WL THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , EEBllUAEY 10. 1890. 7 | H SPECIAL NOTICES Mp OMAHA U E ( No otlvortlsomcnts will bo taken ( or HIP thoBo columns nftor 12:30 p. m. K Terms-Cosh In odvnnco & branchToffices Hi \ Advrrtlalnp : for these Column * Will be taken Ml \ on the above conditions , nt the follow Inn busl- ' H \ Hess houses who nro nuthorlred nRents torTiie t H Ilrk speclnl notices , anil mil qnoto the same j rates as can Da had nt themaln miles H Q'Jl'TII UMAIIATlKANril OFFlbn-Corner ] K tT3 otTncnty-stxtnand N attcots , Nebraska IB Binlngs bank building M § "TOIIN W. ifiTLLv Pharmacist , KM bouth Tenth Mi V Btrtet IK aMHASF * r.DDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 ME v-f bouth 1Mb btreot _ _ ME ( J if FAHNSWOItTIl , Fhnrmaclst , _ llj Cum IHj r5 Ins Bt reek _ WTJ IIIKIIIK * * , pharmacist , C24 North Kith > V . Street , _ B JPSTIorV PA Hit , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven I VJ woith Street HE rr0IliS' : PltAUMCV , 2S8 rarnara Street ft ' SITUATIONS AVANTKO _ FJr \\7'AN1ll ! ) lly a yoUnn ; man of tompcrato * T > habits , position in store or olllco , V4IIIcc. IJB QITUAIION as housekeeper for a widower _ _ I JNo oblcctlons to children or going ; nut of the _ _ _ city Address V 40 , lleo HU-18J _ MM "ljOukhTlilll'ISU Firt-clan , wants position j JJlnollIro or lunk ; live joars' experience ; K references furnlshcil Adduss V 11. llee otllce S AN experienced cutter and practical tailor . wants situation as cutter Address Coot 341 Green nt , Louisville , Ky 01318' M 5TiN0lllAI'lliit : ( : and bookkeeper , proficient m ij and oxptrlcnceil , desires a good position Address ITiiON 18th street , KH'JIT m " " V AVANTKD aiAlili III-Uil * . BBivXTjN Vl'At A Rood draughtsman t good po- k i V sltlnn and good salary , f ) . K. McDonald , 1'reinont , Neb Ml-Slt \\7ANTttI ) A good local onorgetlo agent to TV take our line of odolless feathers and pil lows ; also bedding supplies Address P. E. I Little & Co Bt Louis , Mo UW-llrr. TaTAN'MII ) Currlngo wood worker Athow ii & Ynrten , 2Gth , between N and 0 streets South Oninbn i9-31t j , . TXTANTL'D-Cnrpontcrs , Apply Thomson lfl | Y ' Houston works , 5th nudjoues 018-10 $ 1 Y\TANli:0 2 first-class moat cooks , f 60 and ' M0nlso ; 2 second cooks , Ml and H5 and boc- I end baker JJO Mrs ilrefn.IHIii S. 15th. 1 1147 1BJ WANTHD Practical gardener used to mar ket gardening Apply ltd house uorthenst of east end ot Locust street bridge Ciit-orf j Island tOi-Silt wy A FlItST class canvasser for Omaha , Council • ' ml _ .liluirii and South Omiihn , can make 8i5 per W Vicok , uddres V 11 , lleo olllce U18-1HJ WAM'll-A young man of good addrecs , _ Uooil salary ; must lu\est.JUI. J. M. Fish ' A , Co . 1)U1 ) . V. Life lllilg Wi-Uj IM \\7ANT11 ! > Four good bauds on wood work | W > Ing machinery E. ii llulse Co , ] J07 ' Nicholas D17-1M Dr.TKOTlVi:8-\Vonantaman In every lo- _ cUllty as special detective Particulars tree U. B. Detcctlya Uurniu Kansas City , Kan iil'2)t ) SALHSMEN on falary or commission to handle tlie'greatest snenllllo vi ender worker mt ofthouge Bella lo everyone Jsnot a luxury W but a ntcefislty Hasuoeriual ; ItHinorlW soon W at once Agouta make from f > tolo an nour Ucneral agents i\anted for lach state and tor- • rltorv fcamplo : t" cents prepaid by express < Wf Tor terms and full particulars addresu the „ Medicated bktn Enamel iffg Co , La Crosse , JM , Wisconsin \m \ 1st B ( C * " \A/ANTii : ) A good collector , wlio can de- .Wj'v j TT pqsll | l(00.uil ( as security , balary , S75O0 ! & y oer month Five per c < ; nt Interest nlloned on i r _ _ _ . / money deposited Call or addrobs Sill , turning ( r street 1' . A. flavin ESI--1 WANT ii : > Salesmen on salary or eonimls- slon to handle the Now Patent Chomlc.il 7\w Ink r.raslng Pencil , 'Ihe greatest selling nov [ city overproduced Liases Ink ttiorouglily In ! two seconds ; no abrasion of paper ; gjvituMO | [ per ctntprollt One agents sales nmounted to RB t > > 10 in six-days ; another * 13 In two hours We IS want OhoMiergotlc general agent for osch state sit I - una territory Sample by mall 115 tents , lor | H . terms and mil particulars , address The Monroe | S Eraser M tg o „ _ La Crosse la bTI-lb * * WANTKi ) Agents for our adjustable door Piatt * : cau sell And out together an oucu H * White enamel lejiofB for window signs , and K new door bells 35 to $ liV a day ( aslly made selling to business men only Address N. Y. | Door Plate Co . in Ann St . Newlork MSlj AOllN'IM Wanted Everywhere , to sell our snipped steel door mats , etc Liberal terms Dxcluslvo territory given those w 1th small cap y ltal Kevr YorkSteol MntCo , , SU1 HwnyN V. A i Pi.Jlt SAIit : > MliN Wanted nt Once A few good men to Foil our goo lh by sample to the wholesale and retail trade We are the largest ' • manufactuters In our line Liberal salary paid M Permanent position Money advanced for M * wages , advertising , etc , Tor terms addrtss T Centennial Mfg Co , Chicago 111. 84l-ror > t { T A OP.N'IS To sell a sure Belling article We L -c\guarantee * : to $3 per day Address or cnll iBV 1101 Saunders st Omabn mt | ) . ] * i A ( i KN J H "Kuropo In fetorm and Calm " "Tlie I " " l jOLGreateslEventB of the Ureatest Century , " \ > * srA that Unknown Country " Authorship un- excelled Henry Domer , publUher ( lniHha i "HTaNIIii ! A machinery and housework put * T ernmaknr at once Gilt L'dgo.M'fg Co . * Columbus , Neb TV - . - 'J m WANTLDAgcnU for Denver State Lottery ft ' Tickets GOo Address A. C lloss Si Co , X Denver Cole ffig aprfl-t ' ft \A/Aria 111) ) JiOnien for Utah , near Collluston \ H and Mllford , U to UXO per day , or Cj ! per uontn and board Fllloy 4 Kramer , cor lltu i and Fnrnam sts 8" .8 WAN1 Kl > Salesmen at K75 permontli salary and expenses to sell a line of silver-plated ware , watches , eta , by sample only : horse nnd team furnished free , Wrlto at once for full par ticulars and sample en so of goods free Stand ardHllverviaie Co , Hoston , Mnss 13ji WAN'IUD All'looklng for work or hiilpto call at C.K Keith's employment ofllceil8W ; B 15th St Satisfaction guaranteed Tel IM ' ( no rockmen , teiimstfrsundKrad- T ers for Utah and Nevada ; cheap rates AlDtlght s Ijibor agency 1 IM ) 1'arnain st L'WTAKTKO 'lTfHN to travel for the Fonthlll nurseries of 'J-CaniulH. Wo pay J51 to tiuia mouth and expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown - - . stock Add btone i. Wellington , Madison , Wis IHcttHJ * wAXTj D rnaiATii : iieu1 . \\7"ANTiii : A good girl In family of 2. neat * aud good washer and ironer , call lno N Mtli U14 ar \yANTKO-At once , girl G23 N. 10th ! J _ KM /TltllTi for general housework KW Uard V- * U17 2W A flIIIL for general nouse work , GU1 tit , XXMary save lUj jn • f7t.XPKIlir.NCKn cook nnd laundress lu smull * V McCord.Wi 'ftm ' i'5Dcea ' . rciulred Mrs W. H. . 18th st OTO TirANTBD 1 lady , 2 joung men to receive TT Instructions and keep books . J. II Smith 040 New York Life building mi lut I WANTKD-Ex ' perieuced girl for general T T homework JS-ilJ Woolworth are to Hf W7ANTKU Oermau woman'aa housekeeper , TT noobjettlons toouacnllil ; a dining room clrls for itapld City I. 'M 0 girls for Kouutzo . Place 4 for the country , chambermaids , girls to assist , nurse girls , 60 for private families Mrs i llrega .lHh < ai5th , IW118' [ s TIaTTY AOENT8-Dress reform goodsft lte ? 15 jy11"1"1 PJ , lc < > • Dent work with old goods ? * = • * " " 2/.W ; Catalogue free Ladles BuppTy Co , / a'lv" Washington st , Chicago jig A | \\7AN11D ; Lady ageiita ( or my now Nov T city Walst"-u child's waist , skirt , panties r hose aud diaper supporter combined Q he cut est little garmeut over made Agents inuko W.fjO ilaily Also Mcintosh waterproof Hag Isns French Peasants , " Mother llubbtrdH Alpaca outside , rubber inside full line ladles and children's furJshlng | goods , btamp for _ , . catalogue , E. 11 , Campbell , 4M Itandolph st , & Chlcauo wn ar WANTED Olrl ror general Housework Call f TT In the morning 814 a. lth RiUSt 1'OIt EXT UOUHKH ' * | 7UJtt HUNT Houses and " tints In all parts 6i X. " the city ; Hats and unfurnished rooms a specialty : parties desiring rent at from U to g ; & be sure to call at 1400 Fernatn st before rent ing , lintts Iteming Agency , IMlmlTJ InoilUKNT 8-rooiu house , 1611 Davenport stZ ! eU ] > eriiio lmiulre HUUDav st , 8-room house 7U1H. 17th ft , 5 per month Inquire tt ) tt 11th iu VS1 aij FOR KENT a room house with all modern , conTtnlencea 110. C. V , Harrison , nil N. Y. a > wrf7 Urn DieS 7HF TTOIISES-For rout ; Ut-rcom flat with 1 ( tf T • Xlmodern couvenlences , rent IH price ofur h. I f ntture tOV ) ; IU0 rain , balance on time Cooper | /v \ W atlve Lnil aud Lot Co , 0J N , J6tn street > 1 sn is m. 'ITIOUM KNT-Naw 8-room bouse , 2 'd and CaF- * . ' fornla sta , all convemences , tiX A. C. Wm - M ley room UX > N. Y , Ufa bldg 1 IflOft KENT tton e of lo rooms , hot and cold 1 water , gss bath room nnd all conveniences Close to motor and cable 701 Ninthst 810-3UT IpOK nENT Klghtroom house , a'l modern ' com onlcnccs ltoom Sil and 2J3 Hrst Na tional bank sv : _ JTIOlt HUNT ( Jood lo-toom tiouso all Moilern conveniences , lnoulront WI Ht Matysave | rM-U * GHOOM corner flat with modern lmpro\e- mej ts S4th and l nvinwortn sts , BUmllJ "IOll ltiiKr A comnfete and elegantly furL - -L' nlshedhouse Iwality first-class , lth cry convcnteiica you could wish for , also barn ; owner will board for part payment of rent Call and let us show yon this , l > , V , Sholes Co , It SI t , 1st Nat ltnnk llulldlng 55L1 * " lAOlt 1IENT InthaT'stabrook block loth and JJ Chicago streets , fine , sol en and elgnt room lints with ai ery convenience and newly pa pered ; thes flats face east on Jefferson snusre park add Micro Is no better locatllon In thocity Iloberts 4lrt _ N lath st ! * lil ! { ! * ITlOIt HUNT Ilnoly furnished houtj Proems , JD \ \ 1 tli nil modern conveniences , east front and In oxcellcnt locality , possession can be given March 1st. For particulars see mo , I ) . V. Sholes CoJ ! w.i' . ITOIl ItlvNT A nent 5-room lirick cottnge.clty . end cistern water , in the heart of the cltj Mead Investment Co llee building TGfl I poll Ill .NT Elegantly furnished prlvnte - residence with all rnodern comeniences also goml barn and nice lawn on cable , only six blocks from P. O.i no finer location In eity ; owner and wife will lake room and board If agreeable ; tor particulars address V t $ Una , IPOH UKNT 0-room house , * 22 per montli , JL'mT' ; S. lKthst BUB 28' • OC.ia Capitol ave 7 roomsi west halt Still lav- ) < -ienport st , a rooms SSB Capitol are 8a ll < J ITlOIt 1IENT Tlie choice flat In the Her block , Sj cor 10th and Jackson sts , nil now iy papered and has all comcnlcnces Call at HIS Ilaruoy , a.'J "VT KW 6 room house , bath , gas , etc 717 8 37th IN st 7b"S0t HlOOM Hat with steam neat , Iftn suncar Jones , ahos P.llnll ail l'nxton block 673 IJpOH KENT An 8-room detached house , fur . naco , batll , etc , SOth and Leavenworth , $10. HaMd Jnmleson , llee bldg 770 FOR HUNT KOOMS KUIIXI8IIKD Foil KENT rurnlshed front room for gen tleman only Apply 1818 Capitol nve Veil SO IjIUUNISIIKI ) rooms , villi board.ln new brick Jt ; rcsldonco with all modern con\enlcncos , 552 B.SCtn IUO DIP B4t ITlOIt KENT Two cheerful rooms with board . In private family , nicely located In modern residence , lteferences exchanged 2IS0 llar- ney st 027-SOr IJIOlt KENT Elegant front room with alcove , well furnished , near cable and horse cars All modoraconveniences Call SOUS Douglas WJ ITHJltNISHED looms (8 ,2012 Harney Xl | 370 S4J FKONT parlor , hanasomesnltof front rooms , also other rooms , llrst-clnss board , modern convenience ; references 18X1 Farnam st 808 SOt FOU KF.NT Ono nlco furnished room No COS N 17th street 1)01 ) lit EOOMS Fnrnlshed or unfurnished , all modern conveniences , with board JStSi S6th st 815 Sit KOOM and board for gentleman 1611 Douglas * BOjl SI _ TJIOU 11K NT A largo , comfortably furnished X1 room in a new cottage fronting on Capitol a\e ; private family ; with or wltnout board Address Y S.1. llee 783 Foil KENT Furnished rooms and board ; 1.118 Davenport st 748 1BJ IflOK KENT Avery largo front and back par lor unturulshed 1720 Capitol ave 732 "TYIOK KENT Ono large front rdomw ith board X1 pjoa Capitol av e. 873 "VnCE room , modern conveniences , 1719 nav- J-N enport 4Klm08 iron KENT Snlto of front rooms , modern X1 conveniences , with or without board 114 per month S2I8 Leavenworth St 303 ST CLAllt European hotel , cor 1.1th and Dodge Special rates by week or month ITlOIt KLNT Furnished rooms , also front nnd - back parlor , 2CO0 Douglas HI IrtUKNlSHBD room and board ; all couvont enccs 1J10 Cnpltol avenue SU1 I7HNELY Fur.ilsticd parioron lirst tloor ; also furnished and unfurnished rooms With good board Call or address iSSi South SUtu st b70-S3t 1SWJDODUE , cor.Suth Suit of handsome fur nished parlors ; other rooms ; board next door . 831 ail IJIOK KENT Nlcoly furnished rooms , with or : without board 17S2 Capitol ave 878 22 ] In LEOANT front room fn modern brick resl- iJdence Hoard ' if desired 1821 Cass at 710 18 ] FOR KENT STOIIES AND OFFICES IjlOK KENT HrlcK store suitable for drug ! store , bakery or laundry for tzvilli glvo a months free ; nddresj \ ib Iteo U1J' .U * O STOKES , SlWand 210J Loavcnworth St ii B78 mil ] IjlOK KENT First , second or third lloor of the . now 3-story building now being built bo- tvveen N. Y. Life and Morse bulidlug un Far nam St D. C. Pntteiton , 518 N. Y. Life , t.08 ' T70K KENT-Half store lJlrt Dougias st "ITlOIt KENT A brick store building In good X1 ropalr at Talmagc Neb Host location In town A good opening for a grocery and dry goods store Jored Cash , Talmage , Neb [ 861 SgJ WANTED A druggist to occupy a store In a block ; rent * J5 per month Wilt give 3 months rent Address V 2llee office 7tl'iii4J STOKES at 707. TOO 711 H. 10th.22xCJ each.lurgo show windows.steam beat furnished Thos P. Hall 311 Faxton blk 147 FOK KENT 3-story brickbnlldlng.1110 Deng- las St , suitable for wholesale or warehouse ' purposes Also brick store , 107 V 13th St lu- ipitre of Chas Kaufman , Uri Douglas St 1211 • ROOM 60x42 wllh power , at Model 8team Laundry 1110 una 1112 Dodge SJJtSJ 'ITIOK KENT Tlie undersigned being ths X' owner of of the following vucaut stores anl dwellings , will rent the same at special lo r rates to secure desirable tenants for the win ter : Two new brick stores 24th and 0race , each 20x80 , with cellars Three new brick 7-room flats , 24th and Oraco , with mantels , bath rooms and modern con venlejces Six new brick 11-room houses , with every modern convenience , for rent at less tnan hal f rates , SOth and Ilurdettn One new brick lo-room house with every con venience , sath and Marcy ono store building and largo cellar , 18th and Wirt , with meat market toots and fixtures , very cheap Six small houses at { 8 and 13 per month each For particulars call at olllce , room 1 , Darker Dlock -U T. ' r 7l ° J ; FOU KENT or sale , 3-story brick building & basement , COxl 13 , formerly occupied by DM BteelnCo , cor lith Ic Harney , fnnulre nftor Feu , 1st of D. ii , Steele & Co . cor.Uthi Jonrs ' IWfJ3 TjVOK KENT Deilrable store and Hats cheap , X ! Kllkenney & Dray , Continental block " 850 V Si TTIOH KENT-rThe 4-story brick building , wlih X' or without power , formerly occupied by the Dee Publishing Co , Ulii Farnam st The build ing has n tire-proof cement basement , complete steam-heating fixtures , water on all tlie lloors , gas , etc Apply at the olllce ot The Uee H > FOU KRNT-8tore 1111 Farnam t. , 20x128 feet , 2 stories and cellar Nathan Shelton , 1614 farnam st 115 FOU KUNT-HOOMH UNl'UllNISlIKI ) ONE large unfurnished room , 11J 8. UthSt 8ftH" ] ; ? UN FUHNISIIED chambers for housekeeping t for man and wife ; no children , am N 17th. , - { Mb SIJ KOOM8 unfurnished at KliiJ Jackson > ' O 713 20J TTiOll UENT 4-room suite unfurnlshr lsuM > X1 able for housekeeping , gas , water M. to family w tlhout cbllareu ; uorthwest corner lt&fi ami Webster lU 140 ACANTKD TO KiXT ANTBU-Nlctly furnished roam 16 good locality , wtu | board , by two young ladles Address V , Dee , tiQJ la' MISOEIiLANHOUS ATIONAL UNJQN-AM rnenibers of this order In Omaha are requested to send their address to W. E. Hndley , U. 4'1 ' , Cham Com Purpose organisation sit 18 IP you wish to rent a bouse or store see It B , Cole Continental buck * ISO infants cared tpr under one year old ALL Farnam st . Mrs Kennedy 745-201 ANT IsD Ladles durlngthelr confinement W best care given Dr , Mrs , Kuntze-iaiamu JtrnOMENTS tncenanlcs * " llenf , warrants Jury and witness fees bought for cash d. ItEdwards 11.12 , Darker lllk _ _ JK * "lil IT Tcrome , cTiatteT Toan agent , has reX - X ) moved from ltoom 411 SheMoy block to Dooms 317 nnd 318 First Nnt't bank building , 70H-21 * AUCTION sales every ruesdanThursday and Saturday morning at 1111 Douglas street , Omaha suction A Storage Co 1 > 2 EO lVoKLLKNtlEOlC teacherof the banjo , ltoom 21J , Douglas block , or lleo Oflice 213 HE COLE , rcllablo fire Insurance 150 HE COLU.notnty public and convej niieer . 150 KUNTATi AOKXOV H\\ COLE , rental agent ; Continental block . 150 Ir you want your houses rented , list with Ex clusive Kontal Agency , Purrotto 16th and led gC ; g2Bml * J71011 KENT Houses and stores Property • cared for taxes paid Midland Ounrantoo &Tmst Co , Ifllt Fainamst Abstracts 153 rmtsoNAriS PIANlTTuner nbould bo aconiblnatlnn of gontioman , mechanic and natual musician ( leo lltooinllold modestly requests td bo so combined Excellent references ; charges rea- sonable Ill N. 17th. H..8 S2t ANYONE knowing the wheroibouts of John Paul , who formerly worked In ntnrbcr Bhop on ( Ireoii St , will plossosend nny Information they nave to David H. Paul , lock box 4 , Elilrldgo Iowa Uil-lVJ WANTED lly a young man to correspond with some young lady , object mnriiage , Rttlctly confidential , address Clnrenco Dartlett , Kearney , Neb Mil 18J < JPEOIAIito lnvnllds Come all you who are Oslck.you who are nllllctod with piles , you who arosulTerlng with female disorders , and have spent a fortune to got welL and nro still dragulng around , feeling too sick to work nnd not sick enough to go to bed , colno tonic 1 havoestablished homo lnvnllds" a for wno can be aired at a reasonable price My rome dles are Just what I claim thorn to bo , as thous ands nre ready to testify Dest of city refer ences given For terms call on or address , Miss Zoa M. Firby , proprietor nnd manager , olllco 1621 Clark st , Sherman avenue motor line , Omaha , Neb 424 1F Michael Shoehy who enmo to America J about twenty years ngo , will send hlsnddrest to David Hurley of Wnverly , Neb , ha will hear something to his advantage 771 lbt EVKKYJIODY to know Domestic Sowing Ma chines E. L. Lovejoy Agt * 118 N. 15tn St . KO 23 J J. Wilkinson , room (118 ( Faxton block . 154 LADIES and gentlemen can rent masquerade suits at 022 N loth St HI f28i SPECIAL lo Invalids 11,000 for any case of piles , or any case of tomalo weakness , which my SpectUc llomedy will not cure Safe and sure and pleasant it.OO foe ono months treat ment , sent to any address on receipt of price Address Miss Zoo M , 1 Irny.genrral agent for Ne braska A : Iowa Oftlce 1018 Clark st.OmahaNeb 710 PIS " IjOST LOST Lady's pocketbook ltoturn to W" It Dennett's and recelvo rew nrd M3 18 * STIIAYEI ) or fctolen Ilrlght bav mare 4 years old weighing Ufl , with star in lace , ono white hind foot , aud fore top cut Keturn to ; * Omaha Consolidated VincgnrCo , " and receive rovvurd 020-21 TOST Money every time by not buying the Jfreo burning Kentucky lump coal , the boss soft coal No chromes given away to Induce trade The coal speaks for Itself Sold by Harmon J : Weoth HON 10th at 83123 FOUND W IEKE ! tnoy sell the genulno free burning Kentucky lump coal 1ho boss cooking conL Try It , and you w 111 want no other , bold by Harmon & . Wecth , 110 N. lOthst 811 S3 STORAGE THE cleanest and best storage in thocity at low rates at 1114 Douglas street Omaha A uctlon X Mornge Co 150 TltACKAOE storage at lowest rates W. M. Uushman , 1311 Leavenworth 157 ' WANTEP-t-TO , liVX , j ' " "XnTED becondhandbicycle50 or6l-lncb , or Safety , Address V 42. ITee.U2520.1 WANTED A good livery stee'e for clear In side lots that will double in value within i0 da s. J. 11. Carse Sheely blk 820 SI WANTED-A hardware stock C F. Harrl- son till N. Y. Life 000 19 " \a ; ANTED To DUy for spot cash , dtyor VY country parts or w hole stocks of dry nno fancy goonu , clothing , boots nnd shoes , milli nery , stationery , gents furnishing g6ods. eto Call on or address J. L. Drandois & Sons , cor ner 13th and Howard Omaha 831. WANTED Furnlturo , carpets , household goods , for cash Wells Auction & Storage Co . Ml 7 S. Uthst 160 XXT ANTED to Duy-12.50) good short time pT TT per II 11. Henderson 40J Paxton blk 417 WANTED Good commercial paDer Ne braska Mortgage Loan Co „ 5101'axtonblk. itiJ CASH for all kinds of household geode at 1111 Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage Co 158 WANTED A stock of drugs Part cash & trade Ilex 618.0maho. Neb 127 FOH SALE MISOEIjIjANEOUS GOOD horse for Wa K. 1' . Williams , 13th , ono block north ot Vinton at IKJI in FOK SALE Ono broealng-pen tboroughbred DK U. game fowls Address V41 , Bee olllce WM-1B IT'OK ' 8ALE-A lot ot fine fresh milk cows , 2 . half jerseys Furny's Darn , S5th and Cum lng st Ii S. Jester axi let , TJV.OK8ALE Purnlturoofall-room flat En- X ? quire at 404 N. Idth St ; Sd lloor 1)15 ) 10 ; FOll BALE Or exchange , half blood Clydes dale stallion , will oxchunge for good driving horse Oeorge Yradenberg , C23 S. loth 708 m 12 * 1710U SALE Dy E. L. Lovejoy , tlie Domestic JJ Sewing M achlne , ut 118 N. loth st &S7 22 FOK HALE A well furnished first-class boarding house , 2200 Farnam at ' 358 "trilNE carriage teams and single drivers and XI fresh milch cows for sale at W. II Millard's Hillside stock farm Horses wintered at reasonable enable rates T.J , Fleming , in'g'r.Calhouii.Nob , 4. > Fet)21 , fJlUKNlTUKE auction every Wednesday and , J Saturday 317 South 1.1th. Weils , , J7i ( FOlt SALE A aVhorso power Porterengine in good condition , weight 5,100 poimds.cyjln , der 11x16 ; for particulars apply to The lleo ot llce ; . r703 FOK SALE One good work team , harness and wagon ( nearly newr , for t2oo. Ono good single driver harness and top buggy fqr JIM ) , must bo sold To reliable party time will be given Apply to Oeorge J. SterusdorU' , Kooras 317-318 , l'irst National bank building ' telephone 48L W1.18 171UKN1TDKE ofa nice eight-room cottage for X' eale Inquire at 2:110 : Uilrago st . or fo-lll South 15th at All in good order and first class A bargain 11.11. Paries 74) pj TTlOlt SALE-Dentist outfit all In KJod shape X" Cash or time 618 Paxton block 013' TJIOK WALV : or trade-One flat top desk X' one eight-foot standing desk , one lease of section of school lands 4rtJ ucres of Improved western land and six scctlomot U. P. railroad land II H. Henderson 400 Paxton block , 654 I HO It SALE Soma good watches and dia . ' monda cheap U. V. Masters rooms 4 , With nsUblk ; , M8 ITlOIt SALE-rirst class machine , brick yjird < X' Capacity 50 ru brick daily Heat location In city Ueaur sale for fnll capacity to food Cus tomers Uoou reasons for celling Address J. A. L. city , , TU-lDs ' " CliAIKVOyANT MADAME DLANCH , the gr ' aaiesf mlrid rcuder and counsellor , has suite of parlors at 322 N. ICth ireets w. comer Chicago and 16th , This lady has a remarkable cut of second sight , tells past and future correctly ; business conUdentlaL Wllllbe absent a few days 347 _ MM E.De San magnetic physician and mind reader , has the power of any two mediums you ever met , Jells If the one you love Is true or false Oh ea you advice on divorce , contested wills , business speculation , etc , Parlors HON must til-mat H. NANNIE V. W AUK-EN. clalrvoyaat " nie& ' Iceland bnsmeas medium Female diseases aspecialiy lia N. 18th at , rooms S and J. IM TTVOHTUNK Teller Mrs , l norman can be X' consulted on all affairs of life Satisfaction guaranteed No 310 N , 15th St 682 f 1 * HUOUTJ1ANI ) AN1 > TriEWKITINC IUTTLR8EY shorthand school 24 Darker blk ; the cheapest la city ; day and ev eiilmr classes IW-fSiy \\TANTKD i ; < llic \roing ladles and gen . I T T tlemen to learn sm/puanrt and typewrit- I Ing at the Standard Sh' .hRand Duslness col1 lege New York Life bnlhllMtr ; tlnest rooms In I the city ; all latesnmp rrwnentelectrln light , elevator service ; chranesiRjchool because it I tlie best ; Instruction thorough , modern , practl- call demand for stenographers constantly In creasing : success po ltively sure , Cnll or wnto for one of our largo dc rlptlve catalogues Address , Standard Shorthand lluslnots Col lege Frnnk V . Hell , Mauager , N. Y. Llfo Illdg , Omaha , Neb , jiL _ 760 _ SIIOitTiTANb and typewriting taught nt Omaha Commercial college , corner Iftth Bnd Dotlgo sts Instruction frao In grammer , spell ing , writing nnd letter writing Pltmsn nnd Ornham systems ; plentr'At typewriters for rentcopying ; done ; circulars , Itohrhnugh llros _ _ _ wa 291m rn2 aioNur To-iiQAN. APltlVATK fund to loan on chattel and col- latteral securities at 10 per cent per annum lloomC 1C01 Howard st r HE COLE , loan agent , Continental Mock • i 174 _ _ loans made on BUILUINU Choice cltv property At Ion est rates 1'rlvnto funds to loan on brick resldenco and bnslnesaprotierty UDonverr favorable terms KImha' .l , Cliamn . ltyan , , 120ft IBrnambt C23m9 1' IllKKAL real estate loans made br W. M , J Harris , ltoom 20.1'ronzer blockOpp P. O. 372 OECOND mortgage loans It 13 , Hoard Trade , GILT edge securities wanted Dy Phltn , Mortgage & Trust Company , Oeo WP loates Kepresentatlvo , 7 Doard Trade 23. ' > C29 BUILD1NO Loans 6H to 7 per cent ; no ad ditional charges for commissions or ntlor noy's fees W , D. Melkle , First Nat bank bldg . 103 BUILDING lonbs 11. V. Sholes Co.,210 First _ National bank building lot KEYSIONE Mortgage Co.-Loans of J10 to J1.000 ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furnlturo or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought , tor new Iran , renewal ot old andlowest rates Cnll It 203. Blioely blk , 15th 4 Howard sts I 178 OECOND mortgage loans It 13 , Hoard Trade CHOICE City Loans nt lowest rates Wo need loans ot ll.ouu to { 50,000 , to ill ! special ortlora Central Loan & Trust Co , 1S05 Farnam st 442-MSt MONEY to Loan Ut II F. Masters , In any amount from (10 to HQ.0U0 , and tor any time from ono to Blr mouths 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagons , leases , etc , in any amount at the lowest possible rates without re moval of property or publicity My loans are so arranged that jou can tnako a payment at nny time and reduce your Inter est pro rata Yon pay lilterest only for the time you keep the money If vou one a balance on jour property 1 will take it up and carry It tor you you.Monoy always on hand No delay No pub licity Lowest rates It F. M asters , room 4 , Wlthnell olock 16th and Harney sts , HV" > "AIONEY loaned on furniture , horses and ill wagons ; rates reasonable City Loan Co , 113 S lJth St , opposite Millard hotel 1GG SEE Sholes , room 210 First National bank , be fore maklng.your loans 161 lians nt lowest rates ; business CHATTEL confidential , J , D , Emluger , 1417 Farnam st , t 107 MONEY to loan on hpraes wagons , mules household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , atlovvestrates , Tho'flrsti'organlzcdloanoftlco In the city Makes loans trom thirty to three hundred and slxty-llvo duja which canbo paid in part or wbolo at any time , thus lower'ng the principal nnd Interest Call and sea un when you want money Wo can assist you promptly end to your advantage .wlthont removal ot Rroperty or publicity Money always on hand , o delay tn making loans PlC F. Koed & Co , 3108. 13th st over Ulnghnm & . Sons ICO LOANS at lowest rates ; cash always 011 hand ; notes bought ; money advanced on any available security The Peoples Financial Exchange - change , room B7 , Darker Mock 175 PEIt CENT residened-loans $3,000 to 810,000 llulldlng loans at special ratosv ' The Mead Inv estmentdo Doe building , 171 WANTED First clas < nnstdo loans Lowest rates Call and ' pee us Mutual Invest > ment Cotj 1504 Faniani * m 173 t u a. , . , , .v ( ; , . , , i-s | , . , . . - , , -r . , "TITONEYto loan on any security JjX for Bhort time at low rates Lowestxatea on personal property The Henderson Mortgage Investment company , room 400 , JJaxton block - 170 MONDY.to loan , O. R-Davls Co , , real estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st 177 FIltST mortgage loans at lowratcs and no de lay D. V. Sholes Co , 210 First National bank 101 MONEY to loan on furnlturo organs , pianos , horses and wagons Hawkeye Investment Co , room 33 , Douglas blk , lath and Dodge sta ' 173 MONEY to loan ; cash on hand , no delay , J. W. Squire , 1210 Farnam at . First National bank building IbO X OAN B City and farm loans , mortgage pa- XJpor bought McCaijue Investment Co 1U MONEY 30 , CO or 00 days on furniture , pianos , horses , bouses , eta J. J. Wilkinson , 618 Paxton blk ISO $50,000 ot private money to loan on improve inside property ; cash on hand Central In ; v cstment Co , ltoom i" > , Chamber ot Commerce _ . ; 620 MONEY to loan in large sums Central In vestment Co , Doom 25 , Chamber of Com merco C20 IjlASTEHN Money Philadelphia mortgage & UTrust Co wnnt mortgages from direct bor rowers ; mare saving and call on Gee W. P. Coatea , 7 Hoard of Trade 031 AHSTKAOT8 OF TITIiE OECOND mortgage loans , K. 13 , Board Trade , 623 "IVf 1DLAND Guarantee * Trust CoN. . Y. Life XTXbldg , complete abstracts famished and titles to real estate examined , per fuct&dic guaranteed . 118 BUSINESS CHANCES JilOi : SALE Barber shop and bath rooms : - first-class ; terms cash and time Address V 40 , care Dee 01(1 ( 18J CWlt SALE Cheap , good confectionery , cigar J- and tobacco business ; soda fountain , Ice cream parlor : good location ; 810 Jf 16th st 809 S6j BUSINESS CHJvNCES-Clgar store in good locution for I WO ; rent reasonable ; also a good restaurant In Urat-clSss location ; price , S7 o. Cooperative Land and Lot Co , 205 North 16th St b.Tj-18 ITlOIt SALE-One or the brat dry goods , cloth - Ing and shoe business In northwestern Kansas In the stirring town otOberlln ; stock about tl5U03 , A 1 condition ; trade well estab lished , annual cash sales t' OttiO Terms about f. ' ) .0W ( cash and balance secured I wish to retlro from the retail business Address Emll Well , Oberlin Kan 855-10 A MA Nor woman of good address who will Invest t. i.WJcau securtf'employment for six months at (60 00 per immlh.l Call on or address with atamp I. L. Fay , BlAjN , nth B0I-18J WANTED A builneslOmau with gA.OOOor Ktuo to taxe an tntqrMt In a manufactur ing business already cstabllsed Ad , . V 8 , Uee , 3 63f8 * WANTED One or mart parties to Invest In brokeraco buslnosslrnvesteru city Capi tal $25,000. 1 will Invest iQooo inybolf Address y U Use ofnee , - . 717 IDT PAHTIKS wishing toisJU bankrupt stocks general merchandise fur cash , write F. M. Penney , Wood Uiver , Neb , 812-F26J ' ulii ANEWSPAPEK cbancRrrThe Dally Demo crat Is the only domooratlc dally lu Omaha , It Is the official organ of Dtmglas county Has been by convention resold lions Indorsed as the party organ Its Etockhrdl'era ' are the most prominent and wealtniest.democrats In Ne braska A practical newspaper man who will buy a small Interest amUlbok after a special department for the compajty'a interest will do 1 well to address Democrat Pub CoOmahaNeb 43Mnl , 17011 SALE Hook and stationery business in X' Denver , Colorado Established 4 years ; stock Will Invoice 14,003 ; average yearly profits i over expenses ti ' J ; outside business cause ot ' * elllug Population ot Dourer , 140,00) ; fastest growing city In America ; write for particulars Address ilex 3031 , Denver , Cole 283 5 I7IKBT class hotel for sale ; vvlll exchange for stock , merchandise or land Address box 207. Arapahoe , Neb 708-18' WA NTED-A young man with good business ability end capital as partner In one of the 1 best : established and paying business In t the city Addrrus V 22 Dee office 774 . rpo JOB Printers As wo desire to devote X more time to papers , the dally , weekly and Sunday Democrat ; and as we have a On * lob and bookdeparcinsnt , four presses , etc , with a democratic patronage , we desire to rent our : i obblng Interest , on a percent by tba month , repositions will be rerelrAd for ten days A d- dress Democrat Pub , Co . Omaha , Neb 43mt | AOU BALE Meat market , 1008 N. 16th t-t. J3 , tBl-211 TAOIl BALK The 1w t paving business In the X' city Established six vesta , profit R > l per cent 1 , expenses llgnt Tills Is worth Investiga- ting ' Address V 21 , llee oTice 7B3-l < ) * j J TOE SALE Stock ot groceries , ehesp for . cash , address V 17 lleo , 752 1ft' Iruill ContlWilngTnRfrest 'TiriTrst class . hotel In growing western city Address V 13 llee olllce • 716 lot Tmolf ALTTof"TrnTJe H0Oif worth nnrsory X1 stock , st-vndard goods aud common varie ties tor rand , and would assume small enrum- brance J. tl Carta , Sneelyblk S. 'O 21 IflOll SALE OK KXCHANOK-Now 8 room • house city water , full lot , on Military ave . Walnut 11111. S2iw : smnlUash payment or clear list New 8 room house , city water , bath , 01c , Chicago st.near Iiowe ave , ( .1,500 : (110cash or clear lot ; bal (25 nmonth D. C Patterson , 617 N. YLlta , S83 2 FOK SALE Hotel furnished In Chadron , Neb , sltuatod on Main street ; > { cash ; bal , to auit purchaser Address M. E. Sangnorthy , 402mlil A GOOD chance torn general merchandise store , twelve miles from any other store andn ! a we'l notMed farming community , nd- dress It F. Ithodes , Manderson , Valley co Neb KU-fthlj FPU EXCHANGE - IjfOK EXCHANGE-I60 acres ot good land • clear , forty acres under lultlv atloit N. H. Apple , room 10. Wnto block l > li2lt ; NU1POr > K lots to trade for good mammoth Jack or well-bred Norman stallion Address - dress J , F. K. , Oakaale , Neb 045 10 ] WANTED A hardware stock m exchange for 160 acres good land near Norfolk nnd 1-V acres leased land In Custer county ! will put In sumo cash C. V. Harrison , Oil N. YLlto tOJID IriOU EXCHANOE-Soveral lown farms for . ' Omana property , J , II , Carso ghoely ulk , 826 21 IPOIt EXCH ANOE-CIoar lot ror horses : clear • farm for house and lot , nnd will assume In cumbrance t two 10-room houses , best loca tions , to exchange for land , II , E. Cole , Con tinental block . Kll-K rpo EXCHANGE-Improved Nebraska farm Xfor cltv property Cooperative Land nnd Lot Co , aviN lutn st ; 835-18 WANTED Stocks ot merchandtso for clear lots In this city that will double In v aluo In 4 months J. II Carse , Sheely block 816 21 ITOlt EXCHANGE-W1H exchnnge lots In this city that will double Inaluo within 0 months for merchandUe or horses J. 11 , CaiBo , 407 Sheeley block 82(1 ( 21 37ILEOANT cottage nnd lot In Central Park to l trade for horses nud buggies Address , Lock llox 33 , Dunlap , la 621 Sit ITIOK EXCHANGE Or trade , for Omaha . property , a nno stock farm of throe quarter sections , house , stabling , etc , 6 miles from rail road station , ill Nebraska Splendid valley land T. C llruner , Koora 1 , Ware Ulk , corner 15th nnd Farnam ats 803 10 FOK EXCHANGE-Ono 50 ft by 112 ft cor- nor , lot 9-room house , 2 bay windows , barn cto Omaha , ito exchange gfor farm land Address P. O. box 228 , jTozad , Neb 765-20 ITIOK EXCIiAMH ttob 1 mdso bought with - In 0month ; icash balancogood property Kiseley , ShonauJoah , la 822 IS * I WANT a grocery or drug stock to invoice $1,500 to (1,000 , icash balance improved real estate Lock box 40) , Central City , Neb 73oml2 ] JTIOK EXCHANtlE-Cholco Improved Nebras - ka farms Willaasume llcht encumbrance If you have anything to oiler address or call on Gee .l.Sternsdorjr , room 317-318 First National bank building Tolcphone 461. 625 tTtOKEXCirANGE A number ot good unln- X' cumbered farms in Kansas nnd Nebraska for stocks of goods and good stock , will pay part casn If aniriclent Inducement Is ottered Money on hand and titles to land perfect Correspond ence solicited E. A. Kyder , 070 Nortn 24th St 540-mW A CLEAR lot In Windsor place for a stock ot groceries Address T tt3 Uee 20i-f2J IF YOU have anything to exchange call on or address IL E. Cole K 0. Continental block Office ooenevenings 174 FU.1ST mortgages , clear lands nnd Omaha houses and lots to exchange for brick and ether building material Star Land & Loan Co 280 FOR SATjE ItEAIi ESTATE " fj l,20j buys a neat 4-room cottage Vi miles spiroji P. O ; lot 25x150. D. O. Patterson BIS NX. . Life 80184 EXTIIAhatgalnt' ' acra cor 19th and Wil liams sts , on grade Ilnest piece warehouse trackage property In Omaha ; price (10,500 , ' , ' 1 cash J , L. Ulcc , Dee Illdg , sole agent agont.t'32 ' 20fc -ITlOIt SALE Drlck house , frame house and JC 2 barns , cheap J. O. Leeney , N. W. cor 32d and Cuming sts - 783 FOK BALE 15 acres Jolnlmzjlnndee place on the west at a bargain for cash J. L. lttce Dee llnllding , solo agent , 832 20 ] OIt SALE A choice corner 100 byHOfoet Also 2 lota In Fair mount Place , east fronts N. Jl Apple , room 10. Wnro block 041 23 * AN OPBN becret Those lota In Thirteenth street addition are the best Investment In the city Why 1 never heard of It before Well Its located on South thirteenth strett , at Junction ot N street , in South Omana That places it along the D , & M. tracs bo It does and ns the II & M. people have agreed to build new depots there this season there will soon follow stores , shops , hotels and all other kinds ot business , nnd then again it is highly proba ble a new railroad bridge will go near there us several soundings have already been made at the river , ouly a short distance away Wny It looks like a new town , so to speak ; would at once spring up tnero So It will I would go and buy some lots there , but 1 am short ot money Well , the agent says he vvlll trade them for other good property If he will do that I will at once took him up You will find him at 407 Sheely Dlock Inquire for Carse gso-si ITIOK BALE Can ofTer choice corners In In- - Bide business property on Farnam and Har ney sta that will pay haimsome profits lu the next 2 years JL itlce , solo agent , llee bldg , 032 20 ? A FINE little home on 23th street near Wool worth , fiUztnO feet , east front lot , 7 rooms and bath ; convenient to motor ; very little cash required , balance easy , A bargain Also one two-Btory dwelling wltn all conven iences on tine 00 foot corner lot , south and nnnt front Can sell this beautiful home for (2000 less than It is actually w orth Call and Investi gate Will sell cottages in almost any addition or will build on your own plans to suit and sell on easy monthly payments Choice corner for elegant residence In west part of city at great bargain • One Hue tot Jn Flainvlewonly (1.10J. 50 feet Spauldlng street near motor , south front , paving nil paid for only ( LIU Double front , Kllby place , Jl 0 0. Flue east front , 33rd Just off Leavenworth , only(2. ' . ' 00. Very cheap 50 feet 17th st near Nicholas , (1W per foot , 134x1 )0 ) feet only two block from stock yards In South Omaha , 0-room house , city water , room for-7 more houses , n splendid Investment In this , tor someone , only ii , 100 , $1,000 cash , bal ance 7" per tent P. IC'Darling , * 43 Darker block Telephone 73) , ' 053 • DEAUTrFUL-Kast front lot B. 25th Just off XJ Leavenworth , on grade , price $4,500 ; small cash payment ; wlU take balance equity In trade , J. L ltlccv sole agent , Uee Dldg i VJJ got FOH 8 ALE Nice home near the Ilemls Park property , on Cuming st , for tA.000 , only ( l.ooo cash C. F. narrlaottflill N. Y. Lite 1)00 ) 19 TTIOU SALE-Cholco Inside building lota on -12 easy terms ; will take small cash payment and second mortgage J , L. ltlco , sole agent , • Df • building 03220' LEAVENWORTH street lots , price 11,100. W 1 down , balance 115 monthly , W. L. Selby , K. 1 % Hoard Trade 6Jj T 1ST yonr property with H" , E. Cole T\TAHO.Jl Si Westerflold.ro 1 estate , SOmatia DHOICK farms In Antelope county.Nebraska , 1 tor sale or trade , J , L , Klcc , Dee llulldlng , 1 ole agent A t 032 SQJ . WILL sell the very desirable residence of Itonert Easson , esq , , on Howard St . West Omana , near 37th it This property comprises a well built home of 11 rooms and attic that ! will give 3 mora rooms It needed F irst floor Is [ finished In oak and second lu Georgia hard plna Cellar and laundry , furnace and furnace ; room complete , sewer , gas aud city water con nectlons all made , llarn for5 horses and ample ! carnage room and room ror coachman Lot has liu ft , frontage by 170 deptn to a 20-foot prlvatealsy ) Premises front south on street with established grade and are In the best resi dence location In the city ot Omaha , Satlsfac- tory reasons Klven for selling Ames Sole Agent , 1507 Fanuin Si DID , IJVOtl SALH or trade for Omaha property , 210 I X' acres of good laod partly under cultivation , near Grand-Island , enquire West & Frltscher , W N Hrb si fill m7 - SPECIAL Oarguln A very elegant east front l oroperty , No 820 Georgia avenue , with a Oua v-rooxa modern residence with every con venlenca Including gas fixtures , sewer con - nections , handsomely decorated , and In fact a gemof.anoiuei owner going to learn the city This property most be sold by March 1st ; for price and terms see me It you have any In tention of buying and wauta nice place , this wiilsult you D.VSholes Co 2131st Nutibaar . 18tt FOU SAIiE KEATi K9TATF . inoilMLtt-loTacres " choice " land ln Wood X' uiver Valley.aeventeen miles from Kearney , JIt avana N. Y. Lite bldg 750 15 ipOKSAI.R IS acres H mil * north ot fair grounds , suitable for laylne out In lots Will go cheap if sold within riidajs Inqulro of K. Paulson , Hardivnru store 023 N , 16th Bt 851-13 • JEAMISTATK-Soeclal- ; ! lots on Slth Xinnd Davenport streets only * I,20J ; vorr easy terms , on Wirt street wo have some bargains Large list of houses on easy term B. II E. Cole , Continental block 8.11-H ( IllOlClTTotTn lMofrolor sale on ca-tvterms. Address Vay , lleo 8-I8 | | ITOKSALE-Or trndo , 3 chnlco lots with2 Bharcsstock In Lone Ave , Terrace llulldlng association Equity (2.M0. Splendid chance to secure 2 nno homes on easy terms J.L , nice Pee llulldlng , sole agent W2 20 ] BR , IIAIiL iteal estate , room 41 , llnrfcer block Ioirer for a few days the following property It you wish to roall7o rolltSon In vestments look this list ever carefully I/jt a , block P. Orchard Hill ; lot 8 , Keservolr add : lots33 and31 , Fnlrmount Place ; lot 7 , II A. Mulford & Grossmtui-yddltlon to Washing ton lltil ; lots 1 nnd 2 , uiiJil > , Orchanl Hill 27 acres west on DodgoVtreet a ) neros northw st , adjoining city Lot 12 , block 3 , uiooln Place , I vs ant some stock goods to exchange tor Omaha nnd f vrm property 837-18 ITIOK 8ALE Special terms this week on lots 2 - nml 3 , block 2 , llrennan place ( X F. Harri son , 1)11 ) N. Y. Life 011 18 FOK SALE or Trade Improved farm of 320 acres In Gosper county , Neb , six miles from Oxford nud II & M. railroad Address J. It Shaw , 4023 Hamilton street , Omaha 026 mat CHEAP , for cash , or trndo for Omaha proper ty , cliolco farms.hlgnly Improved , Antelope Co , Neb J , L. Itlce lleo llulldlng , solo agent • CW2 20J FO It SALE H10 will buy lot 50x120 In Omaha View , one block from motor line , nicclr on grade Lots In this ndultltm are worthSI.OuO , and tne nbovo price la opcu for n. short time only , G. 11. Tzschuck , care Omaha llee 761 FOH SALE Ono of tlie best coruorsln the city (10.000. C. F. Harrison , 011 N. Y. Life , t'10-22 ' ITlOIt SALE Neat six room cottngo ccntially J. locate I , (1 X ) . cost J.OJ ; lirst class horse nud buggy for (22 % address A. II Fntiis 2UIR Leav enworth 819 1s ; fTWO desirable 8nnd5 , room houses lu Pop Xpletonpark close to motor , only 15 minutes ride to P. O. . UOW and (3,5110. Will soil for casn or trade equity for unimproved lots , btrluger & Penny 712-23 LINCOLN Place anl Carthage lots , prlco M.0U0 , $50 dow n , balance (15 monthly \V. L , S310y.lt. II , llai.fi Trade 523 BAKGAIN Nlco resdonco lot In Uant.com Place , (2,540 , Hicks , lirst lloor N. Y. Lfio bullalng ; 3J8 FIVE room cottages $1,500 caertj (103 cash down , balance ttt per month Thos r. Hall , 311 Paxton block 185 1710It SALE Flue corner , troutiug east and X' south , near the Milton llogors place , very cheap , $7,00J. C. F. Haulsou VII N. Y , Life UUW 10 FOK SALE Veiy cheap , no trades , farm of 51 ! 76 acres , sec 5,12. No W , Hamilton coun ty Neb ; ' 2 miles from Marquette , Hinall house , Btablo , 3J0 acres of pasture fenced , living water , price only $10 per acre $3.477.00. nno-thlrd 1S89 crop Included Terms (2.20J cash , bnlanro H per cent Interest F K. Atkins , owner , railroad bnllding Denver , Cole 1ST Nnticn of llln-nliittou of Inrtnirship rilHEpartniTship heretofore existing between 1 Charles Goldsmith and Joseph Uoldsmlth , under the llrm name ot C. Goldsmith ic llro , in the clothing business , nt No 1 ' ) Fainam btreot , Omaha , is this day dissolved by mutual cniiHcnt ; Charles Goldsmith retiring and Joseph Goldsmith continuing in said business , collect ing all arcounts due the late llrm nnd assuming airilabilltles Dated February 17.1890.Jos. Jos Goldsmith , fltkUt Ciias GofiKMmi MlrokhoUlorH' > l > i > iiiif Notice Is hereby given that the regular an nual meeting ottuestockholders ot the bouth Platte Land company will be held at the olllco of said company lu Lincoln , Neb , on the Urst Wednesday in March , 1SU0 , balng the 5th day of said month , Hy order ot the board ot directors H. O. I'niM.tps , Secretary , , Lincoln , Neb , Fob , 3 , lsJ ) 1'4-Jutraor Nonce Notice la hereby given , that the Omaha Southern Hallway Compuiy , has been duly In corporated underthe Uws ot the State of Ne braska , and does thereon give public notice ns follows : 1. The name ot said corporation is , Omaha Southern Hallway Company " 2 , The principal place of transacting Its busi ness Is the city of Omaha , county of Douglas and State of Nebraska J. The general nature of Hie business to be transacted by said corporation , is tlia construc tion , operation and maintenance ot a line of railway of standard guage , and a telegraph line In connection therewith , from the city ot Omaha In said county In a southerly direction tnrough the counties of Douglas Sarpy , Cass and Otoo to Glen Hock , in the State of Ne braska 4. The amount ot capital stock authorized by the articles of Incorporation , Is ilireo Million Dollars , and the same Is to be paid ns follows : An installment of ten per cent on each share of stockshsll be payable at the time of making the subscription , and the residue thereof shall be paid in such installments and at such time and place as muy be roquliedby the directors of the company 5. The existence of said corporation com mences on the Oth day of February , A , D. ISM , and terminates on the 6th day of 1 ebruary A. D. 19W. , 6. iho highest nmountot Indebtedness or liability to which the Incorporation shall ac anytime be subject , is Two Million Dollars 7. The affairs of ttio corporation are to ho conducted by n President , Vice-President , Sec retary , Treasurer and General Manager Witness our hands this the Cth day of Feb ruary A. D. 1800. . , „ „ „ 8. II HCnitic OEnitdKO Shitu , II G. MenutAM , it B. NlOIIOI.3 11. 8.11am * ' FlOdJOt Incorporators Oertlllonti- . This Is to certify that the Nebraska Central Hallway company desires an Increase ot ltn au- thrlzed capital stock from one million dolUrs to four millions five hundred thousand dollars , and that such increase and the making and publlsnlngot this certificate , aud the filing thereof with the secretary of state ot trie state of Nebraska , has been duly authorized by tne holders of the majority ot the capital stock of the Nonraska Central Hallway company In witness whereof , wo have hereunto signed our names at Omaha , In the county of Douglas and state of Nebraska , on the loth day ot Au gust 18S9. JOHN A. MrsiIANE GEOKOE a IIARNUM , President - becretnry j Corporate I 1 Seal , ( Directors : JOHN II DUMONT WILLIAM L.ADAMS , IIKNJAMINJ.MOUUIS , State ot Nebraska , Douglas county , ' ss : llofore mo a notary public In and for said Douglas county , personally came the above named John A. IfeShane , George O ihirnum , John H. Dumont , William St Adams and Den iamln J. Morris , known to me to be the ldaut- cal persons who signed tno foregoing Instru ment , and sorerally acknowledged the said In strument to be their voluntary act and duoa for the uses and purposes therein set fortu In witness whereor , I hava hereunto signed my name unit affixed my olmiil seal , at Omaha , Douglas lounty , Nebraska this 10th day of Au gust , 189. W. C. IVES , J Notarial I , Notary Public I Seal , f FebadtJOCmor Nurlci } to htickliolil < < r. . The annual meeting of stockholders ot The Uee Publishing Company will be held at their olllra corner Seven teenth and Farnam streets , on Monday , March 3,18JO , at 3o'clock p. m . for the purpose of electing a board ot directors and oitlcers for the ensuing year ; also sulIi other business hu may come up for consideration , lly order of the president George 11 Tzschuck secy tcbin-iot 0.2L.A. No hi - Propjsall tbrsubalsteiice Stores Olllco of Purchasing and Depot Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army Omaha , Neb , February II , 18'0 healed pro posals In tnn'l/ate , will ha received ut this ofllcountil UOiock m. . central standard time , on Monday , March 17. liiat which time and place their will be iwuned In the presence of bidders , for the fi/CVUlltng and dellvory nt Omaha , Neb , the following subsistence stores , viz : Pork , bacon : hard bread ; vinegar ; bacon , breakfast ; cheese , Y , A , ; crackers ; flour , tarn lly ; hams H. t' : lard ; and oatmeal , ookud , Preference will be given to articles ot domestic proJuctlon or manufacture , conditions of qual- Hy nnd price ( Including in the price of foreign 1 productions or manufacture the duty thereor ) 1 bslng equal Therlgnt is reserved to r ] oct any or all bids , Illank proposals and apetineatlons showing in detail too article * aud quantities re ' quired and giving full information as to condi tions ot contracts , will be furnished on applica tion to this olllce , W , 11. HULL Major , and U , 8. . U. & A. fiyiltmlO-17 | _ Motion * Matter otApplcatlon ( of Wni J. Ford and Andrew Hose tor liquor lirensa.i N0VU0 la hereby glv u that Win J. Ford , and 1 Andrew Hose , dolug buslnei * undei the llrm 1 namoof Ford it Itote , did upon the lull day of FebusryA D. 1KIU. file their appllcatlou to ! the Hoard ot Fire and Police Commissioners of Omaha , for license tossll malt , spirituous and ( vluou * liquors at No , UU 1'ttrnamstreet.xourtu 1 want Omana , Nell , from the i t day ot January 13J".to the 1st day of January 18J1. If there be uo objection , rotnonstraucoor prn- test tiled within two weeks fiom February 18th A. D. 1890. the said license wilt ht graule 1 , William J , Ford and Andrew Hose , Applicants 18 23 WW WW Ill WMilW 11 11 ! ' 1 RAILROAD TIME CARD crTTlIl TTrrTiTinrlS(7ToK A y. I Arrive ? H Omaha Depot 101 hind Mason I reels I Omaha B Ml p m , . .Chimin Vastlhnle Ktpiiss , , fo a m H 41 am , . . . . > . . .Ohlcmo Kirrrss , , . . . . ! , am p m H 6.40 pm Chlcnim Rxfress . . . 11,11 a ra a H I It p ra Oilc u lit t.Mall Tla _ U.r.TranaJJl a a t H leaves IllllllTNtlTOir trMOTltlVEnTArrrTef L l Omaha | Depot 10th and Msson slteela Omaha H 10O.H i a m , , , ,1 > envrr VesllbuTo Rtpress . , srt ) p m | 850 a ni . . . .l.lucoln A ( > > neort1lal cl , , , ( VIS P ra H A 5 p ro lN'nterKiprcM , . MS a m H "LenTej K Cur J. A C. II Attires H Omaha | Depot 10th ami Mason streets Orasha H M a m . .KsnsssCUjr Day Kipress . , . R.M p ra | S.45 p mK | T MBhtK p.Tla P. I' . Tr ns _ Ln a ra H leaves ifNiosTl' CIKia i'Atrlscs 3 H Omsha | Depot 10th anil Marcy street * . Omaha B IHS p ra . . . . . . . . Otorlsml Hjrr , TlOsm | s-15 p m . . . . . . Limited Knsl Mall , . tfOprn H 1080 a ra Denver Espn-ss 255 pm 1 I v p m llrand Islsnd Kip ( eieopt Ban ) 13 W p m 1 J 0 a m . . .Kaii * tutv Express [ | 2 a m H Leaves CIlTCAIlO A"RTUTIlVVK81 ( > .HN Arrltes ' | Omaha V 1' . depot , ICih anil Marcr 8U Omaha H 8 IS s. rolTI " . .CldCBBO K > pre > B05 p m H IM p ra . .V'emilmlH llmllM . . . . . . . 605 p m H 800 p m . . . Atlanllo.Mall fromCB . „ 7M a ni H IMpni , . Kfittetu Urcr . . . . . . . . . . 110 50 a m H Leaves | BtiiTCAtTa ' ll 'nA 1'ACIiFa rArrlTes " | Omaha U I' depot , loili ami Mm ) His | Omaha H 515pm MahtKipre 905 a ra H 9 15 am , . , , Atlsntlo Kiprvsa ( UO p m H 115 p iu | . .Vesllliulo LlmUea.t0tO | a re H TaTe n 'TlUJAllo7MIU. A " s " r. ' l'AllirrArrlter H Omaha , tl I1 , depot , loth and Marcy BU Omsha H 915 a ra Chlngo , . . . , . . . . . . | . P m | _ _ 8 _ U ) p m [ . . . Chlcmty Kxprm . . . . . . . . Ilia a m H " LcareTT OMXllAAST fAlUIS I Arrltes " | llmaha [ U P. depot , loth and Marcr Sts | Omaha H 115 p m | Bt , Louis Cannmi Hall iniUp m H 1aes j sTolJX nTA IViCIIO f Arrives " " H Omutin | lf 1 * . depot 10th and Marcy Sts | Omaha H 715 a ml . . .SIoiit citr IV-jcnser 11005 p ' nt H 0.15 p m | it-Panl Kspress | 1HU5 a m H I avos I , sTotlA CITV " a IVVXiHO f Arrives H Omaha | Depyt lltli and el'-li'r 81s. | Omaha H 6 45 p m | St.V ul Llmlteil | 985 a lt : H leaves V. , K. i JUT VAlTliKV ; TArrhiei ; H Omaha | Depot lMhaml WetmerBls Omsha I H 90U a m Illark Hills Kxprcss . . . . . . " 5'J pin H ( DJntn . .llnstlna-alttp ( Ux Sumlay ) . . . lilim : B 610 p m . .Wahoo .V Lincoln PnnscnRer . 13'Ji ) a m H 610 p miirk A NorrolMKr gninl rlOa ) | ) a m B Leaves tSTHivTlTM A O , TArrlvea " H Omaha Depot 15th and VVoliator Bts Omsha BU ) a m , . Slnux City Accnmmodatloa , . 0 45 p ra H llUpm . . . . Sioux City Kspress luopm 1 515 p m . . . OaKland ActHimtiHHla1lon. , . , | 145 a lu leaves AiTswlIltl PACIPiO AripTtci " H Omaha llopiit 15th a id Wobbler Hts Omaha J 10 10 a ml . ? ( . I.oul \ K C. Kiprcss . . . ! T55 p ti H BIS p m | . . . fl U111IV KO Kspre s. . . . | 8,10 n In _ * Mi ' s8ouiu 'iACirid B uiTui iAN tuains H Westward g. " gr < g. | . H pf pr * E.p S.p 1 a.m am n-m pmlp-ralpm a.m Ipnt H WehsterFt . . . 5 50 0 50 7.W \ 43 5 15 0.15 8.U ll.45 ] Oak Chatham 5 5S fi is 7 57 3 to 5 2.1 11.34 R.I5 11.51 H Wruld lllll , . . . 0 0U 7 00 f H S 5J 5 55 31 8.17 II 5 H l lke fltreet . . AO.17aaSOISM1539S.IO 850 U.M i H Wnlnut lllll . C 0 , 7 00 6 0J .1 58 5 31 0.34 8.53 1,03 H Ilundco Place , 0 08 7 OS s 03 I 00 5 10 .M 8.51 1.03 H West Side . . . 0.10 7.10 8 07 03 6.M 8.40 8.50 t.UI H Ijisrn 8(0(01 ( 8.58 l.OI H Mascot 8 114 00 B.OI I.It H Sojmoitr l'ntk , , , , 8 10 I.II 0.05 1.17 H l'ortal s h 4 30 . . . . | . . . . | 0 li l.tt ) H Kastwanl | . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . | amlnm nm pin piti prala m. p m. H rortal . . 8 30 4 t)0 ) , , , . . . . . U.JO 1.35 H Bojoiour l'nrl 8 .W 4 , fl . . . . . . . . B.I3 1.45 H Mascot b 42 4 ti . , „ 0 17 1.50 H I lirn 8 45 I 41 i.t 9 19 1.53 H West Blilo . 0.30 7 30 8 6U 4 48 6.40 0 45 B 54 1.57 H Dundee l'lnco II 31 7.31 8 61 I.4J 5 41 0.40 B Ml 1.6B H Walnut Hill 0 34 7 34 8 51 4 53 5 II (1 ( 49 0 59 2 03 H I.nte Mrect . 0 3b 7 31. 8 Ml 1 M 6 40 0 51 10 01 3 00 H Druid lllll II 81 7.31 'O 4 57 5 4J 8 55 10 03 2 (15 ( H Oak Chatham 0 ,15 7 33 9 02 4 50 5 M 7.00 10 07 3.10 H Wobater Street 'I 45 7 4Sl'.10 | 5 05 0 'JO 7.1ol0.13 | 3.30 H UNION l'ACIt'IC-SUIlUllUAN T11A1NB. | These trains nlso atop at ISth 17th , 30th and JltU | streets , Summit nnd Sivldco CroaalngVVorMnn - H men's trains no uot fun 8undayv H Droaillrnna - Sheelyl H way fer Omaha Sta- South Alhrl't H CUlugs Depot I Depot , tlon I Omaha Depot H ? = 5 ? S1 ? | 3 ? t ? H I I r r r r f f\r \ r I I i H AM AU AU All A SI AM AM AMI A M A M AH IK . H 5 JO 5.W . . . . 645 5.50 . . . . H ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' " ' ' ' " e to noj h 1 7 i bi ( Lao 'L'i5 iV.ii ! ! ! ! ese . . . aw . . | e to a m e n it j : yoi ii6U5 mo 720 1100735655 H 745740751713 805 720812715 8 25 7058J07IX ) B H.45 8 35 8 52 S 37 005 815 , , . . 807 7.66 . . ,75U' ' 045 BJ4 053 047 ! 1005 015 . . . . 907 855 . . .850 ru ru ru pu vu vn pm pm pm ru rv i' 305. . . . 113 . . . . 325 . . . . Ut ) . . . . H . . . . 4 35 . . . . 137 4U5 4 16 4 12 4 07 425 S 55 4 .10 1W H 445535452537 505 5 18 5 12 5071 525 4 55 5JI0 460 H # i'ii tVis's ' 'Ja sin " a 'ia ai6 z .ii Kmis \ ' 25 655 0 * 50 uo | 645 1 SJ . . . . 705 716 . . . . 70i | . . . . . | C66 | . | 0-0 B Leaves I CUICAOOTS I. A VACIFia Arrives | Transfer I Uplon Depot Council llluga Troimfar e 15 p ml Mabt Kxpresa 8 40 a m H 940 am Atlantic Kxpruu.- . . . 6 65pm 600 p m Veatlbnls llmlUHli ! ; ! ! . - . | M m leaves CTlICAOO 4 N01tTlIWE'Tfi5UN Arrlv ' eT H franafer Union Depot Council llluga Tranafor 9 40 a ml Lhlcago Kzpreaa I 6 40 p in H 340 pm Vosllbnle Limited . . " Bl6an > IJSpin Koatcrn I ? Iyer , . . . . 64 [ > pra 800 p ra Allartlo Mall . ) 7 30 a m Leaves CIIH1AOO. MIL A HI' . PAUL Arrives Transfer Union Depot Council 111uHa Trnnsfor 940 am , Chlcnso Mall 6 4J p m H BJO p m Cldeaiio ltrpresa , . 9 30 a ra Iieavea K. C HT JOB i C. II I Arrives | Tranafer Union Depot Council IUiiITi | Trnnifer H 1007 a m . . . .Kansaa City Dsy Express , . . , ( I.OIpm | 10 25 p m . . .Kanaas City Nluhl B pre s. . . | (110 ( a m H I avea OMAHA A Hi' . I.OlIIH Arrives H Tranafer Union Depot Council Illnga 'I'ranafer B 4 46 y m 8UlXUla Canon Ball | I2I5 p m | I avea ICUICAUO , IIUIll 'N A 011111105 ; . Arrives | H Transfer Union Dcput , Counrll ltluffa Tranafer H B50 n m Chlcnuo Kxpresa 5 15 p m H 630 p m Clilcnt'o Kxpresa 820 a m H 6 00 p m ChicagoFa at 5lsll | 8 30 a m t H Leaves "HIOUXCITY A I'ACII 10. I Arrlvos H Transfer ! Union Depot Council llluga rirnnafer H 7.45 a in . . .bloux City Acroiumod-itlon.y. 9 15 a ra H 8 50 p m St I'aul Krpreaa . . . . . . . 955 p ra H feCOETYONGrE St COa ST H KnEffl HAKDmcrTUUKSt or /rPBI kaaBaaal WALKING CANES , m HI * ! ? " CUTLERY fa * m uoR . ? taOtvK ' . J 'KMl m lowest prices OooJa for Btreatrocn , Ip'ViBt * m teJQl Auption era and Areata , CaneKackalli ; ' ill H ftf anilK-lfsBtnnJ.aPnffl.l' . & / WJ W M W iiiiBTitiini iiTiUi.iK ( ntrt , W gsr m M . EBi _ 7l _ 5Y/A8mHsron AVt SrlounHo vf W Wk TUB UKAIYCY arAKICBX H INSntUMBiVrS pUcal on taiitl durinjs H yesterdar M J V Patterson and wife to 115 Morse , lot | 1. bit 7. West Lnd , w d 813,030 i H C L Pheipa to jlrs M J Havls , und U of w W M • > ii of sw .li-llMl ) , q o d 1 H N A Killin , trustee , to A I'linn , lots 11 B and 14. blk II Crelnhton llolghifl wd . . 1,500 W M 5 IS Collins and wife to (1 11 Ayres , lot 5 , ' H blKO , Newport add , wd 000 H II U Clark nnd wife to II .1 Windsor , se < i W M lot 14. blk 0. and adjolnlne IJ - - ' ' tt lu H Kountze It Hutu's add , w d 0,100 H J W Urltllth , trustee , to It 11 Clark , lot 7 , i H blkl Ilaker l'lnce.wd 300 I H 0 I ) Keller and wife too WCtinlleld.o Ul H tt lots 10 and II , bile 8 , Humicoin Mate , H wd 8,850 M D M Stuart to OII Union , lot II , oik I , ' W South TixchanxoI'laro , wd , 450 W M Amelia Faasbonder to Joseph Fuss H bender , all property , will . . H Josnpn Helm to I li 1 ouoKblood , a ' . lot H ISO blk il , Ltpton Ilaeo w d 1,000 M M A Upton and wife to J 1' Davis , uud it a H It 10 aires of nomv5-11-11 , w d CD00 H M F PturKe * to 1 ; 11 Arnold , lots ! , ' 1 und H 24 , hturges' proposed add w d . . . , , . 600 H 1 U Vates and husband to IS M Nelson , pt mW lots , blKU Park Place , wd 2,100 M F O Ilehm to itlchard Illltham , lot X blk L H 7 , Kountze k lluth'a adu , n oil . , . , , . . 0 H I'D Ilehm to W W lllitham lot 4 , bit , 7 , B Kountze * Itltth'a add , q o d t * H H L Wood and husband to Cora MaoKen- , ' . H zle eMftlot 10 , blk J-M , Bouth Omaha , H wd V 1,000 South o naha Land Co to Michael Dee , WU lot7. blk.1in.HnuthUniahn , w d _ 1,800 M Mead Improvement Co to O J Bmailwood , r lot IN , blic2 , Kedlck Park , w d. . . 720 II A Jensen to N V ( Jrav as , lot to , Vinton _ Placo.wd , , 75' J ! M Hwetnam and wife to II A Jensen , Vinton Place , q cd , . , . 1 Otto Lobeck and wife to W It Homan , a .tl ft lot 1. blk WK aud adjoining atrip In OniKlri , w < i , . . . . D.500 J F Flack and wife to A II Homan , lot 20 , blkl * . West Cumins add wd 1,000 II O Moody et al to Jacob Mortenson , lot 21 , blk ? , Portland Place , qcd , 1 Twenty-three transfei a , . . . . . , . , 1(7,173 Atnrriuuit liicensna Liconici vvoro Issued yesterday to tba ) following parties by JuiIro Shield * ; Numo und 1 o 1 Jonoe , Age ( Fruuk lauuscb Souih , . . , , . , . . . . : I Joafu Ilooilu , New Yi rk City , S3 i Lou Ij iCcnyon , Omata . . . . . . , 91 1 Charlotte U , Wedlock , Oinaua.f.M j Trcd W. Mcnncici , Omaha , . , 2t I Ian Nloicrwiosor , Oc aha . , , . , , , , CU Fits , spasms , Bt , Vitus dance , norvousneis and liystoria nro teen cured by Ur Miles Ncrvlno FVoo samples t ICuhn ii Co , , 13lU and JJouglas