ISOfi R --H TnE GREAT DIVAS COMING.Tr < - • > Great Proparatlon9 to Hoar Mme H I „ , . , . _ , . Pattl In Qrautl Opera B. jW-j WF 1 \ A MAGNIFICENT TREAT IN STORE H \ H The tloyil Mnnairrmont Take Ghargo B _ B ofthc I'nttl KncnuQinont I'rloos H of Ailtnlxsion rixoil at a H Very low It ate H H 1 > m Pnttl niienctomrnt B Torn ilnyd and Doc Ilayncs havu taken B cbnrgo of the Pattl enga emonl anil will B manage It At the suggestion ot thoioln- B sirumontnl In securing this great nttrucUon Hji that somebody ot experience ) In such nfTnlrs B should tiavo the local management to Itisuro B success , the Uoyd opera tiouso managers Bj \cro called In and asked to ussumo this part B > - - " oftlio responsibility ] An ntrrpctnont was soon entered Into , cor B : tnln preliminary nrranRotnents put under Bj way at onca and by this lime next weak jj t limps will bo In such shiipo as to In- Bj sure the most brilliant season of graud opera | cvor known in Omaha Bj Messrs liovd and llavncs visited the Cell Bi scum vcstoniay , took measurements tor a Br stage mid iiscort.iincd Just whut will bo re- j < | Uirod in the way ot dressing rooms , scud Bj ery , lights , etc . providing sosls , nnd the j work of providing all those accommodations J will bo commenced without a particle ot Bj delay - Bj According to present plans It is proposed I to cruet n stngo nt the norltuondof the buildfooc Bj lug flvo high by sixty feet wldo and forty J foot dccpT ' 1 his will coino insldo the row ot Bj _ Mfc roof supporting columns and bo largo enough mBBS" t0 ndmlt of the production of any opera That portion of the building , including H bleyclo track and promenndo , can be utilized for dressing rooms Jt will bo shut off on- B tiroly by heavy canvas curtains at olthor HE side of the stagn opening Provision is also > being mndo for 40U Incaiulcscont oloctrlo and V lit tela largo arc lights so that the building j will bo mndo as light as in midday HJ After the stage has boon erected there Bj . _ _ will then bo seating capacity for 8,000 pee Hr ? t plc.nnd that many chairs nro to bo provided , | This will enable the managainont to llx BB' tickets ot admission at cheaper prices than BS wore ever before offered to any comdri BB munlty to sea not only the great f diva , but all the groatcst singers of BB' the world in grand operj , including beside BB- Mme Adollnu Pattl , Sir Francisco Tanrj BB inagno , the wonderful tenor ; Mmc Fabri f Mme Nordlca , Mmc Alhani , Sig Uol Pu"thi BV cntc , and a dozen others whoso nnmesrure BM well known in the operatic profession BB The sato of scats will opoa Wednesday HE morning of next week at the box office ot BB Uoyd'B theater and It has bean decided to BB ilrst oftor L' ,000 or 2,500 season tickets the BB choice sittings , covering both perform BB ances at $5 each and thus putAt BBV ting the best admission at only BBW J3 50 for a stnglo porformauco As combo BBT pared with the schedules elsewhere , Chino HE cage , Mexico , San Francisco and Denver , BB , wpcro tha llrst choices-ranged from $7 to $10 , BB this is considered remarkably low The tolth 1 BB lowing prices will prevail : BB Season tickets 15 00 > BB First slnglo admissions , 'J 50 ) BB' Second slnglo admissions , . . , 3 00 [ BB > aonoral admission 100 ' BB The ilrst days sulo will bo devoted exclu- HE sivoly to sanson tickets BB , , . The Coliseum directors made a doDOsit ; > | " j Monday afternoon while Abbeys repro- l . sentativc , Marcus Mayor , , as here , in the BBi / Dank of Commerce , of the 113,500 guarantee ULa S money BBn BBjF Sarasato , the worlds grcatos * . violinist , B BBf visited the Coliseum , tested its accous- BBjj" Y tic properties and pronounced thorn excel BBh lent for Grand opera Ha says the people of BB , Omaha ought to fcol particularly proad to BB ; liavo the opportunity of patronizing such an BB [ attraction Amorioa has never before been BBi visited by nn opera company to compare with BBU it The organization , besides Its principal BBf L artists selected trntn all ports of Buropo , Is BB- - • * composed of the Unestr chorus that could bo BBf I gotten togcthor in Milan , the best dulled Bt I ballot of London , and an orchestra of plckod BE l musicians from How York B. Itusinr-Ds nnd Plonnnrc B , The Public improvement elub of Lowo's H addition and vicinity met at Thirty-third nnd B [ Parucr street Monday evening , John F. B | Daley , the president , in the chair K . Mr McCoy ' offered the following.winch : H { was unanimously adopted : \ B Kcsolvcd , That this club express its co- H operation with and will givn Its suoport to Bt the organization formed iu the north part ol BH • the city for the gradiug of Thirty-third H street from Lake north to Ames avenue H Tbo secretary was instructed to call atten BBI Vk Hon of the proper authorities to the gasoliao BBJ ap R ) lamps in the vicinity , some of which burn BBL V _ only for a few hours and some of which have Hr not bcou lighted at nil The idea was to B have stops taken to remedy this fault H After adjournment ot the club and Mr B ' Daley had left , the members surprised him B ntnls pleasant home on Thirty-third and H Franklin streets , tbo occasion being bis B birthday , A pleasant timu was spent in card H playing , singing , etc It took the hostess , . BB ! Mrs JV Ualoy , but a short time to pre | pnro a sumptuous repast , to winch Justice BB was done , and expressions of esteem and Bb- ' congratulations for many rct'jrns of the day Bff were made Another day had bcg an to B dawn before the party started for their Bb homes , highly delighted with the social time H they had cxporieuced B Gowliero.vou will , you will find people B | using Dr Bulls Cough Syrup , und uniun- H mous in its nraiso Bl I suffered most severely from rhenmatism • B * during winter Attar using Salvation Oil H two da > s the pain outiroly subsidedand , now , BS I am a well man B Pri'imrlmr lor u Hie Blnotlnir " fc Tbo uiomborsot the real cstato exchange ore making pranarations for a big mooting B-- , 4 r- on Saturday , when annexation and other top m ics of interest to the city will be discussed BB , There was only ono piecu of property BBJ listed l BB Outo City park , lots 13 and 14 , block 3 , m 4150. BB Sales were reported : BBJ Hy C S. Jaynes & Co , lot SO , block 4 , BBJ Sborman Avenue park , $ J50. BBi Hy Mumaugb & Fltchett , lot 10 , blyck [ 2 , BBk IlansLOin pluco , $3,500. . BB § Uy J. iFloca , lot 7 , block 13 , Saunders 1 & BB Ilelmbaugh's addition , (000. H Many people habitually endure a fcol- B ) irij { of lassitude , bocnuso they thinlc BB they liuvo to It they would tuko Dr J BB II Ale Leans Siiranpnrilliv this foolintr BB of wcnriiieHS would flvo place to vigor ; BB and vitnUty _ _ _ _ _ _ BB llullillnir Permits BB The following buildiug permits were Issued BBJ \estuiday ; BB tmll Itomoj , lli-storr ilwolling Twenty BBi tlilrd and SprueuB streets t 1,200 BBb M.rtm Krolt , Hi-Htury frame U elltng , BBI bouth 'i'nonty-ttfth and Iiynn streets . . 200 BBi • > " • Wjntt 2-story frnmo dwelling , , BBB-B" f1 Twenty third and Muidersnn streets . . 2,000 : BI \ I tl KrlcKkon , 1-story frame cottage , BBB Jajmeitaml rourteent'i Btrocts . . . , 300 BBB II A. Ktirr three l'i story frame cot BBB tsges , Mirague and Tnenty-ftfth streets 6,403 BBB M. Amierkon , 1-stnry framocottuge , Kast BBB monueunil Harris street tee ) BBB K. NelsoiU-siory frame addltlou to store , BBB fce\entliaii4 Leavenworth streets 200 BBB A. I' , 'ruley , two 1-story frame cottages , BBB ( Irant and l'orty-llrst .tr.-cts 2,000 BBB Henry UoertiEuit , 1-story frame cottage , BB Hon a uml Fourth streets . , , oW K Mne permitsuggresating , , , . . . (12,000 m Many people botlovo that goods of B western munutneturo cannot bo Bold ; B cast in competition with old established H bous-OH In thttt vicinity It depends on- B tiruly on the tnorlta of the goods thorn BBJ uoHob If suporlor to the goods now BB ] _ old there , they will soon become popu- BB ] lar Up to November 1,1SS0 , Gbambor- BB lain'u Uoufli Remedy hnd not boon sold BB in IltUburg Pit , uow Messrs F. II Bj , jKggors & Hon , prominent druggists BBJ _ _ r there , say it is the most popular patent BBB TP mcdlcliio they handle , also E. . Hock L v _ ol Allegheny City , Pa , says : ' 'I regard H > f Has the boat Boiler in that line of moas B oins I liayo iu the store und one of the H tatMt satisfactory in its results " Blfll Tr PliANTEBN MUIllintt OASI1 McfCM' WUo nntl Mule Unliy Prcs- rnt nt tlio Trial Mrs ' , Gcorgo Myers sat nt her husbands sldo in I the district court yesterday during his trial for the killing of Nols Plantcen.J0 Sbo hold In her arms a bright-eyed baby , four months old , that was barn while Its father was in jail Myers , whllo endeavor tag to pay attention to the evidence that was bolng given against him , turned often to co- rcss his child , which Is almost n stranger to him him.No No < ovldenco of importance was given , - j Emit Qustnfson , who wns with Plantcen at thai time of the row , was recalled , butgavo no convincing < evidence The testimony ot Frlizell and Dr.Svonscn , given [ . nt the last trial , was received and the prosocutiou rested Its case * . The ilcfenio placed Dr It Liert on the stun and endeavored to show by blm that Plnnteen's ' death was not duo entirely to the Injury no received , but wns In a measure caused by the exposure to which * fj sub Jcctou himself uftot' the row . ludgo Kincald of Unit county was In Judge Hopowoll's place yesterday , but.had no cue , as most of the nttornoys of the bar nro in attendance - tendanco upon the supreme court atLdncoln , The case of Mrs Altshulorngalnst Willvo" lam | Coburn , u suit for the possession ot the Froyhnu liquor stock , wns glvon to the jury jn Judge Doano's court , Norman A. Kuhn his brought suit in fnroclosura against Mary I. Tidball ot al on Ihrco lots In Crelghton Heights Itlchnrd { S. Maulsby has commenced suit against Norman A. Kuhn ct nl for vlotitlon nf n renl cstato contract anil the recovery of $285 ; alleged to have boon paid on a transfer 0f three lots in Croighton Heights Samuel ; Klltlns has sued the street railway company for $2,000 damages for injuries ro- suiting from being run into by a motor train in | South Omaha on the lOtb Inst Ills horse became frlghtonod nt a motor nnd turned directly lu front of It On account of the tracks at that point bolng about a footnbovo grade Mr Elklns was thrown from tils . buggy ) ( , and was rolled nnd pushed several foot , sustaining severe injuries , for which u0 usus , damages County Co tvt Peter Kelley boa brought suit in the i county court against William Doering & Co for J1.000 dumugos by reason of Injuries ro- ccivod whllo operating a pllo driver used In tboconsti'tiction of the building at Capitol I avenue and Eighth street On tbo 4th Inst ' Kelley was adjustlag thn yoke of the pile , driver and was standing boncuth the ham mor . While ho was In this position the en gineer allowed the hammer ' to descend , strikat ing Kelley on the head aud injuring htm very severely Congestion of the brain wus , " threaloncd and the injured man was nearly deprived | of the use of his lower limbs Since the ( accident ho has boon compelled to give up his usual occupation in connection with n pllo < > driver and is obliged to work at some other business at loss than ho was nblo to earn before . . The case of Alonzo J. Saw tcllo against the American waterworks company , for § 1,000 dntnoees bv reason of the lo3s of three horses while pngacea on the building of the now basin at Florouco , was concluded yes terday The jury returned a verdict awardP' mi tlio plulntllT * 2' )9.C0 for the loss of two of the hortios and llnding for the detondant as to the third horse Mrs WinSlow's Soothing Syrup for children ] U'othinp.softons the gums und allnvs ) all pain 25 cents a bottle Cnu e of Garrisons Uontli The inquest to determine the cause of the death of Charles Garrlsoa , the colored cook of the Occidental hotel , was hold yesterday afternoon nt Grlng'B undertaking establish ment , on lower Farnam street 'lho first witness examined was Philip t Stuart i , a cook at the hotel Ho testified to the ( fact that Garrison had been complaining of ] fculing sick for several days Monday morning ho appeared In the kitchen , but was so weak that ho fainted The witness helped bim buck to his room and gave him some water IlU duty called him from the room for ( a row molnents , nnd when ho returned Bbortly , attorwards Garrison was lying on , , his sldo on the bed The wltnoss at once J notiiled ; the people In the house Willi tm Cott , a traveling man who boarded Ql the hotel , said ho had seen Garrison about ' the house , sick , for several days Ho , Bcemed to bo irrational at times and had the f appearance j of being a pretty sick mun He had beard , itj stated that Garrison bad the asthma | J , William Vcotnan , another cook , at the hotel , said that Garrison cauio Into the okitchen Sunday and said he hud been out for \ nllttlowalk Ho complained of fooling all tired out , aud said his logs pained blm Ho [ wont to bed , but soon came back and nsked ! the wltnoss to got him some whiskv and qui ' ' nine , which wns done Ho drank a littto , but said It made bim sick Garrison spent l Saturday night in a choir , as ho could not sleep lying down Monday morning ho said ho felt much bettor , but felt very woaic llo refused to have u physician called Dr McManlgal was tbo last wltnoss Ho said ho had held n postmortem examination , yostordny morning , and had found water in the thoracic c ivitv Ho also found a great fibroid 1 change in the uoart and a largo thrombus t at the opening of the lungs The eright ) sulo of the heart was very much P" largcd 1 , but the heart action was weak There were also blood clots in several of the vessels The direct cause of death , the doc , tor < said , wus paralysis of the heart , or boart failure I The combination of conditions , the doctor i remarked , would produce tbo hoivy breath i ordinarily culled asthma . The Jury returned u vurdict to the effect that ' death ensued from paralysis of the heart ' Dr.Hnughnwout.onoof the bostdontists in the wedt , extracts tooth without pain , Inserts tooth without platus absolutely | il ! clonn und strong , 1509 Douglas , Omiihn 'I he Title I olrnse Club The Home Defenders club held another meotlnir ut Twenty-fourth and Clark streets last night Only about twenty were present The baud ot M. II Comstock , as trousuror , in tbo sum of (300 , was presented nod ap proved It was decided to adopt the name of "Tltlo Defense club " A proposition from tbo law firm of Miller , Dick & ltaudoll Wns sprung on the meeting.offenog to file answers and conduct the cases through tbo ilrst trial for $3 per case ; fllo answers and conduct : a second trial for S5 nor case , making u total of 13 for carrying the cases thraugn tbo Unl'od States circuit court ' 1 his precipitated u warm arcumeut , which uas lukon part in by every ono present jf motion was finally made to reconsider tbo l , action whereby tbo club accepted the offer of Kennedy , Lurned St Hernard After tonslderablo argument this mo tion wus adopted by a vote ot 10 fs" . Messrs ComsloLk and liedmau strongly op- posed this action , and announced that they would not be parties to such action After the vote was announced several ot these present declared their Intention V ) Btund hS * the original action of the club , nnd It was decided that another club bo organized In i the near future • An l-iilllor on u Popular Itomnily Wliilo the columus of the Graphic nro open to any and nil unubjootionnblo ad- vortiboinoitts , yotlt is quite impossible for us to bpwile UnowJngly of the merits of the vurious nrtictbs ol nicrchnp'lise ' ndvortisod Particularly is this tritf of patent medicines But there uro ox- . coptlons occasionally and a noteworthy exception Is lho celebrated uK&mbor > * Iain's Coagh Roraody , This now utirYors- ally known mediclno has boon adver- Used in the Graphic for four or five years , hut not until recontiy had we any personal knowledge of its wonder [ ful ofllcacy , which has come about terough the prevailing innuenza and the stubborn cough that has so often attended it In the writers family this medicine has on several occasions this wlntor cured a cough that bafllod ny trid all other remedies ; and the | number of families in Kimball aud vicinity in which this remedy has been used with like effects attests to its value as a specific for oougha and colds of every nature Kimbal , ( South Dakota , ) Oraphlo , Fob 7,180a IT IS STILL UNAVENGED , The Murderer of Mr and Mra _ Jonoa Has Kot Vol Boon Atroatad t _ FOLLOWING { UP THE CLUES , Ucscrlptlim of tlio Assassin The Governor OfTors n Itownrtl Snsncct King to be Itc- leased Todny " " " Tlin Mttidcror The following is the most compioto do- scrlptlon of the murderer Ncal yctprlntod Cut It out : . Hnlgbt , about five root eight inches Weight , , nbout 1G0. Stands and walits very erect Complovlon dark , tanned _ Ago , variously estimated from twonty-two tn twenty-eight years No board , save uosslbly n light mustache A Uewnril OfTcrcil Governor Thayer lias Issued n proclamanrt tlot offering a reward of # 400 for the arrest and conviction of tbo assassin of Mr nnd . . * Mrs Jones The commlsslonors hnvo not vet called n meeting to offer a reward for the nrrost of the ( murderer This fact Is causing univororn sal comment opDcclally In vlow of the fact that two mombcrs of tlio board have nlrcady expressed | their willingness to favor tbo offering of a reward lly some this apathy la . severely ( consUrcu These claim the comof mlssionors should have boon the first to announce - nounco a reward nnd thus proclaim to the world that Douglas county regarded human Ufo as moro valuable than Rho did a few dollars , which might readily bo cxponded in running down the murderer Several i members of the council were seen on the subject , and all claimed they could do , nothing in the matter , because the murder t was committed outside the citv Alayor Cushing was spoken to on the sub jeet and hold the same view Ho rogrottcd that ofilclally ho could do nothing , but norJjj sonolly he was willing to do anything the citizens ( might dcslro to do to run down the murderer • . . , Dr Miller , whoso palatial edifice Is but about n mlle from the scone ot tbo murder , ' Js" dcoply moved by the horrible affair Speaking on the Buojoct , ho regretted that I nc reward had yet been offered Ho felt thnt ' a reward should bo offered , and , moro \ than that , that the sheriff ought to be em- oowered to hire a man from day to day to keep on the track of the murderer and run blm down if it took a year , , or flvo years The county of Douglas , ho said , could not I afford to have It go abroad that murder might bo committed hero without the greatln est efforts being made to nvengo it Ho thought that the award should bo at least $ lK)0 [ ( ) , aad that it ought to bo sup plomentod ' by whatever the governor could add to it If the com8e mlssionors took an interest in the matter , there . should be n public mooting called of citizens to pretest against the bosluess and a subscription taken to continue tbo chase County Attorney Mahoney has addressed a communication to the county commisw , slonors rcco.umending the offonng of a reward - ward for the capture of the murderers of Mr and Mrs Jones The communication Is as follows : Uovnu or Countv Covmissionkus , Dougw < las j Countv , Nebraska Dear Sirs : I desire u suggest te your honorable body tbo pro ' prletv of offering a reward in conformity with the provisions of section 298 of the criminal code for the apprehension of the murderers of Allen Jones and wife Under this j section you have authority , if you deem jt expedient , to ollor such reward You can also , under the same section , provide for the payment , of the expenses necessarily in- , currcd , by the shorift in his efforts to disI cover nnd arrest the guilty parties I would suggest that you make such arrangements us will onnblo tno sheriff ta employ ono or more competont'mon at a nor diem compensation " to bo kept dilirontly ac work oa the case and to , give it exclusive attention II is unnecessary to polht out to you the , unspeakable atrocity of this murder and tnat too earnest desire of all good citizens is that too guilty nurty be brought to justice at whavever cost Yours truly , * T. J. Maiionby , County Attorney ' ' The Suicide ' Yestordny the attention of Sheriff Boyd was directed to the reported suicide of an upknuwn party in Nebraska City and ho was asked what steps ho intended to take to ascertain whether or not , tbo remains were these ot Ncal , the : Jpnes murderer He replied that ho did not think that tbo description tallied with that of the murderer , The ; latter did not wear a rauttacho and [ | there was any hair on bis face It could not have been moro than would have grown In n week , on the supposition , that the liend j had not shaved In the meantime The i P"sboriff , did not think it was necessary to send n , man to Nebraska City to Identify the , deceased , but telegraphed tbo coroner at that , place to inform him whether the lingers of , either hand of the suicide wore injured or missing , Shorift Boyd yesterday afteraoon received the , following telegram in reply : Suicides hands ordinary size , showing hard work On left hand at root and between - twoen middle lingers ono largo and one small wart C. N. , Coroner This conclusively proves that the suicide was not Neal , as the luttor's loft hand was ' deformed " > oal ami Irvine " ' There seems to have been a misunder- standing as i egards the tearing up of the check which it Is alleged Neal gave to Wright & Baldwin for some furnishing goods on Saturday last The doounwnt has been pro served It was made for $10 whllo the bill [ of goods amounted to about3. Tbo difference in cash wns paid to the maker Tbo signa- turo was ' 'Churlcs H. Irvine 1' It was writ tea in an uncertain hand with light lines , yory uttio Bbading , and evidently by a man who was disguising his hand Tbo lines ap- pearod as if they had been drawn by a pen held between the index and tbo second linger The check was made payable to Wright Ss Baldwin , and tbo ponmanshlp in thtso words difforad considerably from that or the amount of the check and the sigua- ture The Urst letter of Wrights ' name I "W" was not made as a capital , whllo the Initials of every other important fouturo I of the check was well and properly drawn , In making this cheek the writer consumed j great dual of time , writing with great method and Rome nnxlnty and destroying three blank , ) checKS before ho had finished the work to his satisfaction Thoru Is little similarity between tbo slg- , nature ot Irvine and Neal , save In the letter "o , " nnd there It Is most notlccablo There Is little doubt , however , that both could have Demi written by the same band , because - cause of tbo versatility which Neal dis- | piajed in the writing of bis signatures aud , ( adtbo bill of sale , both of which were repro- duced in Tub Uii : of Monday , Why Neal should have coniidenccd Wright & Baldwin out of the V when bo must have had at least $100 on his person can not be understood This fact tends to question the identification of the purobasor as being Neal ; and has aroused tno susploiou that the | orwritor might probably bo ltohr With 3rsthis idea the authorities have compared tbo orsignature on a nolo given some time ago i by Ilobr to Mr Pickard but no resemblance save la the letter "o" could be discovered Neal llouglu a Watob , Tne autnorltlos for several days past have 1)oca eDSBSd in a fruitless soarcti for > a tvatcn which-Neal purchased from Joyveler Koblbort In South Omaha The artlclo is of fourteen karat gold , lady's sUe , with au Elgin movement numbered 3,0W,01L ln % case Is numbered SS,25d. , it is also marked * IC 0 , 2 , 90 , the memorandum ot the jeweler When Neal was making this purohaso , ho kept his left band gloved , while from the small tlnger ox the right band ho removed the gold ring which bo bad stolen from the finger of the raurdsred woman Whether this bo proof that thojtoft hand Is In snmo way or other dotormad cinnot now bo do- tcrmlned If such a uotormntian should exist - 1st , there I is a probability that tha murderer may bo ltohr , who Is Willi lis a finger , it is nl- logo , on one band , but which hand is not known ltohr has n t been seen since he ran away somcllmo ago after having mort paged some of Dr Pinncy's stock on the name farm Ho would Show everything ro- jM to tbo place , anddts lessees nnd occop pants { and coald oaslly have spoken of pee pie and i done all that has boon done tnthls remarkable case , This Man is now the object - { oct of a vary close search throughout tha state f , King Will llo ltnionsnl County Attorney Mohonoy had a long con toronoo with KingthaMillard suspoctyostor- day This was with a view to gam some ad ditional , ( points respecting the mans possible connection with the great mnrdor At present there ; does not socm to bo any likelihood of such a connection bomg established Ho has a weak , almost characterless face , and np- pears > to bo just the man who would repro- Bent himself to have accomplished something which might attract to him attention Such wni doubtless bis tnotlvo In stating that ho was ono of the first on the ground after the bodies ' hnd been found Mr , Mohonoy telegraphed to Denver to hold ] the grip which King snid bo bad ox- pressed } to that place Ills intention wns to hnvo J the contents examined for suspicious articles , nnd to discovorwhethcr or not they tallied with that given by the suspected ludi- vidual The county attorney secured the written consent of King fo < an examination of tbo grip and Its contents , and last night ho ro- coivcd n tolegrom from It A. Latlmor , general - oral agent of the Pacific express company nt Denver , giving on inventory of the contents of tbo vnhso The inventory tullled with that given by King himself After reading the telegram Mr Mahoney sid ! that ho would rcloaso King this morning , ns ho know of no grounds for holding him any further Cnilwnllnilnr at the Yards Although it was not brought out nt the in- quast , it was discovered i csterduy that Mr . A.B.Cadwalladcr , the son-in-law ot the murco dored r ' people , was ' at the stock yards the " ' day on which ho visited the old folks at the Pinnoy furra , He called upon-Mr. Kcnworthy , who is connected ' with the commission firm of Krojui nan & Smith Mr Konwortbv sold that ' ho hod become ncnuolntod with Cadwaltader through a mutual friend with whom ho called some time in Decernrn bor On that occasion Cadwaltader inwl formed : Konworthy that he thought of rentpn ing the Pinnoy farnv and was on his way to i inspect it • Cadwnlladcr next called , und It is pre * ' sumod In the neighborhood of Christmas , i nnd told him thnt ho bad rented the farm i and would move on it as soon as possible On' the last visit made by Mr Cad wallador ' ho told Mr Konworthy that ho had been out to the ) "j " farm to visit the old folks and ' that ho had some corn ho wanted to sell I at his homo In Iowa aud ivhon ho should soil I that ho would move to the Pinnoy farm Ho told Mr.Ken worthvthat bo was comg to > Chicago ' with some cattle , and nsked him if f \l Kenworthy ) could not get him ( Cadwallato der ) a jeD shipping cattle to Chicago , until I seed time , when ho move on bis farm , . . Mr Konworthv said ho could not , because the yards were full of old cattle shippers nnd there was no ennnco for a stranger . Cadwnlladcr seemed to have walked in from the farm nnd left lho yards as if ho were going to take thq motor Mr Konworthy says that Codwalladcr called upon him about 3 o'clock in lho afternoon and remained with him an hour , after which they took a stroll 1 into the yards According to Cad .waltader's statement " before the Jury \t was 3 o'clock before ho loft the farm , and ho ( could not havu rotolled the stock much earlier than 4or4)0q'clock. : ) The slock was driven , into South Omaha three aud a half doys , later J The Great Rock Island Routr In changing time on Sunday , Nov IT , the Chicago , Boplc sland & Pacific iBy. . have considoroa'evory point of in- terost < to tno Omahu traveling public if ; you are gome to'Dos Moines , Chitago , or any point east , our solid vestibule ; limited j train is just what you want , Leave Omaha at 4.25 p. m. arrive in Dos Moinoa 9:30 : p. m. and Chicago 8:30 : a. m. , dining car for supper leaving Council l [ Bluffs and for breaitfastboforo reaching Chicago This train is also equipped with tno finest sleepers and chair cars made by tno Pullman Co . which leave from the TJ P. depot , Omaha.ovory duy at 4:25 : p. m' . , making close connections at Chicago with all trains for eastern points In addition to thiB magnilicent train wo have two other dally trains to Chicago , leaving Omaha at 0:15 : a. m. and 5:15 : p. m. For information as to routes , rates , time , otc , call at ticket olllco , 1305 Farnam street ; telephone 782. S. S. Stevens , General Western Agent OPPIOUH IIAZB'M OUASE A Idvoly IJxperionc" svitli & Trio or IMokpockotR Ofllcor Tom JIazoyestorday afternoon ex- changed ' bis blue coat and brass buttons for citizens < clothes and went on a still hunt for the I two pickpockets , James Bradley and Frame j Donuolly , who nipped Mrs George Lcih's j ' purse at the postofflce on Monday He was rewarded by succeeding in rounding up bis men In company with a third near Fifteenth and Dodge Tom Ib a very am- iebitioua 1 officer , nnd made a dash to capture the i entlro trio He succeeded In doing B0' but l ono of thenf afterwards got away Tbon • he called on a citizen to bold one of tbc remaining two while no , taking his mun with him on akecu jump , torn off alter tbo , runaway Spectators who witnessed the episode say that it was ono of the funniest and at the orsame time prettlost chases they over saw Ab the racers sped along Haze tugging at the man whom ho had bv arm nnd shouting to bim at every jump , Dent you dare to break awayt" and'calllng upon tbo gather orf roIng crowds ahead of him to Stop that man I" produced perfect pandemonium , people on nil sides taking up , bis cry , and mon und boys yelling at the top of their i pttvolco , "Tboro's a thief I Stop him I Stop him I" The fleeing fugltlvo finally got away , do- splto Toms boroio efforts , but Bradley and ipDonnolly were Anally landed behind the [ bars [ Police Paints The police court jury in the case ot A. E. Wallace , charged with violating tbo plumb ing ordinnnco , which commands ' calling for an inspection of workidooo , returned a ver- diet of not guilty , ttidevelopcd that there were no compiled ordinances of the city , and , It was on this pointbeing made by counsel for defense that acquittal is thought ! to have } bcon secured ' " Buck Keith , charged with stealing tiO from James Uoonoy ot Hastings , was dis- charged on the grounds , that tbo evidence did not warrant his bom ) ; bold Charles Tomasson was jailed last night for having 100 feet of lucli'hoso in bis possession and not being able to' ' satisfactorily explain where ho got it li ) Peter S. Hannon flloq'j/nformation ' / yostor- day agulnst August \ < \n Nix , charging him With assault and battorK Charles Dougherty had Samuel Graves , a minor , and an omployeof his , arrested lost night on the charge of , ombczzllng { J.75 from C. B. Havens ic Co lien Johnson was locked up last night for having on a coat that is supposed to have boon stolen , Dr.Birney.practice limited'to catarrh aldisoases of nose and throat Bee bldg Fir a In an Oil House A flro In the midst of the coal In an oil house of the Fremont , ic Elkhorn railroad , north of the city , did about $100 worth ot damage last evening , Tbo fire was caused ? sparks from a locomotive An Absolute Cure . TbeOliiaiNAtAUIli TINBOlNTMENr , ' { a ony | put , up | u lurao two-ouoeo tin boxes , and Is on absolute cure for all sores , burns , wounds , cbupped bands and all skia erup- j tloas Will positively care all Kinds of piles Ask for the OlUUINACi ABIKTINE OINT- MENT Sold by Qpodman Drug company at 23 cents per box by mall 30 coats ME I MUNICIPAL SOLONS They Hold rt Mootluff Dovold of Exoltirtff Fonturos RELIC OF THE GAG ORDINANCE Mr Wheelers llnrmlcsH lloport The MinclllnR Cinntnliteo Olvcn l"iir- ther Time Tlio Onrbaito Ques tion Minor Matters _ _ _ _ _ Tflo Council . President Chaffee of the city council Is nbscnt from the city nnd when the mayor presented I . his weekly loiter to the council last . night , giving a list of the ordinances adopted by the council which had met with "Is approval , Mr Lowry wanted to know if they hnd been signed by the president of the council . Mr Davis , who was filling the chair temporarily , nnswored that ho had s'gncd the ordinances Your signature may bo all right on some documents , " said Mr Lowry , but it dent _ go ; bore , " aud the council agreed with Mr Lowry nnd roforrcd the whole matter to the city ; ntlortioy Then 1 Mr Lowry wanted to go into n com mittee | , of the whole to discuss the viaduct mutter , tbo amendment to the councils ' "gng" rule and ether mitters Mr Whcolor didn't want the ether mnttcrs" unearthed nnd amended the motion restricting the con sidcratlon . only to the viaduct approisomont The council went Into a commlttoo of the whole nnd promptly wont out ngnln as the nucstion they wanted to discuss It was dis covered , was iu tbo hands of another com mittee An invitation to the council to attend a re ception nt the Crecho on Wednesday , teb- ruarry Si , was accepted A request ot tlio mayor for authority to grant charity permits to peddlers in certain cases was referred to the commltteo on judiciary A communication from the board of public works < asking the council to tnko some steps relative to the rule for the issuance of war rants until the fifty days have elapsed in which the property owners have a right to pny tbo luyy without interest , wns referred to the commltteo on Judiciary and the city attorney ! ' The report of the street commissioner from February 4 to FobruarylS , showing an oxpandituro of 5294 b3 , wns received nnd referred to the comptroller A petition for tlio paving , curbing , gutter ing and pirkiug of Ennnett street from Twonty-fourth to Twenty-seventh street , was referred to the commltteo on paving , curbing and guttering A petition wns presented for the grading of Dorcas street from Second to Tenth strcots This , with a protest against the proposed gradiug ot Tenth street from Vin ton to Bancroft , was roferiod to the com niittfo on grades nnd grading Lewis S. Beod was given permission to grade u number of strcots in Hazel Tcrraco at bis own expense ; The council was reminded of the existence ol the board of health by the introductlou of a resolution ordering the purchase of n $10 ( desk ( for the secretary ot the board ' The resolution was adopted : It was decided by Mr Wheelers resoluJ tlon to keep the appropriation ordinances on fllo | in tbo city comptrollers office hereafter The board of public works uas instructed tc rcmovo the fast driving sign from the Eleventh street viaduct and to advertise far bids | for the painting of the viaduct , The board of public works was Instructed to hnvo the paved streets of tbo city , • such as : need it , cleaned and swept at once The familiar resolution ordorme an elec tric light at the crossing of the Elkhorn track and Twenty-fourth street and at the crossing : of the Union PaciHc nt Sheeley sta tion was adopted A resolution instructing the finance com mittee to Und out why the city comptroller has not maoo a monthly examination of the city treaburer's accounts ns required by law , was Introduced byMr , Bechol and adopted The comptroller was authorized and instructed - structed to invest $100 in a set of weights nnd raeasuies for the city inspector of weights and measures Mr Whcolor of the iinanco commltteo presented n report rejecting the bill of Chief Seavey for some 53-1.40 for detective nnd whisky spy bills On inquiry by Mr Lowry it wns developed that this nmount wns ni lowed in the ordinance which wns run throuuh under the "gup" rule two weeks ngo without being read Mr Wheelers re nort could not influence matters either way and it was accordingly ndoptcd thut being the readiest method of disposing of the harmless document Two members of the committee on claims reported m'fuvor of the payment of $200 to Dr J Galbraith for BUrgical services rendered Sergeant Johnson of the police force Mr Lowry , the third member of the committee > , claimed ho had not been given an opportu- nitv | to oxamlno the claim and It was recomi mltted ' for ono week The comnjittco on publio property nnd buildings reported its inability to secure xnow quarters for the city engineer ut $85 a • month i Tbo committee recommended that the J present quarters bo repainted and repaired - paired ] and that the city engineer stay whore he Is until the now city hall Ib completed Tbo report was adopted 't A resolution was adonted instructing the city attorney to prepare an ordinance pie . vlding for.tho Inspection of nil hydraulic , steam and hand elevators In the city , the In- spection to bo made by tbo boiler inspector An estimate for work done on tbo city hull , amounting to S8,010.u9 , wns * presented by Fowler & Boindorf , architects Mr Lowry wanted to know who badtcortified to the os- timato on behalf of tbo-city. Noonoseemcd to bo in a position to answer and the ostl- ; mate referred to the .1. was committee on pub lie property aud buildings nnd the city on- gineer The matter of appointing a superin tendent of the building was given the sumo reference with a request for a report at the ' ' next meoMnc The chairman of the special committee on superfluous clerks , better known as the smelling committee , " was granted further time in which to mnke a report Mr Bechol was granted a leave of absence for ono week from Saturday . Assistant City Attorney Shoemokor asked tbo council to allow him to confer with the Council Bluffs authorities relative to nn ad- justment of the question of allowing haclc- men and exorcssmen to do business between the two cities on ono license The matter was rofcrred tb the city attorney An ordinnnco was introduced giving the Union Pacific railroad company authority to iay a 8ido track In the olley iu Block 13 Kountzo ti Ituth's addition , on Mason erstreet between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets The garbaea question wus brought up iu two forms , giving tbo council a chance Ja choice of two methods of settling the matter 'I ho first proposition wns in tbo form of an ordldanco creutiug tbo oftlco of sanitary liscommissioner and defining Ids duties , powers and compensation The or dinance provides for tbo uppolnt- meat of a sanitary commissioner and his approval by the council 'Ihocom- missloner shall hnvo sola and exclusive con trol ot the disposal of nil dead animals , gnr- bage , manure , asbos and other refuse found " ' , on tllu streets and alleys of the city , or in any yards or privuto grounds The ordmanco provides for the fees thut shall bo cbargod the commissioner for tbo ny removal ot garbage , which fees shall be turned into the city , The commissioner shall receive a yearly salary of t2i00 ! u year ; : The fees are fixed us follows ; Itomoving oacb dead animal neighing mora than MX ) pounds , I2.L0 ; each animal weighing less than 500 pounds , $1.00 ; each load of manure , to cents ; each bar rel of refuse matter , 0 cents ; each box or other receptacle less than thirty gallons , 10 cents ; cats , U5 cents ; dogs , s cents Itie second ordinnnco provides for the granting of the rights , glvon to the sanitary commission in the Urst ordinance , to ' tbo highest responsible bidder Both ordinance were referred to a committee of the whole 'J bo matter of changing the crude of Douglas street will bo discussed by tne com mltleo on grades and grading and the prop erty owners at the committee meeting on Saturday night _ " " A handiomo complexion u pne ot the greatest charms a woman can possets 1 n. y * - zoai's Complexion powder give * it I ? - BETTER THAN GOLD RE8TOP.ED HBIt HEALTH Tor 21 jtsts I suffered from boils , eryflptlss and other blood affections , tnklng doling thnt lime I great quantities ot different medicines with out giving ma ny pcrctptlblo relief Friends Induced i mo to try 3. a. S. It Improved mo from lho t start , and n cr taking several bottles , re stored my liralthss for as I could hepo tot at jay age , which Is now tcventy flro years Mns B. II Incus , Howling Orera , Ity SYcaUse rn Ttloml nVTifMn Dlwases mailed free BW11T Bl'TWriO CO . Atlanta , Oa " " CALIFORNIA Tin : LAND or DISCOVERIES r | I ? j ScntU rCircuIjr , l.MrJl _ ! _ 3 _ ra2- ' lAHir/lNF MCKcflflroyfur U ? v r i _ niiiirr ! ? 0 M ° M * ? Sk THC O NLY- , JXtWC r4 ( _ jrak GUARANTEEDso I \ _ I _ _ 5 _ 1CU E T0 ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XATARRH telMEMEDiCo n R nv" ' F r' SANTA : ABIE : AND : CATR : : CURE For Sale by Goodman Drug Co . DRS BETTS & BETTS UCB F/MSAit SrnzET , OxAttA , Sma ( Opposite Paxton HotsU \ COM taoart , V * . m. , to 8 p. m. Sundayi 10 * . u , e SpeclslUU In Chronic Nervous Skin and BloM Dl- acs DfConaultatlon at otnee or bj- malt free ModiI does tent Br mall or express , aocurelj packed fr UrromobHiraUoD. i . Ouarantccs to curs iiulcklr , aa ( * " Ir i and permaneatlr- BERYOUS ' DEBILITY lffifaS3fiSiSI ? _ etooa ' Fbralcaldecar artalng from Indltcratlon , ex- cesaor lnduigoneo produdns sleeplesness despon- deocr | plmplemmlbe facoaTerMrm tosoototy , eastlr dlsconraiiad i , Jaak of cotifldancu dull unfit for study or ; builnxss , and llnds life a burden Hafclr permiin- tnllT and prlvatoly cureil Consult Drs Uoiti & Uctu , 1 JB Farnam Strait , Oraaba Neb Blood anil Skin Disease ? ? & , ? . * results , somplataly era.llcntuil wltbont tbe aid of mercury Scrofula erysipelas , fu or sores , nloichas ulctra sains lu tbo hcon and bones , syphlllllo anra ibroat , mouth and toniiuf eatiirrb , otc , permanently cured wbero others bare failed arVHnav \ rFninQPtr and madder Complaints , AlUlltJy UllUdlJ Valntul Ulincult , t > fro quentburnlnir or bloody urlno urlno nluli colored $ wllb milky sediment on ( landing , weak bark , xonorr hoa , gleet , cystitis , etc 1'rompily nnd safely cured charges reasonable , t e , r- STBICTUaEImrrt < - ! ? b- moTsl complete wltbonteuttliitf cnunUc ordtllatloiu Curet elltjcted nt borne Lj patlunt without a moment * 3npain or annoyance To Tom Men and Middle-Aged Men , A QITDP HIIDD The awful etTects ot early li UUIUJ LUlUj vice , which DrluKs oriranln weakness , destroying both mind nnd body , iruh all Udraaded Ills , permanently cured , T1DQ BPTTC Address these who have lm- JJflUi UXjIIO paired themsolros by improper Indulgences and and solitary bablta which rnfn both marriage body and mind , unatUug tbeui for business , study or lUiutirD Mstr , or these entering on that happy Uf , , aware ot rhyslclal UebUlty quickly uslsUid OUR SUCCESS Isbaasd upon facts , Ilrst practical experience , see ond-'erarr caie l espaclally studied , thus starting aright , tblrd medldnaj are prepared in our own la- batory ezacUy to suit eacit case , thus affscung cures without Injury , ir"Hend tenia postage for celebrated wnrta on chronic , nerrous anddilicatedlvesses Thousands I cured Jir A friendly letter or call may tare you fu I tureaufferlngaudsliamo.andniUKOdcnyeiin ) tnllfs I ttrNo letters tuiswered unless uccompaalud by t I cents la slsmui , Address urciill on 1 IHtS , UKTTS tV BKVrS , HJ8 Farnam street Omaha Keb aj * I And Special Saturday Mntinco RETURIiof the POPULAR FAVORITE T'.O'JrljIiial an1 Woild humous mmmmm&mmrnax\i\ft \ \ in n mmi i llHH ONStirl i i mm sl Vw nraj-asu > i s iecjn a i ITesenlliig Ihefr Fairy and .Spuctacu ur Hr.inia , HEW FflNliSMA Introducfng New Scenery Costumes , Munie and fcpeclultliM Night Prices , S > c , OCc , 75o and ( I. llatlneu Irlces Wo and Tie ; Joseph ci hot rs S STEEL PENS COLD HBDAL PARIS EXPOSITION ISSO Noa 303-404-r70- . THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS kiTO WEAK JMEff BufTerlus from tha effects of youthful trrort , < arlr decay , wasting weakness , lost manhood , rte , 1 will send a valuable treaUso ( sealed ) containing full particulars for bonis cure , fitKK of charge A splendid medical work i should In read by every ( nan who Is nerrniia and deMUUUd iitdress , K > xoiVsCVOWIlSUIIooduaCtiun OMAHA NEniCAUSUritflCtfi H INTSTJXTJT-E1. m MWCOB UrnADODotSTt OMAHA , NEK H GHRQUIC and SDR6IGAL DISEASES _ Q3r0ElS. | APPLIANCES FOR DIF0RMITIE8 AND TRUSStS < H SsstTacllltlsspparariisaiSems < l iforBuesssf1sl | TreslmsBt of every * forts of Dltsais reoulrlng H alKDICALorBVKaiOALTIUt&TTintT , M NINETY ROOMS FOR PATINTQ,1 H Hoard ft Attendance BcstAoeemmoJiU'inslu Wssi H _ CTWRnKr0R0niCrJUVRHeoDtforTOiUn r4 M Braces , TniM i , Club fail , Oarvaturf a cXBjIis , l'll s | TuiBors Oancer , Oatarrji , Bronchitis , Inhalation H * Slestritlry , Faratysis , BpUspsy , Kidney , B\iitn \ , H fe , Est , BldaandBleed ud alt Surgical OtsraUon * . 1 DISEASES OF WOMEN tiZZMZStia wsniTituniT innsti a niriMTBiirroa H ooiss l > lni HCosn asXT (8TIICTIT HIVATI.I M Onlyn U bl M dlo < Ulnitilutsin kliucaSfe.lsllyo | H PRIVATE DISEASES All M 9& DUfttii • r M f U7 tt itd BjC-IlttU f • ! • H rtnoTtd fretalbt iriim wtthAmi tn riorT K U itrtil * H Mtwtal r f Um f TtTAL rUTTRIU C-rlln a bl U ftitl H -in/b trkl dt hefoiliy M rt * po-4 B t' ' . Albraniitla H U6-i * --d ntt4t M JlBlitorlnirtimBtiMBtb7t-in rte H rr iMurttrr * iM.ii0Ba-rki iolo < Hc u * iintiari id rj H On r ricDrirt rtl w prtftrrtd Clt--d oiallI9rit4 H Vitlnrr ofjfirMi , Mid wt will nnd ta rlkta rrrn\c H book to mn , r. F. < . . ; ; UI Ultvl sbJ Tsfltoc.lo , with out.tton hit A04ri , H OttAOIAMKDIOArjftBUROIOAI IlfRTITirrH _ _ Uth aad Codes Etrssts , OS-UA , KKD § B SYPHILIS I Cnn ho cureil in ai to GO ilnys by the H list or the M Magic l Remedy I . . \so only by the Cook tl.iiiinly Co . or Oiualm , M Nilira kn vvritu tons for tnu nuiui's Hnd nddrosi or M iinllcnl wlin have tioen cured and from hIioiu ir B BJ liavo i mission to rotor Syplillla Is u itl on e that B tins iiIwiivh biittli it tlio skill nt lho mmt emlnont lilij'l- M tlans , nnil mull the < ll covi'ry of the took llumeily H 8S. -MAOIU ' HHMK1)\ , " not one In Nfty over having H thodi . cn&o Iiiuh biiitiuicd Wo giiHrnntoo to cure M ilnv ciiiip that rnn be prollicoit 'llioso who hnvo M taken men iiry pota h.s > S H uiiisalternnsor other H Advertised reinitllis vrltb only lemnornry liunellts B run now l < lioniinntly curcnl by the mo uf lho " m 1AilUI < KMill"of theConk Itcmody Co , Omnhn , Neli Uconrv or Imltutlons It Is ntiiolulely liuims- B slble jranyolher portion or Lomimny to have our inrmiiluoi uny rcmody like It In LtTOLt nnil tuiJults Thetooklteniepyco.hinliBnn trentlngpntlcnts for H lourjpnrs end hnvo nlwnys glv < n norfeit sntl lB t SH tlun 'ihey srotlnuuclall ) ra < pen lliloliii > liuriiiipl- H talof ' ovorfjiMUmaking ) thilrgiinrantoogood , Wo H solicit the most ob-tlmue ensen these oho have H trledo\cry ! } known rvruetly end lo tnll hope of recov i H erv . Correspond irlthjis and let us put you tn puss H o.lonof ovluenoolhiit convinces the most skeptical H Mark whet ivp H' In the end you Mt'Hi nw our H • 'MAUICKUUKnV'boforuyoii can ho piruianoutly H cored It Is the mint heroin blood purlller overknotvn fi \V rite for partli iiuirs All letters rontldentlal i H nAIITIDaJ llosuroyoti are Rottlns tlio Cook : H UHUIIUrf Itemody Go's , Ma lo ltomeily M None ethers are genuine Pnrtios clnlinlng to ha | H ngenti for hi are Inipo.ltors und tniuds t uli purtlcfafafj ulamfrco Aildre s nltcommuntcntioni t < t ' H The Oook Remedy dta , , ' I 509 South 12th Street , I nUSE . BRANi ) I ASK p , / ( fe wrehI vour r V V ftR • I I I ' I n'THSMJixTOSf / pS iT I ' vV i/J , NHAiv /v/ / / I s r vJkJi * * --fC > i C.H PEARSON & C2.- I - BALTIMORE Mo I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . „ I B JAVA MOCHA Entf"B" A Print Art Album containing 24 • rKI * Hi Beautiful PhotograpSi reprtjontlng * - ! , ( ( ) | | ( ) | , | , on receipt of your lddreti , CHASE 4 SANBORN , 136 BroidSt , Boiton Wettem Dtpt 80 Franklin St , Chicago , III 0BUNKENESS | p Liquor Habit mtu me wo/rio mew /SBirroM cm * D5HAIKE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It esn lis stvrn In soip of coffee or lea i , la ur tides of fojj.wlihjut the Jinowledso of thopstleuk ir nsessssry It Is absolutely hsrralsss and will erf s a psrmansat aud spesdj our * , whslbej tbepstlent la a moderate drinker or an aloohoUo vrraek IT IIKV&U 1-AII.S. It operates so quietly and with such cer tainty that the patient undergoes no inoonvenlenee , and ere he is awirs his complete reforuaUoa la effsoled 43ps < o book ofpartloularo free bUHN.I C10IDtliAil > saclu iin < IINIIidVilaalD HU - j,1 pi > llM tir IIIAKK Illlllli : * CO Omaha , aa iBLANGARtTSPILI IODIDE OF IRON Specially Toonmntfindtnl by tha Academy of ileulduoof I'AlllH/orUiDCurool' SCROFULA.HIHG'S.EVIL , CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS , CONSUMPTION ( IN ITS EARLY BSTAGES ) ; POORNESS OF THE BLOOD , anil for rctiulnllntf Sta periodic course Mono Kenuliia unless slvneit IIumoarii 40 rue Buonaparte , 1'arls. " HOI.DUY AU UllUO/llbia / lHlfumirrmfcCoNV Agents lor Hi j UK < > . NKItVOUS IIEUII ITT Vouo * aud mid A \dle aired usn , sutlciiux rrotn Ekiuiiu or * liuinuKkisutsouAkiuK CureKiiaran- n.h rltnd TrcalltelsealedlcoiiUlnlngiiillpar- vll lOlUculsrs for turue cure , rail ! or tiuaoji , l a ruor u. r. iiKsiKit NC a # lock Uox j . UvtrtilWUIcsv