I 2 THE OMAHA DAILY WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 19 , 1800. T I A BAD GANG AT BEATRICE H The City Tukon Posscoalon of By 1 Sneak Thlovos H MANY CLOAK ROOMS RAIDED HHM The Police Succeed In Cnpuirlnp H Iwn or Thorn mill lney nro M Hold i tlio Grand Jury H ytnto News H llitnvtne IlF Wholesale M UrATiucr , Neb , fob 13. [ Special to Tub H lir.r.\ \ Yesterday a gang of sneak thloves H pounced down upon the city from the vlcln- H lty of knnsas City mid about dnrk began a H • ystcumtio raid of clothing store dummlos " B and hotel cloak rooms Tnoir came was H cotton onto In pretty short order mid two of H the crooks , giving the mimes of Mlko Mc- H Ouintca and Tom Bird respectively , wore H captured in a second hand sVoro by l'olico- H man Dlsliop and ledged tn Jail On their H persons were found sovornl revolvers , tlireo H watches nml ether plunder In the raid H they had eucccodod In gathering In two or H thrco overcoats and pairs of shoos and other H J hnbillmonts , all of which were recovered H | by the ofllcurs The pair were given n trial H i In the pollco court about 8 : 'J0 o'clocK last H nlfrlit and bolng found cullty , were bound H over to the district court In the sum H of $1,030 onch Fuiltnit to glvo bond H they were taken to the county jail to await H the action of the grand Jury now In sosalon H The vuluo of the goods they obtalnod or- H cceds S1U0 , which insures thorn a good H honltb.v torin In the ponltcntlary Another H ono of the sutno gang stele a dummy and H overcoat fjom in front of Stoolo's clothing H store The dummy was rccoverod this morn H ing , but 'thu coat was missing During the H nicbt , ulong about 0 o'clock , a trunk was H stolen from the 1) . & M. depot and carried B to a corn crib and rilled nf its contents A H farmer during the afternoon had a valuable H overcoat stolen from his wagon and bud to H i go homo without It "A description of the H ' garment was loft with the police and a young fellow giving the nnmo of John Nash ! was arrested on suspicion of boitig the thief Ho will bo hold until the arrival of the 1 farmer to ulontlfy the cout , which was also H recovorcd It is confidently boliuved thut 1 the bfcekbono of the gang has been broken H by the enpturo of those three , including , as B appearances indlcato , the Immortal Mo- 1 jj Ointy " B ) i A VI torntis Trotcst Trnm Uavi-nun. M ! Uwdska , Neb , , Fob 17. To the Editor of 1 | TiibUub : For a great big , whole soulod , j freo-henrtod corporation the Durlingtun has B j ! the cuke As nn ovldonco of this the com | ( pany today has boon circulating a petition | | asking our town board to pass an ordlnanco B ! { requiring hotels to pay a license for running EVfl j a bus , and prohibit any any ono from Bolicit- B iiig trade on the depot grounus And all this because the company has built u llttlo I ono-horso eating house hero and is afraid a M dollar might stray up town and be lost to it The efforts that have been put forth hero to rob our town of a little trade would bring a blush of sharao to the fuco of nn army mule , H For genuine , unudulteratod hogisnncss , the H IS & M. is entitled to the ribbon The pay { lag of a bus license would bo u great help to fl them , Whut a muster mind it must have been wherein was born this wonderful I thoughtl The company should keep close H watch of the olllcial who possesses such a mighty Intellect , Few roads are bo for tunuto ns to secure such It was nn insult to our agent , who is ono of the very best in the compau.y'a.ouiploy , to ask him to present such a mnttnrto\nur citizens , and the one who did it is lacking In everything that goes toward the making of a man Omzux I Blair Municipal balnrict ltcducntl UtMii , Neb , liob 13. ISpocial to The Urns ] Last ntghi the city council out the | salaries of the city oOIcials from ono-half to BaVH throe-fourths all through Two weeks ago | the council passed an ordlnanco dividing the | city into three wards instead of two , as | it has always boon hcrotoforo At the 1 meeting lusv ovonlng the mnvor returned the ordlunnco without his approval , giving H several reasons , the principal ono of which H was thut the city's ' oxueuscs should bo ro- H ducod inBlcad of Increased The council H was primed for him and immediately passed nn ordlnanco cutting all thuomcois' salaries in two In the middle , with the ox- ccutton or the mayor nnd ono or two others 1 They roil need the mayors from $ ! JI ) to * 25 , J and the city treasurers ' from f-00 to $50 per B anuuui , They then sustained the mayors veto nnd immediately passed n slmllurordl- nance as before to divide the city into thrco wards Whether the mayor will sign the ordinance now is not known .vol , ns no bus two weeks to decide in The citizens uro diviied on the subject The reduotlou of the salaries reduces the expenses of the city ubout J1)00'per ! year flBpH A Mixture of Colum H 'Plattsmoutii , Neb ; Fob 18. [ Special pBSH Telegram to Tub Uie | Quito an Important pBSH arrest was made today , the prisoners being H n colored man namad Wllliuins and a white H girl named Madison , aired about sixteen H years , both from Ucthany , Mo The charge BAVAH of abduction has bo n preferred against the pV VH maa by the father of the girl Upon Inquiry PBSH it was found that a mau answering his acscription haa boon trying to got work at the different hotels in this city Ho was oaslly arrested , but stoutly denied bis guilt The girl is quite comely and well dressed She will ay nothing , either for or agniiist the negro Later habeas corpus proceedings wore lustl- tutcd und Williams But free , but bo was immediately - mediately rearrested on the charge of soduo- tion and his hearing set for Saturday This wiil give the Missouri nuthoritios time to get u requisition from the governor The J negro is a tough citizen , having served sov- era ! terms In the Iowa pouitontiary pBSH I'niicrofiB of the hliort Line 1VV | Dakota Cirr , Neb , Feb 18. [ Spoolul 1VV | ' to Tub Urb.1 Tbo Short Line will this 1VV | week llnith the grading from tbo river bank 1VV | to Iheir original grade , made last fall As pVVB aoaa us tdm ia Unlshod they will begin to lay pVaflfl Iron and ties a * fast as possible , they having PVBBH most of their material on this side of the river , 'J boy have the truck laid about three and ono-hilf miles south of tba river and piled on both sides with rails und ties Bul- urday lust they begau the erection of a bugo windmill uud tauk on tbo bank of the lake , and they will draw tholr supply of water for engine use from the lake , which Is about ten , rods from the track . Tbo Short Line does not cross tiio Ou.aba Hue , by Us new irrado they having bought out the right of way of tbo Omaha line In Covington They utso baujfht the coalthods , wiadmill and round bouse that tha Omaha line used before they crossed the river , pVaVaJ 1 fir cm i-ii Iiunqunr , _ i Fhbmont , Neb , Fob 18. | Special to Tub fVAVH I Ube.1 Huglno company No 1 of the Fro iVBH I mont fire donurtment last nlgbt celebrated pV VMJ the eighteenth anniversary of its orgaalza- § _ tlon with a banquet at Turu hall , This was 1VAVA | the ploncor company of Nebraska north nf the Pi at to river and west of Omaha It does not now do active servlco , but main I tains an organization by meeting once a I your for a reunion and bsmiuet The cole I i bratlon last night was a very ploasaut one , I Tba menu was very elaborate and this , with I tlie toast * and remlniscenses of tire lighting I la Fremont in the eurly days , roudured the I eveulug highly enjoyabla to ull prusout H A Colllnloii .Senr Norilk , . § _ NouroLK , Neb , Fob 18 , | Special Telo- 1VV | Rrata to Tub He * . I A collision occurred 1VBV | his ovonlng at S o'clpok twelve miles from H this city , on tba St Paul & Omaha , Union | FaolOo passenger No 43 had orders to moot B * special freight at Apex , a siding station in PVBJ k jeoi > cut on a sttort curve Euglnoor Nor * rl * of tbo special , uo > , boinir acquainted with BVMVMJ the roa > ) , ran ( nlo tbo passeagor , derail § VMVM | ipg und badly wrecking both loco i iH motircs Tbo wreck will probably be cleared by morning , llrakomnn Ulgctnw was con siderably scratched And bruised No others wcro Injured , Opposition to Lmo.it Mrrnliintfl Maihsov , Neb Fob 13. [ Special Tolo- gam to Tub Bee.I The fnrmors' nltlanco has commenced operations hero , much to the discomfiture of tholocal merchants A car load of mcrchnmllso arrived nt this plnco Inst evening and todnv tha town Is tilled with farmers , who have ordorcd goods nnd who claim the price is from SO to 4U nor cent less thnn the local retailers An effort Is being made to have the partlos delivering goods placed under arrest , but the ofllcors claim they have no such authority Kunrnoy WnniH the Itounlon Krajinry , Neb , Fob 13. [ Special Tolo- grnm to Tun Hcc.l Today Kearney citi zens subscribed a big bonus to secure the lo cation of the annual reunion of tbo Orand Army of the Republic here for the next flvo years , Hcsldos the nmount subscribed 175 of the most lnlluontlnl people here signed n gunranlco to inoof fdumands nftur this year A dolegatlorTJ/f 100 from hero will attend - tend thooncumpmont at .Orand Island to morrow j. Mn oiilo ftnII nt I'reinont , Fnr.MONt , Neb , Fob 18. [ Special to Tub Hke.J Too first nnnlvorsary of the dodlca- tioi\.of the Fremont Masonic toinplo was celebrated by n grand ball and soclablo to night The attendance wns very largo and the affnlr proved to bo ono of the grandest social events of the season V on tin hltller Arrnlciici ) . Neduaska City , Neb , Fob 18 , [ Special Telegram to Tun Heb | Young Slttlor , the murduror , was todny arraigned on n charge of murder In the second do3roo , waived ox- iimlnntion and wns bound over to the district court without bail A Plro nt Gililinn Ginnos' , Neb , Fob 18. [ Special to Tub Uee ] A flio occurred early this morning In the Union Pacific stock yards at tills place , by which a part of the yards and several cars were burned UiiidrntiUcd nnd Hurled NrniusKA Crrr , Neb , Fob 18. | Special Tclograra to Tub Beb | The suicide was buried this morning ' without having boon IdontiUod MIIS BliAINK'S DlSNBPlT The liniiR Jlcrnlded Krcnt • Takes • I'Iiioo nt LiiHt New Youk , Fob 18. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bee.1 The longhoraldcd bonoUt to Mrs James G. Blnlno , Jr , for which the sale of seats closed six days ago , toot place this afternoon at tbo Broadway theatre The house was.Oiled , and the standing room was filled , and tbo lobbies outsldo were filled The ushers ' were all swells and nil orna mental ; there were other young men there tt > net as ushers who were useful The pleasure of the afternoon began as soon as the door was opened , for lying in wait with scented programmes and flowers were six of the most poublur ingonues in Now York Some mon never gotnnv further than tno ingenues , and , saving that It was too hot In- sldo , remained in the lobby during tbo per formance , buying programmes at regular Intervals at 50 cents each A feature of the performance was the conjunction of ama teurs and professionals Mrs Blalno will got from this bonoflt Just $3T00. 1 KICNOII AND KNGLISH The Dual IjaiiKuago Dill Debate in tlio Dominion Parlinmcnt Ottawa , Fob 18. In the commons yes terday the debate on the dual language question wns resumed Laurior , leader of the opposition , made a long speech In which ho defended tbo French population and charged the people of Ontario with wishing to drive the French out of the country at the point of the bayonet Sir John McDon ald said the Froncn , as British subjects , would not bo tyrannized , but.Would receive fair treatment at the hands of the govern ment Sir.John , by his speech last night , has offended many supporters aud his po sition on this question is now considered shaky Tim Western Frnlaht Association Chicago , Fob 18. [ Special Tojegram to The Bee.J The Western Freight associa tion met again today to take up tbo rate adjustments made noccssary by ( ho SO per cout reduction iu the Missouri river rates Tbo meeting was nn exceedingly tame ono Satisfactory work was done in harmonizing the rates , but it will not bo finished for several days In regard to the permanoocy of the reduction , It is agreed that it will bo difficult , If not impossible , to raise the rates again soon to tbo 75 per cent basis Gonornl Munngor Chappell of the Alton voted against the reduction until the last ballot , which was 17 to 11 In favor of the reduced basis Boforotho ballot Mr Cbappoll said : "I see the rates will bo reduced and will vote with tbo majority to that end , as there can bo no ether settlement It must bo distinctly un derstood , however , that these are no omor- uency rotes If made they will bo made to stay " The final ballot was then taken alio Wool Mnrkot Boston , Fob 18. [ Spoclal Tojegram to Tub Hbe.J There has oeon a fair business in domestic grades of wool and sales to Boino extent arc expected at aboutprovlous prlcos , Ohio wool has been sold at 31@32o for X , 33 @ 31cforXX , , 37@3So for No 1. with the principal transactions at the inside figures Michigan X fleeces are selling nt SQ@2Qc , No 1 at 30c. Combing und dolaluo selec tions are qui to Arm , but rather quiet Un washed combing wools hove , boon in moder ate domund In territory there huvn boon sales of line at 50@5Se , line medium at 03@ 55c and medium at 50@52o. Scoured Oregon sells principally ut @ 50c Clean , Texas and California.havo moved , slowly Pulled wools are offered at low prices , but nro qulot , with sales of supbr at lis@35o and extra at 22S8ui ! Foreign wools are firm 'tlio Illinois Htutp Fair CniCAQO , Feb 18. ISpocial Telegram to Tub Bee I Tba Illinois state board of agri culture Is nt work In earnest to roaka the state fair of 1890 excel all tboso of previsus seasons * Tbo awards aggregate nearly 120,000 In round numbers , and will do made of tbo single Judge ) Bvstom , a iloparturo from the old common Btylo Trotting ana pacing races will rocolvo special attention aud liberal purses will be bung in this de partment There will be a S00 purse for a trotting dash of two miles ana ono of $300 for a pacing dash of ono dnd ono-half miles , intended as inducements , to breeders who have paid particular attontlon-to tbo devel opment of endurance us well'us speed , llopo I'or Ijnnvi-awurth Convlcta LBAVESwpiiTii , Kan , Feb , IB [ Special to Tub Hku ] Contrary to opinions expressed oftlclally ui Fort Leavenwortb-lt is believed that the proposed amnesty to bo extended to all Jesortors still at large will bo extended to the prisoners In the United StaVs military prison for desortlon Captain U& > o , com mandant of the prison , is busily engaged in malting out a report , which * will show all prisoners who yvould bo Jfcfcdoned , If the proclamation embraces them Over throe hundred men would bo turned loose , Klui : Carnival New Oiii.eans , La , Fob 13 TUe grand street pageant of King Carnival moved promptly at coop and was viewed by ' crowds of spectators all along tba route The city Is crowded with people from all parts of tbo country , especially largo numbers being present from tbo nortU aud uortuwest After tha street parade Comus and crow gave a tableaux and ball at tbo Orand opera house The ProteUt pagoaat tonight illus trated a voyage through elfland , Tbero were eighteen brilliant tableaux , tin Named Ills Wrath , FiUKKroiiT , Ky , Fob li A nineteen year-old youlb named Booth assaulted Tier Michael Wblsman near Uotnpton yesterday , Whlsman once punished J Sooth when the latter was a school boy and Booth never forgayo uo fancied wrong CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS Mortgnpco Statistics Added to Porters ter's Dutlos PENSION APPROPRIATION BILL Over Ninotj-Six Million Dollnrn Called For Iho Blair ISdiicntlonnl Monsuro Dcuutn on tlio Oklnluiiiin Bill CotiRrosxIonnl ProceodlnB" . Washington , Fob 18. There \yns no ob- lection from the minority side of the h6uso this morning to the approval of .voslerdav's Journal Saturday afternoon , March 15wns sot apart for the delivery of euloglos upon the late Representative Kelly of Pennsyl vania . The appropriation committco roportcd the pension appropriation bill and It was rofcrrcd to tha committco of the whole A coafcrcnco committco was ordered on the bill to direct the superintendent of tbo census to collect statistics of form mort gages and indebtedness 'i'ho speaker lnid before the house n mca saiio from the president , transmitting With out comment a communication from the in terior department proposing nu nuiondmont to the act providing tor allotments of lands iu sovcrally to the Indians The senate bill providing for the appoint ment of nn assistant secretary of war was laid boforp the house and the house wont Into commlttoe of the whole on Its consider ation The discussion continued until 1:30 : , when the committee rose without action and the house resumed consideration of the bill to provide a temporary government for Ok lahoma Bills were introduced m the house today as follows : - By Mr Wade To establish a government postal tolcuraph It appropriates $9,000,000 , for that purpose By Mr Flick For a public building at CrnBton , In By Mr Pickler For a publlo building at Pierre S. D. - By Mr Oest Making Rock Islund , 111. , a port of delivery Tbo pension appropriation bill for Iho next fiscal year , which was reported to the house today from the commltteu on appropriations , carried with it * 9S,437,000 , being $60,000,000 less than the estimates and $10ISOO00 ( mora than the bill for the current llscal year DPending that Mr Perkins asked con sideration of the senate bill fpr tha relief of the Sioux Indians nt Devils Lalto agency , N. > . , but Mr McMilliu objected , dnd the bouse went into committco of the whole on tha Oklahoma bill The geuornl debate was llmltod to thrco and onc-bnlf houra , desp'to ' the appeal of Mr Barnes and others for live hours timp , and in retaliation for tliq enforced - forced limitation they called'for the reading of the original souato bill und the house substitute , altogether 590 printed pages , ono hour and twenty minutes rending , and it was nftur 3 o'clock before Mr Strublo of Iowa took the floor in support of the bill Ho criticized the senate bill because it failed to Include all Creek and Seminole land purchased under the last ad ministration The house bill ombraccd all of the territory not occupied by tbo live civilized - lizod tribes This tract in area compared fa vorably with tbo surrounding states ; it was in tbo heart of the country , well watered , with 1,300 miles of ratlrouds , with business enterprises , coal lands , agricultural indus tries and a population of 9J,000 people Tbo house bill proposed to organize it into a ter- tory Tbo lirst part of the bill rolatcd to territorial officers and was similar in that'to ' the senate bill For convenience six.coun ties were to ba established Provisions were made for the establishment of the supreme court and for the trial of cases National banlcs cculd bo established No-Man's land was to bo opened to settlement , and town sites-would bo reserved A section ' of the bill proviaod for the sottlementaf the con troversy between the United States an 'd the state of Texns respecting the .ownershlp'of Green county What triichf bo'"called ( be second division of the bill rclatod aololi ? to Indian territory excluslvo of Oklahoma ana created u supreme court and thrau district courts to administer the law of Arkansas so far as applicable to that territory Mr Barnes advocated the senate bill In prefer ence to tha house substitute Mr Springer said Mr Barnes unintention ally tried to mlsreprosont the scope of the bill Under the treaty the United States bad as much right to legislate respecting the lands of the Cherokee outlet as It had to legislate on any subject Mr , Hare had read as a part of his remarks 'n protest from Governor Bird of the Choctaw nation against the passage of the bill as a violation of the treaty made at" Dancing Water in 1830. Messrs Mansur and Per kins both insisted that they had bad com munications from Governor Bird asking to have n court established nt a certain point The ' commlttce rose before tha debate hud concluded and the house adjourned , Semite Washington , Fob 18. Among the bills reported from committees und plucod on the calendar were the following : Making ap propriation tor a deep wulor harbur at Gal veston : to establish a port of delivery at Sioux City , la ; appropriating $100,000 for a publlo building at Grand Ferns N. D. , and to provide for the admission of the state of Idauo into the union At the close of the morning business , tbo senate nt 12:50 : pro ceeded to tbo consideration of executive business The doors were reopened at 8:30. LTho L educational bill came up us unfinlsbed'bnsi- ness and Mr Uluir proceeded with bis ad- ' dress After speaking for over two hours ho yielded the floor and Mr Hale from the conference committco on tbo bill to rcqulro tbo superintendent of the census to ascer tain the number of people who own tholr farms and homes and the mortgage 'IndqbC- ednois thorcon , made n report recommend ing that the house amendment bo ucreod to Mr Platte laaulred whether tbo bill made all farmers and ethers who should be called upon to answer quostlons rcgaraibg tholr debts subject * to fine and Iroprlsnnmont if they refused nnswers Mr Halo added that all census quostlons wcro"placed'iu th.Q sutno category , but tbo penalty did not Include imprisonment It 0'ily oxtquded to a fine of $100. The conference conunlttoe did not thin I : It wise to make any aiicritntnatlqh bp- tweon the different classes of quostlons Tbo conference report was agreed to The house bill for the rollof of the Sioux , Indians at Devils Lake , N. D. , exactly simi lar to the senate bill passed ti for/days since , passed and the senate bill was recalled from the bouse f " " Aftorabrlof cxocutlyo session tlio , doors were rcoponoa nnd tbo senate adjourned , lilmlted TiiliicrnpriScrvios ' WAsntNUTo : ! , Fob 1"3 , ThoT 'btusp com mittee on postofficos and post , roads today continued its consideration of tba subject of a limited telegraph servlco WstniaUor General Wanamaker , A. B. Chandler , pros ! dent of the postal telegraph company , ! ! ) , 13. Bates , formerly'Interested Willi- telegraphic - graphic interests , were present Wana- uibtter Introduced the subject by saying that bo novcr bad any perional difficulty with , the Western Union telegraph company , , His first hope , ho said , baa beuu to persuade that , company to look ut the matter of telrgrapU , rates us ho saw them , but be bad tailed In that Ho bad offered to tircsent tbo bill ) simply as a study for tbo committee Ho said bo thought the civil sorvicocginuisslon ) shoukl control the proposed now service , und ho would also recommend , that , the ( bill be amended so as to prevent the use of the wires for political puruoson by employes and others , „ In response to quostlons Wanamaker said the difllcultv of getting a contract flexible In its character so tbo government mightUvka advantugo-of now Inventions occurring dur ing the ten years of ins contract was not ao troublesome as might seem Hisown aim in using tbo employes now.engaged waste to obviate tha objections whlph hud been raised that tbo postal tologruph woutq talco a great . deal of money from tbo treasury and would bring In a new army of employes , Chandler , the next witness , said bis com pany could not ao the work proposed at , the maximum rates provided in the bill without loss Nu other cou pauy could di it without loss "Wo do not want , " said Chandler , t'to see a government telegraph established'or the beginning ol u government telegraph that wl.ll . destroy the (8,000,000 which wo- buvo Invested in this property Wo do not think the govM-n'mont has the right to do that , unci If It Juis that right wo think It' would bounJtlU.and very unreasonable to cxerciso it " IN'ttyVtMl n Hiiu-ultuti * . WtsitisnTfhj ? . Feb , IS The senate com mittco on agnuultura koilny reported a substitute ' ' stituto for tha t bfll introduced by Fnulkner for the cstnbllihniom of a pttro food division In the dopartn\nt \ { of agrlculturo , to provide for the Inspection of llvo stock nml to pro hibit tbo introduction of adulterated or mis- bruiidod foodt or drugs , eta The bill tn amended provWes thut-the secretary of agri culture shall drfNiniro n food division nnd nppoint nchielliitn salary or f3O00 , procure aud nnnlyzo silmples of foods and drugs sold In any state ether than w here they nro man ufactured All manufacturers of goods In tended for shipment from ono stnto to an other shall ninko application for n license to the secrutary of agriculture , cortlfvlng that the articles nro not dolotorlous The bill strikes out tbo second , third and fourth see tlons of the original bill rolntivo to the slaughter of animals and with the exceptions noted Is tbo same as the old bill It was re committed to the committco on agriculture Coiillriiintloiiii WASiiiN-atON't Fob , 18. The senate this afternoon conflrtnod the following nomina tions : L. 11 , Bailey , reeistor of tbo land of fice nt Plorro , S. D. ; H. II Nutwlck , resistor of the lund ofllco at Chnmborlalo , S. D. ; 13. W. Ekin , rocolvor of public moneys at Plorro , S. D. ; W. T. LuFollotto , rocolvor of publlo moneys at Chamberlain , S. D. Nommntlnna WAsuf.NOTojr , Fob 18. The president made the following nominations today : Ilccoivers of Publlo Moneys Edward M. Lane , Valontlno , Nob.j Bonlamln S. Will lau.s , Ynukton , S. D. Nobrn ikn , Iowa nnd Dnlcotn , Patents Washin'iitpxJ Fob IS ISpocial Telegram - gram to Tun Bee.I The following patents were Issued today : Dowltt B. Brace , Lin coln , Neb , dynamo o lee trio machine ; Dons moro J. Bunco , Nevada , la , veterinary surglcnl Instrument ; George T. Davis , Du- buquo In , camera and electrical flash light attachment ; Charles B. Dawson , Angus , Ia „ rock or coal drilling machine ; Henry M. Fisk , Pella , In , flexible carrier for tlio lay inguiachinos ; James A. Hyson , Dos Moines , la , car coupling : John C. Hubingor , Kookuk , la , , apparatus for heating water and generating steam by oloctriclty ; William B. McPherson and W. Cnhoon , Dcadwood , S. D. , hydraulio motor ; Fiank H. Miller , Stan wood , la , pnpor hanging ma- chluo ; George G. Passlno , Clear Lake , S. D „ railway switch ; Henry W. Sprague , as signor of five-eights to H. F. Pottigrow nnd E , C. Dunning , Sioux Falls , S , D. , car coupling ; Fredorlck Straub , Surprise , Neb , storm sash ; Jacob Struble , Sioux City , as signor of ono-hmf to B. Harrison , Llnooln township , Iowu , graiu motor ; Halph J. Woodwortb , Wnhoo , Neb , food trough Hetiirneil to Washington Washington , Feb , 18. Louise E. The bault , who , it Is said , loft here with Do- laultor Silcott , has returned to the olty OUHUvVKY KttCORD r n Dentil of thoilnventor of the Pint Successful Typewriter MtLWACKKE , J\'is , Fob 18. Christopher Latham Sholeson e.of the early settlers of Wisconsin , and bno of the best known citi zens of Milwaukee , died yesterday Ho gained a national fcputatlon as an Inventor of the first successful typewriter Ho wns ono of the carliosl of western newspaper men nnd had been states senator , member of the assembly and bold several federal positions His death resulted from slow consumption Pkstii , Feb iI18.V-Count Ahdrassv , the woll-known Hpltgariau statesmuu who has been ill for some time , died today Ho was sixty years oi.A \ J in T . . KEN-XETyjjQirAAtejPa , , Fob 18. Mrs Ko- becca Way Taylor , mother of tbo lsitejoutbor ana , traveler , Bayard Taylor , , died atihor ' rdsTdouc6thls' " , mo " r ing afUir.a 'brlof illness , aged ' ninet } yea ' rs Pluoklntr tlibtK'nllroad Gonsc CmoAoo Fob lb : [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee.IA special from Dos Moines says : Grain shippers urq petitioning the railroad * commissioners to know whether or ' not it is discrimination for railroads to charge de murrage on cars ntpno station -and'not at another It the decislou is affirmative , tbun look out foi an uvalancho of suits for the recovery of demurrage paid The railroad geese Is being unmercifully plucked on all sides , " , m THEIR HOME INSIDE OUT The Odd Dwelling or a Faintly in a Cnlitornln forest A hunter on his way up Itussian river , Cnl , , hoard a rustlinpr of the dead loaves , as if a deer had risen to look out for the intruder Tlio spot from which the rustling ciitno was hidden by a Riant redwood , 'or rather , several of tlio giant trees grown together Drop ping on his hunds and lcuoes the hunter crawled to the tree , and pushing his riilo ahead of him , peered around for the quarry There rose from , among the leaves , no door , hut instead a pretty goldou- haired , bluo-evod , doll-like little girl , apparently about six years old Ho only saw her for a mdinont Then she ran with a startled cry , direotlv " to ward him nnd thotrco , and vnnisliod" . Not moro than a dozen foot so pant ted thorn whan the fairylike apparition disap peared The puzzled hunter sprang over the spreading ' roors to find the Bprito There was nothing in sight Suddenly his wondorlngs were interrupted by a soft voice behind him : Good ovouing , sir " Ho turned and saw in the dark hollow of the big tree a woman holding up a deerskin curtaiiu The gray sitin was no near the color ot tlio mossy trunk that ho had not noticed it , Now ho saw that the Curtain hid a big hollow • from which the woman had como , while from behind her dress showed tbo faces of several children , among thorn thut of the pretty child that had so startled him , Ho answered the greotlng , and , to cover his surprise , asked for a drink of water Ho entered the hollow , , and while she was dlJMng.tho " water from a bucket ho lookcirnnjund and saw that the piano was aajtiUialy fitted up as any ranehor'B cablnijo > Vhon tbo hunters returned to toSvnli they reported tholr find , and the BaHiiPrnnclscd Kxamlnor corrospoudont wWt' out to see the fam ily that lived in ' Hollow tree , lis had no dlfllculty ariftl In locating the big rod wood from Jh ircctlons they gave him D8 A thin line olsmoko rising from the bnso of the tnrs , bolped to guide the newspaper imin 'lo4ho spot It was all astho ttuntor hud described it , and boforo'xim curtain of deerskin stood the mothoifi < jf the fumily frying vonlslon ehops' ,0on o , llttlo steve on a wheelbarrow , oaifr1 Tlio trco inOflMMoh tholr homo was made was the largest in tlio clump Thirty or forty fvotaboyo the ground it forks into tlrrco branches , onch of which is a tree by itself At the groun 'd tha main trunk is probably sixty feet in clroumfcronco , , Some tlmo it fire wns kindled among its roots , and this fire ute Into the red wood and burbed out the hollow It was porhnjis fourteen fpot wide and ulno ar toil loot deep „ An axe bad cut • its corners smpQth < uutl cleared the walls ' of charcoal u Shelves of redwood shnkes hold cook intr utonBils und lookine-glus * und u rough bed und orlh , aluo of rodwooi , uuido up the furniture of tlio room Outaldo was a. homo-inndo tahlo a big slab of redwood oa ' stakes let iu to auger holes with benches made iu similar fushion SAUAsATK-ll'/UiHKIU' CONOI3HT. Its KfT.fct Kuch ns IIns Seldom Hoforo Itcon I'VIt In ThlH City A lib-go and distinguished nudlcnco wns In attendance nt the Sarnsnto-D'Albort con cert Inst evening The virtuoso ? were nt their best , and tbo genial responsiveness which they kindled In the breasts of their auditors was nmplo ovldonco of the power , the spoil of sansion , thai these mnstors of tlio sweetest 'intiso wlold Herr D'Albort , who Was hoard la the lirst number , a sonatc , op , Mi tn C , L. Lnn Beethoven , nt once ap plied himself to tha rendition of this brilliant but desultory quarto The move ment is ltvoly , nlltgro con brio , but is largely In octavos , and therefore Indeed the moro dulcet harmony of thirds nnd sixths Though rcplolu with brilliant fluency , there wns some lack ot smoothness nnd shading in the forte passages He plays with great force and consummate oxccutnnt skill , but u little moro roiwso or nonchalance would mid grace to the general effect The next number , andanlo and varla tlona from Sonata dedicated to ICrculzor , L. Van Bocthoven , was Mme Borlho Mar * und Sopor Snrasato's itiltfal 11 o sue vlollno are ono It is his llrth member Ho bus nil tlio grace of manner which nature has so lav ishly bestowed upon the Spaniard This number was hardly adequate to the exhibi tion of Ills most moving skill , having much about It of tccliulquo nnd formalism , but In the lntor nutubirs ho was hoard to hotter ndvantaco Herr D'Albort took the third number , solos a. , Borcuuso op , 57 , Fr Utiopln ; c , Burcarollo , A. minor , A. Huhenstuin ; c , Valse , ' Mail loot nurolnmnl , " Strauss-Tau- sfg The first commenced nlloirro agitate , like nn impatient nurse chiding n sleepless infant , but ended in the lullaby moasilro with which a tender mother trains her child to hnppy dreams The Barcarolle was not particularly interesting , nor yet the vnlso , though there were some racy transitions in it it.Tho The fourth number , "Llobosfoo , " ( La foe d'nmour ' , morconu enractonsquo ) J. Uaff , evinced to high advantugo the marvellous technical acquirements ot the Spanish ar tist At first a rapid allrgrotto movement , the sweetness of tone and the smoothness of measure , wns a dear delight to the heart Anon ho passes Into the droamicst nn- dantlno , and wo gnzo and listen onrnpt with tbo soul langungo of this poet ot musical harmony Mme Marx , throughout , lent soft accompaniment nt tbo graceful Inter lude Herr D'Albort gave the fifth number solos , a , Norwegian Urido Procession , " op ' 10 , No 12 , Bd Grlog ; b. , Tarantella , "Vouo- zla o Napoll , " Liszt The first was flllod with refinement and poetic feel ing , which oITects were lost , however , at times in the velocity of tbo arpeggio with sporzanda movement "La Tarantella , " a dance movement , was bright and sparkling and flllod with broad nnd.oxpresslvo phrasing Herr D'Albort Is a perfect instrumentalist and only lac\ts \ a llttlo offhandedness to make him an approach to the Ideal , so well cxcmpliliod in his illustrious confrere , the Spanish virtuoso This was his last num ber , but ho graciously responded to an en core core.Tho closing number Faust Fontaslo , " Sara9ato , by Senor Sarasato , was a charm ing melody of musical harmonics , now dar ing and inspiring , now dreamy and langor- ous ' "twus sad by fits , by starts 'twas wild , " und moved us to the very tbroos of feeling At the conclusion of this number Senor Sarasato bowed and relirod , aud the audi ence , not mcovcrod from the spell of the music , was slow in starting Senor Sara sato rcapp'carud and rendered what must have been an improvisation , a scherzo ot a dance movement , so full of short and ox- presslva phrases as to reveal the very soul ot musical harmony The whole effect of the concert was such as was never before felt Id Omaha , and sol dftm in America Seuor Sarasato's instru ment was n , little faulty In the lower regis ter and marred the bouuty of sumo passages , but did not materially affect his executions Mine Bertho Marx and Mr Otto Gold schmldt gave excellent nccompanlmont to the renditions of the virtuoso The following-Lincoln people were In nt- tendanen ut the concert : Mrs A. M. Ualrd , Mrs J. S Slater Mrs W. E. Stewart J. A. Fmoh , H. J. Connor , Mr and Mrs August Hogonow , G. Bagnall , Mr and Mrs C. H. Gere , Mrs T. J. Hlokoy , Miss C. It Rector , James It Wash , H. G. Cosgrovo , George W. Gage , Mrs G. A. Weber Tqm-M. Cooke The following Fremont people were also in attendance : F. li , Harrison and wife George E. Mc Donald , JM. . McCarthy , C. S. Sherwin , Thomas Anderson and wife , J , B. Jones and wife and Audrow Smith AN EPIDEMIC OF SUICIDE Methods of Destroying Life Noiv Pop ular in Paris , Serenity in old ace is beautiful , but some of us 11 ml life too hard to boar until wo roach that tranquility , writes Emile Zola in the Philadelphia Press All around me , here in Paris , is evidence of tins distaste for lifo , this craving lor the rest of the grave An epidemic of suicide has sprung up like a plague , coming no otio knows whence On some dnys the list mounts up to ten suicides , while the avoraqo number is two or three The " city is marked out for the scourge , with its despondent populace , its many solitary griofs , and its uproar drowning the sound of so many sobs Despairing mon como there to die , just as tboy would throw themselves into an ocean But never , I repeat , has the contagion of death seemed to claim so many victims Some , in their misery or madness , throw themselves from the hrldgos , and their bodies are found in the Soiiio , caught under the boata Others prefer the rope : a few hang theuisulves In some park in the suburbs , at V ) rice lines or Iiouloguo , hut the greater number spare themselves this journey bv tying the rope to the near * est beam Mon have hanged themselves behind doorH , in garrets , nlong corri dors , und latterly ono has boon found whoj simply to avoid the trouble of climbing live flights of stolrs to his lodgluc- suspended himself from the railing of the staircase Of polsoniug there are foivor instances ; only women still Bwallow laudanum or the phosphor ous from H'pundlo of matches , although the Inttor is Boraotimcs a sue cessful l'uoanB of suicide Women , tool sometimes , open the arteries whihvin the hath , and death puts them gently tosloop under the tepid water A girl of sixteen years , driven mad by disappointment in love , choao last weolc to die in tills way As to charcoal it remains ( ho solace of the poor , a cheap and ovoivrondy cure for all the ills of lifo , Wnopovor an odor of burning is sues from under a door iu the faubourgs inhabited by the working people , the first cry 1b suicide ! " They hroak iu the door , nnd sometimes nrrivo in time to save 60ino poor wrotoh struggling iu tbo agonies of death Suicide by tlio knife ( B more rare , for it requires too much coUrugo to plunge a gloaming blade into flesh A moro suitable weapon is the pistol ; it demands only a slight movmnont of the llngor even a nervous contraction of tlio muscles will aullicoi J > Jorover , in case the revolver is used , if the first shot mlsa fire there are still four or live balls to complete tbp work Last of all , the publio monument ment ) ) are nolonger used for this deadly purpose Scarcely ono or two instances each year , can bo eltod pf person who ' have thrown themselves down on tbo payemont from the to war of Notre Inmo or the summit of the Column Vondome , and only the closoat precau tion has saved the Uiffol tower from suicide popularity Itlsafino death tills treinondnus jump , tins leap into ' space thus to plung Into the yoatex of otornlty Ono woman after eight days vainly spent in socking for work , obtained on credit a bushel of charcoal , to which she sot lire , uud then lay down , clasp in her arm her two llttlo children The next-day tbo tlireo corpses wore found , stiff nnd livid , and locked in close em brace Two ether people of olghty years , husband nnd wife in tholr de spair refused to wait until death should como to Ithom , they were c ' agor to go and they wanted to go together , bo they iullictod horrible wounds upon themselves with a rnxor COWHIDED IN COURT Mrs O'Hrlni Clinstlscd Iter Lord and Wns Klnod lor Contempt , Mrs Agnes O'Hrton whipped her husband with a rawhldo in the court of criminal correction this morning , and for the contempt of court thus o.xlnb- itud wns lined $50 , saya it St , Louis dis patch Jd the Chlcngo Herald The O'UrlomTaro well to do and separated some tlmo ago Divorce proceedings are pending Itccontly O'lUion swore oufa warrant ngalrvst his wife charging luwd conduct with .lohn Uumtnlugs "Whoii the case was called this morliing .Tudgo Campholl dl/missod the com plaint Mrs O'Hrion stationed herself ut the doonvav of the court room , nnd as Charles O.Urlon , her husband , passed ( jho suddenly drew a cow hldo from her clothes and struck him neross the face with it The rawhldo cut a gash 'in his right cheek and the blood began to How frcoly from the wound Mrs O'Hrion drew back her weapon again nnd once moro brought it down on her husband This she repeated about twenty times , bolng urged on In her work all the while by Mrs Does tvopli , who was crying out : Give it to tlio taruto , good , " Alter the first blow O'Hrion throw up his hands to protect his face , and thou endeavored to hold his irate spouse The noisu was heard in the court room , and Judge Campbell ordered the deputy shurliTa to bring in the offenders The racket was also heard down stairs in the police depart ment , and Chief Huobler rushed up the Btalrway and was the lirst' to roach the struggling pair Ho jumnod between them and wrested the cowhide from the woman , who was soroaming at her hus band : You have persecuted mo , vou brute , and Ill make you Buffer for it " She was palo and shaking with oxeito- mont aud rage A deputy sheriff grabbed her and ushered her into the court room When Mrs 0'J3rlon was brought ooforo Jddgo Campbell and the case oxplaiuod to him ho suid ho would flno her 8-50 for contempt of court Doing informed that a flno of $50 was the highest that could ho imposed for contempt , Judge Campbell reduced the fine to that amount The line was paid irhort Bird Stories Now York Sun : A very small bird ot South Africa Is the Alahali weaver , hut it lives in a very largo house shaped like an oil flask , which it builds itself On the West Spanish peak , Colorado , It I. , Smith trapped a handsome golden den eagle that measured seven foot four inehos from tip to tip The parrot has not the monopoly of the newer of talking among birds The tnynah , a species of starlingis very im itative , and bays good morning ' very plainly in response to a salutation The tailor bird makes its neat of long leaves , which it bows together with the fibre of a plant , first piercing the holes in tnom with its beak The bottom of the nest has a heavy layer of cotton A dudish bird that lines its nest with Iho down of certain Honors is the lanceolate honoy-oator. The nest is shaped like a hammock suspended from twigs , and is very deep The ground work is of grass and wool The sociable weavers will unite together gothor in building a thatched-roof prior to nest building ; the structure some tlmos being twelve foot square Under tbls a dozen or moro nests will bo built , onch pair of birds building its own , and each nest bolng shut out from every other A tame crow belonging to Mrs Hou- riotta McPherson of Horkimer , N. Y „ will whip any dog in the neighborhood , nnd amuses itself jumping upon a chair with a soool of thread , picking the end loose and unwinding the spool in the face of the cat As the cat jumps for the running spool the crow will laugh like a child A number of sparrows with a neat over the doorway of the Nutt house Crawfordsvillo , Ind , sat in judgment ovoronooftho Hock and deliberately hung it One end of a piece of twiti o a foot long was tied soeuroly about tlio birds nock and the ether end fastened to the nest The sparrow fluttered at the end of the sting for at least ton minutes , the ethers picking and pulling at it continually until it died During the Christmas fostlval in a church in England the children had just finished tno first vurso of their Christmas carol when a eloar , rich , joy ous song from a robin bur.it forth among the green branches No ono had scon him , but the minister raised his hand for silence , and the bird completed his song Then the rector , in great solemnity , oponcd the Oiblo and read : " Yea , the sparrow hath found a house , and the swallow a nest for her self , where she may lay her young : Thine altars , O Lord of hosts ! ' This time , " said the minister , our fnvorito bird , our llttlo robin redbreast , has found a lodging and breakfast iu the church , where wo come to pray for our daily broad Snow is all around , covering the ground nnd bushes ; ho was cold uud hungry , and might have perished iu the storm , but the good All-Father , in His pitying love and care , guided the tiny wings hlthor The little bird praises Him in its joyous song Shull not wo with far greater reason , praise Ilim gladly'r1" Glvo Children Tlnniy of Water For the reasons given , I advocate , under nil conditions , a plentiful addi tion ot water to'ctiildron' food , says a writer in tlio Archives of Podlrtrics , In this connection I would Jay stress upon the faot that , as a rule , small olill- dron receive wntor only us they got it In their milk or milk food Alike in summer - mor and winter , it is probable that the fact Boldom occurs to a mother or nurse that a child may ho thirsty without bo- mg hungry at the same time Cer tainly many a discomfort and oven sick ness In a child is conditioned upon the fnot that it has been compelled to oat in order to got its thirst satlfiod , nnd often has to sulfur thirst because the ovor-stimulatod und injured stomach will take no moro nurlshmont at irreg ular and too short intervals - i An Kxhtbltiuu or Mloroaonjim The tercentenary of the in volition of compound mlcroscopos" will bo celebrated brated by aunlvoraal oxhlbltloii of botany any nniLjnicroscopy , to bo hold at Ant worpjJlJmie the present year , under the allspices of M. Ch do Hobsohoro , president , M. Oh Van Court , secretary and Dr II Van Hourck , vice president , says Publlo Opinion , It is proposed to orgunlzo nn historical exhibition of microscopes and an exhibition nt the instruments of all makers , and of ac cessory apparatus and photomicogra- pby At.tbo conference iho following subjects will be discussed and illustrat ed : The hiBtory or the microscope ; Iho ube of the microscope ; the projecting mlcroscopo and pbototuicographv ; the microscopical structure of plants ; the microscopical structure of plants and animals ; microbes ; tlio adulteration of food substances , otc Communications ore to be addressed to M. Ch do Oo33- ohero , Llerro , Iiolgium Peculiar 11 rccullar In combination , proportion , n.vt A ' U preparation ot Ingredients , Hoods B.irsipaVBfc l rill * * , possesses the curalhoaluo of the bc9t f tf B known tcmcUxxr&lo dles ° ' " 10 / H \ # vegetable raUOCl 5 > kingdom , j M rccullar in Its strength and economy , Hoods f M S.it8np.irllla Mho only medicine ot which can _ H truly bo said , " Ono Hundred Doses Ono Del * * * M Jar " rccullar In Us medicinal merits , Hood t H Sarsaparllla nreomplUlies curri hitherto tm M Sarsaparilla ; ! I tlio title of The greatest blood purifier cm M discovered " rccullar In lis good mme M at home , " there Is more ot Hoods S.itR.t- M pirilla sold la V.oncll than ot nil other ' > H blood purifiers , IVeull.ir lu Its phenomenal H record of Qttoiili sa'ollrou' ' ! , , : ' 1 no other lr CCU11 ell preparation M c\cr attained go rapidly nor held so M steadfastly the confldenco ot nil rl.istcs fl ot people lVcutlar In the bralu-notk which M It represents , Hoods Sarsaparllla comv _ B blues all the knnnlcriEO which modern " B l + o lf • ' inodlcal jH sclcnco has HO 11S6 IT developed , | Willi many years pr.icllr.il cxperlenco in M propartiiu : medicines lie sine tu get only t Hoods Sarsaparilla ] I SolrtliyallilriiRRlsli pljMrforjfJ 1'rcpiroconly ! | by CI IIOOI > . < iCOAioUiccutklLowellMm . H ( OO Doses Ono Dollar fl imirisii KXi'itAnirioN treaty H Hntilled lty the Hrunto With Tun H AtniMiiImriitH H Washington , Feb 18. The senate today Bfc fejfl ratified the UritUh oxtr.idtllon treaty Ux't * < pHQPIt | trndttlon is not to bo had for political of- j jH fenscs nor shall any ponon surrendered by ! | jfl either party ho tried for nuy ether ofToiuo I M than the ono for whloh ojctruditud The I jH treaty does not apply to any erimos com j S mittnd before Its ratification , H The discussion lnstod two hours nnd two . > changes of lmpnrtanco were adopted by the . _ B senate The word voluntary was insortcd * i \ H before tbo word "innuslauirhtcr , " thus limit v Iiir the dORrooof thnt nmo inndo oxtrndit- ; B able , The paragraph rohiting to the crime ot , B obtaining money or bonds under falsa pretenses - > tenses wan substantially modified , if not H stricken out With those ch.inRes the treaty is said to have mot the approval of the demo , > crnlio senators , and the vote in its favor , it < B is understood , was practically unanimous , H 11m Hpluknriiflvillo CrnukH j 9 SriCKAitDsrni.r.E , Mo , Pob 13. The con . stable todny arrested sixteen crusaders thirteen Indies and thrco moil chnrirod with 9 tnnllclous destruction of property Jlc mat with no opposition , the Indies linvlncr deter mined to submit quietly to their mnrtyrdour } ns they cnll It All gave bond in the sum ot $50 each for their apneuranco next Friday Fired Intnn l'rnvor Slentini ; . Leiianok , Fob IS During a prnyor moat Ing at Edward Hundall's , llvo miles south of ' here , last ni bt , nn unknown miscreant fired a Bhot throuch the window , futally wound inp ; Mrs Kandall The fumily is ono ot the most prominent in the county \\nrtiiiu lor ( hn Knlr " jfll Al'uvnv , N. Y. , Fob IS The world'B fnir T9j conforoncocomnuttoomot tonlnht and Anally * v , " 9 agreed on the icport to bo proscntcd to the jMA flifl IcRlsluturo tomorrow , which is la accord 9HB 9 with the Doucw proposition , m Illinois I'rem ittmnclatlnn * fl PnoniA , III ' , Fob IS The Illinois Press I association convened in tbls city tonlc-nt. Its I 9 sessions will bo continued until Friday'when M 9 tlio memoers will leave byv peclal truin for Moxlco nnd the west . o * , , i „ , . . . .j . , . m tltiHlnoMS Tronblrfl ' Puov/nnscE / , K. L , Fob ' Jg r-PpH. HloU- m mend & Co , paper doolors , ' have iissltrufcd ( B m They formerly did a large whal ' c ' sale bust * HJ M ness No statement of the liabilities und as- BJ sots is nvnilablo v' B I QunrrolKntiio > ni'lnllst < 4. If m Heiilik , Fob 18 , At Muhlhausen Saxony , 9j there was a fight at a socialist mooting and S the troops were called out Thirty persons ' wcro wounded V * m , I'uzzla-il tiy lmltnilon Gold m A woll-known scicntllio gcntlomnn T has been experimenting on a metal I resembling gold for nearly a your , and fln 't ' ! * ' lias now got it down almost to porfoo- | 4 { ! tlon , says the London Court Journal . • j i IIo stumbled on it at first accidentally I while analy/ing some metals , and when I ho realized what ho had found ho went H to work and produced a metal which Jb puzzles the best of jowollors , is as heavy K as gold and to nil appoaraiices is the 1' ' precious metal itself When tlio gold u test is applied to it the acid boils up a \ little but gives no ether ovldonco that tbo metal is other than gold , and whoa * wiped olT lie murk or spot , is left , as is the case when applied to brass It can ho manufactured at a comparatively small cost 'Jorninntrd by Ghosts The stir in Montgomery county over the ghost scare continues nnd the mystery - tory deepens , 6nys a Charlotte , N. 0. , dispatch About three months ago the wife of Thomas Fuller died It Is re ported that her marrlod life was not happy , and now , slnco her death , Fuller - lor says her ghost torments him every jw = J " * T- night When ho retires ho can hoar " all sorts ot noisoB in , his room Fuller r " " " " * cannpt longer sleep alone , but has someone ono to remain In the room with him , The mysterious ghost gives him a great deal of trouble and has r onUorod hlin wholly unlit for bus.noss or work of any sort POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never varies A marvel of purity streniithandwholesomsness Jtloreeconomloul , than tlie ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold by A competition with tlie multitude of low ton Z short weight nluin or pbospbata powders , fiuld i nnlu in ( In cam Uovai Uakinu 1'owdkii Co , u , lutl Wall St , N. Y. a II rt.TiioeiuAiiT , JoiiKAimtANcr , I liUCIAN MlNOll I H. M. TItUBHBABT < Ss CO , Boal Estate Agents , I AtGALVKHTON , TKXaS I . KSTAIJI.UIUIi 1837. fl aalvestonlitUoBeaport that Uand Is to bo ' & for iho Ureat Northwest , Inforuiatlon and > . > tS J Mips furnished Visitors are lnrltod to call k . * atouroiUce y : Dr . JOHN C. JONES , \ i I'llACTICS I.IUITKU TO 1 j i > isiask4 or woair.v , , | Omc . UKCur IMU tuiii Oou < U Wu , OmiU N < 1