Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEflch TUESDAY , tfEBETJABY 25 , 1890. . 1
B An Old Woman Turns Over a Lamp
H and Is Burned to Death
H Hentrlco AaitntltiR Tor tlio ltock
H IhIuikI Intension A W'yoinlnjj
H Blntloti Man Jllsslnc l.dilor
M Cnmon's Wlicrcnlioutq
H Burned 10 Dentil
H IIdv.solps , Neb , Feb 21. | Spcclal to The
H Brnj Murtbn Undo , ngod mxty-nlnoycars ,
H -ivlnir with her son-in-law , J , II Mlllor , one
H and n half mlles colt of Reynolds wns
H burned to denth Sunday night by tbo tipping
M ever of a kerosene lamp Mr and Mrs
H J Mlllor went to church , leaving the old lady
H > at homo with n boy nlno years old During
M the course of the evening Mrs Llndo whllo
j seated close by the tahla upon which burned
H a largo lamp , went to slcop mid In waking up
H suddenly tipned tha lamp over , tbo oil com
M „ Dlctoly saturating her clothlntr and
. illling the room with flro and smoke The
H heroic action of the boy In scooping In snow
H with a shovel saved the house from burning
H nnd put the lira nut on the clothing of Mrs
\ m Lindo , but too Into to save her Ufo She
1 , lived until U o'clock in the morning and told
H how the boy worked to save her
M To Hccuru thn Itoclc lnlnml
H Ubatiuck , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special to Toe
| 11 lln : ] An Interesting though not very
M largoty attended mooting was hold at the
M rooms of the llcatrlco traveling men's asso-
B ! elation ln < < t evening for the purpose of con
H suiting upou ways and means to best secure
M the Hock Island extension from Omaha to
M llcatrlco Mr J. L. Tnit was tnailo chair
fl man of the mooting and A. J. Conloo socro-
H tary The subject matter was llborally dls-
M cussed byV. . D. Hill and others , and on n
M molloi ) of Dr I. W. Funk a commlttco was
U nppointoil , contisting of Dr Funic as chair
H man , C. H. Dempster , J. It Burke , E. J.
| Roderick , A. C. Jordan , O. I * . Marvin nnd
j M .1 union Kiunton , to arrange for callinc a
H meeting of the citizens of Itcatrico nt an
H early datu with a view to discussing the ex-
H pcdlenov of inducing the Rock Island ucoplo
H ' to maku Hontrico the Junction point of the
H Omulia extension of that route The unanl-
H ] mouB sentiment of the moetinn- was in favor
H J of the move After bo mo further informal
H tulk on the subject the meeting adjourned
H subject to the cull of the special committco
H buroin named
H 'Ihe action of the traveling men in talcing
H the initiatory in ibis important matter meets
H with the hearty concurrences of the enter
H prising spirit of the city , which it might bo
H ' well to observe , Is largely represented In the
H traveling men's nssociatiou The club has a
H largo resident mciubcrsiilp here , and thoclub
H rooms are about tha most handsomely and
H ' conveniently arranged in the city The ns-
H ' soclstion , or ns it is more popularly termed ,
H I the Traveling Mon's Social club of Beutrico ,
H occupy the old board of trudo rooms , in the
H Moody block on Court street The rooms
H comprisu the cntiro second floor of the
H building , nnd consist of several rooms , par
H j lor , reception , card and billiard rooms , each
H j of which are elegantly furnished with all
H the necessary paraphernalia to make them
HM acomfortublo and attractive resort Thu
H j club at present has a membership of about
H eighty , all of whom are residents or taxpay-
H ers of Ueatrico
H ) \ Swimllml n Inrnn Company
H Kearney , Neb , Feb 25. [ Speciul Tolo-
H gram to Tin : Heg.1 I'ho facts In a well
H developed swindle have just corao to light in
H which one of the loan companies of this city
H is the loser Lnst Soptetnbor a gcntloman
H J representing hunsolf as James Horner of
H j Mlnonlt , III.Mnado application for n loan ot
H . tWO on a picco of land near Kim CreeK in
H this county Ho bad n warranty deca
H 1 executed to him by Anna G. Horner , whom
H 1 ho claimed was his sister Ihu ncknowlodgo-
H i ment was taken before a Justice of ( he peace
H ' in tbo country With the straight abstract
H * . which hu presented the loan was secured
H 1 j James Horner at Minotik III , who is the
H ' husband of Anna U. Horner , was notiiied a
H I low dais ago of the Interest duo on the loan ,
H 1 and ho enmo hero to learn about tuo
H 1 mortgage Thu deed proved to bo a forgery
H and the man who secured the loan a fraud
H His whereabouts are unknown
H Lively TlmcH at Vordlgrc
H Veiidiohb , Neb , Feb 24. [ Special to Tub
H Bee I Slnco the openlug of tbo rcsoi vation
H this usually quiet town tins niado a remark
H ublo change in Its general appearance Pee
H pie who Intend to take a claim ou the N10-
H brara and Missouri rivers are now finding
H the nearest wuy to get there The cense
H quenco is that this town is livelier taan ever i
H before The resurvatlou begins about six
H miles north of hero and the only wagon '
H brldgo ever the Niobrara river , built by tbo
H | government soma years ago , is about seven
H mlles from Vordlgrc This fact is not known '
H as well ns It should bo Settlers coming
H through hero either with cralrlu schooners ;
H or with the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri '
H Vnlluy ruilroad keep betel keepers
H and llvorj men very busy
H OscooIa Iioiiis *
H Osci' .oi.a , Neb , Fob 24. | Special to Tns 1
H Hue | The district court closed here on
H Saturday mid was the largest term held here
H for several years , and stranga to toll , it was
H the only term hold bora for a long tlmo at
H which there were no divorces granted
H Judge T. II Saunders , who Is clerk of the
H court , was taken with sciatio neuralgia the
H ilrst day of court and had to bo carried t
H his homo on a stretcher , wboro ho has bcon
H conlinud to his bed ever slnco
H Tliero wcro sovou criminal cases before the
H court und all were disposed of at this term
H The most notable coso was tha Statu of No-
H braska vb David Heckmoyor Keckmeyor
H bad boon conlluod in jail for the past four
H months , clmrgcd with forgery , but was
H unanimously acquitted by tbo Jury
H Hobort L. Hoynolds of Omaha , \v ! # is
M general ugout for tbo Connecticut Flro In-
H suranco company , came up here last week
M und paid the loss of Thoodorp lloobo on
H betel furniture the full amount , without }
H the least quibble Mr Ueobo will begin tbo
M erection of a throo-story brick hotel right
H away
H Hov P. 0. Johnson , DD , wont to Omaha
H to attend tbo funeral of Dr Lemon last
H week
H A I'romlnont Uoatriao liady Dona
H Uextiuci : , Neb , Fob 24 , [ Special Tolo-
H ' gram to Tuk llii ! : . ] Mrs Muty F. , wlfs of
H Irof Henry N , lSlako , dlod ul her homo in
H this city 8horty [ before noou today The do-
H ocuscd lias bean a resident of Gage county
H since 1S72 , and with ber husband bos con
H ducted tbo well known Ulako preparatory
H school in this city for many years past , ilor
H husband and una duughtor , Mrs J , It Kll-
m Patrick , survlvo tier The funeral services
H utko place tomorrow afternoon
H 1110 ttolumim Ca e.
j H lUNTiN-as , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special Tola- >
H gram to Tim Heb ] Tliq Solomon case asH -
H suuod a now phuto today upon the arrival
H of tbo oftlcor from Frontier county with a
H formal warrant for arr est on a charge ot ob-
H taluiog tuonoy under false protouscs The
H man wanted bus been in hiding so fur ,
H bluding arrest During the day ho gave a
H bill of sale to a rolutivo ot all tbo stoclc and
H tools uecd in the business of un eye
H apcclalUt Tbo course ot the Frontier
H county oftlcor betrays a novice In the busi-
H ness of pursuing criimnals
A. crction JDrriiinii iKalntr
KsniusKX Cur , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special
Telegram to Tub Hke | Jack Williams , a
Missouri PacLrto section foreman at Wyoin-
lug station bat been missing slnco last Wed
nesday , at which time bo came to Nebraska
City to draw bis salary , ilo Utl the city on
bis return home in the evening , but did not
reaou bis destination Vigorous search has
been made for bim by b' frlondi , but with
out suocess and tboy fear ho has met with
foul play ,
llnrvrnter Works rnr Fremont
FiiKMo-VT. Neb , Feb 24. | Special Tolq-
traui to Tut Heb ] The Curtis harvester
aid binder company was organized here this
, Tyl * 'gafis.rar.n irnnniiiniiit i i * him a , Hrmitiwirii
afternoon with n capital of 1100,000. Offlcon
were elected as follows ) J. T. Smith , prc > I-
dent ; John Dorr , vlco prosldent ; J. F. H n
son , sccrotaryj Ii N. Morse , tronsuror The
purpose is to manuf scturo nt Fremont a now
harvester which gives promlso of great suc
cess ,
Gnrflnn in In New Mcvlco
II iSTisos , Neb , Fob 2 $ . [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Hun | The whereabouts of P.
N. Corson , the defaulting nowspnpor man ,
have been revealed Ho loft Hastings for
Denver , tbenco south , aud was soon in Santa
Fo Sunday Letters dated In Now Mexico
have bcon received hero from him His de
falcations approach Rj.000 , with scores of
credulous victims whoso apparent disgust
prevents thorn from making known their
Coming io the l-'rnnr.
AisswonTn , Neb , Feb , 21. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tim Hue | A special train of live
stock was shipped from hero to South
Omnhn today , which maTtcs fUty-flva cars of
stock and sixty-four cars of grain shipped
from this point in the lnst two months , nil
In carload lots , besides small shipments
AinswOrth is rapidly becoming ono of tbo
loading shipping points in the northwest
Off for 1'ortlanrt.
Fjtinncnv , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tub Uke.J A special tourist Pull
man sl eper loft here tonight for Portland ,
Ore , It contained thlrtvllvo of the most
prominent citlzons of Fairbury nnd vicinity
A largo crowd gathered'to ' see thorn off Tbo
car gees via tbo Union Pacific nnd Is in
cbargo M. J. Groovy , traveling passenger
nccnt , nud A. M. Horry , local agent , Tbo
former gees through with the party , but Mr
Hcrry will return from Cheyenne
X Ghastly Find
Fjiemont , Neb , Fob 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Hee ] Something of a sensa
tion was created here today by the finding
of a human skull under the Union Pacific
depot by ono of the employos who dropped a
pencil through the floor and who wont under
the building to got it A small nporturo nt
tbo lower rear portion ot the skull bhows
where n bullet hnd pierced it It plainly
points to murder or suicldo , but as yet
nothing dcllnito concerning the mysterious
Und has been arrived at
A Moxlcnn Votornn Dies
Plattsmodth ' , Neb , Fob 24. [ Spoclal
Tel < > grnm w tiib Hee.1 Lovl Walker , nn
old aud respected citizen , died at his homo
in this city today The cause of his demlso
was dropsy Ho was born In 1S04 nnd sorvea
In the Mexican war and located in Cass
county in 1855.
Now llntul nt IlntUinoutli
Pi.ATTRMOUTir , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special
Telegram to Tub Heb | The Hiloy hotel
of this city was opened today The bulldfcg
was built In lS9'and ' is ono of the finest In
tha state About fifty couple sat down for
the feast A grund banquet will bo given at
its public opening in it about Match 1.
Wvmoro IjiojuorSellers Arretted
JVvmoue , Neb , Fob 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Bee I Deputy Sheriff W. W ,
Morrison arrested D. H. Nell , M , L. Haw
litis and John Pisar , of this city this after
noon for soiling liquor Illegally They wont
to UoatricoatS:45 : to auawor to the charge
ltohli Hound Over
Nburaska CiTr , Neb , Fob 24. [ Special
Tolcgrain to , The Ueb.J The preliminary
hearing against Mont Robb , charged with
seducing a girl in his employ , was had today
and ho was bound ever to tbo district court
in $1,000 bonds
A Iilbrral Minister Dcnoiinoos Re
vivals nnd CauicH n Rumpus
ItociiESTEii , N. Y. , Feb 24. | Spoclal Tel
egram to Tue Bee.J A series of revivals
bus boon in progress in this city for a month
past , nrincluaUy.iD the JVshbnry Methodist
church Aweokngo Hev Myron Adams of
Plymouth Congregational church , preached
a sermon on revivals , In < which he sharply
criticised them nnd likened the churches
where they were hold to insuranoo com
panies , who gave converts a religious
premium for the Bafety of their souls Mr
Adams sermon seems to bavo stirred up a
largo-sized hornets nest Sunday morn
ing the Rev Dr Jones of Ash
bury church replied to Mr Adams
and preached to a largo congregation
He said that the .latter's statements were
false and bis utteroncos disgraceful for
a Christian minlstor to muko Ho then de
fended the revival custom , aud continued tjy
terming the lovMr Aaauis as narrow
minded and ill-llboral. Ho said ho was a
sort ot back-number minlstor preaching to
an old fogy congrogatiou , nnd hardly do-
served tbo courtesy of a reply Ho thouunt
every ono ought to pray for Mr Adams sal
vation , and concluded in a very excited state
of mind , calling on Mr Adams to prove bis
The Congrcgatlonalist minister is noted
for his liberal views and hns stirred up other
clergymen before Ho is tbo author of tbo
work entitled Evolution in Holigion " recently -
cently published , which has caused much
comment among critics
Two Union Pnclllo Trulii Mon ltooolro
IVrrinIo Injuries
Evanstok , Wyo , Fob 24 , [ Special Telegram -
gram to The Heb.J A most distressing ac
cident occurcd on tbo Union Pnciflo at Pied
mont yesterday nftornoon at .3 o'clock , in
which two of the company's oldest and most
faithful employes received terrible injuries
A westbound freight train , which was being -
ing pulled by two engines , was nearing the '
Piedmont station , when tbo switch lever
sprung , causing the shifting rail to lap , ,
thereby doralling the head engine Engl-
neor Low Carr nnd Fireman Thomas Hon
shaw saw the dancer and In attempt
ing to Jump fell in front of
the other moving engine Karr's loft arm 1
was literally crushed to u pulp and bis right
font was also badly mashed When picked
up ho was under the driving wbcol , and it
was necessary to cut his clothing to shreds i
in order tu sccuro his roleuso from bis peril
ous position It was found necessary to am-
putnto Karr's arm , and nt a late hour last
night the operation was successfully per
formed Fireman HotiBhaw in Jumping also >
came In contact with the engine and received I
a sorlous compound fracture to his riirht
knee Ho Is suffering much from loss of
blood , and It is very doubtful if be can ro-
cover It is thought amputation will also bo
necessary in his uaso
X Drunken Man Murders Ilia Blot hoi
In-Law , Wilt ) and Two Childriiu
IStinks db la Peuaue , Quo . Fob 24 A
most atroolous crime was committed In the
village ot St Albans yesterday , wticn Ru •
dolph Dubois murdered his wife , mother-In-
law and his two children Dubois had boon
on had terms with his mother-in-law for
some tlmo and quarrels between tbom were
frequent Yesterday , after tbo usual
3squabble , ho wont out and when ha
returned was drunu Ho reuewed the quar-
rel and with an axe struck down his mother
in-law , literally hacking her to ploces Ho
than gave bis wife a torrlbla gash on tbo
bead Then bo went up stairs and docapi-
Ulod bis four-montUs-old oaby and struck I
on the bead his son Joseph Throwing the
axe down bo escaped to the woods When
the crime was aiicoverod his wife was still
olive , but she died aflor tolling tbo frlnhtrul '
story The whole village turned out to bunt
lor the murderer but be bad a couple ot ' :
hours tbo start of his pursuers , aud at last
accounts bad not born capjurcd
, , ' <
Eottled nt hast
HtLiXA , Feb 24. Judge MoIIattoa of
Hutto today decided the shrievalty case in
Silver Bow county in favor of Sullivan
( deui.f It is possible the ease will be ap
The Judge , after reviewing tbo case ut
length und disposing of the legal technicali '
ties , dccluros ; , "It appears the election in
precinct 34 was ( air , open aud honest and
ttist the canvass and tbo count were honest
and correct 1' '
„ . . . . - . . . ,
| | Wlir nnmmummiaiMiMni nih m
The TJaual GrlBt of Dally Baaoball
McMillan nnd Corhook Vlco Presi
dent Clnrkn Itnuqtiottod Slat
tcry nnd Dnvls Mls
• oollnncous
Vlco President Clnrlco nnnqiiotcd
C. C. Clarke , I a to vlco president of the
Oatj ' ) City Athlotta club , ono ot the dead
gittno I , and a halo follow well root on nil oc1
c.tslons ' , Is about to transfer bis business ,
that of gas and steam fitting , to Scattlo ,
Wash His hosts of friends greatly regret
his contemplated removal from their midst ,
and yestordny afternoon , in testimony of
their esteem , a halt dozen kindred souls ton
dercd htm a hnndsomo spread nt Little &
MoTaguo's cafe After the sumptuous ro-
past , In which blue points , decolloto clams ,
lobsters , celery nnd tha various condiments
cut quite a llguro , the order was Lot the
wlno go round " And it went CharlioFanJ
nlng , the prospective president of
tbo club nbovo montlonod , delivered
a short but feeling address In
French , which received numerous oncorns
Mr Clnrko's response was enough , so it is
sntd , to bring tears to the eyes of n potato
Sporty Willie Bill Wngnor followed with a
few remarks In choice South Omaha , while
Hilly Thompson , Henry Sharp , Charlie
Kostors and Jimmy Lindsay , the champion
light weight of the world , closed the after
noon's saturnalia with that bcautllul old
Scotch ballad , See That My Grave is
Painted Green , " the silvery melody of their
voices cracking fully ono-third of the glasses
behind the bar
AVnnis llli Release
Pros'dcnt ' McCormiclc Is In rccolpt of a let
tor from Jimmy Cannvan , asking for his ro-
lcaso Ho states that ho tins n good oppor-
tunlty to go into business and wishes to re-
tire from the ball field This Is a chestnu
that bus been worked until it is threadbare
Cnnavan has tn all llkolihood had an offer of
a better salary than that which ho is to ro-
colvo from the local club , nnd-takes this do-
cootlve method of obtaining freedom from
the Omahus Now , of course President
McCormick has no deslro to pre
vent anyyoung man from going into
business , nnd ho fcols kindly towards
Canavan , Howovcr , solf-nrcsorvation
is the first law in bnso ball a } well as nature ,
and McCormick should deliberate well bo-
lore taking action In this matter Ho should
write Uanavati that ho will not bo released
under any circumstances , but If bo is honest
In his intention to go into business , to do so ,
but his name will still remain upon the
Omnlm rcservo list , then , If ho makes up his
mind to return to the diamond , bo mustcomo
to Omaha Such a course will not fall In
eliciting the facts In the case ,
Mnnncrr Oleic llwyor
Dick Dwyer , the old Omaha first baseman ,
wrltos bis friend Arthur Brlggs that he is
about to organize a professional ball team In
Portland , Ore , to take a place in the North
western league , which Is to include Port
land and East Portland , Seattle , Tacomo ,
Port Townsend and Victoria , B. C. The
Portland people are lucKy la securing such
n rollablo and ofllcient manager , as Dick
Dwycr will surely prove himself In addl-
Hon to being an honorable and stralchtfor-
ward gentleman Dick | 3 an old player nnd
understands thoroughly every point of the
glorious game He possesses every qualifi
cation necessary to the position bo will fill
and in his hands tbo Portland team will bo
well looked after Dwyer will also open a
sporting goods store in the city of his adop
tion , i. • i <
< • ) • < M
Collins l > einnndiTar > Much , 'r , .
After all , it turns out that Hub Collins bus
not been secured to play soennd base tor
the Omalias Tbo alterations made
by the young man In the contract
sent to him by Manager Leonard
were so numerous and of such unreascnablo
a character that ho has boon-given up , and
the Omahas must look clsowhcro for a second
end basemen There is vet a chunco to secure -
cure ICoarns of thn London , Canada , team ,
and this will probably be accomplished era
many days lapse
A New Hjsj Ball LnasU'.J
DunoqcE , la , Neb 21. ISpccial Telegram
to The Hfh I A base ball club has just
boon organized here for membership in n
now and independent base ball association
It is to bo comnosod ot clubs"ia cities of
eastern Iowa una Illinois Dubuque , Cedar
Rapids , Ottumwa , Jollet , Freeport , Rock
ford , Elgin , probably Davenport and Fort
Madison are the citlos that willprobably !
bo represented , with possibly Bololt , Wis
The Initial Trip
The Omahas will go to St Louis April 4
for two games with the Browns on the 5th
and Gtb Returning , they will stop off at
Quincy III , and play there on the Tth und
Uth Tha first game on the homo grounds
will bo with the Cleveland lenguo team on
April 2 and 3 and 9 and 10. and with tbo New
York Gorbams on the 12th and 18th.
Mar Return to the Hull Field ,
Frank Bandol Is having his shoulder treated
electrically and thinks that it Is cortaln to
recover its old power a. If such Is the case
Frank will return to the ball Hold Russ
McICclvoy und Hilly Rockwell botb oay that
Handel In his playing days was ono of the
greatest backstops that ever stood behind n
plato His throwing nrm gave out and of
course this destroyed bis efficiency as a first
class man Handel's many friends would bo 1
overjoyed to sea him gamboling once more
upon the sward
I'or thn Chfiiiiplntishln of the World
Milwaukee , Wis , Fob 24. [ Spcml to
Tub Uke , ] D. A. McMillan and Jack Car
keek signed articles this afternoon for a i
wrestling match , mixed styles , for $250 n ,
side and the championship of the world ,
which Uarlteek now holds
Mattery to Meat Davis
The Gate City club is making arrange
monts for a finish contest between Mike
Sluttory of St Louis and Jack Davis , the ,
local beavy-wolunt. The match will bo for
a purse of (50) und will coma oft early in 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Anpotrttinnnt of West
St , PAPt , Minn , , fceb 21. [ Special to Tub t
Ueb.j West was notified of bis appolnt-
uionl today bv Seoratary Rocbo on the
Western association umpire staff
Joe Strums Heard From
Secretary Brandt received a letter yestcr
day from Joe Strauss tbo first that has
been heard from him since the season closed 1
stating his satisfaction with Omaha's
terms and asking tnat a contract bo aont
htm He will bo signed ,
A Letter Tor Illrd
There is a loiter in this ofllco for C. J ,
Bird , tbo Omaha catcher , '
Tlio llllhiiril lournamont
New Youk , Feb , 24 , The billiard tourna-
ment was resumed at noon today between
Cotton and Ileiier , sight-inch balke line ,
Cotton won by tlvo points , with an average
of 10K , in this afternoons game between k
twoen Cotton playing eight-Inch
balko und Scbavfer sixluen > 4nch
balke , tha lulter won , Cotton ouly
reached 233 , Sohuofor's highest run was
103. Averages Schaefer , 2JW-24 ; Cotton ,
10 10-24. The game tonight between Daly
und Ivos , botb plavmg eight inch balke , was
won by Daly , Ives' score 239. Averages
Daly , 20 20-241 Ives , 9 23 24.
* '
An Aurioiiltnral l > ri > i > sltory
Wasuinqto.v , Feb 24. Senator Vanca
has Introduced a bill to oitabllshln every
county In every stuta iu the union an ogrl-
cultural depository under the control of the
I treasury department in which tbo owners of
grain , cotton , tobicco , etc , may dope-sit pro
duro , receiving therefore a warolnuso ro-
colpt and treasury notes equal to 80 per
rent of the nctflSMjot vatno of the deposit
The deposits Way bo rcdoemod nt any lime
on the paymenVbf tha sum ndvnneod und Interest -
torost nt 1 per cent per annum A fSO.OOO
appropriation HWkcd to carry out the pro
visions of the oibasuro
mushiqo it Anoxn
The Hurllmuiiis\Vlll Nn JiOiiuor Bo
Rcsponolhlnilor H. 4b N. ItiMc * .
Chicaoo , 111.'V'A. ' 84. iSpocinl Telegram
to The Hbe.1 lij llurlington will no longer
stand sponsor % tja Burlington & North
ern Iloroaftor any change In rntos made
by the Burlington Se Northern must bo
issued by officials of that road whether the
change is on cast or > west bound traffic
Hitherto the Burlington has issued nil the
rhangos in the passsngcr tariffs of the Bur *
llngton , tc Northern and some of tbo freight
tariff changes This has caused much ill
feeling _ among western roads nnd all .of thom
cbargo the Burlington Itself with responsi
bility for tbo demoralization caused by the
reductions made by the Burlington & North
orn General Passenger Agent Eustls ex
plains J the former Issuance of the tariffs by
the , Burlington by saying that It wns called
for in tha contract ot the two companlos , the
Uurlincton : & Northern paying tbo Hurling
ton J ; nn arbitrary rate of * J on euch plisson-
gor , rccoiving In return the free publication
of its tariffs aud the benefit of all the Bur
J lington's eastern agents
IHnrvoxt Excursion Rntes
Chicago , Fob 24. | Special Telegram to
The Bee ] The spoclal commlttoo of west
ern lines on harvest excursions docldod
today to ignore the recommendations ot the
Trnns-Mlssourl j association and mike only
live excursion days Two are In August nnd
September and ono in October The terri
tory \ Is also restricted to Donvoror the west
Ono faro for the round trip will bo charged
A Reculvor Asked
Chicaoo , Feb 24. A rccolvor for the In
tornatlonnl construction company , which Is
said to hnvo secured contracts for building
several hundred miles of railroad in Now
Mexico : aud the Mexican republic , has boon
npplied for hero by Lawyer Boyle , who
claims j to bo a shareholder Ho alleges that
President { Fau rat and bis son-in-law , Secre
tary-Treasurer Thaxtor , have consplrod to
wreck the company
A Veritable Blizzard Rngluc in the
Oodek , Utah , Fob 24. [ Special Tolo-
grom ( to Tub Bee ] It the reports from the
north and west tonight are to ho trusted the
biig03t | . snojvstorm of tbo.winter la now rng-
lng J It has laid off every train the onttro
length of the Utah , Northern & Oregon
Short J Line From Granger on the Union
Paciflo j to PocatolU ) the storm has been Increasing -
creasing . in fury all day until tonight no
effort . is made to evon'take an engine out of
the round house Several work trains nro
stuck and men refuse to face the blinding
storm ot any prlco ; On the Oregon Short
Line j the storm is even worse , while tbo cold
is j lntcnso In scorns to have started
at the coast iu Orogoii nnd Washington nud
swept , the nortberu states and territories as
far i east as Wyoming , spending its force ns
it I moved to thoitast At Ogden it has
snowoo ' all day , but the woatbor is mild and
the ! snow melts almost as soon as it falls
The Central PacilloJgota train through to
night , It was Slosed live days last woolc
owing i to the sterols This makes almost
thrco ' weeks the ; Central hns been closed
since j Junuary 10 : 3rSuperintendent Knapp
says ! the storm ati Truckeo and Reno bus
ceasod'tonight ' and no further trouble Is ex
pected j on that road ! 1- This last blirzard will
provo fatal to what tow cattle remained on
tbo ranges of Idaho .nnd Montana There
bas ' not been thVco days without a storm
along ' the OroeonShortliibo for six wcoks
UJ4-J ,
-1 - " "
Heriix'Ynrd , 1'Vve8ttnir ' Largely In
firi ftxrirnnd j jfnnYnpnils , ? * '
St JPauL , Minn , Feb " 24. | Spocia ] Telegram
gram I to Tub Bee ' | It leaked , out late this
afternoon : that Heury Vlllard had purchased
a : controlling interest lit the SC Paul and
Minneapolis street railway sys 'iems ( over 1
two hundred miles of " road ) , the St Pnul
gas light company and the Edison electrlo t
light plant Mr Vlllard has also purchased
a largo interest In the Meeker Island prop '
erty , where it Is proposed to improve tbo 1
immense water power now running abso
lutely to waste Mr Villard was in confer
ence at New York for throe 1
days last week with Thomas Lowry ,
president of the street railway svstems
of tbo twin cities , and Crawford Living
stone , president of the gas compaay Mr
Livingstone * returned bero last night nnd
Messrs Vlllard and Lowry , who are still in i
Now York , nro expected next week , when
tbo deal will be completed It is proposed i
to use the Mcokcr island power to generate i
electricity for the running ot the street cart ,
the lighting of the two cities and eventually
to boat them as well Messrs Lowry and i
Livingstone are interested with Mr Villard 1
In the Meeker Island .
project Several Min '
neapolis capitalists are also in It for largo i
sums , The amount of raoncv involved in the i
tbioe great schemes is over $10,000,000.
Ilo Will Uetrnct His Edict Against t
the JPubllo Schools
New Yobk , Feb 21. | Spoclal Telegram to '
Tns Heb | The circular prepared by the )
Ut Rev W. M. Wiggor , Catholic bishop of f
the diocese of Newark , N. J. , condoming tbo
publio Bchools aud ordering the faithful
under his charge to send their children to
tbo parochial schools of the diocese under
pain ot excommunication , was not received I
by the Catholic clergy of Hoboken and Jersey -
soy City last week , and consequently was
not read from the altars ot the Catholic
churches In tbose cities Sunday In fact ,
Bishop WigRer , owing to thu determined op
position of Bomo of his leading
priests , has reconsidered his dctormiua-
tion to anuthomijo those of his
people who continue to find Borao virtue in
the publio schools Ho is now expected to
issue a private circular to his clergy in
structing tbem that under certain conditions
andcircumstnnccs members of their flocks
may continue to patronize the public schools
Hold ns : the Fair In New York Would
Irjure tly { Lnt > orori
New Youk , Feb.2t [ Special Telegram
to TnBBEB | AV Mocetlng held by the
antipoverty society * last night John H [ ,
Egolman , who addrwsed the society on the
subjeotof the worlds ( fair , took the ground
that it would bo d&fimohtiu to the intoreits
of the workingmo'bf\hrs $ ' [ city for the fair to
beheld hero The surplus labor of America
and tbo pauper labor qr Europe de
clared , bo drawn better to aid in tbo work
of constructlon.and wages would bo lowered 1 ,
if not while the fal&was actually In progress ,
ot least after tbttieloso , when thousands
would romalu witnqutgempovment ) Besides i ,
rents would iucre e/.aiid tbo cost of the
laborers living , oyid be higher , Other
speakers took the a ujf ground
' J'l ' ( j1 * i
] Nebraska's .J/r lrtontlal Vote
Columuus Neb ? Feb 22,1893. Please soy
in Tub BEBhownnuiMvotes were cast for I
tha eioctors In this statu at the last presl-
deatlal election C. E. Bardwolu
Ans Republican , I0S,43" ; democratic , 80-
BM { union labor , 4,220j prohibition , 9,429 ;
total , 202,032 , willed , multipIioJ by nf , no
cording to the established rule , would indl- [
cate a population , at tbo time ot the presl- ,
deiitlal election , of 1.114,470.
• ' •
Ihfrtr'KhcuT Workmen ( Juried
IUUBL'nn , Feb 24. Til ? Iron cupola of tbo
Floro concert hull fell today burying tlilrty- r
olubt workmen Five wera taken out dead ,
eight seriously injured and live others are
m i
llurncd in lleiih
Sicinb , Kan , Feb 2L Mrs Baker and
her olglit-yoir-oltUaanweut to a stable vh
a Inntehn last night and accidentally sot tire
to the hay Ho' .h were burned to death
WnBhlneton's Senate nnd Hoti3o of
Ropro3ontatlvos. .
Qticntlmm of Itnixirtnnco Which They
Will Consider nt 1'tits Szsnluu
CainpllcntlniiH ProNontcd hy
the Rnilrnnd Irohloiu
Thn Washington tiORUInturo
OutMriA , Wnsh , Fob 20. [ Spoclal toTnK
Bnn ] The ages of senators of the Wash
ington logislntttro range from twenty-eight
to sixty-two years There Is but ono ever
sixty , six nro ever fifty , iwoivo ever forty ,
twelve ever thirty nnd thrco are under
thirty years of age Henry Drum , a banker
ot Tacoma , who came from Nebraska six
years ngo , nnd who Is the only democrat In
the senate , is among the latter There are
among the senators six lawyers , five bunk
' ers , four merchants , four roalostato dealers ,
three fanners nnd two lumbermen The
rest , are implement dealers , fruit growers ,
coal minors , grain buyers , bop ralmrs , stoctt
growers , salmon packers and so on Their
rcsidonco In the territory hns been from two
to tlilrty-sevon years ; and of thoontlro num
ber nlnotcen , or moro than ono-half , have
bcon residents of Washington less than ten
years Now York , Ohio , Indiana nnd Illi
nois sent nearly ono-half the number The
senate Is nyoungor body than the house
There are several good speakers outstdo the
ranits of the lawyers , nnd tbo manifest dis
position is to transact the publio business
within u reasonable tlmo > .
The house of representatives numbers
seventy members , of whom forty , or uioro
than ono-half , were soldiers in tbo civil war
Among them are fifteen furmors , eight prno-
tlsing lawyers , four doctors , three roalos
tate dealers , thVco fruit raisers , three lum-
bermoa ; the rest nro flsliormon , morchouts ,
minors , lnsnrunci ? men , capitalists , loggers ,
onglnoors , builders , cattle dealers , betel
kcopors , physicians , butchers , clerks , edItors -
Itors , printers and so on Six were from
Now York , six from Missouri , live from
Pennsylvania , four from Indiana.threo from
Illinois , throe from Oregon ; the rest were
from Massachusetts , Virginia , Vermont ,
California , Kentucky , Malno , Wisconsin ,
North Carolina , Now Hampshire , Now Jor1
soy and Michigan Two were born in Washington -
ington territory , ono thirty-seven and the
other thirty years ngo Ot the momoors ,
ono is over sixty , ton are over fifty , twenty
nine are ever forty , twonty-four nro over
thirty , nnd two nro less than thirty yonrs of
ago The speaker of the house , Mr J. W.
Frlghan of Soonane , Falls , came here from
Kansas only two or three years ngo As a
presiding officer ho is extraordinarily quiclr ,
nccurnto.nnd expeditious in uls decisions and
iu the transaction of business ; as a speaker
on the floor , ho is bv far tbo best iu
the house , possessing qualities which
nt onuo convince nnd coptlvato There
are several other good sponkors Evans ,
Googhcgan , Nuns , Grubbs , Plummor , Judson -
son , Montbrie , Gaudy and Grant , aud savi
oral others who talk well Tbcro are eight
graduates of literary colleges , besides several -
oral of oxtenslvo reading nnd varied knowl
edge of the world While not up to the
nvorogo of technical skill und legislative
shrewdness found in the older states it Is
doubtful if any state legislature has
possessed moro commonsense , industry aud
honiatv than dpes this There Is , in a word ,
in both bouses u wonderful amount of good ,
bard , practical "horse-sense. " The compo
sition of thelogislature , ns of the constitutional -
tional convention furnishus n striKmg Illus
tration of the fact that the uewstnto is a
creation of a popular government The people -
plo of tha statu it is said will not average
live years residence here Ncithor the
speaker of the house nor the vice-president
of tbo senate , who is from Bellingham Buy ,
in tbo extreme northwest , has been a resl-
dent of Washington for two years
The legislature mot in November last , but
nearly a month passed before the business
began To this date , two mouths and a half ,
there have been thirty-one bills which have
become laws by tbo signature of the gov-
ernor But1 few of these are of general in-
torest , Sbrprovldo for the oxponaca of the
legislature and constitutional convention ,
nnd others relate to the organization ot the
supreme and superior courts Of the re-
muinder , tbose of general interest are these *
compelling employers to furnish seats for
female employes , for the prevention of do-
ception in the sale of dairy products , pro
hlbiting themaking of a forfeit out of publio
moneys by officer or their aeonts , for prose
culinir publio officials by Information , nnd for
preservation ofvsalmon and other food fishes
in wntors over whioh tha state has jurlsdlc-
tion The bill for the codification ot tbe
statutes bus been passed , by wmch Mr Lair
Hill , a prominent constitutional lawver of
tbo state is appointed to take charco of the
worlc , which will consume a year or two
The main question on which action will bo
taken , in which readers of Tun Dkb will fcol
interest , relates to the disposition of tbo tide
lands , the disposal of the school lands , and
that of railroad legislation
In regard to the tide lands.I should explain
that there Is on the shores of Puget sound a
sixteen foot tide , and that the tide lands In
regard to whioh legislative action must be
taken are tboso mainly which lie in front of
Tacoma , Scattlo and on the extonson front
of Biliingbam bay , the latter comprising
some throe cr four thousand acres These
lands are worth from J500 per front foot uo
to a much hlghor figure They nro the site
necessarily of all tbo manufacturing , storage
and shipping Interests of these growing cit
ios It Is expected that the state will receive
from tbem an Income which must always in-
crease sufficient to pay all the oxoensos of
state government for all tlmo to come They
will become moro und moro valuanlo as tiinu
goes on The decision of the commissioner of
the general land ofllco and of tbo secretary
of the interior , in two cases which havn been
made up will soon bo given , and'it Is expected -
pected will settle finally Important questions
that have arisen Tbo state of Wush-
ington in its constitution asserts its own
ershlp of those lands The luglsture in what
i' may do will proceed on the assumption
that the state has perfect title to thu tide
lands , and the most It will attempt will bo to
recognize certain equities by which tbo
riparian owner and the present occupants of
these lands will bo rendered secure in their
original rlghtB
The question Of tbo disposition of tbo
school land of the state Is ono of great aud
pressing importance in Nebraska ; tbo school
lands are generally teased foruconsiderable
number of years , on the just assumption that
they will bo Improved by tbo labor and care
ot experienced farmers But hero In Wash
ington the nuostion assumes an altogether
different phase , and the wise and necessary
policy will bo tor tha disposal of the school
lands in absolute ownership A very largo
portion of the school lauds west ot tbo
Cascade mountains are valuable chiefly for
their tiaibor ; to lcaso them would result in
the distinction of what gives them value ,
Other portions , mora particularly In tbo
eastern section of the state , nro valuable for
their water privileges , which can bo utilized
only by the construction of Irrigating ditches
and tbo erection of mills No mora tenant
can afford to construct ditches for irrigation ,
build mills and make other substantial and
expensive improvements unless ho has n
final aud clear title to the lands There are
hundreds of little , streams valuable for pur
poses ot irrigation nnd milling and mackla-
ery In eastern Wushmgtou u large portion
of tha productive farming lanes lie among
tha Mounds , " as in the Palouso
region , which are themselves worth
less for all purposes ; a largo
pbriton.ts fitted only for grazing ; and In
order that these lands may no rendered
profitable tboso who occupy tbom must hive
water rights that are perpetual , llonco the
policy of thq state , east us well as west of
the Cascades , must bo totally different from
that with which Nebraska Is familiar : the
state must dispose of all title to these lands
In order first to protect itself , and in order
secondly to Insure to the occupant a sub
stantial return for bis Improvements
'J hs railroad question In Washington , too ,
possesses aspects very different from those
which pharacterlzu ft In Nebraska , Kunsas ,
Iowa and Illinois There railroad building
Is inexpensive and the whole country is
equally susceptible of.choau nnd profitable
cultivation , Hut Washington | i penetrated
from north to south by an Immense rnoun-
tain chain ; the Cascade rungo which is
from seventy-live to a hundred miles in
width 1 , a hundred miles from the seneonst ,
nnd through which It is Imposslblb to con
struct 1i n railroad oxcent at the Columbia
river nnd ut two or throe ether points fur
ther i north , Then there nro the Olymnlo
mountains In the northwest , the Blue moun
tains in the southeast , nnd through the
north ranges of mountainous hills , nil pre
senting ti sorlous obstacles to construction
nnd to profitable oporatlon The country at
lurgo ' Is sparsely settled Short lines hnvo
value only ns thov nro feeders to transcon
tinental 1 roads The Northern Paciflo snout
millions or dollars In gottlng ovr the Cas
cades The grade Is vury bonvy , nn ex
pensive 1 tunnel bad to bo constructed , ami
the operation of the road for moro than a
hundred : mlles is very costly East of the
Cnscados ' scrapers nnd plows no not
auftlco i In the making of n railroad ;
there 1 Is a great ileal of volcanic
rock ! outcropping at the mirfaco
which has to bo cut through West
of , the Cascades , it costs J400 and are to clear
the land of stumps nnd boulders nnd render
It fit for nny use The construction of com
mon rends through this forest primeval ,
where the mud is almost as objectionable as
the stumps una where the country can bo
rendered p.issnblo only nt tbo expense often
of < 11,000 n mlle , Is a matter which can bo
bomo only bv n numerous and wealthy
community ' The general disposition of the
loglslnturo , therefore although Its members
nro nearly all of the distinctively granger
oiomont • , is , simply nsn matter of nocesslty
and self Interest to treat the few present
railroads fairly and llborally and to do
nothing to lessen the influx ot capital and
the building Ot additional roads tn every possible -
siblo direction through the rough forest
country < and along the waters of the sound
noi tb to the Canadian border The gentle
inon with whom I have conversed with on
this subject bolongto ; what nro in Nebraska
known as as "anti-railroad mon , " and a few
ot i thorn nro "grungora" of n pronounced
typo They nil agree that if the loglslnturo
was nblo to know what is right und proper
it would pass a law fixing rates But tbo
best mon nmong them nro at a
loss to know what is right , feasible nnd
proper Thin disposition thoroloro is to
treat the railroads fairly , not to err In the
direction ! ot harsh and oppressive measures ,
but to exercise prudence nnd not in any
manner or any measure to lese control of
the railroads , and to permit no violation of
the ' rights of citizens The feeling , as ono
oxprcssod ' It , is that the state has full au
thority hereafter to go to nny extent that
circumstances < may ronuiro ; that the people -
plo nro bigger than the railroads , " nnd that
nothing i shall be done to permit the railroad
managers : to got a grip which cannot bo
shaken i off The fooling now Is that no
laws regulating transportation in detail will
bo 1 enacted , nnd most certainly none Which
would deprive a ruilroad of any Just rights
The ' probability is that n railroad commis
sion i will bo created not > such a colorless
nnd i powerless affair as that of Nobraskn
but 1 a body with power fully to hnmllo vho
matter i in a manner to protect the business
nnd i the Interests of pi-ivato business mon
and i of thn genornl publio It will bo so
constituted i and empowered that it will bo
ublo i promptly and perfectly to prevent nny
flagrant i violation by the railroads of the
rights I of producers and shippers , and to
redder i unnosslblo nil discrimination This
loglslnturo I , " said one of its most
prominent i and influential members , who
"is known ns an out-nan " out anti-railroad
man I , will not enact legislation hostile
to I the railroads ; wo nro not yet iu possession
of ( data which enable us to say whnt u rail
road i ought to chnrgo ; wo must first have
mora i facts , and these will bo trnthored und
presented l to us for the next legisl ituro by a
railroad i commission , with the right and the
authority i to iuvostigato und discuss the
matter I in full D. C. B.
Ocdon , Cnmin to Bo Dninnm.l for
Mannfiiotiirlnir Iiirnuni ,
OonEN' , Utah , Feb 24 [ Special Tolocram
to 1 The Bee ] Plans aud specifications were
completed , today for the construction of un
immense power dam in Ogden canon which
will be sixty foCt high and built of solid ma
sonry , raising tbo cntiro river to that height
It ] will bo used for the purpose of generating
power for manufactories The dam will ,
cost ' when completed $353,000. Contracts
were to hnvo been lot today for the construc
tion I , but two contractors arriving from
Denver ] , Ncvillo und WojJ , each usuing for
a lltllo additional tiuio , the contract will bo
awarded ' Friday The dam is being built by
C. ' E. Mayno , of Omaha real estate fain ? ,
and i San Francisco capital is backing It Too
same , corporation will also build the biggest
woolen mill In tlio west , hero and have pur
chased , tha ground near the power dam for
its j location , Considerable Interest has been
croated'hore , ' by the discovery df a very fiuo
clay , for fiuo pressed brick , drainage tiling
and crockery The clay wns found within
the \ city limits nnd was quictlv bought up by *
a syndicate Tbls-morning It was announced
] that a comuany with $ I0JO03 hud been
formed and would at onca proceed to put in
a : plant for manufacturing all kinds of
] drniuago tiling , crockery and line brick In
view of tbo fact that the citv council recently
mudo appropriations for n complete system
of ] sewerage , this diseovory is regarded us
opportune , , as il saves un immense freight
bill The promoters say tlio.v will , start up
with contracts lor ton millions or pressed
brick from Ogden contractors und forever
put an end to the shipment of St Louis and
Golden pressed brick to Utah
A Pouth Dakota County Treasurer
$12,000 Behind in Ills Accounts
MiTcnELT * S. D „ Feb 2 * . ( Special Telegram -
gram to The Bee ] Publio Examiner
Blancbard has just returned from the Black
Hills , where ho oxamlned the books ot the
treasurer of Custor county , suspected of
embezzlement Ho snya a defalcation oxlsts
of $12,000. Tlio money had beeu misappro
priated during tbo whole of Treasurer
Flynn's term , but tbo work had boon done
so well that no suspicion was aroused until
the middle of the present month , Flynn had
made regular semiannual reports to the
county commissioners HU vouchois were
filed and cxatniuod und the cash actually
counted ut these sottloinants , and they
seemed accurate aud satisfactory Reports
of the receipts and disbursements bud boon
mudo to the county auditor , who carefully
kept all the books requtrad by law As late
as February 0 the auditor thought Flynn nil
right The report of Flynn's fullura in bus
lnoss led Blauobard to make ua examination
It is thought that the dolloieucy can bo col
lected from his bondsmen Blanchard savs
bo found iiotlnnc to throw suspicion on the
county commissioners or tbo auditor
News by Courier From the llnssiy-
nmpa Dams
Phobxixvhar , Ariz , f eb 24. A courier
just arrived from the lower dam at Uassay-
amptt reports that a tremoadous wave came
down the Hassayompa about 2o'clock Satur
day morning and that thirty-four men lost
their lives at tha lower dam
where they were at work They were ull
whites except three Chinese Tbo courier
reports the town of Wlckonberg all right
The loss ot Ufo in the valley between Wick
oaberg and the dam may not be known for
Bomo days , but it U without doubt consider
able , and the nuoibor may possibly touch
thirty or forty The courier states that the
upper dam had undoubtedly broken und car *
rlud the ether two dams below down with it
The loss of property In the dams ulouo will
amount to about 1800,000.
Tlio Senntn Wilt Investigate ; Execu
tive hcwslon Looks
WwniNaTOif , Fob 21. In the oxecutlvo
session ot the senate this afternoon tbo pub
llcatious of the secret sessions were consid
ered Tbe practice ot discussing nomina
tions boblnd closed doors was criticised by
aoveral senators a * un-American. It is un
dorstood , however , In accordance with
Dolph's resolution offered several days ago ,
that It was decided to make an Inquiry lute
tbe method by which tbe newspapers sc
oured their Information in regard to tbe pro
ceedings of the executive session
Ilonil OfltiriniK
Washington , Feb 21. [ Special Telegram
to The Ueb.J Bonds offered ; 17,100 at
at (1.04 .
Morlcy on thn Report of the l'nrnolt J
CnniiulsHlnn , II
Loxno ; * , Fob . 21. In thocommons Morlov TJ
gave notice that ho would ntTor at an mnoiub F
ment to Smiths motion that the tnuso should * ffl |
ndop ; the Parnoll report , n motlou thnt the 31
house reprobates the chnrgos ns the gravest > mj
nnd most obvious falsehood , based upon / II
calumny , thnt hnvo over Icon mudo against /
nnv of its members , nnd whilst cxpresstuir i
satisfaction nt the exposure of the evil doors
regrets the wrong mil cted und the suffering
nnd loss ondtirod through thou acts of IK '
grant Iniquity
Lewis , the member for Antrim , gave
notice that ho would move that the house
donloros thnt Dillon nnd O'Brien nnd suven
other members had been dealurcd parties to
n treasonable conspiracy ; Unit Parnoll nnd
many others had been doclaicil parties to a
criminal conspiracy , nnd thnt the house
finds the conduct of such members ns deserving -
serving of condemnation ,
Sexton moved to adjourn Ills purpose
was to call the attention of tbo house to the
illegal violence used by the Irish oxecutlvo
nnd the pollco outrages during the Clongoroy
ovictloas -L. _
Balfour said that Sexton nppenrod to
thiulc thnt evicted porsous ' should be nl- I
lowed to violate the law with Impunity I
Cortnmlv landlords should bo chary of the 1
use of violent nntliods orovlctlon , .vol if It I
wns once admitted that the law might bo '
defied , wbonuver resistance was bnckoJ '
by a powerful conspiracy u most injiirlnra
blow would bo struck nt the older in I
prosperity of Ireland
Sir Charles Russell mnlntnlnod that the
government procedure constituted n system
that could : > ot loin : stand beside thnt of n
country governed according to constitu
tional principles The despotism of Balfour '
directly endangered the peace of the cour- i "
try • j
The house voted against tlio motlou to nd- I
Jouin by 190 to 131. J
Chnmhrrlniii'M Charuc * V
Londox , Fob 21. There Is n greal deal tf ' J
agitation In parliamentary clrelos over the
nllogntlon innda by Chamborlntn in a letter
to the Times that the Glodstono party had
mndo n bargain with tlio Parnoll party to
prejudice undenominational education ,
agreeing to ab.uuinn its opposition to Catho
lic schools for Irish support on other things 4
Morolv nnd Sexton have boon Interviewed _ _ J
on the subject and deny any such compact H
Wlndoiu Siyn ( ho Si nor Measure in |
Not a Mnkr-Shlf.
Washington , Feb 21. Socrotnry Win
dom , before thu house committee on coinage ,
weights nnd measures today , In rognrd to
silver colnago , declared that Ills bill was '
framed to moot in the best way ho could devise -
vise the present financial condition of thu
country ; disavowed all charges that the bill
was n moro makeshift ; that its author
did not bolluvc in u und that It wus brought
forward to some olhur mousiiro Mr
Winciom took up in order the objections thai
had been made against thu bill The mutter
of oxclusiou of foreign ores hu covered in nn
amendment to tbo ilrst section pruvidiinr
that every bar of silver Imported must bo
stamped foreign , " us must also such burs
when reineltod or rellncd This pro
vlsu Is elaborated und
penalties pro i
vldod for f.illuro to comply therewith
The secretary answered in a concise manner
other objections und suld ho was convinced
tbo niensuro would meet nil the needs .
out endangering the Interests of the coun
try It would absorb ll.o surplus Bile * ami \
thorebv nut up its price The operations of v ,
this bill would tend to ralso the prlco of "
furm products Free noiuago would reduce S. '
silver below Its present value Ibis ul I v k
would lncre.isu the circulation of the couu * lil
try by $20,0IW,0H ( ) annually B
Cause n Picrro Man to Fall from a. '
hijHiril I tin I Bronk Ili-i Ml „ , ( t
PlEititE , S. D. . Fob 21 [ Spaptal'Tolo-
gram to Inn Ucn.J Tbli"vorcduig a
man n lined Pietzh If , Jogyj - wprking on a '
scaffold at the electric lighttvorV ) cumo in
contact with a wire on wh'idli Hqo current
was turned , which stunned lum iind"eousod
him to fall a good distance , breaking u ' othv '
thighs From the story ho tolls it appears '
ho is a Hu3iau fncitivn and bas been Impli
cated in many anarchistic pints in that coun
try among wlucti was ono two years ago Io
blow up thu tzar Ho ulso unirics several
hiL'h state anJ military officials In that
country who weio concerned In tno same
plot but bavo never b ou nrrcsted The man
tbnuuht be wus about to die from his uccl *
d 'nt which brought forth the ubavo coafus
sion *
Lnw nnd oidi-r li'-i-gif. I
TonosTo , Fob 21 I he Law und Ord r J
lcairuo toduv elected C. C. Uonnpy of Cbl- t' '
cneo prosidout Among the Vice presidents -r 'X
nro J. P. Ramsey , Illinois . B Olln , Wi-
consul ; L. D. Collin und C. C. Noursu , lowu ;
T. H. Lcuvitt , Nebraska ; Senator Moody , ,
South Dukota
All ICC HllllHI Co liPPe
AbiiLtxi ) , Vis . Fob 21 The Superior Ice ;
company's building at Bust Haylli.ll col j
lapsed this morning Ono mun was intnl'y ,
hurt und suvcml others more or less Injur'a , I
" ho building contained 2. 0,000 , pounds 0 I c.
Dr-ntli nl n Prominent U'-ntiicktm. |
Louisville , Ky , Feb 21. Cfionel John
M. Harbour , a well known business mon
and politician , died hero today Colonel Har
bour was a direct descendant /.achaiy
Absolutely Pure
This powder never varies A marvel of purity 1
strength and wholesomeness Moreoconoralcat
than the ordinary kinds , unit canuot be sold by
competition with tue multitude of low tsst
bhort wolKht alum or phospliuttf powders .S'uld <
onlu in tin t nn , Hovai IIakimi I'owuiclt Co ,
From tlio "MnUral Itrrlrw " Upon the ' * , fl
( lr ti > > iiiiliinisiif User Complaint tlui mil . | Vfl
llliiilml Miflirrr iipplli * liluu pill , inloiiiiil
uiulutlivr mineral piilwuu In thu dilu.lvo <
liopo urolituliilug rUltf \ \ hereiM Ihcwi | > ( i\ i
crfnl nuraulirrsbut nirirmtnte tli U1 > uum >
nnd iluhllltutn the constitution Dr Tutt
liiutlutUtliucmirnKuto Ignore this bllllnif
jimctiio of tlio old Kilioul , IIUrciniHllia ,
ilruwn from I ho viKitablo kingdom , uro nl-
mo > t liilruoulouit In riiimatiiiK thu tirukrn
duvrn huily TliulillvrnofcuruilputleiiUlu
tlieluct < irai < Mii < vwluiiurHutrlbutuufgrat
Undo to Ills ( fenltin und bklll ivliliU but few
tun inhibit JllsLlverl'llUuro sent all ov r
tlio world Tlutrrun lx > fuiiiul In uvery tuwa
awl hamlet In the Unltid Mutes "
Tutt's Liver Pills '
i(0TEG0) ( ) >
Xqr CoLLaR