The Omaha ' Daily Bee I NINETEENTH TEAK OMAHA , MONDAY MOKNING , MAKOH 3 , 1890. NUMBER 232. HE HAD REMARKABLE NERVE it * The Valley TqIIb Bank Robber Shot I Dead _ _ _ _ _ WOULDN'T HOLD UP HIS HANDS | AWlli Two Winchesters Stmlng Mini in llio Vat a Ho Coolly reels In Ills 1'ockot ror J1U J Itcuilvcr " 4"I'm . "I'm ft bllclc 'Un " Mrnmrv , ICun , March 2. I'm slick 'un " fologrnph Opcrotor Taj lor hoard these words nddrossod to him by a strangoi last night whllo ho was receiving it mess igo 1 ot tlio railway station Ho paid no attention to the romnrk until lie hod completed the on w hlch bo was engaged , which was a description of the man who robbed the Volley 1 alls bank yostordny The LtncBsnto then loouod up and nearly lost his breath whoa ho w is standing before him the very man ' I described In the dispatch Uo dlitnotrcvcnl f. the recognition X ho stranger nqulicd the tlmo of the next train for Atchison nnd asked wlioro ho ctiuld put up for the night The operator directed him to a hotel , whera ' the nlick 'un" took n room without regie tcrlng , requesting that 1 o bo called at 0 o clock in the morning in tlmo tor the Atchl son train Polleo Ofllccra fcmuth nnd Sum mcrilold , who had receive 11nstructions fron Valley rails to arrest any suspect were Informed by the operator of the presence of the stranrer nt the hotel Arming themselves with Winchester rifles thev wont to the hotel wnltod until U o clock and then going to the hotel ofllco acquainted the pro I rlotor with tholr lutontion to arrest the guist A boll boy was sent to the stringer s room with a messaeo that it was 0 30 o'clock tlio tlmo to get up to catch the Atchison train When the stranger do Bcondcd to tlio ofll o ho wis confronted by oftlcors with Winchester rifles pointed squarely nt his bicast Ho ncvor qulvorcd but looked Inquiringly around " 'llirowuu jour hnnds , ' Ofilccr Smith said Iho stranger scorned to mi lorstnnd the situation , but instead of obeying the com innnd tin list bla hands Into cich sldo locket of his overcoat to draw revolvers Hoth Winchesters were dis charted Instantly nt his breast iho struuuer fell dead with ono bullet through his heart and another through his rltht iho coroner was notified immodlatoly and before noon a vol diet iv is returned exoner I ating thoofllccis of any criminality In hav ing caused the death of tl o bank robbci , self-defense being their excuse The stolen money was dlscovoro 1 on his boay ( Iho outlaw was posltlvolv idontlllcd from r a receipt dated at Umllngton Kan as ono Hoboitson J no monov receipted for had been made pnv able to ono D S Smith at Ottiw a , Kan " inn kilij1\g op dksmond A I Ittini * f ml to tin ; id re oTu Notor Inns Cliatnotpr Oodiij Utah , March 3 | Special Tolo giam to The Bee 1 Pat Desmond who was shot and killed ly Thomas S Ted hero last night , was ono of the most notorious men In this part of the west and bad boroo a hard reputation in Colm ado Ted hod formerly tended bar orJbp mjojndjjinwHu tlo and in t • aonio civil suits had testified against his "bm plover Iho 111 feeling between the two i dates from that time Desmond eama to Ogdcn about two years 1 ago and was up to last fall propi lotor of tlio > Ogdcn River IRosort oio of the touchest dives In the city Slnco soiling out his inter est lu that place ho has spcot most of his tlmo in Pueblo Ho resided for sever il 1 years in the luttcr pines and wns cltv mar shal tl cro in lbSl aud lt > SDurlns , bis term ' of nfllco ho distinguished himself as a pal of [ tlio lowest classes 01 the ] Inco It is said ' that prisoners enntured with larco sums of money on their persons were turned out i , ot prison at the expiration of their terms without a dollar With a notorious t luibldr ho ran a bunco shop and Jut Urn town run wild in crime A member nt tlio council who ventured to protest enjoyed a shooting scrape for his remarks lie was u thor outhly bad in in and at the same ttmo vorv pll uit , A mouth ugo Desmond was shot and wounded lu tlio leg In Pueblo nnd a repor eamo that ho had dlol lrotn the effects Iho Dally Commerciil , in mentioning the tumor , stated that it wis a fitting end to the lifo ho had recently been living nnd stated that It bad been simply u question of time when Pat would dlo with his boots on lor this statement Desmond guvo notice of a $10 000 Wjet-wtt-wuMKHrapera-wcrtrdrawnTriday The Commercial regards his death as ono of its usual strokes of good luck ' . * A Ilnninrkablo Proposition St Paul , Minn , March J [ Spoclal Tola gram to Pin Del | la view of the fact that in several cities Catholic priests have recently contly ordered Citholie parents to send their , children to parochial schools exclusively , on ? P- event occurred hero yesterday afternoon which is remarkable and may lead to a solu tion of the school question The Catholics have lately finished a school building in St Johns i arlsh , Daytons Mutt In that sec tion of the city the publio schools have boon crowded all winter nrd tlio board of educa tion haa been considering what was best to bo douo until sprint , when a building could bo erected I athei Plomiug , pasloi of the parish learned ot the dilemma and . sat , t orel buporintcnlcnt Gilbert so that ho could hardly bollovo his senses bj offering to douato the Catholic parish school to the city , only requiring that it pav the ubsoluta urd necessary running expenses such as payment of tcuchors , pur chase of fuel etc 1 other Flouting said the leiichcrs now in the parish schools could bo cximlnod und it tboj came up to tlio re I quired standard they should bo kept , other w Iso not During school hours tl o question ol rolition was to bo scrupulously banlshcl from the school room Of course , if rollg- Ioub Instruction wus tivon alor BCU0O ) bours bo did not think thuro oould bo any thing objectionable In that The proposition wus so manifestly fair and the clergyman so " , evidently sincere that the superintendent * r took tlio matter seriously under consideration tion and will report it favorably to tbo board of education , - • Uliginous OpnlnuH nt Maralanil Maubiand , Neb , March 1 [ Sooclal to Tub Del ] Marsland Is a now town on the 13 & . M , situated on the Niobrara rlvar , la a beautiful country It Is only cljit months o'd It Is a busy , growing town There is a iood opening heio for a lnvvyor , a shoemaker maker , a barber , a haracssmakor and a unrdwuro aud Implement store Per a Hour in'H ' a hotter plu o could not bo found , as unturo has furnished tao place with water power lhero is also n teed cuing \ for a starch factory Other buslnoss oiueiprises , nro well represented hero Marsland his two drug stores a doctor , a gcnoral mer chanaiso store , two banks two fee I Btons , two blacksmith shops , a butcher snop a lhtrv stable a furnlluro store , a hotel , a food school , a oirpeuter , a drayman and a newspaper there Is also a good prospect of u luiubt f ) urd lu the o spring , fiV V Krmiuitliy ror die ltfotliorlionil New Voutr , March a | Special Joieerum to Tub Uku | At a meeting of the Control labor union ( oduj u resolution was passed selling forth tint the ltaao Hill Players le iguc ot hew York , being a labor or anlza tluu , the meeting ' licartlj endorsed the ao tiou of Tluiotby J Keefu and his associates i lu breaking the thains of bondage rhctcdou Ihom bv the Nntlonnl league monopoly , " and promising to patronize the games plnjcd by the Now York Haso Hall Plnjcrs' league club in profcronco to others A resolution was also passed denouncing the conduct of Commander ( McCalla of tlio corvette 1 ntor j I rlso , nnd calling upon the sccrctarj of the navy to have him suspended until the charges nro i invostigatcd " 11113 CM.AUv oL ltht/OIU > I Innnclnl TrntiHfictlom of tlio Conn * tij Tor the Pnst Week Hostov , March 2 | Speclal Tolcgram to The , 13i r | The following tiblo compllod from dlspfttchos rroin the clearing houses In the cities named shows the gross ex changes for last wok with the rates jer cent of increase or dcerraso as compared with the similar amounts for the corre sponduig week in 1839 r ? f § 9 9 ct NewTorl t > f Wl 104 Wo llostou (1:1,0)1 ( : A OS 1 hllidelpnla , 8 s 810 V 1 ( nicwo o Tl'OH ) 1-0 br Jjouis turn si 8 llnltlmoio H dl n lr I I Ittsburg 1 W" f(8 ( bun 1 r khclsco 15 , j07 441 10 3 N * Orleans l jjihi nil Clnclnn itl l 4UI ,00 0 2 loulsilllo OWr Ul m Kansas Uty I icji m v. Milwaukee T 1KI HO ) 2 a Irovl lento 5 411 "ixi 1 * 1 Detroit r 01 s -il r Domor 4 6.JU s.i a > 8 Omaha 3,971,406 M 8 Cleveland 1 - ) M I St 1 uul 4 UK i\0 \ fi 4 Jiliincinolts 14-4 10 - 1 Momphli -0 Sfi I )5 ) Inllmintolls -0 5 80s 11 f Col imbus . u > wo A 0 llartnrl 1 ml - < o i)5 ) , Dllllltll 1 40J 4 23 ( • nlveston , il * \ 46 u lllchnonil loini * 410 J ort Worth 20l > I • < S.I i 1 eorl i 1 If - 1 . 0 bt Jo3epn 1 ! • tn 2 8 W nshlniton 1 1 flw 10 0 Sorlncllel 1 1 It A 0 r Now llavin -IU.J I 14 4 1 oitlan I Me 1 10 i 1 Worcester 1H ill .10 , , \ \ llinlnjtoii " < > 0 ittl 10 - Norrolt Oil ) . -J J Wlclilti CJ1 lbS OB Sioux < ItJ b I * I 98 " * 0 1 Syrucuss ) .tJ Lovell -OlOOil il Urnnl Itnolus a. > ll 0 4 lies Molues 41U-J 8 l ! Nowllcdrort 311 It ) 10 8 loxln ton I\j 6 ) U lu 8 , , JopfcKa . . S • > i3 11 8 lace la Ml 11 23 3 , Montreal TT.l II 15 • llnllnlo Co IS • ltlrmlnguam . u)5- ) . • • Jonttlo 81t j- • lortlnnd Ore 1 roi 31 Total . iTlO0J 0TI 1 7 Outside Now Vorlc 14 8 014 00 | 8 2 Not include 1 In totals No clearing house at this tlmo last [ year AV OA VriOX AT DTNVPIt Paul's Ctithusiiistiu llcccptinn bv an I nun nan Auiiioncr * Dcsvrn Col March 2 [ Special Tolo g am to Till , IJee ] S iturday's matlnco , in which Pntt ! anpecrcd In * Martha " and last evenings performance of 'II Trovatorc" with Mile Nordica and Slg lomagno In tlio c ist , were in themselves the greatest oper , atic performances Denver has over known Adollna Pattl's lirst appearinco was the 1 siLnal for a great ovation Her wonderful vocal powers seemed to transport the great ; ithrcngjWho o | nthUsiasra9itn'vvlnofbounds I The great diva novar appenrcd to better ad vantage and seemed to have fully recovered I from the slight indisposition from which she i suffered Thursday nnd I nday Last night the audience went fairly wild 1 ever the aiarvoloua vo ces of big loma uo > nnd Mile Nordica , who never nppoarod to i bettor udvantiL.e and earned hich , ex prcssions of appreciation The operatic train left here this morning and will arrive In Omahn at 10 o clock Mon day morning All the lending pcoplo were in nigh spirits nnd appeared create olatcd at the fair prospects of soon reaching a more congenial climate A SL.COM ) OICLiVUOUA Dimmers \ \ iiitlni ; to ltuah Into the CiieroLoo Strip Glthiue March 2 The prospects of the early delivery ot the Chcrokeo strip to home seekers Is attracting lnreo , numbeisof boom ers \ \ alnut river from Arkansas City to the northern boundary of the strip Is already lined with boomers aud arriv lis occur every day Iho rush into the Cherokee strip will equal that into Oklahoma At this place , the southern bound uy of the strip , the boomers are boginulng to arriv o in great numbers choosing the banks of the Cotton - wood river as temporary homes fTho recent cent norther , vvlthWts sovoracold caused some suffering nmong the poorly liousod people plo but no fatalities are reported lliu boomers who camped around Guthrlo will have a double chance ot securing Ian 1 ono chaneo at the Chorokce strip and ono at the Iowa reservation Iho Iowa Indians recently dotennluod to tnko up land In sovorilty ard to soil the remainder of tholr reservation to the government vVhon the Indians have taken the allotted amount of laud there will remain 200 000 ucrcs of laud qulto us fertile as any yet opcuod to scttlo uiont In the south west SUPPOSLD 11) 1 > L A PKI1S3T A btt inter Ulos In I'lillii IcIpMu from nSu\ero IJeitSii PiiiLADbLrniA , March 2 A man supposed to be Kev 1'atbor Peter B r.irou of Haiti morodiod at the hospital this afternoon under circumstances which led the plij sicians to believe that ho had boon severely beaten Ho registered nt the St Charles hotel ou Pobruary 2-3 as P Hurbort , wont auaj yesterday und was not seen again until this morning when ho was brought bick in what the hotel people thought wus the pa trol wagon IIu was found to bo very ill and taken to the hospltul , whore ho soon dlod Uoforo his death ono ot the doctors asked him if ho had any relations to com mumcato with and ho replied I have no ouo It I must dlo I cannot help it" Iho body was bally bruised . Pupers found showed him to have been connco'ed with the Jesuit Institute at b rodcrlclr Md , and also the Cutholiochurch in llaltimoro Ha ovl dently had been a waudoror for amne tlmo I past Iho Catholla authorities ju Uultimoro have been communicated with > Christian Love Sulnanpoui , Pa , March . t-No servkes were hold In the Greek church today llev Audrushowicz remained in the parsonage gating upon the locked doors ot the ediMco Forty of his frleuds all armed , were In or ull about the piisonago all day determined not to allow the friends of Hcv Wolanskl to tuko possession Chief DurgcsB und forty polieemeu were also on tuurdto prevent a riot , Itov Wolansltl and u larte number of Ins followers attempted to enter the church , but desisted ou tbo udvleo of the poiico llrnril Tnmli in Ills Itcs unntlnn Paiiis , March 2 1'romior Llrard has ten dered hH leslgnation but I'resldont Curnot refuted to accept It The picas Is unani mous In the ouinlou that the cabinet was weal cned by the resignation ot Minister Coustaus und that his leaving heralds Us dowutall Iho Ohio I ailing Cincinnati , March3 fhe river tonight wns llftj the feet eighteen inches having fallen ono foot from the maximum height b com Pittsburg to the mouth of the Ken tuck } it Is still raiting THE TEXT BOOK QUESTION . Ono ( of the Problems Puzzltnff the Iowa Legislature AN INTERbSTING GATHERING nicctlnp ; oftlo Plnnorr Law Makers Association Anpllcints Tor Stiilo Alii 1 armors In tlio Assembly hettlcil Down tn IIiihIupsh Drs Moinps , la March J LSpocial to TueUle ] Nov that the legislature has Bcttlcd down to buslnoss there is considerable j ble speculation as to what will bo done It Is taken for grintcdthat not very much legislation will be attempted the tlmo is so Bhort lhero seems to bo a feeling that seine measure for cheaper school books should and will bo i issed The old tlmo pubhshors nro working together to oppose state uniformity or state publication Anew now school book trust composed of pub lishers ot cheap boons In bt Paul Indian apolis nnd bt Louis tswortlng tor state publication expecting to get the contract if that is decided upon lo most pcoplo It looks as if the public would sim | ly bo ch ing ing from ouo pool or trust to another , with the added disadvantage that the change would result in an inferior article of text books bq tint scheme is meeting with much opposition Inquiry shows that In most places the roul cause for com plaint is ngntnst the retail deal r , whotnakos the protit and not tbo publlslior , who unites n vera small margin of profit As the result of ull the arguinci ts and dis cusslons it is piodtctcd now th it the aetu il lcglslition on the suujccl this session will bo seine measuio to allow or coml ol the direc tors in any sel eel district to b'Jj the books direct from the publishers und furnish tl em to the pupils at cost where they nro able to piy for them , und frco when they uro not able lb it will bo u compromise between the various plans for free text books , state unlfoimit ) statu publication and district purchase It seems to be ptactic-illy scttlod that the pharmacy liquor law will be amended about as the druggists have proposed taking awnv the baish und oppressive featured of the present law It seems to bo understood also that there will bo no material change in the prohibitory law except possibly to ntnond It so tin t the abuses of illegal searches nnd seizures may bo cut off The railroad lefjsln tiou will bo limited to empowering the com mis9onors ! to maxo joint rates ilieso are about the only measures which the legisiu turo Is expected to pass in ud lltion to the nt propriation bills Iho general assembly will probably coneludo its work about the first or second w cek in Ai ril AN 1\TI 1 rsTIVO QATI1E1USO Ono of the most I itorcstine gatherings in Des Moine3 for many vcirs was that of the Pioueor Lawmakers association last wcol It ivould huvo received much more attention if it had not boon overshadowed bj tro In migration of Governor Doles But the veterans had a good tlmo at an\ rite and their exercises wet o oxtrninclj interesting The Information about o-irly politics and oarlj history in Iowa which came out in this meeting was very valuable The state is very poor in momor als ot its own history there is moro information about Iowa in the publio nrcblovcs of Wisconsin than tljore is in the state house at Des Maine * There are moro county histories of Iowa counties inow inttne state libraryofstWisconsin&than- there are in the state library of Iowa This sh imcful Indlffcrenco to the Importance of gathering up these hlstoiieal records and tpapcrs has stirred up some of the old men and they are trvlng to arouse tbo state to a consciousness of its neg lect and to encourage it to do its dutv The I'ionecr Lawmakers assocl ition in eluded membTs of the legislatures state and territorial the cnily constitutional conventions nnd the early state ofllcer * nnd the oMleers ot these conventions and leg jslntures Among these prosoat at this ro union vvero W fa Hall ot Dubuque who was In the house In lb51 0 N Everson of Washington who was in the house in 1S50 3 and II P Wilson of Leo county whoao leg Islativo service begin just foity jearsac.o ibevotoranof all wns Thomas Uilson of Dubuque who wus a judge In the region now known as Iowi when Iowa vv is u part of Michigan territorj Ho admitted to pric tlco the first attorney in Iowa Ihat man wisl S Parvin now of Cedar Uap ds who i was also present at this lounion Another notable aud striking * Ilsuro in the 1 convention wns Judge Ldward Johnstone of Keokuk Ho Is called 1 bvmuny the flnost looking old man in the i county Homustbosoveral Inches ever six : feet and ho probably weighs 2j0oi 27'5 ' pounds Ho has a magnificent head , crowned with hair as white as snow , which never seems to , -bo-combed-but-ttlwavs looks beautifuLHl3 , _ fuco is smooth and as pink as a buby s and I ho is tbo very jorsonilleatlon of ngrahdold ' man Ho served in t vo territorial logislu turcs and picsldod over ono as spo ikor Ho is n brother of \ \ Ull un V Johnstone who : was governor of Pennsylvania Ilfty years ago Another veteran of tcrrltoiial days ; was Judge Samuel Murdook of LlicnJei Ho represented the counties of Dubu juo Del a ware and Clayton in tbo lower house of the leeislaturo In 18-1150 The votornns were dcliuitolto hoar of the appointment of f Judge Caldwell of Aikansns as circuit judge to succeed JuJte Uicwei Ho Is one of the Iowa stitcs man of ether days He was raise 1 in Van Huron county , and studied law m the oflho of Judto Hrlfht who wus afterwards United States senator He wis elected to the state Bouato in lbbO and solved in the special session of 1601 Soon afterwards bo entered the war us mujor of the third Iowa cavalrv and when the war ended was ap pointed district Judge for Arkansas The convention p ssed n resolution asking the general osscrablv to hive a report of their proceedings including the letteis nd dresses oto orbited by the state printer for the bonorlt of the i ublic this mitht vcr „ properly bo done for the purpose of preserving ing In printo 1 form much of carl } Iowa his lory which has ncvor before been written J he old mon who carrv these memorials of early Iowa in their leads are fuBt passing avvuv The state should gather all that It cuii from then memories whllo the oppor tunlty Is given LEQISL1TIVE All ) The s'nto has been accustomed to glvo financial aid to the Horticultural association the Pat Stock association und other societies in which the farmers are Interested The birs have thus been let down and it is tonic to bo pretty bald to draw the line when other organizations usk for equal favors rhobtato Uulter , Checso and L-g assocla tion Is an applicant for legislative aid to a moderate extant It thinks that the state should ut least pa ) for the publication of the proceedings of the annual meetluts of the socletv i hose meetings are uovotod to lis cusslons of topics connected with the butter , clieoso and ec.g Industry , in which many pco plo uro interested It would seem that they hod as much right to usk for a litllo help as the wealth } farmers w bo compose the Tut Stock association Hut if any assocla tion on the sumo basts is to bo helocd , many people mo wondering where it will end Iho workliigmonluiinyllooof trndo or industry who huvo annual nicotines for mutual improvement uro entitled to as u uch cousl loratiou as the fruit trow ers , the fat sock raisers or the mvino brcc lers Many pee | lo are b ginning to think that ths st Uo ought to cut Item ull oil the subsidy list aud lotevury Industry uu treated alike by bolng ullnived to stand ujou its own bottom NITION.lL aUAUDSMrN The now association of National ( , uards mon whlchwus organized lu this city last week will bo of much help to the ( .uini It will provide a means for organized effort in mat tcrsof legislation A bill bus already neon In troduced in the legislature nskiug for moro liberal treatment for the guard The boys vvuut u larger allowance of armory rent , they wuut to inuko the annual eacuaipuieut u day or two longer , they want a good many things ] which the Btnlo to\ well nfTord to give It has treated the guards vnrv shab bily i in many rcsnocts The association roe ommonds < that the salarv of adjutant general bo 1 ti 000 instead of SL&OO as now i Aimniis in row hit Ilic Alliance In Control or the Iowa I e-glslnturo Drs Moinfi , lo , March Special [ Tolc gram to Tub Bee ] The Inauguration of Governor Holes Is nt last n reality , the com mlttccs have bcon nppdfnt d and the dusI- ncss of the session is well under vvav f ho republicans have control of the Qvo leading house committees that w 111 largely control legislation The only Important committee of which the democrats will have n ma Jonty Is composed of Day ton of Allnmnkeo Smith of Uoono , Hcem of Keokuk Woodi of Webster , Horton .of Carroll , Duvlo ot Crawford , Gardiner oNCllntoti , Hotchklss of Davis , and Halbrook ot Iowa democrats , nnd Chnso of Hnmllton Dobsoil of lluciin Aistn Mack of Mndison 1 cklcs of Marshall , fahlplov of Guthrlo feacsko of Hutlor Ihornbuig ot D illas nnd Paschal of laylor Mr Divton ts a lawyer und n nrououncca nntl monopolist Ha wus u member ot the house two years ago and look nn nctlvo pirt in the inilroad legislation enacted by that boly Messrs Doom , Woo Is Horton Davis , Hotchklss Hilbrook Dobson Mnck Eekles Thornburg und Pusctlal are ull serving th ilr tcrand term una nil huvo been nctlvoly identlllfid with nntl monopoly legislation Of this committee no less tlnn eight or almost a m ijorlty are farmers and bills rn strictitig railroads will go this com nilttee with a rush and not meet with much opposition on the lloor of the 1 ouso The corporations will hot cot , much com fort from the sonale committee on rnllioads 1 his is composed of Moscivcj of Cherokee , Harsh of Union Price of Madison Tlnn of lavlor Moay of Calhoun Caldwell of Diilns nnd Seeds of Delaware republicuns Hat less of Cluyton , Dodco of Des Moines nronowcgof Council Ullifts and Clovclntid of She by These are all old members and two years ago with tbo exception of Caldwell - well nnd Dodge , thov , nil favored the 3 cent faro bill nnd maximum tariff Grono wegbas alrendv nitroducnl a bill reducing passenger furo to i cents per mile I wo voirs ugo long winded corporation liwjera succeeded in stuv ing off action end holding the senate u full month In discussing nn un impoitnnt amendment nnd unless these tac tics are successfully folowe | 1 this session nil of the demands of the 1 armcrs' nlll inco resiectlng mllrond legislation are likely lo crvstillze into law rho sounto insurance committee Is very conservative and not Inclined to favor meas ures not acceptable to Uo insurance com pantos Senator Price of Madison a lum ber dealer Is chairman but Smith of Linn , the only insurance undoi writer m the loejs latum is ulnouibor of this committee and so is Parrott of Hlorkhavvk who Is president of a mutual assessment life lusuiancc eom- compary Senator Hotter , the well known corporation luwyorof Harrison will load tbo domociatlc members of tljis committouln op position to Insurance legislation Ibo house insurance committee ts mndo up largely of farmers and is strongly in fav or of a valued policy bill , and other sun liar measures Bills prohibiting usury linger heavy pen alties , reducing rates ot interest , tixing mortgngos rcpoa'ing the Innocent purchaser clause on notes and matters of lllto character have been Introduced in the house rho Faimors' allianeo scorni to have complete control of this assembly y Rnx -I Drv Goods Hoh jo Burned Iowa CiTr , la , Mat ; • • - .i.j-Donecko & Yet tcr's dry goods house h. n < ? l today , loss , ? JOV tOOO.Unsurance , c UuiV lctr & * C50SbooiT stationery daulors , ' and Iiloom & . Mayer clothiers suflcrcd consiaorablo from water , but the loss of both firms Is ! covered by In surance The loss on tbo building is total 1V1ML11 LtNGPR-S Jiolc Frost Still KeUtlns Ilia Grip In \ arli us 1 laces Ivrw Youk March 2 A ollnding snow storm set in at 9 o clock accompanied bv a bilsk south wind Many accidents due to falls on the slippery sidewalks were recorded at the various police stations and hospitals before midnight At midnight the snow Is still falling bnow has blocked the street car tracks pretty effectually , and even the elovutod railroad suffered the blinding Bt ow making 1 * noccssary to run slow On the Brooklyn bridge the triinmon and policeman suffered severely Iho forrv on the East and North 1 rivers were compelled to piocecd with the i grentost caio A hovcrd Siimf Mnriu 1 on don MiroliS A severe buow storm ' and frost is reported In Tngl md and vniions > parts of Europe Among the regions so • visited are Home and the Rivera Cold VV outlii r in.ttii ! South St Louis Mo , Murh 2 Reports from i northern Texas Bay hundreds of jiingjj cattle I have been frozen to doathduring tbo pros ont cold spell nnd unless the weather speed lly moderates the loss of stock will be very severe SAVANVAn Ga , March 2 The first hard I frcozo of the winter occmrod this morning Ice formed and vegetation wus killed Light t snows foil todav , the first in many years loiirMoMioraMnnh , It snowed I heavy all day here hereAt At Itnipin Uostov , Mass March 3. A heavy storm , has been rating since otrly this afternoon Aoout seven Inches of snow has fallen Ad vieos from | oints on Cipe'Col ' report It tbo worst storm this winter un t It is accom nauled with a severe northeast gale At Newort , It I , the stoim Is the heaviest that tins visited that city in Voars Dispitchis from Portsmouth N II and Hedford Mass , also report a liea/y snowfall At New Havun Nlw Have Conn , March J The storm hero is Increasing In violeuco , and a high wind pi ovals Six inches of snow had fallen ut midnight , , | * 1 ruit In l ansnr Pi nsacoi Alia , Marcl/2 V killing frost oceuried hero this mornjng and in all proba bility will acstroy the f-ult crop throughout the courtry Reports from west I lorlda uro to the ofTent Hint the fruit crop of that section Is badly damaged an . d will probably bo a total loss j Vnvv Itoall Kor K C > ' Kansis Citt , Mo March 2 It Is re ported that final arrangements have been concluded for the entrance of the Chicago bt Paul & , Kansas City railroad from the prcsout tormmus at St Joseph into Kansas City Iho road will lay a truck from bt Joe to Icuvcnworth , ap4 from there to Kansas Cltv will use the trucks of the Kan sas City , Wyandotte & orthwestoro rail road , over which it has a ninety uino year lease ? Hck lt < iifen il St Louis March 2. In an Interview to day O Day , Vice president ot the bt Louis & , San rranelsi-o railroad stated that ho had tendered his resignation Ho was reticent and intimated that otbtrj sainrlsos will fol low f German K ret mi iteturm , Hi.uliv , March J. } l oollelal returns of the second ballots lodUht show the election of 0 conservatives J Imperialists 17 national liberals , J frelslanli(8 : , U soululiaU 0 tuclphs aud 0 domotirats yT' ' • " llnrni il to Drat > . Joii\eoMiuito , Pa March 2 Martin O'Mnlloy and Pettr 1'abov were burned to death lust nij'ht in a shanty HoJi wore drunk in the ovealnt , Und it is aupj > osed the cureless handling ol u natural m * stove Is rcspoasiblo for the disaster 'TWAS > NOT FOR PUBLICATION A Letter Wiltton By Spottkor Rood Prhitod TARIFF BILL NEARLY READY Iron Men Plcnscd Hut SiiRir Indus trlis Alnrmcil AiMournuicutBnro Illation lhu "Coluinhlan" Lvposlllon \\ASUISOTOt HunrAUTiir Ovjaha Uss ) MS I OUllTBRNTIt bTIIRKT , > ASittvaTov D O March 2 I The lCcntucklans In Washington nro very angry i nt the letter of Speaker Reed declln Ing ! nn invitation to dlno with n club In Loulsvlllo which was published in the news papers this morning , and the speaker Is v on indignant too In this letter Mr Reed makes : seine humorous roferontos to the number ; of murders In Kentucky nn 1 the little vitluo thnt Is set on human life in th it section , which the Kcntueklans consldor nn uncalled ' for nnd very olTensivo rclloetton upon the civilization of their state The letter 1 wns Intended to bo n private ono but was given to the press by Governor , Stewart of Vermont PEVCl UCIONS AOAtV The trouble at the bareiu of ongrnvlng und printing In re [ ard to tl o colored girl who wns cortlllol by the civil aorvlco com mission us a pressman s ussistunt Is over The pinto printers union has discovered that they cin not mnkenny headway in light ln „ the socrotarj ol the treasury and that congress will no' sustain thorn in establish Ink the color line ihcioforo at a recent mcolingthc union allowed thocoloied ( .Irl lo to to work tirovldcl the secretaiy of the trensmv would rtinstato Messrs Lovynnd Johnston , the printer who resigned lather than serve with her TIIL COLUMIIIAN E\l 03ITION ' It Is altogether | robnblo thrttho worlds fair committees of both houses of congress or iho committees in churgo ot legislation for the Columbiiu • exposition ns It is pro ] o edtocill the fair , will visit the city of Chlcnto confer with the local managers there and inspect the several sites pie | esc 1 before the bill is reported lo the house of roprcsontatlves At the meeting Saturday it w as decided to send for I dw in Walker George 11 Davis Mujor Creclor nn 1 Mr \ouug the chalrm m of the ilnunco com mittee , to como to Washington for aeon ferenco concerning the details of the bill and the telegrams wore sent but Mossrs Ada ns Hitt and bpiitifeai thought it would bo much bottoi for the congressional com mlttucs to go to Chicago , so tnov olnod in a nicr.saco asking that an Invitation be sout The res | onso came promptly and the thrco gentlemen named have today boon vlsitinc the several members of thosenulo and Iiousp committees to convey the invitation Most of them agree to to Messrs Tlowor and Holdcn of Now York accepting with hearty cordiality Mr Candler the chairman of the house committee left for Chattanooga lust night but will bo back on Xuosduy , when a meeting of the committee will beheld held and the invitation acted unon oQlcially WILL L\3T ULL AU0UST 1 Yes I know it is the ambition of Spcakor Reed to see this session of cangross adjourn before the miadlo of July and he has had a thought at times that tbo session might close lby < .tbe end ot Juno but I do not expect to got uvvayvttior do the niajorlty.ot the loahiug couimittees boforetho end oftJulyorfearly t in August , " said Mr McComas of Maryland tonjght Mr McComas Is ono of the oldest members of the house commltteo on ap propriations and ono of the leaders on the republican side Ho continued Hero wo nro in March alrcaav Uo have made a spier did record so fur hut see what wo hav o to do Wo i started out with sovontcon contested elee tiotiB at least fourteen of which must bo judiciullv heard and disposed of in the house , is well as In committee Three are do tcrminod , the eleven remaining will eon simo over thrco ucoifs ot tlmo in debate say twenty five legislative duvs The up pro | riations uro woil advanced the District of Columbia anc1 two deficiency bills naviug boon passed und the pensions pi iced ui on the calendar Hut ilfty days i more will ho consumed by the i ippropri ilionson original considoritlon aftoi they como from the seiuto an 1 also from conferences Hfty days will bo consumed with the tariff bill lhrco bills vou see will take up 1-j lcfeislatlift davs , or twenty one weeks lliceatouo would take us to I August 1 fhen theio will bo pensions pub Ho buildlncs shipping immigration nnd 1 many other bills which must to considered 1 and adopted ooforo wo can adjourn Night ; sessions und long hours of work will of course help us o it but I do not see how we ' can hope to cct , away under the early day s of ' .UgUBl " thf Tvmrr hiil The commltteo on ways and means has } the tariff bill almost completed and it Is sid 1 that Chairinun McKinley has the report In 1 rough notes Ho Is tonight at FortressMou roe where Mis McKinley who is an invalid , is staving and it is understood that ho is 1 tlvlng the report the finishing touches with 1 n view to making the bill ready to report to ' the house by a week from tomorrow The wool nnd Iron men ore Batisflod with tlio bill i as It makes but slight reductions In the artl cles they produce which need production but the sugar beet and sugar cane mon ex pect a reduction of JO per cent vvhoreas they are willing to mite out aa per cent cut 1 ho tux on tobacco and ether articles which rilso un Intomnl revenue will do ro dutert about J20 000 000 annually It li stated which Is slightly ever 50 per cent 1 ho total roluctionB proposed bv the bill on its faeo aggregate about $30 000.000 , but inasmuch as a reduct'on ' of duties iuvariubly nUMiionts Importations the reduction will not result In a practical total of moro than $ (5 ( 000 000 or tTO 000 000 , It is thought NATIONAL BAMCINO 1 It I wanted to start a national bank , and w in in u hurry about it I would not wait for let-lblation on the question of circulation , but buy 4 per cunts for my secuiity ana fee ahead , " soys Comptroller Lacy ' I am sat isJled that the bill givmc the banks the par value of the bonds deposited will be passed , and probably with the Cannon umend nient reducing the required circula tlon to $10 000 for each bank Hut there is n fear nnd trembling nmong man ) members having nntl national bunk constituencies , and they will support the bill moro freely uml generally by delay I hey do not want to answer to the charge of having voted for legislation in favor of n itlonnl banks the very first thing they did After some other legislation and tlio mere bers have had time to study the situation and proposition and to see the necessity for such legislation lain conlldont it will pre v ail It is wonderful bow much blind preju dice there Is against tbo national banking system The men who are always com plaining about b scarcity of mouoy and high rates of interest are always the ones to prate against legislation to relieve the distress in national banking and the money supply Just how we c in make money cboaper than ib now proposed by some banking bills I can not see " SPNATOH VVOLCOTT Mr Wolcott , tlio new and young senator from Colorado , who is a bachelor , is soon to marry the vv idow of the late Ly man K. llaes of Colorado bj rings Mr Wolcott is forty four vcars ot ace , is the son ot the late Rev Dr Wolcott when was for many yoais a Congregational clergy man in Cleveland , O He wei t to Denver after graduating at Yule college amussid u fortune and gamed u hltrh position bt tbn oar Mr Hass was formerly u r presentulho from Buffalo aud bore a sulking physcal lesemblaneo lo Senator ) Having weak Iuiil.8 ho removed to Oloiudo , vvl ere ho bciamu the sollcitoi of the Denver & Rio Grande railway und died two years a o Mrs Hass Pus bet n consUK' trod a vcrv beautiful woman and rather took tbo lead in social affairs in the Centennial stito Tlio wedding Is expected to take pi , ice In Juno coin tea iv Tiir noise Somewhere in the now cole of rules there Is ! one forht ldlng the Bale of intoxicating liquor in the house 1 do not know the num bor of the rule or Its _ binge , it certainly Is not worth whllo hum I ? up No old Ptia inoh with a pyramll sil upon his manlv chest wns ever doid t or moio forgotten than this prohll Won rule The visitor from Baltimore nnd the prov inces has probably road f' col 1 tea ' Pos Blbly hufinclcs itroni is vast stoiltli and cntorprno to lilt the Ulo in the i ipltol enfos Hlcssjourso It doosi I Uu tor the present reglmo n t lu gees Intothe house cafe nn 1 nslts foi • whiskv' tn u firm , manly volco Ho docs not s u cold ton ' llosivs whisky , " and the waiter hears him lie doesn't bring him the bottlu nh 1 let him help hlmsolf "or the reason that It would rcpilro nbout Ilfty bottles to bo liaiulel aiound ull the time A liottlo might break Hut the\\omin's Christian romper unco union ought re illy to look into the matter tor nnd luslst on the bottlu being hnnlcl uro und Iho causa of U mpcranco would bo furthered No man would hive tbo nerve to pour out foi hlmsolf the drink of whisky Which tlioiest lurant now puts before lum in u cute lllllo doe inter just isthij do nt the upper Rcunert Its qua itlty is as ombarras sltnr as the quality Drinking ts done openly without the least Dietense ut cone ilmcnt Lveiy tiblo has hottUsof beer standing ou it , 1 idles nnd gentlemen , prohibition members und Ken tucklaiu everybody drinl s nnd drinks 0 | only In the sennto cifo as m the house cverv mini ordjis whoever to wants from \ euvu Cli plot to beer nn 1 ho cots It Iho sinner who would ask for cold tei would tct Just what ho deserved for the hv | ocrlsy u cuii of cold tea capitoi vemvens Now tint he tins about subdue lthodomoc rioj bpoikerllecd intends to turn his ntto i- tion to soma of the other nuisances about the eul itol iho curators on the house side are litteicd with telegrapholll os plostanls , typewriters nmh booths and stands 1 vorv iivnllnblo nlcho und and corner his been seized upon by some enterprising per sou male and female until on u buav d ty between the shopkeupcis messentei boys the iobbj ists the npplcwom in and tlio mem ber the south i id of tbo c ipitol sui-tpsts a counirt fair Mr Reel Is for turning them all out And ho cites a ] l cccdunt 1 ho senate end was disfigured in the same w ly until a few veirs uo the so l itors arosi lu tholr dignity nnd banished the cutiro lot Mr Rec I w ints to do the same but ho won t bo nblo unless I um very much mistaken to tire out Chin Moiria or Jcnning's cigar st md Clara Morris is the ol 1 , gr iv li llrod woman who runs tlio bit stind in the little space beUveon the rotunda aud - the sta uury Hull blio sells nil Bortn of moincutums' ' to the lovesick bridnl couples who Infest the cap Itol just obo it now Ivorvbodj knows her but no one seems to know her te icsis ox uitlv bho is I ronch and undoubtedly was tin h indso no mice upo i a time bho Is sum to date bacrf to Henrv Clay II ilf the lime she descits her stand and sc impels about the corridors nnd galleries bho has notions ot hei own at out dress , but she alwuvs wcirslovoly white stocklnts How oscr seine of tl o mcmbcis have com plained of her to the spoiker md Mi Reed will ti v to cot her away ' -ho Is not at all poor On the contrary she is said tohivo plenty of inonoy more indeed tl an sonio of the congicssmf > n nt tno end of tlieli term Mr Reed will very probablv And however that some unseen influence will be exerted that will keep CIira at bor oil stand Iho pie stand will bo less foi tuuato though nota few congressmen who como out ev ery daj to take a litht luncheon of a glass ol n ) 11 it and a piece of pie w ill fight to n iv o it stny As for the two cigarstands there will be a dead sot 16 between the , speaker and some or\ the members , J , f X te 'I huvn'taniokea-ftfrilrr3Lnovvfora.y6ar. ! ( and a month ' * aid Mrltooa a4ifoW dai s 5 ago , when ho s | eke of his intention at clear lug up the corridors I loul now that n man can live without smoting In a month more Ill feel that n man ought to live without Binokinr " Mr Reed Is bittprlv opioscl ! to sooiiig mom bers smoking on the floor Day after day he sends pages to mpmbers who sit in tholr souts putting away at blc bad olgurs and coolly uotiUos thorn that they must retire to the oloak room if thev insist on smoking btlll ho feels that thQ smoktis will all rally around Jcnnlug s cigar ( stand and will make It impossible for him to dlslodgo their base , of supplies The candy stand ana the photograph Btand i will have to go So will some of tlio tvt o- wi iters v ho uro all ladies ot fixed oto -Thuy nro useful In theii way , but then most members of the house have younger ston ographcrs of tholr own All tboso persons , whom the spcakor jlnallv sucecolsinro moving will bo I ormitted to sot up their stands on the floor below MISCELLANEOUS Ex Congressman Harden of Massachusetts will give a dinner tomorrow evonint nt Cbambci Iain's to Congress nan Dorsoy aud the party ho took to the Pacific slope last summer lhero will bo present Mr Dorsey Mr Burrows of Michigan Mr btovvnrt of Vermont Gonornl Guff of West Vlrtlnla Tub 13ee correspondent uiwl some others AltMT NEWS Bruce H Wilson coinpinj I , Eighth in fantry , now with his company ut 1 ort Rob inson is transferred to battery C Pourth ! artillery and will bo sent to the station of th it battery , Port Mel'horson Ga Thomas N Keyoj company P becond In fantry , now with his company at Port Omaha , is transferred to company H , Six teenth Infantry and will bo sent to the sta- tion ofthut company , 1 ort Douglas , Utah Chares Walter u tint hospital stowird , hospital corp3 now on furloutb , Is trans 1 ferred from 1 ort Omaha to 1 ort bull v , b D Putitr S HbATii PAN AMKItlOAN OONGRI SS The Conforoiion VIny Ailjourn In April Washington , March 2 Tno delegates to the International American congress are beginning ginning to talk about the Unal adjournment , which will probably take place In April Nearly nil the committees made reports and sovorol of thorn will bo adopted Others ni e nearly ready to report to the conference The committee on arbitration has agreed to rccommond the adoption of a method ot settling International differences but has not yet arrived at an agreement on the details tails The commltteo on the monetary con dition will make two reports ono of which will * rccommond the coinnce of a common silver dollar lo legal tender in all commercial transactions between tbo citizens of the several eral nations 1 bo ether report prepare 1 and preset ted by Coolldte of the United btates delegation will recommend the issuance of certificates by the United Suites upon any bullion that may be dnposltol in the United States treasury by tbo citlzons or authorities ot the Central and bouih Amorloau states Conirruhsioiiul I oreonnt Wasiii'Iotov , March 2 Congress np- pnrently has sottlcd down to a strictly bus ! ness basis and Is making rapid progress in the consideration and disposition of loglsla tion Iho Bcnale will duplicate this week tbo progi amino of last week In case a vote is reached on the Ulair bill before the end ot the Week Sherman will move to have bill the declaring trusts unlaw lultnKcnup Hewillbauiilutoulzedb ) Iryo , who will usk that the Pacific raihoau fund Int bill bo made tbe or lor of the day In the house the flection contostof Ponth erstouo vs Cato will i robably ho pushed to a coiioluvlon Monday luesduy uud Wo lacs uuj uro sot apart by s | rviul order for action on publiu building bills 1 he pension au | ro- priatlon bill may como up by the mlduU of the week . hleniiMhip As rival * At Chicago The Aurtnla , from I Ivor pee poo.At Baltimore rho Kirjsrulio Captain " , Kesslcr , ui rivet toduy bhu has diT passcn I gcrs J AtUoston lhoPa > oula , from Liverpool A GREAT SMELUNG TRUST I TluuiDia iu Ohculatlou Tint Oto M Has Boon Formed M 7WENTY-FIVE MILLION CAPITAL | Iho Omaha iV : Grant Coiiip my Salts M to Ho In the Deal Us OhJ ut M I'rotaullon 1 rom thn load M Coinlilno | A llj Comtiliip U Cmoino , March i [ Jpociat lelogrnm to M Tnr Ui.i J \ locil piper amrts tint the M big stnoltlng nrgtnlzvtloiu ot th.i United M btntos have for 1131 a tuist with a capital ot M ii ,0JO , 000 It Hcltibs iiUbitnvj of the H lar u organizations In the eountry A no ig | thocompiiiios ti Itnro the Ouihi . Grint H bmoltlng and Rollnlni ! comptnv of Omihi M nnd Denver the K uisas City bmoltlng nnd M He lnlng company of Kms is Litth j I'oan M sylvaiihi Loil eounany ot Muislbll Pi , H the Chicago Smelting and R lining eompiuy , H the Aurori b nulling an 1 Rjllnlng eompiay H of Aurora 111 , the Glob ] Snnltiu an I Relining - H lining compatu of Denver * I , Hilbich& H Co Newark , N T Pueblo Clb lultlut H aid Rollulngeompinj , thoColoraio bmoltlng H com ) any of Pueblo Cole , the PhllndoliihU H Smelting mid Hcllnlm company of Pueblo , H Col thoArkinsasnllc \ bmolttnt com M panv of LoalvllL , , Col , the Amcrlciii H Smelting mid Mluiugroi in uiv of LeUtille , H the Manville LOinpatij of Letdvlllo the bin H Itun binclth g comiiinj of Uurmeo Col , H the Hunovur smelter of Silt Lute thoMlnto H I urunco compiiiv of Silt Liiti tlio llelona H nn I Livingston bmeltlng and liullnini , com H uanv of lloieiia Mont tl u Montana bmuit- H int colnp my of Greut 1 ills Moat uud the H LI Puso smelter of LI I * iso lev H the Hist conference butUcon the he ids of M the romp infos w is hold lu Omilia list No- H vuuiber I ho object ot tile inojllug wis H st itcd to botodnv Itoa way for protecting the H smelters from the lc id tiust \ irions ias H of or anizition were dlscussol hut nothing M dclltuto was determlnca ou nt tint meeting H Guy H irton of Oni ill i wus otcclo 1 president H nnd Mr Gclst of Pueblo sociutuiy It wus H uhownthit the trust would in i to a profit H nnnu il\ ! ot nbout $1000 000 Vs ouh six ; H companies weio represented it this mtoting , H it wasdotormnu 1 to confer with othoi innii- H ufacturois und h ivo another meeting liter H This was held in Chicago Pcbryarv ID and H then it vv is dutermlnod , to organi/o u com H pany i novvn as the Unite 1 btntos Smelting H and Holining comi anv Of the H stock < lf > 00l000 will be common to H bo used for the piwuunt of H tl a fixed pro ] or lies thnt go into the now H nrginizutiou nud $10 000 000 of preferred H Steele for the puielui'oof ere und such per H sonul piojicrty us it m ir M necessary to H hive lo foi in a slnkint funl TiJiljjof H thopiotlts will bo laid asilo uunuilly for H twovcirsnud eachyeir thotoiftorfaJOIKlO H will bo udded to the fund It Is asserted H that the necesiiirv Btouk has ban i sub H s rlbod and thollnal articles ot incorporation H will soon bo filed in tbo dllleront stitcs and H territories Iho chief object of the smelt rs , * it is said is to place their inturasl3 b3yond H the control of the lead tiusts H A riLUCL ritni Tommy Maril ami tlio "t.n lisli It Id" " M I'ummol I noli Other M * IfEv ' vTOI LW 9 Mareh 8 lounnv Word M lot Cincinnati and Charles iWiUou , the ' Eng | illsh KlilHJ olStBa inl slit ti rji * j > " " Quccnsbury rules with live ounc trioves " * ' ' M to a finish Ihov fought un hour nnd a half , M the lust four rounds by lump light und the M rcferoc declared It u diaw with the unwilling - t ing consontof the men M In the seventeenth round the Kid got tn H soi' ,10 clover blows oi Wards mouth M The latter grew dcsnci itu nnd H foutht hack at close quarters Ills length ieach und street right H told nnd ut the end of a minute a rapid ex- ohangos the Kid was trotgv end nearly knocked out lie came back c unoly and got the host of the next round H In the ninoteentli War I nearly knheked the Kid the ropes with u right bander on the necL iho mon kept up a lively Lait until the end of the twentv sec end which also wound uu with rnpi 1 tiring on both sides but no knockout lhoroforeo suttested a urnw the crowd oujoetod but the police east thu deciding vote in favor of H a tie Iho ftOO purse wus accordingly divldod I he Kid displayed a swollen right hand and says ho uroko it lu the fifth round I'cler JaclCHon inovv \ ork H New Yomc , March i | bpecinl Teletram H to The Hhl | Peter Jackson the Austrn I linn pugilist , arrived from Baltimore this H morning In company with his mnnugort H Parson Davles Ho suld ho was well ro I celred tn Washington and U iltimoro and I netted a good Bum out of both engugemonts I ' The result of the Kllraln Corbett light Mtir I prised me but 1 do not think it was a fair I test I had expected that the California Athlotlo club would tolco some steps towards making a match between Coibott nud me bat I hue hoariTnothing to th it effect thus fur 1 have never seen Cornett hut 1 um inclined to believe he Is un excellent clever boxer " ' How soon do you expect to reach baa Pranclscol" I Within two months I shall rcnoh the Pa clflo slope und romiin there until u match of some sort is inudo for mo On luosdav night I shall box with Prof Donnelly of Brooklyn whom , I um told is a shifty sort of a follow " 1b there a chance for n repatitlon of the Kllraln Corbntt story J" J One can novcr toll what mnybappon This man Is a powerful fellow possessing un excellent knowledge of ring tactics but I shall do my bust to stop him in four rounds " I he 1 Ire Kocnnl Hmsnono , N D , March 3-Hill Si Forrest's roller mill burned this morning together with two cvra of wheat on a nido track , loss $50 000 Iho town had a nirrow ' escauo from burning owing to the bith wind prevailing biuuoKiv , Pa , March 2 The fire In the Camorun mine is bovond control A hole is being bored from the level ibovn the lire When this Is completed the slopes on both sides wilt bo walled up and water will bo forced into the mlno thronth thu now open ing It will take a wouk to accomplish this bT Josei ii , Mo , March i lhu wholesale boot nnd shoo house of Nojos , Norman & Co buinod this afternoon , loss $153,000 , iusuriiucc , $117(00 ( Oshkosii Wis , March 3 The Tumor opera house burned this morning , loss $18,000 T 1 Ilrr I nlal CunUHllnii Stiiivvateh , Mlnu , March J August Grpth cut bis wife s throat tonltht , killing her , nnd then committed sulcldo The mur dcrur left a note stating that his wlfo lial just confessed that she hnd boon seduced by a policeman In Germany iu lt&J while her husband wus in this country bhu followed hi r husband to this countr * In UW und for soma uuknown reason told him about the matter ronitht the supposition is that they atreed to dlo together Many I'ukhi hjj mSuv d I oniiov , March 2 A dispatch from Brls loauo says the steamer Quotta , wbicb was wrccUpl whllo on a voyage from Queensland to Loudon , hud S iQ souls ou board , of whom 110 wore saved , Inclualug the captain _ The Wnaihor P' oreo ihi Tor Omaha and vicinity Pair weather I or Nebraska , Iowa and South Dakotai I air e itlc rly vviudi , slightly warmer