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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1890)
I THE OaLAHA DAILY BEE : NftNDAlf , FEBRUARY 10. 1890. 7 H Bif - " | i i i i i i i l l mi l I ! SPECIAL NOTICES * K OMAHA Jmt J ' Mo otlvortlsomonta-wlll bo tnkon lor IjflSP ' ' "oaocolumna oftor 12:30 : p. m. njflr ' TormB Qnah In nclvnnco jp > AdrertrMnenta under this Bud 10 rents per h L line for the tint Insertion , 7 cents for each sub WA ' sequent Insertion , and ll.Miper linn per month g _ . \ , No advertisements taken for leas than 2,3 cents Ei \ | for first Insertion Beveu words will lioonunted IHr \ to the line , they mutt run consecutively and IB ) \ miiit no paid in ADVANCE All advertlse- ( ' tnento muatbahanded in txifore IS : . " * ) o'clock p. IH t m , , nnd under no citcumstanccs will they be B taken or discontinued by telephone K Varttn-adverming In thcio column * and liar _ . ; I InpthelrnnBwersnddreRaoil In care of Til * Hkr K will please ask fdrach rk tn enable them to pet tr , their letter : , n none will be delivered except If I on presentation or check All answer * to ad- t | , Vetl ment i should becnclo ( dlnnvelopps K All atlvertisments In thee columns are pul > - Bt - llslied In both morning nnd eTeblnn.tdltlons . of m This ihk the circulation of which BggrcRaWs B roonjtnaii 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad K ' ortHermha Denotll.nnt only rift he city firm m . latlon otTilfi lint , but also ot Council Muffs , m J Lincoln tind-ctharrlttos nnd towns throughout m , thl aoctlon of the country 1 rBRANCH ' OFFICES I AdverllMng for these columns will be takes y I on the aboro condition , nt the following bual i s * nesa nouses who are nuthotlred agenta forTiik Ilu special notices , and will quote the same ' rate * as < an oe had at the main office 1 - -TOHN . nTiTu : "i'narmuclRtrt5 South Tenth \ i ( lit ASK ft r.nnr , Stntloners and Printers , 113 f * * - > tiontli 16th Street ] Q Hil-VVUNBwbllTIt , IHnirmaclst , 2115 Cum U inn Street \\T 37 HDOIIHS , Pharmacist , 024 North 10th TT . street j " / 1K0. W. PAHH , Pharmacist , K18 Leaven [ \J wottb Street t l.rU01IE3'PHARMACY. 22US Fnrnara Street , \ SITUATIONS AVANTIlO POSITION wanted by a llrst clnss hlack- J. Btnlthimust be small town and country work Address C. T. Held , tlfil N. 21th 8t. , Omaha | 511-11 ? ritO MF.llLIt ANTTnllors-A tlrst-class cutter f X of long experience and well known In the trade and In Umnba la now open ror an engage ment _ Aildruas . U M ± llco Omaha , Neb ; _ MJ7-l0t QlTILVlION young man ot good address O olllco work preferred Address U 01 , llee MMlt " \ATANTHD Situations for mon Parties i. x wanting male help or any kind , troma { _ , bookkeeper to a laborer , will bo promptly sup iSi piled tret ot charge by applying to 31 n. lircga , Ve JITUAIION wanted by competent stonogra- mS Opher nnd typewriter Address UW , lloo M BSa-llt > m \vaxtii ) aiAia : hkijI . B \\r ANTUIJ Twoyouncmenof ROodTTddreas Jw > . not afraid ot work ; must liavo 110cash. Mtt Salary $ iU pur month Call on J. N. Urns Ill M NlBtnst OIMOJ pfe All.Ma WuntuiJ 'Jo hell the best endorsed SS -tV. remedy for the euro of Inlluen/a , lutarrh , fc Itn other head , throat and lunu diseases , ror m w hlch from 1 toMO per cent ran be made Ail IS dress , the Carbolic Smoke lln.Il Co , Chicago , in iiiimim- _ V \\/"ANTii ; ) Two kooiI Urauglitsmenat once 4 .it Henry \'os > s , over Adams V.Ulllce. . lit ! lOt WAMhO-A good man to tnke care of horses , drive and work around the house liiH 17th ay 4Ui-8 AOI' .MS wanteil to represent a Boston bust , ness house , either on salary or commission , In Introducing ono of the cieatest selling artl- clesofthe age : sells lthelr enormoustirollts Address the l olllus-Campbcll Co , UJ lederal St , Iloston , Mass 49IJ WAN1UD Slon on s iliry to solicit forweok ly publications , must furnish recomraon- . I elation , sal nr ) ! " > < i per month to commence with , / nddre > < s M , It U ± lmalia P. O. l,8iI ! . . . S\VANTED Hey who has nan tome expert A ' / tt once in running an olurntnr ; nddi ess Lock aX JjOXiil iiustollicc , wltli reference and age 4018 WANTI1D A good stiong boy to work In drug store , S. IS cor ICtli and tnrnam r _ j 4 i8 B \\/"ANTEU-flood / blacksmith for country H T\ town Married preterrul Must he ticr- H man Can either take the shop or work for H wages , fcuatly Job guaranteed , ca N. luthjst , ' * _ _ 44U-H . v\xrANa | { | ) tTcii tailors , apply at U. ATLlua- H ' CJt nUCsttl3)71'arnnm ) st , 450 8J | ( \JlTANTBlJ Good , rellnblo nfec for dctecth es M , i • * ' lii'pwrv community ; paying positions B Kansns Ihitective llureaii , lock box SIt , Wlclilta , Kau US 8J H ' "W ' • want Co agents and solicitors Apply H T ? to oi address with btnmp 1 , U. lay , NU N. , > 6th. , fiii-U * AOP.NTS Wanted-lfi household articles $3.00. Wo i\111 send you live articles for 1.C0 , the H rest wnon ordered Address .US West Mthstreot J. W. Perkins & Co , Kansas City , Mo 681-16 \\TANTI.U Agents for llenverBtnto tottery ctt tickets W > c. Address A. C. llossA , Co , I * 1'enver. ' Cole u > l apwt H rAN rilli Salesmen on salury or rnmmls- K Tt slon to handle thn Now Patent Chemical { V Ink l'rasmg Pencil The greatest selling no\- k elty c\er produced Erases Ink tnnroiuhly In | tuosecomlsi no aliraslon of paper 2U0t < rM1 cent protlt Ono agents sales umoitnt d to iier ( six days ; another UJ In two hours > Ve want ono encrgotlo general agent foreach state IHI V. ami torrltory Sample by mall it" ) cts Form \m S. terms and full particulars address the Monroe M llraaer Mfg Co I.a Crosse Wis SU-lf WANTED At once , u Hist clans blank book , _ forwarder , ( loot ! wages and steady em- jm ployment Apply at State Journal olllce , Lm- . B i oln Ni h. i 4U7 10 1 W ANTED A competent stonoginpher who 1 T thoroughly unitorstauds the work neccs- sary tn n lumber olllce ; we niter a permanent H and an exiellant position to the right man Ad- H dress at once stating salary expected , age , to- K Uetberwltli reference and when you could re- " B port ror duty to the Itcllance Lumber Company - ny , lumber mauufactureis , lleaumnnt , 'Ihmis , < * J If a A. 487 U ANimj-flOOiiien for Utah noarColllnston und Mllford | 3 to * . ' .to per day , or 0 p r J month anil board , fllley li Kramer , cor 11th • J nnd Kaniam ts bb WANTKIl Salesmen at $75 permonthsalary . nnd expenses to sell a line of slUtr-plated UV ware , watches , etc , by sample only ; horse and J team furnished free , Wrltu at once for full par } K tl < ulars and sample ensu of goods free Stand 7BJ nrd Sllrerwaru Co , Iloston Mass U" > WANTED 400rockim n , teiimstersaudgrad- . _ crs for Utah nnd Nevada ; cheap rates ! AlDilglu's Labor ngency 1120 l'nrnam st i- im M EN to travel for the l'onthlll nurseries of , _ _ Canitdu Wo pay J51 to J10J a month andi ipjl expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown . T ktoik Add btouo & . \ \ elllngton , Madison Wis m AVAXTin FHM'AM ; iniii > . WA'NTP.U-iTlrl for lioucouoriT'MlfTtT hlaryaaTo mi 10 WAN'J'HD-A first girl fnilauiUy ot slxT Ono „ > \lu > Ih , gooaicoox Kim laundress Apply ' m p2U2 8owar.l . . tM j. t fl , / ? < IJlT.wauteii for goneinl housewprk , apply sTj u. Soiltfl21th Bt Mrs Loulg Heller 4111 / ; fl TArAfflED Lady correspondcr by respocta * . ! ule.yotfng widower , object matrimony ; address U S llee ] 477 si , TVAN .TKiG00d , ' girl In unall family lO 'l ! , yT Btaut.v | ; n , 4.j- & IVVA ! 5'l , ! , > TCo ? . k . * . ? r Wjoiiiliny 140 ; Sglrlrf Af 'J J ( lllircrs family US ; 2 wultresses In city , h m for SouU Omaha : chambermaid , laundresses S"Hf'ri1t'Aleri , ' , ! , , > yP" ' K'rl t ° "t t In' J , lidtitoworki low't ' ( places in and out of city bvorr day ; monthly nurse with refoiences girl for family ot 2 , f4 ; girls for the country : m 110 girl need ba Idle iu Omaha , Mrs Ilrega JUHa.Ult. i . J CJAS-UrtJ M X\rANTEl > - A competent ghl for geueral tt houseworkl good way s. s. 0. cor 23 and , Jon j , , mm 1 B „ r- ( JIIIW Wauled fur general housework , small J V tamily , llrat-rlass wages tocompetc'iit girl H 1 A . .MVrt utl ' > 'r fi' ' ' " • ,0 , i % 1)0 ) > 1K street 3H10 * lV f x 1 f OJUIIbCSand othcrslutercttodln uuralug are vX\Tei < pt' > tf'rtly InVltcd to uttend free lecmro1 m iibuni * < llfal and siirglcul nursing byllr , Jens ni1 " 16' WMI'Pwl ' block.11(1 ( s. 15thst. Weuneaday oj-eb It lCtlin > lomnioaces J o'clock sharp , II g , . \ ' 65J US \V A"'J' l > - ierman girl , must be good cook IMA in1u l , r0.ut . Wtliom Valley house , n e cor Tltn and Dodge 413 1 ( "WrANTED tllrl f r housework , W 816th. I * ! • _ _ * 4W-II , , , , . _ 1 ' \UjHiTH - / .i' * o girls , oua forgenoral hou eh I f TJkOI-J and one nurse girt Call 2JJ7 Clt- fornja st : an M \CnAN'/HD-i.ady | agents tor my new Nov , itoso and dlaiier supporter combined 1 ho cut M est little armont ever made Agents make m II00 daily Al o .Melntosh waterproof Hag lans , "Freurli Peasants " Mother llubbards Alpaca outside , rubber lnalde full Una ladlts' M and children's furalahlng goods btamp for ' VJ cataloinej K. J | , Campbell , 4M Itandolph . . Chicago mt 'a , . ftW _ > vCWNUKOr.AH looking for work or heTpto . M . . ' .T.T ' ' ' U-B-Keith's ompluyment uniceJiyic T BISthst batlsractlon guaranteed 223 in T w j ? * ' \ lmJ:8saiAKixt ' Bil > 3i < tAKl ( iI-Tt , lliarker blk lEth nnd , _ raiuam 3rd Uoor Miss M , fccanlun ) M me ENnAOKMRNTS to do dressmaklnt In fam- llinsoiititeu .Misjsturar , bus Sithau fffltnj i-'orThnNT iiouskh I poll UKNTHotiseof 10 room a , hot and cold : water , gas , bath room and all conveniences 7TMN mint , closa to Doth cable and motor Apply on premises fiSMTJ _ FOR KENT-.1-roora Mouse , city and cistern water , fill to small family ! reference re quired ; cor , lfitli and raclQc sts.l 11. K. Copsou 607 IW Oroomliouse lllthandtlrnro . . . . fttOO 0 room 'J donblnhouse N , lBh ( St . . l w 12flats on IMh knd Chlragn . . , . .113.00 to.4 * ) . a tue-room cottages Charles st > r > ui ' • room house In Monmouth Park W0 ft-room house , noth and Hamilton 1 , , . lVtu 2 IHo-room bouses 8 18th st , , 21MX1 Proem * 4 donbln house , Fornamat TAW 10-roomhonso , near 21st and Harney . . . . . COW ) Star Land & Loan Co , . KkTCJi Fnrnam st f.j-ll ) HOltSB for lent and furnitureforsale.pmnte rcsldctiee large yard , good barn , finest loca tion In the city , llonoo ( netcelltnt repair , has modern comenusnrps , only 0 blocks from P. O. rent moderate Elegantly furnlsned throngh * out , A great bargain ITIce 11,100 { one half cash Address U 1,8. Heo ofllCP K'j0-18t URNX-TheUlolce llat In the Her block I4IOH 10th and Jackson sts , all now iv papered and has all conveniences Call at 1112 Harney 389 ITIOR HUNT New 8-room house IKtl nnd Call X1 fornla sts , nil conveniences , 5.11. A , CWaxe let , room W N. Y. Life bldg 317 8-ttOOM lint with steam neat , Ictn st „ near Jones , lhos JMIall , : iu l'axton block 73 KENT AnB-room detached house , furnace - . naco , bath , etc , 20th and Lea\enwortlu J10. David Jnmleson , llee bldg 770 rilKN lloora brick llat Alt modern comen- Xionccs , loratodnear P. O. , rooms full and 3d tlay lioarders , rent I'Ji per month , furnlturn tew , Jloo cash balance 2. ' . per month : also oneU loom brick tlatrented to roomers only , furni ture J7fO , 3100 cash , bal monthly ; room house frame , first class near high school , rent J.V ) . fur nltura tl.iuo , ono-half cash : Broom brick llat on Capitol n0 , hear lCth rent i-C > per month , fur niture J vif 100 cash , balnnco ! - > per month Co-OpcramoLand and Lot Co , 03 M. lltth st , ' 510-10 FOU HLNT-Ono lloor , 108 St \ KB- . tnt IriOlt HKNT-llat No 4 , In Linton block , 13th - nnd Mason sta , on the 2d lloor , steam boat , lnnuiroot John Hamlin , 017 , In the block.GJ2 GJ2 IflOU KENT Nowseien room cottngo a few J minutes walk from lull and Karuatn , city watorwlth sewer connections , ou motor line O 1' . Ia\ls company 404 milR lower story of houco No 207 8.21th st , -Lr > rooms and closet , air heat , mantel and grate gas , hot and cold nnd elstern water , bath loom.gooa Ll'llar.ntco soddedyardat &X > month 1M 1J10U HUNT To rosponslblo party furniture . for tulo,7room , house cor I2thand llarner , good onrn , shade trees , line location , rent only iVi Call for particulars ou J. L. itlce llee oiilldlng , ( solB-ngent. ) tw jj fllOit irKNT Uhe finest 7-100m brick , 2-stgry X' modern iionscs on motor line in the city of Omaha tor $43 per month to } early tenents Ktery modern iilUeni nce J. L. lllce Ueo bulld'g , soleaitent " 4Vi WJ IflOlt ItENT Corner , 7-room House , l'th and Harney st , furniture for sale , fine location , rent only ? 4U , good barn , to responsible tenant only , lutntlro-fpr particulars on J. L. Illco.lleo bulldg sole ngent 411.1 H ] OC12 Capitol ave 7 rooitm : west halt 2i3ll Dav- * Jenpnri starooms 2518 Capitoluvo * ' - ' 4I7-12- l'OIl lti : > T E00.31S J-'UItNISIIKl ) ' • [ . t ; _ IilOlTK newly fiirmshid rooms.ouo In suit , suitable for four gentlemen with first class board Hof iencc , rcHUlred U23 l'arnam st , 5,11 11 * IriUUNlSUED looms , 7MS. 15th st , J Kit 13 * T > OOM-SInglC. 2106 flottglas EOOM and hoard for geutldman 1011 Couglas " * 501114 * fllrt'O nice front re-prim and other rooms , Xmodem conveniences , 18J1 rarnam st , 1 > 62MI IillHST Class rooms w/tli' / hoard In brick bl'k , ! located * tNb 1707 Dodgy Bf 619 10 FOR Itt .Nl Trout pa ' riiirwllh sleeping room nicely furnhliea , on flrSt llbor , within 4 blocks from court house Inquire 21f > H. Pith st r . , - 5)1-10 * fjlUIlNIBIIUU rooms , all conveniences 402 XN lUhst..t , , „ , 474-31 EOll HUNT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping or parlor'innd ' bedroom for married couple Call 017 N 17th st 475-8 * TflUUNISIinD ro6n3sJat , reasonable rates ; S X1 large rooms furnished for housekeeping If desired Modern conveniences 20th nnd\ • ! enworth rt , 4K-W , IriOIl KENT 'A'sult of nicely furnished front - rooms sultiibio-foriigantlomen or man and wife , with heat , cheap , at KM.3 Howard st 1 _ / \ r 452 St FUUNISHED rooms to rent , with or without , board ' References required , nil Iaven-j port st 'J ' " ail-w rilWO furnished rooms to let , 2022 fat Mary's Xavo _ " 5)1 ) , ANTEDr Vashlug by the day or at home Warrantwl neatly done D07 N 18th st * ' • 460 8t DES1 HAD f.h sunny room ' s wlth , board In pri vate family : haudsomoly sltua' .ed In mod crn residence 2130 Harney 000-lot "VTIC1' room , modern qonvenlences , 1719 Dav is onpoit , > tsim01 JTlUItNlSlIEDioopis * ' , 201. llarnay JD _ _ _ ! 370 10 ] N1CELV furnished ropmsrutoreuco ; exchaug ed 1017Capitol ave " 283 lit BOARD and r.OQjn , 110. I3.1017 Chicago st , „ 310-15 ? TT1URN1BUE1) rooms and Ward , li-22 Chicago X 310-16t ; _ TTIOlt HKNT Sultei of front rooms , modern X1 conveniences tilth or without board (11 per monIh 221n l.cnvynwortl st JQ2 T. CLA1K European hotel , cor ISth and Dodge Special rates by w00k or month , XTIL'KIiV furnished rooms for gentlemen ouly , IN 170H Dodge 112 , . T , • • • j. ITIOR RKNT-pCurnlshodrooms , also front and : back parjol1003 Douglas , , HI LARtl 11 front room , with tir without board ; alsosmaIl iMooiuiprh ate family ; I812Dodgo * T . tfl . ) . „ , ili IriURNISH D room and board ; all convent : enecs lujoCfpiuil avenue wo JfOK Itl'.NUVr ' urblshed rooms on first floor , ! steam heat ; > 2IJ 8. Twenty-fourth at UU Av " AlVi 'lii---TO ' ! UUX'X' . t \A ! ANTl'.DTorprit by Juno 1 to 13 , a smallj it cottage with nil modern eon\eulences.i Must be convenlimt to busings Will make tlmo leaao vlthpartyiwho ( will build house to ault Address , stating particulars , U .12 , llee , 4 " • 371 10 ] Foit m\T stohib : ani > opi ioks FOR RENT First , second or third lloor of the now a i-tory building now being built between - tween N , V , I.lfn and Mor f > building on I'nr- nam st 1) . C , Patter f n , ) N. V , Life W IjIOH RENT Slore with good llgntbasemout , X1 No.70381tlthst.3U. Considering the bus ! ncss location it Is the lowest rent lu the city Applyatstoru ( ieorgeOlotiser &U 101 < RKN'lv-A desirable new retail store 22c - ui feet , on UHli , t. , corner of Jackson ; steam hi at electric light nnd completit water service without expense to tenant ; cun furnish some additional atorugo room it desired Appiv to Rector icV llheimy Co , corner loth und Jackson sts . city . ; m tt "IjlOR RENT .Oargo light basement corner X' loth and Jouhs st suitable for barber shop , merchant tailoring , boot and shoe shop , plum ti ers olllce aud mauy other kliidi ot business Apply atstoro No-IMS | ( thst Ueorgu Clou- ser 54J t G6TOUIU on 15th and Chicago 130 ; 1 stoTo room on \ \ es ( Faruum ut , , J.W ; 1 store room on West l'arnam J „ * lu Star Land and Ixian Co , 1 U9H Fariiaiu st , fisH DESK room for ioal estate agent or attorney Most desirable corner In city , Wheeler ic Wheeler Douglas and 13th eta 4iu IjsOU HKNTr-Abutcher shop cor th and 7 Chicago str l" , Inquire at , 318 S. 12th st < IfoOlQJ "IJOH HKNT-Halt store , 151ft Douglas st , STORES at 707 , 7K711 ( B. OBtii.22xlW eachJarga show windows , steam heat furnished Thoa F. Hall 31U'axtQn blk 147 fjlOR llENT-3-htofrhricf ) building , 1110Doug- X' Us St , suitable for wholesale or warehouse puriwsos Also brick store , 107 8. ljlh st , lu- iiulro of Chas Kaufman , Ifu Dqughts st 1JU • IftUlf RllNU ne ? "lral > ie tcrr aiid Haw cheap X1 Kllkcuneysc Uray , Oontlaental block 658 1' SI ROOM Kx43 ) with power , at Model fitnam 1sundry. 1110 ana 1IU Dodge W8faif > IPOII RENT or sate , 3-story brick building * > basement Cfix 1.12 , formerly occupied by DM Stetla 16 Co , cor llth & Harney , inqtitro after Feb 1st of n , M. Steele ft Co , cor.l'tfi ft Jones , twrjJlj STOItr for rent , lt & 10th at Inquire 1323 _ Jackson 574 'IPOK RENT The underaigned belni thn X' owner of of the following vacant stores an 1 dwellings , will rent the same at special lor rates to secure deslrablo tenants for me win : ten Tvo new brick stores , 24th and Grace , each 20x00. with cellars Three new brick 7-room Oats 44th and flrace , with mantels , bath rooms and modern con veniences Six new brick 11-room homos , with every modern convenience , for rent at lois tnan.hal f rates , 20th and llurdette One new brick 10-roora house with every con venience 8Mb and Marcy Ono atore building aim largo cellar , 18th and Wirt , with meat market tools and fixtures , very cheap . . Six small houses at IS and I ) per month each For particulars call at office , room 1 , llarkor olock C T. Taylor VJTi 1POK REN r'iho 4-story brick building , wl.h X' or without power , formerly occupied by the Dee Publishing Co , Vt1 \ \ arnam at , The build ing has n fireproof cement bnsemcntjonipleto steam-beating fixtures , water on all thellnors , gas , etc Apply at the olllco of The llee 15 _ IPOR RKNT-Store , Hit Farnam st „ 2ilxi. ,9 feet , 2 stories and cellar Nathan Shelton , Hill Farnam st 143 l < , OKllK.NT-n04)5IS uxruitxistiiii * " > INl'URNI3lTKHroom7 toTretit , 014 8 17th • Jbt , Jnckson and Ieaveuworth 4J1 lit K uufiirntshed chambers tor housekeeping O for man and wife , no children 3lsi Ni 17th. 3 inj _ IPOR RIINI' 1-room suite , unturnlsned , stllP X' able for housekeeping , gas , water , etc , to family without children ; northwest corner 17th anil Webster sts 148 MlWCKMiANKOUH IPOR SALE A carriage , or to trade for bug gy 2 il Cuming st , 41I-11 * WANTED Ladles during their confinement : bmtcaro given , Dr , Mis Kuntre.Kri H.17th > siomj SPECIAL to the Publlc-1 want cyerybody to know that mysneclfln remedies are not a frand I nm here to stay and can furnish thn public with the boat ctty roteronco.oo M. rlrby Olllco-1018 Clark st , 17th and Miermnn ate motor line W4-F24 tJPECIAL to Invalids Itomo all you who are Cslck you who are aflllctoil 3\ith piles , you who are suffering with fontalo disorders , and have spent a fortune to got well , and are still dragging around , feeling too sick to work nnd not sick enough to go to bed , como throe 1 have established a homo for Invalids who can be cured at a reasonable price My reme dies are just what I claim them to bo , as thous ands are roadv to testify Ilest of city refer ences clvou For ternls call on or addresd , Miss /.oe M Flrby , proprietor nnd manager , olllco 1(21 ( Clark st , Sherman a\onuo motor line , Omaha , Neb , 424 AUCTION sale ? every • i. 'uesday.ThurBday'nnd Saturday morning at lilt Douglas stieet , Omaha auction ft Storage Co v 112 EO r , aELLENIlECh' .teaclierofthebanJ.o , Room 21J , Douglas block , or , Ueo Olllce ' ; * " , - , HE COLE , rellablo lire Insurance • ISO ' . j.i : ii > , , IF you have the prevailing trouble La Orjppo or Inlluonza which leads to bronchitis , pneu monia and consumption , consult at oncj lr J W liter bmlth physician and surcionilntaot New Vork city Olllcnroom 10. Hushman blk , corner 10th and Doyglas „ 551 T12 HE COL Enotary public aud couvejancer r 150 GERMAN-Amencan employment olllco fur nish tlrst-class male or female holpon short notlco No feochaigod employees 310 ' N. Pith , 870127 KKXTAIj agexov IT you want yourhousos rented , list with Ex clusive Rental Agency , Inrrottd ' Iflth and Dodge , 226ml * HOUSES in all paits of the city wanted ; hftvo parties waiting to hlie ' Owneri ) pieato rail or address , D X. Sholes Co , loom 211 , rip > t National oank 44112 LIST j our houses and farms for refit with Johusonft WebcrgSIQS 15thstreot. C03-9 HE COLE , rental agent ; ofOco oneitC Von | Ings -150 j FOR RENT Houses and stores Property cared tor , taxes paid Midland Guarantee A. 1 rust Co , 1011 Fat nam st Abstracts IU IF you wish to rent a house or'store see II E Cole , Continental buck ; olllco open enlngs . ' 15U PHIISON'AIjS.'n l PHIISONAIjS DR GROUX My famous remedies for female diseases , tumor , catarrh can < ; er pile , kid ney , sure cure Consultatlpn free ; 402 , ! • lost * • T.U.llj - EltSONAL Totliesleenlni ; publlqMib de- slre to make money 1 desjre to'call vour undivided attention to somo'cholce and postlt e bargains In Omaha Inside buslposs lotoji I'm- 11am , Douglas , Harney , 10th , Capitbl nue.and Davenport streets Iloth lacnurand Improved ot which I am solo ngent for a short time only J. Ik Idee 41J llee building , open evenings from 7:30 to Up m ' 5.10 st J J. \ \ ilklnsoii , room CIS l'axton block , • 154 I WISH to correspond with some ladles be tween the uges 20 and 2.3 ; myugo20 ; none but these who wilt make n good live corre spondent noeil answer ; object pleasure nnd pastime Addioss J , V , Dawson : West Point , Neb 170 8. IF MRS CHAS JORDAN , formeriyAgnes Kane , or her friends w 111 Bond her address to UK , Omaha Uee , she will hoar something to her advantage , 678-11 ? LADIES and gentlemen can rent inasqnerauo suits at022 N loth St Ill t'&l SPKCIAL-to Invalids Jl.000for.any caseof . _ piles , or any ca e of temalo weakness , which my Specific Remedy will not cure Safe and sure and pleasant , tl.00 for one month * treat ment , sent to any address on receipt of price Address M Iss Zoo M. IUrby.gennral agent for Ne braska ft Iowa Olllco loiSClark st.OmahaNcV 710 Fit ClUHOPODIsT parlors , Wltbuell blockcl'ith and Harney , 552.fl. ? IF you have the prevalllug trouble In grippe , > r Inlluonza , which leads tn bronchitis , pneu monia and consumption , consult Dr , T Walter Smlth.physlclau und turgeoulate ofNow ; York city Olllce room 10 , Uushman blk cor 16th and Douglas st , ' 'B33f > l " r LOST ( JOST Ilracelet Liberal reward if rotnrrfedt JtoO L. lirlckson 212 North 16th st , 543-1 lr LOST Strayed or Stolen-One bay horse , white face , branded on left shoulder , hnd a bridle and saddle ou Return to John Mc creary , 3121 N.24tn st , and receiveroward : , . ,658-lUt , HTOHAOK . * • rillli ; cljanest and best storage Inthocltyat Xlow- rates at 1114 Douglas utreeti Omaha Auction & . Storage Co IW " 'pitAOK.Atlli storage at lowest rates W. M , X Hushman 1311 Leavenworth 137 . OIjAIIIVCIVANT Y\H. ( IRllijXwill tellynurfull llfepast , pre X/ent and future , and magnetlo healer : 402 s , lOtlist , rooms land 2. 514-11 ] MM E. Ie ) Ran , mugnetlo physician and mind reader , has the power ot any two mediums vou ever met 'ielU if the oue you lore Is true or false ( I Ives j ou adi Ice ou dlt orce contested wills , business speculation , ete Parlors llJN HUi st , 441-11 * ADAMF 11LANCH. the greatest mliid reader and counsellor , lm suite ot tiarlorsat U22 N. Itithsreet , southuotcorner Chicago and 18th streets , 'J his lady hns a. remarkable gift ot second sight , tells past and future correctly ; business confiden tial Will only remain a short time , U1I , ILN ANNIE V.WAIUiKNTclalrvoyanUiiOjl- icul and business medium , Female diseases u specialty Ill ) N. Kth St . rooms2 nnd J. , 158 MRS DR LONBDALE-Women's dUease a specialty , Wltbuell blockcor 15th & . Harney f > 53-f2t | IF j ou have tne pre railing trouble , la grippe , or imluenza , which laeda in bropcbllla pnou inoma and consumption , consult at once Or , J. Walter Smith , physician and surgeon , late of New York cltr , Olllce , room 10 , Hushman blk , cor Pith and Douglas st , 5Uf 1 3POKTUNK Taller-Mrs. Lenorroaii cin bei - consulted on all atfalrs of life Satisfaction 7'uaranteod. No Ulti N. 15th st CM f 18 * ' " " WANTKU TO BUY . WANTKD Furniture , carpets , household goods , for cash , IValls' Auction Utoraue Co , 317 8. lbthst IW WANTUD-To buy olllce deskand olllce fur ! nlture Address , U 41. Hee ' 45t ii WA ThD A mud tempering wheel , d hand , for brick yard ) addre > s Wv Wise , Hamburg , la 478 li ; I \\TANTED-A ateanl Tirlrt maohlne or plant : tt must be In goodstjirljngorder and chean for rash : want It to ship away , state where it can ba seen and make and price ; also capacity Adnreas U 01 , this officer 577-lOt " ANTED to liiiy-tXvtaooil short time pa per , II II Henderson , lOTPaxton blk , 417 VI7 ANTED Good commercial paper ! Ne TT braska Mortgage 1/jau Co , 619 l'axton blk 162 ASH for nil kinds ot household geode at 1111 DouglasstreowOinaiiaAlictlon \ Storage Co 1M \\7 ANTED-A stock dft vrrugs Part cash * TT trade , llox ( imOqiajia , Neb U" \\rANTKD-At Hradriailand , Nab , n news t " paper aud a roller , mill , Address G. D Matthew son • • C22 Poii H.iTiMiscTii uVM.j iUH IyoTtBALE Ouo good work team , harness and wagon ( nearly new , tor } J ) Ono good single ilrt\erharness and top buggy for * 1S0. must be sold , To rellablo party time will ba git on Apply to George J. Sternsdorlf Rooms : U7-.tlv First National bank building , telephone 434. 584-18 A GOOD birgaln Ilarber outfit for sale clicup Address UK , Uee 5. > 8-15 IPOR SALE In Hyde pirk-Ono tine B yoir-old X1 dark Iron grny colt , weighs luBO lbs nnd Is IS hands high ; will makn a good stylish driving horse Address George Clilchestor , Omaha , 514-1 If UHNITl'RE For Sale-Part or all or 40 bed room sets , dining room furniture , etr.tlarge officesato , Apply nt room308 , N V. Lire blng _ 4iriH IPO It SALE On sssy payments .squnro piano X'in good order Price BOO ! or win trade for horse and carriage J. L , Rice , Ilea bid , sole agent 435 8 * FOR SALE Per cash only , the llnest fastest , and host gentleman drUlng hoiao In the state ot Nebraska ; beautiful , kind and gentle , Uyoars old : time , B:22 : > u price 1I.00J. J U Rice , llee bulld'e , sole agent 453 8J LIVE Chickens aru pullets In good laying condition Nay A llO's , 114 N lithst 1(11 ( 8t HAVING built a \ ault , wo oiler for sale at a bargain our lnrgo and handsome llreproot safe , with burglarproof chest and time lock , ail in perfect order The Hank of Arnpahno , Arapahoe , Neb ; 7-8 TPORSALR-ITxturcs , the fixtures formerly X' used by the branch of tno Hank of Com merce nt 018 N lOlh st for sale cheap , 50310 + EOR SALE Complete sot ot bank fixtures , miattersawen onk counters , bronzed Bteol railing , Dlcbold burglar proof nfc , with Ynl tlmo look , all tno ery latest In style and lm- protemtnts 1 rank fiarnard , illK 8 15th 301 150K SALG-Car 'o ad fine milk cows at Mlll- - tary bridge barn , 2303 Cuming E. a Jester 528 lttt _ } FOR SALE-a quantity of building ston0 ; Apply to tne superintendent of llee building C23 TYLISII Duggy hose R. 1.1 , Uoard Trade 417 JPURN1TUREauction every Wednesday und Saturday 317 SouthUth Wells J75 FOR SALE or tradcJSpan horses for lot or mule3 17J18. gth St 33010 ] IPOR SALE or Trade-fl.0OD worth ot furnl- - ture , carpets , Ac 407 Slieeley block 310 14 FOR SALE A 3.1-hoise. power Porter engine In good condition , weight 5,100 pounds cj llu- dor 11x10 ; for particulars apply to The Ueo of- llce tfi 708 IPOR SALE-Dentlst outilt all In good shape - Cash or time cdSPaxton block 913 EOP SAM or trade ' ' -biio flat top desk oue eight-foot standing desk , one lease of section of bchool lands , jMJi acres of linprtneil western land and Blk sei llgnB.if U. P. railroad land II II lIenderson.i l'axton block 551 ' * 17011 BALE , Sleighs ! Sleighs 1 Omaha s laigest varloty W. T. Swainan 1TII : a-.I5 * \jl0th | st 576113 IFyou havothoprovairnw trouble , La Grlppo or lullucn7a , w hlch Ieals ( to bronchitis , pneu monia and cousumptlon-icousult atoacn Dr J Walter 8mlth , physlciaii and surgeon , late of Now York City Office Mttm 10 , liusliinan blk , corner ICtli and nuuBlasi * ! 555 f 12 TJ10R SALE Some gfjod wntchei and dia- X mouds cheap II F. Masters , rooms 4 , Wlth- nell blk ijS ( , 3S3 OR SALE A w ' etl' unilshed Ur ' sWlass boarding liouse , ,22PlJ lVrnifa st " ' 338 ' IjIOH SALE-OnMonuav and Tuesday , Feb X'lothaud lltli atprUato snto , the furniture of an olght room housd''composed of parlor , bedroom , hall and dining room , furniture and stoves At 2118 "llurdette st Take 10th st , cable or Saunders t , motel Call after 0W a. in , Monday 434-10 FINE carrlago teams and single drivers and fresh milch cows for sale at W. II Millard's Hillside stock farm Horses wintered at reasonable enable rates T.J , Ploming , nigrCalhounNeb jJU-r-Buat SHOUTilAND AM > TYPKIVKITIXG ' lllTTLKS KY shorthand ( .ehool , 21 Darker blk ; the cheapest In city ; day and evening classes VJG-KX "OEMOVED Standard Shorthand school rc- -x 1 moved to large and elegant rooms In the Now York Life insurance building , to accom modate our classes Now students enrolled every dny Tno demand upon us for com petent stenographers Is constantly Increas ing Stenographers furnished business mon Students placed In good positions as soon as competent to nil them , pail aud see us lu our new quarters Frank E. Bill , manager 139 S HORTIANl ( ) and typowritiiig " " tii7ght : at Omaha Commercial college , comer 15th and Dodge sts lnstiuctlon free In grammer , spell ing , writing and lettec wilting Pitman and Graham systems ; plenty of typewriters for rent ; copying done ; circulars Ronrbough Rros 231m Ui2 • • amy i ] f'r4j ntr.i"N : CJECON I ) mortgage loaiis R. u , Hoard Trade O 522 T.IIIiiAL ( real e tate loans made by W. M. i Harris , Room i , 1 lenrer JjloolrOpp H. O. 372 ; SECOND Mortgage loans lu small amounts First mortgage city loans at low rates ; short time loanri on collateral Cash ou hand to buy upets aud mortg ages.D 8ELHYARRED. liiO Room 13. Hoard Trade GILT edge sacuiltles wanted Uy Phlla Mortgage ft Trust Company , Oeo W.iv toates Representative 7 Hoard Trade , 23.3K3 IJUILDING Loans ! - , to 7 per cent ; no ad- -i 'dltloiial charges for commissions or attorneys ney's fees W. It Molkltj First-Nat bank bldg 103 BUILDING loans made at lowest rates of In terest Also , loans on unimproved city property Wo nave soma prtvata funds to louu on brick residence or business blocks upon very tavoraolo terms Good mortgage nous bought Kimball , Champ ft Ryan , luvj l'arnam st . 740 P8 BUILDING loans 1) . V. Sholes Co.,210 First National bank building _ 104 XHVSrONEMortgage CoT Loans of 10 to 11,000 ; get our rates JMjfoie borrowing and save money : loan on lM | es , furniture orjmy approved security , without punllclty : notes bought , for now loan , roriliral of old nud lowest rates Call R 208. Bheely hUt , 13th ft Howard sta 1 , HL _ gECOND mortgage loanj , It 13 , Hoard Trade CHOICE City Loans atjwivest latcs Wo need loans of 11.000 to tTAWOTto fill special orders Central I.oati ft Trust C6' ' , > 103 l'arnam st line 4 li _ l 6t MONEY to Uan Ily-lt. F. Masters In any amount from 10 to I0JM > . and tor any time from one to six months 1 make loans on hotistfflofd goods , pianos , or gans , horses , mules , wagonsleases , etc . In any amount at the low est passible rates without re moval of properly or pifbflflty My I jans are so arranfrtrt1 that you can inake a payment at any timeurod reduceour Inter est pro rata You pay lotaryest only for the time you keep the money , lt'lbu owe a balance on your property I will taulm up and carry It for you tn Money always on hantUpNo delay No pub llclty Lowest rates , ' 'ir' F , Masters , room 4 , 3Mthnell ulocx , 15lh and Hftruey ata , 153 MONEY loaued on furultiire , hordes and wagons ; rates reasonable , city Loan Co , 118 8 IJth St , oppoaltu Millard hotel 108 SEE Sholes , room 710 First National bank , be fore making jour loam , 104 CHATTEL bans at lowest rates : business confidential , J. 11. EmlnEef , | 417 Farnam st , , * " ! MONEY to loan on iior .es , • wagons , mules household gomls , pianos , organs , diamonds , at low est rates The first organized loan olllce In the city Makes loans trom thirty to three hundred and alxtj.nve dajs , which can be paid _ upartor whole ut any time , thusloweCng thn principal and Interest Call and sea ua w ben 'ouwuut money , 3V0 cau asilstyou promptly * nd to your advantage without removal of property or publicity Money always on hand , No delay In making loans , i } . V , Hoed 4 Co ! 319 8 , Uth at , over lllngham A. Irons 100 T OANH at lowest rates ! cash always on Uand | - J notes bought ) raopey advanced on any ovallabla security The Peoples Financial Kx > I change , room 57 , Darker block , 17& Gr.Kft CENT residence loans M.000 to 10OOU I llnlidlng loans nt special rates The Mead Investment Co , Hee building 171 WANTED Ftrat class Inside loans , lowest rates Call and see us Mutual invest ment Co , 1.104 Faninm 173 TT K , COLE , loan ngent Open evenings " iVTONKY to loan on any aecunty J-i L for short time at low rates , lowest rates i > n personal property The Henderson Mortgage In\ est ment company , room too , l'axton block 178 ONEV to loan l > . r. Davis Co real istato and loan agents , I.W3 l'arnam at , 177 IP1RST mortgage loans at low rates aud node . lay 1) , V. sholes Co , 210 First National bank 161 MONEY to loan ou furniture , organs , pianos , horses nnd wngons Ilawkaju Itne tment Co , room&t , Douglasbtk „ Itlthanrt Dodge sts MONEY to loan : cash on hand , no dela > , J W. Snmro , up Fnrnam St , First National bank building 180 LOANS-Clty and farm loans , mortgage pa per bought McCaguelnveatmontPo Ill MONEY 30 , ( U or Hi days on furniture , pianos , horses , houses , etc , J.J , IS Uklason , 818 l'axton , blk 120 CHATI/EI. and real estate loans lowest rates lL. . Cox , 302 N. Y. Llfo llldg , f F-llJ CCr > niino , of private money to loan on Improve • Plnsldo property : cash on hand Central In * vestment Co II001112.3 , Clintubor of Commerce KM MONEY to loan In lnrgo auuis Central In Nestmeut Co , Room 23 , Chamber or Com rnerco , ( Ko TT j ; . COLE , loan agent Open oi enlngs " " J pASTHKN Money Philadelphia mortgnge .V i'Trii'-tCo. wantniorlgagos from dlroct bor rowers : tnako saving and call on Ueo W , P. Coalcs 7 Hoard of Trade D31 AUSTltACTS OP TITIiM ( SECOND mortgage loans R. 13 , Hoard Trade , " ] \T1DLAND lluarantoo ft Trust CoH N. Y. Llfo -1'J-blagcomplete abstracts furnished and titles to real uxtata cxamluod , perfected ft gtliirnntecd 1US A COMPLETE sot of chattel moTlgftgo nb- -cVstroct books , cheap 1U2 Farnam at , , room 2. 1FJ " ltUSINKSH C1IANOKS. IPOR SALE Cigar and boot store 1 S 1 ft ft : st cheap : low rent 510 10 * ONE cigar store : price , & 300 , ou tlmo One restaurant ; price , 4750 , lentreasonablo And other business chances Cooperative Land ft lot Co . 20" ) W. lothau fil 10 FOR SALE Stock and llxtuies of grocery store with established trade , store torrent , apply at once 1403 Dodge st 481 8 * \\r A > TElJ-iU o Bel 1 forTi.V)0i > . u half Intel est tt 111 an old aud.well ostabllshod business In Omaliiu A > l4tesslJ4.1Hco. 448 8 FOR SALRv-IInltor whole Interest in one ot ( .Utfry , feed and sale stables In Omnlln , owner having otner business ; casn re quired J.3.00J 'foi10KKi. ( J. L. Rice , lloo bulld'g , soluugeut.- 135 8J IPORSAt.Es-Ortrade for Nebraska land , mm . her ami coal lard at Dlller , Neb Addioss A. lL.Colinnn . , Dlllpr Neb C41 8t " 17011 SALU Fine hardware business within X IDmllosoCOmaha Owner tn bad health Wo recommend this Must be cosh deal Oinuhu Iltirdwnvn Co , 504 14 \\7ANTKD A man of energy who has $ .100 to tt invest , to take charge of au olllco' Ad dress IT 02 Uoeoftlcc , 608 10J TPOlt SALE-1'lnest saloon In 3d or 4th larg XI Ht city In Nebraska Tnls Is a rarechance , Only good parties need apply Address U OB Dee sri-IOt WMNTED Jly an active business man with 11 moderate capital , n partnership lu a pu > - lug buslncbJ . Is a good salesmau nnd account ant Addrega 1 71 , Dee olllce 000-1 It Aclianco that will pay a profit ot $3,000 per year upon a31,5uoimustmuntnnduo risks No young man nut of business ought to lot this Bnappass .1. II Cdrse , Snoely block IJJ 12 NEWSPAPER chance Uho Dally Demo A crat Is the only democratic daily In Omaha Jt Is the olIl < lnl organ of Douglas county Has been byconvention lasolutlous Indorsed as the party organ ' ltl stockholders are the most prominent and wealthiest democrats In tNo- bra ka A practical newspaper mall who will buy a small Interest and look after a tpectal department for the company's interest will do 3vcll to address Democrat Pub Co.Omaha.Neb . . . . / 4ml _ _ PARTIES wishing to sell bnnkrupt stocks geneinl mercliandlse for cash , wrlto V. M. Penney , ) oed Itlver Kob 012-F20 ] EOR SALE IlrlckyardS'i ' mll63 trom Olaiul Island Neb , , on II , ft M. It R. ; has side track , brick inathlno , pallets , spring trucks , burrows 'kllu sheds , nam , fine orlrk lesldcnco and 40 acre1i6ou clay , all In good running or der and one of the best locations in the state This Is a tlno qpportunlty for a good llv o man with some push In him ; on easy terms or will sell ; lureiest References exchanged Ad dress wlthuStnmp , 43. 1 * . Henderson , 015 3V. 2d St . ( iiatal l nuid , iNub 170 13 * DRUtlMtock and Btore ; established 12 years ; beet location1 Owner has moved on farm and will take standard bred horses - Hotel aud furnishing , 1 block from depot , In good lowa town ; clear for groceries Hutchin son .1 Wead , 1A3I Douglas , telephone ' 152J. l'Ji ! OR ' 8ALT5-lfotor furnlshed In Chndron , Nebsituated on Main street ; Mca h ; bal to suit purpqaser Address M. 13 Snngnorthy 41)2 mlj MEAT market for sale ; snap ; little money rennlred ; party going to leave city Address - dress Dot.Jleo olllce 535-15T J POR SALE Hook and stationery business in - Denier Colorado Established 4 jears ; tock will lm olco i0.OO0 ; o.erugo yearly prollts over expenses * ! . ' * ) ; outside business cause of selling , Population of Dent er , 140.00J ; fastest growing city In America ; write for particulars Address ilbrani , Denver , Cole 283 2 rpo JOII Printer ) * • Aa wo desire to devote X more time to papers , the dally , weekly und Sunday Democrat , and as we have a flno lob and bootdepanment four presses , otc , with a democratic patronugo , wo deslro to rent our Jobbing Interest , on n per cent by tha niunth PropMltlonswill borocched fortendajs Address - dress Democrat Pub Co , Omaha , Neb . 4M-m4 2. $730 will buy good confeetlonory and cigar bnMncss , soda fountain , lco cream parlor ; rent W5. 8(0 ( N. loth st , 383 lj ; FI1TV cents on the dollar in cash w HI buy a nlcfl clean stock of dry goods Address for 5 days "A , " 'UU Cuming street , Omaha Neb 331-13 A GOOD chance for a general merchandise store , twelve iqllos from any other store nnd In n we'l ' settled farming community , ad * dress II IV Rhodes , Manderson , Valley co Neb BI4 fii ] ' roll 13.XOHANGE. J P0lt EXCHANGE A number ot good unln- - cumbered farms in Kansas and Nebraska for stocks otgonds and good stock , v111 pay part casn if sullicient Inducement Is offered Money on hand and titles to landpcrfoct Correspond , unco solicited , E , A , Rydcn , 070 North 21th St 640-inB * IPOIIRTEEN-room hotel in a good town in Nebraska , furnished complete , , with 3 lots , all clear , aud (1,000 cash , to trade for merclrau- diss ; also , at-room house In Omaha with some encumbrance , to trade lor stock of mdse , 'tind put in some cash ; stock of clothing and Jew elry in city.will lnvotro about 11,5011 , to exchange for house aud 1 lot In city , Cooperatlvo Laud and Lot CO . 206 N. 10th st 518 10 THO EXOIIANGE-8 Chicago lots , all clear , Xforgocd larm ; gtvo description and price , llox 08 , Polo HI , 53-10 + IaTANTHD Any desirable property for TT choice lnsldeclear lots No property will boar investigation better than this , 407 Sneely block , 61810. WANTED To trade clear lot for team of ' horaes II E. Cole , Room 0 , Continental Hlock 512 10 11X111II. potatoes tor a good milk cow Ad , dress ( > , C. S.chvverln , lOtn and Corby sts 423-Hj A CLEAR lot In WimlBor place for a stock ot . groceries Address TU3 Hee 2QJ-t288 fPOlt EXCIIANOE-Cliolce clear Omaha prop X' orty , not an outside addition , within 15 minutes ride of the pustolllce und 6 minutes ride of South Ornatiu to exchange fur iner chadUe This property itias a great future J. _ 11 , Case Bheely block 510 14 " I POK F.X'IIANOlT-Iliavo ( IU.WJ worth of I real estate , farm and ctty 1 roperty , and some cuih for merchandise Address p , O. box U , Mound Valley , Labette Co , Kaunas 3 8-10f 11'YOU have anything to exchange call on or address II U. Cole It 6 , Cohtlneutal block Ofll co 9pen evenings 174 TTIOR HXCiTaT5gK-W.0JO worth nursery stock -X at wholesale prices for land In southern Nebraua J. H , parse , Bheely block , 1JJ 18 IPOR EXCHANGE-A few choirs clear inalda / lots'fur horses W Bheely block 015 1) JL , HICK , real eatat * , He * building • 0 8J IPOR EXCllANOE-CIiolJe Inslda rental • property slightly encumbered for encum bered lots inside holt line Here's n chance to unload J. llCatse Sheely block 1.0 13 IPlHST mortgages , clear lands and Omaha liotiaes aud tots to exchangn for brick and other building material Star Land ft Loan Co aw roil ham : itKAti isr.vri : : . IPOR BA IiE-IO ncro farm near Calhoun , now leased out , tlOOH Hoggs ft lllll ami-13 T L. RICK , real estate ! lies bulldttig ! 11 • fCTBJ FOR 8A taR ( I4fi ncr choice farm lu Wav no co . 20 per atro Ilogga ft lllll 5,30-13 JIj RICE , ical eMate , llee building • fglfj J POR SALE 270 acre farm In lloono in , lovva , IH" per acre Hoggs ft Hill MH2 JL RICE , real estate , lloo building r.w sj IPOR SAt.R-lW excellent loKlttOmaha View : . ' easyterms and low prices to those wanting thorn for homes , Hoggs ft HUI 5,30 , 12 JL RICE , real csfvtc , lice oiilldlng 531 J ITIOR LHASE-pfl acres chtilcost of hay land X near Fiemont , tl per ncro Hoggs ft Hill , 140,1 Fat nam st Ii,0-13 JL Rico , real i tate , lloo building , KStBt vui _ _ _ IPOR SALE or to Rout A large ft lilt farm , ap • pies nnd small fruit In Variety Or will hlie n first classman to work and maun ge the same Address or cull on U A. Williams , Glenwood , lown 538-ltlt J Ii RICH , real estate , llco biilldTngT n2uy SHERIDAN I'LACE-Lots } 000 each , JlOcasli nndIO h month , , pur rent interest , 'Iheso lotsarounlv two miles lrom courthoti eon l.eiivcmvoith street , and three blocks from street cars Lowls S. Hoed ft Co , room 1.L Hoard ot Trade 51H-I5 JU llICE , real estate , llco building ,320 Si TPOR SALE Six choice losldonco low , two ot X' thorn corners , 2 th nud Jiodge sts Special prices tor tew days , Hoggs ft Hill ( , ' .yj J L.lflClCreafosTato , llee bulidTno ; • 621 W J POR fc.MjE Easy payments 7100111 now . house lu Reduk park , full lot near paved street unit motor linn Price } \7" > o. Postlvo bargain J. U Rice , Hee bldg , solo agent 433-St 7 h RICE , real estate , llco building .7 , 6alttJ XPOR SALE-Cholce rosldentolots ( n Washing . ton Square , nt snap bargains forcash .1. L. Rice , Dee building , sole agent 45.VJ JU RICE , real estate , lfeumilhilng 6298 * ITIOR SALE Cottagu and lot in Radford Plnco 3 40.1 l'axton block K. C Cooper . 1 J1 ! H JL RICE , real ustate , llee building • C299J GOOD lots in Oichard hill $ l50to f 130 on easy terms this woeic.3 Colseth Johnson ft I ov- gren , room 0 , Chamber ot Coratnerpe US1 8 JL mCE , real estate , Uce building 520 8J IPOR S.fE Of trhdo for 6 or V room house , 3 bet Mason and Vt obstei , 16th and 23th sts , clear lot In Allen's sub nnd business lot on Lcnvctiwortli St J. L. 'IIlco , Hoe bldg , solo ngent 455-B * L lilCE real estate , lloo o ' tiillRng . - . 5211 8 * Ij'OIt SALE-lllghly Improved farm of , U0 3 acres near Hushvllle Sherldau Co Neb , the gardun fspot ot the state , plenty of timber , good w ater , good balldlngs and uil In nuplo pie oidel , Jl > per aero Will trade for Omaha property J. L. Rice Hco bulldlug , ( sole agent ) 435-SJ L. ItlUU leal estate , Ilea bmldfiig . 020 8t J POR SALE Cnoap Lot In Orcnardlltll Call - on E. C. Coonar , 433 Pa\toa block , Omann 42J-8 FOR SALH-Lct > sutnblo ! for Hvory stable , unilinear Farnam , $2,000. Hoggs ft HUI 650-12 TPOR SALE Fine farms , Kearney Cd . leased X out at good rental A bargain , liog s ft Hill 1 5.0-12 LTIOR SALE-Cholce cnenp 160 acres In Cedar C _ _ * I'"UJ' " "gKafcl'l"6MI1S ' , FOR 8ALE Elegant faun near Illairi St,300 for 163acres. Hoggs ft Ullt , , „ „ / > 5u-l , ' ACHES located neaV Swedish liiispltal North Omaha , on Ames nvo ; price , fiumi , licn h , balance to suit Also ncro property in eolith Omaha , west ofjstock yards ( . Operative Land ft Lot Co , solo agenti , 203 N. lBUi at DIP 10 SPECIAL Hargaln Avery elegnnfeHst front property , No h20 Georgia avehuo with a Ilnell-room modern residence with every con venience , Including gas fixtures , jf vver con nections , handsomely decorated , nud lu fact n gemot a home ; owner going to leave the city This property must bo sold uy Mmch 1st ; for price and terms see hie It you have any In tention ot uuylng and want a nice place , this will suit you D.V.Sholcs Co,2lilsRNat'lbank. : . 183 Fllit SA Lll WHO will buy lor 50x1 * ) ( n Omaha View , ono bloc * from Inotor Une 'iucely on grade Lots In this adultlon are worth Hl.OuO , nnd the above prloe Is open for a short tlmo only (1. H. Tzscbuck , care Omaha Hep 701 tt r > ,2j0 buys n house completed lWi'atacost of ip Jlhiio and full lot near Hanscom Park JI.4 H a ulco farm , plenty of fruit , 2 hotues , 10 miles from Omnlia P. O. $1,111 , corner Windsor Place $1.-50 , houth front Walnut Hill t.\i.ii. \ full lot facing nan&eom Park Hutchinson ft Wead , 1324 Doiighis ; tel 1321. se-11 FOR SAliK-OrTr tle-tAOOU worth of clear Inside lots , favorably located for an unusual advance : will take any kind or desirable mer- char.dlseor choice Improved farms 407 Sheely block 61717 OR SALE Or trade URy tarms Jn 3'uma county , Colorado Frir particulars address A. II UUlredgo Yuma , Colorado , 511 101 SPEOIAL bargain tl o. cor Sid and Cass Bts , TUxOO , price 7.50J. A posltlvo bargain J. L. Rico , lleo building , solo agent , fHIJ FOR SALE riruado forOmiha property , 210 acres ot good laud partly undei eultlvallon , near Grand Island , enquire West & I rltschcr , 108 N Hrhst 7 _ , ' fill m7 TPOIl SALE A few H. ft M , Park lots at nstoli" X lshlugly low lli-ures ; man mnstlutvumouey ; If jou need anything of the Is your time 407 flheuluy block Mfi 11 LINCOLN Place ami Carthage lots , price tlOnO , .3U down , balance 115 monthly W Lbolby , 11. 11 , Hoard U rado , 523 "fTir AUGI1 ft WcsterfleULreal est tte , HOinaba ' ' SPECIAL Hargalnfiroom tiouso nnd lot 40x _ 127 feet , water in kitchen , located on Charles Bl 4 blocks from Huundeis st motor Jlne , cash price 3 , 'I00 , small payment d6wti , 'bidaiice v ery easy Inquire of owner , E. GMlnrlll 41th aud BewardSt..WalnUt lllll c UU J2f ' WILL soil the very desirable , resldouco of RoDert Eassou esq , on Howald M. , West Omaha , near 37th st This propel ty comprises a well built house ot 11 rooms untl attlo that will glve3 mora rooms If needed , llrat llooi Is finished in oak and socoud in Georgia hard pine Collar and laundry , furnace and furnace room complole , sevvor , gas anil city water con nections all made Hani forS horses nnd umple carriage room and room for coachman Lot has HO tt frontage by 170 deptn to a 20-foot private alley Premises front south on street with established grndo and are in the best resi dence location In the city of Omaha Satisfac tory reaaons xlven for Belling Ames , tole Agent , 1507 inruambt 011) BARGAIN Nice tesdence lot lu Hanscom Place , J.\5W , Illcks first lloor N. V. Lriu bullnlng .Til | SPECIAL Hargaln Fine , new 0-rooni , 2-story house , porch on front , sldo uud back , city water , cellar under entire house , burn U0x20.12 ft post , only 4 blocks from inotor , 0110 block from Wulnut lllll achool , Prloe $ .1,0.0. will trade for lots , inquire of owner , li G. Merrill , llth and Beward sts Walnut fllU , 101121 LKAVENWORlltstroetloU , price 11,100 , t.VJ down , balauco 15monthly , WL Selby It , U , Hoard Trade 5il mluTbest * ' X Husiness , Rraidence Vacant and Suburban properties In tha market are for sale by 'Hie old reliable ' M. A. Upton Co , 16th nnd Farnam mi TitOlt 8ALKVerycheai > . lis trades , farnfof X' 54J 76acies. soc5,14 NOV. . Hamilton coun ty , Neb ; 2 julltrt from Marquette , sinull house , stable , 8X1 ucre of pasture feiu ed , llv lug water , price only tlu per acre , a jnie third JiibVI crop Includud Terms i,20J cash , balanre U per cent Interest V K. Atkins , owner , railroad bulldlii _ Dourer , Colov lbt SPECIAL Harealn Newg-jtoryK-roiiiahouse , porch on 8 sides , cellar under entire house , city water , barn * > x2u , 12 ft posts , 4 blocks from motor , located on Wulnut Hill : prlcx ) , I2.HJ0 ; small paymantdown , luinilro of owner , EG Merrill , 4ih and tjewurlau . Walnut lllll . _ _ , IWl U' _ | * SPECIAL Hargaln-Full lot 60xlW In Ilaker Place , on graile , near Military load , price 14X0 , cash tlltO , bllance easy Inquire ot owner K , (1 ( , Merrill , 44thand3ewarasU , Walnut Hill IV1121 l OOK over this list : H A flno little home , 6 rooms , water , gas ballu HHHH aewer connections mantel , not a mile from P , H O. , on ar line , pave < l street , east fronti Very H easy terms and a bargain H 2 flno east float , Plalnvtsn , 11,100 each ; * H cash on each , H 1 fiO-footlot , Spalding street , near motor.south front , paved street nnd paving all paid tor , _ _ ' Double front In Kllbv Place , $1,000 " _ _ _ _ | Eastfnmt lot , Mnyiui Place , Just off Leaven * H worth , (2,2 ti _ _ M led , 17th it , near Nicholas tlfO per foot _ li-mnni rottage , Miami St , Just.oil 21th , only d i H tl.tmii t\U\cash , bnlnnoo monthly Full lot , Davenport at , near Yates , (1,000 ; a H decided bargain H Can sell collages in almost anv add , On easy _ monthly payments , or build bn } our own plans I H 111 feet by It ) , only two blocks front the _ atockyanls , o-room house , city water : ( room for I H 7 more houses ; ) a splendid tnvlng Invostluent B for some ono : only MHO ; ono-thltd cash ; bal * _ anro 7 per rent H 1' . K. Dnrllng.43 llarxer Illk ; telephone 7'tO. | A1A H IPIVE room cottages , IIMl cacti , ( lOJrnsIt _ _ _ _ 3 down , balanceI5 per mentlu lhos p , Hall , _ 311 l'axton block „ 181 , H J" 1ST your property with It B. Cole j H _ _ _ _ This la tn certify that tlin Nebraska Ciuitrat _ _ _ _ Railway company desires nil lncreiksoot Its nil * H thrl7ed capital stock from onn mtllloli dolbirs H to four millions m e htiuiired thousand dollars , _ and that such Increase and the making and H publishing of this rcrtlllrnte and the niltig | H thereof with the serrotary of statu ot the state H ot Nebraska , has noon duly ntitliorlrett by tun _ holders ot the majority ot the capital dock of H thn N'eiirnsknCentral itatlvrav company _ In wllness whereot , we have hereunto signed _ our names nt Omaha , in thniountyof Dniiglaa _ and stain ot Nebraskn , on the luth llay of August - H gust , lnsti JOHN A. M SIIANIl H GEOHGEC 11ARNU.M , President secretary H I Corporate I H \ Seal 1 Directors : H .IOIIN II DtMONT i H WILLIAM L.ADAM , H I1KN.IAMIN.I. MORRIS M State ot Nebraska , Doiiiilnscounty , ss : _ llefore mc , a tiotarv public In nud for said _ Douglas count ] , personally came tlio a hove _ named John A. McShanp , George O llirnum , _ John H. Dutr.ont , William L. Adams and Hun H Jamln J. Morils , known to mete bu the Ideut * _ ical parsons who signed tno foregoing lustrii- _ mout , and severally r.cktiowledged the said In- H Httument to be then voluntary ait mid ( lo d , B for the uses and purposes therein aet foith , J In witness whereof , I have hereunto signed _ _ | my nnmo and alllxrd my olllclal seal , at Omaha , _ _ | Douglas comity , Nebraska this luth day ot Au- J gust IS * ) . W. C. IVES ] 1 Notarial I Notary Public _ Seal , f ' * * l I "l6'1 ' * t.nmr _ _ | DlHsolutlKii o Uditirtnr.r ) llii _ _ H | The unaorslgnevl , doing bulslnoss udor tha _ _ | firm name ot Cowan ft Hall Is this day illssolv- ed by mutual consent It W. Cowan will ton _ _ | tlnue the bulslniss antl pay nil bills It W. COWAN , ] lloronco Neb , Fob 0. II Hall tul , t _ Htickho dnra * Mooting _ _ H | Notlco is hereby given that the regiihtr nu < _ _ | nual moel Ingot t no stockholders of the > South _ _ | I'luito Land umipany will be held at the ollico _ _ | of said company lu Lincoln , Neb .on the first Woduesdnv in Maich , IbOO , being tlip6th day ot _ _ | said nioutti , ly order ot the board ot duoctnrsj It O. I'm 11,1,1 rs , Secretary , _ _ | Lincoln , Neb , Fob .1 , IMH ) , 1'4-JJtmor | " _ _ _ 1 PROPOSALS 1 OR ITUI.D SEEDS-U.M lr _ _ | . dlan service , I'luo llldgo Agency , S. Da _ _ | kotn , Sealed proposals , Itidnrsud Proposals for I leld Seeds ' and addrusjud to the tin derslgncd at Plue Rldco Agency , Shannon Co , S. Dakota , will bu received Ht thlsngdiicy until one o'clock of 1 ebruury 2lth. IK0 , tor fur nulling for this agency nnd ( lellv ortng at Huali- vlllc Neb , ut such time lis may be leiiultod , about L ( ) , < UI pounds i-eod wheat .130 bushels _ _ | ot Mod corn , 500 buxhuls seed potatoes , 3V > VBH bushes s.-ril outs , antl 20 buslieli timothy * seed I nch bidder must state speeltlcalij lu ] his bid the proiosed | price of oath article to bo ' 2)BHB o He rid for delivery undei his umtiaa All seedH must be ot good quality , suitable for seed purposes In the locality where luiulred _ The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids or nn > part of any bid , If deemed to be tor llio best lntorosts of the service , Cer'itlid _ Checks Km li bid must bo accompanied by a ceititled check or draft upon some United _ States Depository , made inyable to the ordei' of theuuderblgtiad tor ut least nvii perccitot _ the amount of the proposal , which check or diaflwill be forfeited to tile United Statcsilu case any bidder or bidders reeolylug an award shall fall 10 tiiomplly uxeoute a conlruit wlih good iinduliiclent BuiotleKothorvvlsa trt bo to- turned to the bidder For fnrther Information apiilv to the undersigned , IIUGII-D. GaL LAGRElt 1I.S Indian Agent J2td2lt H _ _ _ Rids will be reculveit by the board otprlhtlng _ nt the olllco of secretary of htuto at anv tlmo jH before February 15th , INK ) ut 10 o'clock ) a. 111 , HjVJ for turiiisliiug 5,0 0 copies of the lepoit.or jhJ State lloaid or Agrlcuttuie for the yearIHi r H four hundred pa es each , more or less , s injplo H of work may ba Heen nt the olllco of secretary H of state Rightri-servcd to reject uny or nil H bids Ily tnu state Printing Hoard , > • " < H HEN R. ( OWDERY societal'H ' Lincoln Neb , Feb 1. lb"J0. Feb 2 , D lOtui'r FliTTALlJ wlioiii-Tt tiny concern Nottce'ls ' H X heieby given that the amount of the oxlet- lngdobtsof the Oniuhu RubbtrCo ut thoditu M of their luvolco Dee 2,1 , 180 , Is $ I7H5ii.3.I. , In w Itnessvv hereof w n hereunto set our hands this H . diivof Fobruaty , IMH 1) . II Curtis , pres H J.llurdTtiompsmi , O. 11. Cuitls , dlieciortl M f.el-lt H fin Uitlimit .lown vy n IVhily ] t M Girls , ffo without jovvolry forovcp before - _ H fore you vvcfTV a ploco Hint is not , t-cul , _ H untl vvliun Tom coinoa to you , Tom , who _ | is 11 clorlc in a hip ; blinkingUouso , nud H Boon will bo g-ottinp ; tnonoy oiioui li to _ | bo tnnrrioel on , antl talks about buying H you a diiitiioiiel ritit * , i-qIuhu it hiivh 1)10 ) H L.itlios' Home Journul Ho caii'L trot , 11 H good 0110 with the money he's got unci _ H you dent vvuiit uny othoi-kititl. Tulco , _ H liiKtcail , 11 pluin gold band to do Horvluo for your botrothiil , nnd lot It bo uaod UKiiin 011 your wedding day Thou , later on , when the firm really how vulimblo Tom la.ho will bo able to got you ti diamond , ring us u keeper nbovo the gold oto ) , uudrvou ijiia bo cun laugh happily together over tlio idea of your wanting a kcopor ior the golden baud that holds you together Dent bo onvlouo when you roo-houiu- body with diamnnda Hiarkling [ aboht them , but Bit down -una ; think Itko Unelo Tom " 011 your marolcs ; | , " yofiJVo 3outh , health and happiiosHr and 1 the dlainondo mav bo touting over 11 heart that lucks hupplucBH , 011 u liretcst never free from ] iuiiuid : ilocOfutiiig' a bund ofloncst raised to the pbyxidlUf ) . ' * Cloth IMiiitn or ( firsts . A now nnd interesting invention li ' ns recently heon Lrlyun av | ituutlcul . test , nninely , a inauhlnb for making cjo * .li from waste glass , says tlfo'St , Louia Uc- public Besides utill/.liig < huiJed6 ; ( ; of tons of broken and usole.i bubstunco , the textile product will have mlmyi ad- vantugea over other fabrics ; it la incom bustible , can bo inatiufaiiiu ttiV In' all colors nnd of uny desired strength16r thickiiosa , The ono property uf lm'oin- buatlbllity will render it in valuable to these working nonr or with flVcj * * -'lt ia also used for Indioa' dresses , uud fog otnor purposes , in place 1of silk , ,11ml it " is sitid to bo moro gloasy iitul tiistrbus , ' and It Ih moro onslly vviiahod Itt'li stntcd to have all the eranccs'char- . ' - ucterl/lng silk , bolug us s oft ' arid mdfo olastlo Its uaofuluuaa Will , 'of ' cVoofso , depend much on its durability • The Only ) b. , • , The ( Jlileuk'o , Milwaukee & St ) d'aul Hallway is the only line running solid vestlbulod , oloctrio lighted and Btoalu heated trains botwotni Chicago , Coup * cil HlufTs and Omaha The berth reading ) amp feature in the 1'ullmau sleeping curs run op thpso lines if uatontod and cannot be used by uny other railway company It is tllo great improvoinont of the age , Try it und be convinced , • Sleeping curs leave the Union Joclflo depot , Omaha , at ( ) p. rn daily , arriving ut Chicago at 0SO ; a. in , I'aseongora taking this train are not compelled to get out of the cars at Council Ulutls nnd wait for the train to bo cioauod Opt tickets nud sleeplngcarbertha at Unlou- tlcket olllco , 1001 Furnutn st V. A. Nash , Gen Agi J. Ii PIIE8TON , Pass , Agt