclllc Ry have considered every point of In terest to ttio Omaha traveling public If you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago or any point east , our solid vestibule limited train is just what you want Leave Omaha ut 4.25p. m arrive in Dus Molnos 0:30 : p. m. and Chicago 8:30 : a. m. . dining car for supper leaving Council Bluffs und for breaKfast before reaching Chicago This train is also equipped with the finest sleepers nnd chair cars made by the Pullman Co . which leave from the U. P. depot , Omahaovory day at 4:2-5 : p. m. , making close connections at Chicago with all trains for eastern points In addition to this magnillcont train wo have two ether daily trains to Chicago , leaving Omaha ut 0:15 : a. m. and 5:15 : p. m. For information ai to routes , rates , time , etc , call ' at ticket olllco , 13lo ) Far nam street ; telephone 782. S. S. STKVBN3 , General Western Agent YELLOW JIM N. C. WilliamBinTho Epoch : Sheriff Smith btood on the piazza of Summer lands , sorrowfully shukiug his gray head "Wo ortor ride llko the devil was bo- hlnd us , Carroll , " ho said to his pris oner , for thar comes the Clayton bet , shores you'ro a foot high " Mur3or , with politics on the surface and a womun nt the bottom , had been done that day at the county town Car roll Austin , the murderer , having sur rendered when overtukon at his own gate , had been allowed to go to his hotiso in custody of the posse . Ho was a dark , " slender , Uandsomo fel low , with smouldorlng eyes that flamed upfcuvugoly nt sight of the hundred armed horsemen streaming up in the turnpike.tJHia wife stood beside him without touching him Bohlud thorn with a pair of packed saddle bags flung over his arm , a big purse in his hand , was Yellow Jim , the octoroon , who had grown up with Carroll , and was iu speech , in fuco , in voice , well-nigh his exact counterpart , Indeed , it was a common saying that ho was moro mas ter of Surumdrlnndt than was Its owner As valet , steward , major dome , all was in his hands The Austin blood know nothing of fear Carroll stood , half smiling , when the sheriffs voice rang out , as the lynchers came witbiu haiL Haiti What do you want ? " Carroll Austin " What forTe / " "To hang hliri higher than 11aI man " You cant have him " "Wo will have him " The shorllT loft his place on the piazza stops , nnd wont half way to the lynch1 crs Through the dusk they could see that , his strong fnco was uhito and worklnir , His bond was bare ; Ills big double-barrel hold muzzle down in token I of parley Boys , " ho said , ole friends , neigh bors | , gentlemen , I know yo all , and yo know i mo know I'd go ton miles on my hands and knees ruthor'n tor scratch the , Ultio finger of or ono on yo Yo know , too , whut 1'vo ' swore , nn' kissed the , book tor do Now , I toll yo , I'm gwino tor do it , no matter who's hurt You'ro 200 to live , but we've got our backs to the wall , nn' by the llvin' Jehovah ' yo cain't tech our prls'nor whllo ono of us can draw his gun Now disperse ' go back , an' wait for law nn' justice Adorislvo bowl nnsworcd Mm The spokesman of the mob called out : "Shcrilt Smith , Ill give you ton min utes to surrender your urisonor At the end of It wo will come and tuko him If nny man tries to stop us , his blood bo on his own head " "Yo needn't wait time no . Como on , cf yc'ro cumin , an' lots have the thing ever , " the shorllT said Then ho gave command ever his shoulder to tlio posse : Stand bolld , boys ! " Ono minute of breathless waiting two three the loader cried : Como on ! " The shorllT again shouted : Haiti ' und once moro encouraged his poise : Hold yo fire till thoy'ro nt the slops nnd the Lord have mercy upon their souls " On enmo the lynchers , yelling , Bhout- Ing , firing pistols in tlio air Then the air grow thick with llatno and smoke , witli leaden pollcts hurling through , the boom of the shotguns rolling ever to the far hills Over the tumult Jim's ' \olce rang : This way , master ; this way for your lifol" When the harvest moon rose round and rod that night her rays foil on live dead faces gleaming up from tlio trampled sward ShorllT Smith looked at them with a queer tremor about his lips , and said : Boys , who wants to bo the county's ofllcor'I've ' had erbout enough on it " Nobody nnswered him A pair of big brown owls , a-pcrch on a dean tree near at ban d , shouted out to ' each other : Woo oo who oo who ' ooV" At midnight the moon made the clear ings light ns day , yet sent only a vivid clare-obscure through the dark depths i of the swamp A faint path wound in i and out among the bitr trees , and huge i twisted creepers , writhing from bole to i bolo Here and there a patch of moon beams struggled through the leafage i overhead , to bo absorbed in the thick : moss that covered the damp earth Jim ran along the trail , half bent , and fooling the ground with a light t staff , before trusting his weight to it Carroll Austin followed him walking r upright nnd fearless , as though ho trod I a dancing floor As they wont forward , Jim said mournfully : "O ! Marso Cir roll , why didn't you go straight away You might bo safe now if you only hadn't come homo after it nil hap ' " penc' "I know it , but then my wife would l not have kissed mo " Carroll , said flinging up his head proudly Poor i love , " ho wontun "To think how un- just I have been to her I made my will today , Jim in case of accident , you know and actually I gave all I could to Poyton Reid , who , if I die childless , gets the lnnd by entail You must see to it , Jim , that that will is destroyed " i "If if you gave mo to him lot that part stand , " Jim said slowly " 1 like Marse Peyton next to you " ' Carroll scarcely heard him Sudden ly ho burst out : Jim , look at mo _ touch mo tell me 1 nm human have shot a man dead dead dead " And the worst days work , that over you did All ! Mnrso Carroll , there'll , bo no , living here for you any moro " Jim said , prodding whntsoomed acoiled root , in the path before him At a touch it leaped to life there was a lignthtng stroke , a hiss , a horrible glidlng _ away A minute later Jim was rollinc iu acronv utiou the damn black | earth The cotton mouth it struck mo here iu the neck Ill bo dead ir ton minutes , " ' no gasped , clutching con vulsively tlio big roots , either side Carroll knelt beside him Jim , Jim , " ho tried , dent give up I will run back for help you must have it , if I hang for it the next minute Dent talk of dying " Jim caught his hands und said faintly : Its no use Murso Carrolli the snake " fil uukthebig- I'm dying oven • low Wo have been together ever since wo were born , mnstor dear Murso Carroll stay with mo to the last ' " 1 will I would dlo if it would save you , " Carroll said , drawing the poor qulvoring fuco to his breast convention and ptido of racn alike swept away iu a flooding ngony of Hint supreme minute All ut once Jim sunk to earth , laid his car against it , then sprung upright , shrieking thickly : The hounds ! the hounds ! " Carroll bent forward to listen Faint and far came the low , booming bay of bloodhounds Ho know that meant that the lynchers woio behind them In un hour they would comb up with lihrr hero beside his dead guide Ho could go not a foot farther Kvon it ho could bring himself to leave Jim ho would not dnre stir ton yards in this treacherous spot Hanging would ut least bo qulckor than smothering in the black eec of the swamp In nny case , ho had ono shot left If ho needs must quit lifo ho will do it llko u gcutloman What a pity the snake hud not clioson him him.Poor Poor Jim's agony wiib almost ended He had sunk in u stupor , und there were porcoptlblo intervals betwooi ) his gasps He would not know it when the hounds cumo up What a deep note they hud and how rapidly they cumo on now that they had struck the warm trail In ton minutes in flvo in three , ho would bo standing between thorn und tlio swollen features of his dead A wild thought mudo him faint and weak It meant safety , with a fonrful risk behind it Ho thrust it away , drew his pistol , aud laid its cold rim to his forehead Then the thought of LI- setto , his wife , love , lifo came ovev him IIo flung the weapon down beside the dead mau and begun to work with the 6trongth of a giant and the fury of a hurricane Five minutes later the head of the Clayton clan wus Buying : You boat us to the swamp , Jim , hut you see wo'cajght you after nil Wale up your flue mnbtor atid toll him hla time has como " "I wish I could wako him , sir ; but I ain't Gabriel , " an unsteady voice re plied A torchbearer ran up to the prostrate flguro The next minute word wont down the line ; Carroll Austin has died a death that might mike even bib victim pity him " Dnzod by the shock of the uppalllng tragedy , tlio community hold shuddor-1 ingly aloof from aught * pertaining to ts primal cause Charley Clayton and the sheritf'e victims had a funeral train three milea long Yellow Jim alone followed i the coffin thnt wasjthought to hold 1 the last of the Austins , Llsetto would not look > nt it , Indeed she I kept her room , refusing to sco nny- body I tint 1 the coming of Payton Rold , the 1 liolr-at-htw , a week jitter Even then I , she did not go below stairs until summoned i to lionr the r.eadmg of her husbands 1 will As she stopped outside j h r chnmbor door she cumo fuco to face with Jim , nnd , nftor ono look , shrunk back , crying out : VGo away go awiy Carroll is dead and you shall not look lit mo with his oyosl" , Suppose ho was not dqnd ? " Are you crazy / " tingrlliv "I bollovo you uro They toll mo you have been luny ever since yon brought him homo Get out of my way , and never say that horrible thing again ! " Then vou are glad Mnrso Carroll Is dead " "Attor what ho had done yes It was the only way out of it Even If he had got away ho would hnvo boon n wan derer , a vagabond , all the days of his llfo " Would you have gone with him " "No no a hundred times no I mar ried a rich gentleman When ho delib erately made himself a criminnl ho sot mo free " Jim drew aside to let her pass As she swept round the turn of the stair way , ho said between his tooth : "I think that last will will bo very apt to stand " It did stand Though it loft Mrs Carroll far toss than she expected , she showed neither surprise nor chagrin ever its provisions In a quiet , pathetic , soil-controlled fashion , she gathered up her bolonglngs , and , in tlio course ofafow weeks , wont away Poyton Hold found her rcsignntion wonderfully touching Ho was a gal lant chivalrous , tenderhearted follow , and would gladly hate doubled her portion , fooling , ns ho did , that sno was ungenerously dealt with 'At the sug gestion , though , a faint red flowed into her nhook , she said , slowly : You arc kind , but it cannot bo done Whllo my hubband lived what ho had was mine ; now that , ho is dead I will take on ly what ho chose to give mo Ho may have been unjust , but I cannot take inorojiiid keep my bolf-rospoot. " After that she went away , leaving a lively leaven of pitying tenderness tow ard her in the newcomers mind Ho was rich before this windfall , but not in land IIo wns Austin iu blood , if not in name , and soon dccldud to make his hume on the big plantation that his great grandfathers had bought from the Cherokees a hundred years before With uncommon zest ho set about malting it a model place The house was refurnished inaido and out ; barns made bigger ; cubing and stables pulled down and rebuilt Still , the memory of that August night hung ever it llko a pall Few of the country folk came about ittbough tlujro was the liveliest curiosity as to the ox- tout of the betterments These who ventured came away saying : The biggest change of nil > wns In YollorJim Why , ho uaed to ho the jollicst nigger allvo , and us humble as ho was jolly now ho wasa , regular say nothin' , an' as for hitcheu' tour horse when you lighted , or holdin' the stir rup when you cot up it lyusn 't once In three times that he seemed tcr think about doinit It wasn 't strange though The now man made more of him even than Carroll Austin had done ; trusted him to everything , und even lot him 1 sloop ever the diningrobm , now that his 1 mothers cabin was , torn away No wonder ho was getting uppish and big gity though really it.didn't seem like 1 he mount to ho impertinent It wus probably the trouble that had mudo him I so lightheaded and absentminded , " ' It wus mainly to aord ! him amuse mo nt * * * Christmas twclvomouth from thnt night of death Summerlnnds was empty , swept aud garnished , ready " for a crowd j of guests Nobody quite knew what J was the occasion of this coming togoth- or , but all agreed that , there mubt bo something out of the common thus to fling wide these shadowed doors The day had boon fair with a hint of frost in J tne _ air As night foil it grew keenly ' cold so cold that even the big log jlros on every hearth hardly made the wide rooms comfortable There was a glare aud glitter of light Blooming plants Btood on the window ledges Christmas greens wreathed door and wall There I would bo duncing games , a magniticont supper People began coming at dark , and wnndored aimlessly about , com menting on the absence of the host ' Could ho moan thus to mock and slight a county In' rpturn for the cold shoulder It had shown him It was not likely 7 she was a gontlo-natured fellow , not at all after the Austin pattern , Presently a carriage with four black horses drew up ut the door ; two people got out The . next minute Payton Moid stood in the inidst of the throng , say - Ing : Friends and neighbors , I thank you all for coming hero to do honor to my wife " * • • People foil back a pace in dumb sur priso It'was Llsotto Austin who looked at them from the depth of silk and fur She raised her eyelids in a quick , half frightouod way , but dropood them instantly , nnd clung with timid uppoul to her now husbands nrm Be fore the nearest man could frame a con gratulatory speech , a heavy fall startled them Yellow Jim lay sturk und bouboIoss just at the foot of the br.do ! Lute at night as ho lay feigning sleep und wishing Tor death , the door ot his low chainbor open cautiously and two women enmo through It Hannah , the house girl , und Alice the now mistress own maid They bent ever the prone llgurc and snake In awed whispers : "Ho is sholy struck with death , " said Iluunah , shivering a little as she spoke " , "An' lucky far him , ,11 , ho is , " Alice returned a trlflo mysteriously "Whut make you 8aydiit'/ " "Becnso I knows jyliut I'm talkin' bout Miss Zotto do ypiso dat niggor , an' she nin't gwlno ros' till Mrs , Poyton sell him - ' 'i You reckon so'Wh'dt she got'gin Ho uster try motty hnrd tor suit nor when she wus mistrisiyoro bofo' . " Alice laughed disdainfully "Ui' .t'a all you ohucklonhouds knows Hltdidn' suit her 'talltor , have Jim 1 always hungln'round when Mist * Clay ton an' horyothor beau wus here Shell pay " 'im for it uow , Bho'ils ' , you'u or nig' i gor now long is Murfta ' Poyton been courtiu' ' Iror'Wo / uoyer heard nothin' ' i • bout it tell tor night ' / * "Purty nigh ever BpucQ wo lot do ole , place You see ho ken comlu * urter her , tryln' to git 'or to tuko mo' money , an' she wouldn't hub it , 'cnube I reckon I she think she git it all blmo-by. She says she marrlod Marbo Ca'H for do i prop'ty , Dls time I think she got it for tor lceop " "Ycb , " assented nnnnah , "nn1 wo can i tell Mammy Lou she u ou' tor hothor bout walkln' up yore ; Jim's jos or hrcathln' , an' nobody cant do nothin' for Ira , " With that she walksd away At the > door Alice run back and pressed her lips to the mouth of the prostruto man , "I know you nin't sleep Jim , " she whispnrod , neither dyin' , Ef you I hadn't ' hold yourself so high , you might " have a , friend to help you now Lot mo alone " The old unconscious tone of com mand Alice gnvo a low shriek , then run , away , muttering : That was Marso Carroll < or else his ghost " When Mr nnd Mrs Poyton Reid went down to a very Into breakfast they found ) nil their household in cxcltoil confusion , "Whut is It'/ " the gentleman asked of his ] gray old butler "Jt's Jim Jim " the , ser yeller , man said < , looking down Surely ho Is not dead ? " Mr Hold said i , rising A vivid gleam came into his wifo's eyes ns she bent forward to hear "No , sir ; not dead , sir , " sf.ld the butler - lor , but but ho wont to the stables with his bundles this morning and told the boys to toll vou ho had run away for good ' Dent fret donr ho , ; wns always very lmpnrtlnent , nnd I fall It a good rld- dance , " Mrs Hold snid , soltllug down to her breakfast with a dainty appo- tlto * * * Summorlands lay in the Cumberland valley debatable ground during the civil war.which begun two years after Yellow Jim ran away Of coursa Poyton Hold was among the first of these who went out to light for tlio confedornoy His wife did not oppose his golt'g , but when the pinch of parting came she klssod and clung to him , nnd bemoaned her dosolntonobs At the front she scut him weekly hctirt-brokcn llttlo letters , whoso burden was all love nnd lonely longing for his return After the for tunes of war had put the blue nbovo the gray they came but rarely but wore even fuller of dependence on his love ' Nnturally , when ho had been away two years , the wish to see her , to hold her iu his arms , and kiss and comfort horse possessed him that ho was ready to risk death to accomplish it Aside from the perils of crossing the rivers Tennessee und Cumberland where the gunboat p ilrol was strict , there was tlio furtlior danger of caivturo and trial as a spy Summorlands lay just upon the edge of n considerable fcdoral outpost It was knowledge of its establishment there that mudo him doubly anxious about Lisotto Dear soul ! No soldier would have the heart to harm her , but they might nay , must seriously terrify her _ by their bare presence Once ho had her in ills arms nil the rest might go ; Ro would take her back where ho could shield nnd comfort her nis lipart grew warm in the thought of how her shy eyes would brighten , her whole face beam ut sight of him , ntknowlodgo that henceforth there were to bo no warring hosts between thorn When the Inst river was passed ho began to pick his way cautiously along bridlo-paths and through woodlands until he reached the great swamp Summorlands was but throe miles away from It Ho could hide there during the day and steal into his house nt . night ( Only ho must lind some trusty messenger to uppriso Lisotto of his coming Peering along the dim i aisles , ho saw something move A min later it became a tall man wearing a gray coat , and fully armed But that hardly impressed the beholder nis i eyes wororivotod on the fuco a familiar face Simultaneously the two mon spoke "Murso Poyton Rold ! " Yellow Jim ' ' Yes at vour service but como fur ther in Tlio blue coats have a habit of f nabbing strangers that might bo un- pleasant to both of us " Tell mo where you have been what t you are doing bore Above all , why you loft me as you did " Dent talk of that now I wascrazy , I think Anywuya , week of the swamp soborcd my senses I worked my way to the seaboard , got a berth on a ship , und got back just In tiino to take a hand for [ the ' confederacy " % You tight on our side " "Of course it is my Bide , too Do you think I could raise my hand against my own people oxnlnlnod my position - tion to a man Marao Carroll befriended j once , and as ho is high in authority , I had no trouble In getting assigned to detached duty In fnctI've boon scout ing ever dnco it begun That is what brings mo bore " Have you found out anything " "A little 1 itnow how many men of . all arms are within supporting distance of the front , where there are arms und stores deposited , the number of mon at each post , the alignment of pickets ; in i J fnct , it is easier to say what I have not found out than what 1 have " "Ah , Jim , you nro a uoblo fellow , " i Peyton Reid s.iid , wringing Jim's hand hard Now toll me do you know nny- Ii thing of Summerlunds of my wife Is she still there , or have they frightened her away / " Jim's mouth dropped , tlis mouth twitched nervously under hismustucho ) Ho said , slow and rollectivoly : "Of Course I huvo boon there nubolf un- soon They have not troubled the not-even-th&-houfeo.Mi' . . • place - - & - s Rold is still there ur.d I think they have glvon her a guard of honor Dear llttlo toul her sweet eyes would tame a hungry tiger 1 must see her tonight Can you not help me to manngo it'/ " Perhaps but it will be dangerous You had butter stuy here and let her como to you , ' ' Jim said , still looking down Peyton Rold exclaimed impatiently : "I cannot wait Only pilot me past the picket guard and 1 will u k nothing more of you " "I nm only afraid for > ou as to mo , nothing mnttors , " Jim wild , with u llt tlo rcckloss laugh Thou ho added more soberly : Ill ' go , und ntuiid by you , como v.hut mny , " At 10 o'clock the two stole under tro windows of Summerlunds Nearly nil were lighted up Mrs Reid had opened her doors to the olllcers , for protec tion , " she said , though she had uspcclal guard She snt ut the piano , the cen ter of n guy group of blue-coated and shoudor-strnpped Individuals , nnd sung unwenriodly of war , of love , of homo , as suited the tastes of her auditors , For oacti she had u merry word , u smile , u gr.iciou8 courtesy , iibho 6uid good night Ono by ono they wont away until only a small , fulr man , in a colenol's ' uniform , was left with the songstress , At once ho wont un to her , took her hnnd , und led her ever to tlio Bofu by the fire Evidently ho wns saying wmit it pleased her to hear , though his words wore inaudible - audible to the two men outside Fern n minute ho stood looking down nt ) ior , then ho bent aud kissed her twice , full in the mouth Poyton Reid triad to shout , to spring forward Jim hold his hand on his lips , und drew him heavily to earth "No no not here you will bo shot llko o dog , " ho whisporcd hoarsely in' the struggling mans our Lot mo up ! Lot mo up , I say ! Do you romoinber she is my wlfor" the ether gasped "No she is mine ! " Yours God in honvonl What can you monnr" • Only this I am Carroll Austin When Jim died iu the swamp I had choice of death or slavery I took his coat , put my watch in his pocket , my rings upon his fingorB darkness unci poison did the rest When I found , qb you have done , that Lisotto's love wns for the last comer , I guvo up all thought of Ighting myself If I had known 1 would have warned you of her I wont awayhoplngsho might not ruin your I lifo us she had done mine because too , j I ovod loved her still moro almost thnn lhato her " Poyton got up heavily , and hold out his hand , "Forglvo me , Cnrroll , " ho snid husk ily , " 1 took your fortune , your wife ovorythmg ' I would dlo ton times ever if that would right the wrong " , "Ha ! What's that ! " said Carroll , ns a faint booming nniso came to them A picket gun nnsworcd him Right down upon thorn , out of the world of dusk , came a thousand ot the merriest rough riders the world has over scon It wns trot , gallop , chnrgo , lo.td , fire , strike home ; a melee of hoofs nnd bul lets nnd saber flashing , with the rebel yell quavering through and nbovo it , nnd shouts of "Morgnnl Morgan ! John Morgan's como to town ! " making up a rumbling hnsi Though surprised the blue coats fought llko men It wus nu hour ere they gave up and there were empty saddles enough to tirovo that their bullets had gene homo Nuturally they rallied about the mansion , the col onel commanding wns there Cnrroll felt thnt it would bo the con tor of tlio fight Into the crest of the charging host ho flung himself , and was borne to the very dooi-stono. Rushing through the.Boldiors ho caught up Lisotto and rnn with her toward the side gnto ; just as the furthest picket squad ciuiu hur rying forward , firing as they ran Bui- lots hurled around , nbovo them , still they were untouched They had almost won the shelter of shrubbery where Poyton Rold still crouched Then came a final volley , hotter aimed than the i-ost. T o tlguros fell before it At last Cat roll Austin had mudo sure of his wife , iillko for time and eternity An Atmnliito Cure IhoORIGINALAHIKTINB OINTMENT is only put up in inrao two-ounco tin boxes , and Is an absolute euro for nil sores , burns , wounds , chapped lmnib and nil skin erup tions Will positively cure all lands of pllos Ask for the OUlUiNAI , AUIETINB OINT MENT Said by Goodman Drug company at 23 cents per box by mall 80 cents SCHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , ProvisionsMStocks Basement Fiwt National Bailr , : { 05 South 13th Street , . Omuliit COMiEROIAL NATIONAL BANK Capital , - $400,000 Surplus , - 40,000 OlUcers nn < l DlractoM K M. Morsomnn fl M. Hitchcock , Jos Dnrnenu , Jr . A. Ilenrr K. M Anderson Win 0. Maul v. prea.j ! , . u Will lama , A , V. HopKlns , pros ; A. Mtllaid , cashier ; 1" , II , Uryaut , assistant cashier NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. 3. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NE3. Cnpltnl $100,000 Surplus Jan 1st , 185)0 ) 5 , . )00 Ol'KlCliUS AND DIlliCTOK3 : IlENnv W. Vatks , Prosldent Lewis S. Hkku Vice lresluoat JA = . W.8AV.IOU , WV Mun-u : . Jens 8 , com.iv * . U. C.CU8II1 NO J. N. II l'ATIUCK , W. ii a. Hunan-i , Casliler THEIRON BANK , Cor 12th and Farnnra Pts A Qcneial Hankies lluslueis Transacted • tYS H y ITS 0 WANTED D Q S EnS I H ISSUED BY CITIES , Bi 91 En BE dj COUNTIES , OCHOOt Off H V BS > < * * DISTRICTS , WATER Correspondence solicited . C0Mpanies , ETC .1. W , Harris & Company , Bankers , 103-ICS Dearborn Street , CHICAGO * 70 Stole Strnet BOSTON ft • f > A Mi KINDS OF Business p - Paper , r , 11 1 On ImiiroYod and Unlm Mni'TIMi ' proved IVopnty lUUl IH.ItLVUi ( 1'iiMliased or Negotiated ' i\ 1 The Negotiation of KAlind couio atiohonds. . UUllUlJ A Specialty Correspondence Solicited W. B. MILLARD , Itoom 1113 Brown BiiiUlinir , Omalia , Neb _ Wo ulio recplvo and wll Venl Hey , Grain , Uldcg\VooI , Rrcni And llijf (1 rrHllAAcgitablcs.oriuiytlilnooiiiiiay liAtelonliln WiltduiirnrrrlrciioranylnfnmmtlonxMa nwl.MJIIMrilH , MOKItlMIN As I'll.CouunlMloa Mri-rhuuM. KINoutli 11 nlcr t. . < Mi nr" . HvvuHKNiK-llctrniMilltnn itntlouul JiMik Citlcnifo Mention Omaha I 93. OMnHiUOBBERS1 DIRECTORY , Agricultural Implomonta i i LININOER METOALF CO , 1 AEriCult'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriages BuMles to Wholuxilo , Oioslm , Ncbraika w , n. .1 iliU iiauiAC .V 1 UKI'K. . , Steam and Water Supplies . Ilalllilar wnl mills HID and BJO Jones 3t.OmiUa U. V , Itosi , Acting Manner IMOWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery fusel-Iron work , • totm puBpi nw mtlU UMI' 'U l.eaTarmorth itrtat , Omaha , Iron Works PAXTOff Sc VIEIILIKU VfJO.V WQttKS , Wrongot and Cast Iron Building Wort Uatftiiri * , brai * wnrlc , general foundry , machine , and ulackitulih work , nmru 1 nil norki U. I' . Ilr and lull itrfst , oinalio omaua winn & ntoiFvronKS , Hannfaclnrers of Wire and Iron Railings Di k ralla , window guards , flower standi , wire lgn . • te 123 Worm IMh treat Omaha OMAHA SAFE & IttON WOnKS , ManPrs of Tire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaulu , ] all worn Iron ibutturi and lira ercap a OAndraenpropr Cor lull ud Ja uoubii . , , I flash Doors , Eto n. a. Disnnow J : co , , Wlioleaale rotuuftclurert ; f Sa Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Uranch oMcc 12th and Uard HreeU Oaiaha , Nb. . " sopthIpmaha UNION SfOOK YARD CO , Of Sonth Omata Limited l # t Mr fe sviSM Jrggk r. < k'.r lI . \l TUIVKK CAB Mllif" l/0Ji / * " * _ a * > ! • > • , C u > trilUuaaaUtaUluid Cowry ? .v/S r < ruvUe.li IM < J > iU > < M > dlM . , ft.iMn A Vjfc * wntr kll ttir rtntHlri fll , e L o i.t ttgjB aglV flifw wu mun > 9 a w /aoeu , rata , lis ituii OMAHA MAMCTOIffi I ' Doota nnd Shoaa , , | v m/ > J jmvm KlltKESDALL , JO SES < t CO , M Bucee < or to Heed , Jones A Co H Wholesale Mannfacturers of Biot , & Shoes M Aent > for notion ltubt > er Shoo To ,1101 , llU ( and llOd MUU9 llarner r > U t , Umaha Nabnukn . . 1 H H _ _ > _ _ Ilrowors ' ; H sumz tfrhEn , M Lager Beer Brewers , 1 1MI Notn Elijlileiatli Street , Omana , KebTMla H EAOl.E aoitNWB WOliKS , M Mannfacturers ofGalvanizeilrjn Cornice H Window-caps and mialle ! klubta Jonn Kprniter , I H proprietor , luaand IU Mouth lctn street I B Artlats' Mnlorlnlfl H A. iwspeTjk , ' H Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs H IMS Uounlas streetUmalia Nebraska J " * H _ Conl , Ooko , Eto H UMAHA OOA 'L"ClJftE . LIME CO , H JoDDors of Hard and Soft Coal 308 South 13th slreet Omaha Nebraska H NEUHASKA FUEL CO , * H Shippers of Coal and Cole 111 Boath 13th street , Omaha , Nebraska , H ' ' * MM Commission ami atorngo m M RIDDELL , v IHDDELL , H Storage and Commission Merchants peolaltles Nutter , neat , cheese ponHrr , ( tarn * . | 1113 Howard street , Onmha , Not ) . H ' H VEAN , ARMSTRONG it CO , H Wholesale Cigars , H tOlNorth CtbStreetOmaha , Neb Hello 1139. U M 1 Dry Cooda ontl Motlqnp m M , AT E. SMITU " &C0. , H Dry Goods , Fnrnishing Goods and Notions 1I1B and 1101 Douglas , cor , lltli street , Omah u. Neb | KlLPA'intGK KOCH DRY GOODS CO , H • Importers Uolilicrsiii Dry Good ; , Notions H eats'Furnlshlni tlools rormr llth and Uunor H atreets Omaha , Nubrnska 1 mWm Furnlturo m M DEWEY & STONE , H Wholesale Dealers m Fornitura H rarnam strait , Omaha , Nebraska | " CHARLES SHIVERWK , H Furniture Omaha , Nebraska H Qrocorloa . . . l ' t. a MeCORD , brad ya CO , M Wholesale Grocers , 13th nnd LeaTenwcrth streets , Omaha , Nebraska , H r , 3 MMf _ Hardware H WJ RROATOH , i M Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel Bprlnas , iragnr , stock , hirnwnro lumbar , ote I30 H ISlLUarnoy street , Omaha ff H I • ' HIMEDAUOH & TAYLOR , M Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanics Tools and UulTalo Scales l < a > Uoujls * U m street Omaha , Nib H I . WW ] Lumbar , Eto H JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , M Wholesale Lnmher , Etc Imported and American Portland Cement Stat * . Mt aaent toralllwaukee Urdmulio Comvnt | andQulrc ? White Lima H OH AS R. LEE , H • Dealer in Hardwood Lnmher - Vroudcarpets and paniuet Hoirlnd 8th and Ujuglaa H streets , Omaha , Nebraska . WW MISSOURI MINING CO . H Miners and Snippers ( f Hard aad Soft Coal CUIllrstNall ' • ! ' Mnn't llnl I"innlitt , Neb H LOUTS BRADFORD , H Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash Doarf , eto Yards-Comor 7th and Oonzias Offlow H Corner 10th and Douglas H " FRED W.QRAY , " H Lnmher Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , . , . Comei llth and Douglas rtrecH , Omaha H C. N. DIETZ H Dealer in mi Kms of Lnmher . Uth and California streets , Omnhn , Nebraska H • Wl | | | , n ° r > 1ijjtvft ? ° 1L ° rj ° ' . I I. OBERFELDER A CO , H Importer & Joohers in Millinery & Notions a . 210 and 1U South llth street M * Notlona J : T. ROBtNSON NOTION CO ; Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishing Goods 1124 Uarnoy a'rcet , Omaha " " " " . QjiiaT CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , Wholesale Refined and Luhrlcating Oils Axle Graaso , otc Omaha A. II lltshop , Mananor • Pa per ' | carpenJer paper CO , Wholesale Paper Dealers Carrr a nlco stock of or n'lng , wrapplnn and wrltlnat paper , Bpeclal attention Riven to oard paper ' ' Safes to " A. L. DEANE & CO . General Aifonts tor Halls ' Safes , 881 and 32t South 10th Bt Omaha , Toy a , Eto H.HARDY A CO , Jobbers ot Toys , Bolls , Alliums , Fancy Goods , HO'ise lurnl.hlne ( Irod . Children's Carriages lMa- larnum slreet , OmahaNeb i ' THK CHICAGO SHORT LINE , oi'Tiru Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Ry 'llio Host lloiilo From Oinaliu mill Counelli lllairs to = = THE EAST = = = TWO 'JUAINH I1AII1V JIKTWKKN OMAHA and councii niiiirrs Clileago , AND Mlltvnukco , St Paul , Mlniitn.iolls , Cellar Hiiiilds , . Hock Isiiiml , Freeport , lloekronl , ( Jllilon , Dull iqiio , Jliiii'iiporl , KIkIii Miiilisun , Jiriottllle , llololt , Wiiionn , fiii Crosse , And all other Important milnls Ka.t , Norlhca.t ana Uuullu-aat. rnrthroiiuh llrki > tarallon Ihe Ikkct n cnt nt IHIl larnaui Strict , In lister Ulock , or ut Union 1'ailtlu IHiiot I uilimin8leciur | uiil the llnc.t DlnliuCars' In Iho world am run on Ihu inaln line ut tnu ChliagiMll - waukHObt 1'aul ltulli nr and " very atlomlou U paid to passcngora Uj courteous eiuiiloret uf the MlHHinr It UIIJ.KH.Uciioral tlanaxer J.K.TIIU .Mt.itsal.tantuunernl Manager . A V. it , OAlll-KNIEIl , Oeiieral l'u enter ana ' 'llokft Agent IIKII I ) II KAKI'Oltll , Assistant General l > aaseuger amiIl kol Acent T. JCliAUK UcncralSuperintendent ' CNQLI8H PENNYROYAL PILLS HIO cnois oiauomd sn No fCHICHtSTER'S . . LaelM , a.k Iraxal.t ro lU i > < I ! ruedla r4 tulsull bii . . h 1 IUi tin ilbUiu Tak M itltttn Huil . ( up ) lor ixiUiiuu a "KaU.r r a * liai liwtuCkaas.C Mssiwsaa.rallaJfc-