The Omaha I Daily Bee I \ \ NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , THURSDAY ' JtfQltNINGt j FEBRUARY 20 , 1800. NUMBER 241 , THE DEADLOCK IS BROKEN Iowa's Loglslaturo Now Rondy to Proceed to BuslnosB DEMOCRATS GET THE SPEAKER , lltit by tlic TcrniH oT the Comprombin Ho Will rind IlliiisoirCom- - " plctcly Shorn of His . Power s Substance nnd Shadow DJtsMoiNrs . Ia , Feb 19. [ Special Tcle- , cram to The 'Dei : . ] The deadlock In broken nnd tbo Iowa loglslaturo l formally organ , hod For the last two day * there hns boon a general disposition to end the doadtock In omo way The democrnta wanted to dlvldo the committees and minor offices equally and then draw lots for the spcakor Several re I publicans onposcd that plan , and fuvorod balancing the speaker against the bulk of the ether ofllcials The republicans decided lo- ' day to test the democratic claim * that they • 4 would accept any proposition that gnvo them the Bpcnkor , so they fixed up an offer on the Jug handle plan It gave the democrats the * speaker and second assistant clerk and n few pages and doorkeepers , n total of fifteen po sitions , and It gave the republicans all of the other important offices , a total of thirty-six , and allowed the republicans to i ) rclect the first llvo commlttoes and hnvo an equal number of what was loft The demo jp cruts reeoived the proposition with scorn and dcinnndod that It bo greatly moil I Ilea The republicans refused , nnd told them that It was that or iiothlnr , since they bad said they would glyo anything for the speaker ship 1 hero was a stormy scene in the dome cratlo caucus , some of the loading democrats declaring that It was giving up nil control of legislation for the snlco of n drum major But tholr storming did no good , and they llnully surrondoicd and accepted the terms offered The republicans were Jubilant when the news was mndo known they had ended the den J lock on their own terms They give up the Bpcnkor , but ho Is so shorn of his power that ho cannot appoint it slmrlo eotmhlttco They not all of the minor M ofllcos worth having and a clonr bonus of H llvo of the host commlttoos They will proba * * B nbly tane Judiciary ways nnd means , lcgls- H lntlvo , apportionment , appropriations and K suppression of lutempcrancn Then they B nro to hnvo half of the remaining commit B tecs , choosing altornatcly with the demo BBJ crats They nil ] boiicvo that they have BBJ the substnnce and the democrats the shadow BBx as the result of the compromise BBJ The deadlock began llvo wcoks ago last BBc Monday , and is llio longest ; deadlock of the i kind In thirty years f Tbo HUbJect of Inauguration Is already bo- * _ v , ing discussed , and it is thoucht that it will [ H _ toke plnco next Wednesday LIcuteuant fcc / \ _ * . Governor Poyncer Is here with his commit * * * kj V" ' tecs ready to announce at any time , and Governor Holes is ut Waterloo with his inV - * * * V augural nddrcss ready to deliver whou nn T opportunity Is given B Hamilton Kleetrrt Spanker H Dr.s Moisns , In , Feb 19. The domocrnts H 1 the house wuntod tlmo this morning to HBm ccsidor the republican proposition mndo V yesterday , so ndjournmont was taken until HBl 2130 this afternoon The democrats ut once B H WL"1 'nto ' caucus They decided to accept B t'5 reuublfcan proposition If the ronuhllnris B would concoda them two morccoldmlttocs * B ' The republlcanb at 1:20 wont into caucus to BBZ consider ttioninttor BB § The democratic caucus nuked the rcpubll- BBf cans , in addition to conceding two commit BBf tees , to give up the assistant postmasters , * BB | two doorkrepors and engrossing elorlc BB § The republicans answered Unit they could BBt make the modlllcjitions desired and proscnt BTf ) them to the republican caucus ns a give or BBS tuko proposiiion , and the republicans would BBT bind themselves to accept one sldo or the BBT BB\ When the house was called to order at 2.t0 : BBV n recess of an hour was takou to give the t BBT ] tLg democrats time to consider the matter BBT After the announcement that the dome BBn vv crats had accepted the republican proposl- Bj tlon there was a scene of croat activity in BB the bouso A general feeling of relief pro BB vullcd Up to date , In the llvo wcoks and BJ thrco ( lavs of the session , ninotv-onu ballots BJ have been taken on temporary clerk , and BB ISO on speaker BB Wbcu the house rcassemblod 'at 4 o'clock ' BB adjournment wns token until 7:80. : The re- BB publicans iwmodlatoly wont into caucus to BBnomlnato parsons to till vacancies on the BJV ticket ami dctormlno what committees they BB } would have BJ At the evening session Luke mtroaucod it BB resolution embodying the terms of thoagreo- BB inont On motion of Boor ( dom ) , sccondod BB by Bycrs ( rep , ) , the resolution was unanl- ' BB mously adopted On the ono hundred and BJf thirty-sovonth roll call Hamilton ( dom ) was BB unanimously elected speaker Ohuttloy of BB , Wills und Johnston of Dubuque , wombers BB who were In the deadlock of lb74 , were up- BB pointed n eommltteo to escort the permanent BJg speaker to the chair , The oaths of ofllco BJ | worn admlnistorod , and after a few remarks BJg Hamilton announced the duties of his ofllco BJf The election of the remainder of the olllcors Bk1 * . was proceeded with , rcsultlug as follows : BT V , * Spoukor pro torn , Silas Wilson ; chlof BB * T v cleric , Henry S. Wilcox ; llrst assistant B " dark J. A. Skoltou ; second assistant , W. BJ | II Uobb ; engrossing clerk , Miss Olive BJ | Conger ; enrolling clerk , Miss Lucy Par BJ sons ; sorgoant-at-nrms , S. P. Zonor : bill BJ | clerk , Miss Kittio Jordan ; IIlo clerk , E. E. BH Htnven doorkeeper , II O. Sheldon , The BJf ofllcora wore.sworn In uud the rules of the BH Twenty-second general assembly wera BJf adopted until the rules can be reported B upon A Joint resolution calling for a joint B session tomorrow to canvass the vote for B governor und lloutonant gorornor wus BJf udoptod Adjourned BB lu the senate this afternoon Ilorsh Intro BJi duccd a Joint resolution asking for the np- BJ polnlmnut of a commission to investigate BJ trusts and combinations Woolsou pro BJ Ktfiitqd the report of the eommltteo on rules Hf It was placed on tile and will bo acted upon BB tomorrow Petitions on the senatorial ques- B tlon wcro introduced Adjourned BJf Nn Spenkor , No lny H Dkr Muikes , la . Fob 19. [ Special Telo- H gram to The Hbb.J Auditor Lyons sout a H letter to the house today , repeating his deB - B tcrmliiBtlan not to pay the members tlietr J' salaries uutll u speaker was elected , The , BJfn * ' ' * breaking of the deadlock has relieved him of ' Jf ' cnnsiderablo cmbarrusement , for he was i BJk flying in the face of the best legal opinion in BB > thuetato The ruling of Attorney General BJf Stone is universally approved , uud gives i general satisfaction to everyone but Auditor fJJ Lyons The latter thinks he Is right , though Jf everybody clso nearly thinks bo is wrong , BJf though all admit that ho Is honestly trying J to protect the treasury , m Mr Itoyiiiund Una Vanished J Drs MoiKns , la , Feb 19.- [ Special Tclo- gram to Inn Due ] A few weeks ugo a l J wan giving bis tiamo as Frank Raymond l i- cumo hero from Sioux City Jlc rented n m store room and uunouueed his intention of B opening a grocery store Ho visited the > J church sociables of all denominations , , md I > thus prepared to work the members lie > fj worked mem very successfully , goltlap a fj horeoon credit , a carrmge nuu phaeton in i f | the sama way and soverul other articles J Then ho vanished , leaving ull his bills uu- BJr x paid , driving off with the horsound buggy BB\ . , / ou a prejended trio to the country -to see u i BJlLtr * sick sister The detectives are now work Bx _ ing bard to tarn the rewards which nro i BB r oRored for the return of Mr Haymond aud 1 Jf the goods and chattels that weut with hiui B The Wlnuiia * HoutliwcKtern , K MitON Cur , la , Feb , 19. [ Special Tele- B from to Tub Ulk , ] The citueus of Charles City are nftor the Winona A Southwestern , nnd nro offering heavy inducements in the way of bonuses . The route is from Osngo to Charles City , Hews , Wobstnr City and Fort Dodro to Omaha Olllcors nnd engineers nro now looking over the route Aurora Uitdiy Hcorohed IsnEritxnESCB , la , Fob 19. ISpeoIal Telegram to Tub Hee.J The village of Aurora , ten miles northwest of hero , suf fered from n disastrous llro Monday night The postonicc , llvo stores , blacksmith shop , butcher shop nnd two dwulllngs were en tirely consumed Loss $3,00. ) , with small Insurance WcRtrrn CoIIpijo to He Rebuilt Toi.rno , In , , Feb 19. ( Special Tologrnm to The Ubb.1 The board ot trustees hns decided to rebuild Western eoltego at this place , nnd not rcmovo it , r.s hnd boon pro posed They have now pledged $3j,000 for n now building I'lro nt Uttiuinvn Ottumwa , lu , Fob 19 , rSp cclal Telegram - gram to The I3ee. | The nlogant three story brlcfc resldonco of Mrs Alann Jordan burned at 3 o'clock this morning The Iobs is f20,000 ; Instunnce , $ 'J,000. A Iliibmiin * iVliIurtnnn Dcnd DmiuquE , la , , Fob 19. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Hue ] Alderman William Coats dropped dead this morning of heart disease AN EX-l'KL3Sll > iNT\i lHOlISGB She Fleuron ns rinlntllT in a Clii- cnuo Dlvoroo Court Cntctoo , Fob 19. [ Spociul Telegram to Tnn Oee.I Ida May Ordwnv , the pretty blonde who Ilgurod In Judge Tuley's court ns a protogo of cx-l'rcsidont Cluvoland , makes her second nppcaranco in the chan cery courts in a bill illoi In the superior court seeking a decree ot divorce from Harry \V. Ordway on the ground of doser tlon The bill Is brief and merely rooltos that she marrlod Harry at Schenectady , N. Y. , December 18 , ISSt ) , and came to Chicago to live May 14 , 1S87 , she says , Harry do- scrtcd her and loft her without , any means of BUDport About two years ago Mrs Ord way appeared as plaintiff lu a suit for sep urate maintenance against Harry The de fendant was the soventoen-yoar-old son of n South Water street commission merchant , und made a general denial of nil his wlfo's charges His friends ondnavorcd to make It appear that the youth was a vicitlm ot a woman much his senior und educated in the worlds ' ways In the school of Washington department Borvico Harry was represented ns ! ' young and unsophisticated , but his own testimony \ disabused the court of any such j Idea , und Mrs Ordwny succeeded in thoroughly winning the sympathies of the court \ by producing nn autograph letter from President Cleveland to the head of a depart ment , in which the writer ruconinionrjcd the J bearer as a young lady worthy in ovnry way to J bo given a position Mrs Ordway said the presidential lcttor was succcsssul and she was given n place in the government sorvlco ! , which she Kent for two years Then she ' mot Harry , und against the atlvico of her ' friends murricd him She was givoa a ' for separata maintenance and went to Omaha nnd the west It is said that she lias never been paid the allowance decreed J by the court , und now seeks to got rid of the husband j , who , she says , is of no further use to her A SEANCIi WITH TUB ( JOUBr The Exposed Chicago i-plriiualists Hrltt for Trial CniCAOo , Feb 19. [ Special Telegram to The Uke.I Tho.apirlttiallsts , Carrie Sawyer - yor , Miss Kitty Italngor and Mr Frank Uurke , the husband of Mrs Sawyer , who wee exposed during tholr soances last Mon day night aud subsequently arrcsied , waived examination today before Magistrate Prmdi- vlllo and were bold to the criminal court in bonds of $100 each on the charge of obtain ing money by fnlso pretenses aud conspiracy to defraud In the casu of Miss Hulnger , however , the charge of obtaining money was dismissed nud she was lined $ 'M and costs lor lighting the ofilccrs making her arrest Mr Hurkn and Mrs lawyer were hold on both charges , but as iho lady has a dying daughter ut homo , Mr Utirku was allowed to sign her bond that she might go homo MIssHalnger and Uurku were unable to give bonds , nnd in consequence were carted off to Jail Several of the believers In the spirit uulistio powers of the defendants hung around the court room during the trial , but for some cause did not offer to assist them In their trouble The Sioux Aurooiucnt Wasiiikoto ! ? , Fob , 19. In transmlttlug the Sioux agreement to the sennto today the president says : This ' agrosmont involves a departura from the terms oi the general allotment act in at lnast ono particular It gives to each mombcr of the tribe 100 acres of land without regard to ago or sox , while the general law gives that amount only to the bonds of families There are , ho thinks , sorlous objections to tbo basis adopted in tbo general law , especially in Its application to married women , but if the basis of the argument is accepted , it would , bo bo- llavcs , result tnsomo cases , wbcro there nro largo families of tniuor children , in excessive - sivo allotments to a single family Touch ing the question of the payment by the United States of tbo annuities forfeited by the act of lbK ( ) the president thinks this should not have been considered in connec tion with the negotiation of the cession of those lands and says the forfeiture-declared by the net unjustly Included thoaiinuitios of certain Indians guilty of uo fault and who reudercd good services In the army during the late war ICuvnnngli a Free Mtn Chicago , Fob 19. Thomas Kuvanagb , a building contractor and a member of Camp ISO , Clan-ua-Gaol , on trial for conspiracy in un attempt to brlbo the Croniu Jurors , walked out of court this afternoon a free man The ovldonco in tbo case was con . eluded today after which the arguments were made , the attorneys for both Kavanagh aud O'Uonnoll , moving for acquittal The motion us rogurds O'Uonnoll was overruled , Judno Waterman holding that u Jury should ba allowed to paBS upon the Isstimouy , As to Kuvanagb the Judge ruled that the states attorney had failed lo muke out a case A miin could not bo convicted on the suspicion that he know ot corruption Ho hud a right to Inquire as to the churacter of talesmen summoned or about to bo Tbo motion for acquittal was sustained This loaves only O'Uonnoll on trial out of tbo seven men in- dieted In Churgo ol ° Kt-vmiim Ofllouis Wheeling , W. Vu , Fob 19. Tbo largo tobacco factory of Uloch Brothers was tuken possession ot yesCordav by revenue ofllcors , the proprietors bolngchnrged with swindling tbo goieminent out of nearly $59,000 by sell ing overneight packages Internal Hovemio Commissioner Mason urrivod this morning from Washington uud u long cou fere nee was held with the firm At its conelublon Commissioner Mason in- formed the Associated press roprcsontntivo that the ilrm had satisfied the government cluiui and would ruxuina business at once , Ho would give uo detuils , but it is under mood that lilooh Brothers will uiukn goad thodcllvit 'J hey claim tbo overweight was duo to careless employes und inaccurate 1 scales , lluluarln Jilutt Iay Sofia , Feb 10. Hussia has demanded of the government of Bulgaria the payment ot 3,000,000 rubles of arrears money duo on no- count of the Uutslau occupation durlug 18TS 1 and 187J. The demand Is in part related to i the consolidation under ono government of Bulgaria and eastern Houmuma Itussia i hns never pressed tbo debt but demands the > arrears now uppureutly under a sense of irrllutlea , THE LETrERS THAT CAME , Senator InRnlls Will Spring a Sen sation Boon SOME THREATENING MISSIVES WnrnltiRH Sent by Southorticrs His ! > lcnRt With the Spocah on the ltnoQ Question The Irri gation Problem Washington Uvnmo Tub Omni Uss , } C13 FOUHTBRNTH STllBKT > Wasiusotok U. C „ Feb 19. ] Senator Ingalls is preparing a speech > \hlch will causa n sensation when it Is de livered in the senate Ever slnco his speech on the race question ho has bcon bombarded with totters from thd south A number of them have been pub lished , but bo has kept u collection which ho is nrrnnglng to plnco before the country In a ' speech The majority of theao ouistlos are of the most outrageous character and the threats and intimidations contalnod in thom would bo enough to frighten the average mau , but Senator Incalls Is not the man to bo bulldozed He has also received a num ber of articles which would make a small museum In themselves These will also bo exhibited , It is said , nnd will chow what a United States senator who has convictions nnd the courngo to express them ls _ obliged to stand from a certain class of' people Among the exhibits will bo n cartridge and a totter from an Indignant southerner who cxrluims : The next bullet you recelvo from mo will bo from a rifle " ' WE9TEIIN IllltlOATIOX The irrigation ot the western plains seems likely to receive unusual uttentton in this congress Both houses have special committees - mittoos on the subject which have alreaJ.y bad some thirty or forty mcctiugs Major Powell of the geological survey has spekon before them eight or ten tlmos , exhibiting new maps ot the arid waste and the pro jected irrigation districts and the reservoir systems Already live bills have been In troduced into the senate and house embody ing projects for tbo division of the land aud the use of tbo water of the unfertile basin Most ] of tbeso nro vague and immature , the \ best , thoroughly conslderod and coin ploto ] being that introduced by Mr Sprineor of Illinois A bill is now taking form as a result i of nutnoroua conferences between Major ] Powell , Senators Stewart and Rea gan j , Mr Vaudovcro of California and ether members : of the irrigation committees , which Is | very comprohenslvu nnd which will prob ably i be submitted in congress within a wouk or i two It cannot yet bo published in ! full because therd nro one or two Im portant | questions undoclded Thono bills provide for the survey of the arid region into irrigated districts by hydrogruphic basins , each basin consisting of its stream and its uflluont and all the lands whicli they dralu The ' boundaries ot these basins will neces sarily bo tbo highest ridges of laad dividing them , which will give thom irrogularlty of form and great disparity of size It is obvious that districts so constructed would cross state , lines and inoludo portions of adjoining states aud this would raise difficult queslions ns to Jurisdiction , which ure now delaying the report of the bill In some cases , as on the head . waters of tbo Platte , the Snake and , other rivers nil the rosorvdlrs"toTetuin"thd waters will be In one state and all tbo land to bo irrigated will bo la another , raising a , perplexing problem It is probable that the bill as finally roportcd will establish within each hydrogruphio basin a local government somewhat nnalagous to county government , enabling the settlers within the district to control their own affairs ab ' itely , subject only to the laws of the state uud the United Stutes , They can obtain their lands by honicstendlng , retain the ownership ot the waters within their district , levy taxes mortgage their lands to companies who Khali furnish money for irrigation uud do all other things that may bo necessary in connec tion with tbo fertilization of a soil now unproductive The bill will pro vide thut after u certain number of years , during which the irrigating company shull bo paid for its service , its rights shall cease nud the reservoirs , canals and other works constructed by thom shall pass Into the hands and become the property ot the set tlers themselves It is made tbo duty of the United States Irrigation survey to designate the reservoirs und creeks und mark out the irrlgatnblo lauds , to locate tbo dams , canals and rcsorvoirs and to prevent the construc tion of Itnprovidont and obstructive works or Irrigation by unauthorized parties No settler can acquire more than olghty acres of irrlcratablo land , while mining lands , coal lands and townsltes are to bo obtained under tbo provisions of the existing law All other lauds , Including forrest lands and lands not Habla to irriga tion , nro to remain the property of tbo United States and are to bo hold for the use of the people of the irilgatlon districts It is provided thattha attorney general of the Unitea States , the secretary of the Interior and the secretary ot ugricutturo shall con stitute a national ooard of Irrigation com missioners , to whom all appeals from states can bo made The voters of each Irriga tion district nro authorized to oloot district commissioners , who shall constltuta the legislative body ot the district relative to irrigation , and an irrigation district court and a superintendent of irrigation tor ostray and pasturage is also provided for The dutfes of these officers are defined , It is ex pected that each state and territory will cooperate - operate for the purpose of this bill by choos ing a bourd of irrigation commissioners for the purpose of supervising the ncttou of tbo district commissioners and tbo aotlou of the contemplated law within a given state is made to depend upon the concurrence nnd co operation of that state in tbo purposes of the act Ills made incumbent upon each state and territory to provldo by statute for the condemnation nud relocation or extinc tion ot improvident or obstructive wuter rights rcsorvoirs aud canals wherever they have been established m violation of the publlo good This bill may bo said to represent the popular phase of the irrigation questionas it proposes to dlvldo the lands among settlers olther at cho regular prlco of II 'i3 au aero or free under tbo homestead bill , aud to ooab' thom to own the waters and protect them selves from monopolists and from greedy corporations The ether projects before congress propose either to hand over both the arid lunds aud tbo valuable water to corporations to bo by them reclaimed an J sold at whatever priut 1 tbdy choose to put upon them or to have tno fednral government go to the expense of lr- ricuting und then sell tbo roclalmcd land .to the highest bidder It is cstlmotod that after reclalmutlun the lands ' now und would bo worth from $ .10 to fiV ) an aero Tbo Dili above outlined , which may bo , called the Powell bill , will , if it becomes u , law , enable the people to take the lands and irrigate thom by borrowing money , they to have tno benetitof all the Increment result ing from tlm increased value DEIUTE O.S THE MOULDS 1'AIIl IIILU The debate on tbo worlds fair bill , which ! begins tomorrow , will bo a notable one and cull out tbo bst speakers lu the house of npreseiVjiires , Two duys are allowed for discussion , which means ubout eight hours , unless U diould be arranged to hold night sessions so as to give additional orators a chance , Everybody is anxious to make a | speech on ono sldo or Ibo other but the 1 chairmun of the committee , Mr , Chundler , has reserved ono whole hour for himself , which will leave only seven hours to be di- vided between tbo four contesting cities , or un hour und a half each The extra hour will bo allotted by Mr Chandler to kill the i fair faction , as the opponents of an expos ! tion are called There wus an umuilu ? r scene in tbo special committee when the i question at to tbo division of tuna came ) " up Mr Chnndlcr claimed Ihft right that the chairman of a coiritnltfce bsunllv oxcr- ciscs in apportioning the whole tlmo to suit himself , but Messrs Springer and Hltt pro tested against this and insisted upon nn equal division among the four elttas ! which would have glvon two hours each , bat they could not carry tholr point The rcit of the eom mltteo was against tllcm , ns It had bcon on other matters , nnd'tho division above described - scribed was agreed upor ) . Then came the question ns to the orderJn which the claims of the sovernl cities should bo represented Air Springer insisted that the assignment must bo by lot , and t strnupo to say Mr Flower agreed with nlnij although Mr Chandler nud the St Louis men objected Four sllpsof paper numbered 1 , 'J , 3 nnd 4 were placed In a bat Mr Flower draw No I , which requires the Now York mon to present - sent their ease first Washington drew second - end , Chicago third and St Louis fourth Each city will have ono hour to open nnd n hnlf hour on the second day to closa the do- bate SEW POSTMtSTEItSArPOtNTEt ) . Nebraska Uallagh , Garlield county , Mrs Sarah J. Unllngbt Santee Agency , Knox county , Eugotio M. Cooioy Iown Coppoclc , Henry county , J. F , Kurt ? , vlco S. M. Tumor , removed ; Unions burgh , Harrison county , Mrs A. L. Now land vice II , U , Peckenbaugh , resigned ; Watklns Benton county , U. S. Magg , vice O. Goissicr , resigned MISCELLANEOUS Senators Paddock nud Mandorson , to gether With Congressman Laws , called upon the members of the house eommltteo on publlo bulldlncs nnd grounds today to for ward the consideration publto buildings for Nebraska It yas ngreod by Chairman Morgan and niombcrs of thd house eommlt tee that the Beatrice public building should bo first reported , ns being a bill which has passed the scnato and ono moro oaslly dis posed of The others will follow in suc cession ' ! The president loft today for Pittsburg to attend the formal openlrirf of the Carnoglo library Ho will not roturu before Friday Tbcro will therefore ba no appointment of a paymaster general before tbo end of the week Evorvono is ut sen as to the probable nppointeo , although the , friends of Colonel Terrell still insist that ho has _ the best chance Ilhodcy H. Shell of Indianapolis Is here Chairmun McKinley , wild bus boon suffer ing from la crippo for several days and went to Fortress Monroe todajr to remain u week , will , It i9 said , write tbo report on the tariff bill before ho returns The committee on ways and means will report , the bill to the house onrlv this week If pissiblo Now that the British extradition treaty has bocn ratified and dotectlvos have bcon put on the track of Louise Thobnult , the mistress of Defoultor Silcott , the cashier of the house ot representatives , who.has Just started back to Canada to rejoin her para mour , it is believed ho will bo arrested Miss Thcbault drew some monov from the National savings oanic hare yesterday , but the ofilccrs of tbo institution refuse to say anything about It , There is a' belief in Washington that Silcotthas been bled by detectives , is running close for funds nnd that when ho is out of rossurces ha will surrondcr Ho is thought'to be in Victoria , B. C , now A postoMco has been established at Bal lagh , Garlleld county , Neb Mrs Sarah J. Bullagh haB bcon appointed postmistress upon the rocommondntiouof Mr Dorsoy Senator Wilson today secured the passage of the bill for n publtofbuildlnc at Fort Uodgo , la , to cost MOO.OUO.i Senator Moody's bill 'croatlng n customs collecting district consisting of the Btatcs of North and South Daltotit'passed the senate today tri * Senator Paddock presented a memorial from a Grand Army oflhi Republic Dost , Burtlett , Neb , favoring li Jler dlonr-penslon bill und the repeal of urrearv limit-in the present bill , . . ' i/3" ' - > * ' • * " ' • Gommisslonor'-aronP'c- geenrftlland- ofllco today sent a tolcgrant to the roglstor nnd receiver of the land ofllco nt 0'Nel. | Neb , cautioning them against permitting settlements , entries or filings ou any land recently acquired from the Sioux Indians south of tbo forty-third parallel , as they were not n part of the state of Nobrnsic.i until they were regularly surveyed , allot ments mudo to the Indians and tbo Indian tltlo extinguished , George W. Powers , who has been slght- scolng in Washington , for some daye will leave for his homo tomorrow , at Beatrice A bill repealing the timber culture net was favorably repo rted to the house todav from the committee on publlo lands There is little doubt of the ultimate success of this measure , as it has two'or thrco times passed both houses during the last six years , but never became a law bcsluso there was not action In soma form bj.botb houses of tbo satno congress ' / Iowa and South Dakota prohibitionists mny well rejoice , for Senator Ingalls has in troduced a bill to amend the in'orstuto commerce - morce law by providlngMnat any person shipping or smuggling Intoxicating liquors into a state or territory thut forbids tbo sale of It shall be deemed to bo guilty o ! a mis demeanor , and any railroad company that transports the same shall bo fined f 103 for each offense * General Brooke Is horato consult with the officials ot the war department in regard to the building for new Fort Omaha Senator Paddock today discovered that there has not been credited to the state ot Nebraska a sufficient number of the proceeds derived from the salc . of public lands In that state Tb > 3 bill croatlng tbo state ot Ne braska was passed by congress March 10 , 1804 , although the state was not actually ad mitted to the union until February 20 , 1807. Tbo bill provided that the state should be credited with C percent ? of the umount of revenue derived from the sales of public lauds prior and subsequent to the duto of admission to statehood , The senator has discovered that credit hns only bcon given since February 30 , JS07 , . whan the state came into the union , will ascortaln why the credit was not at leastldated back to March 10 , 1601 , and If it Is necessary will introduce a bill mailing good tbo"umount which the state should have received long a o. Captain Charles F. Humphroy , assistant quurtarmastur , is rellovod from duty at Cheyenne , Wvo , , and will report In person to the commanding general department of the Platte for assignment to duty upon the construction ot buildings , etc , ut the now post at Omaha I'eiiiiy S. Heath Nebraska , Iowa nuitJjakotn Ponsloni WA8iii.NOTO > f , Feb , lO.-f-TSpociaiTotograin toTucHEBJ Ponslonsrhuvo buen granted Nobrasuaus as follows ; , Orlglnalinvallds ; Colwoll , Lincoln : JumesPondergast Pluln view ; Samuel Smith , ' Franklin ; William Craig , Cruwford IloUsue Albert Cotton , Omaha \ . South Dakota i Original invalids Jesse M. Spears , WushlngtoaiHurings ; Daniel U. West , Mitchell , - Iowa : Original invalid Washington Bird , Missouri Vnlloy ; Benjamin * F. Archer ( de ceased ) , Avoca ; Norman * F. Wood , Ains- worth ) William Cable , ' Now Hamp- ton ; Oscar Lemou.f Jlnuasquoton lie * issue Kar.snm E , Hulbfert , Marshalltown : Samuel Corporal ] , Cipcinnati Original widnws , otc Elizabeth j-widow of James Tatoman . 1' ' , Sulphur Springs • - < Kelluy in i bioaKo , Cnioiuo , Feb 19.-2J , h , Kelley , the nlleged Croniu suspect , arrested in St Louis yesterday , arrived hero tonight Mr Cjnk- lin mid Frank Scanon | utterly failed to identify lum as tha nun who drove Crjuin away from the bouse , Other witnesses will be given an opportunity to sea biui to sea if ho li identical with the " loug-iookod-for .SI- mouds " ' Two Ships Collide London , Fob J9 , The steamer Hlgbgato collided wab the ship Sovereign in a fog off Lundy island today and sank Thirteen of the persons on board the alcanier ut the tlmo of the collision , have landed A boat containing six others Is missing * ' . i .i i , * Itreck Uontd I-rli. LirAVETTe , led , Feb 19. George O. Breck of Indianapolis today woti the Atneri- con field chumpnnsbip wing snot from Fred Erb , who won the cup from Budd of Iowa Brock got 49 put of M birds , missing the 0tb , Krb's score wus VJ , GRASD ARMY ENCAMPMENT , The Thlrtoouth Annual Eouulon In Session at Qrand Island IMPORTANT BUSINESS BEFORE JT The I'lrullon oT Ooniinniulor nud the Question of Location Tor the Next Klvo Voars to Ho Dccldoil Onntrd with n Lorgo Attcmlnncc GntND Ist.AN-i ) , Nbb „ Fob 19. [ Snjola to The BiiE.l Dosplto ono of the ugllost storms Nebraska hits witnessed this year , the thirteenth annual cncaninmoiit ot the Grand Army of the Republic , department of Nebraska , opened with unusual intorcst and an attendance larger at this time than on ntiy picvlous occasion Last night every hotel In the city had exhausted its accommo dations nnd private houses were called upon to take care of arrivals on bclatod trains It Is estimated that ever ono thousand niom bcrs of the encampment nnd visitors were present Tuesday night , and the encamp ment did not begin its work until today The encampment formally opened at 8 p' m. , Department Commander S. H. Morrcll presiding All ot the session was taken up in attempting to formulate the roll of mom bershlp , but nothing was nccompllshod Tliu ovonlng session was oxccodingly stormy The eommltteo on crodontlnls is still out nud unnblo tn report • Grand Island Is a candidate for the per manent location of tbo Grand Army ot the Republic encampment Lincoln has an active committee on hand pro seating the claims ot the capital city for permanent hcadquartors of the department and Norfolk is out hero in force contesting for the same honor The determination of the matter will htngo largely upon the selec tion of commaudor for the ensuing year It an Omaha mau is made doptrtmont com mander Norfolk or Grand Island will no doubt secure thoencampmout , but if Lincoln orSoword carries oft the prize in the way of department commander the encampment will go to Hastings or Kournov There arose so tar onlv three candidates for department commander Major T. S. Clarkson of Omaha , Joseph Toter of Lincoln nnd Mr Parkinson ofSoward Of the three names the llrst is the most nonular Maier Clarkson Is strong because of his largo iirquuintanca , his muni- fest zeal In Grand Army work and his gen tlomunly aud courteous bearing The opinions expressed so far by members of the encampment show the drift of thought , and it i is toward Clarkson Purkinsou has some following because of his active support of Pnnner when that gentleman wus com missloner i of pensions But ho does not now llvo in the state , hav j ing secured a clerkship in ono of the do- uartments nt Washington , and is therefore not likely to be selected The Omaha dele gation is industriously presenting the claims of their candldato aud feel quite confident that t ho will go in by a good majority As usual , there is a 111 tin contest between locult- tics i Tbo South Platte people generally favor j Toter for commander and the North Platte j boys Clarkson This contest will provo tntorosting , as the friends of the three 'J avowed candidates are sawing wood at a lively j rate , ' ; There is some uneasiness felt lesttbo storm naw | prevalent-may toop away many who would otbi rwIso have 'beeu present General Algor and staff ure expected tomorrow Colonel { Morrow of Sidney of the regular army , Is In attendance und bo is General Dli- worth Governor Thayer , Commissioner Steen and other , state ofllcars are in nttondauco A largo parade was the feature of this af tornoon A. .Sncnlc Thiol- Arrested Beatiiioe , Neb , Feb 19. [ Special Tele gram to The Bee.1 A sneak thief giving the , name of Samuel Francis Young was caught ' ibis morning in the actof robblifg thc till of a bakers wagon , nnd a livolv pursuit of the thief wus began , two or three hun dred citizens Joining in the chase Ho was finally overhauled in an uuthouso und taken to the city jail , where it was discovered that ho had all the ovldonces of a good record ns an export crook On his person were found two overcoats , one of which wus found to have been stolen from Steele's store Mon day night , also a pair of shoes stoloa the same night und a lady's ' gold pencil , which was Identified as having been stolen from the rifled trunu at the Burlington depot that same night His case will bo taken under consideration by the grand Jury tomorrow The musio and steaollstore ot H. S. Wood worth was broken into by burglars last night and a quantity at stencils and tools stolen illnir Notes Blair , Neb , Fob 19. [ Special to Tub Bee.J A saloon operated for the past year by Nato Davis and Dave Herman was closed yesterday by the shorlff Herman sold out bis interest a few days ugo to Dotleif Smith 'J ho firm was owing for roat and borrowed money to the umount of about flOO Rev Power , Rev Whiting , S. C. Boyle nnd William Sutherland left for Lincoln to day to attend the prohibition convention Thoodor Bailer today started for Grand Island to attend tbo Grand Army of tbo Re public encampment The citizens called a mass meeting today at 4 p. in to tuko measures toward giving aid to the Dakota sufferers Mr Troup of South Dakotu Is expected to makke a statement of the condition ot affairs in bis state Aalilnuil Flrninen'H llniiiiiot | null Hall Ashland , Neb , Fob 19 , | Special to Tub Bek.I The flromon's banquet and ball at the opera house last night was a success so cially and financially This Is the first ap preciation the people ot tbo town have shown tbo boys The work dona by them recently in saving Mr Wlntmoro's resldonco when everything was against thom , met the up- Firoval of nil , und merltod the recognition of ast evening The attendance was largo and tUo , amount realized was about (80 , which is to be paid into the treasury of the Firomen's association Iloih Arms Itrokon Beatiiioe , Neb , ' Fob 19 , [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bee ] George Strockoy , a loading merchant of thu Woit side , wus acci dentally throwu from a coal wagon this af ternoon und broke both arms His Injuries nro of a serious character und it is probublo that ono of his arms will have to bu ampu tated in consequance Gnvo Himself Up Neuiiaska Cur , Neb , Fob 19. [ Special Telegram to The Bee | Ham Merry man , who jitinpsd his ball , being hold to the dis trict court for shooting Mrs , Goodman dur ing a neighborhood quarrel , returned to tiio city last night and gave himself up The WoMhcrForec.iHt , . For Omaha and vicinity : Fair weather For Nebraska ; Fair , variable winds , warmer Friday morning ( For Iowa : Clearing iu pxtremo northeast portion , fair in remaining portions , colder , northerly winds South Dakota ; Fair , variable winds , warmer Friday morning , Sut'o nt IHtaburu PjTTsmmo , Feb , 19.-Tho train bearing Proldont Harrison and party reached Pitts burg at 11 o'clock touight The party was drivou to the Duqucsne clnb , which will bo the presidents headquarters during his stay iu the city After a light lunch th weary executive retired tor th * night COMPOUND Ii.VItl ) . Ita Advocntes Sny It Is Not nn Adul teration jVT > * mnotox , Feb 19. The house com miti j u ngrlctilturo today began the hoar IngVL- legislation proposed by Congress nianW' 'orworth's bills to regulate the manu • _ _ ire nnd sale ot compound lard mid the taxi n of the product thorcof A. K"i ill of Boston , representing the ndvocii { the Conger bill , nskod the com mlttea t > ort it favorably to the house Al xaiidWcdderburk \ , representing the national grni go , Patrons of Husbimlry , addressed - dressed the eommltteo on behalf of the far mers Ho read resolutions of the national grunge nnd letters from planters in tbo south declaring iu fiivor of legislation In tended to prevent the adulteration of food or drugs The Interest of the fnrmor In the subject lies In the fact , Wcdderburk snlil , that ho can produce only pure lard uud lie suffers by competition with the adulterated article , the manufacturer of which is do- Btroylug his commerce In this article with foioign countries The Conger bill , ho said , would protect the cotton ratsors ot the south Colonel Brlghnm of Ohio , innstor of the national grange , Patrons of Husbandry , said the subject of adulterated goods had been considered in the national grange for sev eral years , and that It had endorsed the Conger bill Victor G , Piollott of Pennsylvania , n mom bor of the leelslativo commlttoo of the na tional grange , closed the bearing in behalf of the ndvooatos of the bill , nnd George II Webster of Armour & Co opancd the case for its opponents Ho asserted thnt com pound lard Is not an adulteration , but nn economic nnd meritorious mingling ot lard with ether pure substuncos , The higrcdleuts are prlmo steam lnrd , cotton seed oil and beef stcurino His firm puts compound lard on the mnrkol branded by Its proper name Ho said there was enough pure lurd tn the Unltod States to meet the demands The people do not ask for this legislation , and Webster predicted that if It was onactcd into a law It would operate llko the oleomar garine law The manufacture of the article lncieased whtlo the pricoof butter was never so low If legislation of thin character Is to be passed ho favored Faulkner's bill In tbo senate for n food division In the agricultural department Henry C. Butcher , representing the South ern cottonseed oil company , said the effect of tbo bill would bo to kill the manufacture of compound lurd Unless it o.n : bo shown that compound lard is composed ot dolotcrious of substances Injurious to the pub Uo health there is no reason to place It under government control As a matter of fact compound lard is loss likely to bo tainted by animal diseases than pure lard Legislation of this character was dancerous in tendency , resulting in the building up of ono industry at the expense of another The bill would destroy the demand tor cotton seed oil placing } a uouuio ouraon upon tno people or the section In which that product was pro duced Adjourned until next Wednesday GALI/AN1 UAMWlUlili Ho ' Furnished Antedated Questions to it Young ; Lndy • Washington , Feb 19. The three civil sorvlco , commissioners and Frank Ilntton , editor of the Washington Post , which mndo the t charges ngainst the commission , and u number of other gentlemen were present when , the house committee on civil service . reform this ovonlng began its investigation Commissioner ' Lyman testified that his brother-in-law I , A. C. Campbell , had xocelvcd , , , .aovora ' _ l _ promotions , ono of them | in April , * jlSS9 , when ' the witness was solo commissioner Campbell did not pass , any'examination for promotion , com missioner'sr clerks not being required to do so In January or "Fobruur.y"Commissoner ! > Oborly , called the witness attention to the fact that examination questions were being furnished to outsiders The next day ho discovered that thesa questions were In Campbell's ' handwriting , and at witness sug gestion tbo chief examiner made an investi gation and found the questions had not boeu used Campbell acknowledged that ho had made coplos of them for a lady friend id the ponslon olllco who had como to htm for assistance in passing the examination for promotlon , Campbell Informed the witness that ho told this lady that ho did not know any way to help her except that ho might give her a sot of questions formerly used that would embrace the subjects included in thu examination for promotion , Witness placed the mutter in Obcrly's hands , as It would have bnon manifestly improper for witness to act in the case With respect to the criticisms made grow ing out of the witness daughter making ap plication to take the civil service examina tion before sliu hnd reached a legal ago , Lyman said his daughter had acted witnout consulting him His daughters application was made before the rule regurdlng the ugo i of applicants was adopted , but the examina tion did not take place until after tbo change i had been made In response to a question by a member of the eommltteo Lyman said Oberly , after in vestigating the charge ugalnst Cnmpboll , stated it was merely nn offouso ugalnst the i technical dlsoipllno of the ofllco , involving r no turpitude , uud that u reprimand would bo i sufficient punishment Commissioner Roosevelt said that when ho i learned of the Campbell matter Commis sioner Thompson nnd himself bad conducted at inquiry into the matter and after learning that Oborly had continued Gumpboll In ofllco they had concluded 1 that they would not bo Justllledln reopening ; the case Roosevelt ca * lled attention loathe ) editorials in the Washington Post , contain ing the cbargos ugaiust the commission , und I said as fur as they affected the present com mission they were unqualified falsehoods Commissioner Thompson corroborated the i statements of Roosevelt concerning Camp bell The commlttoo ndjournod , subject to i tbo call ot the chairman BISHOP DUits' TRIAL Charffcd AVIth Conduct Uiiliecciinin ; it Christian Cleveund , O. , * Fob 19. Bishop Ran dolph Dubs of the Evangelical association was placed on trial today at Salem church for conduct unbecoming a Christian , " Fifteen clergymen constitute thu trial commit'eo and Bishops Eshor and Bauman of Chicago are present The charces ugaiust Bishop Dubs are tnat bo accused Rev , Flit zlnger of BulTulo and E. B , Eshur , a son ot Bishop Eshor with having fulsllled u tele gram which be sent several years ago re ferring to church business and thut on two occasions ha was familiar In his con duct toward two women nothing crlmlnl being charged , however The Evangelical association has inanv churches in Illinois , Indiana , Ohio and Finn sylvania and the northwest Bishop Dubs has always bean populurund friends decluro there is envy back of the present trial The investigation is being made behind locked doors , and Bishop Dubs rcquost , today for a certified copy of tbo record o ( 'nuuh session was refused His son was denied a sout He entered a protest against the aJinlssion cf written testimony unless ho was glvon the piivilcgo of croes-exuininliig the wit nesses That was Impossible us no wit nesses were bore Bishop Dubs then with drew , declaring the Investigation should pro ceed without his presence in us much us ho hud been deprived of all rights His frlouds say the charges nro false and hare no foundation whatever m Confirmations WASiUMa-tox , Fob 19. Tbo following nominations have beeti confirmed by tbo senate : OIUInoIs-G. D. Cartle Cirllnville ; W. W. Lewis Leha : J. A. Wtlloughbv , Bellovlllo Nebraska J. W. Johnson , Sutton , Wis consin James Driver , Parllngton ; II J. Smith , Raclno Ilond OlToilius Wasiunoto.v , Feb , 19. [ Soecial Telegram to Tub Bee.I Bonds offered ; 11,283,000 , at ; HO.000 at | lWJf CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS Hnrrlaon'a MosanRo on the Sioux Agreement Rooolvod TO INVESTIGATE FREIGHT RATES A Resolution From the Intcistato Coimucrro Coiuuilttco Adopted DisuiiNslon on the Okla- huiiin Hill , Honntp Wamunotov , Fob 19. In the sennto today - day the presidents message transmitting the agreement recently mndo with the Slsse- ton and Waphetou bands of the Sioux In dlnns for the cession of their lands was pro * sontod nnd roforrcd to the eommltteo on In- dlan affairs ' Among the bills reported from the committees - toes nnd placed on the calendar were lliotol- lowing : For the Inspection of moats tor ox- portutlon nnd prohibiting the Importntlon ot adulterated urtlolcs ot food nnd drink ; for the relief of women enrolled as army nurses Mr Cullom , from the Interstate com mcrco commlttoo , reported a preamble nud resolution reciting the allegation that by reason of tbo oxccsslvo frolght ratoa the great section of country lying bctweon the Rocky mountains and the principal food distributing cantors In the east Is unnblo to matitet Us food product , or to obtain for them the actual cost of production , und dl- reeling the eommltteo to investigate such allegation uni rnport to the sjnato whether such rates nro reasonable or unreasonable , nnd whether the , reduction of such rates is prevented or hindered by reason of nny provision of the interstate commerce - morco net , nnd whether it moro stringent onforcomout ot that net Is practicable and would bo n romoay for the evils complained of The resolution was ugreod to Iho resolution heretofore offered by Mr Chandler calling on iho attorney general for Information as to the assassination of Dup ' uty United States Marshal Snuudeis in Florida wns taken up uud passed Mr Pasco proceeded to address the senate in explanation ot the facts and circumstances of the ease air Pasco had not concluded his address when the hour of 'i o'clock arrived und the educational bill came up us unfinished uuslness Mr Blair , however , yielded the floor to Mr Wilson of Inwu , on whoso motion tbo senate bill appropriating { 100,000 for a public building nt Fort Dodge , Iu , was taken from the calendar und pnssed , Mr Call call in if attention to tbo fact thut this wus the fourth DUbllu building bill passed for Iowa this season The senate bill establishing a customs collection - lection district to consist of North nnd South Dakota was passed Mr Blair thou resumed his argument iu favor of thu educational - cational Dill Without concluding his speech Mr Blair yielded for an executive session , after which the senate adjournud House \V\siiinuto.v. Feb 19. In the house * " today Mr Rowull of Illinois , chairman of the eommltteo on elections , gave notice that ho would call up thu West Virginia contested election case of Atkinson vs Pendleton for consideration next Wodnes- day Under call of the cOTimlttoes Mr Adams of Illinois , from the Judiciary committee , called up u.bllLto divide the judlciuLdistrint of North Dakota into four divisions , tbo sosslons of tno courts to bo hold at Bis- murcir , Grand Forks , Fnrgo and Devils Luke Thu bill was passed , as'Wus the corresponding - responding scnato bill , with amendments providing for u division of South Dakota into thrco divisions , the sessions of the court to bo held nt Sioux Fulls , 1'ioiTO nnd Deudwood Mr Sherman called up the bill to provldo for the terms and places of holding Unltod Stutes courts in the districts of Minnesota and it wus pussed witli amendment The senate bill authorizing the president to confer the brevet rank upon army onicers I for ualluut service In Indian campaigns slnco 1807 passed ,1 At 1 : ! 35 the house wont Into eommltteo ot 1 the whole , Pavson of Illinois in thu chair , I on the bill tn provide for the nppolniinent.ot I nn assistant secrotarv of war Alter some I debate tbo bill was favorably reported from I the conunittco of the whole to thu house and I the Oklahoma'blli was then taken un I Mr , Hooker gnvo notlco that ho would 1 iriovo tn stilko out all of the bill nftor sec I tion " " > , providing a judicial system for the I Indian territory Ho said the bill proposed I a grand robbery equalled In the history of I civilisation only by the spoliation of ( Poland I Mr Washington declared that the bill vlo- I luted no property rights of the Indians , nnd I and in his opinion , there could Bo no groutur .1 crlmo against civilization than to leave good I people in n territory wituoul nny govern I meat at nil I Mr Perkins said there was not a single I provision in the blu wbleli infringed on the I rights of the Indians I Mr Moore said the bill should Include all I of Indian territory ; there was no uecosslty I for the division of that magnlllcont territory The Cherokees were the only nation object I ing to the extension of the territorial lines of I Oklahoma and it was n significant fact that I not un Indian appeared to protest The men I who hud uppeared before the commlttoo pro I testing against the inclusion of tbo Cherokee I tbo now territory were ull whtlo I men , I Mr , Springer briefly maintained the abso- I lutorightof the government to the hind om- I bruend within the Oklahoma lines Ho said I there wns not an Indian llvluir on the outlet and the lauds were leased to a cattle com pany At this point thu eommltteo rose nud the Ijouso adjourned > too HniindnrH Murder Washinqtok , Fob , 19. The report ot United Stutes Mnrshul Mizoll of Florida , regarding - garding the recent killing of Deputy Mar Bhnl Saunders ut Qulncy , thut stuto , wns made public today It is substantially the same us tbo story given in these dispatches the night of the killing , being in substance , that huunders wus Invited out to drive by two muo , named MuFurlanund Mitchell , the former of whom bo bud before bad trouble with over the serving of writs , In the afternoon Mitoholl brought back Saunders dead body , but would make no statement as to wbn did the killing beyond xaylng it was not Himself , MePurlun had disappeared , Mlzell had hoard in the looming u report that uu attempt would bo made to Kill homo of the party , und bad warned Saunders not to go out After the murder ho received un intimation that It would bu well for himself and Longford to leavn town , and they did so that night Tbo attorney general said this afternoon that nn steps would bo tuken in thu mutter until the president returns from Alloghouy City , r > yuiinthv With Amoriotn Author ) . New Yoiiic , Fob 19 , At u meeting of the department of superlntondenca of the Nil tionul Educational association toduv u rose lutloii was adopted expressing nympatby I with American authors in the effort tliay are I making to obtain from congress an Interna- I tlonal uipyright law , I I A Hie Contract I New Yoiiic , Fob , 19. President L > wry of I tbo St Paul & Minneapolis street railway company this morning signed a contract for - an electrical oqulpment for 3)3 miles of roaa in those cities Ibo contract is said to bo the largest ot its kind over made , the tuiount I involved being tj,00),030 , m I Tiio Jieatli Iteonril Lospox , Feb 19. Joseph O. Blfger , the well known homo ruler and member of tbo I house of commons , died today of heart disease , Ho was sixty-two year * of age , I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I