H BBBK 8 THE OMAHA''DMLY ' - 33EE : 1 - MONDAY - , EEBKU'AHY 10 , * 18.)0. ) . . . - - H '
H Dolofi'fitbB From Nlnoty-Ono Ooun-
W W tloa to Arrive In Omtiha Todny
H To Confer Willi the TrniiR-MlsMrftirl
H 1'nftNctiRcr ANNOclatiiti iV J ted tic
H don < )1 liniiilKrntinn llntcn , Kic ,
1 Pointers Wnnlud
H H Vlmtcirs Prom Kminnn
H One 6t the brightest and most Vmsl-
H tiCtstlko gentlemen of the great throng
H that registered at the Millard hbtol last even
H Inp wns Will 1' . iSoltoti , editor of the Klown
H County Signal , Qrccnsburg , Kan Mr , Hoi
H ton is n member of the exccutivo board of
H the lvanaas Immigration buroiu , and uotnej
H a tlio ndviincc gunra of about ono hundred
H of the prominent and Itilluontlal citizens of
H Kansas who will arrive nt the Millard today ,
H nnd nt 0 o'clock tomorrow morning meet the
B Trans Missouri Passenger association for a
H conference which will lust soma two or thrco
. . ,
H The Kansas Immigration bureau , " wild
H Mr Houltnn , "is an organization formed on
H January 13 , last , by citizens of the state Already -
' ready ninety onu counties have formed nux-
H Iliary nnclo.ics and tire working in harmony
H I ivith and under the direction of the statu
H bonrd of directors of immigration It is the
| reproscntatlvcs of these auxiliary soclotics
| who nro to incot In Omaha on Tuesday It
H I mav bo asked why wo como to Omaha to
H have this meeting The reason simply is that
1 the body of men which wo want to moot
| could not conveniently meet us at any ether
| point Wu were bouna to have a talk wan
| thoui , no matter how far wo had to go The
| fact that so many of us came so far will give
B people gencrnlly a prcttv correct idea of the
H kind of stuff that Kansas people are made of
H "As the noma of our organizitlon Implies ,
H it is to sccuro an Inllux of population and
H capital to the state of Kansas To-oo able
H to accomplish the objects of this movement
H n greater part of the last half year
H has been devoted by loiding men
H in Kansas in perfecting the organization
H It is also the purpose of this organization to
H so unifv the olTorts put forth by the different ,
H localities that thay shall not antagonlzo each
H | other , and Ihnn spend money without prollt
H to any , but rather to stimulate each county
H to do all it is nolo for Itself tupromoto thu in-
H llux of cnpltal and population
H | Kansas is today blessed with a crop , the
H extant mid magnillccnco of which wo our
B selves contemplate with doubt alter the most
h positlvo proof of its existence , and
H wnloh if wo are helped by
H thu Trans Missouri Passenger association
B to show to tiio hard worucd nnd poorly paid
| farmer of the cast , will be an evidence so
1 overwhelming to them thnt wo shall moia
H than realize our most snniruino hopes
H This delegation , which represents the
B whole state of Kansas , will ask help or the
H association in the following things ; In ad-
B vcrtising the statu by printed mutter , well
B prepared , nnd sent broadcast over thu whole
H country , and even into foroigti lands ; in so-
H curing the eo operation of newspapers , both
H inside ami outside of the stntu , so that our
| pcoplo may know what wc have
B to offer homo Beckers and capitalists ;
H to in sending agents whoso business it shall bo
B BB to go evpiywhoio to poisonally induce iho
| inllux of population and capital ; in securing
B for tills movement an explorers ticket ut
| ono fare for the round trip , and u half faro
H ticket for the emigrant nnd his futntlv WeB
B nlso ask for reduced freight rates for the
S otutpriint's houschnld and movcablo goods
BB | " \Vo consider tills as the supiemo hour
H nnd happy opportunity for Kansas to forgo
H to the front and place herself In the first
H rank of nit the great agricultural
H I coinpionweukhs , and wo hope tnat the fruits
H of this movoinent may bo a doubling of her
H J population As a nutter of fact , the state
H * ' oT Kansas ttdav Brands , in point of matuual
H 1 wealth , natural rccourcos , agricultural grcat-
H I r J1C39 , Intellectual , religious nud commercial
H supremacy , ut the head of all like extents or
H , territory on the face of the civilized glebe ,
B considering bor ago ; auditor condition as
H bucIi 1123 been brought about through a
H combination of circumstances , natural
H blossmss of soil nnd climate , Ingenuity of
H men , dllllcnnco and determination m purpose ,
H energy nnd dispatch in business , combina-
H tion and co operation in development , hur-
H inony in action , nnd , greater than any of
H those , by the leciprocal relations , aid nnd
H trienuship nt all times existing between the
H public and the great railroads that truverso
H our state "
BBBJ It will bo noticed that Editor Bolton has it
H nil dpwnorv flue , and there is little ciuso
H 1 for four but that the members of the Trana-
Missouri Passenger association will bo thor
i oughly convinced of having met a man from
_ _ _ _ Kunsas when.tho forthcoming conference
H , slin.ll have closed
H The oftlcers of the immigration bureau are
H } : . li Huek , ptosldant , Wiutlold ; Halo Cow
H i ley , secretary ; A , W. Oliver , treasurer The
H i executive board is composed of A. It Pord ,
H I Kansas City , Kan ; C. P. Hulllngton , Cher-
H ryvnlo ; S. A. Martin , Curoica ; Taylor Mil
H ler , Saimn ; U. A. Spencer , Hussull ; W. K.
H Uolton Urccnsbur . The executive oflico is
H I ut Wichita
H | Tin : niMTitioT cTjuht
m i February Term Will Con veil o Tills
Hi IMornlni ; Tim Juron
H Tbo Pebruary term of the district court
H , will convene nt 9:30 : o'clock this morning
H The session will probably last until the end
H j ot April as there Is an lmmenso amount of
H | business on hand There are 1,023 cases on
B the civil docket and 1CU qn the criminal ,
B After the ilrst few days of the term Judge
H Wnkoloy will devote his time to the equity
H docket , Judge Clarkson will tnko up the
B criminal docket this term , loavlng the civil
BBJ causes to Judges Doano and Hopawell
B The following nro the members of the
BBJ petit Juror for the coming term :
B First Ward P. V. Hurrott , George Carr ,
BBB John Hronnun , John FiUgoruld , John Mul-
B valtill , Prauk Joliusou ,
B Second WnrdMlku Carr , Cliff Rouser ,
BBI Henry McCoy , Jane Luunlgur , Joseph
BBI Mlchall , John Hnnls
BBI 'J hird Ward Joseph Stoln , II Lolsgo , O.
B VI , Church , W. II Kcruau , James P. Noluu ,
H l'rod btruitz
H Fourth Ward-W. II Wilde , A. Btooro ,
H W. W. Duncan , L. McCoy , H. L Kussel ] ,
BBB i John II , lurratt
liitli ward M. Wetzel , j , u. llruncr , M.
BBB Helm , , lo30h | Kcdmau , Gcorgo Uackus , W.
BBVJ MoUnvltt
BBVJ Sixth Ward Martin Olcson , Thomas
BBVJ Ilurke , George McKenzie , O. U. Ludlow , 1) .
BBb i I * . Hndmaiii
BH Sevontn Ward Alfred Peters , P. J. Man
BJ Elng 'Milio Toner
BH Kighth * Wni d-Joo Allen , J. Whlto , Dennis
W. l.ovo.JoBopli Stephenson
BH Ninth \\'ard JJ J. llurguss , Tom Hart ,
BH i R. M. " Taylor
BH , outh Omaha Hd Corrlgan , Tom Iiyan ,
BBJ Pnt Hector , Oharloa Tuggart
BBj ] Floniuco II , M. Hunt ,
BBJ . Union ailbert Kustln ,
BBJ Jcfforson I'etcr Mangold
BBJ Kllihoru Fred Moulton
BBJ Valley V. II Thomas
BBJ Waterloo Auam Stengllno
BBJ Chicago J , A , Fry
BBJ • MoArdlc Pioreo Itvan
BBJ Millard Julius Schroeder
BBJ Uouclas Peter McCaffroy
BBJ West Omaha Leopold Doll
H iCnr < l Prom > lr , Diuioari ,
H Omaiu , Neb , Fob , 8. To the Editor ot Tun
H fprc ; [ My attention having bcon called to
H the fact that at different times statements
H have been publlshod in the local papers to the
H effect that I bad not rompcllod people to pay
H , n fee for the inspuetlon of plumbing work :
H and us said etatemonts purported to have
H been authorized by the present superintend
H cnt of plumbing , I wish to correct the same
H ' by stating the facts as they are
H My Hip Van Wiuklo successor will find , If
H bo > vHl carefully read ordluanco No ' . * 0o5 ,
BB thnt , whlto said ordluanco provides for thu
M paying of a fee , tbora is no penalty attached
BB for/ulluro to pay said foe , consequently a
BB demand for said foa Is all that may be madu
B by the superintendent If he will take
B the trouble to cxamino ttho cony
B book oil Ala la bis oflico ho
BB • will kco that I have made such
B demand This is liot all , either Ho must
B consider that the ordlnanco bad only been in
B force about sis months , and that people who
. . . . _
I build houses nnd have plumbing work done
must have time to zct kcqunlntod with the
provision requiring a fee , and that said pco
plo are not nccc-ssirilv criminals because
thov neglected to conlply ; neither should
property owners bo treated like dogs be
cause ho libs a little tomporory authority
ocr them
I presume that chronic Juror got so
used to law thnt common sense is lost sight
of and the pound of flash is always to bo
exacted * f
Not wishing to tuko uf ted much space , I
will conclude y Bnvlnfc to Mr Drnnis that
I hope the Lord will give him sufficient
skill nnd knowledge to discharge the duties
devolving upon him , understanding - , to the
end that no1 innocent plumber mav suffer I
am , respectfully , HoheutD DUncan
The Missouri Pncillu General Rlnn-
ncor llrlcllIntcrvlctroil. .
S. II H. Clark , of St Louis , general man
ager of the Missouri Pacific road , arrived
in Omaha last evening Ho is accompanied
by Hon U. P. Waggoner of Atchison , attor
ney in Nebraska nnd Kansas for this great
system The roa\ \ object of Mr Clarks '
visit hero nt this time could not bo ascer
tained from him Ho said when questioned
logardlng the possibility of his company ex
tending its Hue north from Omaha that the
matter had not recently been given nny con
slderatlon , and , " continued Mr Clark , "I
nm not hero to Inaugurata nny
movement looking to the promotion
or consummation such n scheme
1 am frco to admit , however , thnt the
proposed Oninhn- Dakota road ought to bo
built It Is what Omaha needs nud there is
no doubt thnt sooner or later It will bo
built "
The now differential of fijf cents in rates ,
between roads oist nnd west of the Missouri
rl\or , ngrood upon two weeks ago at
Chicago , nro expected to go lntooffent today
This dlrfcrnnti.il simply ndjusts the through
rata on stock , so that shippers out In Kansas
and Nobrnskn will have the same rate to
Chicago , by way of Omaha , St Joe and
Kunsas City
A. tTewolry llolibery
Last ovontng between 7:30 : nnd 8 e'cloek ,
the fimily apartments of U. Seligsohn , G10
fcouth Twenty-second street , were entered
by thieves , who got away with lndioa'
Jewelry valued at 5157.50 Climbing up on a
itorch , the thieves cittorcd the house by n
window that Unit been loft open , nnd after
securing what they wanted , disappeared
without anyone being any the wiser nt thu
tlmo Further than the fact that the haul
mcludod a gold watch , the police
withhold full description ot the property in
the hope that it may bo the moro easily re
Mpctlnc of tlic Cooprtr'i' Union
There was a lamely attended meeting of
the Coopers union at National hnll on
South ' 1 liirtconih street yesterday forenoon
The eight-hour sMstem was thoroughly dis
cussed nnd some financial mnttors of a pri
vate nature dlsnosod of The union is gain
ing materially in strength , nnd although a
comparatively new organization is prosper
ing faij-ly. Nearly every jour cooper in
Omaha and South Omaha is a member
W. A. Paxton Sn > s it Will Greatly ln-
jnro Hi * I'rop-rty.
The bgaro of appraisers to fix the dam
ages caused by the viaduct have defrauded
mo out offat least ? 2UO0J , " said W. A
Paxtonjostorday That lufornal viaduct
will damage my building nt least WO.UJO ,
and I dent supnoso , if I should tittetnpt to
sell the plnco now , I could get within IjO.OOO
of the price the prnporty was worth before
this viaduct business was talked of I will
have to nbandon * my building and Hut up
another nnd ou Jones street I cant ' put on
another story on the urosont building , ns
thu walls uro not strong enough
Its a confounded outrage , " Mr Paxton
continued watmly , and 1 shall fight it for
nil 1 um Worth I will jlut every obstruction
in the way of tbo viaduct which can be de
vised " I offered to give the city f > 5,0M If
the viaduct was put over on Ninth street ,
but thcy'wouldn't ' listen to mo The thiug
has rubied m\ building for nny use what
ever , and I uroposo to make things hot for
somebody "
Mr Alexander McQavock said he was
not ready to express any otnnion as to
whether ho would accept the $ f00 damages
awarded him on his ,40 foot of the
north bO faet of lot 8 , block 20i.
" 1 offered to walvo all damnees " said ho
"if the council would deed the property
owners the ted feet between the propeity
line nnd the viaduct , and at the first moot
ing held to consider this question the mem
bers of the council seemed to think favor
ably of tlflsfiden Tbo council may do this ,
and if they do 1 shall walvo all damages , as
I Btated at first I shall wait until I see
what action the council is going ; to take before -
fore expressing any opinion "
A Lost Girl
Officer Wiibur reported to central station
yesterday nlternoon ubout4.80 that Gertie
Hirkman thirteen years old , light brown
hair , blue oyps , blue nat with old gold trim
ming , red dress and brown cent , was put on
Sherman avenue car No 9li ! , a short time
before , and had not econ heard of since
JDr atcGlyiui Very Mok
In a letter rocolvod 'by the Omaha Sinelo
Tax club , Dr McQlynn's manager says the
doctor ls'vcry low with pneumonia nnd that
his recovery is nltnojt despaired of He was
so sick while in Omaha ns to bo unable to
finish his lecture
A MisBinir Mum
A message received by tolcphono at police
station yesterday said tnat if anything was
heard of nn old man of about soventy-llvo
years and slightly domontcd to pluaso take
him to 1315 South Sixth street No name
was given
1'iTnininl Inrnsrnnlin
L\ Wolfe ot Neligh is at the Paxton
N. A. Pottygrovo of Oiford is at the
W. A. Gould ot Kearney Is a guest at the
Paxton ,
Hd A. Lambeth of'Nobraska City is at tbo
Paxton ,
I. O. Chapin of Lincoln is roglstorod at the
Murray ,
W. V , Whltmoro of Neligh is registered at
the Cusoy
II D. Watson of Kearney is stopping at
tbo Paxton
Charles D , Smith of Lincoln is stopping at
the Millard
S. D. Hnrton of Grand Island Is stopping
at the Casey ,
A. Hartson and A. D. Lens ot Lincoln are
guests at tto Casey >
M. L , Hay woo 1 of Nebraska City is reg-
istorcd at the Paxtou ,
George I\ Moore and wife of Norlolk nro
guests nt the Murray *
F. S. liuntnm and wlfo of Nebraska City
are guests at the Merchants
H. G. Cooper , editor of the Denver Ito
publleun , is a guest nt the Paxton
K. G. Cooper , general manager of the
Denver Republican , was in the city last
evening and paid Tub Hub a very pleasant
imijviTiis :
Kx-Gnrbngo Master Goldsmiths barn ,
nt the foot of Toutli btroat wus de
stroyed bv lira yesterday noon , Loss
nbout * 16Q.
ComiiiR gp'lttst night on a train from
South Ointtlm Wlulnm Carr , Hnrry
Guthrlo mul Frank Noop got to light
ing , and on roaohlng this city were
turned over to the policuand locked up
Sorgotmt Ormsby , yvho wont to St
Louis lust week with a requisition for
Clyde Fleming , a sporting woman , who
skipped out of hero n few wooUr ago ,
tuklngalong wearing apparel valued at
$ : T > 0 belonging to a slstor In sin , is ex
pected homo today , The Flomtng
woman had boon arrested unil juilod at
St Louis before Ormsby loft , hut by
agreement of the loser of the goods will
not bring the prUonor buck In case she
will restore thorn or their value
TUB MIS 15 FiiVntt , I |
Yesterdays Trip n Itnplcl mil Suc-
oPHsrnl Our
Conductor G. W , Goodrich mndo his first
trip yesterday on Iiir Her flyer , nnd at tl.ttt
ho slgnnlcd Ungincer Uowlcy ) who is , by the
way , ono of the oldest pasioaCer englnoors
on the Union Pacific , to roll the • vheeis Hh
is one of the foWenglnoors who is nblo W
take the tram thruugh promptly on time
Fireman McUlnnis scooped in the coal and
kept the Dro box full during the entire trip
It was only a few minutes nttcr starting
u.itll 'Ihe Hnn Flyer wes spinning over the
steel rolls at fifty miles per hour Con
ductor Goodrich is n very trustworthy man
nnd kept a steady watch nt nil stations for
red lights Fremont was reached on- time
nnd a supply ot water nnd coal were
taken on boaid when Euglnccr Kotvloy
ni'nln opened the throttle of enclno 40
and removed the reverse lever to the center
nnd the train pawed through North llend
and Schuylor six minutes Into The llrst
section ot No 2 was pissed at Hay State
nnd tbo second sec'ion nidotrncked at Schuy
ler Columbus was reached ati5:30. : Clnrks
nnd Silver Crook were both loft on the dot ,
nnd when the whlstlo tooted for Contrnl
City it was dtSi Chnpmin was the next
station , mid the train left this promising
hamlet nn time , wlillo the church splros mid
Blccples of Grand Island began to loom Up ,
nnd nt 7:03 the train arrived , while a largo
nnd eager crowd were waiting for u Sovmr
line The packages for poihts'Wcstof Grand
Island were trnnsferied to fast freight No
19. and the St Joseph & Grand Island run
its , a special to Hastings , with the
papers cast nnd west of thnt point
Tills train arrived nt Hastings at 8:10 : n. in ,
nnd tlm papers consigned to points west were
transferred to fast freight No , 01 nn the
main line of the It & M. , wlillo No 1 ( > S car
ried the piekngcs over tbo Choyeuno branch
Conductors Kchorn and Chatln run thn two
above trains and nro both very courteous
gentlemen and recolvcd the packages from
Tub Ukb representative on time The paok-
ngos for Nelson , Superior a.nd . Concordia ,
Kan , were sent by team from 13dg.tr to
Superior , a distnnco of twonty-soven miles
Captain Swift is nn exceedingly Inter
esting nnd satisfactory play A largo and
appreciative nudienco enjoyed its ilrst presentation
sentation In Omaha at the Grand opera
house last night , A better performance has
never bocn seen on tuostago of that theater
The action was of such high nr-
tistic excellence , the dramatic business
so smooth nnd natural , and the general
effect upon ones feelings so pleasing , that
the passiuc show seemed moro like real life
in London nnd nt Fornshaw than u mimic rep
rosontntlon The story of Captain Swift
is sufficiently fascinating and Well told to
hold an auditors ' closest attention It lias
many v ) ry bright and clover lines , n good
plot , nnd is full of striking situations Every
thing that can bo said in praise of ttio
company Is fully deserved It is a Madison
Square organizationwhich menns much , nnd
can readily bo ondersed Every member of
it Is un actor and sustains the part entrusted
to him with all the zeai.curnestnoss ; and de
termination imaginable The meaning of
every word spoken , of every sentiment ex
pressed , is gi\en full weight in
such ohaructorizatlon as tbo human
pasBsions are capable of portraying
Arthur Forrest as Mr Wilding ; , the central
figure , waB greatly admired , though not
inoio so than Wright Huntington , who , us
Mr Gardiner , appeared to.bo almost equal
in Importance But there is not much room
for discrimination in any part ot the cast
Fttz Hugh Owsloy , Miss lioso Hand , Miss
Grace Kimball and Miss Florida Kingsloy
came in for their all are of appreciation and
applause It is jjst the sort of a play and
company thnt theatergoers have admiration
for and talk about
A Trio or Wnuhl-llo longlw
While Martin Kerns of 1019 Leavenworth
'Btreot was walking along South Thirteenth
street last evening , with bis wlfo and two
other ladies , they were met by three rowdy
though qulto well dressed Swedes named
Charles Peterson , P. AYMiams and Swan
Swnnburtr , who pushed Mr Kerns and the
ladies from the sidewalk and then assaulted
the former very severely The police were
notilied and succeeded in finding and locking
up the ontlro trio of v\ould-be toughs
EDMONDSON On Sunday , at S d. m. ,
Genrgo W. , infant son of William and
Emmi Edmondson m , , > ,
Funeral from rosulenco , No 1207 North
Eighteenth street , Monday , at 3 o'clock p.
m. Friends are invited
Jjiloil fur \ \ Iteatinx . ,
William Dally was locked up for about the
dozonth time yesterday afternoon on the
charge of beating his wife
U06 FaiinAM Stueet , Omaha , Nhb
( Opposite Paxton Hotel )
Offlct hours , v a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a. m. , tc
frliecialliti lo Chronic , Ncrroui , BMn nnd Blood Dt-
ea e ,
Coniultatlon at office or bjr mall frco Medi
cines tent by mall or express , securely packed , free j
from observation , auaruntees to euro quickly , safe
ly and permanently
NERVOUS DEBILITY g ia ffasffi' '
slims Physical decay , ftrtslmr from Indiscretion , of- *
cess or Indulgence producing sleeplesnsis , despon
dency , pimples on the fueo.nvurslon to society , easily
discouraged , luck ofconttdenca dull until for study
or business , and finds lift * u harden Fafely perman
ently and privately cured Consult Drs H tti & Bcttf ,
liuwtttrnatnbtru * t , Omalift Neb ,
Bloofl anfl Skin Disease 1
results , completely eradicate4 without the aid of i
mercury , bcrofula erjslpolai , fever sores , blotches , I
ulcer * pains tn the heart and hones , syphilitic sore I
throat , mouth and Longuo catarrh , tito , permanently j
cured where others have fulled , I
Kidney Urinary t afiniSeu " 1 ? *
quent burnln * or uMoJy urine , urlno hljrU colored or
with milky sediment on atanllntr , weak back.gonorr
h < ea , gleetcystitis etc Promptly and safely cured
charges reasonable ,
innval cniupleto without cuttluii , cautilo ordlllatlon
Cures eriucleLl at lioiuo by patient without a moments
pain or annoyance
To Young Men and Middle-Aed ? Men
AQTIDP PITBF T110 nwfu' ' effects of early
BUltll UUnii Vice , which brings organic
weakness , destroying both mind uud body , with all
tsdreaded Ills , permanently cured
M1IPOTI3 Address these wb.3 h va Im-
UDHd palrod themselves by Improper
ImlulnviKei and and solitary habits , which ruin both
body au 1 mlud , untluinir tbcin lor business , study or
. U A li in en Mcv , or those entering on that happy
Ufa , u < vare o ( physlcial debility , quickly uj.litod ,
Is bated upon facts , first practical experience ace
ond-every case > Is especially studied , thus sUrtlnK
arlifht , third medicines are prepared In our own la-
bauiry exactly to suit caeu case , tliua aOfcCdng cure ,
without Injury
Offend 11 cenls posla A for celebrated works oa
chronic , nervous and delicate diseases Thousands
cured tVK friendly letter or cU may save you fu
ture suffering andihame audaddKOlden years to lit ,
\trtio letters answered unlets accompanied by I
cents Id alamos Address orcall ou
dim tir/rrs & iietts ,
11)8 i'aruam street , Omaha , Neb
! > 1
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UADWAV'S PILLS ate 11 euro for this complaint They tone Up the internal secretions
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Price 23c per box Sold by nil drugcists
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© Kooimlor FiitionU Itcccptlou Btooum a anil 40 , Oiiuilia , Neb
TO ATiJ TVTRTV J ulTr 'rlnS.r9K Nervous Debility , Lost Manhood , Jalllnu Momory.Kxhalntlng
MrVri .r . . ' iH--i. ' ' Uralns.Terrlblo Dreams , Head nnd Hack Ache , nnd nil the esrects loadlnsto
cVtlnh H ? . JSmlS pJUnaum- ? | . onfc or lnsnltf' " > < • ' aolentltlcally by new methods Consultation f rou
F.m " iiin.2RJ.lrS 0' ' iouSnl'cAlr'te\ ' urna' 'nful ' • "welllngs
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WtimA is.riiitSitn ' 0 treatment of every form of disease requlnna Jdedlcul or Surgical treatment
Inhniti.n { f iH % < Lt 'h08 , ' " ? rut ) . tlub Joet- Curvatures of Spina , Illes Tumors Caner Pronchltls
Uons Books and quostlo ? Kidney , Bladder , Kar , bkln and lllood and all uritlcai < . > era
3)ISFAKFS OV WrilVTVK A 81'KCIAI.TV. Book , Circulars and Qn ation llrt orTNerv-
tlackIrolBpsu6LtcrtPllesFerinle ' , ' . -1- - ousne s constipation ' , Heurslirla , Loucorrhoen fnln In the
tlackIrolBpsu6LtcrtPllesFerinleoakness.Dyspepslasliln l'lmplosaudall lllood Diseases
ByphlliB , Scrofula Ilud IJlood , Skin , Urinary Diseases anil Gloot Cured forlilfo
Wo do not cut nnd polish these precious stones ns thov no It in Am-
etordnm hut./or the nextsfriw duvs unUl f. our retail store "is routed ) wo
shall OUT THE PRIDES to the "fiuicU"o ' n all DIAMONDS , mount
ed or loose
l$50O0O worth orceins lo o for $2,5,000 , orjust BliiirI rloo
Wo quote u , few items to give faomo idea of the GRAND BAR
GAINS wo now offer :
$2. . - 0 , * " > , fie , sjl , , $2. , $51) , $75 , $100 to $250 ; ) , or 1i5 to $500.
$10 , $15 , $20 , * 25 , % . " ) , $50 , $75 , $100 , $250 , $500 , to $1,000.
Wui'lh $20 lo $2,000. I
$5 , $7.50 , $10 , $15 , $20 , $25 , $ .15 , $59 , $75 , $100 lo $500. I
Worth $10 to $1,000. I
$5 , $7.50 , $10 , $15 , $21) ) , $25 , $115 , $50/$75 , $100 to $500. 1
, \orlh0 ! to $1,000. I
Genuine Diamond liracelct , Neolclnces , I.o Kits , Cull liuttons , Collar Iluttons g
etc , , at correspondltiKly low prl.e * . 9
OKNaMUNTAL DIAMOND WATCH CASUS in largo variety , complete , with I
any llrst-cla s malceof American or hwlss mon-mont , from VX ) up to $ aj D
VISE DIAMOND MficTMINasin stoct and inailo to order
LOOSH DIAMON US of nil sizes , from ! -bl ot a Karat to 1U karats , at I
pilcos rangicf * ' from Wi to * M ) per knr it
| liosettlnir of Dlainonils u specialty I'stlmates furnished on application
An early ltiRpectlon of out stock will amply repay you
max meyer & BROCor SixtB3Htii anl Faraaui Sts i
1' . a The extreme LOW I'ltlcr.S provlously advertised by us on Ol'TIOAI , 9
OOODP , and all ether departments , will continue In force during tills OlTlt GltKAT H
DIAMOND SALK fVOld Gold bou jilt forcasliprt alien ( li exclmngo W
Of Every Design and Finish
HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St
ETCHINGS , ' J II 4 % # % % aTEMERSON ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha Nebraska
Monday.Tuebday , Wednesday 1'eu , 10 , II nud 13
( Spcclnl &HHf ntnO/i nw < Tc Inenduu J
Opera Gomiqtre'and Burlesque Co
Headed hy tlxo Charmlntr ami I'eorless
icl 1 CQRINNE 11 *
Jn tnt > ew Operatlo llurloa-pje
| Artlati | ARGftPiA lArtlatal
Ilegulor pilcej Mntlnea Wo Boati will be
pnt cu sale Saturday ,
AiiiciHlineiit of Article of Incorpora
Notice Is hereby plvon tlmt at tbo annual
ineetlnuof the stockuolders of 'Uio Nebraska
Ice company , held In Omaha , JanuaTy H , 1 > > W ,
article second of tbo Articles of Incorporation
ot said company was amended to read as
follows :
The prlnripal place of transacting Its busl
ness shall be tnu city of Kearney , county of
llutrulo , and dt-ato of Nebraska , .
witness my hand tills 'lili day of January ,
A. V , 10 , c. 31 , lilt t , fiecretiuy
J-llf. tt-16
State Line
Toiilnsgow , 11 el fust , Uublliininl I.horiool ,
Cabin pastugeru to % .0 , according to lo < utlon at , ' i <
room Ktcurslon t6 to MJ
ptecr&go to nud from Kuropo at Jowost Hdtei
"Stntoof Citllfoniiii , " building
AUSTIN HALDWIN & . CO , licn'l AlCllts ,
Ullroudiray , Ke < v Von
Jou > . IU-eoev , Gen'l Western AbciiI
lit Itunilolpli St , Cblca/o
lUiiuv K. MoouesTuos McCanne ,
Asents at OmaUa
l'uitlca Interested lu sellinK corn or regular
dealc-ibiacornullldowelltoMrlietotlie Unit ml
MatesBuuar Itellnery , of WaukeKau , Ills who
are lust starting up their large works and will
use lU.OUi bushels per das , nud pay cash Write
corn preferred us It is used exclusively for Ilia
manufacture of line sjrupsund glucose Sell
your corn direct lo the consume ! ana save nil
middle charges We are connected with every
trunk Hue to Chicago bv the Waukegan A
South Weitern It It , and all corn can be ship
ped direct without change of cars at Chicago
itrtefc UtdTt-UbTATtb rJUfiAii ItBtiNutr
Waukegan , Ills ,
' *
seen mm
Wc have taken all
' of fine grade goods raligiilg
j in prices from • j
$15to$25 |
And in order that they
may all behold enabling ns
to open the next season with
an entirely fresh line The
prices will be
$10 to $18
What has been said in re
gard to suits also applies to
our large stock of
which we are offering at
D ° 5 fSsBrovND
vCif Rl Fbi ? mi
wjS ftxt nL Pfc fink '
C.H PEARSON & cs- !
mMini A Perfect Art A'bum ' containing 24
IruSfeLr . Beautiful Photographs representing
lini su TMand Colfeo culture , will bo sent
on receipt of your address
' CHASE & SANBORN , I3G Broad St , Boston
Western Dept 80 Franklin St , , Chicago , III
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - - - 4O,000
Olllcers and Directors-K. M. lorsoman (1
M , Hitchcock , los ( iarneau .li „ A , Henry i : ,
M Anderson , Win (1 Maul v. prei , ; I , . II Will
iams , A. 1' . Hopkins , prei ; A. iUllaul , cashier ;
1' . II llrynnl , assistant cashier
Cnnltal $100,000
Siirlilns Jan 1st , 1881) ) . ,2,01)0 )
Hbmiv W. Vatki , President
IEiHrtS Hkbii \ lcoliealdent
A. : Ton % ! . ! % ,
\ \ , V. Miiusk ,
JohnsCoi.i ink
It U.
W. II H. IluuiiE" , Cashier
' Cor Uth nnd rarnnm Rts ,
A ( Jeuerul HanUni ; Iliislneaj jrausacted
M iTfl ft w A N T E D
Correspondence solicited
COMPANeg | CT0 #
NW Harris & Company , Bankers ,
103-105 Dearborn Street CHICAGO
70 Btoto atroet BQ8TOW. _
11 , M. Titur.iiE ut , John aihiia.iclT
Real Estate Agents ,
At OAtiVKH't'O.V ' , UXAS
' . ' .
GalvehlonlstlieHeaport that lonnd is to ha
for the Great Northwest , Information and
Maps furnished Visitors are iulted lo cull
atourolUce ,
CtnbocurcdIn20tonodavafly UtJ5 v | jg
use of the tJU
Mafic fieiiieilj7 ,
For sslo onlr hf the Cook Itcmodr l' • , of , Omshs ,
Nrlirnska Write Inm forllie names an Inii.lrrss or
patients who have t-ion cunvl ami Iroin ithiini wo
liavn permission to n > r r. . rlji'lilSIs Is a il ) casn that
hnsalwajstinmeUlicsklllof ilieniost eminent | > lirP
clnns , mul until lltoUlwivery , nf tho.Omk llrmeitr
, ,
< n 'MAtlHUKMKI \ . iiiHoiiolnmijr.j > T rlia liiic
tlioflsra | o has been cure I. Uo giuirniltoo Hi Jure
anr case that ran bo tmnluceJ Iliosa T io linro
takeiinierriifTiPoiash , n , • * suc SNItern iif other
< lvcrtl e < l reineilles with only ti raporsrr henrtlls
ennnow hn perniiinenllr cnreJ Pj the "so ot Iho
"MAtlll ! UBMhm"ot" iimi'ook Hi < tnpily > > > < > nialia
ell 'lewnre or lainillatloiis It Is a luuijr ln > -
pos lhlo Jnrforanv other i > er < in nr rtirniiaiir to hnV i
our liiruiulMiranrrt'iiiedy llknlltitulTwlninl rt wits
The I ouk Itnnetlr Co . h lieentrentlnii > otlrTls ror , Ate !
rouryennamllmvonlways irlven wrfeel allsl ctft
Ion thov nrnlUisnclnlly resiniiisihlp , liavpiif nqapl A
talntnwrlJtDUiMnakliiittlielritnnrtimieKniiil Wo
rollclt the most ohstlnalo rnses these wli'i'liiio
trie ! every kim n roninly anil lost nil liopc'or ' rocnv >
cry Torresponil with us anil let ns vut you In poss
ession nrnvilemfl that convinces tlm must skin tlcsl
Mark what mint we sny Inthnenilyou must u a
our tiAIIICHKMKIll"beror.s youeaii he i > eriim >
enlly cured It Is the most liorolo Wooil imrllliTover
known , Writ for particulars All loiters lOhtMca
OAllTinM Heauro jounro ReltliiK the Cook
LAUI lUri Itcmedy Co'a laRlc ltemody
None others are iiotmlne Parties elaliuin to ho
nirenlsfor us are Impostors anl frau Is hull pirllo-
uInn free Address ull communications to
The Cook Remedy Co ,
509 South 12th Street
OMAHA ED3GAP , SUft i ! D c
II.W Con , I3IH& Oodoe StB , OMAHA , NEB
BtstyscilUeiApparatviasaB ! ineaUsforBi > eeesafu !
IrBitraent of svsry form of u'sesss ' rcoulrlax
Board A Attendance Best Aoesmaudatioasia West
trj"WRITK FOR OIR07LAr.3oa Deformities and
Braess.Truts.s , Club rest , Curvatures oEpii , l lies
Tumors , Oaocer , Ostarrh , Bronchitis , Icbnlatlon ,
Bleetrlclty , Psrslyoli , Bpllspsy , Kllney , Bladder ,
By , ar , BklnsnlBlood andallSurtlcalOreratiou ,
vn ruvi ! i.iTBiT iDniin i LTua-iK narsBranrr roa
All lllood DIMS , . , iictturally trrsled Syrkllllle l'olon
rnoi.d , , , . . .
lrcmlhji.ni Hhoul m.rt ry.t * RrtlnnUis
rr < iimsj > tr < , rUi.tcrTlTiL lunciu firiuiissbie io villi . i
Binft/batre t , < lst homsLy err spooiltiifi jilleonimuBle V ,
. .
OcnuocBd.Dtl.l prmur , jn.na.ooBi.rl UcillelEaiorlnilrsmsaliMolbyiiislKris , .oloSlcslceoiKsliorttodnA \ \
( Jnjpinou rirtertl wpr r ir 4. C.I I • ndeonimtuioritDd -
CT7. . KV • • • . ni • llt lend In p ! ln r prer , osi ts
yi i'iVi % S.1.I * " . "k qmsi'on tin Jtaarsis ( Hssssssl
18th and Beige StrtoU , OMAHA , MSB H
- The Well Known Spoclnllsl , JH
/ & iti&\Xwi \ * H forms or ImF - |
F ftt Sk Cliet ' and&trlct , H
fltt5v iMM Slanh.ooil Hnd H
r ® > > ffl
ftW \ 5J JfH ' * Sf Ambition ' • tor- H
/ / t"A I'ly ' or llurrou' j H
if "I O ) 11CSS absolutely a ssBBsfl
E 3lJh , * ry rxcret , " for M n X B
I * * A initio Discuses Ca M
" * . ' H
Sft luunently 'Ireat *
sbms s s
coft&irf/rATioft Fis 'i'ii ' ; . imM
Office SE Cor lUtii & Jackson Sts Mm
Omaha , Neb , wmm
Tin ; cjuiiiutji : : ; > HOOHN MIMlti\Ii , Ut
1'As'HLiIjKS , this unfailing itiMi'n : > rou 9j
BOIli : lllltOs.r , COUdUH , CATAItllll , AND iioaiisu 9\
this niiiiAiiisn iiismai : . i-vuimiouv should > * sfl
KiUJl' A liox uv bODKN AIlNUItAIs 1 > AS" - B
Tlljijics is the nousii - 9u
801.1) nr ALL DHUUGIUTS AT 23c. AMI 50c. a 9 *
L'ainiililvls Bent grails on uphlli'iiUon Iiy Uio Mj
Soden Mineral Springs Go , Limited , m
* r Lsquor Habit
urAU me wo/fio met ? vsBin'omewe
H 04ti be gltvi In h cop r X coffee or U s * . # • In uiw t-tsfJ
ttcleftuf f * o J , without the knowledce of thepatlent , H
Ifneofttsarjr It 1 * abiolutel barmleiB nod will etl # " > * m\\
a perm neot and ipeedy oure , whethe 1 the patient la H
anioderatodrtDtferoranaloohollov/reek VtlW.WXL L\
FAIL ) * . It operates ao quietly and with auoh carMWM
tat nt y that the patlant undercoei no Jnoonvenlenoa , M
and era he la nwara , hlo complete rtfOrnlatloD U MM
etfeoted 49 psgo book ot pavrtlculam free mMm
UUH.VA CO.5ili l > ruKU und lNtaXCumtntfBtsfl mM
* + liMnprUMr ) M\K' ltHrMKA ; t'O.Omnti * - , M
f tVvjf Hareaur sol e > l * ] o -llstl Ladles , sst ]
ilYllruaiitstrurlllKiuoiidllruiiil.lurea utuilU
JS Utxitf , settled llUblu rlbUo Tske uo totbvn H
Ei Htut tempo lor isrlUulsn sul"llcllrr foi
If l.LJI , , "l.il < ll.rlyrilurniu II..Na . /oi l flB
_ _ J _ C'UI hislerCljciulu . W4ju slkll , ITO
SurTcrina rmmtliaiirtcunr yimthrul errors , < ary )
decay , wastlnit weakness , lost iimubuHl , etc ] will
send a valuable triatlhe ( staled ) contalnln full 9J
particulars for homo cure , Ill Kll of ihurno A
tlileudlil medical work : shoul > i lie riad by nvery sbj
• nun who Is nervous and debllltatid , Xildress , SJ
ii'ror , i' . c. i'outiitnioociu : , coiiii
Neb 303-404-170- .
Many Imltato None Equal * B