Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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    I fc • THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY FEBRUARY 25 , 1890. , 8
A Very Uncortnin Wheat Trade
flilE MoBt or the Day
Onu Quito AciIto but Lower A Fcftc
ttirelcn * Provision IluslnrHS
Cattle Slow null IrroKutnr
An Atlvnnco on lines
Cinctoo Feb St iSpcctnl Toloeram to
I Tub Hee ] The nctlon of the wheat marltot
wns very unnortaln most or the session
There wns a general disposition to Ignore
weather news after the experience * of last
W > ok During the day dispatches reportlnR
continued rains In California and another
cold wave In the northwest were iiot
hooded Thcro wai no outsldo uicco of
news of any sort to materially affect values
The market opened nbnut steady for May at
77 0 , hut wont off at once to 77c , rallied to
77i c , then dropped to 7fo and at 1 o'clock
was up to 77jtfc , with the pit dull The bottom
tom for Juno was 77 'j ' 'o and July ? 5JiCc The
feature of the day wns the covering of
wheat early by lardridgo His hrokora
bought ' a great ouuntlty the llrst hour At
the same time Hutchinson , Cudahy and Mo-
Cormack & Co were free sellers There
wns seine buvlnu by the northwest , and
lntor some Now York buyine orders , There
was conEidorublo lone wheat sold when the
prlco of May went to 77c. The wheat mar
ket wa- dull and steady at the close with
May ot i7sC
Corn was depressed about lo for all fu
tures at ono tilno today by tholnrro receipts ,
the still larger estimate for tomorrow and
the largo Increase In the vlslblo supply The
weather bolnc generally warm und damp
had a depressing effect also February
clohed nt 27 0 , March at i7X& ! May sold at
! ) Jf@29J e , but closed at 'Hj % < i. July closed
Btoudy at ! ! 0 } < c.
Oats were fairly actlvo , weaker and lower ,
duo to the mild weather , fair receipts , the
iluclino in other grains and ntso to the sell
ing by longs Prices for deferred futures
receded ± ( eMc early The decllno brought
In good buying to cover by shorts npd the
Iosb was regained , but the market closed
steady nt the same ns Fridays last sales
Thcro was a fair business in soiling May
and buying July at } ( c difference Car lots
ot No in store wcro dull at lD c for regu
lar and EUo for special houses No 2 wnito
for Muy was dull , but was offered at 21JjC.
Thcro was a little firmer feeling on ling
products today , but asldo from this the
market was foaturolcss Lard aud mess
pork sold but 2J < ! high or wlnlo short ribs
i gained fie , but Inter lost half the advance ,
making all products but a trilla up May
soles were : Short ribs , fl.80@4.82X ; la"1 ,
* 5.87jf ; March , May pork , ff > .USi39.87j { .
Cmatao , Fob 2t. [ Special Tolojjram to
The Heb.1 Cattik The demand for steers
cither good or medium , oponcd rather slow
with a dotorminution on the part of buyers i
to hammer prices , and for a tlmo trade wns i
almost at a standstill , as most of the sales \
men stoutly held to the notion that under ,
the circumstances thcro was no necessity of '
/ giving way to any grout extent , while on i
the ether haud thcro were salesmen that
made the concession asked , cspoclally If the
buyer was ono of the regulars , hence values '
ruled Irregular , that is , from stoad.v to lOo
lower on about everything in the steer line
Cow stock was in good demand and steady
Hulls and common stock ruled atcaay There
wcra no Tcxans la sight during the fore
noon There was a fair business in the
stocker and ' "ropflor line , with prices
ns high 'as at any time last
week Cholco 'toi'extra hooves , W.C04.85 ;
medium to good steers , 1,050 to 1.500 lbs ,
3.Or@4.50 ; 1,200 to 1,330 los , 13.8010 ! ; 050
to 1,200 lbs . $3.00(33.70 ( ; stoukors and food
ors ' fcJ.40@3.55 ; cows , hulls and mlxod ,
* UO < 3.20 ; bulk , 82.25@2.C0 ; Texas corn
fed steers $3.00(33.85. (
IIoos Uuslnnss was actlvo with an ad
vance of a strong 5c all around Packers
paid $ at)0@3.05 ) , going up to $4.00 occasion
ally , while sblppors paid $1.0001.05. Light
sorts sold uniformly at $1.00. The market
closed steady ,
Nnw Voiik , Fob 21. | Special Telegram to
Tnn Ueb.I Stocks There was a fair Inter
est uud a well distributed business in stocks
at the opening today , with Loulsvlllo &
Nashville , Hock Island , Now England , St
, Paul and Uurllngton & Qulncy most promW [
' pent First prices as compared with the
closing flFuros of Friday showed very ir
regular changes , Loulsvlllo & Nashville
being down % per cent , while Cotton Oil
was up a like amount There was consider
| abla prcssuro to sell in early dealings and
fractional dooltnos occurred all over the list
Now England and Loulsvlllo & Nashvlllo
leading with % per cent cacn In the regular
i list und Sugar with 1 per cent In the unlisted -
< listed dopartinoat Tonnossoa Coal was ex
ceptional and after opening at %
per cent at 09 It retired to CO , recovering
slightly with the rest of the list The recovery -
covery was full and coinploto as a rule and
Grangers wcro specially prominent In the
upward movement , Burlington rising 1 per
_ cent from Its lowest flguro to 107 , % followed
i closely by iioclt Island , which again crossed
eM 00 , ana St Paul , Chlcugo , St Lous & Pitts-
m ywj . . burg preferred also sbowod markodstrength
* ; Wi and rose from 60J to 53i { . In the hour to 12
T o'clock ' the market was weak all around
m Sugar touched 01) ) < with n slight rally and
W Burlington dropped back Jf to 103 . nock
Island again followed and touched S9) but
n - * recovered to 6'JJ , or K hotter than the close
I last wcok The coal stocks attracted moro
'I than their Bbaro of attention Tennessee Coal
1 dropped rapidly from 00 to 59 against 69 >
M this morning , a not loss of 10 > { per cent
• There was a feeble recovery of 1 or 3 per
cent Colorado coal sympathized and doM -
M dined from 45 < to 43 but afterward recov-
B erotl most of the loss Reading also showed
B a drooping tendency and dropped to 39 , but
B rallied later The stock market was much
m changed after midday , Tcnnossea Coal wont
fl off with a whirl to 51 but recovered to 53 ,
1 Thcro was an Impression that the largo short
interest was nervous and covering under
m attack on a few specialties Buying in rail
Vt i road shares became qulto gouoral Burling
H ( ton led the advance , and wont up to 103 %
fl j closing at 1Q34 } Hock Island followed to
fl . i D ° X , or 1 per cent higher for the day , St
* jA p / Paul touched 03 , Missouri Pacific 72 and
| HI 1 T Union Pacific < X } ( . Sugar was firm and CM-
HJ t ( ' cage Gas was ui > ut the closo.JTflo total
BEl , sales were 2 < 13,07S , shares ,
V i The fiillowlriif wore the closing quotations !
Sj I U. regular 1 H rJorthorn l'nciao , , 31
U.B.4scoupons . . . -'I'ilo Droforreil 13'
| U.H.41sregulsr..Uini : U. Jc N. W 107y
f I U.H.4ii coin > ouluiH dopreforroa Hi
I l' .ciatJiiofij..lTil N' .V.Oiutra ! WS1
| Central IaclQo , , , 33 1 > .1 .4K. . . , 1 K
M i Chicago * Alton . . .Ki Itock Island IUS
Chlcano.liurllngtou U.M.&Btl' 07
AOulncr mfi dnireferroii.MIHH
, f-LW IMiiSUaulOinaha , 81)4 )
JM UlinoliCeutral 113 ao preferred U1V
M 1..U.SW. . Union I'aelUo osjj
m Kansas ATexas . , , 8 WBt L. & 1\ . ' . . 1211
K | jike8iore ! 101 % aopreforrad . . . „ 2U ) {
Michigan Central , , 1W Western Union . . . 63 , 'i '
K MlasourllaclHo . . . K
V , MoNSY On call easy , ranging 2) ) @ 4U per
t cent
J Pkiub I'iPiit IJff OX per
HJ cent
B StKiaiNa ExciiiNOE Weak : sixty-day
tills , M.bJtjdemand ; , HSOjr
Cf' * ' 1'ltOUUCIi MAHKBCi
' "
" f ' ( Cuicioo Feb , 34. Iil5 d. m , elosa
Wheat Firmer ; February 1ii\ \ March ,
M K > 4-oMay.T7 ; c
Cora Steady ; February , 37X < > ! Msyi
fl .0 U Higher ; February , 19 > | 0 ; May ,
Hyo Strndy
Harlo.v * Nothing doing
Prime Timothy $1.13(21.20. (
Flax-Cnsh. $1.39.
Whlsky-l.Crj. , . . , ,
Pork-Easy ; Foburary$9.70 | May , 9.97K
© 10.20.
Lard Steady ; Fobruory , $5,72) ) ; May ,
V > W4.
Flour Stoaoyi winter wheat , $2.00
f t.35 ; spring wheat $1.1054.75 ; rye , $2.50
03.85 } buck wheat $ l.25@1.50 per cwl
Provisions Shoulders , $ t.l64.25 ( ; short
clear , fj.006J5.03 ; short ribs , for February
' $1.75.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 1027o ; dairy ,
io@2ac. 1 .
. Chccso Firm ; full cream cheddars and
flats , P QO'/c ; Young Americas , \0 } ( < $
Kggs-FIrm ; fresh , WXQUMc
Hides Steady ; heavy nnd light green
snltod , 0 > < c ; soltod bull , SJi'o ; green salted
calf i , 5J < c ; dry Hint , 0@7cj dry calf , 5@0 !
deacons ( , 2c each
Tallow Stcao.v No , 1 , solid packed , 3 fc ;
No 3. 3tfo5 cake , 4c *
Kccelnts Shlpmti
Flour 7.000 0.000
Wheat 11,000 10,000
Corn | 171,001) ) 178,000
Oats 100,000 183.000
Now York , Fob 31. Wheat Uocolpts ,
4t,000bushels ; experts , 40,300 ; spot stronger ;
No 8 rod , 85 @SCo In elevator , 8K ( ) < < 4S7 > o
ulloat ; options steady , No , 2 rod , February ,
closlnc nt 85KC
Corn Kocelpts , 180,000 bushels ; oxoorts ,
70,400 bushels ; spot lower ; No 2 , 34 f@33o
in olovutor , a" % ( 30o ulloat ; options steady ;
February , 35c.
Oats Hecolpts , 119,000 bushels ; exports ,
109,350 bushels ; spot steady , white 2Sc ;
mixed western , 25 > @ 29c ; options lower ,
February , SOJfo
Coffco Options closed steady , 80 points up ;
sales , 71,500 bags ; February , $10.i0@10.75 ! ;
spot Hlo higher ; fair cargoes , $20.00.
Sugar Haw , steady ; rollned , steady
Petroleum Unltod closed for March at
$1.05J , * .
Eggs Easier ; western , 15 4@10c.
Pork Qulot
Lard Stronger ; western steam , $8.15.
Uuttor Qulot ; Elgin , 28@2'34o } ; western
duiry , b@lio ; creamery , 12@2ro.
Cheese Firm nnd unchanged ; western , 8
( ftlOc ,
St.IjotiN , Fob 31. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 74 | c ; Jlay , 75Xc.
Corn Lower ; cash , 24J o ; Mny , 25)fc.
Oats Lower ; cash , 20 > o ; May , 20 a
Pork Qulot at $10.00.
Lnrd Nominal at $5.03.
Whisky Steady nt$1.02.
Butter Unchanged
Mllwnulcor , Feb 24. Wheat Easy ;
No 3 spring , on track , cash , 71 ( < $73c ; May ,
72 c
Corn Qulot ; No 3 , on track , 27 ! c.
Oata Dull ; No 2 white , on track 22c.
Hyo Firmer ; No 1 in sto-e , 44@HJ c.
Barley Quiet ; No 2 In store , 44Kc
Provisions PorK , $9.70.
Mtniioiipnlm Fob 24. Wheat Easier ;
rccolpts for two days , 304 cars ; shipments , 33
cars Closing : No 1 hard , February 77a ;
May , 7SJic ; No 1 northern , February , 75)'c ;
on track , iUu ; No 3 northern , February ,
73o ; May , 74c.
Knnnaa Clty Feb 34. WhcatT-Steady ;
No 2 hard , cash , C2e ; No 2 red , cash , CSc
Corn Weak ; No 3 , cash and February ,
20 0.
Oats No , 3 cash and February , 17c bid
Iiivnrpool , Fob 24. Wheat Steady ;
holders offer moderately ; California No , 1 ,
7a 3 d per cental ; red western , 6s llj d-
Com Eu&y ; No 3 mlxod western , 3s Sd 1
per contal
einoinnnii Fob 24. Wheat Steady ;
No 3 red 77c.
Corn Easier ; No 2 mixed , 30(3310. (
Oats Lower ; No 2 mixed , 23@24c
Whisky $1.02.
Ctilcnen , Fob 24. The Drovers Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Koceipts , 15,000 ; market Irregular ;
beeves , $4.C0@I.85 ; steers , $3.00@4.50 ; stock
ers nnd feeders $2.40@3.50 ; Texas corn
fed steers $2.90@3.35.
Hogs Receipts , 18.500 : shipments , -
market strong , 5c higher ; mixed and light ,
$3.85@4.05 ; heavy , $3.S5C43.05 ; skips , $ a4ll@
Sheep Recolpts , 10,000 : market dull ana
weaker ; natives , $8.59 ( < $5.70 ; western corn
fed , f4.50.U5.03K : Texans , $3.00@5.00.
A Drovers Journal cablegram from Lon
don quotes arrivals of American cattle heavy ,
and prices n shade lower , medium to best
steers ll@12Ko P ° r pound estimated dead
Knnsns City Fob 24. Cattle Iteoolpts ,
3,000 ; shipments , 5,000 ; market steady ;
steers , $3.20(31.70 ( ; stoekers and feeders , $2.50 j
Hogs Receipts 3,300 ; shlomonts 2,700 ;
market higher ; all grades , $3.07K@3 75.
National Stuck Vnnl4. Knit St
LntiN , Fob 24. Cattle Receipts , 1,300 ;
shipments , GOO ; market strong ; , fair to fancy
native steers , $3.30J 4 03 ; stackers and feed
ers , $2.8033.50.
Hogs Koceipts , 4.200 ; shipments , 3,700 | ;
market shade higher ; heavy , $3.U3@4.00 | J ;
rpacking , } 3.80@3.90 ; light , $3.80ffl3.93 ,
Sioux City , Fob 24. Cattle Receipts , ,
300 ; shipments , 180 ; market about steady ;
canners , 75cT$1.25 ( ; cows , $1.00@l,25 ; stock
ors , $1.502.25 ; feeders , $2.25@2,90 ; veal
calves , $2.00(3)3.15. ( )
Hogs Recolpts , 1,000 ; light , shade lower ;
heavy , barely steady ; bulk , $172K@3.60.
Monday , Feb 24.
Hocclpts of cattle estimated at 600 com
pared with 3,019 Saturday The receipts
nro too small to make anything of a market
today but nearly everything is changing
hands on an actlvo market Steers are linn
with some sales indicating a shades advance
over Saturdays closing prices There were
, only seven loads of cows in and they all
changed hands early at strong prices
Focdors and Blockers remain steady The
sales of bulls do not indicate any
change There were no line stours on mar
kot , not ono load good enough to touch the
$4.00 mark Two buuoLos of cows sold at
II t > ir . '
The receipts of hogs nro estimated at
1,210 , compared with 2,7r2 Saturday The
sates were all made early at steady prices on
heavy welguts and packers , with light and
butchers weights from a Bhado to 5a lower
Only two loads , sold lata in the dny , reached
$3.60. Nearly everything sold at $3.7,0@3.75 ,
Slionp ,
The receipts of sheep were 1,7411 , compared
with 1,047 Saturday , Some very line corn
fed westerns , weighing 131 pounds , sold at
$5.35. The sheep market is actlvo and prices
Prevailing Prioos
The following is a tublo of prices paid In
this market for the graJoi of stock men
tioned ;
Prime steers , 1330 to 1000 lbs.$3.80 @ 1.40
Good steers , 1233 to 1450 lbs . . 3.50 011.10
Good steers , 1050 to 13X ) lbs . . 3.2) ( &I.99
Common 1000 to 1150 lb steers 3.00 @ 3.30
Common canners 1.15 M1.75
( K-dlnaryto fair cows 1.00 Ml.DO
Fair to good cows 1.00 ( # 3,45
Good to choloe cows 2.20 ( U3.00
Choice to fancy cows 3.03 ofrl.00
Fair to good bulls 1.50 ( $2.50
Choice to fancy bulls 2.5'j ' @ 3.35
Light stockora and feeders . , . 3.00 ( ie2.83
Feeders , 030toll00 tbs 3.20 @ 3.35
Fair to choice light hogs 3.70 M3.S0
Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.70 (33.77K
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.65 ( $3.75
Highest anil Lowest Hales ot Hogs
Today Saturday
Highest . . . . . . $175 Highest $3.80
Lowest 3.05 Lowest 3.70
Stock Iteoolptn
Official Saturday Estimated today
Cattle , 133 cars..2019 Cattle , 83 cars . . 600
Hogs , 4J cars.3772 Hogs , 19cars , . . . 1200
Sbeop , 9 cars , , , 1017 Sheep , 0 cars , , . , 1740
Disposition or Cattle
Showing the nuuibor of cattle bought by
the leading buyers on to-day's ' mamet ;
Buyers No
Swift & Co , , , . . 153
George H , Hammond Jt Co , , . 307
TbeArmour-CudabyPacklngcompany. 73
Hamilton & Stephen 105
Benton & Underwood , , . , . „ 13
W. U. Van Zandt , , . . . 61
It Becker 80
Shipperand feeders . , 853
The AVcck'n Unships * .
For the .ween ending Saturday , Febru-
• r.v 22 :
Swift & Co 3,434
Uoorgo It Hammond < t Co , . . , 1,420
The Armour-Cudahy Packing company.lM7
Omaha Packing Co 150
Shippers and feeders GHX )
Local 63
Total 12,121
Showing the number of hos bought by
the loading buyers on todav's market :
Armour-Cudahy Packing company 313
Omaha < Packing company , 479
Swift & Co 013
Gcorgo < II Hammond &Co 374
Hogs Saturday avcragod 270 pound , and
CO to the car
For the ween " tudlng Saturday , Febru
ary 33. .
Armour Cudahy Packing company . . . . 5,891
Omaha j Packing company 3,800
Swift & Company 2,605
G. | II Hammond Packing company . . . 3,043
Total 15,205
Showing the number of sheep bought on
today's mnrKatnnd the purchusosi
Armour-Cuaaby Packing company 197
Boogo & Son 175
For the ween ending Saturday , February
23. ! •
Swift & Co 992
The Armour-Cudahy Packing Co 600
G. 11. Hammond & Co 421
Total 1,910
Avnrnisn Oou ot Hns .
The following table gives the nvorago cost
of hogs on the dates mentioned , including
the cost today , ns hased upon sales reported :
Dito Prloa Date Price
Feb.l $3 05K Feb 13 < • 3 72K 3 72 Fob 14 3 73
Fob 4 3 75 Feb 15 3 77&
Fob 5 3 75 Feb 17 3 72K
Fob.0 3 72K Fob 18 3 70&
Feb.7 3 71 } < Fob , 19 3 71
Fob 8 3 78J4 Feb 20 3 T.M
Fob 10 3 77K Fob 21 3 72j ?
Feb 11 3 75K Fob 33 3 73&
Fob 12 3 07K Fob 31 3 73
TtniiRO of PritMM ! loa -
The following table shows the range of
prices paid for hogs :
Light and medium hogs $3 03 @ 3 81
Good to choice mixed hois . . 3 70 @ 3 75
Good to choice heavy hogs . . 3 05 ( Ctfi 75
Itnnco oT Prices > heup
The following table shows the range of
prices pnid for sbeop :
Prime fat sheep $4 50 @ 5 50
Good fut sheep 3 50 ( c4 50
Common to medium sheep . . . 3 00 @ 3 75
Lambs 4 00 @ 0 00
Comparative Tublus
The following tables show the range In
prlcos on hogs during this and last waok :
Days This weak Last week
Monday , . . , 3 65 ® 3 80 3 75 (33 ( SO
Tuesday 3 03 dta 82(4 (
Wednesday 3 GO S&3 T7H
Thursday ; 1 fi2' ii < ji : T7Ji
Friday 3 65 (8.1 ( 80
Saturday 3 70 < & 3 Co
Averniri ! 1'riuo > ! ' Hois
Showing the nvarajo prlco p.iid for loads
of hogs on the days indtcatoi iu 1337 , 1333
and 1890 :
DaFI Fob 18K ! ) Feb 1883. Feb 1HS7.
10 till Sunday $3 Si
20 3 " 1H i 23 Sunday
21 3 KH 6 23 6 28
22 0 7.i 6 10 6 24
23 Sunday D 18 5 3J
21 3 72 6 18 I 5 29
ilcpresentntlvo Sales
No Av Pr No Av Pr
14 1184 $3 15 17 1240 $3 45
20 962 3 30 23 1170 3 45
41 955 3 35 0 1192 8 50
1 1000 3 25 20 1190 3 50
5 1078 3 80 17. . . . ' . . .1109 3 50
20 1002 3 30 15 1277 3 50
13 1203 3 85 5 1430 8 50
5 1054 8 35 23 1135 3 55
7 1009 3 35 21 1205 3 55
34 1030 3 40 10 1328 8 00
1 080 3 40 19 1330 3 CO
17. . * . 1185 3 40 5 1400 3 05
13 1083 3 40 19 1210 3 07K
23 1116 3 40 15 1263 3 75
1 1410 3 40 181353 3 75
20 1111 8 40 79. . . - 1283.3 75
20 1171 3 42K 20 1305 3 95
1 1170 175 15 990 2 45
1 ; . 940 2 00 1 1080 2 45
1 600 2 00 1 11270 2 45
4 1100 3 20 4 1085 2 50
3 1000 3 80 1 1250 2 50
17 1055.3 30 1 1150 3 50
1 1100 3 30 1 1150 3 50
3 1007 2 40 33 10S0 3 55
5 9S0 3 40 3 1070 3 05
1 1210 2 40 8 8S7 2 65
3 1280 2 40
2 875 100 3 1400 3 50
3 1410 3 00 1 1780 2 50
" 1 1290 2 10 1 1793 3 80
2 1335 3 10 2 1520 3 O0
1 1800 2 25 1 1710 8 00
1 1000 2 25 1 1320 3 30
2 MISO 2 50
22 731 3 00 50 009 3 20
.4 825 3 10 34 1007 3 35
3 . - .813 3 15 13 1018 3 30
18 953 3 15 21 918 3 30
3 933 3 20 19 932 3 85
2 535 3 00 1 10S0 3 85
10 8S0 3 55
2 1C80 2 75
1 870 1 60
Owner No Av Pr
29 steers , corn-fed 13S4 $3 65
Standard Cattle Co
33 cows , corn fed 1033 3 00
21 cows , corn-fed 1033 2 90
No av Sh Pr No Av Sh Pr
0..413 130 $3 55 57..240 80 $3 70
0..215 3 60 54.245 200 3 70
04.207 240 3 1/5 59..258 200 3 70
13..258 8 65 80.243 40 3 72& ,
6..260 3 65 64..344 3 72W
59..227 40 3 70 70..223 120 3 72K f %
60..329 100 3 70 03..275 120 8 72K
59..275 130 3 70 53..230 40 3 72K
33..309 120 3 70 -67..245 80 8 75
11. . . 814 80 3 70 03..253 40 3 75
67..200 200 3 70 59..837 40 3 75
02.,2ol 100 3 70 60..231 40 3 75
09..203 80 3 70 80..208 3 75
6 . . . ,257 80 3 70 77..237 8 75
57..887 80 3 70 73..811 3 75 8
74..225 80 8 70 BJ..225 3 80
58..321 120 3 70 87..212 8 80
60..895 240 3 70
5.,133 40 8 00
No Av Price
175 westerns , corn-fod 131 $5 25
197 westerns , corn-fod 104 4 60
On tlio Market With Sheep
Bcnnott Bros & Proutt Ft ' Collins ,
Cole ; L. F. Stockwell , A , U. Gibson ,
Sbolton ; J , S. Fordyce , Central City ,
On the Market With llnga
Smith & M. , Blair ; L , Anderiofi & Co > ,
Mead ; A. O. Adams , Eagle ; Rankin Bros ,
Cambridge ; Ford & N „ May wood : E. D.
Hay don , Mqoreflald ; J. Delaney , Saron-
vlllo ; J. Grabow , Gretna : George Melsner ,
Shelton ; S. U. Blacn , Kearney ; Monk in A. .
Blanchard , la ; N.-W.-.M. Co , Stanton and
Oak ; Fuller , Smith & Fulloa , Creston ; Linn
& Co , Brooke , la ; N , Jacquot , Memo : W ,
U. Vanalstine , Arcadia ; John Nellor ,
Bremer ; Walroth & W „ Atkinson
On the Marko With Cattle
J. W. Watson , J. E. Blenklron & Co . K.
Olson , F. D. Robinson , Bancroft ; J , E.
Blonkiron Nick Fritz , Ponder ; P. Dledrich-
en , Bennington ; J. J , Dohortv , Dunlap , la > i
J. Hastle , Elmwood ; J , Sugden , Syracuse :
Jay K. Mason , Farnam ; Arthur Uurge ,
Waboo ; J. Qrabow , Gretna ; Standard cattle
comuany , Ames ; Jay Merrill , Columbus ;
Eddy Brothers , Grand Island ; George Dix
• on , Malvern , la ; M. Gllllon , Atwood , Kan ;
O. M. Scott , Hartley , la ; W. C. Hudson ,
Sioux City , la ) Perry Haydou , Weston ; H.
Warner , Hooper ; Walroth&AVF , J , II , Perry ,
Atkinson \ ; Frank Wnlla , JV JValla , John
ICavan ( , Llnwood , / u ,
Market Mnn ih % .
Cattle nctlvo with some laiss nt strong
prlcos | ,3 , , .
. Hogs tendy on heavy weights and packing
hogs nnd lower on Uxhtwatid butcher
The Standnrd cattle coropiinjl sent in two
cars of corn fed western cows from Ames
John Nollor , ono of the rcgnlnrs from Boo
man , had near of hogs on thu tnarkot ;
J. 11. Wtthrow , W. E. Skinner , I ) . Dawson
and A. 11. Leo , representing the Uniou Stock
Yards company , woreat.tho ; yards but loftfor
their rospectlvo territories Mbnday after
noon '
J. II , Perry had four cars 'of feeders on
the market from Atkinson
J. Grobow , on cxtenslvo shlopcr nnd well
known patron of this market , cama in from
Grnbow with two cars of cattle and ono car
of hogs
Llnwood , Neb , sent In the following doleJJJ
gatlon ( of cattlcmon : F. Wnlla , P. Walla and
John ICavan , who brought ono load each of
their own feeding
Fuller , Smith & Fuller , old time shlppors
to this point , sent iu a car of hogs from
Creston <
J. Merrill of Columbus wni nt the yards
looking ] after a car of cattle of his own foodre
ing i
J. S. Dohortv a regular patron of this
market , stationed at Dunlap , la.i had cattle
on , the market
S. II Atwood of the llrin of C. H. Parmn-
lee | & Co , Cedar Crook , was at the yards on
buslnoss ' - ' .
J. S. Fordyco , the well Known Control
City snoop tnuu , sent lo n double deck load
of sheep *
Eoo < < Strictly fresh , He Cold stor
ago , pickled , llmod , Batted , not wanted at
any prlco
Buttbii Creamery , fancy rolls , prts , 24 ®
23c ; creamery , fancy , solid packed , 23@21c ;
creamery , fancy , choice , U22c ! ; dairy ,
fancy , rolls and prts , 1820o ( ; dairy , fancy ,
solid packed , 17@19o ; dairy , choice , 13i815o ( ;
country roll , choice , ll@12c ; country roll ,
good , 9@10c ; country roll , fair , 0@7o ; poor
Btock , 3@3o.
1'oui.tiiv Turkeys , dressed , fancy , dry
picked , ll(312c ( ; turkeys , llvo , per lb , 73o ;
cblckons , fancy , Oo ; chickens , choice , 7C So ;
chlckous , live , $3 00@3.50 ; goose , dressed ,
fancy , 6@10o ; geese , dressed , choice , 8@9c ;
goose , live , iloz , $9.00(5)7.00 ( ) ; ducks , dressed ,
fancy , llo ; ducks , choice , O&jlOo : ducks , llvo ,
doz , $2.50@3.00 ; pigeons , doz , $1.00.
Gasiii Jack snlpo $1.00 ( < ? t25 : golden
plover $1.00@l.25 ; mallard ducks , $3.003.50 ;
canvusback ducks , $3.000.00 ; reahoad
ducks , doz , $3.00 ; teal ducks , doz , $1.50 ®
2.00 ; mlxod ducks , doz , ' $1.50@2.O0 ; goose ,
Canada , $5.500@0.00 ; geese , small , $4.00(3)4.50. ( )
DiiF.ssKD Vbai Choice medium , 6K@ ° i
light , 5@0c ; hoavj' , 3@4a
Beans Hand picked navy , $1.50@1.00 :
hand picked navy , medium , $1.40@1.50 ; hand
picked country , $1.3OfiJ1.40 ; good clean , $1.20 I
O1.30. ,
Honev Per lb , Illinois comb , 16c ; Call
fornia comb , Ho ; Nebraska and Iowa comb ,
Ciibesk Per lb , full cream Y. A. , 12o ;
fulloream twins , UK0 } full cream Ohio
swiss 15c ; full cream Wisconsin swiss , 13c ;
full cream brick swiss , U$12c ( ; full cream
llmburger swiss , 11@12.
Fisu Frozen fresh whltetrout , pike and
plckorel , per lb , 7c ; horrlng , 5Ko ; sturgeon -
goon , 10c. i
Okasuks Per box , Florida brights , $ J1.15 ;
russets , $3.50 ; mos3ina , $3.23 ; California
fancy navels , $5.25 ; choice , $5.00 ; Los Au-
gelos navels , $4.50 ; seedlings , Riverside ,
$3.35@3.50 ; mountain , $3.U5'Los ; Angeles ,
$ .1.00 ; iu Qvo box lots 33c per box loss
Lkmons Per box , mosslna fancy , $4.00@
5.00 ; verdolll , good , $2 50j ,
Bananas Per bunch , $2.00513.00.
Malaga Ghai-es Fancy ipor bbl , $7.50 ;
choice , per bbl , $0.00@7.00. . •
Cocoanuts Per hundred , $4.75. Per bbl $3.50@4.00.
CiiANUEimiES Per bbl , $10 50@13.50.
Cideb Per bbl , refiiieat$0.50 ; ; half bbl ,
$3.50 ; hard cider , pure , perbbl $5.00.
Skins and duii9 ; Raccoon , No V larB ° i
S0@90o ; No ,1 , , * medlum . ' bC0@70o ; No : 1 ,
smull , 40@50d ; No 2.ffnnd 4,19@40o. Mink ,
No 1 , largo , 6075c ; No 1 , medium , 50@00c ;
No 1 , small , 4U@50u ? No 2 , . ' ) 4 , $5.40.
Otter , No 1 , larco prime , $5.00@9.00 ; No 1 ,
medium , $4.00@5.00f No ' 1 , small , $2.50@
3.50 ; No 2 , 3 nnd 4. $0.50@1.59. Lynx , No 1 ,
$3.5U@3.60. Wildcat No 1. 40Q50 ; No 2,20o ;
Muskrat , winter , 15c ; fall , 10011. Skunk ,
black , 60aj ( 5o ; striped , No I , 35@40c ; No
2 , 15@20c ; No 3. 10@15o ; No 4 , 5@10c.
Cross fox No 1 , $1.00@5.00 ; No 2. $2,00r ( $
2.50. Redfox , No 1 , $ L00 < ai.25 ; No 2 , 50@
60c. Urcy fox No . 1 , 49j50o ; No 3. 20@
35e. Mountain wolf , No 1 , $2.50@3.O0 : No
3 , $ LO0@1.25. Pralrio wolf , No 1 , 75c@fl.00 ;
No 3 , 40@50c. Beaver , No 1 , ner lb $1.00 ® !
8.50 ; No 3 , per lb , $2.0O@2.40 ; No 3 , per lb ,
5005c ; No 4 , 50c. Bear , black , No 1 , $15.00 1
@ 25.O0 ; grizzly No 1 , $10.00@25.00 ; brown ,
No 1. $10@20.O0 ; cub $1.00(315.00 ( ; buckskin
Indian dressed , per lb , $1.00@1.60. Deer
summer , per lb , 30c ; fall , per lb , 25c ; winter
tor , per lb , 20@35o ; green salt , perpleco
75@S0o ; antelope , per lb , 20c ; elk , per lb
10dl8o [ : llshor No 1 , $3 00(545.00. ( Marten
No 1 , 75c$1.50 ; No 3 , .25@50c. Opossum , 1
No 1 , cased , 10@15o ; No 1 , open , 7 ® 10c ,
Badger , No 1 , full furred , 75c@ll.35 ; No 3 ,
30@35o ; No 3 , 1020c ; wolverine , No 1 ,
limns , Pelts and Tallow Groan salted
hides , 4Ko ; dry salted hides , 50c ; dry
Hint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 5c. Damaged I
hides 2c less Sheep pelts , green , each , 75c 1
@ $1.25 ; shocp pelts , dry , per lb , 0@12o :
tallow , No 1 , 8K@3 * c ; No 2 , go ; grooso
white ; 3 fo ; yellow , 3J4@3c.
Veoetahles Now Lettuce , per doz
heads , 45u ; radishes , per doz bunches ,
50c ; green onions , per doz bunches , 30@40o ;
parsley , per doz bunches , 83o ; soupbunches ,
per doz bunches , ' 45@50c ; celery , Michigan
small , per doz bunches , 2535u : celery , Illi
nois , per doz bunches , 45@50o : celery , Now
OrleanB , per doz bunohes , 7590o ; spinach ,
per bbl , $3.00 ; cucumbers , per doz , $1.75 ® $
3.35 ; oyster plant , per doz , 4330o : now
Doots , perbushol , -$1.00@1.33 ; now carrots ,
per doz bunches , 40@50o ; now turnips , per
doz bunches , 4050u ; pie plant , per lb , 67c ;
now cabbage , Louisiana , pc crate , $4.00 ;
now potatoes , Bermuda , per bbl , $10.00 ; to i-
matoes , Bermuda , 10 lb boxes , per box , $1.60
@ 1.75.
Veoetadles Old Sweet potatoes , fancy
Muscatine , per bbl , $4 00 ; onions , extra
fancy , per bbl , $4,50 ; onions , fair , per bbl ,
$2.50 ; rutabagas , per bbl , $2.00 ; carrotb , per
bbl , $2.00 ; parsnips , per bbl , $2.00 ; beets , per
bbl , $2.00 : horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ;
horse radish roots , per lb , 7c ; calory roots ,
per bbl , $5.00 ; celery roots , per doz , OOo
Ai'i'LE Buttek Per lb , 67o.
Mince Meat Sopor lb
HffsET 15@lBo per lb for choice
Phesehves 810o per lb
Jellies 4@4Ko P1" " lb
Beeswax No 1,1619t
Pies Feet Pickled , kits.JOo ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , $2.85 ; pickled tripe , kits , 65u ;
pickled H. C. tripe , kits ' 65c ; spiced pigs
hocks , kits , $1.13. V'J'
Mess Poiik " per bbl , $9.7B@10.75.
Buckwueat Flouh per bbl $1,75.
Wool Fine , average.83@23o , ; medium 1.
nvorago , 2122a ; quartor.blpod , average , 18
® 30o ; courses , average , 16@17o ; colts and
rough average , 14@10c. ' " Medium perbbl , $4.85 ; small t ,
KS.75 : gboruins $0-75 ; Q. ieiS chow chow ,
qts , $5.65 ; pts , $3.83. " ' '
Potatoes Per bu , 85cy'cb'mmon , CSc
Mai-lb SoaAit Per lb , 'l3Ko- '
Pjiovisions Hams , No 'Ur10 B > average ,
9Ko ; 20 to 23 lbs , 8Xo ; 13'to 14 lbs , 9 a ;
shoulders , 5u ; broakfast'bacon ' , No 1 , 8o ;
bam sausage So ; drlod beef bams , - 7o ; best
tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; * tlry salt meats , 5 ®
5f" per lb ; ham roulette1' OKo ; add 1 per lb
for small lots , J j 1 .
Hay Choice upland , $8.00(3(5.25 ( ( ; midland ,
$4.50 ; lowland , $3 5a
Cnor Feed-$12.50. •
BllAN-$10.50. |
COIlN-160 , „
OAT -15a
Wmapwno Paveh Straw , per lb , 1K@
2Kor ; g , 2Ko ; manila , B , fyiJOoj No 1 ,
7 cents
Haos Union square , 35 per cent off lUt
SALT-Dalry , 350 lb la bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
boat grade , 60 , 5s , $3.80 : bpst grade , 100 , 3s ,
$3.40 ; best grade , 23 , 10s , $1.20 ; rock salt ,
crushed $1.80 ; dairysalt , Asbton , 56 Tb bags ,
85o ; bulk , 334 lt > bags , $3.25 ; common , in
hbni , $ l.v .
Canned Goods Fruits , California canned
goods , standard brands , 3K lb , per doz
Apricots , $ l,70@1.85 ; nprjcou , plo fruit ,
' $1.50 ; gallons , $4.50 ; blackberries , $2.25 ;
cherries , black , $2 003.35 ; cherries , white ,
x3.252.50 ; gratios , $ l.pX < tl,80 ; pears , Bartlett -
lott , $2.102.25poaahes ; , yjllow , $2.10g > 2.25 ;
noaohes , lemon cling , $2.35 ; plums , egg ,
$ LC5 < aL60 ; plums , golden drops , $1.80 ; plums ,
green pages , $ I.G51.S0 ; peaches , Bay Cty ,
with pitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 : gooso29i
berries , $2.35 ; iulnces ] , $3.10 ; raspberries ,
$2.70 ! struwbertles , $3.50 ; peaches , 3 lb oastke
orn standards , $1S5 ; 3 lb pie , $1,10 ; 0 fl > pic ,
$3.00 ; gallon plo $3.00 ; apples , high stand
ards , $2.50 ! 2 lb gooseberries , 00c : 2 lb straw
berries , P0@95o : 3 lb raspberries , $1.00 ; 3 lb
blueberries i , 8090c ; 3 lb blackberries , 65 ®
75c : 2 lb strawberries , preserved $1,75 , ; 5 fb
raspborrlos , preserved , $ l.S0l 2 lb blackberco
rlos , preserved , $1.20 ; pineapples , Bahama
chopped , $2.00 ; 2 1h Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 3
jti llahnma sliced $2.50 : 3 lb Stnndard sliced ,
( l.C5@t.50 j ; chcrrlos , 2 lb red , Baltlmoro , 83
® 93c i ; pears , 8 lb , $1.30.
l'rj ' ; GouiIr
Bleaciicd SiiEETiNOs Ellerton , 7la 'c ; .
llousokccpor , S' ' ot Now Candidate , S.U'c ;
Borkcloy cambric No 091 0c ; Best Yet , 4-4 ,
OVo ; butter cloth OO , 4' ' o ; Cabot , 7Ko ; 1
Fonvcll ' holf bleached , SKc ; Fruit ot Loom , I
8c : Green G , mfc : Hope 7K < " ; King Phil31
Up enmbric 10c ; Lonsdato cambric lOo ; I I
Lonsdnlo ( , SKc ; Now York mills , lUfo ; Popn
perell , 42 in , 10c ; Poppcroll , 40 In , llo ; Poptc
porell , 0-4,14Kot Popporcll , S-4 , SOe ; Pop21
porcll , 0-4 , 22c ; Pepporoll , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton ,
4-4 , S. ' c : Canton , 5-4 , 9s'c } : Triumph , 6c :
Wnsinutia , lie ; Vnlloy , 00 ; Barker , } {
blenched , & )4c )
Huown Snr.RTiNi Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 lfo ;
Atlantic U , 4 4. 7c ; Atlantlo D , 4-4. tijfo ;
Atlnntlo P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL 4-4. 0c ; Aua
rora C , 4-4 , 45fo ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 6Jfc ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4 , fijfc ; Iudlun Head , \A , 7)f ) a ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4 , 5Vc ; ; Old Dominion 4-4 ,
5Ko ; Popparoll 11,4-1 , 6 c ; Pop eroll E , 40
} Inch , 7'fo : Pepporoll , 8-4 , 18c ; Popporcll ,
0 4 , 80os Popperoll , 10-4 , 32o ; Utica C , 4-4 ,
4o ; Wnchusott , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora H. 4-4 , 7c ;
Aurora U , 4-4 , 6' c ; Atlas , O N B , 7Ko-
Piiints Solid Colors Atlantic , fie ; Slater ,
tic ( ) ; Uor In oil , SJ c ; Garner oil , 6@7c Pink
nnd ] Hobcs Hichmond , 6Kc ; Allen , 60 ; Ulv-
crpolnt ] , 5Kc ; Stool Uivcr , 60 ; Pacific , OJtfe
Indigo Uluo St Logcr , oo ; Washington ,
ti4oAmoricnn ! \ , 6K0 ; Arnold , 6K0 ; Arnold
Century , 9c : Arnold , A. 12c ; Stletel A , 18c ;
Windsor gold t'k't , lOKo : Arnold B , lOo ;
Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Soul , 10c ;
Yellow Seal , 10c
Piunts Dress Chnrter oak , SJj'o : ram
ape ] , 4Jfc ; Lodl , flifo ; Allen , Oo : Hiohmond ,
6c ; Windsor , OK" ! Eddystone , 0Ko ; Pnclllo ,
6Kc. ' *
GinohamPlunkott checks , OJ c ; Whlt-
tonton , 6J o ; York , 8 0 ; Normnndi dross ,
8Kc ; Calcutta dress , 7Ku ; Uonfrow dross ,
CAMimica Slater 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stan
dard , 5o ; Peacock , 5c.
CoMroiiTBiis $0.60@3o.OO. -
Duck West Point , 29ln. . 8-oz. , 10K0 ;
West Point 2Jin „ 8 oz . 12Lfo ; West Point ,
29-ln 7 „ 12-oz. , 15Ko ; West Point , 40-in , ,
11-oz. , ltic
Flannel White : Quoohoe No 2 Jf ,
37Wc . ; Quouhco No S } ( , 33Ko ; Annwan ,
18Kc ( ; Windsor , .23Wc. Ked C , 84-in. ,
15Wfc , ; E , 24-ln. , 21Kc ; G G. 24-in , . 20c ; II A
F , 5f. 25o ; J H F , { . 27c ; O , i , 23c. Fluid
T Haftsuien , 33c ; Clear Lake , 32 0 ; Iron
Mountain , 26K ; White G II No 2 { , 22Kc ;
G II No 1 , % , 8 Ko ; B II No 2 , 4 ' , 22Ko ; H
II No 1 , } { , 30c ; Quoohoe , No 1 , % , 42c.
SuiitTiNd' Chucks Caledonia X , 0Ko ;
Caledonia XX , lOKc ; Economy , 8K0 ; Otis ,
SKc ; Granite , 6 fc ; Haw Hlvor , 5Ko ; Crnw-
ford checks , be
Miscellaneous Table oil cloth $2.50 ;
table oil cloth marble , $2.60 ; plain Holland ,
9Kc ; dado Holland , 12K&
. CAUrET WitAf Bibb , white , 18 > o ; col
ored , 21Kc
, Batts Standard , 80 ; Gem , 10c ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; peerless , case , $6.60.
Cohset Jeans Boston , 7Jfo ; Androscog
gin , 7 < ! fc ; Kearsargo , 7c ; Uockport , OJ/c ;
Blddolord , 05/e.
liens Oakland , A , 7Kc ; International
YY , 8c ; Shotucltet , S , SKc ; Warren , No
870 , , 10c ; Borwlck , BA I80 ; Acme , 13c ;
York , 30 inch , 13.Ke ; York , 83 Inch , 13Kc ;
Swift Hivor , 8c ; Thorndiko 00. 8Ke ;
Thorndlko . FF , 8K0 ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 c ;
Thorndiko XX 15o ; Cordis , No 5 , 9Kc ;
Cordis , No 4. lOKc
. Denims Amoskeag , 9 oz , lOKc ; Everett ,
7oz , 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Ha.vmokor , 8Kc ;
Jaffroy XX lltfc ; Jaffrey XXX , 12Kc ;
] Beaver Creek AA , 12c ; Beaver Crook BB ,
llo : Beaver Creek CC , 10c.
Kentucky Jeans Memorial , 15c ; Glen
wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules
ISo ; Empire , 25c ; Durham , 27Kc ; Mel
ville ; , 35c : Bang-up , 27Kc
CiiASH Stevens B , 5Ko ; Stevens A , 7c ;
Stevens 1 A , bleached 8c ; Stoveus' P. 7j c ;
Stevens I P. bloachcd , 6oStevens'N \ , 8Kc ;
Stevens ' N , bleached , 9Ko ; Stevens SltT ,
Dried Fiiuit Currants , now , 5Kc ; prunes ,
casks , 1,300 lbs , 5 > .fc ; prunes , obis or bags ,
5Kc , ; citron peel , drums , 20 lbs 22c ; lemon
peel , drums , 18c ; fnrd dates , boxes , 12 lbs ,
lie : auricots , choice evaporated , 14c ; apri
cots , jelly , cured , 25 lb boxen , 10c ; apricots ,
fancy , 25 lb boxes , 15o ; apricots , choice , bags ,
80 lbs , 14Kc : apples , ovaporatcd , 50 lb boxes
9o : apples , Star , 8J.fc ; apples , fancy Alden ,
5 lb , 10c ; apples , fancy Allien , 3 lb , lOKc ; ;
Salt Lake , 5c ; blackborrles , evaporated ,
60 lb boxes , 5 % < > ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
18c ; pears , California fancy , Ij's boxes , 25 lb ,
12c : peaches , Cul No 1 fancy , K . nop bags ,
80 B ) , 15c ; peaches , pared , fancy , 18c ; Salt
Lake , 7c ; nectarines , red , 14c ; nectarines , .
silver , boxes , 15o ; pitted plums , Cul , 25 lb t
boxes , SKc ; raspberries , evap , N. Y. , now , ,
20o : prunes , R. C. 69 70 , 9if@10K ; orungo
peel , 15c ; raisins California London crop I
1889 , $2 33 ; Cal loose , muscatels , crop 1889 ;
$3.00 ; Vnlencias , 1888 , 0c ; "Valoncias , new ,
8Kc ; Cal seedless , sks , 7Ji'iOnoura layer , ,
now , 9Ko : nrunolles , 12Ko ; dried grapes , 4c
Veoetahles Tomatoes 3 lboxtra , $1.00 ; I
31b Standard , Western brands , 00@05c ; gal ;
lens , strictly standard , $2.00. Corn Finest
grown , $1.00 ; gllt-edgo sugar corn , very line ,
$1.50 ; MoMurray'83 lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2
lb extra , Western brands 85l.O0 ; 2 lb
standard , Western brands 70S0c. Mush
rooms 1 lb Froiich , extra flno , 22@25o ; lib
French , line , 18@22o ; 1 lb French , ordinary [
16@I8o. Peas Tres line , per can , 25c ;
douil fine , per can , 10c ; 2 lb extru sifted ;
$2.00 ; 2 1b early Juno , $ l.23@1.35 ; 3 lb Mar *
row , standard brand , $1.10 ; 3 lb soaked , 59c.
String Beans 2 lb high grndo , Kofuceo , 85o j ;
3 lb Golden Wax bonus , 75c ; 3 lb Hiring
beans , 70c. Lima Beans 2 lb snaked 75c.
Boston Bnked Beans 3 lb' Lewis , $1.63 ;
Crown brand , $1.50. Sweet Potatoes 3 lb
Now Jersey , $1.00 ; Daisy , $1.33. Pumpkin
3 lb now pumpkin , 90c.
Oils Kerosene P. W. , 10c ; WW . 12tfc :
headlight , 13o ; gasollno , 12a ; salad oil , $1.23
® 9.00 per doz
Suoaiis Cut loaf , 80 ; cut loaf cubes , 7Ko ;
standard , powdered , 7Kc ; XXXX , powdered ,
8c ; granulated , standard , ! % o ; confec-
tlonors' A , O fo ; white extra 0 , 0 , ' c , oxtrn
C , Neb , 60 : arabor , 5Jfc.
Soaps Castile , mottled , per lb , 6@lUo ;
do , white , per lb , 12o.
Canned Mbats 1 lb lunch tongue , $ J.60 :
2 lb lunch tongue , $4.75 ; 1 lb corned boot ( )
$1,20 ; 3 lb corned beef , $2.05 ; 0 lb corned
beef $6.50 ; 14 lb corned boor , $14.00 ; 2 II
boneless pigs feet , $3.20 ; 1 lb English brawn I
$1.20 ; 3 lb English brawn , $2.00 ; I ) lb Eng
lish brawn , $0.50'l ; lb compressed hnml,75 I ;
2 lb compressed ham , $2.75 ; 1 > lb chipped
beef , $3.00.
Faiunaceoub Goons Barley , 34@l ; faI
rlna , 5c ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 25o ; inaca-
ronl , 10c ; vermicelli lOo ; rice , 46K ; sago
and tapioca , 6@7o ; lima beans , 60.
CocrEis Jioastcd Arbucklo's , Arlosa ,
24o ; McLaughlin's XXXX,21cj Gorman } ,
24W0 ; Dilworth , 24Ko ; Aluroma , 24 o • ;
bulk 24J4-C.
Fihii Codtlsh , extra Georges , now , 6o ! ;
grand hank , now , 4Ko ; silver , 2 lb blocks ,
60 ; snow white , 2 lb bank , new , 4Ko ; !
Turkey cod , largo mlddtos , bricks ,
8' .fc ; snow white , crates , 12-5 Tb , boxes ;
7a ; Iceland halibut , llo ; medium
soiled horrlng , 25o ; No 1 scaled horrlng ,
22c ; domestic Holland herring , S5o ; Ham
burg spiced herring , $1.50 : Uussian sardines ,
75c ; Russian sardines , plain , 55c ; imported
Holland herring , Crown brand , B0o ; do.fancy
milkers , 00c Muckerel , Nol shore , half bbls ,
$13.00 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18.00 ; ,
half hols , $7.00 ; trout , half bbls , $5.50 ; fam-
lly wbiterlsh $3.00 ; salmon $3.50 ; 1 lb mack K
orel ( herring ) . $1.0001.10 ; 1 tb llnnau had
dies , $1.75 ; 2 lb lobsters , $2.903 00 ; 1 lb lob
sters , $1.903.00 ; 1 lb Alaska salmon , Aleut ,
$1.60 ; 2 tb oysters , 10 oz , $1.85 ; 1 lb oysters ,
5 oz , $1,10 ; 2 tb select , 33 oz , $ j.35 ; 1 tb clams ,
llttlo necks $1,25 ; 3 lb clums , little necks ,
$3.10 ; M tb sardines , imported , per case ,
100s , $ ll.0010.00 ; K lb sardines , Imported ,
per case , 100s , $15.OU20.O0 ; K Imported
boneless sardines , 20ai ; lb sardines ' ,
American , per 100s. French style , $1.50 ®
5.00 ; K tb sardines , American , per case , 100s ,
French style , $7.6O8.00 : K tb sardines
mustard , per case , 50s , $4.00(31,25 ( ; imported
key sardines $13.00 ,
Uitooiis-Purlor , 4 tlo , $2.75 : 8 tie , $3.25 ;
stables , $3.85 ; common , $1.5001.75.
Cocoa K tb tin , 40o per tb
Chocolate 22 ( < i35o per lb ; Gorman cblo-
ory red , 8c.
IlEUf Twine Heavy I4o ; medium , 18o ;
tlight 17o ; 18 li C , 30u ; 3-1 , SOo ; 80 , 19n ; l8'
17o ; broom twlnos , colored , 30c
Matthess Twine Very fine , 40c ; floe , ,
38c ; medium , 35o ; binders , 13s ,
Sail ! Twine Very flno fl x , 33o ; fine flax
29i ; flno cotton 22o : Calcutta hemp , 14c.
Salsoih ! Bbls , IVi grnnulatod , l fo )
kegs , l , o , ; Pkgs , 0 0 , 6s , 6K0.
Stakcii-4 ® ( per lb
Stove Polish $ i,0O5.87 per gross ,
Baos Am , tier 100 , $17.00 ; Lcwlston , per
100. $17.00.
Nuts Almonds 15c ; Hratlls , 14enibcrts ; ,
12Kc ; pecans , He ; walnuts 12Ko : peanut
cocks , 8c ; rousted , llo ; Tonuonsoo pea
nuts , 7c
Dnuas ( Grocers ) Per lb Borax , lee ;
coppcrni , 2Ko ; Boy loaves , Ho ; glue , 16o ;
cMom | salts , 4c ; glnubor salts , Uo ; sulphur ,
51 'i'c : Dluovlttnl , 9j | alum , 4o ; tartario acid ,
42c ; rosin 2c : saltpeter , absolutely pure ,
10c ; gum camphor , 3 lbs in box , 1 oz enkes ,
8.1c ' ; hops , J4' and K lb packagox , SOe ; sngo ,
ti'nnd K'lh packugos , 15o ; > madder , 1:10 : ;
\t altpcter , 10c ; indigo nib and 51b boxes , S
F , 0,370o ; indigo , 3-lb nnd 5-lb boxes ,
Mndrn \ , 73csoallug ; wax , 231b boxes , rod ,
3K'o ; soallng wax , 85-lb boxes , white , 4c
Coppbk Green Fancy old golden Ulo ,
24o ; fancy old poabcrry , 24Kc ; Hlo , choice
tc fancy , 3.1c ; Hlo , prime , 33e ; Hlo , good ,
21c ; Mocha , 89c ; Java , genuina O. G , , 23c ;
Java | , good Interior , 21c ; African , 81c.
Koi's Basis manllla rope , 15o ; sisal rope ,
13Kc ; cotton ropa 16c ; now process , 8Kc
Cotton Twine Bibb , very flno , 3or4 ply ,
22c ; fine , SOo ; Daisy , 18o ; candle wlok , 32o.
Olives Quarts , per doz , $3.75 ; pints , per
doz , , $2. 23 ; bulk , per gal , 91c
Vineovh 30 gr cldor , So ; good , 12c ; white
wine , 15c
Mollacsk * Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
65c ; bakers , 24i735o ( ; block strap , 80c
Cltrlo acid , 4 < ? @ 50c ; tartaric , 41j743c ( ;
carbolic , 3741c ; castor oil , $1.20Cfl.8S ;
balsam tolu , 8740c ; tonka beans , $1.57 ®
1.00 ; cubnb berrlos , $ lbS , calomel , 95c ;
camphor , 5257c ; cuntharlilos , $1,30 ; cassia
bdds , 17c ; tihloroform , 48c : ergot , 47o ;
glycerine 25c ; gum urablo , CO05o ; lyco-
podium , 44o : mercury , 8O0 ; morph , sulph
$2.05 ; opium , $4.00 ; ijumlno , 3550c
Tim Vislblis Sujiuly
Ciiicaoo , Fob 21. The vlslblo supply for
the ! wcok ending February 22 , ns compiled by
the secretary of the Chicago board or trade ,
is ns follows :
Wheat , 29,620,0(0
Corn , 13,730,0(0 (
Onts < 5.187,0(0
Hyo 1,529.010
Barley I 1,693,0(0
ProvisionsHStocks I
Ba iil Fiwt National Bank ,
30S South lUtli Street Oiualiii
National baistk
Cnnital ( $100,000
SurplusJnn j 1st , 188 ! ) 52,000
oFi'iciuts and initucroiis
HeniivW 1 Yates , President
Lewis B. Heed , Vice President
A. iJ Touzai.i.v ,
W. V. M1111SK.
John 8. Collins
It V. ( Jttstiisn ,
W. II S. HUdiiEJ , Cashier
Cor 12th nnd Furnam Sts
A General Hanking Dullness Transacted
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - . - - 40,000
Officers and Directors K. M. Jlorsoman O
Jl Hitchcock , Jos ( larneou , Jr . A. Ileury K.
M Anderson Wra O. Maul v. prcs , ; U U. Will
iams , A. V. Hopkins , pros ; A. Millard , cashier ;
K. U. llryant , assistant cashier
ffl tt E&ti B fcfft f ISSUED BY STATES
Deal in Goi't I.nnil TTarrnnti unci Scrip
Itecelvc Accaunta unit Kilon.l . all tils facilities ot
a General Bnnklnc Iu > lue .
CoricepoudcncR Solicited
S. A. KEhN& CO , Bankers
_ _ _ _
n ' tl AIJj KINDS OF
Business PjgBr ii ,
II 1 On Improved and Unlm-
VniMITJllTA proved lrop rty
lUUl IH.UJJ.Uli ) Purchased or Negotiated
| \ 1 Tno Negotiation ot
UUllUOt A Bpocialty
Correspondence Solicited
Room Dli ! Orown llitlldinc ,
Oinnliii , Neb
w * also rfwlve and f 11 VmI , liny , Oroln lllilM.Wool ,
( Ireeil anil \ > i toil -iiltftVefteUhtaitor | anr thlncr you may
hare to tiIn ) Wri(4iusrurriil ( '
< 'eidoraiiyluroijitaiion
l wl hI ! . ) IillH.MIIlltlSO.V : A CO , CanimUilon > ou
AlcrcliunH 174 Houtli IVuIer-.t. . Chlpnso
lltri.m.MKtlctroiiulllan National Ibnk , cnicac-o.
Mention Omalia To ) , •
IaIFjobbers1 directory r
U I - a
I I Agricultural Implomenta
Afflcnll'I ' Implements , Wagons , Carriagej
BuixUi , lc Waoloala Omaha , NcLrttllta
w. o. > viiiu JilciUlNtl cc ruMfu. . ,
Steam ani Water Snpulies
lUllldar wlnl mlllt , dlS and 03) tones t.Om1ti .
U , V. Itoit.AcUag Manager , .
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery \
Phaot-lron work , • team pintpa aaw nllli U13-12U
l aranworHj itrevt Omalia
WroQgot anil Cast Iron Building Work ( ,
EajInfjj.lirMt work , general founilrr machine , and
blaciiUiUn work Ilmcu nd worka U. i' , lly
and 11th ( traet , Oinalia _
dOMAHA Wlftt & 1HON lfO/1/fS ,
HannfactnreK of Wire and Iron Railings [
Deik rall , 'wlndu r uuardf , Oower standi , wire ngua ,
te IU Nona leth street Oroaba _
Hanl'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Sares
Vaults , Jail work Iron shutters and Are escaPM-
O. AnJrsen , prop r , Cor , llth and Jajason tits
J . , , , 3
aaeh Poora
, Etc _ .
it , A. jDISBRQW 4 CO ,
Wboleaal * manafaeturert it
tM , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch oOloe , ink aal liar a streets , Omaba , Nab
Bl I . . . , . TS3.
Of Sontb OmabL llmitel
Boots and Shoos
BucccMors to 1UM , Jonca A Co
Wholesale | Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
Aianti fcrllnston llnbber 8hoo Co , 1105.1104 and 11M
Uaroay Ulrsel Umahn , Nebraslia
c '
Pro wore
" ' vjiiri <
sivhz . .fi'bEit ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
mi Worth HUuleanUi 6tr t.Omana , SsHtils
Cornloo _
. ,
Mannfactnrers of Galvanize ! Iron Cornice
Window-caps and mttnlllo ikyluhts John Kpeneter ,
liropnator 103 and II j South loin atreel
c s
. . A r 11 b t b | M n to riot b. J
A. UOSVE , Jr ,
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
lill Douglas street.Ornaha , Naltraska
w _ _ jpoot , " ooko , ' eto _ _
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
808 South Uth slreeU Omaha Nebraska
„ '
Shippers of Coal and Colic ,
, . ill South 13th sit eel , Omaha , Nebraska aa
. Commission nnd Storogo
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Bpaolaltlos llutter etritt , chpotA poultry , lams ) .
Ilia Howard street , umahn , Mob
e I
Wholesale Cigars ,
( OSnorth I Cth Street , Omaha , Neu Hello 1(3 ,
Dry Poods nnd Notions
' Dry Goods , Fornishing Goods and Koiious
1IW and llttl Douglas , cor , llth straet , Omaha , Nub
i Importers & Jobbers in Dry Good ? , Notions
dents Furnishing ( loots Corn or llth aud Unrner
streets , Omaha , Nebrnska ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
raraam strait , Omaha , Nebraska
Omaha , Nebraska
• Orooorlqs
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and I aveawcrth streets , Omaha , Nebraska
' *
Hardware ) .
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel
Springs , wagna atoi , harnwnw lumbar , ata MM
: : il Uarney street , Omaha ,
Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic Tools and llulTalo Rentes 1 ! < V > Uouglu
street Omaha , Neb
! Lumber , Etc "
Wholesale Lumber , Etc
Imported and American rortlantt Cement State )
agent for Milwaukee llydrnullo Cement .
nd < julno > White Lime
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
Wood carpets and parquet flooring Uth ami Douglas .
street , Omaha , Nebraska *
Miners and Shippers of Hard and Soft Coal
OTjHrstNfttl- "nnv Hull ii , . Oinalia , Neb
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash
Pears , eto Yards-Corner "lh and Donjlas Offle *
Corner 10th and Douglas
" " " '
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc
CorD < 3i Dtb and Douglas streets , Omaha
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California street , Omnha , Nebraska
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
20S.S10 and 212 South Uth street
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
1121 Harney street , Oninha
Wholesale Rcflncd and Lubricating Oils
Axis Graaso , oto Omaha A. II lllihop Manager
I . -
Pa per _
Wholesale Paper Dealers , '
Carrr anlcoslock ot pr.n'lng , wrapping nnd wrltlna
ps er Bpeclal attuntloa giTeu to card paper
SafeB * tO , . . . .
' j - an urn
OHitcrp.1 Agents ( or
Halls ' Safes
Ml and 323 South 10th St . Omnha
Toys , Eto
Jobbers of
' Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goodi ,
Bouse Furnishing aoods Children's Carriages UM
1 larnara street , Omaha Neb
Till !
of Tim
Chicago , Milwaukee _ & _ St Paul Ry '
'Jho ltesl Itonto Fnmi Oimiliu ami Council
ISIiiflii to
- = = THE EAST = =
CliIciiBo , AND Mllwniikpo
St Paul , Mlnwn.iolls , Cedar Ititiilds
Itoek IbIiiihI , Frectiort , ltockfonl ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Jlavt'iipoil ,
KI Ill , Mlllllsoil , JllKViVlllf ,
ltclolt , Wlnonn , Lit Crosse ,
And all other Important points East , Northeast and
For through tickets cull on lbs ticket agent nt l. 'fll
Karnam b'truet , In llarker lllock , or at Union i'arttlo
l'llllinun Blcepcrs and the llneit Dlnlug Cars In tha
world ur run on thn main line of the Chicago , Mil
waukeo&Ht , 1'aul ll llvv y. uml everf ultoiillon la
paid to passengers { if courloous employes of tha
. T
oinpanr It Mll.ljKH.doneral Manager
J. F.TUO ( Kit , Askisiaiit ( iRueral Manager
A. V , It UAltl-KNTKH , Uoncral I'asKCnjcr and
TtekM Agent
tlK.O K.1IUAKFOI1I ) , Assistant Qeneral I'asscnger
' .
T. J. CLAHK , General tJuperintendent
S. NEIIVOU8 DKI1IMTY. Young and middle -
A \dle agfd men suttrrlng from Xukoiu , or
I' JYuuTUKjtcusiSouAaiisE Cureguarah
DL 3Htee < l. 'IreatlieKaledu ( > utaliilugrull | > ai
vll > J tlculara for home cuie , raic or ciuhus
1 \l&fi I'ltOV , U. V. UKSI.KH ,
MHsf Lack Ilea ' } • AJaUolt , Ulclu